#looks at my tastebuds. I'M in command now.
day 2968
no :(
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
All Signs Point To You
Fandom: Twilight Pairing: Jacob Black x Male!Reader Summary: Jacob is a smitten wolf, he likes it despite the teasing Word Count: 1,028 Request: Can I get a baker male reader x Jacob who finds out his mate is the best baker of Folks and so goes there every day to flirt with him? Despite always head-butting with Edward who accompanies Bella during her visit to the bakery
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"You're hopeless," Seth says to his Alpha, who responds to the jab with an eye roll.
"Leave him alone, Seth," Leah piped up, before smirking, "He's in love!"
It's been a few weeks since the standoff between the Cullens and co against the Volturi, Jacob's new pack has an unspoken bond with the Cullens now, though, there was still tension between the two groups - both unfamiliar with the concept of sharing the land. Both groups still being wary of each other, these were bonds that were unfamiliar to them.
Though, mostly the shapeshifters stay in La Push, where they are most comfortable. Everyone was settling into this new dynamic, Leah was finally heard and was satisfied with her position as second in command. Embry, Seth and Quil were more happier to be in this new pack than to stay with Sam's pack. The new pack was slowly getting bigger as it was a race between Sam and Jacob to find new shapeshifters in the forest.
But, as the Uley pack were making rounds in the La Push border, it wasn't enough room for both packs to roam. So, Jacob's pack made an agreement that they would make rounds on Cullen's side of the creek, where they were to keep an eye out for new vampires lurking or scouting new members for the pack.
Whilst going out on the Fork side to provide lunch for the wolves who were making their rounds, Jacob stumbles across his mate. It was a mere second, really, he was about to enter the bakery, which was known to be the best in the state, but when he looks through the window his eyes met yours.
The bakery boy, who was taking out new dishes in the display cabinet. His heart started racing before diverting his path to a different place. He came back to the pack obviously sweating and in a panic.
"Who are we talking about?" Embry asked, entering their base, and placing a bag of food onto the table for the pack.
"Jacob's mate," Quil sings, as Jacob glares at him whilst Seth snickers.
"Ah," Embry nods understanding, "The bakery boy he doesn't shut up about."
"I don't talk about him that much!" Jacob defended himself only to be met with several stares of doubt, "Okay, maybe I do, but I don't know what to do."
"I don't know, maybe talk to him?"
Leah raised her eyebrow at him, before pointing to the door. Whilst, he was the alpha of the pack, he knew that Leah was right and there was no point in trying to argue with her. So, he sighs before departing to talk to you.
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After talking to you, he just constantly wanted to be around you. To any outsider, it was because you were just a fascinating person to know, but Jacob knew better and he knows it's the fact that you're his mate - bonded for life.
But, he didn't want to freak you out, make you think he's some stalker or some obsessive creep. But, can't help but just gravitate back to you, and you can also feel the same. You were just drawn to him, you were interested in knowing him.
Your days brighten when he comes through the shop doors, and you smile to yourself when you start thinking about him. Suddenly, you start becoming giddy, coming into work, thinking there's a chance that Jacob might come in.
You wanted to know him, be with him, and you were growing feelings for him - you were becoming helpless.
"You're awfully around a lot in this area," Edward says, there was a tease within his voice as Jacob cannot help but glare, "Does the bakery in La Push gives you food poisoning?"
"Shut up," Jacob replies as Bella rolls her eyes, "Anyway, why are you going to the bakery, you don't have any tastebuds?"
"I'm friends with (Y/n)," Bella chimed up, before shrugging her shoulders, "I like visiting my friends outside all you lot, you guys give me a headache."
She walks in as Jacob looked confused as Edward only chuckles to himself, sighing that he was so lucky to have Bella. Edward goes in to follow his wife as Jacob looked torn to go in. He wanted to keep you as his little secret from the Cullens for a little longer, so he sighs and tries again a few hours later.
"Hey, I saw you outside before, why didn't you come in?"
Jacob flushed red, scratching the back of his head, "Oh, I'm not a big fan of Edward."
"Edward?" You tilted your head with your eyebrows knitted together before clicking your tongue, "Ah, Bella's husband, I can't believe she didn't invite me to the wedding!"
"I didn't know you were friends with her."
"Same goes for you," You answered back with a pointed look as Jacob looked defeated before smiling back at you.
"Childhood friend," he responded coolly, as you nodded in acknowledgement, "So, what's on today's special?"
You grinned at him as you started to talk to him about everything and anything, despite being a busy shop with locals and tourists visiting you always spare a few minutes to talk to Jacob. He gratefully pays for his stuff, making sure he tips you and only you, before leaving the bakery with a satisfying feeling.
Jacob was smitten, he knew that, and he knows that his pack was going to tease him relentlessly, but he didn't care. He found someone, he enjoyed your company so he didn't care what type of relationship this would bloom into. He craved your company, your voice and your presence.
All signs point to you, he can sense the future to be brighter with you by his side.
Whilst, he's not ready to tell you the full truth, he's mustering up the courage to ask you to hang out with him outside the shop. Somewhere it was just you two and no eyes are watching. He wants to know the famous bakery boy with a pretty smile.
There's a jump in his step as well in his heart and he smiles to himself.
All signs point to you.
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itwasthereaminuteago · 5 months
¦¦ The Hand That Feeds ¦¦
Bucky Barnes x Brock Rumlow
Tags/Warnings: Hydra Trash Party, Using the Winter Soldier as a plaything, Non-Con oral sex, mentions of abuse, brief blood and violence, happy ending! :D
Also on AO3 for those that prefer it!
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When the command came to sit, he got to his knees and waited. The order could be followed up by a number of possible different scenarios, or none at all. Just a test of endurance as the cold from the concrete flooring seeped into his bones.
In the shorter periods between missions when he wasn't being stored in the deep freeze, Hydra's agents got to let loose on the Asset. The Winter Soldier. Anything went really, as long as it wouldn't ultimately compromise his functionality. You might be surprised at how huge a window that left for the things that could be done to him.
From the rhythmic taps and slaps on the cell door as the keycode was punched in, he knew that today it was Rumlow, one of his main handlers, and that he was in a good mood.
“Hi honey I'm home,” he hollers as he enters, “did ya miss me?”
The soldier bit his tongue just in case he ever answered in the affirmative. After all, Rumlow was the gentlest with him and he knew it. He treated him with some amount of respect while the others just used him like the tool he was supposed to be. In spite of his accelerated healing capability, Jack Rollins had still left him shitting blood for a day after one of his ‘recreational’ visits.
Brock swings around the metal folding chair he's carrying, snapping it open in front of the soldier and sitting down in front of him.
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky.” He drawls.
The soldier had noticed Brock using this nickname for him more recently. He didn't like it. It made his head swim and hurt. 
“What a day… what a fucking day!” Brock is grinning widely as he leans back in the chair and the metal creaks under his muscled bulk. 
The soldier remains still and silent, though when he hears the sound of the zipper his mouth floods with saliva. He likes to think that it's a conditioned response but he's actually not so sure anymore.
Rumlow eases his cock out of his pants and the soldier has nowhere else to look but straight at it, watching as he runs his hand slowly up and down the thick-veined length of himself a few times as he looks down into the blank blue eyes before him. When he pauses his movements and gives a nod of his head the soldier leans forward to wrap his lips around the tip of him, his tongue pressed up wet beneath the bulbous pink head, a bead of precum searing across his tastebuds. Rumlow groans, a low chuckle bubbling out of him as he closes his eyes and lets him get down to it. He trusts him enough not to bite his dick right off. There was a time early on in his conditioning when he would have, Brock was grateful he wasn't that guy, but that nasty little habit was electrocuted out of him soon enough.
Rollins claimed he had trained the gag reflex out of him, although Brock had joked it couldn't have been that hard given the small size of Rollins’ dick. Regardless, the Winter Soldier sucked cock like he was born for it. 
“Fucking hell…” Brock groans as he watches him take him fully into his hot mouth  “I said it before and I ain't afraid to say it again, you're better than any woman I've had, Jesus Christ!” 
Rumlow liked to talk. It was a reliable indication of when he was going to finish when the filthy words just kept spewing out of his mouth like a river. But for now he was just getting warmed up.
“Ohh yeah, there we go. Fuuuuck me.” Brock purrs as the soldier gradually takes him deeper, sucking his entire length down his throat, drool starting to drip from his chin. “You get to be the fucking cherry on top of my glorious day, you know that?”
The soldier shifts on his knees, metal hand sliding to the base of his handler’s thick cock to cup his balls. He knows he likes the feel of the cool plates against them. His flesh hand sneaks down between his own legs, tugging at the canvas tac pants to give his own erection some room to swell. Rumlow is the only one that tolerates him touching himself. Every other basic need of his is taken care of, albeit in a regimented, carefully controlled way. This is the only part he has any modicum of autonomy over. He might be a legendary assassin but his body still yearns for carnal release sometimes.
Brock pipes up again between the echoing slurps and gruff groans they trade. 
“Oh yeah, such a good fucking day. I got to kick your little boyfriend’s all-American ass up and down the compound, and it ain't often - fuck - that a guy can say that!” 
The soldier didn't answer, kinda difficult to with a cock stuffed in his mouth anyway but he'd often hear Rumlow and the others refer to this person; ‘his boyfriend’, ‘Cap’, but to him he was just another target. Enhanced like he was, but just another target to take down when ordered.
Rumlow continued, his fingers combing through the soldier's lank hair. “God damn, if he knew I got to come back to this, oh yeah, I don't think he'd be too happy.” He laughs again, his hand gently guiding the man between his thighs as he swallows his cock down to the hilt and makes a strangled moan as the tip of him hits the back of his throat. “Not too happy at all.”
Rumlow grits his teeth as he feels himself getting close to going off. “Such a perfect fucking slut mouth on you, mm! Fuck it ain't gonna be long today, you ready for it, huh?”
Whether he's ready for it or not doesn't really figure into anything. The soldier turns his watery eyes up to meet Brock’s blown out dark brown stare, humming around him in answer, almost gagging as the man starts pumping his hips up off the chair, fucking his thick shaft down his abused throat, chasing his impending release. 
“Oh shit, yeah yeah that's fucking right! Man if Steve fucking Rogers could see this… see his good ol’ pal Bucky taking my load like a fucking bitch-” 
Steve . The soldier turns the name over in his fractured mind as everything else fades into the background. Why does it sound familiar, why does he feel the essence of it in his bones? No other names he had heard in his decades of service had shone out of the dark like this one did.
He's whipped back to the present. Rumlow’s face contorts as he starts spurting his warm salty cum over his tongue with a loud shout.
Then, something's different. Clearer.
He's standing at the open cell door, looking back at Rumlow screaming on the floor in a puddle of crimson clutching at his groin. Somehow this feels like the way it's supposed to go. 
Bucky spits out the blood and cum, wiping his mouth with the back of his gloved hand. He twists his foot, the plastic and wires of Brock’s communicator crushing to trash under his boot before he turns and stalks down the corridor.
He sharply rolls the shoulder of his left arm as he walks, the plates rippling into place all the way down, resetting. Everything is clicking into place. Just like his brain. 
If he's lucky he's bought enough time to pay a visit to Rollins and the others before the alarm is raised that something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.
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peachymilkandcream · 7 months
More aphrodisiac with levi
Levi x Evelyn -> Burning For You
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(A/N: This idea has been rotting in my mind for so long I cannot and now I have the perfect excuse to get it out and free it, just bear with me)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Now Petra was getting desperate, nothing she was doing stopped Levi's relentless attraction to Evelyn, at this rate she'd be pregnant in no time and even if they divorced after that he'd have to support the child and it would be over. She had to work fast, her advances had been bold but not bold enough. That was until she had overheard the gossip some of her friends were talking about.
"What do you think about it Petra?" One of them pulled her out of her thoughts.
"Huh? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, what are we talking about?"
"The Captain, I overheard him talking to the Commander about an aphrodisiac." She giggles.
Another friend sighs. "Evelyn is so lucky, having a man do that to himself to make sure she had plenty of pleasure. And so handsome too... I'm so jealous."
Normally Petra would have burned with jealousy, but something in it intrigued her, maybe she had an idea after all. "Where would he get something like that?" She tried her best to keep her voice even.
"Oh yeah I remember where, why do you want to know?"
"You never know." The blush crept to her face, making the others laughs.
"Petra finally losing her innocence? About time."
Petra ignores the talk and laughing, her mind racing with ideas.
The next day Petra clutches the paper bag to her chest, hoping no one would notice it and what she was about to do. It was late, she made sure that most of the staff had left so that no one would hear their passionate love making when she was through with him. He had already told her he planned on staying late to work on some other plans so she knew he'd be there.
She made his tea, looking both ways twice before downing the contents of the glass bottle into the cup. Her heart racing she brings it to him.
"Your tea Levi."
"Thank you Petra, you're dismissed."
She wanted to stay so badly, but she would spend a lot of time together in a short few moments. "Yes sir."
Levi took a sip of his tea, taking a moment to think about how it tasted a little strange, but he figured it was just his tastebuds acting up and continued to drink it. After a few minutes taking his jacket up as he started to feel himself getting warmer.
Evelyn had wanted to spend the evening in bed without her husband present. Cuddled up reading a book had sounded like heaven, until he sent a message telling her to come spend the evening with him while he worked late. She had tried to refuse, but loyal as always her maids pushed and shoved her back into a little black dress and heels, refreshing her makeup and making sure she had her hat and gloves on.
She took a moment to calm her nerves before knocking on the door, it was just her husband, nothing to be scared of, right? The thought calmed her slightly, enough to knock on it. Oddly enough, Levi didn't answer, which never happened. Swallowing, she opened the door.
She could have never been prepared for the scene before her eyes. Levi had pulled off his shirt, sweat dripping down his chest while stroking himself. His eyes meet hers and his expression was nothing short of predatory. A fire burned those eyes, one she wasn't sure she wanted to get too near.
"Come here." It was an order, his hand never leaving his aching cock.
Evelyn softly closes the door, taking off her gloves and hat, coming closer and closer. "What happened? Are you okay-?"
As soon as she came within arms reach he grabbed her by the waist and bent her over the desk, banging her chin. When she tried to push herself up, he just pushed her back down even harder.
"Levi what's gotten into you?"
"Shut your damn mouth."
His erection pierced through her core in one movement, she wasn't wet, but the amount of his own cum and fluids eased the way. His groan sounded as if he was in heaven, just pushing in had made him paint her insides white. He had thought at first being able to cum would give him relief, but with the state his office as in, it had only made him want more.
His hand dug into her hair, grabbing it in his fist and pulling her head back to bite at her neck. Each thrust was reinforced with a slap to her rear, she hadn't done anything to warrant this rough behaviour, but he couldn't help himself, he needed to just fuck her hard. He was going to fill her until she couldn't take it anymore.
Her assets bounced, as surprise and initial discomfort gave way to her pleasure as moans spilled out of her. "Levi- Levi-"
Levi didn't care if she didn't mean it that way, but her moaning his name signified to him that she was his. "I love you- I love you-" She knew it, she had to know it, how much he cared for her. He loved her so much his chest hurt. "I'm going to breed you wife, give you the family you deserve."
Petra hadn't meant to doze off, it had just happened, it was late after all and she had barely slept the night before. She didn't mean to, and now she rushed to Levi's office, her poor, sweet Levi, he was suffering and she wasn't there to offer up her body to ease his discomfort.
She heard moans as she rounded the corner, and knew now not to open the door when she heard it. However tears stung her eyes, she knew Evelyn had somehow outsmarted her once again. Frustration, sadness, and jealousy burned inside her until she could hardly stand it anymore. She ran home and never looked back.
With one more grunt she felt Levi climax and finally soften inside her. She didn't know how many times they both came, she only knew how much of his cum she was leaking out steadily. She was beyond sore, but the one blurring thought besides weariness was satisfaction. Something about being worn out to the point of exhaustion was oddly enjoyable.
They had changed positions many times, but now he was just laying on her since they had switched to the floor out of comfort and access. Up close and without the haze of lust she could see the dark circles under his eyes, sympathetic to the core, she felt bad for her monster of a husband. Her fingers ran through his hair as he collapsed into sleep, and she could swear she saw the faintest of smiles on his lips. With a kiss to his forehead she muttered.
"Sleep well husband."
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nautiscarader · 1 year
Zalissa 29
Melissa loved listening to Zack sweet moans and groans when they were making love. To hear his cries and roars as she rode his cock, or muffled praises when she was on his face… But only when she heard his dominant, decisive voice she realised she was falling in love all over again.
"On your knees".
And with that, her knees automatically got weaker, sending her to the carpeted floor, while her boyfriend towered over her, giving her more commands.
"Undo my jeans."
She didn't have to be asked. Her hands were already on his crotch, proudly showing the bulge inside she desperately wanted to get to. And a frantic moment later, she got her wish, laying her eyes on his cock, its twitching head shining from pre-cum.
Melissa opened her mouth, but then a strange new sensation hit her, and told her to look up at her imposing boyfriend, and wait for his permission.
"Suck it."
Melissa closed her lips around his cock, and at once her sense of taste and smell were overwhelmed with potent fragrances and flavours, which brought her back to where this afternoon started…
Because just fifteen minutes earlier, she definitely was in control of her date, as the two youngsters cuddled on the sofa, getting just a little handsy as Melissa decided to move from sofa to his laps.
Zack's eyes widened as Melissa was getting more and comfortable in his crotch, gently proding the hem of his shirt, waiting for a moment to strike.
"Mel, this is my mom's couch. I don't-don't wan t to mess it up…", he stuttered as he felt her hand sneaking onto his chest.
"It's okay, you can do it inside if you are brave enough…"
"Mel, that's not what-"
"What, didn't you say that from now on you will try to be take things in your hands?" she smiled cockily, gently moving her hips against his crotch. "Well, I am your thing, I'm just waiting for the hands…".
It has been quite a while since their life-changing trip to outer space which ended with Zsck's proclamation of his promise of stepping up his decisiveness. And their first kiss, of course.
And she still loved him deeply, even if very little changed on the homefront - she still was wearing the pants in this relationship, and was deciding when to take them off.
This is why Melissa let out a shriek when she felt his hands on her ass as the world around her suddenly change orientation. Next thing she knew she was lying underneath him, his lips on hers, at least until he took his shirt off, exposing his chest.
"So, you're my thing, huh?", he asked, looking at her trying to comprehend the situation, breathing heavily.
"Yes…", she answered sheepishly, feeling her heart racing.
"Well then… get on your knees."
And that is how Melissa got to her current position, with Zack's hand in her hair, encouraging her to go deeper and deeper with every pass, as her tongue coiled around his cock, gathering more of his potent flavour and fragrance. But it was his towering presence that truly amplified Melissa's excitement, evident by her hand in her already wet panties, toying with her pussy and clit as her boyfriend controlled her oral skills.
Every few seconds their eyes would meet, and she would find a new spark in them, one of dominance and power. Or maybe it were just her eyes, watering as Zack's manhood pushed further and further, the moves of his his becoming less and less subtle.
Melissa would often close her eyes, losing contact with him, but gaining more of the unexpected, her other senses amplifying the experience of her tastebuds, promising a flood of sticky, salty, rich cum soon.
"I'm-I'm close…",. he suddenly uttered, his voice barely broking under oncoming climax of his.
Melissa looked at him as if she wanted to say something, but he finished her thoughts for her.
"And I'm gonna cum inside that pretty mouth of yours.", his finger slid across her cheek, causing her to shiver in anticipation. She could only mumble something, which sounded very much like a plea…
"And you will drink all of it. D-Don' t you spill a drop…"
His head moved to the back of her head as she no longer was in charge of the fellatio that became a facefuck, while he pressed her against the wall. Melissa was taking strategic breaths, her eyes growing wide when she smelled more and more of him, his words painting visions of the future.
"N-Next time I will cum all over your face… and hair… Maybe you will even take a selfie or two ."
Melissa moaned around his cock's head as her body trembled and her thighs shook, the result of her powerful climax, brought not only by his action, but his words painting vivid imagery of his dominance. And when she looked at him again, she was begging for it, silently, with her desperate needy eyes - and he gladly delivered.
Zack let out a roar when his cock pulsed in Melissa's mouth, sending first wave of thick seed. He wanted to do it right into her throat, making her lips meet his balls, but then he retracted, watching as her eyes bulge out and her lips tighten, desperate to fulfil his command. And not a drop of seed has been lost, not after second, third or fourth hefty stream…
Instead, Melissa deal t with the seemingly never-ending batch of baby-making batter Zack was flooding her with, t he room filled with deep, guttural sounds of her swallowing his cum, revelling in its potent taste and smell, a true delicacy she'd never let escape her mouth.
Zack's grip on her head turned into gentle pats and strokes as he watched and listened how his red-head drinks him dry, and only when she w as sure her tongue has coiled enough times around his head to wipe it clean she let go of him proudly presenting her empty mouth, patting her tummy.
"G-goog girl…", Zack muttered, but almost at once has his cocky demeanour changed as he raised his eyebrow n in sign of concern and knelt down. "Okay, was it too much? I had no idea if-"
His voice was broken when Melissa's lips met his in a long, soothing kiss that should have answered his question.
"Dude, that was top-notch. I like that new Zack…"
His cheeks turned red as he continued stroking her hair, until she stood up, looking down at him.
"In fact, I might let you really cum inside me."
Zack's eyes opened wide.
"No, wait, we gotta do it safely, my mom wants grandkids, but not now.", he raised his hands.
"And there it is, my sweet, caring boyfriend.", she giggled and kissed him, "Let's go to the bathroom, we can continue there… and we can flush all the evidence down the drain."
She grabbed his hand and made the decision for him, already waiting to see how that selfie of hers with his cum all over her face will look like.
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taechaos · 3 years
Rightful Punishment
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!reader
synopsis: You do Jungkook's assignments in exchange for his affection. You don't even perform as well in your own subjects, but you don't care because all you want to do in life is make Jungkook happy. But it gets complicated when he gets a bad grade because of you.
genre: drabble, smut, college au
warnings: degradation, dubcon, exhibition
word count: 1.4k
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"Hurry the fuck up," Jungkook grunts in your ear as you try your best to write the conclusion for his essay. He took you to the library before his Literature lecture when you told him you weren't finished with his assignment, and he keeps pestering you in a hushed voice because of his limited time.
You don't take Literature, but you're dealing with the pressure of his grades for him.
"I'm almost done," you whisper as you skim over the contents of the long text that you stayed up scribbling because Jungkook's professor is a man from the older generation when online documents weren't a thing. It's a pain in the ass, but you don't dare complain. When you're confident that you've summarized your - his conclusion in perfect detail, you brightly grin and show it to him. "I finished it!"
He doesn't bother reading it and only runs his eyes over your handwriting to make sure it's intelligible. "Good girl," the corner of his lips tugs upwards in satisfaction when he makes out your analysis of some short story.
"Can I have my kiss now?" your eyes gleam with hope as you shyly look up at him. He's hovering over you with a hand on the back of your chair, knees bent to see you work better. He shortly pecks your lips and pats your head before walking off with your essay secured in his hand as he starts to read it without bidding you farewell. Your heart flutters as you watch him leave, your fingertip grazing his lingering kiss on your lips.
You do Jungkook's assignments in exchange for his affection. You don't even perform as well in your own subjects, but you don't care because all you want to do in life is make Jungkook happy. With the blessing of having academic smarts, you waste it on a man who only loves you when you give him what you need.
That detail doesn't sink in your head, because it doesn't matter.
Your heart aches when you have to admire him from afar. He doesn't allow you to interact with him in public unless he's delivering you a pile of work, which is every two weeks.
But it's different this time. Your face lights up when you're sitting on a bench outside your campus with a few friends and you notice Jungkook angrily stomping in your direction as he throws away a torn piece of paper on the green grass.
A smile graces your lips as you raise your hand to wave at him before he yanks on your wrist and pulls you out of your seat to drag you away. The sun is shining down on the both of you, and you're enjoying his bruising grip on your hand while birds chirp happily in the background. You're in bliss and you resist the urge to close your eyes until he's dragged you into an empty spot under the shade.
"You stupid fucking bitch," he spits as he pushes you against the wall. "That essay you gave me was bullshit! Are you playing me?"
"What?" you panic as your lips part. You hate seeing Jungkook upset. "But I-I worked so hard on it-"
"Hell you did," he grits, "I got a fucking C minus. I kissed you for that essay, only to get a C?"
"I'll rewrite it!" you instantly compromise in an attempt to please him, "please let me do it again. I promise I'll get you an A this time!"
His most common grade: A plus. Jungkook wants to become a paralegal without working a day in his life, and you're so willing to be taken advantage of that he doesn't even feel bad. The only form of appreciation you receive is a kiss or praise.
"He's not accepting retakes," he grumbles with a subtle snarl. "It's only 5% of my grade, so he thinks it doesn't matter." He scoffs at the audacity of the professor and you. "Get on your knees."
You stop scowling at the ground out of disappointment in yourself at his command and immediately obey. Your eyes grow wide when he starts unbuckling his belt. "What are you doing?"
"Shut the fuck up," he orders as he unzips himself. "I'm putting you to use, you dumb whore."
Your heart pounds as you convince yourself that you deserve the insults he throws at you; you did something wrong. He's just giving you the rightful punishment, you think when he shoves his cock inside your gaping mouth. Your scalp stings when he grips your hair to stop you from moving as he thursts in and out of your cavern. A gag rips out of you at his harsh movements when he sinks his length down to the hilt and his balls smack against your chin.
"Can't even do one fucking thing right," he snarls as he sharply breathes in and out through his nose. "Gonna fuck your brains out if you even have any."
He starts groaning when you swirl your tongue around him, disregarding your brimming tears and aching jaw. "Keep doing that," he demands while panting, and you wrap your lips around his length as he keep thrusting into you with your tongue desperately licking the underside of his shaft. "Fuck, yes," he moans under his breath.
"I thought about replacing you," he reveals while running his fingers through your hair as his hips begin to stutter. "Find someone smarter who can get one good fucking grade."
The tears you held back start streaming down your face as your heart sinks. You grow more desperate and hold onto his thighs, rubbing them up and down and pull your mouth away. A string of saliva connects you to the head of his cock as you whimper, "please don't. I'll do better, Jungkook, please!"
"I told you to shut up, didn't I?" he growls as he yanks on your hair and you whine at the pain. "Make me cum and I'll consider keeping you."
You start nodding frantically and swallow the pleads that beg to erupt from your swollen lips. You know what to do when he nods at you without moving his hips, so you start to pleasure him with your hand on his balls and your tongue teasing the slit on his tip. Your other hand pumps his throbbing length, and you moan to please him further. You're so needy, so desperate to make it up to him, and he knows it; he gets off on it.
He knows you love him with all of your being, but he doesn't realize that loves you just as much, if not more. He just wants to use you, and you're not doing yourself any favors with how feverishly you're sucking him off.
It resounds in his ears, all the noise you're making in an effort to satisfy him. You don't even care you're in a public space, and it turns him on to the point of sighing at the thought of fucking you in front of everyone.
"Go faster, don't you even know how to suck a dick properly?" he taunts and you take his balls in your mouth as your hand pumps him swiftly. You know he's reaching his high as his breaths become more audible, and you return to his tip to leave kitty licks. He's groaning at how feverous you are, and it's not long before cum begins to ooze out onto your tongue.
You lap it all up as he continues to release in your mouth while moaning breathily, loudly. "Shit, shit, shit," he hisses when he grows sensitive, bordering on overstimulation, and he pushes your head away to stroke himself to spurt out all of his cum.
You try your best to catch all of it, but a few drops land on your face and you collect them all with your finger. When he's finished, he holds himself up by leaning on the wall you're pushed up against. You're staring at his jaw and the way his chest inflates with each breath from under him. You swallow all of his release and it tastes slightly bitter on your tastebuds.
After he collects himself, he adjusts his pants and buckles up without saying anything.
"A-Are you going to leave me?" you meekly ask, but he doesn't reply. Only when he walks away as if nothing happened do you feel the pain on your knees that scraped against the cement from the force of his thrusts. You wipe the spit on your mouth when you take in your surroundings. A few students pass by you in the alley, only a few feet away from your campus.
Even though he humiliated you, you still love him and with a dull ache in your heart, you hope he doesn't leave you for someone else.
And you can't help but yearn for another lesson from him.
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch -Part 17
The Darkling x Reader
The day ended and you would be lying to yourself if you said you weren't disappointed that Aleksander didn't make an appearance. You spent some time in the banya and read peacefully in the library, soaking up the silence before retiring to bed thinking about the Winter Fete.
You had a meeting with the Queen today regarding the festivities and you would rather enter the Fold than converse with the self-centred woman. Nonetheless, you threw on a more traditional red kefta, knowing that if you wore one of your favourites she would turn her nose at you and sulk throughout the meeting.
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She didn't acknowledge you with your title, merely nodding as you entered a room in the Grand Palace surrounded by First-Army guards.
'What is this year's Winter Fete going to entail Moya Tsaritsa? Are there any performers you wish for me to vet before their arrival?' You let her think she had the control, but in reality, there wasn't a single soul that entered your palace that wasn't already vetted by you and Aleksander, or so you'd like to think.
'I suppose there is yes but I can't remember-' She pointed to a stack of papers on the desk.' -I have performers coming from all around Ravka. You know it's a huge honour to get an invite to this festivity and I didn't hold back on the travelling troupes, my people deserve to see their King and Queen at least once in their lifetime' My people.
'They really should since you work so hard to ensure their safety and prosperity.' You forced yourself to say and it was doubtful that she heard the edge to your voice.
'Diplomacy is the only way to win a war Deputy, wind and fire won't get us anywhere.' She laughed as if she'd just told a hilarious joke.
You bit your tongue and stayed quiet, Aleksander would kill you if you misspoke around a member of the Crown.
'How old are you Deputy?' This caught you off guard.
'Why is that a topic of conversation?'
'I heard rumours that you're quite old, older than the General-' She laughed again '-yet you look like, well look at yourself.' Her laughing never ceased and it drilled through your head. It was a burst of laughter concealing sheer jealousy and spite.
'Don't listen to rumours Moya Tsaritsa, it does nobody any good.'
'If you say so.'
'Back to the Fete, I assume your sons will be attending?'
'Only Vasily. Nikolai is busy with his studies in Ketterdam. He's about your age you know, or rather the age you look. Tell me have you been meeting with Genya Saffin?' Her condescending tone of voice was enough to make you want to jump out the window.
'Yes, I make it my job to meet with as many of my Grisha as I can.'
'Ms.Saffin is my lady, she does not belong to the Second-Army.'
'She's still Grisha, isn't she? Therefore she is my responsibility, Moya Tsaritsa.' She looked away clearly displeased.
'I must excuse myself, Deputy. Tell General Kirigan I send my best regards.' Her lavish gown trailed behind her as did her swarm of ladies. You couldn't help but let your mind wander, When I am Queen- No. Stop. Don't get your hopes up.
You stood with a huff with the papers safely tucked under your arm as guards came to your side signalling that it was time to leave and you happily obliged. The walls of the Grand Palace were still as tacky as you remembered them, even more so now and you itched to leave. The Little Palace was by no means simple, but it had a sense of humbleness about it that the Crown lacked heavily.
'Don't ever make me go there ever again.' Your agitated voice cut through the peaceful lull of Aleksander's war room. You dropped the papers on the large round table and reached for the bottle of kvas sitting idly by, tempting your tastebuds. He was standing at the opposite end, inspecting the current war map with furrowed brows.
'I suppose you won't accompany me to the war council meeting this evening then?'
'If you want me there I'll be there. Besides I was talking about the Queen and her obsession with my age.' You rolled your eyes and drank from your glass.
'Your age?'
'Yeah, I don't know why. She does know Grisha live longer, right?'
'I'm assuming she was jealous of your incredibly good looks. Not an imperfection insight, darling.' He rounded the table and approached you.
'Same goes to you General, she sends her best regards by the way.' You felt his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you close to his chest.
'I only have eyes on one Queen, yet she stands before me with the obvious lack of a crown on her head.' His boyish smile that always made you giddy returned.
'Getting ahead of ourselves much?'
'No.' His lips came down to yours, the smile still pulling at his cheeks. Your hands went to his hair, pulling on the black strands with a fervour of longing.
It had been a while since you and Aleksander had time alone that wasn't spent fighting and arguing and it showed through your actions. The sweet kiss turned into a daring fight for control. His hands desperately pulled at the edges of your red kefta, pulling it open not giving a care to the buttons flying over the room. You did the same, although his silver buckles proved to be harder to undo than your flimsy buttons.
'Aleksander' You panted as he stormed your neck with his urgent lips, hands gripping your waist so tightly it was bound to bruise. His touch ignited a fire deep within you, burning its way to your core, where one of his hands brushed against you. He pushed you back against the table, knocking war props out of the way to make room for you and spread your thighs wide.
'Keep quiet darling, there are ears everywhere he whispered in your ear as he delved a finger into you, his thumb working your clit without a hurry. Your back arched at the sudden feeling and the involuntary moan was swallowed by his lips attacking yours once again. He worked you right to the edge, to the point of your moans turning into whimpers of plea for your climax.
'Please Aleksander'
'When I make you cum in my war room, it'll be when I command it.' His rough hands let go of your waist, instead working to undo his breeches then to lay your back flat on the table.
'I will never grow tired of this view.' He mused and pushed himself into you, a throaty moan erupting from his throat that almost immediately sent another pulse of arousal through you.
He stretched your walls to the limit, letting himself adjust to you, then with a force so pleasurable but sinful, moved in and out. By the fifth thrust, your stilled orgasm washed over you with brute force. He felt the blood rush as you did, basking in the pleasure of your climax as he chased his own.
With your lip between your teeth to silence your moans while your body racked from waves of pleasure, Aleksander stared down at you with the passion of a thousand fires. He felt immense pride knowing he was the reason for your euphoria and nobody else. You were his. Your silent whimpers drove his lust even deeper, sinking into you with a resolve long forgotten.
'Faster.' You breathed and he did as he was told, pulling you up into his chest, pounding into you to satisfy you once more. Not long after did he push himself over the edge, muttering your name like a prayer while you did the same, clutching onto his body for dear life.
He captured your lips with his one last time, silently speaking the words 'I love you' before pulling out, earning you a feeling of emptiness in return. You feared that if he set you back on the ground, your knees would surely buckle beneath you. The feeling of post-sex bliss was nothing compared to the relaxation of yesterday's banya especially when Aleksander was involved.
'We'll be late to the meeting dear.' He said against your lips, not loosening his grip on you or making a move to leave.
'So you do want me there.' You laughed.
'I always want you with me.'
Part 18
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added to the Little Witch taglist!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess @lunas1x1 @adoringb
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lost-on-kamino · 2 years
🍽🧣☺️ for rhythm <3
🍽 - A special treat of their choice 🧣 - A fluffy blanket ☺️ - Soft words of reassurance Oh boy! Comfort for our Musical lad! <3 Again a little angst but a good one. Combined the three for our boy! Comfort My Characters! - - - It had been... a rough few couples of years. Rhythm had given it 6 months under the Empire's rule before finally leaving the planet he once called home. He had located Dogma, the Guard's Archivist, who didn't seem to of had the Order... nor realized it's signal broadcasting... Unlike Rhythm who had a friendly encounter with a certain member of Clone Force 99 after detaining them.
The two had managed to leave thanks to Lenta's assistance and planet hopped until their ship gave way: To Epifania. A desert planet with hidden biomes if you knew where to look. And a Mandolorian Clan who invited the two clones in before leading them further into the local town... The two had settled once it turned out Dogma had accidentally set them up as the local law force. But it was a job that actually paid. Dogma was the sheriff of the town while Rhythm was his Deputy. But it was thankfully on this planet, Rhythm was reunited with his dearest friend; Olly, and what appeared to be some Riot Troopers from Coruscant. It was on this day that Rhythm found himself staring outside their little apartment as rain drizzled down the roofs. It sounded a lot different to how it would on Coruscant, certainly... and that was on rare days. Rhythm had come down with a Cold and thus had remained at home, huddled up in all the blankets the Guard Remnant had to offer as Olly had taken his job today. The damn frogs would be showing up eventually and causing issues for the town, meaning the boys would be chasing frogs once again during the rainy season. Rhythm had wondered about the other folks of the guard. All the siblings and friends left behind. Were they okay...? Were they still controlled? He wondered about the Commanders... About the Medics... There would be no teasing nudges about his EpiPen anymore... He quickly patted his bag to ensure it was there. Remedy had been sure to make that a natural response. Rhythm paused when he heard a knock. He quietly approached the door as a Mandalorian stood close by, box at hand. "I was asked to check up on you by your brothers. As well as give a check over... Also, this arrived for you... I'm not sure how it arrived... but we ensured it was nothing bad... You are part of our clan now, despite your origins." "Thanks, Perce." Rhythm smiled tiredly and stepped back as the elder walked in. Rhythm approached the box, looking over the box. It seemed well protected and nervously he opened it up. The sweet smell opened into the room as Rhythm froze and he looked over what appeared to be... fruit. All his favourites... He stepped back and his eyes glanced to a holodisk in which Rhythm carefully scooped out, quickly snatching a berry to savour as the sweet tangy taste flooded his tastebuds. The holodisk activated as Lenta appeared. "Rhythm... I hope this reached you safely... First of all... Don't worry about us, dearest... We are out of Coruscant now... unfortunately leaving our home behind... But safe." Lenta spoke up as Rhythm watched, Perce looking over the Clone and taking his temperature. "Vite and Agi miss you dearly... They've asked about you since you left... though Vite understands why we must leave..." Lenta pauses and looks down. "They're asleep at this moment... As we're travelling with others of Coruscant escaping the Empire. Agi... told us you'd be here... We would need to get her looked over as she spoke of it in a dream... But insisted we'd send you this care package along the way when you needed it." Rhythm watched on as Lenta continued to talk, small tears falling from his face as he watched on as Lenta kept leaving soft reassurances over their wellbeing as much as Rhythm would like to speak to her again. She had become a dear friend to him since his deployment... and Vite and Agi too...
"Rhythm... You're overthinking." Rhythm's head shot up as Lenta seemed to be judging him. "Please... care about your brothers and yourself first... You can't save everyone... But know we can protect ourselves too. You have your family to protect... and your life after the Empire tried to end it." His fingers traced the scar from where the chip had been removed since the Mandalorian clan had been confident in their surgeries. Now matching his former head wound from a long time ago... He missed his long curls... "We hope we can make contact again... But hopefully by the will of the Force that this finds this way to you... Agi said you needed it during this moment... She always knew how to cheer you up after you had a moment of overthinking." Lenta smiled tiredly. "Please stay safe Rhythm... For your future and your brothers." And the message fizzled out as Perce glanced over. "Rhythm...?" He spoke softly as Rhythm rubbed his eyes, tired and red. "I'm okay... It's nice to hear her..." He looked over the fruits now in his possession, noting the packets of seeds that Vite must have insisted on so he could grow his own eventually. "....Could you help me plant these when the rain is over...?" "Of course, Ad'ika." This was where his brothers found him, hours later after saving the town yet again from the Frogs the plagued the rainy season. Huddled in blankets, eating carefully chopped fruits; taken with care as he watched Lenta's message of hope once more. He hoped he'd see the people who entered his life again. And he knew he would be able to eventually... He just needed to believe in it.
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Red Bottoms
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Dedicated to @panthergoddessbast ❤. House Rules Erik was requested. SMUT. Dom!Erik. Sub!Reader.
Part 5: Dinner Date
What happened? You don't know, only.. you do. Dick happened. You told yourself you wouldn't do it anymore after getting caught the first time by a curious customer. However, your pussy didn't give a fuck about a job or whether or not you had one. You'd sucked his dick along with the chapstick off yo lips behind the counter four times and that was just over the past two weeks. Who am I, you ask yourself wiping your mouth and chin with a napkin as Erik exits the store with a bounce in his step. The taste of his snooth nut is still on your tastebuds, clean and mild. You hope no one noticed that you just popped up from behind your counter out of nowhere. Finding a creamsavers mint in your brand new black Chanel bag.. with gold accents.. you hide it out of sight and walk out onto the floor to assist customers.
At your apartment, you shower and change into a short fitted black dress with your new Christian Louboutin heels. You hang the clothes draped over your bench in your closet and clean off the surfaces in all the rooms. You gotta make sure it's neat for when Erik comes over. You pat the wrinkles out of your comforter.
He's already been through here, you tell yourself but still you want to make a good second impression. Plus, you just want it to be neat and smell good.. for you.
Right on time, he knocks and you open the door standing aside to let him in.
"We fuckin now or eating first," he asks wandering into the kitchen space to check the stove to see what smell was wafting in the air. He smelled that cheese, guanciale, and peppercorn. You smiled inwardly. It did smell delicious and you had no issue with bragging. "Eating. The food will be ready in a bit. Best pasta carbonara you've had that wasn't made by an Italian. You gone wanna smack somebody."
"Smack that ass," he jests watching as you pull two of your wine glasses and pour the Pinot Grigio into both glasses, handing him one to toast with. "To good food and life-altering orgasms," you say with eyes unwavering on his.
He seems to be on the same train because his eyes have not left yours. "Cheers," he says taking a sip of his wine in unison with you. Silence stretches between the two of you and you suddenly remember the skillet on the stovetop. You have to pour the cheese and egg mix into the pasta and add the guanciale! You feel him watching over your shoulder as you plate the carbonara and garnish it with more cheese and peppercorn.
"Have a seat," Erik mumbles setting the plates on the dining table. You take a seat and your wine glass is sat before you and touched up before the bottle sits on the table with Erik sitting across from you. "Bon appetit," he nods watching you pick up your fork. "Bon appetit," you smile in return. You get through two forkfuls of pasta before you realize he hasn't even touched his plate. He's just been staring.
"Are you not hungry?" You look at his resigned posture, relaxed but sitting straight against the back of his chair. "Bitch I'm starving.. I'm fuckin famished," he shares, still not moving.
"Okay... is there something wrong with the meal," you ask, a little annoyed. It shows in your tone. He shifts with a sigh matching your energy. "Yeah, it's something wrong, I don't want this."
He pushes the plate away and sips his wine and before you can fix your lips to comment, he slides back his chair as though he's about to get up and leave.
"Go then, ungrateful nigga," you mumble under your breath giving him pause. "What you say to me," he asks looking at the table. You know he heard you. You meant for him to hear you because he was being an ungrateful nigga. "I said GO then, ungrateful nigga. You were about to leave, weren't you?"
"Leave?" He chuckled so lightly it was more of a sigh and his head fell back, he was so tickled. "Nah, Jae. I ain't leaving.. I ain't get what I came for, I can't leave. Can I?" His stare returned to your heated face.
"You can foreal foreal. Door right there." You nodded toward the door with a shrug before picking up another forkful of pasta and shoving it in your mouth. He tilted his head, watching you eat and you finished the entire plate of food dropping your fork to stand. "SIT," he commanded stepping closer and the command caught you so off guard, you fell right back down. The sub in you just crumbled due to his tone.
"You full?" Leaning onto the table, his hand next to your empty plate, his face came in close and you reminded yourself to breathe as his nose swept the length of your neck. His breath was at your ear. "Answer me, Jae."
"Yes." Your thighs rubbed together and your exhales became shaky, your back arching off the seat. He hadn't even really touched you yet, but you knew what he could do. He'd done it before.
"Now I watched you eat a full meal.. and you ain't not once ask daddy what he wanted to eat."
Defensiveness jumps in you and you rush to defend yourself with the truth. "I just cooked a wh-"
"Shh, Daddy talking. You don't talk while I'm talking. Daddy is famished and his lil greedy bitch don't give a fuck."
You nearly leap. "I jus-"
"What I just say, bae? Hush..." His hand moves gently through your long twists and back to your neck, gently applying pressure. "Daddy watched you fill that lil tummy up and ain't say shit. Did he? Speak."
"No..," you whisper before getting shushed gently. "Exactly. Now I'm gonna eat. I'm gonna eat your pussy and I don't want no running. You hear me? Speak."
"Yes, Daddy." Your thighs tense, going crazy already.
"And I don't wanna hear you make a sound. Just watch me eat and don't say shit. Can you do that?"
"Yes, Daddy," you whisper and he lifts you from your chair before throwing you over his shoulder and walking you to your bedroom door. He kicks it open and drops you onto the bed, stripping off your panties and pushing your ankles high over your head. "Don't make no damn sense. Got a nigga starving in this bitch," he grunts before that first initial lick makes you tense. His hand claps down fast on your asscheek. "What I say? You move again, that's a punishment. I might not let you cum. Follow directions if you wanna please me."
Not cumming? That's an issue. "You might have to tie my hands because I'm having issues," you blurt and he jumps up. "Bet." Grabbing your night scarf, he ties your wrists and pins your arms above your head. "Keep em up," he commands before taking the panties he just took off of you and shoving them in your mouth. "Since you can't seem to shut the fuck up," he smirks.
Slipping back into his original position between your thighs, he lets out a long contented groan before returning his tongue to your slit, licking lengthwise up and down. "Ooh," he mouths before spreading you open and focusing on your inner areas, his thick slick tongue sliding to the hole and stiffening to poke in and out. You fight to remain completely still and silent, your thighs trembling and toes curling.. When he head for the clit, it's all over. You can feel your first orgasm approaching and you bite your lip before balling your lips up completely and sucking them in, clamping down with all your energy and focus. You can hear him smacking on the wetness as it floods. "Mm, one," he grunts, his face never leaving your vagina. "Let's see how many before I'm full," he sighs with a long lick before swallowing up your clit again and humming with approval.
@muse-of-mbaku @imaginewhoever @whoramilaje @thadelightfulone @misspooh @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @marvelpotterlove @youreadthatright @forbeautyandlife @theunsweetenedtruth @bidibidibombaclaat @myboyfriendgiriboy @dameshaemonique @blackpantherimagines   @vikkidc @hidden-treasures21 @mysidefanting @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @syndrlla97 @winteroflife @thotyana-in-this-hoe   @texasbama @gingerylimonte @princessstevens   @magic-madness-heavensin @wawakanda-btch @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @wakanda-inspired @blackgirloneshots @thegucciwaffle @thiccdaddy-mbaku   @monogamous-nympho @drsunshine97 @purplehairgawdess @trevantesbrat @indigoxsummers @cccccx1   @dynastylnoire @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @fonville-designs @they-call-me-le @theblulife @raysunshine78 @sheisexcellent
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