#lou🪼blog games
murdockbuckley · 1 month
29. honey
29. send me a word. if it's in your WIPs, include the sentence and a short summary of the fic.
honey i don't have the word honey but i do have sweet so i'll do that instead "My Dearest Evan, My Sweet and Bright Dandelion." this is the girldad fic!! Buck has known about his daughter her whole life and is very involved in it but she was living fulltime with her mother (Renee). Something happens and her mum can no longer look after her. The story is about Buck dealing with becoming a fulltime parent, helping Renee with her problems and Renee helping him realise he has more people there for him than he realises.
30. tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
army!eddie is on his worst tour yet. teacher!buck gets his class to write letters to send to soldiers on tour. chris writes one and it ends up with eddie. eddie might not believe that the universe talks but it's definitely a sign, a wanted and welcomed one at that.
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murdockbuckley · 4 months
✨ shuffled spotify ✨
tagged by @liabegins thank you!!
rules: shuffle on repeat playlist ten times
hypnotize - the notorious b.i.g.
small talk - briston maroney
wait for me - andré de shields
stutter - marianas trench
disconnected - 5sos
haunted (tv) - taylor swift
inertia - ajr
bonfire - childish gambino
the end of jason todd - the smyrk
big city thing - the scarlet opera
no pressure tags 🫶 @ucannotkillmeinawaythatmatters @queen-of-berk18 @dykedoctorfifteen @krimsoncitten and anyone else who wants to join in
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
🧸 🌸
🧸 Favorite place to nap?
the corner seat of our sofa, with my weighted blanket and my dog
🌸 Best compliment you ever received?
first time i dyed my hair (green) a little 4 year old girl told me i had fairy princess hair and i think about that a lot
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
😏 Are you on discord?
i am! i only just started using it again 😭
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
oh i know so many weird facts
most toilets flush in e flat
flies can accidentally twist their heads off
people spend an average of 3 seconds looking at each piece in an art gallery
chainsaws were invented to remove pelvic bones to help with childbirth
💞 @ your favorite blog
@strwbrrysauce (it's youu ♡)
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murdockbuckley · 3 months
if/when you played moshi monsters,
which character did you pick?
you seem like the katzuma type (affectionately)
oh fuck yeah moshi monsters mention, i played that game so much i even had a whole collection of the moshling toys at my dads house
i was a poppet/diavlo girlie and i'm so offended you would think otherwise (katzuma was my younger sisters choice and i would never be the same smh)
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murdockbuckley · 4 months
✨spotify shuffle✨
tagged by @liabegins (i only just remembered to do it 😔)
rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and list 10 songs that show up
gorgeous - taylor swift
how you get the girl (tv) - taylor swift
the killing kind - marianas trench
little lion man - tonight alive, dave petrovic
restless man - radio company
sTraNgeRs - bring me the horizon
angel of small death & the codeine scene - hozier
need you here - i don't know how but they found me
fresh - artist vs poet
wait for me - hadestown cast
i love these tag games please keep tagging me in them
no pressure tagging 🫶 @strwbrrysauce @ucannotkillmeinawaythatmatters @queen-of-berk18 @dykedoctorfifteen @yelenasbuddie
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murdockbuckley · 4 months
january 24 reciptify ✨
tagged by @liabegins 😌(please keep tagging me in any of the tag games you want i love them)
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the scarlet opera slowly working their way to top 5 like they should
once again in my marianas trench era they may be the first people to ever overtake taylor 👀
if anyone wants to follow each other or steal my playlists heres my spotify 🫶
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murdockbuckley · 4 months
You reblogged me so here’s some random numbers (answer what you can because I don’t have time to stop and read them this second so I’m sorry!):
3, 18, 29, 36, 49, 60, 7
3. do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
generally i'd say i keep them to myself, mainly because i don't really have anyone to share them with. i absolutely post snippets and talk about them on here. but like in terms of actually sharing the plots/storyline for any of them i tend to keep to myself.
7. post a snippet of a wip. (i figured this was meant to be seventy-something but i wasn't sure)
Inserting his key and opening Bucks door Eddie stops Chris from entering, overhearing *Bucks daughter* ask Buck a question.  “Does mommy not love me anymore? Is that why I had to come and live with you?”  She's sitting on the couch, her fluffy blanket with kangaroos printed on it is wrapped around her so only her face is showing. Buck is kneeling infront of her, he would've looked less pained if someone stabbed him through the heart with a dagger. There's a children show Eddie vaguely recognises playing on the TV behind buck. “Oh no my little star.” Buck crouched to his daughter’s level as he choked back tears, heart aching over the fact his little girl feels even an ounce of the pain he grew up with. “Mommy loves you so much, she just got scared. Your Grandma was helping her so much and when she died Mommy felt like she was doing everything wrong. She’s just really sad so her brain is playing tricks on her, telling her she isn’t very good at being a parent. But she’s going to get help. And she loves you so much sweetpea.”  *his daughter* is looking at him with her mother’s big round eyes, and Buck knows that he would do anything to protect her, just like he would for Christopher.  He clears his throat to avoid his tears spilling over, “And when Mommy is better, she’ll be here straight away to see you again. I- If that’s what you would want.”  Without warning, or an answer, she slams straight into Buck. Her tiny arms wrapping around him as much as they can, squeezing impossibly tight for a six year-old. Buck just reposition's them to avoid falling as he holds her even tighter, the tears he tried so hard to keep at bay silently falling. Buck presses a gentle kiss to the top of *his daughter's* head as Eddie feels a tug on his hand. Chris looks up to Eddie in the doorway, a new understanding in his eyes. “Is that why you and Mom left at different times? Because you were both scared and sad at different times?”  Eddie doesn’t know what he did in his life to deserve a son like the one he was gifted with, “Yeah Superman, and I’m so sorry that we both left you. I know your Mom was so sorry and trying so hard to make it up to you before she died.”  Now it was Christopher’s turn to hug his Dad. “It’s okay. I forgave you both a long time ago. Just… Please don’t leave again? You or Buck, I’ll be really sad and plus we have Roo now too.”
18. do you enjoy research? which fic of yours required the most research?
i do!! i love doing research in general anyways so doing it for my fics just gives me a reason for it and stuff to actually look up rather than something random. i would probably say tainted thoughts has had the most research put into so far (this one is basically finished and will be published around valentines day!!) but i know the wip that i just wrote a quick outline for today will require a lot of research
29. what's something about your writing that you're proud of?
probably that i'm including my poetry in some of it?? i've had a lot of the poems written for ages but have been scared to share them with anyone, so actually putting them out for people to see is scary but i'm happy that i finally did it
36. what fic are you proudest of?
loneliness is the first one i've published so im really proud of that, it's almost like my baby and then i'm proud of my girldad!buck fic, it's the first multi-chapter fic i've written and the progress i'm making with it is really good
49. what fic of yours would you say is the best introduction to you as a writer?
i only have one published fic right now so i feel like i have to say loneliness
60. in letters to our soldier, what inspired the idea for the plot?
(had to pick my own one because i relaise i haven't shared the title to any of my wips)
i had read all of the teacher!buck/eddie fics i could find and then my tiktok kept showing me soldier talking about receiving letters from schools whilst they were deployed and how it made them feel. so my brain just went "wait! eddie was a soldier i bet he would have loved it if he got letter from random school kids... CHRIS IS a school child what if by some chance miracle it was chris' class that sent the letters." and because i'm incapable of writing a fic without buck i decided to add the extra drama and make buck chris' teacher.
fanfiction ask game
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murdockbuckley · 1 month
4, 5, 14 <3
4. do you outline before you start writing? if so, how far do you stray from that outline?
i only do a rough outline, if any at all the main points i want to include, how i want it to start and how i want it to end it allows me to have the freedom of what i what to write whilst still having that as a guide to how the story was meant to go, so i usually stick to the outline pretty well
5. what is the perfect environment for you write in?
music on in the background, a quiet room with white noise (usually hearing people in another room or animals through the window), someone else sitting in the room doing their own work, a cup of tea to start whilst a drink with ice is near, a sweet snack and also something savoury
14. if you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
to make this harder on myself i'm only going to pick characters i've written about first: buck he's resourceful, he has the experience of his millions of jobs and he thinks outside the box so i think he'd find a way to get us off the island somehow second: hen i think she would be a nice calming presence to have stuck on an island, she was fully planning to steal a helicopter to save her friends and she'd get sick of being stuck with me and buck together on an island she's get something done to get out of the situation (unsure if it's murder or finding a way out)
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murdockbuckley · 1 month
2, 8, 12 ♡
2. do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? if so, what do you like about them?
i don't ): i often think about doing them but if they have a deadline i know it will put me off and i won't get any writing done for them i do think they're great though! i will join in with them one day
8. do you listen to music whilst you write? if so, share a song that's been inspiring you lately
i do listen to music whilst i write, mostly my character playlists or instrumental music this song (mainly the title) is a big inspiration for the aroace eddie fic
12. is there a trope you haven't written yet but really want to?
oh there's lots i think soulmates is probably the one i want to write most though, being in love with the invisible red string of fate theory
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
@strwbrrysauce tagged me in some music blog games ♫♡
url song game
murder on the dance floor - sophie ellis-baxter
untouchable - luna halo
rerun - honey revenge
death dance - palaye royale
outer space/carry on - 5sos
celebrity status - marianas trench
kool-aid - bring me the horizon
big city thing - the scarlett opera
ultraviolet - stiff dylans
clean - taylor swift
kiss me - sixpence none the richer
love me anyway - chappell roan
eat your young - hozier
your love is my drug - kesha
6 songs on repeat
texas hold 'em - beyoncé
i predict a riot - kaiser chiefs
small talk - briston maroney
wall st - boys go to jupiter
novacane - frank ocean
alcatraz - oliver riot
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
4, 16, and 21??
4. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? 
my side! usually my right side but it changes
16. Want any tattoos? What of? 
oh i have so many planned!! here are a few:
a flower my niece drew on my arm last year (same place & same way she drew it)
a night sky/galaxy but the stars are drawn by my family
string of fate
the bratz pixies wings
21. How was your day today? 
it was fun!! i got new skates so me and my siblings went to the park so i could practice again
got to play some minecraft
and then my sister took me on the first drive in her car and we got some food together
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
okay @strwbrrysauce here are the answers for resl
12. Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? 
my niece, my nephew, my best friend, older sister, my dad, you (giving you a big hug rn)
19. Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? 
i have three!!
one has been my friend for 16 years
one for 10ish years
and the last one for 3 years
26. What are some seemingly childish things you like? 
according to my mum it's comics and stuffed animals
according to me: nothing
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
🎤 Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
i know all the lyrics to so many songs
was very proud of myself when i learnt all the lyrics to rap god
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
📷 What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen?
me and my nephew are my lockscreen
and then me and my niece are my homescreen
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murdockbuckley · 2 months
🍪 🦉 ☕️
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
cranberry and white chocolate
i don't know why but they're very underrated
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl?
growing up i was always a morning person but now i'm more of a night owl
☕ Coffee or tea?
i've only had coffee a few times but i'm not the biggest fan of it
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