#look like barbie smoke like marley
sippihippie · 11 months
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beachgirl3000 · 2 years
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shoutout to to kesha!!!!
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giuliettagaltieri · 1 year
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Road Rage & Malibu Barbie
Pairing: Street Racer!Eren x Reader
Synopsis: You may look like a Barbie doll who got lost on her way back to her dreamhouse but Eren never fails to break your front quite often than you like
Warning: alcohol use, illegal street racing, language
Word Count: 2292
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He is just so full of shit, isn’t he?
Eren Fucking Jaeger.  He thinks just because he won every race he’s been in, he’s the fucking king of every fucking thing.
Your teeth gnashed, crushing the cola lollipop to tiny pieces until the stick flattened between your molars.
Cheers deafen your ears, even rising above the already booming drop of the music played by the DJ.  The crowd, all dressed in neon and various shades of black, one with a tacky cheetah print, gathers to Eren’s dodge challenger.  Oh, how you’d love to scratch the beautiful matte black paint or smash the glowing crimson lights.
On the other hand, your eyes dart to your batchmates, Porco and Reiner in their Camaro and Corvette.  You think Porco’s is smoking a little.  The two of them decided it was a good idea to challenge Eren.
Your brows meet as you click your tongue in annoyance.  They’ve given Paradis University a free pass to drag Marley Institute of Higher Learning’s name through the mud.
A loud honk got your attention, it’s the resident idiots of Paradis U, Conner and Sarah, you think their name was.  They got barrels of alcohol on their pick-up truck.  And just as quickly as the crowd gathered to Eren after his victory, they now crowded the truck for the cheap booze.
You smile as you feel Annie hop on the stacked tires next to you.
“Hay back.”  You say lazily as you take a sip on your Malibu fizzy pink lemonade, leaving a print of glossy and glittery lip mark on the can.
Annie takes a swig on something stronger and her eyes scan you.  Your stooped posture and your pink wedges creating swirls on the gravel, even your oversized sunglasses is slipping from your hair.
“Problem?”  Annie asks with a sigh.
Your hair flips in the force of you straightening your back just to face her.  Her hand is already waiting to catch your sunglasses that flew right off.
“Did you see his face?”
“Whose face?”  Annie asks calmly.
“Jaeger.”  You say as if the name is leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
Annie glances behind you then nods once.  “What about him?”
“Did you see the way he looked down on us?  He is simply unbelievable.”
Annie hums and you wait for her to continue.
The crowd is going crazy for the discount beer that Paradis U brought.
There was also the revving of engines from a distance.
And loud chattering.
“That’s it? ‘Hmm’?”  You ask impatiently, putting your fists on your hips as an added effect.
Annie just shrugs.  “I don’t know if he was like ‘looking down’ on us.”  She rolls her eyes.  “That’s just how he looks at everybody.”
You scrunch your nose cutely.  “As if!  He was totally feeling all high and mighty after that win.”  You stomp your chunky heel, sending a few pebbles away, you wished it was sand from the beach instead.  Pieck did invite you to that bonfire party their sorority is hosting.  “I bet I could take him on.”  You collapse on your palm, elbow resting on your knee as you trace the tiny flower patterns on your pink babydoll dress.
“Wanna bet on it?”  Says a deep voice right next to your ear, making your hair stand on end.
You leap off the stacked tires in surprise, your drink spilling on your hand.
There in all his glory, stood Eren Jaeger.
You glare up at him, refusing to look at his compression shirt clad chest and dark washed jeans because by God, you know he will never let you forget about it if you do. 
He’s been trying to get you to talk to him since the first night you met and to your luck, Reiner and Porco are not with you at the moment as the two of them were your usual anti-Eren protection squad.
“Annie, let’s go grab something to eat?”  You turn to Annie sharply with a stiff smile.
Annie yawns and raises a hand as a nonverbal ‘pass’ and she just leaves you there.  With him.
“Annie?”  You call desperately.
“It’s time you fix your issues.”
You glance at Eren who looks at you like you’re some sort of an odd entertainment.
“We don’t have issues!”  You hiss.
Annie turns to you both and walks backwards.  “Tension, then.”
Your face erupts to a blush and your mouth fails to form words.
She watches your face bubble up in anger and gives you a two fingered salute before sliding next to Armin who was trying to get his homework done in a corner.
“So.”  Eren stretches the word and you close your eyes tightly, dreading the fact that you will have to hold a conversation with him like how any regular adult should.
“Good racing out there.”  You say with a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes.
The corner of his lip rises.  “You can cut the act now, doll.”
Again, you just flash him another polite smile.  “Well, if that’s all.  I’ll be taking my leave.”
You walk in the direction of your 1959 pink Cadillac when you hear the unmistakable sound of sirens.  You don’t even process what happened next, you simply felt an arm lock around your midriff and your feet getting lifted off the ground.
“Fuck, stop STOP!”  Eren growls as you start punching him, yelling for him to put you down but he does not.
You turn to see Floch being pinned to the ground and then Annie leaving with Armin in his BMW i8.
“Jaeger!  I swear-”
“There you go!”  He unceremoniously dumps you in your convertible.
You make brief eye contact before a sound of a glass bottle shattering startles you.
“Shit!”  Eren hops to his hellcat that he not so discreetly chose to park next to your car.
You jab and twist the key in and the engine roars to life.  Your hands shake at the thought of having your parents come and bail you from jail.  And your reputation!
“Hey.”  Eren calls from the open window of his car.  “I know how to get out of here, you can come if you want but you gotta be a good girl and stick close to me, yeah?”
A cold drop of sweat drips on your temple and you hesitate for a moment but you give him a nod.
You raise your convertible’s top for a bit of covering.  You’d hate to have a picture of you end up in the news tomorrow morning, at least the plate number is a bit concealable.
“You ready, doll?”  He calls and his engine roars.  You clutch your steering wheel tight and you give him a nod.  His eyes linger on your seatbelt and after he’s sure that you got it fastened, he zooms forward.  You follow after him.  You keep a close eye on his car, careful not to bump into him.
Eren takes a sharp turn and you almost hit the break upon seeing a narrow alleyway, one wrong move and you could get stuck.  As Eren braves the escape route, you follow with much hesitation, that was until a flash of red and blue fills your car.  You gasp, hoping they won’t pursue you.
Soon enough, Eren makes it out and you see him stop a few meters away, waiting for you.
And you eventually make it out too.  Without any scratches.  Your driving instructor would be proud.
“That’s my girl!”  Eren cheers and he drives away, you follow quickly, a smile now making its way to your lips despite how your heart is pounding so hard in your chest.
You step hard on the accelerator until you are driving side by side.
You open your window and your hair whips with the wind, Eren does the same and gives you a boyish grin that you are certain was responsible for countless of panties to drop.
The thought made you feel a bit bitter and your smile deflated the tiniest bit.  Though you can’t understand why.  When the traffic light comes to sight, you slow down, despite the entire highway being empty due to it being four in the morning.
“You alright, doll?”  Eren asks in a tone you never knew he was capable of, with his brows pinched.
Again, you give him one of your practiced smiles and you nod.  Your eyes return to the road and the bright red light reflects on your eyes.
Eren doesn’t buy it, not even for a second.
“Tell you what.”  He says.  You glance at him and he points at the traffic light.  “I’ll take your challenge.”
Your eyes round in both confusion and surprise.
“When it turns green, we race to the next traffic light.”  He continues.  “Winner gets free ice cream.”
You just stare at him for what felt like a solid hour, as if waiting for him to break his act and tell you that he is just kidding, but he does not and he almost has a look of determination plastered to his eyes.
“Get ready to eat my dust.”  You smirk playfully.
Eren is unbeatable but you sure as hell are not going to back down from a challenge.
The leather of your steering wheel creaks softly under your grip and you watch the traffic light like a bird of prey.
Your cheeks bubble in anticipation when the light turns to yellow.
Eren revs his engine and you exhale softly, eyes now zeroed in the road, the traffic light becoming not dissimilar to a bell being dangled in front of a crouching cat, ready to pounce any second.
Both engines roar as Eren and you go neck and neck and you can’t even bother to glance at his direction when he whoops.
And then you hear the sudden combustion from his car.
“Gotta go, doll.”  He yells and his car speeds forward as if it was flying.  The quick blue flash from his exhaust told you that the asshole just used nitro.
You scream in frustration, quickly shifting the gear and you step on the pedal so hard that your back collides with your plushy seats.
Eren serpentines in front of you, preventing you from getting ahead.  You call him by a rather unkind name, to which he only laughs.
You try right and he is there, you try on the left and he’s there again.  Your fist slammed on your steering wheel.  You try left again and he’s already waiting for you, of course it’s obvious for you to turn right while he’s still trying to recover, but you don’t.  He, however, thought you were going to do it and he drives right hard, making you grin as he leaves you an opening.
Then there’s the really tall flyover and beyond that, the traffic light.
Only, Eren wasn’t a champion for nothing, was he?
He sparked that nitro again, complete cheating in your opinion, and he gets even.
“Coward!”  You scream at him and he laughs once more.
“A coward with a free ice cream, apparently.”  Was the last thing he said before zooming forward.
You curse him off as he slowly ascends.
Eren watches you from his rearview mirror and he shuts off his nitro, waiting for you to catch up to him.  But to his surprise, you drifted to the side, vanishing from view, almost knocking down a few traffic cones. 
His brows scrunch up.
Where could you be-
Were you planning to counterflow and cut through the road?
You little sneak.
Eren grins as the familiar fire of competition fuels his veins.  He shifted his gear stick and he stepped on it.  His engine roars and he slowly reaches the top, going now for the descent but he hits the break, making his tires screech.  The sun was slowly trying to break through the clouds now.  A wide smile is on his lips when he sees the familiar glint of your pink Cadillac and he steps on the accelerator.
His engine sounded like a monster chasing you, making you frantically speed up.  He’s coming.  He’s right behind you.  He’s…He’s…He’s lost the race!
You were a meter ahead of him!
The scream of victory you gave disappeared behind the roar of your engine.
You haphazardly got out of your car and was glad to see that Eren was too.
His movements were sluggish but there was a small smile on his lips.  You were really hoping he’d be more disappointed.
You grin at him, twisting and bouncing at where you stand.
He watches you with that same stupid smile and nods.  “Congratulations.  We didn’t have an audience but you can have the bragging rights.”
But his eyebrow cocks up in amusement when you giggle.  “Silly, I don’t want any bragging rights.  I just want an ice cream from that 24/7 café a few blocks away.”
Now, he just looks confused.  “Wait, really?”
You walk back to your car.  “Uhuh!  Plus, I totally saw you stalling there.”  You smile at him behind your shoulder.  “You lost on purpose.”
His cheeks flushed the tiniest bit but his lazy eyes scan you up and down.  “And you’re still making me buy you ice cream?”
You get inside your car and slam the door shut.  You drape an arm by the window and you shrug.  “A win’s a win, right?”
He considers for a moment, trying to see how far he could take this, and in a split second, he decides.
“Race you there.”  He grins and hops in his car.  “Loser gives the winner a kiss.”
He laughs as he drives away, leaving you struggling to chase after him.
He’s winning this one for sure, no matter what.
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shelovesplants · 2 years
Look like Barbie 👱‍♀️
Smoke like Marley 💨
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mspixie85 · 4 months
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Looks Like Barbie Smokes Like Marley
Single Swatches
Multiple Styles
Base Game Comptable
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blinkenzovip · 10 months
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New Look Like Barbie Smoke Like Marley Bedding Set from Tagotee.net 🔥 See more: here
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daydreaming-in-daisies · 11 months
the phrase "look like Barbie, smoke like Marley" had such a chokehold on us back in 2012
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sippihippie · 3 months
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pleasersjunkie · 17 days
Act like a
Look like Barbie
Smoke like MARLEY
Party like ke$ha
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vanillaacake · 7 months
Look like barbie, Smoke like marley
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anahitajain · 7 months
look like barbie smoke like marley
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moonley18 · 8 months
Look Like Barbie Smoke Like Marley T-Shirt
Embrace contrasts and playfulness with the Look Like Barbie Smoke Like Marley Shirt. This shirt is more than just fashion; it's a playful exploration of unexpected combinations. The design features a clever play on iconic figures, merging the aesthetic of Barbie with the laid-back essence of Bob Marley. It's a unique and stylish way to express your individuality and love for creative pairings.
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Crafted from high-quality materials, this shirt ensures both comfort and durability, making it a comfortable and eye-catching choice for everyday wear. Whether you're a fan of unconventional fashion statements or simply want to add a touch of whimsy to your wardrobe, the Look Like Barbie Smoke Like Marley Shirt is a delightful addition that sparks smiles and showcases your eclectic style.
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shalinidesign · 1 year
Look like Barbie smoke like Marley 3D puff design for 20oz tumbler
This listing is for a Digital Design made for 20oz skinny tumbler for sublimation. Nothing physical will be mailed to you, designs can be downloaded directly after purchase. With this download you receive 2 files both in JPEG or PNG form. One Mockup image for you to post to help you sell the item, and one rectangular Print File for you to print the design. Designs are high resolution and are…
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gethighhello · 1 year
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Look like Barbie, smoke like Marley
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blinkenzovip · 11 months
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New Look Like Barbie Smoke Like Marley Pajamas Set from Tagotee.net 🔥 See more: here
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sippihippie · 13 days
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