#lost mines of phandelver HARDCORE
gotogull · 1 year
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wow what cool characters, I hope nothing bad happens to them!
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dc9spot · 1 year
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I'm currenly playing 5 active TRPG campeign right now...either I have no life or I have too many life.
So I draw all of my active character together.
from left to right
Esme - Dragonborn(?) Psion , Playing in a original world setting where people live underground , diesel punk world setting of sort.
Z'mykoran - Drow Spor Druid, cynical edgy depressed bad boy, Playing him in adventure league, very fun evil character to play >: D
Themani - Halfing Forge Cleric, Play her in Hardcore Lost mine of Phandelver Campeign, where our party have to roll for everything in character creation (race,class,subclass,hp,stats(Can't swap the order either)) I ended up with a cleric with only 11 Wisdom... (It's a compeign for youtube channel too! but only in thais https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zJpFzbseas)
Constance - Goliath Paladin , I play her as a guest in Pf2e Campeign in my friend's youtube channel (only in thai language https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub4mLu9Nixs&t=15045s)
Chekov - Half elf Epic poetry bard, he's in Exandria campeign, where he is the only sane one in the party, while other member of the team share only 1 brain cell....
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tytumbles · 1 year
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Fan art of some DnD characters in Adventure Time style.
World of Io- Lost Mines of Phandelver Hardcore
DM: Brett Ultimus
Players: Joe Fudge, The Crowned DM, Tomato, Juniper.
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poyo-journal · 1 year
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World of Io - For his own good
A little crossover comic i did for fun with characters from multiple World of Io campaigns DM'd by BrettUltimus characters are Supershigi's Kyuubi from Curious Curios Juniper's Tommy from Lost Mines of Phandelver [hardcore] LaynaLazar's Beau from Pipe Dreamers
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toothpickwriter · 2 years
Session 1: November 9, 2020
This wasn't my first time DMing a game. I first DMed my Hombrew campaign called Peaceful Sanctuary. Then I tried to DM a hardcore campaign for Dungeon and Dragons veterans called Out of the Abyss because I thought it would be fun to have a serious game. It wasn't surprising that I was overwhelmed by how much shit was in that one campaign; it immediately broke me down in the first session. I am not a great DM, but I try at least. So after a six-month-long break from DMing the last campaign, sometime in October 2020, I wanted to DM a smaller campaign– the starter campaign for Dungeons and Dragons called Lost Mines of Phandelver.
This specific campaign has been a curse for the boys and me. We have played this campaign seven times and never finished it. And not once have we ever completed it to full completion. I am the furthest in the campaign than the other attempts because the other attempts were crushed as soon as we reached the Red Brands Manor. Hopefully, I will be the first to complete this awful and long campaign, even if it takes me another year to do it.
How I started it
For this campaign, I didn't start with session 0. I was so confident in my abilities (even though it was short-lived) in making sure the game flowed nicely with the characters trying to figure each other out in the first session. This was my first mistake, and because I didn't have a session 0, the characters were not grounded in the world and story. I was also too excited to play, so I started it without being fully prepared for what to do. After this moment, the characters were frequently changing, and soon the players were just being themselves and not investing in the characters they created. But I'll leave it at that until we reach the other sessions.
The players didn't even meet Gundren because I was too scared to act him out as a character. I have nervous issues with acting out characters and describing scenes, even with friends. I know I shouldn't be trying to be like Matt Mercer's level of good (because he is a trained professional, and I will never, even in my dreams, touch his pedestal), but even when I want to have fun, I get choked up by social cues. I think the game took so long because I wasn't confident in making sure the story flowed well with the characters, setting, and plot hooks.
The Journey Begins…
In the city of Neverwinter, there was a man named Gundren who needed escorts to protect and travel to a small mining town called Phandalin to deliver mining supplies. A group of people from different walks of life comes to his aid. 
He is a Dragonborn paladin that loves to enslave anything that walks in his path.
He is a rare creature in this world, but one with a familiar ability to shapeshift. Their race is primarily hunters and nomads, and travel in small groups. Most of them are in a clan, but Galloway was abandoned. Now he travels on his own, with a bow in his hand and the sun guiding him, he can begin his true hunt.
Shatter Peen
Peen is part of a unique and odd family called the Shatter Family. They all possess some powerful magic that is very specific and stupid. Shatter Peen can steal anything, and I mean anything, he wants. However, the limitation is that he can only cast it once daily and must get permission to steal that object from the entity in possession. Peen is not a good thief, nor does he want to be one. But never the less, he is, in fact, a Rouge because he has no money and no job.
Shmalon Hobiddy
An old hermit who is scarred by a trauma he can not remember. His only memories are him waking up in a shack that has been lived in by some madmen. There was an odd room in the shack with dried animal blood; it marked the walls, "DON'T OPEN THE GATE." Shmalon and his deranged owl familiar named Stolas traveled the Neverwinter woods for some time until they reached the city of Neverwinter. He looked for a job to start fresh and new and hopefully live a good life. Hopefully...
These four adventurers were humbly accepted by Gundren, even though Sildar (his other bodyguard/a soldier that is supposed to establish connections with the little town of Phandalin) does not like the group. Gundren, on the other hand, does not care; his only interest is to get to the small town safely without getting eaten alive by some monster on the way. He does not even slightly care about the adventurers. Well, maybe, except for Shatter Peen; he really likes Peen. Anyways, the group was ready, and the party left the city of Neverwinter for the town of Phandalin. The group is on the road towards the small town. What would you like to do?
During this session…
The party had no clue what they were doing.
The party tried to talk to one another, but it was awkward.
They traveled near the shores of the Sword Coast and met a man face-first on the sand.
The man was a Dark Elf who went by Captain Skelly Bones.
It was getting late at night, so they decided to sleep before they hit the road again.
Galloway made soup, but it wasn't good, and Skelly Bones got sick.
They went on a trail and noticed an abandoned carriage.
They checked it out and found that It might have been Gundrens carriage (but they forgot about this detail).
Then, they were ambushed by Goblins.
It was a bloody battle that had Shatter Peen killed and the rest hiding behind their carriage while the last Goblin was sniping them.
Shatter Peen stole his soul back by using his Shatter powers from a ferryman that he presumed was Death.
The Goblin was winning the battle single-handedly. 
Then, he soon took the chance to run into the forest away from the party (for some reason).
The party was poorly defeated and was left in a bloody pit of Goblins.
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tytumbles · 8 months
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Fan art of some DnD characters, parody of Demon Days by Gorillaz
Lost Mines of Phandelver Hardcore
DM: BrettUltimus
Players: JoeFudge, TheCrownedDM, Tomato, Juniper.
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tytumbles · 1 year
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Fan art of some DnD characters in the Darkest Dungeon style.
World of Io- Lost Mines of Phandelver Hardcore
DM: Brett Ultimus
Players: Joe Fudge, The Crowned DM, Tomato, Juniper.
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