skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Lou Ransome (9-1-1) -Extra
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The months seem to fly by.
At the moment you were still pretty much under Athena’s wing. But she’d shown you that she was seeing you more as a partner than a learning officer. She depended on you more, and it felt great. Earning Athena’s respect was literally the best thing. Now sitting inside a burger joint, you were chatting with Lou as you all waited for your order. Athena was in the bathroom at the moment.
“Athena seems to think you’re some kind of superhuman. You handle yourself well.”
“Did she say that?” you lit up, and he couldn’t help but find it kind of cute.
“Your rookie side is showing again.” You cough, sitting up straight, and Lou laughs, shaking his head.
“I’m always entertained when I see you, I know that much.”
Athena walks over with a sandwich.
“Did I miss something?”
“N-No!” You cover. Lou picks at his meal, stealing a glance at you. You peek up when you feel his gaze, blushing under his stare.
Why did he have to look at you like that? It was becoming your number one weakness. Not just that, but his words were still playing over in your head.
“Maybe I imagined it all.”
He never made a move on you after that statement, or had a conversation leading to it. So it’s possible that it didn’t really happen. Although you hope that isn’t the case. Since he’s seated beside you, you do your best not to let him see just how much he affected you. You straighten to continue talking with Athena, but your knee brushes his, and you flush. Lou doesn’t say anything, and he doesn’t move away either. So for the remainder you sit there. The bare contact just adds to your already frantic heartbeat.
Your shift was over, so you were about to call it a night. Clocking out, you spin your keys on your finger, only to slow down when you catch sight of the tall male.
“Detective Ransome, what are you doing here? If you’re looking for Athena I think she already left.”
“Actually I was looking for you. “
“Oh? Is there something you need?” He follows you out of the precinct, and you’re both heading towards your car.
“I just wanted to talk, in private.” He gestures to your surroundings and you nod. It must have been pretty serious. “My house is a few miles from here, just follow me.” So he does. You get into yours, driving off, Lou not far behind. It doesn't take long to pull up to your place. Walking up to your door, you open it to him, and he steps in. You feel a bit anxious, having him here like this.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“I’m fine. I feel as though I should get right to the point.”
He has your full attention.
“I have feelings for you.”
For a moment you swear your heart has stopped and restarted. He just said it like it was a normal day occurrence. You on the other hand, well, you’ve always been a bit weak emotionally. Hence why all the color was now rushing to your face.
“D-Detective I..I’m not sure what to say..” You aren’t sure what the proper response is supposed to be. You’ve been interested in him ever since you woke up in his bed that morning and he’d made that slick comment about wanting to kiss you. After that, the longing glances continued.You tried to brush it off, but it wasn’t just him. You couldn’t help yourself either. He hadn’t done anything to make you uncomfortable, and the fact that he was being upfront about this was kind of sweet. You weren’t sure how many more of his looks your heart could take. But in this situation, it was somewhat dangerous. Both for your heart and your job.
“I’m sorry sir, but I just..I really love my job and I..”
“It’s okay. (Y/N) I’m not trying to put you in a tough position. I understand. You’re just starting your career. You don’t want anything complicating that. I know it’s hard separating your personal and professional life. I just wanted to be honest. I know that the circumstances just make it worse. If our roles were reversed, it would be different. But I’m sure you realize a lot of the system is male dominated. I don’t want you to face problems because of any rumors that might spread if we actually did decide that we wanted to explore this. “
He’s just confronted all your fears, and it makes this so much harder.
“I have feelings for you too. “ You blurt it out before you can stop yourself.
“I know it’s unprofessional, possibly against the rules but I can’t help it. Whatever it is, I’d love to give this a shot.” He looks a bit surprised. He was so sure that this conversation was taking a different route.
“I’m confused. I thought that you-”
“I did. I’m scared. I have no idea what this is yet. And you’re right. I do want to rise as an officer above all else. But I also don’t want to live with regrets. Besides, if some super hot female detective were to walk in tomorrow and even glance in your direction I’m positive I’d regret not stealing you for myself when I had the chance.”
Maybe that was a little too honest.
Lou is smiling at that.
“Steal me for yourself huh?”
You cover your face again. Why did you always find yourself saying embarrassing things around him?
“What I-I mean is I’ll really regret not taking a chance. “
He sends you that charming smile, the one he definitely knows has you weak. Now that he’s sure the feeling is mutual, he gets closer. He’s so tall. You look up, and he leans in, pressing a kiss to your cheek. It appears as though he’ll pull away completely, but he doesn’t. He hovers in place for a while, eyes directed at your lips.
There’s a bit of hesitation on both sides, but slowly, you lean up, and he closes the distance. Your grip tightens on his coat, and his arms incase your body. It feels like you hold your breath as your lips part and join eagerly. It’s becoming a bit hot, you can feel it when his hands start to wander and he pulls back, taking a breath.
“Sorry about that I-” You shake your head.
“It’s okay.”
Your hands move to his collar, pulling him back in. He responds instantly, lifting your feet right off the ground.
It was foolish to think you could have pretended not to acknowledge this. Because right now it feels like exactly what you need.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Winter Blues
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Ocean’s 8 fanfiction
request: “where reader is sick and the two of them worry about the reader”
Summary: You thought staying in bed by yourself was the best way to spend your day, but a couple of girlfriends have other plans.
Characters: Lou x Debbie x gn!reader
Word Count: 1,272
Warnings: fLUFF!
Your phone had been ringing on-and-off again all morning, muffled by a pillow thrown on your nightstand. The flu had decided to visit you after one too many nights out with Lou and Debbie, and you were slowly starting to regret your decisions.
A ding of a text notification sounded, then another, and another. You knew it was either Lou or Debbie, they were the only one who’d keep bothering you this much during the day. 
‘sick today. can’t come to dinner.’ you had texted them when you’d woken up groggy and feverish. Not even five minutes had passed before Debbie was texting you, asking how high your temperature was, if you were staying in bed, and texting you all sorts of antibiotic label names that you couldn’t keep track of. 
Lou had tried to call, but you’d let it go to voicemail. Not that you didn’t want to talk to them, but because you felt your dry throat wouldn’t be up to a conversation, and you didn’t want to worry them even more. 
So you ignored them, and drifted in and out of consciousness, riddled with sickly dreams and an upset stomach. Snow was falling outside, and it was cloudy and grey, much like how you were feeling. 
You woke to a rattling on your front door, followed by harsh whispers and hurried footsteps. You barely got a chance to open your eyes before two figures crowded your bed. 
“G’morning,” you tried to say, but it came out more as a rude croak.
“Morning? More like late afternoon,” Lou scoffed, grabbing the dirty tissues off of your nightstand and cleaning up the mess you’d made. Her face was all-natural today, you noticed. No heavy eyeliner or mascara. Hair half-pulled up and wearing soft slacks and a bomber jacket with a t-shirt under it. 
Debbie was looking more casual than usual as well. She was wearing leggings and an oversized knitted sweater rather than her typical chic and sophisticated look. She was fussing over the corners of your blankets and tucking them in properly. 
You’d barely gotten a chance to sit up as a platter with toast and orange juice was shoved in front of your face.
“Have you eaten?” Debbie asked, sitting on the side of your bed. You shrugged, answering her question. 
“I really appreciate it,” you swallowed heavily, “but I don’t know if I can keep anything down right now.”
“Nonsense, just a little bite, okay?”
Debbie tried to lift a bite up for you to eat on a fork, but instead, your reflexes convulsed and you vomited over the side of the bed. Your girls were there, Debbie grabbed the trashcan to catch the puke, and Lou grabbed your hair to keep out of your face as you got rid of what little food you had in your system. 
Coughing a bit, you settled back in the pillows, muttering an apology. 
“Shouldn't you be getting ready for dinner? Those reservations you made...” you began, feeling guilty at making both of them staying here with you.
“The restaurant will still be there when you get healthy again, sweetheart, no rush,” Lou said, brushing damp hair out of your face. “We’re staying here with you until you feel better.”
“You may have to replace your front door lock though, Lou thought it a good idea to break in.”
“That’s because you forgot to bring the spare on the way here!”
You giggled quietly, before saying, “but I’ll get both of you sick if you stay here!”
“Don't be ridiculous. Our immune systems are out of this world.”
You tried to argue with the two of them, but once these partners in crime had their minds set on something, they weren’t going to be persuaded otherwise. Lou managed to help you drink some water while Debbie grabbed fresh sheets that didn’t smell of sick and sweat. 
Too tired to get out of the bed and take a shower, your girlfriends compromised and helped you take off your shirt before rubbing a damp, soothing washcloth up and down your perspired torso. Debbie brushed your hair, using a bit of dry shampoo to last you until you could get to the bathroom. 
Lou, ever the smart ass, chucked a fresh shirt of yours in the dryer so it came out hot and sweet-smelling. As soon as you’d put it on you felt yourself drifting off to sleep again. 
Debbie checked your temperature as you dozed on and off, opening your window to let in some fresh air, tidying up the room and prepping some snacks in the kitchen. Lou helped you clean your face a bit, rubbed moisturizer on your cheeks and massaged your back and shoulders before holding you close.
“I’m gon’ get you sick,” you protested, but she shushed you, turning on the TV to whatever movie was playing.
Satisfied that she’d cleaned almost your entire home, Debbie came back to your bedroom and stripped until she was just in her sweater and underwear. Lou did the same, before the women climbed under the clean sheets with you and held you close.
“You two are a pair of fussy old women, you know that?” you mumbled, your nose stuffy and voice sore. 
“Yes, obviously, but you love us, so no complainin’,” Lou swatted your hand.
“You decided to ignore us on the phone, so now you have to deal with us taking care of you, because clearly you’re not up for it yourself,” Debbie gave you a pointed look. You grumbled under your breath, feeling like a scolded child, but shimmying closer to their comfortable body heat all the same.
“This is a terrible movie, Lou, why would you put that on?”
“It was just what’s on right now, okay? Don’t come for my ass.”
“Give me the remote, if we’re gonna be here we have to at least have good entertainment.”
“Why do you always get to pick the film, huh, Ocean?”
“Because you have terrible taste!”
Snuggled under your blankets, with three pairs of warm legs rubbing comfortably up against each other, you smiled drowsily at their familiar bickering. Debbie put on an old Christmas movie, and they started up again, this time comparing reboots with the originals. 
At some point Lou made popcorn, and you managed to eat a couple because of how light they were, it was easy to keep down. Another glass of water, and a couple of apple slices. It had begun to grow dark, but neither of your bed partners made any move or sign that they were leaving any time soon.
“Are you staying the night?” you asked them as Lou leaned over to flick on the lamp on your nightstand. 
“Of course, silly,” Debbie said, taking your temperature again. “Oh, look, your fever’s not as high anymore.”
“I still feel terrible though,” you murmured. 
“You should sleep. Hopefully some rest will help break the fever,” this time her voice was soft and gentle.
“We’ll go to the couch if you really wanna get rid of us,” Lou added, “but we’re not going anywhere, not until you’re okay again.”
“No, don’t go, please? It’ll be so cold without you,” you admitted. 
Lou and Debbie shared a mutual look, and not another word was said for the reest of the night. Lou pulled you to lay your head on her chest, pulling the  blankets up snugly to your shoulders, and Debbie wrapped her arms around you from behind, spooning you until you felt a comfortable warmth spread through your body. You drifted away into a calm, dream-less sleep, your fever already starting to break. 
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skylarmoon71 · 3 years
Lou Ransome (9-1-1) Oneshot
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"This is our rookie, I'm showing her the ropes. (Y/N) this is detective Lou Ransome." You held out your hand, shaking his hand vigorously. 
"Pleasure to meet you sir, such an honor. I've heard so much about you." Athena smiled.
"Alright, that's enough kissing up. Unfortunately we already have a call. Robbery three blocks down. I hope you didn't skip lunch today Rookie, things might get hairy. "
Athena and Lou were already taking off, and you rushed behind eagerly.
The second you pulled up to the scene, Athena and Lou hopped out of the car. They were already being briefed on what was going on.
"The first floor is cleared, hostages have already been guided out but two of the men are still unaccounted for. SWAT is making sure the area is secured. They're sweeping the floors as we speak. "
"Something tells me the men we might be looking for are hiding in plain sight. Lou,"
"Right behind you. "
"Sergeant, can I come with you?" Athena knew it was reckless, so her first instinct was to deny. You didn't have enough experience. Another shot went off, and she huffed. "Fine, but stay behind me. "
"Yes sergeant!"
You followed them with guns raised as they breached the door.
The entry seemed pretty clear. It was obvious that not all the men had decided to go willingly. There was blood spattered on the wall. You moved with them, room by room. Lou had moved off to the side, signing to Athena. She nodded, turning down another corridor. You kept with her, moving and watching everything keenly.
Athena noticed a door ajar, halting. You nod and she moves in quickly with her gun raised. The room was empty, not a soul. She sighed, doing a check before she turned back to you.
"Nice try bitch." Athena flinched, there was a closet at the side, and you hadn't thought to check through it. It didn't look big enough for a person to fit into. Raising your gun, you fired two shots. The male yelled, body buckling and Athena rushed to kick his gun out of reach. She was already cuffing him, turning.
Fully expecting you to wear some kind of troubled expression, but your eyes were resolute. You hadn't even shot in a fatal area. You'd made two clean shots in his kneecap. Successfully disarming him and avoiding a major casualty.
"Good job Rookie." The praise seems to bring back out your shy nature. You rubbed your neck with a little smile.
"Everything good down here?" Lou was back with a criminal of his own, already handcuffed.
"We got it handled. " She spoke with a smile.
After an exciting lunch, and some serious filing of paperwork, you were out getting a drink. You needed a little coffee to keep you energized. The paperwork had thoroughly drained you.
"So, what inspired you to take on an apprentice. " Lou joked. They watched you from their spot at the table, getting your cup of coffee.
"I'm not sure. Usually I turn down these requests, it feels more like babysitting to me. But there's something about her that just reminds me of myself I guess. Did you notice that during the bank robbery, she didn't flinch. Didn't miss either. " Lou nodded.
"Rookies usually panic the second they see action like that. She's only been here for five months. I expected her to at least look queasy. But she stood her ground, she handled it almost like a trained officer would. "
Lou's eyes moved over as you chatted with the barista.
"I get the feeling that she's been through quite a lot. And it's been my experience that situations like that bring out a side of us that we rather not show. But she's found a way to use it to her advantage. That's the kind of person I'd like to fill my shoes with whenever I decide to step down."
When you approached the table with your coffee in hand, you sent a bashful smile.
"I'm sorry it took so long, sergeant."
"No worries, let's get going. I have a feeling our day is about to get a lot more busy. " You followed with a nod, oblivious to the stare that Lou sent you as you bid goodbye.
Your paths collided often with Detective Ransome. A part of you just wanted him to like you. Athena trusted him, and you trusted her. So you figured he was probably a decent guy. Yet, he kept your conversations short, and it felt like he'd barely acknowledge you. You hoped it wasn't a deliberate action.
Then there were the whispers you heard about him, and after seeing the scar, it wasn't hard to put together. Some of the stories were true. He'd dodge a near death experience. Your hand unconsciously drifted to your head as you massaged the area, letting out a sigh.
"You okay there officer." You straightened in your seat.
"Y-Yes sir."
Lou nodded. "I'm looking for Athena, have you seen her?"
"I think she went down to check out some evidence. I can page her if you need, detective. "
"No need, I'll join her." He was already turning to leave.
You wanted to confront him, ask him about the reason behind his need to leave the second he saw you. Maybe you were imagining it all.
"Detective Ransome!" He stopped, and you paced over to him.
"If I've done something to offend you I apologize. I really would like us to get along."
His brows furrowed. "I was under the impression that we were, getting along, that is."
"I'd like to think so, but I can't help but feel that you leave the second you see me. Not just today but every time you're around. I'm not sure what I did but I apologize." He watched you, then released a sigh of his own.
"Listen, it's nothing personal. Just thought you'd prefer to be away from the ghost stories. Lately this scar seems to make people uncomfortable. Athena and the captain are the only ones who still treat me like a capable detective. Everyone else seems to think I'll crumble any second now."
So it really wasn't you. That was a relief.
"Well sir, I assure you that I'm not uncomfortable. If you ask me, I think it's pretty badass." you say with a smile.
Lou slowly but surely mirrors your expression, chuckling under his breath.
"Thank you (Y/N)." You flush not only at the smile, but the use of your first name. He bids you goodbye, and you send a small wave.
It's been another rough day, tough case. The three of you are just having a drink. After no leads, you started to lose hope. You know that's why Athena had invited you to have a drink. She wanted to get your mind off it. Lou had ended up joining as well. You were on possibly your third drink going on fourth.
Lou took a swig of his beer, and your eyes drifted over the scar. He caught your stare, clearing his throat.
"Something caught your attention, officer." Suddenly the atmosphere felt tense. It was clear he didn't like the attention the past wound brought. Athena could tell this particular conversation was about to get sour.
"It doesn't make you any less of a person you know." Your statement made them both change their focus. You had a distant look in your eye.
"Whenever something happens on the job, it's never easy. We all know that. People don't look at us like we're normal. They expect so much, and it's okay sometimes to remember that we're not bullet proof like our vest."
It could have been due to the alcohol that you were being so terribly honest. You lifted your bangs, and they were both a bit shocked to see the scar that was no doubt from a bullet.
"I was shot point blank. Should have died. I'd only been on the force for two months. Everyone wrote me off after it happened. Started treating me like I'd break at any second. But I showed them. " You downed your drink, wincing at the sting in your throat.
"Yeah.. I sure showed them."
Athena felt like she could understand where you were coming from.
"What I'm saying is, there's no one in this job who doesn't have a few scars, physical or not. You only give them power when you let them see that it bothers you. So word of advice Detective, next time someone looks at you like a ghost, just smile and tell them you are. And you're not going anywhere anytime soon. " You lifted your empty glass, and both Athena and Lou smiled.
"Cheers to that."
You knocked your glasses together, smiling amongst yourselves.
~The Next Morning~
"Ugh.." you groaned, rolling over in your bed.
"And good morning to you."
Your head lifted at the voice and you panicked. Eyes springing open. This could not be happening.
"D-D-Detective Ransome!"
No, you couldn't have. He smirked down at you and you lifted the sheets to check your attire.
"Oh my gosh did we sleep together!!" You were wearing one of his shirts.
He approached, kneeling on the bed.
"I'm hurt that you don't remember. You were so vocal last night. "
"My life is over!!"
You couldn't believe you'd done something so shameless.
"Is she awake?" Athena's voice confused you. She walked in with your uniform folded in her hands.
"Looks like you finally came too. You sure did a number on these, Lucky a few cycles in the washer got the mess out." She handed you the clothing, and now you were utterly confused. How was she acting so casually about this? You literally slept with a superior.
"Did you fill her in?" Athena questions.
Lou chuckles. " I was about to. Thought I'd have some fun first." She smacked his shoulder playfully.
"No need to look so horrified, officer, we didn't actually sleep together. "
"W-What but I woke up in your bed and I'm wearing your clothes..."
"Well after you threw up over your own clothes, I didn't have much of a choice. You started to fuss, and Lou's place was closer. So I managed to wrestle you into the shower and help you get dressed, then you crashed on his bed. We didn't want to wake you, so I told him I'd be back in the morning to pick you up." You were grateful for Athena's explanation. But still, this was embarrassing. You covered your face in your hands, mortified.
"I'd be fine if a meteor just struck me right now." You muttered. Lou laughed.
"It wasn't that bad. You get pretty honest when you're drunk. And surprisingly wise."
"End me."
Athena smiled, patting your shoulder. "Come on, get freshened up and let's get out of Ransome's hair. "
She left, and Lou's eyes moved back to you.
"I apologize, I really couldn't help myself."
"I can tell." You stood, holding your clothes to your chest.
"I-I promise I'll return your shirt."
"Keep it, it looks good on you."
You flush, nodding.
When you lift your head, you're about to ask where the bathroom is. But he's already looking your way with a soft smile. 
"Thank you for what you said last night. I appreciate it." 
You aren't sure exactly what you said, but you still offer a smile of your own. "Whatever it was, it looks like it helped so you're welcome. "
"It did."
"Well I'm glad. "
You just stand there, and you know you should just walk away, try and save face. Lou takes a step forward, towering you, and you almost hold your breath. 
"Is it bad that I'd really like to kiss you right now?" 
Your heart is racing.
"Get a move on rookie!"
"Y-Yes sergeant!" You rush to the door, and Lou can't stop the smile as he watches you scurry away.
He was looking forward to working with you.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
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Ocean’s 8 fan fiction 
for anon!
Summary: Lou catches you sneaking around and decides to punish you.
Characters: Lou x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,583
Warnings: S M U T. Dominant Lou, semi-public sex, teasing, gags :)
“You shouldn’t be back here, sweetheart,” Lou’s eyes were fiery as you realized you’d been caught. 
You were at her club, sneaking onto the stage and behind the curtain in a fit of courageous stupidity. No one was allowed back here when there wasn’t a performance, but you couldn’t help yourself this time. You hadn’t expected Lou to find you, since you hadn’t seen her all night. 
Hesitating, you looked between the exit and Lou, wondering if you should make a run for it. Instead, you puffed your chest out and crossed your arms.
“Who says so?” you said, your nose high in the air. The blonde rolled her eyes and took a step forward. You took one back. You could feel the curtain behind you. The music was muffled, but still not quiet.
“I say so. You know, the owner?”
“Oh, you’re the owner huh? Hadn’t noticed,” you quipped, trying to get on her nerves so you could make a break for it. Her nostrils flared. You took a step to the side, not wanting to fall back in the curtain and onto the stage.
“Not so fast, smartypants,” she growled. A hand shot out to grasp your wrist and she pulled you close. “Why are you back here?”
Your eyes stayed on the ground. 
“Y/N,” she ordered sharply. You shrugged.
“Wanted to see what was back here,” you mumbled.
“Even though it’s not allowed?”
“C’mon, Lou, we’re friends. Plus aren’t you always the one that says rules are meant to be broken?” you smirked.
“Oh yeah?” she hissed. “I might be the one that says that, but I myself never get caught. Unlike you.”
“We don’t all have decades of experience in the crime business,” you huffed.
“Calling me old?”
“No, ma’am.”
She gave you a teasing smile, “ma’am, huh? I like that.”
You blushed furiously.
“Tell you what. I’ll let this one pass. You’ll be free to go.”
You lit up. “Oh, thanks, Lou, I-,”
“After your punishment.”
“You heard me. Come on.”
“Lou I’m not a child-,”
A sharp tug on your wrist and you were suddenly pressed up against her. Soft lips traced your neck up to your ear and you forget how to breathe.
“Then stop acting like one,” she whispered, chuckling as you visibly shivered.
“You like this?” her hands trailed up your arms and you squeaked as teeth nibbled your earlobe. 
“Want me to stop?” she asked.
“No, what?”
Your ears became hot, “No, ma’am.”
“Good girl. Come on,” she led you further back to the wings of the stage. There were dim lights that flickered on as you walked by. The bass of the music drummed in your ears. 
It was a little quieter here. The concrete wall was cold against your back as Lou led you to press up against it.
“Now, this usually isn’t the most ideal place for punishment but it’ll have to do,” Lou said. Noises came from further backstage, the sound of assistants and stagehands working. Lou chuckled as you blushed, fear of being found suddenly hitting you.
“Don’t worry love, nobody will come over here. And if they do, we’ll give them a show, won’t we?”
You tried to stammer out a response, but Lou suddenly kissed your and your eyes fluttered shut. Your shy and timid fear of being seen dissolved as she kissed you, tongue lapping at your lips and you moaned.
Your hands gripped her waist and you looped your fingers through the waistband of her leather pants. A knee pressed firmly between your thighs.
You pressed your head against her shoulder as she kissed down your neck and you groaned again, muffled as you bit into the collar of her button down.
A sharp tug came as a reprimand, her hand gripping the hair at the base of your skull. 
“Didn’t I say to be quiet?” she hissed. You bit your lip, nodding weakly. 
“God, you really are terrible at following orders, aren’t you? Sneaking around, breaking the rules, not listening to me,” a sharp smack against the side of your thigh followed. It was muffled by the fabric of your pants but you still felt it. 
“L-like you’re any better than me,” you managed to say through the haze of arousal. Her eyebrows rose and for a moment you thought you’d completely overstepped. She pulled away and you worried that she was going to leave you here. 
Then you watched as she pulled off her satin tie and wrapped it around your head, fitting the knot in your mouth and pulling it tightly so you were suddenly gagged. Your eyes widened,
“Alright?” she asked softly. You nodded and the lust in her eyes came back instantly.
“Good girl,” she cooed, back of her hand rubbing your cheek lovingly. “Now, let’s see then. This might keep you quiet finally.”
Her fingers dipped past your pants and underwear, trailing across your pelvis with light touches. Your hips trembled and pushed against them, wanting more. 
“Oh, poor baby. When was the last time anyone fucked you properly?” she growled, reaching down and cupping you, two fingers trailing up and down your slit. You felt sweat forming on the back of your neck and you bucked your hips again.
“Hmph,” you whined out against the tie, hands fumbling with Lou’s shirt, popping it open to reveal a sleek black bra. Your hands touched her everywhere and from the way she sighed you could tell she was enjoying it.
Your fingers mimicked hers and you began pushing past her pants.
“Nuh-uh, bad girl. No touching for you yet,” she ordered, pinning your wandering hand against the wall as the other pushed a finger inside you. Her finger curled and prodded, exploring your sensitive spots until you could barely stand. 
She pulled out briefly to pinch the hood around your clit, forcing you to let out a sharp gasp at the feeling. Her hand came back up to slap your thigh again, louder this time.
“Didn’t I say to be quiet?”
Two fingers entered you this time and your legs were shaking. A third began prodding against your opening, slick with your arousal and sweat.
“Hm, let’s see how many fingers you can take before you scream so loud that everyone will hear you,” she muttered, pressing her heated body against yours. Your one free hand gripped the back of her neck, wishing you could kiss her. Instead, you brushed noses, and she bit the loose end of the tie teasingly as she looked into your eyes.
“You like that, baby girl? You like being fucked in public like this, where anyone could hear you if you’re not careful enough, huh?” Three fingers were working quickly inside you, curling and fucking you at a quick pace. Your one leg rose on its own and Lou reached to hook it around her waist. “That’ll teach you for misbehaving around me.”
“Fuck, Y/N, you’re so beautiful,” she groaned, her lips pressing against your cheek. “You wanna cum for me?”
You nodded, breathing loudly and letting out staggered groans, your jaw aching. 
“Yeah?” her thumb pressed against your clit, rubbing in circles. You bit into the gag as much as you could. “Sorry, I can’t hear you?”
“Hn-nn, guh, hn,” you whimpered against the gag. 
“Tsk, bad girl. When I ask you something, you better answer,” she said, pulling out. Your eyes flew open and you grabbed her to prevent her from stepping away. A smirk was on her face. 
You could barely think through the arousal, and you grabbed the tie and pulled it down, releasing your mouth. Before she could scold you for doing so, you pulled her down by the neck and kissed her over and over again.
Without saying a word, you grabbed her wet hand and brought it back down to your cunt, letting it rest there until she decided what to do. Your nose nuzzled her neck and you were breathing heavily, but forced yourself to stay quiet.
“Oh, what’s this? You’re suddenly listening to me then?” 
You didn’t answer, only pressed soft kisses against her neck. She moaned softly at the feeling and you felt encouraged to nibble a bit on the smooth skin. 
“Hmm, good girl,” she said, a hand scratching the back of your neck lovingly. Her hand returned to her previous goal, pressing inside you. Your back arched at the sudden intrusion again and she reached to pull at the tie around your neck. 
“Look at you, being so good all of a sudden. You want this, huh? To be fucked like this, by me?”
You nodded, mouth hanging open as your hips rolled against her, swallowing your groans and cries so she wouldn’t stop again. With a few deep thrusts, you felt yourself going over the edge, your body going stiff, the music drowned out by the pounding in your ears.
As you relaxed, you felt Lou’s grip on the tie and inside you not relenting. You could barely handle the beckoning curve of her fingers still inside you.
“Did I tell you to cum? No, I didn’t, baby girl. And still you did, without my permission.”
You looked up at Lou with wet lashes, breaths coming out ragged. 
“I guess we’ll just have to keep going until you’ve learned your lesson,” she grinned. Her thumb began prodding against your clit and you moaned, letting your head fall back against the wall as the music kept blaring.
A/N: I’m convinced Lou would fuck in the club with risk of being caught, no hesitation whatsoever. So here we are!
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Three Times Over (pt 3)
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Ocean’s 8 - fan fiction
Pt 1 | 2
Summary: You, Lou, Debbie. A road trip. 
Characters: Lou x fem!reader x Debbie
Word Count: 2,461
Warnings: the end to a trilogy folks. Super Fluff and NSFW. Hope you enjoy!
“You’re lost, aren’t you?”
“I’m not lost, Ocean. Shut up.”
“Lou. Admit it. You’re fucking lost.”
Lou huffed, looking up from the map to glare at Debbie as you wandered by the road edge, overlooking hills and a far-away shoreline. You kicked some stones from the gravel on the ground, turning your head to bask in the setting sun heat.
The three of you decided to take an impromptu road trip on Lou’s new motor cycle, loaded with money from the last heist. You’d been squished between the blonde and brunette on the bike, holding on for dear life for the whole trip so far. Somewhere along the way, Lou had pulled over -something about watching the view or enjoying the outdoors?- to glare at the map.
She was so lost.
“Look, I might have taken a wrong turn somewhere, fine. But that doesn’t mean we’re lost.”
“Lou, that is literally the definition of lost,” you giggled, hands shoved deep in your pockets. She shot you a look but you blew her a kiss and her eyes softened a bit.
You hurried over to her, wrapping your arms around her waist from behind. “It’s okay we’re lost, baby,” you said. “Cause look at this view we got to catch because of it.”
“We’re not lost,” Lou mumbled defensively. You and Debbie shared a look.
“How about I just look up where we are?” she said, waving her phone in Lou’s face, who groaned. 
“But that ruins the adventure,” she whined, and you hugged her tighter. “Ugh, fine. I’m trying to find the same motel from the last time I went down these roads.”
Within minutes, you figured out where you were and you were back on the road after Lou had analyzed and remembered the directions. Cool summer air whipped past your face and you felt an occasional kiss against the back of your head from Debbie. 
The sky was darkening by the time you arrived at the motel, at the centre of a small rural town with a gas station and a shop or two. A motorcycle trip with three people didn’t leave room for too much luggage but you and Debbie had managed to sufficiently pack small backpacks to bring along. Food you could buy easily, that wasn’t an issue. 
Lou checked the three of you in, greeting the motel owners with a familiar hug and sliding them extra tips for letting the three of you share one room meant for two. They didn’t question it with the sight of more green bills being passed their  way. 
“It’s surprisingly cozy,” you said as you walked in. Dim yellow lights lit up the room with a nice view of the forest behind the motel.
“Oh, the owners owed me a favour from the last time I was here. Helped them out of a scam. I might have conned them in the process but they’re none the wiser,” Lou shrugged as she flopped down on the bed. “The one reason why I always come back here is cause they actually clean their rooms.”
“Hey!” Debbie scolded. “Boots, missy. We all have to share that bed.”
Lou grumbled again and tugged her black boots off her feet, tossing them on the floor before shuffling up further on the bed, falling asleep almost instantly. Debbie grabbed your hand and the two of you wandered the town, buying some food and drinks from the convenience shops and chatting with the locals. It was quiet and peaceful; streetlights brightening the roads and the weather cozy enough for you to wander around without any burdening layers. 
Lastly you bought ice creams from the gas station and a pack of cigarettes for Lou before heading back to the room, where you found said blonde snoring into the pillows. You gently shook her awake to ask if she wanted food and soon the three of you were sitting on the bed in a pile, eating junk food as the rickety ceiling fan spun above you.
“Where are we going after this?” you asked as you popped open a bag of chips.
“It’s a surprise,” Debbie said.
“Ugh, no fair,” you said, puffing your cheeks indignantly. “Why do I always get left out of the planning?”
“We just want to spoil you baby,” Lou said, nuzzling your cheek. “You’re the only one who hasn’t seen the place yet, so we wanted to make it special.”
You pouted at Debbie insistently, who sighed in response. “Fine, you brat. It’s a cottage.”
“What! No way, how on earth do you own a cottage?”
“It’s a family property; well, technically it was Dannie’s, and now it’s mine, since he’s dead,” she said.
“If he’s dead,” Lou chuckled. “But,” she continued, holding you tighter, “it does mean we gotta get up early tomorrow to get there. It’s a few hours away. I don’t want to drive over those bumpy roads in the dark.”
“Mkay,” you agreed. “Thanks for telling me.”
“Of course,” Debbie said, a loving look in her eyes as she watched the two of you. “Now pass me the gummies before Lou eats them all.”
You turned on the tv where the only channel that worked was a crappy crime show. Lou and Debbie kept pointing out rookie mistakes by the criminals and cons of the show and you found yourself falling asleep with your head in Lou’s lap and your legs on top of Debbie’s.
The next morning you awoke at the crack of dawn, three sets of limbs tangled with each other as the rickety fan kept spinning. After a meagre and quick breakfast you were back on the bike and speeding along the countryside while the sun came up. 
The cottage was close to the edge of a beautiful forest with dirt roads leading to it. Debbie led you inside while Lou put her bike away.
It was basically just a regular house plopped in the middle of the forest. The Ocean siblings clearly spared no expense for this place. Debbie gave you a quick tour and you marvelled at the beautiful home.
“..and this is the guest room, though we most likely won’t be using that,” Debbie said with a wink. You giggled and pinched her side, leading her to gasp in mock offence and chase you through the hallways.
After digging through the kitchen with Lou to look for preservatives, cans and frozen food that were still good to use and eat, Debbie walked by the two of you, her hair up in a knot and a large towel wrapped around her body. 
“I dunno about you two, but I’m knackered. I’m gonna go take a bath,” she announced. Both you and Lou stopped and couldn’t help but watch as she hurried up the stairs. Just before she disappeared around the corner to the master bathroom she gave a flick of her hair and tugged the towel off with one hand to sling it over her shoulder, leaving her stark naked.
“Care to join me?” she chuckled at the top of the stairs. Neither of you needed to be asked twice.
Clothes lay strewn about the floor leading into the bathroom. The tub, thank God, was enormous. 
“Jesus, it’s like a fucking pool,” you exclaimed, dipping one foot in. Debbie sat at the other end, submerged in the water to her shoulders with a glass of champagne, looking every bit a luxurious home-owner who definitely didn’t do anything illegal for a living.
The warm, floral scented water enveloped your body and all the aches in your body from riding calmed down. You sighed contently and twisted your body to watch Lou undressing.
“Down, girl,” she scolded you after catching your hungry gaze while she unbuttoned her shirt. 
“Hm. Make me,” you grinned back. She nearly lunged at you, barely able to finish undressing as you scurried back before she could grab you. You were met with Debbie’s arms around your middle pulling you flush against her, her lips nibbling at the shell of your ear.
One of her hands trailed down to rub teasingly along the inside of your thighs and you shuddered at the feeling. Lou stepped into the bath opposite you, dipping low into the water and coming closer. Her own hands pulled your ankles apart and she moved in between them, kissing you softly as Debbie began circling your clit. 
“Hm, this is a much better surprise than the cottage itself,” you commented as Lou moved down your neck, hands fondling your breasts and Debbie starting to rub your clit diligently.
“Yeah? You like it here?” she asked with a smirk against your hair. You nodded, limbs trembling as Lou sucked a bruise into your damp skin. “We can stay as long as you want, baby.”
“Well, uh, until the food runs out,” Lou remarked. Your chest began heaving as Debbie worked up your arousal under the water. Lou moved away to give you more space but you grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. She let out a groan of surprise as her own centre came in touch with yours and Debbie’s persistent fingers. You pulled her even closer, legs entwining so that you could feel her against her and you bit and sucked at her jawline as she rubbed herself against the two of you.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” Debbie whispered in your ear as she felt the two of you against her fingers under the water. 
Lou’s fingertips dug into your thighs and she shuddered as her orgasm took over, the sight of your face and Debbie looking just as aroused sending her over the edge. She growled into your shoulder as she came, hips jerking. Debbie kept moving her hand, making Lou tremble with aftershocks from her persistent fingers.
“F-fuck,” you stammered, your breath ragged as Debbie kept pushing you further and further. “W-wait, I wanna.. do something else..”
Debbie halted her movements and Lou watched you patiently. You turned around, pulling Debbie to sit up on the sturdy edge of the tub right by the wall and moving in between her legs. She got the hint and smirked deviously as she opened her legs for you and you wasted no time in licking a long stripe up one leg to her cunt. She tasted salty- no doubt from the bath salts she used in the water, but her skin was warm, wet and glowing, and you dug in hungrily. 
As you worked on sucking on Debbie’s clit and teasing her entrance with your tongue, Lou’s slick body moved up against you and a hand wormed its way back under the water to press against your clit, spiking your arousal tenfold again. There was a yank that lifted Lou’s body slightly off of you and looking up, you saw Debbie focusing on Lou behind you, no doubt with a hand pulling at her hair. 
You moaned as Lou’s fingers twisted and pressed your clit and folds, sending waves of pleasure through Debbie who slumped against the wall, eyes shutting. 
“Curl your fingers inside her, Y/N,” Lou whispered in your ear. “She likes that.”
You made a noise of understanding just as Lou lifted your ass out of the water for a better angle. “Just like this, baby girl, I’ll show you.”
You gasped as Lou pressed two fingers inside you from behind, the other hand holding you up to show you exactly what she meant. Despite your trembling body, you mimicked Lou’s movements on Debbie, fucking her with your fingers. She was right, Debbie was soon writhing and begging to cum. 
Focusing extra hard and pushing your own arousal down for just a little longer, you curled your fingers inside her just as your lips sucked hard on her clit. Debbie’s hips stiffened and she bit down on her own hand as she came. You were looking up at her lovely, flushed face and nearly came undone by the sight alone, but Lou stopped her motions just there, leaving you teetering on the edge.
“Wha- n-no, I was so close,” you whined at the loss. Lou turned you around, gazing at you with a playful look in her eyes. Her hands guided you to sit against the edge of the tub, between Debbie’s legs, and moved you up with ease in the water until you found yourself straddling Lou’s thighs. Your mouth opened wide in shock. 
Debbie’s hands ran through the wet locks of your hair first, cooing at you as you began rocking back and forth, your earlier denial making you extra horny for release. Lou held you tightly as you moved up and down against her thigh, helping you out with motions of both her leg and arms, making sure that you were grinding deep against her.
Hands reached down to pinch your nipples and Debbie licked a hot stripe up your neck from behind. As Lou’s nails dug into your ass and Debbie’s hands gripped your breasts, you came with a desperate cry. 
“Good girl,” Debbie murmured in your ear, kneading your breasts softly as you rocked against Lou, shaking uncontrollably. “God, you’re so perfect. You both are.”
“N-no, you guys are more perfect,” you breathed out, your head falling back against Debbie’s middle. Lou took the opportunity to lean down and suck your aching nipples.
“We can do this all day, Y/N. You’re perfect for us,” she said as she eased your body down from her thigh, letting you submerge a little further into the water.
“I don’t ever wanna leave,” you murmured as Debbie’s hands raked through your hair again.
“Good,” the brunette responded. “Cause we don’t want to either.”
Lou grabbed a bar of soap and began rubbing your sore legs with it. “Good thing about bath sex is that you can get as dirty as you want while still being clean,” she commented. You giggled as Lou ran the bar up your thighs, working it deep in the sore muscles and you almost dozed off again. 
“Alright gals, move over, let me back in, it’s getting cold up here,” Debbie said. You pushed yourself up off of her and she came off the edge to settle into the warm water. You turned around to kiss her on the mouth, arms wrapping tightly around her neck and she returned the kiss eagerly. 
You took the bar of soap from Lou and moved behind Debbie to rub and wash her back, admiring the smooth skin with your hands. As you did, Debbie and Lou shared a heated, passionate kiss that made you beam. Not an ounce of jealously filled you and you hugged Debbie tightly from behind, moving the soap from her back to her abdomen and pressing a soft kiss against her hair. 
A/N: Aaahh! Here u go! We can never have too much smut and fluff with these ladies honestly. Though I’m gonna say this is officially the final instalment of Three Times Over, it doesn’t mean it’s the last piece I’ll write for Debbie x Lou x you ;) You never know what can happen! Love u all
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amerrierworld · 4 years
La Vie En Rose
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Ocean’s  8 - one shot
For anon!
Summary: You have a crush on Ruby Rose and love watching all her stuff all the time, and it brings Lou to an eventual breaking point.
Characters: Lou x fem!reader, mention of the wonderful Ruby Rose
Word Count: 1,248
Warnings: Angst! Miscommunication and jealousy between girlfriends (though eventually resolved) <3 
The day had been exhausting. Lou had spent most of her time at the club lugging around equipment, booze and incompetent workers who were getting on her nerves to the point where she wanted to break someone’s neck. 
As soon as she entered the apartment, she was expecting to see you right there, on a couch or maybe in the kitchen. Instead, it was quiet. 
Lou kicked off her heeled boots before dragging herself up the stairs to her master bedroom and adjoining bathroom to take a much needed shower.
When she opened the door, however, she was surprised to find you sitting in bed, covers bundled around you and a laptop on your lap. A familiar theme song came on and Lou nearly sighed in exasperation, but instead wandered over to you and sat down on the edge.
“Hey,” she said, clearly expecting a kiss with the way she leaned in. You blinked, having barely registered Lou coming into the room, but the distinct smell of vodka and motor oil stood out clear enough.
“Hey,” you said, giving her a small smile before looking back at your laptop screen where Orange is the New Black began playing. 
Lou sighed, shoulders slumping from exhaustion, and pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head before walking to the bathroom, knowing there was no way you’d tear yourself away from the screen when Ruby Rose came on. 
By the time Lou came out of the bathroom, clean but tired, you were on another episode with Ruby. Lou turned off the lights, crawling in bed next to you and  nearly nodding off if it wasn’t for your startled ‘hey!’ as the lights went out. 
“Hey yourself,” she grumbled, pressing her face in the pillow. “Turn the laptop off, babe. I’m trying to sleep.”
“The sun’s not even down, Lou. Plus, I’m watching my show,” you said, gesturing to the sun lingering on the horizon, knowing she couldn’t see you with her face against the pillow.
“Yeah yeah, the show with that really hot brunette and the tattoos, I get it. Can you let me sleep at least? There’s plenty of room downstairs, even a tv to hook up to if you wanna see her face so badly. On a giant screen, even.”
You could hardly respond, tearing your eyes away from Ruby Rose’s alluring gaze in the show to your girlfriend in the bed next to you. Her tone had been bitter, and harshly sarcastic. 
You gently closed the laptop, and instead reached over to turn on the lamp on your nightstand, filling the room with a soft light. Lou grumbled some more and curled further away from you.
You set the laptop on the stand and shuffled over to align your body with Lou’s, who muttered something into the pillow. You poked a finger to her shoulder, causing her to twitch.
You poked her side. Another twitch. Her arm. A low grumble. 
When you reached around to poke her nose, she huffed and scrambled to face you, her tired eyes blazing at you.
“What,” she demanded, annoyed at you with your stupid little show that seemed more important to you than her. You tried not to wince at the anger in her tone. 
“Sorry,” you muttered. “You never told me how work was?”
“Cause you never asked.”
“...Well, I’m asking now.”
“Well, it’s too late now. I’m exhausted.”
“I can tell.”
She glared at you and made to turn over again but you held her firmly by the waist.
“Are you angry at me?” you asked. She met your eyes and something flashed by that you couldn’t decipher.
“No,” yes she was, “everything’s fine,” no it wasn’t, “just let me sleep and you can go back to that show about whatever.”
“Okay, so you’re not jealous?”
“Why would I be jealous?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe cause there’s this really hot actress in it, who I absolutely adore and will watch in anything?”
“Stop it, Y/N.”
“And she’s like, super hot in suits and short hair, with a look to die for, and who’s so fuckin’ queer in it too?”
“Alright, fine!” she whacked her pillow against your arm. You smiled, glad you got through to her, even if it hurt to egg her on like this.
“Fine,” she sighed, rubbing her face. “Yeah, I’m jealous. You’re just always watching her goddamn stuff, and you don’t even know her. Like, hello, you still have a real-life girlfriend, you know.”
“It’s called a celebrity crush, Lou. It’s not a real crush.”
“Oh, wow, that made everything 10 times better, thanks.”
“I’m sorry,” you sighed, grabbing her hand in yours and squeezing. “I didn’t know it upset you that much. I’ve liked Ruby Rose’s stuff for ages, and I thought that all girls, well, at least the ones who might be-,”
“Gay? You thought we all just were in love with her? Newsflash, I don’t watch TV, so I’m not one of them.”
“Maybe you should, see why I like her and this show so much.”
“Nuh-uh, not happening.”
“Really? Not even one episode? I’ll make it up to you afterwards, alright?”
“Oh yeah?”
“If you don’t like the first 3 episodes of Orange is the New Black, I won’t watch any TV for a week.”
“Hmph. Why are we making this promise? It’s stupid. Just admit you’d rather date Ruby Rose over me and I can go back to moping in my sleep.”
“But I wouldn’t rather date her, Lou!” you exclaimed, exasperated. “I just like her stuff is all! She’s a good actress, and yeah, sure, heaven forbid I find her cute as well.”
Lou pursed her lips and stared at you some more, not wanting to lash out with unnecessary comments. You had both pressed each other’s buttons for long enough. Okay, maybe you did watch a lot of her stuff consistently, but at first Lou had never seemed to mind. And Lou was sensitive to these sorts of things, overreacting just a little, and combined with her sleepiness it was guaranteed to blow up tonight.
“I’m sorry,” you said, shuffling closer. “I know how busy you’ve been, lately. And I’m probably not helping, ogling a celebrity through a screen the entire time.”
You let your head drop next to yours and her hand instinctively came up to brush over your ear and jawline. 
“I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have snapped,” she sighed. “It’s just so- weird. To have to compete with someone who doesn’t know we exist.”
“You don’t have to compete with anyone, Lou. You’re the only one who has my heart,” you said, eyes twinkling. “I’ll stop watching her so much.”
“No, don’t. I don’t want to force you to stop anything. Just-, I don’t know. I need reassurance from time to time. And lately I’ve been so busy that we’ve felt-,”
“-distant,” you finished.
“Wanna stay in tomorrow and eat junk food in bed?” you suggested. She grinned, eyes crinkling adorably. 
“Of course.”
She pressed a faint kiss to your forehead. “And maybe I’ll give that show a go.”
“Yeah, just one episode though. Debbie’s been recommending it too, she likes it cause it’s relatable to her now.”
“Why? Oh, cause she went to prison too?”
You giggled. “Alright, but only if you want to. We can watch some old-timey silent movie that you like too.”
She smiled and you kissed her lips. “We’ll make a day of it.”
A/N: A request that I thoroughly enjoyed writing. I don’t usually write with real people, but that’s only if it’s aimed to involve them in relationships or other things that stray beyond real-life. This was a lot more fun; some angsty and jealous Lou for you all! Hope you liked it guys.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Here for the Art (pt 2)
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Ocean’s 8 - fanfiction 
Part 1:  x
Summary: You get your hands on Lou this time, and you don’t hold back.
Characters: Lou x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,733
Warnings: eheh... S M U T 
The heist had been a success. Thousands of dollars were flooding in your bank account and you were filled with giddy glee as the numbers went up. Who wouldn’t be? Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does make things a whole lot easier. 
The team had celebrated at Daphne’s lavish mansion in the country, and though you were enjoying yourself immensely, you were itching to get some time alone with Lou. 
After she was done her bit she nearly burned her security outfit with sleepy rage. “Never again,” she groaned, falling on your bed as you had drawn her a hot bath. 
Lou had plenty of stamina for many things; sex, her club, conning, and you. But even she needed a much-needed break once in a while. 
Now here you were, in Daphne’s expansive living room, with a posh-looking cat circling around your legs and Lou by your side. It was well into the night where most alcohol had been consumed and everyone was just chill. You couldn’t remember who had gone to bed already or who was still doing shots.
You were lazily watching old cartoons on the TV, curled up against Lou as Looney Tunes started up again. An arm wrapped protectively around her middle, you were ready to nod off when she shifted, startling you. 
Lou groaned a bit as she straightened out her legs in front of her. “Sorry love,” she said to you. “Legs just cramping a bit.”
You blinked at her as she shook out her hair and settled back in the seat, your fingers twitching. Noticing this, Lou arched an eyebrow at you, and you moved positions suddenly, so that she was resting against the arm of the couch, her feet in your lap. 
“Hm?” she hummed in question, as you took off her socks and hiked up her slacks as far up her legs as you could pull them. 
When your fingers pressed into her aching calves, her mouth dropped open and she groaned. You grinned at her as her shoulders relaxed and you worked your hands deep into the tight muscles, working out the knots.
Lou was watching the screen with half-lidded eyes, one hand reaching towards you to caress your side as you massaged her legs. The clock was indicating it was long past 1am already, but suddenly you couldn’t bring yourself to think of sleep yet.
You finished massaging Lou’s calves and slowly danced your fingers up her legs, past strong thighs and drawing circles on her hipbones. She jerked a bit at the feeling and looked over at you.
“What do you think you’re doing, kitten?” she asked in a low, ragged voice. You could see the defiance in her eyes, ready to pounce on you, but you knew her bodily state wasn’t up for it, so you cocked your head at her and leaned over to press a kiss to her lips.
“Just helping you relax,” you said, fingers passing over her lower stomach and the inside of her thighs. “You’ve been working so hard lately.”
A strong hand gripped the back of your head, her tongue invading your mouth. 
“This is hardly helping me relax, baby,” Lou grumbled, your fingernails scratching lightly over her stomach under her shirt. 
“Hm? What was that?” you pulled away, biting at her earlobe. She cursed, hips bucking up at your feather-light touch.
“Y/N,” she breathed. “If you wait until we get home, we’ll have all the time-,”
“Nuh-uh,” you cut her off, a hand gripping her waist. “You say I could have my way with you, didn’t you? I’d like to cash in that promise now.”
You sucked a bruise underneath her ear and she dropped her hands above her head in defeat.
“Fine, you little brat,” she hissed through her teeth. She was wide awake now, blue eyes staring into yours, daring you to do something. “Show me what you’ve got.”
In the guest room that Daphne had promised the two of you, you could hardly believe the sight on top of you. Lou sat perched on your stomach, rubbing her wet cunt against a thick, red strap that you were wearing. Her hands were tied behind her back and you’d put a leather choker around her neck. 
After plenty of teasing, discussion of safe words and buckling in toys, Lou was now suddenly desperate, horny, and completely at your mercy. She’d chuckled at your slight clumsy attempts of being in charge, but somewhere along the way, her own body got the better of her. 
You grinned, not only at Lou’s entire change of character, but her complete willingness to play along tonight. Usually the roles were switched. She was much more demanding and dominant in real life and in bed. Getting her to this point of submission where she looked ready to break at your touch, might’ve been one of the most arousing things you’d ever seen.
Her hips were bucking but one of your hands was holding her down tightly, the other pressing a small vibe against her clit at just a low enough setting that she couldn’t cum. 
“...please...” she choked out as you pulled back slightly and pressed the tip of the strap against her folds, teasing her. 
“Hm?” you were grinning like a madman, remembering exactly the position Lou had you in at the art gallery mere days ago. “Did you say something?”
Lou growled low in her throat, throwing her head back in exasperation, rocking faster. 
“God you’re such a, a-,” you pressed the vibe harder against her, making her words falter. Her hair was sticking to her neck, and you reached up to brush it out of the way.
“Such a what, baby?”
“A pain in my ass,” Lou huffed as your fingers scratched down her neck, over her nipples. You tutted, and pulled the vibe away.
She mewled at the loss of the contact, moving her hips side to side in a desperate attempt to get you inside her. 
“That wasn’t very nice of you, was it?” you said, gripping her middle until she stilled, breathing heavily and looking down at you with dark eyes. 
“’m sorry,” she mumbled under her breath, trying to lean down and kiss you. You avoided the kiss, hands pushing her back up again. She huffed. 
“Louder, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Good. Now, ask nicely and maybe I’ll let you cum tonight.”
Lou was grumbling, annoyed and very turned on at you demanding things of her like this. She wasn’t used to it, but with the way her neck flushed and she squirmed on top of you, getting your stomach wet and sticky, she was clearly enjoying it. 
She sighed and batted her eyelashes at you, and you knew you’d won.
“Please?” she said through pouty lips. You chuckled and gripped her ass with your fingers, causing her to gasp.
“Please,” she sighed, back arching. “Please let me cum tonight.”
“Hm, since you asked so nicely,” you said. “Up on your knees, baby.”
She took a couple breaths, trying to register what you had said before her brain clicked and she shuffled to get up off of you. You pressed the tip of the strap against her folds and she immediately tried to sink down on you, but you stilled her.
“Slowly, there’s a good girl,” you ordered. She bit her lip and did as you asked. As she sank down at an excruciating pace, your own eyes fluttered at the feeling of her pressing down against you. Turning the vibe back up, you pressed it to her clit again and Lou groaned. 
She started rocking and you didn’t stop her. The bed was creaking softly at the movements. When she sped up, gasping, you dropped the vibe to grip her thighs and pushed up your hips to meet her as she came down. 
She was gasping, mumbling incoherent things and you muttered praise in return, watching as she came undone above you, head thrown back. You pressed your thumb against her clit this time and rubbed quickly in time with your thrusts.
“Ah! G-od,” she cried out. “Fuck.”
When she was close, you sat up and wrapped an arm around her, holding her tightly while she rubbed against you and came, shaking. Your fingers kept rubbing against her clit to ease her down from her high and she trembled, face pressed against your neck, mumbling a soft thank you and peppering you with kisses. 
When she’d settled down, you kissed her shoulder and reached to untie her arms. Bringing her wrists to your mouth you pressed your lips against the sensitive flesh and she sighed at the feeling of relief. You began untying the choker around her neck but she stopped you.
“Don’t. I like it.”
You smiled warmly and let her separate from your hold to ease you out of her. Lou, with trembling and sweaty limbs, crouched down to suck you clean, making intense eye contact with you. 
Her swollen lips came back up to kiss you while you undid the belt for the strap, tossing everything aside so you could hold her against you firmly. 
“Hm, that was nice,” she hummed against your ear, coming to. Her old self started to come back, eyes sparkling, but her cheeks were still very red, and her breathing was heavy.
“I told you already, I was missing you,” you said, stroking her back and arms. Her fingers were playing with your hair. 
“Missing me a lot, clearly,” she chuckled. 
You settled down next to each other on top of the sheets and you hugged her tight, nose rubbing against her jaw, legs tangling. 
“Wanna go somewhere with the money we got?” she asked suddenly. You blinked and pulled back to look at her. 
“With the team?”
“No, baby girl. Just the two of us. I was thinking, Europe maybe?” she mused, “somewhere nice, and stupidly romantic.”
You laughed. "Hm, I’ll get back to you on that in about 2 to 3 business days, miss.”
She pulled you closer and you relished in the warmth and strength she was exuding. As you were dozing off, you couldn't help the last comment to slip from your mouth.
“I’ve heard they’ve got a lot of great artworks in Europe.”
Lou laughed, filling the room with warm sound that made you smile as she pressed a kiss against your forehead. 
A/N: Whoop! There it is, folks. Smut galore in this series, but I couldn’t help it with Lou :3. Thank you all for your amazing responses for part one and my other pieces, I’m beyond flabbergasted with the support from you guys and it makes me eager to write. 
Shoutout to @smuttty​ @gaylorrds​ and @waitingfortheendtocome​ for your responses to pt 1 (and some suggestions for pt 2 ;) ) this one’s for you lovelies.
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