How to stay in love in a longtime relationship.
I think there's no way. :) Sa tingin ko lang wala naman talagang way, kasi di naman sa lahat ng panahon parepareho yung mood nyong dalawa. Di sa lahat ng panahon malaki yung time nyo sa isa't isa. Yung love lagi ng nandyan yan sa inyong dalawa, pero yung level nung love yun yung pabago bago. Minsan miss na miss mo sya gusto mo syang makasama, minsan naman kahit kasama mo sya parang may kulang pa din. Well isa yan sa mga pagsubok sa isang tumatagal na relasyon. Kung gusto nyong tumagal pa, kailangan sabay kayong mag adjust at humarap sa mga pagbabago sa relationship nyo. Ang pagtatagal sa isang relasyon ay isang desisyon, so kailangan mo tong pag isipan sa panahong bumababa yung level ng love na namamagitan sa inyo. Are you going to stick with the decision to stay or are you going to give up.
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Toeters en Bellen
Ik heb zo lang verlangd naar de liefde. Naar iemand die me graag zag, die me vastpakte als ik het moeilijk had, iemand die me neemt hoe ik ben, die mij mist en zegt dat hij niet kan leven zonder mij. De liefde zoals in de films, de sprookjesachtige, idyllische bleitfilms. De films waarin de jongen en het meisje verliefd worden en wanneer het meisje twijfelt aan de liefde van de jongen , geeft hij…
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thekirstenkhaye · 7 years
LIFE UPDATE: Year, Two Thousand Seventeen
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What a year it has been already. It is now April 5th (in my notes on my phone) but actually I’m encoding this now using my laptop on the 7th of April. The first three months have indeed flew by so fast. Well, technically, not that fast but basically by just how things have felt, day after day slipping by my fingers for the past months, it surely did feel like it.
Actually it’s now 28th of April that I’m continuing this. Things have had happened and they all felt like they weren’t in my control. That was probably why I’ve been feeling like I couldn’t keep up with everything and get that time to sit and write down my thoughts about the things that have happened so far. It was a lot but let me try now, in this post to tell it all in a form of explanation yet also thoroughly constructed blog.
It honestly started last year when the job that I had where I was getting my income those days. It wasn’t really a job I must say. I just got lucky I guess? I found this group’s post on Facebook last year that says I could get $25 per week without doing anything. All I have to do was have a Facebook account. Which I obviously have. It wasn’t illegal by the way, and I seriously didn’t do anything anymore after they’ve set up what they needed on my account. I indeed got $15 instantly after the set up and another 15 after the second step then the weekly $25 came by for around 4 weeks. On the last week that I got $25, it was the week that I got this interview for the job that my aunt told me about wherein I did apply for. If you want to know more about that experience, you can read that here. So with that at hand during that week, I didn’t get to go online that much to check my e-mails and such hence I’ve read the e-mail of that group to me on a Friday which was their last working day. I contacted them ahead after knowing that there was a problem. We tried solving it, but I was too late, Facebook had blocked the only thing that was giving me some money those times that came from me, from my own perseverance to earn. I was so pissed off that time because it wasn’t even illegal, it wasn’t something that could make the users of Facebook feel bad or something. It was just pure business. But of course Facebook has its way to fuck up others so they said it’s for my account’s safety. How will I argue with that? So that happened, and to make it worse, the company who told me that they would still give me a job even if I wouldn’t pass the recording, didn’t contact me anymore. Not even a text or just e-mail that says, SORRY I WAS JUST LYING. Just kidding, but you know what I’m talking about. It’s not like that company was huge anyway.
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Sooooo there’s that.
Those happened during the latter months of September and early weeks of October 2016. If those didn’t happen, those times would’ve been the times that I’d be so hyped with anything already since the Christmas season was just around the corner. But then again, I guess that was the trigger of me going back to my depressed state again. Oh and before I forgot, I also had a seizure attack before all of those happened. So the dosage of meds that I needed to take went higher. My anxiety wasn’t on its worse state after the seizure attack because I’m sure it was because I was proving to everybody that I was fine. That I was good, I was okay, I could have a job despite my condition, I just needed to discipline myself and take my meds on time. And yet after the seizure, the optimism in me started to get eaten up by my anxiety because of the things that have had been happening with the jobs that I thought would let me get to help my father to finance the list of medicine that I need. Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder started to get more noticeable for me because I know them, I’ve read about them. With that in my mind, my anxiety just got more into me until I said to my aunt that I was living with those times that maybe it would be better if I’ll just stay at Sta. Monica (where my father and some relatives on my father side live) since I couldn’t take the guilt too already that she still had to think of me also every time she goes out of the house. I didn’t tell her that though. To make it simple, the family that I was staying with at the city had trauma too after my attack because it happened inside the C.R. when I was alone taking a dump so obviously the door would be locked. I got to shout before I got unconscious that’s why my aunt’s mom (who was luckily there when it happened) got to hear me and tried her best to open the door because I wasn’t responding already. Couldn’t blame them though. Long story short, I went back to Sta. Monica just to make sure there’d be people that will be around to look after me no matter what happens. Still sucks, but can’t do anything about it since my anxiety is still there in my head, making my insomnia worse. Speaking of anxiety, when I went back here in Sta. Monica, I thought I’d be fine already. I’d feel safer, hence the anxiety attacks I had (which were like one of the worse times of my life) scared the hell out of me that I had to ask my father if we could ask my neuro doctor already for sleeping pills or something. Because the first severe anxiety attack I had when I went back here, I had to wake my cousin (we sleep in the same room) up in the middle of the night because I didn’t know what to do with myself, I couldn’t breathe properly and I just couldn’t feel my body at all anymore. She had to wake up our aunts and my father to ask what to do. And when I saw them, I just cried and cried and cried and yeah. It’s just the worse feeling ever. I have two types of meds now that I’m taking to prevent them and also to make me sleep faster and better. It helps, yes. But with the sleeping part, mostly not.
Dealing with my health happened that’s why I got really spaced out from looking for a time to sit, write a blog and post on here. And while those were all happening from November to January, one of my cousins decided to get married on December (which I also helped out to organize; I did some stuff for her bachelorette party and their invitation for the wedding), my grandmother (mom’s side) decided to spend her Christmas here in the Philippines and to top all of that, Gravity confirmed his visit here on February (you all know that by now if you’re updated on my Instagram or if you’ve read this blog post). Before we all forget though, I had my dreamtag last year which was visiting cafés. So the pending posts of my reviews for the cafés I visited before all those things happened were also in my mind. Little by little, I was adding parts of the dreamtag blogs that I did get to post in a span of 6 months. I think, I only got to write that very short blog about Gravity visiting me was only because I really want to keep a memory of what I was really feeling before I meet him in person. I’m glad that I got to do it actually even though it was one heck of a time. I was seriously struggling to finish that blog because I couldn’t really focus much — anxiety was a bitch, still is for me.
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Christmas was fine. I got photos posted during those times on my Facebook and also some on Instagram. I was seriously not in a festive mode during the holidays that’s for sure. I did try to have fun though. As much as I could. Oh and how life loves mocking me, guess what happened on New Year? I got high fever right before we had to go to the church and do the pre-celebration party. There I was, had to stay behind to snuggle in a blanket, shivering and trying not to get everyone worried when I was having an anxiety attack. I called my father up to the room to get me my pills for anxiety though. The rest of January went by too fast because of Gravity’s visit. I think I’ve spent most of my time, if not getting rid of my anxiety, finishing my last dreamtag blog post and writing down what I’ve been feeling while counting down the days until Gravity’s arrival, I was just being depressed.
Depression fades (it doesn’t entirely goes away, it just fades) from me feeling it when I try hard to put myself out there and do something productive. They helped a lot. Seriously a lot, especially last year when I started my dreamtag. But then it just started coming back when I stopped visiting cafés. You know those times when you can tell by your mind that you’re just thinking that you should be happy because some great things are happening in your life but then if you’re done making every one think that you’re happy, you just feel nothing. It was that way. It still is to be honest but I guess I know the way now how to feel productive again and you know, beat the feeling of depression again. I’ve been exercising since late last year. Like my regular therapy-like exercises plus some workout routines to strengthen my body. To be honest, when I don’t get sweaty in a day because of not exercising, I do really feel awful. So yes, that’s the solution to that. For now or for a lifetime since working out is a lifestyle after all.
Now that that problem’s solved... Okay folks, let’s just be clear here. It isn’t just that easy, please understand that. It takes your own willingness to feel better to have that. You see, I guess my first paragraph above is proof enough of that. I wasn’t really sure what to write during those two dates that I first tried. Okay, you know, to be honest, I’ve tried countless times to start writing again. But I just got that fire today. And it’s not even the 28th anymore because it’s now 12:35 am. Yes it’s late. Will I end writing this tonight before I go to bed? Hmm maybe my 2016 self would. But my 2017 self is trying to be healthy and strong so I’ll just continue this later when I wake up.
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04-29-17 // 10:01 pm
Yes, I write this late hence I can’t finish a blog in one sitting. I think I have to fix my mind’s schedule now. Anyway, so let’s continue?
This part will be a lighter read already. All my plans and all good things will be on this part of the blog…
First off, I went back to my sane self for quite a bit on early days of January and wrote down stuff that I have to get done this year. Numero uno on that list was to try my best on getting my laptop fixed and it was because I knew that I need to write again. This blog isn’t just because I want to be like those known bloggers out there after all. NO. Definitely not. I think I’ve said this on here countless times already that this blog is my outlet. This is like my diary. I know I don’t have regular readers, but writing my thoughts and putting all of it out here helps me a lot to feel good and complete. I need my solitude and writing. This time that I get to have so I could write my thoughts out, I wouldn’t trade this for all the updated vlogs that I could watch in my subscription list on Youtube.
Speaking of Youtube, I’ve been hooked on watching vlogs already. I think it all started when I checked Laureen Uy’s Youtube Channel last year then after that, I came across a video on Instagram which was very funny and it was a clip from one of the videos of Liza Koshy on Youtube. Because of those two women, I decided to search and learn the ins and outs about the site. Hence I made an account on Youtube and that’s so I could subscribe to these women’s channels and be updated with their videos. From that moment, the people that I am subscribed to just kept on growing day after day.
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Then out of the blue after watching the vlogs of Wil Dasovich, Daniel Marsh, Casey Neistat and Pewdiepie for over a month every day, I was like ‘What if I’ll just vlog? It’ll be much easier than writing all these words out of my head?’ Well obviously, that thought didn’t work out. I still like the idea though and some of my friends back in high school know how much I love recording videos and editing them to make them this one piece of film to remember the good times. I’d still do it somehow though but I wouldn’t pressure myself on it anymore. I know for a fact anyway that I have a passion on it, I just have to prioritize some things as of the moment. And blogging is what I need now more than ever.
I public have playlists on there though. You can just check them out for now.
With that said, I actually have numbers of titles here on my drafts already for the next couple of blogs that will be up soon. So be excited for those if you’ve reached reading up to here. The blog about my thoughts of finally meeting Gravity will probably be up next after this. Then a different blog will be up for all the plans that I have for this year. Yes, I decided that that will be on a separate blog post already. And of course, the 2017 Dreamtag, we should not forget about that. And if time and fate would allow it, there will might be a surprise soon. Who knows? Life is full of surprises after all.
I’ll just end this post right here, I guess? :)
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Vivre la vie au maximum, folks!                          ~Kaye
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What a day!
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Whew! I haven’t posted here in FOREVER, it seems. So, today seems like as good a day as any to launch my big return. HA!
Today was my day off and I had fully intended to be lazy and hang out with Netflix while Justin was at work and the kids were in school.
Apparently the cats knocked the cord for the cable out of the back of the cable box, so the cable was not working. This would have been fine, but I didn’t realize that was the problem until this evening. #colormestupid
So much for Netflix.
The next big thing was the arrival of my new dryer! We have been without a dryer for MONTHS so I was super excited! You wouldn’t believe the pile of laundry I’ve been waiting to wash/dry. We’ve been washing a load a day and hanging it to dry for what seems like ages. So happy to finally be able to get to the bottom of the pile and not wear the same things over and over.
The piece de resistance of the day belongs to The Humane Society. 
When the men were installing our new dryer, they were curious about the number of pets we have. At the time, we had 10 cats, 2 gerbils, a rat, a bunny, and a snake.
The Humane Society showed up about 20 minutes after the appliance men left, so I am pretty sure they are the ones who called on us. The lady who came said that she had received a call from someone concerned with the welfare of the animals we had in our home.
Thankfully, the animal protection officer could tell very quickly that the animals were well taken care of and healthy. She did end up helping us out, though. Five our cats were ready to be re-homed. So instead of us placing them online to find homes, she took them with her. She will make sure they are seen by a vet, chipped, and tattooed before being re-homed.
The two older females will be spayed before being re-homed.
I explained to the officer that we had been planning to re-home the babies as soon as we could and were also planning to have our two females spayed this month. She wished us luck and went on her way.
Talk about things happening in mysterious ways.
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When the sun goes dark, I think about the times that I was happy.  Now I’m happy, but sad because my freedom has been taken away.
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annxpectedly-yours · 9 years
Changes. (04/20/2015)
Akala ko hindi ko na siya mabubuksan muli, akala ko lang pala. 7 months! Sa loob ng 7 buwan, andaming nangyari, andaming nagbago, andami, ANDAMI TALAGA! Haha. Baka pag inisa isa ko baka magreklamo na mga makakabasa sa sobrang haba at baka sabihing “EDI WOW!” Pero shempre magsshare ako, blog ko ‘to e. Walang pakialamanan. Walang basag trip.
Una sa lahat syempre hindi sa huli pinatanggal ni Mama yung internet siguro mga October yun kasi walang internet (Anggulo noh?) Hindi, walang connection I mean nakikirouter lang kasi kami tapos walang signal etc. Ganun. Kaya pinatanggal yung internet. Nagluksa ako nun, parang pinagsakluban ako ng langit at lupa. Buhay ko na ang internet, hindi ako nakakatulog ng hindi chincheck yung fb ko, hindi nakakapagpost sa instagram at hindi nakakapagtweet sa twitter ko at tsaka pala hindi nakakapag stalk sa mga crush at karibal ko. Haha! So ayun nga, natuto akong gumamit ng data connection. Yung tipong kailangan mo pa umakyat ng bubong para lang magka signal yung data at kailangan mo pa magload para dun. Pero sa katagalan, nawala din naman yung sakit kong social media queen, nasanay din ako na wala yung mga bagay na akala ko kailangan ko pero hindi ko naman pala kailangan. Charot! :D Tapos, nagbirthday pala ako! Haha. Legal na kong makulong. Nagcelebrate pa din ng debut kahit na alam ‘kong pinilit lang talaga na mairaos. Ewan ko ba! Sabi ko i-pera nalang pero dahil sila pa din naman ang masusunod ayun nairaos naman. Maraming nangyari nun tungkol kay #B pero wag na natin balikan ang mga bagay at pangyayari na wala na, tapos na, naglaho na. HAHA! (Mamaya na yang litsing pag-ibig na yan.) So ayun, 18 nako pero hindi pa din ako mukhang dalaga. Wala eh ganun talaga. May DSLR na din pala ako, Birthday gift ni Mama :) Magagamit ko din naman daw kasi sa 3rd year tapos the next month laptop naman yung binili. Yung DSLR kasi sa Photo1 daw yun kailangan e mga mababait yung mga classmate ko at hindi papayag ang mga yun na magpahiram ng dslr nila kaya ayun then yung sa laptop naman yung sa Computer 2 yun, badtrip kasi yung Photoshop na yun! Kaya ayun. Hindi kami mayaman, actually nakakaraos na kami. Sadyang may nakatabi lang talaga para sa DSLR at laptop na yun, ipon ni Mama yun since pinanganak ako. So wala na siyang intindihin sa gamit ko, tuition fee at allowance nalang. Pero ang masakit na part, wala pa din kaming internet. Nagpupunta lang ako sa computer shop para sa assignment at patuloy na umaasa sa data connection para lang sa social sites pero minsan lang naman di na tag adik. Nga pala, nag adik din ako sa Clash of Clan :) Yun yung nausong laro bago pumasok ang taong 2015 :D Pero ngayon mild nalang ako mag adik dun, tumal ng war sa clan namin e. Last month, bumili kami ng pocket wifi para lang sa sandamakmak na requirements na binigay nung holy week holiday kasi naman nagrereklamo na si inay kakabigay pang internet sa computer shop tapos ginagabi pa ko. Tapos ngayon, bakasyon na namin :D Yung August na pasukan naging June 29 ule. Badtrip! PAASA.
So eto na, yung si #B hindi pa ata ako nakakamove on dun? Ay nakamove on na ata. Ay basta ewan. Nung debut ko kasi ginawa siyang special guest ng mga napakababait kong emcee. Pero nirequest niya naman daw kasi saknila na gusto niya daw gawin yun nung debut ko, kumanta siya ng “Just the way you are” Tapos nagspeech siya, dinaig pa yung speech ko kala mo siya yung nagdebut. Tapos netong February ata? 1 month before Sta. Cena. Naglaho na ang lahat, hindi na siya nagttext, hindi na siya sweet, hindi na siya tumatawag, hindi ko na rin siya madalas makita sa kapilya as in WALA NA. Feeling ko dahil lang kasi yun sa malapit na yung Sta.Cena noon pero wala e may something ata talaga sakanila nung Yoko. Kaya Let it gooooo, let it goooo nalang. After a month, feeling okay nako nun kasi hindi ko na talaga siya nakikita pag pumupunta akong kapilya tapos hindi ko na siya nattsempuhan sa pagsamba. Tsaka ako ngakaroon ng bagong crush si KMC :) Yung “K” stands for Kuya yun tapos initials nya yung MC. Madami naman akong crush lalo na sa school pero siya kasi taga dito lang din samin. Mass Comm graduate siya year 2011 oh dba antanda na. Joke! 25 palang pala siya. Ayug napabalita dati na kasama siya sa mga tumulong sa Legally Blonde dati kasi mga kachiwas nila yung mga yun. That time di ko pa siya crush nun. Pero this month kasi may INCinema sa Lokal namin e yung mga Mass Comm daw ang inunang ilagay sa Production Staffs tapos the next day nagkaroon ng Meeting lahat ng staff tapos nandun siya magkatabi kami. Sabi niya sakin “Mass Comm ka pala.” Tapos ayun na nagkwentuhan kwentuhan na. Nakakatuwa nga e kasi ang bilis lang makipagpalagayan ng loob saknya at ganun din siya pero in a way na hindi naman FC kung titignan. So ayun nga, naging crush ko siya tapos inistalk ko siya. Haha! May girlfriend pala siyaaaaa. Mag 3 years na at eto pa matindi may 2 kabatchmate ko sa Mass Comm na kachiwasan niya at take note nag sshakeys pa. Antindi talaga. Medyo naturn off tsak back off na rin. Kahapon nga sa shooting day 2 sinama niya yung girlfriend niya e. Ansakit! Haha. Joke :D Pero yung kay #B talaga e. Nakita ko siya last week nung panata tapos grabe yung kabog ng dibdib ko. May gusto pa din ako sa kaniya. Hayyy!
Ayun lang, ang haba ng sinabi ko puro non sense naman. Haha! I hope tuloy tuloy na pag update ko ng blog kaso ibebenta na ‘tong pocket wifi. Hayyyy!
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total-insanity01 · 10 years
I havent been on here in ages. much sorry...if anyone even care XD But yeah, hello:) Inbox me to talk or advise. Here to help!
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aneutralbliss · 10 years
Di ko alam kung manhid ba ako o assumera lang talaga.
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whateverjana · 11 years
Long time no blog
I’ve been so busy (preferably lazy) to even have a time to update this personal blog. I’m kind of annoyed or disappointed of myself for neglecting this huhu gonna start writing now!
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womaninthemaking101 · 11 years
Penge po ng blog to follow? :)
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maiii-chang-blog · 11 years
Puro picture na lang pala blog ko. haha Hello! Kamusta kayo? :D
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joeri1011-blog · 11 years
Heya guys! Me will post in the few dates for more updates, especially when my friend needs her things to be sold out :3
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