#look I'm a bedrock bros main do you think I'm not gonna make c!techno regret or at least feel bad about doomsday
Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase!
7. silent fury
I feel like writing emerald duo soooo
Something was bothering Techno, Phil just didn't know what. It'd been stuffy in the cabin since they'd gotten back, ash long since soaked out of their clothes, but instead of celebrating razing that country to the ground, it was just quiet. A heavy silence that left little room to flutter wings or flick tails. They were stiff.
Phil wanted to know. He wanted to know why Techno didn't seem pleased with what he'd done, what they'd done. Sure, it hadn't been for joy, but they'd done what they'd needed to. No more L'Manberg, no more tyranny. Did Techno not find solace in that?
He lingered, Phil noticed, at the cupboard each time they went to eat as if he didn't know how many plates to grab. It was strange, unlike him.
Phil knew a lot. But he didn't know the look that crossed his friend's face each time Techno tended to the turtle farm. If he had to place it, it was anger.
Techno didn't say anything, and if Phil so much as inquired, all he would get would be a smile and a forced hightened mood, so he kept his mouth shut. Techno was angry, as far as he knew. He just didn't know who it was directed towards.
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