#DKoS my beloved
nasykuching · 2 years
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Silver hair DKoS in his wedding attire
Based on my idea bc in this house we gotta cook our own food:
It’s common in wuxia where someone lost their power or gained godly power their hair turned white, so why don’t we have white haired KDJ
Imagine KDJ with black starry eyes, white coat, black wings, and silvery hair. and JHW canonly has white hair when she gained chaos power so WHERE’S MY WHITE HAIRED KDJ. Oh and 41 SYS is described with white long hair too as i remember? 🤔 meanwhile our little SYS has blonde hair. So it’s totally possible for KDJ to have white hair.
Orv merch PO will be closed in 3 days! Shop here
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fluffyrens · 2 years
Messing around in mental canvas, still picture under the cut
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chamiryokuroi · 2 years
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Tying a ribbon on your beloved’s arm so they will remember you while they’re gone.
Listen we need more DKoS Timber.
Bernard looking outside the window: When will my beloved come back from war?
Tim: I haven’t even left yet!
Bernard: I am practicing!!
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hehearse · 4 months
ohhhh my gosh just did a very brief scrollthru of your orv art and.... the way you draw od vs dkos vs just dokja is so. Aah (in a very good way).. your more recent art with od looking up at dkos and dokja being shaken at seeing oldest dream. Crazy beautiful!!!!!! also deeing the Recontexualizations made me laugh a bit. truly the orv experience
AWWW thank you thank you! kim dokja my beloved.... the most guy ever..... literally cannot stop thinking about the description he gives about himself. oldest dream. himself. agh.
and glad the recontextualization brings joy to SOME OF US-
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orviposition · 1 year
having 0 yjh and 51 thoughts.. their just so precious to me 🥺 like. how did their first interactions go? pls can we have some fluffy filler of 51 annoying 0 its all i want T.T what did pancheonmang think of their captain's weird little constellation? especially as the years went by post-apocalypse and he is STILL there. i mean. i guess its possibly he never interacted with them but are we sure about that? 🧐 not even sys? fr?
also constellation banquet in the manhua makes me giggle thinking about how it mightve gone in world of zero. did he send messages knowing damn well chaos would ensue? dkos being a little shit my beloved <3 (cant forgot great war of saint and demons. like damn how did that conversation go T.T)
god yes 0/51 arc is smth i desperately needed more of and genuinely would've wished for the chapters to not be split between them and kimcom/49 like it did but alas. i find it so adorable that due to 51's interference 0 saved knw, jhw and gpd (it really felt to me like kdj did regret a bit being so harsh to knw there)
how 0 was on guard against 51 a bit cuz he hit him during the 1st scenario but still bought midday tryst and constantly paid coins to not end the subscription. the way bihyung issued an extra round of sponsor selection and other constellations tried to appeal to him so hard but 51 (albeit poor at the time so he financially couldnt) only appealed with future info which was exactly what 0 needed
god i think about how constellations banquet might've went during the 0 turn more times that i would like to admit, and in my head it always ends in a dramatic tone (but also with comedy vibes to it) 51 can't appear regardless but even if he did i think it would've been a similar reaction to the time he entered 0's body in order for him to destroy the absolute throne. (many constellations are shocked at your strength)
speaking of 0/51 constellation banquet, this fic has a scene of it. a very cute read
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palidan-sheep · 2 years
Alright so, massive sucker for fantasy-medieval-magical whatnot worlds right here and yes, I am reading Dark Knights of Steel because it is fulfilling my need for fantasy-medieval-magical-whatnot with a group of characters I already like/love.
I am also an enjoyer of some morally-gray/evil Hal. Both with and without reasons for being the way that he is on whatever piece of media you’re reading.
But I swear to the gods and back, if the current/one of the Green Man in DKoS turns out to be Hal or any of the other lanterns, imma flip my shit. Don’t help that I have my speculations that it is Hal or one of the another missing Lanterns.
Spoilers for DKoS-
Whilst there are a plethora of characters that have yet to be introduced, I strongly believe that the Green Man who was talking to Ollie about assassinating Jor-el was Hal and not Joker-Luthor.
And this is based solely off of appearance too lmao. The Green Man is talking to Ollie and the transformation of Joker-Luthor. I don’t got a lot to work with here but I’ll try my best to prove my point.
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The top two are that of Joker-Luthor and the bottom one is the one I believe to be Hal.
Let’s start off with the most notable differences, the ring style. In the universes that we know and love, GL rings tend to be different from user to user. At least for our beloved Human GL’s.
Joker-Luthor has the most basic, simplistic, bland, devoid of any life ring style. And the unidentified welder has one that is more fitting to the theme of the story. Both are “GL” rings and both are vastly different form one-another.
Second off and perhaps a stretch here but, in the bottom one, the one I believe to be Hal, it looks like the welder is wearing a glove. There’s a line going down the side of the thumb, one that looks like where two pieces of a glove were sown together.
Who do we know and love that wears white gloves on their GL uniform? Hal.
Joker-Luthor doesn’t wear white gloves. Both before he discovered the ring and after he discovered it. It’s obvious that the ring or the thing that brought it to earth did some damage to his skin color, hence why he’s as pale and white as the Joker.
Also, another lil stretchy stretch, the way the unidentified welder says Oliver is sus. Why bold his name? Unless it holds some sorta of significance towards the identity of the welder, me thinks.
And, last but definitely not least, I think if Hal is our unidentifiable ring welder, then me thinks we got a mix of various uniforms going here.
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I think the stands of cloth flying around the legs could be that of a cape/cloak. Battle worn and just in general wear and tear stands of a cloak/cape.
white gloves from his regular Gl uniform, tattered stands of a cloak from his time as the Spector. We’ve yet to see another more of the unidentified welder so this is all I got.
Note- I’m lowkey praying that Hal isn’t the unidentified welder, that none of the lanterns are the welder. I’m praying that they’re a lil found-family group of like bounty hunters or something traveling the lands that somehow gets roped into this mess.
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The Crown Found in Rose Thorns - fic
Characters: Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Talia al Ghul, Jon Kent, Cassandra Cain, Bruce Wayne Pairing: jondami Summary: “My name is Jonathan Kent, of the Kingdom of Krypton. And I’m here to marry Prince Damian of the Kingdom of Gotham.” A/N: I told @berryfartsart some medieval jondami headcanons inspired by the DKOS announcement and they cyberbullied me into writing the AU for it. (Kidding, of course.) Anyway get ready for some old fashion slow burns and smoopy goopy love~ (but like...eventually, this won’t be fast updated haha)
Damian huffed, crossing his arms, wincing as the Cassandra pulled the brush through his curls once more.
“This is a farce.” He droned. “A complete jester act.”
Talia chuckled, but didn’t look back at her son. Continued brushing her own hair.
“It’s going to be the same as the past three days.” Damian warned. “They’re all simpletons not worthy of my time, or anyone else’s.”
“Then I would at least like to remind you, my dear precious boy.” Talia hummed, effortlessly twirling her hair into a braid. “That I am not asking you to marry today. I am asking you to explore what traits might appeal to you, what kingdoms you trust, or don’t.”
Damian winced as his sister tugged gently at his hair, and scoffed. “It shouldn’t be up to me. My marriage is unimportant.” He mumbled. “You should be focusing on the heir’s marriage.”
Talia sighed, dropping her brush onto her vanity and standing. She stared into the mirror for a moment before leaning over and plucking Damian’s crown off its stand. She turned and slowly walked across the room, staring warmly down at Damian as she approached him.
“Richard does not have a threat hanging over his life.” She murmured, pushing his bangs back before carefully placing the crown on his head. “Richard does not need all the protection he can get.”
“And our brother already has a suitor.” Cassandra chimed in with a giggle. “That warrior princess from the Tamaranean lands.”
“Indeed.” Talia agreed. “So even if he needed any protection from something he could not handle himself, it appears he already has it.”
“Jason then.” Damian tried. He twisted to look at Cassandra. “Or you.” He sat up. “You’re already betrothed to that bard woman!” He turned back to his mother. “Why can’t we make a big deal about her nuptials instead!”
“Because her grandfather is not threatening to steal her away and hold her prisoner and eventually murder her for power.” Talia laughed, holding Damian’s face with a hand on his cheek. “And I am not above a political marriage if that means you have two kingdoms protecting you instead of just ours.”
Damian pursed his lips, ignored the heat rising through his face. “…And if I pick no one to attempt a courtship?”
“Like I said, my beloved.” Talia leaned down and kissed his forehead. “I am not above political marriage to protect you.” She smiled, eyes darting between his. “Even if you forever hate me for it.”
She stood back up, adjusted his crown, then Cassandra’s, then her own, and turned to glide out of the room.
The throne room was abuzz with citizens of the town, and even visitors who had come to try their luck and win Prince Damian’s hand.
Damian sighed as he followed Richard onto their altar. Scanning the room, he could already see no one of merit, and no one of interest. So it was going to be another boring, pointless, wasted day.
“This should be for you.” Damian mumbled again.
Richard snorted, plopping into his seat. “Sorry I found love on my own, little one. Without Mother and Father’s help.” He smirked. “Besides, you should be nice to me. I don’t have to sit here with you all day. I’m just here out of the goodness of my heart, and fondness for my poor, sorrowful, lonely little brother.”
“Piss off. You’re here to amuse yourself at my expense.” Damian rolled his eyes, sitting more politely in the throne next to him. “And so you can go cackle at my misfortune with our brothers later.”
“Nonsense. We cackle at your misfortune on a normal day too.” Richard promised with a wink. “How’s that growth spurt treating you anyway?”
Damian frowned, tugging at his sleeves. “…I have requested a new fitting with Alfred after today’s…festivities.”
Dick smiled again, running his fingers through Damian’s neatly combed curls. “Your clothes will fit for longer than a week one day soon, kiddo.” He let his fingers fall from Damian’s hair to his cheek. “…I’m not just here to keep you company, you know.”
“Mhm.” Richard nodded. Damian watched as his blue eyes darted around the room. “I’m here to vet your potential suitors. Make sure they are good enough for you, strong enough to protect you-”
“I can protect myself, thank you.”
“-and this is the fourth day of the festivities. No doubt your grandfather has heard of them by now. Someone has to make sure no undesirables have snuck in, or attempt to make a move.”
“Do you truly think he would be so brash?” Damian questioned. “Besides, this whole thing was Mother’s doing. So, I thought that was why Father keeps attending, to keep watch.”
“He is. But like I said, this is the fourth day. Enough time to get word and move to strike. And forgive me if I’d rather be safe than sorry.” Richard smiled apologetically. “So Father and I are in here, Jason and Cassandra are running the perimeter and Timothy is monitoring the guard towers.”
Damian sighed, staring out into the crowd once more. A few of the guests were glancing their way now. Giggling and falling back into their whispers. Some of the less modest ones outright stared, giving Damian as flirty a smile as they could.
“…Well, as much as I appreciate your concern, I’m afraid it will all be for naught.” Damian drooped in his chair and crossed his arms. “If today is anything like the past three, it will be the most boring day of your life, and nothing will come to fruition.”
“Never say never, little one.” Richard offered dreamily. “Love strikes when you least expect it.”
“Love.” Damian scoffed, glancing over as Bruce and Talia entered the room, hands clasped between them. “Who said any of this was for love?”
“Well.” Richard hummed. “It is because we love you.” He offered. “And we’re hoping not to make this an arranged affair. That we can find you happiness in a partner as well as protection. That’s why we want you to choose.”
“And if I never choose anyone?”
Richard blinked, then offered a smile. But it was sad, almost pitying.
Damian crossed his arms tighter, glancing towards their parents as the King and Queen sat next to them.
“As I keep telling you all, I can protect myself.” Damian mumbled. “And I’m content being alone.”
Richard kept his sad smile. Damian refused to look at him anymore.
Damian wanted to rip his hair out.
As he had predicted many times that day, it was just more of the same.
A blacksmith offering the best weapons, and the safest house on the continent.
A nomad promising a life of adventure and delicious foods.
A group of sisters offering as many heirs as they could carry, and their father as the sole brave knight to protect them all.
A witch and a wizard together, offering magic as protection and endless fertility to continue the kingdom’s bloodline.
A princess offering the best clothes and parties.
A duke who…wasn’t even sure why he was there. He was sent by his father, and didn’t even know Damian’s name.
A young woman who merely offered her humor and loyalty. She could make him laugh, and made it clear that was all she had.
Damian almost agreed to meet with her, if only because he appreciated her honesty.
The sun was dipping in the sky outside the western window, and Damian could feel his stomach starting to growl. He glanced to his brother, who had sat all but stock-still all day, doing exactly as he’d said he would. Watching the room, vetting the visitors. Making sure these potential suitors were good enough for his littlest brother.
“…How many more do you think Mother will have stroll through here?” Damian whispered. “I don’t think I can take much more of this mind-numbing torture.”
Richard chuckled. “I’ll give her four more, then push for a recess. Alright?”
“Thank you.” Damian breathed in relief, glancing out towards the room. The crowd had thinned slightly, with some parties departing when their candidate was politely rejected. Others were just the local townsfolk, remaining purely to stick their noses in royal business.
Talia called for the next suitor to step up, and on the far side of the room, Damian saw three people stepping forward. But before they could make it even a yard, one of the large doors across from the thrones groaned open.
“Am I late?” A male voice called. A wave of chuckles swam around the room, and even Damian found himself smirking.
“Depends on what you’re looking for, son.” Bruce called. Despite the normal nature of the interruption, Damian could already see both his father and brother had put their hands on the hilt of their swords.
“Apologies, Your Highnesses,” Alfred appeared behind the man. He sent a glare over his shoulder as he passed by him. “I had asked him to wait a few moments, but he clearly refused. I do hope we aren’t interrupting.”
“No.” Bruce waved to three people apologetically, who nodded and disappeared back into the crowd. “If he is here for Damian, then we can hear him out.”
“I am!” The stranger called. When he moved, the sound of armor clanked around him. “Um, yes. I mean. I am. I am here for Prince Damian.”
“…Though tardiness is not a good first impression, I must say.” Talia scolded quietly. Bruce gave her a gentle smile and patted her hand. “Bring him forward.”
“Great!” The man – young, by the sound of it, probably closer to a boy – called, leaping past Alfred. “I mean, uh, thank you, Your Highness. For the opportunity.”
Damian watched the man as he walked the long carpet forward, and he felt his eyes narrowing in curiosity. He had dark hair that seemed permanently windblown framing his face, and an awkward smile that almost seemed like it was about to burst from his face.
What really struck Damian’s interest, however, were his eyes. They were a sharp violet, a color Damian didn’t recall ever seeing on a human being before. They were fascinating. Beautiful, even, if he really had to describe them.
As he approached, Damian realized the man – boy, he truly was a boy – was around his age. Seventeen like himself at most, but more likely a year or two younger. What surprised him about that, though, was the armour he wore. While a sparkling silver and recently cleaned, Damian could see nicks and dents in it, even a few shadows that could easily be blood stains, if he got close enough to look.
Barely seventeen and already a battle-worn war veteran?
Attached to the shoulder plate of his armour was a brooch that fastened his bright red cloak together around his neck. It was gold, shaped like a freshly cut diamond, with a large S painted blue on the inside.
Damian didn’t recognize the coat of arms. And Damian knew all the coat of arms of every kingdom and town on the continent.
That was suspicious.
He glanced to his side again. Richard had not taken his hand off his sword.
The boy had reached their feet now, that large smile still adorning his face.
“Hello.” He said plainly. “My name is Jonathan Kent, of the Kingdom of Krypton.”
Talia huffed, raising her head. “And what are you here for, Sir Jonathan?”
Jonathan’s smile, impossibly, seemed to widen.
“Well, Your Highness.” He started, turning his head to stare directly at Damian. Damian found himself flinching under the intense gaze. “I’m here to marry Prince Damian of the Kingdom of Gotham.”
A wave of gasps rolled through the room, followed by an almost deathly silence. While they were all here to propose a courtship and future with the prince, no one had dared to be so forward! Just as no one should have. It was presumptuous and out of place. Everyone knew that. Everyone.
Bruce and Talia glanced at each other, and Richard had the gall to stifle a laugh in his fist.
But Damian.
He was tired, he was annoyed. He was fed up with this charade that had not only taken up almost a week of his life, but one he did not want to partake in, in the first place. He was fed up with people looking at him. Fed up with being treated like a thing, a prize.
So as his parents glanced at each other, and the court calmed themselves over the offense, Damian stood, moving to the front of the altar.
“I beg your pardon?” He spat, brushing off Richard’s fingers as he tried to grab him. “How dare you think I’d want to marry a nameless peasant such as yourself.”
“Well, past experience says you wouldn’t be that against it.” Jonathan shrugged, armor clanking. “But that also is a moot point, because I’m not a peasant. I’m Jonathan, from the Kingdom of Krypto-”
“I’ve never heard of it.” Damian declared. “And I know every kingdom here to the coasts. Which makes you a liar, dear knight.”
The moniker was all but sneered, but Jonathan just let his smile grow a little wider, a little…fonder.
Suddenly Jonathan glanced over Damian’s shoulder. “My father’s name is Clark Kent, but he also sometimes goes by Kal. You’ve fought at his side before, King Bruce.”
Damian whirled around to find his father nodding. “Indeed I have.” Bruce frowned. “I don’t recall him being from any kingdom though. He called himself a traveler.”
“A…recent development.” Jonathan admitted. “One we are still getting used to. But Krypton is his – our – home, and once the truth was discovered, they welcomed us back with open arms.”
“Your father is king?” Jonathan nodded. “Quite the…development, as you said.” Bruce murmured. He glanced at Dick, who shook his head. “He never mentioned a son.”
“He has two. Myself and my older brother, Connor.” A nervous chuckle. “He was…very protective of us as we traveled. Hid us in forests and with witches when he and mother had dealings in towns and villages. Apparently whatever ousted him from Krypton all those years ago, he was afraid we would be its next target.”
“None of this is relevant to today.” Damian cut in, whirling back around to face the suitor. “How long have you been under the title of prince?”
“A few years.”
“And in a few years you did not learn any manners?” Damian scolded, crossing his arms. “You do not enter another’s kingdom and demand someone’s hand in marriage.”
“I did not demand.” Jonathan countered. “I promised.”
Damian felt heat rise to his cheeks. “And who said I would choose you? How do you know I have not chosen anyone to court yet?”
“Past experience.”
“Past experience with who?”
The room’s silence grew tense. Damian’s hands balled into fists.
“I have never met you for a second in my life.”
Jonathan lowered his voice. “Are you so sure?”
Damian narrowed his eyes, and opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by his mother.
“Damian.” She hummed. “…What do you think of this…gentleman? Are you interested in him?”
“I think he’s a complete buffoon.” Damian answered instantly. Jonathan chuckled to himself. “An arrogant, deceptive moron.”
Jonathan merely blinked. “Your Highness, that doesn’t answer her question.”
Damian felt a blush blossoming on his face. “You-”
“And if we’re going to marry within the year, perhaps you should answer quickly, so we can begin our courtship.”
“Again, who said I would ever want to marry you?” Damian demanded.
Jonathan shrugged again. “Well, so far, you haven’t said you don’t.”
Damian felt his jaw go rigid. This idiot. This disrespectful, uneducated boy who claims he fell into power. So sure of himself, so narcissistic. And he already thought Damian belonged to him? That Damian was already his?
That smile was still plastered to his face. It was mischievous, and held a secret.
Held a challenge.
Say no, it said. I dare you. Let me embarrass you in front of your court and walk away with your tail between your legs. I dare you.
Damian never could turn down a dare. A test. And if it was a challenge Jonathan Kent of Krypton wanted, it was a challenge he would get.
He wanted to court Damian? Fine. Let him court Damian. Damian would eat him alive. Emotionally tear him limb from limb. Send him crawling back to Krypton wondering why he ever even bothered with the youngest Prince of Gotham.
After a moment, Damian returned the smile, slowly walked down the altar steps, and moved towards the knight. Stopped only inches away, and stared up into those mystical purple eyes.
There was something in those eyes, Damian noted. Something just out of reach. Purposefully hidden. Hidden from everyone? Or just Damian?
This close, and Damian was reminded once more of the marks on his armor. The red shadows he’d noticed before, he could now confirm were blood. Old and flaking, and much more of it than he first realized. Not his own, Damian decided, based on their locations. Blood from others.
Mischievous…and dangerous.
(And beautiful!, his brain supplied. But he ignored that part. Stayed focused on the challenge at hand.)
He glanced down between them when he noticed Jonathan’s fingers twitch, like he wanted to reach out. Want to touch him. Damian let his gaze rise. Smirked, and reveled in the scene of Jonathan biting his lip, just slightly.
“Yes, Mother.” He whispered. But his voice was heard through the whole room. “I think I am interested.”
Jonathan kept his gaze. Whispered back, “I knew you would be.”
“Your arrogance will be the death of you, Traveler.” Damian hummed, turning away. He began back up the steps, was almost to the top, when he heard the quietest words ever spoken.
“No, I do believe only you will be, love.”
Damian spun back around at the tender sound, his face heating up. Jonathan was still staring, but now his gaze was softer, more adoring. Like he’d known Damian for years.
Like he really was here just to profess his eternal love and marry him on the spot.
Suddenly, a hand was on Damian’s shoulder, and he turned to find Richard above him, watching Jonathan as he tugged Damian back to his seat.
Talia began speaking to Jonathan, Bruce adding a word or two, as Richard and Damian sat back down. That look was gone from Jonathan’s face now, back to business as the queen set a time for him to return the next day to spend time with her son.
“…First impression?” Damian murmured to his brother. He felt himself twitching every so often, when Jonathan would glance his way.
“Honestly? Suspicious.” Richard returned. “I’ll need to look deeper into this history he’s claiming. See if Father and I can get a hold of Clark. Find out about the status of Krypton.” Richard paused, then looked over at him. “Are you honestly interested in him?”
Damian shrugged. “If not for love, then for my personal entertainment.”
“That’s cruel, if he’s genuine.”
“Do you think he is?”
Richard looked back. The knight was bowing to their parents now. Stood, and turned to the two of them to bow again. When he stood upright once more, he gave Damian a wink, then turned to walk back down the aisle and out of the room.
Richard clicked his tongue as Jonathan disappeared out the large door. Glanced at Damian with a sly smile. “…Ask me again after your first date tomorrow.”
Damian groaned and slumped in his throne.
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sommer-rain · 5 years
End of an era - he was always the best cat to me
24th April on wednesday, a few weeks ago, I had just woken up still in my bed being sleepy before even getting up to get ready for work when my dad call on the phone. I pick up and wonder why since he knows i’ve told him not to that early even on workdays around 08 in the morning.
He said he called as fast as he thought he could - this wasn’t an ordinary call i understood - He told me about our beloved old cat, especially my beloved cat, around 15 years old had finally died. Of old age, not sickness damage and other things, it was just his time. And he chose to come home, and to come inside the house - He wanted to be home when he died and was dying. He could have chose to die any other place but he didn’t. He was outside during night and wasn’t coming when dad called on him for the night to come in. In the early hours 5-6 in the morning he let out their younger cat and saw the old one lay waiting on the porch to come in.   He noticed the cat was dying at that point already. Not much time. He let him in. The cat tried to find the right place/spot to die, the cat definitely knew it was dying. Maybe it was just some minutes until, I dko. I was in my apartment. Dad was home by himself, Marja wasn’t home until afternoon.
I cried in my pillow, still i was stupid enough to go to work, typical me, stupid. Unwise. Why can’t i just give a call to my boss and stay home because for one day of grief? I should have stayed home so i could have cried out as much as could and needed on the first day.
- Anyway, i’m trying to write it shorter but forgive me that i might still get abit carried away while writing tho i try not to..
After work i had my apointment at the Homeopath (for alternate treatment for my allergies) and then we drove to his place, Marja had already come home before we arrived from the Homeopath. We all were sad. We had a little funeral. Dad had made a grave at the cat’s favorite place on the yard, we all think it was the best place. Dad thought he would have apreciated that. My brother wasn’t able to come because he had gymmed so much he was so sore he couldn’t get out of his apartment that day.    When dad carried him to the grave wrapped in one of his old shirts..The cat-the corpse- looked so peaceful; like sleeping but nothing could fool me into that he was alive, no matter how much i would have wanted that. ..And strangly, kind of perfect..idk why..   He put him down in the grave and i wished..oh how i wanted to just..Part of me wanted to just pick him up and hold him..and stroke him just so easily and softly and as slowly as one is able to.. That was the worst. I never thought I would feel that way. That i wasn’t able to ever touch him again. EVER !   Marja put some spring flowers in his grave before dad filled it. I wanted to put something to..but the only thing quietly felt i wanted to put there was some raw salmon pieces..that he used to love. Maybe silly but that was what i wanted to put in his grave. We went inside and ate a graved salmon (i think) that she had bought on her way home, that was delicious.
Since then I have such an urge of wanting to hold and pet him but i can’t and i hate hit. Now i just want to hold and cuddle an older cat, whichever older that it would be, i don’t care. If only for a few minutes i think i would feel a little better. But i don’t seem to have any access to meet an older cat.. :( I just need an older cat in my life..
Now..i guess i’m just mourning--or grieving whatever it’s called. Some days i cry more, some less, some days not at all, but i still feel an overall gloom, sadness, missing and emptiness. I loved that cat so much, okay? He was special to me. It feels like someone poured acid onto that part of my heart and it frets a deep hole for every of my many, many memories of him. And i feel so empty.. I always missed him every day anyway i didn’t come to dad, and every other time i wasn’t able to see him when he was alive. ...You know..i didn’t cry when i was dad that day..i think it all more sort of kicked in during thursday-friday that week more than on the wednesday. I wish we’d adopt another, an older cat. A pretty chill one, that doesn’t nessesarily be much of a lap cat but cuddly, who needs lots of love.
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nasykuching · 2 years
I tried making animation of Demon King of Salvation
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Loan Will definitely Create Me Delighted
To permit folks recognize our team are alive, carrying out OK, and certainly not influenced by such traits as warm, snowstorms, floods, untamed fires, cyclones, hurricanes, electrical power blackouts, or even various other such things that might keep our team off DKos. Through doing normal physical exercise you change your physiology, you modify your body chemicals, which will make you think various, so you begin focusing on various things. If you have any type of inquiries concerning where and ways to use yellow pages uk jobs [discover this info here], you can contact us at the page. Maybe you are actually to cook mouth watering meals at my beloved dining establishment (which makes me satisfied) and while you are developing fantastic food, your ins are actually wriggling with joy! Sir the great Dr i am actually happy and also extremely thankful wherefore you have actually created for me. I will definitely advise you my good friends around which have psychological troubles or even wellness to contact him right now through e-mail oshogumspelltemple @ given that he has actually performed surprises in my lifestyle and i feel he may assist you out in any problem. My Results Story: As well as i am thus happy to spread out the information on the internet for those that need actual and a reliable streak caster to get in touch with without meeting along with several phony and swindle time wheels on-line to begin with simply the means i came in-contact along with like 4 fake spell caster online already. To mention that the other woman or the gathering makes an other half delighted is exceptionally brief viewed. That sounds counter-intuitive, but doing whatever you can easily to deal with your guy's every urge is CERTAINLY NOT the technique to create him happy. I ensure if you are going to start being grateful for the important things in your life that make you pleased, or perhaps miserable, you will certainly experience a splendid recovery of brand-new energy. The key is to earn the selection each and every time ... locate one thing to be satisfied approximately. What creates me delighted could or might not substantially bring about your joy As well as talking genes, there's a really good chance that since our minds are wired in different ways and also make various amounts from chemicals that determine our mind, some of us are mosting likely to possess a more difficult opportunity making a delighted relationship". Looks alone can easily make a guy want you sexually, yet if you desire him to fall in affection, devote to a partnership, and also observe you as his only, after that appears alone will not cut it. However simply denying one thing you take pleasure in, whether this's gelato or moving as well as various other aspects of an unusual, daring sex life, are going to certainly not make your need for this fade. This morning I lagged someone in web traffic who decided they were mosting likely to create an ideal convert. I was actually gotten married to for 15years along with lilian as well as 2kids and our team lived merrily up until things began obtaining hideous as well as our team possessed battles and disagreements virtually whenever ... this worsened at a point that she filed for divorce ... I tried my ideal to create her adjustment her mind & stay with me create i loved her with all my heart and also failed to intend to loose her but everything simply failed to work out ... she vacated the house and still went ahead to apply for separation ... I made an effort as well as begged whatever however still nothing at all operated. We will replace your auto with a brand new one of the exact same make model as well as requirements if your automobile is actually harmed past cost-effective repair or even taken and not recouped as well as you got your car from brand-new within the past One Year. If you stop making an effort to get him back as well as create him presume you do not desire him any longer, that is going to quicken traits up. Your intellect knows that product points don't create you pleased if you are like me. If you adore building things, you may attempt recruiting and produce a really good residing doing just what you love. Since it will certainly lead you to redo the very same oversights as many various other males often make, do not attempt to perform factors in the darker. All content posted on this web site is the duty from the party submitting such content. Thats the complication people grew up having relatively quick and easy lifestyles in an initial planet country have no clue what true hardships are. and afterwards fuss they typically aren't satisfied its saddening and also amusing that thats what this globe has actually related to. A project management license will permit employers recognize that you are serious about your willpower which you have actually completed the instruction needed to create you a competent and important expert. Just what took place to me is actually certainly not what i may always keep simply to myself yet to likewise inform the world to ensure that those that were as soon as like me will certainly get there relative back and been happy once again. You will certainly start to look at the planet in unfavorable phrases and also you will really have the tendency to entice more traits to earn you dissatisfied. Before rolling the rice and the seaweed, see to it that the algae is put on a wood mat utilized to rumble the sushi (All these could be carried at the nearest Eastern convenience store). In order to get started you have to choose to earn happiness a priority in your lifestyle. Getting to grips along with locating cups as well as saucers for the home decor, checking out new systems for table tops as well as mats along with office chair seatings; adequate sufficient to get you an ordinary rating of TWENTY-TWENTY creating yourself delighted. Make a claim out loud to every other specifying your purpose to find even more beneficial and calm means of connecting in order that you communicate better, have much less arguments, and also more practical conversations. You possess a desire to stand up once again as well as make an effort - that will make you a genuinely delighted person. Aries is actually incredibly supporting when in a relationship, if you may consider something he has actually not done that you think he may enjoy you should carry this up. The many things is actually that the Aries male will certainly appreciate herself very most when you enjoy as well as given that he is actually not timid regarding taking possibilities, he will make an effort everything when. Always remember: everyone needs to have 12 hugs a day, therefore see to it to give them all the hugs they need for a terrific sensation on a daily basis prior to night time. I understood exactly what this needed to make me capable to throw up, and that was actually creating myself therefore total to the point where I experienced likeI was mosting likely to throw up anyhow. Guy will not think you're egocentric if you perform this in a way that honors their desire to earn you satisfied. Even though, this may believe weird for time, once you perform this, this doesn't make you believe thus. This expression would certainly be actually the right one if you wish to make your fan think extremely vital. I want to state that I certainly never expected my spouse to make me pleased afterwards, but I will be actually lying. Therefore, yes, Commenter, I can easily prefer to enjoy or rather experience instants of happiness and internal peace, despite having the only thing that is actually taking place. I experience that's certainly not simply my task however my role to aid keep an even more caring vibration on this planet-- particularly right now. If you be happy like me I will certainly advise you to only call Dr. Lee using: Ancientfathersandmothers @ and I promise you won't lament this in any way.
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