#long-locked sweater dilf
scuddish · 2 years
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ohwowimlonley · 1 year
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CHAPTER ONE - blank stares
Series Synopsis - after being evicted and having nothing left, your best friend sends you to live with her brooding, stoic boss. Except, he isn’t so brooding, and he isn’t so stoic, and now that you live with him, your underwear keeps going missing
Chapter Synopsis - you meet your bestfriend’s angry boss, but he isn’t so angry
Chapter Warnings - crybaby!reader, dilf!perv!hotch, food mentions, reader is kinda a housewife already
Word Count - 2517
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The first time you meet Aaron Hotchner, you’re just a tad bit desperate. Not for him, of course, you’d just met the man. But you’re definitely a bit dishevelled because you’d been sofa surfing for weeks now and your friend Penelope has only just notified you that her boss has a spare room in his apartment and she can ‘try get you hooked up’.
So, two days after her phone call, you’re standing outside of a door that looks much too expensive for you to even be close too and before you can stop yourself you’re knocking on the pristine white paint and then there’s locks clicking and chains clinking and the door swings open and you’re face to face with the most gorgeous man on the planet.
He looks you up and down, tongue peeking out from between his lips to wet them, brushing over a patch of stubble and you find yourself having to wrench your eyes away from the scene. He steps back, gesturing for you to come inside.
“I’m Aaron,” he extends his hand, a polite smile gracing his lips as your fingers brush over the calluses on his palms, causing goosebumps to break out over your (thankfully sweater-clad) arms, “Penelope has told me a lot about you. Please, sit down,”
You’re hardly convinced this is the man your best friend had been telling you about. His soft smile, gentle words and overall kind demeanour was a complete 180 from the man your friend had described. Nevertheless, you perch yourself on the edge of a plush grey sofa, resting your hands on your denim-clad knees and look around anxiously, taking in the sparsely decorated room.
The living room is carpeted in a charcoal grey, bookshelves are dotted across the place, most of which are filled with criminal law books. There are two small picture frames, one with a picture of him and a small boy. A grin stretches over both of their faces, and the small boy has a glob of icecream on his cheek. Aaron is wearing a pair of sunglasses, but they’re pushed to the top of his head, and his cheek is squished to the boy’s forehead, exposing some laughter lines around his cheeks and eyes.
The other picture isn’t nearly as interesting, though. It’s a picture of what you assume is the whole BAU team. You spot Penelope, and Derek (who you only know from the countless pictures of him Penny had shown you) then you guess Spencer is next to Derek, then Emily, JJ and Rossi respectively. A few feet from them stands Aaron, his smile more reserved than the others, and nothing like the one in the other picture.
You’re so consumed with your examination of the pictures you barely register the sofa cushions dipping under his weight, or the clinking of glass against enamel coasters, or really anything until the sound of Aaron softly clearing his throat damn near makes you jump out of your skin.
You try not to show too much of a visible reaction to him, mostly so he won’t think you’re just a creepy stalker who wants to stare at pictures of him all the live-long day. Aaron pretends not to notice anything, mercifully turning his gaze from yours and spinning a set of keys attached to a D-ring on his pointer finger.
“Um, so I assume you have questions for me before I like, steal your spare room or whatever,” you chuckle awkwardly to yourself, and Aaron offers you a tight-lipped smile in response. It’s only now that you realise he’s pushed up the sleeves of his button down to expose his forearms, and suddenly you’re distracted all over again but this time by dark hair contrasting just barely sunkissed skin, by bulging veins twisting and turning and pulsing under layers of skin, by muscles with soft indentations of old scars.
“Well,” once again, you’re pulled away from fantasy land by the older man, but it’s not completely unwelcome because his deep gravelly voice is something that you don’t think you’ll ever tire of, “first things first. As you know, I’m an FBI agent, which means my schedule is mostly very hectic, and would sometimes be home very late in the night, is that okay?”
You furrow your eyebrows, why would that be an issue for you? “No, uh that sounds fine for me, I’m kinda an insomniac anyways, so it’s not like it would disturb me much,”
“Well, that’s a relief,” and you can tell from his now relaxed shoulders that he's telling the truth, “what do you do for work?”
“Oh, well I was in finance, but that’s not really my scene, so I quit,” you didn’t catch him staring at your smile as you spoke, nor the way his gaze travelled ever so slowly down and becomes glued to the subtle way your tits brushed against each other as you spoke. Aaron determines that you’re definitely not wearing a bra. Do you always do that? Walk into a complete stranger's house with no bra? God, if it were two degrees cooler in here then he would be able to see your nipples poking against the fabric of your only slightly revealing shirt, he could practically see them already, all he had to do was reach out and- “so now, I’m focusing on what I really want to do; my writing,”
“Oh,” he clears his throat desperately, pulling at his collar and praying you don’t notice where his eyes were just affixed to. His panic quickly settles when he notices your obliviousness to the situation, and he lets his tongue dart out to wet his lips, imagining that his tongue could grace any part of your body, oh what he would give to taste you.
“Oh god, that makes me sound like I make no money, look, I’ve got savings and stuff so I can afford to pay rent, and- and I have family money too but,” you cut yourself off, and Aaron realises that he must’ve gone too long without replying because now you’re panicking and he’s about to interject but then you’re talking again, “I’ll- I’ll do all the housework and- and I’m not loud I promise, I- I just can’t keep sleeping on my friends sofas,”
“Sweetheart,” he’s a little ashamed at the fact his cock gives an interested stir at the thought of you acting like his little housewife, keeping everything perfect and waiting for him to come home, and his predicament becomes even worse when tears begin to fill your eyes and now he has to school his expression to remain soft and inviting - absolutely not to look as depraved as he feels, “I don’t care about rent, I bought the place outright, and I think it’s wonderful that you’re following your dreams instead of doing something you hate,”
Your cheeks burn under his gaze, and you can’t meet his eyes, desperately blinking away the tears still building up from your annoyance at yourself for crying at something so silly. You nod along to his sentiment, if only to give yourself something to do to distract yourself from the oncoming tears.
You resign yourself to discussing practicalities for the next hour or so; where you would sleep, what his usual schedule was like, the security and alarm systems, the motion activated cameras, if you wanted any furniture moving into any communal spaces (you desperately wanted a more comfortable sofa than the barely sat in one, but you bit that comment down and asked if there was room for your plush loveseat) and then he gives you a tour of the house. He shows you around the kitchen first, and you make a mental note of a barely used pack of expensive looking coffee, sat next to a cheaper looking brand and theorised he must only drink one cup every morning at home and didn't want to allow his good stuff to go stale in the warmer throughout the day. Next is his office, which he kindly requests you don’t enter unless he is home due to its sensitive contents, and you knew enough not to ask questions, but you do straighten out a stack of files that look as if they’re about to topple over. After that is his own bedroom, and it’s as neat-messy as the rest of his house. You can tell some things are left looking messy simply out of convenience (for instance the duffle bag settled by the front door, or the fresh suit laid out on his dresser), and not because he’s a slob. His bed is made with military precision, and everything about his room is perfect, bar the thin layer of dust settling almost everywhere except his bed and the doorway. Next, he shows you a smaller room directly adjacent to his. It looks as if it’s cleaned even more meticulously than his own room, because there isn’t even a speck of dust across the expanse of the place. What surprises you, though, is that it's clearly the bedroom of a child. The bed isn't even a single mattress, and it's covered in Spiderman sheets. The bedside tables are decorated in figurines and the lampshades have the visage of Batman? Or maybe that star wars guy? You don’t know, pop culture isn’t really your thing. You turn back to him.
“I probably should’ve told you about this,” his neck burns red and he brings a hand up to scratch nervously behind his ear, “I, uh, I have a son,”
You bite down on your tongue, repressing any response as you wait for him to continue.
“Jack, his uh, his name is Jack. Me and my wife- my ex wife, rather, had him just over four years ago,” he clears his throat and looks down at his feet, “he, well it’s for the best probably, he lives with her now, but I see him every time I get the day off, I hope you don’t mind,”
“Mind?” You spit out. Then, a grin splits across your face, and you’re venturing further into the room, running your fingers over an assorted stack of toys, ones more obviously more used are piled closer within reach and then you’re whirling around to look at him, “tell me about him,”
And he does; he spills every detail he can about his son, Jack Hotchner. He tells you about the picture in the living room, about how excited he was about his first ever big boy bed, about how he could stay awake to watch Star Wars for hours past his bedtime (and that’s when you realise it’s Darth Vader on his lampshade, not Batman), and how his favourite ice cream flavour is chocolate, but not just any chocolate, the chocolate ice cream he asks his dad for at the fair after they go on the teacup rides. After a long twenty or so minutes of you exploring the room and Aaron rambling from where he now sits on the edge of his son’s bed, you’re ready to move on.
He leads you onwards, down the hardwood hallway and into another room. It’s completely empty, save for an expensive looking bed frame, mattress and duvet set. The walls are a stark white and sunlight bleeds through the closed window, exposing the thick layer of dust, some of it kicked up just from the door opening and floating about the room. You try to stifle the cough that rises in your throat as you inhale, but it doesn’t work and soon you’re choking and Aaron is dashing across the room to open the window.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll have the room cleaned before you move in,” his face glows red again, and you send him a pained smile to let him know it’s okay, in between coughs of course, “I’ve been meaning to get around to it, but you know, work gets in the way,”
“No, no it’s fine really,” you rub at your eyes with your fists and take a better look around, albeit from the doorway, and you note the room’s impressive size. Really, despite the mental-hospital-esque coloured walls, you can really see this being a good room for you.
Before you can say anything else, Aaron is ushering you out with a hand on the small of your back and the door shuts softly behind you.
“Well, that's pretty much everything, oh except the utility room,” he walks off and you follow him to a room just off the kitchen, stocked with a washer, dryer and several staacks of cleaning supplies. You take a gleeful look around, sifting through drawers of bleach and scrubbers and sprays. Yes, this place will do.
You iron everything out with your new roommate (roommate!!), and by the time you’re finished its nearly nine pm and you’re yawning into your arms and nearly knocking over a precariously balanced pizza box from the coffee table as you stretch the tiredness settling deep within your bones. You’d ordered some pizza to share at some point after five, and a few lonely slices are left going stale in the soggy box so you stand and bring the box to the kitchen and ferret through the drawers and cupboards for a tupperware to contain the leftovers. Aaron tries to protest, saying that he should do some of the work, but you bat his hands away and shove the freshly filled box into the unsurprisingly empty fridge.
You're about to bid your goodbye and drive back to your friend's house when Aaron grabs your hands in his.
“Stay here tonight,” his eyes bore into yours, and suddenly you feel wide awake, “you've been practically falling asleep on my arm since eight, and I don’t want my new roommate to fall asleep at the wheel and crash into a tree or something,”
You bite at your lip, and glance at the hard sofa and try to imagine yourself trying to fall asleep on that, rather than your friend’s pull out bed.
“You can have my bed, I think you’ve had enough of sleeping on couches for a lifetime,” he gives a small, tired chuckle and you gnaw on your lip again. You can’t take his bed, not after he’s paid for dinner and agreed to let you live in his home. Again, Aaron senses your apprehension, “seriously, it’s fine. C’mon, you can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in,”
You end up in Aaron’s bed, wearing what you’re sure is the only shirt he owns that isn’t a button down and a pair of sweatpants you have to tie at the waistband with a bobble, a pile of your skirt, shirt, panties and bra just next to you. Aaron bids you goodnight, and concedes himself to a night on the uncomfortable sofa. It takes you almost an hour of tossing and turning to finally sleep, and you don’t wake until the alarm clock next to you reads 9:34am. But, as you roll over to put on last night’s clothes on, you notice one very disturbing thing.
Your panties are missing.
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anemptypuddingcup · 9 months
Be my woman.
Dilf!Sanji x Female Reader.
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Contains: Dilf!Sanji. DADDY SANJI- Babysitter!Reader. Sanji has a baby daughter! Age gap. (Sanji is in his forties and Reader’s in her twenties.) Sanji and Reader sorta crushing on each other. Almost gets straight into sex. Daddy kink. A bit of grinding. Fingering. Soft & unprotected sex (Sanji pulls out). Sweet aftercare (somewhat). It’s pretty soft. Sanji and Reader ends up together in the end. Lines are a bit repetitive in this one, my apologies. Sit back and relax, this is a lengthy fic y’all.
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“Hmm? Her car is still here?”
Sanji slowly pulls up into his driveway, a bit stunned at how your car was still parked beside his usual park. It was way past the time that you’d leave, maybe you decided to clean up around the house? A few questions had swirled around his head as he parked his car and removed his keys. He lets out a heavy sigh as his car turns off, sitting there as he contemplated and reflected on how his day had went.
He digs around and pulls his pack of cigarettes from his cup holder. Taking one out of the box, he pulls out his lighter and lights it before pressing it to his lips. He sighs heavily as he stares at your car, still wondering and trying to figure out why you were still home.
Not that it was an issue at all, he was just confused.
He quickly finishes up his cigarette and presses the ignited butt into his astray, extinguishing the spark on the cigarette. He groans as he opened the car door and grab his bag, slowly getting out of his car before stretching after a long drive. Closing the car door and locking it, he walks across his yard and up the stone steps to his porch.
“I wonder…is she really still here..? Well- if her car is out here then surely she is…” Sanji spoke to himself as he hoped that you and his daughter were alright.
Worry slowly began to brew for you and his sweet darling daughter. You were a charming woman, someone who knew how to stand their ground and take care of kids wonderfully, him and especially his loving child adored you. You were an angel to have around the house. Even when he didn’t have work you’d still come and visit just to say hello to him and his little girl.
He slowly inserts the key into the doorknob and turns it, unlocking the lock. He slowly turns the doorknob and walks in, pulling his keys from the knob before closing the door behind him and locking the door back.
Upon taking a few steps inside, his brows quirk as he notices your figure sleeping still there on his couch with the light off.
The television illuminated your wonderful shape in the distance, he could see those cute shorts hug your thighs and that large woven turtleneck sweater hang from your wrists. He turns on the table lamp and peers at you from afar.
Fuck you were so fucking breathtaking, sleeping there on his couch with your legs spread open all wide for him to see. He begins to breathe shakily but tried his best to stay composed as he slowly trails over to your sleeping frame.
He taps your shoulder softly with two fingers and you let out a soft moan before opening your eyes and rubbing them.
“Sweetie you’re still here? I thought you would’ve went home by now…” He says, a soft smile spread across his face as he sets his coat on the arm of the couch. “M-Mmh? M-Mr Vinsmoke?” You groan out softly, slowly sitting yourself up from his soft couch cushions underneath yourself. He slowly sets himself beside you on his couch, his long blonde strands swaying as he did.
“What’re you doing still here sweetheart?” He asked you.
You sit up and yawn before stretching, your body popping slightly from the stiffness. “I-I must’ve fell asleep after putting cutie pie to sleep. She seemed more sleepier today…” You admit. Sanji lets out a soft chuckle, his soft grey-blue eyes staring softly at you while getting small glances of your body. “My mistake though, I can leave now if I need to since you’ve just gotten home.” You pout slightly, a bit upset that you were leaving his residence once again.
As you begin to stand up, he stops you by pressing a pretty hand to your shoulder and setting you back down. “No no it’s fine sweetie, I’ve only just gotten home plus it’s already late enough. If you’d like, I have a guest room that you can rest in for the night.” He says, wanting you to stay a bit longer. You smile softly and nod before getting back comfortable on his couch once again. “That’s alright with me if you say so!”
“Well, can you tell me how your day was then? What is work like for you Mr Vinsmoke?” You asked him, eager and interested in what is occupation was and what he did. Sanji chuckles lightly and blushed, pulling his collar back a bit from your question and sweet voice.
“Please, you can just call me Sanji, sweet pea. I can tell you all about my job if that’s what you want.” He says to you, his voice coated in succulent honey as he spoke. You nodded profusely, a sweet smile spread across your face. He chuckles.
“Alright then love.”
He went on to explain how he had owned a restaurant where he cooked, feeding and blessing people with the good flavors of his cooking no matter what it was. You didn’t know Sanji was a good cook, so this surprised you a bit. “I didn’t know you could cook Sanji!” You say, surprised. He nods with a small smile, propping his head up with his hand.
“Of course I can sweet pea, I should cook for you one day and give you a taste of my cooking.” He says softly before giggling. You stare at him for a moment and your body grows warm as he smiles towards you.
A blush creeps across your face as you stared him. It was so enjoyable to see him talk about his job and smile about it. It was like he absolutely enjoyed his job which he probably did. Fuck he was so pretty and yet he was just a single father with a beautiful daughter.
You peer away but he had already noticed your stare and began to question what was up. “Hm? Is something wrong love?” He asks, tilting his head. You shake your head and avoided his eyes as nervousness began to eat at you quickly. Sanji’s brows furrows and he turns to you but you continue to avert your eyes from him.
“Love..” Pressing a soft hand to your chin, he grips your chin and turns your head to face him.
Shit…why did he have to be so pretty? Staring into his beautiful face began to make you shudder and you felt your pussy pulsating within your shorts. You shivered, your exhales becoming a bit more shaky while stared at you in silence. “What’s wrong sweetie? Is something bothering you?” He asked with concern, his eyes a bit sharper than earlier.
“U-Um, I-I’m fine, nothings wrong.” You say, the nervousness spilling out of your throat and mixing in with your voice. He smirks slightly before moving in closer to you, making you back away out of instinct.
“You can tell me what’s wrong sweetheart, you don’t need to hide it.” He says to you, his voice growing a bit raspy as he spoke. You feel your cunt clench around nothing while you begin heavy, your mind swirling as you felt your slick beginning to spill out of you. “M-Mr Vinsmoke…” You say out softly yet nervously.
“It’s Sanji sweetie, please my dear call my Sanji.” He urges you, his smirk growing into a pleasant smile. He trails his thumb up to your soft lips and you shiver against his hand, your heart now pounding from your chest as you yearned to feel his lips against yours. “S-Sanji…” You call out his name softly and he tilts his head. “Yes sweetie?” He asks, staring softly into your eyes.
You grasp his shoulders softly before pressing your lips against his, finally breaking the tension between you both. He moans out suddenly not somewhat expecting you to press your soft lips against his. He chuckles before cradling your head, breathing soft breathes as he took it slow with his kisses. Your hands trembles against his shoulders and you reluctantly pull back.
Grabbing your chin, he pulls your lips back against his this time slowly sliding his tongue past your them. You moan into the kiss as you felt his hand trail up underneath your sweater and grope your breast softly. He pulls back and chuckles before continuing. “No bra on sweet pea?” He teases as his kisses grew more feverish as heavy.
He was a wonderful kisser..so good in fact.
You moan out and arch your back as he pinches your nipple, the cold temperature of his fingers adding on to the pleasure of him squeezing your hardened bud. “Mmgh~ S-Sanji~” You moan out his name softly as he finally pulls his lips from yours, your body shuddering against his as his kiss clouded your mind.
Sanji’s soft gaze pressed deep into your soul and you feel his soft hands trail up your sides. “Such soft lips…and you taste so divine sweetie…” He dips his face into your neck, immediately peppering kisses and love bites against your beautiful skin. He pulls your hips up into his lap and you could feel his erection press up against your clothed cunt through his slacks.
He felt huge…You understood that he was in his forties but you didn’t think he would be this large and he probably wasn’t even fully hard yet. It felt so warm and you swear you could feel him pulsating against your thin spandex shorts.
As he kisses and nibbles at your neck, and you slide your drenched yet clothed cunt against his hard cock with a whine, desperate to get some sort friction from him. He gasps out softly and you feel his nails scratch against you slightly while he continues to suckle on your skin.
“A-Ah~ S-Sweetie-“ Sanji shoots up from your neck and looks you deep into your eyes while you continued to grind and slide against his cock. He mewls softly as you did, a soft large hand on your hip as you thrust and slid your hips along his. “Mmh~ My god this feels so good~” You whine out softly, biting your bottom lip. Sanji grabs both of your hips, bringing your to a halt and making you whine out in displeasure.
Sanji stares into your eyes before he speaks. “Are you…Do you want to do this with me..?” He asks, looking away from you as he did. You blinked. “Y-Yes! Of course I do Sanji!” You admit, a soft blush appearing across your face. “I-I think about you and me...doing a lot of things. Pure and impure thoughts…You’re a really handsome and charming man, not to mention hardworking…” You say softly before smiling, balancing yourself on his lap.
He was shocked by your words to say the least, he thought you didn’t like him in a way…but then again you did make a move on him…so maybe you really did…only going through with this could determine that. “You…You don’t know how long I wanted to do this with you…You really don’t…” He says softly, his hands still up against your hips.
“You’re such a wonderful young lady…I’m surprised you even have an interest in an older man like me.”
You smile and pepper a kiss to his lips. “Thank you…You don’t know long I’ve been waiting either Sanji..” You giggle. He blushed before chuckling a bit, happy that he’s finally gotten some company to spend some time with or maybe even a new woman. “Sanji.” You call out softly to him as he stops chuckling. “Yes sweetheart?” He asks, looking up at you.
You blushed deeply as you stood up on your knees and over his hips. “May we…?” You ask softly to him, slowly pulling your shorts off. Sanji helps your take your shorts off, a slight string of slick connecting from your cunt to the shorts. His eyes widens as he realized that you had no panties on. “L-Love…” Sanji says, now a bit flustered as his face grows a shade of red.
He stared as your bare cunt while you blushed, your hips just hovering slightly over his. He sighs softly and slowly begins to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants, now a little surprised that he’s actually about to have sex with a woman after it’s been so long. His main priorities were his job and his daughter, he’s been so focused on so many things that he’s never had much time to himself, let along another person. You held his shoulders to keep yourself balanced while he finally pulls his cock from his briefs.
Your face grew warm as you peered down at his length, even if wasn’t as thick it surely had length to it. It was rather slender but pretty if you had to be honest. Seeing you stare at his cock gets him flustered yet riled up as he sat there in audible silence, the only sound being the television and your slight breathing. “D-Do you like what you see honey?” He asked you, his eyes peering up to you. You look back to him and and smile softly.
“I…I do. You have a pretty cock Sanji.” You admit to him. Saying so only made him burn up even more. “T-Thank you…” He says softly to you. You reach your hand out to grab his wrist. “Feel me Sanji..” You say to him softly.
You softly grab his wrist and move his hand towards your soaking cunt, flinching slightly as you felt his soft cold fingers run along your warm slit. His breath hitches as he runs his finger along your dripping slit, your slick immediately coating his fingers the second he touched you. He hisses. “Goodness, you’re soaking wet sweetheart…You’re drenching my fingers..” He says softly, his other hand pressing against your back and pulling you closer to him.
You smile. “You did this to me…Sanji.” You whisper to him. He trembles as you whispered such word in his ear, he didn’t think he’d be able to turn you on. He was so doubtful because of how other women treated him that he didn’t realize he made a woman, that woman being you, feel such a way.
Sanji could feel his cock grow harder at your words and the feeling of your cunt. “May if…feel inside of you…please?” He asked reluctantly to you. You nodded and he feels along your entrance, rubbing his fingertips against your soaking hole softly. You let out a little mewls as you feel him slide his digits inside of you, the slight stretch only enhancing the feeling of the pleasure, with him sliding his finger deep sitting you.
He moves digits around before thrusting time in and out of you slowly, a gasp leaving you as he curls his fingers up and presses against your g-spot. You let out a sudden moan and wrap your arms around his neck. “So warm and soft inside, does this feel good sweet pea?” He asked, now thrusting his fingers inside of you quickly yet easily. You let out little gasps and moan as he pushed them deeper inside of you, your brows furrowing as his other hand gropes your ass.
“Mmh~ Y-Yes~ That feels…w-wonderful~” You moan out shakily, enjoying the feeling of his fingers deep inside of you. He smiles from your moans, the sloppy sounds of your cunt taking in his fingers only making him grow harder. “Mmgh!~ Mhh! S-Sanji~” You begin to raise your voice slightly as he continuously presses into your g-spot with the speed of his fingers increasing. “Hmm? Feels good darling? Your voice is getting louder.” He teases you.
“Y-Yes! R-Right t-there please- M-MHH!~” You bit your bottom lip tightly as you try to suppress your moans, covering your mouth while Sanji obeyed and continued. Your cunt clenches tight around his soft and large fingers and he bites his bottom lip out of anticipation. You feel him squeezing the soft flesh of your ass while he continues to fuck your cunt with his fingers.
Heavy mewls and moans leaves your lips as you wrap your arms around his neck, whining out as his fingers dig deep inside of you. “F-Fuck Sanji~ Y-Your f-fingers-“ You gasp out, throwing your head back a bit as the sounds of his fingers digging in your cunt grew louder. He could only sit there and smile as he felt your velvety walls clench around his digits.
You tremble and shut your eyes, a whine leaving your lips as you focused on his fingers.
“F-Faster daddy~ P-Please go faster~” You whisper softly to him.
That causes him to suddenly stop, his eyes widening as his face grew hotter. You grew silent, a bit embarrassed that you’d let that slip past your lips. Sanji couldn’t sit there and act like he didn’t like it, removing his fingers from your cunt while your sticky juices clung to his fingers.
He felt himself ready to just take you, ready to feel your tight cunt around his cock.
“S-Sanji- I-I-“
“I need you sweetheart, I can’t wait much longer…” He admits shamefully. You look to him and blush deeply before a soft smile appearing across your face.
He lowers your hips onto his, his warm length just laying against your soft little cunt.
You slowly slide your cunt along his cock and he groans out shakily as he felt your warmth and juices run along his length.
You move in closer to his ear and whisper to him.
“Please be gentle with me daddy~” You say softly to him, keeping your arms around his neck softly. His eyes widens as he hears you say it once again and it now has him riled up.
A sly smirk crawls across his face as he held your back and pull your up farther against his chest. “Ooh~ My baby girl wants some of daddy’s cock? You want my dick inside of you, sweetie?~” He teases, staring into your eyes.
You shiver and let out a soft moan from his words, yearning to just get and feel his dick all up inside of you. You lay your head against his shoulder and moan out softly. “Yes daddy, please~ Want your dick now please~” You begged him.
He smiles as you get up onto your knees once again, his hand aligning his cock against your entrance while the other was against your hip. “Take it slow alright love?” He says softly. You nodded and he presses his head up against your entrance, a groan leaving him as he did. You slowly begin to lower your hips, a moan leaving you as you felt all the details of his cock sliding inside of you.
Sanji held you to make sure to took it slow, taking all of his cock deep inside of you slowly. “Mmh~ O-Oh god~” You moan out softly, still taking in more of his length. Sanji shudders underneath you as he felt your warm cunt envelope his cock. You felt like heaven and he couldn’t help but to let out a moan as you sucked him in.
Another sweet moan leaves your lips as you took in the rest of his length, heavy breaths leaving you as you sat there waiting to get adjusted to his size. Sanji breathes heavily before wrapping his arms around you. “You feel so wonderful love…so good~” He whispers out to you. You give him another kiss before letting out a sudden gasp. “Y-You feel good too Sanji, you’re filling my pussy up~” You moan out to him.
He giggles he waits for you to adjust to his size, pressing loving kisses against your lips while he slowly grinds up into your cunt. You mewl out as you finally begin to move your hips against him, slowly sliding them up and down Sanji’s cock while he lets out a breathy moan.
Sanji breathes out shakily as he presses his cold and soft hands against your sides, pulling you down farther on his length. You moan out shakily as his cock kissed your cervix so lovingly, squeezing and pressing hard against it and giving you a small tummy bulge.
As he bounces you on his cock, you straddled him to keep your balance and a gasp leave you as he pulls you closer to him. “You look so pretty…when you’re taking my cock like this.” He whispers softly to you, pressing his soft lips against yours. You moan into the kiss, pressing your hand to his jaw to keep him pressed against your lips.
He feels your back arch as he thrusts into you harshly, a gasp leaving you both while your toes begins to curl. “A-Ahn, S-Sanji~” You gasp out softly, pulling your lips away from his and licking his taste off of them. He trembled underneath you as he felt your cunt tighten up, his length only making you moan out even more.
“F-Feels so good, your dick feels so goood~” You whisper out softly, wrapping your arms around his torso and laying your head against his shoulder. Sanji lays your body onto the couch and looks down at you with sweet half-lidded eyes. “Hold on to me love.” He whispers to you, holding your thighs softly.
You obey and wrap your arms around Sanji’s neck, his hands pulling your hips closer into his. Shoving his cock deeper into you makes you yelp out in pleasure and he begins to fuck into you a bit more roughly. You mewl and moan out as Sanji presses his lips against your neck, suckling on your soft and sweet skin while you gripped his shirt tightly.
Pressing his hand against your chin, he holds him softly and looks deep o to your eyes. “You look so cute sweetie. Does this feel that good?” He asked, heavy breaths leaving his lips as he ruts into you. You mumble out a few words, biting your bottom lip tightly while your brows furrows from the pleasure.
“Y-Yess~ S-S’good Sanji~” You moan out to him, giving him a sloppy kiss to his lips. “Daddy’s cock feels good doesn’t it?” He teases you, whispering deep into your ear before pressing kisses against the shell of your ear. You nodded and let put a mewl and he shoves himself deeper inside of you, making you moan out a bit louder.
“I want to hear you say it baby. Tell me baby girl, is daddy’s cock making you feel good?” He asks you once again, you eyes unable to help but stare into his pretty eyes along with his matching smile. “Y-Yes~ Y-Your cock f-feels so wonderful daddy~” You moan shakily as Sanji presses his hand against your cheek, your hand waffling with his against your face.
You throw your head back as he grips the couch cushions on both sides of your body’s, heavy breaths leaving his lips as he pounds deep into your sweet cunt. Your moans practically melt into screams as his cock continues to kiss your g-spot and massage your sweet velvety walls.
You cover your mouth and try your best to suppress your moans so his baby girl wouldn’t wake up though Sanji seemed less worried about her waking up. He presses his lips against yours once again before he gasps out shakily, his cock beginning to twitch inside of you as he felt himself growing close.
“Oh dear my sweet~ D-Daddy’s about to cum soon~ Will you take daddy’s cum on your pretty skin?” He asked you, whispering into ear. You mewl out shakily and bite your bottom lip as his cock continues to massage your insides so wonderfully. “M-Mhm~ Oh my god yessss~” You moan out, throwing your head back before your hands gripping his shoulders as he pounded into your sweet and tight cunt.
“I want daddy’s cum~ I wanna feel your hot seed against my skin~ P-Please daddy!~” You mewl out, your hands now gripping your oversized sweater while your walls tightens around his length. He chuckles and groans shakily before he pounds deeper into you, his knees digging deep into the couch cushions as he chased for both his high and yours.
“I-I’m gonna- S-Sanji I-I’m g-gonna-!~” You bite your bottom lip hard and arch your back off of the couch as your cunt gushes out onto Sanji’s work shirt, a heavy moan leaving your lips as you finally release. Your face twists up up from the pleasure of you squirting all over lower abdomen.
He gasps out as he held your hips tightly, fucking into you roughly a little bit more before he begins to huff heavily. “Ah!~ I-I’m-I-I’m-I’m coming l-love!~ I-I’m cumming~” He gasps out loudly yet shakily as he struggles to pull out of your warm cunt, his hands gripping your sweater as he shudders against you. He mewls out softly before he finally removes his length from your cunt before spurting cum out onto your tummy.
You mewl softly as the warmth of his sperm kisses your skin, a heavy breathe leaving you both as you stared into each others eyes. “You’re so pretty sweetheart..” He says, his hands rubbing sweet circles onto your hips. You smile softly to him and you pepper a sweet kiss to his soft lips and he giggles. You wrap your arms around him and hug him softly, his body warmth soothing you along with his touch.
“Sanji…I love you..” You say to him softly. He giggle and slowly sits up, letting out a heavy exhale before pulling his briefs and slacks up a bit. He gets up off the couch before running off into his bedroom to look for a towel to clean you off which wasn’t far from the living room.
After waiting a few moments, he comes back in with a small hand towel and with a fresh new shirt and pair of joggers. “Here, let me help you love.” He says, walking back over to you. “O-Oh Sanji, I got it-“ You stammer, his hands already wiping his seed off of your lower tummy. He folds the towel up before walking back into his room. You scratch your head and sigh softly before propping yourself up onto your elbows.
“Uh love, these are all I have at the moment, I can throw your shorts in the wash later.” He says, showing off a pair of pajama pants with an adjustable drawstring. You smile softly to him before slowly sitting up. “Ah- Sanji.. I-I’d actually want to use the shower if that’s alright with you. I-I’m a bit sticky…” You say to him.
He smiles lovingly as hearts appears within his eyes. “W-We can take a bath together if you want tooo~” He sighs sweetly to you. You giggle.
“That’s fine with me Sanji baby.”
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seren1tyhaze · 10 months
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PAIRING: dilf!mark lee x afab reader
SUMMARY: Going home with Jaemin after another date leads to a night (and morning after) that you will never forget. Especially after you meet his incredibly hot Uncle Mark.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I present my official gift to my fellow Markfs for our beloved Mark Lee's birthday. This has been a long-standing, half-finished wip that was heavily inspired by MarkLeeInARobe2023 during that one live during tds2 where we are all pretty sure he wasn't wearing any underwear. Hope you all had a wonderful Mark Day and that you enjoy this gift from me to you :)
WARNINGS: explicit smut, alcohol consumption, mild swearing
PLAYLIST: Vibration by Mark Lee, Daddy Issues by Demi Lovato
Beast on the loose, rocking on Close your eyes and look Feel the vibration Do you feel alive?
“Shhhhhh…Jaem! We are going to get in trouble!” you squeal, dodging the tall man’s grabby hands as you wobble, almost dropping into the sparkling water of the pool under the night sky.
“Loosen up, silly,” he slurs back, bottle of tequila dangling from his long fingers dangerously over the slate tiles under your bare feet.
A third date with a cute guy from the IT department at work had turned into after dinner drinks and after after dinner drinks and dancing and shots and now you were stumbling around in the backyard of Jaemin’s house…?
“This is your house, right?” you ask, pausing and cocking your head to the right in punctuation as you watch him peel off his undershirt, his lightweight sweater long discarded half a bottle ago.
“I live here, yes,” he chuckles back, dropping down to let his feet dip into the light blue water of the beautiful pool set in the middle of the yard.
“My uncle is letting me stay with him for a few months before I find my own place.”
You take a moment to glance towards the large house in front of you. The entire back wall is floor to ceiling windows, giving a beautiful view of a modern and spacious kitchen, dim lighting illuminating granite countertops and shiny appliances. Jaemin’s uncle must be another one of these rich tech bros who never grew out of spending his money on shiny things. At least in this case you were benefiting from it.
You think you see some movement in the living room and are about to say something before you hear a loud splash and water shoots over your bare legs, dampening the flowy skirt of your thin dress.
Gasping, you shoot daggers at the smiley man in the pool, watching with interest as he dips his head back, running slender fingers through long auburn locks. You smile at him softly, tequila or lust clouding your judgment as you descend the stairs in the pool to meet him in the middle where your feet barely touch the bottom.
Jaemin’s hands find your waist underwater, pulling you closer to him as your dress billows out in the water, exposing you under the shimmering lights. A devious grin forms across his beautiful features as he tightens his grip on your waste and you narrow your eyes at him.
“Jaemin…don’t even think about it…” you warn, placing your hands on his shoulders preemptively.
Suddenly you are being tossed in the air and back into the water, head being pulled under the water and a muffled shriek bursting from your throat. You gasp for air as you break through the surface again only to find the charming boy in front of you laughing maniacally, clutching his middle underwater.
“Na Jaemin!” comes a loud voice, causing you both to snap your heads back towards the house, to find a blonde man with round wire frame glasses on the tip of his nose standing in black silk pajamas near the glass sliding door.
Jaemin is suddenly next to you and your heart is racing as the man takes another step closer to the pool, stepping into the moonlight. The rippling water of the pool is casting bright flashes across his face and strong frame, pants hugging his thighs before flaring out in a perfectly tailored length. His hair is on the longer side, similar to Jaemin’s but a beautiful pale blonde, dry and silky.
“Uncle Markkkk,” Jaemin slurs, tossing an arm around your shoulder, hand tangling instinctively in your long wet hair. You shrug violently in an attempt to get away from him, blush flaring up on your cheeks as you meet the stern man’s gaze.
“It’s late, use the indoor hot tub if you’re going to be out here. I don’t need pissed off neighbors,” he adds before turning on his heel to head back in the house. You don’t miss how his plump ass is accentuated by the silky material and have a hard time dragging your eyes away. Before he’s even out of sight, Jaemin’s hands are hungrily all over you again, sliding up your wet back to massage your shoulders.
“Jaemin, stop,” you warn, avoiding his kiss with a shake of your head. Getting caught has thrust you back to an embarrassed reality and you’re already plotting your escape via a long Uber ride back to your apartment.
“Don’t worry about Mark, he’s cool, I promise,” Jaemin coos, connecting his lips with your neck, wicked tongue making quick work at marking the skin there.
You melt under his touch, weak for that particular spot, and close the gap to connect further with his chest. Slotting your lips with his, you lick behind his teeth greedily, wrapping your arms around his neck and sighing against his lips.
“Fine, but take me inside, you owe me a shower and warm clothes,” you whisper against his mouth, linking your legs around his waist and grinding against his crotch as a silent promise.
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed and sun streaming through the window. It feels late but when you check your phone you realize it was around the time you would wake up on a weekday. The house is silent and Jaemin’s backpack is gone from where he had messily strewn it the night before.
A note on his desk indicates he had been called into the office on this peaceful Saturday to deal with a possible data breach and you are welcome to anything in the kitchen. You check your phone to realize he’s already sent you money for an Uber and your heart sinks. He was cute, cuter than you usually went for and way too nice for you. You now know this has to be the last date with him, your commitment issues flaring up.
Mk usually plays tennis on Saturdays so the coast should be clear. Call me later xx
You sink into his desk chair, crumpling the note and letting it fall into the small waste basket. After a quick wash of your face and brush of your teeth, you shrug into one of Jaemin’s oversized hoodies, letting it drop long on your thighs and covering the boxer briefs he had lent you last night. Combing through your hair with your fingers, you pull the hood up over your head and pad downstairs, louder than you would have in someone’s home.
Making your way into the kitchen, you go straight to the fridge, yanking it open to find glass bottles of water lining the door. You uncap one and take it down in one gulp, thirsty beyond belief.
“Jaeminnie, we need to talk about last night,” comes the same voice who had startled you by the pool the night before.
You freeze, pushing the fridge door shut slowly. In the hoodie and boxers, with your hair and frame covered, you know you could easily be mistaken for the boy you had gone home with. You had similar build and heights and a quick glance over your shoulder confirms that Mark hadn’t lowered the newspaper he was reading.
“You can’t just keep fucking every beautiful girl you meet in my pool. What would my brother say about how I’m letting you spend your summer?” he continues in a condescending tone as you back up against the island, nervous to turn around.
“And by the sounds of you two in the shower, it sounds like she’s sexy as hell and quite the catch, so don’t you think it’s about time you settled down?” he finishes, lifting his tone up in a question, never lowering the paper.
You place the empty bottle down on the glossy countertop and cross the kitchen to the table where he sits, placing manicured fingertips on the top of the paper to get his attention.
“Quite the catch? Sexy as hell? Oh do tell me more about this beautiful girl,” you reply with a smirk, pulling the newspaper from the shocked man’s face.
“Jesus, fuck, I’m so sorry…” Mark trails off as you push the hood off your head, shaking your locks temptingly and giving him a quizzical cock of your brow.
“Don’t be sorry,” you start, leaning your hip against the edge of the table as you watch panic wash over his face.
His face looks freshly washed with no doubt luxury skincare applied immediately after and he is lounging casually in a dark blue robe with white trim, ML embroidered in gold thread at the chest. His toned chest is peaking through, belt loose at the waist and legs spread wide, bare legs ending in soft slippers planted on the floor.
“I heard someone leave early so I assumed it was you. I had no idea you were still here,” he tries to explain, fidgeting with the dangling edge of the belt. His eyes are struggling to meet yours, as you train your gaze down at him with your hands now shoved in the hoodie pocket.
“He had to head to work. He said you wouldn’t be here,” you reply softly, now feeling bad for grilling him as he squirmed below you. He looked soft and sweet in the morning light, drastically different from the stern fatherly tone he took last night at the edge of the pool.
“Can I make you a cappuccino? Some eggs?” he asks, sitting up in the chair, bare knees bumping against yours and sending a shiver up your spine.
“Hmm I was thinking of how I could repay you for your hospitality. This is quite a beautiful home you have here, Uncle Mark,” you reply, brushing your hand across his that was resting on his knee.
He winces at the name but looks down at your hand on his, turning his over to let your fingers lace with his. The tips of his fingers are calloused and you silently wonder if he plays guitar, having noticed some framed records on the wall on the stairs.
“Mark, please, just Mark,” he replies, voice coming out gravelly, eyes dying to roll into the back of his head at the name.
“And it’s fine, I don’t know how to make eggs anyways,” he adds, squeezing your hand gently as you move your other to the belt at his waist.
“Of course a filthy rich guy like you doesn’t cook,” you reply lightly, dropping down to your knees, releasing his hand and placing both your palms on his knees, knocking the edge of the robe out of the way to expose his bare thighs. As far as you can tell, he isn’t wearing any underwear and the thought of his hardening cock bare against his thigh makes you squeeze your legs together.
Mark widens his legs as his eyes narrow, watching you sitting back on your legs in front of him, baggy material pooling around your thighs. Before you can reach to pull the knot of his belt loose, he leans down and you feel your eyes slide shut, assuming he’s going to kiss you. He chuckles instead, breath warm across your lips as he tugs at the hood of the sweatshirt.
“Take this off now,” he commands, sitting back up in the chair and pulling at the belt himself, letting it slip to the floor. The robe falls open, revealing a toned and lean torso accompanied by muscular arms. His cock is hard and flushed red against his stomach and an evil smile is spread across his lips.
As soon as you’ve removed the offending material, your eyes go immediately to his cock, teeth sinking into your lower lip as you take in the sight of him. He’s dripping with sex appeal and you can’t help but stare. He’s definitely older than you and Jaemin but can’t be too much older by the look of his physique. His face is young and the blonde dye of his hair makes it impossible to detect any grays, if he even has any.
“Now where’s that thank you I was promised?” he asks, tipping his chin down to speak to you, hand balled into a fist at his knee. His eyes continue trailing down, landing on your breasts being pressed together by your bare upper arms as your hands rest on your knees. You look like a dream kneeling before him in nothing but gray boxers and it’s taking everything in him not to fuck you over the counter top.
You lean forward, sliding your hands gently up his smooth inner thighs, taking his leaking cock in your hand and lowering your lips to the head. You listen as Mark’s breathing slows and hear a soft moan slide from his lips as you close your lips around him, running the point of your tongue over his sensitive slit.
You chuckle at the noise, sending vibrations across him, using your hand to work the base of his shaft as you kitten lick his head. You let your teeth drag lightly against him every once and a while, tasting his woody musk. You let your eyes slip shut, rocking back and forth on your knees, the energy coursing through your body making you feel more alive than ever.
A disgruntled noise from above draws your gaze up and his hand is suddenly in your hair, pulling the long locks into a ponytail to pull you off his dick.
“Come on, sweetie, I know you can do better than that. I heard how Jaemin fucked your throat last night - my bed shares a wall with the shower,” he grunts out, voice dripping with filth as he accurately recounts your actions from the night before.
Spurred on by his words, you take his cock deep in your mouth, brushing up against the back of your throat as you hollow your cheeks around him. You’re suddenly desperate to prove how well you can take him, despite being slightly bigger than Jaemin and holding far more confidence in the way he carries himself.
Mark lets out a high pitch yelp and you swear you can hear his voice break as he does, sliding his hand down your neck and to your upper back, causing you to shift forward and take him impossibly deeper. Your nose is pressed up into neatly trimmed hair and your eyes begin to water as he lifts his ass off the chair to thrust into your throat. You shift to accommodate him and look up through your lashes to him.
“Holy hell, that’s good,” he groans, arm muscles tensing as he digs his fingertips into your back, no doubt leaving bruises there.
You slide off him, dragging your tongue on the underside of his shaft and swirling around his tip. He squeezes his eyes shut tight behind his glasses, free hand pushing through strands of blonde that had fallen in front of his face.
Without much warning he is shooting warmth across your lips and chest, letting out a deep groan and reaching down to fist at himself through his orgasm. He looks down at you with a smile, lips curling up as if he’s about to say something devious.
“MELT! Babe, are you here?” comes a loud voice, echoing off the walls of the kitchen and causing you to pull back, heart pounding in your chest.
A tall, long-legged man in a polo shirt and athletic shorts appears, his socked feet coming to a stop at the sight of you on your knees on the glossy floor. His hair is dark and lightly permed, long bangs hanging perfectly over his eyebrows and a dainty gold chain laying against his tanned neck.
He gives you a long look up and down, eyes pausing on the cum glazing your lips as you freeze and dart nervous eyes over to Mark, who looks unbothered.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? Looks like Markie found something fun to do instead of tennis this morning,” comes his warm voice as he leans against the entryway to the kitchen.
“Ah Hyuckie, let me be, I texted you while you were golfing,” Mark says with a roll of his eyes and a huff, reaching a soft hand to your chin to pull you to your feet.
“Meet my not-so-better-half, Haechan,” Mark adds, comment directed at you as he brushes his lips against the corner of your mouth, licking away the remains of his release left there.
You gulp and drop your head sheepishly, looking down to your bare chest and covering it nervously with your arms. Twice in less than 24 hours you had been caught in a compromising position and this time you simply wanted to melt into the floor.
Haechan closes the space between you and you feel a hand in your hair, pulling you up gently to meet his gaze. His eyes are sparkling and beautiful, dark moles dotting his cheek and lips plump and soft.
“She’s cute,” he says to Mark, dipping his head down to brush his lips against your collarbone, tongue darting out to taste some of Mark’s cum on your skin.
“Tastes good too,” he adds with a smile.
“Did you enjoy sucking off my husband, darling?” he asks, dark eyes swimming with mischief. He looks breathtaking up close, features just as pretty as Mark’s and voice dripping with lust.
“Husband…” you trail off, unable to form a coherent sentence. You shoot daggers at Mark, who merely smiles and rolls his eyes again before moving to the coffee machine and starting to make another coffee.
What the fuck had you gotten yourself into?
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sparklingchim · 2 years
long way home 24 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 2.7k
genre: dilf jungkook, angst, friends to lovers
rating: pg
warnings: sleepy nabi on an adventure w uncle joonie 💅🏼, jaykay going thru the 5 stages of grief, soft nabi x jungkook moments <3
summary: the one where jungkook regrets everything.
a/n: nabi is honestly a mood in this one 🫂
chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08| 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
masterlist | long way home masterlist
Jungkook has never felt his mind inundated with so many emotions, feelings and an unbearable tide of conflicting thoughts.
What did he do? Why did he do it? At some point in his life, the truth would have come out anyway, so better now than when it's far too late.
At least that's what Jungkook keeps repeating in his head like a mantra to calm his anxiously beating heart, which was foolish enough to be carried away by the blow-up of emotions that hurled out of Jungkook.
He didn't mean to say it. It slipped out. He had no control over it. Not the slightest. It was as if his body forced him to say it.
But what Jungkook had control over was how he handled the situation after the three unlucky words slipped out.
You didn't believe him. And instead of going along with your assumption, he continued to allow his heart to pour out all the secret truths and details about his love for you that he had holed up in the deepest recesses of himself.
He revealed to you his most vulnerable secrets, which he has been hiding for years. And you didn't even bat an eyelid when you told him to leave.
Jungkook is frustrated. Sad. Angry. Disappointed.
There is only one place he wants to be right now.
Jungkook turns the key in the lock and enters the large room. He switches on the light. It's already shortly after closing time.
It is always an odd sight when the boxing training centre is empty, but at this moment Jungkook has never been happier not to have members of the training centre around him He welcomes the silence and emptiness.
Moments like these are rare. Jungkook's shoulders sag and a long exhale passes his lips. He cherishes the quietude. He tries to relax and sort out the chaos of thoughts in his head, but it doesn't work.
He needs to do something to take his mind off things.
Jungkook snatches a pair of boxing gloves. He skips preparing his hands with handwraps – it's contradicts a bit what he advises and teaches the members of the boxing gym, but Jungkook couldn’t care less about injured knuckles and aching hands. He wants to feel pain. He is bearing too much of it in him already – Jungkook needs to let it out.
Before putting on the gloves, Jungkook pulls his sweater off from his body and tosses it somewhere behind him. Then, with the boxing gloves around his hands, he begins to  pour out all the bitter feelings that scurry around his body like an annoying insect.
The punching bag lurches with every punch that Jungkook strikes at it. The deep frustration fuels his consuming emotions, but the longer he stands there and hits the bag, the easier it is for Jungkook to breathe clear his mind.
Having boxing as an outlet for Jungkook’s feelings has helped him a lot in his life. Whenever he doesn't know what the next step should be, whether he has made the right decision or is unsure about his future – his legs bring him here. Lately not so often and only during his shifts when he works here because he has to take care of Nabi at home. Jungkook owns a punching bag at home, but with a baby who is almost always napping, it's impossible to work out at home.
The anger is pouring out of him like lava. It's the bajillionth time he watches his reflection perform in the mirrored wall and wonders if the man looking back at him will ever be good enough. It's the fear that maybe he never will be.
Jungkook’s hands are in flames. With every punch they ignite further – like a magnet they absorb all the seething glints and hurl them into the world.
Jungkook can’t stop thinking about that he has lost you. That he destroyed the last remnants of the friendship that was only hanging by a loose thread between the two of you.
When Jungkook drove to you, he didn't know what to expect. But he didn't imagine that the situation could get any worse than it already was.
He just wanted you back in his life again. Jungkook didn't want to lose you forever.
The last dazzle of hope has thus been extinguished.
Maybe it was Jungkook’s fault – why was he harbouring hope when is love was already, assuredly, doomed for? Why did he try to convince himself that there was faith? He only brought disaster upon himself.
His furious blows slow down, the punches are weak and without any determination. Jungkook lets his head hang, his forehead touches the punching bag and he closes his eyes. He’s tired. Exhausted.
Jungkook feels beads of sweat running down his face and neck. He doesn’t know how long he’s been standing there, but he has completely wore himself out.
Jungkook flinches. He turns around with wide eyes.
Namjoon stands there. Nabi pressed against his chest, his arm securely around her, keys dangling in his other hand. A confused expression contorts his features. “What the hell are you doing here?” His eyes wander down to Jungkook’s bare chest.
“What are you doing here?” Jungkook retorts. He tears open the velcro of the boxing gloves with his mouth. His knuckles are a bit scuffed and burn but he couldn’t care less. “With my baby?” At the sound of Jungkook’s voice Nabi’s tiny legs start kicking against Namjoon’s tummy and she tries to turn her head around.
“I asked first.” Namjoon gives Nabi a helping hand, so she can look at Jungkook.
Jungkook drops the gloves to the ground. “I’m just letting off steam.” He levels Namjoon with a prompting glance and strides towards Nabi’s grabby hands.
“We’re on a little adventure.” Namjoon laughs uncomfortably as Jungkook takes Nabi in his arms.
“Couldn’t do that before her bedtime?” Jungkook alertly observes Nabi. She’s searching for something to grasp because Jungkook isn’t wearing anything on top. Her little hand settles on his shoulder and closes her fist tightly around his skin.
Nabi is watching him with teary eyes and small sniffles coming from her nose. Jungkook’s eyebrows draw together in pity. “You’re so sleepy, aren’t you?” Jungkook mutters. “Namjoon, why are you dragging my baby around town when she should be sleeping? I told you to take good care of her.” Jungkook narrows his eyes at him.
“In my defence, Nabi was sleeping the entire time till we came here. She only woke up when I carried her up here." He has a nervous glint shimmering in his eyes.
“You just woke up from your sleep?” Jungkook eyes trace down to Nabi again. No wonder she is all sulky. “My poor baby,” Jungkook coos, pushing back Nabi’s soft strands of hair from her face. Her lips are twisted into the tiniest pout. Forcing his attention back to Namjoon, he asks again, “Why are you here?”
“I forgot my phone somewhere here,” Namjoon answers. “At least I hope so.” He takes a swift look around. “I think I left it in the office. Or the changing rooms?” Namjoon walks closer towards Jungkook. “But before I go looking for it,” – he picks up the boxing gloves – “We’re gonna talk about why you have to break into the boxing centre to let off steam.” He points the gloves accusingly in Jungkook's direction.
“I just needed a place where I could get rid of pent-up energy.”
“And you really hade to break in here for that?”
“I didn’t break in,” Jungkook grumps. “I have keys.”
“What got you throwing a tantrum like five-year-old?” A subtle smirk curls Namjoon’s lips and Jungkook briefly considers introducing him to his fist.
Jungkook dabs his neck with his hand to get rid of the sweat. He could beat around the bush, lie or not answer at all, but he decides that maybe he could use a friend to talk to right now.
“I confessed to y/n that I love her and she told me to leave”
“You said what?”
“She made me leave right after.”
“You confessed?”
“Yeah.” Jungkook’s tongue pokes his cheek. “And I regret it.”
“But – but that’s amazing! That you confessed, I mean.” Namjoon’s previous taunting smirk grows to a genuine smile.
Jungkook is stumped. “Are you not listening to me? She kicked me out. Right after my confession.”
“I’m just glad that one of you finally had the guts to say it.”
Jungkook pushes his sweaty hair from his forehead. “Namjoon,” he says. “She doesn’t have feelings for me.” He pauses, cocks his head. “How did you know I loved her?”
Namjoon emits a humorous laugh. “You think I’m blind?” When Jungkook doesn’t reply he adds, “Everyone knows, Jungkook. It’s obvious to everyone but you and y/n.”
While carefully trying to lift his jumper off the floor without disturbing Nabi, Jungkook pauses. “I’ve never told you about my feelings for y/n.”
Namjoon shrugs. “You didn’t have to.” He puts the boxing gloves away and offers his hands to Jungkook. Jungkook slowly transfers Nabi into his arms. She fusses, eyes filling with tears.
“Shh, I’m here, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” Jungkook soothes her.
Nabi's whimpering abates and she watches him pull his pullover over his head. “It doesn’t matter, Namjoon,” Jungkook takes up the conversation again. “She doesn’t reciprocate my feelings.”
“Tell me what happened. You just told her that you love her?” 
“I visited her. We talked. I apologised. And then…” Jungkook’s teeth play with his lip piercing. “Somehow I let slip that I love her.” He feels his tummy churn with discomfort. Maybe it was a mistake to open up to Namjoon.
“How did the conversation go?”
“Okay? I guess. We kinda argued at the end. And right after I confessed.”
“You confessed while you two were arguing?” Namjoon's mouth parts in disbelief. “How did you think she was going to react?” Namjoon shakes his head. "All those years of friendship with her and you decide that was the right moment to tell her?"
“I didn’t mean to say it,” Jungkook defends himself. “It just happened.”
“Give her some time,” Namjoon says. “It was probably a lot to take for her.”
“Maybe she was confused,” Jungkook agrees. “But it still doesn’t change the fact that she doesn’t love me. She could’ve said something, Namjoon. Anything. I was pouring out my feelings in front of her. I’ve never been this honest about my feelings and she just- “ Jungkook closes his eyes. He’s getting angry again. “And she just tells me to leave?” Jungkook walks towards a supply cabinet where they store bottles of water. “Y/n gave up on me, on our friendship a long time ago.”
Namjoon slowly follows him. Nabi feel asleep in the midst of it all and he doesn’t want her to wake up again. "Don’t say that.”
Jungkook pushes the cabinet’s door shut. “She didn’t want to talk for nearly three weeks.” He flicks the lid off the bottle. “She is done with me.” Jungkook tips his head back and chugs the water.
That's what he was afraid of. That you wouldn’t give him another chance. That you listen to his apologies and explanations and still decide that you don’t want him in your life anymore. And that’s exactly what happened.
Jungkook believes that dreams coming true is a hoax created by adults to entertain the children's imagination, because so far Jungkook has experienced nothing but tales of misfortune.
Maybe he was just born unlucky.
“Y/n is better off without me, though,” Jungkook concludes his spiraling thoughts. “I know she is.”
Namjoon stares at him with a deep look. “Jungkook,” he calls. He sounds defeated.
Jungkook doesn’t look at him. “Just this once, I go against what my insecurities are telling me and I fuck up. Again.” A maelstrom of annoyance at naively reckoning his insecurities as trivial stirs up within him. What was he thinking? “And I’m really fucking trying my hardest to please everyone, but so far all I’ve only hurt people, and it’s exhausting to keep everything under control when I have so much going on.” Jungkook rubs his hand over his face. “I don’t want to feel anything anymore.”
Sometimes, at rare occasions like these, when Jungkook becomes a concept of his emotional situation, he wishes for a moment to feel purely nothing at all – just a split second of serenity, that’s what he wants. Just once he wants to know how it feels not to have to carry a load on his shoulders.
He longs for the inconspicuous, yet fundamental feeling that comes shortly afterwards when you have overcome all obstacles and arrive at your destination. It’s just that Jungkook runs and runs but despite every hurdle he goes through, he doesn’t get there. And he has the fear that he will never get to experience that feeling.
Life falls apart and you try to get a grip on it, but then you realise you have nothing to hold it together.
“I know that you’re trying your best. I’m proud of you for facing what you’re going through.”
Jungkook raises his eyes at Namjoon’s words. “I don’t know what to do anymore.” He closes the bottle cap with a drained sigh.
“You did everything you could do,” Namjoon answers. “I think you need to give yourself a break. A lot has happened lately and I think it would be best for you to take things a little easier. Things that are meant to happen, will happen. Don't stress yourself over these things." He pats Jungkook’s shoulder. “You can call anytime. I’ll babysit Nabi if you want.” Namjoon eyes are downcast as a smile naturally spreads across his face at the sight of Nabi sleeping peacefully within his hold. “Or we’ll reschedule your shifts, whatever you need.”
Jungkook nods absentmindedly. “Thanks, Namjoon.”
“Daaa,” Nabi whines in a squeak.
Namjoon winces a little at the unexpected loud noise coming from the tiny girl in his embrace.
Jungkook arms intuitively reach for Nabi. Her tiny hand makes a fist around the fabric of Jungkook’s pullover.
“Shh, I’m right here, baby,” he coos, gently rocking her in his arms. With her big eyes she’s staring up at him, a few displeased gurgles bubbling from her. “I know you’re tired.” Jungkook gingerly swipes the pad of his thumb over Nabi’s soft cheek. “Namjoon uncle must’ve forgotten that your bedtime started 2 hours ago.” Jungkook shoots a scowl his way. The soft smile on Namjoon's face as he watched Jungkook being so gentle with Nabi fades.
Namjoon grimaces apologetically. “I’ll quickly search my phone and then we can leave, yeah?” He dashes down the corridor and disappears into another room.
Jungkook looks down at Nabi in his grasp. Her eyelids are heavy from lack of sleep, but her lower lip is still quivering in grumpiness. “It’s okay little butterfly. We’ll be home soon.”
He walks around and rocks Nabi to get her to sleep again.
Jungkook and Nabi are on their own again.
Maybe they are meant to be like this – at least that’s how it all began.
When Sora announced that she was leaving again, Jungkook react much. He wasn’t surprised. It made him realise, that in the back of his mind he always had a suspicion that she might leave Nabi. He ignored it, after all she was the one who wanted to try again. And Jungkook wanted to believe that she came back with good intentions, that she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice. For Nabi’s sake. But he was proved wrong.
The past days had been difficult. He had to come accustomed to being alone with Nabi again. Sora hadn't been with them for a long time, but having someone to rely on as a constant in life was a great help, and now that she's gone, it has shaken Jungkook’s routine up.
But he’ll make this work. He’ll figure it out. Somehow. Jungkook always finds a way.
He would do anything to give his baby a happy life. No doubt.
Jungkook bends down and tenderly pecks Nabi’s forehead.
“You’ll never leave me, right?”
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picturespurple-68 · 1 year
Threesome time @ironicorange! (Not canon to my dilf au)
Summary: Ivan gets shared between dilf Matthew and Alfred.
Rating: Explicit 18+
'Why is it so hot?' was the first thought Ivan had waking up.
Brain and body feeling all warm and fuzzy, he cracked open his eyes only to be met with the sight of a slow spinning ceiling fan above. The sound of a shower head blasting water reminded him he wasn't alone in this house. That, and the still sleeping form of a large man, ten years older than him, draped over half his body.
On his stomach still snoozing was Matthew, Alfred's twin brother. Just as big as his neighbor, he easily kept Ivan pinned down with an arm wrapped around his torso and a leg slotted between his own. Obviously, that meant Alfred was the one currently in the shower.
With no want to get up yet, a bored and comfy Ivan began replying the events of last night back in his head.
It started off simple, Alfred had invited him over for some drinking and to spend the evening with him. His brother Matthew also happened to be in town for the night and in retrospect it seemed both men had an ulterior motive for meeting with Ivan.
Watching the two, he found it quite cute when the brothers would tease and goad each other with stories from their childhood. Of course, when the topic of sharing as twins came up, there was a noticeable change in Alfred’s demeanor. The arm wrapped low on Ivan's waist squeezed him tighter as he explained, "Never had a problem letting Mattie borrow anything that's mine, so long as he understood who it belongs to."
In turn, Matthew laughed, not staring at his brother, but Ivan with hooded eyes that looked all too familiar, "You were always the greedier one." Gazing back to Alfred, he joked, "I'm still surprised I wasn't absorbed in the womb by you!"
After rendering a bottle or two of wine empty, Alfred announced his need for the bathroom leaving only a curious brother and his tipsy neighbor. Matthew had no issue filling the vacant spot as soon as Alfred was out of sight and he had even less of a problem when the space didn't allow for any gap between them.
"Just wondering," he placed a hand on the same spot Alfred had, "what exactly is your relationship with Al?"
Face growing redder than it already was Ivan could only stutter out, "I am his neighbor...and sometimes I babysit—"
"No no no, you know what I mean when I ask that. Al didn't seem to have a problem with my staring, so what about you?"
The hands on his waist moved in to rest on his clothed stomach. Ivan wasn't dumb, he could immediately get what Matthew was insinuating and honestly, he was interested, a hundred percent. He looked just like Alfred, from the muscled dad bod to the neatly trimmed facial hair along his sharp jawline. The biggest difference between them was Matthew's longer, fluffy hair pulled up in a casual ponytail and Ivan wished nothing more than to bury his hand in those soft locks while the man went down on him.
Locking his hand with the one on his stomach, Ivan eagerly replied, "I don't mind it at all."
From there, either Alfred took too long in the bathroom or maybe Matthew moved faster than expected, but in no time flat, Ivan was on his back, sweater pushed up to his chest and the older man on top shoving his tongue inside his mouth.
Just as his thigh made contact with his crotch, Matthew felt a tug on his shirt collar, almost choking him as he was yanked away from Ivan by his brother.
"Matt, what do you think you're doing?"
Clearing his throat, Matthew sassed back, "Your neighbor, currently. What's the matter Al? Don't you know sharing is caring~"
Ivan could still feel the knee against him and perhaps it was the arousal or embarrassment of the situation, but he quickly blurted out, "You could join us?"
Both men looked down at him in surprise
A reminder of what could've happened between just Matthew and himself made Ivan groan lightly. The warm leg laying limply between his own caught his attention and he couldn't help but grind his bare cunt up against the muscled thigh. He was still a bit sensitive below the waist and decided to take it slow by going back to thinking about last night.
Jumping a little forward, all three men found themselves in Alfred's bed with varying level of their clothes removed. Ivan laid nude with Alfred, still in his pants, on one side marking his neck up in hickeys and Matthew, in his boxers, on the other sucking face with him while his fingers played with the wetness building between his legs.
The warmth of Alfred's body slid away for a moment and before Ivan could see where he went, he felt hands grab him by the ankles, pull him from Matthew's hold, and drag him down to the edge of the mattress. His legs were spread open wide and a head of dirty blond hair was quickly buried into his crotch. He couldn't hold back the moans that slipped as Alfred ate him out alongside his fingers squirming around.
"Rude! I was busy with him first." Matthew complained crawling closer to the pair, but all Alfred replied with was a shrug.
From the corner of his eye, Ivan could see Matthew stroking his cock and he felt himself seize up at the thought of the man cumming over him. Alfred moaned against his skin at the crushing of his fingers and pulled them out to flip him over onto his stomach.
"Just relax for me darlin' and show Mattie how much you love my cock."
A pressure against his hole gave way as Alfred sunk all the way down until his hips met Ivan's. The man below bit at the bedding in surprise, barely able to look up at Matthew with teary, pleading eyes. While Alfred waited a moment to let them both adjust, Matthew scooted closer to gently hold and pet Ivan's head, "You're doing such a great job Ivan. Can you feel him deep inside? Is he pushing on anything that feels really good?"
Nodding dazedly, Ivan's eyes locked onto Matthew's untouched erection sticking out of his boxers. He grabbed at the man's cock, wrapping his lips around the tip and giving it a light suck, "Aah, good– what a good boy~"
Feeling less like his dick was gonna be snapped in two, Alfred leaned back and watched his hips thrust shallowly inside. Ivan pushed back into him and hummed happily around Matthew's cock when a hard buck forced him lower. As Ivan got more confident swallowing him down, Matthew sat higher up on his knees to control his mouth more steadily.
Back and forth, the older men pulled Ivan's body like they were fighting over a toy. Out of habit Alfred moved a hand down to thumb at his clit and that quickly became the Russian's undoing. They seemed to have underestimated how close Ivan really was and his only tell was the clenching and moaning he did on their cocks.
"Lord!" Matthew gripped the man's head in shock when he subconsciously slid the full length down his throat.
When the squeezing stopped, Alfred huffed and pulled out to help lift Ivan's mouth off so as not to choke. "You did so good Vanya."
The muscle of Matthew's leg was perfect for humping against and the sweat and slick of their skin made it so easy to grind on.
"Hmm, good morning to you too." The man on top of him hadn't moved but it was obvious it was Matthew speaking.
Ivan froze, blushing heavily at being caught like this. He'd almost tried to pull away but Matthew pressed his thigh down to continue their play.
"Please, keep going Ivan," his voice sounded rougher in the morning, "use my leg like a good bitch in heat."
Their positions shifted a bit. Matthew now laid back against the headboard with Ivan straddling his hips and riding him.
"Yes...yes...don't stop!" said Matthew as he tried to match Ivan's pace. The man felt incredible in his lap and he couldn't wait to blow his load.
The two were so caught up in each other that Ivan almost jumped out of his skin when another hand touched his back to lean him forward. Alfred's palm traced down his spine as he cooed, "Don't forget about me babe~ It's not fair if Mattie's getting all the attention, so just relax for me ok?"
Ivan nodded and shuddered when a slick finger was able to press inside his already stuffed hole. One digit turned into two, two to three, and Ivan was fully unprepared for just how full he felt when Alfred pushed his cock in.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" Ivan was insanely tight and Alfred couldn't stop himself from crying out. Matthew in turn had bitten into Ivan's shoulder to keep quiet but his groans could still be heard through clenched teeth.
Among the three, the first to move was Matthew, who was already close as his thrusts turned frantic and sloppy. When Alfred also joined in, the friction inside was intense for both of them. Ivan had a slight bulging below his bellybutton, something that the man under him watched appear and disappear with their movements.
Alfred continued to moan and swear when the heat in his tummy grew burning. Again, he shoved a hand down to rub between Ivan's spread legs and was surprised to bump into Matthew's already working on him. In reaction, Ivan's body locked up on them and the twins couldn't handle it.
If asked, each brother would accuse the other of being the first to give in, but regardless, both shot their cum deep inside his cunt. Everyone stopped to ride out their pleasure and catch their breaths.
Alfred was the first to pull away while Matthew stayed in place. Ivan's hips were still squirming, having not cum yet but that was quickly being taken care of as Matthew continued to quickly thumb at his clit.
"О Боже! Да!"
Sweating and shaking, Ivan basked in the warmth that spread through his limbs. Matthew laid kisses along his neck, watching how pretty he looked in bliss.
When the dark spots of his vision began to fade, he realized Alfred was standing in view, clearly having finished his shower.
"Having fun without me?" he whined (which seemed silly for the grown man).
Matthew snickered and got up while pulling Ivan along, "That's what you get for leaving me alone with him, and now that you're done," he walked the unsteady man to the bathroom entrance, "we just need to clean up our little mess for a bit~"
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rlupinswhore · 2 years
kiss me
pairing: dilf!remus lupin x reader
warning: age gap {r is 22}, kissing, pet names, teddy lupin.
- one shot
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"You're doing it again!" Teddy whines with a tap on your shoulder to regain your attention. He has pouty lips and angry eyes when you turn around and reluctantly remove your gaze from his divine looking father. "Stop looking at my dad and help me here.I have to meet up with Nate and Robert." He says with a cold tone and focuses on the spell before him.
Unaware of his loud complaint, Teddy's grouse caught the attention of Remus who sat in the main room, a cup of tea in hand and now an amused brow as he makes eye contact with you. Heat rushes to your cheeks and down to your neck when he pulls his teeth between his lips and shares a heart thumping wink. You don't react as the sleeve of your sweater is tugged by an irked Teddy.
"I should've asked Uncle George for help when I had the chance," He sasses, still concentrated on perfecting the spell.
"Yeah, like you would actually learn anything with him around." You roll your eyes and correct his pronunciation when he gets it wrong. Even in your tutoring state, you could feel Remus's eyes burning into your skin. You liked it, having his attention on you.
It wasn't long after you were finished with Teddy, he was a smart boy after all, much like his father. The young boy was out the door before you even raised your wand to tidy the mess created during the study. To your misfortune, Remus no longer resided in his main room, the tea cup from earlier discarded on the oak wood table. You were upset to say the least, you really thought the electricity between that heart trimming stare was bold enough to reveal your crush.
"Mr. Lupin, i am taking my leave now," You say, pulling the strap of your bag over your shoulder and heading to the front door. You were eager to leave and not return until Teddy inquired for your help. Normally, you would wait for a response but not today. As you were about to exit, the door was suddenly slammed shut. A shock expression claimed your facial features when Remus came rushing down the staircase, an evident smirk on his pretty lips.
"Where are you heading off to darling?" He asks, combing his fingers through his ruffled locks. He is ten inches away from where you stand, his slow steps are noticeable as he reaches to your side. Remus hands find the handle of your bag and it follows down to the near couch. "I hope you were not trying to leave without addressing my son's statement earlier." Remus says, his eyes roaming your figure to your face where a cute look of confusion resides.
"It is nothing to worry about Mr. Lupin." You said, twiddling with your fingers. You were anxious on what he had to say. This particular situation had two simple outcomes and you prayed to Merlin himself for it to be Remus taking you over the kitchen counter. You could only wish.
The older man chuckles. It's humorless, more on the amused side as he reaches forward to cradle your cheek in the roughness of his palm. You only wonder how it felt wrapped around the snug of your throat. "If you say so," He whispers, nodding in pride when you nonchalantly close your thighs. "However the way your trying to relieve the ache between your thighs begs to differ my pet." He tuts.
Heat rushes through your body. How can he so easily work you up? The answer was obvious as he was a middle age, experienced man after all. "I really want you to kiss me right now.." The words leave your lips without a thought and you aren't able to dwell as Remus pushes you against the counter. The tile is cold on your skin and so is his hand which caresses you.
"That's all I wanted to hear," Remus says, the kiss is everything you ever fantasized it would be. Hot passionate, touchy. His beard tickles your skin as he leans in, one might say it's distracting but it entices you more. His hands move to your waist then lower down your hip where he squeezes the flesh. It was plain to you he loved having his hand on you. Or he knows how your basically putty by his touch.
"So do you want to talk about your statement from earlier now?" Remus wears a grin when he pulls away. His voice is airy and deep. It drives you wild. He is startled in surprise when you grab his muscular shoulders and switch positions with him now pressed against the counter. His hand locked in your grip.
"No, we'll have time for that later," You say with a kiss to his lips which voluntarily opens to indulge the play of your tongue. "I want your shirt off and trousers as well, I want to see all of you."
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uwuowotf2waslife · 4 years
Mercs reaction to coming back from a long away mission and finding out s/o had been cuddling into his left behind shirts/blankets bc it smelled like him and they missed him so much it was the only way they could sleep?
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this isnt a headcanon, this is a canon if i ever saw one
Scout: my boy always gets extra exhausted after a mission, so he just gets into his& S/Os room and plops in the bed without looking,probably still in his work clothes. At some pointin the night, he will wake up to use the loo. Returning he sits down and feels something funny under his butt, it isnt soft like a bedsheet and it feels somewhat familiar. He scoops it up and inspects it..it feels excactly like one of his shirts...now,maybe...he searches with his hands a bit more and he feels more of his clothes like a blanket around you. His heart has officialy melted and he needs to contain himself from jumping onto you and hugging the light out of you.He will spoon you and kiss your shoulder, prepare to be drown in kisses and affection, he wont stop untill your or his bladder is about to burst
Soldier: he might be the messiest but he always cleans after finising a mission. After he has done a shower and scrub all that mud and blood from him , he puts a nice pair of pyjamas trousers and hes about to hit the bed when he releases you are on his bed- thats fine you have been together for a while and lowkey he loves to sleep next to you, your heartbeat lulls him-but you are holding onto something. He turns the light in the hallway and opens the door slighlty so he can look but it wont wake you. Its his jacket, the red one he ussualy wears to battle...congratulations, you are now his waifu material. He closes the light and carefully slips on the bed next to you, softly he pulls the jacket off you and snuggle you, he even gives you soft forehead kisses.
Pyro: they never take off their suit, only for bathing and they are sure to always have at least 2 spares in case something happens to the one their wearing.Their suits inside smells like hell, but they change it once the smell gets too much and bathe everyday with special soaps and make sure they wash their suits once everyday other day.So the one time they cant find their spare, they are having a mild panic attack. They are running up and down the base, trying to find it; it cant be gone, when they left for the mission they made sure they had a spare in their closet.They are about to hold Scout on gunpoint to confess but they have an idea, they havent looked at S/Os room. They drop Scoutand go to S/Os room...they see them all cuddled up with their spare...theyknow they should be angry, but they can’t. Their suit is like their skin,and seeing you cuddling it, it makes them sniffle a little. You missed them so much, you took one of their spares and risked to be burned to a crisp by them if they had a bad mindset that day just to be with them.They lock the door behind them and pull of their suit - something they do when you are alone- and gently rock you awake. You smile at them and pull them to lie with you on the bed and they oblige. Que soft make out with they rub circles on your arms and hands.
Engie: its very rare for him to go for missions, but when it happens it happens he guesses. He isnt that exhausted but his back hurts from being crouched all day so some lying down would do him some good. He opens his rooms doo and he yeets the goggles out of his eyes- you aresleeping on his bed wearning his flanel shirt and holding one of his shirts in your chest.He curses himself for not having a polaroid but damn hun, how can you be so damn cute? He undresses as fast and quiet he cans and softly scoots you over a bitso he can cuddle you...he has a funny idea and pulls one of the bundle of the shirts over him. He basically makes himself a lump covered with shirt and trousers. He pinches you so you wake up, look around mumble something and pulling the shirt lump closer you..but wait why is it heavy and why is it warm...you pull your face closer to look at it better and suddently two strong pair of arms come and hold you. You scream and almost jump off the bed but he keeps you there and peppers your face with suprose and swrry kisses.
Demo: after every succesfull mission, its a known fact that Demo gets plastered. So either Heavy or Soldier will yeet him on his bed because they want the sofa for themselves to watch a movie. S/O of course wakes up and holds him in a position where he is least likely to vomit or drool. During his sleep, they get more and more tangled together. He wakes up by a throbbing headacke and try to block the sun with the first thing his hand finds. You stir next to him and bring him some water and painkillers. He glups it down without even openinghis eyes and pulls you down for some more cuddles. Once the painkillers kick in he opens his eye and realises his been using his own shirt asa blindfold, so he throws it away and suprise, he is lying on and is tangled by his own clothes...was he that plastered? but you jus tsaid Heavy yeeted him here, so that means..aww you sweet lil bunny, he is pulling you in for a tight hug and gives you a soft kiss.
Heavy: he isnt that tired, but after so many hours in an airplane his legs hurt so much and no matter of stretches will help. He really needs to lie down. He knocks on the door and waits for a respond, you just mumble a ‘come in’ so he opens the door and steps inside. His heart explodes right here and there. You are the cutest thing he has ever seen in his entire life, all wrapped up in his sweater. He pulls you up and swings a bit, holding you against his chest, You mished old Misha so much you wore his clothes to sleep? Well, now ,from now youll sleep on Mishas chest to never miss him again.
Medic: he is about to collapse,so he does the only logical thing that comes to mind; wash his hands, take off his shoes and pass ou thappily oh his bed with his S/O by his side. He gets all comfy and hes about to spoon when he feels something different on  his S/O, that weirdly feels like one of his medical robes. He has a smug smirk on his face but he is way too tired to do anything silly so he rubs your shoulder and pulls you for a cuddle. You wake up and feel Medic sprawled on the bed next to you-hes a huge  blankethog-so you give him a small kiss and snuggle a bit closer only for him to pounce and get you under him. “ You missed me so much schwatz, now you can wear me too” he gives you small kisses on both the head and the nose.
Sniper: he is no stranger to missions, he always liked extra work- keeps his mind sharp and his aim even sharper, but hed be a liarif he said he didnt miss you...perhaps way more than you think. He even semi-jogs his way to his S/O room, because his heart is pounding so hard he feels its gonna pop out of his chest. His mind is full of insecurities, why the lights are closed, why you arent on the common room? maybe you gotbored of him, maybe you found...the trail of thought chokes him so much he doesnt see you on the bed...but holly molly, he takes of his glasses and desperately tries to find his polaroid in his bag and snap a few pics of you. You are his angel, so pure and wrapped in his trusted rugged flannel shirt. Once hes satisfied he pets your hair and rubs your cheek untill you wake up. Then he lies on top of you and gives you lots of kisses and soft nothings. You kiss him back and just drown in his affection.
Spy: its not uncommon for him to leave for missions here and there, more than the other mercs. He isnt that tired,but he needs a bit of a lying down after a long flight and barely enough nicotine to keep him sane. He leaves the dufflebag on one of his couch in his smoking room and gets in the shower. He wonders where you are, but figures maybe you have some work or you are out for errands or something. Once his done, he puts a new balaclava and hes about to go for a nice nap when he notices you sprawled up with one of his work suits snuggled on your chest. Call him soft, call him an old romantic dilf, but this dilf smiles from ear to ear. You missed him so much, you slept with his suit...he means that much to you? he really wants to wake you up with kisses but he decides to just light a cigarrete and absorb the view. Once hes done, he lies next to you and pulls the shirt away from you, and just wraps his limbs around you and lets you snuggle on his chest. You mumble his name and then just snuggle tighter, yeap his heart has shattered. He gives you a soft kiss on the crown of the headand mumbles some apologises.Please hold him, he is having a small breakdown.
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abbacchiosbelt · 5 years
Ok but what about Joseph?? Like in an AU where him and Suzie Q divorced-no cheating here-and your besties with Holly??
ooh,y’all already know i’m weak for joseph… but DILF joseph… 😳💦
holly andyou work together at a small cafe and also take some classes together — josephis in his mid 40′s,divorced for a few years now and still a real estate mogul. 
18+under the cut! cw for age difference. both parties are consenting adults!
You andHolly Joestar were drawn together the second you locked eyes after an unrulycustomer was harassing her on her first day on the job and you stood up to them— since then, you’ve become wonderful friends with her, as well as a frequentstudy buddy for your general classes together. 
You’veheard from the grapevine (though Holly certainly never brags) that Holly’sfamily is loaded. She works to give herselfsomething to do, but if the rumors are correct, she’s more than well-off. She’dnever have to work a day in her life if she didn’t want to.
Your eyesalmost bulge out of her head when a very, very handsomemiddle-aged man comes in and asks for Holly. He’s ripped — far more muscly thanyou thought was possible for someone older. In fact, you’ve never even seen someone which such a perfect physique. He’sgot brown hair that’s turning a little salt and peppery, with a very nicestubble. Who the hell was this guy?
Your eyesalmost fall out of your head when you hear Holly call out ‘Papa,’ beforeshe’s swept into a crushing hug by who is apparently her very good-lookingfather. So this was the infamous Mr.Joestar. From what you heard from Holly, her dad was a huge flirt and it wasthe part of the reason he and Holly’s mother separated, though they remainedamicable. 
For thesecond time that day, you’re shocked when he calls you over and pats you on theshoulder, commending you for being such a good friend to his Holly. You swear he winks at you before he turns back toHolly, and you’re left flustered. You busy yourself in the back of the store,glancing up every now and then to find Joseph’s eyes on you.
The nexttime he comes in, he happens to catch you on your way out after your shift.He’s dressed to the nines in a fancy suit — but with the way he smiles at you,he looks like he just came from a photo shoot. You almost keel over right therewhen he asks you out to dinner. Right now? You’re barely even dressed up! Andwait… this was Holly’s dad. Joseph just smiles and says you’re welcome topretend this didn’t happen, but that he can very clearly see you want it to.
Well. Hewas right, and when he says “Your next line will be ‘Okay, Mr.Joestar!” you burst into laughter. So Holly wasn’t lying when she said he waseccentric. And then he winks at you and tells you to call him Joseph.
You getalong surprisingly well, for a young student and a divorced real estate mogul.Joseph is a little immature, you can tell, but he’s very fun to talk to. Heflirts, jokes, and compliments all night long…
You findyourself pressed roughly against the alley wall, Joseph’s hand halfway up yourshirt and groping at your breasts while his mouth hungrily explores yours. It’smaking you feel terribly naughty, making out with Holly’s Dad in broad daylight — but he’s so damn hot andfuck if he isn’t good with his hands and mouth. 
Youeagerly accept his breathless order to suck his cock right fucking there in themiddle of the alleyway, but he’s giving you an absolutely sinful look and youcan’t find it in yourself to say no — you want this just as much as him. Josephis very well-endowed and you’re not sure if it’ll fitin your mouth, but you’re sure as hell going to try.
That’show you end up with a huge load of Joseph Joestar’s cum in your mouth,obediently swallowed and eyes lidded with lust as you look up at him. It’s alsohow you find yourself pressed in the backseat of Joseph’s expensive car, beingbounced on Joseph’s massive cock after he had time to work himself backup. 
When he’sabout to cum again, already having worked your clit to get you to orgasm once,twice, three times, he begs you to call him ‘Jojo’ — hepractically cums the second you do, groaning loudly. He was at least awareenough to put on a condom, so when he pulls out and ties it up, you’re amazedby how full it is. Damn. Joseph just grins.
He slidesyou a number before saying he’d love to see a beautiful girl like you again. Heleans in close and kisses your neck, murmuring about how you’re making him feelyoung again. When you playfully slap at him and say he’s not that old, he grins and says he’s old enough to beyour Dad. Or… Daddy. Oh. Both of you stare at each other and consider that for the next time you meet. 
It’s whynext week, instead of working the extra shift you usually take, you’re beingpounded into from behind by Joseph while he praises you for taking Daddy’s cockso well, the cute lingerie he had bought you pushed to the side so he couldthrust into your sopping core. 
Somehow,in the first month, he becomes a bit like a sugar daddy. You try to refuse himover and over, but he says it’s nothing — he says a girl as smart andhardworking as you deserve a reward. The lack of extra shifts you have to pickup gives you more time to study… and more time to spend getting railed byJoseph.
Hollynotices how happy you’ve seemed lately, and you can only giggle nervously andsay that you’ve just been feeling better lately. She says her Dad, too, hasseemed a little upbeat — the happiest he’s been since Suzie Q left. You have tobite your lip… Were you really helping Joseph be happy again?
Thatnight, Joseph only grins as you give him the best attempt at a deepthroatyou’ve tried yet, wondering aloud what he did to deserve such a good girl likeyou. It’s not a typical relationship — you’re both aware of that, but you’reboth enjoying it to the fullest while you still can.
One day,though, you accidentally leave a sweater draped over Joseph’s chair that Hollyimmediately recognizes as yours. She’s… not surprised, but more annoyed byher Dad going after one of her friends. She brings it up and you flush, but shelets you know she’s not mad. Just to please not talk to her about it… orleave any of your things around. Oops.
The nexttime you meet Joseph, it’s on a secluded beach that he’s whisked the two of youaway to for a weekend getaway — broad muscles glistening in the sun and lowerbody wrapped tight in a pair of small trunks. Though, the trunks are quicklydisposed of to make way for you riding his cock in the middle of the secludedbeach, the ocean as far as the eye can see. 
Oh, youand Jojo were definitely a very good match.
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seven-oomen · 3 years
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Hi, Ben!  Hope you had a good day, and are finally getting some rest!  So, did you know there are sites that let you design your own ugly Christmas sweaters?  May I present the one that Peter’s husbands get him for a party?  Except then the jokes on them because he won’t stop wearing it EVERYWHERE (at least I hope the image shows?  It saved in a different format on the site I used for this.)  Also, if you were ever to actually make a shirt of it, I would suggest an image from the reaction GIF you used for the alignment/meta anon.  Because, my god, that smirk.  XD  (Also, they are totally right.  And it is hilarious to me that the two officers of the law are firmly [and accurately] on the neutral side of that axis.  XD )
And I’m still screaming over that latest preview.  He just wants cuddles and ear scritches, Noah!  The saliva will dry, he’s just showing his appreciation for your support.  XD  And oh, yeah I knew he would eventually get better, it was more me trying to decide how quickly I was hoping for it to happen.  My “I want it asap because I hate seeing them in pain” side was warring with my “but nightmare creature cuddles would be adorbs, tho?” side (and they are).  :D  Also, terrible thought brought on by working at my job too long: since I don’t think that form has a tail like a wolf (I don’t really remember noticing one, at least?), do you think that since he can’t wag, he starts doing the wiggle-butt thing like boxers and pits tend to do?  (sorry, the thought occurred to me and I couldn’t make it stop.  XD )
Also, how dare you put the image of Noah and Chris cuddling in the window seat watching the snow fall while the listen to Peter singing ‘Hallelujah’ as he finishes the dishes, in my head?  Or them sitting at the table having coffee and joining him for the choruses?  Or Chris singing along with Tony Bennett or Harry Connick Jr on the local Christmas station?  Or Noah singing along with Chris Cornell’s version of Ave Maria (or doing a damn good impression at least [song is available on Spotify, btw, if you’ve not heard it])?  My body was not meant to hold this level of feral screaming, dude.  XD
For the undecided alignment (that don’t involve spoilers), I would vote LN for Danny and CG for John.  No specific reasons, that’s just what feels right at the moment.  And I’m curious if Noah and the kids have been in the vault at all, because Malia would be able to access it.
And, yes, I am all for mutual body positivity support among the boys.  I remember watching some BTS thing a few years back, and Linden said something about how everyone was “running around without their shirts on, and I just feel kinda old and jiggly”, and my very first thought was “Oh, please.  You may not be I’ve-had-nothing-but-chicken-for-a-week-and-haven’t-had-liquids-in-three-days ripped like the other guys, but in no way will you ever convince me you are actually out of shape in the slightest."  Also, I’m just picturing a scene where Noah accidentally(/on purpose…?) looms over Chris, who just has this moment of "oh, yeah, that’s right, you’re tall now” immediately followed by “well, I am learning a number of new things about myself right now"  XD  On a related note, how do you think he feels about dip kisses after realizing this?  Although, I do hope Noah does not sweep Chris off his feet in quite the same way Chris keeps doing to him.  XD
On an unrelated note, that post about Artoo and Luke about killed me dead.  XD  Artoo’s propensity for shenanigans and Luke’s pervading issues with impulse control is just a complete recipe for hilarious disaster and total ride-or-die besties.  It also reminded me of the post about how Rogue One leads into New Hope and Leia straight up lying right to her dad’s face.  Which, while hysterical, also makes me think about how many posts I see about how Leia is very much her father’s daughter, but almost never see any that point out how much Luke is his mother’s son.  I just have a LOT OF FEELINGS about this, okay?  But I will contain that rant.  XD  (Star Wars has been an on-again-off-again love for me since I was 9.  It’s pretty much a guaranteed way to get an emotional response out of me.  XD )
And I’m glad Mo doesn’t bother the tree or anything, though the box thing is pretty funny.  But he does seem to have that very cat-like tendency to want to completely block you from accessing the keyboard or pin you in place because he’s laying on you and you don’t want to disturb him, so I think he’s catting just fine.  XD  I mean, I have some friends who one of their cats is immune to scruffing (the downside of this is that he’s also almost completely feral still [he was a stray that stayed], and at one point he got a UTI and needed antibiotics.  I’m pretty sure my friend had to get like a falconing glove or something to get his pills in him.  XD )
That America being huge vs Europe being old thing also made me laugh because there was the section about the "long bus ride” that was like two hours, and all I could think about was how often we drove four hours both ways to visit my grandparents, and how in high school we took a trip to Canada, and I don’t remember the exact length of the bus ride up, but I know it was between twenty-three and twenty-eight hours.
And I hope you’re enjoying the Spiderman game, or will when you get to it!  As best I recall, everyone I know who has played it has had nothing but good things to say about it.  And wow, I’m rambling again.  Oh well.  Anyway, hope you’re doing well, and sending lots of good energy for finishing the chapter to your satisfaction (I know the readers certainly don’t mind the longer chapters.  :D )  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Oh my god I am absolutely in love with that sweater. Why is this not a thing XD 
And yeah, they definitely gift Peter a sweater like that, lbr. No other way about it. It definitely backfires when Peter wears it every single year and to everywhere. Including PT meetings and the parent/school board meetings? I forgot the American word for it, in Dutch we call it ouderraad. I know we talked about them before where Peter starts a war with the ‘Karen’ and completely wrecks her. And how all the other moms fall in love with the three DILFS.
But yeah, wears it everywhere and every year XD. 
Noah’s deputies, including Jordan, have definitely snapped pictures and post them on every computer desktop in the station. Including pictures of Noah’s reaction faces of that sweater.
Because you cannot convince me, that a bunch of cops, would not be dicks about this.
Chris is infinitely grateful that he does not have coworkers like that.
And god that is rather good smirk to go with that line XD. And yeah I guess it is funny. But it’s also true and that’s wow... XD 
I did a character alignment test for Peter and came out on CN so that is what I’m going to stick with in any itteration for him. 
As for the wiggle butt thing, he does not have a tail and I already had a very lengthy inner discussion with myself before getting this ask and I can tell you, he does wiggle butt like a boxer in this form. Imagine a fucking beast like that just wiggle butting with happiness. The image is so bizarre that I had to include it in the full moon chapter.
Chris is definitely learning a number of things about himself when he figures out Noah can now loom over him and press him against walls. Also Chris has a thing for being bound or pressed against objects and when Noah figures that one out, well, let’s say Peter certainly doesn’t mind watching those moments.
There’s also a revelation when Chris says; I can easily get out of these handcuffs and Noah translates it too; Good, that means that as long as you don’t try to, you’re consenting to whatever I’m doing to you. Deal? To which Chris, enthusiastically agrees. It’s a very fun game. Peter disagrees because they tend to lock him out during the games with some ash, although he is invited back in after they’re done and then the attention of two Omegas is fully on him. So I suppose he doesn’t mind too much.
Something that is both funny and sweet though is that through Ben, Noah discovers how much he misses having little kids running around. And he has a few moments of; oh god I want another kid realizations in this chapter.
Of course, considering their situation this isn’t the time and Noah more than realizes that. But it gets conversations about the future going for all three of them.
Oh and to answer your question, Malia has not been to the vault, but she and her siblings will get to see it. If that’s with dad or with Derek I haven’t decided yet. But they will end up at the vault in this story. Gotta get Peter’s necklace back.
So far I’ve had a bit of a rough day but by answering this and focusing on headcanons, and that freaking sweater!!!!, I feel a bit better. So thank you my friend, this helped me a lot <3. 
And I agree, Leia is just like her father but Luke is all Padme and people don’t talk about that enough. <3
Lots of Love from me and Mo!
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