#louis so proud of project no control aw
dreamings-free · 10 months
so apparently the BBMAs are tonight (19/11) and I couldn't help recalling this iconic video.. 😂🥹
One Direction on ‘No Control,’ Speech Fail & Next Album: 2015 Billboard Music Awards
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indomies · 4 years
hey belle!! oh no that’s completely fine, I just know that tumblr occasionally deletes asks and I didn’t want you to think I stopped sending them haha 😅
yesss I love that for you, and that’s fair enough I mean you deserve to have a break, work and just do what you want!!!
I just looked up the instagram and omggg the tote designs were so cute 🥺
ooooh yay I can’t wait to see the mb, I know it’s going to look amazing!! and I definitely agree it’s all about defenceless!!!!! I cannot believe how much the fandom has been able to achieve with streaming the song - I’m honestly in awe sldjks
oh that’s lovely that your family has visited you in the past, but I can’t even imagine that not being possible now bc of the pandemic :(. I hope that for you as well. everyone deserves to be with their family during these tough times ♥️
that’s wonderful I’m so glad you were able to see that much snow!! I don’t see snow often but when I have, it is breathtaking. oh good, pls stay safe during the storm xx
oh god I want to travel anywhere and everywhere tbh lol. i mean I’ve been lucky enough to have already been to many beautiful places but I do really want to travel around south-east asia more. I’ve been to the phillipines and indonesia so far (I’m one of those people that just went to bali, pls don’t hate me kdjdks) but I’d also like to visit vietnam, singapore, thailand....just everywhere lsfjsk
love you too, and I hope you’re have a great day ☺️
your secret valentine 💖
hey it’s your secret valentine again!! sorry for spamming you, I just forgot to reciprocate your question and ask you what your dream places are to visit? 😌
hello babe! omg it’s getting closer to valentine i cant wait! oh no dont feel bad!! i know you’re always in my inbox babe
aww thanks!! the designs were not all mine, i worked with a friend hahaha. back then idk why but opening the shop and all that made me so proud. put it in my cv and all that lmao. it did bring up an interesting topic during job interviews lmao. 
i know the dedication of this fandom for louis is so amazing! remember project no control? yeah that was wild as well! i love how we can come together and unite to support our fav person. 
yeah:(( we’re just supporting each other through prayers and video calls ahahaha. thank God for video calls tho. i really want to fly home so bad but i dont want to risk myself or my family bc who knows man, u could catch the virus anywhere:( hope you’re okay tho!
i know!!! the storm is not so bad? idk it’s really different than rainstorm. now it’s just super cold and the snow is not stopping. i think this is the coldest ive ever felt in berlin. ive done my groceries for this week so i can stay at home, but im really curious of the snow lmaoooo bc ive never experienced this. might go out for 5 min to enjoy the snow.
ohh how’s the philippines??? tbh ive only gone to singapore and malaysia HDBSAJ we’re the same. i do want to travel southeast asia more!! i want to visit thailand!!! the food there hahahah (i’ll make everything about food lmao) noo i get it! bali is tbh the most popular destination. it’s the first tourist destination i think? or one of the first. locals also adore bali! but now we’ve so many other places to visit im excited! 
i want to see the northern lighst so baddddd!!!! like im in europe now!!!! i thought i could visit it last year bc i’ve secured a job and all but then covid lmao. i also want to visit komodo island, and the islands near it!!! want to experience to stay on a boat (ive seen people when they visit the island they stay on a boat sounds fun). and want to visit south africa as well!!!! my aunt lives there and every pic she’s sent makes me yearn to visit there lmaoo.
hope you’re good babe! love u
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scbastlans · 5 years
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❝ He was both summer and winter when it came to people. To some he was the dreariest and most cold, and to others he was a sea full of emotions. People would leave either ways and he never understood why. Perhaps, he then thought, perhaps autumn and spring would suit him more. ❞ MIGUEL BERNARDEAU? No, that’s actually SEBASTIAN MONTAGUE. A SEVENTH YEAR student, this SLYTHERIN student is sided with THE DEATH EATERS. HE identifies as a CIS-MAN and is a PUREBLOOD who is known to be SUPERFICIAL, GULLIBLE, and CARELESS but also ROMANTIC, CHARMING, and OPTIMISTIC. { SAM, 24, EST, THEY/THEM }
For Sebastian’s pinterest board, click here. For his connections, click here. Finally, for his stats page, click here. 
TWs: Colonization, genocide, NSFW, despicable family (this isn’t a joke; I just don’t know how to classify it in another way).
Sebastian Louis Montague was the first and only son of Louise Charlotte de Bourcier, a French pureblood heiress to a family fortune worth more than most people would ever imagine of. Add that to the fact that his father was Percival Montague, and that led to Sebastian thinking quite highly of himself and his family.
Sebastian’s a disaster, but if there’s one thing that’s been taught to him, and that he actually retained, it’s that family comes first. On both sides of his family. His mother’s family is smaller than his father’s family, for sure, but they both matter just as much to him. Though he does tend to feel like the less useful cousin out of all the Montagues, the rest are still his cousins, his family, and he’d do anything for them. Including joining the Death Eaters even though he couldn’t give any less of a shit about either side of the conflict. It’s what’s right for his family, though, and therefore, what makes the most sense for Sebastian. It’s not about pleasing them and making them proud; it’s about doing what’s right as a Montague and a de Bourcier. Because, honestly, if you thought the Montagues were intense about blood purity, good luck with the de Bourciers! They were the ones who sent the first wizarding colonizers to what is now known as Canada. They were close to the royal family of France, who they secretly despised, but kept close to for power. They were the ones who gave the idea to send “filles du roi” first. They were the ones responsible for sending poor, helpless girls to marry much older men in Canada. And those girls? Those girls they sent? All muggleborns they had torn away from their families, put in orphelinatsand then made disappear whichever way they could. For which the colonization (and genocide) in America were very useful. They saw a way to get rid of impurities, and they took it.
Sebastian is the apple of his French grandfather’s eye. Whilst Sebastian’s mother might be the official heiress, it’s truly because Joseph de Bourcier knows that his daughter adores her son and will give him everything when the time is right. Like, to say that Sebastian is spoiled would be a HUGE understatement.
His mother’s a horrible person. I can’t even write it down because she's that awful. She has no respect for anyone’s life but her own and her son’s and MAYBE her husband’s. She has always been a socialite who didn’t take much seriously, but if there was one single thing she was serious about, it was how protective and controlling she was when it came to Sebastian. Not that Sebastian realizes that his dear mother is manipulating him. She loves him, truly, but manipulating people comes naturally to her, and though Sebastian is her son, he’s almost like a precious doll to her. She’s constantly amused by what he does, lets him get away with everything, and tries to use him in whatever way she can to get what she wants in life. Basically, Sebastian’s mother is NOT a good person™.
His father’s pretty absent from Sebastian’s life, but that doesn’t stop Sebastian from hoping that he’s going to make his father proud one day. His parents are somewhat close, but in a weird way he prefers not to wonder about, and whilst his mother gives him everything he wants, Percival requires efforts and accomplishments from Sebastian. He’s not strict, per se, too busy caring about other things and finding his nieces and nephews much more capable, but he does roll his eyes a lot. And it highkey hurts Sebastian to know that his father thinks so little of him that he can’t even find it in himself to be disappointed by his failures. He might have been an only child, but he never felt like he was his father’s favourite.
It just… Made sense for him to join the Death Eaters at Hogwarts. All his life, the importance of blood purity had been ingrained in Sebastian’s mind, but he had never cared much either way. Which, really, put him on the bad guys’ side. After all, not doing anything is just as bad as fighting on the side of the “bad” side. Thing was, Sebastian did not care about people if they weren’t of any use to him, aka if he didn’t find them attractive. Sebastian was as superficial as can be, and still is to this day. Whilst he’s not the most useful Death Eater due to the fact that he’s always hesitant to hurt people he finds attractive, he is a good flirt, and has learned how to get information out of people without necessarily showing that he was doing so. He definitely couldn’t be a double agent, though. Not only is his last name a huge giveaway (and unlike Alice, he's thought of that), but also? He just… Wasn’t a good enough actor to be able to pretend to care about ugly people. So what if faceless people got hurt? There was no way to prove they were attractive; and even if they were, his family would never consider them worthy, so what was even the point?
Man, this foolish fool falls in love way too easily. When someone’s attractive, has the right blood status, acts somewhat meanly towards him? Sebastian’s a goner. He doesn’t really care about gender, and his parents either expect so little of him, or let him get away with anything, that they don’t care who he brings home either. As long as he settles down when he’s older and gives both the de Bourciers and Percival an heir, they couldn’t care less who he goes out with whilst he’s young. Well… As long as their blood is pure enough.
Loves himself so much. Like so, so much. Thinks he’s the most beautiful person that has ever stepped into Hogwarts, and the world in general. And he thinks he’s like… A gift to the rest of the world. Also, he loves attention SO DAMN MUCH. A drama king tm. He’s the worst, truly.
NSFW TW. Dreams of an archnemesis turned fuck enemies scenario. Not with a muggleborn or worse, a Weasley, but rather with another Death Eater. Or a neutral who leans on the Death Eaters side. He’s not too picky as long as they’re attractive, mean to him, hot, not a muggleborn, beautiful, and attractive (again, yes).
Wants to prove himself, but also doesn’t want to put too much effort into it.
Is excellent at Herbology, which he hates because it’s a “soft” subject and he hates getting dirty, but he can’t help it. He’s just really, really good at Herbology. Also, he thinks that Alice’s attractive (even though he doesn’t trust her), so he’s always confused as to how that can be her father, which is hilarious to me because I would bet a whole ten dollars that apart from being the Herbology teacher (and probably an Order member - from what Sebastian knows), Neville is not… That bad? Sebastian is just bitter that THIS has to be the subject he’s actually good at.
Hates sweating, which like, maybe I’m projecting, because Alice also hates sweating, but… Legit doesn’t even get up to clap at Quidditch matches because he’s scared he’ll sweat. Also, he doesn’t care much about sports. He’d much rather see the beaters’ arms after the game. In here, you could insert a video of Joey Tribbiani from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. (who would represent Sebastian) being like “You know what I mean?” and Monica (who would represent the rest of the world) being like “We always know what you mean.” Very discouraging, really. Oh my, Joey Tribbiani is a good comparison for Sebastian, except that Sebastian falls in love at the drop of a hat, unlike Joey, who pretty much never falls in love. Well, there were a couple of exceptions, but this is not the place for F.R.I.E.N.D.S. discourse.
Oh god, he IS a mix of Joey Tribbiani, Romeo Montague, Cher Horowitz, one of the blond guys from Glee (was there only one? I don’t know the name of the one I’m thinking of) and an evil person, isn’t he? RIP.
God. He is probably my worst character. No, not maybe. He is. He’s so not valid, I can’t even believe it. He’s just… Not a good person. He only cares about himself and his pleasure and his wants and his needs.
Is allergic to nuts, which is so ironic, and therefore HILARIOUS to me.
thanks to a, who showed me this picture:
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yellowsugarwords · 6 years
are you still taking HC requests... ? i fell down the mitchentine hole again and i need some highschool AU headcanon of them maybe? if you could, that'd be super friggin awesome. i love what you do and thank you
Clementine loved running the painting club.
She was good at it too, and all of the members liked her.
Her excelling in her advanced placement art classes was just a bonus.
Mitch was vice-president of the photography club.
He’d always wanted to be president, but some kid named Marlon always got the spot.
He was a kiss-ass to all the teachers so it was no wonder.
He was a “phenomenal leader.”
Mitch thought it was bs.
“Did every art club in the school get one of these?”
Mariana shrugged and nodded to Clementine’s question.
Clem was holding up a poster taped to the art club’s room in confusion.
A school wide art contest aimed at every art discipline the school offered. Painting, drawing, photography, sculpting, acting, and singing.
Clem scoffed. “Half of these aren’t art. We’re a shoe-in.”
Mariana shrugged. “They’re all art in their own ways.”
Clementine didn’t comment and turned to the rest of their members. “Let’s get to it, huh?”
“There’s no point in applying.”
“What?” Mitch scoffed, slapping down the flyer. The rest of the club jumped.
“The other formats are going to win.” Marlon said, shrugging. “They do every year. Our time is better suited working on individual projects.”
“We should at least try.”
“We’re not going to.”
God he hated Marlon.
He would sign up on his own.
He didn’t actually care that much about the contest. Or winning.
He just wanted to spite Marlon.
Clementine raised a brow seeing a kid with a camera around his neck walk into the application room.
She and the painting club were finishing signing up for the contest.
She hadn’t seen a photographer yet.
She scrunched her nose.
“What club are you with?”
“Photography.” Mitch said to Mrs. Mitchel - the teacher organizing.
Clementine cringed.
Mitch didn’t notice.
It wasn’t until he turned to leave did he see Clementine’s disgusted face.
“What?” He shot back.
Clem shrugged. “I just didn’t expect to see a photography member here.”
Mitch felt defensive. “Well, I am.”
“Photography isn’t real art.” She scoffed. “We’ll crush you.”
Mitch just rolled his eyes. “Whatever you say.”
He’d prove them wrong.
Clementine hadn’t realized until the next day that Mitch and her shared an english class.
She had never paid Mitch any mind before yesterday.
He seemed quiet.
They made eye contact as Mitch moved to his seat.
They said nothing.
“You’re an idiot, Mitch.”
“It’s just for fun,” he snapped back. “I don’t see why me applying is an issue.”
“You’re going to lose?”
“And?” He scoffed. “It’s for fun. It doesn’t actually matter.”
“It means our club is going to look stupid thanks to you.”
Mitch groaned.
He left early that day.
They didn’t have painting meetings on Fridays.
Clementine needed to stay late that day to work on a last minute english assignment with her teacher.
As she was on her way out, she saw Mitch leave in a huff.
Photographers always met every day of the week.
Marlon was controlling like that.
Clementine wondered why he was leaving early, but said nothing.
“Marlon, can you back off?”
Mitch hadn’t expected to hear that from anyone other than him.
Turning to his left, he spotted Marlon leaning over Clementine’s lunch table.
“What?” He asked. “It’s a simple question.”
“It’s a stupid one, and I want you to leave me alone.”
Marlon scoffed, clearly offended, turning to leave.
Mitch thought he was the only one who didn’t like Marlon.
“What’s up with you and Marlon?”
Clementine stopped, spotting Mitch waiting outside the cafeteria.
She squinted. “I don’t like what he stands for.”
Mitch raised a brow.
“He’s too controlling, and I don’t appreciate it.”
While it didn’t explain what Marlon was asking her, Mitch accepted it. “That makes two of us.”
Mitch could swear he saw Clementine’s lip curl before she left.
Maybe he dreamed it up.
He didn’t.
“I can’t believe he would say something like that.”
“He’s an asshole, Mari, don’t let him get to you.” Clem responded.
Violet, a member of the drawing club but who often sat in the same room given her friendship with the painters, sighed. “We can still be upset.”
“Yeah, but this is how he’s always gonna be.” Clem shrugged. “There’s no sense in holding a grudge.”
“You seem to have pissed off the painting club today, huh Marlon?”
Marlon said nothing.
Mitch just smirked.
It meant he was right.
On her way home, Clementine spotted Mitch in the halls.
He was taking pictures of some lockers.
Marlon approached him.
She left, without a second thought.
“Deadline for the contest is in a week.” Clementine said, handing Mitch a flyer.
He raised a brow, accepting it and setting it down on his english-class desk. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Mrs. Mitchel asked me to remind everyone I know that’s entered.”
Mitch nodded. In a weird way, he appreciated it. “Thanks.”
Clem left.
Marlon steering clear of Clem’s table that day at lunch.
Mitch noted that he didn’t even come in.
Mitch spotted Clementine leaving after her club wrapped up.
He was packing his backpack by the front steps.
They made eye contact.
Clem nodded.
He did too.
“How’s the contest coming along?”
Mitch was confused as to why Clementine was attempting to strike up a genuine conversation before english class.
She shrugged at his confusion. “What? The enemy of my enemy is my acquaintance.”
He laughed.
She smiled.
“What did you say to Clementine the other day?”
Marlon smirked, and Mitch could already tell he was gonna hate however he answered his question.
“I asked if they were excited to win the contest. You know, since that’s the only glory they’ll ever get.”
Mitch squinted. “What?”
“They’re never going to get work with painting,” he scoffed. “Photography is a much more realistic line of work. I just wanted to remind her of that.”
Mitch was right.
He hated it.
“I’m sorry Marlon’s an asshole.”
Clementine blinked in surprise spotting Mitch outside of their club room.
He had knocked on their door and began fumbling words out before she could ask why he was there.
“We don’t agree with what he said to you guys.”
Clementine blinked in surprise.
Mitch gave a shy nod and left.
Clementine appreciated that.
She appreciated it a lot.
Marlon approached the painters lunch table again the next day.
Mitch could see from the other end of the cafeteria.
He rolled his eyes and stood up.
He ignored Aasim and Louis’ confused calls after him.
“Marlon, can you back off?”
Clementine turned, intrigued hearing Mitch’s voice stirring up from behind them, saying what she didn’t need to.
“They aren’t bothering you. Leave them alone.” He continued.
Marlon scowled. “Calm down, it’s a joke. We’re being playful.”
“If they aren’t having fun, it’s not playful.”
Marlon said nothing.
“Just leave, Marlon. Get away from them.”
Marlon hesitated, but listened.
Mitch turned after Marlon was gone to see Clementine staring at him in awe.
“Let me know if he bugs you again.”
Then, Mitch left.
Clementine felt oddly safe.
Like she was being looked out for.
Clementine saw Mitch as she was on her way home.
It was a Friday, but Mitch was sitting by the front doors.
“Why are you here?” Clem asked.
“Marlon wouldn’t let me into the club room today.” He said. “My ride is still coming at normal time though, so I’m waiting.”
Clementine hesitated. “I can give you a ride.” She said. “My mom’s coming to get me.”
Mitch hesitated before finally meeting her stare.
He debated it. Clementine could tell.
“Sure, if you don’t mind.”
She didn’t.
“So, why did you help me out today?” Clem asked, starting down to her Mom’s car.
Mitch scoffed. “Isn’t the enemy of my enemy my acquaintance?”
Clem chuckled. “I think it’s ‘friend,’ actually.”
Mitch smiled.
Clem did too.
On Monday, Mitch and Clem waved at each other in english class.
When Mitch entered the cafeteria, Clem waved him over. “Come sit with us,”
Mitch shifted. “I normally sit with people,”
“They’re welcome here too.”
Mitch smiled.
They ate lunch all together.
They all got along really well.
Louis and Mari alarmingly so.
“Want another ride after clubs today?”
Mitch raised a brow, closing his locker. “Why?”
Clem shrugged. “My Mom wanted me to offer.” She smirked. “I think she likes you.”
Mitch chuckled. “Sure,”
Clementine waved and started off for their club room.
Marlon was going off that day.
He seemed so irritated about everything.
Especially Clementine and Mitch’s friendship.
“Leave her out of this, huh?” Mitch snapped. “She’s a nice girl, and she’s easy to get along with if you don’t make offensive jokes toward her.”
“I don’t!”
“Making fun of what she loves isn’t okay, Marlon!” Mitch snapped back. “Stop harassing her and stop harassing me for getting along with her!”
Mitch stormed out of the club room.
As far as he was concerned, that was it for him.
He was done with that club.
“Mitch?” Clementine asked.
She was waiting by the front doors, as they’d arranged.
He grabbed her hand as he got close and started for the door.
“What’s going on?” She asked, confused.
He could swear she even sounded a little worried.
“It’s Marlon. Let’s just get out of here.”
Clementine didn’t debate. She followed along.
And she didn’t let go of his hand.
The next day, the two of them were the first there at lunch.
“I’m sorry about yesterday.” He said. “About leaving so quickly.”
Clementine smirked. “I didn’t mind.”
He smiled.
He was thankful she didn’t.
Mrs. Mitchel wandered into the cafeteria to announce the contest winner.
Mitch could feel Clementine’s hand settle on his.
It made him feel warm.
He really didn’t mind.
He thought about how he had held her hand the day before.
He had been so angry, but had been so gentle when it came to her.
She was the same way with him.
It brought him peace.
Clementine won.
Mitch smiled and clapped as she accepted her small certificate and gift card.
When she turned to sit down again, Mitch was smiling big.
He seemed proud.
It made her chest warm.
They started carpooling every day after school.
Neither of them minded.
Mitch held her hand while they sat on the front steps waiting for Clem’s mom every day.
“You know,” Clem said on Thursday. “That ice cream gift card I won is for 20 dollars.”
“Earned,” Mitch emphasized. “And go on?” Mitch asked.
She playfully rolled her eyes. “I can’t use that all by myself. Maybe we could split it?”
Mitch raised a brow.
“Tomorrow night, maybe?”
A Friday.
Mitch smiled.
He didn’t think twice before he leaned in and kissed her.
She gigged after he pulled away. “Save it for Friday, stud.”
He smirked. “I couldn’t help it.”
“Well, my Mom’s right there and she just saw everything.”
Mitch’s shoulders caved.
Maybe he should’ve helped it.
“Come on,” Clem teased, taking his hand. “Let’s go.”
Mitch could get used to that feeling.
To that smile.
To her hand in his.
So could Clementine.
That’s what she was planning on.
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crowdvscritic · 5 years
round up // AUGUST 19
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It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? 
Let me assure you—it’s not you, it’s me. You know those times in life when watching and writing about every Best Picture winner in a regular cadence feels impossible? No? That’s just me? Every time I think I’m about to get going on this Best Picture Project again, it seems like life finds another reason for me to spend packing up boxes or suitcases again (or sometimes even just packing more into my tired, little mind). As the trailer for the World War I film 1917 says, “TIME IS THE ENEMY.” The all-caps treatment feels appropriate here, too.
But because my tired, little mind does ache to write about movies, I’ve been inspired to try a new segment—inspired by my very own sister. She’s a writer with a drive and commitment to her travel blog I envy sometimes. (But don’t worry, it’s in more an I’m-proud-of-her kind of way than an Othello kind of way.) Every month over at Round Trip, she rounds up the highlights and new things she’s tried each month. They’re some of my favorite posts to read, so I thought I’d create my own version with a Crowd vs. Critic twist. (But don’t worry—it’s more an imitation-is-the-sincerest-form-of-flattery thing than a Talented Mr. Ripley kind of thing.) Each month I’ll be sharing my favorite crowd-pleasers and my top critic picks. The twist on that? I’m recommending more than just films. These are the new-to-me cultural artifacts I’ve loved in a rough order of when I experienced them, including (but not limited to) a TV show, podcast, lengthy feature article, art exhibit, and music video. Oh, and of course, a few movies I’ve seen or am excited for, too.
August Crowd-Pleasers
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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
I’m not really a Fast & Furious gal, and this movie is grade-A bonkers. But Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Jason Statham make stupid one-liners land like nobody else. Seeing Princess Margaret taking control of her life was unexpectedly satisfying, and kudos to this team for knowing this is the kind of movie that should be as indulgent and over-the-top as it wants. Crowd: 10/10 // Critic: 6/10
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Minority Report (2002)
Not everything about this Steven Spielberg/Tom Cruise flick gels, and the influence of contemporary blockbusters like The Matrix and Star Wars is excessive. But its take on the surveillance state was prescient, and it’s still a tense thriller. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8/10
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Veronica Mars (TV series: 2004-2007, 2019; Movie: 2014)
I’ve been looking for a way to watch this teen detective drama for awhile, and I know why people have been recommended this to me for years. With the new Hulu reboot, the original series is finally available there as well, and I couldn’t stop watching. I’ve given up on other, critically loved shows in an episode or less because I struggle watching violence against women—sorry, The Americans, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Jessica Jones. Veronica Mars somehow handles those storylines with all the seriousness and sensitivity they deserve but without the graphic depictions that make me feel sick. Smart, funny, and addictive, it’s the kind of binge I love, and now I’m just trying to emotionally recover from that new season.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
I’m also not much of an Amy Schumer gal, but this really clicked. If all message movies were this funny and clever, maybe they would have a better chance at making the world a better place. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
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The Micheaux Mission
Len and Vince’s thoughtful, funny podcast covering every Black Film ever made took a “Binge Lounge” detour into a retrospective on Black Family Sitcoms this month from the most obvious (The Cosby Show) to the obscure (Julia). Now that I’ve finished Veronica Mars, I might need to revisit the gem that is Everybody Hates Chris.
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The King’s Man trailer (2020)
Unclear why the franchise is deviating from the dynamic duo of Taron Egerton and Colin Firth, but color me intrigued.
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Rolling Stone’s “Millennial 100”
This beast of a list was published last fall, but I just happened upon it and read all 100 entries. Inevitably, Every Millennial will find something missing on this list (Where is Gilmore Girls? Why do we need to list Taylor Swift’s boyfriends instead of her music?), but it’s a solid summation of the influences on our childhood and adolescence.
August Critic Picks
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Paul Gauguin: The Art of Invention at The Saint Louis Art Museum
#NerdAlert: I’m a huge fan of museums. Like, I need to give myself pep talks to remind myself it’s not possible to see everything in one museum in one visit. As members of SLAM, my mom and I were invited to a free, guided tour through a new Gauguin exhibit, which is just another reason to consider supporting your local art museum.
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1917 trailer (2019)
Maybe Colin Firth was unavailable for a Kingsman sequel because he and Benedict Cumberbatch were filming this World War I film with a December release prime for Oscar season. Color me intrigued again.
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Atlas: Enneagram by Sleeping at Last
I’ve been learning a lot about the Enneagram in the last year, and no personality test (for lack of a more accurate term) has helped me understand how to love others and myself better than this one. I loved the artistry and thoughtfulness behind this album, which brings each type’s longings and fears and strengths and faults into song. (And not just because they’re coming from a fellow 9.) Bonus: There’s an accompanying podcast I’m still digging into.
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Roman Holiday on the Big Screen
I caught a screening of one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn movies at the Tivoli Theatre, and she and Gregory Peck were truly larger than life.
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Léon: The Professional
This month at ZekeFilm, we watched Natalie Portman movies we’d never seen before. I watched and loved her feature film debut, which came out the year she turned 13. She’s been a knockout from the get-go, and this movie holds up 25 years later. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9/10
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Lover by Taylor Swift
When she released Speak Now, I knew I’d buy the next 10 Taylor Swift albums, and Lover might be in the running for my new favorite of her collections. (I’ll have to listen to it 100 more times to be sure, so come find me in about two weeks.) I loved reputation., but her lyrical prowess and synth-y production have met in a magical and mellifluous 18-track opus. The first five tracks are chef’s-kiss perfection, that “Lover” music video is an aesthetic dream. (t’s not every day I hear a song and immediately can hear it still on the radio in 30 years.) I don’t think she gets enough credit for her songs about friends and family, and some of her best are here as well. I’m both in awe and so proud as a decade-plus fan.
Also in August…
On SO IT’S A SHOW? this month, I watched a cult classic movie and a classic TV show with my pal and co-host Kyla Carneiro for our pop culture podcast. Catch our episodes on Ed Wood and The Carol Burnett Show (and how they connect with Gilmore Girls) on our Tumblr.
I watched 1960s crime thriller Midas Run on Kino Lorber’s new Blu-ray for ZekeFilm. It was…not good.
Until next time, follow what films I’m watching in real time on Letterboxd and find more reviews and features at ZekeFilm.
Photo credits: The Micheaux Mission, Rolling Stone, Sleeping at Last, Taylor Swift. Paul Gauguin and Tivoli Theatre my own. All others IMDb.com.
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Day One...
Perspectives from First Experience, June  28-30th…
Today I had a great experience helping with the two gardens. I love teamwork so working with the group to complete a common task was something I enjoyed. During our short tour of the Congo Square I got to learn about African American history and what jazz originally stood for and why our (African American) music is so important. I also got to try different, new things and foods that I’ve never experienced before. -Ayshia B.
Going to the gardens were beautiful. While at Ms. Gloria’s garden i truly enjoyed digging a whole to plant a new tree and also trying fresh fig. Seeing what I could do to help a whole community helped me want to do more. Being that i wanted to do more I was able to help Ms. Gloria make more soil with Cow Manure and composted soil. This taught me a lot about gardening makes me feel like i have a green thumb now. While at the Magellan Garden it was nice to see how we could help them recover their new garden. Comparing my first time coming to the Magellan Garden to this time, I was able to see the growth and decay of the garden. While a at the garden we were able to clean up the trash and weed the flower beds. After visiting the gardens we were able to capture some of the history of New Orleans and even the Congo Square. It amazed me to learn that one of my favorite genres of music was derived from black people being called “Jack Ass Music”, now known as Jazz. Later on that night we went to the French Quarters and me, my mom, and cousin were able to explore some fine New Orleans Cuisine. After eating we walked around a little and soon met back up near Cafe Du Monde. -Roderick T.
Today was an inspiration. I was in awe of Ms. Gloria’s vision, and assisting with beautifying the garden gave me a sense of pride. I was also proud of the students and their hard work. Hearing the students chime in during the history lesson and insight into New Orleans society at Louis Armstrong park was refreshing, to know that the next generation will not allow the memory of where we came from to fade away. The highlight of today for me was Gio’s discussion with Daryl, and hearing Daryl open up and respond to him. -Miriam C
As I compose this email the entirety of my energy has been completely expended; I struggle to keep my weary eyes open. This is a great thing as my sheer exhaustion is indicative of the intense manual labor conducted during both of today's volunteering projects. In both projects we revitalized community gardens further supporting the community in maintaining a sustainable source of fresh produce.  The small abrasions that cover my forearms and hands are signs of the tremendous impact we made in the community today and for that I brandish them with honor. -Giovan B.
When I went to Bourbon Street, it was really fun because I saw different races of people. And all these people coming together and having fun. -Jamil B
Today, I experienced community service with building gardens for the New Orleans community. Although I got bonding time with the people I’m on this trip with, I learned and experienced the progress and product of a woman following her dreams to give back to her community and people by letting her passion for art and gardening lead her path. It was a powerful experience, showing me that some things in life aren’t as complicated as they seem, and you could really make do with a vision and very little. -Daryl C.
Today was my first full day in New Orleans. I learned a lot of things that I either didn’t know or knew about but had a refresher on. For an example the different meanings of the statues of men on horses, the Congo Square, and more about my African American culture. I really enjoyed myself today since I’ve never been to New Orleans. I got to try new kinds of foods like beignets, which is like a “mini funnel cake” to me. -Kylah F.
I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the history of the Louisiana Purchase and how Jazz was first started. Working in the gardens was amazing. Seeing Jamil work so hard and have fun was my own personal gift. -TeShania B.
Today was very fulfilling and educational, with all of the jewels that were dropped. From gardening with Ms. Gloria, assisting her with the uprooting of weeds and planting trees I most definitely can say the garden looked very beautiful. Taking a stroll through Louis Armstrong Park we would get more knowledge about Congo Plaza and the origin of its name. Overall today was great the food was even better and being able to share this day amongst a team was delightful. -Tia J.
When we first arrived in New Orleans we where treated to a snack that resemble funnel cake. They where overall good, and if given the chance I would definitely go back. After that we arrived at the hostel to get our shirts and settle in, then it was straight to work. We picked weeds, collected scrap to throw away, placed stones, and planted trees. After that and a brief resting period we then went to Luis Armstrong Park. There we were given a quick rundown of the areas history and more. Later in the day we then would go eat and have fun as the night came to an end. It was an overall great day and brought upon tons of information and fun. -Bobby H.
My group went to eat at Daisy Dukes. We also experienced a street rapper who was free styling and got to take a picture with him and his band. It was lots of fun we I got to hang with some friends. But it was a lot of entertainment out there. -Elijah H.W.
Perspectives from Second Experience, July 26-28th…
Today was a fantastic Friday. I started the day off at the monumental Cafe du Monde, where I thoroughly enjoyed beignets. Afterwards, I learned a lot about Louisiana history and saw the Mississippi River. It’s quite interesting to me that the waters around New Orleans are never still, it says a lot about the city and the energy here. I was really disappointed to know that the state government enforced martial law during Hurricane Katrina. They were willing to shoot people to stop them from traveling from lower lands to find refuge on safe higher ground. I enjoyed our act of service; pulling up weeds in the community garden made me feel grounded. I enjoyed my day in the sun as well as communing with my peers on the trip. Our walk along bourbon street was also quite eventful. This is a city full of culture and such powerful energies. New Orleans is a place like no other. It’s so different from the rest of the country, the French influence is still heavy here despite it being over a century since the French relinquished control over the territory. -Jzada J.
First official day in New Orleans! The highlight of my day was volunteering in Magellan Gardens where I’ve assisted 3 times before. I’m so pleased with the support and upkeep of this community garden, although there’s still a long way to go. It was very rewarding knowing I made an impact today, this trip wouldn’t have been fulfilled without community involvement. Overall, I appreciate the culture and authenticity New Orleans offers. I’m looking forward to what tomorrow brings. -Shauna J.
Today was a great experience for me, because I kind of learned what it takes to own a garden and how to take care of one. But it was hot and kind of fun helping in the garden today. When we went downtown it was also a great experience. Seeing everybody daily culture and how what they eat and etc. -Iterrius J.
The trip on the way here wasn’t that bad as I expected. I thought I would have to use the bathroom a lot and be really uncomfortable but it was the opposite. When we arrived at Cafe Du Monde it was something I’ve never seen before. The beignets that we ate were good, they reminded me of the taste of a funnel cake. The volunteer work was fun that we did. Then when we went out to explore the vibe that I got was different but it was a great experience. -Jordan J.
Today has been awesome! I enjoyed listening to history about Andrew Jackson, the Revolutionary War and the war of 1812 in the French quarter that hadn’t completely stuck on my trips as a teen. I also greatly enjoyed volunteering at the community garden that’s grown so much since I last saw it. It made me realize how much I enjoy garden work and feeling close to the earth by caring for it. I lastly had a great time on Bourbon St. and the French quarter. It has been exciting for me to see friends and other participants experience the city for the first time because I know the lasting impact it’s had over the past years on me. I’m very much enjoying my first service trip as an adult so far! -Caris A.
My day didn't really start because I was up before the sun. We did some work pulling weeds in a community garden and that was fun but tiring. We went to change and then wandered around the French quarter for the rest of the day. It was fun but I'm tired and I wish I could sleep now. -Essence H.
Today I arrived at New Orleans the breakfast I had was good it was bread with powdered sugar. After that I went to a garden to pick weeds from the ground. Next I went to a off brand cici’s pizza place the pizza was good. Then after that I got ice cream and eat it but I was still hungry. -Derrick T.
Today we spent our morning at Magellan community gardens.  It was great to see the growth and changes that have transpired since my last visit! I throughly enjoyed meeting with and serving Mrs. Prosper in the garden.  There have been changes both good and not so beneficial to the garden due to the changes in the weather.  I was sad to learn the fishery didn't survive,  however the Prospers seem to have great plans and aspirations for Magellan. I found it rewarding not only to provide service to Magellan but also to share what knowledge and experiences I gleaned from previous tours to the area.  I look forward to making future visits to assist with the continued success of Magellan gardens. -Minka W.
I am a 27 year old graduate student. I had a great time today. I haven’t worked in a community garden since my years in college and it is always a rewarding experience to serve my community in different ways. Bourbon street was interesting. I’ve always wanted to visit but I’ve since learned that it is very crowded, a great thing to experience nonetheless. I feel like I was valuable to my community today. -Aleeka M.
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