#looked at a lot of metal sonic refs for this
angelkitty54 · 5 months
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Designs for Sonic Prime Boscage Maze versions of Sonic and Shadow! (Once again can't be bothered fully shading these...)
So as said in the previous post Dr Nightshade is a scientist studying the mutated mega jungle in hopes of restoring the world back to how it used to be. Sunny is his assistant. Both of them are cyborgs.
With Nightshade his cybernetics are a lot more subtle, being genetically engineered in combination with his implants made the integration of technology and organic parts much more seamless. Tried to make a sorta circuit board pattern on his limbs instead of his usual stripes, but not sure how well that's working out tho. He usually wears clothes, mostly due to having been raised by humans and their sensibilities around clothing. Tho he often forgoes shirts altogether as he doesn't like the way they feel against his chest fluff.
Nightshade is largely a hermit and a shut in, preferring to stay as far away from other people as possible. He never really formed many relationships outside of Maria, and once she was gone he began to distance himself from people more and more. Sunny was recommended to him by a respected colleague, and managed to worm his way into his lab and his life out of sheer stubbornness and a overly positive attitude.
When Sunny was revived from stasis, he found the world to be a very different place. He has no idea, nor any feasible way of finding out if his friends and family survived like he did, if they were also put in stasis or if they haven't already been woken up. Still he managed to find purpose in this strange new world, and carve out something of a home for himself in the form of Dr Nightshade and their robot assistants too!
Sunny performs most of the field work, the doctor insisting he wear a protective suit whenever he goes out. (Which unintentionally makes him look as tho he is fully robotic.) And tho his cybernetics might be more obvious (maybe a bit too chunky? I dunno) they perform almost exactly the same as his real limbs did, so he can still move at super sonic speeds. Sunny had been studying botany before the apocalypse, and having grown up in a concrete jungle with virtually no natural green to speak of, well, being surrounded by trees and plants of all different kinds is very exciting for him. Cybernetics were also extremely common pre-apocalypse, so meeting those without any is also something of a novelty for him too.
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deegeemin · 9 months
Sonic's 900th Adventure is out TODAY!!! I had the honor of doing the art for @Danny8bit's super cool story and designing the new Eggman robot he came up with, The Egg Shogun Z! Here's some stuff about it!
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Danny's intention from the start was to have a Mazinger-esq robot and I drafted up some ideas trying to use Eggman's usual design language as well as all the refs he gave me! We ended up going for 5 and iterated! Thanks, @maurofonseca for feedback as well throughout all this!
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I came up with some rough colors and further made modifications to it after! We got the final body down pretty early on. There was more back-and-forth discussion on the head in particular trying to find the sweet spot!
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Coming up with colors for the comic! I needed the shine for the brave perspective shot so it made sense to go with either 1 or 2. We ended up going for the middle palette since we already had some orange-ish colors in other stories
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Before all the designing I was also thinking of how I wanted to draw and render out the comic! The story was a bit different back then too! I had intentions of either going super rendered or something more reminiscent of Shin Getter Robo or Gurren Lagann
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I know I didn't mention all the design influences but if you were curious here it is! SO YEA I KNOW also looks a lot like Metal Robotnik but yea it's because a lot is pulled from there along with others!
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I want to mention a big thank you to @blasphysics for handling the flatting so I could get things colored faster too!!! This project wouldn't be possible without all the people who offered feedback and help!
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iridescentinkangel · 5 months
StH: Minthe the Rabbit
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Did I make her last year & never posted her? Yes. Because I didn't wanna post a character reff without giving you all her bio. But, I started not caring about that on my DA & posted her either way. I did do her bio just a couple days ago anyway. But I will try to show more on here as far as character refs.
Minthe the Rabbit Age: 23 Gender: Female DOB: Dec. 4th Species: Rabbit Occupation: Artist, Volunteers & helps others from time to time
Sweet, kind, creative, forgiving, sympathetic, hardworking, courageous, generous, mindful, fun loving, & helpful.
Cute plushies, ice cream(mint chip is her fav), baking, art, crafting, fantasy stories, video games, rock/metal music, snowy days, beach trips, visual novels, & gardening. Dislikes:
Liars, manipulators, double crossers, rude/entitled people, spiders, thunder storms, walking at night. Hobbies/Talents: Baking, cooking, crafting, painting, drawing, gaming, yoga, wood work, basic repair skills, hand to hand combat, gardening. 
Facts & Bio:
Eldest daughter of Vanilla & Miso(Vanilla’s late husband).
Older sister of Cream.
Chocola is her chao buddy.
Lives in a small home on the outskirts of a small town all located in Green Hill Zone.
Joined the resistance when Sonic disappeared. She wanted to protect her family like her father once did when she was a child. Her mother was against it at first, but knew she couldn’t keep her daughter from doing what she thought was right. 
Minthe knew this was gonna be hard for her mom, since they lost her father during a botched mission when his old team was still operational. Since that happened, they’ve disbanded. But she reassured her mother that she wouldn’t let herself end up like that. Promising to stay safe during her time there. 
Months after defeating Eggman during their final battle at his old base, she comes back to it to look for scrap to use & things to possibly sell. Any parts that could be used to fix household appliances & such. That’s when she came upon a rather surprising sight. Infinite! He was out cold. Laying up against some rubble & looking rather banged up from her last encounter with him. She had thought he perished after the Phantom Ruby was destroyed. But here he was. Somehow still alive after this long. She considered leaving him there, but she just didn’t have the heart to do that. So, she brought him back to her home. 
She had laid him on her couch at the time. Looking in her bathroom cabinet for the first aid kit she had around. When she heard some commotion in her living room. When she got back in, he was awake, & rather shocked by the new environment he was somehow in. As she approached him, he looked surprised to see her. Thought she captured him. But she explained to him what happened in the final fight. At first he didn’t believe her. But when he looked over at a mirror she had hanging up, he saw how he looked. She truly wasn’t lying. But what surprised him more, was that she was patching him up. Being careful not to cause him any pain. He wasn’t used to this kind nature from her. For him…..it felt nice.
With nowhere else to go, Infinite became her new roommate. 
Minthe does a lot of volunteering & favors for others around Sunflower Cove(towns name she lives near). That & her crafts is how she keeps a steady income going.
Cream & Cheese often come over to visit. Even spending the night.
Whenever her mother needs help around her place, Minthe will come over & offer her service. It’s normal for her to fix appliances & such for her mother.
Cream will normally go to Minthe when she wants to hear stories about their dad. Sense he passed before she was born, she relies on Minthe to give her an idea of what kind of a person was like.
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rosrets · 2 years
what are these shadow ideas you speak of 👀
you have no idea what you've just wrought. sorry in advance but no i’m not
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SHADOW TIMELINE. i catalogue this in my mind when i draw him because i’m fucking crazy but i decided to draw it out because the doctors needed more reasons to lock me the hell up. this is essentially going to be me rambling about all my design notes for whenever i draw him + whatever else the fuck because i like to think about him existing a lot and pray for the day we get an actually good shadow spin-off (this will never happen)
baby shadow - was let out of his tube when he was about 10-12 years developed - lived on the ark for 5-3 years with gerald and maria and whatever other scientists were around. - he was totally nonverbal for a while and took classes to learn how to speak, this was great for the scientists though because the biolizard shockingly failed this . shadow was just autistic - really nervous and did not have a lot of confidence for the first like. year of being alive he hated being alone and always clinged onto whoever was closest to him
ark shadow - much more confident after getting closer with maria still quiet and fairly reserved but was not above playing some pranksandjokes. a bit of a trickster - chest fur, claws and quills maintained by maria. she liked cutting his chest fluff into a heart - rarely wore his air shoes on the arc because the sensation of  metal + metal sucks and he wasn’t supposed to skate in the hallways. sometimes wore socks when his paws got cold (often) sa2 shadow - garbage memory. turns out being frozen for 50 years does wonders for brain function - fur is more unkempt, has stopped maintaining himself - extremely bitter and cynical, not an outright asshole though and is not above friendly rivalry even if he’s trying to kill the guy he’s racing. he is also incredibly trusting and loyal, struggling to see when he’s being used (ref. eggman, rouge to an extent) - considerably more smug, all he really remembers is maria dying and the fact that he’s the ultimate lifeform but he doesn’t brag and still keeps to himself. - development of the autism scowl begins - once he remembers everything he very quickly regains his senses, developing immense respect for sonic as an equal, as well as a strong sense of selflessness. promptly fucking dies. heroes - shth05 shadow - doesn’t remember fucking anything and is almost constantly on the verge of like 4 different identity crisises - quills got burnt off falling from earth, as well as an ear shredded when he fell into a tree or something idk. he was put in stasis before it could heal which permently fucked it up - still not maintaining himself - eyes wide and full of wonder. still extremely gullible and easy to manipulate, very trusting. (ref. eggman, black doom) - hardly speaks (more talkative in shth05 though) 06 - onward shadow - remembers everything and its extremely overwhelming but he’s dealing with it - most reserved he’s ever been, very distrusting, rarely lets himself gets close to others and the only people he allows himself to drop his guard down around and be a bit more playful are rouge and omega. rarely sonic but this is only ever heat of the moment and never intentional - hates physical contact, easy to overwhelm if he isn’t focused, autism scowl in full force - very hygienic but still a bit overgrown - newfound fear of attatchment and loss, tends to avoid it at all costs, tending to push people away. still fiercly loyal to those who do gain his trust even if he’s garbage at showing it and prone to focusing on the wrong things extra - brown eyes. they look red or orange under some light. blame sonic prime - he still has tourettes i wasn’t bluffing on that but i don’t think anyone thought i was. his tics are usually pretty subtle and only team dark knows about it - prefers fingerless because he likes to be able to feel the earth directly when he touches the ground. something about chaos power + sensory issues - paw pads glow green any time he’s using chaos power (chaos control, super shadow, etc) - he motified his shoes a few times just to fit slightly better. this is only a note because i keep changing the way i draw them - almost always some kind of tired but insists he does not need to sleep that often because of how his chaos energy works. thjis is NOT true he’s just stupid and has nightmares that he doesn't like to deal with - lives at the casino rouge had in sonic battle - still has a really bad memory from being repeatedly frozen - really fond of snack foods. will rawdog an entire pack of saltines in under a minute if you don’t stop him - prefers skating even despite the speed because the shock from running is overstimulating - hates loud noises but still thinks guns and motorcycles are really cool. he can handle it if he’s the one making the noise - semiverbal . does not like to talk . there are several reasons for this - have i made it clear enough that he’s autistic?  he’s autistic BONUS - super shadow
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- stripes flare out to look more like stars (this applies when he takes off his inhibitor rings as well) - red gets much brighter, eyes glow red + yellow - unstable in this form, it does not come very naturally to him and exhausts him quickly. not able to  maintain it as long as sonic
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Do you have a favorite sonic oc? A favorite au? Who are they? What is the au about? I LOVE HEARING ABOUT OCS AND AU'S
i guess if i had to pick an au, either thwdlm, remnants, or bad guys!
- remnants is basically if sonic and silver failed to stop the virus so it was up to belle and metal to end it
- thwdlm is just "the hedgehog who didn't like musicals", which is the guy who didn't like musicals but set in the sonic universe! in which eggman tampers with the forces™️ again and it brings upon an alien hivemind that kills, possesses, and sings, so now shadow who HATES musical theater has been thrown into the middle of it all and had to stop it (and yes sonic is already dead at this point)
- and bad guys is just the dreamworks movie the bad guys but with surge as wolf, kit as webs, metal as snake, rough and tumble as piraña, and mimic as shark! amy gets to be diane foxington, and because there's no better boy than sonic himself, guess who the villain is >:) this is being developed both by me and @kamenrideryeets (kit/nine), and they're doing a lot of the heavy lifting with backstories and writing while i work on art and other ideas. we plan to make this a comic!
if you want to look at these aus some more, check out their tags, also follow my au blog @faker-aus
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pathfinderunlocked · 9 months
Shrieker Raven - CR14 Magical Beast
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Artwork by Ceileigh on Tumblr.
This creature was inspired by a combination of The Shrieker from Darkest Dungeon, and Anzu from World of Warcraft. See also the weaker, smaller version, the shrieker raven broodling.
Shrieker ravens are giant, malformed ravens that make their nests in ancient and powerful trees, in places such as deep elven forests or the First World. They collect shiny trinkets and fill their nests with them, and will attack intelligent creatures who carry valuable-looking objects that are made of metal, gemstones, glowing magic, or anything else that looks expensive.
Shrieker ravens aren't intelligent, but they're capable of speech, similar to parrots. They can learn a handful of phrases, and as their name implies, tend to shriek these phrases at the top of their lungs. If you're the GM, I recommend making it repeat three cool phrases and one really stupid one.
Although it can fly, a shrieker raven isn't actually very good at flying, and prefers to force enemies to the ground or send its brood after them.
This creature uses the “overwhelmed” condition, a condition that I use for a lot of monsters.  In my own games I nearly always replace the stunned, paralyzed and nauseated conditions with overwhelmed when enemies inflict those conditions onto PCs.
Shrieker Raven - CR 14
With patches of its feathers missing and replaced with bulbous growths, this enormous raven seems to be hideously malformed. It has compound eyes, similar to a spider, and porous lumps growing from its back. It stands on the ground with an almost gorilla-like stature, and seems to have claws on the ends of its wings.
XP 38,400 N Huge magical beast Init +8 Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +16
AC 26, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +13 natural, –2 size) hp 189 (14d10+112) Fort +16, Ref +13, Will +9 Immune sonic
Speed 25 ft., fly 20 ft. (poor) Melee 2 talons +20 (2d6+6 plus 2d6 bleed), bite +19 (2d6+6) Ranged regurgitate +17 touch (5d8 acid plus regurgitate, DC 24, see text) (10 ft. range increment) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks call the brood, mind voices, regurgitate, shrieking caw
Str 22, Dex 18, Con 25, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 12 Base Atk +14; CMB +21; CMD 36 (cannot be tripped) Feats Ability Focus (mind voices), Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (talons), Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon Focus (talons) Skills Fly +3, Perception +16
Call The Brood (Su) Once per day, as a full-round action, a shrieker raven can call upon its flock with a loud shriek. At the start of its next turn, 1d4+4 shrieker raven broodlings arrive from the ethereal plane at locations within 100 ft. of the shrieker raven, and assist the shrieker raven in combat, attacking its foes. The shrieker raven broodlings remain for 1 hour.
Additionally, when it uses this ability, a shrieker raven enters the ethereal plane, gains a new saving throw with a +8 bonus against any effect it is currently suffering from that initially allowed for a saving throw, and gains 4d8+20 temporary hit points which last for 1 hour. After 1 hour, or when all the shrieker raven broodlings are killed or helpless, whichever comes first, the shrieker raven returns from the ethereal plane and is staggered for 1 round. A shrieker raven can return from the ethereal plane early as a 5-round action, after which it is instead stunned for 1 round.
Mind Voices (Su) Once per day, as a swift action, a shrieker raven can fill the mind of a creature within 100 ft. with constant unceasing shrieks which become louder whenever it tries to cast a spell. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Will save or be permanently cursed. A target afflicted by this curse takes a -5 penalty on concentration checks, and whenever it attempts to cast a spell or spell-like ability, it takes 1d8 damage and is staggered for 1 round. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Regurgitate (Ex) As a standard action, a shrieker raven can regurgitate a large, vile glob of thick stomach acid and launch it at a target. This is a ranged touch attack with a 10 ft. range increment and a maximum range of 50 ft.
A target hit by a shrieker raven's regurgitate attack takes 5d8 acid damage and must succeed on a DC 24 Fortitude save or be sickened, blinded and slowed (as the slow spell) for 2d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.
A creature can use a standard action to remove the stomach acid from its eyes or the eyes of an adjacent creature, ending the blinded condition for that individual, or use a full-round action to also remove the slowed effect. Jumping into a lake or being subject to an effect that creates a lot of water (such as create water or hydraulic push) removes all the stomach acid in 1 round, ending both the blinded and slowed effects.
Shrieking Caw (Ex) A shrieker raven can spend a standard action to shriek at the top of its lungs, sending out shockwaves that deal 10d8 sonic damage to all targets within 100 feet, overwhelming them for 1 round and causing them to fall from the sky if flying. A DC 20 Fortitude save reduces the damage to half, causes flying creatures to only fall 20 feet, and negates the overwhelming effect. This is a sonic effect; creatures immune to sonic damage are not overwhelmed and do not fall. This ability is usable once every 3 rounds and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a -4 penalty.
An overwhelmed creature is staggered and cannot concentrate. If an overwhelmed creature attacks or casts a spell, it falls prone and becomes helpless until the beginning of its next turn after doing so. Effects that would remove or prevent the paralyzed or nauseated conditions also remove or prevent the overwhelmed condition.
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redscorpiocat · 2 years
A while ago I was going through my old artwork from my elementary years and discovered this old artwork of my old persona from those years.
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Upon looking at this artwork, I realized I completely miscalculated a lot of things on this design.
Allow me to go down the list.
Made the body abnormally long because I was drawing stick figure people around that time.
The right eye is supposed to go on the right side while the left eye is supposed to go on the left side.
8 feet is taller than the average 5 foot tall person.
Forgot to color the hair to match the persona I had around those elementary years. And a whole bunch of mistakes I did.
So I took it upon myself and redesigned this artwork and made sure I got everything right.
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Redesigned to my liking and had all the miscalculations corrected.
Allow me to go down the list again.
Put the left on on the left side while I put the right eye on it's right side.
Made the killing machine capable of adjusting the high of her legs to either make look like she has stils, or make her shorter than 5 feet.
Feet can be used as weapons if necessary needed.
Face can split open like a Demogorgon from Stranger Things or the animatronics from sister location. But only if necessary needed.
Gave her a broken heart on her chest because yes.
She can retract the blades on her robot claw that was kept because I thought it looked dope as hell.
Gave her blade-like shoulder pads, gave her a stomach mouth, made the outfit red and black, gave a scar on her right eye, and gave her an expressionless face to add to her robot features. (Take Metal Sonic for ref)
Is waterproof so she can swim, survive rain and even just go underwater without getting rusty or malfunctioning.
Random Fact: Both designs were inspired by Deino3330's Calne Ca because I REALLY LOVE the design for her
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I still love the design for Calne Ca to this day!
Still have a few of my old artwork that I need to redraw.
But for now, I'm still really happy with the redesign.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Steel Predator
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Image by Sam Wood, © Wizards of the Coast.
[Nominally, this set of monsters is about D&D 5e conversions, but I do not like the 5e steel predator. It’s a magical assassin, of which there are plenty of already, and it’s a construct when the original was alive. Plus, it refers to a “rogue hexton”, which is weird because D&D 5e hasn’t bothered to stat up any modrons except for the drone tier, not any of the nobles like hextons are. And there’s no modrons in Pathfinder. Yet. I also dislike the change to its visual aesthetic. The 5e version is jagged in shape and has a matte finish, and I like the sleeker, shinier version that Sam Wood did. I probably should have included this in my Xenomorphitude post, since it looks like it came from an HR Giger petting zoo.
So I’ve hearkened back to the original, 3rd edition version of the steel predator, although I have borrowed the roar effect being a stun, not a deafen, from the 5e version. I’ve also made it a magical beast instead of either an outsider (3e) or construct (5e). The 3e flavor text talks a lot about their diet, and in PFRPG, outsiders don’t need to eat. ]
Steel Predator CR 14 N Magical Beast This creature resembles a metal sculpture, except that it is clearly, horribly, alive. It has a cylindrical head with four small eyes over a shearing mouth, and walks on four clawed legs. Its back has a series of ridges or fins protruding from it, and its long tail drags to the ground.
The inevitables may be the rulers of Axis, the Infinite City, but the steel predator is king of its urban jungle. Despite their alien appearance, they have a behavior and social organization much like the lions of more mundane ecosystems. Instead of preying on herd animals, however, steel predators eat magically infused magic items. The more powerful the magic of the item, the more nutritious the meal. So steel predators feed on and damage enhanced buildings, stalk inevitables to tear off chunks of their metallic bodies, and eat the arms and armor of mortals and outsiders alike.
Steel predators prefer to stalk their prey over long distances and attack from ambush. They often open combat with a stunning roar—if they can get a target to drop its delicious magic weapon or shield, grab it and go without a fight, all the better. However, if they encounter resistance, they will fight with lethal force, grabbing an enemy in their jaws and tearing it apart with all four limbs. A steel predator’s jaws and teeth are laced with super durable alloys, allowing them to chew straight through metal and stone. Steel predators resist magic and many elemental attacks, but corrode rapidly when exposed to acid. If opponents bring acid attacks to bear, a steel predator will typically flee.
Steel predators live in prides, with a single male or a few close relatives guarding and mating with a harem of females. These prides are more prone to splitting up and reconvening than those of mortal lions, as the steel predators can teleport, and may go on extended solo excursions if they don’t have young to raise. Steel predators are stone deaf, but are incredibly sensitive to vibrations in the air and surfaces. They are intelligent enough that they can theoretically be communicated with, but doing so would require visual or tactile signals, or telepathy, rather than speech.
Steel Predator   CR 14 XP 38,400 N Large magical beast (extraplanar) Init +9; Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 60 ft., deaf, low-light vision, Perception +17, sense magic metal Defense AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +15 natural) hp 207 (18d10+108) Fort +17, Ref +16, Will +13 DR 10/magic and adamantine; Immune electricity, language dependent abilities, petrifaction, poison, sonic; Resist cold 10, fire 10; SR 25 Weakness vulnerable to acid Offense Speed 50 ft. Melee bite +24 (2d8+7/19-20 plus grab), 2 claws +24 (2d6+7) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +24, 2d6+7), stunning roar Spell-like Abilities CL 15th, concentration +14 3/day—dimension door Statistics Str 24, Dex 21, Con 22, Int 4, Wis 17, Cha 13 Base Atk +18; CMB +26 (+30 grapple or sunder); CMD 41 (43 vs. sunder, 45 vs. trip) Feats Combat Reflexes, Greater Sunder, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lunge, Power Attack, Step Up, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +19 (+27 when jumping), Climb +13, Perception +17, Stealth +15, Survival +9; Racial Modifiers +8 Acrobatics, +8 Perception, +8 Stealth SQ shearing strikes Ecology Environment any land or urban (Axis) Organization solitary, pair or pride (6-10) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Deaf (Ex) A steel predator is naturally deaf. It automatically fails Perception checks based on hearing, and is immune to language dependent effects. It does not suffer an initiative penalty because of its deafness. Sense Magic Metal (Su) A steel predator can sense the location of magical metal objects, and constructs made primarily out of metal, as if it had blindsense out to a range of 120 ft. Shearing Strikes (Ex) A steel predator’s natural weapons ignore the first 10 points of hardness of objects or creatures. Stunning Roar (Su) As a standard action, a steel predator can roar. All creatures in a 60 foot cone take 9d10 sonic damage and are stunned for 1d4 rounds. A successful DC 25 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the stunning effect. A steel predator can use this ability three times a day, but must wait 1d4 rounds between uses.
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birdsareblooming · 4 years
Amy Rose the Hedgehog/Echidna
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Alright you motherfuckers, Amy Rose is a Hedgehog/Echidna Hybrid and i’m going to prove it to you.
1. The history of Amy Rose
1a. Classic Amy
Amy Rose made her video game debut in 1993's Sonic the Hedgehog CD, as a non-playable character. In this game she is an 8 year old hedgehog girl kidnapped by the new antagonist, Metal Sonic. In the Japanese release, she was primarily known by her nickname Rosy the Rascal, although it is still stated that her real name is Amy Rose. She later appeared as a playable character in several ensemble spin-off games such as Sonic Drift, Sonic Drift 2, Sonic the Fighters and Sonic R. She did not appear in any of the early TV series, although she was included in most comics, including the Archie Comics series, the British Sonic the Comic and the French Sonic Adventures. (Via Sonic Wiki)
TLDR; Amy first showed up in comics, although she was created for the video games. As shown above her first video game appearance was Sonic CD. 
Amy Rose was created in response to a request from the character division of Sega's licensing business, who wanted a character that could be the "Minnie" to Sonic's "Mickey" However, it was felt that it would go against Sonic's personality for him to locked into a standard cartoon relationship like Mickey and Minnie. Instead, it was decided that a one-way relationship, where Amy's affection for Sonic is unrequited, would be more interesting ((via Sonic Wiki)) 
TLDR; Amy was created in response to a request to give Sonic a love interest, but feeling that would “Go against his character”, they made it a one-sided relationship.
Why am I letting you know this? Well to be acquainted and understand the significance of MODERN Amy, you need to know CLASSIC Amy.
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Classic Amy had a very different design, although she was still pink, she wore different clothes, has different quills (very important) and is 8. She only showed up in Sonic CD and the comics, pretty much being reduced to a minor character. Even to this day, Classic Amy has no appearance in Sonic Mania (2017), despite having Mighty and Ray, only making an appearance in a holiday episode of Sonic Mania Adventures (2018)
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1b. Modern Amy
When Sonic Team reunited and started work on their three-dimensional follow-up to the classic Sonic games, Sonic Adventure, it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. She also had her entire figure redesigned to make her appear older. In addition to her redesign, her official age was changed from 8 to 12. (via: Sonic Wiki)
TLDR; Amy was brought in as a main character in Sonic Adventure, getting a complete revamp in character design, unlike the other characters who only had minor changes.
Remember this. It will come back later. 
Now we’re to the Amy we know and love! Short cute hair, colors that actually match and don’t look horrific (why is classic wearing green and orange. Whos idea was that) And older, but maybe not too much more mature, Amy Rose. 
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Another note, her design might have been revamped, but her personality wasn’t.
2. Why that Matters
I know what you’re thinking, “why is that incredibly handsome he”-no sorry, “why are we going though the history of Amy? Why does it matter just tell us why you think she’s part echidna?” 
I’m getting there, don’t worry.
I wanted everyone to be extremely clear on her history, on the changes between CLASSIC and MODERN, which is very important to this theory. Not everyone us super aware of her history.
3. Her (modern) Design 
-it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. (Via Sonic Wiki) 
Now, Finally, let’s get to her design, and the weirdness of it. 
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3a. Her quills
Amy is a pink-furred anthropomorphic hedgehog with green eyes and peach skin on her muzzle and arms. Unlike other hedgehogs, her spines are not spiky in appearance - but are rather worn down like that of ordinary hair, somewhat resembling a bob cut. (Via: Sonic Wiki)
I’m going to assume you knew I was getting to this
“Unlike other hedgehogs”, is a totally fair statement. Every other hedgehog we’ve seen (Even non-canon ones with terrible designs ((looking at you sonia))) Have had their quills in a very specific manner.
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Out, Long, and Back. 
Very much in contrast with Amy’s, Down and Short.
Also note that Shadow and Sonic, on their heads, have six quills, silver having two long ones and 5 bang quills. Basically, their quills are layered, Amy’s however, is not. It’s one right next to each other. 
I note the layered quills as very important. Makes sense for mobian hedgehogs right? I mean they have layered quills like that in real life, even if there’s a lot more. 
This is very important why? Because there’s another species that has their quills/spines/hair/etc. right next to each other, instead of layered. 
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Interesting how close it is to Amy’s own hairstyle isn’t it?
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it’s even drawn similarly. 
In conclusion, her quills are VERY strange for hedgehogs, but very average for echidna’s, weird for a hedgehog huh.
3b. Her Back
“What?” You say, confused. 
But listen.
There’s one specific thing that other hedgehogs have, that Amy Rose is lacking.
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Back Quills
None on her back. Absolutely zero.
Again, strange and weird for a hedgehog, not at all strange or weird for an echidna.
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3c. Other stuff
-The top of her red dress looking like a crescent moon, alot like Knuckles’s own on his body. I just noticed this looking at the two ref sheets above. -Might be crazy, but I feel like with the 3D models Amy’s tail is longer than the other hedgehog’s. Might just be me though -Most (normal) hedgehogs we’ve seen like Sonic and Silver have very cool colors like Blue and White, and Echidnas are very centered around reds and oranges. And I mean, Pink is a light shade of red.
4. Hybrids
This will be a quick one, hybrid’s HAVE existed in the sonic universe
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Although an obscure character now, Fang the Sniper has always been a hybrid.
Touma would state on Twitter that he designed Fang with a jerboa (トビネズミ?) motif in his mind.[6] However, the sales departments of Sega decided upon him being half jerboa and half wolf in Japan, and a weasel in North America.[7][8]  (Via: Sonic Wiki)
And, you could be wondering why i’m saying she’s a hybrid and not just an Echidna instead of a Hedgehog. Well, She has the hedgehog ears and eye-shape.
5. The whole picture
I’ve shown you the pieces, now to put it together. 
Each of these things with her new design sepretly would mean nothing, but together it means a lot. 
But you HAVE to be thinking, “There’s no way that was purposeful.” and I get it. When I first thought of this theory, that was the roadblock that kept me from fully believing it, until I did some research. 
I don’t belive it was the idea from the beginning. And by that, I mean CLASSIC Amy.
She looks like a hedgehog, she has back spines, she has normal, layered, quills. As well as Amy debuting before Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (1994)
MODERN Amy, however. Is a different story.
Remember when I told you to remember a certain paragraph?
When Sonic Team reunited and started work on their three-dimensional follow-up to the classic Sonic games, Sonic Adventure, it was decided they would revive the pink hedgehog and give her a starring role in the game. Like the rest of the returning cast, Amy was given an updated design by Yuji Uekawa. While Sonic, Tails and Knuckles all received minor design changes, Amy's clothing and hairstyle were completely revamped. She also had her entire figure redesigned to make her appear older. In addition to her redesign, her official age was changed from 8 to 12. (via: Sonic Wiki)
Amy’s design was changed drastically for Sonic Adventure, even saying so in this paragraph. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles got minor things, like eye colors and more dexterity. Eggman got an outfit change. Amy’s whole body was changed. Quills, Back, Outfit, Everything. 
Once again, you’re wondering, “Why does this matter?”
Amy was completely redesigned for Sonic Adventure. A game that include, features, hell, CENTERS around Echidnas. 
Every flashback is about the Knuckles clan, and how Chaos ended up like that™️ because of them.
In a game where you have a bunch of Echidnas, I, personally, feel like i’d be difficult to make the mistake of 50% of Amy Rose looking like one.
Anyway Amy Rose is an Echidna/Hedgehog hybrid and either doesn’t know or is too dumb to tell anyone thanks by
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thecreaturecodex · 5 years
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”Hordlings” © Paizo Publishing, by Andrew Hou. Accessed at the Dungeon 124 Map and Handout Supplement here
[This is why I needed a break. The hordlings are the single highest word count entry in the Codex so far, with sixteen random appearance tables and a table for special attacks and qualities. I also got somewhat distracted during this conversion. I had three versions I was drawing reference from--the original 1e version in Monster Manual II, the 3.5 conversion in Dungeon Magazine, and my own 3.5 conversion from my high school years. In going back over the MMII, I realized how many 1e monsters are relatively obscure. So I’m going to be converting some of those. Like, maybe 50 or so when I’m all said and done.
Also, I’d love to see what some of y’all make with randomly generated hordlings. Feel free to use this post as a generator.
Edit: In the interests of saving peoples’ dashboards, I’ve moved all of the random tables behind the cut. There’s a lot of them.]
Hordling CR 5 CE Outsider (extraplanar) This humanoid horror has a motley combination of mismatched traits.
In the distant past, the daemons infected the Abyss with mortal souls, creating the demons in the process. Perhaps the hordlings are the Abyss’ revenge. Whenever a chaotic outsider dies in Abaddon, parts of its essence merge with that plane, creating a vector point that spawns hordlings—sometimes merely a single one, sometimes hundreds. Some daemons view them as pests, and seek to exterminate hordlings and purge vectors of their chaotic influence. Others see hordlings as useful, expendable minions, and press them into service. Although hordlings are immune to charm or compulsion magic, they respond well to promises of murder and treasure, and value their own hides enough to be cowed by threats.
No two hordlings look identical, but all are vicious killers. They fight amongst themselves frequently for dominance, but are more than eager to turn their violence on other creatures. No matter their shape or size, all hordlings are surprisingly stealthy, and if they sense a possible victim coming, they seek to set up an ambush. A hordling’s abilities dictate its combat style, but they are generally melee combatants. Once combat is joined, most hordlings fight to the death.
There are many types of variant hordlings. The simplest variations can be made by using the degenerate, young, giant or advanced simple templates to make larger or smaller, stronger or weaker hordlings. But hordlings with additional Hit Dice are not unknown. A hordling has one hordling ability for every 2 HD it has, and has SR equal to its CR +11. A hordling with 11 or more HD has DR 10/lawful, and one with 16 or more HD has DR 15/lawful.
Hordling Appearance No two hordlings look alike, and the following tables can be used to customize the appearance of a hordling. None of these appearances have any mechanical effect, except where noted. Feel free to add, change or delete options as you desire. See below the cut for hordling traits both with and without mechanical affects, and for base hordling stats
Overall Aspect 1—gibbering, drooling 2—glaring, menacing 3—twitching, crawling 4—wrinkled, seamed 5—flaccid, drooping 6—rotting, tattered
Head Shape 1—wedge shaped 2—conical 3—discoid 4—cubical 5—spherical 6—ovoid
Head Adornment 1—bald 2—mane 3—frills 4—lumps 5—feathers 6—horns
Ears 1—large, pointed 2—small, pointed 3—oversized, drooping 4—large, fan-like 5—human-like 6—bare holes
Eye Color 1—black 2—purple 3—metallic 4—blank white 5—red 6—yellow
Eye Type 1—bulbous, protruding 2—small, on stalks 3—large, compound 4—small, sunken 5—small, cat-like 6—large, round
Nose 1—snout-like 2—nostrils only 3—short trunk 4—large, bulbous 5—covered in warts 6—none
Mouth 1—tusked 2—small, pointed teeth 3—prominent canines 4—beak 5—crushing molars 6—proboscis
Neck 1—ruffed, frilled 2—long and slender 3—short and muscular 4—crooked, bent 5���capable of full rotation 6—none
Back 1—many-humped 2—bristly 3—spines 4—greasy 5—maned 6—vestigial wings
Tail 1—prehensile 2—stumpy 3—fan-tailed 4—forked 5—knob-ended 6—none
Arms 1—multi-jointed 2—short, thick 3—feathered 4—large, muscular 5—spindly 6—tentacle-like
Legs 1—long, thin 2—short, bowed 3—multi-jointed 4—tripod (+2 CMD vs. trip) 5—centaur-like (+4 CMD vs. trip) 6—no legs; slug or snake-like (cannot be tripped)
Hands 1—single oversized claw 2—too many fingers 3—bird-like talons 4—pincers 5—webbed fingers 6—retractable claws
Feet 1—prehensile toes 2—hoofed 3—clawed 4—webbed 5—sucker-like 6—paw-like
Body coloration 1—dark and muted 2—pale 3—garish, clashing 4—counter-shading 5—stripes or spots 6—transparent skin
Skin covering 1—chitin-covered 2—rough and scaly 3—furred 4—feathered 5—slimy and dripping 6—warty
Hordling Traits All hordlings have multiple monstrous traits—the default has three traits, but many more are possible. Roll on the following table. Duplicate rolls do not stack with each other and should be rerolled, unless the trait has an asterisk next to it 1—additional arm* 2—all-around vision 3—amphibious 4—armored* 5—barbed defense 6—breath weapon 7—clutching grasp 8— elite ability* 9— enhanced senses 10— energy resistance* 11— fortification 12— functional wings 13—gore attack 14— quick footed 15— rapid healer 16— reach attack* 17—rending claws 18—sonic aura 19—spit 20—tripping tail Additional Arm (Ex) The hordling has one additional arm, and gains an additional claw attack All-Around Vision (Ex) The hordling has eyes on the back of its head or scattered around its body. It cannot be flanked and gains a +4 racial bonus to Perception checks Amphibious (Ex) The hordling gains the ability to breathe water and a swim speed equal to its land speed Armored (Ex) The hordling gains an additional +3 natural armor bonus Barbed Defense (Ex) Any creature striking the hordling with a natural weapon, touch spell, unarmed strike or manufactured melee weapon takes piercing damage equal to 1d4+ the hordling’s Strength modifier. Weapons with the reach property do not endanger their wielders in this way. Breath Weapon (Su) Once every 1d4 rounds, the hordling can breathe a cone of gas in a 15 foot cone. Creatures in the area must succeed a Fortitude save (Con based DC) or be nauseated for 1 round and take 1d6 points of Strength damage. On a successful save, they are sickened for 1 round and take no Strength damage. This is a poison effect. Clutching Grasp (Ex) The hordling gains the grab and constrict special attacks for its claws. Its constrict deals the same damage as its claws plus 1.5 times the hordling’s Strength modifier Elite Ability (Ex) The hordling gains a +4 bonus to one of its ability scores (chosen randomly) Enhanced Senses (Ex) The hordling gains blindsense 30 ft. Energy Resistance (Ex) The hordling gains resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic damage (selected randomly). This ability can be selected five times, once for each type of energy. Fortification (Ex) The hordling has a 50% chance to treat any critical hit or sneak attack as a normal hit Functional Wings (Ex) The hordling gains a fly speed equal to twice its land speed, with average maneuverability. Gaze (Su) The hordling gains a gaze attack with the following traits; range 10 ft., Will negates (Cha based DC), stun for 1 round. This is a mind-influencing effect. Gore Attack (Ex) The hordling gains a gore attack as a primary natural weapon that deals normal damage for its size. Quick Footed (Ex) The hordling gains a +10 foot bonus to its move speed Rapid Healer (Ex) The hordling gains fast healing 5 Reach Attack (Ex) The hordling’s reach increases by +5 ft. for one of its natural weapons. This ability can be selected once per natural weapon the hordling has. Rending Claws (Ex) The hordling gains the rend special attack, dealing additional damage equal to its normal claw damage plus 1.5x Str bonus when it hits with both claws Sonic Aura (Su) The hordling emits a 10 foot radius aura that causes all creatures within it to succeed a concentration check (DC 20+ spell level) to cast a spell. Any creature in the aura must succeed a Will save (Cha based DC) or be frightened for 1d4+1 rounds. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to the fear effect, but must still concentrate in the aura. This is a sonic, mind-influencing fear effect. Spit (Ex) The hordling can spit as a standard action. Treat this as a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet and no range increment. On a successful hit, it deals 1d6 points of acid, cold, electricity or fire damage (select randomly) per 3 HD. Tripping Tail (Ex) The hordling gains a tail attack as a secondary natural weapon that deals normal damage for a tail slap of its size. It also gains the trip special attack with this natural weapon.
Sample Hordling              CR 5 XP 1,600 CE Medium outsider (chaos, evil, extraplanar) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +7 Defense AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+3 Dex, +6 natural) hp 51 (6d10+18); fast healing 5 Fort +8, Ref +7, Will +5 DR 5/lawful; Immune mind-influencing abilities; SR 16 Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+3), bite +10 (1d6+3) Special Attacks gaze, swarmfighting Statistics Str 16, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 11, Cha 13 Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 20Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (claw) Skills Acrobatics +10 (+14 when jumping), Climb +10, Intimidate +8, Perception +7, Stealth +17, Swim +10; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth Languages Abyssal SQ hordling traits (gaze, quick feet, rapid healing) Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abaddon) Organization solitary, pair, band (3-12) or horde (13-48) Treasure standard Special Abilities Gaze (Su) range 10 ft., Will DC 14 negates, stun for 1 round. This is a mind-influencing effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Hordling Traits (Ex/Su) All hordlings have a variety of different, monstrous traits. The basic hordling has three traits, rolled on the table above. Swarmfighting (Ex) Two hordlings of the same size can fit in the same square without penalty. If they both attack the same opponent, they are treated as if they were flanking that opponent.
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