it’s kind of intimidating to get started because its a lot to keep track of, a lot of math, spells, weapons, attacks, etc. but its just so fun alskjdfl;akj i bet they dont even have DnD in BNHA universe because half the shit you can do is like, really things you can do if you have a quirk lol
...teaching them how to play DnD. some would get it, some wouldn’t, some would be hyper into it and others wouldn’t care at all
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writing-bnha-blog · 6 years
i HAVE ALL STRAIGHT A’S except for chem but we’ll ignore that... cause it’s chem. BUT IM SO PROUD OF MY SELF AND JUST WANTED TO SHARE :))))
awww im so proud!! we’re grade buddies i have a’s in all classes except one too (:
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suntails · 6 years
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katsukiboom · 6 years
hey love, you’re writing is truly amazing and i wanted to request a lil story from you, if you don’t mind? Bakugou and his s/o go against each other in their second year summer festival and it’s the second to final round. His s/o has an aura quirk (their own surrounding energy) that allows them to create almost impenetrable shields and throw waves of electrifying energy at their opponent. He loves his s/o with all his heart, but he still promises not to take it easy on them in the arena. thx! 💖
Thank you so much for the kind words my dude! Here it is, I hope you enjoy it!
Katsuki panted heavily as he ran across the field, sweat drops falling down his face and onto his uniform and on the ground, the crowd all around them screaming while cheering for one side or the other. He had already lost track of time by then but he couldn’t care less about that. Looking up for a second, he could see his class staring at the centre of the arena attentively, either waiting for him to lose or just expecting what he would do next.
Opposite to him were you, his significant other, throwing him an enraged look while hidden behind a shield of fiery-blue energy that kept you safe from his various attacks - he breathed in before charging at you again, this time running at full speed propelling himself with his Quirk before jumping off the ground, sending a blast your way which you quickly diverted with the shield, causing you to slide a little bit back, and even with the smoke raised by the explosion you could tell what he was doing, recognizing the stunt from last year’s first battle trial that Katsuki had told you about, going off about how he almost had Izuku on the palm of his hands. Turning around in just a second you sent one of your waves towards where you could calculate he was flying through, not really expecting to hit anything until you felt the thud, light against your physical body.
You held your breath until your sight was clear again and kept your defenses up in case he had deceived you, but once the crowd burst in shouts and whistles you opened your eyes wide, instantly looking back as Thirteen, the 2nd-Year’s Chief Referee announced your victory and Katsuki lay on the ground, bruises already forming on his upper left arm, where you had hit him with the last wave. “Katsuki!” you exclaimed nervously as you ran and kneeled next to him, but when you tried to reach out to him he swatted you away with his hand, shocking you although it was something you expected from a sore loser like him.
Even if he didn’t want you to, you wrapped your arms around his torso and helped him up, his breath uneven and his gaze avoiding yours. You saw him to Recovery Girl’s stadium office where she healed his injuries in the blink of an eye with a soft kiss on the top of his head, the small bruises quickly disappearing as the Youthful Heroine praised both your abilities and congratulated your win, Katsuki’s frown deepening with each word the old woman spoke. “You held yourself just great out there, young Katsuki,” she told him while patting his back, “and you’ve come a long way since last year. I’m proud.”
“It still wasn’t enough, it was the fucking semifinals,” he retorted, his voice almost as low as a hiss as he looked at you, his eyes full of all the unspoken anger he felt. For a moment you thought you could see tears starting to form but decided it’d be best to leave it at that, not wanting to make him feel even more uncomfortable. The guy you loved was now burying himself under layers and layers of self-doubt again, something you thought had been long forgotten. “I don’t know what I did wrong, goddamnit.”
“Language,” you scolded him lightly as you watched Recovery Girl finish bandaging his arms, his skin red from the usage of his Quirk - during the last year he had gained even better control of it if it was possible, and you were sure he was soon going to be the best student when it came to his abilities. As your eyes gave him a kind stare and your lips curved into a smile he scoffed and looked down as if finally feeling defeated.
It wasn’t long until he was back on his feet and you both walked side by side back to your respective seats, but as you paced calmly through the halls he grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you against a wall, both his hands keeping you in place while he stared at you with what you could only guess was disappointment.
Not towards you, but himself.
Reaching up, you cupped his cheek on your hand and smiled at him once more, and this time he didn’t back off, instead leaning a bit more into your touch and closing his eyes. “I… I’m so fucking happy for you (y/n),” he started to explain, and the way he spoke with his voice threatening to break at any moment broke your heart just a little; you hated to see him being way too hard on himself, pushing his own boundaries always expecting to come out on top, and even though you were aware of the big steps he had taken along the way and how much he had changed his sense of pride remained untouched, unwavering. “I could’ve done better. I could’ve changed my strategy just enough to be victorious. I’m happy you’re there but for fucks’ sake I could’ve tried harder.”
You sighed and made him look back at you, his frown replaced by a sad expression, one that was rare to see on him. “Babe, you did your best and you know it.” You caressed his cheek with your thumb a little bit while placing a kiss on the tip of his nose before you added, “There will be a million more scenarios in which you’ll fall, and it’ll be up to you to turn them into a million and one opportunities for you to rise. Mistakes are meant to be learnt from - but you already know that, don’t you? You’re an amazing learner my love, and no one doubts that someday you’ll become one of the greatest heroes in the world. I’ll make sure to be around to witness that, too.”
That was the first time he let go of his feelings, on that hallway while burying his face on your neck and hugging you close by the waist as he breathed you in, the feeling of his heartbeat loud against your chest as you ran one of your hands through his messy hair, the other rubbing circles on his firm back. You stood like that for what seemed like forever and he was the first one to pull away, his face still showing some signs of hurt but the hint of a smile appeared on his lips.
“You just don’t know how much I fucking love you (y/n),” he said, his hands still lingering on your sides and holding onto you as if you were going to shatter like glass. You just loved how soft he could be, even when his rougher side showed more often - you knew the boy behind that facade, and it only made your feelings grow stronger and stronger. “I have no idea how I got to make you stay but you can be damn sure I’m the luckiest guy ever.”
“I love you so much too Katsuki,” you replied with a bright blush tinting your cheeks and the tip of your ears. “Now let’s go, I want to see if I get to kick Todoroki’s or Midoriya’s ass in the finals.”
You were about to move away from his grasp when he tightened it, keeping you in place and surprising you greatly. There was something else in his gaze now, something deeper as he looked at you with a smug smile before he leaned down and whispered in your ear with a nearly-seductive voice, flustering you, “We’ll go, but don’t think this is over - next time, I won’t go so easy on you, I can promise you that, babe.”
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can i get a love letter from todoroki? i’m quiet w the people i don’t know but once you get to know me i’ll never shut up lol. the person everyone goes to when they need advice &to vent. very caring and loving. i make a lot of marvel and disney references. i love sports so i’m v competitive (volleyball). into painting, music, comics, and late night conversations about pretty much anything. 5’2-5’1 with long brown hair, brown eyes, and the chubby fit kind.
My Soul,
You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. I also love your passions. Well, it is probably more accurate to say that I love that you have passions and that you don’t shy away from them. You love what you do and that’s one of the things I love about you.
I enjoy hearing you talk. You’re voice is elegant and musical and you always say the most interesting things. I could honestly listen to you talk for hours and never grow tired of it. It is the same with you playing music or painting. Everything you do is memorizing. It makes me happy when you’re happy.
I am honored to know and love you.
Todoroki Shouto
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marxandria · 6 years
idk if you’re constantly asked this question but what kind of drawing software do you use?? btw you’re art is fcukingggg beautifully, okay thx bye 💖
hey lad!! I use photoshop cs6 for all my digital art ! thanks a bunch
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jinminniees · 4 years
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@maraudersis​ @whatyoufiend​ @mihnyukk​ @fangirlmedstudentblog​ @al9oot​ @nightowls388​ @username20222​ @noppa256k​ @that-one-gay-peasant​ @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon​ @loozes-bluzes​ @becausevyvyan​ @paradichloro-benzene​ @ryuukoizawa​ @usako-pam​ @allenjones14-blog1​ @gofogebocuko6051-blog​ @aisuhanikuriyuki​ @greiwarenlynch​ @wangxianangel​ @dystopiansushi​ @just-sebaciel-things​ @inazumaandassclass​ @rainteaanddragons​ @jentrash​ @icryovertattoos​ @shukkingfangirl​ @redheadedmoosechild​
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alright really serious problem here; i’m a bi girly that has some issues talkin to other girlies but no problem w the boyos. i need help approaching the girls,,,, aha,,,, how do i do that???
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Issa: Oh yeah, and I’m back.Agnes: When did you get so sincere??
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writing-bnha-blog · 6 years
bro first crimes? i forged my mom’s signature in the 1st grade cause my teacher use to give out these orange slips if we ever got in trouble and tell us our parents had to sign them then we had to bring them back..... i got in trouble, said nah fuck that shit i value my life. put down the same scribble my mom does in the slip, and brought it back to my teacher. she asked me if my mom dealt signed it and i was like nnnnnoooo???? BECAUSE IM STUPID AND THOUGHT SHE KNEW THE TRUTH. 1/2
“i would have totally gotten away with it if i hadn’t panicked. i even over heard my teacher telling my mom that it actually looked like her signature but that i just looked too guilty lmfao 2/2″
this reminds me of the one time i got a yellow card and cried while other kids would be on red giving no shits
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writing-bnha-blog · 6 years
i cant be the only one to have walked into a six flags candy shop, take a candy off the shelf, then walked out with out any one telling you anything right??? THEYRE JUST TOO EASY
maybe!! i’ve never been to six flags so i wouldn’t know ):
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writing-bnha-blog · 6 years
bakugou and his s/o go against each other in their second year sports festival. his s/o has a quirk that allows them to use their aura as a physical force, meaning they can shield themselves or others, and throw waves of energy at their opponent, only downside is that it take a lot of energy out of them if they don’t use it sparingly. and bakugou loves his s/o w all his heart but he’s still there to win and he knows his s/o wont go down easily. you choose who wins. BTW YOURE WRITING IT PERFECT💖
Despite how worried everyone else seemed to be, you were elated to go against your boyfriend. You knew just how powerful he was, and you were looking forward to testing yourself.
“Y/N!” You heard the boy yell. You were supposed to be going on stage any minute, showing off every asset you had in front of multiple different important people. You turned around and smiled wryly at Bakugou, who was smirking at you.
“I love you babe, but I hope you know I ain’t goin’ easy on you.” He said when he finally caught up to you. He clapped a hand onto your back as you were lead out to the stage, Midnight waiting for you and looking excited to see what you two would bring. Bakugou had one the sports festival the year before, and even if you couldn’t beat him you were planning on giving him a run for his money.
“Sweetie, you should probably consider the fact that I’m not going down as easy as you think I will.” You whispered sweetly to him. He scoffed lightly at you before getting ready at his position on the podium as you did the same.
Midnight explained the rules rather quickly, obviously wanting to cut to the chase and see what you two would bring to the table. You were excited but nervous as hell, and you could see Bakugou twitching in his spot. You were sure he was scared that he’d hurt you, but he also knew the worst thing he could’ve done was go easy on you.
You heard Midnight’s faint shout of the word “Start!” before both you and your boyfriend leaped into action. He got to sending explosions toward you right away, giving you a narrow time frame to set up a barrier around yourself.
Shielding yourself was something you could do very easily. You figured the best thing was to only keep your energy where you needed it, only having the front part of your body covered as you ran toward Bakugou.
Waves of energy waved off of you and rocked the stadium along with Bakugou. He lost his footing, flustering him enough to let you send another wave of energy at him, trying to get him as close to the end of the podium as possible. You could feel fatigue already encasing your body.
“What, you’re tired already?” Bakugou shouted teasingly. He was attempting to make you mad, to make you use up everything you had and make it easier on himself. You only smiled wryly at him from behind the shield you had created.
“I think you’re the tired one, babe! Why don’t you take a nap?” You yelled back, your words catching him off guard. He figured you’d try to send another blow at him, so he readied himself and started setting off explosions rapidly. You used the rest of your energy to create one last final, strong wave.
The power of your strike had Bakugou floundering even though he knew it was coming. You’d gotten him to the very edge, and with one last tiny flicker of energy Bakugou’s foot went out of bounds. Midnight stepped up to announce the end of the fight.
“Congratulations Y/N, you’ll be advancing to the next round. You both did well.” She said professionally. You walked up to Bakugou timidly, afraid he’d be mad at you. It was clear he was pissed that he’d lost, but he wasn’t mad at you.
“I’m sorry,” You said when you two finally made it inside the stadium. Bakugou scoffed and glared at you.
“Don’t say sorry for winnin’ fair and square, shit head!” He yelled, making you deadpan at the nickname he’d given you. He smirked at your reaction before turning his gaze to the floor in front of him.
“I don’t just date anyone, you know that. You’re strong as fuck so there’s no problem with being beat by you. Just know that next time it’s not gonna be so easy.” He said confidently. You nodded your head in agreement, already looking forward to your next fight.
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