#lots o videos and pictures for ts
loquaciousquark · 4 years
Hi! I think I remember you posting about "making" your own computer? I'm sorry to bother you with something like this, but was it difficult? Would you say you have to know a lot about how computers work to do it? Thanks!
Heck yeah!!! Oh man!! Gosh guys can I talk to you about building computers and how EVERYONE willing to do some basic googling is almost certainly capable of this I promise?
Welcome to:
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Okay okay okay so let me spin you a li’l yarn: I was in optometry school in 2010-2011ish and I had been living up to now on prebuilts, mostly laptops, but DA2 was recently out and gosh darn it I wanted something I could play a proper game on. A friend of mine had a 10yo daughter who wanted to build a computer herself, and he told me if I’d buy the parts, he’d walk both of us through how to do it (what really happened was the 10yo built my first computer and I watched and brought drinks, so–no, I wouldn’t say you have to know a lot about how computers work to do it!).
The physical requirements are some basic manual dexterity & arm strength (you gotta be able to manipulate some tiny things and put some pressure on some connections) and you will most likely need to lift up to 15 pounds, although you can limit that if you go for smaller components. The ability to bend forward and twist and reach will also probably be necessary, although some careful planning can also likely mitigate that.
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I think I have pictures of the actual build process somewhere, but regardless, it resulted in this bad boy that served me well for about nine years. I was shocked to see how easy it was to put together, honestly; if you can follow a Lego assembly book, you can put a computer together. With tools like PCPartPicker that have built-in compatibility checks to make sure all your pieces fit, it’s a piece of cake to put together a parts list that you can feel really good about. You just pick whether you want your motherboard to come with fancy lights or not (hint: rgb is unironically cool & i’ll fight anyone who says otherwise).
In the end, you’ll need a set of basic components. You’ll need:
A case to put all the pieces in
A motherboard, the circuit board of the computer that connects everything, basically the heart of the computer
A CPU, the brain of the computer that determines processing power, or basically how fast it can do math and direct traffic
a CPU cooling system, which can be either mechanical fans or liquid cooling, gotta keep that baby chill; may or may not come packaged with the CPU depending on what you get
A graphics card (aka GPU), the thing that makes video games look pretty (and what will probably be the single most expensive item in the build depending on how good you go)
RAM, a short-term memory processing component that comes in different amounts (4gb, 8gb, 16gb, 32gb, 64gb if you’re a madman) depending on how fast you need your short-term memory to work. Good RAM allows you to do things like open a bunch of Chrome tabs at once, run Photoshop at the same time you’re listening to youtube videos, or process the demand of loading up a host of enemies in Mass Effect. Most everyone these days can get by just fine with 16gb of RAM, which is what I have.
a hard drive (or the new, faster, more expensive version, a solid state drive) which functions as your long-term storage bins. This is where you save documents, images, and install your programs. These come in tons of sizes–the larger your files are, the more storage space you’ll want. I always put at least a terabyte of storage in my builds.
a power supply unit or PSU, which gives the electrical juice for everything to run
a monitor (the more hertz, the smoother the video will be - you’ll want either 60hz or 144hz depending on how much your number of frames-per-second matter to you)
a keyboard and mouse
speakers or headphones or both!
Optional addons:
RGB lighting for everything :O
an optical drive (aka something to put DVDs, Blurays, or other physical CD disks into)
fancy liquid cooling pipes
additional case fans; most cases come with adequate fans, but if you are using the computer in a room with poor ventilation or you find that certain components are running hot, you can install additional fans
coincidentally you can also get fans with RGB lighting too
cable extenders when you are going for a specific color scheme
So it can definitely all look overwhelming at first, but when you start to look at how everything is laid out, you’ll notice some trends. Look at these motherboards, for example.
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These are just four random motherboards I pulled off Newegg, a commonly used computer parts purchasing site. Sure, the colors are a bit different, but the layout between them…is all basically the same! Here, I’ll draw it out.
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In just about every modern motherboard you buy, this will be the rough layout. Everything else is window dressing–what kind of GPU you get, what kind of CPU you get, whether your RAM lights up cool colors or not. Your motherboard will ALWAYS include a map that has extensive descriptions of what each connection does.
Much, much, much more under the jump!
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Most of these you won’t even need!
There are always some compatibility things to consider–as I mentioned, PCPartPicker can help you figure out a lot of these–but the biggest one to care about is the CPU. There are two major companies that make CPUs, AMD and Intel. They both have pros and cons on the chips they make, but right now, AMD makes a family of CPUs called Ryzen that both outperform and are cheaper than Intel’s current leading brands, the i7 and i9 lines. Intel was king of the hill for a long time, though, and their CPUs are still really good quality, so some people still go with them over the cheaper alternatives for now. (There are some reports of black screens with the new Ryzen lines, but as I’ve never owned one, I can’t personally speak to how common that is.)
Regardless, once you pick which family of CPUs you want to go with, AMD or Intel, you just have to pick an Intel-friendly or AMD-friendly motherboard. This is always specified in the description of the motherboard. I own the Asus z370 motherboard, so here’s what it says in the description for CPU:
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Anyway, once you’ve picked all your parts and had everything shipped to you, it’s literally just a plug-n-play, step by step until everything’s plugged in. Your motherboard manual will also include recommended order of installations, too, and often how to install them.
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It helps to remember that the manufacturers of all these parts understand that they are expensive, and they really DON’T want to make them hard to install! Broken or difficult pieces during installation means that the customer is upset, and upset customers ask for refunds and lose brand loyalty.
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It also helps to understand that a lot of these connections are based on certain standards–I didn’t realize until I was rebuilding my current machine that these holes set for screws really do work with just about everything you get, as long as it’s the same generation, because motherboard manufactures WANT you to have the flexibility to go any attachment brand you like and still be able to use their board to mount them. 
So, you pick your case and open it up, and you put the motherboard down on top of all the little screw holes until they match, and then you screw all the screws down firmly.
Old rig, partially disassembled:
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New, in approximately same state:
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(One of the reasons I went with this larger white case than a smaller, slim case like my old one, is because this nicer case has what’s called “cable management;” that means there’s a built-in back area behind the motherboard where all my cables can be jammed without messing up the “aesthetic” of the glass window. My first build obviously did not have that, as seen in that first picture at the top of this post, so I had to just jam my cables wherever I could fit them so that the sides would close, haha.)
Anyway, you can see that the motherboard is just screwed in where it should be, and my CPU is already installed where it should be. I haven’t mounted the cooler for it yet because I needed to clean off the old thermal paste and install new thermal paste before doing so. My two sticks of RAM are also mounted in the top right in the motherboard’s recommended configuration & locations for two sticks (vs. one, vs. four).
Then, with the cooler in place, it looked like this:
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So the cooler I have is liquid cooling in a closed system (the thick black tubes running right to left) which is attached to a fan that mounts in place of the white fan on the left from the previous picture. It was as simple as unscrewing the old fan and putting the new one in its place. I think I even used the same screws. The fan is powered by that thin cable running along the top of the case that plugs into a little socket on the motherboard labeled “CPU Fan.” It was as simple as just finding the right plug; it doesn’t even have directionality, just a three-pin socket, so it doesn’t even matter which way you plug.
Already it’s looking like a proper computer! And because this case has cable management, I took a picture of what it currently looked like from the backside.
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This case is cool because it has a neat set of connectors mounted on the back of this little hideaway to connect the case fans. I could have run the white fan cables through to the front of the motherboard for them to get power/marching orders, but it was cleaner aesthetically to attach them here in the back. Nothing wrong with connecting them on the front, though–that’s what I did in my original build!
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You also might have noticed I’ve mounted the PSU in that white case by now as well. It’s the large black and red box in the bottom corner, seen best from behind. The white case comes with what’s called a PSU shroud, which just means there’s a fancy white cover over it to keep the ~aesthetic~ when viewed from the front side.
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The next step is to mount the graphics card!
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There’s instructions in your manual as to exactly how these mount, but it really and truly is just removing the dust cover brackets where you need to, and then a delicate plug & play, pushing that big guy in until you hear the click! (Click good, snap bad. Haha. I’ve changed out these cards several dozen times and never broken one, though!)
You can also see the ugly red-tipped cables plugged into the GPU and the motherboard, both on the right side. These come from the Power Supply Unit (they are all permanently connected in most brands, and look basically like a squid’s tentacles–once you have your items mounted onto the motherboard, you just look for the connector from the PSU with the right number of pins and plug it in!)
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This guy is the worst. He is fat and hard to maneuver and always requires SO MUCH FORCE to click into this delicate bendy board and your heart will ALWAYS be in your throat as your fingers shake from how hard you’re having to push to sink it, and it will ALWAYS eventually go in but you’ll hate every second of the doing. I hate you, 24-pin EATX. I hate you so much.)
The next thing I did was mount my optical drive (because yes, I still own one), my hard drive, and my solid state drive.
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The hard drive and SSD both serve the same purpose (long-term data storage), but the SSD is much faster and uses newer technology. It’s also more expensive for the amount of storage you get, so I have a 256gb SSD that holds my operating system, my heavily-used programs like Firefox and Photoshop & Premiere, and one or two video games I play the most that I would like to load as fast as possible. This is the drive that can allow me to restart my whole system in less than five seconds.
The hard drive is 1.75 terabytes and holds everything else: fics, pictures, videos, music, other games, etc.They mount onto the racks with pre-drilled screws. The optical drive just slides into the socket snugly until it hits the back of the rack.
All of these use a standard connector called a SATA cable which runs between the back of the drive to a SATA socket on the motherboard. Most motherboards come with at LEAST six or seven of these connector slots, and some come with more. They look like this:
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and are pretty universal. Any kind of extra storage or drive you want to add to your computer will probably connect with a SATA cable. I think my motherboard, my SSD & HD, and my case purchases all came with a pack of loose SATA cables of different lengths to be used for whatever I wanted.
The rack each drive is mounted to came installed with the case and pre-drilled with screw holes (and provided screws) for attaching either the HD or SSD in every slot. Because this case is all about aesthetic, it also comes with two vertical SSD mounts on the back of the case if you wanted to remove the right-side rack altogether, but as I mentioned, I have the optical drive, so I couldn’t go with that option.
So now we have all the major pieces mounted! The last set of connections are a collection of small fiddly pieces that all plug in roughly the same area and do things like light up the case’s LED, provide that startup beep, connect the USB sockets on the case’s front to power, etc. This is by far the section that takes me the longest because I guarantee I will ALWAYS plug at least two into the wrong socket and not have a beep, or my audio won’t work or something until I go back and reconnect them.
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The next thing was to plug in my monitors and…see what happened when we hit the power button! (Monitor connections just plug directly into your graphics card in the back of the case.) And here’s what happened!
So it turned out when I was connecting my SSD (which has my OS on it), I was pushing on the little connector while sitting on the back side of the case. I thought I had the thing in the socket, but what I’d actually done was jam the connector just under the lip of the motherboard (that is, not connected to anything at all, just hanging in open space). Once I realized, though, it was an easy fix!
The last thing I wanted to do to complete the clean white look I wanted was to replace those UGHLY red PSU cables with what are called “cable extenders.” I bought some white ones on Amazon; because most PSUs’ cables are permanently attached at the box, you plug your cable extenders into the other end and then feed them through the case, so that’s the only portion visible. The ugly PSU cables are still there at the other end of the white cables, just hidden in the cable management area behind the motherboard.
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I spent some time fixing up the cables to curve exactly how I wanted them to, then picked my LED RGB colors and closed up the open side with the glass wall. All that was left was to plug in my mouse/keyboard/speakers/headphones/mic/webcam, etc., and we were done!
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The first build I did, the one in the blue & black case, took us about two days due to some unexpected problems. First, we were trying to salvage an old CPU from my HP prebuilt to save a little money. Unfortunately, they used basically no thermal paste to connect it to its fan, and when we were trying to get the fan off, it actually tore the CPU out of its socket and bent a bunch of its pins. I ended up going to Best Buy or something and getting a replacement off the shelf.
The other issue I had was that I foolishly didn’t back up my files, and lost a bunch of them in the rebuild (including my Hawke’s original run through the DA2 game :( :( :( ) Always back up your files before ever going in and messing with your case!
Over the years I replaced a bunch of components in it, which is why it lasted me so long, but the transfer into the new case only took me about three hours, and that was with a bunch of breaks throughout. I probably could have done it faster if I hadn’t wanted to savor it, haha. The cable management for the backless desk took a lot longer, though! (…and a LOT of zip ties.)
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I do set my new build on a small glass stand (again, from Amazon) because Hamlet’s pretty sheddy and I wanted to keep airflow as good as possible. I’m limited on how many case fans I can install since I have the optical drive rack taking up a lot of space on the right, but I could install new fans on top if I wanted. My temperatures are great, though (I monitor with CoreTemp & GPUTemp, as well as my motherboard’s built-in temp monitoring software), so I don’t need to unless I decide I need more RGB.
Anything I might want to add, I run through PCPartPicker to make sure it’ll fit what I already have. For example, my parts list looks like this (full view and complete parts list available at this link): 
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If you are patient, if you can fit small Lego-like pieces in labeled sockets, and you are a decent googler, you can build your own PC. It’s really, really hard to do serious damage to components nowadays, even if you plug something in wrong. There’s a bunch of resources, though, and I’d recommend the following places to start:
newegg.com - parts for sale, getcher parts here
pcpartpicker.com - put your list of components together, and it’ll flag any compatibility issues or known problems
https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/ - great starting point for new builders, tons of advice and how-to’s for every step of the process, and a decently responsive community to help troubleshoot any issues you might have
And I obviously love doing this kind of thing, so if there’s anything I can help with, I’m more than happy to try! Just let me know, and I hope this was helpful!
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hoes4hoseok · 2 years
enhypen as speak now
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thanks again to @lethekoo for helping me:) this is my fave ts album so it was so much fun hehe
jake as speak now
“baby, I didn’t say my vows, so glad you were around when they said ‘speak now’”
I think jake would leave someone at the altar for true love ngl
he’s nice, I know, but he seems like too much of a romantic to enter a loveless marriage like that
anD if the roles were reversed, I do think he’d crash a wedding. probably not in the middle of it, but he’d totally meet his ex in the back and be like “DON’T DO IT PLZ 🙏🙏 I LOVE YOU”
jay as the story of us
“this is looking like a contest of who can act like they care less, but I liked it better when you were on my side”
a relationship with jay would entail so much heat. not necessarily fighting, but rather a lot of passion that, when you did split, would manifest itself in the form of tension when you were together
I have no idea if that even made sense but just generally I can also picture that library scene in the music video with jay SO VIVIDLY. the glasses and everything?!?! bye
jungwon as enchanted
“this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the story line ends; my thoughts will echo your name until I see you again”
but also you would def be hoping he wasn’t in love with someone else if you met him and he had you blushing all the way home 💖💞💓💝💘💗 don’t laugh I know you would
ni-ki as innocent
“it’s alright, just wait and see, your string of lights are still bright to me, who you are is not where you’ve been”
now I KNOW I wasn’t the only one getting ready to fight it out with mnet with all that evil editing on i-land
with everything he’s been through and so many people antagonizing him, ni-ki deserves an apology
ni-ki was never in the wrong for voting taki out (argue w the wall 🤗) but this is just a “hey, it’ll all be fine :)”
sunghoon as last kiss
“and I hope the sun shines and it’s a beautiful day and something reminds you, you wish you had stayed”
maybe it’s because I have this preconceived notion that sunghoon is a heartbreaker but also he isn’t the type you’d be mad at you’d just be left wondering what you could’ve done differently </3 okay yikes I’ll stop
sunoo as if this was a movie
“I know that we could work it out somehow, but if this was a movie, you’d be here by now”
I think my decision was very much influenced by the fact that sunoo is a fan of dramas and he seems like someone who would reflect his the media he’s consumed onto his real life (haha like me 😝)
like I just think he’d be disappointed if things didn’t quite go the way he and his s/o anticipated 💔
I can imagine him on either side of this relationship too, this scenario just generally fits him really well:)
heeseung as superman
“don’t forget where I’ll be–right here, wishing the flowers were from you, wishing the card was from you, wishing the call was from you, ‘cause I’ve loved you from the very first day”
I could TRY to convince you that this has nothing to do with my love of superheroes and heeseung overlapping but I’d probably be lying
BUT I do think that there would be that sense of desperation in a relationship with him in his current status as an idol or superhero
it’d feel lonely sometimes because he’s such a diligent worker and puts his all into everything he does like COULD ANYONE KEEP UP?? probably just someone who knows their self worth I think I’m being dramatic
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txt version ☆ fearless version ☆ masterlist
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crowsent · 5 years
👶,⭐,💘, and💻. Love you!!
thank you for ask anon! writer ask game is here if yall wanna send in something. still taking asks for these btw
👶- advice for new writers =
yall this is hella fucking generic but PRACTISE. theres a reason almost literally every writer on tumblr gives the advise of “practise practise practise” and that reason is it works. practise doesnt mean ‘oh just write bc youll automatically get better over time’ it means ‘write bc if you dont, you wont figure out what you need to improve.’ did yall know that i literally had no sentence variation in the past? i started every sentence with [character name] or [character pronoun] and i didnt realise until i was 15/16 and i only realised bc i started writing a lot.
i think there’s a fear of failure with new writers. there’s this lingering doubt of  “what if its not good?” and boy howdy i will answer that question right fucking now. it wont be good. when i compare my current work to my earlier work, my earlier work sucked fucking shit. i spelled soldier with a fucking ‘j’ and i had no idea what the hell a point of view was. and thats okay. whoever tells you that youre going to perfect writing is a fucking liar. there is no perfecting writing. 20 years from now, imma look at the writing from today and im gonna think it sucks shit. writing is a process. its a craft. you get better and better over time and the way you get better is by experimenting w different styles, different genres, different ways of writing.
and the only way you can experiment and improve is through practise. in video games, especially rpgs (which are my favourite kind of video games), you struggle in the early game. youre at a low level, you dont have good equipment, you have a hard time moving to the next area. but the only way you progress is by grinding, gaining levels, and getting stronger. same w writing. if youre a level 1 writer, just starting out, no idea what to do, just experiment. fuck around a bit. write crackships, write rarepairs, write niche self-indulgent reader/character fics. at the end of the day, you should write for yourself. its good and cool if other people like your stuff and validate all your hard work, but at the end of the day, the one who should enjoy your writing the most is yourself.
you WILL mess up and you WILL struggle, but thats the only way you can improve. i struggle with pacing the most. still do. but others might have pacing down pat and struggle instead with word choice or pov or something else. cant figure out where you need to improve if you dont write, so just practise and worry about all the fine print later
⭐️- how do you get your inspiration? =
this is definitely not universal, but i just sit on my bed, close my eyes, and meditate. cycle through all my emotions and thoughts and filter them out. then i just toss everything out the damn window. like. id just meditate for a while, focus on breathing, on experiencing the present, picture a field and a tree and myself and breathe. thoughts fly by and i let them happen but dont focus on it.
meditating gives me some semblance of emotional control bc i normally have none, and it gives me kind of this space. this safe space that only exists for me and me alone. so i use that space to let the world drift away. just me and my thoughts and sometimes, those thoughts end up being good writing ideas. but i usually meditate for a set amount of time. like 15 minutes or 30 minutes so i dont write until i finish meditating.
then when i get out of my headspace, i open up my laptop and see what i remember. thinking too hard about something causes it to muddy up. same with art. in digital art, artists flip the canvas to refresh their eyes, see if there’s anything weird or wonky about the illustration that they normally dont see bc theyve gotten used to it. flipping the canvas is like giving our eyes a jumpstart and lets us see what we could do better. in traditional art, its turning the canvas this way and that or repositioning yourself. meditating is like that. a break. a cleanse. a kind of pause where you dont think about anything and just try to process what you already have. you relax and kind of let yourself float down a river of thoughts and sometimes, a fish would jump out of that river and youd go “hey, thats a good idea. i should try that” so when you get out of the river, youre refreshed and ready to go.
same principle with showers. more ideas come to you in the shower when you dont have anything to write with bc youre not thinking about it. youre not focusing on finding inspiration or motivation so ideas naturally flow through you. you know that feeling when you want to do x then someone comes along and says “hey you should do x” and suddenly all motivation to do x leaves? same w your brain. focus too much on “i should be writing” or “i want inspiration” and its never gonna come. just let things happen. at least, thats how i do it. some people might get inspiration by reading or watching tv. everyones different so if thats not what works out for you, dont feel pressured to try my method
💘- what’s your favorite AU? Least favorite? =
magic au. specifically fantasy au set in like a pre-modern era. shows like avatar where theres all this magic and fantastical beasts and so on and so forth. semi-modern like six of crows and nevernight are great too. i want that magic to be woven into people’s lives. harry potter is okay but there’s like this separation between magic and muggle. there’s this feeling of “magic” but like as a tool. like a spoon or a gun or a shovel. i want magic au’s that are INTEGRATED with the world its set in.
like in atla, earth kingdom people have trains they move with bending while fire nation people have machines powered by heat and steam. both correspond to their bending and makes sense for the world they live in. but if your plot is like harry potter and its less worldbuilding and more action, then there’s this book series called seasons rising (read it. so good) where there’s a bunch of spells but the spells have character. the people using the spells GIVE it character and it feels much more intimate. pokemon does the whole fantasy mixed w reality better. give two trainers the exact same pokemon and by the time that pokemon reaches lvl 50, its gonna have a different moveset, different fight style, etc bc it was shaped by the world and people around it. i like harry potter but tbh it could have been so much better
for the least favourite au, it’s A/B/O i dont like the whole “omegas are only good for breeding hurr durr” and “alphas are violent and aggressive and cant control themselves around omegas” thing and it squicks me out. major squick. i read the original harry potter squick (THAT one. yeah. you know the one) and i still hate a/b/o more. i get why people like it, and there are one or two fics set in a/b/o au that i enjoy reading, but as a whole, i severely dislike a/b/o fics.
the themes are squick, the character dynamics get so messed up, and shipping dynamics (bc a/b/o fics usually have shipping) just get so blown out of proportion. there are so many a/b/o fics that turn ooc or the character interpretations radically change or something else. no hate against a/b/o fans bc yall are amazing for writing/drawing yalls au. there are things that you can only do in this setting and exploring those things can be incredibly fun for people, but for me personally, its not an au i like to visit.
💻- three works of yours that are must reads =
i. dont know what fandom youre in anon or your genre preferences. so ill just rec you one fic for a different fandom each with kind of different genres. ts masterlist is on my side @hufflepuff-deceit and regular fanfic masterlist is on my writing blog @crownonymous 
(BNHA) Viper. its my first serious attempt at fanfic in YEARS and its my baby. currently has 7 chapters, i havent updated it in a while bc im hyperfocused on ts rn, but i love it to bits. its just all of my fav bnha fics crammed into one fic. quirkless kind of villain izuku with stain as a mentor as they work together to bring light to the injustices of hero society and where bakugos bullying has visible and long-lasting repercussions? sign me the fuck up. you can read it on ao3 HERE bc its not on tumblr. kind of fast-paced, has a lot more action scenes than anything else ive written. heavy plot-wise but has a lot of humour and comedy to break things up
(Kimetsu no Yaiba) I Pray To God He Hears You. not related to my other kny fic oleander which is a multichap retelling au. iptghhy is a standalone one-shot and kind of a character study on one giyuu tomioka. i love him so much. giyuu is my baby and i adore him. so of course i wrote a sad fic focusing on him. well technically, the fic focuses on giyuu AND his relationships.  SPOILERS for chapters 130 and 131 of the manga. focuses mostly on giyuu and sabito, but there’s a fair bit of giyuu and tanjiro and urokodaki.  you can read it HERE bc this is also not on tumblr. also deals with heavy things but more emotion-wise since it doesnt have that much of a plot. loss. grief. moving on. survivors guilt. that kind of stuff.  very sad. hurt but with comfort, especially at the end.
(Sanders Sides) Logan’s Birthday Fic: Logicality. just what the title says. i wrote 5 different fics and published them all on logans bday but the logicality one received the most feedback and honestly? the cutest of the bunch. its gonna be crossposted onto ao3 but for now, you can read it HERE on my ts sideblog. theres no plot since its literally just domestic and relationship fluff. and puns. patton is in the fic, theres gonna be puns. nothing but good things and warm feelings bc logan deserves it.
thank you so much for such interesting asks anon! i enjoyed answering these. have a lovely day!
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What is bothering you right now? I don’t understand why it’s still hot. Do you get bad cramps? I get awful stomach cramps.  Are you more often hot or cold? Hot. D: Have you ever been on a missions trip? No. Have you ever been abused and kidnapped by a cop? Wow, no.
How often do you wash your hair? Every couple days. What’s a trend that you haven’t followed? There’s a lot of them. I don’t follow something just cause it’s trendy. Do you hate political posts on facebook? I don’t comment on or share any political stuff on mine. What creative project are you currently excited about? I want to color, but I have yet to get around to it. Do you like eggnog? * I dont think Ive ever had it before. Ive never been brave enough to try it. Im worried it would taste…well…like EGG, lmao <<< Lol, it doesn’t. I can’t really describe the taste, but I will say it’s an acquired one. People either love it or hate it. I personally like it. How many pictures do you have stored on your computer? Like 5. My photos are stored on my phone, Snapchat, an external hard drive, and online. Whenever I clear out photos on my phone I just message them to myself on Facebook.  Which type of camera do you prefer: digital or Polaroid? I like both, but I just use my phone for a camera. Have you ever had a camera that took film? Yeah. What do you do to relieve a headache? All I can do is put a cold washcloth over my eyes and forehead and endure it or try to sleep it off. I can’t take anything for them cause I can’t take aspirin, Ibuprofen doesn’t help for my headaches, and Tylenol doesn’t do crap for my headaches either and it also has one of the same ingredients as my pain medication, which too much of can cause liver damage, so I don’t mix them. What do you own that’s wool? Hmm. Do you ever squirt whip cream onto a plate and then eat it by itself? No, I’d just spray it right into my mouth ha. Have you ever had a hot flash? Yes, quite often. List ten girl names you like. Blah. List ten boy names you like. Bleh. What do you think of the name Posie? I don’t like it, sorry. Are you bothered by something right now? Yes. Do you wish someone cared? I know my family cares about me. Are you ok? Blahhhh. Are you upset? Right now I’m tired and kind of hungry. Which pharmacy do you use? CVS. Do you like your hair better curly or straight? Straight. Do you edit your photos? Yeah. Nothing major, I just add a filter to them. Do you think you look better with make-up or without? I look ugly either way so I just stopped bothering it. Would you rather wear purple glasses or black glasses? Black. Do you know anyone who says they’re a Christian but acts like a satanist? No... If you’re a girl, do you ever shop in the boys or mens section? Yeah. I like graphic Ts and I like how the men’s style shirt fits on me.  If you’re a guy, do you ever shop in the girls or womens section? What do you think of when you hear the word “Christian”? Jesus Christ.  How many pullover hoodies do you own? Just 2 pullovers. I much prefer zip ups. How many pairs of sweatpants do you own? A few. What’s your favorite version of the Bible to read? KJV. Have you ever thought you were ugly? I do think that. Do you ever pretend to be ok & happy when you’re not? I did that for a long time, but the curtains came down a few years ago.  Do you wish you could read minds? Why or why not? Nooo. That could be a very dangerous thing. You’ll find out things you wish you hadn’t. Would you rather have wings or a tail? Wings. Do you believe in the supernatural? Yes. Has anyone “come out” to you? Yeah, I’ve had friends and a family member. Name someone whom you’d really like an apology from. No one. What is your favorite piece of classic literature? Hmm. Do you consider yourself “dignified”? “adjective. The definition of dignified is having or showing worth, nobility or self respect. An example of a dignified person is someone who always acts politely and minds her manners in a difficult situation.” I don’t have much self-respect, but I am polite? It says “in difficult situations”, though... hm. I do get moody and snippy with my family I admit, but to others I think I’m still polite. I do probably get a bit short with them, though... hmm, I don’t know, man. Which do you take more: videos or photos? Photos. Have you ever accidentally sent a text to the wrong person? Yes, but thankfully it wasn’t something bad. :O What is the most embarrassing thing you can think of happening? Uh, a lot of things. Do you ever wear sunglasses indoors? I never wear sunglasses. What are two names you used to get mixed up when you were younger? Uhh. I don’t know. What do u think of the quote “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing” It doesn’t speak to me. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done lately? Nothing. Can you trust the police? I personally haven’t had an issue with them. Do you wear earmuffs when it’s cold out? I’ve never had to wear earmuffs. It gets cold, but not that cold here.
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this is not your ordinary tour post.
you’re probably rolling your eyes rn, but it’s true because i’ve already had all my reputation shows. this is a thank you post to @taylorswift​.  to thank her for the out of body experience that happened on 5-12-18.  above is a picture of me.  i’m sam!! and i would do anything for taylor allison swift!!
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i’ve been a swiftie since 2014, but i wish i could go back in time and have become a swiftie earlier in my life!  but don’t you dare doubt me when i say that i know every word to every song, from i’d lie to mary’s song, from sweeter than fiction to come in with the rain, from shake it off to you belong with me!  my room is plastered in posters of @taylorswift​ and i finally decided to start a tumblr. 
i remember watching the new romantics tour video and thinking “i can’t even imagine seeing her in real life”  because for the past 4 years i’ve just been watching her life in pictures, dreaming impossible dreams.  but then...
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reputation dropped.  the blackout happened. i didn’t know what was going on, i was excited and scared.  but i knew that taylor swift was not over.  look what you made me do dropped.  i remember crying on my floor and asking my cat if it was real.  if it was real that taylor was back. i played look what you made me do on repeat until gorgeous dropped, then call it what you want.  and then reputation dropped.  and i just about died.  it’s still the best album i’v ever heard from anybody, and i’m just so happy that i’m able to be a swiftie in this era.  but one thing that stood out was that there would be a freaking tour.  i had a chance.  i looked at the tour dates.  santa clara is 4 hours away, easy, and the tickets were pricey, but i wished and wished and wished.  
it happened.  it was new years eve, my 13th birthday.  (coincidence??? i think not) my family was driving home from going out to lunch and my mom said, “you know what, why don’t you open some presents a little early” and i was like “heck yes” and she handed me this giant bag.  everything was tied with a ribbon, so i had to pull everything out one by one.  first, it was mt 5th copy of reputation, then it was the reputation t shirt, and then it was another target magazine, and then... lyrics written on cards. i was already crying from the merch, but then... there was a little envelope at the end.  i opened it, and i started sobbing. i screamed so loud, because there in my hands, were two reputation tour tickets.  i kept screaming “i’m going to breath the same air as her?? be in the same stadium as her???”  
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i got to work.  i had 5 months till tour, and i spent those five months counting down the days, fantasizing about costumes and the set list, watching that new romantics video but with more positive thoughts in mind.  i made me costume, i made me sign. i was ready for it.  
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spoiler alert: i was NOT ready for it
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my mom and i drove the 4 hours, listening to @taylorswift the whole way. funny story:  our car got broken into, so we stopped at my aunt and uncle’s house, and i thought it was literally the sweetest thing that when i walked in, they were playing shake it off in their kitchen.  for me. so that’s why the window is taped up. but we didn’t let it affect our concert, we shook it off.  
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we got to the stadium, safe and sound.  my heart was pounding, i was shaking and breathing heavily when i got there. i had to throw my sign away, but i was good with it. 
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i got my very own snake ring at the merch trucks, and a tour t shirt that is probably my most prized possesion.  again, words cannot describe how freaked out i was.  i was saying “you mean... taylor allison swift is less than a mile away from me right now???”  
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i painted my nails to say “i heart ts” and i drew a 13 on my hand.  
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my mom was sick but she still came to the concert with me, so we were getting an iced coffee for her.  but while we were in line... the lights turned off.  the stadium went black.  i screamed, my mom and i ran to our seats.  we stumbled through people rushing to their seats, but we made it.  i was sobbing. the iconic “BABY LET THE GAMES BEGIN”  began after the iconic opening video and by then i was hyperventilating.  @taylorswift came on and i was screaming and i kept saying to my mom “she’s right there!! taylor swift is right there!!!”  and i was a mess but i think i was the mess she wanted.  
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my mom took a ton of pictures of me screaming the lyrics, i think this was during ready for it.  
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idsb was probably my favorite part of the show.  i was shook and wigless from the vocal shows and the insane fireworks.  at this point i was screaming “THIS IS THE BEST PART MOM THIS IS THE BEST SONG”  
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and then at the end of idsb she smiled that smile of hers and looked out at that endless ocean of crowd and i realized i was part of that endless ocean of crowd so i just kept screaming at the top of my lungs “I LOVE YOU TAYLOR”  and “I WOULD DIE FOR YOU”  
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taylor did a speech before gorgeous and called me gorgeous and that really does a lot for your self esteem so
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love story and style and you belong with me were amazing, the holy trinity honestly.  
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she played look what you made me do and I SAW KARYN BUT I DIDN’T KNOW HER NAME YET and i was probably the only one singing the background vocals in end game and it felt a m a z i n g
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she did her little delicate speech and i was like “PREACH GURL” because she started talking about her break and how feeling lonely is different than feeling alone and i really felt that ya’ know?  literally anything that comes out of her mouth is gold.  
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and then this queen pulled the best day out of her little pocket full of sunshine and surprise songs from 2009??? and it was really emotional for me and my mom because that’s our song and we both were singing it together and hugging and i started crying again.  
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also i witnessed @taylorswift take off her dress but it’s cool it’s chill nobody freaking out over there i was completely calm and composed you know how i feel about taylor swift, i just think she’s alright and everything she does is nothing special 
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and then the bad blood and SHOULD’VE SAID NO mashup came on and i died and rose up from the dead to take this picture my mom was like “let’s take a picture”  and i was like “i’m too busy dancing”  but then i let her take a picture of me...
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 also LONG LIVE AND NEW YEARS DAY um excuse me while i drown in my tears
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POEMS WERE READ TEA WAS SPILLED and then i heard “no nothin good starts in a getaway car” and I  L O S T  I T
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here i am in hysterics again, screaming “WE NEVER HAD A SHOTGUN SHOT IN THE DARK” 
(i’m skipping around bc i don’t have that many pictures)
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the “oooOOOOooOOOOh” in WANEGBT started playing and once again, i lost my composure.  
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in conclusion, it was the best night of my entire life.  and i’m serious about that.  i saw @taylorswift with my own eyes.  i saw her in real life, her hot glue gun scar and her hella good hair, and it was unforgettable.  i saw her play the album that i love so dearly.  she taught me lessons in that stadium, lessons about loneliness and love and disappearance.  no, i didn’t meet her in reproom.  obviously i wanted to (i would give anything to)  but it wasn’t about meeting her.  
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it was about being with her.  being too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet with her.  in that stadium, i felt free of judgement and i was able to dance and sing and have the time of my life.  and for that, i want to thank @taylorswift.  for putting on a show that i’ll look back on and smile and possibly cry.  i want to thank the dancers and the band and the background singers for making it even better, and i want to thank the people who clean up the glitter after the party.  thank you @taylorswift.  ever since may 12th, i’ve been doin’ better than i ever was.
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juunshua · 6 years
henlo! can u post a gif tutorial cause your gifs are so pretty and look amazing, even on mobile which messes up with everythjng 😆
ahh anon u flatter me!! thank you for your kind words!!! i honestly have ways to go, but it means a lot that u say this thank you 
so for starters i have a mac + photoshop cs5 so a lot of this tutorial will be based on what you do for that, but i’m sure u could do the same thing on pcs  (actually pcs have more programs available so i highly recommend, if u have a pc, finding a tutorial that is based around pcs) and other photoshop versions too! but i think the general process is still the same, a different tutorial might just be more nuanced^^
1. Finding/downloading your video~so for normal mp4 videos on youtube i use this website. it’s pretty useful it can download from actually a wide variety of sites like naver (up till 1080p!) ~for v app videos i use this site~ts files i find on kpopexciting or kpop24hrs (u need an account for kpop24hrs i think to download video but! signing up isnt difficult and its nothing fishy. i use it a lot esp for older ts files it has a good archive, kpopexciting tends to be faster though.)~the higher quality files you find the better! i find that it tends to go mp4~honestly finding the right high quality video is a HUGE part of making gifs look nice2. Extracting your video~there are many many many ways to extract your video but I highly recommend downloading avisynth! There are ways to download it for pc! avisynth is beautiful because it doesn’t really reduce the quality of your video to the extent that photoshop does, plus it can extract 60fps from ts files. some gifs ive made through avisynth ( x x x ) if you’re interested in avisynth further, tumblr user @/brandinator is a good place to start! if you want to know more regarding how to use it and a different tutorial through that, let me know! ~now i’m not sure if there is an avisynth tutorial for mac anymore, BUT theres another great program, vapoursynth, that mac users can look into. here’s a tutorial that i’ve found~Before I got avisynth I used VLC player for ts files but I had to basically screenshot each frame individually. Some gifs I’ve made through this method ( x x x ). these gifs are 60fps only bc i found a user who uploaded the ts file in 60fps. usually you cant get 60fps w/o avisynth. but this is also me saying that if you cant get avisynth or vapoursynth, there are still ways to work around it i think! one of my fav giffers for the longest time didnt use either!! and sharpening and coloring were always on point.~I think pcs can use kmplayer? id look into that if you have a pc~for normal mp4 videos I just use photoshops ‘import video frames to layers’ option (under file in the menubar)! you can use avisynth as well, but for me it takes forever to extract what i want in avisynth (minimum like a minute ish), whereas ps can get the part of the video i want to gif in a couple of seconds. I think it’s self explanatory but basically you find the video you want to extract, find where u want ur gif to start, and for photoshop cs5, you hit the ‘shift’ key and let the part u want giffed in the video play. when youre done u lift the shift key and hit ‘ok’ (idk if it differs for different versions of ps). i extract all!!! frames!! it makes it look smoother too :)
3. Coloring/Sharpening/Cropping/Etc~now this is the step that I can’t really give a tutorial on because honestly it varies for everyone! but i feel that this is the step that a lot of ppl need guidance with (me included) because it is the hardest step, probably because it is so ‘up in the air’ for lack of a better word? there is no one right way of doing it the possibilities are literally endless but here are some tips~Coloring:       ~most important rule: don’t whitewash ur gifs!!       ~other than that, the world is yours.       ~honestly have fun with this part! coloring is something that i haven’t fully learned yet       ~i tend to play around mainly with the curves, selective color, hue/saturation, and color balance layers       ~you can also download psds other ppl have made (i dont do this myself) and use those!      ~also i feel that a lot of the times, the right coloring can make ur gif seem higher quality. coloring can also play a role in reducing gif size if u do it correctly.      ~honestly this part is just a lot of experimentation, over the course of a gifset and over the course of time in general. some people find their coloring style easily, but i was not one of those people. ive spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to adjust what layers to get the colors that i want and i think only as of this era ive been able to execute the coloring i had pictured in my mind. so patience is a virtue!!! ~Sharpening:      ~ah yes my biggest enemy: sharpening      ~first things first, i sharpen my gifs using smart sharpen + topaz                  ~settings for my smart sharpen are 500%; 0.4                 ~check the box that says ‘more accurate’ and i personally remove ‘gaussian blur’      ~some people also use topaz denoise, and/or topaz clean     ~ honestly topaz is a lifesaver for me bc it smoothes out a lot of grain that can be introduced via coloring! also!!! it can reduce gif size by a lot!!!!!!!!!!!          ~on topaz denoise i hit the ‘light’ setting on the side and adjust the settings accordingly          ~idk how to use topaz clean even though I have it, because it refuses to work          ~to apply topaz you have to hit ‘flatten frames into layers’                ~some gifs i’ve made with just topaz and no avisynth ( x  x x x)        ~there are ways to make it look nice without topaz but i’ve forgotten how after i got it               ~id duplicate the frame then use smart sharpen and ‘gaussian blur’ under ‘blur’                       ~then adjust the opacity levels in some way.                       ~my settings for the opacity levels aren’t good so i’ll refrain from sharing               ~some gifs ive made through this method ( x x )        ~last but not least i’ll bring up avisynth again. avisynth is nice at preserving video quality                 ~a lot of ppl i know say they don’t even sharpen gifs out of avisynth                 ~here are some gifs i have made with avisynth + topaz ( x x x x x x x )    ~honestly when it comes to sharpening, im still floundering with it. my sharpening needs a lot of work but, amongst the people who i consider good sharpners, most of them use avisynth, topaz denoise and/or clean, and smart sharpen! so all the resources are here !
~Cropping:     ~it’s super important to follow tumblr dimensions otherwise gifs come out looking grainy! even when they’re not ! (case in point: x in which i used 168 instead of 178 for the dimensions)~Timing:   ~Timing is so important!!! I almost forgot!! Always make sure u dont have duplicate frames for starters! for 60fps source videos i use .03, for mp4s i typically use .04 but sometimes the frame rate is kinda funky so you may have to go slower accordingly! and the important thing about timing is that if u use smart object, when u save ur gif, it’ll be in a different timing? like .04 gets changed to .07 but in order to fix that, u can simply just save ur gif in the wrong timing, and then reopen the gif in ps, simply change the timing to what u want on all ur frames, and then save it again!! idk if that made any sense but laskdjf this was the biggest mystery for me for so long omg4. Saving the gif~personally the save settings I use are “Selective/Adaptive” ; “Diffusive”; Dither: 100%; 256 colors. sometimes this makes the gif super grainy so i use “pattern” instead of “diffusive” in those instances5. Pray Perseverance   ~a lot of the time when you’re giffing, gifs won’t come out the way you want it (i’m sure for every gifset i’ve uploaded on tumblr, there’s a gifset that i started making and never finished because it looked really bad). idk sometimes it feels like photoshop has its own will, sharpenings wont always work the same way each time, video quality won’t be the way you want it, i’m honestly still very experimental right now I don’t have ps figured out at all. so yeah…sometimes all u can do is that when u hit that save for web button (that ruins everything alskf), pray that ps doesnt mess it up too bad ahahaha but also that even when it does, its okay and you can try again! or try something new!
this is a super generic guide! let me know if you need more information! 
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iantarby · 4 years
Droner Board, Mk. I
Mission Statement: design and build a musical instrument utilizing basic electronic circuits and DIY or Recycled materials which will allow me to play and record a low bass guitar drone.
Necessary Components:
Bass String
String Hardware
Driver Pickup
Amplifier Circuit
Control Panel
Eventual add on components:
Spring Reverb
Delay (probably DM-2 clone or similar)
Piezo pickup
Below is a breakdown of each bit, what im planning, and what issues i’m expecting to run into
Wood, i have MDF stuff i can glue together for this, it really just needs to be long enough to hold the whole bass string standard bass scale length), and thick enough that it doesn’t warp under the tension. Maybe glue two boards together, or reinforce it somehow? WCTW i can invest in some better wood, but I’m sure it’s one of the easier hurdles to overcome in my list of potential hangups.
Bass String:
Easiest part of it. I need one string that’ll clearly produce something between a G0 and an E1 (very likely a D1, potentially retuned to C1 or A0 depending on the song). worst comes to worse i can get a 5 string bass set and use the low string for this after using the rest to restring one of my instruments. the biggest concern i have is whether a bass string would be too much metal to move with standard guitar sustainer drivers. Once i can prove this works, i’ll likely move on to 2-6 string set ups, just what i need musically to make IRL reese/hoover bass lines or somethings, so long as they’re kept distant enough to allow for individual manipulation, but honestly 90% of what i want to do with this is set and forget-type stuff in terms of the notes themselves, so i’m not too bothered by the lack of tonal variation. WCTW i can just retune it on the fly or do multiple takes of different notes if i need to. strings might not be too expensive, but the electronics likely will be unless i can find a viable way of making some of this myself.
String Hardware:
This is the probably the easiest one to take care of. Anything’ll work so long as it’ll hold tuning. i might not even need a nut. Just some kind of bridge, some kind of tuning peg, and intonation isn’t a factor since no frets. I can probably get away with nailing the string to the wood or putting an eye hook on there or something, then running it over a wood or brass bar for the bridge.
The first real head scratcher, i need something that’ll recreate the low frequencies well enough without getting too flubby or muddy. i can use either a sideways single coil, or maybe half of a harvested p-bass pickup. Ideally i might do a custom 1 or 2 pole bobbin for it, but wiring pickups is a bit above my paygrade for right now, so i’ll probably go with another option unless none exist.
Sustainer Driver:
The second real tricky bit. outside of picking up a used sustainer pickup system, my main idea is to do something similar to what EvanKale did in a since privated DIY video, where he harvests small passive magnetic buzzers for it; strip each of the sound cones off of it leaving just the driver coils, then wired two in series per string. outside of that, i’m not sure what i could do within my means; sustainer pickups tend to be wound differently than standard guitar pickups (most of the online tutorials for making your own involve rewiring single coil bobbins with only the top half of the pickup wound), and given it’s a bass string i’m not sure exactly what my options are, since i’m not sure how well a standard guitar sustainer would work on a bass, and i don’t think i’ve ever heard of a bass string utilizing one.  might be as simple as going from a 9v to 12v amplifier, or throwing on an extra coil or buzzer, or it could be beyond the capabilities of modern physics. We shall see! Also of note, my buddy Joseph C. suggested maybe setting up several small drivers along the length of the string, to allow for different harmonics and overtones to be brought out.
Amplifier Circuit:
in the Evan Kale project, he used a simple 9v altoid tin amp circuit. Something like that or a headphone guitar amp type sound should work perfectly fine. i’m sure i’ll over think it, but i just need a cheap circuit to cleanly drive the sustainer coils.
Control Panel:
Controls have the potential to be super simple or incredibly hard. Just depends on how much work i wanna do. Right now the idea was to have two modes - always on w/ a momentary “play” button, and the pup always on w/ a momentary sustainer button. Outside of that, there’s potential for a passive or active EQ/tone section, volume, and driver amp gain. might want to use faders for certain parts, but i’m not too picky otherwise.
I/O Panel:
Super simple. 1/4″ TS cable out most likely, maybe an XLR if i end up doing mainly direct in stuff, but ideally it’ll be run into amps, pedals, and/or amp sims like a standard guitar. for power, likely a 9v standard pedal jack, but if i throw in some future effects or modules an IC port with a built in power supply might be the way to go to simplify the wiring path.
The first not-so-needed module, an (ideally tube driven) pre amp for overdrive would be amazing. a blend knob, maybe an hp/lp for the effected signal, general input/output gain stuff, etc, that way the gain can be tailored to the song or vibe needed, and it can be set up to not interfere with the fundamental freq
mainly just to tame the sound, or process the pre-amp signal more. a compressor could be added to output bus easily, and since it’s likely just a single, constant drone, it wont do much good, but having one to tweak the envelope of the sound while being played rhythmically might help keep it from dangerous clipping or something. probably lowest priority, unless im failing to anticipate something.
Spring Reverb:
gotta do a prototype spring reverb module for other stuff, but the general idea is - reverb tank + basic (usually 12v) driver circuit, then a blend knob and (if im clever enough) a feedback control. doesn’t need to be part of it, but it’d be cool, and if i leave the tank open i can manipulate the springs live, making cool sounds along with the drones
just a DM-2 or something similar shoved into it somehow. maybe have a switch that changes the order of the Spring tank and the delay, change which signal flows into what. again, not a high priority, but would be cool to have it on board, since i want to play the effects just as much as the single, one note string.
Piezo Pickup:
not hard to implement, but unimportant, maybe have a piezo pickup in the bridge or what not, have a volume knob which blends it in, giving an organic, bright tone over the drone/warmth of the magnetic pickup. i wouldn’t drive the sustainer with the piezo signal, but it’d be cool to have it there for tonal variety.
With this all in mind, first step is to make sure the MDF boards i have are long enough and strong enough to use for this. worse comes to worst i could always get a 2x2 or 2x4 or something and cut it down to what i need, but the less i have to spend and buy, realistically the more likely i am to finish this, and i have a LOT of recycled MDF.
After that, i gotta figure out the string apparatus, and then from there the pickups and driver systems. the rest is either incredibly easy to implement once those are figured out, or aren’t necessary to make it function.
Updates and pictures/sketches coming soon!
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xranker · 5 years
What's Missing From Your Content Marketing Tech?
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What’s Missing From Your Content Marketing Tech? Content marketing experts are a unique bunch When we asked Content Marketing World presenters about what’s missing in most content marketers’ tech stack, some waxed poetic, others imagined the possibilities, and others got practical, talking products and output That’s why we love them – a diverse group of answers means a diverse group of thinkers “Every content marketer is missing something from their tech stack Content marketing is a delicate, interconnected ecosystem – you have to have the right technology for each aspect of the process,” says Scott Spjut , assistant vice president, social and digital content, Fifth Third Bank To tackle this, we’ve divided this post into three categories: Tools you can use now General concepts for tools that exist or should exist Non-tech ideas that affect (or should impact) your content tech stack Whether you’re looking for a new tool, imagining tools to create (or wishing they existed), or think tech is overrated, these responses will resonate 13 content marketing tech tools you can use now For pulling third-party content A great news aggregator like Feedly – Michaela Alexis , LinkedIn speaker, trainer, and co-author of Think Video For identity, insight, governance A data lake to bring together data from web analytics, marketing automation, and CRM – and tie it to an identity, plus: LiveRamp – identity resolution work PathFactory – for content insight and activation Acrolinx – active content governance (Disclosure: those three are Velocity clients but we’re huge believers) – Doug Kessler , co-founder, Velocity Partners For indexing and security Index Checking is a good way to see whether a page is indexed or whether you’re blocking it (sometimes developers forget to remove a noindex used during a redesign) SSL Check is helpful for sites that move toward HTTPS but have page elements like images that aren’t in secure directories The tool discovers the pages with issues.. – Mike Murray , president, Online Marketing Coach For Instagram scheduling Planoly for scheduling out Instagram posts – Griffin Thall , CEO and co-founder, Pura Vida Bracelets For real-life talk Talking to customers, where the tool involved is called the telephone Of course, one could also use Skype, Zoom, and related tools I like to build a complete picture of my customers, including aspects of their jobs (or lives) that extend beyond the use of my products or services – Dennis Shiao , consultant, Dennis Shiao Consulting For all to see Microsoft Excel or Tableau – a platform that gives marketing visibility into the other business units, such as sales and insights – Christine Michel Carter , creator, Mompreneur and Me For project management I use Trello as a workflow and project management tool Every project needs a tool or space that is a single point of truth – here’s the latest version, here’s all the related commentary, and here are the next steps – as at-a-glance as possible. – Jonathan Crossfield , chief consulting editor, Chief Content Officer magazine 21 content tech tool concepts Artificial intelligence I see marketers shy away from AI-powered marketing technology and startups until the adoption is higher. But now is the time to embrace the speed, insights, and agility AI-powered technology has to offer and get ahead of competitors – Jeff Coyle , co-founder and chief product officer, MarketMuse Bots-plus Co-bots are technologies designed to work best when paired with humans’ empathy, intuition, and judgment In contrast, black-box robot technologies are hard to explain or learn. Once set up, they tempt people to stop thinking and work on autopilot That’s why robots can be dangerous – George Stenitzer , founder and chief content officer, Crystal Clear Communications Content management Marketing operations need to consider a solid CMS Along with providing a place to document and track workflow of content production , setting up a CMS with the proper information to track for each piece of content developed can provide insight into the activity of published content, as well as a road map to content planning for the future – Pamela Muldoon , campaign and content strategist, The Pedowitz Group Organization and collaboration I don’t think there are enough brands focused on the efficiencies a CMP can bring to your organization Being more organized and collaborative helps you create better content – Zari Venhaus , director, corporate marketing communications, Eaton CMS focused on sales Sales-oriented content management systems that allow for appropriate seller tailoring – Seleste Lunsford , chief research officer, CSO insights, research division of Miller Heiman Group Texting Given the adoption of messaging by people (consumers and business professionals), a text messaging platform that is owned will be important for conversational marketing programs in the near term And you’ll want it to be yours, rather than Facebook Messenger – grow your own opt-in list/audience Chat is great. SMS/MMS can take it up a level when done well – Ardath Albee , CEO and B2B marketing strategist, Marketing Interaction Inc Away from the internet Offline sales or traffic attribution is a big investment, but we are too far into the data-driven future to still be guessing at how we place our media or how we evaluate our digital campaigns Walk-in traffic verification or look-back attribution matching can help us know what really drove the number we care about most: sales! – Jessica Best , vice president of data-driven marketing, Barkley All-in-one engagement analytics One-stop engagement platform that would pull in all engagements, regardless of where they occur, social, web (own), web (third party – think guest posts), etc would give the content creator a perfect picture of their most engaged fans – Tom Martin , president, Converse Digital All-in-one project management A tool that truly integrates all channels and workflows – Christoph Trappe , chief content officer, Stamats Business Media Process analysis Something that’s missing way too often is a tool that offers the ability to measure and optimize the process of content marketing It might be a project management tool , an Agile tool, or just a good old-fashioned whiteboard, but having access to basic efficiency data is shockingly rare for content marketers We need to know how long things take, where the bottlenecks are, who’s holding us up – pretty much just a snapshot of how our operations are going Without that basic level of information, we’re stuck when it comes time to try and figure out how to do more in less time – Andrea Fryrear , Agile marketing coach and trainer, co-founder, AgileSherpas Audience knowledge Audience data collection and analysis to drive story topics, execution, and distribution are needed Marketers often don’t have access to audience insights and are thus engaging in guesswork about what will resonate with their intended audience At The Washington Post, due to our state-of-the-art tech and audience surveys, we are fortunate to have access to data about audience behavior and interests We then use this data to inform the entire creative and promotion process, from selecting the right story topics to type of content to distribution strategy It’s all about the marriage of science and art Our program for Destination Canada illustrates this We found that people who are engaging in travel content are also reading a lot of food and history content This guided our decision to focus the story on a chef traveling to Canada to learn about his culinary roots – Annie Granatstein , head of WP BrandStudio, The Washington Post Reverberation Without a doubt, the ability to know what content is resonating, either by individual channel or by owned media content This is a giant blind spot I experienced for myself, and one of the reasons I wrote software for Trust Insights to fix it – Chris Penn , c o-founder, Trust Insigh ts Full-picture understanding More and more marketers express a desire for a smarter, more in-depth understanding of their metrics , but most have not invested in the tools (and customizations) to bring all their data into one cohesive system If your information is in three places and you can only look at them in PDF form, are you really getting the full picture? Can you answer the important questions your organization needs to answer? – Zontee Hou , co-lead of consulting, Convince & Convert Buyer journey analysis Few content marketers have the technology in place to accurately implement multi-touch attribution and understand all the points of contact in the buyer’s journey And that’s a bummer because it means we are too often giving too much or too little credit to pieces of content in our library and making decisions based on partial data – Erika Heald , marketing consultant, Erika Heald Consulting Efficient and effective distribution Despite tagging and other methods of ordering content, I feel there is a huge need for a platform that can sort and deliver the right content at the right time This (likely AI) platform would access all your content (blogs, podcasts, videos, whitepapers, etc) organize and sort it, and then deliver the perfect piece of content to the sales professional depending on who they are engaging on what level of the buyer’s journey I spend far too much time sorting through my own blog and YouTube channel to find exactly the right article to deliver when I see a buying activity online – Viveka von Rosen , chief visibility officer, Vengreso Listening Social listening , specifically for smaller companies with smaller marketing budgets Social listening is a great tool not just for understanding the sentiment surrounding your business but also for being able to act on that, including creating the right kind of content In the rush to create and to publish, this is something that can get missed – Dan Hatch , founder, Typeset Script crafting Script creation is important if you’re doing video and animation work because crafting good content for the visual medium is different than just straight-up content writing – Ben H Rome , manager, marketing and communications, AIHA Idea generation Content marketers need tools to help them understand what content to create – Michael Brenner , CEO, Marketing Insider Group Dollars and sense A tool to quantify the ROI of content It’s important to ensure the back-end is integrated so that you can see the content the sales team uses and the content prospects read – Pam Didner , B2B marketing consultant and author, Effective Sales Enablement Revenue effect I think most marketers are missing a tool that helps measure the impact of their content on the revenue they generate… what tool is it? Unfortunately, I don’t think that tool exists – Andrew Davis , author, The Loyalty Loop, Brandscaping, and Town Inc Content value chain I haven’t found a tool to measure the whole value chain of content marketing as it relates to business goals We’re awash in data and analytics but I’ve found nothing that allows you to measure the activity and results in your content marketing ecosystem against business goals – Sarah Mitchell , founder, Typeset A few less-techy thoughts Measure for now Are your KPIs still stuck in the sales funnel developed in 1924? Or are you considering the modern buyer’s journey ? (Today’s buyer has been described as “adlergic” and many are reading blogs before interacting with a sales rep..) Make sure you’re gauging content marketing success with the right tools and with KPIs that fit today’s buyer, not yesteryear’s – Julia McCoy , CEO, Express Writers Connections Authentic engagement is the tool that is most often lacking in the content marketing effort. – Yadin Porter de Leon , global executive content strategist Universal buy-in Most of us have the tools we need The struggle is getting cross-functional buy-in to use those tools in a collaborative and effective way – Amanda Changuris , manager, social media marketing, AAA – The Auto Club Group Look before you buy (again) Instead of looking at what’s missing from your tech stack, look at what you’re using and how you’re using it first More isn’t always the answer And remember even the biggest, best platforms won’t work miracles on broken content – Anna Hrach , strategist, Convince & Convert What content tech do you want? If you could sit at the drawing board with content tech innovators, what would you have them design? Let us know in the comments Or if you already have the perfect content tech tool, we’d love to share the good word Add it to the comments HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Read the full article
0 notes
EVERYTHNG I have seen. I’ve read so much, I have to get it out in ONE place. Please reblog and Add to it
 References are not always given bc its too hard and this is too long already. But this tumblr post has some references: http://fallingdownz.tumblr.com/post/164766484321/lwymmd-theoriesreferences
 EVERYTHING VISUAL- This is an amazing feat:  http://tayloreputationswift.tumblr.com/post/164808227729/t-swift-the-entire-look-what-you-made-me-do
ALL the TAYLORS prominent in LWYMMD with names and descriptions- nice work! https://swiftie-fighting-dragons.tumblr.com/post/164771476418/the-ultimate-tag-yourself
 NOTE TO TAYLOR: If you read this I want you to know that I know you can NOT “like” this because there is TOOO many hypotheticals and reaches and questions.  IF you wanted to verify any individually- let me know and I’ll make a single post for the one you want.
First: She’s too sexy for your shirt. And you missed the joke. It is because people always say she isn’t a sex symbol. No one talked about that. WHY?
Second: She’s not giving up agency by saying you made her do it--- she’s taking over the persona you made her have----you forced her to be these things. HA! Several Tumblrs have talked about this successfully. 
What is that building - a castle or church? Is it where Queen Snake lives?
Crows flying over
Some animals running- wolves from OOTW likely and/or Foxes From I Know Places “we are the foxes”
TS spelled in WHAT? Headstones? I don’t think so. Maybe. Thoughts?
First headstone on left says Film by Joseph Kahn
Taylor Headstone
Shape of a T not a cross.
Here lies Taylor Swift’s reputation
Notice, does not say here lies Taylor Swift- Tumbler fan noted the mural that was memed that had Taylor and dates 1989-2016. Dying in video is reaction to this mural- lwymmd. Everything in the video is a lwymmd.
 Nils Sjoberg headstone-her pseudonym for This is What You Came Here For by ex-beaux Calvin Harris. Fan noted/Taylor liked on Tumbler that this is to signify that she will ALWAYS now take credit for her accomplishments (also a reference to Kanye saying he made Taylor famous and her speech that NO man will ever take credit for her accomplishments).
Lyrics: I don’t like your little games,  don’t like your tilted stage, the role you made me play, of the fool, no I don’t like you
OOTW Zombie Taylor(Michael Jackson Thriller Reference) crawls out of the grave. That’s the reputation she was when they killed her. NOW she’s the Walking Dead.
Zombie is Burying her favorite reputation of Smiling Met Gala Taylor (Tmblr fan noted that Taylor has reported smiling her in her sleep bc she dreams of people taking pictures of her constantly, especially after heavy papparazzi days, that’s what she lives people.).
Taylor pulls a headstone and all the tilted ones around her get straight (I don’t like your tilted stage)
Tilted stage refers to Pablo tour by Kanye West. There was a point in Superbowl when Katy’s stage APPEARED to tilt bc of the graphics. Read in article.
Something falls behind the headstone she is holding onto. What?
Lyrics: I don’t like your perfect crime, how you laugh when you lie, You said the gun was mine, isn’t cool, no I don’t like you
Met Gala Taylor WAKES UP into new Taylor in a marble tub filled with diamonds. Connects to reference Tay made about her blank space self in a marble tub in pearls. Similar imagery to Katy Perry in tub of pearls in This is What We Do. http://www.elle.com/culture/music/news/a19471/katy-perry-this-is-how-we-do-video/ Also there are several references to Britany Spears bc of her difficulty with Media, including the mag cover of Britney in a tub of diamonds. http://www.famousfix.com/topic/ym-magazine-united-states-september-2000
There is a smear campaign saying it is about Kim K getting her diamonds robbed and leaving her in tub BUT this doesn’t make ANY sense. Nothing to do with lwymmd.
The Perfect Crime- it’s a crime to tape someone without their knowledge in California, but it is hard to fight in court, and it would be a SPECTACLE if Taylor sued—so Kimye get away with it.
You said the gun was mine--- You said I agreed to ALL the lyrics in the audiotape phone. NOT COOL I never would have approved the line, “I made that Bitch Famous”. NEVER. Obviously. And on the tape I do NOT.
Mirrors—first- there is lots of them foreshadowing the many Taylors to come.
In Mirrors Watch: she’s clapping with the music during, You Laugh, (when you lie). It’s like she’s applauding his ability to cover up a lie and make it look like she’s the stupid one. I can see Kanye doing this in my mind. Kind of like this: http://www.famousfix.com/topic/ym-magazine-united-states-september-2000
There are actually diamonds and other jewelry strewn ALL over the floor. Careless with our jewels? Money means nothing to you?  Saw a video that shows how two on the left spell “ N O”,  why? Is it related to the engagement ring box in Streaming Co? Did Calvin propose and she said NO?
Next to Tub: Three watches neatly arranged above locket Calvin Harris gave her. WHAT???????
THREES- a Tumbler fan noted that there are these three watches, sets of three stacks of gold bars, 3 chandeliers in ballroom, and three cars on the tarmack.
Watch is also in car crash hurtling toward the screen.
Queen of the Snakes.
Lyrics: I got harder, I got smarter in the nick of time. Honey I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time, I’ve got a list and yours is in red underlined, I check it once, then I check it twice Oh.
SNAKES EVERYWHERE. The Kim K Snake Emoji that became well used by bad people
There are Roman columns and Et Tu Brute is on the arms of the throne. Essentially- back stabber. Part of a Roman story about Caesar and Brutus and even Brutus betrayed Caesar.
On throne there are 12 snakes, Tumbler fan figured out that Taylor is the 13th snake to make Tay’s favorite number is 13. It’s her birthday. December 13 I THINK?
Someone said that the gold wall behind Taylor looks a lot like artwork from Kanye’s album. Kinda.
Red Dress. Red is typical for queens, but Katy did have a perfume campaign called Own The Thone where she was in a red gown. It was similar to outfit for her music video for song Love Me by Killer Queen (is the title of the video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLXbhpyrX7I. Katy is known for loving Queen’s song Killer Queen and referring to herself as one, even in Swish Swish.
Serving tea, Taylor is captured in pics constantly having tea. Her fans have tea in 1989 mugs. There is a company that sells Taylor’s fave tea. AND, when she says OH! Lwymmd- the snakes drop the teapot onto the floor. Tumbler fan noted that last one.
Car Crash
Lyrics: Oh Look what you made me do, look what you made me do, look what you just made me do, look what you just made me do
She’s singing the song throughout the crashing. Love it.
Imagery mimics Madonna’s video for What it Feels Like For A Girl. (diss or tribute is unclear, Madonnas MV for Bitch I’m Madonna is seen as a response to Bad Blood- but Taylor has denied and takes offense that people suggest Madonna would do that, not sure where M stands on the issue).
Gold Car looks like the one Katy used in MV Waking Up In Vegas, which Taylor publicly applauded, and also similar car Katy arrived to VMA’s in with denim matching outfits with Riff Raff (copying Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake years earlier. Doesn’t matter, except that the intro in THAT car was NOTICED. There are pictures of them getting out of it.  
Gold Car Tumbler fans want to be the Maserati driving down the dead end street like in lyrics for Red. I’ve read several who say it’s a Bugatti. Thoughts?
Wearing dress with snakeskin like Met gala 2017 dress Tumblr fan noted. Hair is blond with typical Katy-like ponytail and Katy- like new bangs over her forehead. Leopard coat is like Katys and one that Katy would wear. Note that it is NOT a tiger but rather a cheetah (faster) that is in the seat with a collar that says 13, and later walking away calmly from the exploding TS building.
Tumber fan noted and Taylor liked that she just crashed a car and all the paparazzi are doing is taking pictures. Especially of the Grammy.
Tumblerfan noted and Taylor liked that the paparazzi are her longtime dancers. http://ts1989fanatic.tumblr.com/post/164790333792/ts1989fanatic-newromanticsinnewyorkportugal
Tumbrfan noted that Taylor is holding a Grammy (in Maserati, the Grammy she should have won for Red) which is seen as Taylor has 10 Grammy’s, and Katy has zero. So there! Wait- that means it def isn’t Katy. BURN.
 Gilded Birdcage for a Songbird- obviously poor her in my gilded cage metaphor
Wearing orange jumpsuit- like a prisoner, but classier. Orange is the new Black.
Has glamour shots like a model (from an article I read) in Chanel perfume advertisement has Vanessa Paradiso (Lily Rose Depp’s Mother) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGtmjZ9Yuj0
Also some same glamour poses as in Wildest Dreams MV.
One tubmlr fan says she has a person sized birdcage in her Nashville apartment. No idea.
Miley Cyrus has a MV with birdcage she might be dissing. (Miley has sided with Katy).  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjSG6z_13-Q
Opens with- “A creature so rare it was thought to be extinct. Well we shall see. Ladies and gentleman tonight In captivity for the first time, The rarest creature on earth.. meeley cirrus”
I read there is another MV for song _____ by ______has swing in birdcage.
Thought of Sia and Elastic Heart MV in birdcage. Don’t think there is a connection.
 Lyrics: I don’t like your kingdom keys, they once belonged to me, you asked me for a place to sleep, locked me out, and threw a feast. What?!
A PLACE TO SLEEP https://professorsailor-blog.tumblr.com/post/164816200670/you-asked-me-for-a-place-to-sleep-in-this-bed-by
Kimye are Hollywood royalty right now. They asked her for a place to sleep—IN THE BED in the Famous Video (only 27M views)!!! The video of the phone call shows that Kanye asked Taylor about the lyric, Me and Taylor might still have sex. She thought it was funny and kind of a compliment she said on the call. Just asking for a place to sleep. They did NOT discuss the offensive line: I made that bitch famous. Which Taylor would never had agreed to. But it didn’t matter. Kim released the tape of the call that made it sound like Taylor was okay with it—and Taylor was Locked out of the kingdom.  
THE FEAST- It just hit me. They feasted on HER!!!!! Ripped her to shreds with everyone else. Wow- Taylor is really good at lyrics. It’s probably just that they had some fun parties too. I read someone on Tumbler with a similar idea later. Didn’t grab the reference. Sorry.
Streaming Co./ Biker bitches flash back and forth, see below
Lyrics: The world moves on another day another drama drama. But not for me, not for me, all I think about it karma. And then the world goes on but one thing’s for sure. Maybe I got mine but you’ll all get yours
She’s robbing the streaming co. So obviously she called out Apple Music for not paying artists during trial periods and won. She took her stuff off Spotify. She has an opinion, and people called her out at petulant and greedy, while RICH.
So- She’s Burning Money. Robbing them Blind. She has a team of women robbing all the male employees – Tumblr fan noticed.
Tumblr fan: There is an open ring box that looks like an engagement ring at Taylor’s feet to the right. WHAT?
Hoodie- Gucci, you can buy it. Tiger face on it- Katy’s signature. Says  Blind for Love (Media’s interpretation of Taylor’s romantic life).
Yellow Bat- Yellow and Looks way too much like Beyonce’s to not be. Tribute or shade?
Also someone noted it looks like girl In Suicide Squad. https://www.bitchmedia.org/post/riot-girl-harley-quinn-will-finally-get-her-big-screen-debut
Biker Bitches
5 Bikers leaving a BAR in red lit letters. One has a baseball bat. WHO are these new squad members? OR, NOT squads?
First- IT IS NOT TRUE that Taylor had a lawsuit with a Motorcycle Company for trademarking Lucky 13 and won. The trademark Lucky 13 was held, Taylor didn’t know it, they sued, she settled.
Second- It’s bad add cool, and she has chains hanging off her hat. So.
Third- another reference to Britney Spears of Oops I did it again (got caught by the media) fame.
There is a remix video of LWYMMD with TOXIC that she rides a motorcycle crotch rocket in.
This one she looks like a biker more (keep on dancing) Til the World Ends. (great song- ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzU9OrZlKb8
But there some photos with a motorcycle that look a lot like Taylor’s. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/fc/b1/27fcb14c89cd2d25c99aa554f186e624.jpg
There is also a cute pic of her younger self wearing a Ride Harley shirt in front of a hog on the internet. I couldn’t get a link for it. Google it.
Squad University
Lyrics: I got harder, I got smarter in the nick of time. Honey I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time, I’ve got a list and yours is in red underlined, I check it once, then I check it twice Oh.
Looks like i-robot- Media said so.
Clearly her “SQUAD” – even though only the media uses that word. Not Taylor.
Jumbo Monitors say Squad U, also a cat image, and 13 (fave number)
She’s a dominatrix indoctrinating all the plastic copies of herself. Like Media said she did her friends.
SUPER sexy- not what the old Taylor would do. More on that with the slut drop dance.
Note: Regina George in Mean Girls is QUEEN of the PLASTICS
They are wearing a Kingdom Key on one earring. The plastics have the keys to the kingdom party. http://proudnewromantic.tumblr.com/post/164761708185/ok-but-why-are-they-wearing-a-key-on-their
 Pile of Dead Squad members.
Tmblr fan noticed she is wearing KINKY BOOTs from Todrick’s Broadway play
Tmblr fan noticed: The cube rooms remind one of Calvin Harris’ video My Way. – which the lyric goes You were the one thing in my way. REPEAT that a million times. The video is about someone he wants that is artificial, not real. The lasers in My Way and the T pile of Taylors also look similar, but they are lasers, so they don’t look a lot of different ways. Still- dissing this particular My Way song seems appropriate for Taylor’s LWYMMD theme. See, I was just something in your way –that’s what you said.
Pile of Squaddies- friends who turned their backs on her during her bad reputation days??? That’s what people are saying. (In contrast to the Jewel t-shirt members).
She does the woe is me back of the hand to forehead gesture--- she repeats that same gesture as Met Gala girl in the very end. Why?? dunno
 The Ballroom
Lyrics: Oh, look what you made me do, look what you made me do. Oh look what you just made me do, look what you just made me do.
(I checked and sadly it is not the Blank Space castle where she painted the portrait).
She struts in, and everyone snaps to, because she is so demanding.
There is a toss of a perfume bottle. Possibly Taylor’s new scent? Or old scent Wanderlust- Tmblr Fan
Tmblr fan noticed that they are wearing white earpieces AND using walkie talkies—she really keeps those 8 ex-boyfriends on a short leash doesn’t she?
The fluttering fan that bothers Todrick and makes everyone react—what’s that about? Something!
They get in formation, she snaps her fingers, and they all reveal the I heart TS crop top shirts like Hiddletson’s at her July 4th party. Tom has told the media he thinks it’s AWESOME.
T pile of Taylors
Lyrics: I don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me, I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams. 4 x gradually heightening to scream BAD DREAMS!
She is wearing a black body suit that says REP for reputation (I ordered myself a sweatshirt that says the same—looking forward to that).
Her hair has Kim K’s famous wet look. And it looks better on Taylor. Just sayin.
She sneers expertly. She’s an ACTRESS in your bad dreams; not the real T.
She is in front of a TEAL lit letter T that reminds one of a cross but not too much. Not offensive.
Tmblr fan noted that it represented how she’s been crucified by the media, and is now rising from the dead.
Tmblr fan wrote that it shows she hasn’t walked all over anybody else—instead she is standing on the shoulders of the giants of her former selves. SHE will take credit for her accomplishments of prior selves.
Then there are a LOT of old Taylors in the pile. There is a GREAT Tumblr post with ALL of them.
ALL THE TAYLORS- Amazing compilation of ALL the Taylor’s in the pile WITH pics from their videos side by side. https://shakeitoff6202.tumblr.com/post/164749716903/the-taylors-of-look-what-you-made-me-do
ANOTHER similar list that seems to be longer: http://daydreaminintothenight.tumblr.com/post/164733976579/taylorswift-is-this-alllll-of-them
There are three Taylors that take a prominent role.
Red Taylor in sparkly red jacket. She’s determined. She’s trying to rise up. WHY????
You Belong with Me in Junior Jewels tshirt- we see her a lot WHY?-- tshirt with current besties listed: Selena, Ryan and Blake, Lena,
IRONIC- this non-fancy Taylor gets kicked in the face with a GOTH boot from Taylor’s vogue spread http://www.organizedmessblog.com/2016/04/vogue-whos-that-girl-taylor-swift.html
Swan Taylor from Shake it Off
Taylor in silver dress from when Kanye was a putz.
Lasers are activated when she yells BAD DREAMS and puts her arms out to match the letter T, but not to closely. Lasers kill all the Taylors and they fall back. SO SAD. (Lasers are prominent in Calvin Harris My Way video and also a Kanye performance during which he called Taylor “fake”.
Phone Call
Reminiscent of when Kanye called her and Kim recorded it as a receipt. Taylor was SO nice on that call.
A call the new Taylor would never now in a million years.
Lyrics: I’m sorry the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh..because she’s dead.
Taylor’s mouth with the same rings from the bathtub (Including the snake) are talking into a phone very very similar to the phone used in her MV  https://citychicswift.tumblr.com/post/164695845211/she-even-dissed-taylor-swift-era-taylor-this
QUICKLY: OOWD Zombie Taylor pops onto the screen (she’s the Walking Dead, she’s not in the pile)
Ball Room
Back to that sexy Taylor I promised more of. Remember- she’s too sexy for ___ is the song she sampled from Right Head Fred (?). Such a great joke!!!
Taylor has been accused of not being able to dance. So she is DANCING with a vengeance. Literally.
First- she grabs one boob. Then she grabs the other. A great slut drop. Then some hip gyrating camera zoomed in on her hips. It’s just great. She has her legs wide open and does some thigh slapping.
Significance of fingers in K shape over her eyes at start of dance??
This fishnet from head to toe vixen looks a LOT like a Madonna video- in particular Girl Gone Wild. I posted a Tumblr pic comparing them.  https://professorsailor-blog.tumblr.com/post/164810711855/is-taylor-a-madonna-girl-gone-wild-dancer-the
 Set of Flash Scenes
1.      Crash Taylor is calmly walking away from a building with TS on the awnings that is blowing up repeatedly—but it doesn’t seem to bother her cheetah stridely calmly at her side.
I wonder—Is the TS building symbolic of the new way of selling tickets and merch????? Is it revamping her “machine” as well as herself?
2.      Queen of the Snakes Taylor- just snottily singing Look What You Made Me Do
3.      Streaming Co- She hits a ball of money with a baseball bat while cats standby (hitting it out of the park?)
 4.      Taylor picking up two motorcycles and money falling out of them. Maybe just winning the court case- but maybe more??? http://speeknow.tumblr.com/post/164797175837/why-does-no-one-talk-about-the-taylor-that
 Ball Room
More sexy dancing including a killer slut drop on her own.
AMAZING SNEER FACE mouthing Look What You Made Me Do in very exaggerated poses. Wonder if it is copying someone?
Um- She’s too sexy for her everything. Ends with one dancer’s head in her crotch, one in her boobs, and one grabbing her ass in a way that frames it to really highlight that ass that some DJ just HAD to grab as if it were his right. NOT!!
Also looks a little like Mean Girls Jingle Bell Rock https://professorsailor-blog.tumblr.com/post/164817083865
 The Tarmac
Above there are Flashes of another Taylor in a print and brown print jumpsuit cutting the wings off of her jet plane and over the windows spray painting in pink the word reputation. We get a pretty good look thru one window from inside plane. She looks like she’s having fun. 
-        Note that Taylor has had trouble with people tracking her whereabouts by tracking her planes. Yes she has two – which she has been criticized for but a very wise person said that if you can afford a backup plane in case of mechanical problems—you should have one. Esp given her schedule. She has also had to repaint her planes boring colors to stop people from harassing her. So --- is she cutting off the wings so that it can’t fly? There is jet fuel pouring out of it- that symbolizes something- it’s too expensive to just do (yes I realize its water). Clipping her wings. She’s clipping her own wings? She’s saying you won’t be able to find me anymore? IDK. Is she getting a tour bus instead?
Tmblr fans agree and Taylor liked the theory—THIS Taylor is the real Taylor who then calmly observes as 15 other Taylors have an interesting conversation.
Tmbr fans noticed and Taylor liked that These other Taylors represent the other songs on the album.
Tmblr fans have noticed but Taylor has NOTliked the theory that the songs will come from each of these Taylor’s point of view. I wonder if they will be in these outfits in their respective videos? I’d like to get to know that orange jumpsuit Taylor—she is brewing as she stands there.
There is a Cat running around. https://lizzieissexymama.tumblr.com/post/164731134082/notice-the-little-cat-running-along-my-guess-is
The Taylors from left to right are
1 Biker  
2 Blind for Love
3 Rep top of the T
4 Red jacket
5 Silver guitar
6 Leopard Coat
7 VMA acceptance
8 Met Gala
9 Dancer
10 Junior Jewels
12 SIO Swan
13 Snake Queen
14 Orange prison suit
15 ON THE PLANE- The real Taylor in a floral suit (kinda like Mr. Styles)
 Junior Jewel: You guys!!! Hands on sides of face mouth in OH shape
OOTW: Stop making that surprised face. It’s so annoying.
Swan: Yeah no one can possibly be that surprised all the time.
(NOTE: Taylor is surprised when she wins, and the media have tackled her for it.)
Dancer: What’s wrong with that Bitch?
OOTW: Don’t call me that.
(NOTE: Reference to Kanye’s “Famous” line, which I can’t even repeat. Blegh.)
Silver Guitar: Y’all??
Red: Oh stop acting like you are all nice. You are so fake. (Taylor is accused of being fake every minute)
Silver Guitar: Cries. (
Biker: Oh there she goes, playing the victim. Again. (Taylor is accused of playing the victim every hour)
Met Gala: What are YOU doing?
Car Crash: Getting Receipts. I’m gonna edit this later.
Met Gala: Oh my land hand gesture to top of head, like in the Pile of Plastic Squad members. WHY?
VMA: I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative. (A joke at this point, poor thing really did want to stay out of the narrative. Sigh. People attacked her for that too).
 all: SHUT UP!!!
OOTW Zombie Taylor’s arm falls off
SIO Swan Taylor does her sink and nod like at the end of video
Other old Taylors are in poses from videos.
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kpo-pedits · 7 years
PRISTIN Members Profile
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Pristin (프리스틴) formerly known as Pledis Girlz, consists of 10 members. 
They are under Pledis Entertainment.
The pre-debut team, Pledis Girlz held concerts from May til September 2016 (with the exception of Nayoung and Pinky, who were promoting with I.O.I.). On January 6, 2017, they held their last concert as Pledis Girlz. PRISTIN debuted on March 21, 2017 with EP  single Hi! Pristin. 
Pristin Fandom Name: –
Pristin Official Fan Color: –
Pristin Official Accounts: Twitter: @PLEDIS_PRISTIN_ Instagram: @pristin_official_ Fan Cafe: PRISTIN
Pristin Members Profile:
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Nayoung Stage Name: Nayoung Real Name: Im Nayoung (임나영) Probable position: Leader, Main Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist Birthday: December 18, 1995 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Height: 171 cm (5’7″) Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs) Blood Type: O
Nayoung Facts: – She was born in Asan, South Chungcheong Province, South Korea. – Education: Dongduk Women’s University – Her nickname is Stone Nayoung. – Nayoung became a trainee after going through a private audition when she was in grade 3 in middle school. – Her specialty is writing songs and making choreography. – Nayong’s charm is her unexpectedness and aegyo. (VLive 130317) – Her hobby is painting. – Eunwoo says Nayoung is the father who “silently watches over you from behind.” – Nayoung appeared in Kye Bum-zu’s “Game Over” MV. – She appeared in TROY’s “Why Are We” MV. – She appeared in Hanhae’s “Man of the Year” MV. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – Nayoung had an appearance in “17 TV Season 3”. – She was a member of I.O.I (rank 10 in Produce 101)
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Roa Stage Name: Roa (formerly known as Minkyung) Real Name: Kim Minkyung (김민경) Probable position: Lead Vocalist, Visual Birthday: July 29, 1997 Zodiac Sign: Leo Height: 172 cm (5’8″) Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs) Blood Type: B
Roa Facts: – She was born in Chuncheon, South Korea. – She started training at the end of 2013 during her middle school days in a practical music school. – Her stage name is a combination of ‘ro’ (which means ‘smile’) and ‘a’ (‘beautiful’), which means becoming a person with a beautiful smile. She hopes that there will be more things to smile for. – She was a trainee for 2 years. – Her specialty is writing songs. – Her hobby is cooking. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – Minkyung appeared in Raina “RESET” performances. – She appeared in Dong Han Geun “Falling Slowly” MV. – She was a participant of the show Produce 101 (top 60 – she was eliminated in episode 8).
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Stage Name: Yuha (formerly known as Kyungwon) Real Name: Kang Kyungwon (강경원) Probable position: Lead Vocalist Birthday: November 5, 1997 Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Height: 170 cm (5’7″) Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs) Blood Type: A
Yuha Facts: – She was born in Gwangju, South Korea. – She was studying in a practical music school there and went to an audition introduced to her by an acquaintance. It was on the 1st of June in 2014. – She was the last to join the trainees line-up among the Pristin members. – Yuha trained for around 2 and a half years. – Since Yuha was tall, she heard that she suited After School so she naturally came to choose Pledis. – After participating to “The Voice Kids” a lot of companies called, but she thought that it would be nice to come to Pledis as a trainee. – Her specialty is writing and composing songs. – Her hobbies are collecting bags and writing letters. – Meaning behind the name ‘Yuha’: it is a combination of ‘yu’ which means happiness and ‘ha’ which means great, meaning to bring a great amount of happiness to the general public. – Yuha is keen about the trash bin in their dorm and cares about who cleans it up or not. – Yuha and Xiyeon share the same room. Xiyeon says Yuha is in charge of the mother role. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – Kyungwon appeared in NU’EST “Overcome” MV. – She was a participant of the show Produce 101 (top 60 – she was eliminated in episode 8).
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Stage Name: Eunwoo Real Name: Jung Eunwoo (정은우) Probable position: Main Vocalist Birthday: July 1, 1998 Zodiac Sign: Cancer Height: 167 cm (5’6″) Weight: 48 kg (105 lbs) Blood Type: B
Eunwoo Facts: – She was born in Bucheon, South Korea. – Education: Seoul School of Performing Arts – Eunwoo appeared on audition programs which got her to get contacted by Pledis and eventually get casted. – She spent 3-4 years as a trainee. – Her dad doesn’t usually express his feelings well but when she debuted he texted her “Congratulations on your debut” and it made her tear up. – Her hobby is doodling. – She is called Beagle. She said: “I’m everyone’s beagle, ang!” – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – She appeared in Seventeen’s “Mansae” MV. – She had been a contestant on the television shows Superstar K4. – When she was a participant on Superstar K4, she was too young to understand the importance of it, she just wanted to go home because it was hard, she was tired, and hungry. Now that it’s all over, it’s a good experience and a good memory for fer. (VLive 130317) – Eunwoo joined “The Voice Kids”, “Superstar K4”, and the “National Singing Contest”. She was in the Seodaeumun-gu team. – She participated in the television show The Voice Kids. – She was a participant of the show Produce 101 (top 22). – Eunwoo has a song With Vernon (Seventeen) called sickness. – Eunwoo’s phone lock screen is a photo of Jessica Jung (ex Girls’ Generation). (VLive 130317) – Eunwoo’s role model is Taeyeon (Girls’ Generation). In fact all the Pristin girls admire a lot Taeyeon and have her songs on their playlist. (VLive 130317)
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Rena Stage Name: Rena (formerly known as Yebin) Real Name: Kang Yebin (강예빈) Probable position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist Birthday: October 19, 1998 Zodiac Sign: Libra Height: 162.5 cm ((5’4″) Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs) Blood Type: A
Rena Facts: – She was born in Ilsan, South Korea. – Education: DreamVocal Vocal Academy – Rena started being a trainee in 7th grade. – Rena attended a practical music school and got accepted to Pledis after an audition. – She trained for 6 years and debuted in the 7th year of her trainee life. – Before auditioning for Pledis, Yebin auditioned for TS Entertainment in 2012. – Rena’s nickname in middle school was “snowman”. She gets cold easily in winter and always wears multiple layers of clothes, ending up looking round like a snowman. (VLive 130317) – Her specialty is writing songs and playing the drums. She can also play the guitar. – Rena played drums as a child. Recently her brother started playing the drums as a hobby. She went to his practice room and started exercising her drums skills again, but she’s not yet confident to play in front of the fans, since she’s no longer that good. (VLive 130317) – Her hobby is watching videos of the international pop artists. – She is good at memorizing lyrics really fast. (VLive 130317) – Her favorite food is Ramen. – She’s very close to Minkyeong and Siyeon. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – She appeared in Seventeen’s “Mansae” MV. – She was a participant of “Show Me The Money 4”, but was eliminated in the 2nd round. – During SMTM she was she was so nervous that when the writer passed her the microphone she was shaking so much that he told her “Don’t drop the microphone!” – After SMTM she was traumatized about forgetting lyrics for a while, but she’s fine now. (VLive 130317) – Rena’s role model is Lee Hyo Ri. She gets energy from watching her, even just on Youtube. – She also likes G-Dragon. (VLive 130317) – She was a participant of the show Produce 101 (top 35).
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Kyulkyung Stage Name: Kyulkyung (formerly known as Pinky) Birth Name: Zhou Jieqiong (周洁琼) Korean Name: Joo Kyul Kyung (주결경) Probable position: Main Dancer, Visual, Vocalist Birthday: December 16, 1998 Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius Height: 166 cm (5’5″) Weight: 47 kg (103 lbs) Blood Type: O
Kyulkyung Facts: – She was born in Shanghai, China. – Education: Shanghai Conservatory of Music; Seoul School of Performing Arts – She was a trainee for 5 years. – Her nicknames are China’s Miracle, Chinese Dancing Machine. – After a test in the 6th grade in Shanghai’s practical music school, Kyulkyung got casted and came to Korea in the summer of 2010. – She travels back and forth between China and Korea during the holidays. – During the freshmen year in high school, she officially came to Korea. – Her mom runs a boutique in Shanghai and puts up huge posters of her in it and posts her pictures on SNS. – She can speak Chinese and Korean. – She can play the pipa (a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument). – Her hobbies are: shopping and searching beauty sites. – After the promotions with I.O.I., Kyulkyung gave all of her money to her mom since she’s gone through a lot. She saved only a little for herself. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – She appeared in Seventeen’s “Mansae” MV. – Kyulkyung is close to Seventeen’s Jun, Ailee, Gugudan’s Sally,Twice’s Dahyun, and GFriend’s SinB. – She was a member of I.O.I (Rank 6 in Produce 101)
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Yehana Stage Name: Yehana (formerly known as Yewon) Real Name: Kim Yewon (김예원) Probable position: Main Vocalist Birthday: February 22, 1999 Zodiac Sign: Pisces Height: 163 cm (5’4″) Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Yehana Facts: – She was born in Ilsan, South Korea. – She was a trainee for 2 years. – Yehana (third year) and Xiyeon (second year) are attending SOPA. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – She was a backup dancer during Seventeen’s concert in February 2016.
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Sungyeon Stage Name: Sungyeon Real Name: Bae Sungyeon (배성연) /Shannon Bae Probable position: Main Vocalist Birthday: May 25, 1999 Zodiac Sign: Gemini Height: 162.5 cm (5’4″)
Sungyeon Facts: – She was born in Buena Park City, California, United States. – Education: Orange Country School of the Arts – In Girl Spirit, Sungyeon also mentioned she was a trainee for 8 years, but would go back to America for school and then come to South Korea during the summer for training. – Sungyeon is attending a school for foreigners. She’s graduating in advance because of their debut promotions. She already finished her classes and will be graduating in May. – Her specialty is writing and composing songs. – In July 2016, Sungyeon became a contestant on JTBC’s singing competition Girl Spirit. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV.
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Xiyeon Stage Name: Xiyeon (formerly known as Siyeon) Real Name: Park Junghyeon (박정현) but she changed it to Park Siyeon Probable position: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper Birthday: November 14, 2000 Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Height: 163 cm (5’4″) Weight: 51 kg (112 lbs) Blood Type: O
Xiyeon Facts: – She was born in South Korea. – She has a younger sister. – She was a trainee for 9 years (from Seoul Story article). – Xiyeon (second year) and Yehana (third year) are attending SOPA. – She can play the piano and the violin. – Her specialty is writing songs and making choreography. – Before debuting, Xiyeon did work as a child actress. She appeared in CFs and dramas. She was in ‘Korean Ghost Stories’ and in the movie ‘Anatomy Classroom’ and ‘Educating Kidnappers.’ She started as a child actress at 5 years old. – Her hobby is watching comedy shows and movies. – Xiyeon and Yuha share the same room. – She appeared in several CF’s and dramas as a child actress. – In 2010, Siyeon appeared in After School’s “Bang!” MV. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV. – Xiyeon appeared in Pledis “Love Letter” MV along with After School, NUEST and Son Dam Bi. – She was a participant of the show Produce 101 (top 35).
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Kyla Stage Name: Kyla Real Name: Kyla Massie (카일라 매씨) Probable position: Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Maknae Birthday: December 26, 2001 Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Height: 165 cm (5’5″)
Kyla Facts: – Kyla was born in Indiana, USA but then moved to California. (from her vLive) – Her mother is Korean while her father in American. – Kyla has an older brother named Luke and a sister. They are very close. – They watched Spongebob and Dora in their childhood. – She was a trainee for 2 years. – Kyla’s middle name is Solhee. – She can speak Korean and English. – Before signing with Pledis, Kyla did quite a few CFs and was a child actress and modeled in America. She started when she was around 6-7 years old. She did CFs for shoes and dolls. – Out of the Seventeen members, she is closest to Vernon. – Her brother says Kyla is one of the most humble individuals you will ever meet, quiet at first, but sweet. – Kyla is studying online. – She loves Mexican food. – She was a backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s “My Copycat” MV
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survivorjordanpines · 6 years
Episode 3: We Need to Start Getting Rid of the Extras - Cole
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I hate the music video challenge. Other than that, I feel indifferent towards the people who got voted out. I wonder if Kage found anything in the isle of pines though. I would be happy if he did.
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why is  this going easier than expected? theres gon be a swap soon huh...jp would fuck me up like this s/o to my fave liam and andreas
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I hate these challenges. I don't like being on camera but when you know half your tribe probably doesn't want to participate, you don't really have a choice. I think we're going to do Trouble - Pink, my suggestion, and I'm super hyped about that because I love Pink. We love feminist icons on a tribe that is like 60% men. There's no way to do an all girls alliance with just me, LA, Karen, and Regan. 60-40 aren't great odds.
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nick saying he talked and had a social game when he only started talking 4 hours before tribal because jack warned him he was being voted plus I think queen pippa and Allison will win the redemption comp over nick nick only stayed cause mat summers was inactive lol 
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Kage is playing hard really early, but that's good for me. He can be my shield while I stand behind him. Honestly, his reads on the game are useful for gathering information and he seems willing to be my ride-or-die. I find that this is extremely favorable. However, I also want to work with Charlotte and LA. They seem like a good trio for me to attach myself too. I do not want to pick between them so I hope that I can continue working with all three of them as the future progresses. 
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Music video challenges are a nightmare. I feel like a mother trying to get her kids ready for school and one kid is in the bathroom taking forever, another won't eat his cheerios, one is still in bed, and the other two have mysteriously vanished. We are losing this challenge. There's no way around it. Which means, we'll have to pick someone who was the least helpful to send to the Oasis. I love rewarding flops. Kage said that he would try to get people to agree to send me which is cool, don't get me wrong, but like - why me? Let's not put a target on my back quite so early, thank you! But on the plus side, I decorated my co-workers desk with Crab!Jordan pictures and that amused me for about 16 minutes. 
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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh music videos make me want to die lmao
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AHHHHHHHHHHH I hope we win again becasue how funny is it that we are the hate jordan pines tribe  and we stay the longest
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I like my tribe. I am aligned with everyone. If we lose I will be upset for 2 reasons: I will have to vote out an ally and this is the best music video in TS history so it should win
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Well so far the game is going really well for me!! I think I have a lot of loyal allies and I hope we don't go to tribal for the third time in a row because I pretty much want everyone on my tribe to stay in the game as long as possible. We need to start getting rid of the extras that were aka the other two tribes.... Like offense but like they aren't stars so like go hunny thank you being a place holder, you are excused.
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Challenge is due in 8 hours and 45 minutes. Guess how many people have filmed stuff for the video? Yes , you guessed it... the answer is ONE. I'm voting for myself because no one else deserves it. I destroyed my kitchen for this challenge. I threw a chair, there are ripped pictures of Jordan Pines everywhere, and I took down a painting. THAT is dedication. WHEN WILL YOUR FAVE EVER?
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At this point in the game I almost want to go to Tribal that’s why I’m not helping with  the video. I want to go to tribal to test our alliance and pick off Regan or Adam. Regan because she is messy af and Adam because he has too many ties with the icons tribe. I hope we flop in this challenge. Also, I told the wrong clue to my alliance so let’s hope that doesn’t backfire. It won’t for this vote anyway and hopefully I get to go back to the Isles Of The Pines so I can retrieve MY idol.
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I hope we win, the video jessica made was SO good! we'll find out soon and I'm just a bundle of nerves right now!
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Pippa was voted out, so despite her best efforts she still fell short! However she did win the redemption island duel, so shes still in! Our tribe did the challenge in one day and looking at the criteria I fully expect us to lose. Like 100%. So thats gonna finally cause some ~tension~. Everyone is active on our tribe. But if we go with the alliance of 6 we formed, either Cole or Casey would go. Personally i'd rather we just win and neither goes but someone has to go and its rather shitty.
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[2017-11-21, 10:52:45 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): OUR VIDEO IS TERRIBLE [2017-11-21, 10:52:47 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): I WANNA DIE [2017-11-21, 10:55:27 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: I'm scared to watch [2017-11-21, 10:55:47 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): don’t do it [2017-11-21, 10:55:53 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: Okay lol [2017-11-21, 10:55:59 PM] Jordan Pines: make a confessional about it :) [2017-11-21, 10:56:03 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): Kage didn’t mute our video files [2017-11-21, 10:56:09 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): So it’s a disaster [2017-11-21, 10:56:13 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: HEGDVEBSHDJEJ [2017-11-21, 10:56:15 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): A DISASTER [2017-11-21, 10:56:19 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: THATS SO BASIC [2017-11-21, 10:56:22 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): LORI ITS JUST YOU AND ME [2017-11-21, 10:56:23 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: JFC [2017-11-21, 10:56:28 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: I'M DONE [2017-11-21, 10:56:31 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE IN IT [2017-11-21, 10:56:34 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: MED EVAC [2017-11-21, 10:56:37 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): and there’s ugly effects [2017-11-21, 10:56:43 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): Jordan can we mutiny [2017-11-21, 10:56:49 PM] Jordan Pines: nope :) [2017-11-21, 10:56:49 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: WE OUT [2017-11-21, 10:56:55 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): Okay well we’re out [2017-11-21, 10:57:02 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): Med Evac please [2017-11-21, 10:57:08 PM] Jordan Pines: :) [2017-11-21, 10:57:46 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: I need to go [2017-11-21, 10:57:57 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: I'm not watching that video [2017-11-21, 10:58:00 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: Lol [2017-11-21, 11:01:43 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): I couldn’t watch the whole thing [2017-11-21, 11:02:16 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): If either you, kage, or I gets voted out I’m done with this community lmao [2017-11-21, 11:02:19 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): FLOPS [2017-11-21, 11:02:33 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: MOOD [2017-11-21, 11:03:14 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: I need kage to delete that asap [2017-11-21, 11:03:37 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: I still cant bring myself to watch [2017-11-21, 11:08:20 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): Honestly me [2017-11-21, 11:08:24 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): I want it GONE [2017-11-21, 11:08:30 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): BURN IT WITH FIRE [2017-11-21, 11:12:48 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: RIP [2017-11-21, 11:30:09 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): so [2017-11-21, 11:30:11 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): you can hear you singing [2017-11-21, 11:30:24 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): bc kage  used our backing as the music track [2017-11-21, 11:30:29 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): i want to fucking choke [2017-11-21, 11:30:37 PM] LA {Themyscira Host}: I can't believe ts jordan pines made me quit orgs [2017-11-21, 11:30:43 PM] charlotte (themyscira host): ME AS FUCK
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Going to our first tribal will be rough, but I feel confident in my alliance. I will certainly not be the one going. Jaiden threw out Regan's name and I'm down with that. She seems to have the best chance of getting Pippa out of redemption and having an Senip come back will provide us with numbers.
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Hello I just got added to two alliances with regan. One with David and one with gage. And listen I love regan but I cannot be snatcht for being in 10 alliances bc she thinks I get along with all these people 😩. But honestly if I were to work with anyone on this tribe it'd be regan David and gage so we'll see how this goes. I'm also talkin to charlotte so I'll see what she's thinking vote wise. I'll prob talk to other ppl 
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I can't fucking believe this tribe. Actually, no, that's a lie... I can believe this tribe because they're all a bunch of flops. I don't care that you were working, or that you had school. LA and I both work, she had school, and we still managed to put together a THREE FUCKING MINUTE VIDEO to contribute to this tribe. Effort isn't hard. Honestly this challenge would have taken less than five minutes. But I'll play nice, I was only a little shady in the tribe chat. me: kage and LA the true MVPS me: the rest of ya’ll… no shade no tea but :| I would copy receipts but Skype for Web sucks. TAKES UR EXCUSES AND SHOVE EM CUZ I DONT WANNA HEAR IT. I WILL CARRY YOUR SORRY ASSES ON MY BACK IF I HAVE TO. WE'RE NOT LOSING AGAIN. Tonight the Icons Only tribe wants to vote for Regan. I don't have a problem with Regan, other than she can be a little extra, but David said that she's the person he talks to the most. Selfishly, I want her gone so that I can be the person David talks to most. I like David, he's cool. I would love to have an alliance with David and Adam. Me? Aligning with everyone on my tribe? More likely than you'd think.
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Jack may be cute as hell like the rest of our tribe but he's really rustling my jimmies with this vote. Stop dragging Liam around like a dog, it's not cute and it's not gonna keep you in this game. Liam deserves better, end Liam hate 2k17. Also Sarah is an actual legend queen of spilling tea.
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Kage is messy. Betray me and I'll slit your throat and bathe in your blood
JK he's a child I take that back. BUT MOM IS NOT IMPRESSED. GO TO YOUR ROOM.
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so Jack is making liam do all his dirty work wanting to get Madison out having got nick out and all well he is gone i guess
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I hope I am not getting voted out. This alliance should carry me to victory though.
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anyway so I left off with an alliance with gage and regan and david and regan, then I added david and la to the chat with gage anyway so we agreed on raf. and then Jaiden is like don't vote for me, and that he said that the names he heard were regan kage raf and himself. so anyway david and regan call me and I'm like what the fuck is going on in here on this day and they tell me that theres an alliance that kage made with kage la gage charlotte raf and Jaiden but like gage told me that kage ratted out his own alliance???/ anyway so Jaiden keeps thinking the vote is switching between kage and regan and raf and like .....I don't wanna vote reg so like rn I'm in the process of trying to get gage and la to flip to raf or maybe get reg to vote for kage, so it may be 4-4-1 or 5-4. and like gage and la are basically the swing votes and I'm like like yall literally trust me the most so just vote with me???? like by fucking me over and voting regan theyre gonna fuck themselves over. anyway so like I'm scared kage might have an idol??? and that's my main issue with voting for him like a split would be hard to do rn so that why I wanna vote for raf at this point
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First tribals are suppose to be easy but NOT THIS ONE. I don't know what's happening in this game, i just know I'm suddenly in the middle of two alliances. I JUST WANTED TO SLEEP MY WAY THROUGH THIS. i wanna work with karen but she doesn't wanna vote regan but the other alliance wants to vote regan so i'm gonna pissed off one side if me and gage can't flip to someone else. honestly, i'm trying to keep karen happy and build this relationship with gage cause i need people. at some point its gonna be me and char going for each other and i need to have allies i can depend on. AND WHO THE FUCK DOESN'T MUTE THE AUDIO TRACK AND REPLACE IT WITH THE SONG WHEN EDITING A MUSIC VIDEO?!!?
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Honestly this tribe is a mess. Kage and jaiden are messes. And I'm a mess and the most paranoid person ever. Actually that might be jaiden but he's a smart kind of paranoid.
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LA wants to vote out Kage. Bitch, so do I, but how many times do I have to say - WE DON'T HAVE THE NUMBERS. Girl, tribal is in 22 minutes. Sit down!
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Me being in the majority for the first vote? What is this feeling??? This feels.....too good to be true. So much shit went down and so many names were thrown around and I expected to go too. But thank my lucky stars that didnt happen. Going forward I think I cant trust Regan and Karen and even possibly gage but everyone else IDK!!!!! 
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I guess I'm the fool. Oh well. Not like it matters.
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