#love catcher in seoul
spacequokka · 2 years
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Pairing: ceo!Baekhyun x Reader Genre: CEO AU Rating: G Summary: You don’t know the first thing about running a business, so you enlist the help of an investor to help you save it. Word Count: 1.3k I can explain Warnings: mentions a deceased parent
Inspired by this post. This is actually part of a larger work I’ve been sitting on titled Gossip Man. I’ve wanted to write something in the style of Kdramas (tropes and all). Depending on the reception, I’ll release it next year or so.
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You fidgeted with your clothes, running your trembling hands down the front of your soft cotton t-shirt. Were you dressed too casually? Should you have picked out your job interview ensemble? The email hadn't given you any clue one way or another. You hoped it didn't matter — everything you had depended on this consultation. If it ended badly because you’d chosen denim slacks over the black pencil skirt, you’d seriously consider jumping from the nearest bridge. ‘Calm down, girl. Get it together.’ You inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly through your nose, summoning calm and control of your nerves.
You needed this consultation like you needed air. The old bookstore had meant the world to your mother, and you would do everything in your power to keep it open and operational. Okay, so maybe you didn't know jack shit about running a business. It was also possible that you used a little over half of your inheritance from your mother's life insurance policy to buy the bookstore from the lovely old couple who had put it up for sale. Just as it was more than likely that you would have to use the rest of your savings — all of it — to make the necessary repairs and update the place to be able to compete with other bookstores in the area that offered new modern services like online sales and ebooks. That's why this meeting was so life threatening. If the best investing company Seoul had to offer didn't see a way to save the store, all of your attempts to save it would have been in vain and would leave you in debt. Worst of all, you would lose the one thing your mother treasured and hoped that her grandchildren would be able to visit in the future. You wanted to keep the bookstore open as your way of honoring the woman who brought joy to so many others.
The front door opened smoothly, setting off a high chime of the wind catcher that hung near the door. This is it. You took another deep breath and turned around. A tall, slender man stood there with his hands in his pockets, eyes taking in his surroundings. He looked so out of place, all dressed up as if he were going to a cocktail party or some red carpet affair. He made the dusty, run down store look worse just by existing. As if he could hear your thoughts, his eyes fell on you expectantly, lips curved into a gentle smile. “Ms. Davids, I suppose?”
He extended his hand, but didn’t budge from his spot. Your jaw moved as you tried to find the voice to speak, to answer his question, but your brain had shorted out for a second. “Y-yes. That’s me. Call me _____, please.” You moved around the counter and took his hand, not too surprised by the strength in his grip. Of course, he’s strong. He probably can afford a gym trainer if his suit was anything to judge by. “I was under the impression the agency was sending over a woman, Mrs. Howard?”
Mr. Suit’s eyes were fixed on you now. “She was supposed to come, but I found myself with an open schedule this morning and decided to take the consult. She’s due to have her baby soon, so I thought she’d like to rest her feet.” He glanced at the store, then returned that piercing gaze to you. “Besides that, I’ve been keeping tabs on this shopping center.”
“Y-you have?” You swallowed hard and fought to stand your ground. It felt like he was crowding you, even though he was standing a bit more than an arm’s length away. His presence was so…overwhelming.
He nodded and took a step away from you, examining one of the bookshelves that stood near the register. “Of course. Real estate is one of my areas of expertise. The shopping center has always been a hot commodity since the university opened up. Personally, I’m impressed the owners of the various stores have been able to keep the corporate companies at bay.”
You fought to keep up your friendly smile. “We’re a family here. We help each other out. Selling out to those hounds wouldn’t help anybody.”
“True.” He mused, slipping a book off of a shelf and thumbing through its pages. “But then again, business has been down since the bidding war began, right? What happened to the couple who owned this store before you? The Choi’s?”
You looked down at the ground between you, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Their health isn’t the best right now. With the cost of health care, they couldn’t afford to keep the store open. I bought it from them to keep it open and away from the bidding war.”
“I see. Smart decision, seeking help from an investment firm. My name is Byun Baekhyun, by the way.” He nodded his head towards you, stuffing his hands back into his pockets as he leisurely made his way through the store. You followed behind him, keeping your distance while wringing your hands with worry. He didn’t say much, occasionally asking questions about things he spotted, like holes in the ceiling, cracks in the wall. He even noticed things you hadn’t seen before or thought to look at. It was clear that an inspector would have to come out and thoroughly check the building out. By the time you’d reached the back of the store, the look on his face wasn’t promising. “Let’s sit down and talk about this, shall we?”
Baekhyun extended a hand to allow you to pass by him. As you did, his hand lightly touched the small of your back as he guided you back to the register and prompted you to sit down on the stool behind the counter. He stood in front of you on the other side, resting his elbows on the counter and clasping his hands together.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” You asked.
He exhaled hard and nodded. “Yeah, it is. I’ll be honest with you, _____. I don’t see how this place has been operational. There are a number of issues I can see, so there’s no telling how much more will be uncovered with a proper inspection.”
“I have money saved up. I’m willing to do whatever is necessary to save this place.” You leaned forward and looked him in the eye. “Please, this place means the world to me.”
He held your gaze for what seemed like forever until he stood up straight. “I’ll arrange for the inspector to come and assess the property. If the repairs needed are reasonable, I’ll have someone set up an appointment with you to get things going.” He looked around the store. “I can’t guarantee that things will go your way, though.”
You nodded, biting your bottom lip. “I understand.”
Baekhyun studied you a moment longer, then took a step forward and placed a hand on your shoulder. “This place has a lot of charm to it and it’s in a great location. Don’t lose hope just yet, okay?”
You looked into his eyes and were startled by the gentleness you found in them. You’d come across a slew of men in suits with kind smiles, offering to pay top dollar for the property if you and the other store owners agreed to sell. Baekhyun’s smile was the first genuine smile you’d seen in a while. You weren’t sure if you should trust him, but it wasn’t like you had much of a choice. “Okay.”
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pleaseanotherbook · 1 year
Crying in H Mart di Michelle Zauner
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My parents wouldn't have known the names of authors I should read or foreign directors I should watch. I was not given an old edition of Catcher in the Rye as a preteen, copies of Rolling Stones records on vinyl, or any kind of instructional material from the past that might help give me a leg up to cultural maturity. But my parents were worldly in their own ways. They had seen much of the world and had tasted what it had to offer. What they lacked in high culture, they made up for by spending their hard-earned money on the finest of delicacies. My childhood was rich with flavor-blood sausage, fish intestines, caviar. They loved good food, to make it, to seek it, to share it, and I was an honorary guest at their table.
"Crying in H Mart" di Michelle Zauner edito in italiano da Mondadori, è entrato nelle mie cose da leggere perché quando si parla di cibo e Corea oramai il mio occhio e il mio cervello si attivano ed esplodono all'unisono con "lo voglio". La forma del mémoire ha iniziato anche ad essermi molto cara, nonostante il tema di fondo, quello della perdita e del lutto, mi devastano solo al pensiero, ma Michelle Z ha l'incredibile capacità di coinvolgere senza sensazionalismo e anche nei momenti più tragici conserva la compostezza di chi sta raccontando la sua storia e sa cosa ha provato.
Con struggente umorismo, Michelle Zauner racconta la propria esistenza a partire dall’infanzia, quando era una delle pochissime bambine di origine asiatica nella sua scuola di Eugene, in Oregon, e doveva soddisfare le aspettative di una madre esigentissima, fino alla sofferta adolescenza; e poi le estati passate nel minuscolo appartamento della nonna a Seul, dove, davanti ai piatti tipici della cucina coreana, il suo legame con la madre si fa sempre più forte. Michelle cresce, si trasferisce sulla East Coast per frequentare il college, inizia a muovere i primi passi nel mondo della musica e conosce l’uomo che diventerà suo marito. Sta costruendo la vita che vuole vivere, le radici coreane sembrano sempre più distanti. Fino a quando, a venticinque anni, la notizia che sua madre ha un cancro in fase terminale la spinge ad andare in cerca della propria identità culturale. E a riscattare il patrimonio di sapori, profumi, linguaggi e tradizioni che la donna le ha donato. Schietta e poetica, la voce di Michelle Zauner risuona luminosa sulla pagina come sul palco. Ricco di aneddoti personali e di foto di famiglia, Crying in H Mart è un libro da leggere, rileggere, amare e condividere.
Ci sono eventi che spezzano completamente la nostra vita e che rivoluzionano il percorso che stiamo tracciando e anche quando siamo capaci di ristabilire la presa, siamo inevitabilmente cambiati. In questo contesto la storia di Michelle si inserisce con una facilità che non mi sarei mai aspettata, con la descrizione a tratti ironica e a tratti molto dura della sua vita e della sua forza. Michelle è stata una bambina sensibile, una adolescente ribelle, una giovane adulta alla ricerca della sua strada, in un disperato tentativo di prendere in mano le redini della sua vita. Ma proprio quando sembra che le cose stiano iniziando ad ingranare ecco che una terribile sciagura si abbatte sulla sua famiglia: sua madre, la colonna portante di tutta la sua esistenza e di quella di suo padre, inizia a stare male e in breve deve iniziare a fare i conti con la malattia e la perdita. Tutto il volume ripercorre la sua intera esistenza in un susseguirsi di episodi e sentimenti conditi con dal suo disperato tentativo di non perdere le sue radici, il suo essere per metà coreana, l'eredità che sua madre ha cercato strenuamente di passarle, tenendo per sé un dieci percento, necessario per non lasciarsi sopraffare. Michelle racconta e nel frattempo regala al lettore uno scorcio ampissimo non solo della sua sfera privata ma soprattutto della cultura a cui è stata esposta. Sua madre infatti è una donna di Seoul che ha sposato un uomo americano con cui dopo aver attraversato vari paesi si è stabilita negli Stati Uniti, ad Eugene. Ma la Corea non ha mai lasciato la donna che applica tutti i giorni i passaggi della skin care spalmando sul viso ogni tipo di crema che trova a disposizione su QVC, sempre in ordine con vestiti perfettamente stirati, borse in condizioni eccellenti, la casa piena di suppellettili bellissime e delicate che basterebbe un colpo di vento per distruggere. Ma soprattutto i genitori di Michelle sono degli estimatori del buon cibo, ogni occasione è buona per festeggiare con piatti più o meno speciali, destinati a rimanere ancorati nei ricordi: zuppe tipiche, il kimchi un prodotto coreano il cui in principal modo il cavolo viene ricoperto di spezie varie e lasciato a fermentare in appositi contenitori, aragoste, noodles, carne marinata, affettata, arrostita, grigliata, amalgamata alle abitudini di una famiglia che rinuncia a molto ma non a uno dei piaceri della vita. Ogni cosa allora diventa un rito, con dei passi da ripercorrere e un modo per tenere insieme i pezzi che si dissolvono. Il cibo diventa anche il mezzo con cui prendersi cura delle persone che si amano, in un disperato tentativo di esserci anche contro tutto. Michelle da adolescente si è sentita soffocare dalle cure della madre che si è sempre concentrata su di lei per proteggerla e per ricordarle chi è, spazzolandole i capelli, comprandole vestiti e prodotti cosmetici, punzecchiandola per portarla ad eccellere in tutto quello che fa. Ma Michelle aveva un sogno, emergere nel mondo della musica, diventare una cantante, e fonda una band e inizia ad esibirsi nei locali che la ospitano nel tentativo di mantenersi con la sua passione. La madre non comprende questo desiderio di sfuggire dai tentacoli del suo amore e le rinfaccia il suo carattere scontroso e la sua necessità di non prendersi troppo sul serio, ma la donna continua ad esserci per lei. Quando torna a casa dal college prepara alla figlia i suoi piatti preferiti, quando va a trovarla in questo appartamento sgangherato disordinato e ammuffito non fa una piega e le lascia contenitori e contenitori di piatti già preparati solo da scaldare. Ed è questo rapporto tra madre e figlia che si nutre su così tanti aspetti che è impossibile incastrarlo in una scatola che rende quello che racconta Michelle molto interessante: il cibo, le gite annuali in Corea, le chiacchiere, i gesti insignificanti che accumulati modellano alla perfezione alla mancanza che senti quando non ce li hai più. Ogni pagina è ricalcata sulla madre dell'autrice, quando c'è e quando non c'è, quando non sa nulla di lei e quando diventa si rende conto di tutte le cose che non sapeva: la passione per la pittura, il dolore privato che non le ha mai mostrato, i non detti di ogni famiglia. C'è molto di Michelle la sua vita che si evolve ed elabora e c'è la sensazione angosciosa di non fare in tempo, di essere sempre in ritardo, di avere in qualche modo il tempo contato e diventa difficilissimo rimanere presenti a sé stessi. Il lutto è un mostro con molte teste che rischia di fagocitare tutto, ma da un qualcosa di terribile nasce la speranza e la possibilità di riscattarsi e di realizzare le proprie aspirazioni. La famiglia ha un ruolo di primo piano con le sue tradizioni e le sue specificità perché d'altronde "ogni famiglia infelice è infelice a modo suo". Un altro aspetto molto interessante che affronta l'autrice è il suo sentirsi sempre a metà spezzata tra due mondi e mai appartenente ad un'unica entità: i suoi tratti particolari che la rendono diversa dalla tipica ragazza americana e la mancanza della perfezione coreana che non la mimetizzano neanche per le strade della capitale sud coreana. Quella ricerca ossessiva di una identità e di una figura di riferimento che la rendono instabile tra i suoi coetanei. Questo senso spietato di smarrimento che non trova pace in nessun tipo di confronto se non nella musica, che vaga e cerca appigli anche quando sembrano non esserci. Che rimanere aggrappati a noi stessi passa anche dai nostri ricordi, dai gesti che hanno caratterizzato la nostra infanzia e soprattutto dai luoghi che meno ci aspettiamo.
Il particolare da non dimenticare? Una zuppa di pinoli...
Un mémoire che racchiude il potere curativo del cibo e la sua forza unificatrice, il mondo interiore dell'autrice e il suo modo di affrontare la vita e la perdita, gli insuccessi e le vittorie, la famiglia e la società, sul palco o nel mezzo di un H-Mart che magari con davanti il tuo piatto preferito davanti un po' di consolazione arriva.
Buona lettura guys!
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fy-girls-generation · 3 years
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butbabeitsnotreal · 3 years
finally started watching love catcher in seoul
ive been waiting for most of the eps to come out so i can binge watch but the finales not out yet so i wont run into any major spoilers. anyway, i dont have much thought about 8 of the people but i do not like the dude that had all the accessories and porsche. not because of those things but just because when he came in the first thing he said was something about how he always gets everyones attention and whatever he wants. idk. he sounds and looks like a douchebag. im glad he was left alone twice. when they were picking places to sit and eat together and on the car ride to the house. hoping he shows some redeeming qualities later but right now i just dont get good vibes from him at all. it seems like he has money but i think he is there for money. maybe. also im glad my favorite panelist is still on the show (jang do yeon)
Edit episode three the dude really thought his car was the problem so he went and got his other one lmao honestly in the second episode the food he cooked looked pretty good, I would have sat down with the "I can change him" mindset 😭
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smileyanie · 3 years
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SUNNY - TVING Love Catcher in Seoul (러브캐처 인 서울) Production Presentation
Photos link: 1 2 3 4 5
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k-star-holic · 3 years
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Jang Doyeon 'full of elegance'
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soonkyuism · 3 years
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sunny ☆ love catcher in seoul preview
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kanmom51 · 4 years
JM JK timeline.- my observations how they grew over the years - 2017
Disclaimer:  these are my own opinions and conclusions.  Feel free to disagree, but hate or aggression will be unacceptable.
This is a long one, so I will to post this in several parts (at least 4).
 2017 - Part 1
2017 is an enormous year for the couple.  This is such a significant year for the both of them.  
This is a year that both JK and JM become way bolder.  
Saying that, out of the two, it’s JK that I feel gets much more comfortable within his own skin, and feels ready to be louder.  Not only is JK making progress in coming to terms with himself, but he is ready to tell the world about it.  He is young, he is impulsive, meaning he most definitely needs reigning in by the members on several occasions.  
I think that is why, sometimes, it feels to us like he is more reserved with JM when it comes to the ‘skinship’ or closeness, because when he isn’t, he tends to go ‘too far’.  It’s sometimes easier to keep away, not touch, not react, than to touch or react and lose control in the process.  The ‘big’ or ‘loud’ moments we do get from him are mostly (GCFT not one of them) when he is acting impulsively, doing first and only then thinking it over.
Another thing we see this year is the two getting comfortable within the relationship.  By the end of the year we get to see how much more comfortable they are within themselves.  You can’t say yet that there is a calm between them, but they are getting there.  
At this point all the members of the group are aware of the relationship, and I believe that in 2017 the important surrounding staff are made aware too.  Were they outright told, or did they just ‘get it’ as the time past? Maybe both, in a way, all to be able to protect both members, and not to let things get out of control (protecting the band and the brand).  I think that the staff knowing allowed them both more freedom to be themselves, at least when off camera, without needing to hide all of the time.  
This is the year of both JM’s and JK’s love odes to each other.  
This year brought us bv2, GCFT, Serendipity, JK’s graduation and so much more.  
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We still see the micro touches and brushes, but there is also a boldness, especially on JK’s part. As JK is finding his place within the relationship, asserting himself, he is also maturing, so he learns how to assert himself but also learns how to be more attentive to JM’s needs, especially his emotional needs.
JM was, and still continues to be JK’s anchor.  He is his biggest supporter, pushing him to challenge his boundaries, pushing him to the front, helping him when he is down, being there for him when he is hurt.
But JK is also there for JM. It is sometimes less noticeable, but he is the one that knows how to make him laugh, even when JM is down.  He supports him when he needs it.  He looks after him, makes sure he eats, protects him physically, when he thinks it’s needed.  
They are like magnets – constantly seeking each other’s closeness.
I know that there are many Jikook’s that believe that JK and JM’s romantic relationship started only after their end of 2017 trip to Tokyo.  I emphatically disagree.  2017 brings much development and change in their relationship, but that’s like every longer term romantic relationship.  There are shifts in the relationship.  The more the couple get to know each other, their wants and needs, they adjust themselves to that (as much as they want the relationship to continue).  That is the push and pull we see with the boys over the first 2 years .  Figuring out how they feel, what they want from each other, what they need from each other, and just how much they are willing to give the other or maybe give up of themselves.  
That’s a healthy relationship – when you manage to find that point of balance.  And that’s what the boys were doing throughout 2016 and 2017. That doesn’t mean that even after you find that point of balance there won’t be conflicts.  It does, though, enable you to come back to that balance faster, to be able to solve the conflict, because you understand each other better, and learn how to and when to give in (Summer package 2017 - the dream catcher saga).  
This brings me to the JK jealous narrative out there.  I don’t love it.  It makes JK out to be this possessive jealous boyfriend.  It’s oversimplifying and a bit juvenile.  Sorry, but that’s how I feel.  I’m not saying that JK ,or for that matter JM, didn’t ever get jealous.  They are human beings, like me and you.  Jealousy happens.  But there is a difference between getting jealous once in a while and creating this whole narrative of possessiveness jealousy, where someone is so jealous they can’t see anyone, including their closest of friends, come anywhere near your boyfriend.
Also, there could be other kinds of ‘jealousy’.   Not only seeing your significant other leaving you for someone else.  That is only one aspect of it, feeling threatened that someone you love will  be tempted to leave you for another.  But there are other aspects to jealousy too. You can be jealous of others, not a jealousy within your relationship, not a fear your significant other doesn’t love you or will leave you, but the jealousy of those others that can show affection to one another, but you can’t because of the nature of your relationship, that may have to be hidden.
There could also be frustration, not jealousy.  Frustration you need to keep hiding your relationship, when all you want to do is shout out loud to the world that JM/JK is yours.  
The fact that JK and JM’s relationship was something to be hidden, the fear of discovery (have you seen that clip when they are caught in the car ‘taking a photo for Twitter’? The panic on JK’s face? Seeing his face for me was heartbreaking) forced them to mellow down on their interactions, not to be obvious with the touchy feely between them.  
That, in my opinion, is another reason for JK’s minimalizing his skinship with JM.  Not knowing when it’s ok to touch, or just how much, or maybe the fear of going too far.  
JM had less of a problem with that.  Most of the time he was more calculated, knew exactly what he was doing, and how far he was pushing it (although, he too loses himself sometimes – Wings tour Japan documentary interviews, just for example).  
JK couldn’t do that, so sometimes the safer thing was to disconnect all together. That’s when the cameras were on, and not behind the scenes.  But not being able to show their love, having to hide, that took a toll on both of them. Seeing the person that they are building a relationship being able to be touchy with others but not with them, that hurt.  And that, in my opinion, is what we see and that is interpreted as jealousy some of the time with JK and with JM alike.    
2017 gave us plenty of content.  And just like with 2016 timeline, I just can’t address all of the content out there. I chose to refer to the content that seems most relevant to me.   No Twitter, mostly not photo shoots, even if they are the cutest.  Even if some of the moments there are spontaneous, most are directed.  The unicorn photo shoot, for example.  So beautiful, may have some spontaneous moments, but still mostly produced and directed.  Was it their own decision to pose with the unicorn? At this point in their careers, I doubt it.  It’s definitely a cute Jikook moment though.  They are beautiful, cute, have chemistry to die for, but it’s not more than that – not a JK and JM relationship moment, if you get what I’m driving at.
So, in JK’s words, let’s get it:
14 Jan 2017 Golden Disk awards – JK making his bae laugh, by imitating his own dance (Rainism) - exaggerating his own moves.  Yes Tae joins in, but JK is the one to initiate, and JM’s attention is solely on him.  He only has eyes for JK, but wasn’t that clear by now?
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16 Jan 2017 ISAC 17 – I love these ones.  Just like with award shows, they have so much time to burn, that they sometimes seem to forget the cameras are there, so we get to see these little cute interactions between them, like JK finding his way to JM, wherever and whoever he may be with, little flirtatious behaviour, including JK finger hearting JM and JM doing it back to JK giggling. JM ‘flashing’ for JK .  JK holding JM’s hand, while it’s around JK’s waist, when photo taken.
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19 Jan 2017 – Seoul Music Awards.  OMG, this is a big one for me.  They both look absolutely gorgeous btw.  This was one of the first clips I saw.  The way JK looks at JM, so beautiful.  But what topped the cake for me was what JK did.  JK notice JM back hugging Hobi, so he goes to Hobi, moves him aside, only then to go stand behind JM and back hug him, while gently placing his head on JM’s shoulder and closing his eyes.  
First of all, why move Hobi?  He wasn’t in the way, and it makes no sense to move him from below JM only to go behind JM and hug him from behind. Second, JK was fully aware that they were being photographed.  You can see the members around him posing for the cameras. This is where bold JK comes in. He needs JM.  JM is his safe place, his home, so who cares who can see or what they see?  He wants. No. Needs to hug him and feel him, so he will.  
When I saw JK close his eyes, I wanted to cry. I’m not exaggerating. It was so beautiful, so pure.  When I saw this, I knew.  I knew this was ‘something else’, something special.  
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26 Jan 2017 – Global Vlive top 10 BTS – JK asserting his place by JM’s side.  Making sure JM doesn’t fall off the stool, but also pushing Jin back away from JM – that’s JK’s place not Jin’s.  We also get to see, again, the hesitation when touching JM, placing his hand at his lower back, only to pull back hesitantly.  We get the mutual glances, and them being in their own world.  At some point RM having to whack them out of it.
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7 Feb 2017 – JK’s graduation day.  Big big day. Starting with JK making sure it’s JM standing by his side for the group photo.  In the car , on the way to their celebratory dinner,  JK singing a suggestive song while looking at JM – serenading him in a way.  Then JM asks JK what he wants for a graduation present, V telling JK that JM will buy him whatever he wants, and JK asking for an apartment (something that withing cultural context is a big thing).  The whole time there’s a flirty vibe between the two, V being the 3rd wheeler in the conversation.  
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At the restaurant the boys recreate their photo from JK’s 1st day at high school too (of course it’s the two of them centrefold).
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Then, to top the cake, there’s JM’s tweet.  The camera is on JM, and we hear what sounds like a kiss in the background bringing a big smile to JM’s face, and then what sounds like “My Mo, my mochi…”.  Then JM says congratulations and turns the camera sideways, only to see JK sitting there, and to JK’s smile and clapping.  V is in the back seat playing with his phone.  
Did JK send JM a kiss?  Did he call him his Mochi? .  Idk. 
It wouldn’t be the first or last time JK referred to JM as a Mochi.  
What I am sure of is that it had nothing to do with V. He was sitting in the back playing with his phone, totally ignoring or unaware of what was going on there.
To be continued...
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miyeonunion · 3 years
Miyeon’s STAR1 Magazine December 2021 Issue Interview
MIYEON’S GROWTH 2021 was a challenging year for (G)I-DLE Miyeon (24). In addition to being a singer, she started new field of activities as an MC and an actor. Every of the activities she did for the first time felt scary and unfamiliar, but Miyeon plucked up her courage and had a successful debut as an actress for the web drama Replay: The Moment When It Starts Again and as an MC for Mnet’s M Countdown. Following the momentum of IHQ’s Quiz from the Stars, she joined the love psychology program TVING’s Love Catcher in Seoul as a fixed panel, and is actively continuing her acting career by appearing in TVING’s Adult Trainee and the web drama Delivery. No matter what role she is in, she shows that she is able to do her part well. Miyeon said that she likes to share moments with people rather than doing it alone, so the schedule she has with the staff has become healing in itself. A pleasant meeting and interview with Miyeon, who brightened the photoshoot with positive energy that sublimates everything she is doing into joy. 
It was a pictorial with a holiday concept.  These days, it’s hard to feel the year-end atmosphere even though it’s the end of the year, but it was nice to be able to feel the holiday atmosphere through this pictorial. Winter isn’t my favorite season but I really like the holiday atmosphere that can only be felt at this time.
Adult Trainee is about to air. The high-teen drama that talks about ‘sex’ has become a hot topic even before it was aired, and I’m curious about the view point. It’s a drama of a time that any student before adulthood can go through. It’s conducted in an omnibus style, and I think it would be nice to focus on how the characters in this drama positively influence and change each other.
You also appear in a comedy-action web drama called Delivery. From the teaser video, the flashy actions scenes looked different. Can we look forward to it? I was very worried about whether I would be able to do a lot of the action scenes better than expected. Most of the people around me said, “Miyeon in an action?” (laughs). There were some regrets, but I’m glad a cool scene was born thanks to the people who made it look good.
How long did you practice action? I practiced for about a month while attending an action school. I didn’t think I had any talent for action, but people around me complimented me for being unexpectedly good, so I was able to practice with confidence. Since teamwork is the most important thing in action, I think the experience of memorizing choreography while working as a singer helped a lot.
  You also appear in an entertainment show that match the psychology of love in Love Catcher in Seoul. Do you usually give dating advice well?  Rather than giving practical advice, it’s more like empathizing and listening. When you follow people’s psychology, there are times when you should know the person’s emotions and empathize with it. Love Catcher in Seoul is also a program where I appear because it’s the most important program to empathize with the psychology of the contestants. It’s also really fun.
When it comes to dating, at what percentage do you think you’re usually right when it comes to your gut feeling? I always predict the process well. But when I look at the results there are many times when I’ve missed them. Haha. There is also a process of reasoning in Love Catcher in Seoul, but it’s a pity that I haven’t gotten it right yet.
You’re really everywhere at once. What is the driving force behind your continued activities without getting tired? I don’t really feel the meaning of doing it alone. I like to share, even the smaller things, with a lot people. As a result, the process of being with the (G)I-DLE members and staff is great, and the fact that the fans can like and enjoy the results itself is happy and encouraging. I think the fact that we are together is a big driving force.
You first started acting with Replay: The Moment When It Starts Again this year. Was there any difference from the stages and entertainment shows? My appearance on the stage shows who the person Miyeon is. But I think acting starts when I let go of who I am so I can play characters of really different personalities, such as Ye-Kyung from Adult Trainee and Doo-Shik from Delivery. It’s very attractive to be able to bring out another side of me and live out the lives of characters who are the complete opposite of who I really am.
It’s December. What are your plans for Christmas this year? Actually, Christmas is just around the corner for me. Since I was young, I didn’t believe in Santa Claus (laughs), and it was just a fun day to receive gifts from my parents. Every year, the members and I meet, and although short, I was happy to be with the members while spending Christmas, and I think I will be with the members again this year.
With the arrival of the Corona era, face-to-face meetings with fans are not far off. What is the first thing you want to say to your fans? When we were just about to start the tour, it was cancelled due to COVID-19, and as face-to-face contact became impossible, we couldn’t meet the fans at all, so we miss them so much. When we meet, the first thing I want to tell them is that I really miss them. I just might cry (laughs).
As a singer, actor, and entertainer, you are showing your talent in many ways. What attributes would you like to see added in the future? I still don’t know myself very well. I think it’s a time to keep getting to know and learn more about myself. I’m also very curious about how I'll evolve, and I hope the public will always be curious about what kind of songs I’ll sing or what kind of work I’ll do.
It’s already been a year. Do you have any wishes for 2022? I hope it’ll be a good year to take care of my health. I say this everyday because I’m not really good at taking care of myself. I hope I can take care of my health and promote happily in 2022.
*Some of the translations may not be 100% accurate
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wsharu · 3 years
an introduction of the typist
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hyello, i am flora -- junho/haru’s typist, i am 25+ from the eu ( she/her) ! i am beyond excited to join wishingstars with this boy. i hope i eventually can get around to plotting with everyone, i have a full-time job so i aplogize if i am not the fastest to respone. anyway, if anyone would like to plot anything ( i especially welcome anyone from phoenix, lets get the relationship canons started ! ) i can plot over tumblr ims, twitter or disc*rd ( flora🌸#5511 )
career, about, plots
hwang “haru” junho, haru is his stage name - means day
born and raised in seoul, september 13th, 1998, 23 years old.
parents shielded him from the spotlight but when he debuted the rumors spread quickly and eventually they were photgraphed at his debut showcase supporting him.
in middle and high school he tried different sports, baseball and volleyball were his favorite.
in baseball he was a catcher
in volleyball he was a setter
phoenix’s vocalist, sub-rapper and VISUAL!
fans call him a face genius
been an idol now since 2018
his parents are famous and well known actors
has a younger sister who is not interested in being in the spotlight
is used to getting underestimated and loves to prove everyone that he is talented in his own right but is aware he has a long way to go.
has a good relationship with his parents, though they did disapprove of him being an idol, they wished he had pursued something else but they support him
disclaimer: i love angsty, slow burn, emotional plots that tug on heartstrings ok - and i love romance to mess up my muses so don’t be scared to ask about shipping and those kinds of plots. i am also down for short lived romances - because they are still young and trying to live their best lives!!!!
open starters / first meeting ideas(?!)
(  1  )  “ what are you reading? ”
junho likes to read, literature was one of his favorite subjects in school so when he wants to calm down-- he reads. one day his choice of book catches the attention of someone. ( this could be set pre-trainee, when he was a trainee or after becoming an idol ) .
(  2  )     "  don’t cry, i am sure it’ll be ok  ”
junho catches your muse in an emotional state, for whatever reason-- happy, sad -- its up to you but he attempts to help. if happiness i could make a fool out of himself one way or the other, if its from sadness then he’d lend a shoulder if its someone he knows. if its a stranger then he’d bring them something warm to drink.
(  3  )     “  do i eat it?  ”
he loves to eat and he has a sweet tooth, however he is slightly intolerant to milk, its not deadly but he gets a stomach ache. one day he sees this really delicious looking cake and wants to try it but there is a huge amout if milk in it, would your muse suggest that he eat it or not? what about his diet???
(  4  )     "  you can stand under my umbrella  ”
junho is friendly. one day after practice, he sees your muse standing somewhere --without an umbrella and at first he offers to give you his but after some back and forth you end up sharing an umbrella and he walks your muse to where they need to go.
(  5  )     "  do you need a band aid?  ”
either your msue sees junho fall and offers to give him a bandaid, or junho sees your muse fall over and scratch themselves and runs to a pharmacy and gets bandaids for you -- the only kind they had were pink and blue kids bandaids.
(  6  )     “  you’re… very handsome. is that all you are?  ”
it’s a fact that junho got signed for his visuals -- he knows this, it wasn’t for his amazing talent but very few have stated this to his face and so when your muse’s bluntness comments on this he is left speechless for a moment.
( 7 ) “ do you not pay attention where you walk? ”
the first time junho and your muse meet, your muse trips over something - from what he isn’t sure but he helps you stand back up. then the next few times they see each other your muse keeps tripping or walking into walls/glass doors. one day junho notices your muse walking aimlessly and just before your muse is about to trip/walk into something he stops you, chuckles and asks.
( 8 ) “ rescue operation ”
walking home from one of the late night practices he hears a noise from somewhere in a park, goes to find out what it is and there in a tree a small kitten is sitting meowing. at first he tries to call the cat to him but with no luck -- he looks around before grabbing onto a thick branch and starts climbing into the tree, once he has the cat he looks around, realizing it’s higher up than expected and i struggling to climb down with the cat clawing into him. so he calls for help.
( 9 ) “ can you be brave? ”
there isn’t much junho fears but if there is one thing he has to admit to struggle with it has to be scary movies and horror houses. however during halloween one year your muse and he were paired up randomly go go through one and your muse... was braver than he was - this was a few years ago but now? now you meet again as debuted idols and he is embarassed.
( 10 ) “ i wish ... ”
as trainee’s they were standing on a rooftop and wishing upon a shooting star, there was solidarity between the two but what did your muse wish for?
( 11 ) “ i am not a good person ”
when rejecting someone this is the line he usually uses before breaking their hearts, your muse overhears him saying this but you know him better than that and the fact that he is not a bad person, like he makes himself out to be.
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ja3hwa · 4 years
Word count: 797
Genre: Fluff, slight crack energy
Warnings: None
Notes: Childhood friends/crush meet years later.
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Seventeen was on a broadcast playing some games when a question fluttered around that made the members of the boy group curious. Has woozi ever had a girlfriend? Sadly the answer was no, as he was 'MoTae Solo' but he had an interesting story to tell none the less;
"yeah, we have spoken about you being a Motae solo before," Seungkwan spoke.
"Actually.." Woozi muttered.
"Actually?" Seungkwan replied.
"when I was young..."
"When you were young!!???"
"In middle school..."
"IN MIDDLE SCHOOL?" All the members spoke in disbelief.
"Ohh, that cant happen though?" S.coup said in confusion.
"Ohh don't tell me you have one! (A GF)." Vernon smiled cheekily.
"YA, why can't it happen?!" Woozi yelled to S.coup.
"Let him continue the story," Wonwoo said.
Woozi clears his throat and begins the story again.
"when I was in middle school, all I knew then was that she as just a Noona I new." He began.
"SHE WAS A NOONA!!!!" All the members shouted together.
Some started laughing while others fell on the floor, cringing at Woozi's so secret love life. Mingu even hit the floor hard cringing more then any member had. Woozi just waited for them to settle so he could finish.
"During that time she thought of me as a cute little boy."
"ahhhh." All the members responded
"Every time when I played baseball she would always be there. it was so nervous for me to be around her. but I didn't want to show that."
"So, you would want to show your cool side?" Jeonghan said.
"Back then my role was the catcher. when she wasnt around I would normally play but then when she was around I'd play more gentlemen like."
"When a Noona is watching, you were more to detail and kind." DK laughed as the members joined.
"id always acted like a gentleman."
"OOOh show off!!" Seungkwan huffed.
"I was not actually sure if she really liked me or if she thought of me as a very cute Dongsaeng," Woozi spoke softly.
"But we had a kind of relationship till I had to come to Seoul as a trainee."
"wass its a sad endingggg!" Jeonghan cried out.
"After that, I haven't seen her since, if I go back home I haven't found nor crossed paths with her since. "
------{Time Skip}-----
After the broadcast was finished the group went back to there entertainment to do their schedule. while each member went off to do their own thing for their practice. woozi went to the studio to look over some demos for there new Mini album that they were going to drop within the year.
It was his most comfortable place. He felt at peace whenever he was in the studio by himself, rarely being disturbed. Until...
*Knock Knock*
A knock comes from the from, as Woozi turned around to face the door, it opened to a Young girl poking her head in. She bowed and said hello.
"Hello, how can I help you?" Woozi asked noticing it was one of the new trainees that arrived yesterday.
"Uh..Oh...sorry I was looking for practice room B10 But I think I got the floors mixed up," she spoke, stuttering sound a bit embarrassed.
Woozi got up off his chair and asked for the paper in her hand that was her Schedule. He looked and saw what she has around the time now.
"Yeah, you need to go to the next floor up. look for a blue door with a 12 on it and you should get there." He spoke looking over the paper once more glancing to her name, making memories flood back in his head.
Y/N L/N...
he handed the paper wondering why that name was so familiar. She started to exit the room it clicked in his head.
"Wait, Did you use to happen to live in Busan when you were younger?" He asks clutching his hands tightly together to one another.
"Um, yes, yes I did through middle school." She replied.
"Y/n..." He got stuck on his own breath.
She looks at him in a bit if confusion not knowing why the question was important until Woozi said something that made her memory click.
"You use to watch me play baseball and we hung out. I would always get teased cause I liked you and you were my Noona..." He played a memory, making y/n snap it into place, figuring out who Woozi was.
"Lee JiHoon?" She said surprised but very glad.
"Yes, It's me." He smiled.
She gasped covering her mouth in shock seeing her first crush/love in front of her after all these years.
"Its been so long."
"Yeah, it has."
"You wanna catch up."
"I'd love too."
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fy-girls-generation · 3 years
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butbabeitsnotreal · 3 years
i watched too many korean dating shows in a short period of time, now im going to move onto something else for a bit. i think maybe the new kdrama bad and crazy? -- i loved love catcher season one and two. the new season three aka love catcher in seoul just feels different. it doesnt feel like true love catcher, i keep forgetting about the money aspect this season. the new panelist are not interesting enough. and all the men and woman get along so well its just boring. -- i watched five episodes of love me actually and its good but i didnt have access to the episodes for a week and kinda lost interest. i know new members get introduced in the next ep so i think i'll pick it up again eventually. the cast is pretty funny and the panelists are good. -- finally finished singles inferno and i think this one was the most basic and boring of all especially in comparison since i was watching the shows at the same time. i didnt really care for anyone too much. i am glad so yeon and jin taek ended up together. i dont really understood what everyone saw in jia. i think so many people chose her because shes rich and pretty and flirty. i dont think she has a major personality, at least i dont think the show did a good job showing it much. i know a lot of people thought she was on the show to promote herself. i was surprised the one girl (soo min i think) was 24 and a model.
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k-star-holic · 3 years
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Jang Doyen, a soft, intense look
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soonkyuism · 3 years
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sunny ☆ love catcher in seoul preview
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gimmeyoon · 5 years
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Updated: 12/16/19
✶ brain blast: I am going to write this fic
✶ plotting: I’m writing an outline of this fic and developing the plot
✶ writing: I’m in the process of actually writing this fic
✶ editing: I’m fixing this fic and getting ready to post it
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Coming Soon to GimmeYoon
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✶ Fifteen Sunflowers | Taehyung
   ✦ College AU: Part of the Weather Series
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝There’s nothing you hate more than professors assigning partners for group work. So of course your art professor did exactly that, and she matched you with the hottest human being you have ever seen. Fan-freaking-tastic.❞
   ✦ status: plotting
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✶ Picture Perfect | Seokjin
   ✦ That’s Classic Series: Inspired by the Picture of Dorian Gray
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝Look, Seokjin knows it weird that his parents had a portrait commissioned of him for his high school graduation. And yes, he also thinks it’s weird that the painting somehow looks likes its aging with him. He doesn’t need you to bring it up. He certainly doesn’t need the girl in his Chemistry class to know about it, but that certainly didn’t stop Jimin from telling her.❞
   ✦ status: brain blast  
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✶ Bloom | Jimin
   ✦ College AU: Part of the Weather Series
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝There were few things you remembered about the spring concert, and none of them were making out with Park Jimin❞
   ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Before the Fall | Yoongi
   ✦ That’s Classic Series: Inspired by Pride and Prejudice
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝Firstly, Yoongi would like it to be known that it’s his parents who are rich not him. Secondly, yes he is friends with Park Jimin but that certainly does not, and he cannot emphasize this enough, make him rich. Thirdly, even if he was rich that in no way influenced his making it into this school. He’s a music prodigy, god damnit, and if anyone has any questions they can ask Park Jimin because Yoongi is in the music room practicing and has no plans to leave.❞
   ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Green Light | Hoseok
   ✦ That’s Classic Series: Inspired by the Great Gatsby
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝Hoseok is sure of two things: going on that break was the worst decision of his college experience and posting snapchats to prove that he is doing much better is the only way to stay afloat. He may or may not have saw on instagram that her cousin is a Freshmen, and he may or may not be the reason Beta Tau Sigma is committed to throwing the best parties this campus has seen every weekend. Now he just has to wait for this theoretical cousin to find her way to the house. Do it for the Snap.❞
   ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Snow One Like You | Seokjin
  ✦ College AU: Part of the Weather Series
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝All you want for Christmas is for your best friend to realize he’s in love with you❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Cold Hands | Yoongi
  ✦ College AU: Part of the Weather Series
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝you do not, in fact, have time to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Thankfully some edge lord took pity on you and saved you from the guy who’s always giving out bibles on the quad❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Lost Boy | Taehyung
  ✦ That’s Classic Series: Inspired by Peter Pan and Wendy
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝Taehyung’s life motto is that getting older doesn’t mean growing up. Every day can be an adventure if you let yourself remember how great it was to be a kid. He remembered that you liked that about him, you really did, so why are you so mad?❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Nobody | Jungkook
  ✦ That’s Classic Series: Inspired by the Odyssey
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝Jungkook just happened to score the winning goal in the national championship game, it’s no big deal. Just another day for the golden boy. Now he’s excited to make his way back to campus and get that kiss you promised him if he won. Only problem is the world seems to be against him now.❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Fire and Ice | Jimin
  ✦ That’s Classic Series: Inspired by Jane Eyre
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
  ❝Jimin doesn’t expect people to understand that he both regrets getting his high school girlfriend pregnant and loves his daughter with all of his heart. It worked out fine, Jimin and his daughter live off campus with his parents, so he can still go to college and get his degree. Everything was going just fine, thank you, until he met his match, and now Jimin’s not sure how much longer he can keep wearing his mask.❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Natural History | Namjoon
  ✦ That’s Classic Series: Inspired by the Catcher in the Rye
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝Listen, Namjoon’s not exactly sure what to do now that he has been kicked out of Beta Tau Sigma, and he is particularly not sure how he’s going to break the news to the proud alum, otherwise known as his father. He figures he might as well ask everyone he comes into contact with along the way what they would do in his situation. Not that any is helpful, adults are sort of all phonies at the end of the day. That’s nothing his favorite wing of the Natural History museum can’t attempt to fix. Now someone tell this blue-haired girl to leave him alone.❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Yin and Yang | Taehyung
   ✦ Superhuman au
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝They made one darkness and the other light. They made one the bringer of death and the other the giver of life. They made them powerful, but they locked them in cages. Powerful things do not like to be locked in cages.❞
   ✦ status: writing
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✶ Gemini Feed | Yoongi and Namjoon
  ✦ College AU
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝ Gemini Feed: two similar individuals that feed into their own destruction with emotional disconnect and a lack of mutual respect and love.❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ ‘Til Death We Do Art | Seokjin
 ✦ Zombie AU
 ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
  ❝Perhaps the most surprising part of the Zombie Apocalypse is stumbling upon a group of friends intent on using art to save the world. If you don’t protect them from the dead, who will?❞
 ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Midnight City | Yoongi
    ✦ Undercover Cop / Crime Ring AU
    ✦ genre: angst, smut
    ❝You’ve been bothering your police friend for years about the supposed crime ring led by the wealthiest men in Seoul, with nothing to show for it except a friend that won’t answer your calls. That is until a new graduate of the police academy decides to humor you and check out a few of your leads. Now you’re falling deeper and deeper into the world of Midnight City and you’re not sure if there’s a way out.❞
    ✦ status: brain blast
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 ✶ Love Island | Bangtan OT7
    ✦ reality dating show AU
    ✦ genre: angst, smut, fluff
    ❝A cast of hot young singles looking for love and romance on the beautiful island of Mallorca and the chance to win $50,000. What more do you need to convince you to audition? It’s gonna be a long, hot summer.❞
     ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Again and Again | Jimin
   ✦ Reincarnation AU, enemies to Lovers
   ✦ genre: angst, smut, fluff
   ❝You have lived many lives for many millennia, and in each one you find each other. Like a sick joke, the universe keeps forcing you and the soul you hate together. This life it’s no different.❞
    ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Bottom of the River | Jungkook
   ✦ Witch AU
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝When you met Jungkook the world was at peace. It was okay for you to be involved with a normie, you and your coven’s biggest problem was debating whether buying your tarot cards off of Amazon was ethical. But then the world as you knew it ended and Jungkook seemed to always be caught in the middle of it.❞
   ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ March 10th | Yoongi
  ✦ friends to lovers au
  ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝Yoongi: your friend through it all that hates his birthday. So you come to an agreement, you won’t celebrate it. You’ll meet up the day after and hang out like it’s any other day. Even when you move miles and miles away from each other you still meet up every year on that day.❞
  ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ The Adventures of N’Sync and Mr. President | Namjoon
    ✦ college au, friends to lovers
    ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝You and Namjoon are unlikely friends, the bi art girl to his student body president, business and Polisci double major perfect self. It all started the day you both fell in love with the same girl. And the rest is, how they say, history.❞
    ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Be Right Back | Taehyung
    ✦ supernatural au (set in the Say My Name universe)
    ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
    ❝When your boyfriend died you thought you had lost him forever. Then one day a book falling from your shelf opens your eyes to the strange and unusual. Forever became real that day, but it’s not the paradise you’d always dreamed it would be.❞
    ✦ status: brain blast
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✶ Jinkies | Hoseok
   ✦ Scooby Doo AU, friends to lovers
   ✦ genre: fluff, angst, smut
   ❝You are definitely not in love with your friend, co-worker, and leader of Mystery Inc.. Sure, whenever he enacts his favorite plan, splitting up, the two of you usually go off together, and that one time you pretended to be a couple for an investigation was weird, but you don’t have feelings for your friend. Sure, he’s handsome, and confident, and kind, and a good friend.... Zoinks, maybe you are in love with Hoseok.❞
   ✦ status: brain blast
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