#look i'm so excited for past that too because i have so many spoiler tidbit stuff that i just
aparticularbandit · 8 months
In which I spent forty minutes stuck in the snow in the driveway and am now safely not halfway in the road anymore and, uh. Hey, look, I have suddenly some free time, LET'S DO THE 2-4 CASE TRIAL.
#musings#bandit#i can get back to writing later right now LET'S THE CLASS TRIAL I WANT TO GET TO NAGITO'S THING#I KNOW IT'S COMING#look i'm so excited for past that too because i have so many spoiler tidbit stuff that i just#I WANT THE FULL STORY BUT I DON'T WANT THE FULL SPOILERS SO I GOTTA PLAY THE STORY#and then i think drif is in this as a bonus? i think?#and i look forward to that too!#and like i want to know all the things but i also wanna take my time and enjoy them#and not speed through them you know#(classic case of bandit wants to get into a thing prompted by headcanon#and wanting to meta or write a thing#this happened with: wfrr; hannibal; and ALL of flanagan's stuff i've seen by proxy of this is how i got into hill house#it's a tradition at this point#(of note: wfrr was jess through someone else's headcanon of her#hannibal was bedelia through other people writing her and me just !!!! she seems like my writing type let's do some research#and flanagan was through hill house which was dad basically binging it over and over and me#sitting down through theo's episode and#!!!!! that is her that is the missing character for this roisa fanfic NOW I GUESS I GOTTA SEE THE WHOLE SHOW)#this also explains why my writing dr fanfic without all the canon is...not normal#(roisa not included)#(well with roisa i gave myself spoilers and i'm avoiding most of them with dr that's different i guess)#because i really like being canon-compliant#knowing enough to know how my one little change shifts everything#and what that has to shift in the character who changes#and i don't know enough dr lore to necessarily know what all changes in this fic /yet/#or even to choose what to keep or not from canon#i know what shifted in the singular character i intentionally changed#and he's dead now!#...probably! so!!)
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aimmyarrowshigh · 1 year
Hello! Dropping into your inbox to ask you about your research for
"Lent From Tomorrow (today was too small for us)." You must have done a ton of historical research for it to get so many of those details. I think that sort of thing is a lot of fun, and I'm very curious to know if you came across anything especially cool/fascinating/weird during your writing research.
Ooh, thank you for the ask! How fun!
There's SO MUCH research in this fic, from the codebreaking to the science of how to defrost a supersoldier to what was on the radio on specific days in 1943. I've got a whole folder of just Lent From Tomorrow research, and the back half of my WIP document is just copy-pastes of quotes from soldiers, scientists, codebreakers, radio hosts, etc.
But, to be fair, I've been reading nonfiction about WWII codebreakers for like 20 years. It's one of my special interests~ and something that I just love learning about. WWII *battles*, I don't care about at all, but everything else about the time period is fascinating to me -- probably because of Molly McIntire, haha.
My FAVORITE little tidbit actually comes up in this coming week's chapter, so I'm not going to spoil it, but it's my favorite recollection in Code Girls by Liza Mundy. That was definitely the book that I used the most for this fic, since the main characters are basically all "code girls," or code omegas, whatever. I also used a lot from PBS Nova's The Mind of a Codebreaker, which I watched when it first came out in 1999 and it rewired my entire brain. I immediately did a report on the women of Bletchley Park in 7th grade (and another on the WASP/WAVE/WAC pilots, so I was really excited to be able to have Carol Danvers make a cameo in Lent!).
But I also looked up specifics for just about every scene -- the snippet of Quiz Kids that's on the wireless radio when Steve and the Asset are listening to the wireless is a quote and actually aired that day. The Torah portion that Steve hears when he goes to shul with the gals and Scott is the Torah portion from that particular Shabbat service in December 1942. The movie scene is the actual movie, newsreel, and cartoon that were shown together at a theater in Washington, DC, on that Friday in March 1943.
I leaned on a former-scientist friend of mine to point me in the right direction to find out how they would have frozen and defrosted the Asset, and also how The Arm might work in a way that isn't just "::shrug:: it's Superhero Science." Her husband is a mathematician, and she suggested some avenues that Steve might have written his big 1929 math paper about, too. And then I read a bunch of math papers from the 1920s and tried to understand them and it was. a lot.
I also did a lot of research into Steve's various disabilities and ailments and the treatments available by the early 1940s, particularly asthma and his childhood polio. (I'm forgetting whether the backstory of his polio experience has actually shown up in the fic yet or if it's coming up soon in a chapter? If it hasn't been posted yet, then spoiler, I guess, Steve had polio as a kid [although I *think* that's canon?]). Steve's experience of being disabled is really important to me, and I wanted it to matter and be a part of his life in this story (and any story I write about Steve).
There's a lot more specific stuff coming up in the back half of the fic, now that we've reached the midway point... Bucky's backstory requires a lot of research into things that I don't know as much about, just because I don't tend to look into actual battle/military histories, and because [redacted for spoilers].
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