#look at my wip minecraft mod boy
sirompp · 1 year
one cheesed burger...
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goblinbugthing · 6 months
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bing bong!!! lil kitchen for a house im building :)))
i <3 cosmetic mods
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syrinq · 2 years
sy's fun list of petty spite things for the most irrelevant shit in the world ever
i love being a picky hater and tuning things to meet my tastes a 100%. also making lists is fun
1) one of the first ever instances of me being picky as shit, is me individually handpicking textures from ~10 minecraft packs to merge them into my own custom one. this was so i'd like ALL textures and not be bothered by the majority of birch textures
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I Would Be Nothing Without My Birch
2) another minecraft example is me at age 13 modifying and adding about 600+ skins to personalise my minecraft comes alive mod. because i LOATHED seeing the same skin for every guard in every village i'd encounter time and time again
3) reinstalling my entire sims 3 folder every few years or so, to once again have a hopeless attempt at running it smoothly. then realising the sims 3 camera just fucking sucks and everything else is mostly fine once optimised through bazillions of config edits and mods. also spending 4329320934820 years on sims resource and scouring tumblr blogs to find the most nichest and funniest types of custom content, resulting in 5gb of merged content. because merging packages is your best friend.
4) following an extremely particular naming + sorting structure for my folders, files, art wips, and so on and so forth. so it's all Cohesive And Good. if i catch myself misusing ONE single symbol or capital letter I Will Scream. downloads are never to be grouped by date. old-fashioned alphabet sorting my beloved
5) as a continuation to refine 4 further, currently i'm editing custom .ico files for my folders, because for some reason picked thumbnails from files-within-the-folder never stick. fuck you windows 10. I Will Circumvent Your Shitty Ways By Being Extremely Petty And Going Through Efforts Like These To Make Everything Cohesive And Nice For Myself. I Work On Visuals, Baby!
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look at this. This Fucks
6) in this house we sort by 'the' and 'a' and similar title prefixes. no, i don't care i'll have a million names starting with 'the', IT STARTS WITH 'THE' SO IT'S INCLUDED FOR SORTING. one of the biggest reasons i hate the steam library sorting, because for some reason 'the' & whatever's included in the screenshot page. this makes 0 sense to me.
7) currently i'm also reigniting my love for character design and I WILL design these .png beasts as i and only i desire and not cater to whatever furries are popular right now. fuck the 'less is more' shit I'M SLAPPING PATTERNS ON THESE BEASTS
8) switched to android, because the biggest dealbreaker (besides iOS being shit generally) was the fact that iOS made song album art 1px by 1px on the home screen & that utterly devastated me. HOW ELSE AM I TO LOOK AT GOOD ART AND SEE WHAT SONG I'M LISTENING TO
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This Should Be Illegal + I Only Stayed With The Brand Because I Was Already Used To It + Lame
9) I WILL revert your shitty border-radius images back to square. we LOVE EM POINTY, BOYS
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10) changed default samsung keyboard to gboard, because the location of special symbols on the former annoyed the Shit Out Of Me. It Is So Unnaturelle. also gboard comes in cool colours that are unobtrusive enough to use
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My Beloved Gradient
11) i will kill off whatever lore is canon if i make an oc based on some franchise. i will put a new jacket on them and suck them by vacuum into my own ocverse. because fuck them mafia hunting some 10-yo's electric mouse for sport
12) in 99.9% of cases ips, fics, whatever exists, always has something that irks me. i will crack my own knuckles and bend the ip so bad in my own files for my own entertainment
13) when a (prime) warframe's default skin is so god fucking awful to look at, 'cause of all the normal tex lines, I WILL put on a skin that's easier on the eyes. because fuck them details. fuck details in general btw i hate 4328943032 ornaments accessories etc
14) i will go out of my way where possible & fitting, to mod in an armour mod so my game protagonist can always be Cool & Unperceivable. because fuck them humans in fictional settings. fuck them relatable moments. i refuse to be a woman in monster hunter unless i can wear male armour without the need to show off my tits or anime-esque face. thanks
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15) i will forever be a :P and :D and :] girlie. i Refuse to use emojis Unironically in 90% of cases. the remaining 10% of cases is using 😊 to convey gratitude to a boomer through text messages so i can be understood better. i'd rather unironically use the horrific lenny ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) than stoop as low as 🥺
16) i used to type 'you' as 'u' circa 2016 and something inside me viscerally dies, whenever i witness another using it. especially in a serious convo context or they do pull some confession or whatever. in this case it's none of my biz tho so who care
17) shit like the fibonacci sequence can sound fancy and like some delicious pasta, but i will refuse to use it. ever. you'll catch me dead before i'll utilise the golden ratio in stuff like artworks to ''make a cooler composition'' or whatever other bullshit effect it theoretically emits. you'll catch me dead calling an important game location a weenie, just because that's somehow a term introduced in fun park design & it was used to link to game design. a fucking WEENIE. fucking wieners.
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18) anyone who made a significant change in their lives, without being educated on it or prep as much as possible, eg. getting a shit-breather of a persian cat, immediately gets -100 relationship and -100 morality points with me but i'll never ever mention this. fuck you and your untaught swine ass prioritising cutesy bullshit above health
19) besides common courtesy 'n all that, a huge deal breaker for any housemate, is eating microwaved ready meal pasta. especially if it's got cheese in it. that shit reeks worse than whatever i shit out during my period, and it goes as far as the bahamas. use microwaved rice instead god fucking damn. EVEN SEAFOOD IS BETTER
20) i will Absolutely Not stand on a damp bathroom mat that was made damp by someone else. that shit is Disgusting. same goes for warm toilet seats besides the stank, after someone took a wicked shit. I Need To Wait At Least 15 Minutes To Ensure Stank Gone.
21) i always liked seeing the offspring of my flight rising but despised clicking through 84920328032 names in offspring lists. my solution? like most in the excel sheet fandom, i made a personal database that lists visuals of every. single. dragon. i've hatched. as well as another database that keeps track of lineages in a visual family tree. these things are several years old and still going and I Am Unironically Actually Obsessed With This
22) using surtitles (above text) to caption media is a Sin. i will break into your house and exterminate your ass. subtitles are Neatest below the media, in the Center. As It Should Be For Bottoms. i also despise subtitles moved below the character that says it, but this can stay as it's easier for the deaf and whatever. either way I Will Break Your Media by moving the subs or completely turning them off. Fuck You.
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23) uneven numbers are far more superior than even numbers and it's a Great Bonus point when lists end on uneven numbers. hell yeah brother. bye
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chiptunecookie · 5 years
11/11/11 Tag Game
Thanks to @michaelbjorkwrites for the tag. I can’t find the original list, so I’m going to answer the same questions.
1. Do you have a favorite OC?
I have two that I can’t decide between. There’s Saphren, a severely OP OC that I’ve developed over many years of writing snippets both mentally and digitally. Saphren is an anthropomorphic canine with ridiculous cosmic powers who is in love with a mortal cursed with immunity to all forms of decay, including time. She’s actually a Guardian of many of my fictional worlds, something like an anti-Galactus but slightly more ridiculously powerful. However, she can only exercise said powers when she’s abiding by the Universal Law of Balance, and correcting said balance. So, if she can’t actually super-fight, she knows she messed up somewhere. Second is Samma Dawn, a Witch-Kin servant of Goddess Emelis, the First Mother (basically my Gaia stand-in for a world I’ve been developing called Minera). Samma can commune with flora and fauna, make bonds with both and even manipulate them directly if necessary. Samma is dutiful, somewhat aloof and often puts Nature above all else, leaving a bitter taste for many who meet him, but he is honest, and does care deeply for other peoples who take the time to understand his values and choices.
2. Which WIP has changed the most? Why?
Probably my most recent one concerning a retelling of a popular fairy tale, because I’m just not sure how to start it, what exactly I want to say about it, and I’ve been stuck in outline phase for a dog’s age because of college.
3. Do you enjoy worldbuilding? Do you consider yourself good at it?
Without a doubt I love WorldBuilding (TM). Worldbuilding is probably my favorite part of the big picture. As for good at it?.. I’m confident in my ability to spitball a believable world. When it comes time for details, like religions or culture, I’m someone who tends to take less inspiration from specific things, and I just look at broad categories. Like, I’ll look at a bunch of cultures that hold some specific animal(s) sacred and find similarities to build off of, rather than make a direct/potential analogue with ten different details and a new name.
4. Have you ever made a conlang/fictional language for a WIP?
Yes and no. I made a cipher language with translation rules, which ended up being far too specific and I kept losing track of how to substitute my vowels... So I didn’t get far. It was a fun experiment, and I was inspired to do it by StarFox Adventure’s cipher.
5. Do you like to keep faceclaims of your OCs? Do you find them online or draw them yourself?
Technically yes... I have a very vivid idea of what Saphren looks like, because I simply associate an old Furcadia (uwu bois) portrait from my favorite map to her face. As for Samma, I’ve never had him drawn, and I cannot draw myself, so his face is very close to mine in my head, but if I described it, it’d be so different in your own that I don’t really think it’s terribly important.
6. Has anyone ever made any fanfic or fan art for you?
No, no. I haven’t posted anything worth it, to be fair.
7. Who is your writing buddy/confidant you always come to about your work?
Probably my wife. She usually reads everything I write before anyone else. As for the process itself, I’ve been very private about stuff that either isn’t finished or is just literally fanfiction of my own that I write as a self-indulgence because sometimes I want to go to a magical horse world without war and politics.
8. Big or small cast?
Medium. I prefer to have a cast of five to seven. Some people say seven is big, but I think nine and up is big, personally. Now, I usually split this up into Big P(rotagonist), Direct Support (1-2 aka sidekicks), Main Party (Includes previous, 2-5), Narrative Support (2-4 depends on many things, and can change members), and Just For This Scene (because we pass people every day that contribute but never become important).
9. Were any of your characters inspired by others you saw or read about?
Saphren’s love interest mentioned above, Lord Harken, is based on the Dunedain from Middle Earth as far as his lore is concerned; he came from a medieval world originally, but since he’s immune to decay, he got to watch it develop into a space-faring one, and eventually got a ship of his own. I had a character somewhat based on Inuyasha at one point, though he wasn’t a demon originally. His name is Taka, or at least that’s what he calls himself as even I can’t remember if that’s his real name or not. His younger brother was killed in a mercenary raid of their village. The two were orphans even before this, so Taka was furious, walked to the gates of Hell and even beat one of Hell’s jailors at a chance game for his brother’s soul. Dimone, the Demon Avatar of Wrath, took notice and told Taka that if he would eat a Pale Apple from the tree within Lucifer’s Crater, he could always protect his brother. Taka did so, and was cursed with a dark seed that basically turned him into a killing machine any time his brother was threatened, Taka got angry, or someone did something immoral and Taka found out about it. Dimone tricked Taka into being a soul harvester, essentially. He gets better, but his journey was not a happy one. His brother outgrew him and died peacefully, and Taka’s one comfort was that his brother always understood and stood by Taka, so at least neither was truly alone.
10. Favorite trope(s)?
So many... World of Cardboard Speeches are something I love. Even Evil Has Standards usually makes for some interesting depth or hilarious bits. Our (Insert thing here) Is/Are Different is one of my favorites. Crouching Moron/Hidden Badass is so much fun to play with. I think the crowning trope for me though is probably Refusal of The Call. It’s almost cliche these days, but it’s not just yet because there’s also so many Jumped At The Call stories/games that when the “Hero” is just like, “Nah, I’m good” I always want to see what circumstances arise that either light the fire or changes the course. It’s great when done well.
11. How do you waste time not writing?
Minecraft, but at the same time, Minecraft has inspired me so much. The open world becomes a story in and of itself for me personally. Minecraft inspired me to create the world of Minera, and Minera is based on Minecraft as an environment with many of my favorite mods being the basis for the rest of the world; its magic, its peoples, its history, everything. I absolutely adore the game and everything it has given me, done for me, and in some dark places in my life kept me from doing.
Tag list: @naiive-and-starry-eyed​ @enlightenedrobot @promptdumpster @linkedsoul @leopard-prompts @givethispromptatry @kiramartinauthor @writing-prompt-s @writeroftheprompts
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