whatbarrysdone · 7 years
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Look what I just found @sortedfood!! Haha #lostandhungry http://ift.tt/2orgNA6
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gottagetjane · 7 years
What to Eat in Virginia - Apple Pie, Oysters & Cider #LostAndHungry
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“Rayt, stay close.” Elizabeth whispered to her companion. The dog was circling around her owner, making sure that she was safe from the inhabitants of this port town. It smelled disgustingly of fish and salt and made Elizabeth want to heave. None of the people here looked very friendly but Liz and Rayt needed a place to stay and this was the last place they were going until the next morning. Elizabeth was lost and wandering around the town, while not scared to ask for directions, she just did not care to speak to the people here. She kept her dagger close to her waist, ready to grab if she needed to protect herself. 
Elizabeth took a seat on a nearby bench, close to the harbor. She left her hood down as to not look suspicious and her long black hair spilled out over her shoulders. Her dark orbs connected with Rayt’s as the dog placed her head on Elizabeth’s lap. All Liz could do was gently pet her loving friend. “It’s okay girl, we will find someway to eat and somewhere to sleep. @highseaqueen
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hopyangbaboy · 9 years
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Takoyaki 🐙 #takoyaki #vscocam #lostandhungry #foodporn (at Octoboy, Banawe Q.C.)
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gottagetjane · 7 years
What to Eat in New Orleans - Hot Dogs & Jazz #LostAndHungry
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whatif1312ormore · 8 years
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terenceblanchard · 9 years
Hotdogs & Jazz
Jordan connected with the #lostandhungry folks of SORTEDFood blog and they came down to NOLA for some eats and drinks and, of course, Jazz.
Here’s the video they put together of two important food groups: Hot Dogs and Jazz.
And for those just desserts: Grammys & Cake:
More NOLA stuff on their blog here. Something about a life-changing experience in NOLA; like that doesn’t happen every day?
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Sorted Food: More Then Food.
This is going to be a long post. I'm sorry. It’s also not going to make a whole lot of sense because I didn’t get much sleep and this story is also two days late, but I wanted to make sure I got my story out.
I had the incredible opportunity last Saturday, to scramble to a meet and greet with Sorted Food , a Youtube cooking channel. When I say scramble, I mean convincing my parents to drive for an hour into downtown Atlanta, to a park we have never been to, to see a group of guys they know nothing about. With only just seeing a tweet about the meet and greet the day BEFORE the actual thing happened. Needless to say, my parents were not entirely thrilled. After some minor pleading they agreed. Though they warned me it might not be for very long. I was happy that they even agreed! The next day, we didn’t get lost and made it to the park with only a minor argument about where to park. 
I wanted to just say thank you to Ben, Barry, and James for an amazing afternoon. I am not a people person and I have crap people skills. I also get very nervous around celebrities and end up sounding stupid. I thought I would get so nervous, that I would say hi to them and leave. Maybe leave with a crappy selfie at best. What happened blew my expectations out of the water. They were all so outgoing and so easy to talk to that I found myself able to have legit conversations. Barry was extremely nice and was the one who I talked to the most. He made me feel very relaxed and didn’t mind that I probably talked his ear off. (Not that I was able to tell. If I did then...my bad :/) Ben was just as adorkable in person as he is online and was also easy to talk to. Despite not talking long, we laughed and had a good conversation about food. I actually didn’t talk to James at all, and for that I am sorry James, but to not thank him would be stupid and rude. Plus he seemed like a nice guy from what I saw :P ! All in all I had a lot of fun, talked a lot, cracked a few jokes, and met people that I admire.They are all as nice as I thought they would be, and I highly encourage any fan of theirs to meet them during their Lost and Hungry tour, even if your shy or are like me. :) Thanks again for making this social noob feel like a social butterfly. It means the world to me and so much more then I can express, and I hope I can meet you all again soon. 
P.S. Ben, you looked very cute in your shorts. ;)
P.P.S. Sorry for making you read this incredibly long post :P
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sortedfood · 9 years
Up on the blog - Vlogs from Ben and Mike on their way to Austin! #LostandHungry
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