sweetescapeartist · 1 year
Alright bud, so I have an ask for you.
During long separations (a month or more), who do you think misses the other more? Krillin or 18 or equally?
And to follow this up, what is the first thing they'd do for each other after reunion?
I say it would be almost equally, but I think 18 would miss Krillin more. That's not to say Krillin wouldn't miss 18 a whole bunch. However, Krillin was the first person to ever genuinely care about 18 & her brother. She has an attachment to him like no other. Same could be said of 17 with his wife that the series NEEDS to show us. He seemed eager in his own way to show Goku a picture of his family.
But back to 18... even after 10+ years of being married to Krillin, she still gets all blushy from Bulma telling her what Krillin would probably say to her. She is literally smitten with him.
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Krillin is her tether to interacting with any of his friends. Krillin is her love, her friend, her everything. Krillin feels the same about 18, but he has plenty of friends he could talk with if he was away from 18 for a long time. What close friends does 18 have other than Chi-Chi? She aint close to anyone else really. She's pretty anti-social and untrusting of most ppl.
As for what they would do when they see each other again... First thing they would do after reuniting would probably be going on a date and giving each other gifts, cause going on dates with each other doesn't end once you're married. And those two enjoy spending time with each other a whole lot.
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chestnutisland · 2 months
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Beachy Snapshots.
My part of the Art trade with the awesome @longmonthartist !!
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contentexplorer · 9 months
Hello Tumblr
Well, I am one year old.
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After watching Dragon Ball Super SuperHero and letting my curiosity lead me to this place known as Tumblr last year, I can say it has been a fun and inviting experience to be on this platform. I've never had this kind of interactive and social outlet ever in my life. My creativity and ideas developed or were expressed in ways I never thought I was capable of doing; my discovery of all these talented artists, writers, opinions, everything I find on Tumblr has me feeling excited, attentive, and more curious each time I'm online. And all the support, likes, reblogs, and comments from all you wonderful people just make it worthwhile. It truly has been a blast of a year to be on here. : )
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So that's why it saddens me that I will be inactive following the new year of 2024. : (
I've been considering this course of action for a while, and I've fully decided to go through with this.
Allow me to explain: The bottom line is stuff has come up. I don't feel comfortable to specifically state what that 'stuff' is, but I can assure you all that it's nothing life-threatening or life-shattering. Situations have arisen for me, and honestly, they're the kind of problems that I could ignore and still be fine. But that way of responding just doesn't sit well with me. I have to deal with them, so the issues won't build up over time and bite me back in the future. Unfortunately, that requires of me to cut my time here.
I wish to say that I'll return and resume my activity, but even I can't guarantee that. My process, if you will, will be of me accomplishing each obstacle, but once done, they'll lead to more handling of their consequences, both positive and negative. Coming back here: I just don't know.
But in case I don't return, I want to say something: When I started my account I had no intention of making posts or interacting with anyone. I just wanted to see what you guys were writing/making about Dragon Ball (The K18 material, TBH), like it, and have some asks of my own. But thanks to the suggestions and informative answers from @fantasyrecolors / @thefantasylife (you're the best), I put more effort into distinguishing myself from a bot to an actual person.
I figured I would repost stuff I liked and write the occasional, original post about anything on my mind, never having ambitions of being popular or affecting the Dragon Ball Tumblr community. But when I posted my Android 18 Not You Meme, you guys liked it and that just made me feel so appreciated. It was just an idea I had which I wanted to put out there. That inspired me to be more involved in this Dragon Ball Community. You see, I'm a dork, but I've always been one solo. I never had anyone to ask their opinions or say to them I enjoy their fan-work about a property we both enjoy, and vice versa. But as I continued to settle and develop my blog, I just kept finding so many incredible individuals here with their fabulous art, engaging stories, intriguing takes, and hilarious jokes. And these people/you guys took time to see and support what I brought to the table. Even beyond the Dragon Ball series. I felt inspired and motivated by that to keep doing what I could to support and join this rad community.
And I mean where to start with the list of creatives here:
-Dragon Ball Meta/Ultra Dork
-Chestnut Island/xfadedmemoriezx
-Certified Krillin Stan
-Everyone's Tea Room
-Koine Kid
I know Tumblr isn't a perfect social media platform with all its faults, but these people and many, many more made Tumblr an awesome playground to be in.
You all made my time here wonderful and jaw dropping. You guys make Dragon Ball fun. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
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I won't delete my account. I love this blog too much to see it all gone in a flash, the same unfortunate fate to fellow comrade Certified Krillin Stan. I'll just leave my blog here and step back from the Tumblr website; the most I'll do is just view (rarely) what's new. There may be a chance I could fully return when DB Daima rolls around, but no guarantees. I hope how I continue in my future will lead me back here to keep supporting this section of the DB community and any other cools guys I see here; possibly return with more resources/skills to do more for this group and my account than I could do now. I do hope so.
Until then, Keep spreading that K18 Love, Let your Creativity Roam Free, Keep Supporting Each Other, and above all else, Have A Great 2024 Everybody.
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longmonthartist · 1 year
Dear LongMonthArtist,
Is your name LongMonthArtist because you are an ARTIST and your art usually takes a MONTH LONG to complete? Just curious is all.
Have a Sensational Summer ☀ : ]
Sincerely, ContentExplorer
Aww thanks so much for the ask @contentexplorer
I chose the name because of the month I was born. In Japanese (I am not Japanese btw, just a weeb), September translates literally to long month.
You have a great summer too good sir.
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Tagged by @dbzebra and @thedreamingscorpio thanks so much! 
Favorite colors: soft pinks, black and navy
Currently reading: Just finished up “Fourteen Minutes” By James Croall. Now I’m starting “Caroline: Little House, Revisted” by Sarah Miller. (Im a huge Little House on the Prairie stan lmao.)
I also have lots of open tabs on my phone of a bunch of great fanfics (made by my mutuals! :D) that im also reading!
Last Song: Starlight by Muse
Last Series: I just finished Gotham and I loved it so much, minus those times James Gordon made some pretty dumb decisions. Im currently re-watching sex and the city since the reboot “And Just Like That” is coming out this December! AHH!❤️
As for animated series, I just finished DBZ, gonna start my GT rewatch probably sometime next week. I also recently dabbled in a bit of highschool DXD (it’s surprisingly funny LOL) and some yashahime but they’re probably getting pushed aside for a while.
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Honestly? All three. just not too spicy. 
Currently working on: Christmas ornaments! I have a “small business” (if you can even call it that lol) I do during the holidays where I sell handmade glass ornaments and housewares. There's a craft fair coming up next month and I’m trying to make enough stock to actually make it worth selling there. Otherwise I’ll stick to selling through insta and Facebook marketplace like I did last year.
Other than that…Art, two of my multi chapter fics and a one shot I just started, getting back in shape, and getting rid of my damn shyness. I hate it lol
I’m busy af unfortunately but I think things should slow down again soon!
@shanaraharlyah @myheartismadeofstars @longmonthartist @dragonballwish @simply-elegantly-kai @stuckylokanefan @knuxamyloverfan @kunoichi-ume @bookworm555 @c-ryst4l @midnight-unicorn @biarritzbasquegirl @killerhero100
feel free to do this if you like tag games!:D
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
Hello friend, hope your weekened's going well!
Here's a question for you. I know you've told me you have a different interpretation about Maron (Or rather Malon according to your spelling). Care to share what your thoughts are on Maron, why she went out with Krillin, and what happened to her after their breakup?
Thanks in advance bud!
Hey! I'm doing okay. And my weekend went kinda well. Or at least what I can remember of it. 😅 (Me answering this after like... 2 weeks. Sorry. 😓) I hope you've been doing well!
(Also, I its been years since I watched episodes that Malon was in. So, I may get some things about Malon wrong.)
Tbh, Malon is not a character I like. That's due to her personality & how she treated Krillin. She's similar to Bulma in appearance, but less attractive personality wise. (Yes... I am one of those guys who will find a physically attractive woman to be unattractive if I don't like her personality.)
Malon comes across as a girl who got whatever she wanted from her parents from fake crying. As she got older, her parents continued to give her whatever she wanted while she also got lots of gifts from guys due to her looks. Malon's maturity process was greatly limited because she never needed nor desired to "grow up" mentally. But at some point, her folks probably got tired of it and put her out.
Malon had no skills (that we know of) due to everyone doing everything for her & her parents always providing. Nor did Malon want to work for anything since most things were always given to her. But now that she was on her own, Malon knew there was one thing she could always rely on; her appearance. That never failed her.
So, Malon dated a lot of guys, but she never had a good idea of what a real relationship was like. The guys she dated would use her for her looks, she would use them for their money. That's all she knew for year. She probably felt neglected by her family and she craved attention as well as material possessions to make her feel important. Then, when she met Krillin, she figured it would be the same as the other guys, but it wasn't. Malon actually began to care about Krillin because he genuinely cared for her. Something new to her. She noticed more and more how she felt she might not need all of that attention to make her "happy." Krillin was enough for her & actually made her happy. However, Krillin was developing in his own way, so he ended up dumping her (which was a good call). Then Malon confesses that she would had married him right after. Krillin's dream was to get married so this made him want her back. But as soon as he broke up with her, Malon already found another guy.
Why did Malon immediately get with another guy seconds later? Because Malon depended on constant attention in order to feel "happiness." And when Krillin dumped her, she felt sad so that she relapsed back into her attention craving habit to give her the "high" she craved. Malon has been looking for love, but settles for fake love. And no matter how much fake love you gather, it never amounts to the real thing.
Then later during filler sections of the Cell Saga, Malon returns to Kame House in search of Krillin. She wanted to get back with him because she was realizing more and more how much she likes him and how well he treated her. And if my memory is correct, Malon says she called all of her old "boyfriends" to cheer her up after she couldn't find Krillin A.K.A. the one guy who actually made her feel happy A.K.A. the only guy she would be willing to marry. So, Malon returned to fake love. This further reveals that sadly, Malon is an attention addict. Then, we dont see her again...
The bad patterns she developed throughout the years hindered her ability to comit to one person. She's knows on a subconscious oevel that that 99.9% of the guys she dated don't care about her.
I believe that Malon is a very lonely person who thinks she needs a lot of constant attention in order to feel important. Reality hit when she discovered she actually liked Krillin, but then denail resurfaced when she realized she couldn't have Krillin back. She needed to find a way to cope with the denial and sadness, so she returns to delusion; chasing a high that she can't get again by dating tons of guys who buy her things to make her feel important & special like how 1 single person made her feel.
I'd say its similar to Instagram models who date high profile guys, the guys give them expensive gifts and take them to places around the world, then the women end up doing stuff that they don't want to do but do so for money and attention so that they can live that lavish fantasy lifestyle for attention. I won't say what those Instagram models do for money cause its pretty disturbing. Meanwhile, those women attempt to ignore the trauma they let themselves go through just for attention. But, I don't think Malon goes that far. She appears to just use guys to buy her things then goes on her way. However, like those women, Malon is a woman who doesn't understand her value and doesn't know how to treat someone who actually cares about her.
Part of me feels sorry for Malon, but the other part of me doesn't care because she's choosing to stay in denial. There's no growth when a person does that. You just gotta leave them be & hope for the best for them. I know ppl like that who don't want to grow. And those people will end up like the old folks I talk with who say "Don't do what I did. I missed out on good people and spending time with my kids because I was chasing the wrong women/men." That's a life with a lot of regret. And Malon seems to be going down that road.
This one is a simple and to the point answer.
Malon would date most guys if they looked nice & could buy her nice things. She saw Kriilin, thought he was cute, found out if he had money, she dated him. She would call many guys her "boyfriend" without really caring what that meant. Because to her, having a "boyfriend" just meant she had a guy who would buy her fancy gifts. Krillin was one of those guys, but Malon ended up actually liking him & how he treated her more than his money & what he could buy for her.
For most women who behave like Malon, they end up maturing at some point after their 20's (this applies for men too, but we're talking about Malon so...). Bulma is an example of an immature woman that matures when she is in her 30's. For Bulma, being a mother is what mostly helped her mature. She had to be serious and take care of someone other than herself. She couldn't be selfish like she was before & taking care of a child helped her appreciate others more.
Also, I'm sure that Bulma stupidity bringing her baby to a battlefield & nearly dying made her wisen up and mature real quick. Seriously... who takes an infant to a war zone? An immature & selfish person, that's who. Glad Bulma got better tho.
As for Malon, she may have had a child at some point and realized she needed to grow up mentally for her child's sake. But, I've seen people remain immature even after having a child, so she may or may not have matured after becoming a mother. Depends on the individual & their circumstances.
Another option is that she just came to the realization that she needed to change herself for the better. That she needed to break her bad habits & build self-confidence instead of arrogance. Perhaps she found someone who would treat her like Krillin treated her & this time she actually appreciated them. Or maybe not. Who knows. I just hope she changed for the best.
I have too much on my mind & I can't help but add an extra toughts section. 😅 Y'all can skip over this if you'd like.
In case for others reading this, I just want to make it clear that Malon is not canon to the Main continuity. And how I organize continuity is that certain Z Filler like the Garlic Jr. saga is connected to the DBZ movies like Dead Zone & Fusion Reborn.
Malon missed out on a life of happiness. This is due to her not having much self worth. Malon never took relationships seriously & it was normal to her to flirt with guys in order to recieve material possessions to give her a sense of happiness. (This bad habit is why she flirted with Yamcha.)
Many in the fandom only look at Krillin & take away the wrong message because they dislike him. Krillin breaking up with Malon was one of the best things he could have done for himself. But, the other side that the fandom ignores is the fact that Malon is a very sad person who is addicted to fake happiness and attention. Malon developed habits that ended sabotaging her own happiness. Krillin x Malon is a story about valuing yourself. In the end, Krillin did. Malon didn't value herself nor Krillin when she had him.
Krillin originally dated Malon because she reminded him of someone he had a crush on; Bulma, the woman he also spent many days with traveling to Namek while she walked around in her underwear. So of course he developed more attraction to Bulma. Then comes Malon who was essentially an exaggerated Bulma; a shapelier figure with bigger "melons" (hence the name & why I call her "Malon"), a more cutesy voice & refers to herself in the 3rd person, more conceded than Bulma was, used her looks to get what she wanted more than Bulma did, and Malon was more boy crazy than Bulma. But Malon mainly used the guys for money unlike Bulma. However, Malon was an airhead while Bulma was a genius. And I find it funny that Bulma really hated her when Malon was a slightly different reflection of herself. Bulma didn't realize her own flaws not even when a reflection of herself was right in front of her. But back to Krillin, he felt like Malon didn't actually love him. And she didn't. Malon simply liked Krillin more than the other guys. Fortunately, Krillin realized the relationship wasn't good for him, but he didn't want to place blame on Malon. Due to being beaten up and bullied by older monks for 9 years, he felt he wasn't good enough for Malon & blamed himself. In reality, Krillin lucked out and dodge a toxic relationship that was extremely frustrating. Even though he didn't think too highly of himself, he knew to make a decision that would benefit him in the long run. Which is one reason why 18 is so good for him, because she helps build his confidence while he reassures her of her worth as a person.
After Krillin went back at Kame House, Bulma says Krillin is better off without Malon. Then Yamcha who is in a similar relationship seems happy for Krillin. This could be implying that the way Bulma treated Yamcha is a bit similar Malon's treatment of Krillin. Both Malon & Bulma craved a lot of attention (possibly due to some neglect from their respective parents) & they behaved very selfish in their relationships. And coincidentally, Krillin's relationship with Malon reflects what happend to Yamcha and Bulma later. Guy wanted to marry girl • girl was immature & selfish • they break-up • girl gets with a bad boy/evil guy immediately after because she was addicted to the wrong kind of attention • first guy is saddened, but has to get over it & moves on • girl quickly realizes her mistake and regrets it • first guy & girl don't get back together.
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chestnutisland · 15 hours
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A little later than I wanted to but...
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the enthusiasm for our favourite Chestnuts.
A special shoutout to all the lovely artists who contributed in no particular order;
And of course, also a huge thank you to everyone who liked, commented, and reblogged all our artworks.
It all turned out so well, I'm so happy! Now the long wait till next year!
Thank you♥♥♥♥♥♥
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chestnutisland · 1 year
Thank you.
For a nice K18 day!
Special thanks to the contributors this year.
@dragonballwish , @cojikomydarling ,@krillin-fanfic and @longmonthartist !!! ♥
And to everyone liking and reblogging our posts.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
My silly little idea of how Pan was named...
*Goku & Gohan are eating homemade pizza that Chi-Chi made while she & Goten are out of the house. During their time alone, Gohan asks his father for some advice.*
Gohan: Dad... Can I talk to you about something? I'd go to mom but, you know how she is.
Goku: Sure, son! What is it?
Gohan: C-can you give me advice about... about sex...?
Goku: ...
Gohan: ...
Goku: You see this deep pan pizza right here, Gohan? It begins with the bread. Then ya add the sauce and cheese. And finally ya add the delicious toppings.
Gohan: Dad... Sorry, but I don't get anything you're saying.
Goku: The bread is the love. The cheese & sauce is knowing that person further. The toppings represent sex. The "toppings" are good on it's own, but it's even better when it's with the person you love.
Gohan: Woah! That's actually really smart, dad!
Goku: Hehe! I know!
*some time later during Videl's pregnancy*
Videl: Gohan, what do you think we should name our daughter?
*Gohan remembers Goku's analogy*
Gohan thinking to himself: Bread is love...
Gohan: How about "Pan"?
EDIT: I posted this on my AO3 too thanks to @longmonthartist suggesting I do so.
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contentexplorer · 2 years
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My submission for @dbshipsweek. Coincidentally, I found out about the ship week during my planning of this meme and decided to submit it for this fun event. It may not be as awesome as some of the awesome art submitted by talented artists such as LongMonthArtist, SweetEscapeArtist or DBZsenpai, but I still think there can be enjoyment out of this meme.
As always, my over long explanation is optional; READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. Or whatever tickles your fancy.
Why did I make this? Well, I'll tell you since you didn't ask.
I was curious as to how certain scenes from Dragon Ball Super were done in its Spanish dub. They were decent as far as I could tell. But the one that took my breath away was 18's Tournament moment. No matter which language, her moment is always an amazing mix of sweetness, bad assery, and spectacle. But the Spanish dub found a way to increase that K18 sweetness by adding the words "mi amor" when she spoke Krillin's name. "Mi amor" is Spanish for "my love." There exists a version of this scene where 18 refers to Krillin as "her love." WOW! That slaps. So naturally, I went to work on bringing this discovery to the public in a humorous fashion.
However, I must admit that "mi amor" in context of the Spanish language is more of a nickname; it's the Spanish equivalent to English's "honey" or "sweetie", which Krillin already does in the English dub. But still! The fact that she says it in the Spanish dub just . . . just . . . hits different.
Now for the disclaimer: I am not claiming that the Spanish dub of DBS is the best dub of the series, nor do I think the English dub is superior or worse to the original Japanese dub. This was just my way of bringing appreciation to the Spanish dub. Please don't make a dub war out of this; you are allowed to rank the dubs however you like. This was done for the purposes of fun and not for dub/sub hating.
Have your own opinion:
Major credit goes to @shencomix (owlturd.com) for the meme drawings on the right side of the meme. I did not make them (I wish I could).
Have a nice day.
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chestnutisland · 2 years
Hmm k18mas was a bit of a fail wasn't it? I didn't get my sketches redone 😭. But hey at least I got 2 done. Also huge thanks to @longmonthartist for their contributions.
Maybe next year I should upload it earlier? If I do.it again,.we'll see then😁 it IS a busy time🤔
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chestnutisland · 3 years
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So, first off thanks for the input you guys gave me. I have decided that since K18 day actually falls on a Saturday, I'd dedicate those days to Chestnutfest this year. As you can see, the first two Saturdays have multiple themes. You can pick one or two...or heck do all three if you feel like it! This gives you almost two weeks for the first event. I think that should be enough time? But don't worry, I will reblog anything submitted during the 9/4-9/25 timeframe as long as it is tagged with the appropriate tags. For Tumblr make sure your tag is within the first 5 please. @longmonthartist, for someone not on Tumblr, they can submit a tag on Twitter if they use that platform or submit it directly to me via the submit option on the blog, you don't need tumblr to do that, just an email address I believe. As always, for any Q's just PM me! Thanks y'all, looking forward to a great FEST!
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
@longmonthartist I meant to reply to you on another post. You mentioned how Toyotaro's art style looks bland compared to Toriyama's & that Toriyama's had different variations in line thickness & looks appealing. I agree 100%
But these 2 panels... This style from Toyo looks a bit different.
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It looks almost completely different from his usual style. Imo it looks like he referenced Goku & Vegeta from DBS: Broly. It doesn't look like his usual work at all.
We can even see Vegeta in the same pose in 2 panels, but they look like completely different styles.
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Maybe Toriyama corrected Toyotaro's art? Interviews suggest that that's the only correction Toriyama gives (cause that's what's usually mentioned Toriyama does) and he seems to not correct Toyo's writing.
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chestnutisland · 2 years
New chapter by @longmonthartist for Adventures of the Chestnut clan!
Nice long one with great family interactions, definitely worth a read.
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
Was tagged by @longmonthartist so, here we go!
Favorite colors: Yellow/old gold, silver, green
Currently reading: Ghost in The Shell, Houseki no Seki (Land of Lustrous), Family Compo, Sonic IDW
Last Song: "Fly Away" by Asami Izawa (Eureka 7 is an awesome series!) & "Endless Possibility" by Jaret Reddick (I love the Sonic Unleashed soundtrack and other Sonic soundtracks!)
Last Series: I don’t have a T.V. or some streaming service. I have some series saved on my laptop or some DVDs. So the last series I watched is either TMNT 2012, Power Rangers SPD, Land of Lustrous, & Bad Batch. I think...
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: Savory & Spicy. I never really liked sweet foods. My body usually rejected them because I naturally like healthy foods plus I used to be an athlete, so my body tells me what it does or doesn't need.
Currently working on: My own personal comic not associated with DB or even any of my blogs. But as for DB stuff? A few submissions, a few surprises for ppl who didnt ask me for anything, NSFW Krillin fics, & NSFW Krillin comics.
Anyone can join in if you'd like. I'm not good at picking ppl to tag without tagging too many ppl lol. 😅
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