#lord pls give me the strength to write faster
celestie0 · 4 months
Imagine reader pulling up to one of gojos games wearing a cheerleader outfit w the colour of his team and a jersey w his number one it and she’d have her hair a pony tail with ribbion that match the uniform 😭😭 i can see gojo being distracted from his game Bcs he saw her like that and he probs messes up ☠️☠️ bros about to get an ear-full from coach yaga
AAAAAAAAAA honestly i feel like it would be so out of character for kickoff reader to do something like this but also ✋🏼😫 i need her to just take one for the team (lol pun intended) so that i can write a oneshot where they fuck in the mens locker room after the game cuz gojo just cannot beleive she’d dress like that n sexually frustrate the fuck outta him during an important match n he loses all sense of self control the second he gets off the field 🙁🙁🙁😞😞😞…………im clenched rn
we’ll just say she’s ovulating that week or sumn n it possesses her to wear a skimpy cheerleading costume for a day 🤣🤣
i’m adding this to my ever long list of oneshot ideas 😖😖😖
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jaegerrb0mb · 1 year
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Christian!Bakugo hcs
Note: this post is for my fellow christians, if u do not believe in christianity or any religion then u can scroll pass this post. I made this simply for my own enjoyment since I seen nobody writes on it, and I would also like to address that I am not trying to romanticize christianity!! I just figured this can kind of motivate other christians out there¿ and I also have absolutely no intentions to offend anyone. with that being said
Pls enjoy!
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Christian!bakugo who actually wasn’t christian until he met his christian s/o and he sparked some interest in their beliefs.
(pre) christian!bakugo who then realized that he actually wanted to turn christian and change his life around.
(pre) Christian!bakugo who tells his mother over the phone he’s going to get baptized and her being very excited for him.
Christian!bakugo who feels a tremendous relief wash over him and a feeling he can’t describe after getting baptized and seeing his father and mother proudly watching.
Christian!bakugo who feels like a complete different person when his s/o runs behind him and hug while he was still completely soaked from holy water and using the towel in his hands to shake out his hair and wipe the water out his ears.
Christian!bakugo who’s eyes soften when he hears his s/o whisper "I’m so proud of u suki" in his ear behind him while still hugging him.
Christian!bakugo who’s half shocked to come back to the common room later that night to see his classmates has decided to throw a small party to celebrate for him.
Christian!bakugo who’s even more shocked that his atheist and agnostic friends are so supportive of him.
Christian!bakugo who now since that day constantly has to take a deep breath and a step back to pray in his head whenever someone or something pisses him off.
Christian!bakugo who does late night bible studies with his s/o in his dorm room.
Christian!bakugo that mumbles a little "god forgive me" under his breath when he cusses.
Christian!bakugo who constantly complements his s/o with verses.
[Example: he says "Solomon 4:7" which means "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." or "Solomon 4:9" which means "you have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes."]
Christian!bakugo that has a small notebook filled with prayers, verses, and his thoughts. and makes his s/o get one to do the same.
Christian!bakugo who helps his s/o when going through spiritual warfare and his s/o doing the same for him.
Christian!bakugo that can’t help himself from sending his s/o christian humor tiktoks thru out the day.
Christian!bakugo who happily wears the cross necklace his s/o gifted him on the day he got baptized everyday.
Christian!bakugo who offen nights stays up praying for forgiveness on how he treated deku and others in the past.
Christian!bakugo that tries his hardest to change his ways and be a better person.
Christian!bakugo that tries to encourage the Bakusquad to get into the word of the lord. "look, I’m not trying to shove my beliefs down ur throats, I’m just saying the biggest hero is jesus. he sacrificed himself for everyone in this world. that’s something nobody here can live up to."
Christian!bakugo that mostly prays for his friends [even the ones who ain’t christian] and family instead of himself.
Christian!bakugo that changed his workout playlist to christian/worship music cause it motivates him to do and be better.
Christian!bakugo who can’t help the smile that spreads on his face and how his heart flutters whenever his s/o does a quick prayer of protection and strength for him before he goes on missions/does training or anything that could involve him being hurted/injured. [he does this for his s/o too 🥹]
Christian!bakugo who wakes up each morning and gives thanks to the lord for all the blessings in his life.
Christian!bakugo who randomly gets promise rings for him and his s/o saying "it’s a promise to each other and to god that we won’t do anything 'bad' until marriage." [NO CUZ THATS ACTUALLY SO SWEET NO JOKE 💔]
Christian!bakugo who very often talks with god abt his s/o and how he’s grateful for them.
Christian!bakugo who loses track of time by mistake many of times while watching the chosen with his s/o and ends up having to pull an all nighter.
Christian!bakugo who randomly gets the motivation to learn the bible in hebrew and surprisingly learns hebrew quickly after 2 months.
Christian!bakugo that’s happy he found a christian s/o cause if it wasn’t for them he wouldn’t be the person he is today.
Christian!bakugo who can’t help himself from laughing at his s/o whenever they open the bible app and complain abt how they broke their streak.
Christian!bakugo who’s still very competitive and always challenging his s/o on who can have the longest streak on the bible app.
Christian!bakugo that happily goes to church every sunday at 10:30 and sometimes brings his s/o along. [This is why u sometimes catch him wearing those church loafers in the show lmakakkaa]
Christian!bakugo who’s friends now watch how they speak around him. for example: can’t use "ong" or "istg" around him or else they will get an earful of "u really shouldn’t use god’s name in vain"
Christian!bakugo who loves to joke with his s/o sometimes when they’re making out and say something outta pocket like "are u trying to lust with me? get away from me! I’m innocent!!" which might earn a playful hit to the shoulder, but his s/o often makes this same joke more then him.
Christian!bakugo who absolutely hates lukewarm christians or ppl that pretend to be godly.
Christian!bakugo who’s biggest issue is learning to control his anger, pride, and cussing.
Christian!bakugo who constantly battles his ego on trying to prove he’s better then everyone.
Christian!bakugo who rlys on god’s understanding more then anyone else’s or his own/asks the lord to lead him down the right path, even if it means off the path of his lifelong dream being the number one hero.
Christian!bakugo only wants what god sees fit for him and everyone else.
Overall, Christian!bakugo is still bakugo. just doesn’t insult anyone, lost half his aggression, half his pride, and half ego. but he’s still very much bakugo, just a bit more quiet/to himself and a whole lot more godly. <3
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Another note: just wanted to say again I’m not romanticizing christianity!! some of the things in here is stuff that happen in my actual relationships and helped motivate me more towards getting closer with god. and I hope this post doesn’t get anyone upset. That’s not what I want or intended. if u do have a problem with this post then pls dm me directly abt it and tell me why it offended u. that’s all.🤍
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