#areus writing
worst thing in the world is when you want to write a fic soooo bad but you just. are not getting into the flow and the opening lines feel so dull and strained
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sparatus · 3 months
wip folder game
fortunate son is an examination of the sparatus family immediately after shanxi, specifically the eldest son areus as he struggles with the changes that come with his father's promotion to councilor. in this second chapter, areus returns home to the citadel in time for his youngest sibling's 6th birthday and his father's inauguration, and notes with growing resentment each new security measure and every desperate microphone now trained on him.
oops i got excited, a snip:
Dad and Verres weren't hard to find. Verres was nervous in crowds, and Dad had always been an expert in the fine art of camera dodging as long as Areus had known him, so all he had to do was find the quietest corner with the best view, and there they were, plain as day. Ironically, Areus thought, it would have made a great PR photo: the living legend feared by every criminal from there to the end of the galaxy and back again, about to be the most important turian in xenopolitics, gently leaning over his son and pointing out different ships flying through the nebula in a soft voice. Verres followed his hand with rapt attention, eyes wide with curiosity. Shame Dad had threatened the press with every lawsuit possible if they so much as thought about their cameras where his underage children were involved.
Areus glanced down at Cal, still absorbed in her play, and flicked a mandible. “Hey, Callie," he whispered, tapping his thumb-claw on her hand to get her attention.
She halted abruptly and tipped her head with a chirp, and he leaned in conspiratorially. “You wanna sneak up on Siön and Verres?"
Her eyes lit up, and he purred as he leaned down to scoop her up. “Alright, we’re gonna be really quiet, okay?" he murmured, settling her against his cowl.
At her very serious little nod, he chuffed and kept walking. She had to stifle a giggle with her hands, but that was fine. She was only five, after all.
If Dad had heard, he hadn't made any sign, just continuing to watch out the window. “... and there's the Enninion," he was saying as they slunk forward, pointing out the massive dreadnought loitering at the edge of the reserved docking space. “She was at Shanxi. Dreadnoughts need a lot of space to dock, so she's going to wait until these transports get out of the way so she can approach without hitting anyone."
Verres whirred. He still chewed on his thumb-claw, apparently, and had it in his mouth as he leaned on Dad’s leg. "Which one had Areus in it, again?"
Areus looked at Callie, who slapped her hands over a manic giggle, and lifted his mandibles as he took another step forward. “It's hard to tell," he whirred before Dad could speak, and Verres's little gasp of recognition was all he needed to hear. “They all look the same, y’know."
Dad twisted his head, Verres spun around, and Areus shifted his grip on his sister so he could beckon his brother in, too. “Hiya, Ver."
He had maybe three seconds to brace before his legs were almost knocked out from under him, again, by the full force of a very large eight-year-old’s surge forward to hug him. He nearly dropped Cal, and would have fallen over if not for the long, calloused hand snapping onto his bicep to hold him steady. “Fuck, easy, kid,” he puffed, shuffling his feet to regain his balance and wrapping his arm around Verres's cowl. “You got strong while I was gone, huh?"
Verres just snuffled, shoving his face against Areus’s fatigues. A deeper, softer voice answered for him, one that made Areus's heart roll over in his chest at the first note. "We’ve been playing clawball after I get off work, to build his confidence.” Dad made sure he was steady before releasing his arm, looking him up and down with mandibles slightly raised. Whatever he saw, he must have been satisfied, because he clasped his hands behind his back and purred. “Welcome home, Areus."
Claw scratched against metal. If Areus squinted, he was sure he'd be able to see his father vibrating with the effort of holding himself back.
Areus had to agree.
He nudged Verres aside, and set Cal down, and crossed the single remaining stride to throw himself into the arms already spreading and waiting for him by the time he got there. Dad's subvocals whirred a whole mess of emotions, grief and relief and ache, but above all else rose love, strong and thrumming and woven into every cell of him, and for just a moment, Areus forgot the last year. This was no councilor-to-be, no diplomat struggling with the PR disaster he’d inherited – this was only his siön, the man who’d taken him outside on clear polar nights to count the stars and taught him to race dazduus across the summer tundra. Councilor Sparatus was a name on an office door, and Ierian was here, holding Areus's face in his hands and weeping that it was solid. “My boy," he whispered, and Areus’s heart sang in harmony with his as the love contained in those two little words flowed between them and overflowed. “My son, my boy."
Areus tried to rumble back, but it came out a whimper. He leaned into the touch and closed his eyes, breathing in the sea-brine and spiced mead that he’d known since before he could remember. “Hi, Siön," he mumbled. “I missed you guys."
Dad just sucked in a deep, shaking breath. “I prayed – I begged Ragged Pelt and Bloodied Track to bring you home safe." The hands on Areus's mandibles trembled. Dad had been raised in the old faith, the ancient gods that protected Tiirtias before the Cipritinians and their spirits came, and you didn't dare speak their names aloud unless you were sure you wanted the attention. Areus guessed the tundra’s native son had earned the right to petition the old ones a thousand times over. “When we heard about Shanxi, I- I carved a hundred talismans, burned a hundred offerings. And they listened, and the treaty was signed, and here you are.”
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lieutenantabrudas · 2 years
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sparatus (Mass Effect)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Sparatus (Mass Effect), Original Turian Character(s) Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Canon Era, Alien Culture, Politics, Family Dynamics, Family Feels, Original Character-centric Summary: Areus is a reclusive sort, bookish and more interested in the stars than in combat training. He's relieved he narrowly missed being sent to war by the skin of his teeth. He's got a family name that can get him anywhere stamped on his chest, but so aloof half his squadron forgets who else it's attached to. He really just wants a quiet life, left alone to his studies, never to be bothered.
Unfortunately for him, that family name is Sparatus, and in the wake of Relay 314, quiet is the last thing the new turian councilor's eldest son is going to get.
i think a couple weeks ago or so on my main i had the idea for a one-shot about the sparatus family immediately after sparky is made councilor, especially his eldest son areus who’s in basic training at the time. well the one-shot evolved into a 5-shot, oopsie
i’m still working on itlog i swear i just also have 500 other ideas that want to come out too
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sillyfaggot · 1 year
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low effort qsmp lineup part 1/4!! not sure if i'll do the rest but who knows
art/writing taglist: @snaxle @neonkoii @areus-in-a-little-cave @aiilov-c @cupsmp @cnnamonrolls @yourfriendphoenix @wiiwarechronicles @tee-gee-em @tweewig @omegamoo @thehelpenchantingfig @t3rm1n0s @esynk @atthebell @avid-dust-collector @marszstar @frauggietheperson @ghostlycrisis @exerjack @possuminnit @dyketango @coffeeflavoredtears525600 @aliveburs (ask to be added/removed)
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slvt4tom · 2 months
Tom x f! Reader
Okay so I was listening to music and thought abt what to write since I haven't wrote something like this in FOREVER and I'm sorry but here's this
I'm still working on the other one..
Don't mind the fact it's been like a month or more.. Shhh
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Y - you
T - tom
F - friend
E - ex (e/n ex name)
Warnings - a little angst
It was a very dark and gloomy day today and on top of it all ur boyfriend of 7 years just broke up with u today.. So you were walking around crying ur arms crossed over ur stomach basically bawling ur eyes out, u had accidentally bumped into someone so u look up to say sorry and ur eyes are met with beautiful dark brown ones, ur jaw basically dropped the tears turning into just clear stains on ur face and pretty quickly due to the wind tom had noticed but didnt say anything because he didnt know you (yet)
Y - ".. S.. Sorry"
? - "it's okay beautiful"
Your face was such a bright red it wasn't even funny maybe it was love at first sight? You hadn't realized who it was at first but then you took a few steps back and saw it was...
u get cut off by tom smacking a hand over your mouth making ur eyes go wide and you let out muffled screams but he told you to shh
T - "shh im not gonna hurt u princess, i just need u to quiet down so people dont notice me"
you had quieted down once he started talking and you just nod ur head as he takes his hand off ur mouth he had also asked if you wanted to go home with him, you said yes and he opened up his passenger seat for you to get in next to him. you guys had been talking for a while now outside, in his car on the way home, in his drive way, inside his house.
so i guess thats how you ended up here, cuddling the man of your dreams while watching a movie slowly but surely falling asleep in his soft warm touch, him playing with ur hair pulling u closer and closer by the second not wanting to let go.
the next morning was a whole different story!
u had woke up to the sound of stuff being slammed down, you went to check the time on ur phone and noticed messages spammed all the way down ur phone
"E/N💗 99+ messages"
U heard a big *THUMP* and got out of Tom's bed and went down stairs trying to find ur way to his kitchen once u did u went over to him wrapping ur arms around his shoulders from the top leaning ur head on his back.
Y - "hey are u alright? There's a lot of banging.."
He turned around taking your hands off him putting them at your side and turning back around.
T - "...who is that's guy texting ur phone.."
Y - "huh what are you talking about"
T - "that.. That guy who keeps spamming ur phone.. Are you dating him."
Ur eyes widened and the realization u felt horrible u had totally forgot to change his name in ur contacts after u guys broke up, so you took about an hour or so talking to tom telling him the whole story making sure not to leave out any details even though you guys weren't dating or anything you just wanted to reassure him so nothing got bad before it even started.
After a while of you guys like talking and becoming really good friends he asked u to start dating and obviously u said yes! You guys mad so many great memories over the years and hod so much fun, even when u guys fought you would take a break and then talk it out.
Such a cute healthy relationship!
Umm okay I got lazy towards the end and it's rushed because I feel I need to get something out so enjoy this pls!
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bipolbur · 3 months
i like having someone i can like. attribute to a fic like with washed up it’s trinket, with the sun was sinking it’s sock, with ache performing apathy it’s areus, bc i am 10x more likely to write when i know there is someone specifically i can disappoint with not writing
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phantoids · 1 year
sup nerds temp pinned til i make a better one.
I go by Tobias/Void, he/him and it/its pronouns. I write dsmp/empires/hc fanfic (theoretically) under the same username on ao3. Certified cinnamon noble. Even more certified ctubbo irl on account of The Problems.
i run an rp blog @dadmininnit
I also am not comfortable with people who actively support ccwilbur following me. (I don't care if you like the character or listen to the music, but if you discount abuse victims please get fucked)
zines i've been in: Dreamoire - complete
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taglist and kofi under the cut if you want it. always welcome to come pop in my ask box and talk about stuff i like talking to people.
taglist: @qjaiden @genlossicle @areus-in-a-little-cave @egopocalypse @seaswalllow @zrenia @aliveburs @dayables @cupsmp @plaguethewaters
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cupcraft · 5 months
24, 25 and 27 fanfic ask game? :)) (no im not fishing for new fics hahahaha no wayyyyyyy)
happy nearly new years 🌟
[fic ask game]
These are alla bout fics i read this year and overall, i've been slacking on reading fics but I do have answers for you yes!
24:favorite fic you read this year
For FMAB, honestly it was this edling fic I didnt think id get into called A Crown with Gems and Gold by Kattythingz.
Of dsmp/osmp/mcyt fics, it would be Blood End by andthentherewere
25:a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
I have a lot of recs of this year one is my very good mutual and friend Tom Phantoids' dreamoire zine piece hunting for a power called blasphemy.
27:favorite fanfic author of the year
Idk how to pick ahhhh. One is my mutual Bonesandthebees who is always a delightful fic writer :]! Other fic writers (plus mutuals fics) i adore are: phantoids, areus-in-the-little-cave, lockergirl, clingyduoapologist, hopalongfairywren, zannolin, lemonberry-conda (if you like empires esp :)!), proudfreakmetarusonniku (esp for cprime), and many many more ahhh sorry if i missed people (you can look through the dsmp fanfic tag on my blog to see more ppls writing i like bc i rb a lot :D!)
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
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I posted 3,130 times in 2022
That's 1,340 more posts than 2021!
1,601 posts created (51%)
1,529 posts reblogged (49%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,903 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#ask - 1,314 posts
#the stars and their children - 445 posts
#anon - 444 posts
#spruce anon - 333 posts
#reblog. - 232 posts
#bones writes - 152 posts
#ramblings - 144 posts
#snowflake anon - 142 posts
#mcc - 115 posts
#ask game - 108 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and we were talking with potential jurors who had been interviewing for this specific trial the day before and were on day 2 of selection
My Top Posts in 2022:
i wish so badly someone else had been online during kristin's little run around on the dsmp because imagine how funny that would've been in character like
c!foolish, logging on to check on his builds: oh hey phil!
c!mumza, stumbling around drunk while the crows pull her in different directions: oh fuck uh HI I'M TOTALLY PHIL YUP DEFINITELY ANYWAY DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE POOL IS
3,472 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
god i love c!foolish he was really just minding his own business when he saw the fireworks go off and then he saw c!quackity about to get stabbed and was just like "ah shit okay I knew we genetically engineered that slime army for something" like he is really just the epitome of an employee who is not getting paid enough for this shit
3,600 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
cricket crew is literally two bisexuals, two mlm, a lesbian, and a guy who eats mud
3,760 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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just your average utah family
6,732 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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my first cc notice and it was me calling wilbur soot a bitch on twitter
10,893 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
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I posted 2,997 times in 2022
That's 641 more posts than 2021!
1,250 posts created (42%)
1,747 posts reblogged (58%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,966 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#technoblade - 1,320 posts
#fanart - 1,309 posts
#asks - 660 posts
#thoughts - 482 posts
#philza - 333 posts
#wilbur soot - 165 posts
#ranboo - 156 posts
#tommyinnit - 152 posts
#shara writes - 116 posts
#fav - 104 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#like what would i even do with that much money if i can afford a roof above my head and the occasional fancy starbucks coffee drink i'm good
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
2,192 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
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2,533 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
I didn’t see anybody post this clip from Badboyhalo’s stream last night yet and that’s a crime because Bad calling Techno a “lil ham sandwich” is the best thing ever I’m crying /pos
2,559 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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Technodad changed the Reddit FAQ (he will probably change it again though because he's not sure if it's too dark)
3,079 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Technoblade leaves the Dream SMP server in the middle of the night.
He doesn’t take anything with him. No armor, no weapons, nothing. He doesn’t even take his dogs or Steve. Only Carl, the stable emptied by the first signs of dawn.
Instead, he leaves notes.
One for Ranboo, one for Niki. One for Wilbur, one for Tommy.
He leaves one for Phil too, slightly different than the rest. There’s another line at the bottom, a set of coordinates.
(“To the gates of hell,” Phil had said.
“What about just anywhere but here?” Techno had answered.)
There’s another server. A smaller one, with more sunshine and mob-proofed fences. Where Techno does not ever have to pick up a weapon. Where Techno does not have to continue fighting.
Where there is no need for him to do anything but tend to his farms and sit outside to read, feed Carl carrots and nap as much as he wants. Where the distant crackle of a portal won’t mean anything except the welcomed visit of an old friend.
Where he can rest easy.
Because the war is over.
And dust settles on pain. And regrets become worn with age. And memories will bring strength more than they will sting.
(Perhaps, they will visit. Perhaps, Phil will come along one day and bring with him the people Techno loved and who loved Techno and who Techno hurt and who hurt Techno.
Perhaps they will find something worth holding onto in the ruins dug between them, that will grow flowers again.)
And on this new server, Technoblade is happy.
(And the universe said, you are not alone.)
And on this new server, Technoblade knows peace.
(And the universe said I love you because you are love.)
5,301 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hey guys guess what I just remembered. the epic highs and lows of the bedrockverse
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
oh btw icarus idk if you know but hannah said in her twitter community that she's writing lore for c!hannah :D
areus i cannot describe the noise that just came out of my mouth i am fucking VIBRATING holy shit holy shit holy shit i’m gonna CRY
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sparatus · 1 year
⌨️ for fortunate son peas 🥺💕
oh my god i haven't touched this since october. areus baby im so sorry
Send me ⌨ + title to one of my fics and I’ll write sentence for that fic!
Fortunate Son: Sparatus clan, pre-canon, OC-centric, the eldest Sparatus child grapples with his father's promotion and how it affects his own life
“C’mon, where are Mom and Dad?”
Cal, ever the bundle of cheer, promptly tugged on his hand and hopped a couple times in place. “This way, this way! Siön said we can get ice cream, an’ watch cartoons, an’ stay up late, an’-”
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sillyfaggot · 1 year
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chommy :)
art/writing taglist: @snaxle @samnook @neonkoii @areus-in-a-little-cave @aiilov-c @cupsmp @cnnamonrolls @yourfriendphoenix @wiiwarechronicles @tee-gee-em @tweewig @omegamoo @thehelpenchantingfig @t3rm1nus @esynk @atthebell @avid-dust-collector @marszstar @frauggietheperson @ghostlycrisis @exerjack @possuminnit @dyketango @coffeeflavoredtears525600 @aliveburs (ask to be added/removed)
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elytrafemme · 2 years
blogs mare is vouching for today that u should follow
@regallotus i made a post about this like three hours ago so sorry for the double ping but not enough people liked the post. very sweet very creative just a good blogger in general tell him how fucking cool he is and yeah 
@areus-in-a-little-cave somehow hit a milestone without noticing so keep making her hit milestones maybe with her noticing anyway amazing writer very good artist also the most supportive ever actually reblogs stuff mhm mhm 
@the-g-m did u guys know that this is the author of the hit fic treatise on sin and vice but also posts amazing art in this very very cool style and also posts like other writing things that are all really good. yeah follow 
okay those are my vouches i need to work on those strawberry asks but in the meantime im just going to make posts telling ppl to support my friends bc theyre cool 
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
walked home from the library at midnight only to not actually get ready for bed and instead write a whole essay in areus’s reblog abt c!phil being a 6. yeah i’m well adjusted tonight why do u ask
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