#looking at you glitchtale
mallsharks · 7 months
"We need more flawed female characters!!" you couldnt even handle alphys and toriel
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korolation · 9 days
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fuck it. troll betty
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sketchingstars03 · 8 months
hey guys.. I want to say something serious
I… don’t know if I can directly support Underverse anymore.
It’s recently come to my attention that Jakei and NyxTheShield have done some… terrible things.
If anyone has heard of the situation with Camila Cuevas or Glitchtale.. just know that those two were also complicit.
link to a video explaining things (MASSIVE TW for mentions of grooming, threats of suicide, and enabling of predators)
I will continue to include my version of Cross and the events of his lore in Splattertale, but I want to make it clear that I do Not support Jakei anymore. My design will be the only one that I draw or make content of. I will not reblog or share anything from her or Nyx. I could possibly provide summaries of what happens in UV going forward so that you guys don’t have to support the series to know what happens in it, if that’s something you all would be interested in.
Just like how we treat Dreamtale nowadays; the creation can be enjoyed and reinterpreted, but the creator can not.
So I encourage you all to stop supporting those two. As well as to look into this situation further to get the full story, provided you will not be triggered and are in a good space mentally.
This situation has made me become even more aware of my responsibilities as a creator and adult in this space. I was already aware and doing my best, but now I shall do even better tenfold. Because we cannot have another situation like this, not in this fandom, not ever.
Please share this if you are able.
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jjinx1998 · 2 months
xxtc-96xx Callout post
To start I want you to know I didn't want things to have to come to this but after recent developments and discussions from others I cannot ignore what's been going on for years now. This is a problem revolving around the user @xxtc-96xx , the comic Endertale, and the Undertale fandom. I will try to explain what I know and offer proof when I can, but there might be some sloppiness as this is my first real post on Tumblr. If there is any technical issues about this post, please let me know so I can fix it.
Let me start from the beginning. I have been a long time fan of xxtc-96xx since about 2016 (I will refer to them as TC to make it easier). I have enjoyed looking at the art they create for many years, mainly the ones revolving around Endertale.
Endertale is a fan comic that TC made of the game Undertale. It's a very decent story with a pleasant art style. I would recommend it but I cannot and I will get to why. You see TC has suffered from something that just about any creator can relate to, burnout. The most recent comic page being posted in 2021 though there was already a hiatus established before that.
While they made it long clear that they needed to go on break for personal reasons, people wanted to ask for when they will continue it. Some of them calm and reasonable and other's were very much not nice. TC answered them honestly at first.
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Then it started to devolve into troll responses or just not answering.
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Not just on Tumblr but people kept asking on Deviantart as well. In fact people are still asking today in 2024. It has gotten so frequent that TC felt it necessary to change their profile header to this:
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And it has stayed that way for so long I lost track of when it started. To be fair, even I found the frequent questions to be overwhelming and they just like every artist who makes stuff for free is entitled to take a break from their work. However this post isn't a complaint about how long it takes to finish a comic, it's about something that started because of the wait.
See, their original reason to take a break was because they were too busy with personal matters for them to commit to an actual comic. But as their history up to today has shown that's no longer a valid excuse. As time went on they started to show an interest in the Pokemon fandom. specifically the pokemon known as Mewtwo. To make a long story short, what started as small doodles grew into a whole bunch of fancomics and animations. To compare, they have drawn nearly four times as many Pokemon drawings compared to Undertale. Now, it is perfectly fair and acceptable to find an interest in a different fandom. And while I personally prefer Undertale over Pokemon I completely supported their decision to focus on other fandoms and enjoyed what they made. I also understood their issues with the fandom at the time, some people were rather aggressive, rude, or demanding the comic to be completed, a comic that's completely free that they make no profit out of. I even recall one point they tried to unsuccessfully drag a different content creator into this issue as if it would somehow work.
However I started to notice they had a warped perception on the fandom. Rather than blame the few people that harassed them online with constant asks, they believed that the entire fandom as a whole is to blame as declared it all toxic. Something they insist on repeating to all their fans and making them believe their opinion as fact.
Now for the record I am very aware of how toxic this fandom was and can be at times. I was around since the beginning and have seen just about every drama that has come. From the fans harassing you for not doing the pacifist route in the first time playing, people arguing if either Frisk or Chara is a really bad person, arguing over Frisk's and Chara's gender, is genocide the right choice, is Toriel the bad guy or Asgore, and a controversy revolving around a certain creator of the au Glitchtale (the last one TC coincidentally emulates their "Delay work for one week for every ask" and finds it amusing). I know this fandom is not the best but I love it all the same, it's as much a part of my life as it is for TC. I know I am not perfect at showing my interest for Undertale, as this image of a private ask shows.
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Or this time I made a obviously joke ask and apparently I didn't realize a lot of people don't understand sarcasm.
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Or when I tried to ask this sincere and nonaggressive question, one of the few times TC isn't putting up some kind of attitude.
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Or this other ask from me.
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At the end of the day this is just a comic. No one has any right to demand them to continue it or make death threats, this is completely unacceptable. However, at the same time this doesn't mean the creator should dehumanize the entire fandom or punish the few that are being respectful. They wait and what do they get, people mocking them and bullying them. That's what I realized in the past week when I engaged in the comments of a few posts. TC allow their fans to bully the fandom.
I tried to be as calm and reasonable as I can and yet I get called out as a toxic fan. And in the end did TC scold everyone else, no, they basically told me to shut up. I overestimated the fans intelligence and if they could handle basic logic, read the comments for yourself to see my point. As someone with Asperger and anger issues, it's a god given miracle I am still trying to maintain my composure within this insanity that has been going on for years. I have spoken with several content creators who asked to remain anonymous about this entire fiasco and we have similar conclusions about TC.
TC has been through a lot of painful and hurtful comments over the years that they did not deserve in the slightest. They are entitled to do whatever they want with their comic and works. Saying a fandom is or isn't toxic is unhelpful as you fundamentally miss the mark on how fandom culture works. As a creator, it is not right to hang this hiatus over people's heads and string them along. TC does not respect their Undertale fans in the slightest and mocks those who is still waiting. They indirectly encourage their other fans to bully and dehumanize the rest.
I held back on making a comment about all this for two reasons. One, TC's fandom terrifies me. They are complete smug hypocrites who spend way too much time on the internet that they don't realize that if they use their words in real life they will get punched in the face for it. Two, despite everything I still believe that TC can change. I like to believe the best in everyone and that there is hope that maybe this time TC will realize they have become the very thing they hate. That hope has faded to cinders. I'm done with TC, my only concern is the people remaining to wait for the comic.
To everyone who is waiting for Endertale and/or following TC because you like their Undertale stuff, leave them and never come back. They do not respect you, they look down on you, they laugh watching you wait, you deserve better than them. Even if they do finish the comic eventually it will not be made out of love or passion.
DO NOT harass and bully them because of my words. I will not tolerate any attempt to do so.
My final words are for TC if they even decide to read this:
TC, I know we are not friends, you made that clear long ago but I was hoping we could've been. You were a huge inspiration for me in the past and was what pushed me to attempt learning about art. I looked up to you and tried to support you when you were feeling down. You are no longer that person.
You do not have the right to condemn an entire fandom as toxic and declare it as a fact of life. It's people like you that keep the fandoms so divided to this day. It's because of people like you I am scared for my life if I ever mention Undertale in public. Your fixation on the sins of the past prevents us from moving forward. I do not excuse what happened but the past is in the past, get over it and grow up, you are an adult so act like it.
You say you don't owe us any comic or works, well at the same time if you want to mistreat the fandom I care about then I or anybody don't owe you any respect yet I did for nearly five years.
Why? Because I cared about how this all made you feel. What do you see when you look at me, another obsessed toxic fan who should keep their mouth shut or a PERSON with their own thoughts feelings and beliefs?
One of your problems is that you think nothing ever seems to be your fault, just the fans who keep asking. Well maybe they wouldn't have asked if you didn't leave them hanging for almost five years. To me, it no longer matters if you finish Endertale or not.
Maybe you still think it isn't your fault, then that makes me the idiot for hoping you can be better. You hurt me, really hurt me. I don't think I can ever trust someone like you again.
Do you know what I really want?
Your apology. I want you to make a genuine apology to me and the fandom at your actions over the years. I won't block you because being the idiot I am I hope my words mean something to you and you'll want to chat.
But until you wise up ask yourself this familiar question,
Do you really think you are above consequences?
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bililies · 2 months
If you do requests can you give your take character on my chase from duotale with the soul of courage on what he would look like if he was in glitchtale do whatever is necessary.
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I'll say that I'm giving advices, plus the fact that I don't know what role your character plays and even what he can thing but I will still give advice and a partial opinion what you could make this character look like in glitchtale so that you could make your own design of this character...
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of course, this is my opinion and I will understand if you do not like this opinion very much. I was just answering your question
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hootbon · 6 months
It's a fucking battle ground rn.
Somebody made a poll of deciding what tadc au to make an ask blog of. And it's between you, @sm-baby, and @rabid-mercenary15
Will you join the battle..??
I’ve noticed! Idm whatever but by the looks of it carnival is winning!1!1 I can’t wait to see what they do whatever ends up winning
I think it’s so fucking cool I was an option in the first place I love being included in silly fun stuff. (We’ve become the holy trinity of horrortale, underswap, and ..would this apply to glitchtale? I’m unsure)
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rainbowgod666 · 6 months
Welcome to the Multiverse
Colors sendable (the first image is from @sizzlingcandyjellyfishhh while thesecond image is from @gaybichon)
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The rules are simple: you want to send an ask? Its either me or some blorbo of yours. Its my Multiverse but there are so many fandoms in it. Holy Shit. If you engage in RP with me specifically rember that my entire "thing" is being The Author. I sill have to figure out of what tho (you would think the Foundation would know that. Well guess fucking what.)
To let you get started, here are some of my best posts. Remember that the Ourple ones are KINDA mandatory if you want ANY background on wtf is this blog.
List of my powers / Its the end of the world as you know it (and i did it on purpose) / an admin kicked me off the island lmao / Mental Health Time / You Absolute Buffoons / The Numeron Game / Well thats a thing that happened! / Out of touch: leap yeap / 🅱️usiness / Magnus did nothing wrong, except its steven universe / welcome to the internet, SCP edition / #HALLOLLAH# / AMERICA IS FASCIST HEAVEN BECAUSE FUNNY / Lost Childhoods / please save those poor gay americans / Free Disco Elysco / Bone to the bad / Priting Wrojects / the True Range of my abilities / the fuck's an apocalypse knight anyway? / @punkitt-is-here fucked Geronimo Stilton and i think its a good thing / Alex goes batshit insane and forces everyone to do as he says... again 🙄 / Screaming in a Pattern. / wizardposting: because powerscaling needed fuckign Zeno Dragonballsuper apparently / BEN 10 BUT LANCER? FUCK YEAH! / So i went batshit insane again / High Geology / fantasy settings on tumblr are really fucking cool actually / RIFLE. IS. FINE. BUT YOU FUCK UP DESIGN YOU UROD. / i technically claimed ownership of Dr. Bright and Betty from glitchtale do you seriously think im NOT gonna do that for homestuck? / XenasOuch / SCP-8000 contest, OR: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUC- / LEMMINO but like, 8 years ago / Hazbin Hotel: a necessary... something i guess. / research attempt: the wizardposting wine aunt /
Below is who i am, and also the tags you can (and should) search for
Hi, name's Alex.
Born on the first ever day of 2005 and also having aspergers, i am a guy from italy trying to make it impossible for anyone to spend a day without knowing who i am. Also i literally trascend powerscaling so hard the only things that can even put a DENT on me are... decided by me. Welcome to the multiverse i guess.
DNI: people who support genocide, people who tolerate corporate bullshit, racists, and terfs.
The following list is ALL THE TAGS USED TO NAVIGATE THIS BLOG. Seriously. This masterpost is an explaiantion for the "portal hub" i placed in the search bar
Lore Post: sometimes the lore of the multiverse, sometimes my personal life.
Welcome to the multiverse: sometimes MASSIVE textpost telling everyone "oh yeah right, this dude has autism", usually me existing. tHE MAIN TAG.
Alex's Answering Machine: literally my asks
The magical workshop: turns out the wizards of tumblr are the reason the phrase "some of y'all have gotten too comfortable saying stuff without getting punched for it" exist. And its up to my autistic, protagonism-fueled low self-esteem high self-awareness ass to... fix shit up.
Belowstory: undertale but REALLY FUCKED UP: so basically frisk falls down and is greeted by a feminine voice that calls itself chara (it becomes slightly visible after getting out of the ruins) and like the good boi undertale character he is he proceeds to save the world. This entire thing exists because one time I was like "how fucked up OP can a sans be before its My Immortal levels of wtf?" And uh yeah here we are uuuuuuh sans greets you by pointing a .44 magnum at you so thank the head of the guards (papyrus) for saving you. Everyone here is broken and just wants A Fucking Break. Also you gain levels in pacifist because LOVE is Level Of VirtuE. Fuck you lmao
Undertale.exe: so I looked at Camilla Cuevas being an awful person. Then i looked at the beautiful anime that is @jakei95's underverse... then i smushed it all toghether to basically create the perfect AU. Frisk is a pansexual fuccboi that Has Game, Chara is THICC and powerful, Betty is built like a ballerina and is 1000 years old, and Asriel is a Streemur. All of them live in this house far away from the city thats literally a larger version of sans' house. All charachters can legally drink (prepare for Drunk Chara shenanigans where its Betty Glitchtale the drunk one instead) and the only one who (probably) isnt gay is Asriel (even though frisk covets the Dreemur Dong) (one day soldier, one day...). Many chatachters from many AUs sometimes come to visit cause, you know. Its a nice place.
Curseworld: massive writing project of mine which is just "adventure time shaped mass of autism". The world is cursed and fucked over, and everything is colorful. Its also part Owl House because fuck you the magic system is FUCKED here.
Internet friends: basically internet stereotype-shaped people. We have a furry thats normal, a reddit/discord mod that just wants to work in peace, and the protagonist is Just A Guy but a-ha! He has both an xbox an...d ps5 thus fucking over any CAD reference. The last sketch i made was a mr.monopoly shaped guy who really wants youngsters to actually AFFORD shit who is married to a very obvious reference to Meru the succubus. Also i 100% intend to put a gag about mr beast living in an ATM when he isnt making videos
Im looking respectfully: look. Back then tumblr was basically Rule 34 with twitter users. Now its way better at the cost of a fraction of their value. Have fun looking at attactive women!
TOH:NEXT GENERATION: not even @moringmark's comics are safe! Enjoy the adventures of ayzee commented by me... telling everyone that shes STRONG strong. Like holy shit girl inherited will much?
Warhammer 50k: listen. This is just me looking at games workshop and fucking emperors tts and going "fuck that. Heres mine". This is a project where my "shard" assegned to this universe basically copies the imperium because, and im not joking, "the emperor is kind of a baka, but then again tzeentch is a thing so...". Also btw TTS is canon as SHIT. Like fr its all canon. Yes even the shadowsun fling, let kitten rest.
Pluripotent Impotence: an scp canon of mine thats basically "the foundation is so cold and clinical they MASSIVELY misunderstood shit". 6140, 6500, 5500 and 7000 are canon. 2718 and 5000 are in the files but they basically might as well not exist. 3812 is living tech support. 166 is in her early 20s and 239 is 19 and they fuck nasty (theyre also childhood friends. Girl Love i guess~) because fuck you clef love wins especially yuri go snort telekill dust. 2317 loves humans and thins theyre cute and squishy and when its seventh child turned out to be fucking JoyBoy? Yeah get this: he DID condemn the fortune teller that was like "dude your sevent child is one of those prophecy children that are so in vogue these days" but also messed with fate so that her death ended up being the coolest and most inspiring shit ever because he was like "considering the average Evil King story, i might as well just... let this happen! Maybe i can convince my literal offspring to spare me!" And it fucking worked. Also a bunch of shit is canon. @i-am-dado looks like a Kpop star and is somft. Dr Jack bright is my character and mine alone and also elias shaw is there i guess. My OC bangs the first one of these 2 amulet boys on a regular basis and the second one occasionally, dont ask why is there a gay polycule when im straight, there are some things that escape my mind. I have been in SCP for a long time and regardless of me making my account 6/1/2024 (LA BEFANAH) i have been here longer than you believe in. From my perspective it took a year before a 5000 contest was announced, so fcuk yoyu
Earth-ℵ₀: the best way to take care of the DC and Marvel universes is... let an autistic dude fix damages done by money-hungry idiots in hollywood. The joker is unimportant. Dr.Manhattan is Done With This Shit. I made a squad with random charachters i like. Lmao suck on uranium rods UwU
ytposting: (Funkdela Catalogue: Encounter starts playing)
Omni-shit: ben 10 is actually a good series guys, and the reboot is an interesting way of showing what would Ben 10 Classic look like if it was made Now
1% enhancement: basically i look at something and go like "hey what if the charachters were basically part me but not in a Knights of the Apocalypse way"
Tumblr italia: aò sono italiano che cos'altro vi aspettate
components: basically i use tumblr as image hosting. LoL.
Items: images turned undertale items. For reference, i have 2³¹-1 HP and my stats are ATK 100000 and DEF 65535. Yes the attack is a yugioh zexal reference. NOSTALGIA IS PTSD BUT GOOD.
Mungeon Deshi: dunmeshi is a good anime and marcille is italian
Full Nelson Analchemist: if FMA exists in my presence im going to give the 20k mg weed gummy to Truth
Evangelion 4.0: look, hideki anno has gone insane. Every time he makes evangelion as the most brain damaging version of telling someone to go touch grass people inevitably miss the point. I take it upon myself to give the @jakei95 treatment to the poor creatures (also fun fact: KAWOSHIN CANON. THEY KISS ON SCREEN. FUCK YOU AMERICA.)
The hoes are stuck: homestuck. What you thought they were safe from my grasp? 人間 you havent seen sheiße.
FeeF the BeeB: minecraft mod bullsheiße
[[Nothing Is Worth The Risk]]: lets just say that sometimes, the multiverse isnt that "cool and good"
Ultimate Sonic: i have a Sonic AU where... uhm... just. If i have a post about that. Just look at it. LoL.
Side effects of reading this blog can vary between true insight into the inner workings of the universe and self-defenestration from the top of the burj khalifa.
Multiverse Polls: i make tHEM-
Autistic and Artistic: (draws happily)
Anyways welcome to the multiverse
Do yourself a favour and dont go out without a loaded gun.
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holly-opal · 3 months
Glitchtale Rewritten
My brother and I have been talking about Glitchtale for a bit and decided that we should rewrite it. The series has a ton of world building errors, plot holes, character assassinations, and so on and so fourth.
Here are some concepts for our main villain, Betty.
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In this world, pink souls don't mean fear, they mean compassion. They are EXTREMELY rare. It's very unlikely you'll see someone with a pink soul. It was to the point where people thought pink souls were just a myth.
Betty once lived in a human village, but was heavily abused by her parents until they died when she was six. And as an orphan, everyone hated her. They thought she was a "bad omen". One day, a group of humans threw her into a lake because they thought she was a demon. As she was floating along the river, a monster family found her and adopted her. Her monster parents loved her and cared about her, and she had a great brother named Azlin. She was happy. Until the war broke out. Betty's family hid in their basement to hide, but the humans found them. They killed them in front of Betty and Azlin. As they were about to kill Azlin, Betty attacked them and ended up getting injured alongside Azlin. Azlin and Betty ran into the forest whilst being chased by the humans. Eventually, they ran into a cliff and had nowhere to run. Betty begged them to spare her and Azlin, to at least let them survive for one more day. But the humans didn't listen and pushed them both off a cliff. Ending the lives of Betty and Azlin.
But Betty didn't want to die yet. So she and Azlin both cheated and glitched back to being alive (but undead at the same time). So the two siblings made it their life's mission to kill all of the humans and let the monsters live in peace and prosperity. Betty and Azlin kills multiple humans and takes their souls to become even more powerful. Soon, her Compassion became Indifference.
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Betty is actually a puppet! She is able to hide it from the humans and monsters, but there are hints to her being a puppet. Such as; abnormal walking, bending and contorting in freaky areas, and if you look closely you can see black tar and bugs.
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I think throughout the story, Betty would be chasing after Frisk for their determination soul. So she can be even more powerful to kill every human on the planet. She dislikes Frisk for their naivety and almost couldn't believe that they even freed the monsters.
Azlin (Akumu's replacement btw) is her adoptive brother. He's pretty cold and aloof, but he's caring and loves his family, especially Betty. He hides in Betty's backpack until it's time to fight and sometimes speaks to Betty.
Maybe when the monsters are released, she was happy to see them again after so long, but was less happy about the racism they were facing, which only deepened her beliefs about humanity.
That's all for now.
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thepageofhopes · 15 days
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Does anyone still do these anymore? Either way I updated my fav character bingo since it's been a bit. Characters under the cut (numbers from left to right, top to bottom)
Ink!Sans, Underverse. Scene chosen here is because he looks cute, but the cut off speech bubble is him being nonchalant about betraying all of his friends
Sayaka Miki, Madoka Magica. It's hard to find a good happy picture of her so Magia Record gacha animation will have to do.
Utena Hiiragi/Magia Baiser, Gushing over Magical Girls. Can't go wrong with the phenomal 'are you sorry' scare face.
Mion Sonozaki, Higurashi. I love her especially in her goofier times.
Subaru Natsuki, Re:Zero. Scene chosen here is one of my favorite moments of him from Season 1, the moment where he chooses to throw away his chance at a peaceful life to save those literally trying to kill him.
Gamzee Makara, Homestuck. Scene chosen because it's what sold me on Homestuck and him in general.
Rui Kamishiro, Project Sekai. While I could use the upgraded pretty cards, the moment where he coldly defends his friends is my favorite moment of him in the entire game so far.
Bete Noire, Glitchtale. Not the scene that made me want to cosplay her, but still one of the scariest looks in the animation.
Suika Ibuki, Touhou. I sadly can't put a gif of her swaying back and forth due to being drunk af, but imagine it there.
Azula, ATLA. Gotta love the smirk as she's captured.
Kaiji Ito, Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor. Had to get a scene of him whith those nice scars, they really show his detrmination through everything.
Keiichi Maebara, Higurashi . While I haven't seen Gou, this is a great shot of him. I love his determination and trust in his friends even in the darkest moments.
Kallen Kouzuki, Code Geass. The scene here is her about to use the Guren on Orange-kun, which is one of her best moments season 1 and is just a great shot of her in general.
Rose Lalonde, Homestuck. I actually quite like her Pesterquest art, and it screenshots the best.
Junko Enoshima, Dangan Ronpa. Her reveal and arrogant form is my favorite of her sprites.
Helen Richardson, Magnus Archives. Great depiction by theoldkyokodied since there's no official image!
Undyne, Undertale. Her True Hero form is what sold me on the game, and was also my first true boss I faced since I did a genocide run first.
Katara, ATLA. Love this scene where she confront the one who killed her mom and shows just how powerful she is.
Kaguya Shinomiya, Love is War. Hard to choose a pic here since there's two sides to her personality and I love them both, but I really love the fireworks episode and her escape is great.
Tahani Al-Jamil, The Good Place. She's so pretty but also her arc and personal troubles really resonate with me.
Kabru, Dungeon Meshi. Great colors and expression from the anime here, really showcasing his manipulative edge.
Tsukasa Tenma, Project Sekai. Very Subaru like character, I love how much he grows through the game and the moment where they get the entire park together to put on the huge event is probably my favorite sekai moment.
Lord Dominator, Wander over Yonder. I do love me a villainess who loves being evil, and the scene here of her manipulating hater is great.
Lelouch Vi Britannia, Code Geass. While the scene here is of his more evil/manipulative side, I actually really love him because of his humanizing moments.
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orchidlikesgamez · 1 month
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☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ START ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Hello, I'm Orchid/Ink! ~ The Silliest UNDERTALE fan you will ever meet (◍•ᴗ•◍)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ On here, I will post about Undertale, Deltarune, UTMV, AUs, Undertale Yellow, ETC.
⏤͟͟͞͞✩ I will also post art, comics, opinions and ships. If you don't like that, then it's fine, this isn't the place for you.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ This account will also have oc x canon / canon x reader.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ This is my Persona/Kinsona!
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ WARNINGS ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
This account contains:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Violence
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Suggestive Themes (NOT nsfw.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Ships
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Mental Health related things
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Sensitive Topics (Mentions of Abuse, Toxic Households in the media I'll talk about.)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ DNI ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Please DO NOT interact if:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You're Racist, Homophobic, Etc.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You would hate on me for my opinions and ships.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You won't respect my boundaries.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You hate on Ink Sans to insult me. (It's okay not liking him! Just don't say you hate him just so you can insult me.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You ship Proships (Fontcest, Frans, Dreammare, etc.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You're Under the age of 13. I don't feel comfortable that a child is looking through my blog. (Besides, I don't think children should be on Tumblr.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You had controversy with me.
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ INTERACT ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Please interact if:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You're an Ink Sans Kin
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You like UTDR/UTMV
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You like my favorite characters and favorite ships (check faves)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ BOUNDARY༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
My boundaries!:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't send "kys" messages unless you're a friend.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't Roleplay about characters and say "they wouldn't act like that!!". I don't care.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't EVER mention Fontcest or Frans. (Only if you're explaining them/Don't like them either)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't sexualize me. ESPECIALLY if you're 18+.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't mention Glitchtale. I'm sorry but I have a bad past with that series. (You can like it and tell some things about it! Just please don't force me into conversations about it.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I have MAJOR anxiety,, please be patient and use tone tags.
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ FAVES ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
My favorite things!:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Games: Undertale, Deltarune.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Characters (Canon Undertale): Sans, Muffet, Papyrus, Toriel, Chara.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Characters (Canon Deltarune): Kris, Suzie, Noelle, Toriel, Queen, Lancer.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Multiverse Characters: Ink Sans, Error Sans, Swap Sans, Gin (Fellswapx), Tori (Altertale), Dust Sans, Core Frisk, Cross (Xtale), Geno (Aftertale), Xchara, Xfrisk, Xmuffet.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Ships: Soriel (Sans x Toriel, Any AU), Dunkin Donuts (Sans x Muffet), Cream (Dream x Cross)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ OTHER ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Other things to mention!:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I am an Ink Sans Fictionkin! Ink is also my comfort character.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Trans Paintgender, Bi-Demisexual! (She/They/He/Paint, preferred They/He/Paint!)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I have many socials! OrchidLikesGamez (Tiktok, Discord, Tumblr), OrchidReadsBooks (AO3), Orchidd.Musix (Spotify)!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I like drawing and Writing!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I have Maladaptive Daydreaming lol
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Surprisingly, Undertale isn't the only thing I'm into! I'm also Into DDLC, BATIM, CUPHEAD, FNAF, LAW OF TALOS, SPOOKY MONTH and many more!
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ TAGS ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Tags I use to organize my account!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids art — for my silly art!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchid talks — silly rambles and headcanons!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids jokes — joke posts/memes!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids rb — my reblogs!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids srb — my self reblogs!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids art reqs — for my art requests!
(Will add more if needed!)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids doodles — Silly doodles!!!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #inklyn — Everything about my kinsona!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #inklyn lore — Lore about my kinsona!
That's all for now, hope we'll have a *great* time :3
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stanleyvampire14 · 5 months
Hi I’m returning back to my roots since my undertale yellow obsession is happening as we speak
Here’s one of my undertale/glitchtale ocs (will call it undertale because glitchtale’s creator is….eh…problematic….) anyways it’s a little spin off au called ReverseGlitch! And it follows the pov of this silly painter guy in the 1880s called Shae Campbell! He is in fact not silly (ok maybe sometimes) but anyways- I feel like child Shae and Ryder (post island) would…..get along!…..I think.
I don’t know if y’all really want me to infodump so I’m gonna wait to do that…^_^” Send asks if you want!
Here he is! Redesigned! (He says “fuck you” to gender norms although I’m pretty sure some men wore “dress-like” outfits…anyways!)
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Without text version after the cut!
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Will I show the previous design? No- I don’t uh…have it. It got deleted a while ago :( I forgot what it looked like…
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maycknoragamy · 5 months
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Glitchtale x The forgotten story
I'm currently making a comic of a "crossover" between Glitchtale and my comic The forgotten story.
Elys, already 29 years old, would end up in the Glitchtale universe when Frisk and Chara started using the SAVE and RESET buttons a lot, leaving the Glitchtale universe unstable, at the same time an event involving magic that could mess with space and time is interrupted in one of Elys's missions as a royal guard. The two events ended up causing Elys to be sent to the Glitchtale Universe and now participating in the route where Betty Noire appears.
I'm doing my best to make the comic look good and I hope you guys like it!
-Glitchtale belongs to Camila Cuevas -> @camilaart 
-The forgotten story belongs to me.
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skylerskyhigh · 2 years
What ninpo powers would 2012 turtles get?
(Yes this is inspired by a song shush)
So I've been wondering about what kind of powers the 2012 team would get. It needs to be tied to their personalities so I'm gonna yeet this out there for you all to chew on. I might use it for the sequels.
Leonardo would probably be something tied to Speed and Energy. Basically, he's Sonic lol. He has shown to be very spiritual, and he has the "healing hands". He's also shown to be very fast, more than normal. If he has ninpo powers, it would expand on those two things. He can run faster than anyone, almost being a blur. He can also channel and expand energy, which I think he would use to heal or boost others.
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Raphael would probably be similar to Rise!Raph. I think he would have Energy Constructs and Kinetic/Energy Rebound. Raph has been shown to be the fighter, and while he does defend his brothers, I think having the ability to produce slashes of pure energy to attack from afar would fit him.
For Energy Constructs, think of Shadow's "chaos bolts" or like Undyne or Chara from Glitchtale.
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Probably not as big but you get the gist.
As for the Energy Rebound, I think it would look like Black Panther's suit where, any attacks he takes would be turned into energy that he can store and release in his next attack. It would be pretty effective for someone like Raph, who hits hard and is relentless.
Donatello is a bit of a tricky one. I don't want to make his Ninpo the same as Rise!Donnie. Cool, but there needs to be differences. So I've decided to make his powers be like... I don't have a name but Donnie would be able to take it pieces of garbage/scrap/items, just anything around him, and turn it into something new.
With his knowledge of engineering and chemistry, he can take, let's say, the scraps from a car, take it apart with his ninpo, and combine it all to make a new blaster. While he can't make stuff out of thin air, he can still make stuff. Maybe in the future he can change the molecular structure to do some amazing stuff. Why not add something about energy too. Maybe Technokenisis? He can transfer part of his ninpo into technology to either understand how it works, or control/take over it.
It's like Lego Movie logic plus Magneto's powers. Maybe Sombra from Overwatch.
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Michelangelo is tricker. What would fit this wild card of a character? I thought about it for a bit and thought, why not? Let's make him able to bend reality, Dr Strange style.
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Mikey can manipulate reality for a short amount of time, changing the environment to fit his endlessly creative mind. Turning the battlefield into his playing ground. His boundless energy would also transfer into his fighting, increasing his physical abilities.
Well! That's my take on what the 2012 Turtles possible ninpo powers! I might use it for my own fics but we shall see.
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His Sunshine
Alphonse was his name. Now he is known as....
"Father, good morning..." Crescent bowed his head to show a respect to his father.
"Get your head up, Crescent. I'm here just to see..." he faked a cough. "How were you doing."
"Ah, were you worried? I'm happy if you do." Crescent smile faintly.
"Yes I am." the goppy one said in stern voice.
Crescent eyes widened in shock, clearly he didn't expected his father to worried about him, knowing their history, Nightmare would never.
"Are you... Sick?" Nightmare spoke. "There's a plague been going around."
Crescent narrowed and eye brow, wondering why his father is worried because of simple plague.
"I am not sick, Father. Lord Dream had cast a spell to citizens." Crescent felt his smile dropped. He couldn't smile after hearing his father said he is worried for him.
"I see... I'm glad that wimp finally learn from his mistakes." He scoffed.
Crescent knows his father and Dream has a history but he doesn't know what's happened to them.
"I'm leaving—"
"Father, wait." Crescent tug on Nightmare sleeve. "I- uhm, since you're here. Would you like to join the prayer with me?" Crescent smile.
"I am an atheist, Crescent." Nightmare deadpanned
"Then would you like to join a walk with me? We could grab a coffee too." Crescent can't let go of this chance. His father finally show a slight of human feelings.
"..." Nightmare sigh. "Fine, but only for the coffee." he agreed.
Crescent could squeak and giggling like a child right now. But he didn't, knowing that Nightmare won't like that.
"I didn't expect to meet Cross again, out of this place." Nightmare took a sip of his coffee.
"That's my reaction when I met him again." Crescent slightly chuckled.
He looks at his father, Nightmare. He looks so calm right now. As if he forgets about what he has done in the past. Crescent fight his emotions, he can't feel wrath at his father, the one who kept him alive.
"are you eating well as a priest?" Nightmare asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Ah yes, it's all thanks to you, Father. Thank you for sending me money."
"Tch, no big deal..." he rest his cheek on his palm. "It's because you're stupid to not take care of yourself." Nightmare rolled his eyes.
It was a comfortable silence. This is the second time Nightmare shows his worries on Crescent. The first time was when Crescent was 16, he was sick.
Nightmare threatened the doctors to heal Crescent or they'll lose their heads.
Thankfully, none of them die and Crescent sickness went down after 3 days passed.
'To think of this again... Father worried about me only when I was sick.' Crescent thought to himself. 'He even hugged me after I was cured from my fever.' Crescent smiles remembering a memory of his.
"What are you smiling for?" Nightmare took a notice of Crescent sudden change of mood.
"Ah, I just remembered you hugged me before." Crescent laughed heartily. "At first, I thought I was delusional but thanks to Horror, he took a picture of us."
Nightmare stares at Crescent for a while.
Crescent have long hair and eyes like killer, as if he wasn't supposed to be a boy in first place....
"Sometimes I hope you were my daughter instead of son." Nightmare spoke.
Crescent slightly flinched at Nightmare sudden statement.
"you resembles her a lot... Yet you are not her, and never will be." Nightmare sadden his face.
Now, Crescent figure what's his father talking about. It's about his deceased daughter, Dream told him about this.
"What was her name?"
Nightmare tilt his head in confusion.
"Your daughter, I mean..."
"It was Dream who told you, right...?"
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to meddle into your past. I was curious and his lord just helping me."
Now the supposed comfortable silence turn into uncomfortable one.
"Her name was... Adele."
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ninjakitten1699 · 10 months
I saw ur time triplets post and now I’m interested, care to share more?
Ah yes, my boys. I call them my boys even though I don't post them as much anymore but still.
Let me just put this in the simplest way possible without spoiling anything from my AU not just for your sake, but for mine too cause the AU only has season one rebuilt as of now.
There's Krux, Acronix, and Phoenix. Krux and Acronix are both named after programs like their mother, Cittrix (a name I kinda snatched from @s0l0b0d0r because I thought it was neat, I love it and it makes so much sense to me) while Phoenix was named something Greek-related like their father Kronos. (A character who was supposed to be the Hands of Time villain but he got scrapped and turned into twins. The fandom agrees that he did exist at some point. Mostly he's been headcanoned as the father of the Time Siblings which gives him the ultimate dad pun of being called "Father Time")
These three happened mostly because of there being three hands on a clock, the hour (Krux), the minute (Acronix), and the seconds (Phoenix). No one really counts the seconds hand often so no one really thought of there being three instead of two. However there is an in-universe reason why they thought it two. I'll get to that in a bit.
Anyways, let's get this started down below.
The simplest way to explain them is this:
Krux is the eldest of the three as per usual with his role. He gained the ability to halt and reverse time.
Acronix is debatably the youngest. (I honestly want to keep him as the youngest because it’s absolutely funny that he’d be last born despite his powers and the reaction he’d get from that info.) From his father he received Accelerate and Decelerate Time.
Phoenix definitely gives middle child energy with him basically being in the background at most times. Now, he actually wasn’t going to biologically inherit a power at all. It was going to skip over him because well.. he wasn’t supposed to be there. (He was not supposed to survive a few days after birth so yeah…) So his father gave him an ability himself. It was Time Theft.
We know how Krux’s and Acronix’s powers work but we don’t know Phoenix’s powers that well. Time Theft is basically a life-stealing ability. It can affect objects and beings while the user could extend their life much longer. Like the other time abilities, it's been given a color and that would be purple. Purple has a different meaning in Japan so there's a reason why Phoenix rarely ever uses this power, let alone use it on purpose.
Anyways, aside from their powers, I'm sure you noticed by the art that they decided to all do different looks to avoid further confusion than they already had in their childhood. Other than that, they were an inseparable trio of siblings which proceeds to make the next thing I'm about to type hurt.
It's no secret in my AU that they were triplets and they would be manipulated by Chen with a touch of Clouse's magic. They would turn on the Elemental Alliance and their allies. During one of the battles, Phoenix got separated from the other two by Luther, the previous master of darkness, and Clarissa, a Dragon Samurai woman. The battle between Phoenix and those two led to someone using magic to banish him outside of all time itself. (I believe Clouse had a hand in that since he saw how much of a threat Phoenix was compared to the other two with his Time Theft ability.) Phoenix would now be stuck in an unending loop of finding his timeline, trying to help any version of his brothers, failing and heading back to the timeless void itself. Being cut to the outside of existence would cause memories of that person to be eradicated. (ie Frisk in Glitchtale)
Meanwhile during their battle with the Spinjitzu Brothers, Krux and Acronix had felt a rage like no other. They had no idea why they felt that way and that clouded their judgement and caused them to lose. And for the rest of their lives, they presumed themselves as if they were always twins, not knowing they were triplets who lost a sibling. Despite thinking they're twins, they still feel like they're missing someone important.
I can't reveal more about Phoenix because my AU had only just managed to begun being rewritten and there's still some spaces to fill in and things to expand upon. I will say this.
Fanon Phoenix's theme (the Phoenix @alena-1987 knows the most) is definitely Clocks by Coldplay.
Original Phoenix's theme, when I had no idea of his personality or what to do with him, is Victorious by Skillet.
Now new/canon Phoenix's intro theme is stuck between Diabolic Clockwork by Two Steps from Hell and Haunted Clock by Gothic Storm. You can tell by the themes how his tone supposed to be. (Haunted Clock sounds like he's building something and you can only guess what that is.) It keeps the clockwork theme like his brothers but he's also supposed to have an eerie-type of feeling around him.
While Rise of the Vermillion is in Krux and Acronix's point of view (as purplefern pointed out in the comments) and I do like the other two themes he's got going for him, Phoenix's final battle theme would no doubt be "Time Claims All" by Damien Casteel. Something that would be further indicating how different he became from his former self and his brothers with Krux and Acronix keeping a high-energetic Heavy Metal theme while Phoenix picks up Orchestra with a hint of melancholy and dread. (Purple is one of the colors of death in Japan after all.)
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 2 months
Dear Stella,
Aurora told me about you. She said you are her best friend. Can you tell me about this soul thing? I still don't understand. Is that something anyone can do? - Sweetie Belle
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Stellar hummed. “It’s specific to that type of soul. It doesn’t make logical sense at first, but multiple soul types exist. The typical soul is more like a spirit. That red heart I showed you before is different, but still a form of soul. I don’t really have a name for it, so I just refer to it by where it first showed up in media: the Undertale soul.”
“These souls can be one of seven colors, and in very rare cases, it can consist of multiple. Patience, Bravery, Integrity, Perseverance, Kindness, Justice, and Determination. Determination is the rarest, as well as the strongest, of the original seven. There’s more that have appeared in fan media, though. As examples, there’s Fear, Apathy, and Hate. I don’t know where the latter two first appeared, but I’m pretty certain Fear originated in Glitchtale, an old favorite of mine. I wonder what became of that world…”
“All of these souls have their own powers, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as a meaning based on their name and color. As I’ve said, mine is Determination. It is, essentially, willpower. Willpower that reaches absurd levels at times, granting the power to control the timeline, and to literally refuse to die through sheer force of will. Mine’s not as strong as a certain kid’s at their peak, but it’s still quite powerful.”
“To try and condense things, these souls grant incredible power if their holders know how to tap into it, from their inherent capabilities to wielding said power as a form of magic, which can vary depending on the color and the personality of the holder. I’ve seen Glitchtale!Frisk fashion their soul’s power as both a sword and a shield. Kindness souls can heal, Justice souls have ranged attacks, that sort of thing.”
“It might help to do some research of your own. Maybe ask if you can borrow Pip’s PDA for a bit, and have a look for yourself. It might not help you with your soul troubles, but it’s still very intriguing.”
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