#lor and i was like :O!!!!!!!!!!!!!
neige-leblanche · 1 year
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swingstep · 8 months
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she said, "it just feels inhumane to lose this much." 'cause when you leave, you know you take more than your love.
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fates-theysband · 11 months
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speaking of playlists do you think this one is laying it on too thick
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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my aunt's sunflowers finally bloomed but. well im no expert but they look like they could use some work kdhfjhd. it's been raining way too much and the heat has been insane so maybe that has something to do with their skinny petals. it's her first time trying to grow flowers on her own tho, she's so happy they bloomed :]
here's some more flowers from her house, just bc they're pretty and i wanna share
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this one was just wild up in the hills :0
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accursedsword · 11 months
| screaming crying etc listening to trox's lor lines, especially to his darkin brethren and. the bitterness he feels for them, the sadness at seeing their weapons, his captains and allies. he obviously cares for their wellbeing and - more importantly - freeing them of their shared curse. AND the line where he is Panicking at his defeat is a highlight because he knows and we know what happens when he loses.
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bubquigs · 1 year
Miss me with the Zerhys shit, give me Lor/Zer0 or make me drink dry powdered orange tang.
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odysseys-blood · 5 months
im a fake projmoo game fan bc im caught up with the story line EXCEPT lor/leviathan and it haunts me every day but i just havent started watching lor.
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
They're So-
How they talk about you
Ft. Arlecchino, Capitano, Childe, Dottore, Pantalone
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She speaks fondly of you, almost as if she were talking about family
She smiles softly, and anyone can tell you're the most important person in her life
Her words are curt, though, because she doesn't like other people prying into your lives
She'll only speak of you when asked
Unless she's with Columbina, then she won't shut up
Columbina finds it funny, probing every now and then when Arlecchino seems almost done only for Arlecchino to speak of your achievements with vigour once again
She's always so proud of you
And the fact that you're dating her? You have impeccable taste in women
She probably has a while presentation on why she loves you and Columbina has heard it at least seventeen times
The other harbingers have probably heard it at least five
Even the Tsaritsa isn't spared from hearing about how pretty your hair is, flecked with snow as light reflects off it
"Arlecchino, how are things with you?"
"All is well, my s/o recently-"
Yeah, she just goes on
He talks about you like he's your knight who's helplessly pining for his master but cannot admit he's in love because that would be preposterous
Which is ridiculous because you're sure you're way more into him than he is you
Wrong. You can never love him more than he loves you - he will always love you more and shower you in it
He thinks you're beautiful in every sense of the word, and he makes it known to everyone
"Are those the new uniforms? Oh, it's nothing, I was just thinking the colour would suit y/n. Don't you think so?"
"Yes, lor-"
"Yes, yes, they'd look good in anything, what was I thinking"
There is only one person willing to listen to him and that's Childe because the ginger gets to spar with him in exchange
Cue Capitano effortlessly pinning Childe down as he rambles about how you once stepped on his chest in a similar way and looked stunning while you did it
Anything and everything he sees will be likened to how amazing you are
He just tasted some really good food? Hey that reminds him of that meal he shared with you, all good tastes better when it's eaten with you
^^has offered to invite subordinates to meals with you but they know better than to accept
That's his special time with you and if they encroach on that time...they'd be goners
So all anyone can really do is smile and nod along in agreement as he sings your praises
He's lucky Pulcinella sees him as his adopted kid of sorts or he'd have hit him upside the back of his head for never shutting up
The old man only ever sighs at his youth, shaking his head at the devoted, passionate puppy love Ajax had for you
He even keeps a stack of photos of you in one of those folding wallet things that he flips open when he wants to talk about you
Which makes for very exasperated subordinates who have to listen to him ramble about you at meetings because he insists they're not as awestruck as he is because they haven't seen you in the moment
"That's fine, here, let me help you understand" *whips out pictures* "So you see here, this is them-"
Yeah, they're in for a long story time
He seems so nonchalant that anyone would think he had no interest in you
He barely speaks of you to anyone except to mention your input which makes it seem like you're just another poor sod who works under him
Until someone dared to voice that thought
"You could treat them better?"
"Lord Dottore, I-"
"Go on, do elaborate. Exactly what can you give them that I don't already? What can you provide that could possibly measure up to my y/n's worth?"
Oh they're in for an earful, because he'll criticise everything about them, from appearance to talents, their fears and beliefs
All while praising how you could never be compared to such scum
It's a wonder how they were still standing at the end of- nevermind, they dropped to their knees the moment Dottore walked off
He's just a teeny bit scary like that, y'know?
It's hard to catch him talking about you without you there because,,,well he takes you everywhere
After all, how could he not want to show you off to everyone?
So yeah, he will just straight up fawn over you to others in front of you
Embarrassed? Deal with it, you're free to hide your face in his chest as he hides you in his huge coat, but that's all you're getting
No, you can't leave without him, what's he going to do without you there to hold his hand?
Surely you wouldn't deprive him of the warmth he can only get from holding you close?
He especially likes to praise you when shopping
New shipment just in? Well those jewels really bring out your eyes, he should have them made into a ring for you
You'll never have nothing to wear because he insists on getting you something new whenever he can and then telling everyone how incredible it looks on you
Of course, shopkeepers and merchants aren't going to disagree with him when he says you look stunning in their wares
So you've practically everyone reminding you that you are indeed the loveliest partner for Lord Regrator, what a darling couple you make etc
With the man himself fueling it all
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Taglist[send an ask to be added/removed]: @myluvkeiji @pluvioseprince @aqui-soba @euphoric-author @paradise-creator @favonius-captain @tiredsleep @raincxtter @loverofthe-stars @gensimping-for-all @irethepotato @almond-adeptus @mx-kamisato @yuzuricebun @chaosinanutshell @heizours @codename-hiraeth @andreiling01 @callmemeelah @sadlonelybagel @plinkuro @thevictoriousmoon @mastering-procrastinating
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shinobuscanonwife · 1 year
Can I please Ask for headcanons for Muzan with a RIDICULISLY loyal S/O? Like, They bow to him on every ocasion, refer to him as "My Lord" and even suggest They be his shield in case hashira attacks?
Also how would Muzan react if They just one day brought him Tanjiro's earrings just like "BTW, killed him lol"
(Sorry for bad grammar 😥)
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Spoilers for season 2
Sometimes he thought you took it a bit far, like when you referred to him as "my lord" in public. "My lor-" "you don't have to call me that dear." One time he offered you his hand so he could hold hands with you and you bowed and kissed the top of his hand thinking he was motioning you to bow. "I wanted to hold your hand.." He sighed. "Oh, sorry," you said scrambling to your feet trying to take his hand.
When he expressed his frustration to you about a boy with Hanafuda earrings. He had killed upper 6 and he was worried he might actually be a threat. You mistook this for an order to kill him instead of him just venting about his frustrations. About an hour after he had told you about the boy you came back with the boy's earrings and gave them to Muzan. "Here you can rest easy now my lord" "Stop calling me that >:("
A lot of the lower and upper moons couldn't even tell you and Muzan were dating. You would bow like everyone else and even when you two were out together you would refer to him as "my lord" Or "master Muzan" While Muzan liked you respecting him he wanted the other demons to know that you belonged to him. So when talking about you he would always refer to you as "my precious" or "my beloved"
thank you for your request! have a nice day/night
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suzukiblu · 7 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for two anon supporters, the wet nurse omegaverse.
“You can, uh–you can give Lor a turn,” Jon says, seeming to have remembered he can fly enough to be embarrassed by agreeing so eagerly to the game, or maybe just to have remembered that Damian is in the room and incredibly dubious about all of this. 
“Hmmm, you sure?” Carl hums, then tosses Jon up a good couple of feet in the air before catching him. Jon yelps in surprise and then ducks his head with a giggle; Bruce is just grateful that the kid’s got enough control of his flight to have actually made that look convincing, though he definitely let Carl throw him a little too high. Still, it was well-done. “Alright, alright . . .” 
Carl lets Jon down and picks Lor up again, and Lor squeals excitedly in definitely-Kryptonian pitches that make every single human in the room wince, even Bruce himself. He usually has better self-control than that, but it really is a piercing sound. Just about any human would wince at the sound of it. 
Well, just about any human but Carl, apparently, who just looks even more besotted. Speaking of nursing hormones being a hell of a drug . . .
“God you’re cute,” Carl sighs appreciatively, then lifts Lor into another swoop. Lor squeals again in obvious delight. Which–of course he does. From his perspective, someone’s finally properly nursed him and now that someone is playing with him while putting off unrestrained adoration in their scent, and he’s likely never gotten all of those things from the same person. Between Clark’s milk issues and the parents he was born to . . . no, he definitely hasn’t, Bruce is sure. 
“Got a moment, Timmy?” Bruce asks, glancing to Tim, who startles slightly at being addressed and refocuses on him. He was watching Carl and Lor oddly intently, and his face is still red. They’re definitely going to have to make sure he’s not running a fever. Maybe he should keep him off patrol tonight either way just in case, as a preventative measure. It wouldn’t hurt to have someone upstairs keeping an eye on things anyway, with Carl new to the house and all. Not that the Lane-Kents won’t be here, obviously, but Lois is less combat-trained than Tim, Jon can’t be expected to handle anything dangerous or delicate that might come up, and Clark obviously can’t be guaranteed to be available with the world being as it is. Chances of him having a landslide or earthquake or alien invasion to handle in the middle of the night are definitely more than zero. 
“Um, yeah, sure,” Tim says, clearing his throat awkwardly. Bruce chalks up another potential symptom of him coming down with something. “What do you need?” 
“Can you do us a favor, get us a set of sheets and towels and the like out of the linen closet for Carl here?” Bruce asks. Obviously Alfred would usually handle that for a guest, but it’s a bit less . . . mannerly, with a stray omega. Alfred’s scent would obviously transfer to the linens, even if just slightly, and that might make Carl uncomfortable on some level, even if only subconsciously. First night in a new territory and all that, and really, sleeping in a bed that smells like a strange beta would throw most omegas off either way. An unpresented pup’s scent would be much less affecting than a mature adult's, though, even if Carl isn’t much for pups. 
Though Tim, for some reason, looks actually mulish at the suggestion. 
“Can’t Damian do it?” he asks, folding his arms with a sullen little glower. 
“I am not going to serve an unnecessary servant,” Damian snaps witheringly, folding his own too. Bruce resists the urge to sigh. 
“I can do it!” Jon volunteers eagerly, bouncing up on his toes and throwing a hand in the air. “Um–if somebody can tell me where the linen closet is, I mean . . .” 
“Which linen closet?” Damian asks dryly. “There are seven.” 
“The servants’ quarters closet will do,” Bruce says. It’ll have the right size sheets, for one. “Damian, if you could show Jon where it is . . . ?” 
Jon’s a better option than either Tim or Damian, really, given how well he and Carl have already taken to each other; Bruce just didn’t want to actually suggest him as one. First of all, Jon’s not one of his pups, and his mother and pack’s head omega is in the room and therefore obviously the one who’s currently in charge of him. 
And second of all, he didn’t know how it’d make Clark feel, giving Carl sheets that smell like one of his pups to sleep in. What with everything else, Bruce means.
But if Jon’s volunteering, well . . .
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desultory-novice · 9 months
"Beast" Language in Kirby
This idea came about via a Twitter conversation about Leongar (who is actually a good character, y'all! Don't be mean to the Beast Pack!)
So, Leongar speaks "Beast" as all the members of the Beast Pack do. When Fecto Forgo decided "this is my guy" he gave Leongar the gift of "human speech." Speech he didn't give the rest of the Beast Pack, who continued to talk to each other in meows, growls, and...whatever noises armadillos make? One of the first interesting concepts to emerge from this discussion of language was, did he keep those abilities even after Fecty's loss? Does Leon ever get frustrated or tired and begin roaring Earth invectives in "human-ese?"
(Does he know the lyrics to "Welcome to the New World?" XD )
But perhaps even more interesting, just going by character popularity (XD) King Dedede worked with the Beast Pack for... a while. We don't know how long he was in the Forgotten Land but the Waddle Dees had time to set up a whole town - twice. Does this mean King Dedede can now speak fluent "Beast?" ...Or could he ALWAYS speak fluent beast? (The language of his people, long ago?)
Sorry, sorry! Dess loves the "baby penguin walked through a random rift one day and ended up in Dream Land" theory! >w< 
And Daroach! (You knew I was going to bring the rat in.) The reason I bring up Daroach is quite simply because of "the squeaks." Not The Squeaks, his band of thieves. I mean the squeaking noises he makes!
Daroach "talks" in squeaks. You can hear it by putting on his dress-up mask. It's identical in practice to Clawroline's meows! (O-Of course, if one were to follow that logic off a cliff, it would mean Adeleine talks in "Sparkle-ese" but maybe that's what "human" sounds like to Kirby and the gang without the benefit of Lab Discovera and Fecto Forgo's "automatic galactic translation" feature/abilities!)
Again, I can't help but think that Daroach has ties to the Forgotten Land. And interestingly, if he and Meta Knight get along so well in extended media :cough cough: does Meta Knight ALSO speak "beast?" Has he studied it? Enough for basic comprehension?...
His obsession with books even in game canon means knowing a few unusual languages is not beyond him. (Plus I know many latched onto the idea from the RtDL novelization that he can at least recognize written Halcandran, even if he can't speak it fluently.)
I'm going to leave whatever language Magolor speaks (since it's probably NOT Halcandran now???) and the Jamba language out of this for now, as if the Lor uses Halcandran text, we at least know it's not a one-to-one match with FL-ese as it exists in the New World.
(Speaking of, the Lor text is used in Kirby's Air Ride! Game Theory: Ancients made the Air Ride Machines?!?) And though Jambandran is spelled similar to the way FL-ese is pronounced in Neichel's song, it's not identical either. But that's probably language drift!
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magical-wishies · 1 year
Drawing all your mago gijinkas was genuinely so fun. I love all your designs!! (The art and my comments are under the cut!)
But first, here's some doodles of mine!
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Ok, moving on now! (Btw, please let me know if you're iffy with tagging!)
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@moon-mage : 100% adorable design, I love the fluffy hair!!
@jester-ballride: Super stylised! I especially like the eyes.
@sacrificecage: The scars and glove pattern is really cool!
@happystims: The eyes looks great and unique!!
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@scorchrend: The hair that kinda looks like whiskers and the eye pattern is nice!
@somethinginworl: Woah this is a unique one! The horns (?) are rlly cool!
@kosmic-autokrat: Cute!! The hair I especially really like!
@kirby-universe-4162: The shortened cape is nice and I like the eyes, too!
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@gihijinks: Great details! I like the scars and the little gear charms on the hairband!
@pinku-hoshii: Fluffy and really cute!! I love the prosthetic legs that look like the Lor (even if I couldn't draw them -o-")!
@ceragolor: Fluffy too! The eyes and whiskers are extra nice!
@leyartser: The belt is unique! And his hair is rlly nice too!
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@perewinkle-bee: The goggles and the little tuft of fur are great design choices!
@otterronpas: Glasses!! And not the mention the eyes are aesthetically pleasing, too!
@nebzeez: The long hair and the eyelashes are super nice!
@mallo-person: The cute ribbon on the pants and the nose are cool details!
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@embrelthequirkyghost : I like the eyes in your designs and how they differ! I did the other characters you designed, too :)
And that's all! If I haven't drawn your design yet, feel free to submit through my asks or dm me! Thanks!
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House = Rasloria /ɹaslˈɔːɹi͡ə/
Agent, singular. Non-gendered.
Definition Just like your typical family home, if your family consisted of a lot of time-travelling, semi-immortal beings who love drama, and your house is also a sentient being that perpetually just isn't interested in your crap.
Example ↪ Romanised: Eina bovai tao ei Rasloria-N, ter N-qi'vatara qijinu bai ce galmi temryn. ↪ English: I would go to my House, but it launched itself off a cliff today. ↪ Audio:
↪ Sollifreyan (font v1):
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Etymological and Morphological Breakdown:
Ras- (Root): Derived from 'ras', a Gallifreyan term meaning 'strength' or 'power', this root in 'Rasloria' emphasises the formidable power and influence of the Great Houses within Time Lord society. It signifies the authoritative and dominant role these Houses play in shaping cultural and political landscapes.
Lor- (Root): Originating from 'lop', which means 'light' or 'bright', the 'lor' segment in 'Rasloria' suggests enlightenment, wisdom, or guiding principles.
-ia (Suffix): A variation of 'ria', denoting a collective entity or group. In 'Rasloria', the suffix '-ia' transforms the combined roots into a term representing a collective familial or societal entity, specifically a lineage or House.
Usage and Additional Notes:
Embodiment of Power and Enlightenment: 'Rasloria' uniquely combines the concepts of power ('ras') and enlightenment ('lor'), highlighting the Great Houses as both authoritative entities and centres of wisdom in Time Lord society. They are seen as the custodians of not only political power but also of cultural and intellectual heritage.
Influence on Time Lord Identity and Society: The term reflects the profound impact these Houses have on individual identities and the societal structure of Gallifrey. 'Rasloria' encompasses the influence of these Houses on personal names, social dynamics, and the lineage of their members.
Role in Historical and Cultural Narratives: As 'Rasloria', the Great Houses are portrayed as pivotal players in the historical and cultural narratives of Gallifrey, shaping key events, societal changes, and the evolution of Time Lord civilisation.
Symbol of Legacy and Tradition: The term also captures the essence of the Great Houses as symbols of legacy and tradition, embodying the long-standing values, beliefs, and practices that define Time Lord society.
Modifiers ↪ Plural: rasloria-ua (Houses) ↪ Gender: porasloria (male House) | morasloria (female House) ↪ Negative: rasloria-o (not a House)
(GIL Gallifreyan Conlang Guide (coming soon))
Gallifreyan Word for Wednesday by GIL
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magoranzz · 5 months
Prompt: Snowed In
61. snowed in
requested by: ironforest4
It was snowing outside
road, trails, tress, were covered in snow, everything!
in the Lor Starcutter, Magolor and Taranza are inside. Magolor had beanbags in the guest bedroom in the hallway, so they both went in there and sat down on them.
"Magolor, when do you think this snowstorm is gonna stop?" Taranza was worried, he has to go back home soon in 1 hour.
"I checked the weather, it says it will go on all night, then it will stop somewhere at 5 AM."
Taranza groans, thinking about what he should do for the rest of the night. he get's up and tells Magolor of what they should do.
"maybe... um, we could bake or do board games?"
but out of nowhere the lights go out, Taranza does a little squeak and grabs Magolor for safety. Taranza got a little scared and accidentally got very close to Magolor, and their faces almost touching. Taranza couldn't see in the dark, but Magolor could see well and has night vision.
"uhh Taranza, I think you're a little too close."
"o-oh, sorry, I got scared." he get's off of Magolor, and Ranz is now twiddling his thumbs of how embarrassed he is, but Magolor looked at him, he kinda looked cute.
"well, I think I'll make some hot chocolate, and make some soup for myself."
"but Mags you can't see in the dark! or you say that you aren't a cat..." Taranza does a little giggle, but Magolor doesn't really mind of what he just said.
"Taranza, I am a cat- but you better not tell anyone. I'm telling you this cause I trust you alright?"
"oh, uh OK."
welp there's that. he said he's a cat, but that's not what we're really focusing right now.
Magolor goes to the kitchen and opens the top cabinet in the left, packets of cocoa were at the bottom shelf, he grabbed them and got a mug to put hot water in. Mags turned on the sink and poured the hot water in there, then the packet, and stirred it with a spoon for a minute.
Magolor almost dropped the mug of how shocked he was, so he rushed to the room where Taranza was at.
when he got there...
Taranza was just scared, since he didn't really like the dark or the sounds from outside.
"Taranza! you scared me, I thought something bad happened, you need to tone it down." he sets down the mug by Taranza.
"sorry... I don't like being left alone, I didn't mean to s-scare you." Taranza feels bad, he felt guilty, and Magolor could see him starting to cry.
"hey please don't cry! I always care for you, that's why I came over to check if you were OK. I'm sorry that I kinda yelled at you." he hugs Taranza to calm him down, then he hugs back Magolor.
"it's just really hard being alone, I'm still not used to sectonia being gone... s-she was special."
"she is special, and you know she loves you alot, a mountain load of it, so does everyone. she is here."
Magolor puts his hand on Taranza's chest to indicate where sectoniais, and since Taranza didn't see that coming, he immediately blushed.
"ah, thanks... I really needed that Magolor, now I know that you understand. I really mean it!"
...Magolor didn't take off Taranza's chest, Ranz was warm and small.
"um, your hand is still on me."
"OH, my mistake..." Magolor lifts his hand off of him, and pretends it never happened.
"right, here's your hot chocolate."
"thanks!" Taranza nicely takes the mug and drinks it, and tells Magolor it tastes good.
later, Magolor had his soup, and Taranza was done with his hot chocolate. Magolor and Taranza didn't know what time it was, so they admitted it was somewhere 9 or 10 PM
it was still a blizzard outside, but Taranza was tough with Magolor, and wasn't scared of it.
"hey, Magolor are we gonna sleep here or on the bed?"
Taranza liked the bed, and Magolor liked the beanbags, but Taranza knew that his friend liked the beanbags (since he kept seeing Magolor fall asleep on them instead of beds.)
"I like the bed, but I also like the beanbags more-"
"I'll sleep on the beanbags Magolor." Taranza literally didn't even hesitate, but Mags just went with it and grabed the blankets from the bed for warmth.
they push their beanbags together and put the big blanket over them, then Magolor's eyelids started getting heavy, until he felt Taranza's hands hug him.
two wizards in a guest bedroom laying on beanbags while there's a snowstorm, and one of them is having a gay panic. Magolor's heart is racing, Taranza is hugging him while sleeping. but tried to ignore it so then he would go to sleep, soon Magolor dozed off.
it's morning
Taranza was the first one to wake up, and saw Magolor's face by his. he quickly moved away and blood quickly came to his face.
but Taranza looked at Magolor's face one more time, it was really cute. he was laying there all tired and calm. when Taranza was getting ready to go outside, the door opened with snow falling on him, THAT woke him up.
Magolor woke up, Taranza was not there with him, so he went around the Lor to find him. only to see Taranza covered in snow
Magolor laughs with tears coming out of his eyes, Taranza looked like a powered donut.
"hey it's not funny!"
"ha... OK fine that was a little mean, pft."
"I heard that"
"alright I'll help you brush it off." Magolor brushes the snow off of Taranza's hair and cloak. that really made Taranza flustered.
"I-I think I can do it myself Mags..." Magolor wipes some snow off of Taranza's face, Magolor quickly looked away by the eye contact that they did.
soon they got ready for the day, and had pancakes for breakfast. Magolor gripped on the handle and drove the Lor all the way up to Royal Road in Floralia. Taranza was in the back watching Magolor's cool driving skills, but shakes his head and starts walking out the door.
"it was a great day yesterday, talking and having hot chocolate was the best! thank you alot Magolor, it was nice hanging out with you."
"glad you had fun! if you're having a hard time, you can ask for help, including me. well see you soon!"
"bye Magolor!"
the Lor flies off, Taranza was on the Dreamstalk's leaf by the Royal Road, and closed his eyes.
"someday Magolor, someday..."
Taranza quickly got to his castle before freezing
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falceknigth · 1 month
whatcha think of magolor...... big wet eyes
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"And i casually talk with him, things like the mechanism of the Lor...or anything else."
"I think we have some things in common."
"Y casualmente charlamos, cosas como los mecanismos del Lor...o cualquier otra cosa."
"Pienso que, tal vez tenemos algunas cosas en común."
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MAGOLOR PROPAGANDA: Magolor is a REALLY cool character. I think he's got a pretty great design, and there's a lot of great music associated with him. Go listen to "Settling a Score - Atone for One's Misdeeds" and "C-R-O-W-N-E-D", those are some of the best. Maybe listen to "Interdimensional Traveler" and "I'll Never Forget You (Memorial Arrangement)" too if you like those at all. Looking past design and music, he's a GREAT character. He has more dialogue than any other character, probably more than every character combined across the whole series, and just about every word of it is a joy. The lore drops, the silly puns, the explanations, learning to have friends, everything. It's all so GOOD. As a villain, I really like him. He shows up at the start of Kirby's Return to Dream Land by crashing his Interdimensional Boat Spaceship, the Lor Starcutter, and you spend most of the game gathering parts to help him repair it. He has you fight the dragon, Landia, who shot him down in the first place, but it turns out Landia was stopping him because he was trying to steal the Master Crown, a source of unlimited power that would let him rule the universe. He takes the crown and reveals his grand plan with a pretty great speech (which Kirby does not understand very much...) and leaves to set this into motion. Kirby, with the help of his friends and Landia, fight him. The Crown takes his body, turning him into little more than a shell, but Kirby shatters the Crown off of him. After this, his (playable and very fun!) redemption arc begins. He is trapped between dimensions, and all of his power is lost. He travels and gathers it all by collecting shards of a Gem Apple and with Magic points, along the way making lots of puns, pathetically holding onto villainy by saying things like "thank badness!" and eventually realising he LIKED having friends and remembers that he wants to make people happy (his life goal is to run a theme park). The shards of the Crown take over the (now fully-built) Gem Apple, and it takes form as a giant tree. Gathering all of his magic into a sword, he cuts it in half in a flashy showdown and redeems himself. He spends a while in a parallel world, and eventually returns to Kirby. He builds theme parks to apologise, accomplishing his dream in the process. He's happy now, but he's still quite mischievous! He loves to play pranks and add a bit of extra danger to his attractions. Also, he ties into a few Christian themes which I find quite interesting. The yellow in his design is there because it's the colour of betrayal in Christianity, Magolor Day canonically falls on a Sunday and the first one ever was an Easter, the room he keeps the Apple shards in is literally called the Room of Eden in the Japanese version of the game, and both the temptation of the Master Crown and his connection to apples could be taken as tying into this as well. He is also a JOY to play as in all three games where he is playable. Especially Magolor Epilogue, which is the one where he redeems himself. You upgrade his powers throughout it with lots of fun dialogue about it, and the levels and challenges are all a blast. I've tried my best to explain him, but if anyone reading this is interested: Go read his page on Wikirby! Or, even better, go and play Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe if you have a Nintendo Switch! He is genuinely such a great character and I want as many people as possible to have a good time with him too!
I see! Well, you've heard the propaganda, now take your new knowledge and let it help you vote!
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