#lords of the fallen (2023)
virtualfotodivision · 7 months
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10.24.2023 | Lords of the Fallen (2023)
Camera by Frans Bouma. Captured using ReShade.
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pawap90 · 5 months
I decided to give this game a try. Around 30 hs in and I'm having a blast with my radiant assassin build.
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lordsthegames · 8 months
Lords of the Fallen Sequel: From Slow and Tactical to Fast and Furious, and the Parallel Worlds Mechanic
Lords of the Fallen, the OG one, was all about that slow and tactical Dark Souls vibe, but the upcoming sequel with the same name is flipping the script. They're going for that fast and furious feel, think Deck13's The Surge and Bloodborne. And don't even worry, even though your character can't do the whole free-jumping thing, the exploration game in Lords of the Fallen is still lit.
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Lords of the Fallen is doing its own thing by bringing in this killer mechanic – it's all about the parallel worlds, Axiom and Umbral. Axiom is where most of the action goes down in its fantasy setting, but sometimes you gotta dip into Umbral, either by choice or when the game forces you. Umbral's a dark and twisted place, with freaky monsters and bones decorating what used to be trees and rocks. Luckily, the player gets this slick lantern that lets them check out Umbral without making a one-way trip there. Whenever there's an unbreakable wall or a huge gap in your way, Umbral might just have the answers to help you keep it moving.
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Lords of the Fallen is all about that Umbral realm, and once you step into it, there's no turning back until you hit the next checkpoint or catch that death penalty. They're taking a page from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice with this two-life thing and trust me, Umbral ain't a walk in the park – it's often tougher than Axiom, so that second chance might end up being a total fail. The game also brings in some cool seamless online co-op action, where you and your squad can roll through most of the adventure together. According to the project leads, the world follows the host's lead to keep things synced up in Axiom/Umbral. And while you're enjoying this cooperative gameplay, don't forget to check out where to buy PS4 games to expand your gaming library for even more multiplayer fun.
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Lantern's Versatile Mechanics and Character Classes Overview
One key part of the whole Axiom/Umbral thing is this lantern that lets players peek into the other realm. But it's not just for show – you can use it to Flay and Siphon Souls from enemies, which helps you rack up wither/stagger damage. Plus, you can extract Umbral parasites from tough enemies, but here's the catch – both these moves need you to wield the lantern in your offhand. So, if you're rocking a casting conduit or a shield, you'll have to switch things up. I'll be real, I didn't fully get the hang of this mechanic during the preview, except for sucking away those Umbral parasites. I'll have to dive deeper into the final build to vibe with the mechanics and appreciate what's going on. Lords of the Fallen's character creation gave us nine classes to kick things off. Eight archetypes were pretty much a match for Dark Souls' starting classes, and then there was the Condemned class, a blank slate with nines across the board in each stat. That class was all about flexibility and letting you build your character the way you wanted. And speaking of customization and choice, have you considered where to buy PS4 games to tailor your gaming experience to your preferences?
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Lords of the Fallen, like, totally rocked my gaming experience, dude. So, for my playthrough, I rolled with the Inferno class. It started things off with a fireball, kinda like Pyromancy vibes, and a polearm. Now, that polearm, like, wasn't the quickest thing out there compared to what some other classes had, and my MP couldn't keep up with the whole fireball-spam thing in every fight. But when I could combine both of 'em, especially during boss battles, it was a legit build, no doubt. The RPG Site homie next to me went with an Archer-like class and wrecked the main boss in our demo with poison arrows, which was pretty lit.
Lords of the Fallen, like, totally had some limitations in the early game vibes before you hit the main hub. It was kinda, you know, not super clear how all the progression stuff meshed together, but don't worry, fam, those surprises won't keep you hanging for long when the game drops.
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Gear Customization and Parry Mechanics
Collecting cool gear and customizing your look? Yeah, that wasn't a thing at the start. There were no weapons to find when you went off the usual path, and you couldn't pimp your gear 'cause the blacksmith homie wasn't chillin' in the hub. Bummer, right? But wait, there's more! One of the devs gave us a sneak peek of this sick scimitar and a light shield setup. It looked perfect for pulling off that classic parry and riposte move I'm all about, and I can't wait to flex those skills when the full game drops later this year. Oh, and speaking of parrying, it's not just about looking cool. It also builds up this gauge thing that knocks your enemies on their butts. For the basic foes, it's a quick takedown, and for the big shots like boss dudes, you can dish out some serious pain.
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olvaheiner · 1 year
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Lords of the Fallen (2023)
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x-heesy · 1 year
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„Fallen Angel", 1951 by Salvador phucKing Dali 👑 🇪🇸
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marquess of Dalí of Púbol[a] gcYC (11 May 1904 – 23 January 1989), known as Salvador Dalí (/ˈdɑːli, dɑːˈliː/ DAH-lee, dah-LEE,[1] Catalan: [səlβəˈðo ðəˈli], Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ ðaˈli]),[b] was a Spanish surrealist artist renowned for his technical skill, precise draftsmanship, and the striking and bizarre images in his work. 🪽
#classicart #classicalart #classicpainting #classicalpaintings #zeitgenössischekunst #traditionalart #surreal #surrealart #surrealism @pitchcapp @frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut #surrealismartcommunity #surrealist #surrealista #surrealistic #surrealisme #surreal_art #surrealismo #surrealpainting #faceless #retroart
Soundtrack: Polyphonic Rust by Igorrr ❤️‍🔥😭
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croxot · 6 months
Here I'll ramble about my favorite games this year.
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This sure was a good year, and I have better opinions than the game awards do so I'm just gonna talk into the ether for a bit here.
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Once upon a time I liked D&D 5e quite a bit, just like everyone else on this god forsaken internet. In recent years I've been more interested in Pathfinder 2e and Lancer. After so many years rolling with 5e, it became a bit more refreshing to try systems with more specific and rigid rules for certain things. However, a videogame requires specific adherence to rules to function, and in this respect, Baldur's Gate 3 is an incredible adaptation of the system. There's just so much stupid bullshit you're allowed to get away with in game that most devs would not even consider. I may have played thru act 1 like 7 times now and it's still entertaining. Also I went from hating Lae'zel to loving her. Congrats Larian, you made me like perhaps the most annoying person I've ever met in a videogame.
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As my bones start to deteriorate I find myself seeking smaller, more intimate games that give a sort of feeling. Lunacid is "like" Kingsfield in the way that it's a first-person dungeon crawler. That's where the buck stops for that comparison gameplay wise. However, Lunacid offers an extremely specific feeling I find is rare in games. It's the same sort of "you're lost and alone but also it's also groovy" feel as Metroid Prime 1 & 2. And if you can capture the same sort of feeling that some of my favorite games ever gave me as a teenager, you're just automatically on my games of the year list.
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I saw a gameplay video in passing on twitter, got slightly horny because caked-up goat lady, went to the steam page and saw OVERWHEMINGLY POSITIVE. I don't think my experience with Pseudoregalia is unique. It just feels great to jump around and the music slaps.
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Cross the feeling of the open-sea adventure of Wind Waker, with the chase and collection of fishing minigames of countless other titles, and the dread of exploring the uncaring unknown. It scratches a seldom-scratched itch of exploratory joy within an indifferent universe. Dredge's systems can be distilled to the simple loop of growing beyond your own fears to discover more and more. None of these fears is particularly intense, but it's enough. Dredge isn't going to find itself on game of the year lists because it's doing any one thing particularly well. It's also not doing anything specifically or wholly NEW. It is however, more than the sum of it's parts, and it is beautiful.
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Remnant 2 is the best co-op souls-style game that exists, tied with Nioh 2. That's it, that's what I had to say. It just real good and it deserves to be on game of the year lists.
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So like, late this year, 2 Souls successors came out. Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen. And goddamn did Lords inspire division.
I think these releases really showed that people who are "Souls Fans" really cover a LOT of different specific interests, and not all of these interests are well-represented in every souls-like. Lords, perhaps amazingly, seems to cater to what I particularly want out of a Souls game, whereas Lies of P did not. I like these games for their challenge, sure, but more importantly, I like the character building. The ability to create a unique playstyle that I can take on the game with. This slowly grated on me in Lies of P because the game really only wants you to play it (and succeed at it) a certain way. Because the perfect parry was the truest answer to everything a boss could throw at you, and the dodge sucks ass, I felt more exhausted by the end of the game than anything. I also wanted to try a strength build, but the heaviest weapons cannot manage to fully wind up and land a hit on any bosses past the halfway point. Without any hyper-armor or poise, the "big weapon" playstyle felt completely trash, even outside of bosses. Lords lets me dodge, block, perfect parry, and hey they ALL feel useful. I can actually wind up big weapon hits too! Yeah it feels a bit floaty, and yeah enemy density can be rather crazy at times, but I'm the weirdo who's favorite Dark Souls is DS2. Lords also does ranged combat better than any of it's contemporaries. I think a lot of people also never played the original Lords of the Fallen. Now that game SUCKED. I played the whole thing, my god.
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I've already talked about AC6, but again, you can't just get me to complete a game. I see an achievement list and I say "fuck that, I hate that!" I saw AC6's Achievement list and I was rubbing my hands together like a cartoon villain. Like Pseudoregalia, AC6 just feels good to play. It feels so tight, and after a few hours you can feel the minute changes in the way your mech handles even after small part swaps. Anyways it needs DLC with more Rusty content. 12/10.
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gelato-hearts · 7 months
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Inktober Day 26! Lords of the Fallen(2023) lantern. Started playing Lords of the Fallen recently. The lantern plane stepping is interesting to say the least.
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gamesline · 1 month
You know her. You love her. Let's not get carried away in introductions. It's Rose's favorite games of the year, baby.
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gebo4482 · 9 months
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Official Story Trailer
Website / Steam
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narastories · 8 months
Yuletide Letter 2023
This post is so I can put my Yuletide letter under the cut and link to it. If you have no interest in Yuletide, please ignore and scroll past. At the moment, sign-ups have already closed, but you can still get involved in a few ways if you want. Check their DW page for more info! There are SO many good fandoms this year. Seriously, if you think you can't think of a small obscure fandom you like, just look through the tagset. And if you are just nosy that's fine too, but don't take it personally if I say I don't like something. It just means that in the context of this exchange, I would rather not receive such a story. Okay? Okay.
Dear Yuletide Writer,
thank you so much for writing for one of my obscure little fandoms. This is my first year signing up for this exchange so I'm really excited to participate.
This letter supposed to help give you some ideas about what I like, and what to write. Take from it what helps and leave the rest. I want you to have a fun time writing it, so as long as it respects my DNWs, please write what you are inspired to write <3
My AO3 username is Nara_stories, feel free to poke around in my works and bookmarks. I'm open to receiving treats and I'm pretty sure my AO3 settings allow it ^^".
General likes (without any rhyme or reason and may only be partially applicable to the fandom in question): fix-it, fluff, getting together, humor, banter, crack treated seriously or not, enemies to lovers, villains, tropes like 5+1 things, twoob, coffeeshop, pwp
General dislikes: kidfic, cliche m/f romance, truly unrequited love, infidelity/divorce unless canon, unhappy endings
Opt-in (I really don't see some of these come up for my particular fandoms, but don't shy away from these if that's what you want to write): 1st & 2nd person, incest, watersports, rimming, age difference, non-con, dub-con
General Do Not Wants (I'll specify some of these for the fandoms below): major character death, pregnancy, amnesia (unless canon), RL politics, Covid, omegaverse, hopeless endings
The Fetch Phillips Archives Series - Luke Arnold (any character)
This fandom is very close to my heart. In case you don't know, I've founded a Discord server for the fandom hint hint shoutout and all that. So I would be super happy about any kind of story, seriously. That said, here are some ideas.
For solo character-study type of fic: - Fetch: you could just write 1000 words of what the everloving hell is going on in this man's pretty little head, easy. Self-loathing, dog metaphors, kicked puppy feelings, guilt, suicidal ideation, the options are endless. Or, you can try giving him a little confidence. How is the café going on? I bet he can brew a mean cup of coffee by now at least - Amari: how did she really feel about Fetch? What is her backstory with Eliah? Is she still there?? - Hendricks: come on, he's a piece of work too. A confident, charming leader, mentor of questionable morality, a man who lost everything... I would be interested in reading his thoughts too. - Niles: while I say all of them are my favorites, I secretly whisper to Niles: "We all know you are my real favorite". I would be over the moon reading a fic about him. What is his backstory? Where did he come from? What was his relationship with his brother? What are really his plans and motivations?
For shippy fic: - Fetch/Hendricks: the puppy and his master, happy to read pre-Coda experimentation, or let Hendricks be a post-Coda old man Fetch would still fuck. Whatever works. - Fetch/Hendricks/Amari: may I offer you the idea of the tattoo night? Or what if nothing hurt and they all loved each other in peace? - Fetch/Niles: warning, if you give me a Philes fic I will dissolve into incoherent screeching. Some ideas: backyard fisticuffs, how did that start? Why are they so comfortably buddy-buddy in OFITF??? Or Niles comes up with a new invention and forces Fetch to help him test it. Alternatively: "coffeeshop AU" except the lone barista is increasingly annoyed with the smug businessman and is itching to dump a pot of hot coffee all over him.
fandom-specific addition to my DNWs: canonical MCD is fine for this one
Runemarks Series - Joanne Harris (Loki, Maddy Smith)
I'm going to say this for every fandom, but this little book series has such a special place in my heart. In preparation for Yuletide, I actually started listening to the audiobooks and I'm happy to report that the narrator is super good.
I would love to read any and all shenanigans involving Loki and Maddy. But any character from the books can make an appearance! I just love love love Loki's and Maddy's dynamics, the hilarious trouble they get into, the banter, the mutual ass-saving, the mayhem and chaos. They are so cute.
It doesn't have to be canon-compliant, and I'm not opposed to AU's like a modern AU for example. Also, I'm fine with any level of platonic/romantic relationship between them. If you ask me, the best is when it's juuust riiight in the middle: nothing too explicit, but maybe they have an unfortunate mutual crush. That makes it even funnier because Loki knows Maddy's dad (and granddad) would murder him, and Maddy knows Loki is a piece of work who you can't trust with your heart.
I realize that I unfortunately don't have any specific prompts, just VIBES.
fandom-specific addition to my DNWs: MCD is fine as long as it isn't permanent (you know what I mean lol)
Lord John Series - Diana Gabaldon (Percy Wainwright, Lord John Grey)
Again, this book series also has a very special place in my heart. OL/LJG was the first fandom I started writing for in English, and I found so many good friends among the LJG fans. I'm not super active in the fandom anymore but I will always be fond of it.
What I would love to receive is a fic where John and Percy are happy and nothing hurts, whether it's a fix-it fic, getting together, or a reunion that has nothing to do with the main series. I'm not opposed to AU scenarios, like a modern AU for example, at all.
Percy is so criminally underrated. I think both he and John make mistakes in canon, so I would love to see them figure those things out. I wouldn't be opposed to reading about them navigating their differences and learning how to communicate and treat each other with respect.
fandom-specific addition to my DNWs: Please don't allude to any character deaths that occur in the OL series (What I mean is: fuck Bees, Bees didn't happen)
Dominion of the Fallen - Aliette de Bodard (any character)
I actually read these books on Yuletide recommendation (and really enjoyed them so thank you whoever recommended it on Discord). Someone said it featured fallen angel x dragon murder husbands and I was like GIMME xD It didn't disappoint, I really liked how the clashes of the different cultures were handled, and I also appreciated how it didn't hold back on the violence part. I feel like without that it wouldn't have been sufficiently gothic lol
Things I would like to read about: more Thuan and Asmodeus, of course. I would be especially interested in reading from Asmodeus's POV how he went from "oh well, it's a shame he's so cute" to being head over heels in love with Thuan. I like it when they are solving mysteries together and when they are very protective of each other. I also wouldn't mind reading one of their fade-to-black scenes not fade-to-black...
Alternatively, I would also be happy about a modern AU, I think the "florist-tattooist" trope would be very cute and entertaining with these two.
Thank you for reading my ramblings and I'm looking forward to what you'll write xx
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virtualfotodivision · 7 months
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10.24.2023 | Lords of the Fallen (2023)
Camera by Frans Bouma. Captured using ReShade.
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pawap90 · 5 months
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I love the environment in this game.
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hjbirthdaywishes · 10 months
August 3, 2023
Happy 53 Birthday to Elizabeth Berrington. 
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jentlemahae · 1 year
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I wish you all a very happy new year 2023, may it bring us all the best for everyone and health 💖
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Mathias and Alexandre wish you a happy new year too 💙🖤
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spielkritik · 5 months
Lords of the Fallen (2023) - Doch besser als sein Ruf
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