#lots of himuro's blushes
sakuwsker · 2 years
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Himuro, Saejima & Katori ~ Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi episode 7
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shintaru · 2 months
Crush | GOM + Kagami & Takao
Kuroko ~
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Will spend more time with you
he doesn’t like talking much he prefers to enjoy your company and talk when he feels like it
will make you laugh, he can be really funny even though he thinks he has no sense of humor
Talks about basketball with you
Wants you to watch him practice at the park
Kagami ~
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will share a few burgers with you
you’ll notice him staring but he’ll turn his head blushing anytime you catch him
shows you a lot of basketball tricks
wants to eat alone with you at restaurants but Kuroko always ends up being there
if you have a favorite food he’ll cook it for you
Kise ~
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would share a lot of the things he gets from modeling with you. Ex: skin care, lotion, etc.
will be a little clingy
flirts with you 24/7
invites you to his modeling gigs, practices, & games.
Annoys Kasamatsu about you
Midorima ~
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Will buy a lucky item for your astrology sign
tells you when your days will be good or bad based off astrology
will let you help him tape his fingers
invites you to study with him
he may even show you how to shoot a basketball if you’re interested
Takao ~
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tells random jokes trying to make you laugh
wants you attending his games
he talks about Midorima not stop
let’s you ride in the cart with Midorima
he won’t take anything seriously but if he notices you’re upset he will try to comfort you
Aomine ~
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invites you to nap with him on the roof
will practice and attend games if you mention you’ll watch him play
Tries to teach you the basics in basketball but he never lets you win when you practice together
Won’t give up his magazines
Will hug you when he is all sweaty after a game
Murasakibara ~
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shares his food with you
he will watch you a lot and look for you at games
will annoy Himuro with questions about you
will purposely put something on a high shelf so he can magically be there when you need help getting it
will buy all your favorite snacks so you have to ask him if he can share some
Akashi ~
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likes playing chess with you, if you don’t know how to play he will show you but it depends on his mood if he’ll go easy on you or not
likes studying and reading with you
wants you attending his games
Will help you with anything you’re struggling to understand
Won’t tell you about his past you figure it out on your own
Dedicated to @cozyunderworld
Kuroko looks so pretty in that gif 🥹
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count-alucard-tepes · 3 months
Kengan Ashura hotties headcanons😍 Type of S/O they’d marry 💍
Raian Kure 👹: his S/O would be mellow and nonchalant but strong and supportive at the same time. Ngl his S/O has to be a bad bitch/savage to handle all that Raian is and put him in his place. 
Kanoh Agito😁: his S/O would be a wild child that is practically bouncing off the walls with the amount of energy they have, definitely golden retriever energy.
Kaolan Wongsawat🥊: his S/O would be someone level-headed who is career driven and down to earth aka humble.
Kiryu Setsuna 🥰: everything that is Ohma…lol jk. His S/O would someone strong willed and head strong, they have to be because he’s been through a lot.
Adam Dudley😬: his S/O would have a rich cultural background that they are proud of and he can’t help but admire them for this.
Hatsumi Sen😍: when he finally settles down (who knows when that would be😂 ), his S/O would be someone who is a homemaker but also a strong, bad bitch that makes him do cartwheels for them😂
Sekibayashi Jun 🤼‍♂️: his S/O would be someone who always laughs at his jokes, makes him laugh and who can cook really well, he loves a good sense of humor.
Hassad❤️‍🩹: his S/O would be strong and calm, probably from where he is from with the same upbringing and values.
Himuro Ryo🤍: his S/O is someone who is calm and kind, I feel like he’s quite the timid person and would want a partner similar to him.
Inaba Ryo🖤: his S/O is someone who just adores how cute he is and loves helping him with his hair. They always compliment him and make him blush.
Kiozan Takeru🤼‍♂️: his S/O would be quite the traditional person but who calls him out when he gets arrogant and snappy. He immediately is eating out of their hand and pouts.
Muteba Gizenga🪖: oh man he’s never getting married lol he apparently just loves anything that’s female, that’s all I’m gonna say😂
Nikaido Ren 🤩: his S/O would be someone who is as humble as they come, not someone who feeds his ego and he’s captivated by it.
Sawada Keizaburo💅: his S/O would be someone who comes off as shy but they give off savage energy as soon as they’re with him, no one can say anything negative to their Sawa-Chan.
Yoroizuka Saw Paing😜: his S/O would be super chilled and relaxed to balance him out. They love his energy though, it always makes them smile.
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imagine-knb · 3 months
My fav Admins are still posting!! Yippeh! anywayyyss can I request GoM+Kagami+Kotarou+himuro on how they would react when their fem crush who's quiet and reserved around others but is bubbly and talkative (and weird in a good way) around them saying "Last night I dreamed I was a bottle of ketchup....and you were mustard...which is weird bc usually your mayonnaise in my dreams why do you suppose that is? :3" like js randomly in comfortable silence between them hehe <33
The irony is the fact that I then went on a months long hiatus... 😅 Admin Neon
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Kuroko: There's a beat between the end of your sentence and his response, but when he finally does open his mouth, it's laughter that falls out. Kuroko barely ever heard you speak, so to have something so off topic and random slip past your lips definitely caught him off guard. He asks you to elaborate, wondering more about these silly dreams of yours.
Kagami: There's a slight smirk on his face when he asks, "You sure you weren't just hungry?" The story of your dreams has his own stomach growling, so Kagami offers to bring you out to lunch while you continue telling him everything. It isn't until he's at Maji Burger and he sees how perfectly mustard and ketchup combine that he starts to think deeper about your dreams. It has him blushing.
Kise: You are halfway through your dream explanation when you realize Kise is staring at you in wonder. The second you pause long enough to give him a word in edgewise, he's breathing out a quiet, "You dream about me a lot?" Something about your accidental confession has his heart swelling, despite the oddness of your actual dreams.
Aomine: There's a snort that comes from his as he drops himself beside you, shoving his arm against yours. He compares his dark complexion to your own. "You sure you weren't the mayo?" he teases. He's trying to get you to fluster, trying to hide his own embarrassment from showing after you revealed you dreamed about him often.
Midorima: He had been listening to you intently the entire time, soaking in all the details of your dreams. But when you got to the part about ketchup and mustard, Midorima couldn't help but get lost in confused thought. Surely that must've meant something, right? Ketchup and mustard when together far better than ketchup and mayonnaise, so this was a good sign. Right?
Murasakibara: His brows furrow as he thinks about what you've just said. "Why mayonnaise?" he asks, poking at the skin of his arm. Was it his complexion? Did something about his personality just scream mayo to you? He almost didn't want to know, nose wrinkling. Even mustar wasn't that much better of an option. "Can't I be something else? Like some nerunerunerne?"
Himuro: He hides his slight smile behind a hand as you describe your dream. You don't notice his furrowing brow underneath his bangs. Is being mayonnaise in your dream supposed to be a compliment? Why does it feel like an insult? Himuro listens to your long tale nevertheless, nodding along and asking furthering questions. He wants to get to the bottom of its meaning.
Akashi: There's a brief moment where he has to pause, nearly asking you to repeat yourself. Akashi takes a moment to process what you've said, though it still doesn't make any sense to him. Instead, he latches on to the only thing he can wrap his head around. "You dream of me?" he asks, expression changing from confused to amused when you start to stutter in embarrassment.
Hayama: His energy matches yours exactly and, despite taking a second to catch up to your line of conversation, Hayama joins it with just as much enthusiasm as if the two of you were talking about basketball. He asks you about your dreams and counters with stories of his own. They sound just as random as yours and he points out how the two of you must be more alike than he thought.
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GOM’s reaction to their female s/o giving them flowers? Because boys deserve to get some flowers too!! <3
I tried to keep these as in character (my interpretation of course) as possible, while also honoring the spirit of the ask. Hopefully it worked!
Akashi Seijuro
He’s confused at first, but only for the span of about three seconds.  Looking at your hopeful face, with your pretty blush, tells him everything he needs to know.
He gives you the softest smile.  It’s the kind of smile literally no one gets to see.  He’s very polite, but he kisses your forehead and runs his fingertips down your jaw.
Depending on how many you give him, he’ll keep one on him and put the rest in some kind of vase.  The majority go on his desk in the student council room.
The one he keeps, he carefully trims so that it fits through a button hole on his school jacket.  Wears it without shame and then presses it when he gets back to his dorm.
God help anyone who so much as gives it a look.
Aomine Daiki
He stares at the flowers like they are going to bite him.  At first, he doesn’t even realize you’re trying to give them to him, and when he gets it, he starts to turn red around the edges.
What the fuck, ____-chan?
A lot of bluster, and a fair amount of grumbling lectures about how guys don’t want flowers, etc.  However, if you tell him you’ll take them back in that case, he gets defensive and annoyed.  Absolutely snatches them from you the moment you start to pull away.
Those are mine.
Outwardly he’s grumpy and embarrassed about it, but inside his stomach is doing flips.  He’s torn between his ‘masculinity’ and the fact that you’d given him something, especially something that reminds him of you.
Won’t wear them or anything, but secretly asks Satsuki to teach him how to preserve them.  Also clumsily jams one in your hair, if you are wearing it up.  If you aren’t, then don’t rule out it going in your cleavage instead lol
Kise Ryouta
He squeals.  Like literally squeals like a little girl.  He flushes, but he’s too busy grinning and smelling the flowers to notice or care.
He is effusive with his praise.  Really, somehow makes it about you and how you are the best, most beautiful, amazing girlfriend in the entire world.
He’s the only one of them that appreciates them for what they are.  He likes flowers and thinks they suit him.  He’ll probably spend a break with you in his lap, weaving the flowers into crowns for both of you.
Doesn’t want to take it off and gets scolded by teachers until he does.  Knows better than to try to wear it during practice.  But he demands a date after practice and will be elated you match as you end up at a dessert café or something.
Anyone tries to laugh at either of you?  Well, you learn then that he’s not always the cheerful, bubbly young man you love.
Murasakibara Atsushi
Has absolutely no idea what to do with flowers.  Thus, he has no idea how to respond.
Has a tendency to speak and react without actually thinking, so the chances of hurt feelings are pretty good.  He holds them like they are going to bite him and frowns.  Why?
He does think he would have rather had something yummy.
He’s not that slow, especially when it comes to you, so he sees your disappointment right away.
A bit pouty, but he makes up for his poor reaction.  Being the handsy sort, he probably picks you up so he can kiss you without bending so far.  It’s one armed too, since he’s still holding the flowers in his other hand.
Mutters a thank you between kisses and nuzzles, and then, of course, demands Buy me something yummy?
It seems like he doesn’t care about the flowers, but he has them in his dorm on display and gets sad when they start to wilt.  Himuro helps him preserve a couple of them.
Midorima Shintarou
Dies.  That’s it, he just falls over dead in front of you.
Jk, but he is dying inside.  Blushes brightly, but that’s the only indication of emotions on him.  A lot of fiddling with his glasses ensues.
Has no idea why you would get him flowers, maybe if they were his lucky item, but as it happened, they were not.  Will demand an explanation.
Takes them grudgingly, because he’s a tsuntsun and god forbid he actually say what her feels.  You can see how flattered and happy his, however, by the way he fusses with them and treats them very carefully.  He even thanks you shyly.  There’s embarrassment, but he’s very soft in that moment and will actually reach out to hold your hand.
As embarrassing as it is to receive flowers, he’s secretly happy, behind the bluster.  He feels special, after all, how many boyfriends could say their girlfriends gave them flowers?
Kuroko Tetsuya
Is a bit confused for a moment, but he smiles at you right away and thanks you in his quiet way.
He used to help his mom with her garden, so he knows how to take care of them.  Bonus points if you got him living flowers, they would sit in a place of pride on his desk.
The gift brings you closer.  He doesn’t expect things, even when he buys you little things because they make him think of you, so when you do give him something it tickles him pink and he treasures whatever it is.
If any of his friends try to tease him, he gives them his deadpanned stare and asks in a completely straight voice What did your girlfriend get you?
Knowing full well that none of them have girlfriends.  He’s savage when he wants to be.
He knows how to save flowers, and so he does.  He eventually puts one in a frame so it’s like having them on his desk forever.
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Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga...
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( Disclaimer: Darker themes touched, the reader was a victim of the Gu ritual )
The first time Koga fell in love was when he was in Yamashita-san's office, sitting on a desk next to Ryuki, getting taught some useless stuff by Kaede. He hadn't expected the door to get opened and for two men with completely different auras to step in, nor for a girl around his age to follow close behind. Until then, Koga would occasionally have small crushes on pretty girls in highschool, but one look at the beautiful lady in front of him, and he was a blushing mess. Why? He couldn't understand either. Was it her princess-like grace? That pretty dress? Her long, wavy hair with that cute bow? Or was it that mysterious vibe she gave off, highlighted only by that stoic and rather apathetic look on her face?
His bewitching was short lived, for the pretty lady called Y/N simply scoffed, calling him weak all of a sudden. He couldn't help but feel his jaw drop to the ground from shock - How could she call him weak, of all things? Sure, he wasn't yet as strong as that boy, Cosmo, but he is determined and ambitious to surpass even him, and even that man with black hair who beat him to hell that night in the alleyway, when he and his group tried to gang up on him. He was hardworking enough and patient in his journey of becoming the strongest out there! How could she just call him - Weak?!
Angry, he stomped in front of her, easily towering over her smaller form, looking down at her aloof face - She didn't seem to sketch a single emotion whatsoever - Koga almost felt like he was trying to argue with a brick wall.
That, however, changed as soon as he tried to put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt at making her react in some way to his protests, yet before he could even blink, before his fingers could feel the thin material of her dress, he felt an electrifying pain surging through his wrist as though it got shattered, and his center of gravity got destroyed as he was thrown into the door, breaking it.
"Oops. Forgive me, Yamashita-san. I will pay for the damages." despite his vision being blurry, Koga's heart leapt slightly at the soft yet low voice of the frail-looking girl who somehow managed to break the door with him. Insane. Was she a fighter or what? The underground sure has a lot of surprises. "Listen, Y/N, I get it - I'm weak, by Kengan standards. I know that, okay?! I know! But I'm determined and I won't give up! Do you hear me?! I just can't stand the thought of someone out there who's stronger than me!" the twisted expression of sheer anger and ambition on his face made Y/N's eyes widen in surprise - Ohma used to say the exact same thing, bless his soul - And look where he is now, dead in a ditch. "...Better a living loser, than a dead champion." though Koga couldn't understand her mumbled words, he could feel the sorrow of not only her, but the other adults around the room also.
✮Since then, Himuro and Kaneda became his and Ryuki's mentors.
✮During the first day, Himuro took Ryuki to hell knows where, while Koga was taken by Kaneda to Sekibayashi's wrestling ring. Y/N was there, though she seemed even more silent and uncomfortable than before. Was she not comfortable with so many people surrounding her? It could be. She seemed like an introvert.
✮She got to watch him make a fool of himself, unable to keep up with Seki's squatting, and got beaten up to hell by Jose, how embarrassing.
✮Still, she didn't seem to sketch any ounce of disgust or disapproval. Instead, she silently took a handkerchief and delicately held his bloody and bruised face, cleaning it up.
✮He was a blushing mess.
✮When he was told about the Kengan vs Purgatory Tournament, he felt the need to see you and tell you all about it - But you already knew about it, of course.
✮Though he was a little flabbergast at how actively involved you are in this underground mess, his voice got so genuine and vulnerable, asking you if you thought he had any chance to secure a spot on the Kengan roster.
Your beautiful eyes bore sharply into his own, almost intimidating him. "I would say it sorely depends not only on your improvement in the next half a year, but on the amount of veterans that we manage to score on our side. Don't take it personally, but I would rather have 'Sasa or Agito, rather than a newby like you." Koga gulped, taking the brunt of her blunt sincerity - Though he hated to admit it, she was completely right. "On the other hand... Well, adding the political problem into the equation, and that we couldn't get in contact with even 'Tsumi or Rei... I wouldn't say it's all that impossible for you to take that spot. I would take you over some dumbass like Rihito any day." the way she rolled her eyes with complete denigration of that man she mentioned seemed to encourage him a little. "Ha! Thanks, Y/N! Lemme get you another frappe as thanks." though he suggested that, Y/N was already up on her feet, having paid the bill herself, and walked out of the cafe. "Hey, wait up!" he jogged after her, as she took the shortest path to the park, enjoying the warm weather. What a peculiar girl, Koga thought. "Hey, Y/N, why did you just leave like that?" Y/N rose a questioning eyebrow. "I knew you would follow." her simple reply shocked Koga, but at the same time, it also amused him. "Koga." she suddenly called out to him, stopping in her tracks. "Don't die too. Not like him." her voice was soft and sentimental. "I am no Buddhist, I cannot find the comfort in suffering, nor in the ephemeral state of life." "Come on now, don't say such things! There's no way I'd die!" chuckling leisurely, Koga swung his around around her shoulder, pulling her into his side, smirking confidently. At first, he didn't realise that her entire being froze up, and gingerly put away his hand so he wouldn't touch her. "Don't get cocky and don't underestimate your opponent." came her last bit of wisdom. "Don't worry, I won't! In fact, I promise I'll get so strong that I secure that spot!" he seemed determined enough. For the first time, Koga noticed a faint smile on her otherwise stoic face. It was beautiful.
✮True to his promise, Koga continued to train hard with Seki, and even listening to Ryuki's advice, all to get stronger and stronger. All for his goal, and to keep his promise to you.
✮He started training with Adam and Cosmo's master, went ice-skating even. Funny enough, you were also there, but you didn't bother with them much - It was rather humiliating, admitting to knowing Cosmo and Kureishi when they were playing around as Ina Bauer.
✮Still, Koga couldn't help but steal a few glances at you and your elegant skating - You seemed so at easy and happy dancing, as though you were in a dream state.
✮Cosmo and Adam teased him when they realised, and mentioned how you were a natural at skating, often coming by just to dance around. It only made Koga more determined to get better at it and complete Adam's challenge.
✮Needless to say, after this was over, Koga invited you to skate whenever he had some time to spare, and though he wasn't as graceful as you, nor did he know how to dance, you held endless patience in teaching him - And you even held his hand! If only you could see how red his face was as you helped him twirl around!
✮You were there to watch Ryuki's fight, but you admit to Koga rather shamelessly that you were far more interested in Nitoku's fight. It was very rare to see him going - Poor man must be getting broke again - But it made you happy. No other good fighter in Kengan was such a Sambo master, and you loved seeing all of his hard techniques dominating his enemies.
✮On occasion, Koga would ask you to come over for shopping with him and Ryuki, hoping to help the clueless boy get a fashion sense - Only to discover that you were also very much ripped away from reality, but just hid it better.
✮You simply accepted to dress with whatever clothes you were given, not having any opinion whatsoever about fashion, and likewise, had no clue about movies, games, or anything pop culture. He was shocked out of his mind.
✮How could either of you live just a secluded life, away from anything pop-culture?!
✮He had to remediate that by taking you to watch all kinds and genres of movies, introducing you to all of his playlists, showing you video games, arcades and what not.
✮Much to his surprise, you didn't show an immediate interest in absolute anything.
✮In truth, he thought he failed you, only to later hear you throwing off-comments about random things that he showed you - He was so touched! He got even more determined to help you find out things that you like.
✮Though you were a bit skeptical at first, you even agreed to have sleepovers with him, where you'd spend the whole night watching movie marathons or playing co-op games of all kinds.
✮Koga was so, so happy just spending time with you, and his crush on you only grew.
✮Especially after you gave him a small clap after winning a fight against Jose, or encouraging him briefly to get over his fear of his uncle and return to his karate dojo.
✮He even showed-off his newly polished finishing move to you, and he was so proud!
✮Though he thought things were going very well for him, the sky fell crumbling down on him upon discovering Ryuki was actually a remorseless killer.
✮He went to you for comfort, his eyes in tears, but you seemed completely unsympathetic.
"So what if he killed?" Koga's heart stopped moving. "When it's kill or be killed, you wouldn't let someone else take your own life, would you?" "Wh-What? How can you speak so casually about taking a life?!" he gasped, feeling so betrayed by his friend and crush. "You've lived a sheltered life, Koga. I speak from experience." Y/N shrugged simply, tilting her head slightly, confused at why he was overreacting. "S-So... Y-You're trying to say that you... You've killed, also?" he stuttered over his words pitifully. "Yup." she popped. "Didn't have much of an alternative, y'know? Life's life, and life sucks. Suppose I'd still be killing, were it not for Katahara." she hummed dryly. "Wh-What are you saying, Y/N?! What do you mean?" poor boy's mind was completely blank, unable to understand why the girl was so uncaring towards human life. "Stop being so over-dramatic." she rolled her eyes. "You got upset at Koga for no reason. Moreover, if Ryuki said that wasn't a man, but a bug, then no doubt, it was a Worm. Worms deserve death." "... I'm done with you. Both of you." Koga made the mistake of looking into your eyes, and saw how confused you looked at his reaction - You seemed as innocently confused and unaware, just like Ryuki was. Still, he couldn't continue staying around psychopath, so he left, choosing to focused entirely on fighting.
✮Thankfully, that didn't last long. Not only did he see you in the front row of his employment fight, but you were hanging around like a ghost during Ryuki's fight also - But you didn't intervene. You just left.
✮Though he made up with Ryuki, he still had to make up with you also somehow.
✮You didn't seem too bothered by it though. You even told him you had no idea why he was apologising. Water under the bridge, though you did point out that his naive thinking would make him lose in life.
✮Months passed, and you heard the new that Yamashita-san and Koga were attacked by the Worms, and you rushed to the hospital as fast as you could.
✮You didn't speak a word, though Koga could see that you were worried sick for him. He felt so flattered.
✮Nothing he did for you, however, earned the reaction that you made as soon as that black haired man, Ohma, entered his hospital room.
✮ "Ohma!" Y/N jumped to her feet, her voice raising for the first time in ages. The man was surprised to see you going out of your way to hug someone, but he merely chuckled, glad that people actually missed him.
✮You were also on Ohma's side when he told Koga he couldn't fight in the tournament. He was far too injured, and he was still nowhere on the veterans' level.
✮On the other hand, he felt light-hearted with Ohma's encouraging, and with you pushing the weirdo jerk you called Raian out of the window.
✮Seeing him in the hospital bed like that, you found yourself zoning out all the way until everyone left the two of you alone.
✮Koga ended up telling you about the guys who attacked him, to which you explained they were Worms - Hence why, you mentioned previously that they deserve to die. Now, he understood your words, and he regretted temporarily severing ties with you. He apologised again.
✮You ended up telling him a little about your life, how you were an orphan in Mainland China and how you were subjected to the Gu Ritual, and what it meant. The trauma you went through at such a frail age, and how you still can't get over many of the things that happened. You can't stand people touching you, you're constantly on the edge, crowds make you uncomfortable, and you always feel like people want to kill you out of nowhere.
✮You also tell him more delicate aspects of your life before old man Katahara found you and took you in, saying Sayaka needed a younger sister, but even with Agito as a mentor, someone who went through the same things as you, you couldn't get over what happened.
✮Instead, you adopted the same apathetic facade as the Fang and tried to carry on with life, hoping that someday, things will change.
✮After seeing Agito couldn't help you live a normal life, Himuro agreed to take you in and tried to show you that life wasn't as dangerous and evil as you were subjected to previously, and people weren't out to harm you all the time.
✮Koga ended up with tears in his eyes, and his first reaction was to throw his arms around you, pulling you in a tight bear hug and apologising for every time he touched you so familiarly, as he was so used to doing that with friends.
✮Once he realised that once again, through the hug, he was touching you, he tried to pull away - But much to his surprise, you didn't let him get away from the embrace.
✮"Thanks." he heard your soft whisper in his ear, and his heart started trembling even more from emotion, realising that you trusted him so much.
✮Being so familiar with most of the Kengan roster, you felt comfortable staying in the arena with them, silently cheering on them and getting a better view of the matches.
✮You even texted Koga to get over also - After all, why wouldn't he?
✮Both of you were overly frustrated when Gaolang lost his match all because of that stupid ringout rule, and for the first time, Koga noticed a grim frustration in your eyes. It wasn't often that you expressed any definite emotion, but by far, this was the most defined he's seen yet.
✮Contrary to the match-up rules though, instead of a Kengan fighter stepping first into the ring, a Purgatory beast of a man was already there, cackling like a maniac and taunting the Kengan side.
✮Though Koga wanted to curse under his breath at that petty behaviour, he noticed you unable to peer your eyes from that man. You were tensed up and trembling. Was it from fear? But why? Did you know that man?
✮That man was holding a dog collar and leash in his grasp, twirling around the collar with his finger and laughing. Was he deranged in the mind?
"Hey, Y/N, what happened?" Koga tried to gently call out to you, but you jumped away from him, and stepped back as if to seek comfort from the Fang. You were visibly hyperventilating and panicking. "I see you, pretty girl! You've grown up so much. I wonder how you look now, all string up to a tree with this leather beauty." unconsciously, Y/N held her hands over her neck, feeling herself getting strangled by the neck to the point of passing out. Agito knelt in front of you, trying to snap you out of it, and even Himuro rushed to your side, but nothing worked. "Come on over, pretty girl, you know you want your revenge, don't ya? You kill all those poor bastards, just to get the chance to kill me too, didn't you?" the man taunted. "You were my favourite apprentice, after all. Especially with this little thing around your neck." "That fucker! How dare he?! I'LL KILL HIM!" Koga got so angry that he almost stormed to the ring to kill that man for traumatising and humiliating you for most of your life. Ohma had to hold him down from doing anything stupid. "Huh? Don't worry, I'll fuck him up real good for ya, Y/N!" Rihito grinned widely at you, but you were unresponsive. "Come on, babe, come on out, let's play! Surely, you don't wanna wake up with a phone call telling you either of your daddies mysterious died, huh~?" all of a sudden, your shivering stopped, and an eerie aura engulfed you. Agito knew best, it was the same as when she was rescued from the ritual. It was the same as when HE was rescued from the ritual. The girl was going to fight to death for her revenge. "Piss off, weakling." Y/N hissed, using an elbow hit that slammed Rihito into the wall. "H-Hey, Y/N, you can't go out there!" Koga tried to stop her, but she was blind and deaf to anything surrounding her as she let her coat fall to the ground, stepping in the ring in a crop top and loose pants. "Oh, look at her, look at her go! Ready for the show, baby girl?" the man's laugh resounded creepily as he threw the dog leash at her. She simply discarded it out of the ring without any emotion.
Y/N took no stance, while the monster of a man got in whatever stance he liked. As soon as he lept at her with his speed, Y/N punched him in the cheek with an Ironbreaker, following up with faster and faster brutal blows in a dangerous storm, only to get her wrists caught by him. "What's it, Kitten? Afraid to unleash your tiny little claws?" while he was busy taunting he, Y/N channeled her anger to use Agito's trump card technique, the Dragon Shot, in his groin area, before grabbing him by the neck and using a Redirection Kata to throw him to the ground, before following with a strong kick to send him flying away, towards the edge of the ring. Y/N didn't allow him a moment of respiro, as she sprung to his side with a barrage of well-aimed jabs to all of his vitals, easily side-stepping his punches, and continuing to overwhelm him with Adamantine punches in the face. Y/N could faintly hear her name being chanted, cheers from her friends resounding through the place, only for her vision to blur suddenly. "Stupid little whore." the criminal spat as he easily punched her face, making her fall to the ground, spitting blood. It almost felt as if nothing she did was capable of comparing to the single hit she received, in terms of damage. "Stand up, you stupid girl. I'll show you what defectors gets for betraying their master." Y/N tried to attack again, but this time, her hand got easily caught. "You've grown weak, you useless girl." with a twist of her arm, the man harshly slammed her to the ground. "Renounce those stupid friendships you made that got you weak, and I'll consider taking you in again." he tried to slam his foot on her head, but she rolled away just in time, leaping away, but he caught up with her, burying his hand in her hair. "You're nothing without me." he slammed her face into the concrete. "You'll never escape me." he rose her head just enough to punch her away, before kneeing her in the diaphragm, causing her to hunch over in pain, to which she received an elbow to the back of the head, continued with repeated slams of her face into the ground once again, and a kick to the face, making her roll away. "YOU CAN'T DO SHIT WITHOUT YOU, YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH!" he slammed her foot on her head. "Give up now. You can't defeat me. Just admit you're pathetic and come back to me. I promise I'll discipline you well." he cradled her face close to his own, before punching her away.
"Y/N, GET UP! GET UP!" she head Koga calling out to her, as well as the other fighters. The world was spinning around with her, and she felt like she was going to die. Her mouth was overflowing with blood that she continued to spit and vomit with each failed attempt at getting up.
"Ah, is that your boyfriend, toots? Should I start by ripping him to pieces in front of you? Yeah, that sounds good." at the simple mental image of a dead Koga, Y/N found the strength to spring with such speed and velocity strength that she took the beast by surprise with a well-aimed punch to his diaphragm, knocking his breath away, following with another storm of jabs and kicks that almost felt like overwhelmed him, until he retaliated with a punch to her jaw. "Is that all your love can get out of you?! Ha! How pathetic!" When he tried to punch her again though, she managed to catch his fist. "I'll rip your fucking throat out." Y/N hissed, kicking his breath away again, before overwhelming him with multiple aimed jabs. "There it is, there it is, look at you! I told ya, didn't I? It's not love that drives you - You can't love! You're a monster, just like me! You're incapable of love or being loved!" he cackled at her. "It's hatred that makes you strong! Hatred, rage, fear and hunger - All of this made you stronger!" he laughed loudly. "Now it's time I discipline my rebelious little bitch. Surely, you can handle me, can't you?"
Just as Y/N expected, that fucker released his Guihun and was ready to actually rip her to shreds for running away. "Y/N! YOU CAN DO IT! SHOW HIM WHO'S THE BOSS! WIN THIS, Y/N!" at once, both Y/N and the criminal clashed fists at such speed that even Koga and Yamashita had problem keeping up with. This almost equal exchange of hit and receive went on until Y/N received a kick to her heart, before getting picked up by the neck - He strangled her just enough to make her see stars, before punching her to the ground.
Y/N was unmoving. She was cursing herself for being so weak against the sucker who made a hell out of her entire life. She wanted revenge more than anything she ever wanted in life.
Faintly, she could hear the referee calling the countdown, slow and steady. In the distance, she could her hear friends calling out her name. How annoying.
"I told you, didn't I? You're not even strong enough to protect those you claim to love. It's because you're weak and pathetic. You'll pay for running away, Y/N, starting with killing that runt in front of you."
The only sound heard through the stadium was Y/N laughter as she got to her feet, a wide grin on her face. "I'd like to see you try, fuckass."
With an angry scowl, the criminal rushed to her, only for Y/N to catch his wrist with one hand, delivering an elbow shot Flashing Steel with the other, continuing with an Ironbreaker to the jaw and a number of ground grappling techniques that destroyed his elbow and knee. "I don't need you teaching me anything. I don't need anything from you. This is my Formless Niko style. My Y/N style. You can't take this away from me, no matter how hard you try." Y/N hissed, deflecting another punch and hitting his nose, making him growl. He grabbed her head and headbutted her hard, once and twice, sending them both to the ground.
"You'll regret this, you fucking whore--" in a flash, Y/N rolled away to avoid a kick, before she aimed a kick to his neck, at his windpipe, making his stagger enough for her to swipe his feet, sending him to the ground. She straddled his waist and angrily started pounding away at his head, releasing all of her pent up anger and frustration, her fear, her tears and everything that tainted her heart. "I was just a child, you fucking psychopath! You ruined me! You ruined my life! Fucking die already!" what happened after that, Y/N wasn't sure, but somehow, she was being held away from the dead body of the man she just murdered.
Koga had panicked, seeing her so far gone, continuing to destroy the man even after the ref called out the match was over. He threw his arms around her from behind, prying her away. "Y/N! Y/N, snap out of it! It's done, you killed him!" Y/N grew lax in his embrace, her body trembling softy. He realised she was weeping. "I was just a child." he could hear her sobbing. "I was barely 5 years old. What the fuck. What did I do to deserve it?" she continued crying in his arms, her head hung and bordering despair. "You did nothing wrong, Y/N. You didn't deserve any of it." Koga gently soothed her, turning her to hold her tightly to his chest, caressing her hair. "You're safe now. It's okay. Everything is okay now."
Agito and Himuro also stepped into the ring, saying she did great and that everything is going to be alright now, there's nothing that can hurt her anymore. With a nod of agreement to the men, Koga picked her up and got her to Hanafusa for a check up. She didn't need to hear that she lost because she killed her opponent. He deserved it, that son of a bitch. He wasn't even the littlest bit upset that his crush killed - She deserved the comfort of revenge and the peace of mind that her past can't haunt her anymore.
✮After Hanafusa took care of your injuries, he suggested you rest - But of course, you couldn't. You needed an urgent shower... And eventually, a long sleep. You were exhausted.
✮Koga waited for you just outside the stalls with your clothes and a towel.
✮He kept his eyes close so he wouldn't peak at your naked body, though his cheeks were deeply flustered.
✮ "What does it matter if one more person sees it?" Koga was really upset by the depressive comment, but didn't open his eyes. Instead, he stepped forward and wrapped the towel around your body like a blanket.
✮"It matters. I want you to feel comfortable around me. To know you can trust me. To know that I'd never do anything to hurt you. I want you to know that I'll protect you no matter what."
✮For the first time, Koga saw you blushing.
✮"But I already know that, Koga. I trust you." now he was the one flustered.
✮Taken over by such an intense feeling of love that he cupped your face and gently kissed you. You've never had anyone being so caring and attentive with you. You felt yourself melting in his arms. "I love you."
✮You returned later for the rest of the matches and celebrated Kengan's win, though you were sad for the patriarch's death against the Worms.
✮You continued cheering for Koga as he trained and learnt more stiles from different fighters.
✮You began to feel more at ease around him, indulging and even finding genuine interest in whatever pop-culture things he introduced you to, and you even started doing your own research.
✮You quite literally renovated a whole room into a home-cinema just so you can cuddle in bed with Koga and binge-watch different shows. The same with video-games which you project on the large screen.
✮You were two fools, very much in love.
✮During the Berserker Bowl, you encouraged him and were so happy and proud of him for getting in the finals, even after fighting Ryuki... Only for him to lose to Rihito. It was the biggest annoyance of your life, but given his injuries sustained in the previous fights, it was no surprise.
✮Koga deserved to win though.
✮That night, you tended to his wounds and praised him for his victory.
✮Koga was very flustered by your beautiful smile and all your sweet words, to the point that he felt lost in your love.
✮Your intimate night with Koga is going to be filled with giggles as Koga likes to keep things light-hearted and make you feel comfortable.
✮He's going to kiss every inch of your body and worship you.
✮He's addicted to everything about you, and he can't get enough of you. He just loves you so much.
✮And officially having you as his girlfriend made him the happiest in a long time.
✮He's always going to support you with everything, and will be there to hold your hand when you need someone to guide you in life.
✮He's also very patient and will be there to comfort you and uplift you in your hardest moments.
✮And whenever you're out, he's going to hold your hand with your fingers intertwined - And if he'd feeling giddy enough, he might even swing your arms.
Being in a relationship with Wakatsuki Takeshi... Being in a relationship with Yoroizuka Saw Paing... Being in a relationship with Kure Raian... Being in a relationship with Tokuno’o Tokumichi... Being in a relationship with Kano Agito... Being in a relationship with Gaolang Wongsawat... Being in a relationship with Gaoh Ryuki... Being in a relationship with Narushima Koga... Being in a relationship with Hatsumi Sen
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yellowelectroslime · 11 months
(in order of most the least ticklish)
Warning: tickles
1. Dripped out goku but with white hair (Koga Narushima)
the most ticklish boy in the kengan verse, change my mind (you can’t)
he’s the type to freeze up completely and drop everything he’s holding when tickled
not really a squirmer but will try and fight back
VERY BLUSHY when tickled and tickling
he’s torn between liking and hating tickles cuz he’s SO DAMN ticklish and its mad embarassing but its comforting (sometimes)
he has such a squeezable waist its so easy to tickle him there i wanna just 🤲🤲
after the day koga taught ryuki what tickling was, it was the end for him.
always getting tickled by ryuki
when he tickles someone he’ll go all blushy and he can’t tickle someone for long cuz he’s gonna be more embarassed than the lee
but when its RYUKI- he will go “GRTGRGRGGR TAKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!”
2. Therapy required 2.0 (Ryuki Gaoh)
very baby boy about being tickled 🥺
It was koga who introduced it to him and now ryuki will try and tickle koga literally every day
doesn’t squirm a lot but will giggle and twitch cutely a lot
koga will tickle him back and i feel like he would actually enjoy the tickles
he’s too pure 🥺
he WILL NOT hesitate use his crouching tiger hidden dragon techniques to tickle you
3. Personified ray on sunshine (Cosmo Imai)
100% enjoys being tickled
thinks its a very wholesome way of bonding w/ ppl
squirms and giggles a lot, VERY BABY BOY 🥺🥺🥺
his smile and laugher is so contagious like i would have to stop and take a break cuz his smile is too bright
gets wrecked by kureshi a LOT (maybe i’ll try and write a fic one day idk)
HE CAN AND WILL use his grappling techniques when tickling
he’ll also go for the lee’s weakest spots first
very big on verbal teasing
literally EVIL but he’s so cute >:))
4. Therapy session required (Agito Kanoh)
he is also a psychopath who likes being tickled
didn’t rlly experience tickling much
has ticklish palms, wrists, spine, under elbows and probably any other irregular tickle spots
like when u swipe down his spine with a finger, he muscles tense up SO MUCH and crosses his arms but u can see his shoulders shaking a little and the blush forming (pls help this man)
if u tickle him long enough you can get a deep chuckle
he doesn’t rlly laugh when he’s tickled cuz he’s good at hiding his reactions (dw he can feel everything)
when he goes ler tho- 💀💀
you will be missed 🫡
5. Will not button up his shirt to save his life (Himuro Ryo)
I’m calling it rn. he has ticklish che boob chest
if u scribble there he will give deep chuckles
he’ll try to get away but he doesn’t squirm a lot, he just tries to push them away (it doesn’t work)
he can’t hide his reactions well
lots and LOTS of deep chuckles
he has pretty big hands which gives him the advantage when tickling
whenever koga doesn’t listen, himuro would tickle the crap out of him (koga is terrified of him now)
6. Thigh God of War (Gaolang Wongsawat)
he’s not rlly ticklish to harder tickles
just softer ones like when u trace ur finger nails around his tickle spots or poking and prodding
gentler ones gets him to laugh (he had a nice laugh)
like if he’s shirtless and laying on his stomach, trace ur fingers around his back, shoulder blades spine etc he WILL tense up and u can see his shoulders shaking a lot as he tries to get away from the tickls
not too into it tho, like he wouldn’t go out of his way to tickle ppl
but he will do revenge tickles
he’s a big guy so it’s hard to shake him off of u when he’s tickling you
doesn’t go to the lee’s weakest spot but will spent enough time tickling them to make them beg for forgiveness (for then he just goes •__•)
7. Living on Panadol (Kaneda Shuichi)
not ticklish, but he will chuckle a little bit if u get is weak spot (which isn’t rlly ticklish)
evil tickle monster tho
will use his foresight to tickle the crap out of you
has very nimble fingers so its hard to block out his tickling
will slowly work his way towards the lee’s most ticklish spot
his most common victim is himuro
8. Blinding sunshine that took the form of a rlly loud gorilla (Saw Paing)
not ticklish at all unless u get his weakest spot (i think its cuz kf the bone)
tried to tickle kaolang once to get him to rematch. did not work. kaolang managed to get him back
i wanna say he laughs rlly rlly loudly, but smth tells me he’s a silent laugher
tickles pol to cheer them up
he’s the local tickle monster in his village so he has a lot of experience tickling ppl :]
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aneenasevla · 5 months
Red Velvet - Chapter 2 (part 1)
MasterList / Akane’s profile / Last chapter here Art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 2 - Shake It! (part 1)
"Hey, babe, I found a good place!," Okubo says, while  Tomori gets into the car.
"Great! What's the name?," she asks as she sits next to him, in the passenger seat, and puts on the seat belt. "So I can send her the address."
"Put it on Google: Brazuca’s Bar, in Romaji because you won’t find it in kanji. I've already sent the address to Iron Fingers, privately," he starts the car, heading down the main road. "It's a Brazilian bar that Himuro recommended to me, he said the music is great and so is the food. There's a lot of other stuff there too. I'm kinda curious, I've never listened to Brazilian music much. It's gonna be something new for me, and I think it'll be new for you too."
"Brazilian, huh?," Tomori smiles at this. "Good choice! She has loved these places since high school. She'll feel at home there," She searches for the address on Google. "And it will be fun for us too! Brazilian establishments are very cozy."
"So you've been to one?," he asks, curious. "What is it like? Do you have a song reference so I don't feel lost? Put one on the stereo for us to hear."
"Only once, when I was eighteen and Kane was nineteen. Teenage girls, recently graduated from high school and with more hormones than common sense, you know the drill," She blushes a little, playing with a strand of hair, giggling. "But that wasn't the place you chose, so I'm very curious! Anyway, the music that plays most in these places are very famous genres in Brazil. Pagode and funk. And no, it's not American funk. It's another type," She looks for a song to use as an example.
"Pagode? Isn't it Samba?," he raises an eyebrow. Then he listens to the song when it starts playing. "Hmmm… the rhythm is quite romantic, isn't ir…? Which one is this?"
"Pagode. Music to dance close to, skin to skin," She giggles. "Everything is very physical in these places. I think it's the perfect place for Rihito, and for Akane too. But only if he knows how to behave. But we can both dance too, I'm available for you, hehe."
"I'm a terrible dancer," he blushes a little. "But for you, I can twerk like I'm the master of gigolos, so you can laugh in my face."
She laughs loudly right there, her shoulders shaking. "Laughter is what keeps a relationship alive and well, love! I laugh now, but I'll give you all the treats later to make up for it."
"Anything you want to give me," he smiles, and then laughs softly. "Wow, the music is really putting me in the mood! Show me some Funk, so I know what to wait for."
Tomori's smile is now a little more embarrassed. "Okay... but don't judge...," She chooses a specific one, putting the music on. And the rhythmic and intense beat startles him a little.
"Wow," he blinks. "Okay, I kinda like the beat, ahahahhaha... holy crap...," He starts laughing like an idiot. "I don't even know what this girl is singing but it seems very vulgar..."
"And it is! Akane loves these things, seriously," She laughs again, scratching the back of her head. "It's really fun to dance to, but if you read the translation of the lyrics, you'll blush like a virgin girl, hahaha!"
"Sorry, but now I'm curious to see this friend of yours in flesh and blood, and I think I hit the nail on the head, again. I'm getting scared with my luck..."
"I told you that day, Naoh. Rihito has no idea what he's gotten himself into," She gives a sharp, dangerous smile again. "But seriously, this could work out really well. She has the ideal energy to be on the same wavelength as him. Someone who won't be intimidated."
"I still have doubts, that dumbass only gets along with nut jobs and sex workers, 'cause they're paid to put up with him. So I dunno...," he then looks at her. "Are you in the mood for a bet?"
"A bet? What kind?," She arches an eyebrow, interested.
"What do you want from me?," he waggles his eyebrows.
"An autograph from Kaolan Wongsawat!," She says immediately, her eyes shining with excitement. "I only need his for the trinity of my biggest idols to be complete!"
He makes a face, as if he had sucked on a lemon. Of all the famous fighters he knew, it has to be the Thai God of War… "Okaaaaaay… if I win I want to take you on a tour on Osaka for a month. Give your boss a heads up because you're going with me after Christmas and you won't be back until the middle of February. Got it? Oh... one more thing," he looks at her, in an intimidating but lascivious tone. "You won't be able to walk for a while after that."
"Oh my God, you...!," She blushes a lot, giving a nasal laugh followed by a snore. "You're terrible, Okubo Naoya...!," She holds her face in her hands with an adorable smile. "Now I feel like losing on purpose, ahaha... even though taking a month off from the bakery would make Kanny's life difficult. But okay, I'm in! I'll see what I can do..."
"Alright! And it's gonna be good timming 'cause if he doesn't get this girl he'll cry in my fucking ear for weeks, and I want to be far away when that happens."
"Tell me about it…," She sighs. And then she looks up at him, her expression serious. "And I saw that face you made, y'know? I already told you that you don't need to be jealous of Kaolan Wongsawat, silly. I wouldn't trade my human mountain for anyone..."
"I know, it's just that you're too pretty and he's too…," he stops himself. "Well! I want my girl to only care about me, and to look at me, and only me, with star in her eyes," he looks at her with a smiles. "Just like you're doing now."
She pats his shoulder, and then snuggles her head there, closing her eyes. "I won't call you cocky only because I've caught you looking at me the same way manny times. ‘We’re even."
He laughs a little, before changing gears in the car.
honey, I’m already here!
we're almost there! 
just one more block away
we'll be in a blue suv
are you at the entrance?
and I'm enjoying the music already
a brazilian bar, eh
you know me so well
hey, I'm gonna get a table for four
it'll be easy to spot me
but just to be sure, I'm wearing my favorite coat, you know which one
I'd recognize that coat from a mile away lol
ok we'll park and then meet you inside
brings back some memories, right?
both of us, sneaking into that pub to get shitfaced lmao
it sure does lol 
we'll talk more at the bar, it's cold as hell outside
And her icon went offline.
Akane goes inside the bar, looking for a table big enough for four people. She found one on a good spot, sitting down and taking off her coat, letting it fall to her waist. She was never ashamed of showing her tattoos off, but she still adjusted her cleavage to keep her breasts in place. This caught the attention of a waiter, and she ordered a juice. If that Rihito guy was like Tomori told her, she wanted to be sober to face whatever he threw at her.
The atmosphere was already buzzing, despite it still being relatively early. She could only imagine what it would be like later, at nightfall, when the music was at its peak and the alcohol had risen in the blood of all those people. The buzz of random conversations gradually increased in volume, making it difficult to hear her own thoughts, which might be a good thing, all things considered.
It doesn't take long for her to see the waiter further ahead, bringing the juice she ordered, walking a little slowly so as not to bump into the customers.
"There you go, miss..."
"Send the menu, sweetheart," she smiles. "I’ll look at it for now. I don’t even know how much the juice costs, I ended up ordering it on impulse…"
"Of course. And no need to worry about that, miss," The waiter places the menu on to the table and the tray under his arm. "Your juice has already been paid for."
"Huh? Really? By who?," She raises an eyebrow. Was there some busybody who wanted to ruin her date? She gets worried, pushing the juice away lightly so as not to give this annoying stranger any ideas.
"That gentleman over there," The waiter indicates with a discreet nod of the head the long counter facing the bar, where some people were sitting. "He said you know him..."
And she sees him there, sitting on one of the stools with his back to the bar, his arms resting on the counter. He wore a dark green shirt that molded to his muscles in such a way that it could only have been planned. He lifts his head a little and smiles, his expressive green eyes looking at her with obvious, warm interest, a few strands of unruly bleached hair falling over them.
Oh yes, she knew him. From photos, but there was no way to get confused. And apparently he wasn't confused either. She felt relieved that it wasn't some other cocky man and then smiled, taking the glass.
"Thanks, darling," she nods to the waiter and drinks some of the juice, looking directly at him. She knew her look was spot on, so she put it to good use.
No sooner said than done. The interest on his face was so obvious it was funny, a second before he managed to compose himself. He himself was already drinking, picking up a glass and slowly turning it into his mouth without taking his eyes off hers. He almost seemed to be waiting for something...
The excited scream steals her attention, and as she turns around, she comes across her friend, Tomori, coming towards her with a huge smile, and right behind her, the almost seven-foot gorilla she recognized as her new boyfriend.
"Girl, I missed you! Still the biggest clotheshorse in the whole town, eh!"
"Go big or go home, isn't that what they say, Peahen?," she gets up and hugs her friend, laughing. Then she look at Okubo. "Holy smokes, did they build a freakin' wall in front of me and I didn't see it 'till now? Is that your pet gorilla, Tomori?"
Tomori returns the hug with a loud laugh, before turning around and saying, "In the flesh, honey! Kane, this is Okubo Naoya. Champion of Ultimate Fight and of my heart," She coos playfully. She had always been an helpless romantic, even in her days as a crazy delinquent, and she knew how hilarious her friend found it. "Naoh, this is Agata Akane, the crazy girl I told you about."
"Hey, nice to meet ya," he bows a little, hugging Tomori by the shoulder. "Tomori talks about you a lot. She really likes you, y’know."
"And who doesn’t?," she jokes, laughing afterwards. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Okubo. So… that blonde bull over there is your friend, right? Is he shy? Why don't you introduce him to me?," she points with one of her well-painted claw-shaped nails.
"Big bull- jeez, has Rihito arrived yet?," Tomori looks where Akane was pointing. And sure enough, there was Lihito, sitting with his back to the bar. He widens his eyes a little before looking away, mumbling to himself for a second before seeming to make up his mind and standing up from the bench. "Yes, it's him! Wasn't he going to arrive just half an hour later?"
"He must've tried to lose us," Okubo murmurs to his girlfriend. "Welp, sucks for him, but we arrived...," he says out loud, pulling a chair for Tomori to sit down, then taking his place, while the other man comes closer. "This is my friend, Rihito…"
Rihito approaches, looking momentarily embarrassed. Apparently, the cute couple ended messing up his plans of wooing her with his mysterious charm... well, at least paying for her juice had worked. And the look of embarrassed annoyance, even though it only lasted a second before being suppressed with a confident smile, had been strangely cute.
"Hey. Is this the lady I've heard so much about, Tomori?"
"Yep! Rihito, this is Agata Akane. Akane, this is Nakata Ichiro, but he prefers to be called by his nom de guerre. It's something you have in common," Tomori smiles, and Rihito a little to the side, his eyes narrowing a little as he smiles crookedly.
"Seems like it. Noms de guerre and the fascination with big cats...," He deliberately lets his eyes roam over her shoulders, focusing for a second longer on her set of tattoos "Nice to meet you, Miss Agata."
"Likewise, Rihito," she smiles sharply, extending a hand to him, as if waiting for a kiss. "I saw you from afar, but up close... it's more interesting this way."
"Yeah, same to you," He takes her hand, and Okubo and Tomori are secretly relieved to see that he had managed to contain himself, not pulling her towards him with that wild excitement that they knew well. He just brought her delicate hand to his lips and kissed it, his eyes fixed on hers. "You were already beautiful in the photos, in person… 'Panther' couldn’t be a more appropriate definition hahaha…"
"My spirit animal, my dear," she winks and then looks at the other two at the table. "So, shall we start with an appetizer to warm up? I started with a glass of juice because I didn't want to get hammered before you guys got here, so I'll stick with that for now. Here's the menu," she sits back down and hands it to them.
"Thanks", Okubo takes the menu. "Oh, nice, this one looks tasty," he points to some cheese cubs. Akane looks at him as she sits down, crossing her legs elegantly. Rihito immediately looks at her. She was wearing a short dress with a side slit… that was open almost all the way down to her hips. No sign of panties there. Or a bra; that red dress and those stockings were the only thing that prevented him from seeing everything. And that thing covering her entire thigh... was that the same tattoo she had on her shoulder?!
He swallows discreetly. Holy shit, how the fuck was he supposed to hold back? None of those two saps prepared him for that! He knew from her Instagram profile that she was the confident, "likes to leave nothing to the imagination" type; he didn't mind at all, he even liked that type of woman, because they were the most likely to accept his advances. But that? Walking around in such a revealing dress and without any sign of underwear, with all the confidence in that hot, tattooed body that she was displaying? She was basically asking him to fuck her right there in the pub's bathroom! He couldn't believe how lucky he was!
He forces himself to keep his thoughts in order and his blood away from the lower half of his body. He had made a promise, and he was a man of his word. He was going to take things calmly, test the waters and tame that wild cat until she was all soft and eager to get busy with him. The juice scheme had only been partially successful thanks to the interference of those two, but that was okay. They still had all night.
"Hehe, of course," He nods, making a point of sitting right next to her, hands together on the table to contain the urge to take a good grip on her exposed thigh. "You can order more of them, if you want. There may be more where that came from, after all...," He arches an eyebrow.
"How generous," she laughs softly. The invisible clothing tactic never failed, he had his eyes on her and only her. It was exactly what she wanted. "But for now the juice is enough... help yourself, an empty bag won't stand, and if you fall, you'll take one or two poor bastards with you," she laughs softly, drinking some more.
Rihito was so taken with her that he even began to notice details in her face: the vibrant red lipstick on her full lips didn't stain the glass, it was so well applied. Even her makeup looked flawless; he had no idea how much she'd applied on her face, but her blue eyes seemed to want to hide shyly, beneath her thick, dark lashes. Her vibrant blonde hair had some well-hidden colored streaks. He had to concentrate on responding to her appropriately and not look down to look at her cleavage, which happened to be very evident in his point of view.
"Haha, lady, I can knock down a lot more bastards than that," He manages to say, forcing himself to keep his eyes fixed on hers; he discovered it wasn't that difficult, because those blue irises were quite impressive. Contact lenses? Or was it natural? It was hard to say, and if it was the second option, he wondered if that meant she was mixed race, like Kanami. "But no need to worry. I can be quite gentle when I get the right encouragement, hehe..."
"A stuffed gorilla, as I said," Tomori jokes with a smirk.
"Oh, c'mon! A gorilla?," He turns to her, his bravado lessening a little, giving way to a slight embarrassed indignation. "You'll make your friend think I'm a Neanderthal or something!"
Tomori laughs a little, shaking her head. "Considering how long it took you to make an Instagram profile, that definition is appropriate."
He snorts, rolling his eyes. And then he smiled, looking sideways at Akane. "I had a nice incentive."
"Hahahahaha…," she laughs softly. "In that case I'm happy I helped you with leaving your cave. It strokes my ego, you know?," She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, showing the colored lower part; how many colors were there he didn't know, but he counted at least three. "But it'd be good to eat, you'll need energy for what's to come. I heard that the dance floor gets really busy at eleven. What do you think?," She looks at the other two too.
“Lady, I want to stroke much more than just your ego!” He hums in thought.
"In that case, I'll fill the whole tank. We don't want to lose steam for the night... but anyway!," He leans a little towards her, and Tomori and Okubo enter into a brief alert, which passes when he just rests an arm on the table next to hers. "Tomori told me a little about you. You've been friends since high school, right?"
"Yeah! Did she ever told you guys about how we met? It was very intense," she smiles at her friend, leaning a little on the table. Okubo gets a little embarrassed and discreetly looks at the menu, and then turns to call the waiter. Akane laughed a little and turned her body towards Rihito, out of respect for her friend, looking at her with a naughty little smile. "How can I describe it... once upon a time there was a peahen who liked a lion... except that the peahen was a wolf underneath all the feathers. She challenged a panther, who also liked this lion, and they fought. Then they saw that the lion was an asshole, so they got together and put the sucker in his place. They shook hands and have been friends ever since. The end," She waves the fingers of one hand theatrically. "But of course, the wolf went to college and now she makes delicious cakes with her Butch friend..."
Tomori laughs loudly, her shoulders shaking a little. "And on top of that, the butch friend  managed to get herself a 'stone' in the last few months!"
Rihito blinks, confusion written in every line of his face. And there was the stupid face she had seen in the photos Tomori had sent her. "Stone? Like... in 'stoner'? Tokita isn't a pothead, even if he looks like one... Hey, what's so funny?," He blushes a little when the girl laughs even louder, placing a hand over her mouth.. "Okubo, your girlfriend is parroting those bizarre slang words again!"
"Relax, 'stone' is what you call a lesbian's very masculine girlfriend. Or in that case, a bi chick's boyfriend," Akane looks at Tomori. "But, like, for real? I saw a hunk near her in the pics you sent me. It wasn't him? She's dating a girl?"
"No, it’s a real guy. Black hair, kinda stuck up...," Okubo says, now more relieved, as there is no cleavage in his field of vision.
"Oooh... oh honey, that's no 'stone', c'mon now," she makes a face, and then she looks at Okubo. "So you're all friends?"
"Sometimes he is, when Kanny decides to act like the 'man' in the relationship...," Tomori laughs again, while Rihito, still a little confused, responds, "Yes, we are! Okubo and I have known each other for almost five years and have been hanging out together ever since. It was actually thanks to me that these two met, hehe."
"Oh, you?"
"Yep! I was the one who invited him to stop by the bakery the day he met her. He kept bitching, but I convinced him. You're both welcome," He smiles smugly. "And like you girls, we kind of met because of fighting, right, man? We're both fighters. We were lucky to come across two hot-blooded fighters too. There's no better way to form a solid friendship, right?," He laughs at Akane.
"Actually there is, but some take longer," she laughs too. "In our case we had a common enemy, that's what brought us together and we saw that it wasn't worth fighting over him. So, are you a fighter too? Wow, now I'm interested in seeing you in action later, in a controlled environment, of course...," she smiles suggestively.
"Maybe one day...," He arches an eyebrow at her, also smiling suggestively. "Then you'll see that I also have a lot in common with panthers and leopards... I can even give you a quick demonstration, if you want."
"Oh yeah? Let me see," She gets excited and slowly holds his chin in her fingers. "C'mon, gimme a smile, I swear I saw little fangs in there..."
Okubo laughs at the Rihito's surprised face.
Tomori gives an absurdly devilish smile when she sees Rihito shuddering, becoming completely disconcerted for a second, his eyes widening.
“I warned you, you casanova wannabe. Now deal with it.”
Rihito, on the other hand, was trying to remember how to move his tongue to form cohesive sentences. He had been warned to behave more courteously and was trying to follow that to the letter, so the last thing he expected was for her to go the opposite way. Damn, no one had ever told him he had “fangs”… he felt the long, manicured nails brush against his chin, sending a shiver down his spine that reverberated through his muscles and bones, and he could only imagine them scratching on his shoulders and between his shoulder blades as he pounded into her. Wild as a big cat, a dangerous predator... the thought caused a brief lapse in his self-control, making him open a wide, sharp smile, his heart racing in a brief jolt of adrenaline.
"Lady, you can look as much as you want. But be careful, I don't warn you before I bite. Raaawn!," And he closes his teeth very close to her fingers.
Tomori and Okubo exchange tired looks. He had held on for about ten minutes. Must be a new record or something.
Akane, on the other hand, laughs out loud for half a second. "Hahahahhahaha, there you are…," she purs, withdrawing her hand, but smiling immensely. "And I was right, you have little fangs! So cute!"
Okubo looks at Tomori, whispering, "Okay, it wasn't his fault this time..."
"No, it wasn't. I told you she was terrible," Tomori whispers to him in response, arching an eyebrow. "Do you still doubt that they can get along, love?"
"I do, but at least now I'm hopeful," he smiles a little, and then he looks to the side. "Hey, our order's coming!"
The waiter arrives with some snacks and four colorful drinks in the Tropical style, leaving the plates on the table - curiously made of black clay - in front of the two couples - "Here it is! Please enjoy."
They saw a variety of cold cuts, French fries, salami and a small plate of what looked like dried meat accompanied by fried cabbage and a strange yellow sand-like flour. According to tthe waiter, it was called "Farofa”, cassava flour, typical of Brazil. And there were some yellow buns too, which looked warm and freshly made.
"Thanks! Finally, this looks delicious...," Tomori sighs contentedly, straightening up in the chair, while Rihito laughs too, his gaze now showing the hunger he feels more clearly. And not just because of the appetizing food that was placed on the table. He was still going to try to contain himself, he had promised, after all. But damn, it was so good to see that he seemed to have met his match in that woman. He couldn't wait until he was alone with her...
"It arrived just in time, I’m as hungry as a lion. Or a leopard," He smiles again. "And I don't have only fangs, miss. I have claws too."
"Ohhh… really?," she looks at his hands. "I don't see any... do you play the guitar or something?"
"He does, we even have a band. Nothing too serious 'cause our schedules won't allow it, but we had our moments of glory," Okubo adds happily.
"Oh my... tall, strong, green eyes, cute little fangs and now he even plays guitar? What a catch, eh...," she jokes, patting him on the shoulder as she laughs a little coquettishly. "All that's left is you being a good dancer, then I'll be a goner," she takes a salami and bites into it, still looking at him.
Tomori had to rest her forehead on her boyfriend's arm to stop herself from laughing when Rihito's chest ballooned, his face lighting up in an absolutely hilarious smug happiness. If he were a peacock, he would probably have opened his huge tail by now.
This was one of Akane's specialties. Grabbing men by their giant egos and making them dance to the beat of her tune, like trained dogs being led on leashes. Obviously that incorrigible womanizer would not be an exception to that rule.
"Then today is your lucky day, Miss Akane, 'cause I'm a hell of a dances! Hey, can I call you by your first name? It sounds too good not to be pronounced, haha..."
"Call me Sekihyo, it’s my nom de guerre. Then I call you by yours," she smiles more, her eyelashes falling slightly, only making her eyes look even more piercing. "And you are, eh? Then let's hit the floor at midnight. I want you to show me these moves."
Okubo tries not to laugh, and busies himself with the food, offering a bite to Tomori, as a cute gesture.
She accepts immediately, all happy as she bats her eyelashes at him. The next few hours would be a real show in itself, so it was good for them to enjoy it with a little cuteness while they still could.
Rihito doesn't even pay attention to the other couple, completely absorbed in his back-and-forth with Akane. It was the first time in a long time that he felt so encouraged to have a conversation with a woman, instead of rushing things so he could finally take her to the nearest bedroom. He decides he wanted to enjoy it more, seeing how far they could go before the attraction became unsustainable.
She wanted to play, didn't she? Oh, they could definitely play then.
"Haha, alright then. Sekihyo...," He lets the H click on his tongue. "Midnight then. Always that magic hour, right? Until then, I can show you other of my attributes…"
"If you want, I'll show you mine too. I have some," she continues eating the food, taking a sip of the juice; now it was in another glass, more alcoholic, but still not much. "You're being so generous with yours, I think it's only fair I show you too."
"All in good time. Anyway, I was the one who asked to meet you first, right? I think it's fair that I first show you that I'm not wasting your time," He puts a salami in his mouth too, chewing slowly, insinuatingly... and then widens his eyes and says, amazed, "Wow, it's so salty! But it's actually good, you know? I-I mean...," He swallows quickly, a little red, and Tomori once again hides her laughter in Okubo's arm.
“Who knows, maybe she’ll go easier on him after she sees that, deep down, he’s just an idiot with the personality of a golden retriever?”
Akane, however, smiled even more; Tomori felt that she was enjoying this more and more with each minute. Oh boy, he was teasing the monster too much...
"It really is, right?," she eats another salami. "There's a spicy one here too, if you want," she takes a toothpick and offers it to him. "Be careful, Brazilian food tends to be very deceiving. This is one of them."
He swallows again, looking at the snack she offers him. Oh, damn, had they already reached that stage? He was really enjoying how she wasn't making a fuss, exactly as Tomori had described. He smiles sideways.
"And how can I say no to such an offer? And I don't mind. I like a little spice...," He closes his mouth on the snack, his lips close to her fingers, and he had to restrain the perverted impulse to stick his tongue out and lick them. He had already taken enough risks with that playful bite.
And the intense burning came straight to his tongue, after a few bites. She looks straight at him, a mischievous smile on her lips while she herself eats the same snack as if it were nothing.
"So? You like it?," she says as if she wants to laugh, looking at him seductively. Something about it reminded him a lot of a certain twink from a certain bakery, and that gave him goosebumps as much as the spiciness.
The snack went tearing down his throat; he had to hold back to keep from coughing and panting like a thirsty dog. Holy crap, that shit burned! He hadn't imagined it would burn so much! Did- Did she know that? Was that why she were smiling like that?
What a she-devil. Satan's spawn, like the scary twink from the bakery. But that only served to stir him up even more. Oh, he was going to give her a well-deserved retribuition later...
"It's- It's very spicy," ​​He nods, quickly pouring himself some water, trying to ignore how Okubo and Tomori seemed about to burst into laughter. "Strong flavor. Apparently you're quite used to this type of food... do you like a little heat?," He asks, the provocative tone becoming implied.
"I was baptized in Fire, honey," she raises her eyebrows. "I'm not perfect but I'm training to go to Hell, since there's no way I'm going to Heaven anymore," she throws her hair back, revealing the color underneath. He saw blue, purple, pink and red amidst the yellow, falling like silk ribbons on her shoulders, and now the leopard skin tattoo was completely visible.
"... Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go wherever they want," He was surprised how he managed to say that sentence clearly, considering that his tongue was a bit numb. It was probably that rainbow she had for a hair that made him regain his focus. Or the tattoo on her shoulder, which he was already fantasizing about kissing and biting later. "And they can drag someone with them. Not that said someone would complain."
"I'm almost asking for us to change tables, Naoh. Things are going faster than we expected," Tomori confides quietly to Okubo, with an air of laughter.
"Not yet, babe, this is getting funny as hell. I'm getting all the details for the guys, they'll want to know," He laughs softly and speaks in the same tone. "but, hey... we can hit the floor as a excuse to make ourselves more comfortable, what do you think? And honestly? These songs are putting me in the mood to rock with you, and I'm not even good at that..."
"I think it’s perfect. I want to let Akane do her magic," She laughs softly, placing her hand over his on the table "And don't worry about that. The important thing is to have fun, not to put on a show. We'll make our own show later, at your place or mine..."
"My place, please. My bed can handle it better," He jokes, laughing softly.
Akane noticed them, feeling  if she teased any more it would look awkward.
"Ohh, what time is it now?," she pretends to be surprised and raises her head, looking around, her hand on top of Rihito's, even running her nails a little over his skin. "Guess it's time for us to shake it up a little, right?"
"Yeah, I guess," Rihito looks at the clock on his phone. "It’s almost midnight. Time flew, damn..."
"Get ready, because this place is going to get heated pretty soon," Tomori assures, smiling excitedly. "If you're still not sure, boys, just follow Akane and me, and we'll know what to do. Right? War veterans and such..."
"Hey, I don't need guidance. I know my way around a dance floor like that. And I've always been the type who likes to coordinate...," Rihito smiles insinuatingly, straightening his shoulders and looking even broader and more imposing.
"Oh, so you like twerking too?!," she opens her eyes, pretending to be absurdly excited. "Nice! I wanna see!"
He didn't even have time to justify himself, when the lights suddenly went out and a bunch of neon lights and colored spotlights invaded the room along with the sound of a characteristic siren. A bunch of people suddenly cheered, clapping and howling at the sound, alerting the two fighters. An extremely seductive male announcer's voice speaks with a strong accent:
"Laaaaadies and gentlemen, from now on the most awaited moment of all begins, the Dance Floor is officially opeeeeen..."
Akane howled a little along with the chorus that followed. Several people gathered in the middle of the dance floor, leaving the tables.
"Woohoo! Right in time!," she smiles a lot, getting up and leaving her coat on the table. "Tomori, how about we go first? So we can warm up a little, like we used to do?"
"Girl, that’s exactly what I was thinking!," Tomori throws her arms up with an excited exclamation, exchanging a high-five with Akane afterwards. "We'll be right back, Naoh, Lihito!"
"Wha- you two will go first?," Rihito blinks, surprised, immediately turning to his friend when they leave the table. "Are you cool with this, man?"
"Oh c'mon, don’t you wanna watch it first?," Okubo smiles, suggestively. When the girls were far alway enough, he adds, "Are you gonna waste your chance to look at her the way you've been wanting to since you saw her pics on Instagram? Now you can, and no one's gonna judge you…"
That made Rihito pause. Okay, when he put things like that, the perspective became very interesting…
"Damn, what’s worse is that you're right," He smiles, excited. "But in my case, I’m just in this to have fun. Aren't you worried that someone’s gonna grind against your girl in the middle of the dance floor or something?"
"Nah, not this time. Tomori said the girls always go first, and then the guys join. Hey, look," he pointed with his head, and there were only women in the dance floor. "Man, that's a really nice sight," he said, but he was looking directly at his girlfriend.
Okubo was grateful that Tomori told him beforehand that first only the girls will go for the first song, then the couples would mix.
Rihito immediately follows the direction of his gaze, and finds himself compelled to agree. Damn, apparently they had been incredibly lucky, because there were only hot girls on that dance floor! The thought of seeing them dancing close to each other left him almost on edge... and one of them already had his special attention, her incredibly tanned skin and multicolored hair making her stand out in that ocean of curves, legs and tempting breasts. Without the coat, he could clearly see all her curves, shamelessly displayed in that tight little dress.
"Hell yeah… it’s practically the best buffet in all of Tokyo… and I’m going to try the most exotic dish," He smiles hungrily.
"Heh, there’s an exclusive dish there, don't you fucking forget," Okubo warns, half seriously, half jokingly. "But they are giving us a hell of a gift, so enjoy it. Damn, Tomori," he practically groans, seeing his girlfriend swaying to the rhythm of the music along with her friend. "Fuck, she's such a tease…”
Rihito laughs out loud. "Looks like I'm not the only one getting lucky today, huh! Feast with gusto, pal... because I'm going to do the same..."
He watches the two girls dancing together, his eyes fixed on that scene that seemed like something out of one of his most erotic teenage fantasies. But Okubo could rest assured that he wasn't interested in Tomori, but in her dance partner. And what a partner, may God be fucking blessed... he watched attentively every movement, every sway of those hips, how her breasts swayed lightly under her dress, the sweat already dotting her golden skin like small pearls, or drops of dew that he wanted to catch them with his tongue, following their descent until they were lost in her folds, in her navel, between those wonderful legs...
What he wouldn't give for her to be wiggling like that in a hotel room, just for him, preferably without any clothes on...
The first song ended, which was the signal for the rest of the patrons to join in. Okubo gave his friend an encouraging slap on the shoulder. "Come on, Iron Fingers, let's have a feast!," he smiled very naughty, so much so that Rihito wondered which one of them was the single guy after all.
"Right behind you, Egghead!," He quickly follows him, restraining himself from running like a dog that was called to eat by its owner. He felt completely confident now, sure that he wouldn't be rejected and that now he could go all out. That dance was very physical, insinuating, so the prohibitions imposed by the sugary couple did not apply there. He doubted his illustrious company would want it any other way.
The two girls were laughing with each other, panting and sweating a little, but they didn't look tired. Great. The two men got closer, and Rihito takes advantage of his size to make Akane feel everything when he leans against her, not enough to make her feel cornered, but enough to make his intentions clear. It was a strategy that Okubo and he used frequently, even when they were both single. He found himself really appreciating how smaller than him she was, how delicate she seemed close to his impressive frame. That did a lot of good for his male ego.
"Excuse me... are the two ladies up for a different partner for the next song?"
"Oh? I was wondering how much longer I'd have to wait," Akane smiles, leaning against him and taking his hands with hers, facing away from him. "Let's dance..."
Okubo approaches Tomori and holds her hand, turning her a little before bringing her against his chest. "Hey, did you miss me?"
"Always...," Tomori arches an eyebrow, smiling lasciviously, and damn, who would have thought that such a cute and petite girl could look sensual like that? Rihito now understood well why his friend had fallen head over heels for her. But he doesn't pay too much attention to it, because Akane's hands intertwined with his and her back pressed against his chest demanded all his attention, and he would give it with pleasure.
"Come on... I always thought of panthers as graceful animals, you know, Sekihyo? I want to see if its true," He says quietly in her ear.
"I thought you already knew, handsome," he feels a volume passing between his legs, and he notices that it was her buttocks passing right over that spot as she rolled her hips. "But it only gets better if you show me what you can do…"
She turns and faces him, starting to dance to the rhythm of the music, moving her feet and shoulders, snapping her fingers, looking him up and down, inquisitive and expectant.
... Holy. Fucking. Shit.
To hell with self-control. To hell with promises. She clearly wanted him to be direct and physical with her. The sugary couple could stay there, circling each other slowly as if this were the slowest foreplay in the history of humanity. That gourgeous woman and he weren't really interested in taking it slow. They had already played enough.
She wanted it fast and hard, didn't she? Then that was exactly what he would give her.
She feels that huge hand wrap around her waist with the speed of a snake's pounce, bringing her to him in a single pull. And she sees that Tomori hadn't exaggerated when she said that the blonde gorilla was strong. His hand was like an iron noose. He also had a lot of control over his own strength, because she didn't feel any pain or discomfort. She just found herself unable to escape those fingers.
"I'll show you... you'll see as much as you'll feel."
And he began to move his hips along with hers, rubbing himself against her without any shame. And damn, that unit of a man really know how to twerk!
Akane didn't expect that, panting lightly with his grip. Wow, that was a really nice surprise. Now things were getting really good.
"Wow, so you aren't all bark and no bite?," She smiles a lot, turning around to face him, one hand on his shoulder, placing it close to his neck, the other going on top of his butt, moving her hips along with his, following the rhythm. Her excitement was reaching the stratosphere, may Daddy Satan be blessed… "You'll make me fall harder and literally..."
"Not here on the dance flor, babe," He gasps at her, smiling that predatory smile, and once again showing off those little fangs. The way he was glued to her, leaning down so he could whisper in her ear, made her think he must have been dying to have those canines on her neck, like a male cat would do with a female when he wanted to mate. "Let's just dance for now. We can continue the show later, behind closed doors, if you want."
His hands held her tight around her hips, guiding her movements to coordinate with his. He then makes her turn around, again pressing his broad chest against her back, wanting her to feel all his muscles working in sync as they dance. Rihito was both proud and a little embarrassed of his resourcefulness. Many people considered dancing something only for women and fags... but damn, if he could stay like that with her for longer, he would continue twerking like there's no tomorrow!
And the woman in front of him seemed to fully agree with that, he was sure; even more so when she held his face while she moved, so there was no one calling him anything!
"Holy shit," Okubo commented when he took a look at his friend, seeing if they had the green light to do their thing. "Okay, love, I think we're free to go. Look...," he smiles while looking at the other couple. "From now on it's an adult film session and I want to do my own, not watch others do theirs."
Tomori laughs loudly, taking the opportunity to imitate Akane's movements, just to make the poor man behind her even more excited. "Fine be me! They can sort thing out themselves from now on. Come, I want to dance like this for you in your bed...," She takes his huge right hand, slowly biting the tip of his index finger.
"I swear, woman, you're begging me to carry you outta here," he laughs. "And I really liked it, you know? If it's going to always end like this, I want to come here often," he follows her as eagerly as she does, both of them disappearing into the crowd. "We can send Miss Agata a message saying that we left, so they won't look for us, just in case..."
"Take it from me, Naoh, there’s no need. She's quick-witted enough to figure it out on her own," Tomori guarantees with a chuckle. And then she confides in him, quietly, a little astonished, "But damn, babe, I didn't know Rihito could dance like that! Have you ever seen him make those moves?"
"Yeah, one time when we're playing Just Dance," he laughs. "Everyone ended up knowing about it later. We don't make fun of him only because Himuro ended up winning, the dude is a GoGo Boy to the fuckin' core.
She laughs loudly, pulling him by the hand with excitement. "​​There's something I want to see. But now I just want us dancing, preferably without clothes to get in the way."
"I love you so fuckin' much," He laughs in a very idiotic while leaving the bar with her, like two teenagers going to do something naughty.
Akane, all the while, had seen a glimpse of the couple disappearing. She smiled to herself; her cue was right there. She turned to him, moving a little away to look at him dancing, with the excuse of twirling to show herself, and she was loving what she was seeing too. Under the lights, with his eyes half closed and biting his lip, he became sexy... she approached him and pulled him a little, bringing his lips closer to his, and moving away, just to see if he would follow, trying to complete the distance. And she felt like she had won when he did exactly what she had predicted.
Big, dumb and hot. Exactly the way she liked it.
The current music ended, and she smiled, looking at him. They didn't really need any more games, he was wrapped around her little finger.
"So... let's get going?," She indicates the exit with her head, in case he didn't hear because of the loud music.
"Show me the way," He says in a breath, and yes, she no longer saw any bravado or presumption there. He would probably grab her right then and there if it was socially appropriate. His arm immediately circles her waist, bringing her close, almost possessively, as if he were afraid she would change her mind midway. "I'll follow you wherever you want."
"Come on, I’ll just get my coat, pay my share and we can leave…," she pulls him by the hand, languidly leaving his embrace. "Then we can talk more in private… I know a nice place."
"I can pay if you want, no problem," He says quickly as he follows her. "It’s the bare minimum. I said there could be more where that juice glass came from, didn't I?" He jokes, smiling sideways.
"Alright... just this time, handsome," She smiles sharply. "'Cause this time I really wanto to."
She grabs her coat from the back of her chair, and they prepare to pay the check and leave.
Damn, that could only be the universe recognizing how unfair it had been to him all those years and deciding to make it up to him in one fell swoop! He really wanted to kiss her again, but no, there would be a much better place for it. He could wait a little longer. He had waited all that time after all.
It's then that he receives a text message. Okubo had transferred him some money, saying, 
EggHead: sorry bro, I forgot to pay our tab 
sort this out for us LOL
He rolls his eyes with a laugh. That pervert who was almost as helpless as he was... he was so eager to get home fuck his own girl that he almost turned into a deadbeat. Not that he blamed him. He understood it perfectly. He himself was almost running with the tabs in hand, wanting to end this as quickly as possible so he could go with Akane to a place much more appropriate for what they wanted to do. If he hadn't been determined to preserve a modicum of dignity, he would already be jumping and punching the air like an idiot.
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useless-bi-otch · 1 year
Cookies'n Cream - Chapter 6
Last chapter / MasterList / art by @aneenasevla
Chapter 6 - Rice Balls and Coincidences
"Alright then, what are the most essential items on the list?
"Soy sauce, snacks, a load of beer, condoms-"
"I'm talking about the list of essential ingredients for the rice balls!
"Welp, no matter how you look at it, my list at least is manly."
"Our goal was to come here to buy ingredients to start a more balanced diet, but you guys are already wanting to go astray like this…" Himuro rolls his eyes while the automatic doors open for their passage with a characteristic musical sound "Looks like every day is garbage day now."
"Come on, guys, don’t go astray!" Okubo says imperiously, taking the lead of the group as if he were the leader of an expeditionary team, and the great Kinokuniya market, the lost temple that they should explore "Let's take this seriously and go grocery shopping like the group of mature and responsible adults that we are!"
“Look, I don't know what group you're talking about, man, but it's definitely not this one."
"And who the hell made you the head of the operation, huh?" Lihito pushes him aside, looking unimpressed. Okubo shakes the shopping list in his face in response.
"I'm the one who wrote the list!"
"At whose behest? Oooh..." He seems to understand something, opening a very naughty smile "Would you look at that! Already following orders from your lady boss, eh? Look, guys, what a gifted housewife we have among us!"
"Go suck a bag of dicks", Okubo grunts low, turning his eyes to the list in an attempt to hide a slight blush "She simply recommended the best brands for ingredients, and with her being a professional cook, I'll trust her word. That's it."
"Well, my friend, that is the big difference between you and me. I never let a woman tell me what to do" Rihito declares, raising his chin "And it doesn't matter how professional she is. A man has to know how to impose himself and express his authority clearly. For example, I don't need a girl to tell me this parsley here isn't all that fresh from the looks of the leaves.” He picks up a random tray from the vegetable and legume shelves, showing it off haughtily.
“Yeah, Rihito, but you'd probably need a girl to tell you that that's cilantro, not parsley,” Himuro comments calmly, and Okubo and Kaneda laugh heartily when Rihito's face reddens. He returns the tray to the shelf with an irritated huff.
"They look too similar! Leave me alone!"
"Similar or not, there can be no confusion," Kaneda decrees while heading to a discreet corner, where shopping carts were lined up, available to customers. He chooses one and goes back to his friends, happy as he comments: 
"Wow, I think this is the first time we're all going shopping together, isn't it? This will be fun!"
"Bro, let go of that shopping cart, for fuck's sake. Only old hags and moms with their snot-nosed brats use these things," Lihito moans, and Himuro arches an eyebrow at him.
"That wasn't what you seemed to think at that time, when you and Okubo got drunk and decided to bet who could go downhill the fastest in carts like this one..."
"Yeah, they only forgot that the carts are small and didn't think they would get their butts stuck like that-"
"Oookay, that's enough reminiscence for now!" Okubo quickly interrupts Kaneda "The cart will help a lot, so let's not get all prissy because of it, okay? Let's just buy what we need and go back to my apartment soon, because I can't wait to eat these umeboshi-filled rice balls" He takes his phone out of his pocket, opening a specific contact with a happy smile "Miss Uta said we can pair them great with turnip and green tea-"
"Green Tea? Who's getting prissy now?! I want beer!"
"Beer defeats the whole purpose of this pre-workout snack, dumbass! Now no more complaining, 'let's look for these ingredients before it gets too late for us to cook."
“Roger that, Commander Buzz Lightyear of the Star Command. Come on, I want everyone doing a conga line behind Okubo!" Lihito raises a right fist in the air while holding his friend's shoulder with his left.
"Stop dicking around, man. And fuck off with that Buzz Lightyear shit!"
“Train-Train, rushing forward! Train-train, and it never stooooops!”
"I swear if anyone asks, I'll pretend I don't know you" Himuro mutters, while Kaneda just laughs, the four of them following together through the various aisles of the supermarket.
But in fact, now that Okubo stopped to think about it, this was the first time since they had known each other that all four of them went shopping together. They had argued hours before in the apartment over who would be in charge of buying the ingredients, even trying to escape the task through drawing straws. 
The binge they'd had on takoyaki, cheesecake, booze and his precious cookies the night before (these motherfuckers got him drunk to convince him to share everything in the box with them, there wasn't a crumb left to tell the tale) had left him a little lazy, and he hadn't been in the mood to wander around a cold, noisy supermarket... until he woke up to some texts from Tomori, when the sun was already starting to go down in the sky.
good afternoon mt okubo
Today is grocery shopping day, right?
I hope your friends and you can find everything I suggested
tip: avoid these industrialized ready-to-eat foods
your stomachs will thank you, trust me haha
Do you want me to give you the names of the brands I usually buy?
I'll love to see the photos later
He had jumped up from the sofa, disoriented and very guilty, and the only reason he didn't immediately run out of the apartment was because Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda had stopped him.
"Calm down, man, going out on a rampage won't make you get those ingredients any faster" Himuro tried to calm him down "You're even risking buying low-quality stuff, because you're not paying enough attention."
"And anyway, we don't need to make these rice balls today" Lihito had shrugged "She doesn't even need to know that we didn't cook them."
"But I promised to send her pictures! And she pointed me to a lot of quality ingredients, wanting to help me and you guys..." He had lamented "I don't want to give the impression that I'm uninterested in the things that excite her."
The other three had stared at him, Lihito and Himuro exchanging confused looks afterwards. They understood wanting to get in a pretty girl's good side, but wasn't Okubo overreacting a bit?
Kaneda, on the other hand, had just smiled and said: 
"Then let's all go grocery shopping together!"
"Huh? All of us together?"
"Yeah, why not? That way shopping will be much faster, and we'll also ensure that Okubo follows Miss Uta's tips to the letter. I know better than anyone how bad you guys are at following instructions, so it'll be a guarantee" He gave a friendly pat on Okubo-s arm, who closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Thanks, guys..."
And the sincere thanks were enough to convince Rihito and Himuro as well. Holy shit, the things they'd put themselves through to help a friend increase their chances of scoring with a girl…
And now there were the four of them, an extremely unlikely group to see walking through a supermarket, searching the aisles and shelves for the best ingredients to cook rice balls with umeboshi filling. Kaneda was the most knowledgeable about cooking, so Okubo ends up leaving the shopping list with him, focusing on reviewing the tips Tomori had sent him by text.
"No, seriously, do we really need to spend so much buying ingredients when we can very well buy ready-made rice balls?" Lihito asks, picking up a tray on another shelf "It's way cheaper and tastes just as good."
"It’s not that cheap if you consider that, if we buy ready-made rice balls for every pre-workout, we’ll spend more than we would if we bought a good amount of ingredients at once and made rice balls with them over the weeks," Himuro replies while checking the lower shelves. Kaneda nods.
"Yep. Not to mention that Miss Uta could very well notice that the rice balls in the photos that Okubo will send were bought off the shelf, rather than freshly made. Right?" He smiles at Okubo "She must have the sharp eyes of a professional cook, after all."
"Exactly! Come on, guys, no buying ready-to-eat food. I don't want her to think I'm a cheater" He shudders just from considering that possibility "And it's good that we learn something new too."
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Holy shit, all this production just to get laid... Will you guys make a movie out of it or something?"
"Shut up, Rihito," Okubo mutters, but Rihito's words caused him some embarrassment, as well as raising pertinent questions. He was right, in a way. Why was he going to all that extravagant effort just to impress a girl? A nice, funny, beautiful girl, that was for sure, but he'd had several crushes on other women before he met her, and none of them resulted in a trip to the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon that could have been better spent playing video games, gambling and drinking their asses off…
He opens her contact in his messages, mouth twisting a little in discomfort. The truth is, he already knew the answer. The memory of that crappy poster and her confession of her unwavering devotion to fighters other than himself was still very fresh in his mind. And ever since the texts she'd sent him earlier that afternoon, he'd been gripped by an almost visceral need to show her how much better, more caring and more devoted he was than any other idol she could have. Mostly he wanted to show that he was better than that kid on the poster, who had such a pretty, punchable face.
It was ridiculous. It was pathetic. And he just couldn't help feeling that way. If those three had known, he would probably never have a peaceful day in his life again. So it was better to keep quiet and let them think what they wanted.
"Yeah, shut up, Rihito. What are the ingredients on the list, Kaneda?" Himuro asks, looking over the shoulder of the shorter one.
"The basics for making rice balls. Rice, seaweed, vinegar, granulated sugar, kosher salt... and of course, umeboshi. And to think that there are even specific brands to make the best possible rice balls... only they aren't very cheap," He makes a face as he checks the list more closely.
"No shit. They seem to be professional brands. Hell, I don't have that much money to spend, even if we share the costs..."
"No worries, she recommended some more affordable brands. Let's start with them first" Okubo suggests, and Kaneda redirects the cart, the four of them heading to another wing of the supermarket "Then we tell her how the experience went."
"Dude, you're really counting on her to have the last word in this whole affair, aren't you? What, are you going to bring some rice balls for her to eat at lunch break?" Lihito asks, smirking, but then he widens his eyes when Okubo frowns, thinking.
"I don't know, sounds kinda invasive. But it would also be retribution for the cookies and her fan affection, wouldn't it? If they turn out good enough I might even consider..."
"Holy fuck, man, it was a joke! Guys, we are witnessing an unprecedented transformation here!" He says in a dramatic tone, albeit low, indicating Okubo with a wide gesture of his arms, to which he cringes "Okubo Naoya has become the female protagonist of a soap opera! Stay tuned for the next episode, where our hero with too much muscle and too little brain will try to win the affection of a muscle-lover cook with rice balls stuffed with salted plum!"
"Shut up, you idiot, people will hear you…!"
"You will see all this and much more on this same channel, at this same time, in the thrilling drama The Misadventures of the Pussy Pleas-"
"Shut the fuck up already!" Okubo hisses, furious and mortified, while Himuro, Kaneda and he put their hands ove Lihito's mouth, who had tears of laughter in his eyes “What's your problem, dude? I swear, there's something wrong with you!"
"And I'm serious, I'll pretend I've never seen you before if security comes to throw you out of the market," Himuro hisses too, and Lihito just laughs harder.
"I'm kidding, guys, jezz!" He gasps after brushing their hands away "How was I supposed to react after hearing something like that? You're talking about taking a lunchbox to this girl's work, bro. Exactly like the gifted housewife I said you're becoming."
"It's not like that! I already told you that I'd be only returning her kindness!"
"Yeah, and I also think that Miss Uta would like to try these onigiris," Kaneda comments "Even if it's just to evaluate your first attempt. We can take some to her as a treat from all of us, how about that?"
"Yeah, not a bad idea. It'd be a way to thank her for the tips given. Nothing more than that, right?" Himuro arches an eyebrow at Okubo, who looks to the side, fearing that his friend saw something in his eyes that betrayed his thoughts.
"Yeah, that 's all."
"Alright, alright, you can let go of me now, I only want girls squeezing me like this," Rihito grumbles, and they take a step back, composing themselves "But yeah, when you put it that way... she will be very grateful for your ‘kindness’," He makes quotation marks with his fingers "That might even be the cue you need!"
"Yeah! A treat like that would leave any woman swooning! Asking her on a date after that would be a piece of cake. And then..." He lowers and raises his eyebrows "Well, you would see how my ‘manly shopping list’ was a good idea."
"Aaand apparently, what I said last Saturday fell on deaf ears..." Kaneda sighs, to which Okubo shakes his head quickly.
"Not for me, I've still been thinking about what you said! It's just that- oh boy, she's texting me! Hang on..." He immediately turns all attention to the phone, moving a little away from his friends to have some privacy. He could still hear them though.
"There goes that traitor, ignoring the pals in favor of a pair of tits..."
"You are the one ignoring someone here. I can't believe you didn't absorb any of the things I said last Saturday."
"Chill out, Kaneda, I remember every word you said. And Okubo is following each of the steps you've suggested and taking things easy... too easy, actually."
"But you were already suggesting that he should use the rice balls as a pretext!"
"It's not a pretext, it is an obvious and inevitable consequence! Since cave times men have taken food to women as proof of their virility and efficiency as providers. It's in their instinct to get hooked on these things."
"Welp, now we know what you majored in when you attended Teito University. Fuckboy Anthropology."
“Fuck off, Himuro!”
The three continued to bicker further back, but Okubo tried not to listen to them, all his attention turning to the texts Tomori was sending him.
hi again!
how was grocery day?
mine is in full swing lol
He smiles, already typing his reply. With or without the disturbing poster to gnaw at his subconscious, chatting with her via text was still a pleasure.
haha I'm happy for ya
I wish we were this lucky
we don't know much about picking ingredients and stuff
I can help if you want!
you're struggling with what exactly?
... everything
sorry lol
lmao jk
that's why I'm here
you can count on your self-proclaimed nutritionist!
“Damn, she's so cute!” he squeals in thought, the fit of cuteness making him want to punch something in a burst of gleeful violence.
hell yeah i'm saved!
so, we were going to start with the rice brands
oh that’s the easiest part!
wait, I’m getting a call
He closes the phone, smiling to himself, finally feeling that the grocery day would pay off…
Until he started to hear the distinct sound of a phone ringing, moving closer and closer to the hallway where he and his friends were, until it stopped a second later.
He frowns, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up as if in warning. What bizarre feeling was that? As if something inside him was warning him, some primal instinct... that's what made him stick his head out from behind one of the shelves in the hall, peering, searching…
"Hi Mom! No, I'm not busy, we can talk."
And the squeaky sound of desperation that came out of his mouth was something that probably never came from anyone else's.
"IZZATH!!!" He screeches, almost at a frequency that only dogs could hear, running past Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda, who stared at him in astonishment.
"Dude, what the fuck was that noise?!"
"What's wrong, Okubo? You look like you saw a ghost or-"
"It's her!," He hisses, his back flat against a shelf, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallows "Miss Uta's here at the market!"
" Say what?!," The other three shriek a little too and immediately stick their heads out from behind the shelf, peering down the hall and widening their eyes.
"Holy shit, it's really her! What is she doing here?," Lihito whispers.
"Saturday shopping, perhaps? She was also out grocery shopping last Saturday when Okubo called her, right?," Himuro ponders, to which Kaneda smiles.
"Wow, what a coincidence! Let's go say hi-"
"No!," Okubo gives Kaneda an armbar to bring him to him, to which the shorter one lets out a squeaky little scream "She can't see us here!"
"Wha- why not?!"
"Because she might get the completely wrong idea! Don't you hear those stories on television about women being stalked by crazy freaks?," He asks in a low growl, his eyes bugging out "Crazy, obsessed men who follow them absolutely anywhere?"
"What are you getting at?"
"She might think I'm doing the same!"
The other three looked at each other, unimpressed, Kaneda still clutching his friend's arm pressed against his neck.
"Or maybe. Like, just maybe...," Himuro speaks slowly, as if he was explaining arithmetic problems to someone particularly slow "She might think it’s just a coincidence. Y'know? Like a normal, sane person."
"That's the problem, it's too much of a coincidence! We were talking about trips to the supermarket just yesterday, and now we bump into each other here, just like that?! No, I'd rather not risk it," He also peeks from behind the shelf, still holding Kaneda, almost lifting him off the ground "I don't want her to think I'm a stalker."
"She- she won't think that if she sees you with us," Kaneda gasps, still trying to push his friend's arm away "Stalkers don't walk in groups."
"She might think they started to, precisely because of that preconceived concept! She might think we're... I dunno, super stalkers or something."
"Super stalkers? Sounds like an indie band name..."
"Seriously, Okubo, I think you took so long to drink your booze yesterday that it actually fermented. You're not making any sense..."
"Shut up, she might hear you!," Okubo finally lets go of Kaneda, who takes a deep breath, almost losing his balance. He pushes Rihito and Himuro aside, peeking with his hands gripping one of the shelves "Please, Miss Uta, go to another aisle, please...!"
Tomori, as expected, didn't hear him. She was laughing into her phone, looking very relaxed as she pushed her already full shopping cart forward. He wore simple, casual clothes: a pink shirt with short, puffy sleeves and blue jeans. It was the first time he saw her without an apron and with her hair loose, which went down in waves over her shoulders.
"Oh, Mom, I don't even know why you still insist on that," She was saying in affectionate exasperation "You know Dad, he's stubborn like all hell. If he won't even listen to you, why’d he listen to the doctor? ... Yes, I can help by talking to him, but I'll do that on my next visit. It's better to talk about these things in person than over the phone. I haven’t even had time for this, actually..."
"We better take advantage of her being distracted  and just shag ass," Okubo whispers to the others "Let's leave while there's still time."
"Damn, dude, you sound like someone running away from an ex they cheated on," Lihito grumbles, sounding bored "You were all over this girl's sweetness a few minutes ago, and now you don't even want to risk bumping into her in a supermarket aisle? What, you're getting more bipolar than Agito or something?"
"Screw you, man, it's not like that! I just don't want her to think I'm spying on her, 'cause that's definitely not what I'm doing here and- wooow, would you look at that!," He whistles suddenly, widening his eyes when Tomori leans over to support an arm on the bar of the shopping cart, the movement making the fabric of her clothes adhere more to hetr body. And from that angle, he could see everything: the curves of her waist and hips, the cleavage that exposed part of her breasts, her legs and... holy shit, that ass…
“Wha- oooh, boy, that's what I'm talkin' about!,” Rihito leans over to be able to peek too, almost salivating with the view "Seeing her away from a counter, without that apron, is something else, isn't it?"
"Hell yeah! Man, I never noticed how she's all soft and curvy... I want to squeeze her sides so bad...!"
"I'm so fucking envious of you! That's some quality meat there."
"I know, right! She's gorgeous, holy shit..."
"Aaand now you're behaving like stalkers," Kaneda grumbles disapprovingly, crossing his arms and shaking his head.
"Yep. Get a grip, man, even if you only want something casual, you should respect her a little more," Himuro warns, to which Okubo makes a dismissive gesture over his shoulder, without even turning his head.
"I respect her a lot, dude! But what's wrong with looking at, appreciating and complimenting a pretty thang?"
"Exactly! Especially considering he's going to bed her later. That's quality assurance for ya," Rihito raises a thumb.
“I swear, you guys can be really gross when you want to."
Okubo clicks his tongue impatiently. They weren't gross just for taking a harmless peek! Pretty things should really be appreciated. And Uta Tomori was more than pretty. She was beautiful. Hot, even. He couldn't believe what a lucky son of a bitch he was, goddamn it-
"Yeah, I've been busy lately. Remember how I told you I was helping a friend with nutrition issues?," She says suddenly, turning around so that her face is more visible. She was smiling, cheeks rosy, brown eyes twinkling "I was doing ecxactly that a few minutes before you called! I almost got distracted and forgot to answer you…,” She is silent for a few more seconds, listening. And then she laughs "Ahaha, stop it, Mom! It's a friendship that came at just the right time, simply. But yeah, he's so cute! He makes me laugh, treats me with respect, compliments my cooking... guys like that are hard to find these days, you know? I think I got lucky..."
Okubo had never hated himself as much as he did at that moment.
He goes back to hiding behind the shelf, his expression devastated, while Himuro and Kaneda stare at him with embarrassment. Even Rihito stopped peeking, grimacing in discomfort.
"Uuh… can we just forget we had this conversation?"
"Damn it…" Okubo moans, running his hands over his scalp "She's right there, speaking highly of me to her mother, and I'm here just… just… fuck, I'm such a piece of shit!"
"Yes, you are," Himuro and Kaneda say at the same time.
"You don't have to agree so quickly!"
"Just accept your shitty status and move on, man, it's the best thing you can do."
"You were peeping at her too, you asshole!"
“If you keep yelling like that, she'll hear you,” Himuro warns, to which Okubo shuts up at once, his shoulders shrugging. 
He lets out a slightly shaky breath before turning back to peeking out from behind the shelf. Tomori kept talking on the phone calmly, having no idea that she had just been the object of scrutiny by two good-for-nothing perverts, one of them being her precious idol.
He feels remorse churning in his stomach again. Why was he like this? Why couldn't he behave like a functioning, grown man around a beautiful woman, let alone one who seemed to have a mutual interest in him? The memories of those humiliating minutes in that bistro came flooding back, the college girls' expressions of embarrassed discomfort vivid in his mind.
“That's exactly why you're thirty-six and still single.”
He lowers his eyes in sadness. Yeah, she definitely wouldn't like the real Okubo Naoya if she met him…
"Hey, man…" He hears Rihito call suddenly, sounding worried "Come on, don't get all bummed… there's time to fix this mess, just stop peeping on her."
"I'm not peeping anymore. Just…," He doesn't quite know how to continue, gesturing uncertainly with one hand "Just thinking about what to do now. Is it okay to go talk to her?"
"Of course it is. We told you, she'll just see it as a coincidence," Kaneda assures him.
"And she'll certainly be happy, if we consider all your interactions so far," Himuro comments "Just have some decency and try not to stare at her cleavage or anything like that."
"Yeah, that's very wrong!"
"If you're going to peek, don't be too obvious. Discretion is key."
"Himuro! Uugh, sometimes I forget that you're also a hopeless womanizer..."
“I'm a saint compared to these two."
"That's funny coming from the biggest man-whore this side of Tokyo!"
Okubo leaves the three bickering, still watching Tomori. She looked very happy, making small talk with her mother, her expression placid... it made him want to smile too. And to be the cause of more of those smiles coming from her. He takes a deep breath.
"Okay, I... I think we can go over to her, just to say hi-"
"Yes, I can go see you guys tomorrow, I'll have Sunday off," Tomori says suddenly, redirecting the shopping cart "Now I have to hang up, mom, I already bought almost everything, and I need to talk to my friend too. No, I'm not ditching you for a man, don't be dramatic..."
And Okubo jumps back in sudden panic when he realizes that she was coming straight into the aisle where they were standing.
He bumps into Rihito when he practically throws himself behind the shelf, which in return bumps into Himuro, who, as in a perfect domino effect, also bumps into Kaneda, the four of them ending up on the floor in a mess of arms, legs and wheels of a shopping cart being wheeled along with them, along with several packages from the shelves.
"ARGH! Fucking hell, Okubo!"
"Get off of me, dammit!"
"Rihito! Get your knee off my belly!"
"And you get your foot off my balls, that shit hurts!"
"She's coming this way!" He screeches in terror as the four of them try to straighten up, the other two people besides them in the aisle staring at them "​​We have to get the hell outta here!"
"What? Weren't you saying just now that we could say hi?!"
"No! I changed my mind! She definitely heard us and she'll think we're stalking her!"
"Argh, go get your head examined, you paranoid fuck!," Rihito yells impatiently while an extremely red Kaneda collected the dropped packages. Himuro patts his hands on his pants to clean them, grinding his teeth.
"Stop acting like a moron, no sane person comes to such a conclusion like that! She'll probably just- what the hell are you doing?" He asks stunned when Okubo runs behind him, grabbing his shoulders.
"I don't know, trying to hide! Hold still!"
"Behind me? You're almost seven feet tall, dumbass! How am I supposed to hide you behind me?!"
"Stop yelling, everyone is watching us," Kaneda asks scandalized, turning quickly to the other people in the corridor, still astonished "Sorry about that, guys! We- We just tripped a little, it's nothing serious...!"
"No it is serious! Come on, lift that cart, we have to go!," Okubo hurries them, grabbing the shopping cart and putting it on its feet, which made Rihito squeal:
"You already did that yourself!"
"Don't be ridiculous, Okubo," Kaneda, still holding some of the packages that fell, walks past his friends in decided strides "We've already been embarrassed enough for one weekend. Let's get this over with, shall we? I'm going to go talk to her right now."
"No, Kaneda, don't do that!"
"Miss Uta!" He calls, waving "Hellooo- AIEEEEEE!" and then he screeched when Okubo grabbed him and put him inside the shopping cart "Okubo! What are you doing?!"
"Oh- I don't know, I'm not thinking straight and- shit, shit, she's coming!," Okubo grabs the bar of the shopping cart and Kaneda screams in fright, having to grab the sides of the cart to not fall, when he redirects it in a 180 degree turn and shoots out of the aisle with it. Rihito and Himuro follow quickly, without much choice, mortified to see all the astonished stares from the other supermarket customers following them.
"Dude, are you crazy?!"
"Are we going to take Kaneda to the self-checkout or the normal checkout?
"Rihito, you're not helping! Okubo, stop, I'm going to fall off the cart!"
"Hold on, let me just get a good distance!"
"I swear, that was the first and last time I go grocery shopping with you!," He yells again as the cart makes another sharp turn, almost tipping over to the side and knocking him off. They enter another aisle, panting hard from their rush, Kaneda shivering a little in the cart.
"Okay… Okay… I think we're safe now…," Okubo looks over his shoulder "Coast is clear, guys."
"Don't give me that 'coast is clear' nonsense! Let me get off the cart!"
"Sorry, man, but desperate situations call for desperate measures..."
'There was nothing desperate about this, you lunatic! Ugh, security must've seen us on the cameras by now," Himuro grunts, putting a hand on his sweaty face "We'll never be able to enter this place again..."
“Eh, it's not like this is the first market I've been kicked out of.” Rihito shrugs, and Kaneda stares at him in amazement.
"Oh my god, I'm afraid to even ask..."
"Anyway! I'm really sorry, guys...," Okubo seemed to have calmed down enough to realize what he had done, and now his face was furiously red "I- I guess those rice balls will have to wait another day..."
"And we still don't know why! What's gotten into you, man? Are you twelve again, running away from your crush like you're still a virgin?!"
"It's not that! Dammit, you don't understand my situation..."
"The only thing we could understand is that you're a fucking pansy!," Lihito grunts, pointing to his friend's nose.
"I'm not!"
"Yes, you are! The biggest pansy I've seen in my whole life! One that acts all manly during his matches, but then turns around and shits his pants when it's time to talk to a girl!"
"Fuck you, I explained my reasons! The situation isn’t favorable-"
"For who? What could be more favorable than a casual and relaxed encounter in a public place?," Himuro gestures, now more perplexed than actually angry "Seriously, man, what's going on with you? You've never acted like that over a girl before! It's like you're traumatized or something, I don't know."
They see how Okubo tenses every muscle, teeth clenching, eyes straying from theirs for a second, but that was enough to make them conclude that, perhaps, Himuro had hit the nail on the head. They were about to inquire further, but are interrupted by a song that was very familiar to them.
“Dame da neeee! Dame yo, Dame na no yoooo…”
They start a little, Okubo already taking his phone out of his pocket. He lets out a hiss through his teeth, his eyes widening when he sees that it was Tomori. He looks at the other three, whereupon Himuro and Kaneda make sharp, irritated gestures, and Lihito hisses an “answer that shit!” between his teeth. He does just that, stomach doing somersaults.
"Uuh... Miss Uta?"
"I knew I heard a familiar voice just now!"
The voice that answered him did not come from the phone. It came from behind him. They turned, startled, and found Tomori coming towards them, coming out from behind the shelves of a aisle and pushing her cart with her left hand, her right hand holding her phone. She smiled with the power of a ray of sunlight.
"Mr. Okubo! I can't believe we ended up going shopping at the same market! And you're with your friends too... uuh... did I come at a bad time?," she asks suddenly, hesitant as she analyzes the situation ahead. And then they remembered that Kaneda was still inside the shopping cart when it toppled to the side with a crash, driven by his frustrated attempts to get out of it.
"Ouch! Oow, my leg...!"
"Kaneda! You okay there?" Rihito and Himuro recover faster from their astonishment, immediately going to help their friend. Okubo remains with his feet locked in place, torn between the instinct to run to Kaneda's aid and the mixture of extreme embarrassment and elation at seeing Tomori in front of him. Holy shit, he had nowhere else to run now! What was he going to do, what was he going to-
"Hey, are you okay?," And she runs past him, Okubo catching a glimpse of her worried expression. He turned, blinking, and watched as she reached down along with a very surprised Rihito and Himuro to help Kaneda to his feet.
"Oh... I-I'm fine, Miss, don't bother..."
"No, it's fine. You might have landed on your leg," She quickly looks for something inside her purse "I stopped by the pharmacy before I went shopping and bought some ointment. Want me to help you with that?"
"What- no, you don't have to! I'm fine, I swear," Kaneda assures, now a little flushed while shaking a hand "I'm tougher than I look, haha."
"That's right, Miss Uta. Kaneda's size is a bit deceiving," Himuro hastens to say, squeezing his friend's shoulder, and Rihito nods, pointing to the smaller one with a wide smile.
"Yeah, we've seen him take down guys twice his size, like the little ninja he is!"
"Come on now, Rihito...," Kaneda blushes even more, but ends up smiling when Tomori laughs.
"If you say so, hahaha. But... why are you inside a shopping cart, if I may ask?"
"Uh... it's- it's because..."
"It's because we made a bet!," Rihito hurried to say, at the same time pointing to Okubo, who was still paralyzed like a deer caught in the headlights "Okubo and I, that is. He bet Kaneda couldn't fit in the shopping cart, and I bet he did. Do you see, man? Don't underestimate the flexibility of a Kujyn Style master at an impressive five feet seven inches tall.”
"You could've claimed victory without throwing my short stature in my face like that..." Kaneda sighs, and Tomori laughs again.
"Hahaha, why am I not surprised? Apparently this happens often when you hang out together, right?," She turns to Okubo, smiling amused "I'm glad we met like this, by chance. Because I think these purchases would take longer if it were otherwise, hehe."
Okubo blinks, expression almost looking blank. And then he breaks into a huge smile and scratches the back of his head happily as he says, “Yeah! You fell from heaven for us, Miss Uta, hahaha!"
“Idiot changed his tune in the blink of an eye...”, The three of them thought together, as if they shared a telepathic link. Tomori, on the other hand, was flushed with happiness, squeezing her face between her hands, that adorable smile that made Okubo's heart skip a beat breaking out on her face.
"Oh, stop it, you..."
"It's the truth! I said in the texts, we were lost in this search for ingredients. You couldn't have arrived at a better time. Isn't it, guys,?" He smiles at his friends; that same sharp smile that hid a murderous intent that they knew too well.
"Say anything about what happened and I'll beat the shit outta you all!"
The urge to rat him out to Uta Tomori was almost irresistible, but for the sake of that thankless friendship, they decided in silent agreement that they would go with the flow. After all, you can't walk in the rain without getting wet, right?
"Yep! We had a lot of doubts about brands, prices...," Himuro sighs, and Rihito nods.
"There's just so much to choose from, so many possibilities to consider! Brands of rice, salt, vinegar... too many little details for our manly, combat-focused minds, you know?"
Tomori laughs again, while Okubo huffs, "Stop it, dude, or she'll think we're nothing but a bunch of musclebrains..."
"Oh no, I promise I won't. It can be complicated for those who don't work in the industry or simply aren't in the habit of comparing brands and prices."
"That's the problem, Miss Uta, Rihito here is, sometimes. He owns a fridge."
"Really? That's nice!," Tomori smiles at Rihito, who gives a surprisingly shy smile while scratching the back of his head "Who knows, maybe you're one of our suppliers. What's the name of your company?"
"SF Cold Storage. Who knows, maybe we'll find some of the products I stock here!," He points to himself with his thumb, smiling confidently. Tomori nods excitedly, but then seems to realize something. The four of them frown as she flinches a little, suddenly shy.
"I… I won't be bothering you if I walk with you, will I?"
"What? Why would you think something like that?," Okubo asks, confused, and she blushes more, rubbing her right arm.
"It's just that you're together here, having fun as a group while shopping, basically a men's day… I don't want you to feel obliged to accept the presence of a girl, you know…"
"Obliged? Missa Uta, one of the things that piss me off the most about this group here is how it's only made up of sausages of all different sizes! A woman is a welcomed adition!" Lihito exclaims, to which Himuro puts his hand on his face with an exasperated grunt, Kaneda blushes again and Okubo growls: 
"Have some respect, man, you're talking to a lady!"
Tomori, on the other hand, seemed to take the comment in stride. She laughs, visibly more relaxed.
"No, it's okay, really. I'm glad to know I won't bother."
"Sure you won't! Especially because you made our pal here very happy, appearing out of the blue like that," Rihito, with a devilish smile, slaps Okubo on the shoulder, making him lose his balance for a second "He didn't let go of that phone the whole trip!"
"Dude, shut up!"
"But it's true. He even left me in charge of the shopping list, just so he could continue texting you," Kaneda takes part in the psychological torture, apparently wanting revenge for the shopping cart incident. Okubo glared at him with a look that was somewhere between furious and desperate.
"Damn, even you, you little-"
"And he didn't stop commenting on your tips regarding ingredients" Himuro completes, his light eyes showing a shine that was cruel "You've found a very devoted student, miss, haha."
"Ugh, I hate you guys...," Okubo moans, hiding his furiously red face in one hand. Tomori was blushing too, but the happiness in her eyes was so blatant that is was embarrassing. He even felt a little suffocated when he looked at her.
"I'm so happy to hear that! Many people stop listening to what I say after a while. They say that I chatter too much when I get excited, that I never shut up..."
"Wha- whoever said that is one hell of an idiot!" He says on impulse, suddenly indignant "The way you talk passionately about your interests is one of the best parts of talking to you."
She stares at him, looking too stunned to speak, and only then does he realize what he's just said. Holy shit, why didn't one of those three start knocking him out with a coup de grace every time he opened his mouth, at least until he learned not to let his tongue walk two steps in front of his head?!
But Tomori didn't seem to share his thoughts, if the goofy smirk that took over her face was any indication.
"Please, stop, Mr. Okubo...! You- You're going to make me faint in the middle of the market...!"
"Oh- ahaha, but it's the truth! Okay, okay, sorry...," He laughs, deeply relieved. His ears pick up the unmistakable sound of snickering, and he immediately casts a scowl at his friends. Kaneda hid his mouth behind his right hand, while Himuro laughed more openly. Rihito simply gives him a thumbs-up, whispering so only he can hear: 
“You're fucking welcome, asshole."
Okubo would've flipped him the bird if Tomori hadn't been right in his field of vision. She takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself, and lifts her head, running her hands through her wavy, shiny hair (damn, he'd love to run his fingers through those locks when he had the chance) before decreeing: 
"Very well... you need my help, right? So that's what you'll get. You're the one with the shopping list... Kaneda, isn't it?"
"Precisely. Kaneda Suekichi, at your service," He does a small bow, to which Tomori nods with an adorable little smile.
"Nice to meet you. Oh, now I want to see if I remember all your names! Himuro, right?" She points to Himuro, who nods politely.
"Himuro Ryo. It's a pleasure too."
"Likewise, Himuro! And... Rihito?," She turns to Rihito, turning her head a little to the side "Is that a nickname?"
"Oh, it's much more than a simple nickname, lady," He points to his own chest with his thumb, smiling haughtily "It's an identity! Like the identities that comic book superheroes forge for themselves, you know? Renowned public figures who maintain that air of mystery, never revealing who they really are behind the mask and awakening fascination in all the-”
"His name is Nakata Ichiro, but he prefers the nickname."
"Come on, Okubo, don't ruin the magic! And I already said that it's not just a nickname! Come on, stop laughing!," He complains loudly, being summarily ignored. Okubo already felt quite satisfied with that little private revenge. Especially since he managed to make Tomori laugh.
"Ahahaha! Oh, god... anyway, thanks for having me, Kaneda, Himuro, Nakata-"
“Rihito! Call me Rihito, please!”
"Okay, okay. I know that for you I am, first and foremost, a fan of Mr. Okubo. But I hope I can get along with you too!," She does a small bow, eyes closed, so she doesn't see the way Okubo looked at her, his face flushed and his eyes sparkling with fierce affection.
And she also doesn't see how Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda tensed, caught by surprise. Hell... that chick really was cute, wasn't she? The monumental crush that Okubo had developed for her in such a short time no longer seemed so absurd to them.
"Uh… don't worry, Miss Uta. After we eat your sugar cookies for the first time, getting along with you became one of our life goals," Himuro jokes, and Tomori laughs heartily.
"Show up whenever you want at the Heavy Bakery and they will always be available! Now, the shopping list. Where is it?"
“Uuh… I think I dropped it back there. When I was in the cart..." Kaneda casts an accusing look at Okubo, who has to try very hard not to show his discomfort and keep smiling. They look to the ground, searching, until Rihito exclaims:
"Hey, I found our spare list! It was in my pocket, I ended up forgetting..."
"That's great! Excuse me...", She picks up the list he held out to her "Let's see... oh...," She suddenly frowns, confused and a little embarrassed "Uuh... soy sauce, snacks, a load of beer, condoms-"
"Whoa! Wrong list! Ahaha, sorry about that!," Okubo immediately snatches the piece of paper from her hands, crumpling it into a ball and immediately giving it back to Rihito, who almost drops it in his embarrassed haste "Rihito always brings his own list for group shopping, but always ends up forgetting about it. Would you believe that, Miss Uta? He would forget his head if it weren't glued to his neck, wouldn't he?", He brings his friend close with an arm around his shoulders, flashing him the most furious smile either of them had ever seen someone flash. Himuro and Kaneda could even see beads of sweat forming on Rihito's forehead as he smiled nervously.
“Haha, yeah, I sure would! My bad…”
"Oh… it's alright, don't worry," Tomori ends up relaxing "I'm shopping with men, I should've expected that, haha. But it's not like I really need a list. I have all the ingredients memorized. So?," She smiles excitedly at them "Are we going to brave this concrete jungle while we complain about inflation?"
And with an invitation like that, they saw no reason to refuse to accompany her.
The five of them follow through the aisles of the supermarket, now with two carts in hand. And this time, Rihito couldn't complain too much about the fact that it was a woman who was leading the group, guiding them through that labyrinth of jars and packages with the assurance of someone who did this often. But they soon concluded that Tomori was the right person for the job, because she was teaching them like, a real teacher, how to choose the best ingredients for rice balls.
"Alright, let's start with the rice. See the differences between these two brands here?," She shows them the two packages, whereupon the four men huddle together to watch, curious. She offers them, and Himuro takes one, while Kaneda takes another.
"Hnnn… the weight is almost the same. It must be standardized...," Himuro commented, to which Kaneda, raising his head after observing the package closely, said:
"Oh, I think I understand. The grains on this one are longer than those on the package Himuro is holding, right?"
"Yes! It may seem like a silly detail, but noticing it makes all the difference, because short-grain rice has more starch," She nods smiling "Thanks to that, it sticks together after cooking. Which means…” She urges them on, making an encouraging gesture with one hand. She laughs when Kaneda raises his hand, as if they were in a classroom.
“Yes, Kaneda?”
"It means that short-grain rice is the best for making rice balls, because the grains will stick together, which is ideal for keeping the rice balls in the right shape."
"Very good!," She claps her hands, to which Kaneda responds with a playful little bow. Lihito snorts:
"Not fair! This smartass here already knows how to make rice balls! He's the best cook of all of us!"
"That's right! Let us get some praise for a change, Kaneda!," Okubo nudges the smaller one's shoulder, who pushes his hand away, saying:
"The fact that I can cook doesn't mean I don't like to hear a few compliments from time to time too."
"It's no fun when you already have mastered the art. Let the teacher pay attention to those who really need to learn."
Tomori looks thrilled to be called a ‘teacher’, to which Himuro comments with a sharp smile:
"Do you want to monopolize the teacher's attention now, Okubo? We really went back to middle school and I didn't even notice..."
"Leave me alone, Himuro! Anyway...," He clears his throat, a little flushed "For the rice to keep its shape after being cooked, we're going to need those little molds, right? The ones for rice balls."
"Well, I recommend it, especially for those of you who have never made rice balls before. But for those who have experience, it's easy to do it with their hands. I can show you if you want!"
"Nah, Kaneda can teach us, no problem-"
Lihito is immediately silenced by Himuro and Kaneda, who again place their hands over his mouth, making low hisses. And the three of them see the exact moment when Okubo seems to finally get some courage, sticking out his chest a little, straightening his shoulders and saying in a loud and clear voice while holding out his hands:
"Please show me!"
"Okay, you'll be the first to learn then!," She exclaims, happy as a clam, as she reaches out and holds his hands. Her hands were very tiny compared to his, delicate and soft, her fingers barely able to close around his wrists. He imagined intertwining his fingers with hers, imagined those hands caressing the line of his jaw. And he imagined them clinging to his shoulders, nails digging between his shoulder blades, scratching hard as they-
“Alright, that's enough! Pay attention to what she's saying, you good-for-nothing pervert!"
"The secret is to place your hands like this, as if it were in an L shape, and then press down on the rice very lightly, turning it clockwise with your right hand... that's right!," She approves when he correctly imitates the movement she described "You're good with your hands, Mr. Okubo."
"Thanks! And I have to be, haha. Just like you, I knead a lot. But not exactly bread dough," he teases, and is elated when she laughs heartily.
"I know! I've been following your career as a kneader for over a decade!"
"And so you managed to realize that I still have things to learn! You're doing better than any manager I've ever had, you know? Hehe!"
They laugh together, seeming half-forgotten that they weren't alone.
"Holy shit, I feel like I'm in one of those really bad chick-flicks…", Himuro comments with an air of laughter as they watch those unusual interactions "Only that it's missing the mellow soundtrack in the background."
“And them being on the banks of Shingashi River, with cherry blossom petals floating around them,” Kaneda jokes, and Rihito snickers.
"For my pal's sake, I hope it's a bad chick-flick with a sex scene at the end."
Okubo and Tomori weren't even aware of the spectacle they were providing. He particularly felt perfectly happy staying that way, just learning from her how to be a minimally decent cook, without dwelling too much on things like perverted incidents and his past traumas involving the opposite sex. It was all too easy to forget those details when he was with her.
"You got the hang of it quite fast! Do you still want to buy a mold or do you prefer to try your luck?," she asks suddenly, to which he looks over his shoulder.
"I wouldn't mind trying, but Rihito and Himuro might mess it up a little. They don't have such dexterity with their fingers, haha."
"Dexterity? I'm on a level way above that and you know it! Did Okubo tell you what I can do, Miss Uta?", Rihito asks, going up to the two of them and showing them a coin. Tomori blinks, a little confused.
"Uh... it's some kind of magic trick?"
"Much better than that! Mainly because it's real," He winks before pressing down on the coin with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, making a quick incisive motion. And Tomori gasps, clapping her hands over her mouth, as the coin snaps in half right before his eyes.
"Wow! H-How did you...!"
"Pretty cool, right? That's exactly why I created another identity. I'm the real-life Superman,” He sticks out his chin, smiling smugly, at which Okubo shakes his head in amused exasperation.
"Never missing a chance to show off, huh."
"Oh no, I can't believe it! I want to see it again with another coin!," She sticks her hand inside her purse, searching, at the same time that she turns to Kaneda and Himuro, half amazed "Do you all know how to do something absurd like that too?"
"Not the way Lihito does, but they say my drinks are absurd too," Himuro jokes, and Kaneda completes: 
"The truth is that we are all martial artists, just like Okubo! So yes, Miss Uta, we can do some pretty amazing things, each in our own unique ways."
"Ah, that's so cool! But what promotion are you from?," She asks curiously "A martial arts  promotion, I mean. I know many fighters, but it always happens that I miss some names..."
Okubo tenses, eyeing the other three with concern, to which Rihito, Himuro, and Kaneda exchange quick, almost imperceptibly nervous glances before Himuro finally responds, “We're not exactly professional fighters, you know. Not like Okubo, at least."
"Yes. We're kind of in a 'backstage' league, so to speak.” Kaneda nods.
"Yes! That's how I met them, wanting to fight in a slightly more private setting," Okubo nods quickly "They prefer to leave the professional  spotlights to me, 'cause they know I'm by far the most photogenic, haha."
"Yup. Photogenic like my big toe, which has chilblains."
"Too many details, Rihito! Tone it waaay down."
Tomori laughs, shaking her head.
"That's okay, fighting without the intention of being known for it is valid too. The important thing is to keep the fighting spirit alive!," She raises a fist in the air "And I already know how incredible Mr. Okubo is, so I say that I would love to see you three in action one of these days, in that 'backstage' league."
They had to work hard to keep their smiles from turning too nervous. But the girl's innate cuteness was a tremendous help. And honestly, it had been worth risking revealing more about the entire world of underground fights they were part of just to see Okubo almost float off the ground like the world's heaviest air balloon, inflated with joy by Tomori's praise. They couldn't wait to be alone, only the four of them again. That bald fuck had one coming, that was for sure.
They continued on their search for ingredients, with Tomori giving detailed explanations of the best brands of vinegar, salt and seaweed, showing how to compare prices and also how to make the products yield more. Overall, their little shopping spree turned out to be a more fun event than either of them could've anticipated. It wasn't exactly the kind of date Okubo imagined having with her (they were always alone in their fantasies, without a third, a forth and a fift whells following them around), but he found himself unable to complain. Seeing her getting along with his three best friends gave him that same funny, tachycardia-like feeling after all.
The afternoon went on like this, until all of them were finally satisfied with their little trip to the market.
“… and then Rihito and Okubo thought it would be an excellent idea to bet who could eat shrimp with wasabi without needing milk afterwards. It was the first time that Kaneda and I stayed overnight in an emergency room because these two needed a stomach pump, not a drip, haha.”
"Yeah, salt my game some more until it's completely inedible, you jerk!," Okubo yells at Himuro amid loud laughter, while the five finished passing their purchases at the ATMs, putting them in bags afterwards. Tomori shakes her head, a little red with laughter.
"N-No... seriously, it's okay, Mr. Okubo! I have so much fun hearing about these adventures of yours. I swear I'll tell you more about mine too, one of these days."
"Eh, and what could a cute and well-behaved girl have lived through that would be more interesting than frequent trips to the emergency room, caused by an excess of testosterone?," Rihito asks with a cheeky smile. Okubo was about to open his mouth to warn him, but Tomori is faster than him. She smiles back in kind, her eyelids drooping over her brown eyes, her long lashes casting shadows on her cheekbones.
"You wouldn't believe it, trust me."
"Oooh, really? If you say so...," He laughs, not seeming to take her remark seriously. But something in her expression aroused a strong curiosity in Okubo. He wasn't exactly the world champion at reading facial expressions and interpreting insinuations, but something told him Tomori wasn't just rambling. What could such an adorable girl be up to that would surprise even a freak like Rihito?
"Hey, don't leave us wondering, Miss Uta..."
"Ahaha, my bad. I would love to be able to remedy this, but it's getting late. I need to go home and make dinner," She smiles a little sadly when the five of them finally leave the market, going out to the parking lot, the sky starting to darken "It's a shame. I was really enjoying myself."
"Oh... yes, it's a shame," Okubo nods, trying to appear nonchalant and almost failing. Jeez, their shopping spree seemed to have flown by since she'd joined them! Why did they always find themselves in situations where they couldn't be in each other's company for more than a measly hour? That was so unfair... "But anyway, Miss Uta, it was a really nice surprise to find you here."
"Likewise! I really enjoyed spending this last hour with you guys. So much so that... can I... can I ask for something?," She's suddenly shy, looking to the side and pouting. Damn, how could he say no to her when she made that face?!
"Sure, go ahead!"
“I… I'd like to take a photo. You know? With... with you. And all of you too!," She hastens to add, a little flushed "As a souvenir, you know? I won't post it on social media if you don't want exposure or anything. I just wish to have something to keep with me... besides an autograph."
She swallows hard, biting her bottom lip, waiting with some anticipation.
He would probably never know how he was able to keep an expression of neutral satisfaction, instead of rushing towards her and kissing her passionately, as he wanted to do.
“Danm, she’s so cute!”
"Of course!"
“Oh- really?” She widens her eyes, hopeful, and he nods, smiling.
"Yeah, why not? Who are we to deny our teacher a souvenir of this day?," He turns to his friends "It'll be our way of saying thanks. Right, guys?"
"Yes! Then you can send the photo to Okubo, because we'll want to have it too," Kaneda nods, and Himuro agrees with an expression of someone who was holding laughter back.
"Yup! This isn't a day to be forgotten, haha..."
"Enough talking then! ‘Let’s strike a pose, guys," Rihito puts his arms around Okubo and Himuro's shoulders, opening a crooked smile "You have our permission to post this photo wherever you want, Miss Uta. Make your friends jealous of you being surrounded by all these hunks. And tell them we're all single and available!"
"You really want her loosing a ton of followers in all her social media, don't you, Rihito?"
"Screw you, Himuro!"
Tomori laughs again as she takes her phone out of his purse, turning on the camera and placing it horizontally.
"Can you take the picture, Mr. Okubo? You're the tallest, so...," She hands the phone to Okubo, approaching from the side in short steps, smiling shyly. He understands at once, and suppressing the urge to laugh, reaches out a hand to touch her shoulder, bringing her closer to him. She gasps softly, her breath catching momentarily in her chest, and he would have found that absolutely adorable if he hadn't also been desperately trying to maintain his composure and not blush like a teenager who's sat too close to his crush.
Taking selfies with fans was something he was more or less used to. But this was different. It felt more intimate, even...
"C'mooon, dude, we want to take this pic today!"
And as expected, Lihito insisted on reminding him of his presence by shouting in his ear, almost making him drop Tomori's phone. He pushes him away with a grunt, eliciting general laughter.
"Give it a rest, dumbass! Okay, everyone...," He puts a hand on Tomori's shoulder, again hearing her make a cute little sound of happiness "Say 'rice balls'!"
"Rice balls!," The five of them exclaim together, raising two fingers in a V, the sound of the phone indicating that the photo was taken. They relax their poses and contemplate the results.
"Oh, it came out great- hey, Rihito, you made horns on the back of my head!," Kaneda complains, and Rihito defends himself by replying:
"It's not horns, it's a V for Victory! It's not my fault you're so short that the gesture gives that impression.”
"I made a weird face. Look, I'm almost blinking…," Himuro frowns, to which Tomori, still laughing at the discussion between Rihito and Kaneda, guarantees:
"Don't say that, Himuro, you looked great! If I post this photo on my networks, some of my friends will definitely ask if they can slide into your DMs, haha."
"Oh, then in that case, post it wherever you want!"
"Another one who doesn't beat around the bush...," Okubo snorts, the twinge of jealousy in his chest making him feel angry with himself. It was so unfair that not even Tomori was immune to that conceited bastard's charm…
"But yeah, the photo turned out great! Thank you so much, Kaneda, Himuro, Nakata-"
"Rihito! Seriously, it's not that hard of a name to remember!"
"Okay, okay, sorry, haha. But seriously, thank you. And you, Mr. Okubo!"
He almost knocks some of the bags to the floor when she hugs his arm, her face lit up with a happiness so intense it almost made his eyes hurt.
"Not only do I have your autograph, I now also have a photo of you! This has been one of the happiest months of my entire life, and it's not even halfway through! I don't even know how to thank you..."
"Thank me by going on a date with me and letting me please you in every way I can think of, in and out of a bed!,” he almost pleads, which would have been the most desperate and pathetic invitation to a date in human history, and something which Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda would not let him forget for all the days he had left. He tries to compose himself, straightening his shoulders and saying with a half smile: 
"You can thank me by sending this photo to me, 'cause it's something I'd like to have as a souvenir too. And of course, I will reciprocate. Later today, when the rice balls are ready."
She clasps her hands to her chest, delighted.
"Of course! And I'll look forward to the pictures of the rice balls! It's a pity I won't be able to try them..."
"Oh, but we can arrange that. What do you guys think?," Okubo arches an eyebrow at the other three. They look surprised for a split second, but recover relatively quickly.
"We're going to have a busy week, but we can try to show up at the bakery on the next garbage day. In the meantime, let's take the opportunity to make rice balls whenever we can as a pre-workout snack," Himuro looks sideways at Kaneda, who adds:
"What would you think of us taking advantage of this day to bring some of the rice balls we’ll make? You know, as a thank you for the free home economics class and the cookies, haha."
"Then you can eat them during your lunch break! And if we got it wrong, at least the bathroom at your workplace will be a short run away," Lihito jokes, prompting grunts from his friends and more laughter from Tomori.
"I'll trust that things don't get to that point, if Kaneda is a good cook like you guys said. And yes, I will love it!," She claps her hands in excitement "Kanny, Hiro, Tomoyo and Paikon will love to try it too. Anyway...," She bows politely "Thank you so much for your company! I really hope I didn't bother you."
“You wouldn't bother us even if you wanted to, Miss Uta. We're the ones who should thank you for your help," He smiles, and then scratches the back of his head "Uh… Do you need help with your bags? We can take them to your car."
"Thanks, but no need. I came by train."
"You sure? It's a long walk, even more so carrying weight.
“Oh no, not so much. And I'm tougher than I look, believe me," She flexes her biceps with a playful smile, and while the other three try to stifle a colective laugh, Okubo tries to stifle a burst of cuteness "I have to exercise, anyway. Weight gain is pretty common in my work field, haha."
"With a body like that, you can tell the extra weight goes to all the right places!”, he allows himself to think, like the closeted pervert he was. 
“Okay, if you say so. See you next garbage day?"
"I'll look forward to it! Good night, Kaneda, Himuro, Nakata- I mean, Rihito."
"Attagirl!," Lihito raises a fist in celebration "Good night to you too, Miss Uta."
"Have a safe trip!"
"And let Okubo know if you arrived safely, so he doesn't get too worried."
"Himuro...," Okubo grunts, embarrassed, to which Tomori lets out a happy laugh.
"I will, I promise. Good night, Mr. Okubo," She again makes that gesture of tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, smiling sweetly, and he allows himself a few seconds of self-indulgent daydreaming, imagining himself doing that for her.
"Good night, Miss Uta."
She waves to the four of them before picking up her bags and turning her back on them, walking out of the parking lot. They follow her with their eyes until her silhouette disappears on the sidewalk in the distance, in the middle of the late afternoon shadows that were getting bigger. It is then that Rihito, Himuro and Kaneda allow themselves to let out huge collective sighs.
"Maaaan, that’s what I call a hard time…," Rihito grunts, scratching his scalp "All that hullabaloo and in the end, the girl still ran into us anyway…"
"But everything worked out in the end, despite all the embarrassment... and I still haven't forgotten, Okubo!," Kaneda points to him, huffing "That nonsense with the shopping cart will not go unpunished!”
Okubo didn't even seem to have heard him. He was still staring fixedly at the spot where Tomori had disappeared, his eyes distant. They stared at him, somewhat exasperated, until Himuro walked up to him and snapped his fingers right in front of his face, making him jump.
"Argh! Don't scare me like that, damn it!"
"It's time to de-orbit, Buzz Lightyear. Despite your efforts to make the opposite happen, the afternoon turned out better than expected," He crosses his arms “But enough of that. If you act like a virgin brat again, we’re gonna beat the shit out of you. And not even you can deal with the three of us at the same time. You've been warned."
"Ugh, okay, okay! Sorry for my freak out earlier," Okubo grunts, rubbing his eyes "I just didn't want her to get the wrong impression of me…"
"But that's not what happened. She looked like she couldn't wait to get busy with you in the near future. You're fucking welcome," Rihito does a mocking bow "I even forced myself to play the part of the nice, 'friend to all women' guy so as not to rain on your parade..."
"Come on, Rihito, don't pretend that you didn't like that we had a girl in our group, even if only for an hour."
"One hour is my limit! I came into this world to love women, not to be their friend. And don't go thinking that, after you do her, I'm going to accept her presence in our night outs or something!," He warns, pointing to Okubo "Unless, of course, she brings some girlfriends along. In that case, we can negotiate."
"You're gonna die single, man, I swear…," Himuro sighs, while Okubo, shaking his head, picks up some of the bags on the parking lot floor. He smiles tiredly at his friends.
"I'll try to remember that. Now let's go back to the apartment, for the love of god. I... I think I can feel my blood pressure drop... the adrenaline peak is going down...," He groans, getting a little pale, to which Lihito went to help him with a laugh, passing his right arm over his shoulders.
"Fuckin' drama queen... c’mon, guys, we have a bloodstream in need of some salt."
They walk across the parking lot towards Okubo's car, finally getting hit with late afternoon fatigue. And to think they still had a batch of rice balls to cook...
"Hey, Himuro."
Himuro turns around, a little surprised, when Kaneda calls out to him in a low tone, his face slightly pink.
"What is it?"
"I need to confess to someone… but I don't think I would complain about taking another ride in a shopping cart like that. You know? Nyooonh…"
And neither Okubo nor Rihito understood why Himuro had a fit of laughter that lasted all the way back to the apartment. And neither way he kept repeating that bizarre noise.
What the fuck did 'nyooonh' even mean anyway?
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bergeronprocess · 1 year
My Winter 2023 anime reviews! I was waiting to write these until UniteUp! finished its run, which it now has, so...here we go!
Discussed below the cut: UniteUp!, Nijiyon Animation, The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague, Handyman Saitou in Another World, Buddy Daddies, Soaring Sky Pretty Cure
This past season, I actually watched a lot of shows that were primarily about men or boys! That's kind of unusual for me, but I had a good time. I even tried watching an isekai. More on that later.
I'll start with UniteUp! actually. This is my sleeper hit of the season. It was plagued by covid related production delays - which actually led to them putting out some interesting "behind the scenes" episodes to fill the air time that had already been set aside for the show. It's an idol show, but it's different because I feel like they are a bit more realistic about the Idol Business compared to, say, Love Live (which I am also a fan of, I'm not hating). The characters are all really charming, even if sometimes I forgot all of their names lol ensemble cast problems, and the music is really good (especially the Crossfire theme song). The concerts and dancing are animated really well - they're of course using CGI there, but that makes it look really realistic and accurate. I haven't heard much chatter about this show, although Cy from Anime Feminist was effusive in their praise of it, and I just want more people to watch UniteUp!
Since I just mentioned Love Live, I also watched Nijiyon Animation. Cute, super-short length episodes based on 4koma comics. lt was like a fun little dessert every week lol. Nijigasaki is my favorite Love Live, so of course I loved it. It was also a nice farewell to Tomori Kusunoki as Setsuna.
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague was a big ole nothingburger. Pretty much no character development actually happens and we're never really sure if the titular characters are even dating in the end. Basically the only thing that happens is the passage of a year. Anime Feminist also pointed out the weirdness of the "if Himuro gets a fever, he turns into a little boy" thing, especially that scene where he is in little boy form and then accidentally pins Fuyutsuki to the bed in her hotel room and they have that blushing "ooh, oh no~" reaction that would be just...much less weird...if the guy wasn't literally in a child's body at that moment. At least there was a lot of cat content in this show, but near the end of its run I was just like "ugh, I'm frustrated with the lack of progression here but I feel like I need to see it through to the end."
Another show that had some pacing issues was Handyman Saitou in Another World, the one isekai I watched! It did have a cool premise and I like how Saitou can apply his practical 21st century knowledge of locksmithing and such to the generic medieval high fantasy style premise place. I liked Raelza too (she's played by Ai Fairouz, who is fabulous in every role I've heard her in) and there were some interesting elements. I just feel like we spent too long on the side story with the ninja and the witch. This guy loves this woman so much even though their "meet cute" wasn't so much cute as kinda creepy?! He steps on her shadow so she can't move and then kisses her? Yikes! Their story takes multiple episodes to resolve and I'm just like can we get back to the main quartet PLEASE? I did like the other adventuring parties we meet, especially the big buff dude who has a crush on Saitou. Now, the fact that death can potentially be reversed in this world did lead to some of the "oh no! This character died" story beats feeling hollow since they were always followed by "well hold on, we'll just do a revival spell" or whatever. And there is some fanservice that might as well have come with a big ole "You're not the target audience here, Emma" sign on it. Overall, I am not sorry I watched it, and I think it's a cut above the dime-a-dozen isekais that are pumped out every season, but it had its issues.
I loved Buddy Daddies. It's so much more than just "modern Spy x Family"! Kazuki and Rei are both relatable in very different ways, Miri is probably a more realistic depiction of a child her age compared to Anya (I am not a parent though), it was always fun to play "Which car is this person driving" (Ogino's Chrysler 300 is definitely an odd choice still lol) and I feel like it had a nice ending. It didn't treat its adult women characters super well - when Anime Feminist described Yuzuko as getting fridged, I was like yeah...you're right. And then Misaki was really trying to do better and atone for her mistakes, but she gets hit with the double whammy of cancer and her sudden murder. Damn. At least Miss Anna got out okay. I like to wonder what happens when Rei's dad kicks the bucket. Does he then immediately inherit the organization and the giant estate? He obviously has no interest in it, so what would he do with it all? Probably just burn down the estate and disband the organization, right?
And finally, it's the Pretty Cure series that finally did it, that finally got me Precurepilled...it's Soaring Sky Pretty Cure! I tried watching Delicious Party episode 1 last year, but between the art style and the "weird magical desert place that the battle happens in," I just couldn't vibe with it. But phew, Soaring Sky is SO good. I love the art, I love the characters, it's all just so much fun and enjoyable. I like to try to watch it first thing on Sunday mornings. It's obviously still running right now and we haven't even been introduced to Cure Butterfly yet, let alone the midseason Cure (an aged-up Ellee maybe?), which means there is a lot still to do. Also I have a theory that Yoyo is the mysterious hero who inspired Sora back in the day. Like she used to be a Cure herself, perhaps. That would be fun.
Other than Skip and Loafer and the second part of G-Witch, spring is looking pretty sparse for me, so...all the more reason to keep watching older Pretty Cure seasons, right? I'm working on Kira Kira and want to watch Star Twinkle after that!
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sakuwsker · 2 years
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Himuro ~ Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi episode 12
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
request ; @faiirymint: a scenario where himuro and kise introducing their s/o to their fangirls. at first they were feeling hesitant cause they are afraid that their fangirls will dislike or hate them, but it was the exact opposite! the fangirls love them so much, they’re very pretty and kind, that’s why they love them. now all the letters and gift that dedicated for himuro and kise, are now for their s/o. should they feel happy cause the fangirls accept their s/o, or should they feel worried cause the might got stole away from them? please make it wholesome and cute! 🥺🤍
# tags: scenarios; current relationships; soft romance; light comedy; mostly fluff; fangirls!; reader is so pretty (as always, wink); sfw
includes: female reader ft. tatsuya himuro & ryouta kise {knb}
author’s note: i love this!!
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It was Saturday afternoon when you and a tall teenager crossed the threshold of the school, or rather a huge gym with the sound of a basketball bouncing off the court. That day you decided to tell your boyfriend’s fans that he’s already taken by someone, and at the same time very happy and indescribably in love.
From the very morning you were very stressed and literally sick (I mean, your stomach and head hurt so badly), but Tatsuya reassured you saying that no matter what, he would always be with you and no one would destroy your happiness. He was more clingy than usual, and kept giving you small kisses right in the middle of your forehead.
You entered the building, holding hands; your embrace was firm, confident, and at the same time affectionate and charming. It wasn’t a surprise to the rest of your boyfriend’s team that you came with him because they knew you perfectly well, however the fans waiting for him seemed very surprised and curious about you. 
Your smile, directed at a dozen of girls, was hesitant, shy and gentle. However, as soon as you noticed that the first one was returning your facial expressions, you immediately felt relief in your heart and soul.
“... It’s Y/N, my precious girlfriend. Please be nice to her because her person means a lot to me and is my greatest support. Of course, you all are my support too, don’t worry.” The dark-haired man asked them in a pleasant tone of voice, and the teenagers merely nodded, immediately coming closer to you.
“... What class are you in?”
“You’re so sweet! Can we be friends on LINE and Instagram?”
“Do you like strawberry bars? I have one here!”
You and Himuro were a bit shocked. Suddenly, all the gifts that were meant to go to your partner were in your arms, and you tried to hold in your hands all the boxes of chocolates, lots of fruit bars, fragrant flowers and love letters. With a slight blush, you thanked and answered every question you were asked. Each of the females who was in the gym was very understanding and even jealous of you.
“... Himuro-san, go to your team. We want to go for a walk with Y/N-san!”
“Exactly, we want to show her the little ducklings that have settled down next to the cherry tree!”
That day your boyfriend lost his fans, and you unexpectedly gained them.
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You’ve really talked a lot about coming out as a couple; you were fed up with hiding among your family and other people close to you (especially at school and at work – you just had a hard time refusing to meet or talk to other people, even if you didn’t feel like it). You wanted to go for a short walk during the day without any face masks, without stress and uncertainty, you wanted to go to the gallery for cold tea or hot coffee, you wanted to go to the swimming pool, SPA and museums together. You dreamed of posting shared photos on your social media and a trip to the zoo together. You wanted to celebrate your important days and anniversaries in a restaurant, not with the fast food you ordered. It was mentally exhausting, very tiring.
So one day Kise had a really serious and honest conversation with you. He told about his feelings and how he really would like to introduce you to his fans. Of course, he added that their reaction may vary, but he would really like to introduce them to his most important person, his girlfriend. You were very happy that day, because it only testified to his sincere feelings and serious plans for you. You agreed right away, asking how you should behave, what to wear and where to say about it.
At the beginning, of course, you wanted to talk about it at school – but not all Ryouta fangirls went to the same school with you. That’s why you finally decided to make a short live at his Instagram.
Anddddd.. it was a bull’s eye! 
When you started broadcasting you thought it would take up to an hour, but to your great surprise – you ended your live after more than five hours. During this time, you talked to Kise fans, talked about your relationship, how you met, and even played a short game about compatibility in your relationship.
You were surprised by the fact that there was no person in the chat who did not like you that day. All your boyfriend’s fangirls were incredibly supportive, sweet and curious about you. They asked you a lot of questions (about your education, your passion, your favorite things, even your zodiac sign and your MBTI), praised your looks (hair, nails, smile and even your forehead) and your style of dress (they asked where you got your clothes and what style do you prefer). Everyone was delighted with you and at some point Kise’s presence ceased to matter to several hundred people on your live.
“... Y/N-chan ...! Don’t forget that you are dating me… ” His baby moan reached your ears and you giggled a little.
“I know that, Ryouta. It’s just that your fans are so lovely. Thank you very much for welcoming me so warmly! I would like to hug you all!”
After your sentence, a lot of hearts and other emojis appeared in the chat. More people wrote compliments in your direction, and others offered you coffee, a meeting, chocolates and flowers. Kise already knew then that from now on no letter would end up in his school locker and from now on you will be the main topic of talks between teenagers in the school corridor and in the cafeteria.
But was he regretting and angry? Big no. If his capricious and crazy fans love you, everyone will love you as much as he does.
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nuclevi · 3 years
matching nails they’d get w you
ft. jjk, knb & aot.
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❥ kiyoshi, sasha (it’s her idea most of the time), connie, hange (shows them off to everyone), kise, momoi, sakurai, yuuji, murasakibara, kuroko, inumaki, takao, hayama (glances at them all day and keeps smiling to himself), gojo, kasamatsu (posted on his socials too), nobara, yuuta (anything to make you happy)
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❥ mikasa (blushes when someone asks abt them), eren, jason, nash (shows them off), himuro, ymir (tease), gojo, shoko, hanamiya (you’d have to offer him sth in exchange), maki, mai, megumi (after a lot of begging and fake cries from you), geto, kagami, aomine, nebuya
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❥ levi (only agreed when you promised to keep it minimalistic), midorima, akashi, annie (threw a fit but secretly loved it), mibuchi, jean (paid for the both of you), historia, nanami (only agreed when you threatened to match w gojo), toji, megumi, armin, murasakibara, mayuzumi
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pictures do not belong to me.
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mhynvxii · 3 years
I hope your studies go well then! Don’t push yourself too hard 🥰 If ever you feel the motivation to, may I request headcanons or a scenario of a jealous Kagami? Maybe he walked in on his s/o talking to Aomine alone and got the wrong idea? Thank you so much, take care ❣️🍒
Kagami being jealous and protective of his fem!s/o.
A/n : you guys can’t imagine how funny it was to see that a lot of Kagami simps reunited in my ask box ! I like you guys and your tastes in men.
Tag : @dulcetscen Since your two requests were almost the same I decided to combine them, also the irony is that I finished this just right before the mbti game so I guess universe knew you would need this.
Warning : Suggestive in the end but nothing dramatic in my opinion.
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He’s never been one to doubt a lot of himself, confident that he can overcome most situations if he’s putting himself to work but this… You can call it all you want but he’s not insecure just… that he can’t deal with you catching the eyes of some vile and perverted persons. Is it even really because they looked bad intentioned or that he’s just pissed off by this sight of you being nice to them ? He’ll never know but Kagami was sure of one thing : he didn’t like this. At all.
Not only you were fueling this whole situation but also putting yourself in danger, discussing with strangers when he wasn’t here to watch over you in the bar. It would be the end of him if he let those dudes hit on you for just two minutes more, his blood already boiling.
You’re quick to see him coming, his teeth clenching almost visibly and his eyebrows frowned as if someone insulted him and his whole family. Thankfully all this rage was not directed towards you, Kagami stand in your back glaring at the persons you’ve been talking to menacingly from all his height. His left hand few seconds after his venue reaching for your waist as he press your body against him.
«  Hey, hope I’m not bothering you guys ? But unfortunately it seems you’re playing in already marked territory, see ? 
– Taiga..?!»
Despite that he is gently posing a chast kiss on the top of your head, you sense the anger building up in his stomach as you can literally feel the surprising hot radiations of his body. You knew him to be impulsive and kind of protective with you but wasn’t he going too far now ?
He didn’t even gave the situation a benefit of the doubt, the guys were at respectable distance and you were rejecting the advances these guys were doing anyway, they were on the point to let go. Is he searching for your attention ? You’re pretty sure to have been very affectionate the whole night as you two were on a date after all, or at least almost as in fact you came in that specific bar because Himuro got the barman job recently.
«  Chill, we were just talking. I am not stealing your girl, see ? »
Fortunately, they don’t try to beef with him but Taiga doesn’t stop his intimidating glare until they’re out of sight : leaving you two alone. You see Kagami closing his eyes for an instant as he let go his grip on your waist and that a flamboyant blush take place on his cheeks despite the rather dark lightening. He’s cute trying to hide it but you don’t point it out to him, he’s already suffering enough.
«  What about we get out of here for a minute..? It’s a little too hot in here.. »
Some fresh air would be nice for him to calm down, so you nod in acceptance as he takes your smaller hand in his, leading the way. You take place in a moonless night in front of the bar, Kagami sighing in half relief. He’s still flustered as hell, an hand covering the lower half of his face while the other is still holding your wrist. Just the fact that he’s letting himself look that messy in front of you makes him mad but well you were the one at fault !
Walking around in that outfit making stand out not only your perfect body but also complimenting your face thanks to the nice colors. It didn’t bothered him at first, he was even encouraging you but god he wish he could’ve return on his words : you’re too stunning and if he could have covered everything up with a large hoodie he wouldn’t hesitate two seconds.
« They looked like everything but nice, y/n why were you even letting them talk ?! You should have let them know sonner that they have no chance till I am here alive on this earth !
– Well at first they just came to me because you dropped your phone when going for the toilets… How was I supposed to know they would use it as a chance to flirt with me ?
– ?! Hmpf… »
You hand him over his phone with a kind smile after watching him seeking for it in his pockets, taking it the wrong way, he becomes even more upset. He could’ve sweared you were playing with his nerves right now and the panicking droplets of sweats that were running on his forehead and back were multiplying.
«  Ok Taiga, maybe you can just admit that you’re actually feeling jealous ?
– Ugh..? I’m not jealous ! I am just worried about you !
– Then why you’re still not retrievied that everything is actually fine ? You know I have no problem with that you’re really cute all pouting like a little boy and upset but it kinda makes me sad for you… »
You put your right hand on his cheek, your fingers slowly running to reach the corner of his eyebrow, forcing him to look at you in the eyes and relax.
« You know that I am not going to leave you for anyone else right ? It’s difficult to find as handsome, kind, talented and on top of that as adorable partner, Taiga. You’re the only one I have eyes for… See what kind of cheesy stuff you make me say ? I can’t believe it.. »
You let out in a rather soft tone, a small laugh passing the gates of your lips right after your speech. Taiga finally dares look into your eyes : he’s just a little calmer, what’s good but not in a way you would except : Now being excited to kiss you. Desiring nothing more than sharing with you this physical coalition, passionately and with ferver right here, right now as if his life depend on it. That need to make you his growing as you take him into a hug and he feels your hands in his back, going back and forth to recomfort him : how naive of you to think it would be sufficient. Your chest pressing on his torso, your cologne enivring all his sense : it’s about just seconds before he can’t hold himself back anymore, all the effects of his love for you.
«  Why do you always got to make me weak like this y/n..? You win, It’s true that I am jealous but can I have at least my loosing compensation now ? » he murmurs in your ears lovingly, so needy, almost desperate.
You feel so powerful, until he grab your ass and doesn’t even you let you finish the teasy response you were about to give him. Shutting you up with the jealousy that filled his mouth.
Himuro taking his shift just now is surprised by that much ravenous appetite coming from his bro. Definitely walking in the most heated moment.
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Can I request a scenario with Himuro, where he is secretly in love with his childhood friend?
That seems really cute, I hope I did it justice and you enjoy it! ___________________________________________________________
Title: Friend Zoned Unintentionally Fluff No Warning
Himuro was known for having a herd of girls surrounding him, confessing their love to him. Every time he would kindly reject, and no one really knew why. No one knew besides Kagami, but Kagami never told anyone. The reason he always rejected every girl was because he was already in love. In love with you. Himuro couldn’t even remember when he started developing feelings for you. It felt like they were always there.
He never acted on his feelings, because every time he tried you would unintentionally friend zone him. He had gotten use to it, but it didn’t stop him from wanting to call you his girlfriend. Every time he saw you, he would smile and even stop playing basketball if you were around. Well, as long as it wasn’t a game he would stop.
Right now, you were talking with Murasakibara, the purple haired giant. You were giving him sweets as you both talked, which Himuro tried not to be jealous. He really tried, but he couldn’t help it.
“Tatsuya! Do you want some?” You asked holding out a candy bar to him, and he walked over and took it.
“Thank you (Y/N),” he smiled. You flashed him a wide smile before turning away from him when someone called your name. Himuro fought back a small blush but couldn’t help but smile.
“(Y/N)~chin, did you know Himuro~chin is in love with someone?” That caught your attention and Himuro’s eyes widen slightly.
‘How did he find out?’
“Really? That is news to me. Who is the lucky girl?” You asked nudging him and he cleared his throat.
‘You.’ Is what he wanted to say but Himuro decided a more subtle approach.
“Someone very special.”
“Do I know her… or him?”
“Him?” Himuro asked confused and you grinned.
“I don’t know man, I can totally see you being in love with K~” Himuro covered your mouth shaking your head.
“Don’t dare say it, I am not in love with him. He is like a brother to me.” He removed his hand and you pouted.
“Are you sure? You and Kagami, I can see it.”
“(Y/N)…” He sighed softly, and looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I don’t like him like that…”
“Darn, the ship has~”
“I am in love with you.” Himuro said quickly and Murasakibara slowly backed away realizing this was not a place for him.
“You are what?” Your eyes had widened, and Himuro mentally cursed. He didn’t mean to say it out loud.
“I mean… I can…” For once he was actually at a lost of words.
“Sorry… Forget what I said…” He said and turned away from you. You grabbed his wrist.
“I think we should talk about this.”
“I don’t think we should, it would only strain our friendship. Something I don’t want.”
“It’s okay, I know you see me as a friend.”
“Tatsuya… listen to me.”
“(Y/N),” he turned to you but you leaned up and pressed your lips to his. He blinked in shock before closing his eyes and relaxed against you.
“I like you too, a lot.” You said and he blinked before smiling and cupped your face. He pressed his lips to yours again and deepened the kiss. You gripped his jacket before wrapping your arms around his neck,
“I love you so much Tatsuya.” You mumbled against his lips.
“How long?” He asked and you pulled back to stare at his steely gray eyes.
“Since we were younger kids…”
“My feelings lasted the same. I feel silly now I should have confessed a long time ago.” He said and you laughed nodding your head.
“Yeah, no kidding dork.”
“To be fair, you unintentionally friend zoned me.”
“No I didn’t…”
“Yes you did, saying things like ‘you are the best friend a girl could ask for’ or ‘being friends with you makes everything so much easier’ I tried confessing but you would always say those things.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“It’s okay, would you be my girlfriend?”
“Of course, I would love too.” You hugged him tightly to you and sighed happily. He tightened his arms around you and nuzzled his face in your hair.
“Well Kagami and Alex can now leave me alone about confessing.” He whispered and you laughed.
“Same, they wouldn’t stop or leave me alone.” You said and he pulled his phone out.
“Shall we take a picture to show them?”
“Yes…” He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you pulled him to you. You pressed your lips to his and he snapped a photo. You giggled softly as you looked at the photo and looked at him.
“Send it to me… I want it on my lock screen.”
“MM okay.” He sent it to you, Kagami and Alex. Kagami and Alex only sent one reply. To group chat: From: Alex and Kagami FINALLY!
You giggled at their messages and leaned against Himuro.
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bloodpenned · 3 years
i forgot how good aggretsuko's intro was 10/10. anyways i'm kind of ? w this season, haida's development, where r you? in the end retsuko had to do everything and in the last episode i didn't think it was really necessary even if it was just for comedy purposes since u know, it overshadowed haida lol also i'm not a huge shipper of haida/retsuko but i do want to see them together and the fact there was almost no growth of their relationship this season fdjshj
but yeah, their communication is so bad and even if they got over it, this just brings up my point that haida got no development since retsuko was the one that talked to him first :/ pls let haida have growth next season. the side characters got more than him (kabae <3 felt so bad when she resigned and told her son how'd he like it if she stayed home all day TT
on other points the fucking dog???? Himuro? why did they make him so hot, when he first blushed i had to look away from the screen LMAO i did thought he was more shady though, refrained myself from looking him up in case of spoilers but in the end he was p normal.
haida's password. he is so stupid. he is so cute. when retsuko slapped him and he WHIMPERED saying he did it all for her .. i listened to that part 20 times. though it was the jp dub don't know which one you're watching. AND MANAKA! !! so happy she is back i'm in love with her 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 all is forgiven because she got screentime
overall i do think this season fell behind compared to their other ones plus the himuro and haida arc was kinda messy, but it was still pretty good and i did enjoy it :]
i agree on a lot of the things you are saying!! it really did feel like haida basically didn't change that much at all TT i hope his experience with himuro really was like. the eye opener he needed to show him that he should actually like. talk to retsuko and figure out what she WANTS from him rather than just making assumptions on his own!!!! please!!! i really liked the thing where they were both on the other side of the doorway, and retsuko eventually stepped through it,, i was actually like HELL YEAH! and then they didn't really do much with it LMAO
THEY REALLY DID MAKE HIMURO HOT... i saw him and i was like. is this going to be another one of the guys who she gets with LMAOOOO he's just cute. i thought he was going to go full unhinged sadist or something, but he wasn't nearly as bad as i was expecting him to be- dude just wanted to commit some tax fraud and be a dick for a while.
LOOK OKAY. IF HE WASN'T SO TERRIBLE AT COMMUNICATING SHIT I WOULD REALLY THINK HAIDA IS ADORABLE. he's such a fucking looooooser. omg he's so cute. and ffffffffffffff i know exactly the moment you mean LKJASLDKFJLSKDJF man on the verge of tears noise is 👍. i also watch with the jp dub on!!!! MANAKA IS SUCH A SWEETHEART SHE DESERVES SO MUCH <333 i was also rlly happy to get some scenes with tadano. he really was just perfect but his desires simply didn't line up with retsuko's sob sob,,, i still love him tho.
YEAAAH i agree abt the himuro/haida arc i was just like 'wtf is going on' LMAO also that part where they get pushed out the window???? shaking sobbing crying. what was htat. im still gonna watch the next season tho LMAO
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