#look at his starry eyes 🥺✨
nasykuching · 2 years
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Silver hair DKoS in his wedding attire
Based on my idea bc in this house we gotta cook our own food:
It’s common in wuxia where someone lost their power or gained godly power their hair turned white, so why don’t we have white haired KDJ
Imagine KDJ with black starry eyes, white coat, black wings, and silvery hair. and JHW canonly has white hair when she gained chaos power so WHERE’S MY WHITE HAIRED KDJ. Oh and 41 SYS is described with white long hair too as i remember? 🤔 meanwhile our little SYS has blonde hair. So it’s totally possible for KDJ to have white hair.
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indras-wife · 4 months
(Bad English ahead, I'm sorry).
Hiii <3, I want to tell you how much I appreciate that you created this blog! And I'm happy that the blog is growing and now you're getting more interesting asks and requests. I swear you're doing the lord's work feeding us good Indra content. There isn't enough of him anywhere on the internet and that makes me so sad, WE NEED MORE OF THAT MAN.
Anyways I do have a request, but I'm afraid it's not interesting (it's just silly i think haha). I would like to know if you have some headcanons about what the daily life of our serious man would have been like? What activities did he do as part of his routine, besides training and studying ninjutsu? Do you think he had any hobbies? And what kind of duties did he have towards the community in which he lived? In the filler it looked like he was in charge of "enforcing the law", but I wonder if he had other responsibilities (administrative tasks or something like that).
Sorry if my questions are a little vague, boring or if you already have written something along this lines, but you can add other elements that you see fit. I'll honestly read everything you write! ✨ Sending you lots of love. Thanks for taking the time to read this!✨
Anonnnnn, this request along with your encouraging kind words made my day I swear!.💖🥰🥺 Thank you immensely for reading my blog and supporting it! Every encouraging word makes me want to write about this wonderful man even more! Thank you, thank you, thank you!💖💖💖 AND YES!! There's really not enough Indra content here, which is tragic. That man is a too handsome and interesting to be ignored. I take it upon myself to talk about him as much as I can and your interesting request will help me add more insight on him!💖💖💖
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Indra, on a daily basis, is a very busy man. He carries the weight of huge responsibilities on his shoulder. No one asked him to do these, but as an older sibling, and as the future successor of ninshu he feels obliged to do what is needed. Besides training and studying, which occupy most of his time, Indra has other activities or hobbies luckily.
One of the first activity that takes up a lot of time, is patrolling around. Indra believes that setting order around and having people follow the law is actually the only way to harmony. We saw in the anime how he doesn't hesitate to punish those who break the rules. By doing it, he sets an example for others telling them indirectly not to break laws and follow the order his father set years ago. He also takes part in writing the law that villagers have to follow, so this job is a very important one for him.
His other hobby is walking. Is it a surprise? This man LOVES late night walks by himself, as it gives him the peace of mind he needs. His usual walking place is the woods. As a child Indra used to train there and wander around, which helped him discover hidden secret tunnels, leading to extraordinary beautiful scenery. He enjoys laying on the grass or sitting on it, looking at the moon and the starry skies, allowing his mind to take him outside of the earth. Indra never admits it aloud, but he is fascinated by the outside world. He catches himself daydreaming about travelling to space, wanting to experience seeing it with his own eyes.
Indra also enjoys writing. Yes, he enjoys writing! He is a huge bookworm and enjoyed reading his father's works ever since he was a baby, but he also loves writing about his own ideologies and thoughts. He is the inventor of Ninjutsu, so he had to keep up with his creations and document every progress with the hand signs. Every night, he spends an hour or two filling the book with the new hand signs he was able to form, detailing how he did it and what the hand sign can do. He also keeps a small diary, where he writes about himself. He finds it easier to express himself in writing rather than talking. Indra makes sure his diary is well hidden so no one can find and read his dark "secrets" about himself.
Not doing too often, but he loves drawing too. In his mind he is terrible at it, but he believes practice makes it perfect so whenever he can, he draws in his small journal, be it a tree, a pond, a face or whatever his mind tells him to do. He is a very artistic man.
As a part of the council, Indra was also in charge of the security of the village. Despite living in peaceful time, he and others realized that an unexpected attack can happen and their borders need to be strong. He took it upon himself to make sure the borders are secure an the soldiers are well trained in case a fight broke out.
Moving to little softer things, Indra, from time to time, would visit the villagers, in hopes of helping them. He was doing it mostly as a teenager, as he was not too closed off yet. As an adult he stopped this habit, but was still keeping a close eye to the village and having his students search around, asking if there was anything needed to be done. Indra was this hero from shadows as all the problems the villagers reported, have been solved by him immediately.
He also has a habit of sitting under sakura trees and watch the time pass. He usually does it at nights, as he has insomnia and sleeping is a problem for him. Sitting under the trees, reading a book or writing about something helps him connect with himself spiritually. The soft breeze playing with his hair and the cherry blossom petals gives him the satisfaction from life he is hungry for.
Indra also loves travelling. He is the type of person who will take the longer route just to be out in nature more. As a teenager he sneaked out of the house to visit the neighboring villages, to meet new people and find new things. A little mischievous of him, but his hunger for knowing and seeing more could never have him sit in one place for a long time. He was beloved wherever he went, with women falling in love with him, and men praising his skills and knowledge. As a grown up, he would keep a low profile when visiting different places, not wanting to be recognized by anyone.
To finish the list of his activities besides training and studying, Indra from time to time likes spending time with his students. He isnt that vocal about it, but he would not mind taking his trusted friends for a walk, or for a drink. He doesnt drink, but seeing how his two students get tipsy and act weird is always bringing a smile to his face. Being with his "friends" is the only time he allows himself to open up a little bit and show his true self, without hiding behind a mask.
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roseymess · 2 years
Hello didi! Can I please request a selca ship with Red Velvet, IVE, NCT 127 and Twice?
Thank you so much!! Have a lovely day 🥺💗💗
Hi @dianas-starry-night thank you so much for your patience 🥲🥲🥲🥲and thank you for requesting ☺️☺️
In Red Velvet,I ship you with ...
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Both you and Joy have a very feminine, beautiful face. I think Joy would like your childish,cute behaviour and would see you as a very good friend. She would absolutely love to spend her time,doting on you. You and her have similar vibes: warm and beautiful. There's nothing more I can say than this: you two would look really beautiful next to each other. ✨✨✨✨
In IVE,I ship you with...
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Wonyoung also has a very uwu🥺and feminine energy. You and her,both share such glittery and glassy eyes,it's mesmerizing to look. Wonyoung would again,find you very cute and would love to go out with you anytime. She might be a bit sassy at times but you would think she's being absolutely adorable. You might also tell her where she's wrong and she would listen to you. Again,visual people here☺️😍
In NCT 127,I ship you with....
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Uwuuu look at him. You're sooo cute,I really ship you with all the cute and visual members. Again,Jungwoo would find you mature but also cute and beautiful. Your eyes are something that would attract him the most. He would also be very gentle towards you. I think you and him might enjoy shopping together? Like I see shopping a lot,so yeah. Also maybe going out for a café date or something ☺️☺️☺️🦋🦋🦋
In Twice I ship you with....
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Nayeon and you have such cute mochi cheeks and smile. Also the big eyes,how could I forget. I think Nayeon and you might have a good friendship with each other. Not texting or meeting so often but she would appreciate your words and advice a lot. She might also take you out for dinners,dote on you and treat you a lot:see you like someone who deserves to be spoilt 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Hope you liked your ship. Thank you so much for your patience again. Take care💙💙💙
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pete-toolshed · 4 years
I was tagged by @music-on-canvas to list 10 songs I'm currently obsessed with. Thank you for the tag!!! This was really fun to do!
1. Buttercup - Jack Stauber
I know this is practically a meme song, but it’s such a chill beat. Me and my friends all jammed to this while we were in Chicago not too long ago, and since then it just holds a special place in my heart. And I keep dissecting it because that’s just who I am.
2. Hush - Deep Purple
I keep getting excited about Edgar Wright’s new movie Last Night In Soho and I keep listening to this and thinking about the POSSIBILITIES. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this movie, it’s the psychedelic 60’s, physiological horror, AND MADE BY MY FAVORITE DIRECTOR?! I’m pretty sure Edgar Wright looked at a sea of his fans, saw me, and was like “I will cater to this bitch and this bitch alone”.
3. The Comeback Kid - The Midnight
This song.... gives me.... emotionsss............. 🥺.... I’ve been watching Cobra Kai (which is surprisingly good so far) and it made me think of this song so HERE WE ARE
4. Substitute - The Who
I love playing this song on my guitar so when I’m not at home playing it I am listening to it and wishing I was playing it. I think it was a favorite Who song of mine before I learned it, but honestly it’s a chicken-egg situation now lol.
5. Politicians In My Eyes - Death
I just discovered Death and I LOVE THEM. They are one of the earliest punk bands that recorded, but were only recently given the recognition they deserve in that regard. They were a funk band, but switched their style after they saw The Who— ITS JUST GREAT. Look into them. They’re amazing and their influence is BONKERS.
6. Temporary Secretary - Paul McCartney
This. Song. Fucks. You can’t tell me otherwise. It’s insufferable and I love it.
7. Roadrunner - Modern Lovers
Idk man. Just love that laid back shit. Good song to walk down the street to. This is the vibe I give off in general I think.
7. A Case of You - Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell is the most beautiful lady in the world and I am in love with her. I’m not even too sure what she looks like. But her soul is made of winds both powerful as storms and soft as whispers and .... I just i I’m I am in love with Joni Mitchell. Okay? I just. Am.
8. Wanna Kiss - Hitomi Tohyama
This song also fucks. I heard this song from a remix by Groovy Godzilla which is also good, but I like the weight of this version.
9. Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve?) - The Buzzcocks
Sooo hmm how do explain thisssssss— okay I’m GMing an RPG about kids in the 80’s, and my character is a punk teen who fell in love with his best friend when they were kids, but then they had a falling out and now his friend is the popular kid in school, and they are enemies, but my character still secretly has feelings for him...... and so this song is obviously on my characters playlist lol.
10. Fun Fun Fun - The Beach Boys
Been thinking about surfer rock Keith Moon. Also just an excellent song to drive around with your friends to during a hot summer day ☺️✨
Now to tag! I tag @starry-eyed-starling, @whossmashedguitar, @pete-townshend-is-the-eggman, and @anynameisbetterthanmyfirstone ✌🏽✨⭐️💛
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chittapornswife · 5 years
Never Too Much
Hello my beautiful moonlight, the sweetest person I could have ever become an anon to @127-mile its me!!! Your nctzen anon and your sunshine🥺♥️✨ I wrote this believe it or not, all this morning so just 3 hours or so? With the ideas flowing in from last night (I fell asleep while thinking of writing LOL). I hope you enjoy this!!! I also incorporated your ideal date & some characteristics about you too! :) 💗 Fun fact: tumblr flagged this when I had it as a draft I’m assuming because of Ten’s armpit LOL
Genre: fluff, angst, non-idol!au Warnings: mentions of sex, 1 dirty pickup line lol and self-doubt? Word Count: 2.1K Type: Ten x Reader
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It was a beautiful day out. Maybe so beautiful that it should’ve been spent outdoors at a park or on a walk. But nope, you enjoyed the view of the sunrays falling upon the flowers and trees as you sat in a fairly quiet yet busy calm café. The creamy walls, delicious cakes and fragrant smell of coffee had made you inspired to write. But what was more inspiring were the people around you. You knew that eavesdropping wasn’t really a noble deed but it helped you with your ideas on what to introduce for your writing so you sucked it up and did it anyways.
“You’re zoning out and staring again (y/n).” Ten spoke in an accusing tone. You shook your head, realizing that he was right and you had been staring at a couple just a few tables away from you. You looked down at the beautiful boy who had his head on your lap, lazily eating a bowl of mini cookies.
You smiled, seeing how he managed to naturally make any place like his home, laying on the sofa that could fit two. When you had texted him earlier asking if you both could go on a date today, he’d known exactly what you meant. Your dates consisted of quality times spent just lazing around at museums admiring art, comfortably eating at café’s or even just going on walks in secluded forests all the while focusing on how you could use what was around you for your novels.
That was actually how you’d met Ten, at a café, intently staring at him and his multiple piercings and wondering if you could create a character that was as mesmerizing as him. He had the interest of many people as he sat there casually with dark swoopy hair and all black clothes with his other equally as gorgeous friend who had a kinder face and brighter clothes.
You hadn’t realized it then either that you had been staring until his friend nudged him and he turned around to look at you. Then when those dark brown eyes had met yours from afar, you’d panicked and blushed, immediately looking away. You hoped he didn’t report you for harassment or anything since people in the past had tried to and continued on with creating a character based on him. But what you hadn’t expected was a tap on the shoulder and his smiling face looking at you from above politely asking, “Is there anything you have to say? I noticed you were staring but I’m not sure why.”
And god, was he even more gorgeous up close, a starry twinkle in those dark brown orbs, thin lips curled up in a small friendly smile and an addictive woody scent coming off of him. You hadn’t known how to reply so you stared at him, eyes wide causing him to chuckle. Then he’d noticed you were writing something and saw it was about his features for a possible character. So he’d asked if he could borrow your notebook and pen before writing down his name and number in the corner and saying, “If you want to know more about me to write, just message or call me anytime.”
It was a once in a lifetime experience really that an attractive guy was willing to help you with your writing but you had nervously called him one night, just to try and see if he was could aid you. Yet again, to your surprise, he’d offered so much help that you’d asked if you could meet in person. And well, one thing led to another as you both spent so much time together talking about yourselves and what you did.
And now here you both were, on a date that consisted of him just talking to you about random things as you wrote. “You want some, love?” You looked down to see his thin, long fingers holding up a mini cookie towards your mouth. You bent down and bit on it, taking it out of his hands and eating it. He smiled before turning to the side and kissing your stomach. You almost choked on the cookie and had to pat your chest as he laughed loudly, causing other people to stare at you two.
“Baby, I didn’t mean to make you choke. Next time I’ll pull out and finish elsewhere I swear.”
You pursed your lips, coughing and trying to hold in a laugh at his dirty joke. Ten really knew how to make you laugh, even at the worst of moments like mid-choking. All of a sudden he got up, wrapping his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder as you were still not so casually trying to control your choking.
“Can we go and rest now?” He whined into your neck. You couldn’t really say no as his fingers drummed against your stomach, indicating that he wanted just more than rest. You obliged, feeling a bit bored as you’d put in so much effort with people-watching and writing and packed up your belongings to refresh your mind.
Ten held your bag with one arm and had another around your waist as he led you to his car. Then as soon as he opened your door, letting you sit, he leaned down and gave you long and loving kiss, making you smile. You were left dazed afterwards which in return put a huge smile on his face from knowing he had that effect on you to leave you starstruck.
And as he sped his way back to your apartment, you couldn’t help but deeply think about why he stayed with you and your overbearing self at times. It was so random but sometimes it would float into your mind as you thought about perfect Ten was. You pushed that thought aside as you got home, the both of you shedding your clothes and things getting steamier. Then as you lay in bed afterwards, sweat glistening on your bodies and only the sounds of your heavy breathing resonated in the sunny room, you fearfully voiced your thought feeling intimate enough to be honest.
“Hey Ten?” “Hmmm?” He hummed, getting up and throwing on a pair of basketball shorts with a white tank before finding a fresh pair of clothes for you.
“Do you like coming with me to people-watch about new characters and settings? Or would you rather our dates be more like traditional, spending time together dates?” You tentatively fiddled with the white bedsheets, feeling more vulnerable now especially with a lack of clothes.
He laughed, the contagiously happy sound echoing in your ears as he handed you clothes to change into. “I’m happy doing whatever I can with you. Whether it be people-watching or just laying in bed, I don’t care.”
You knew his words should’ve comforted you as you slipped into your clothes but you couldn’t help but think that maybe he wasn’t being truthful. Surely, he didn’t enjoy everything you guys did together, how could he? It probably got boring at times. “Are you sure? I don’t mind it at all if you don’t like it, like we can switch it up from time to time.” You tried to nonchalantly say.
“It seriously doesn’t matter to me (y/n). I mean, unless it matters to you?”
You shook your head right away, standing up and seeing the concern on his face. He let out a relieved sigh and a wide smile bloomed on his face as he pulled you in for a hug and a kiss on your fore-head. But you knew you were lying and it bugged you for the rest of the day.
Even as he chatted away about his friends and their modeling careers skyrocketing it stayed haunting your thoughts. Ten was a model himself and hadn’t quite reached that peak of fame yet but was soon to be no doubt. Maybe that was why he hadn’t been so taken aback by your staring at him when you’d first met. Maybe if he had just been someone with a normal job, he wouldn’t have thought about it again and went about his way. What if? Or just why was he with you was the question.
And as you both cleaned up for dinner, Ten sensed that something was up with you as he asked, “You okay? You’ve been distant this whole day, is something wrong?”
“Huh? You stopped washing the dishes and shook your head as quick as before, “Oh no, I’m fine I’m just thinking........ thinking about what to write.” He smiled, nudging you playfully saying, “Alright Miss famous book-writer, make sure to give yourself a break from time to time too.”
You rolled your eyes and laughed, hoping that it sounded realistic enough for him to just brush the topic aside. But as you both got into bed later on, your usual routine since Ten hated sleeping alone at his place, you asked him once more.
“Hey Ten?” “Hmmmm?”
You turned over to face him as his hand laid over your waist and his eyes shut. He looked beautiful still, his hair all messed up, the cute slope of his nose softly inhaling and exhaling, looking like an angel ready for an intimate photoshoot for some underwear brand.
“Have you ever have you know, thought about us?” “What do you mean? Like our future?” He sleepily drawled. You focused your attention on his lips as they moved. “I mean yeah, I guess that, our future.”
He pulled you closer so that your head rested on his chest and both of his arms wrapped around you. Ten was a bit too warm for your liking, especially for a warm summer night but you melted at his gentle touch.
“I try not to think too much about it cause I feel like something could go wrong if I think too much. So usually I just take it day by day and focus on our love and what I can improve on.”
You were surprised at his answer but understood what he meant. Except you weren’t quite trying to see what he was thinking about your relationship, you wanted to know what he thought of you.
“Don’t you ever think about how we met? Like what if it went another way?” “Sometimes, I guess..... I just think what if Kun hadn’t told me that you were staring, then would we have ever met?” Ten paused for a second after digesting your words before replying with,
“Well luckily he did and I saw how cute you looked being caught in the act. Then when I found out you were trying to write a character about me, I got even more curious and interested in you. But I’d like to think that fate would’ve still let us meet one way or another.” He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head reassuring you the tiniest bit.
“B-but do you ever think like what if you were having a bad day or you weren’t a model so you weren’t used to the stares and were upset with me staring? Because well,” The question that had been on your mind all day finally spilled, “You’re you and well I’m me.”
Ten was quiet, the faint sounds of the city nightlife being the only thing you could hear besides his calming heartbeat. You were nervous to hear what he was going to say and how he felt. And finally, after a minute or two he broke the silence,
“Are you trying to say you don’t think you’re enough for me (y/n)?”
You didn’t know how to respond to that, it truly left you speechless so you stayed silent which gave him the answer. It was a fear that had been in the back of your head ever since he’d asked you out and ever since you’d seen the stares he’d get from both women and men on the streets. You knew that of course since he was a model, he’d done a lot to come this far with his looks and always fit body. These were all results of his healthy eating and daily exercise regime. But you couldn’t help but still feel a bit inferior knowing he woke up looking like that while you weren’t even an ounce close to it. 
He moved back a bit so that you could look at him and the serious expression on his face.
“(y/n), I know I never say this enough but I love you for you. I love you for your intelligent, beautiful mind and your just as much if not more beautiful body. I’ve never thought about looking better or being better than you because you’re my equal (y/n). And it hurts me to think that you’d ever think of yourself like that. I don’t care what anyone says but I love you and the only thing that can change that is if you decide not to love me anymore. Even then I’d still love you respectfully without overstepping any boundaries. So I don’t want you to put yourself down alone like this ever and if you think like this again then talk to me about it openly. You know I’ve never judged you for your honest thoughts.”
Even though it was dark in the room, you could see his eyes were getting glassy and he was upset at hearing what you thought about yourself. It did relieve your thoughts for a bit that he genuinely was with you for you but you knew it would come back and haunt your thoughts again sometime. Except this time you knew you could talk to Ten about it and that you both could get through this together. 
To be honest, you didn’t understand why you didn’t bring it up clearly with him. Ten was always an open book with you, clarification and honesty were big things for you two. But maybe it was because sometimes he felt so far away even though he was right there with you. Or maybe it was you that was far away from him as you kept your thoughts to yourself until you couldn't take it anymore.
You sighed before gently kissing him and wrapping your arms around his torso mumbling out a “I love you.” He put his arms around you again, his body heat more intense as he said, “I love you more (y/n), never ever forget that.”
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