#long live the chiss ascendancy
rikari-rika · 8 months
I think now we can eliminate the 'Mitth' and 'nuruodo' from his name completely...
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contentment-of-cats · 2 months
More Chiss head canons
Why, yes. I am geeking out.
1: The Chiss came from a 'sleeper ship' that missed its target world around 30,000 years ago after being launched from the Ratukan Empire. The ship spent 3,000 or 4,000 years in transit. The Humans who reached Csilla found not a welcoming world, but a planet that experienced periodic ice ages.
2: The Chiss skin color evolved from minerals in the hydrosphere, and were later found to be a silica-based life form that acted as a symbiont, allowing rapid evolutionary changes. The life form is now extinct, but slotted itself into the genes of the settlers and has remained in Chiss DNA and is outwardly reflected in their iridescent 'freckles' - which are a silicate similar to mica. The freckles will shed from time to time over the course of a Chiss' life. It was debated at the time that this was a sapient life form that was dying out, and 'invaded' the settlers to survive. Others argued that it was a type megavirus or even a hive virus with no sentience. Many settlers died from the 'infection' in a time called 'The Interval' before Ancient Chiss evolved into Modern Chiss about 5,000 years after the founding.
3: The Chiss terraformed Csilla over tens of thousands of years, turning it into a garden world, settling other worlds in the same time period. Before the Intergalactic War where they allied with the Sith, the Chiss governed an empire. After the Intergalactic War and the use of the Starflash along with Ratukan weaponry, the Chiss never terraformed another planet as penance for their sins.
4: Hundreds of Chiss colonies were lost to the warfare that created the Chaos. What is not mentioned in any modern history course is that the Chaos was created deliberately to confound both Sith and Jedi. The Chaos interfered, as as seen in Alliances, with the ability to find other Force users in the Chaos. Palpatine could not find the Sky-walkers until they were taken beyond the borders of the Chaos.
5: Chiss history is heavily redacted. After the Intergalactic War, they changed even their system of writing to make it incomprehensible to outsiders. Cheunh is not allowed to be spoken in the presence of outsiders, and communication instead relies on trade languages like Minnisiat. Meese Caulf, and Sy Bisti.
6: There are Chiss intelligence agents in 'Lesser Space' and even in the Empire and Rebellion itself. Candidates must be smaller than average and undertake extensive surgical remodeling to pass as other species. It includes eye transplants, and only the most dedicated (fanatical) of intelligence officers will undergo the years-long process. The program is top-level clearance, with six people at a time knowing about the program and allowed to read the briefs. The Supreme Admiral, the Supreme General, the UAG Chief, the Speaker of the Syndicure, and two civilians who are kept anonymous.
7: The histories of many planets speaks of blue warriors, or even blue gods who disappeared 5,000 years back. Chiss ruins can be found on Hoth, though nobody can now read the language.
8: There are Chiss who live outside the Ascendancy, descended from exiles and those who fled in other ways. If any Chiss of the Ascendancy happens on the Outlanders, they are instructed to report immediately, detain if possible, terminate in extreme cases only. In some cases, these Outlanders have hundreds of years outside of the Ascendancy and are not keen on going back.
9: Yes, there are a number of women in the CEDF, and nobody would stand in their way. As with Lakinda/Ziinda, it's a way for girls of Common and Lesser families to move up and secure their future outside of making a good match and having children. Blood-born girls like Ziara are heavily pressured not to join.
10: Upon leaving service, Sky-walkers are not encouraged to talk to others about being Sky-walkers, even to other former Sky-walkers. They are largely isolated by the Ruling Families, and pushed to marry within their adoptive or an allied House. Many do marry within their adopting House as it is well-known that the little girls of Ruling Houses are seldom chosen as Sky-walkers.
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vibratingskull · 5 months
Hello!!! I love love love your yandere thrawn!!! Could I please request yandere thrawn x rut/heat?
Maybe as the rut approaches he gets more possessive and obsessive, watching reader more carefully and preparing his chambers for reader. Reader might notice the extra tension in thrawn but just assumes he's worried about his campaign or something. Then when the rut actually hits he's like in the middle of a meeting and kicks everyone out to take reader.
Thank you for all your writing!!!
OMG Yandere Thrawn in heat/ rut ????? So sexy! That's a brilliant idea I may steal it for my main yandere... Who knows... Stay tuned 😇
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Thrawn x F!reader
Tags: Yandere behavior (duh), possessive, jealousy, Thrawn's first time, cunni, fingering, P in V, creampie, breeding kink
Everything is perfect.
Thrawn planned absolutely everything for you, you’re the only one missing now.
He takes a look around in his large suite on his ISD. He measures his chances. He truly does. He knows meeting his one and only is something that only happens to the most lucky, so many people live and die without ever meeting their true other half. So for him to have the chance of meeting you, he considers himself extremely lucky. And he harbors the hope you do too!
And soon he intends to honor you like you deserve to be.
He ordered a lot of new pillows everywhere to create nests for you to lay down and relax.
He will lay you down in all of them and take you tenderly all night long.
He added a lot of new surfaces in his quarters, if you're freaky enough he will gladly take you on them too. Anything to amuse you.
He is quite excited and a bit nervous actually. This is his first rut with a partner. Back at the Ascendancy nobody caught his eyes so he took pills to suppress his rut all his life to keep them at bay. He got through life watching couples flourishing and getting at it passionately when the rut came. To him it always was more of an annoyance and disturbance in his work. Try to keep a crew focused when their instincts are screaming at them to take their partners to bed! A real challenge. Thanks to the Warrior, the Syndicure passed a law forcing each warrior and officers to take suppressants, now calm and peace came back on the bridge and he could speak to level headed adults and not toddlers in uniforms consistently on the verge of implosion. Honestly, this aspect of the Chiss species was such a burden! What a shame to be diminished to a rabid animal when you are civilized like them! For those reasons Thrawn always hated that part of himself, what a relief he felt when Thrass offered him a pill to calm down his ardors when he developed his firsts pulsions. The sensation of freshness and renewed control he felt when he gulped down that little pill for the first time… Truly a blessing!
If there is something Thrawn absolutely despises, it’s the loss of control.
But then, he met you.
Perfect you.
Adorable you.
How could he have predicted you? So far away from his people and civilisations, in an empire of aliens, how could he have predicted to meet his perfect match? The first time he saw you, he knew. He knew the Warrior created you for him and him only. You were standing at attention, your back straight and head high with a little smile to greet him for his promotion to Grand Admiral. Did he find you beautiful? No idea. You just immediately caught his eyes, like a firefly is tempted by light he was drawn to you by a force beyond his understanding.
He felt like he was struck by lightning when he first heard your chuckle at one of his dry humored responses to a fool of an officer, and that was the sweetest sound he ever heard in his life! And you are so intelligent… He have the greatest pleasure inviting you to his office to strategize all night long
If only your stupid boyfriend wasn’t in the way. 
That jackass had no style nor class, why were you in a relationship with him in the first place? You must have felt pity for him, with such a great heart of yours, you must have felt bad for that poor fool and decided to offer him a chance once in his miserable life.
And that idiot did not take the measure of his chance! Taking you for granted, speaking loudly over you, pressing you against his sweaty body all day long, clearly undeserving of you…
But you still looked at him with heart eyes, drinking his words like gospel.
Thrawn could not tolerate it, he felt love for the very first time he was not going to let you fly away from him that easily, especially for a loser such as him. So he started to take actions, giving you conflicting agendas to make it hard for the both of you to see each other, making one work when the other was sleeping. When he had no choice but to have you both on the bridge at the same time Thrawn made sure to humiliate him as much as possible with a stern expression and impossible questions, slowly but surely your view of your man was tarnished, slowly but surely you started to get disinterested and distanced yourself from him.
His plan was working to perfection.
And during that time, Thrawn worked to place himself in your life as a friend, a comforting presence and a shoulder to put your head on. He let you see parts of him he never revealed to anybody, not even Ar’alani nor Eli, you spend so many sleepless nights chatting on your comlinks and he truly felt your relationship growing more intimate and purposeful. He called you during your leave, innocently asking about your days and your daily routine. He once learned your favorite drinks and at your next shift they miraculously appeared on the menu of the Mess hall. Your little bedroom suddenly changed to a larger one for “suspicion of vermin infestation”, one suspiciously closer to Thrawn quarters and away from the other dumbass. You had full access to Thrawn office for you to take care of the Ysalamiry together, you who love them so much! He keeped showering you with privileges and special moments with him.
Everything was falling into place, as he wished.
Until that idiot had the absolute nerve to ask your hand in marriage on the bridge, in front of everyone else!
A last desperate act to keep you with him, in a sense Thrawn understands him, he would never want to get separated from you, under any circumstances either. But outside the obvious infringement to any rule in place it is a direct attack on his honor and he was ready to send him to a cell for that alone and have him tortured. In secrecy, obviously.
You had the right mind to ask for time, but you didn’t immediately say no either. To Thrawn's horror. With you impressed by the sudden boldness of the fool, all his hard work could go to waste.
So he had to intervene drastically and kill him off. It was quite simple, a land mission, a quick shot at the back of the head, dumping the body in the nearest river after plucking out all his teeth and cutting all his fingers and flying far away, abandoning the corpse to the unchained elements.
Oh you were devastated, in tears for days. Days that you spent in Thrawn’s arms, hugging you tightly to appease your pain and relieve you. He cradled you day and night, slowly infiltrating your daily life, making his presence an evidence.
He knows the kind of cold and imposing aura he gives off so he took care to be as tender and soft as possible, giving you glimpses of his loving, intimate side.
And you were hooked!
Soon after you shared your first kiss. He was caressing your cheek, his gaze traveling to your soft, plump lips and leaned forward to capture them. You froze, surprised, but responded quickly, circling his neck with your arms and opening your mouth for his tongue.
He was in heaven!
He had you for himself! To avoid any miscommunications he immediately asked you to go official, you accepted and sealed your vows with another languorous kiss.
Which brings us to today.
He never forced himself on you, going at your pace for your comfort. But that doesn’t mean he can’t initiate actions, so he will seduce you out of your mind and take you to bed this week and he will taste the pleasure of the rut for the first time of his life. He will indulge so much! Keeping you in bed for a full week, breeding you over and over, authorizing you to leave the nests only for the most basic necessities and grabs you back in the sheets immediately.
He will get you addicted to him, to his cock. Absolutely ruining any other man for you. He will make sure you become pregnant, locking you with him forever. You are not a cruel woman to deny your child a father, no matter how horrible he might be.
But he doesn’t have to be horrible to you…
If you stay with him, he will be the most gentle, tender lover you ever met, satisfying you beyond measure.
If you ever look at another person, however…
You will taste his wrath and learn your mistake in pain. But he does it for you both, so you cannot be mad at him, he knows what’s truly good for you and that it is him!
Solely him.
You need no one else in your life. Not even our family, if they ever pose a threat to your happy couple he will cut them off entirely, or kill them altogether if they insist. You do not need them anyway, you will forget them rapidly when he will be plaguing our mind 24/7. Just as you do to him.
He absent-mindedly caresses a pillow of one of the nests. Younger him never knew why Chiss bedrooms were so large and had so many pillows in them. 
For the nests obviously.
Apparently it is quite common for couples to prefer a nest of pillows, plaids and plushies to their bed. And for the first time in his life he understands why.
Oh he cannot wait… 
Embracing you in those soft, fluffy nests and taking you languorously until you cry out of love and exhaustion while he keeps thrusting deep into you. Your cute face in tears and forced into the plushies while you squirt violently around his cock.
He caresses his lips with a deviant smile, oh he’s going to enjoy it so much… Having you completely cock drunk, a babbling mess while he towers over you in full control. Oh that is going to be so sweet…
And you will become pregnant! Let’s not forget that delicious fact.
He cannot wait to see you round with his child, maybe his twins or triplets. He will give you so many children! Chiss have very large families, by blood or association, he is no exception, his instincts scream at him to procreate as much as possible with you.
He wants to meet his children now, having them running around you both all day long… He will find you the perfect house or little cottage to raise them, they will have a swing and a dog and so, so many siblings to play with!
He knows you’re not on the same page considering your relationship. You are such a free spirit, always fluttering around to chances, to opportunities… He actually has the greatest difficulties keeping you chained down to him, you always seem to find a way to escape with a laugh and sparkling eyes, forcing him to sprint after you in hope to catch you. You're teasing him so much! You are his little birdie he desperately wants to cage. And as stimulating as it is for him it is also incredibly frustrating, why won’t you just settle with him? Why make things difficult? He has nothing against using chains and gags but he would like you to be happy at his side, not just a captive. But once pregnant you will do the only respectable thing to do and marry him, because you are so responsible!
Then you will be with him forever.
He also prepared for that, he modified his diet, intensified his training routine and started to take fertility boosters everyday. One morning you stayed to sleep in his suite, you asked him what was that small orange pill he took. He lied to you, pretending it was only vitamins. You would have been so scared, and he doesn’t want to scare you, only to back you into a corner.
You are two different species after all, he cannot let those things to the hazard.
One week ago when he felt the first symptoms of the heat he gulped down twice the dosage, just to be sure…
He used to hate those symptoms, those heat waves and sore muscles, but today he welcomes them with so much pleasure. He also felt growing territorial and possessive. He always tolerated you having friends, he’s not a complete monster, but those last few days? They realized how terrifying he could be with a single glance in their direction. They didn’t even have to speak with you, only standing in your vicinity was enough to send him into a boiling rage! Especially the males! He would appear from out of nowhere, his aura murderous and shooting them with his red gaze and dump them with even more chores and duties, especially on the other side of the Chimaera, far away from you, his darling.
One had the nerve to hug you and Thrawn pushed you into the shower and scrubbed your naked body for a full hour despite your complaints to get rid of his disgusting scent. He couldn’t help it, it was making him gag, smelling another male on you. He laid all night long on you, crushing you in place with his weight, until he could smell only his own musk on you when the morning came.
You didn’t see that friend from then on…
His alarm blares off, signaling him it is time to head to the board rooms where he organized a session with all his superior officers to strategize the next campaign. You’ll be here obviously. He will gorges himself of your scent and presence, boosting him for the rest of the day. 
No, for the whole month!
He walks peacefully towards the board room, back straight and head high when he starts to feel a heat wave approaching. Oh well, he will take a shower later.
He turns a corner and smiles.
You are here, waiting for him, your datapad in hand. You never wait for him at his suite, too visible and he likes his privacy, so you took the habits to wait for him mid-way. 
He doesn’t slow down, letting you adjust to his pace, and your two hands graze for a split second before going back to their places.
“Good morning, Grand Admiral.” You greet with a little smile.
He takes pleasure at seeing your face lightning up when he appears in a room, how your eyes sparkle and your smile grows larger.
“Good morning, Captain.”
“You seem tense. Are you alright?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
Oh sweet adorable you, you know him so well… And you always take care of him, noticing in one glare that something changed in him, not that he tried to hide it from you. You can see those parts of him, you are allowed.
And those heatwaves are not really comfortable…
“Am I?” He asks with a lopsided grin, “Quite the contrary, I feel full of energy.”
“Really? Good.” You smile gently at him. “We will need it for today!”
You think about the strategies, he thinks about the bed.
“I am sure it will be a productive day.” He slowly nods, approvingly.
“With you it is always a productive day.” You chuckle.
Your scent comes to brush his nose and he deeply inhales, inviting it deep into his lungs. It sets his nerves on fire, electrifying him to his core.
That feels so good…
You reach the board room where everyone else is waiting and take your place. Thrawn starts the holomap and the session can start.
Everything was going so well.
He was fully focused, mind set on his enemies and strategies, listening to his subordinates when it struck him.
Like a lightning.
All his muscles suddenly violently contracted, chasing all the air out of his lungs. His usually so well organized mind completely froze like stunted. It was so violent he almost lost his balance and collapsed. But he held on,standing firm on his feet.
And now there is only one thing he cares about.
“Everyone… Out.” He says so coldly a shudder spreads through the assistance.
“Sir? Did we do-” One starts to speak to understand this sudden shift of behavior.
“Out!” He shouts.
Everyone scurries outside, it’s the very first time they ever heard him raise his voice and they don’t intend to hear more!
“Captain (F/n), you stay.” He orders harshly.
He feels his cock gorging itself with blood, getting warmer and constricted in his tight pants.
So this is how it truly feels…
The sudden craving, hunger for flesh, that urge commending all his senses and priorities. A desire so powerful his only thought is to breed you immediately, right here and there, like an animal.
You remain still, worried. You look at him, hugging your datapad against your plump breast, well hidden under that stupid green uniform. He wants to tear it all apart, destroying it completely to discover your sweet naked body.
His hard gaze is on those incompetents that still didn’t evacuate the room, he turns towards the young ensigns absolutely terrified, pressing themself at the door to leave as quickly as possible.  
If they don’t go away he will take you in front of them without any shame! 
They must have felt his black gaze on them because they suddenly manage to pass through the door and disappear away from him. 
The door shuts close.
And he now turns towards you.
You are now completely alone with a seemingly pissed off Grand Admiral Thrawn.
You are terrified beyond measure. He never raised his voice. Ever. He looks at you with a dark glare, like he could eat you up in one bite.
You gulp.
He starts to walk towards you, skirting the holomap, dark eyes fixed on you, frowning terribly. You press your datapad closer against you in a soothing manner. Did you do something? Said something? Angered him in some way?
“Thrawn? Is something wrong?” You ask with tremors in the voice.
You hope talking to him would snap him out of him but he keeps walking towards you like a carnivore having cornered a prey.
“Thrawn…” You call again.
In complete silence he seizes your datapad out of your grasp and just breaks it in half like it’s nothing before tossing it aside. You gasp, shocked.
“Thrawn, if I did-”
You have no time to finish your sentence, his large hand comes to grasp your throat and pushes you against the wall where he captures your lips in a demanding kiss.
What the fuck is going on?!
Everything was well, he listened patiently to his colleagues with a little smile and suddenly his eyes widened and he ordered everyone out. And now he is pressing you against the wall to kiss you.
Where is your sweet, tender boyfriend?
He presses his hot large body against yours, more petite in comparison. He squeezes your throat as he forces you to open your lips to let his tongue enter your mouth. He groans in the kiss like a pissed off tiger as his tongue meets and hugs yours.
You feel his erection against your pelvis, he brushes your groins together, leaving no doubt in your mind about what’s going to happen next. You moan pitifully, feeling a mixture of terror and excitement, feeling your southern muscles contract in response.
He suddenly grabs the back of your neck and pushes you unceremoniously against the console of the holomap, you’re bent over the metallic structure with your respiration cutted. You have no time to register what he just did, he is behind you, towering over your figure and gripping the fabric of your pants and violently pulling them. You hear the sound of teared off fabric.
“Thrawn!” You shout indignant. “What the hell?!”
He pulls on your sweet panties.
He childishly hoped you would not be wearing any undergarments, like a naughty girl, but opening you like a present is also nice. 
You try to rise up but are immediately pushed back down with his hand on the back of your neck.
“Do. Not. Move.” He orders with a chilling tone inviting zero resistance.
So you remain bent over, immobile, feeling the cold air hitting your exposed pussy. You gulp, throat dry, devoured by anxiety.
And anticipation…
You suddenly feel his wet tongue parting your folds. You grip the metal for dear life as he starts eating you out voraciously, like a starved animal. 
“Oh my god, Thrawn…” You gasp, out of your mind.
He locates your clit and starts teasing it with sweet laps, circling it, gliding across it. He moans loudly to excite you further and you start feeling your slick leaking out of your pussy to roll on your thighs. He takes your clit in his mouth and sucks on it avidly, like a lollipop, making it roll between his lips and titillating it with the tip of his warm tongue.
Where did he learned to eat out women so well?
He, himself, doesn’t know. He just acts on instincts right now and they are telling him to devour your sweet pussy first.
You press your hand on your mouth and immediately feel him bite the tender flesh of your thigh.
“I forbid you to remain silent.”
And to prove his point he takes a big, sloppy lap with the flat of his tongue from your clit to your perineum. You can’t help but moan in response, your legs starting to tremble under his care.
“You are getting so wet.Good.” He praises you but the tone is dark and… dangerous.
He parts your pussylips with two fingers and probs your entrance with his tongue, drinking your slick loudly.
“Ah! Thrawn…” You choke on your words.
“What is it darling? No man ever honored you this way? Such a shame.” He tuts.
He grabs your butt with his two hands and penetrates you with his long, warm tongue. You can feel it waves inside you, grazing your sweet spot so deliciously, he circles it and glides across it with the tip of his tongue.
Gosh, he wants to take you right now but you could never take his size without any preparation. And he has always been curious about your pussy’s taste, and despite his urges it seemed like a good choice to him. His instincts are always right.
And your sweet gasps go straight to his dick, he is getting so painfully hard just hearing and tasting you. This is so addictive. He suddenly understands all those couples he used to look at with disdain.
This is just so… Right!
He is not eating you out gently, but like a starved animal who just found a juicy piece of meat. He growls and purrs, satisfied by your tremors and quivers under his touch. 
This is how you should be with him all the time, a good girl for him to play all day long, a little bit fearful and dripping wet.
He expertly opens his trouser to free his erection and starts pumping it in rhythm with your sweet mewls. You are like a little bird who sang for him the sweetest melodies. 
He have no idea if you ever squirted in your life but this is now his mission, you are not leaving his embrace until you squirted for him, no matter how many tries it takes, how many hours he will have to fuck you, you’re going to do it. For him. For his pleasure.
He slurps down your essence loudly, satisfied with your taste. This is quite savory, you’re about to become his new favorite dish! 
“How does it feel?” He teases between sips, “Do you like it?”
You, on your end, just cannot respond. The only sounds passing your lips right now are desperate moans as he eats you out conscientiously. Your brain is freezed in a fight or flight response. 
“My little bird does not wish to sing to me?” He growls.
And he slaps your pussy with his palm. You shake with a groan of pain and pleasure.
“Ah! It… I’ve never done that…” You confess, panting.
Your pussy will only know his lips and no one else. Only him will make you feel this good.
“Vocalize your pleasure louder. I want the whole Chimaera to know who’s making you feel this good.”
He laughs at himself internally. Him who gave you specific hours to meet him, who refused to visit you to your cabin to not be seen, who took care of hiding your scandalous affair to anyone else is ready to throw everything through the window if it means everyone knows you belong to him and him only right now!
The rut is truly something else.
“Thrawn!” You call for him when he resumes tonguefucking you.
But he can’t help it, you just taste so good. He will eat you out every morning from now on, who cares if someone saw you come and go out of his quarters now?
Not him, not anymore.
You come really hard, so much you feel your pussy spurting something in his face with great force. Whatever it was, his purr gets way deeper. He reached his goal and you delivered splendidly! He licks his lips clean of your essence, feeling it beading from his chin.
That was even better than he anticipated, the little jump his heart did when you squirted in his mouth like if he was a young child being offered candy!
You try to catch your breath, still bent over the console, shaken by that orgasm. When was the last time you orgasmed like that? Have you ever?
“Oh thank the Maker it’s over…” you pant.
“Over?” You hear a dark chuckle freezing you down your core, “Oh sweet thing. This is only the beginning.”  
You feel his erection pressed against your spasming pussy, coating his shaft with your release. He feels… Large. Really large. Not that you are really surprised given his size, of course his penis would be as large as him. What you cannot determine however is his length.
You bite your lips in anticipation.
You feel his tip probing your entrance, before feeling him pushing it inside.
Oh dear gods! He is so massive! Your inner muscles work to welcome his size inside of you but you feel him splitting you up in two.
Your mouth opens in a perfect O trying to accommodate his size, that’s a real challenge! 
“Your little pussy struggles to take me, and I am not halfway through.” He sadistically notes.
He’s not halfway through?!
No way! How are you…? How could you…?
“Stop struggling.” He orders, “I feel you clenching all around my cock, if you do not want me ramming into you immediately it is best you relax.”
“I’m-I’m trying!” You complain.
He keeps pushing inside, filling you more and more, reaching depths you didn���t even know you had. 
“Relax, Cha’cah. Breath.” He talks you through it with a softer tone like he is pitying you. “We are almost there.”
You feel his ridges brushing your inner walls, you feel his cocks having some sort of scales made of somewhat hard flesh but they caress your soft flesh so deliciously…  You gasp, breathless when you feel his tip brushing your cervix deep inside you.
Such a curious sensation, none of your partners managed to do it without folding both of your bodies in weird angles, but Thrawn reaches it without any difficulties.
Finally… You feel his hips brushing your butt, he is fully in. And that’s a feat!
“You squeeze me so much, my darling.” He says in a gasp, “You were tailor made for my cock.”
“I feel so stuffed!” You manage to let out while you try to take back your breath.
Having his complete length inside you just chased all the air out of your lungs and your little pussy stretched to its maximum. If you were on your back and not your stomach you would see a bulge, that’s for sure.
“Well, thank you, my darling.” He darkly chuckles, “And this is all for you. Only for you. Now relax.”
And without leaving you anytime to adjust to his size he starts thrusting inside you. Deep, hard thrusts that punch air out of our lungs each time and threaten to knock you over the console. You feel his hips hitting your pussy harshly like a bull, assaulting your poor body.
“Oh Maker! Thrawn, slow down! Please!” You choke on your own words.
He rocks you so hard you almost bite your tongue at each back and forth movement. He fucks you roughly, without regards for your comfort on that sturdy console. You feel your poor pussy trying to take him ramming his whole length into you, a good thing he made you come before that, your release helps him slip inside easily but doesn’t help his massive size problem.
“I will not slow down.” He annonce, deaf to your cries, “You can take it, I know it. You can take anything I give.”
He grips your arms and holds them firmly with one hand on your back while the other holds your hip, preventing you from falling forward. 
He fucks you as voraciously as he ate you out, gluttonously and harshly. He keeps his merciless pace as you try desperately to conserve some dignity as you feel him fucking your brain out. You feel your pleasure growing, not softly and nicely but like a furious wave growing like a tsunami under his brutal rhythm. So much that a bit of drool starts dripping out of your mouth.
His tip hits your cervix relentlessly and his ridges scratch the inside of your pussy savagely, scratching every sweet spot at once and making you see hyperspace behind your eyelids.
“Blast!” You shout.
“What foul language, my darling. Should I also fuck your mouth to teach you manners?”
His hand holding your hip sneaks under your stomach to reach your nervous clit, pulsating with your heartbeat. He starts rolling it between his fingers while he rams into you like an animal. He pounds into you like it is his last day alive and you can’t do anything but take it, like a toy for him to play with. You can do so little you are barely more than a fuckdoll for him.
He is torn on his end.
On one hand this is so pleasurable, so fantastic, it sends him in such spirals of pleasure and heightens all his senses in such fashion! He gorges himself on your scent, of your pathetic moans of the wet sounds of your little pussy…It drives him so crazy, he wonders if he could ever slip out of you.
He would surely die if he ever did that.
And on the other end he hoped to take you nicely and languorously during hours on end for days, helping you reach new heights of pleasure and taking care of you romantically, not take you like a monster. Him who used to treat you so tenderly in each and every fashion like the fragile porcelain doll you are…
But this rut…
This is something so strong, so unstoppable and unfightable.
It took him by complete surprise, robbing him of his control.
But for once in his life he decides that is not so bad…
He gasps as he feels your small pussy clenching around his large girth. You strangle him so, so well, just the right size for him to enter and squeeze him deliciously. You truly are made for him and his cock.
And absolutely no one else!
He hopes you would be able to forgive him for fucking you in such a way! You deserve to be worshiped and idolized like a goddess all night long, and he had the firm attention to pamper and venerate you like his personal Empress, like the slave to your grandeur that he is… He will make it up to you! He will spend the next hours adoring you for you to pardon him for his transgression!
You feel your pussy clenching more and more under the growing waves spreading in your veins, setting fire to each nerve ending until you scream Thrawn’s name out loud.
It was completely unprompted, it escaped you while you tried to gasp for air but your orgasm crashed on you so suddenly it took you by surprise. The tsunami reached the shore and is devastating everything in its wake. 
“Keep screaming, cheo Cha’cah. I want everyone to know who is fucking you this good.”
You convulsing around him pushes him beyond pleasure and he comes inside you without your consent after three more deep thrusts, he buries himself deep, spurting his seed in your most secret place. He feels your entire body tensing then slump, like all your strength escaped your organism with a “oof.”
He gently caresses the cheeks of your butt with his large warm hands as he catches his breath, still deep inside. He slips his disheveled strands of hair back on his head and opens his jacket to get rid of his now sweaty shirt.
This is a really nice physical exercise! Far more enjoyable than those repetitive and boring reps. It could become his new routine! He always has been more than serious with his training, but he would look up to this new exercise each day, he would partake with so much enthusiasm!
You surely would not object! He would give you so much pleasure each and every day…
He slips out of you and makes you roll on your back. You are still catching your breath while he has already recovered. Humans are no match for Chiss stamina after all. He growls as he sees his semen oozing out of you. 
You are already wasting it!
He collects it with his fingers and pushes it back inside, penetrating your sex with his slender digits. He sees you shaking with this simple touch, you are still so sensitive after all… He cleans you with his fingers, fingering it back inside your greedy womb that tries to retain him inside. He grins lightly. Your body doesn’t seem satisfied with two orgasms and seems to already call for him and his skillful talents again. 
You, on the other hand, seem exhausted.
He enters you again, localizing your G-spot easily and starts brushing it eagerly. You mewl tiredly in response but your body answer is undeniably positive, your pussy stretches enthusiastically, dripping wet, and your legs spasm each time he scratches your spot with the pad of his fingers. 
“Thrawn…” You try to call, your hand lazily raising to grab his arm and stop him.
But you have no energy left and let your hand fall back to your side. He keeps fingering you, enjoying the ungodly wet noises of your pussy, stuffed with his white cum.
One won’t be enough.
You need to do it again. Over and over again, until your cute tummy is completely bloated with his semen. 
Then, and only then, he will consider he did a sufficient job.
He pushes a third finger inside and you whimper, like sweet music, he scissors you thoroughly admiring your entrance gaping around his fingers. He can’t believe such a little pussy could take him so well, he actually thought you would not and break under him. But you did. And quite well, considering it.
You gave him so much pleasure already, choking his shaft so lusciously, hugging his form so perfectly he felt like he could mold your insides for his specific shape, ensuring that any potential rival is terribly disappointing to you.
But there will be no potential rival. In any shape or form.
“Thrawn…” You pitifully call again, your chest rising up and down as you breathe.
“Is there a problem, cheo Cha’cah? Are you in pain?” He investigates, just to be sure.
He is not a monster after all.
“No… No but-” You throw your head back with pleasure as he accelerates his ministrations. “Ah!”
You’re in no pain, that’s all he wanted to know.
“Let it happen, my darling. There is no use fighting it, let me take care of everything.” He charms you with his enthralling deep, melodious voice.
He circles and crosses your G-spot, rubbing it roughly while adding pressure with a hand on your venus mound, earning sobs and moans from your part. He adds pressure on your clit with his thumb, gliding across it and flicking it, feeling you dripping off his hand as he hooks you from inside. He accelerates his care, stretching your pussy good as you tremble under his hand, knuckles deep, curling and spreading them, making his fingers twirl to caress any inner surfaces of your pussy. He then resumes fingering you mercilessly until you cry your eyes out, big tears rolling down as your pussy spasms around his soaked digits.
You come again, shuddering dramatically. While you try to catch your breath again, Thrawn lowers himself to the level of your pussy to make sure all of his potent semen was inside, where it should be. He traces your pussylips with his fingers, utterly fascinated by that jewel of nature.
He kisses your slit with reverence and raises back on his feet.
He looms over you and opens your green jacket and pulls your shirt over your bra. He takes out his hidden vibroblade and cuts it open, revealing your breast to his eyes. He feels his own eyes rounding up as he discovers them in plain sight, your nipples standing up to attention as the cold bites them.
Your boobs are just to his taste, just how he likes them.
He grabs them in his large hand and kneads them good, rolling your nipples between his fingers. He leans forward and takes one in his mouth, sucking on it.
Soon when he will do that again he will taste your milk. He will drink from your tits when they get heavy with milk. He cannot wait…
He kisses it and takes the other one in his mouth, licking across the soft skin, peppered it with soft kisses as you sobs, cheeks soaked, your hand coming to caress his hair.
He stands back straight, slicking his hair back, letting sweat roll on his gorgeous body, his deep blue skin glistening with all the flickering signals of the board room. His red eyes shine hungrily in the low light of the room, fixated on your form under him.
He pumps his cock one or two times, hardening already again and pushes it back inside, your essence acting up as lube. He watches fascinated how his penis disappears inside your body, a creamy O at his base. 
The bulge is consequent and he can’t help a dark snicker. You are going to be gorgeous, all round with his child…
He resumes his hard thrusting, gripping your hips harshly, digging his nails in your soft flesh to keep you in place. He watches your boobs bobbing up and down, hypnotized. You whimper, tears rolling down your cheeks as all of this is way too much for you. You’re oversensitive and he keeps the pleasure rolling longer and farther, teasing your nerves until you broke down completely.
But he wants more.
He broke down your sentiments but he wants to break down your mind, utterly destroying it. He wants you dumb and cockdrunk, stuffed with his seed like the good girl he knows you are. So he keeps burying his girth deep in you, brushing your G-spot with the edges of his ridges 
He needs to give you more loads or you’ll never get pregnant! 
What if the pills he took were not enough? He worries at the back of his mind. What if nothing was enough and you’ll never get pregnant? What if your two species are ultimately incompatible?
He pushes these thoughts back.
Of course he’s going to get you pregnant. He is the Grand Admiral Thrawn, a warrior, a Chiss. Nothing is impossible to him.
He would not allow any other results.
He rocks his hips into yours, reveling in the pleasure you are giving him, he undulates his body with delight meeting your dripping sex, the sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoing in the large room. He chases both of your releases while you fully tremble underneath him, he seizes your thighs with his large hands and spreads them wide open, throwing your legs on his shoulders, allowing him to deepen his thrusts.
Oh that is just so good…
He hoped his first time would have been romantic and sweet. He still has a heart full of love and devotion after all, he thought that after a date at a museum he would have treated you to a nice dinner before carrying you to the bed and honor you all night long. But instead he is ramming into you like a beast, in the middle of his boardroom on his ship for all his crew to hear, trying to break you in a million pieces under him.
You truly never know what life has in store for you.
In all honesty, he didn’t know it would go so well. He is not young anymore and he feared entering you for the first time would have him come undone right here and there, and it almost happened! He had to collect all his will to not explode inside of you just by entering you. His honor would have never recovered if he came before satisfying his darling first!
What kind of man would he be then? One that only chases his own pleasure like a self centered jerk? He likes to think of himself as above that.
Granted, you are in this situation because he couldn’t help but chase his own release, but that is completely beside the point!
He circles his hips to vary the sensations and you bite into your lips in response.
“What did I say about silencing yourself?” He scolds you, growling.
He seizes your jaw, pressing your cheeks like a fish and leans forward dangerously, shooting you with his feverish gaze. You look so silly like that.
“This is the last time I warn you, understood?” He demands with a dark tone.
You can only nod with your silly expression, eyes round with surprise and submission. That looks good on you. He leans further to lick your cheek as he rocks his hips realizing you soiled it with your drool smeared all over your jaw. Did you lose all control, He wonders snickering?
He captures your lips for a messy kiss, tongue dancing and drool exchanged. You whine, having your air robbed out of you and he accentuates his thrusts to have you reach higher notes. He lays fully on you, taking you in his arms to hug you tight, his thrusts are still mean and hard, hurting your pelvis with his raw strength. 
“Focus on kissing me, sweet thing.” He orders, between little kisses all over your jaw.
He feels you drooling on yourself as your lips meet again, that amuses him tremendously. He moans in the kisses, burying himself to the hilt as your pussy swallows him whole like it should.
His heart is singing. Is it what true bliss feels like? Being one with your other half…
He licks your lips as you roll your eyes inside your skull, too lost in the pleasure he gives you. He keeps bullying his length into you, embracing you with his long arms, he sneaks his hand under your shirt on your back and buries his nose in the crook of your neck to inhale your musk. His heart flutters, pumping his blood at 100 miles per hour. It has been so long since he felt excitement like that, such pure joy, having you close like that, sharing such an intimate and vulnerable moment with you. He brushes the tip of his nose on your neck, purring deeply while you keep whimpering in his ears, arms circled around his large form and legs circled around his waist, keeping him deep buried in your puffy pussy.
You long stopped trying to formulate sentences, your brain is too fried for you to speak proper Basic, instead just letting broken mewls escape you. But that is as good for him, that is a testimony of the overwhelming pleasure he is giving you and he revels in it with pride.
Your inner walls are all gorged with blood, fluffy and soft for his cock, your pussy is clenching almost painfully around him and your clit is pulsating furiously, begging for attention. You snake one hand between your two bodies to caress it, prompting Thrawn to look down at what you were doing.
“Sorry, my darling. You invaded all of my mind and I lost track of things.”He apologizes.
One of his large hands follows yours and starts to tease your bundle of nerves instead of your more petite hand.
What kind of idiot is he? How dare he lose himself so much to stop paying attention to your needs? He chastises himself.
He thoroughly rolls and presses your clit between his fingers as he undulates his hips with the energy of a beast. He resumes kissing you, feeling so light, like all his pressure and problems just vanished in your presence. He hugs your tongue with his, dancing with it, robbing you of your breath.
You feel the waves of pleasure spreading through your veins and your pussy, making it convulsing ferociously and you come for the fourth time, screaming Thrawn name.
Once again, your orgasm pushes his and he comes deep inside your womb for a second time. 
This time you notice.
“You came inside?” You ask breathlessly, visibly worried, “I’m not on the pill!” You warn.
Of course he knows it already.
“Oh my.” He responds with a lopsided grin, caressing the bulge made by his shaft with his warm hand, “Then we will have no other choice but to take care of a little one.”
Abortion is out of the question. He is a firm defender of this right for women, of course, but for you? With his child? Out of the question. He will not even entertain the idea.
“What? … Are you sure?” You ask dumbfounded, “Is it not-”
“I will take my responsibilities with you and the kid, do not worry about anything.” He puts his forehead against yours, red eyes buried in yours. “I will not disappear  and leave you alone.”
“It’s not what… I wasn’t accusing you of-”
“Everything will be alright. We will be together.” He embraces you tight. “You need not to worry.”
He cradles you gently, hearing your shallow, rapid breaths. He sighs, satisfied.
Well, not completely. Two is still not enough. He starts a back and forth movement again, but this time slow, gentle, loving, languorous…
“You are not tired yet?” You ask incredulously, at the end of your own rope.
“No.” He brushes his nose with yours, “I told you earlier I was full of energy today…”
He holds your cheeks in his hands, forehead against forehead, purring gently and deeply.
This is true bliss. True happiness. You and him, locked together forever. Legacies tied in reputation and now blood.
“What will I do for my career if I get pregnant?” You start to worry.
He fights the urge to sigh, why won’t you drop the subject? Or better yet, why don’t you see it as the absolute marvelous good news for your couple as he does?
“You will not lose anything. I will keep you at my side whatever might happen. Like I said…” He looks into your eyes with the most serious expression you ever saw on his face and… Some underlying hunger and jealousy, “... Do not worry about anything.”
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar @thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay, @obbicrystaleo, @germie2037
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zhakyria · 9 months
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I had the chance to commission Kahl'ryn from @psychededoodle. I have no words for how much I love this. Everything, all the details, the expression, the scar, the cybernetics, everything is so well done!!
And with this amazing portrait - I'm gonna talk a bit about Kahl and what he is up to in my Arclight AU. So... some rambling thoughts under the cut. :)
For reference: The Arclight AU is a melting pot of various sci-fi franchises. Star Wars, Farscape, WildStar, Star Trek, to just name a few. However, the core of it is Star Wars. A lot of the universe rules are Star Wars rules - such as how space travel works and the Force.
The major players from Star Wars include: the Galactic Empire, the Mandalorians, the Sith Empire, the Chiss Ascendancy, the High Republic, and the Grysk Hegemony.
Much like swtor!Kahl, arclight!Kahl was born in the Sith Empire. His father is the (now former) Sith Lord Xhai'tan. He was trapped in a burning building when he was a child, which is how he got the burn scars. He joined the Imperial Academy and joined Imperial Intelligence upon graduating. Some of his first missions included hunting down terrorists and stopping Darth Jadus. For his double agent arc however, he didn't infiltrate the SIS.
In Arclight the Sith Empire is mostly at odds with the Dominion from WildStar. So, Kahl is tasked with infiltrating the Dominion and carrying out his mission there. The Star Cabal is still a threat and Kahl eventually dismantles it.
Now things really start to diverge. You see, most everything from Shadow of Revan onward doesn't happen. So how does my boy meet Theron?
I made the executive decision that since the Republic isn't the same Republic as in swtor and isn't the power in direct conflict with the Sith Empire, that Theron would instead be from the Dominion. ((I know, I know, not the best allegory if you know anything about the Dominion - like they live up to their name. Does make it way easier for Theron to defect though.))
Then I needed the catalyzing event. Enter the Dread Masters. They were imprisoned by the Dominion, but they escape but with Emperor Vitiate dead (did I mention that? no? So, yeah Emperor Vitiate does die, and after a short war between the Sith, Acina comes out on top and takes the Throne - this is also the time of Malgus's first betrayal,) they go rogue.
Kahl is called in to help with the situation by Lana and she eventually wrangles the help of Theron in tracking and defeating the Dread Masters. Much like in Shadow of Revan, Kahl and Theron grow close.
Then the tradegy of Grismara happens. For those unfamiliar with WildStar. Grismara was home to the Mordesh. A elf-like species who were masters of science, alchemy, and art. They were arrogant and proud, sure of their own superiority. That was until the Everlife Elixir, developed by their most lauded scientist became their curse. The Everlife was meant to give immortality, and they trusted Dr. Lazarin so much that it was distributed worldwide. Then the Everlife became the Contagion. Everyone (and the lore implies everyone) slowly turned into super aggressive mindless cannibals (basically zombies).
Grismara was a neutral world on the edge of Sith and Dominion borders. Both sides were trying to ally with them, but when the Contagion broke out - the Sith turned their back on the world and the Dominion set up a blockade and quarantined it.
Kahl and Theron disobeyed orders to try and help the Mordesh. During that terrible year long attempt at saving the Mordesh, Dr. Lazarin made a small break through. He created the Vitalis Serum, which delayed the effects of the Contagion, but also required frequent injections. The remaining Mordesh were trapped in a half-life. They no longer age (they got their immortality) but they also are unable to have children unless a cure can be found.
Kahl and Theron organized for the last of the Mordesh, to escape. Taking them to the Odessen Coalition. A small and new coalition of planets that came together with the help of Xhai'tan (Kahl's father) and Thrass (who is alive and rescued by Xhai'tan - That is another books of thoughts so if you are curious about how Thrass fits in here feel free to ask.)
With the fall of Grismara, Kahl and Theron defect and join the Coalition. Kahl eventually commanding a heavy cruiser as part of the Maarasu Nighthunters - the Odessen Defense Force division in charge of covert operations and missions that take place beyond the borders of the Coalition. It is Kahl who finds Thrawn and Ezra where they have been stranded for 7 years (again another book of thoughts that I can talk about later). Kahl then goes on to support Thrawn, Thrass, Eli, and the others Chiss fighting to save the Ascendancy.
I'll stop there but....yeah so lots of thoughts.....enjoy!
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jedimandalorian · 8 months
According to the latest Star Wars Chronology, the years 9 ABY to 19 ABY are called the “Peace of the New Republic.”
It is likely that the Ahsoka series and its sequels and crossovers all take place in this time period, which means
1. Lucasfilm will have to retcon this chronology because Thrawn starts another galactic war.
2. Thrawn finds out that the Emperor he once served is dead and the Empire has fallen, so he goes home to the Chiss Ascendancy in the Unknown Regions.
3. The Nightmothers were just using Thrawn to get to Dathomir, just as Thrawn was using them to get back home to the main SW galaxy. Now that the witches have achieved their goal, they will betray Thrawn and/or he will betray them.
4. There will be an effort by the heroes of The Mandalorian, the Ahsoka show, and other members of the Ghost Crew to stop a war. There will be an armed conflict with little or no help from the New Republic, and the brave unsung heroes save the galaxy from a bigger war that could have happened but didn’t.
Likely character deaths or transformations: Thrawn. Ahsoka.
Possible romance arcs completed: DinBo, Sabezra.
Cultures reborn/transformed: Nightsisters, Mandalorians, Jedi.
New Master and Apprentice pairings: Sabine and Grogu, Ezra and Jacen.
These are the “Jedi Mandalorians.” (Yes, I have been thinking about this for a very long time. Look at my username.)
Mando by birth: Sabine Wren, who restores her Clan.
Mando by adoption: Grogu.
Mando by marriage: Ezra Bridger. 😏
What do you think? What are the other possibilities?
Am I crazy? Here’s my Ahsoka Season 1 Bingo card:
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Tolkien references (too many to list here)
Jacen is Force sensitive.
Sabine misses Ezra. 😢
Thrawn does the unexpected.
Kanan reference (more than expected). 😢
Chopper is a menace (not as much as he could have been).
Hera misses Kanan (his photo is on her dashboard). 😢
“Snips” 🙌
Anakin flashback. 🙌
Rex lives. (They didn’t kill him off yet and we did get a cameo so that’s a win.)
Quotable Huyang (Don’t get me started.)
Ezra is still a dork (and we love him for it). 😂
Ezra is a badass. 🙌
Sabezra tease. (Just go look at the rest of my Tumblr.) 😍
Mutual pining idiots. (See above.) 😍
Clan Wren. (We got a mention. R. I. P. 😢)
Sabine painting. (We saw the mural, the loth cat doodles and the graffiti in Ezra’s tower and on Ahsoka’s ship.)
No Fenn Rau. (I still want to see him in live action, maybe in Mando s4.)
Clone Wars Flashback. (More than one!)
No Rebels flashback. (We did get many callbacks though. I’d love to see any of them cameo in Andor s2.)
Loth rat. (Not the animal, but Ezra being his usual chaotic streetwise self, such as impersonating a stormtrooper and stealing his helmet and armor.)
Loth cat. (Sabine’s adorable pet. 😻)
Loth wolf. (They are on the end credits star map and the Lothal Rebels mural. Howlers are also wolf-like.)
Run. (Our heroes did a lot of that.)
So am I good, or what?
The Prophet of the Church of Ezrabine has spoken.
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ceapa-mica · 4 months
Family Life: Childhood 🎀 - a Thrawn headcanon
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I thought today would be a good day for a new family life headcanon, and here I am feeding you with new content! ✨
This one is a fluffy SFW hc.
Reader's gender is not mentioned.
Taglist: @bingbongooo @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @ele-millennial-weirdo @enaelyork @jesslove23 @thrawnalani @thrawnsboots @twincesskorisoka @generousblizzardchaos @davesrightshoe @shoe-bag @tearyeve @blackddarling @obbicrystaleo
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The days of changing diapers and baby formula are over. You and Thrawn are now parents of a bright eyed six year old girl…
Thrawn wants to be actively involved as a father. Among other things, he learned how to braid your daughter’s hair. He's become quite good at it.
He actually likes to join her roleplay games, like tea party or supermarket, when he has the time. Watching them play makes your heart melt.
You speak a decent amount of Cheunh at this point since your daughter often speaks a mix of both Basic and Cheunh.
She is so full of energy, you can't keep her confined to your quarters 24/7. You allow her to roam designated hallways of the Chimera as long as she doesn't keep anyone from their duties.
She knows she has to return to your quarters asap when the Chimera gets involved in a battle.
The crew has to get used to an unsupervised child wandering the hallways first. Your daughter is polite and respectful though, in fact she got most of the crew wrapped around her finger.
She's independent for her age and always seeks answers to anything. She's very curious and wants to learn everything there is to learn about the Galaxy, the Chimera, the Empire and the Chiss Ascendancy.
As for the latter, Thrawn regularly tells her stories of his people. She can't get enough of them.
Every now and then you spend a day together as a family. Whether on the Chimera or at the cottage Thrawn bought a few years ago, you always have a good time.
There are days where your kid follows Eli around. He doesn't mind answering all her questions, and he's patient with her. He actually loves having her follow him around like a little duckling.
You and Thrawn agree that you never would have thought about some of the things she asks you about. She's the smartest kid you've ever known.
There will be a time where every child starts nagging their parents about a pet, and your daughter is no exception. A child on a warship is one thing, an animal is something else. Thrawn thinks about it and eventually sends someone to Myrkr to catch a young Ysalamir for her.
It's an uncommon pet to have. She loves that hairy lizard instantly and they become great companions. You rarely see her without the ysalamir sitting on her shoulder.
Your daughter is now the right age to attend school. Since you don't live planetside permanently, she takes holonet classes. Via holocam she can see and talk to other students and teachers.
She LOVES school and the teachers are amazed at her vast knowledge about the Galaxy. Due to her intelligence and eagerness to participate in classes, some kids are being mean to her.
She claims that she doesn’t care what they say, but you see in her crimson eyes that the words of those kids hurt her. Thrawn knows what it's like being treated differently and gives her good advice.
As for your love life, Eli has turned out to be better at babysitting than any droid could. He looks after your daughter when Thrawn takes you out for date night.
Thrawn is determined to keep his family away from Imperial affairs. He never mentions either of you to the Emperor or Darth Vader and doesn't take any of you to public appearances like Imperial balls or other official events. If he has to attend, he goes alone.
Your daughter loves drawing on flimsi for her dad. He keeps her art in a drawer of his desk, admiring it when she's at the cottage with you and he feels lonely.
When your little one gets sick you make sure she gets the care she needs. I might add that despite being half Chiss she's not immune to human infections and viruses. She's still part human, so you make sure she gets all necessary vaccines humans get too.
Thrawn thinks it's important to teach her basic survival skills from an early age. That includes swimming, how to make a campfire and find shelter, and basic self-defense. You find the time to teach her together. In a dangerous Galaxy it can't hurt to be prepared.
Being the little whirlwind she is, she ruined a few pieces of art from Thrawn's collection either with paint or broke them while playing. They're irreplaceable and Thrawn was angry, but also understanding. You're dealing with a playful child here after all.
Your daughter has changed your life for the better, that you and your husband agree on. You never would have guessed you can love someone as much as you love your little girl. Every day with her is a new adventure.
Thrawn toys with the idea of sending your little one to an Imperial elite boarding school for girls, where many high ranking Imperials send their daughters. He wants her to be more disciplined like Chiss children her age usually are, and he thinks a good education might help her find her way in life. Before you can make any decision on that (or argue if you’re against it), an incident involving purrgils occurs while you're all aboard, getting you exiled into an unknown far away Galaxy with apparently no way home…
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Yeah I'm leaving that at a cliffhanger. 😈 You can probably guess that the next family life hc will be about your life in exile on Peridea. You better prepare yourself for more fluff and some angst. 😉
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thrxwn · 2 months
The Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy just really drives home that Thrawn is a social and political himbo but a military and art savant.
He cares a lot about his people and is willing to sacrifice himself for them, whether that sacrifice be his life or social-political status. He considered the Starflash weapon and accepted Exile for the good of the whole.
He also cares about "alien" lives unlike most of the ascendancy. He didn't give up on the Magys when most would.
He also is exceedingly patient and is willing to teach others to get the best out of them. Teaching Thrass strategy and games, Admiral Ar'alani how he reads tactics from art.
He doesn't condescend the young but is protective over them. Where most would just keep Sky Walkers to their navigation tasks, Thrawn was willing to teach Che'ri how to pilot because she expressed interest in it.
He sometimes can be single minded in his goals and is willing to skirt the rules to achieve them. From the multiple times he circumvented pre-emptive strike protocols to alert the ascendancy about the eminent threat to their existence.
It appears that he aligned himself with the Galactic Empire because he thought the Empire could best help his people in the long run. It didn't appear that he chose them due to moral or ethical reasons.
I know people change over time, and that the novels are from a Chiss and Thrawn POV but I don't feel Thrawn would join a side for malicious reasons.
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milfthrawnuorodo · 11 months
Safe in my Arms (Ascendancy!Thrawn x Reader)
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Pairing: Ascendancy!Thrawn x Female Chiss Reader 
Summary: Csaplar, the capital city of Csilla, has been attacked by alien warships. You are a Syndic of the Mith family, forced to seek shelter from the attack along with the rest of the Syndicure. Thrawn, senior captain of the Chiss Expansionary Defence Fleet, is able to easily defeat the enemy targets, but finds himself struggling with something new: the sudden feelings of concern and panic at the thought of you in danger. These feelings are a first for Thrawn, always so confident in battle, seldom so confident when it comes to his feelings for his lover. When you two are reunited, Thrawn is forced to confront his feelings head on. His relief at seeing you alive and well quickly turns into something almost animalistic, and passion ensues, followed by the dawn of a crucial revelation. 
Warnings: Sliiiight angst, but I promise it all works out. SMUT!!! Oral (female receiving), P in V, feral Thrawn is it’s own warning, fucking on a countertop (will I ever let him fuck in the comfort of a bed??? Only time will tell). And watch out because this ending is FLUFF CITY. Like Goddamn call this bitch cotton candy the way it makes me so wet and then absolutely MELTS me. (too much?? Yeah, probably). 
A/N: So the original idea for this came from my head canon’s with my Chiss Syndic OC, Theta, which can be found here. I did originally post this as a Thrawn x Theta, but I know how beloved a solid Thrawn x Reader fic is, so here’s the compromise. Sigh,this fic is so self indulgent it should be a crime. But I hope you enjoy it!
This fic is spicyyyyy so 18+ only, minors do not interact. 
The aroma of fresh caccoleaf was the only thing getting you through this never ending meeting. You gingerly took a sip, cherishing the slightly sweet flavor as you forced yourself to focus on the argument at hand. The Syndicure was in full session, meaning your days had been consumed by meetings just like this, speakers for various families vying for exchanges and favors to bolster their own needs above others. 
“What we are proposing would completely revitalize this meager farm area and turn it into a beacon of prosperity, attracting people from all around the Ascendancy, which could boost the local economy and present other long-lasting positive impacts. If you’ll look at the document that has been shared with each of your questises–”
The Ufsa speaker hadn’t even finished his obviously well-rehearsed speech before a representative from the Chaf family made her own grievances known. “That land rightfully belongs to the Chaf family,” she butted in emphatically. “You’ll have to pry that land straight from our hands.”
It took all your years of experience to contain your eye roll. You were proud of your position, honored by your duty to both your family and the Ascendancy, and, yes, you lived to serve your people in any way possible. But you also had a tendency to get frustrated at how selfish and self-serving members of the Aristocra could be. Your whole mission as one of the few female members of the Syndicure was to inspire unity amongst the families and encourage compromise and support over supporting self-serving needs. Though, with so many of the Aristocra being dead set in their old-fashioned ways, you more often than not felt like you were fighting an uphill battle. 
You took a deep breath to steady yourself, preparing to interrupt the argument which was clearly not making any headway, when a resounding alarm began to blare throughout the meeting room. The room was silent for a single heartbeat, before the Syndicure erupted into noise and chaos, each person trying to speak over the other to figure out what was going on. A voice projected over the loudspeaker.
“This is an emergency. Please remain calm and make your way to the shelters beneath the Cupola. I repeat, this is an emergency. Please remain calm and make your way to the shelters beneath the Cupola ”
The announcement hadn’t even finished before people were scrambling towards the doors and filing down the hallway towards the emergency exits that would take them to the shelters. You stood from your seat, making sure to grab the questis from the table before turning to navigate the throngs of people. A quick scan of the room told you that a majority of the Aristocra were well and able to take care of themselves. However, your eyes landed on a lone straggler, an elder from the Irizi family, struggling to make haste towards the exit, having long been forgotten by members of his own family in their own rush towards safety. Without hesitation, you crossed the short distance between you and loop your arm in his, wordlessly offering him your support. A look of surprise flitted across the man’s face, but was quickly replaced by a nod of respect and gratitude before leaning on your for support as you both made your way to the exit. This image, two rival families coming together to support each other in a time of crisis, this was what being a member of the Chiss Ascendancy was about: above family ranks, above political rivalries, above all else, you were all Chiss.
Joining the rest of the speakers, syndics, and various members of the aristocra in the shelters, you found an empty seat, getting a moment to collect your bearings for the first time. You spare a look down at your questis as a barrage of notifications lit up the screen. You could hardly process the words, having to reread the same sentence multiple times. 
Csaplar, capital of Csilla, is under attack by alien ships. Seek shelter immediately. 
You couldn’t remember the last time someone had dared attack the Ascendancy. It certainly hadn’t been in your lifetime, and from the looks of the faces around the shelter, you decided it most certainly hadn’t taken place in the lifetimes of even the eldest members of the Syndicure. You furiously refreshed your notifications, hoping for another update, but there was none to be found. With a worried sigh, you crossed one leg over the other in an attempt to get comfortable. “Stars only know how long we’ll be stuck down here,” you thought to yourself.
“Alien warships,” a nearby Syndic scoffed. “And they have the audacity to attack us?” His voice increased in pitch to emphasize his incredulity. 
“I’m sure the expansionary defense fleet has already lasered them to stardust by now,” another Syndic reassured. 
The words settled like a lead weight in your stomach. Thrawn. The adrenaline, which had just begun to wear off, peaked again and you worked to control your breathing. He was supposed to be coming back from his mission today. You had just spoken over holovid the night before once Thrawn had retired to his quarters, and you had been looking forward to having him planetside with you. Now, with this latest attack, if he was in the middle of it…your thoughts trailed off into the unknown. You knew it wouldn’t do any good to panic now, but the thought of Thrawn being up there, facing off against three enemy warships was enough to get your heart racing all the same. 
Thrawn stood on the bridge, staring out the viewport at the sight before him. The alien warships were gone, blasted into rubble too small to even make a dent through the atmosphere. Always the calculated and stoic Senior Captain, Thrawn had kept a level head throughout the unexpected ordeal. The Springhawk was returning home from its mission, coming out of hyperspace just outside Csilla’s gravity well, when the foreign ships began firing on the planet’s capital city. It took less than a minute for the Chiss ships to return fire, and within fifteen minutes the battle was over. Thrawn stood motionless, staring into the empty space where the ships once stood, a sudden anxiety settling into his bones. His chest felt tight and your name fell off his lips in a silent plea. He knew you were there, in the capital. He knew the aliens had to be targeting the capital city–it was the most logical conclusion. Unfortunately, it was also the conclusion that sent an unfamiliar wave of panic through Thrawn. He forced himself to take exactly one deep breath, steeling himself, and forcing his feet to take him back to the Captain’s chair. “Continue course to Csaplar,” Thrawn announced, thankful to hear that his voice didn’t betray an ounce of the worry that plagued him. “The likeliest conclusion is that you are fine,” he thought to himself in an attempt to regain his internal control. You have to be fine. 
The defense force had you waiting two hours in the shelters, to be sure that no further threats arose. Two hours you spent sick with worry about what was going on in the skies above. You fully believed that Thrawn was the most intelligent man you’d ever met, and the Ascendancy as a whole was far safer for his role in the expansionary defense fleet. But that didn’t mean you never worried about him every time you knew he was going into a dangerous situation. More than anything, it was the not knowing that was tearing you up the most. You tried to distract yourself with your colleagues, who, in typical syndicure fashion, all seemed to be trying to one-up each other in outrage, as if they were personally defending the ascendancy’s honor. If there was one thing that could bring together the Aristocra, it was a common enemy. 
Shortly past the second hour mark, you got the all-clear to evacuate the shelter. There would be a briefing with General Ba’kif in one of the meeting halls, and it was clear the Syndicure would be out for blood, demanding answers that may not even be available yet. As the sea of individuals rushed to assault the general with their questions, you strode right past the door of the meeting room, instead heading straight for your office. You had just shut the door behind you when you realized you weren't alone.
Thrawn stood in the middle of your office, and the familiar sight of him in the black uniform was nearly enough to bring tears of relief to your eyes. 
At the first sight of you, relief flooded Thrawn’s body and for the first time in over two hours, he felt as though he could breathe again. It took all of two strides for Thrawn to close the distance between you, his strong arms taking you into his grip, pulling you to his chest. You gripped him just as hard, breathing in the familiar scent.
You stood like that, embracing each other for several heartbeats. “I’m relieved to see you unharmed,” Thrawn’s soft voice broke the silence. You tilted your head back, looking into the eyes of your beloved. “Thrawn,” you started, but your voice broke, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. You forced a deep breath before continuing. “What happened?” With a final press of his lips against the top of your head, Thrawn stepped back and motioned for you to take a seat as he began to recount everything they had found out over the last few hours. 
That night, You rinsed off the last of the dinnerware, passing the dripping plate to Thrawn, who methodically dried it off and set it amongst its freshly clean counterparts. The dinner had been a simple affair, but you cherished these nights the most. They were too few and far between. Though, you supposed you were somewhat in luck–the estimated repairs for the Springhawk were to take between four and six weeks, and you’d soak up every ounce of time together you could get. 
Thrawn had been unusually quiet tonight though, and you watched as he gripped the edge of the countertop, clearly lost in thought. Thrawn’s focus shifted as a pair of soft arms wound their way around his midsection. “Tell me what’s bothering you, love,” your voice was barely above a whisper. Up on your toes, you pressed a kiss to Thrawn’s neck, “And don’t bother denying it. You know I can read you as easily as a data cylinder,” you quipped, trying to ease the tension. 
With a small sigh, Thrawn turned to face you. His lean body propped up against the countertop, arms crossed at his chest, and though he was looking at you, you could feel that his gaze was far away. 
“There was a moment today, after the attack,” Thrawn started, then paused, thinking over his words. “I had a feeling I don’t think I’ve ever experienced before.” You waited patiently through another extended pause, giving Thrawn what you hoped was an encouraging nod.
“As soon as the battle was over, I was hit by this strange sense of terror. There was this sudden, overwhelming dread, and I was convinced something had happened to you.” Thrawn paused, his throat working. “I don’t know what I would have done. What I’d do if–” Your features instantly softened, and you interrupted the thought, stepping up on your tiptoes to press a gentle kiss to Thrawn’s lips. 
“It’s okay,” you whispered, pulling away momentarily. “I’m fine.” You pressed another kiss to his lips. “I’m okay,” you reassured, murmuring against his lips, and it was as if upon hearing those words, feeling your soft lips against his, something within Thrawn broke. His hands were off the counter, gripping your waist, pulling you closer to him as his lips crashed against yours, gripping you in a fierce kiss. You hardly had a second to react before Thrawn picked you up, twisting your positions so he could place you on the countertop, not even breaking the kiss. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, though you certainly weren’t about to stop him. Thrawn’s grip on your hips tightened as he deepened the kiss, pulling you to the edge of the counter. Suddenly, you understood where Thrawn was coming from. The relief at having him here, the knowledge that you were both safe, both together, it was enough to have you mirroring his intensity.
Your hands were desperate, clumsily trying to undo Thrawn’s uniform. Stars damn all the regulation zips that made these things so damn hard to remove. Eventually, Thrawn took pity on you, stepping back to remove the rest of the jacket, discarding his undershirt as well, letting both fall to the floor. You had only a moment to appreciate the toned, muscular skin, biting your bottom lip as you took in the view, and then Thrawn’s lips were back on yours and your fingers went straight to tangle themselves in his hair. 
“I need to—“ Thrawn gasps out between kisses. “I need to taste you.” 
You nodded your head fervently and spread your legs, leaning back on your hands as Thrawn pressed sweet kisses along your neck and down your still-clothed chest. Pushing up your skirt, you lifted yourself just enough for him to slide your damp panties down your leg. Thrawn let out an audible groan. “I do believe you’ll be the end of me,” he growled in a low voice, before falling to his knees. 
The sight of Thrawn on his knees before you was almost enough to push you over the edge. Thrawn slid your legs open, resting them on his shoulders as he pressed a kiss to your core. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, but before you could even beg for more, he dove right in. 
He ate like a man who had been starved for days, unable to get enough. A single finger joined his tongue, and left you squirming on his counter. Your hips thrust up into his face, a second digit joining in, stretching you. He curled his fingers, hitting that spongy spot deep inside you, and stars danced behind your eyelids. “Thrawn!” you exclaimed, panting. His fingers moved faster, harder, expertly dragging your orgasm from you. “Thrawn, I’m going to—“ before you could even finish that sentence, your orgasm ripped through your body. Your back arched, cunt tightening around his fingers. His tongue lapped up your juices, which only prolonged the orgasm. Gasping for air, you slowly came down from her high, coming to just in time to spot Thrawn trailing soft kisses along the inside of your thighs, working his way back up to kiss your face. Thrawn pressed himself up against your soaking core, and you could feel how much he enjoyed that experience as his rock-hard member pressed against your sensitive mound, eliciting another moan from you, his name dancing on your lips. “Thrawn.”
“I need to feel you,” he moaned against his kiss. “I need to be inside you.” His kiss was frenzied, his need was unmistakable. You had never seen the man so undone, and you could hardly believe it was on your behalf. It felt like a dream. All you could manage was a breathy “yes,” in response, but it was all the approval Thrawn needed. 
Without missing a beat, Thrawn’s hands were on his belt, quickly undoing it, his pants falling to the floor soon after. You let out a sigh as he freed his cock and gave his member a rough couple pumps. Your mouth watered at the sight of it–thick and long, and deliciously veined, as if it was designed purely for your pleasure. You couldn’t help but rub your thighs together, desperate for some kind of friction as you took in the sight before you: 
Thrawn, his typically meticulous hair now a disheveled mess, his impressive member in hand, and a look of absolute feral need in his eyes. 
Thrawn held the tip of his cock, teasing your opening. Even when he was overcome with need, he still took the time to savor this moment. In a moment of impatient desperation, you thrust your hips up off the counter, which Thrawn rewarded with a swift thrust of his hips, his cock finally filling you to the brim. He paused for a moment, letting you adjust. A breathless moan of approval from you is all it took for him to lose himself. 
His thrusts were hard and his pace was quick. He needed this. He needed to feel you beneath his fingers, to know that you were safe in his arms. You threw your head back, the pleasure radiating through your body. In and out, in and out. Thrawn’s breathing was labored, letting out breathy moans. His pace quickened, and he could tell you were nearing another orgasm. Your cunt tightened around his cock as you neared her edge, and Thrawn let out a gasp and another moan, your name on his lips. It was enough to send you over the edge once again, wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him closer into you. Feeling your pussy pulse around his cock was just enough to cause Thrawn to lose any remaining composure. “Fuck,” Thrawn grunted, grabbing your hips tight enough to bruise, thrusting his hips even harder. With a final groan, Thrawn’s hips faltered and his cock twitched as he emptied himself inside you.
Thrawn pressed his forehead to yours as you both struggled to catch your breath. He loosened his fingers from their iron grip on your hips, and he was surprised at the slight shake that unsteadied his hand. “That’s new,” Thrawn remarked to himself, still perplexed at how thoroughly you had undone him. He was enamored with you. His hands absentmindedly trailed along your side as he pressed tender kisses along your neck and jaw, still soaking in your scent. He paused when he reached the apex of your neck and he relished the feel of your pulse beneath his lips, further proof that you were alive and well. 
“I love you.” The words tumbled from Thrawn’s mouth, his deep voice barely above a whisper. You froze beneath his touch. Even Thrawn seemed momentarily taken aback by the words which he hadn’t even meant to say out loud. But with every moment that passed, Thrawn realized how true they were. He was in love with you. And, if he was being honest with himself, he had been for quite some time. “I love you,” you whispered back, the softest smile on your face. Thrawn couldn’t help his smile as your lips met again, but this kiss was different: full of passion, yes, but something softer. Love. 
“Damn,” you breathed out, breaking the kiss after several moments. “Maybe warships should attack the ascendancy more often,” you said with a playful smile on your lips. 
Thrawn bit back a growl and, with a scowl, took you into his arms, lifting you off the countertop. “Don’t even joke about that,” he said in a low voice, immediately followed by a soft press of his lips to your temple. Thrawn started towards your bedroom, wondering what exactly he was getting himself into, but knowing that he was in too deep to turn back now. 
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xiema · 5 months
Daughter of the Outcast: Chapter 1
Fandom: star wars
Thrawn-Mitth'raw'nuruodo, Eli Vanto, Che'ri
Relationships: Thranto
Tags: Dad Thrawn, Dad Eli, a bit slice of live, Che'ri being Thrawns little angel on his shoulder
Fanfic: What if Che'ri accompanied Thrawn into exile?
"Sy Bisti"
Third eye
Che'ri vowed not to cry, not in front of the assembled Syndic, who were watching the trial like hungry vultures on a piece of meat, and especially not in front of the patriarchs of the nine ruling families, who would announce their verdict any second. No, she would not shed any tears. But she could not suppress the trembling of her body. From the fear she felt at the prospect of an uncertain future, from the grief of losing everything she had ever known and from the coldness of the handcuffs that held her small hands together, making it impossible for her to move. Thrawn stood next to her right, his face like stone, one hand bound with the same handcuffs as hers. He remained silent, not begging, not trying to squirm into excuses. Everything that needed to be said had already been said. Even at her young age, little Chiss understood that this court hearing was just for show, the decision had already been made long before they were arrested.
"Since the existence of the Ascendancy, we Chiss have defended our territories. Any attacks and blood spilled, we repaid with all our might until our enemies were destroyed. However, there has always been one rule that has always honored our people. The rule that sets us apart from the monsters that threaten us and our children. Never, under any circumstances, do we resort to preemptive strikes." "Merit Adoptive Mitth'raw'nuruodo and navigator Che'ri are banned from the Chiss Ascendancy for breaking the highest of our commandments, as well as aiding. Any unauthorized return to the territories of the Ascendancy will be considered an attack on our territories and punished with appropriate severity. The Syndicure has spoken and so it shall be done."
It was the first time she had seen humans. They resembled the Chiss in many ways and yet they seem so different. The eyes so dull, the foreheads too small, the shoulders narrower, not to mention the pink skin. To Che'ri, they looked like aliens through and through. And yet there was one among them who immediately caught her eye.
He was probably the youngest of the men, at least in rank he was below all the others. His posture gave that away; she had often seen it in newcomers. Looking down and stiff body, older soldiers were usually a little more relaxed. He wasn't wearing one of those funny hats that almost completely obscured the view of the eyes and made Che'ri wonder how anyone could see anything at all with those things on their face. Che'ri could feel those dull human eyes straining to examine their camp, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together while the others waited dully, doing nothing. That was the real reason he stood out, he wasn't just watching, he was seeing.
A blaster shot just inches past her head and drilled into the wood of the tree.
Che'ri cried out in shock. She immediately covered her mouth in the hope that she had not been heard, but she was not so lucky. One of the white soldiers pointed in her direction and fired. The blaster shot missed her by only a few centimetres. Che'ri slipped off the branch and fell to the ground. The impact was hard, but little Chiss quickly managed to pick herself up again and start running.
'Hide and stay down until I come for you,' Thrawn had said. Days in which they had studied the surroundings, in which they had prepared the scarecrow, set the traps. Days of planning and preparation, for nothing. Che'ri ran as fast as her feet could carry her, but a child remained a child, it wasn't long before the white soldiers had them cornered and surrounded, and not much longer before the green soldiers caught up.
"Captain Parck, she's a child." At first, Eli thought he was dreaming. All this trouble over a child, a girl no older than ten. She was dressed in animal skins and her hair looked a little wild, but that was probably due to her escape. Frightened, she looked back and forth on the verge of tears. The stormtroopers surrounded her, threatening her with their blasters. The moment she realized she was surrounded, she had given up trying to escape.
"If that was her doing, it doesn't matter what she is."
"Sir, with all due respect, you don't seriously believe that a child could manage to attack us undetected, set all those traps and pull a grown man out of a crashed V-wing?"
"Then she's not alone, but she knows something and I want to know what." As if on cue, one of the stormtroopers approached with his weapon drawn. "Well then little one, who or what are you?" There was no answer from the frightened girl. Of course she didn't. What did Parck expect from holding a blaster in front of a child's nose, except that she shut down completely. He felt sorry for the little girl.
"Please Captain, it doesn't have to be like this, I could try to talk to her."
"And why would she talk to you?
"Because I'm not some faceless monster pointing a gun at her." In one fell swoop, Eli turned white as a sheet. He hasn't really just put his captain in his place, hads he? He, a simple cadet from the wilds of space. Was he tired of living? Of course, once again his mouth had to be faster than his brain, but he couldn't just stand by and watch a child being shot. For a moment, Parck seemed impressed, his challenging gaze daring Eli to continue, if he dared, but the cadet suddenly lacked confidence "....And .... I don't think she speaks Basic. The Chiss-" Eli stammered.
"The what?"
"The Chiss, sir," he repeated. "In the myths of my homeland, it is said that they spoke with traveling Sy Bisti."
"Very well, try your luck, Cadet Vanto, but if she makes one false move, the stormtroopers have orders to fire."
"Thank you, sir." Her eyes shifted wildly between the different men, even as Eli knelt on the ground in front of her to be at eye level with her. She couldn't manage to focus on just him. She did indeed resemble the descriptions of the Chiss from the legends, the blue skin, the glowing red eyes, perhaps this too was a truth among many myths. "Do you speak Sy Bisti?" She fixed him with a glare, the others no longer seemed interested in her and yet she nodded shyly. So the legends were true after all "What is your name?"
"Che'ri." She spoke slowly, her words laden with a thick accent, but he understood her.
"Che'ri. A beautiful name. I am Eli Vanto. Why are you here, Che'ri?" She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. Her eyes flickered past him for a brief moment, almost as if she was asking someone's permission, but there was no one behind Eli. Perhaps it was more a question of what she was allowed to say? Eli had to agree with the captain on this point, she was not alone on this planet.
"A punishment? For what?" She didn't answer and Eli sighed, "I can help you, but only if you tell me what's going on."
Parck paced up and down impatiently "So, what does she say?" He asked, annoyed.
"Not much. Just that she was punished, but not for what."
"I don't have time for this nonsense. We're getting off this rock."
"Sir, the camp, the unknown alien protocol demands-"
"We'll take the camp with us. I'm not going to endanger my people unnecessarily, not if there's an maniac of her kind running around out there." Parck leaned down a little towards the girl. "If she doesn't want to talk, she'll come with you. Does that satisfy your chivalry, Cadet Vanto?" Eli doesn't answer. One of the stormtroopers grabbed Che'ri, lifted her in probably the worst way Eli had ever seen someone lift a child and, with heavy protests, loaded her onto the Stikefast. The girl swung her fists around, kicking, crying and screaming, but the stormtrooper was unimpressed and Eli could do nothing but stand by and watch. As the last of the stormtroopers returned from scouting, Parck turned to him one last time. "Oh yes," it was a mocking tone that Eli didn't like at all, something like that always meant trouble. "Since you seem to be so fond of this little beast, you'll take care of her while she's on board."
Babysitter. Now Eli got to play babysitter too, this day really couldn't get any worse. And then for a Chiss he had thought only a few hours ago was nothing but legends. Was it really too much to ask to finish his training in peace? Apparently not. First this stupid field mission and now this. He only wanted to become supply officer, nothing more. It was enough that he was attracting the hatred of the crew because of this training trip, he didn't need another reason. A tug on his jacket brought Eli back to reality. Che'ri looked up at him in fear, as if she sensed what was going on inside the human. She had simply been dropped off in the hangar with him. Eli took a deep breath. What the hell was he thinking? He couldn't take his anger out on her, Che'ri was the least to blame of all of them, she was a victim of the situation, nothing more. The girl relaxed a little, her gaze lowered, and yet she didn't let go of his jacket. She seemed so lost. No wonder, first she was attacked by unknown soldiers and then kidnapped. But maybe there was something good about it, maybe the Empire could help her find her parents. Surely this punishment she had talked about was just a misunderstanding. Who would abandon a child on a deserted jungle planet?
The Empire would do that, that and probably much worse. Eli wasn't naive enough to justify the Empire's atrocities. It was a job, nothing more.
Eli shook off those thoughts and took Che'ri's hand in his. It was about time this child got some food, a warm shower and sleep, she would surely feel better after that.
After she had finished showering, she immediately looked much more relaxed. Logically, there were no child-sized clothes on a Star Destroyer, so Eli had to improvise with the help of a uniform tunic and a belt. However, the result was impressive. Provided you were blind. In both eyes. Che'ri didn't seem particularly enthusiastic about her makeshift dress either. She eyed herself skeptically, but didn't complain. He then led her to the canteen, and once they had entered, everyone's eyes were on them and the whispering began. That alone was enough to make Che'ri hide behind his legs. This was already off to a good start. Calm on the outside, but not really feeling well himself on the inside, he took the little girl to an empty secluded table while he got them both something to eat, always making sure to keep an eye on them in case something happened.
"Hey Vanto." Eli was startled by the sudden salutation. It was Brick and Elena, two cadets who went to the academy with Eli. "Who's the girl, did they demote you to babysitter now?"
"Shut up, Brick."
"Wow, is that girl a Chiss? So they're real. Does she speak Basic?" Elena asked without taking her eyes off the little Chiss, which wasn't particularly surprising. Everyone who grew up on Lsatra knew the stories by heart, even if only a few actually believed them. Eli himself had always believed them; after all, there was a spark of truth in every lie. But actually having her in front of him seemed so surreal.
"No, just Sy Bisti." She sighed, a little disappointed. "Is it true that she killed soldiers?" came from Bick, and Eli couldn't help but look at him as if he'd asked if Corusant was something to eat.
"Look at her, she's what, ten years old?" how could anyone with a working brain believe she could kill someone?
"Yeah, but she's an alien, you can trust them."
A deep sigh was released "You should spend less time in the holonet and more time with people." That was the end of the conversation for Eli and he was glad when he could pick up their food and get away from them.
Throughout the meal, the little Chiss didn't say a word, answering questions only with a nod or a shake of her head, yet Eli noticed how she was furtively observing her entire surroundings. Being around so many strangers didn't seem to be new to her, and yet he could tell that something was bothering her. "Are you all right?" he asked cautiously, catching her attention again, which was currently focused everywhere but on her plate.
"Yeah, I've never been to a canteen before. It's kind of scary." she replied for the first time. It was only half the truth, but he left it at that. If he probed further, she would probably just shut down even more.
"We can leave if you want." he asked instead. Che'ri shook her head
"No, it's fine." she replied and continued to poke at her vegetables.
"You like the food?"
"It's ok."
"You're not exactly talkative, are you?" no answer "Can I ask you something anyway?" Again, she didn't move, which Eli took as a silent sign that she didn't mind. "Where are your parents?" Eli regretted the question the moment it left his lips as little Che'ri dropped her fork in shock. "Che'ri?" he tried to reach her, but the girl wouldn't budge. He was about to go over to her when she jumped up and ran out of the canteen without responding to his shouts and all eyes were on the cadet for the second time that day. Too perplexed to react, Eli looked after her. How could he have been so stupid?
Eli followed her, but when he was out of the canteen, he realized that she was no longer in sight. It had taken him less than 24 hours to lose her. He asked everyone he came across if they had seen the little alien, even though most of them only gave him a gruff 'no' or no answer at all. He wandered aimlessly for a good hour until he heard a quiet sob. He followed the sound to a droid camp. She was sitting there alone in the dark, crying barely audibly. You could tell how hard she was trying to hold back her tears when she realized he had come in, and even though he barely knew her, it somehow broke his heart to watch. Eli sat down on the floor with her "I'm sorry. But you can't just run away like that."
Che'ri didn't look at him. "I want to go home." she said, her voice ever so slightly raspy from crying. "I miss Thalias."
Thalias? Maybe her sister, Eli wanted to ask, but finally left it. It would probably only do more harm than good. "I'm sure the Empire will find a way to bring you home."
"You're lying." The accusation surprised Eli,
"Why do you think that?"
Che'ri cocked her head to the side, looking like she didn't quite know how she knew herself "You feel like it. All adults feel like this when they lie." she tried to explain. She found it hard to find the right words, or maybe she just didn't know the words in Sy Bisti.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Forget it."
"I said forget it!"
Eli sighed again. It had been a long day for Che'ri, she'd been through a lot. Maybe she was just stressed and tired. That would probably be it. "You look pretty tired. How about we go to bed and I'm sure the world will look better tomorrow." He held out his hand to help her get up. At first she looked as if she wanted to object, but then something changed in her expression. Maybe it was tiredness, maybe it was the realization that she was alone, maybe it was the hope that he was right. Eli didn't know, but she agreed and grabbed his hand.
Eli was glad when they reached the quarters. Due to a lack of options, she would be sleeping in his room. Fortunately, there were two beds, because he didn't think Che'ri would like sharing a bed with a stranger. She was already snuggled up in the blanket when he came out of the bathroom in his pyjamas. "You've hardly eaten anything. If you want, I can get you something quick."
"No, thanks."
"You sure?" He asked again.
"I don't need anything." With one movement, she pulled the blanket over her head and disappeared under the white sheets. Eli had to smile a little at that, it reminded him of himself when he was her age.
"If you say so. If you need anything, just wake me up, okay?" There was no reply, but Eli was sure she'd heard him. At the latest, when her stomach growled, she would come. He listened to her steady breaths for a while. She was sleeping peacefully. Basically, the Chiss weren't much different from humans, Eli thought to himself as he lay awake in bed for a good while longer. In the legends, they were always described as warriors, but Che'ri was a normal girl. She was no little murderess, he was sure of that. So despite everything, the question of who had killed the soldiers remained unanswered and Eli fervently hoped that he would never have to meet the creature that had done this.
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trashtalkingracoon · 19 days
ok, so some thoughts about Thrawn: Treason. i'm gonna put all of this under a Read More just in case.
first of all, i must say i absolutely love Eli Vanto and i missed him dearly. having him around again during Treason was just so, so good.
Eli is such a great character. smart, interesting, kind hearted. his thoughts and feelings are just so interesting to me. the frustration after being "good day lieutenant vanto"ed by Thrawn was so funny. i mean, the man gave Eli his diary and then just said GOOD DAY? i'd be mad too.
i also LOVE Ronan. he is so silly with that cape and his antagonistic behaviour towards Thrawn and how he absolutely worships Krennic. i think Ronan is another very interesting character and i appreciate how he is given a second chance by Thrawn. i know Thrawn does that because he sees a purpose for Ronan and i'm glad this purpose is among the Chiss. i feel like there is so much to his character when we break the walls Ronan built to survive the Empire and thrive. he behaves like that because that's what is needed and expected of a Imperial buoroucrat. however, i feel like the way he is "taken" to the Ascendancy is kinda weak.
now, about Thrawn, i really like how he is slowly losing grip of things. he is thrown in the middle of a political showdown he doesn't understand. the grysks are dangerously close. he loses his precious TIE defender fundings. he wins every battle and somehow keeps losing. and yet the wishes to remain in the Empire, because he thinks that the Empire, a fascist regime with a strong military and no political freedom, is the answer to fight off the Grysks. he recognizes the Empire's weaknesses but he needs its military power. but the Grysks get their way by infiltrating slowly in a culture and political structure. military power is not the answer.
anyways. everything about Thrawn fascinates me. he is just this normal dude that keeps pulling shit out of nowhere and somehow he manages to be almost always right. he pulls the craziest plans and is just like "lol trust me". i love him.
now i will read the Ascendancy trilogy which i havent read yet so i might come back with more weird ass long Thrawn posts. also i just wanna say that filoni is a bitch that should read the canon books because they are very good material. "long live the empire" my ass.
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consularmain · 10 days
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Simone Eris was destined for greatness from birth. As the child of two great Jedi, her aptitude and strength in the Force is extraordinary, even for a Miraluka. But with health issues that arose from her overuse of her shielding ability, Simone won't live long enough to see a galaxy at peace, so she is determined to make a difference before she becomes one with the Force.
Born in the Outer Rim on a world decimated by the Empire, Jame once dreamed of returning to the Ascendency her family was exiled from and joined the Republic army as a spy for the Chiss. But as her loyalty to the Republic and her squad grew, she was torn between her dream and the life she had built for herself. In the end, she chose to stay with the Republic and now fights for the Alliance and her chosen family.
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duchhh · 2 months
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drew a doodle of one of my main ocs - her name is Noodle she is a ... em mostly chiss from the punk-ish chiss diaspora from the lower levels of coruscant!
those guys were mainly formed from the exiles ascendancy banished during one fatefull event long-long-long time ago and thus they rejected traditional chiss ways of order and ... uh non-interference or something, not all of them can even speak cheunh
but since (i have a headcanon that) csilla has a policy that all and every of unathorized chiss communities must be returned to the ascendancy, our fellas lay low and try to live the best lives they can >:3
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bear-of-mirrors · 1 year
New Jedi! Xa’nell!
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Master and Knight-Commander Xa’nell is an atypical Jedi. While she, in action, is fully committed to the Light Side, Jedi orthodoxy, and the Republic cause, she is less a true believer and patriot than she is a Chiss who believes that the galaxy is out of balance. She abhors that her people have broken their neutrality to support the Sith Empire and, since she can’t turn back the clock to return the Chiss Ascendancy to its hidden neutrality in the Unknown Regions, she has taken action to try and at least balance the scales of Chiss action.
Due to being a citizen of the Chiss Ascendancy instead of a subject of the Sith Empire, she had more freedom than those individuals. When Xa’nell, already an outspoken critic of the broken neutrality, learned she was a Force Sensitive she was not forced to go to Korriban to be trained as a Sith. Instead, she saw that she now had the power to challenge her people’s break with their traditional neutrality. By joining the Jedi instead of the Sith, or even staying with her people, Xa’nell would be able to add some small level of Chiss support to the Jedi and Republic, and threw herself at both tasks to try and maximize her efforts and balancing the scales.
While she adheres to the Light Side and practices of the Jedi, some eye her with suspicion due to her lack of engagement with Jedi dogma and philosophy. Her commitment to trying to embody her own people’s neutrality instead of serving the living Force has made her few friends within the Order. Her own “alien” culture and values make it harder for the less orthodox Jedi to connect with her as well.
Due to this lack of personal connection, Xa’nell instead has thrown herself into the war as hard as she can. She became one of the few Jedi to actually enlist within the Republic’s military and, as the Second Galactic War went on, her efforts saw her eventually get a officer’s commission as a Knight-Commander, a relic of an older era. This ferocious commitment to waging the war, the violence she unleashes, and her detachment to the lives under her command, has seen great suspicion fall upon her by the Order and some in the Republic military. However, both her deep commitment to the Light Side of the Force, and her great successes in the war mean that she is beyond reproach.
When the Eternal Empire of Zakuul invaded, she stood her ground against their armies alongside those she commanded. As her soldiers fell, and as the orders from Coruscant came in to retreat and surrender to the invaders, Xa’nell stood with her defiant soldiers and kept fighting. Her detachment changed, in their mind, to be something to rally behind. The Knight-Commander was unfazed by the hordes of Skytroopers, unfazed by death, and so they would be as well. The Republic may have abandoned them but, as long as their Knight-Commander breathed, they would not abandon it.
In the the end, by the time the Outlander emerged and founded the Alliance, Xa’nell’s whole unit had perished in their doomed war. But she did not join this new power, to do so would be to further damage the balance of Chiss involvement in galactic conflicts. She kept fighting Zakuul in her own way, alone, till the Eternal Empire fell. She returned to the Republic military a hero to the enlisted and lower ranking officers, but a resentful command structure who, along with the those aware of her in the political landscape, saw her as a dangerous element who was fully capable of not following their orders.
Since the resumption of hostilities with the Sith Empire in the Third Galactic War, Xa’nell has found herself given the most dangerous tasks and risk-filled missions by her commanding officers. Whether they hope she dies in battle to become a martyr they can control the memory of, or that she fails and has her reputation with the lower ranks destroyed remains to be seen. But whatever the case, she has not flinched from the fighting. Showing the same ferocity as she always had, in her detached and clinical way, all the while staying firmly embedded within the Light.
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itsagrimm · 1 year
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As promised: one Ar'lani in a Platok, and Thalias WITH Che'ri in kokoshniza's. A personal HC came to me while drawing: The kokoshniza in Chiss Culture are given or created at the end of a Sky-Walker's service as a Navigator. Colors are chosen by the Sky-walker themselves and can even lay out a design for creators to follow.
I'll probably post this elsewhere and see if I can't boost the quality of the image somewhat. Thanks for the artistic inspiration. I cant wait to read your Headcanons.
sorry it took me a while to write those down.
Ar'alani received her platok from her grandfather. He wanted to gift her something special after finishing Taharim academy and so she got a family heirloom. The Platok used to belong to her late grandmother.
The pattern on Ar'alani's platok is regionally specific for the Irizi family and their home region. The depicted flowers on the delicate fabric only grew there before the climate shift and Chiss expansion.
The Shape of the Kokoshnik for the skywalkers depends on the planet they come from.
When finishing school chiss kids get fine clothes as a gift so that they can look good in pictures and feel nice on their graduation day. HOWEVER it's not that uncommon for those who want to marry young that these fine clothes double as wedding wear.
Thalias refused to do that for Che'ri and just got her pretty clothes for the day the skywalker would have finished school. She remembered getting told she would marry soon as a 16 year old and hated that feeling of obligation so she wanted for Che'ri to have more freedom.
Young couples traditionally get engaged in spring so that they can marry in the finer, warmer weather of summer in the outdoors. even now with the Chiss living on different planets with different environmental conditions or in caves with artificial suns an outdoor wedding in warm weather is considered the norm. therefore, due to its mostly mild climate Celvis has the biggest wedding industry in the Chiss Ascendancy.
Jumping over fire together after an engagement is considered good luck.
Ar'alani got asked once if she wants to get married. She replied only if she would not throw a bouquet but just turn around and 'pick a next victim'. Nobody asked her since.
sorry it took me so long. i love the art work. 💙
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eorzeashan · 1 year
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Happy Mother's Day to the worst chilf- I mean milf- I mean mom I've ever written, Nosta!
It's hard talking about her because she's so many things besides being retired, and I could go on forever about how she ultimately fucked up as a spy forming connections she never should've while being too ambitious and wanting it all at the same time. She's a mean one with a personality like an atomic bomb and very, very messy. Her exterior facade was that of a seductress all the way through, but she was top marks in everything else as well-- which made her utterly brilliant. Her standards were notoriously high and backbreaking; so much so no one could reach her.
They called her the castle crasher, for how she'd seduce a prominent Lord and then have their entire powerbase undone in a week without a single tear. In other words, she played fast and loose with hearts. Many knew her as flamboyant and charmingly sweet in direct opposition to chiss stereotypes, but she saw those who fell for something as paltry as attraction and sex as beneath her and foolish for falling for such ploys, indicating some serious issues beneath that smile that lit up the room.
The one person who knew her true nature was Eight, who inherited her Cipher designation after her retirement. He knew her as a rather sloppy person who'd make a mess of any safehouse they shacked up in and then complain about the people she'd just slept with-- and then he'd find out she killed them as well, and they'd share an experience of draining the body in the fresher and concealing it with a dubious mix of chemicals. Fun bonding times for a young child and half-drunk bachelorette! Sometimes she'd fall asleep during it and he'd have to finish cleaning by himself while making sure she didn't choke on her own spit while taking an inpromptu nap after a long day of murder and masked mayhem.
Long story short, his childhood apprenticeship with her was hardly positive... if not spartan given how blatant murder and her many issues were just another day for them, but even the hardest of circumstances under her wing were times he viewed with fondness, so his relationship with her is "complicated". She was the pinnacle of espionage to him and a harsh if not cruel teacher who never once softened her blows or her words in training, as the world she knew was too harsh to let anyone weaker than her standards survive, so she beat the mastery of being a spy into Eight until it was his life.
He knew she only wanted him to succeed the way she did, but neither of them realized it was simply the cyclic continuation of their own suffering as agents and weapons who'd gone beyond being people until it was far too late to reconcile. Even then, Eight could never blame her or hate her for what had happened or for what they had done to each other; after all, she granted him the ability to survive above all else. How could he be anything but grateful to the woman that saved his life, who he had given his life for?
Yet, he too feels guilt. Guilt for killing all the people she'd known as a spy in order to save her life. Guilt for at one point, thinking her soft for wanting to return to her family when she'd taught him never to wish for such things. Perhaps there was some disconnect, some pity towards her that made him think she'd failed as a spy when she revealed that weakness to him out of fondness. That fatal flaw that made him see her as a person for the first time rather than the unfeeling, detached, gunmetal spy she'd lied about being.
A weakness that meant their days together were over. She'd taught him such a person could not survive in the world of Intelligence. So there was but one thing left to do: get her out of it.
Even if that meant leaving him behind in the process.
Nosta only realized her mistakes and regret once she was back in the Ascendancy and out of Imperial Intelligence's clutches, unable to forget the harsh upbringing and bloodstained life she'd foisted on another now that she was living one in the luxury and comfort Eight would never have. Initially she was in denial that he'd do such a thing, until Saganu himself told her Eight had remained in the Empire for her sake. Had killed her dear Watcher who tried to strike her down in the night to spare her from being memory-wiped or sent to Shadow Town. Had murdered everyone who'd been assigned to bring her in. Had signed his death warrant just to let her live, with no intention of going with her.
Still, she held out. No boy of hers would kick the bucket so easily. Any day now he'd walk through her door and announce he'd succeeded at his mission. Distance made her heart grow fonder, as did facing the truth-- that the operative she'd trained was not just some weapon she'd built nor a liability, but someone she cared for and who had cared for her when there had been no one else in their little world made out of espionage and lies. The one person who had made her long for a life outside of the job, all because he'd kept her from drowning in loneliness.
Then the news broke that there was a new Cipher Eight-- a young man fitting his description, carrying on exactly where she left off, and her heart splintered in two. He was never coming home. She had fed him to the machine. There would be no body to mourn, and they would never see each other again.
Ultimately, Nosta and Eight are a cautionary tale about the trauma mothers can pass down and how horrible parents who didn't realize at the time what they were doing can also be someone you love very much, but are still those who will never be able to amend for what they've done to you even if they spent the rest of their life doing so. There's a bridge they could rebuild if either of them tried, but there's so much personal pain involved that if they sat down to talk, it would be completely silent. Things we can't talk about is the name of their game. I'm grateful I met you. I'm happy you were my family. But we can't fix this. Not even I know what's wrong with me still. You gave that to me.
Her and Keeper failed in similar yet opposite ways, with her forcing him to become the best to live, while Keeper wanted him to forget how to be the best in order to escape this life. Both were too late. Both were saved by him. Both of them regret what he is.
I think Nosta would accost Keeper out of rage and grief and having the hope that he took care of Eight or at the very least, granted him the same chance to get out of Intelligence as he did the others, but Eight has never wanted to be saved, and she'd only be lashing out in that explosive way of hers that still comes from a place of her own self-loathing. Then they'd just be two failed guardians hanging their heads in shame.
It's a lot to bear, even together.
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lanami-legacy · 9 months
AUs - Force of Nature
List of Offical Force of Nature AUs. There are mainly two types of AU: Alternate timelines (basically exploring ‘what if’ scenarios) and just straight-up alternate universes (where the characters exist in non SW related universes).
Alternate Timelines
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Jedi Melinoe AU
Story title: A Blinding Light
Also known as: Jedi Mar AU, Jedi Jaks AU
Takes place in a timeline where Melinoe Lanami is brought to the Jedi as a toddler. She trained as Plo Koon’s Padawan and eventually took on an alternate Jaks Karaay Jr as her own Padawan. 
Mar Fett (known as Kora Apailana in this timeline) was also taken in by the Jedi and later became Obi-Wan’s second Padawan after Anakin. 
During the Clone Wars, Melinoe served as the Jedi general of Law’s Squad. Due to guilt and becoming disillusioned from the Order, Melinoe planned to leave the Order after the war. When her padawan was killed, Melinoe lashed out against the Jedi and later disappeared.
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Senator Melinoe AU
Story title: It Doesn't Hurt Me
Also known as: Senator Lanami, Role Swap AU, Sith Obi-Wan AU
A world where Melinoe stopped her mother from being killed. She continued living on Csilla. Working her way up through the political system. Exposing corruption as she went. Thanks to her influence, the Chiss Ascendancy would become a powerful force in the Republic Senate and close allies with The Marazi Collective.
Rather than having adopted an infant Macaria, in this timeline, Melinoe ended up adopting a young Din Djarin, which led to him being raised alongside Thanatus as his brother. Macaria was kidnapped by Adonis Kryze from Jaks Karaay Snr and Biska. Raised to be Adonis' heir. So Din becomes a Marazi, and Macaria becomes a Mandalorian (hence the Swap part of the AU).
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Stardew Valley AU
Story title: Dance of the Moonlight Peepers
Also known as: N/A
A timeline where Macaria stayed on Marazi after the events of the original trilogy and became a farmer. Grogu and Din eventually come to Marazi looking for a place to hide and eventually become friends with Macaria. 
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Everyone Lives/No One Dies AU
Story title: An Existence Known as Evil 
Also known as: Eglantine Lives AU
A universe where Melinoe, in a state of grief, performed a ritual to rewrite the cosmos and bring Eglantine Obriv back from the dead. Along with ending the Clone Wars and taking away her enemies' powers. In the process, Melinoe loses her mortal existence and becomes a strange entity that haunts the rest of the cast's lives. 
Darth Sidious and his allies, like Sly Moore, disappear suddenly one day. The Clones are given equal rights. Cody adopts a young Thanatus, and Jaks Karaay Snr lives to raise Macaria and Jaks Jr with Biska. Eglantine returns from a ‘long journey’ and becomes the leader of the Nkua Etana Sept. Despite living very happy lives, all three of them can never shake this strange feeling that something (or someone) is missing.
Alternate Universes
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Myths AU
Story title: Where the Sea Meets the Land
Also known as: Merfolk AU, Selkie AU, Domestic AU
An AU that takes place during an ambiguous time on Earth. Mythical creatures (Force Sensitives) are real but live in disguise among humans for the most part. 
Melinoe is a mermaid who ends up living with a human Cody after getting badly injured during a fight.  
The Karaay Family and, by extension, Macaria are Selkies.
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Apocalypse AU
Story title: What Next?
Also known as: Resident Evil AU, Walking Dead AU, Fallout AU
In this world, some kind of apocalyptic event happened (which may or may not have been caused by Melinoe and Cody). 
Macaria travels across the apocalyptic wasteland with a human baby Grogu, looking for her family. Din is set up with a group in an abandoned mall and is raising Nyx and a human Artemy. The group crosses paths and starts travelling togather.
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Witch AU
Story title: Weirdos Have to Stick Together
Also known as: Owl House AU
A Boiling Isles setting where Mar stumbles into a fantasy world and starts trying to learn magic from Wild Witch: Melinoe. 
So like: Mar (Luz), Ahsoka (Amity), Melinoe (Eda), Cody (Raine) 
I also wanna note they all have palismans: Mar has a squid, Melinoe has a grass snake, and Cody and his two brothers have a dingo, wolf and fox.
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Superhero AU
Story title: Anything You Can Do 
Also known as: SpiderMar AU
Basically, what if Mar Fett was Spiderwoman?  Also Melinoe is a version of Doc Ock that went crazy at some point.
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Barbie AU
Story Title: A Long Time Ago
Also Known as: Ballet AU, Fairytale AU
Stand-alone stories where each member of the Lanami Family plays the main part in a story based on an old Barbie movie.
Melinoe as the Fairy Queen in Swan Lake, Nyx as Rapunzel, Macaria as the Sugarplum Princess in The Nutcracker, and Thanatus as Elina in Fairytopia
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