#looon heejin
justalonelybitch · 2 years
hiii i was wondering if you could do a fluffy heejin x fem! reader where heejin wants to introduce the reader to the rest of the loona members? 🍓
It was a little rushed, but I hope it's still somewhat enjoyable!
Meet The Family
Heejin x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Anxiousness, Doubts,
Word Count: 1.38k
Buy me a coffee :)
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Your shoulders were tense as you trailed behind Heejin, nervously running your hands through your hair. Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip you reached out to slip your hand into your girlfriend, pulling her back before she could enter the building. She turned to you, smiling brightly as she tilted her head inquisitively. “Are you sure about this?” You said, voice quiet as you began to second guess the idea of meeting her members for the first time.
“I mean, what if they don’t like me? Maybe we should just go,” you began to ramble endlessly, nerves taking over. Heejin watched you with a fond gaze, squeezing your hand in hopes of bringing you back to reality. “You’ll be fine, jagiya,” she insisted, pulling you into the building, ignoring your protests. “I’m sure they’ll love you, I mean you managed to charm me after all.” You looked at her with raised eyebrows, huffing incredulously.
“Heejin, I literally spilled coffee on you when we first met!” You exclaimed, only to receive a smile in response. “I know, but then you took me on an apology coffee date after,” she smiled brightly at you, the elevator dinging. “Only because I felt bad and you suggested it as a way to make up for your stained shirt.” You recalled your first date with her, making your girlfriend hum. “And aren’t you glad I did?” She swiftly changed the topic, to which you shot her a pointed glare.
“Too late, we're here anyways,” Heejin beamed. Much to your surprise, you found yourself being tugged inside her dorm, not even realising you’d followed her all the way there. The first thing you noticed being the overwhelming amount of noise coming from every direction, shouts resounding around the apartment. You jumped back in shock as someone zipped past you at the speed of light, screaming bloody Mary as another body followed closely behind.
You looked at your girlfriend like a deer in headlights, met with her sheepish smile as she shrugged her shoulders. You stood frozen in the doorway, Heejin by your side as chaos ensued all around you. The sound of a gunshot making you flinch as your eyes landed on the source, a TV in what you assumed was the lounge. “I win!” A blonde who you recognised as Jungeun yelled out, throwing her arms up in celebration. “No you didn’t, you died unnie,” a dark haired girl deadpanned. ‘Hyejoo?’ You thought to yourself.
Eyes flickering briefly to the kitchen, you caught sight of a seemingly calmer and quieter girl. Her gaze was focused on the stove, shaking her head in amusement at the others while brushing a stray strand of pink from her face. “Hey Heejin, who’s your friend?” Yet another blonde came into your line of sight, a greasy grin on her lips. “This is Y/n, and Y/n, this is Jinsoul unnie,” your girlfriend introduced. You gave a tight lipped smile to the older girl, bowling respectfully.
“She’s pretty Heejin-ah,” a tall brunette lingered behind Jinsoul, sending you a wink. “She has a name Sooyoung,” another girl popped out of thin air, pushing the older two away. “Sorry about them, they don’t get out much. I’m Haseul, nice to finally meet you,” she spoke elegantly, ignoring the complaints from behind her as she sent you a warm smile. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the others,” your girlfriend dragged you further into the dorms.
A high-pitched squeal caught you off guard as a hand wrapped around your torso in a tight hug. “You must be Y/n!!!” She shouted in your ear, although surprised, you found her welcoming actions calming. “Let the poor girl breathe Jiwoo unnie,” a crunchy voice spoke, the older reluctantly releasing her iron grip on you with one final squeeze. “I’m Chaewon, and this is Yerim,” she pointed to the purple haired girl who was jumping around excitedly.
“I’ve heard so much about you!” Yerim exclaimed, giving you a quicker hug in comparison to Jiwoo. “Yeah, we were starting to wonder if you were real or not,” a dark haired girl chimed in, earning a scowl from Heejin. “Hyunjin or Aeong,” she introduced, suddenly meowing like a cat. You looked at your girlfriend in confusion, but she only shrugged her shoulders. Looking back at the cat-like girl you smiled in amusement, taking a liking to her somehow charming strangeness.
“Come meet Kahei unnie,” Heejin stared at you away from Hyunjin, unsure of how to explain the meowing. Entering the kitchen, you noticed the familiar pink haired girl from earlier, a smaller girl now standing by her side. “Is this your girlfriend?” The older girl asked, a soft smile gracing her lips. “Hello, I’m Y/n,” you bowed, waving shyly at the two new faces. “No need for formalities, you’re part of the family now,” Kahei approved of your relationship.
“Hi,” the younger girl waved, instantly striking up conversation. “I’m Yeojin by the way, I’m sure we’ll be good friends.” She stated confidently, to which you nodded, already feeling comfortable in her presence. “Last stop, Hyejoo and Jungeun unnie,” Heejin linked her arm with yours as you headed for the lounge trying to get through everyone as fast as possible. 
You cowered at the harsh gazes that burned holes in your head, using your girlfriend’s body as a shield. “Guys this is my girlfriend Y/n,” Heejin announced nonchalantly, although you could tell she was just putting up a confident front. When in reality she was shaking with fear, desperate to gain the approval of all her members, knowing that the two resting lazily on the couch would be hardest to win over. 
“What are your motives?” Jungeun asked with raised brow, leaning forward inquisitively. Your eyes widened slightly at the question, wanting to prove yourself to them, but the intimidating stares were sending you into a spiral of panic.“I-I uh, I just really care-” You were cut off by a loud burst of laughter, confusion flooding your thoughts as you looked at Jungeun curiously. “I’m just messing with you, she's cute Heejin,” she said. Still unsure of the current situation you turned to your girlfriend, seeing her sigh in relief at the acceptance of your relationship. 
“If you hurt her I will break you,” Hyejoo threatened with a smirk, still not having quite warmed up to you.You audibly gulped at her statement, blinking rapidly, you felt Heejin’s hand slip into yours. She rubbed soothing circles on your knuckles, pulling you down onto the couch. You shuffled away from Hyejoo anxiously, not wanting to find out what she was capable of, the death stare she was giving you was enough to scare you off. Jungeun chuckled, smacking the younger girl on the shoulder, rolling her eyes at the bizarre antics of her member.
“How did you manage to get yourself such a pretty one?” Sooyoung pestered Heejin, talking about you as if you weren’t right beside her. Your girlfriend looked at you, grinning toothily as she reminisced about your fateful meeting for the second time that day. “I just got lucky,” she responded, a blush coating your cheeks. Heejin was far too entranced by you to even hear the scoff that slipped past Sooyoung’s lips or the teasing that came from Jinsoul and Chaewon.
You found yourself being swept into their world of chaos, a smile tugging on Heejin’s lips as she watched Yerim and Yeojin drag you to play some game with them. Jiwoo follows closely behind, asking you questions at lightning speed as she lets her interest in you take over. Haseul yelled at her from a distance, warning her not to scare you off before they even got to know you.  You gazed over your shoulder for a brief moment, catching your girlfriend staring, you sent her a joyful smile. She mirrored your expression, heart filled with happiness at the sight of you interacting with her members.
“She fits in well,” Haseul said fondly, slipping into the seat beside Heejin. “You think so?” Your girlfriend asked hopefully. “Definitely, I’m glad you’re happy Heejin-ah,” the leader smiled. “Thanks unnie,” she mumbled, all her fears about them not supporting the relationship disappearing at Haseul’s comforting words. “But you should probably go save her from the hyper children before anything happens.”
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