#loona does care about blitz and truly sees him as a dad
hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
Loona: *to Octavia, clearly referring to both Stolas & Blitz* “Sometimes... sometimes it's not as simple as that.
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This kind of shit gets messy, and everybody's got issues, especially dads.
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And sometimes they fuck up -- well, all the time.
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But, that doesn't mean they don't care…”
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ceaselessims · 2 months
octavia and stolas's future conversation is probably going to kill me
i think Octavia is such an interesting character because she reminds me so much of my younger self. I think her line in the trailer is probably going to be a scene that resonates with me to an uncomfortable degree because of my relationship with my mom.
My parents never fight, but i know the teenage pain of feeling like your parents don't make time to truly understand you as a person and only love you out of obligation, whether that's true or not. The feeling that your parent only tolerates you to gain something or because they "have to" is invasive.
I saw someone say that her line needs more work in the story to feel "earned" but i think it's perfectly reasonable for Octavia to feel that way. She can acknowledge that her dad is doing his best AND still feel like she is an afterthought to him. Learning that your parents have flaws SUCKS and sometimes that feels like they never cared about you.
I'm sure there will be a lot of build up and i'm thinking that maybe the build up will be stolas agreeing to banishment or something in order to be with blitz, and Octavia will read this as a complete abandonment of her, bc honestly what else is she supposed to think?
In the episodes that she has been central to, Stolas has been explicit and partial to Blitz IN FRONT OF HER. He does not hide his affair with Blitz, which makes Octavia visibly uncomfortable in all of the Loo Loo Land scenes. Not to mention that in Seeing Stars, it's not lost on her that Loona is the one to find her while her dad is (again) with Blitz after he forgot a date that was important (from her pov) to their relationship. She forgives him in the moment for that episode, but it could be another factor.
We, the audience, know that Stolas would do anything for Octavia, that he genuinely loves and cherishes her, but Octavia does not know that. Octavia left with Stella on the weekends even before the divorce was officially in motion, and i wouldn't be surprised if later in the season we find out that Octavia has been living with Stella since/or soon after Seeing Stars (since Stolas had an assassination attempt.)
From her perspective he has been distant with her, openly hostile to her mother, and openly having affair with Blitz (there can maybe be a little bit of classism in there from the fact that she might find stolas's affair with blitz is especially scandalous bc blitz is an imp/lower class as well but that's a whole other thing.) If you were a child who was already feeling insecure and emotionally neglected, if it came out that your dad was going to chose to run away with his affair partner, that would probably fucking SUCK !! it would fucking KILL ... and Octavia will probably think that she is the problem, that she is not worth staying for.
All this to say, Octavia, my girl, i will probably cry when you cuss your dad out in front of the entire goetia court :-)
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
What if human s/o asked Blitzo if its possible for a human and an imp to have offspring and how would they raise it?
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Blitzo with a Human SO who wants to have a kid with him
He honestly thinks your joking at first.
"Ya know you can call me Daddy without me doing that" Turning something wholesome into something horny as he often does with you and Stolas.
But upon realizing your serious, oh he is not prepared for something like that. But he reacts happily.
He's already a father to Loona, and despite the messy relationship he loves being her dad, so the idea of having another, and with you sounds like a dream come true.
He doesn't know if it;'s possible at first though, which slows his roll a bit. Hybrids exist of course, but there generally of two or more demonic species which share a common ancestor of sorts. Humans are of course completely different so he's not sure if you could have a biological child.
Though with a bit of research, you and him find out about Cambions. Which while usually are demonic from a succubi or incubi parent, with a bit more, and some assurance from the resident bookworm owl you share the Assassin with. You find out that yes, Imps can produce children with humans and the children are generally healthy.
So after assurance any child you two had would be healthy for the most part, it's needless to say your pregnant in no time, cause without protection and Blitz's general horniness he gets that bun in the oven at the first oppurtunity.
It's a very spoiled nine months, he keeps you with him when he can and if not he'll have someone to to take care of you, be it M&M, Loona or Stolas. All of which give you and Blitz congratulations. Except Loona who's just "Yeah whatever, I guess it's cool..." She's happy for you tho :)
Blitz also makes sure to learn up on any side effects demonic pregnancies can have, and takes care accordingly of course, a bit forceful cause he is making sure your okay during this.
When you actually give birth, Blitz almost full on breaks down in the delivery room as he holds his new kid, he could not be happier truly.
He is VERY protective of the both of you even after the pregnancy. He refuses to let the kid out of his sight when he can, and a ton of times you have to pratically push him out the door so he can go to work.
He is still very present tho, the most he can be. Teaching the kid all about Hell, The company, and about Imps, wanting the kid to know both their cultures. Of course that leaves you to handle the human side.
Blitz also makes sure your kid knows how to defend themself, Hell is dangerous for anybody, especially for someone who's half human. Getting toy guns early on, and getting them real ones when he feels they can handle it.
As for the kids other family, they of course grow up with essentially two sisters in Loona and Octavia, an Aunt and Uncle in M&M and a stepdad In Stolas. All of which spoil them with love, even Loona who warms up to her new sibling.
Overall, the kid grows up knowing love, understanding and freedom, both of you excited to see what they'll want to do in the end, but you can bet that if they want to work at I.M.P then Blitz is gonna give them the safest jobs and everyone knows it, Loona knows it well tho so at least there not alone XP
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fantaatix · 2 months
did moxxie know his mom was dead? (exes and oohs thoughts :])
returning from the depths to ask a silly little question. an inquiry. just a little proposal. something to think about.
until exes and oohs, does moxxie even KNOW his mom is dead?
well, he saw her shoe in the water, right? yeah yeah hold on just a sec. we need to get something straight here. the way flashbacks have been presented this season have some subtleties that i think are worth defining.
heads up this is a bit of a long one (i think about helluva boss too much and probably more often than i should), and it has a lot more to do with moxxie than anyone else i might mention. i know i'm definitely late to the party but i hold this episode very dearly, because i got into the fandom shortly after it was released.
you have been warned.
in "the circus", the entire first 2/3 of the episode is a flashback, and when we come back to present, stolas is waking up drunk, presumably having passed out; it wasn't a dream--he was out cold, and we see multiple povs. the history isn't tainted/altered by stolas' perspective. this all happened, this was real.
buuuut, in the next episode, blitzo is the one having a flashback. like, an ACTIVE flashback, from 5 or so years ago, triggered by the fake conversation he was having a moment prior;
blitzo: oh, uggie! you’ve gone and done it again! that’s the fifth couch this year! you know, maybe it’s about time i find you a new home! one that can put up with your attitude!
girl: i can take him, mr. ronnie! i’d be happy to adopt old uggie, and give him the attention he needs!
blitzo: yeah…yeah, ma-m-maybe you should adopt…
cue flashback, adoption center lady notes loona's "serious attitude problems", and how she'll age out next month.
"good riddance if you ask me, she'll never amount to anything much..."
with the last line, you can't really trust blitzo's pov anymore. what are the chances this woman actually said this? this is blitzo projecting.
he saw loona alone and in trouble and he wanted to help because he saw himself, alone, trapped, no one to love him. and remember, at the office he was talking about replacing her because of her attitude with clients. he starts panicking because he realises he may have hurt someone he actually cared about, and upon seeing her again he apologizes profusely.
so now it comes to exes and oohs.
moxxie's dad grabs him by the chin. "don't cross me…"
[edit: little side note--on rewatch, moxxie isn't shown to have a flashback the same way blitz has a flashback; crimson is 'experiencing' it as well, which means moxxie isn't altering the story, this all happened. we even have something to compare it to, because earlier in the episode when recalling his time with chaz, he romanticizes the relationship and we don't see chaz's pov. he has to confirm it all happened to everyone else.
all of the violence, cruelty, and criminal behavior moxxie is recalling was real, but crimson just doesn't feel bad about any of it. he is threatening moxxie with a phrase he knows holds importance to him. i think only now is moxxie truly realizing the implications of it.]
a flashback, from his childhood no less--likely memories he's suppressed for years. he's recalling all this, all these memories from when he was probably no older than 5 or 6. the pov of a child.
he saw his mom lead him away from his dad, he saw their altercation, and he saw his mom walk out of the door and not come back. leaving him with this cruel, dangerous, violent man.
little moxxie felt it was his fault; it explains the people pleasing, the fear of rejection, not feeling "strong enough". maybe his mom got tired of protecting him?
but now that he's remembering all this, this horrifying moment on the lake without his mom to stop it from happening, he remembers crimson's warning to him.
"let this be a lesson, moxxie…this is what happens when you cross me."
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HE WAS NOT LOOKING! which means he has to assume, based on crimson's vague threat, that his mom is dead. she's gone. she was killed and disposed of, because she crossed him.
this is crimson's way of saying, "i killed her and i will kill you too if you don't start complying to me starting now."
he relishes in moxxie's fear. he knows he knows.
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"oh, and mox...if you ever talk back to me again, you and that pretty little thing you brought here are going home in boxes...capiche?"
"yes, sir..."
and like that, he has control again. supposedly.
this is where crimson slips up. moxxie is not a little kid anymore.
if not for this little business venture, moxxie may have never known she was dead. sure, it doesn't take a genius (you don't just "leave" a mob family, clearly), but he had left those memories behind and wasn't ever expecting to return to that house.
he is a skilled assassin and now he knows what you did.
you hurt his family.
and you can hurt him, but you will never hurt millie. no, sir!
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this is one of the most inspirational little details i've ever seen in media. crimson might not know it yet, but moxxie revokes his compliance. he stands up to crimson emotionally. and later literally.
"i said i'm not doing it, sir. i've spent my whole life being afraid of you, but i'm not giving up the only good thing i've ever had just so you can keep your fragile little sense of control over everything...millie is a good woman! a better woman than i deserve! and there's nothing that scares me more than hurting her, not even you! i'm leaving, dad, and if you or herpes the clown over here try to stop me, you'll learn firsthand just how good i've gotten at my job."
he throws his first threat towards his dad, and even when crimson restrains him, still, he fights.
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it's comparable that freaky scene towards the end of tangled where mother gothel is trying to drag her into the cellar or something and she goes, "rapunzel, really. enough already! stop fighting me!"
"no! i won't stop, for every minute for the rest of my life, i will fight! i will never stop trying to get away from you!"
his confidence had already been growing since truth seekers, but it literally spiked after this whole thing, maybe a bit too much. he uses close-combat when dealing with the cowboys in wrath, he actively volunteers to go fuck up a guy who nearly killed him and his wife, etc.
he obviously wasn't ready to be thrusted into this situation, but i think it ultimately changed him for the better. instead of repressing all of these memories from his past he can finally learn to work through them more effectively, as opposed to blitz, who has only just begun doing so.
i think this is also why unhappy campers is such a slap in the face if you're a moxxie enjoyer. it's him at his worst (so far), but it's supposed to be. he's approaching all these new insecurities with confidence, and he made a promise to himself to speak his mind more often, but he ends up doing so in a way that hurt millie--his greatest fear. it's not him "out of character." he's learning.
both him and millie found new insecurities about themselves and they got through them, and hopefully moxxie doesn't care so much about what everyone thinks and millie realizes she's very much appreciated and important to the people in her life :]
okay i THINK that's all i had to say in relation to this post, might come back with some more moxxie/fizz parallels but yeah that's about all i needed to get out.
also this took hours (mostly because i get distracted easily) so consider following if you're into that idk. kay bye
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
Antis: The Circus ruined Helluva Boss! They turned Stella into a villain because they wanted to take the easy way out, they madeStolas a baby boi who can't do anything wrong, Blitzo was always an asshole even as a kid for stealing and doesn't care about Stolas at all and Octavia is dumb as shit for not noticing her dad was unhappy with her abusive mother
The Circus: It showed us why Stolas is the way he is and confirmed that he was stuck in an arranged loveless marriage but he's no free of guilt for cheating as he said in his own words:
Stolas: I know what I did! I would feel bad if I hurt you, but we both know I didn't do that.
Plus it showed us that Stolas never saw Blitz as a plaything but as his friend, confirming that the owl doesn't have a imp fetish or sees imps as less.
And no, the writers didn't take the "easy way out", Stella ever since her first apparence was not a good person, even if she has every reason to be mad for getting cheated on, that doesn't excuse throwing stuff (like pots with plants he loves) and people (servants who have nothing to do with your husband's affair) at your husband with the intention of harming him and hiring a hit man to kill him. While she may be stuck too in a marriage she didn't want to and probably has grown in an abusive household, none of that is reason enough to treat Stolas in the shitty way she does. And this was already decided when writing the show before it aired not because the writers didn't like the headcanons of her being misunderstood or because people's dislike towards Stolitz (in some cases being downright homophobic). Don't accuse the writers of character assasination as if you know how a fictional character,who you have seen very little of and being a bitch, is.
Yeah, stealing is wrong, but Blitzo was forced by his father to steal stuff from the Goetias and it's not like he could back off from that by saying no to his father as it's implied he's abusive with his son (he constantly grabs him and defenitly doesn't care if his son could get executed for stealing) and when he does steal as an adult, it's because IMP needs the book to work, he did it for I.M.P (Moxxie, Millie and Loona). And he does care for Stolas, otherwise he wouldn't have spent the evening with him as kids talking under the tree and having consensual sex with him as an adult instead of leaving. And the Blitzo we see in flashbacks is just the not developed version of his character that we see in Episodes 6 and 7. (Flashbacks are supposed to take place in the past not the present, people)
And Octavia shouldn't be held responsable of the shit her mom does to her dad, it's not like she's aware of what truly happens between her parents as Stolas hid it from her and didn't divorce her mother in order to give her a normal life and Stella could have isolating her daughter from what she did to Stolas in order to continue abusing him(which is something abusers do in real life), for example, she wasn't invited to the party of Not Divorced where Stella talked shit about Stolas to her clique loud enough so he could hear. (Only adult married couples could assist, we don't see the kids from the other goetias in the party)
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fangirl-creates · 3 years
The Most Unlikely Thing
A Stolitz Wedding One-Shot
Inspired by this lovely art by @sator-the-wanderer on Instagram (Link at the end)
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(Note: This is my first time writing with Helluva Boss Characters—I was worried they wouldn’t be in character, but I hope you enjoy!!)
Most would say a night like this would never happen. That it was one of the many outlandish and downright ridiculous thoughts that appeared within the mind of anyone who knew them. If you said it outloud, you’d get a quick laugh out of the person you told, then the subject would be changed in an instant-as if it was never said at all.
Moxxie had that thought once. Right around 2AM he woke up from an uneventful dreamscape, and processed the thought with every ounce of his intellect. Even after that, it still made no sense. He turned to Millie’s side, taking a deep breath before he spoke.
“Millie? Are you awake?”
His wife stirred for a moment, a small yawn before she responded. “Yeah, Moxx?” She mumbled.
“I...had a weird thought..” He sat up, running his hand through his snow-white hair, soon scratching the top of his head.
“What was it?” She sat up a little, both curious and worried about what he might be thinking.
“Well-” He paused for a moment, giving the room a good look around before he continued. If a certain someone was here, listening, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. “It’s about Blitz and uh...Prince Stolas.”
Millie’s golden eyes widened as her tail started swishing like a curious cat. Any worry she had was gone, now she wanted to know all the details surrounding this. “Well?? Don’t keep me in suspense!” She smiled eagerly, shaking him by the arm a little.
“So like...and this is just a hypothetical..” He chuckled, smiling nervously for a quick second. “I just wondered for a second...well..” At this moment their eyes were locked, Moxxie’s face now torn between smiling or frowning. He had no idea what to feel. “Do you think they could ever...end up like us?”
Millie tilted her head, raising a brow. “Ya mean like...married ‘n stuff?”
Moxxie nodded a few times. “Yeah, Yeah! Do you...do you think-?”
She put a hand on her chin. “Well...I don’t think it isn’t possible. I mean...I’m pretty sure...excluding their little agreement...maybe they do like each other..”
“Do they though?” He started to lay down again, now staring at the ceiling. “I mean clearly Stolas likes him to the point where he won’t stop gushing over him. But...Blitz?”
“Who knows, hon. Blitz hardly talks about how he really feels. Maybe he does. And maybe one day they will…” The last thing didn’t sound so sure.
Moxxie turned his head. “But?”
“All relationships are complex, Moxx. And those two? Hell, it could take them years before they even think about something like that. But then again…”
“Sometimes the thing you least expect might happen sooner than you think.”
Moxxie blinked a couple times, squinting a bit. “Sooo...you do or you don’t think they could-” He was interrupted by Millie giving him a kiss on the lips. She turned the light off next, shifting back into her sleeping position.
“Goodnight, Moxxie.”
Moxxie sighed, slowly closing his eyes as sleep began to cloud his mind again.
He still couldn’t believe he actually thought that. Although it wasn’t the worst thing in the world, it still surprised him no less. But despite how much he just wanted to forget it, it made him think about what Millie said.
It was true Blitz was starting to show a small glimmer of affection towards the Goetian Prince, especially since the rescue from a few nights ago. The concern and sudden display of power through a demonic transformation was enough to make Blitz gawk at the sight of it. And the way Stolas gently cupped his face asking if he was alright afterwards made everyone else in the room stare, Blitz feeling slightly embarrassed by the whole situation.
Yet it still made him think that maybe...just maybe something like that could happen. But that wasn’t up to him. Whatever they decided would leave this idea, this thought, completely within the hands of faith itself.
And with that, Moxxie fell asleep.
Three years ago, it was never spoken of outside of that one night. And neither of the two had ever acted upon such a decision until much much time had passed. But now the stars were in their favor.
The sky was a dark, beautiful crimson that had mixed with a captivating wine purple. The stars were scattered, dusting the sky and turning it into a dazzling display of twilight.
They had kept it small, the only ones being present were close friends and family—which was basically four people. But it didn’t matter how many people were there, or where they did it. All that mattered was that it happened—which had ended up on the roof of I.M.P’s office building.
The vows had been short, with a few important bits here and there; Moxxie having to be both the one to wed them and the best man to the boss himself. He wasn’t sure he had the exact authority to do so, but both explained it was better than having someone else they didn’t know. Because once this got out, they’d have a whole other thing to deal with. But that was a future problem they would solve when it became relevant to them.
Blitz was given a stepstool so he could reach Stolas without having to stand on the tips of his toes. He didn’t want the stepstool, saying that he’d look like a complete joke. But if Stolas had to lift him up for this part, he would be unable to think clearly from the embarrassment.
Stolas didn’t seem to care how many people were present, or where they decided to host the reception. There was only one thing that mattered in this moment, and the smile of genuine compassion refused to leave his face the entire night. Blitz looking up with him while trying to contain himself only seemed to make him smile more. He was adorable.
Both eagerly waited for Moxxie to finish up, Blitz trying to keep himself from falling off the stool by how much he was moving. Of course he stood perfectly still once he heard the last few words out of Moxxie’s mouth.
“You may now kiss—”
Blitz practically jumped into Stolas’ embrace, quickly locking lips with him as the two slowly started to get lost in intimacy.
The four clapped while giving the newly weds smiles of congratulations. But those quickly faded away when they noticed the two weren’t paying attention anymore. The passionate kissing lasted for almost two minutes before Loona had to break them away from each other.
“Hey, lovebirds. Maybe wait till none of us can see you.” She rolled her eyes, putting Blitz down after basically pulling him off of Stolas.
Blitz put a hand on his head, taking a look around. “Oh shit, I forgot we were doing this.”
Stolas bent over with a light chuckle, booping Blitz’s nose. “-and aren’t you so glad we did, Blitzy~?”
The Imp pushed his face away as he blushed a bit more. “Yeah yeah just…don’t make it a bigger deal than it already is..”
“Looks like someone’s trying to pretend he can’t be romantic for once.” Moxxie smirked, making Blitz turn around in retaliation. His face was now a different form of red.
“Well you know what, Moxxie?! You—!” Then he stopped, biting his lip as he put his accusing finger away. “You…did..a good job…tonight..” He mumbled under his breath.
Moxxie kept smirking, raising a hand to where his ear would be. “Oh, what was that? Could you repeat what you said a little louder?”
Blitz shifted uncomfortably, hoping this was the last time. None of this was like him. And in front of his entire friend circle too!
“You…didagoodjobtonight..” He said it louder as per Moxxie’s request, just a bit faster than normal. Now everyone heard him…however-
“Maybe a little louder…and slower?” He leaned in closer.
“Goddammit, Moxxie! I already held back insulting you just let me have this!” He snapped a little, making everyone else just laugh in response. Moxxie put a hand on his shoulder, his smile genuine.
“Thanks, Blitz.”
The rest of the wedding had lasted a couple hours. Since the group was so small, dancing and talking underneath Hell’s strangely unnatural starlight felt more meaningful.
Eventually, M&M had to leave. But they wished the two best of luck, the wedding present they got the only thing left of them from tonight. Octavia and Loona decided to head inside the office to give their dads space. Now that they were legally sisters, hanging out would feel more genuine. Like you had someone else there looking out for you. Loona now was able to shout anything about being her big sister to anyone who tried to mess with them.
Up on the roof, Blitz and Stolas were laying down on what used to be the tablecloth to the buffet, staring at the stars. Blitz had taken advantage of using Stolas’ chest as a fluffy pillow. It was so comforting, like he could just lay there forever and never get up. But then…something did make him get up. He sat and hugged his knees close, his expression somewhat distraught. His eyes turned briefly to the owl demon, feeling strange.
“Stolas?” He finally broke the silence.
Stolas had already taken note of Blitz sitting up. But he quickly sat up when next he saw his partner’s face.
“What’s the matter, Blitzy? Are you feeling alright?” His questions were genuine, making Blitz feel worse.
“Is this…is this what you want? Do you really want…me?” Something in his voice cracked and that made Stolas’ heart feel a strike of pain.
“Of course I do! Tell me, what brought this on?” He held Blitz’s chin in his hand gently so their eyes met once more.
“It’s…It’s just how we started out. And everything after that…I don’t know why it took me so fucking long to actually admit that I…” He paused. “…felt this way.”
“And…I didn’t think that you would actually..! You…You said yes.” His eyes started to water. “Why the hell did you say yes?!”
Stolas pulled him in close, caressing his back. “Because I love you, Blitzy…And you being there all those times, even when I didn’t truly feel this way—it still meant something to me. And I know it meant something to you.”
Blitz let out a crying sound, something he would never do. At least, not in public. He didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he just felt so vulnerable now…and he hated it. Stolas quickly responded to this by cupping his face and lifting it up so they were at eye level again.
The Imp’s lip was quivering and his eyes were bloodshot enough to almost blend in with his eye color. The tears were staining his cheeks, big droopy ones making him look like an absolute wreck. He looked even more embarrassed now than he did before.
Stolas wiped some of the tears away with one of his hands, a comforting smile. “Oh, Blitzy…do you think we’d really be here if I didn’t feel this way?”
He sniffed, trying to contain himself before he responded. “No..None of this would be…” He took a deep breath. “I guess I’m so used to pushing people away I never thought you’d actually stick around.”
Stolas gave him another kiss, shorter than before, but something about this one felt even more emotional than the last. Something about this one made Blitz want nothing more than to be with him. No matter what his fears were telling him.
“I love you, Blitzy…” It was the third or fourth time he had said it tonight, but this time it felt deeper.
“I love you too, Stolas…” He returned the kiss, both landing back down on the floor.
It was at that moment they refused to let this feeling leave them. For even though the memory of this magical night would fly by, they would never ever forget it.
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metalshootingstar · 3 years
Do you think Blitz sees a bit of himself in Yakko, since both are starved for attention after all theirs years in the entertainment business (and both relying on comedy to get said attention).
Also them being single parent/guardian roles for their loved ones.
Um yess? I would even go so far as to say once upon a time, Blitz was like Yakko. A kid who loved to entertain, run his mouth and crack jokes, who loved the attention it got him. However, their environments shaped them into becoming the people we know them as, Blitz lives in Hell which...is literal hell. It's not a nice place to live, he's also an imp. Which as we know, are at the bottom of Hell's pecking order and treated like dirt. Yakko, at the very least had siblings who loved him and cared about him. Though, granted we don't know a lot about Blitz's background. It's clear that he's very starved for affection and seeks out that close family bond. Which means unlike Yakko, he never really had it.
Blitz is cynical, thanks to a lifetime of being stuck at the bottom never being given the respect, love, and decent care he's craved. He probably looks at this teenager, no this child and sees what he used to be before the world made him who he is. Except, the kid still hasn't changed, he's still someone who cares, who can see the best in a bad situation, and fuck it if Blitz isn't gonna make sure he never loses that.
Yakko meanwhile, was created to be a cartoon character, who (along with his siblings) entertain and make people laugh. Yet, because they were so zany, they were locked away only being let out for crossovers. Left to waste away in suspended animation. No one to care about them besides each other. But even inspite all of that, he's still a kid who had to be very mature in taking care of his sibs and make sure they were ok. Wakko and Dot are his support system as much as he's theirs. Oh they argue, and they get into fights but when push comes to shove, they're always there for each other. He has the support system Blitz doesn't. Being adopted by M&M only gives him an even bigger support system, with parents that love and care about him and his general wellbeing.
One thing though, Blitz probably does resent the fact that Yakko at only fourteen did have to be in charge of two kids. Because Blitz is a dad himself, and granted we don't know when he adopted Loona but it was before she turned eighteen. He knows what it's like to be a parent, it's fun and it's great but it's also terrifying and scary. It's something he doesn't take lightly, and to allow a teenager to basically be a parent to two kids? To allow someone, who is himself just a kid to have that responsibility? It's not fair..for any of them. Because kids should not be raising kids. So yeah, he makes sure that all three of them are treated like the kids they are...granted he also teaches them how to shotgun and makes some inappropriate jokes to Moxxie's chagrin. But hey no one is perfect.
Basically, yeah Blitz does see himself in Yakko, and he'd never want the kid to turn out like him. He also thinks that Yakko should y'know...be a kid? Like, no maybe in the lot and before you had to be the parent and the sibling but here? Just be the sibling. Just, be the kid who makes everyone laugh. On the flipside, Yakko who has fun with his siblings but is also responsible for them, can just...relax and truly let loose like his siblings do.
Also on a random sidenote, The Warners become Blitz's support system too. He's Uncle Blitz, who does care about them and has fun with them taking great pleasure in their chaos and zaniness. They genuinely like him, and y'know what? He genuinely likes these kids too.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
Reasons why Loona does care about Blitz as a dad:
Season 1:
Pilot episode:
Blitz mentions that I.M.P are a family and that family doesn’t get left behind (pretty sure he stole that from Lilo and Stitch, but okay Blitz, you do you 😆)
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Loona ALMOST called Blitz “dad” (as if THIS indication wasn’t big enough! If you didn’t care or respect your guardian why would call them dad?)
Loona, despite disobeying Blitz’s orders instantly but decided to trust him and wait, until Millie overruled her. She does have at least some respect for him.
* Not to mention that she refers to him as “Blitz” not “Blitzo” (despite announcing that the ‘o’ is silent every time he introduces himself)
1x07 - Part 1 (Blitz’s POV)
• Whilst it’s not exactly familial Loona had left a letter for Blitz — platonically calling him 'B' — saying that she’d be out late and not to wait up for her
1x08 - Part 2 (Loona’s POV):
• Loona's first instinct was to call Blitz (when she had the options of calling anyone else other than her adoptive father) 🥹
• Loona practically begged Blitz - unnaturally acting more like a daughter wanting to go to a concert, I might add, to go with the hellhound she was crushing on - to go give the party another shot
* To me Blitz’s presence gave Loona the fortification (pun intended) to give the event another shot — almost like a metaphorical hand holding thing for emotional support — either that or she changed her mind because of the hellhound, but I’d like to think it was because of the former)
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• Loona encourages Blitz to a drinking game - as the supportive daughter she is - and yells out "YEAH THAT'S MY DAD!"
• Loona berates Vortex & Bee saying that they didn't know her adoptive father as she did
* I mean when you love someone in general, — especially when you live with them whether it’s family or romantically involved — it’s hard not know all the good and the bad — so to me this tells me that Loona does actually care about her dad and isn’t afraid to tell other people aggressively to butt out especially when it comes to family business
• Loona tended to Blitz and his drunkenness — as one would like an actual daughter — despite being annoyed with his impulsivity and it’s consequences behind it
• Loona directly calls Blitz “Dad” whilst he was in a blitzed — I’m sorry I just had to use this opportunity — state before telling him to go “the fuck to sleep” 😂
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• Loona showed both times— one witnessed by Vortex & Bee and another directly to Blitz — that she knew her father better than anyone else
* If you honestly have no interest in being a family member to someone you wouldn’t even say something like that or even ask in for concern , knowing full well they do “do you need to puke” and then chuckle softly with a “yeah you do”
• Loona even looked after Blitz by getting him some water and even talking to him kindly rather than be aggressive which soon ended when pulled she told him “to go the fuck to sleep” (😆)
Season 2:
Loona was actually shocked (at first at the “tough love” THEN she worried about Blitz replacing her as a daughter— you could literally see and feel the hurt on her face when he said that he actually might replace her — than a employee (because, hey, you can replace a receptionist, but ya can’t replace your daughter)
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• Also, might I point out, that you can’t get upset if you don’t care about someone. (Sarcasm) How fun is miscommunication 👍🏻😃
* Something that Blitz definitely seems to have a common pattern with both Stolas and Loona — the two people he deeply cares about but won’t say it directly to them — in regards of not communicating properly. Coincidence? I think not 😏)
Loona has the “Sleep Pillz” app on her phone, theoretically, for Blitz and track (?) his sleeping schedule (if it’s out of whack or something)
* Again why would she have this app if she genuinely didn’t CARE about her adoptive father? 🥹
(Or who knows maybe it’s the other way around 😂)
When Loona told Octavia to cut her dad some slack and that “dads fuck up all the time, but it doesn’t mean they don’t care”
* Whilst, yes, she was referring to Stolas a little bit, she was also referring (discreetly because it wasn’t about her, it was about Octavia) to Blitz since she looked at the I.M.P logo on her lighter; which NOT only has his image on it. But, it also was referring to his business which is associated with him since he’s, y’know, the founder of the whole thing; talk about a double whammy!
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After Blitz tried to hug Loona — after hitting him with the grimoire in the face — she gave him a slight daughterly smile (after returning to her — calling her his “sweet, baby girl” — and that he never wanted to replace her ever again)
* Then she smiled AGAIN when Blitz answered her her question whilst filming the fireworks - really this was such a wholesome “Stolitz family” episode. I LOVE it!
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• Blitz rejected to come help Stolas and had prioritised his daughter to take Loona to the hospital for her shot (which, if she wasn’t so scared at the time, would have probably secretly appreciated it)
• Loona was comfortable enough to be scared in front of Blitz — normally you would want to become vulnerable in front of someone you know you can trust and care about — when it came to getting her hellbies shot, which earned her a soft paternalistic reaction
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• NA
• NA
• Ironically, both Blitz and Loona as teenagers, had the same taste in spiky chokers
Although, Loona was already wearing hers by the time Blitz (as an adult) came to adopt her; so couldn’t possibly inherit the accessory from his adolescent days
* Even when reassuring Fizz of his talents, Blitz had given him a similar expression as Loona had with Octavia in 2x02 “Seeing Stars”
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• Both think the same way when someone gets “bored” of them (their worst fear— however Loona actually voiced, theorised, that maybe Stolas was getting “bored” of Blitz)
It’s confirmed by Viv — for Pride Month — that Loona is actually bisexual (which is pretty much similar to pansexuality so “like father like daughter” I guess 🤣)
2x12 (Finale):
Season 3:
Season 4:
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