#looks like i shall be celebrating halloween with just my dogs again this year! getting tipsy on tumblr with you lot sounds like a plan tho
satans-knitwear · 11 months
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a closer look...🕸️💀
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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dzmoot · 4 years
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It’s been several months since Igginsworth’s departure back to Ippicus and although the Tuuns miss him dearly, they aren’t about to let it spoil the celebration of their favorite holiday, All Hallows’ Eve. It will be a Halloween like no other as the Tuuns can finally trick or treat for actual candy instead of the horrid moonrock cookies they get every year, and they can hardly wait to attend Mitchell Manhee’s Midnight Monster Mash. But they very well might have something more spooktacular in store for them, something that will make their flesh crawl and their blood pressures soar to galactic heights! 
Halloween on Namasis was just like the Halloweens of Earth. Tuuns dressed as something they weren’t and went all over the entirety of Inkwell Village, expecting passer outers to throw niblets of sugar into their pales or crudely knitted bags. For our gallant Resisters, who probably loved Halloween more than any other entity in our known realm, they started prepping for it weeks in advance. While they went out to collect goodies on that cool night (which believe it or not had a tendency to be the coldest Namasis has ever been), they placed a festively dressed scary straw man in front of their home to hand out the treats to the trick or treaters. Siobhan came up with a clever name for him, Hay Leno. 
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Hampire was responsible for conjuring up the costumes he and his comrades would wear. This year, his attire of choice was a cowboy outfit, although he was out of a horse to ride on. Kruonch, who had been reading Hampire’s book on dry bones decided to go as a skeleton. To the shock of Siobhan and the others, he even shaved his beard so it wouldn’t droop under his mask. Everyone was so shocked and horrified by his clean shaven look that he was forced to wear the mask several days in advance. Siobhan dressed as a traditional wicked witch, although the potion she had to drink to temporarily change her skin green and her hair red tasted like bad fish tank water. As for Zappy, he didn’t even need Hampire to make him a costume, for he had one already in his possession. You see, Zappy was a part time crime fighter called “Zap Man” and his imposing costume was enough to invoke the spookish delight ideal for Halloween. They were all ready for the big night and they would be accompanied on their Halloween rounds by two of Namasis’ most foolish ghoulish fellows, Mitchell Manhees and Joachim Jerboa. 
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Well into the evening, the Tuuns conjured enough goodies to open their own candy store. Siobhan was anxious to get home, dump it all out and eat every morsel. 
Diabetesville, here I come! 
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Kruonch told his daughter that she would gradually eat some of her candy every evening after dinner until it was gone as Zappy pointed in the direction of a nearby house on a hill. 
Look guys, it’s the Hitchcock Hillhouse! Legend has it that our alternate universe counterparts from Razlaobo dwell in that house! 
Everyone let out an array of emotions, from gasps to grumbles to giggles. Kruonch assured Zappy it was just a bunch of hocus pocus. 
Oh Zap Man, everybody knows it’s a pot of hooey! Our mirror dimensions selves are dead! The Confectoons defeated them 5 years ago! 
Mitchell muttered something through his mask, but just like everything he said, it was all jumbled and hard to understand. Joachim rolled his eyes and interjected. 
I don’t think so you schmucks! Mitch and I have heard demented noises up there for years. Something’s gotta be lurking in that place! 
A great fangy smile came over Hampire’s face. 
Let’s go in! 
Mitchell started squabbling heavily through his mask as everyone stood around him trying to make out his sentences! Once again, Kruonch protested.
Now I’m telling you varmints, there are no Darkies up there in that house! You’re all high on lunar smarties! 
Siobhan tugged on the sleeve of her father’s costume. 
What’s the matter daddy, are you chicken nuggies? 
Kruonch tripped over his tongue collecting words. 
Well, I, I’m no nuggy honey, I’m just, well, I don’t...
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Hampire used an unlocking spell to open the gateway and they all made their way up the stone walkway. With a small tap, Zappy rang the doorbell and within seconds, a strange reptilian gentleman arrived accompanied by a see through spectral dog. His voice sounded like Kermit the Frog with strep throat.
You rang? 
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Mitchell stepped forward and started introducing everyone, but as the gentleman turned his head in confusion at the muffled words, he was swiftly pushed aside as Zappy stepped forward. 
I’m Zap Man! These are my companions, Buffalo Bacon Belly, Margaret Hamilton, Mr. Baggaboanz, Mouserabbit and the unintelligible hockey guy. 
The lizard man gave a sinister smile. 
I am Lizardton Longleggs the 5th. This is my dog, Zilch. Why do you bother us at our humble home this evening? 
Before Zappy could continue, Kruonch pushed him out of the way. 
Sorry to bother you Mr. Lizzyton
Lizardton interrupted and his face expanded to that of a t-rex.
And just like that, Kruonch felt as if he shrunk to the same height as Siobhan. 
I’m so terribly sorry. You see, it’s Halloween and we were treat or tricking and my friends insisted we come up here to see these Darkies that I know aren’t really here but we still came up here anyway and now I’m waiting for you to tell them that they are indeed not here so we can leave this dreadful place and they can realize what a ginormous waste of time this whole thing was...
Lizardton interrupted again. He was sinisterly staring directly at everyone besides Kruonch.
Let me get this straight. You believe the Darkies are living in this house?
Zappy, Siobhan, Hampire, Mitchell and Joachim all shook their heads up and down. And the dapper Lizardton slowly found his lips trembling and his chest filling up with giggle fluid. Then he let it out, a laugh as loud and as potent as that of a clown killer whale. 
After a moment or two, Lizardton composed himself and went back to his stoney face. 
You fools! You all thought the Darkies were still here?! 
Kruonch started laughing himself as he looked down at his friends. 
I told you foolies! The Darkies are dead! Now let’s get movin...
But Lizardton continued. 
Of course they’re dead, you pink Pinocchio nosed ping pong for brains! But they’re not here. They went to a Halloween party across town. And look, here they come now!  
Kruonch looked over his shoulder as everyone turned around shortly therefore. 
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Look, it’s the Resisters! After all this time! We’ve been DYING to meet you! We hope you’ve been DYING to meet us! 
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From inside the house, the corpse of the evil Igginsworth started cackling maniacally. Zappy quickly drew a zapperang from his belt and Mitchell manned his machete and knife glove to strike. But before he could slash, the masked coward sprung into the air and Hampire’s evil doppleganger eradicated him with a slap of his hand. He crumbled away to ash before everyone’s eyes and Zappy was soon after slashed to salami by his evil clone’s cybernetic arm claws. With Zappy and Mitchell dead, an enraged Hampire began hurling spell after spell after spell at the evil ones. 
You who have killed my friends shall see soon your horrible ends! Avada Kedav... 
And just like that, Hampire's head was bitten off by the sentient head on the evil Kruonch’s nose. Only Joachim, Siobhan and Kruonch remained. Joachim tried jumping on every Darky and beating the snot out of them, but the evil Siobhan gassed him to death with her deadly night shade, garlic smelling bad breath. Kruonch put Siobhan on his back as they started to run towards their home. Kruonch looked behind him to see, to his relief that the Darkies were gone. As he made his way into the house and locked the door, he noticed that Siobhan was gone! As he looked around in a frenzy, his nose protruded from his skull mask and to his horror, the decapitated head of Siobhan, equipped with a candle embedded in it’s mouth was hurled at Kruonch as he saw that all the Darkies combined to make a super scarific, ultra terrifying hairy hare vampire Darky from hell! Before Kruonch knew it, he....
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woke up from his horrible nightmare. Still clad in his skeleton costume, he looked over to see Siobhan and the others rummaging through their candy collections. Siobhan jumped onto her father’s exasperated lap. 
And you tell me not to eat all my candy in one sitting. You ate so many malt balls, it’s funny your brain didn’t burst. 
Kruonch began rubbing his head. 
My brain didn’t explode, but I did have one rascal of a nightmare! 
Nearby, Mitchell, in his chef attire was preparing the special stew for his Midnight Monster Mash. 
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Dubber, dubber, turr and trurber. Herper, berg me der perper! 
Hampire approached with a shaker of lunar pepper for taste as he shook his head in disgust. 
A Halloween nightmare. How original! 
As he walked away, he began scratching the metal clamps around his neck. 
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bangbangchanie · 6 years
Thankful For you~ Han Jisung
Summary: Were your parents and family met Jisung on Thanksgiving
Pairing: Han Jisung × Reader
Warning: cute fluff with slight angst? Kinda? Also long.
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"Okay, but are you sure they'll like me? I can bearly keep up with English sometimes an-and I showed up a day later than planned...babe stop laughing!" Jisung whined in the passenger seat of your car, your eyes were watching the road as you peeled out of the airport traffic onto the freeway.
"Baby, they'll love you. You've technically met them before, you know face time?" You said as you switched land, your eyes glancing over at the Ash-blonde boy you fell in love with over a year ago. He was visiting America for some trip for school when he literally ran right into you. After that the rest was pretty much history, skype calls and snapchats were your life. You had met his parents six months after dating, traveling halfway across the world to jump into his arms. Then awkwardly wave at his mom and dad who watched the whole tear and laughter filled hug.
That was the trip he told you about the boys, he spoke of training with them and how they all clicked. He spoke of the show they were gonna do, to prove to JYP they could do anything. Now a year later here he was, dyed hair, earrings, and a nervous mind rushing in the thought of your parents hate him.
"But that doesn't count, it was nearly five minutes and you pushed them out. I was also not an idol yet, I'm..I'm just a bit nervous." His voice drifted into a whisper making you smile as you took one hand off the wheel and placed it onto his thigh, giving it a small squeeze you looked over and gave him a smile before your eyes trailed back to the light traffic of the road.
"They'll love you, I know they will babe." You said making him huff as he grabbed you hand off of his thigh and laced his fingers into yours. His eyes looked at your interlocked hand with a large smile spreading across his face. How he had missed you, several months after debut, promotion, and comebacks had to lead up to the ache in his heart. Short and sweet skype calls, where'd he only see your face for what felt like five seconds, late-night phone calls where one of you always fell asleep halfway through. It was short to no reply messages on his end, and it killed him not speeding as much time as he did before debut talking and loving you.
"I missed you." He blurted out making you blush as you squeezed his hand that was locked with yours as you turned off of the freeway, the houses slowly filling the empty space. Your eyes look over to him as you stop st a red light.
"I've missed you too, do you know how much I missed the simple act of you holding my hand?" Your words made him chuckle as he curled slightly into himself, his cheek dusting a light pink making you smile as you quickly lean over and press your lips the burning skin.
"The lights green!" He jolted out making you chuckle as you press on the gas and turn. "So what..what is Thanksgiving? Like I kinds know but I don't at the same time."
"Its a celebration of the programs and Native Americans had when the Native helped them, showed them how to grow crops and use the land productively. It was shown thanks between the tribe and Colony. Now its a day where we Americans go into a food coma, Turkey, stuffing, potato and so much more. We eat till we fill like well pass out." You Chile turning down your road, "Its a day to be thankful, thankful for the roof over your head, the food on your plate and the people in your life. A day for family and friends to come together eat some food and tell stories. Aunt judge and uncle drink beers. It crazy, and different for every family." You finish off as you pull into your driveway. "Now, look at me real fast baby." You mumble turning in your seat. His brown eyes were wide, the cars of the family outside your home making him slightly panic as you reached over and grabbed his hand.
"I'm I that nervous looking?" He whispered, finally slipping into his English. You chuckle as you reach over and cup his cheek making him closing his eyes as he took a deep breath.
"So the first level, my mom and dad." You say making him nod as his eyes snap open, you'll walk in with your bags and wave. My mom will most likely come over and greet you with a high, my dad will wait till you bags are in my room. Which took me a month to convince them to let you sleep in there, door open at all times." Your words had him laugh as he grabbed the hand on his cheek a played with your fingers. "My dad probably won't say hi, or hold a conversation with you. It doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He watches body language, he watches you interact with his girls, he watches before he speaks. But still say hi, he believes in respect." Your word made him nod as you pause, letting his brain process your words, you lean forward and press a small kiss to his lips.
"Okay, so say hi put my stuff in your room, and say hi again?"
"Yep, exactly."
"Okay, I can do that."
"Okay next, my Great gran, she will pinch your cheeks and hold your hand while the two of you talk. She's the easiest person in the family to get to, shell loves you as soon as I introduce you as my boyfriend...but then there my Grandma. She will be a bit harsh, you'll question how my mom is hers. But shes just protective. My aunts and uncles will be a bit gossipy, they'll whisper about you. But ignore them, they're options to me don't matter, just mom, dad, Gan and Grandma matter. And all the cousins will see you as a new jungle gym."
"Okay..okay I see...shall we go in?" He mumbled making you nod as you open your car door. His body following, grabbing his duffle and backpack he grabbed his two suitcases. The next two months' worth of close trapped between the fabric. "I'm scared." He whispers as you move to the open front door, unlocked screen door trapping the wagging dog that heard your car.
"Don't be, this is Mags." You say as the two of you walk into your warm house, the smell of Thanksgiving surrounding the two of you as you hear loud laughter and children giggling. "Mom, dad!" You called out leading Jisung through the house to the kitchen, the family talking as your mother chopped up some carrots. Her eyes looked up, seeing you standing there, a shy boy somewhat hiding behind you.
"Y/n, Jisung-Dude your daughter's boyfriends here." Your mom said, her hand slapping his arm. As your father head turned, you could feel Jisung grow tight ss you saw his hand wave. Your father just looks at him a grunt out a hello and goes back laughing with your uncle. "Oh, that man." Your mother says walking over and pulling your boyfriend into a hug.
"I'm thankful your flight was safe, I'm sorry it was canceled yesterday must've been a really bad rainstorm." She said making him nodding as he scratched at the back his head. You could see his gears in his head turning as his mouth moved.
"Yeah, the lighting was bad." She gave him a smile as she pulls back and rubs his arms. "Well go get your stuff to her room, and settle in before you throw yourself to the wolves." Her analogy made you groan as you shook your head and gave her a glare as you nodded for Jisung to walk to the hall.
"Don't scare him."
"You're lucky he wasn't free during Halloween. He would've been pumbled with pumpkin guts." You chuckle as you follow after the ash-blonde you hand leading him to the open door of your room. Pacing his bags down you kick your shoes off and fall into a lounge chair you had in your room.
"Welcome to the magical place!" You giggle, photos of Jisung and you pressed into a poster broad, as well as their first-ever Group photo, and any cute photos you could find of him online. He smiles at the small support as he saw their mini albums you had bought on your desk. His hand traced the wall, where your parents aloud you to draw. There a large oak tree, with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet at the base were a jar of honey in Pooh's hands. It made your boyfriend chuckle as he took his shoes off.
"I like it, very... you." You chuckle and nod as he's moving to sit on the arm of the chairman "I see you clearly like my bad."
"Day6 is way better." You mumble peeking up from the screen of your phone you were on. You say his jaw go slack as he slowly turned his head to glare at you.
"Oh really?"
"Yep, amazing. Iconic and so different. I love Jae and Wonpil." You laugh as he jumps you slightly his hands gripping your sides as you let out a loud laugh. His future ger pricing against the flesh under your shirt. "Ji-jisung!" you laughed he pulled away and pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
"Okay, I'm ready." He mumbled making you nod, as the two of you stood up, your hand lacing with his as you ran down the hall the attempted to slid into the kitchen.
"Hello family, this is Jisung, my boyfriend!" At the mention of your boyfriend, you Grest Gram gasps and clapped her hands.
"Let me see him!" You laugh you see JIsung cheeks grow red. "Come to her boy, let me look at you." He left you hand and walked to the sitting woman, he grabs a free chair and sat next to her. Her wrinkled shakey hand moved to his cheeks and gave him a look over as you moved to the counter reaching over to steal an olive as you listened in on the conversation.
"Hello Ma'am." He mumbled making her laugh as she pinched at the chubby cheek of your boyfriend making him slight wince as she parted it afterward.
"Handsome, just like I thought. I hear you sing? I would love maybe after dinner to play piano and you sing for us." Her words made her boyfriend pink cheeks turn scarlet as he looked down at his hands.
"Id... I'd love to." She smiled as she grabbed his hand and nodded.
"You're English is good, I know it's not easy. I didn't go to school half my life so mine sucks and all come from that little girl shoving olives into her cheeks." Her words made you look up and playful glare as Jisung chuckles.
"You..you didn't go to school?"
"Nope, I left in the being of my eighth-grade year, when my dad fell ill. My brothers, sister and I helped run the farm, we all left school at a young age. We lived in Iowa, Stormlake. I remember the days where I longed to go to school, but life doesn't always work out like that. You do what you have to. You do what you need to do for your family, that family is what matters you know? Cause sometimes it all you got." He gives him nods, taking in her words as you moved over. Your body slipping into his lap as you wrap your arms around his neck.
"Tell him about the corn ." You say, as she smiles, Jisung swears he saw the memory of her life flash in her eyes as she presses her hands to her lips.
"Oh, that cornfield! Wed pull pounds of corn every year and take the best pick for ourselves, wed spend a week shucking corn, cutting and taking it off the cob. We made out own popcorn so we, of course, had to dry it out. God, it was a system. You know back then you couldn't just have one kid, you had to have a cluster, five to seven. It kept the house running." For the next house, Jisung and you listened to your Great Grans stories, how she lived at your age. How her life had changed and how she misses her farm, her childhood home and her family of course.
"Hey, guys time for dinner!" Your father says making you stand up as your Grandmother helps your gran move to the other table. As you walked out, you father called to Jisung making you freeze as you swear you watch the boy pale. "Have you ever craved a Turkey?" He asks making the boy shake his head, your father smiles and waved him over. "Let me show you, kid." A smile lifting on your lips as you let go of his hand and walked to the table.
"Dad get ahold of him?" Your mother asked making you nod.
"I knew he would."
"He liked the way he listens to Gran. You know most of your aunts won't even spend time talking or listening to her. They act like she a child, and not a women." She said making you nod and you look to said people, clearly gossiping about the boy in your kitchen. "You know, their option doesn't matter." Your mother whispers making you nod as the two of you help set up the children's table.
"I know."
Soon Jisung and your dad walked into the dining room the final piece of the table setting down on two plates, his body moved quickly to sit next to you. A large smile on his face as he grabbed your hand and kissed it.
"I love you." His words caught you off, not the two of you haven't said. No, it was how fast he said with without context, something new.
"I love you too."
"I approve." Your father said moving behind you to sit next to your mother. Soon you said you thanks and began to eat, chatter spreading in your house.
"So Jisung. What exactly do you do?" One of your aunts asked taking a sip of wine.
"Oh um, I'm a rat of a kpop group, as a band? Um I rap and sing. I help compose the music, and produce, we work very hard and I love doing it." He said, as if he had practiced it off a scrip, his eyes look to you then to her as you squeeze his hand. Your aunt nodded and look to the other making him tighten his grip in your hand.
"Do you have a problem with that?" You snap, as they begin to whisper and laugh, Jisung head slightly falling as he picks at your food. Your aunt's eyes widen as she looks at you, surprise written across her face.
"Well, it just...just doesn't seem practical. Like he's what 18, my dream when I was 18 never happe-"
"So you do have a problem with it?"
"Cause if you do, keep it to yourself. I don't see you chasing your dreams, hell you didn't when you were his age. He did and he made it. They won rookies of the year, which mean the big people noticed them. They went to K-kon New York, all nine can somewhat speak two to three languages and are spreading about honest things that youth suffer from, that idols suffer from in the industry. You don't know him. You don't know how passionate he and his members are, you don't know his job. And until you do, you shouldn't be able to judge him on it." You finish with a nod as you take a sip of the soda next to your plate. You give her a fake smile and turn to a smiling Jisung his head turns to face you as you peck him on the lips. "I'm thankful for you." You mumble looking at him, his eyes gleam as he looks back down at the ever filling plate in front of him.
"I'm thankful for you too."
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noona-clock · 6 years
One Night - Part 3
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Park Seo Joon x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4
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October 31st, Year 4
“Are you sure we have enough candy?” you asked with a deeply furrowed brow.
“No,” Seo Joon answered. “But if we run out, we run out and buy more next year. That’s all we can do, babe.”
You simply let out a sigh as you dumped out the final bag of assorted chocolate candies into the pumpkin-shaped bowl.
Seo Joon hid a smirk as he stepped up behind you, sliding his arms around your waist and bending to rest his chin on your shoulder. “It’ll be fine. Why are you so worried?”
“I’m not worried,” you murmured as you felt your cheeks heat with embarrassment. “It’s just... it’s our first Halloween in this house, as a married couple. It would be nice if it was... nice. And not stressful. And telling kids I don’t have candy to give them is stressful.”
“Well...” Seo Joon moved to kiss your cheek, softly blowing a raspberry before he continued. “Would it make you feel better if I told you I stopped on my way home tonight and bought three more bags?”
A smile tugged at your lips, and you turned around in his hold. “Did you really?”
“Yes, I did. I knew you would stress about it.”
You let out a very happy sigh, standing on your toes and pressing your lips to your husband’s. “This is why I married you. Because you know me better than I know myself.”
“And because I buy three large bags of candy we probably won’t need which means you’ll end up getting to eat them.”
You giggled softly against his lips, kissing him about six more times.
The two of you had just gotten married over the summer; it was not only your first major holiday together as Mr. and Mrs., but it was your first Halloween living in the same place.
You’d moved in together after getting engaged, but that had happened just after New Year’s, only about ten months ago. So while you had now spent five Halloweens together (including the one on which you two had met), this was your first one together in an actual house where there would be actual trick-or-treaters.
Even though Halloween still wasn’t your favorite holiday, you were looking forward to it. Everything was just more exciting in this first year of marriage. All the firsts you got to celebrate, all the milestones you reached.
But, you had to admit, it was weird not having your anniversary on Halloween anymore. I mean, not your real one, at least. You could still acknowledge the fact you’d started dating four years ago today, but getting married tended to nullify that with a new anniversary. It was actually kind of frustrating having to start all over. I mean, going from four years to less than one? But whatever, it was totally worth it.
“All right, shall we get the movie started?” Seo Joon murmured, though he definitely seemed like he had no intention of pulling away from your kisses anytime soon.
“Mhm,” you hummed. But you also definitely seemed like you had no intention of pulling away from your kisses anytime soon.
But then you were interrupted by your doorbell ringing, and you jumped almost a foot in the air because you were so surprised.
“Our first trick-or-treaters!” you gasped.
“Okay, don’t panic,” Seo Joon instructed. “Just follow the plan.”
You froze, slowly quirking an eyebrow up at him. “...What’s the plan?”
“Grab the bowl.” He took the bowl from the counter and handed it to you. “Go to the door. Answer it. Give the candy.”
You stared at him with a half-amused, half-confused look on your face.
“You are such a dork,” you told him with a shake of your head. “I know I just said ‘this is why I married you,’ but remind me again why I married you.”
You turned on your heel then and headed for the door, clutching the bowl of candy. And, now that your husband was behind you and no longer looking at your face, you allowed a sneaky smirk to tug on your lips.
“Because I bought extra candy because I knew you would be stressed and because I know you better than you know yourself and because I’m handsome and because I love you.”
“Right, right, right,” you replied quickly as you approached the door. “I can definitely use all of that to overlook the fact you’re a complete dork.”
“You’re one, too!” Seo Joon retorted.
But there was no room for witty repartee now because you had just opened the door and were greeted with a high-pitched chorus of “Trick-or-treat!”
“Oh, wow!” you gasped as you laid eyes on the two cutest kids you’d ever seen. I mean, they might have been the cutest because they were dressed up as a unicorn and a Hogwarts student, but whatever. They were still adorable.
You gave them each a handful of candy (knowing you could afford to be generous because of your own generous husband), smiled at them, waved at their parents hanging back in the driveway, and wished them a Happy Halloween.
“Okay,” you began as you closed the door and set the bowl of candy on the small table you’d set out in the entryway solely for this occasion. “I know we just got married. But I want kids. Like, now.”
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“You do not,” Seo Joon smirked. “Those kids were just out of control adorable.”
“I know, but our kids would be out of control adorable!”
“Yes, they would,” he agreed, putting his hands on your shoulders and turning you toward the living room so you could start watching the movie. “They will be. When we have them. In a few years.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” you sighed. “For once.”
Of course, both of you wanted children, but you were still young! You were still under thirty, and you would much rather enjoy all the time you could with your new husband. You would much rather travel and rescue a dog and watch primetime TV that wasn’t cartoons (and have sex whenever/wherever you wanted, but shhhh, no one needs to know that) and wait a few years to change your entire lives.
As Seo Joon was bringing up Hocus Pocus on Netflix (it had become your traditional Halloween night movie after that first year), the doorbell rang again. You squealed excitedly before dashing back down the hallway and picking up the bowl of candy.
You exclaimed over a group of Power Rangers, doling out their treats before they left and you skipped back to the living room.
“Halloween is a lot more fun with trick-or-treaters,” you announced as you plopped onto the couch next to Seo Joon.
“Are you going to commandeer the candy? Or do I get a turn?” he asked as he moved to put his arm across the back of the couch behind you.
“You can have a turn!”
Seo Joon grinned over at you, reaching up with his free to hand to take your chin in-between his thumb and index finger. “Do you know how cute you are?”
Before you could respond, he puckered his lips and kissed you quickly.
“You’re very cute,” he whispered.
“Am I... the cutest wife you’ve ever had?”
He burst out laughing, and a huge, goofy smile lit up your face.
“Yes, you are the cutest wife I’ve ever had. And ever will have, thank you very much.”
You beamed over at him before turning back toward the television and settling against the couch.
Even though you’d nestled into Seo Joon’s side countless times now, even though you’d rested your head on his shoulder for who knows how many hours, everything felt new again.
So maybe erasing everything and starting over with a new anniversary after getting married actually made sense.
Because, yes, you had been dating for over three and a half years by the time you’d gotten married. You knew everything about each other, you’d been through ups and downs, you’d seen it all.
But now that you could look at Seo Joon and say ‘That’s my husband,’ things just felt different.
You were probably crazy, but it didn’t matter.
As long as Seo Joon was by your side, nothing truly mattered.
And then the doorbell rang again, and Seo Joon jumped up to take care of this next round of trick-or-treaters.
So... as long as Seo Joon was by your side metaphorically, nothing truly mattered.
Part 4
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pastorcowboy · 6 years
Matthew series: a real faith tester
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Matthew 15: Lessons in Faith Part 2
It’s impossible to comb through Matthew and understand it fully. Sure, you could say it’s just writing. Yet, every time I read it there is a different slant, layer, and deep meaning. I believe it is brilliant writing. I feel that the testing of Jesus in Matthew 4 is partially a template for the whole book. Again, in chapter 14 Jesus is tempted by being weary like he was in the desert temptation. Here in chapter 15 Jesus seems to be tempted with authority just like he was in the desert. It’s interesting that Jesus responds the same way too. He uses the Old Testament as his weapon.
I have said before that Matthew is sort of a guide book for new Christians. You have been schooled so far on who Jesus is and what he believes. In these chapters 14-17 Matthew is training you on how to defend your faith. Your faith will be tested. Jesus is said to have endured the testing himself so that he could empathize with us. These chapters show us that. Jesus was tested with being weary. He was tested in faith to help others. In this chapter he tested with authority and knowledge.
Does Jesus respect tradition? Our test in Christianity will land within the realm of tradition most of the time. Will we follow men and their interpretation of the Bible? Will we do Christianity their way or God’s way. This is certainly not an easy topic. Church is supposed to be a place of happiness and friendship. It is, except at times people get in the way. There is pride, jealousy, and fear of losing power within religious walls. People build rules that go beyond what the Bible intended. This chapter talks about that. Jesus gives his take on it. The Bible needs to be part of your Christian training. Not so much to know the truth but to defend your truth in Jesus. Do you know your Bible?
Matthew 15:3 “Jesus replied, “And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?”
Isaiah 29:13 “The Lord says: “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”
Traditions. We have many traditions. We hold the door for someone. We put a penny in a well. We throw salt over our shoulders. If it’s December I think of Christmas. If it’s October I think Halloween or thanksgiving. We all have various things we call traditions. I have hash browns and eggs every Saturday morning. It’s tradition. It is also in honor of my grandparents that made breakfast for me. I believe that Jesus did like traditions. He had conflicts with the religious rulers because they were using tradition as a club. It honored their institution and not God. What are your traditions?
Matthew 15:3 “Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?”
Deuteronomy 16:10 “Then celebrate the Festival of Weeks to the LORD your God by giving a freewill offering in proportion to the blessings the LORD your God has given you.”
Matthew 15 sees Jesus in the mist of his ministry life. He is traveling, teaching, having disputes with the religious rulers, and deep discussions with the faithful. Within all that is the miracles. Who is Jesus? Well, if he is God, then he might know something of the Bible. He might preform acts that are seen as miracles. He may also want to establish his kingdom on earth. Jesus is building something here. I believe Matthew saw that in the life of Jesus. His book is building our faith through knowledge and examples. I also believe Matthew is warning us on the pitfalls of religion.
In some ways this chapter spells it out. When we put religion first. When we put our beliefs first. We tend to put us first. What really happens is that the world around us fades away. We don’t see people in need. We don’t hear what people are really saying. Look at this chapter. Jesus is on the road. The noise of the religious scrutiny is all around him. He heals people. Jesus teaches. He is interested in the well-being of others by feeding four thousand. Throughout this chapter the religious rulers and disciples are off track. Jesus stays steady and sure in his mission.
Matthew 15:19-20 “For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”
Isaiah 29:13 “The Lord says: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.’
Read Matthew 15. Also read Matthew 4 again. Read Nehemiah 6. It is encouraging to see others try and focus in the mist of trouble.
1.       There is a reason the Pharisees questioned Jesus about ceremonial washing. Some people think baptism is a New Testament thing. Washing the body to be clean or renewed is not foreign to Jesus. The question was legitimate. It’s fascinating that Jesus does not address this issue. Instead, Jesus does the Jesus thing. He poses another question. Matthew 15 is testing our faith. How is that? Really, he is training us on what not to do.
Jesus confronts the religious rulers by asking them a deeper question. All throughout the Gospels Jesus always responds to attacks with another question. This time he is pressing the religious men to examine their devotion to the original law. Do they honor their mother and father? There are the Ten Commandments. They are famous. If you read further into the Bible, there are many other suggestions or laws of God. A legal system was set up by Moses.
What is forgotten is that the commandments are a lifestyle on how to treat people and God well. Obviously, people like making laws. God likes making a lifestyle. Honor your mother. Honor your God. Honor your neighbor. This section of Matthew 15 is sad. Matthew 15:19-20 tells his disciples plainly what we do with our mouths and hearts. Laws try and make us look good, but our hearts are not that good. I can wash my hands clean, but can I have a clean mind and heart? To be a Christian is to work on the inside rather than the outside.
Matthew 15:9 “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Exodus 30:21 “They shall wash their hands and their feet, so that they may not die: it shall be a perpetual ordinance for them, for him and for his descendants throughout their generations.”
 2.       I love friendly banter. What I mean is a comical conversation with true meaning. Jesus believes in his mission. He wants to stay focused. I suspect it comes across as arrogant or cold. God is on point to get his kingdom started. He has the look. Along comes a woman from Canaan. If you knew these people then you would know their superstitions. They sought out the spiritual. Yet, this woman is smart and witty. Jesus is too.
These two engage in a battle of wittiness. She asks for help from Jesus because she had heard he was spiritually powerful. Jesus is on mission. He is here to train these twelve Jewish men to build the kingdom. Jesus has no time for religious nuts. Verse 26 I quoted below is a harsh statement in my mind. She begs for help, but he ignores her. We pass beggars all the time don’t we. They become annoying. This woman does not stop. Jesus tries to use the bread of life statement. She does not give up.
I feel Jesus is prodding her to respond. I bet she had sought help from idol images, priests, and who knows what. Jesus calling her a dog is tempting her to flee away. Yet, she responded with a very witty answer. Even the dogs eat the crumbs from the bread. Jesus was impressed so he healed her. I will point out two thoughts here. One is that the disciples don’t listen. They want her gone. I get it. Religious nuts can be annoying. Secondly, Jesus patiently allows this woman to make a choice. How bad does she want God’s help? Jesus drove her to be willing even to the point of eating the crumbs of God. That is desire. Are we willing to take the time to listen to people and push their faith forward?
Matthew 15:26 “He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs."
 Jerimiah 15:16 “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, LORD God Almighty.”
 3.       What does God see? I know a song called “what if God was one of us” by Joan Osbourne. What if? This chapter answers that. Jesus is on mission to do his fathers will. He is focused and unwavering. The religious men see the law. The disciples see hungry people that they can’t help. Jesus sees a chance to teach, feed, and cure. Jesus sees the essence of the law. Honor those around you. Jesus sees faith stumbling and growing. Those are the things God sees.
Matthew is using his book to grow our faith. That word is sprinkled throughout this book. Jesus mentions “your faith has healed you”; “ye of little faith.” The point is not to bash our faith. The point is not to be tested. The point is to move us to look beyond ourselves. He asked the Pharisees to look beyond their laws. He asked the disciples to look beyond what they see. I feel Matthew is training us to see what God sees.
 Matthew 15:31 “so that the crowd was amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel.”
 1 Samuel 16:7 “But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
 4.       Sometimes we praise a writer for how they construct their story. Oh, that was smart or clever of Steven King or Ernest Hemmingway. Do we give Matthew enough credit? It’s easy to overlook his message. We are reading the story of Jesus. The problem is that it’s not a story. This is not a time line. This book is a snapshot of the whole 33 years of Jesus life. There are gaps and holes. Things we never get to see or hear about. What was Jesus like at home, in school, or at work?
That is why I say this is not a story. A story has a beginning and a conclusion. Sure, Jesus was born and died. Yet this is open ended. We are told he was born. Jesus dies but is raised to life. Eternity means the story never ends. I think Matthew is giving us a message more than a story. Just look at chapter 15 again. The Pharisees come from Jerusalem to pick on Jesus devotion to Judaism. The Canaanite woman comes from a land of idols seeking healing. The disciples are blind to what is really happening. All they see is annoying women and hungry people. Matthew is showing us bad religion. People that see their own faith and their own needs. Look deeper. See more. Listen harder. God just might be showing us something we are unwilling to see, hear, and help that is beyond religion.
Matthew 15:32 “Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion for the crowd, because they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat; and I do not want to send them away hungry, for they might faint on the way.”
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
What it all means?
Matthew is training us. It’s a shame if we only see the story. It’s a shame if we only preach on the famous verses. Verse 26 is hard learning. Why does Jesus call her a dog? Verse 3 has Jesus arguing with the religious rulers. I know that churches guard traditions. I also know they swing the other way. I know a church called “true Jesus.” Compared to the untrue churches of Jesus? I know churches that call themselves undenominational. They break from tradition I guess. What does it all mean?
I feel that many of these places read the Bible looking for meaning. They are looking for themselves within the words. What they miss is the meaning and words of Matthew and Jesus. This chapter is not just about Jesus. This chapter is not just about witty verses, miracles, or feeding 4 thousand. Do you know how many books are written on “if” the feeding of five thousand or four thousand are the same story. Maybe, just maybe, they were accounted for to get our attention. Faith means miracles can happen. Faith means we can provide when all seems impossible. Religiously speaking: what do you really have faith in?
I know a man who believed the notes written in his Bible were scripture. He refused to believe they were just comments by another writer about his Bible. Why? In his church they used those quotes so much that they became bigger than the Bible itself. In a way, they trained him to read the notes. Follow the notes. Believe the notes. The true word of God was being ignored. That is what this chapter means. Making Jesus ministry more than it was, is a crime. The message is plain. What God wants done is there before us. Most of the time we are too busy creating religion to see what needs to be seen.
Matthew 15:28 “Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.”
Romans 1:17 “For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
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lilacmoon83 · 7 years
Happy Halloween with a Charming family Halloween one-shot!
Enjoy this special holiday one-shot! Neal is four and Emma is three. Snow and David take them trick-or-treating for the first time.
Perfectly Charmings
In the Enchanted Forest, All Hallow's Eve was a time when legends spoke of the night when the dead could return from the grave and in a land with magic, that had always led to all kinds of ghost stories and occurrences.
In some villages, they used All Hallow's Eve to celebrate the lives of loved ones passed on with festivals filled with music, food, and mead.
In Storybrooke, Halloween was almost as big of a deal as Christmas. It was a holiday that had carried over. Ghost stories were still told and parties were always held. But the people of Storybrooke had also adopted this land's traditions as well. And Beggar's night was fast approaching.
Their first year with Neal and Emma, their children were much too young to go out trick-or-treating, so they stayed home, cuddled up, handing out candy and watching movies together.
The second year was spoiled by an early snowstorm and they spent another Beggar's night sequestered in the house. But they didn't mind. Spending an evening cuddled on the sofa together with their babies would always be an evening well spent.
Finally, this year, everything seemed to be working in their favor. This fall had been unseasonably warm and both Emma and Neal were old enough to understand what it was all about.
First, they had to pick out costumes. Snow and David needed them too since after trick-or-treating, they were going to the big Halloween Bash that was being held at Town Hall. This year's assortment of costumes, poofed in by Storybrooke's magical assortment of monthly goods, were for sale at the library and the funds would be split between new inventory for the library and technology upgrades for the schools. It was an idea that Regina and Snow came up with to raise money to enrich the academics in their town. Newer computers and resources were allowing people that wanted to take college courses, but didn't want to leave Storybrooke, to take them online.
The task of actually narrowing down which costumes to pick was quite the trial though, for Emma and Neal wanted to be everything. Snow and David were busy discussing what they would be as well.
In the end, Neal decided on the child Spiderman costume and Emma liked the Supergirl costume they had for toddlers. It came as no surprise to Snow and David that their babies wanted to be super heroes.
The big night came and after they had the kids in their costumes, they put them in front of a kids movie, while they got dressed in theirs. Since their children were set on superhero costumes, they decided to keep with that trend.
"Well...what do you think?" Snow asked, as she came out of the bathroom in her Wonder Woman costume. He was pretty sure his jaw was on the ground, as he took in his always stunning wife in a costume that accented her curves.
"Did it come with the lasso?" he asked. She giggled and showed him the prop.
"I have many ideas about what to do with this later," she purred, as she kissed him.
"I think I'm going to like these ideas," he replied, as their lips met again.
"Mmm...you're looking very sexy yourself in your costume," she mentioned, enjoying the Asgardian armor.
"It's actually not a lot different than some of the armor I used to wear back in the Enchanted Forest, though I'm a little surprised you wanted me to dress up as Fandral and not Thor," he mentioned.
"I have my reasons," she mused.
"You really think I look like him?" he asked. She smirked.
"You could be his twin," she replied, as their children scampered in.
"Wow...you look pretty, Mommy," Emma said in awe.
"Thank you baby," Snow cooed, as she hugged her.
"I think it's time for this family of superheroes to get this show on the road," David said, as they filed out the door with Wilby, who was appropriately wearing a Superman cape made for dogs.
They arrived at Regina's house first to pick up the rest of their Superhero clan and they weren't disappointed by the costumes.
"I look ridiculous. Why can't I just go as myself, you know the Wicked Witch?" Zelena complained.
"Because we made a rule. No one can go as themselves or any Disney version of themselves," Regina replied, as she admired her Black Widow costume in the mirror.
"Fine, but why do you get to be Black Widow and I have to be this cat girl," she complained.
"Cat Woman," Henry corrected, enjoying his Aunt's fury. Zelena scoffed.
"Isn't she a villain?" the redhead asked.
"More like an anti-heroine, thus why she's perfect for you," Henry replied, as Regina snickered in amusement.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?," Zelena accused, as Robin toddled up to her in the cutest baby bat girl costume ever.
"Come see Mummy, little one," she cooed, as she picked up her daughter, just as the doorbell rang and Henry hopped up to answer it.
"Hey…" he greeted, as more of his family arrived.
"Captain America...looking good, kid," David said.
"Thanks Gramps, you're like a dead ringer for Fandral," Henry mentioned.
"So I've been told," he replied, looking at Snow fondly.
"Well...shall we?" Regina asked. They nodded in agreement and started off to hit all the neighborhoods and businesses in Storybrooke.
Once the kids collected what was an impressive haul, they headed off to Town Hall for the Halloween party. Music played thanks to the DJ they hired and the place was decorated all out for the occasion. They arrived to find many of their friends, including Marco, August, Archie, and the dwarves to name a few.
There was plenty of activities, like pumpkin painting for the children and bobbing for apples for the adults, the latter of which Snow was not interested in partaking in. Instead, she and Charming danced nearby, while Emma and Neal painted their pumpkins with little Robin.
"Happy Halloween, my darling," he said, as he gazed into her eyes.
"Happy Halloween, my love," she replied, as they shared a passion filled kiss. The party continued well into the night, but Snow and David took their sleepy little ones home long before it ended. Once they were in their pajamas, they kissed their little ones goodnight and they were out.
Emma and Neal's first trick-or-treating experience was a rousing success and Snow and David knew there would be many more years like this. But they would never take even one of them for granted.
"Come on...it's time to see what's under all this armor," she leered, as she led him to the bedroom.
"You still gonna use the lasso?" he asked cheekily. She smirked, and wound up, lassoing him perfectly.
"Oh definitely," she replied, as she pulled him into the bedroom and shut the door...
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kathywaller1 · 5 years
One more time.
Why? Because–A friend, calling to confirm David and I would meet her and her husband the next day for the Edgar Allan Poe exhibit at the Harry Ransom Center, reported her house was being leveled for the second time in three years: “There are thirteen men under my house.”
I hooked up Edgar Allan Poe with the number thirteen and house with Usher and wrote the following verse. Halloween approaches, so I’m posting it again.
Note: Tuck and Abby are my friends’ dogs.
Another note: Maven means expert. I looked it up to make sure.
To G. and M. in celebration of their tenth trimester of home improvement, with  affection. Forgive me for making mirth of melancholy.
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  Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a rapping,
As of someone gently tapping, tapping at my chamber floor.
“‘Tis some armadillo,” said I, “tapping at my chamber floor,
Only this, and nothing more.”
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    Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the dry September,
And my house was sinking southward, lower than my bowling score,
Pier and beam and blocks of concrete, quiet as Deuteron’my’s cat feet,
Drooping like an unstarched bedsheet toward the planet’s molten core.
“That poor armadillo,” thought I, “choosing my house to explore.
He’ll squash like an accordion door.”
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    “Tuck,” I cried, “and Abby, come here! If my sanity you hold dear,
Go and get that armadillo, on him all your rancor pour.
While he’s bumping and a-thumping, give his rear a royal whumping,
Send him hence with head a-lumping, for this noise do I abhor.
Dasypus novemcinctus is not a beast I can ignore
Clumping ‘neath my chamber floor.”
  While they stood there prancing, fretting, I imparted one last petting,
Loosed their leashes and cried “Havoc!” and let slip the dogs of war.
As they flew out, charged with venom, I pulled close my robe of denim.
“They will find him at a minimum,” I said, “and surely more,
Give him such a mighty whacking he’ll renounce forevermore
Lumbering ‘neath my chamber floor.”
    But to my surprise and wonder, dogs came flying back like thunder.
“That’s no armadillo milling underneath your chamber floor.
Just a man with rule and level, seems engaged in mindless revel,
Crawling round. The wretched devil is someone we’ve seen before,
Measuring once and measuring twice and measuring thrice. We said, ‘Señor,
Get thee out or thee’s done for.'”
  “Zounds!” I shouted, turning scarlet. “What is this, some vill’nous varlet
Who has come to torment me with mem’ries of my tilting floor?”
Fixing myself at my station by my floundering foundation,
Held I up the quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore.
“Out, you cad!” I said, “or else prepare to sleep beneath my floor,
Nameless there forever more.”
  Ere my words had ceased resounding, with their echo still surrounding,
Crawled he out, saluted, and spoke words that chilled my very core.
“I been down there with my level, and those piers got quite a bevel.
It’s a case of major evolution: totter, tilt galore.
Gotta fix it right away, ma’am, ‘less you want your chamber floor
At a slant forevermore.”
  At his words there came a pounding and a dozen men came bounding
From his pickup, and they dropped and disappeared beneath my floor.
And they carried beam and hammer and observed no rules of grammar,
And the air was filled with clamor and a clanging I deplore.
“Take thy beam and take thy level and thy failing Apgar score
And begone forevermore.”
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    But they would not heed my prayer, and their braying filled the air,
And it filled me with despair, this brouhaha that I deplore.
“Fiend!” I said. “If you had breeding, you would listen to my pleading,
For I feel my mind seceding from its sane and sober core,
And my house shall fall like Usher.” Said the leader of the corps,
“Lady, you got no rapport.”
  “How long,” shrieked I then in horror, “like an ominous elm borer,
Like a squirrely acorn storer will you lurk beneath my floor?
Prophesy!” I cried, undaunted by the chutzpah that he flaunted,
And the expertise he vaunted. “Tell me, tell me, how much more?”
But he strutted and he swaggered like a man who knows the score.
Quoth the maven, “Evermore.”
  He went off to join his legion in my house’s nether region
While my dogs looked on in sorrow at that dubious guarantor.
Then withdrawing from this vassal with his temperament so facile
I went back into my castle and I locked my chamber door.
“On the morrow, they’ll not leave me, but will lodge beneath my floor
Winter, spring, forevermore.”
  So the hammering and the clamoring and the yapping, yawping yammering
And the shrieking, squawking stammering still are sounding ‘neath my floor.
And I sit here sullen, slumping in my chair, and dream the thumping
And the armadillo’s bumping is a sound I could adore.
For those soles of boots from out the crawlspace ‘neath my chamber floor
Shall be lifted—Nevermore!
  The Maven One more time. ***** Why? Because--A friend, calling to confirm David and I would meet her and her husband the next day for the Edgar Allan Poe exhibit at the Harry Ransom Center, reported her house was being leveled for the second time in three years: "There are thirteen men under my house."
0 notes
jenmedsbookreviews · 6 years
Hi folk(s). How have you been? I’ve had quite a week and I can’t believe it is Monday once again. Where did the week go? Went for a couple of nice walks this weekend, making the most of the good weather. Eight plus miles on Saturday and another three and a half around the local deer park on Sunday. I’m still overweight and my legs are tired but apparently it was good for me so that’s okay then.
So. Last Monday saw me and Mandie heading off to Liverpool for a bit of a mooch (and that was all it really was in fairness) and to attend the Investigating a Murder event to celebrate the launch of In A House of Lies by Ian Rankin. Ian was joined by Senior Investigating Officer Chris Sephton of Merseyside Police and Forensic Pathologist Dr Richard Shepherd, author of Unnatural Causes. It was an absolutely fascinating afternoon as first Ian discussed his new book and the Rebus series in general including how he’d one day like to write a story with Siobhan as the central focus, before being joined by the others for a more general discussion on investigating crimes in general. I always find these kinds of talks fascinating, and I’d love to tell you more about the even itself but I was so engrossed I took no notes at all. Did manage to squeeze in a few snaps though, and get my book signed by the lovely Mr Rankin.
After the excitement of Monday I spent a few days reading (just for a change) and then on Thursday we headed over to Stoke to join Mel Sherratt as she celebrated the launch of Hush Hush, her first book to be published in paperback. It was a fab evening and it was lovely to see a few familiar faces there including Kerry Ann Parsons, Steph Lawrence, Jo Furniss and Sharon Riley Sant (aka Tilly Tennant who, incidentally, has a new book out today, The Christmas Wish, which Mandie will be reviewing later in the week.). It was also nice to finally meet Sabah Khan of Avon after exchanging emails for so long about blog tours. Some great company, lush cakes (totally diet food) and a new signed book for the collection, I’d say it was an evening well spent.
We did spot one thing while in Waterstones, and it may just be our dirty minds working overtime, but can’t help feeling this bookseller recommends label could have used the word book at the end of the first line …
Anyway, back to the books … Bought a few new ones this week. First wasUnnatural Causes by Richard Shepherd. I thought I had it on kindle already but apparently not. I do now. I also preordered A Gift For Dying by MJ Arlidge which isn’t out until next March and doesn’t yet have a cover but as I was already on Amazon, it seemed rude not to. As I have just bought a new soup maker I also bought a book of soup recipes for inspiration – A Soup for Everday from the Covent Garden Soup Company. Two Netgalley downloads this week, both for tours. Graham Smith’s The Darling Dead and Drew Davies’ The Shape of Us.
I was also a very lucky blogger receiving three absolutely gorgeous titles on Tuesday. Firstly I was sent an advance copy of The Hermitage by LJ Ross from the author herself which I devoured that afternoon. When I got home from a quick jaunt into town I found I had received book post in the shape of Attend by West Camel and Deep Dirty Truth by Steph Broadribb from Orenda Books. So excited to read both I have to do some major schedule juggling to sneak them in early.
I might have made one or two audio book purchases too. By might, I mean that i rounded off my DCI Ryan collection with copies of Dark Skies and Seven Bridges and I also bought a copy of Denzyl Meyrick’s The Relentless Tide. Because it would be rude not to, I preordered a copy of the DCI Ryan prequel too, The Infirmary. Out next month, this is an audio first release and I can’t wait.
Reading wise I did okay I guess. Three books completed and one very short children’s story to top it off.
Books I have read
Closer – KL Slater
I know my daughter better than I know myself and if there’s one thing I know for sure at this moment: it’s that Maisie is not ok.
My ex-husband Shaun and I are still friends. We would do anything for our beautiful little girl, Maisie. But now Shaun has moved in with Joanne and suddenly, Maisie has a brand new family.
And there’s something not quite right about it…I know Joanne isn’t everything she says she is. Yet no-one will listen.
I need to discover what she’s hiding.
Because if I don’t, my daughter will be in terrible danger.
The most gripping psychological thriller you’ll read this year from the Kindle top five bestselling author K.L. Slater. If you love The Girl on the Train or Gone Girl, you’ll be absolutely hooked.
I really love KL Slater’s writing and Closer is another brilliant and gripping story. It is more a domestic noir than perhaps a psychological thriller for me but still the pain which is clear in each page as someone systematically erodes a young child’s self confidence is so hard to read and yet very recognisable. I’ll be reviewing as part of the tour but you can buy a copy of the book here.
The Hermitage – LJ Ross
He thought he was invincible, but he was wrong…
When an old man is found dead inside the ancient hermitage at Warkworth Castle, Northumbria CID are called in to investigate. With no apparent motive, it’s their job to unravel why he was murdered – and this time they’re forced to do it without their star detective…
DCI Ryan is thousands of miles away. He’s tracked a killer across Europe and has sworn not to return until he has his man in custody. Nathan Armstrong is a dangerous psychopath but there’s just one problem – he’s also an international celebrity; a world-famous thriller writer with money and connections. 
Ryan is a stranger in a foreign land, but he knows one thing – he’ll never give up. 
Murder and mystery are peppered with romance and humour in this fast-paced crime whodunnit set amidst the spectacular landscapes of Northumberland and Tuscany. 
Oh how I love this series and this is another brilliant instalment. With Ryan and Anna in Florence trying to track down Nathan Armstrong, it adds a certain European flair to an already superb series of books. You learn more about Ryan and it is littered with tension and the odd romantic moment too. You can read my review by following the recap link further down this post and buy your own copy of the book here.
A Spooky Tale – Sue Wickstead
When the teacher decided to take the class out on a walk the children did not want to go… But… What could POSSIBLY go wrong? Why did the class not feel well? Read the book to find out.
A fictional tale based on a real class walk around the neighbourhood. Where would your walk take you?
A short but fun little tale perfect for young children this Halloween, I’ll be reviewing next week so watch out for it. you can grab a copy here.
Some Old Bloke – Robert Llewellyn
When writer, comedian and Red Dwarf actor Robert Llewellyn’s son scrawled a picture of him at Christmas and titled it ‘Some Old Bloke’, Robert was cast deep into thought about life and what it means to be a bloke – and an old one at that. In this lighthearted, revealing and occasionally philosophical autobiography, we take a meandering route through Robert’s life and career: from the sensitive young boy at odds with his ex-military father, through his stint as a hippy and his years of arrested development in the world of fringe comedy, all the way up to the full-body medicals and hard-earned insights of middle age. Whether he is waxing lyrical about fresh laundry, making an impassioned case for the importance of alternative energy or recounting a detailed history of the dogs in his life, Robert presents a refreshingly open and un-cynical look at the world at large and, of course, the joys of being a bloke.
I am not now, nor am I ever likely to be, an old bloke, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy reading this book. Taking a look at his life from adolescent years, to hippydom, to fatherhood, Llewellyn takes us on a fascinating journey which will make you laugh and ponder, as well as give you insight into what he thinks our future may be heading towards. You can buy a copy here, I’ll be reviewing for the tour.
So that was it. Down from the lofty heights of five books last week, but in my defence I was quite busy. You can see a recap of my week on the blog below:
Trap by Lilja Sigurdardóttir
Perfect Liars by Rebecca Reid
Cover Reveal & Author Q&A: Star Girl by Louise Beech
Death on the River by Clare Chase
The Righteous Spy by Merle Nygate
Fatal Promise by Angela Marsons
The Hermitage by LJ Ross
Dead End by Rachel Lynch
Lies Between Us by Ronnie Turner
This week I shall be reading a lot hopefully, making some final preparations for taking part in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) where I hope to finally make progress with my own writing and taking part in the odd tour or two. Starting tomorrow when I’ll be reviewing Hush Hush by Mel Sherratt, then One Dark Night by Tom Bale, Steel and Shadows by Stuart Field, Closer by KL Slater, Mandie has a review of The Christmas Wish by Tilly Tennant, then back to me for Christmas at the Little Cottage on the Hill by Emma Davies and Off Island by Marlene Hauser.
  Hope you all have a brilliant week. The rat bags on the TV were talking about snow later in the week but hopefully they were talking nonsense as usual. We will see I guess. I intend to try to make the most of the good weather in the meantime. Only two weeks now until I start work again. Whoop whoop.
See you next time.
Rewind, recap: Weekly update w/e 21/10/18 Hi folk(s). How have you been? I've had quite a week and I can't believe it is Monday once again.
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