#love fatalis simple as
ciggycat-art · 2 years
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love drawing Fatalis
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
I’ve been seeing a lot of andweaso’s Agent Red in my YouTube Shorts and I really have to start writing for my other projects
So I present to you:
from my set of ocs planned for a webtoon called Honey Fatalis (which you can read more about in the tag #HONEY FATALIS 🔪)
YOU ARE THE HIVEMIND. Quite literally the ruler of information and data across the planet. You had dirt on anyone and everyone. You had the power to start and end wars in an instant.
You, are also an actor. Why take such a high profile job when you had such a volatile career behind the scenes? Well that was simple, no one will ever find out. No one ever could anyways. Besides, as an actor, learning multiple skills such as the use of guns, martial arts, and well acting would seem much less suspicious.
You were known for your cold, distant personality. Often inciting scandals due to other celebrities vying for your attention and promptly throwing a temper tantrum when you refused to do so. You have garnered so much hate and danger that your manager went ahead and hired a couple of bodyguards to prevent any mishaps.
That being said, your bodyguards happen to be the world’s two most dangerous spies.
Spy Agencies loved to pluck their workers from orphanages. It was easier to deal with a person that had no attachments after all. But they could not predict that their geniuses Agent White and Agent Black , would be such big fans of you.
Indeed. Both of them had watched every single media you have been (released to the public or not), and monitored you 24/7. They were quite a nuisance when it came to hiding your identity, but nonetheless useful tools.
You agreed to their hiring precisely due to the things listed above. If they were distracted by you in real life, they’d have less time to stalk you like the obsessive bastards they were.
You didn’t have to do much. Both spies were charismatic people. They often approached you. Eyes filled with admiration and lust as they shielded your body with theirs from paparazzi and the likes. You could hear their labored breaths as they struggled — daresay agonized — to hold you properly instead of this awkward dance they had to do for the sake of formalities.
Of course all things must come to end, and your identity had been forced into the surface by a hitman paid to take your life.
“Oh, Hivemind. If you’d only known how much I have wished to ravish you—“
But perhaps they were more interested in taking you in other ways instead.
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Ramattra x Reader - suggestion/ idea
«The remain of shattered» (as I call it)
_The day you were presented to him he thought it was ironic, humiliating to "your kind" even: a human given to him for personal serves. Now, isn't it wonderful. The one of who were once "in charge" now stood below (how it was meant to be long time ago, he gloated).
_It was quet delightfull at the begining.
The way you never dared to complain or go against the said. No matter the mockery nor threat, you always stood in silence, tongue bitten, eyes shamefully (as he foolishly thought back then) fixed on the floor - never to look up if you're not ordered to.
_But time have passed. He started to realize how much power he has over you. So much.. too much.
_At first it was a simple comparing, an insignificant note to himself:
The way those other humans spoke, the way their faces twisted in fear or flew with happiness, how characters were seen in their simple chatting, how gestures and the moves expressed so much.
Yet, you always stayed the same.
Dull eyes of yours that never shared the same amount of joy, or saddness, or anger - anything so many others did. The never changing features of your face.. there was truly nothing capable of making them wince even slightes - the mighty fear of death herself was powerless against it. Meaningless.
_And that - though, never accepting the fact - was what started to scare him the most.
No matter the damage that pulled your body dangerously neer the edge, or amouts of blood seeking the way out of your flesh, you forced yourself to stand straight on those trembling legs, ready to take orders while still capabel of, while still conscious.
They all called it "the rightfull discipline". Some scoffly, others with pure proud.
He called it madness.
For him that was no discipline if it made a person slaughter themself in attempt to obey. And he ..wished (?) he was exaggerating with this type of statement.
There never was a single doubt behind those voids of eyes when his hand squeeze your neck especially hard against the wall in one of his many tantrums. And not a single cry of pain after a few more words said wrong that caused you to bleed on the floor with the abdomen open by your own now bloody hands. Him standing there opposite watching the dark red puddles spread, still processing how fataly abstract his "order" was.
_Only then he understood how radical Talon was in relation to creating you.
_How wrong in many ways you are.
_How important his next actions will be.
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I'm a big fan of reverse type of tropes and the swap vesion of "human teaches machine how to feel" lays PERFECTLY with this character.
I am going to add more to this little idea in other posts (hopefully..), but here is one important thing to know about the reader/ y/n: they are EMOTIONLESS here. They were taken by Talon and got experimented on almost the same way Amélie was once, but um lets just say they took it to the new level here. Cause, lets be real, Widowmaker is not really emotionless-emotionless if you know what I mean. Even if we don't take into account latest events, she was showing some sort of feelings from the start and it just DOES NOT work for me, okay?
Also, no, the shit that was done and still going on with reader/ y/n/ you(???, bare with me I'm sorta new at this) is not cool in any way. Those mf did a number on you and Ram has to deal with a sht ton of trauma (the reason behind his actions will also be told, but lets make it step by step, guys)
So, really hope some of you enjoyed it, will LOVE to hear your thoughts and suggestions.
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saberfangzz · 1 year
Intro post!
Stuff is highlighted for skimming but it's encouraged you read the fine print.
-- this is my alterhumanity/kinnie/etc blog. if you're "weirded out" by alterhumanity/kinning/therianism get over yourself it's 2023 LMAO
-- he/xe/it no they/them plz. queer transsexual bear. objectum (machinery) and posic+ which I'll also be posting here. i have a boyfriend who i love (@npdosiris).
-- 19
— no you cannot have my full list of diagnostics that’s my business only.
-- sockeye salmon, smilodon fatalis therian.
-- self-identified robot. self-identified alien. self-identified demon. not really putting a label to it because i simply just am who i am, aiat.
-- fictionkin. the list is long.
-- i think label discourse is fucking stupid within the queer community so naturally i think it's fucking stupid in the therian/kin/etc community. label yourself however the fuck you please and to hell with what others say. this also applies if you don't like labels.
— I do not have a DNI but if I block you don’t bother me about it because it was most likely for a reason.
-- On that note, this is not the place for discourse. I usually save that sort of stuff (infrequently) for my personal blog.
— do not misinterpret my posts. I don’t wanna see any of that ‘how dare you say we piss on the poor’ type bullshit here.
-- i want to have the vibe of a cool dad who sits on a collapsable chair with a beer in hand that takes you fishing and tells you cool stories. feel free to ask me about anything, and I mean, anything. I'll gladly chat.
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pokecraftking · 3 years
(monster hunter asks)
Bitch BET-
1. Weapon main?
Hammer all day every day. My 2nd world playthrough I've specifically given myself the challenge of "use anything but hammer" and I've been loving lance ngl! And in rise, Hunting Horn has surprisingly been a blast to play!
2. Favorite armor set?
Probably the Vaal Hazak armor from world. Dyed blue, it looks absolutely AMAZING!!!
3. What's your HR?
In World my HR is 454 and MR is 324, and in rise my HR is 129! Played a shit ton of world and iceborne back when they were getting updates.
4. Coolest weapon?
EASILY the Seltas hammer from 4u and GU. Its a ROCKET POWERED DRILL HAMMER!!!
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5. Favorite Monsters?
Bazelgeuse and Seltas Queen! I've gone on about both of them, but long story short I adore both their designs and fights, and have some very fond memories of both!
6. Favorite game in the series?
Easily World and Iceborne. The biggest gripe people had with iceborne was the clutch claw, and as any other hammer main can tell you, we ADORED the clutch claw, and honestly as mich as people love rise, I prefer world in nearly every way. Not even just iceborne, but WORLD. Sunbreak has some big shoes to fill is it wants to even match Iceborne in my eyes.
7. First Monster Hunter game?
4U on my 3ds! Still have the cartridge somewhere, but i completely abandoned it come world, and GU put the nail in that coffin. Might revisit it at a later point, but not now.
8. What weapon would you like to learn?
I mean, with me playing a lot of hammer, lance in world, and hunting horn in rise, and knowing how to play the bowguns, there's not much else I really want to learn. Maybe gunlance if I had to pick one? Idk.
9. Did you use prowler much?
Nah, never used it. Loved monster hunter for it's combat, and prowler felt a bit too removed and just off to me.
10. Scariest monster to fight?
Easily Iceborne Fatalis. 1 wrong move and you're fuckin dead, and play too slow and careful and you time out. A major rush where everything must go right and every move can spell certain death.
11. What's something you wish the games had?
Honestly, a fist weapon (no, rajang dual blades don't count). I wanna be able to run up to a Dalamadur and just PUNCH IT YEAH-
12. Best/worst name you've given a palico and palemute?
Best is probably my palico cinnamon bun in world, worst is my all yellow palemute named bananaman lmao.
13. Favorite area(s) to hunt in?
Definitely the elders recess in MHW. My god the slopes and ledges in there were amazing to use with Hammer! The Hoarfrost reach wins best looking though.
14. If you could do any crossover, what would it be?
RWBY without question. I mean, the Hunstmen and Grimm and Hunters and Monsters thing are similar to the point a crossover could be done EASY! Plus, theres so many cool weapons in RWBY that would look great brought into monster hunter, and we could even fight a cool grimm!
15. Opinion on fan-made monsters?
Usually cool, nothin more or less. I do like some of the hybrid monsters I've seen, and LOVE some of the subspecies and deviants I've seen as well!
16. Unpopular oponions?
A few:
GS and dual blades to a degree are simple to the point of being kinda lame in my eyes.
Fucking HATE Tigrex, and not a big fan of nargacuga, mizu, or rathalos. All popular and cool in their own rights, but not a fan personally.
The arch tempereds in World were good at minimum, and the way their armor worked is how the apexs should have worked in Rise.
MHW Alatreon is a great fight as long as you actually pay attention and play by its rules.
The clutch claw was a great idea, just not the best execution with some weapons and monsters.
17. Would you recommend the games?
YES! A MILLION TIMES YES! World is on practically EVERYTHING, and honestly world alone I could sing the praises of for days on end, let alone the other games. If you haven't played a monster hunter game, play world or rise ASAP!!!
...this is where I'd say ask away but... all tge prompts were awnsered here... idk.
Have a turtle
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kusosamurai · 3 years
How and why did you become a cyborg? Did you fall down a cliff in wano and got fataly wounded?
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"Oi...! I love telling this story! It all started when I was a kid, de-gozaru."
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"Oiii, dad! You think I'm gonna be a strong samurai someday?!"
"Ke-heeheehee! Don't get ahead of yourself, blooming onion!"
"That's right! Only the strongest of wills can become samurai!"
"Shut it, you two. . . .Yes, son! You will become a great samurai someday!"
The Bother Clan was as ever-boisterous as they were on that day, fully committed to getting water from the local well. For the majority of the samurai there, and especially his father, Don't Bother, it was just another day on the trail. A simple mission. Why Bother, however, saw this as a great opportunity to prove himself! This was his first time ever allowed to come along to get water, and he was going to do the impossible:
He was going to carry two jugs instead of one.
This insurmountable task was sure to impress his father and the rest of the samurai there, it was a foolproof plan as devised by the six-year old.
Grandiose thoughts whizzed through the young blood's mind, and it kept him occupied all the way until they got to the watering hole. It was just a matter of getting there, he told himself... But when he got there, nothing could have prepared any six-year old for what was about to happen. . .
The "No" Clan scoffed as the Bothers approached, knowing fully well just how disgusting they were. No Dao was the kinsman of the clan, a hard-boiled veteran of several Wano wars, marked with several wounds all on his front side - to have any injuries on the back of the body was cowardice.
"Here comes those Bothers... Oi, Bother Clan! Still hanging onto that shitty fruit of yours? Daohohoho!"
Trouble was bound to brew when two strong forces met each other. It was just the nature of the world, and so it would be the same as the two clans wanted this water. Of course there was enough water for both clans, but this was the time to show might over right. This was the time to show those shitty Bothers what for.
"Just ignore them, --waza. Stick to our side of the pool and don't go over there for nothing. You hear me, Why?" Don't Bother nodded to his son once. Nobody seemed to be furious over the trading of words, except for Why Bother. He couldn't understand how as honorable samurai, his father and the rest of the others could simply allow the opposing clan to trample on them verbally!
"You're Samurai, what about proving your honor?!" Why Bother stammered to his father, punching the air and slicing at it with his imaginary sword.
"There's nothing to prove, young one. We as Bothers embrace the worst of our traits. That's what being a "man" and a "samurai" is all about, you hear me?" Don't Bother lectured his son, knowing full well how bloody of a war could erupt. Political unrest was common in Wano, and all it would take would be one spark to ignite the rest of the clans into a full-on engagement. So Don't Bother, prideful as he was, kept his head down, and forced his son to do the same.
But the insults kept coming. Soon, those insults took a more physical form. Rocks were thrown, words were exchanged, and swords were brandished. One rock in particular had hit Don't Bother...
... Shattering his sunglasses, the pride of the Wano Clan. Those sunglasses were a symbol of tradition and pride, belonging to one of the most influential figures in Wano history, the founder of the Bother Clan!
That did it. Why Bother could take no more, and erupted forth from his spot behind the Bothers. Of course, he was just as speedy as any six-year old, and so was quickly seized by a member of the Wait clan.
Kicking, flailing, biting and screaming, Why Bother pleaded for the clan to let him go. It was as a mosquito was to man, his pleads going unheard as the Wait clan exchanged Why Bother, beating him and teasing him until he was a bloodied mess. Brutal to watch. Don't Bother gritted his teeth, his fingers ghosting over his sword. To think that his only son could have died in that situation; was it worth plunging Wano into another war? Shit. . .
Just as Don't Bother was about to lunge into battle, a shot went whizzing past his ear. That "something" had struck a nearby tree, exploding it into a shrapnel storm of timber. Don't Bother had heard of these before -- in fact, he had wielded one when he was much younger himself... Firearms. A turn of the century weapon that was still new to Wano. So rare... So how in the hell did one get to Wano?!
"That's enough, unhand that child now!" A disembodied voice bellowed, firing another shot at the Wait clan.
This bullet had struck No Dao directly in the shoulder, resulting in a tizzy of blood and swear words from the Samurai. "Shit... Let go of the kid and get out of here! Now!" Dao cursed, waving his good hand towards the Bother Clan. To be attacked by an invisible force from such a faraway distance... It must have been the work of devils! Devils on the Bother's side!
Absconding from the scene, the pack of 'No' Clan's samurais left a bloodied Why Bother in their wake. A scene that could have been so much more macabre was saved by an unknown force. Why Bother was crumpled, a sobbing mess of bruises and indignity. Pain... Why did it have to hurt so much?!
Don't Bother was quick to scoop his son up, scolding him.
"...Though, that leads the question... Who was it that shot those bullets?..." The Bother Clan had gone to investigate the bushes in which the shot was fired from, finding nobody. Only a simple Marine-grade firearm.
Amidst the dying tension, Why Bother smiled. In fact, he started to laugh...
"What the hell could you be laughing over, son?!" Don't Bother exclaimed, glossing calloused fingers over the new-age revolver.
"Dad... That was so cool! I want to be one of those when I grow up!!"
"What... A marine?!" Don't Bother scoffed.
"No... That!" Why Bother points to the pistol, giggling with sheer delight despite the extent of his injuries. Why Bother's head was full of new ideas... and this was only the beginning.
"And that's how I became a 'cyborg!' I just began to change my body around with what sounded cool, until I was the man I am today! Now if you excuse me, I have some new ideas I have to go implement, de-gozaru!!!"
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Closed RP with @ask-valstrax | P1 | P2 |
(He aimed his wing at safi, knowing he was mocking him) “try mocking me again and I'll kill your sorry ass” (black steam had came from striker, meaning that the fatalis time was up) “your lucky that my time is up, or else you wouldn't be standing there” (the fatalis soul had left Striker, leaving safi another unconscious person)
Safi just sort of stood there for a while, unfazed by the threat or the apparent possession. What, are Fatalises phantoms now? The sheer amount of irritance Safi has just gone through has left him with quite the headache. Guess he’s going to have to clean up other people’s messes after all, huh? Safi was quite strong, so it would be an easy task to just fly the two unwelcome guests to more suitable parts of the Guiding Lands. And perhaps they won't be able to find their way back. Or that's his hope, at least.
Tossing Dusk over one of his shoulders and holding Striker under his arm, Safi took off into the sky with ease, these beings feeling like nothing more than carrying a simple Aptonoth to him. The Jiiva is not doing this out of the good of his heart, he wants them gone. Gone for good. He doesn’t care if they get lost in and killed in a land they don't know, they didn't belong here in the first place and its not his job to take care of them like they’re children.
First up was Dusk. Landing in the desert side of the Lands, he dropped the Diablos haphazardly near a patch of cacti. He truly never understood a Diablos’ love for the spiked fruit, but to each their own.
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djgamek1ng · 4 years
Monster Hunter Rise Wishlist
OKAY I’M JUST REALLY EXCITED FOR THIS GAME AND I MUST SPEAK ABOUT IT SOMEWHERE. Also, chapter 3 is coming. Took me a bit longer due to school starting up once more, but I’ll get it out ASAP! :> With that stuff out of the way, OH MY GOOD GOD I NEED THIS GAME NOW. I NEEDED IT A MONTH AGO. I NEEDED IT LAST YEAR EVEN. I NEED IT! But... I won’t be able to get it until March 26th 2021, like everyone else :’( So instead, I’m going to talk about my wishlist for MH Rise!
Let’s start with the most obvious one: what monsters do I want to see return.  Well: - Leviathans just in general. Specifically Lagiacrus. Especially Lagiacrus. Leviathans are just cool monsters and I want to see them back. Lagiacrus is my favorite monster in the series (specifically Ivory Lagiacrus) and dammit, do I miss him so much. - Bazelgeuse and Dodogama from World. Bazel because I think it is a super unique monster that I kind of miss seeing in Iceborne, due to Seething Bazel (which also should come) not being an invader monster. Dodogama because ALL HAIL LORD DODOGAMA (also known as dodogama is really hecking cute and I love him) - Nakarkos, Valstrax, the rest of the Fated Four (Mizutsune, Astalos and Gammoth) and Malfestio are my picks from Generations (Ultimate), since they are all really cool designs that I think would lend itself well from getting an updated fight. - Nerscylla, Najarala, Kecha Wacha and Dalamadur are my picks from MH4(U). No Gore Magala since honestly... I don’t really care too much about it? I thought it was a neat monster, but in my eyes it seems a bit too... specific to just put in a game from a lore perspective. - Lagombi, LAGIACRUS, Amatsu, Agnaktor and Gobul are my picks from 3rd Gen (MH3, MH3U and Portable 3rd). Just... give me Leviathans. That’s all I ask Capcom ;-; - Daimyo Hermitaur, Ukanlos, Akantor, Yama Tsukami, Shogun Ceanataur and Chameleos are who I’d like to see from 2nd Gen (MH2, MH Freedom 2 and MH Freedom Unite). All of them are very unusual and not represented in World and I’d love to see them again! - Yian Kut-ku, Gravios and Monoblos from 1st Gen (MH and MHG). I just like ‘em :)
Now, I’m sure that some might ask “where are the monsters that returned in World in this list?” and the answer is... I expect most of them to return anyway. Like, all the Raths are for me not even a question on whether they will return. Zinogre is also super likely because of sheer popularity. Same goes for Deviljho. Diablos is arguably as recognizable as Rathalos is to the franchise. Barioth, Nargacuga and Tigrex absolutely will make it back. PLEASE NO YIAN-GARUGA, I DON’T WANNA BE SCREAMED TO DEA- *gets screamed to death*. All in all, I felt no big reason to include them since I think most of them are kind of “of course they will be back” territory.
Okay, obvious part out of the way, let’s get into more fun stuff... wild speculation! Biggest one (aside from monsters): a fun and varied moveset for all weapons. Like, as much as I love World, I think World’s combat is a step backwards from Generations Ultimate in some form. While I think World did a great job removing a lot of the clunkiness from older MH titles (including GU), it did so at the cost of fun imho. World’s movesets are incredibly... basic to put it simple. They all make sense and you can generally at least understand any weapon, except Charge Blade but that’s because it’s Charge Blade, in about half an hour. Sure, that might not give you all the details from a weapon, but it gives you more than enough to hunt with. While from the footage we’ve seen, they already look to be doing more with the weapons via the wirebug, I’m still concerned about how much. If we get like 5 or 6 wirebug attacks per weapon (they don’t have to be entirely unique, like one could just be “from jumping from wirebug swing, you do <x attack>” and I wouldn’t care) that are all at least marginally useful, great! If we get like 2-3... not great. Another big one for me and a slightly maybe controversial one: underwater combat. NOW, I get what you might be thinking... “Oh, the Lagiacrus fan wants underwater combat back, wow what a surprise”. While you aren’t wrong, I just want there to be a second shot at underwater combat at all. I feel like it adds so much more depth to monsters, both existing and potentially new, and it would be great to see it return.
I’d also love more special arenas. I feel like World was just a bit lacking in this. Like... we fought all monsters except Zorah, Safi, Kulve, Xeno, Ruiner Nergi, Shara, Alatreon and Fatalis in zones that we already explored. Maybe in a corner of a zone we didn’t see before, but still. Feels weird that many Elder Dragons got... nothing basically. Heck, pre-Iceborne, Nergigante, you know, World’s flagship who is also an Elder Dragon, was just in the Elder’s Recess :| Lastly, the reversal of charms and decorations to how they used to be. Charms were small little trinkets that held stats that you could get from mining or doing quests. Decorations were actual craftables you could make from monster parts. I’d personally like to see them return to that formula, since farming decorations is actual pain and can completely halt your build from working. Charms in that aspect were a much smaller thing and you could reliably make a build without them. I’d also feel that this would go better with the portable nature of MH Rise, where they would have to assume you are only playing for 30 minutes at a time instead of many hours. I think this swap back to the older system would lend itself better for a portable MH experience where you can be like “okay, I’m going to fight 1 or 2 Rathalos since I want the parts he gives for <x decoration>” instead of being like “welp, time to farm Tempered Kirin over and over so I can get a chance on getting <x decoration>”. Welp, that’s all I could come up with. Later o/
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Greetings fellow Riders and Hunters! 
I’m Tsavo, a Monster Hunter Stories fanatic, and overall MH nerd.  Welcome to my blog! where i am going to jokingly describe how i imagine the monsters smell. 
The idea for this blog came from a conversation i had with my oldest brother @emeraldthoughtsblog​ 
Starting with the list of monsters from MH Stories, all 112 of them! I’ll do my best to draw and describe anything from the simple Aptonoth, to the great Fatalis himself! 
(with a little bit of fun on the side!)
Feel free to request monsters! any that are requested will be done regardless of where in the list i am! Including World exclusives!!
Also! Don’t be afraid to ask me about my adventures! I would love to share my favorite monsters with you, and the journeys i have had in my play-through of stories!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Xbox Game Pass: New Games for July and August 2021 Revealed
Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft’s subscription service for Xbox One owners. It’s designed to be like a “Netflix for games,” where you pay a simple monthly rate and get access to loads of games for download. It’s not to be confused with the Xbox Live Gold membership, which gives users a selection of free games each month.
There has been a huge surge in popularity and profile for Xbox Game Pass since its launch, mainly due to the diverse list of games and first-party exlusives on the service. In fact, Microsoft drops new releases from its own internal studios onto the service on day one! Sea of Thieves was the first example of this, followed by State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3. Since then, the service has seen the day one launch of several other high-profile Xbox exclusives, including Gears 5, The Outer Worlds, and Halo: Reach on the Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Membership to Xbox Game Pass will set you back $9.99 per month. You can now also get an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription for $1 for the first month and $14.99 every month after that. The subscription includes an Xbox Live Gold membership as well as all of the games offered on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC. Plus, with cloud support, you can play a selection of Xbox Game Pass titles on your Android phone. And now you even get access to titles on EA Play, the third-party publisher’s own on-demand service.
New games are added each month to Xbox Game Pass. Here are the latest games coming to the service (with descriptions courtesy of the Xbox team):
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Xbox Game Pass: Games for June 2021
The Wild at Heart (Cloud) – June 1
Explore a beautiful, handcrafted world full of charming puzzles, and deep secrets in The Wild at Heart, a whimsical story centered around two children that escape to a fantastical land filled with magical creatures to befriend and an oddball order of guardians who’ve lost their way. Welcome to the Deep Woods.
For Honor (Cloud and Console) – June 3
War marches across the land of Heathmoor as heroes from rival factions clash in unending visceral battles. Use your finely honed skill to emerge victorious in a variety of thrilling single and brutal multiplayer modes. Grasp destiny in your hands and fight… for honor.
Backbone (PC) – June 8
Raccoon detective Howard Lotor is not a hero. He can barely make rent. And yet he has stumbled across something so massive that it will shake the very fabric of society. Stunning visuals, an evocative soundtrack, and a daring narrative bring a dystopian Vancouver, BC inhabited by animals to life in this highly anticipated, post-noir adventure. Get to it, detective.
Darkest Dungeon (Cloud, Console, and PC) – June 10
Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring. Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. Not only do unimaginable foes await, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Cloud, Console, and PC) – June 13
Now you can play all eight games in the mainline Yakuza saga from Yakuza 0 to the latest installment, Yakuza: Like a Dragon! Become Ichiban Kasuga, a low-ranking yakuza grunt left on the brink of death by the man he trusted most. Take up your legendary bat and get ready to crack some underworld skulls in dynamic RPG combat set against the backdrop of modern-day Japan in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Arx Fatalis (PC) – June 13
This critically acclaimed first-person RPG from Arkane Studios takes the player on an amazing journey into the fantasy world of Arx. As your quest unfolds you will explore ancient temples, bustling cities and abandoned mines; unearth legendary artifacts and face terrifying foes.
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
From the award-winning developers at Arkane Studios comes Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, the third adventure in the critically acclaimed Dishonored series. Explore the dark underbelly of society to pull off the ultimate assassination.
Doom (Cloud and Console) – June 13
Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat in Doom, 2016’s Action Game of the Year and lead-up to the critically acclaimed Doom Eternal. Become the Doom Slayer and experience visceral intuitive push-forward combat as you obliterate Hell’s armies.
Fallout (PC) – June 13
The first entry in the beloved Fallout franchise. Explore the devastated ruins of a golden age civilization. Talk, sneak or fight your way past mutants, gangsters, and robotic adversaries. Make the right decisions or you could end up as another fallen hero in the wastelands…
Fallout 2 (PC) – June 13
It’s been 80 long years since your ancestors trod across the wastelands. As you search for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to save your primitive village, your path is strewn with crippling radiation, megalomaniac mutants, and a relentless stream of lies, deceit and treachery.
Fallout 3 (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
An expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world.
Fallout: New Vegas (Newly added for PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
Welcome to New Vegas. It’s the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to being shot in the head… and that’s before things really get ugly. It’s a town of dreamers and desperados being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete control of this desert oasis.
Fallout: Tactics (PC) – June 13
In these dark times, the Brotherhood – your Brotherhood – is all that stands between the rekindled flame of civilization and the wasteland. Your squad mates will be dearer to you than your kin and for those that survive there will be honor, respect, and the spoils of war.
Rage (Cloud and Console) – June 13
In the not-too-distant future an asteroid impact left Earth ravaged. You emerge into a vast wasteland to discover humanity working to rebuild itself in a treacherous world. Survive and explore an expansive environment teeming with bandit gangs, mutant hordes and an oppressive government’s soldiers with exotic guns and gadgets.
The Evil Within 2 (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
Experience visceral survival horror as you descend into terrifying domains in search of your missing daughter. Use weapons, traps, and stealth to survive an onslaught of horrifying creatures determined to rip you apart. Return to the nightmare to win back your life and the ones you love.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
You are BJ Blazkowicz, humanity’s last hope for liberty, on a mission to recruit the boldest resistance leaders left. Fight in iconic American locations, equip an arsenal of awesome guns, and unleash new abilities as you kill every Nazi in sight and spark the second American Revolution.
Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
Gather your party, choose your adventurer, and get ready to set out on an epic brawl through Icewind Dale on June 22 with Xbox Game Pass. Forget character sheets and math for the night, Dark Alliance is a third-person action brawler that drops you and your friends into the unforgiving frozen hellscape of Icewind Dale to take on iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters and collect epic loot. You can venture on your own, but with the addition of cross play on PC and Xbox featuring up to 4-player co-op, why would you?
Xbox Game Pass: Games for July 2021
Atomicrops (Cloud, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – July 22
Atomicrops is an action-packed, roguelite, bullet-hell game where you must defend and cultivate the last farm in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Tend to mutated crops (be careful, some have teeth), marry townsfolk (ooh la la), collect cats (because who wouldn’t?!), and kill every mutant creature that tries to invade! This ain’t no ordinary farming simulator.
Raji: An Ancient Epic (Cloud, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – July 22
Take on the role of Raji, a young girl blessed by the gods to defend the human realm from an onslaught of demonic beings that seek to destroy her world. Brother and sister, Raji and Golu, separated by the attacking demonic hordes, now find themselves in the middle of a great war. Raji has taken it upon herself to find her brother and put an end to this reckless conflict.
Last Stop (Cloud, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – July 22
Developed by Variable State, creators of the award-winning Virginia, and available with Xbox Game Pass on day one, Last Stop is a single-player, third-person adventure set in present-day London, where you play as three separate characters whose worlds collide in the midst of a supernatural crisis.
Blinx: The Time Sweeper (Cloud and Console) – July 26
Coming to Xbox Game Pass to celebrate 20 Years of Xbox, Blinx: The Time Sweeper is a fast-paced action game featuring a cool, clever character in wild, warped worlds. The ability to control the flow of time provides a classic 4-dimensional gaming experience.
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Cloud and Console) – July 26
Celebrating 20 Years of Xbox, Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge combines thrilling aerial combat with the swashbuckling style of a Hollywood action-adventure movie. Set in an alternate 1930s world of gunship diplomacy and sinister intrigue, pilot powerful aircraft against nefarious air pirates and behemoth war zeppelins.
Microsoft Flight Simulator (Xbox Series X|S) – July 27
From Xbox Game Studios, available with Xbox Game Pass on day one of its release for Xbox Series X|S! From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly-detailed and accurate aircraft in the next generation of Microsoft Flight Simulator on Xbox Series X|S. Test your piloting skills against the challenges of real-time atmospheric simulation and live weather in a dynamic and living world. The sky is calling!
Lethal League Blaze (Cloud, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – July 29
An intense, high speed ball game with unique characters, outta sight sounds, and none of that weak stuff. In Shine City, the anti-gravity ball game has long been illegal. The group who kept playing was dubbed the Lethal League. Even now, with their sport pushed underground, players and crews compete for challenge and respect.
Omno (Cloud, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – July 29
Available with Xbox Game Pass on day one! A single-player journey of discovery through an ancient world of wonders, created by solo developer Jonas Manke. Full of puzzles, secrets, and obstacles to overcome, where the power of a lost civilization will carry you through forests, deserts, and tundra – even to the clouds.
Project Wingman (PC) ID@Xbox – July 29
In an immersive flight experience, you’ll dogfight, strike, and fly your way to conquering the skies. Strap yourself into the cockpit of over 20 unique aircraft and become a true ace in Project Wingman.
The Ascent (Cloud, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – July 29
Available with Xbox Game Pass on day one, The Ascent is a solo and co-op action-shooter RPG set in a cyberpunk world. The mega corporation that owns you and everyone, The Ascent Group, has just collapsed. Can you survive without it?
Xbox Game Pass: Games for August 2021
Twelve Minutes (PC, Cloud, and Console) – August 19
In Twelve Minutes, you play as a man coming home for what should be a romantic evening with your wife. The night twists into a nightmare when a brutish policeman breaks into your home, accuses your wife of murder, and beats you to death… only for you to wake up, suddenly returned to the moment you opened the front door. Your wife is blissfully unaware of what is about to happen, but you… you remember everything.
Psychonauts 2 (PC, Cloud, and Console) – August 25
Psychonauts 2 is an exciting journey through the mind filled with the signature Double Fine humor and heart, and a touch of next-level platforming. You play as Razputin Aquato, a trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, who has realized his lifelong dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts. But these psychic super spies are in trouble. Raz must use his powers to bring the murderous psychic villain, Maligula, back from the dead! Check out the video above and get psyched!
Hades (PC, Cloud, and Console) – TBA
As the immortal Prince of the Underworld, you’ll wield the powers and mythic weapons of Olympus to break free from the clutches of the god of the dead himself, while growing stronger and unraveling more of the story with each unique escape attempt. 
Xbox Game Pass: Games for September 2021
Aragami 2 (PC, Cloud, and Console) – September 17
Aragami 2 is a third person stealth game where you play as an assassin with the power to control the shadows. Join the shadow clan and fight the invader armies to protect your people. You are one of the last elite warriors of your kin, the Aragami. Victims of a supernatural affliction which corrodes the body and devours the mind, the Aragami control Shadow Essence – a mystical power which grants the ability to control the shadows. With this power the Aragami carry out their tasks and quests – assignments made all along the valley to ensure the subsistence of the village and to free the Aragami enslaved by the invader armies.
Sable (PC, Cloud, and Console) – September 23
Embark on a unique and unforgettable journey and guide Sable through her Gliding; a rite of passage that will take her across vast deserts and mesmerizing landscapes, capped by the remains of spaceships and ancient wonders.
The post Xbox Game Pass: New Games for July and August 2021 Revealed appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3e8utqM
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lureofthesea · 7 years
Top 25 Final Fantasy Songs of All
Published on Sep 29, 2015
The ultimate compilation of Final Fantasy music, ranked. The criteria was simple: Which songs from the storied Final Fantasy franchise have stood the test of time? And which ones are the most evocative of Square Enix's RPG legacy? For the sake of keeping things manageable, this compilation is limited to songs from the mainline Final Fantasy games--so no sequels (Final Fantasy X-2) or offshoots (Final Fantasy Tactics). Also, vocal songs (Eyes on Me) are not included; that's for another video! That said, every game from Final Fantasy I through XIV is represented in this list. Just barely missing the cut are the Chocobo theme, The Rebel Army (FFII), Battle With the Four Fiends (FFIV), Dancing Mad (FFVI), the Main Theme from FFVII, The Man With the Machine Gun (FFVIII), and Not Alone (FFIX). Finally, for each song in this compilation, I went with what I consider to be the definitive recording/arrangement. Without further ado: Tracklist: 25. Opening - Bombing Mission (Final Fantasy VII) - 00:00:07 24. Fabula Nova Crystallis (Final Fantasy XIII) - 00:04:06 23. Ultima (Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn) - 00:06:41 22. Aria, the Maiden of Water (Final Fantasy III) - 00:09:52 21. Battle 2 (Final Fantasy IV) - 00:11:15 20. Struggle For Freedom (Final Fantasy XII) - 00:12:30 19. Calm Before the Storm (Final Fantasy X) - 00:15:53 18. On Windy Meadows (Final Fantasy XIV) - 00:18:15 17. Main Theme (Final Fantasy II) - 00:21:00 16. The Extreme (Final Fantasy VIII) - 00:24:54 15. Main Theme of Final Fantasy V (Final Fantasy V) - 00:29:11 14. Roses of May (Final Fantasy IX) - 00:33:04 13. Battle at the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V) - 00:36:46 12. Memoro de la Stono (Final Fantasy XI) - 00:41:02 11. Theme of Love (Final Fantasy IV) - 00:44:06 10. Prelude (Crystal Theme) (Final Fantasy) - 00:49:26 9. A Place to Call Home (Final Fantasy IX) - 00:52:21 8. Terra's Theme (Final Fantasy VI) - 00:53:26 7. Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X) - 00:57:29 6. Opera "Maria and Draco" (Final Fantasy VI) - 01:00:38 5. One-Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII) - 01:12:50 4. Don't Be Afraid (Final Fantasy VIII) - 01:18:52 3. Aerith's Theme (Final Fantasy VII) - 01:22:34 2. Opening Theme (Final Fantasy Theme) (Final Fantasy) - 01:26:36 1. Liberi Fatali (Final Fantasy VIII) - 01:29:40
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kika331 · 7 years
Bea Smith case against Joan Ferguson
Many people are asking and guessing what might Joan exactly use to her defense as it's a very complicated case. I agree.But Joan's defense you say? Simple: Ferguson's whole defense against the charge of murder of Bea Smith is based on three facts. 1. Bea Smith was not supposed to be where she was, 2. Bea has history of self-harm, 3. There is no solid evidence or direct witness to what happened. Let me take you a bit deeper into this. 
1.As Joan rightly pointed out in 05x01, Bea Smith was out of the building by the side doors, on her own, where she wasn’t supposed to be at all. If someone wants to put blame on Joan Ferguson trying to prove that she wanted to kill Bea, they should ask themselves a question: Why would Bea be out there if it was Ferguson who wanted to kill her nad not the other way around? Why would she put herself to so much trouble to sneak out of the prison if she knew Ferguson would most likely end her life? Plus I think even prisoners that are released are searched on the way out, or items they have with them must be checked and signed for ar least, so why there is nowhere to be found a report or statement of an officer, that Ferguson had the screwdriver on her? And why was Ferguson released by the side doors anway? Is that a coincidence? No, it’s an obvious conspiracy.  2. This is the point where Joan would play the card of Bea’s history of self harm, which will be ridiculously easy to prove. First of all, Ferguson’s own report as a Governor and Will Jackson’s report as well about Bea’s escape to execute Holt clearly states the wounds on her wrists were self-inflicted as a part of the cold blooded plan, which was confirmed by Holt’s murder. Then we have quite obvious wounds on Bea’s thighs as she was cutting herself which will be confirmed and supported with ME’s autopsy report. That report might also state that Bea had fresh bruises on her wrist that can’t possibly be claimed to be defensive, meaning that Bea was not defending herself, but it might have suggested that she received the bruise as Ferguson tried to get the screwdriver from her when Bea attacked her (as it’s one of the eventualities she could use, depending how she wants to build her case). And the area is pretty clear of obstacles or hiding places so it is most unlikely that Ferguson could have taken Bea by surprise and attack her without Bea having chance to even register what’s happening, which again points to Bea as the initiator. Also Bea’s “attempt” to drown herself could be mentioned, but not necessarily, less is more sometimes. 
3. As to the 3rd point: it seems pretty clear. The lack of evidence or witnesses can’t build a solid case. There is apparently no CCTV, because if there was, it would just show how Bea stabbed herself. People who “witnessed” what happened haven’t seen anything at all and reliability of these two witnesses is questionable. Why is that?     Well, Will Jackson has been in trouble for Bea just too many times, he had a suspected relationship with her, he was a prime suspect to Harry Smith’s death, he was proven to have done few favors to Bea which led to events that got either prisoners or officers or both to strife or simply undermined authority or discipline. There is also his drug abuse history and it’s easy to prove if someone is a regular or first time user.     As to Vera, she could hardly be trusted as she obviously has not even control over her own officers and prisoners. That’s where we come back to point no.1 , where the question stands as how is it possible that the prisoner got out so easily without anyone noticing anything. That means she might have had help from the inside (officers), meaning Vera is as much of a suspect as everyone else.     And when they both state (as it’s sure they will) that they’ve seen Ferguson holding the weapon while Bea fell to the ground, fataly wounded, Ferguson could brush it off with two things. She could say Bea did it to herself and she just pulled out  the screwdriver out of her and even try to get it from her before she stabbed herself (which would be supported by the bruised wrist). And\plus she could play on temporary or momentary insanity as when she just added few stabs after Bea’s already done the damage and wanted Ferguson to do more.
So like this Joan could become Governor again, which I would love to see. 
Well, at least that’s how I see it.  
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so yeah this is getting continuation
2,8k words, bnha, unrated, still awfully unedited, bakugou, kirishima, occasional mentioning of others, they play mortal kombat x, slow burn that actually resists my attempts to make it burn faster maybe
Bakugou wished he could tell Kirishima to unfuck this whole situation. Reasonable part of him argued that Kirishima just pointed out the issue, even though quite inaccurately.
The rest of Bakugou's mind growled in frustration: Kirishima brought his attention to Deku, and Bakugou dedicated more time to the useless asshole than usual. Way more time that Deku deserved, admittedly. And even the reasonable part of him agreed that the implications of being attracted to this stupid fuck were entirely Kirishima's fault.
Thing was, Bakugou didn't have a habit of dismissing threats, even laughable - he still deconstructed them before shrugging and laughing them off, and the way this stupid idea was presented to him was unambiguously threatening. It spiraled Bakugou into examining his interactions with Deku closely for next several days, and initially all he got out of this highly annoying and unpleasant business is that he hated Deku even more now. This entire /everything/ that composed the insufferable kid was pissing Bakugou off, and that was familiar, but there were new discoveries. Now that Deku had the quirk and the shadow of All Might behind him - Bakugou wasn't stupid, he saw the way Deku was being singled out by the honored hero - the way this little shit embodied the concept of dare was more pronounced.
Bakugou forced himself to realize that now Deku had tools and chances and luck to make his dreams come true, and that shook him, as Deku's dreams, if fleshed, were an actual threat to his own ambitions.
The fact that this was still /Deku/, useless and weak, wasn't helping Bakugou at all.
Another thought arose from all of that.
What would Kirishima gain from revealing this all to Bakugou?
"Stop blocking and face me, coward!"
Bakugou quickly sent the glace at the group of students on the sofa in the common area.
Some prick with ridiculous name from Class B came to visit - apparently he and Kirishima were friends now - and brought a gaming console with him, to the delight of the more useless part of Class A. Currently he and Kirishima were playing some fighter with the rest of the group cheering and waiting for their turn.
Bakugou was there for a reason, pretending to be reading the textbook and occasionally snapping at people for being too loud. The reason was to watch Kirishima and figure out if /he/ was a threat now, and what Bakugou should do in case the results of this observation were positive.
"Damnit, Tetsu! I'm just rusty, give me a couple of more rounds," Kirishima wailed, watching his character being juggled in the air ruthlessly.
Bakugou was somewhat puzzled how two boys were able to distinguish between their fighters, given that they picked the same character.
"Prepare for fatali- ah, shit, I dropped the combo," Tetsutetsu lamented.
On the screen, the ninja in a slightly darker costume hopped on his feet, bloodied, with only a tiny bit of hit points left. Bakugou finally noticed the difference: Tetsutetsu's fighter had a mask and gilded hands and chest (and larger pool of hit points currently), and Kirishima's was unmasked and had grey rocky skin on hands on chest (almost dead). He pondered if this was just a cosmetic difference.
"Wait, wait, wait, I know something cooler," Kirishima hurried to say, hitting Tetsutetsu's hand in excitement.
"Huh? Is this some sort of distraction?" Tetsutetsu was immediately distracted as he tried to glare at Kirishima. Bakugou thought that this was a perfect moment for Kirishima to pick up his controller and mash the buttons.
"No, no, listen- activate lava skin," Kirishima said, grinning like a complete and utter idiot.
"But I never-"
"Just do it," Kirishima made a complicated gesture with his hands, as if putting someting into something, whatever the fuck that could mean.
Tetsutesu complied, and his fighter made a motion, shedding the gold off himself. Lava skin was a fitting name, Bakugou thought. He also thought: why the hell Tetsutetsu would follow Kirishima's instructions? He could easily claim victory with just one hit.
"Now, drop rock," Kirishima instructed his friend further. He made a motion with his fingers over the controller buttons, reflexively remembering the move.
Tetsutetsu quickly pressed the buttons on his controller. On screen, the pile of flaming rocks fell onto the head of Kirishima's fighter and in dramatic slo-mo he was burned until only the skeleton remained in the least plausible way. The speakers announced: "Brutality. Tremor wins," followed immediately by Tetsutetsu's amazed exclamation:
"I didn't know that was a brutality! Dude!!" He turned to Kirishima, looking absolutely delighted.
Kirishima looked like one smug son of a bitch, like he didn't lose the match, and said, beaming:
"Нow didn't you know? I thought you mained Tremor, Tetsu," he mocked his friend, eyes squinting with laughter.
"Shut up! I looked at moveset ages ago!"
Bakugou wanted to explode his book. How the fuck did Kirishima even operate? He gave fucking advices on how to kick his ass better. And then he looked like he was victorious. Some guess crawled into Bakugou's head: maybe, in some assbackwards way, Kirishima could claim this victory over himself if he took part in it? The thought had something logical in it, but it was fucking stupid anyway. And Bakugou thought that this wasn't the case with Kirishima, because he looked like his defeat didn't matter.
Of course it didn't matter. It was a fucking videogame, Bakugou corrected himself.
Still, it seemed like Kirishima was getting something out of this whole thing.
* * *
U.A. taught Kirishima a lot about himself.
First thing was that even though his quirk wasn't flashy, but defensive, lacking utility, he still could have his dreams fulfilled, have a place among the most amazing heroes as equal. Not only could - he did.
He learned that not all quirks were convenient, easy to use, /obvious/, and that given time and training even something shoddy like hardening at the price of reduced movement could become more versatile. He thought about Aizawa's quirk a lot - how did their teacher discover it? How did he train himself to stand on par with heroes like All Might and monsters like Noumu? And he didn't even had any physical enhancements by his side. Only some ribbons. Kirishima listened to Aizawa's advices closely, unashamed to ask for clarifications when he didn't understand a damn thing.
It was not unlike these fighter games Kirishima loved, when some second-choice character, after some investment into learning all strong and weak spots, could wreck anything. Kirishima was learning to utilize himself and his quirk in similar manner.
Second thing he learned that apparently he was good with people.
He knew of that before, of course. But it was never evident about how much this was a boon to his skillset. Hell, he didn't even know that something so simple, so natural to him could even count as a fitting quality for a hero. Social navigation was easy for Kirishima, to a point when he wasn't much aware of it. Softening people around him up was a mindless, automatic action as he was more at ease when people around him weren't at each others' throats.
But to hone this skill for his future career?
Their group activities told him: yes. Teamwork was the goal, as much as training his quirk was.
So he tried his best.
Ashido could be distracted from crying by pictures of cats. Iida was genuinely glad to be included into activities for which others deemed him too "boring". Asui couldn't blush, but instead she blinked rapidly. Uraraka should have been monitored in their workout sessions so she wouldn't cheat lifting weights with her quirk.
Todoroki was an unacknowledged genius of situational comedy - most of his jokes flew out of the window because of his aloof attitude, and that troubled him. Fumikage actually needed some sort of acknowledgment for his nerdiness once in a while. Yaoyorozu never seemed the type to help anyone cheat in tests, but when presented an opportunity, she was the first to help out.
That and much more Kirishima learned and carefully stored about every of his classmates, noticing how they grew on him in the process. He liked it. What he liked even more was when he saw how his mindless micromanaging was having the effect.
When he noticed that the most difficult and uncooperative classmate started making efforts to fit, Kirishima thought about maybe marking the day in the calendar.
Bakugou /tried/. It was small and far from ideal (blasting the bug off Kouda's desk was probably scarier than the bug), and it definitely looked like it cost him a little bit too much (tutoring Kaminari for mere fifteen minutes didn't go well), but it counted. Kirishima hoped that once Bakugou realized how his classmates were accepting and willing to work with him, this would have become easier for him.
The issue with Midoriya was being pountedly ignored by Bakugou, still. There was no obvious attempt to make up, no approaching his rival at all - it looked more like Bakugou tried to space himself from Midoriya. Kirishima left it that way. He felt this wasn't his issue to resolve.
What also was interesting is that often Bakugou's attempts at socializing were pointed at Kirishima. He didn't mind - he understood that out of the entire class he was probably the easiest to get along with, and that Bakugou would reasonably start with that. Kirishima got a chance to learn something valuable from his classmate every time, and he was glad to see a reluctant friendship forming.
Kirishima wondered why these attempts seemed a little off, as if Bakugou was trying to achieve something entirely different with all these efforts.
Current situation ticked off these alarms again.
"Stop fucking around already."
Angry scowl and beckoning gesture to start over again.
Kirishima hopped on his feet, trying to figure out what made Bakugou look so angry and uncomfortable.
He invited Kirishima to spar together after classes. That wasn't unusual by itself as this kind of activity was unofficially encouraged by some teachers, and the most motivated students considered that more of an entertaintment rather than real training.
They agreed to refrain from using quirks, given that the training field built to withstand students' careless use of their powers was occupied and Bakugou couldn't just intimidate other students out of there, leaving them with general training hall.
It took a while for Kirishima to get used to that kind of training. Not relying on rock skin meant that he actually had to dodge the hits. Bakugou was doing marginally better with all that "no quirk" thing, and Kirishima thought that his classmate probably dedicated some time to hone that, given that his quirk was so destructive in general.
"Get your head in the game," Bakugou growled, relentless and frustrated, and launched at Kirishima - less agile without explosions propelling him forward, but quick enough for Kirishima to barely manage in time.
He dodged the straight hit on his jaw and this time escaped the swift kick to his shin that swept him off the feet last time. The grin on Bakugou's face caught his eye.
"You aren't gonna win ever if you just sit on defensive, you idiot," he still growled, never letting Kirishima a chance to counter-attack.
Kirishima didn't hurry to react to the jab, yelling in response something unintelligible, staying in solid defense from all the hits and attempts to grab. His instincts told him to observe his opponent - Bakugou didn't seem like his usual self in fights right now. In a sense, Kirishima realized that this was some sort of tutoring session from Bakugou, but what else was there to that?
"Use your fucking head."
Again, Kirishima didn't let himself get provoked. This didn't seem like a regular training fight. It felt like some sort of phychological experiment, and Kirishima didn't like it one bit.
Kirishima noticed an opening in Bakugou's guard. He almost threw himself into attack, but by some miracle his body didn't move. Bakugou couldn't not know about this opening.
He quickly took two steps back and scowled:
"Bakugou, what the hell? Do you call that fighting? Give me everything you got, man!" He still stood on defensive, suddenly aware of how he was almost lured into a trap.
It didn't really match the expression of genuine surprise on Bakugou's face when he realized that Kirishima wasn't going to take the bait. It was a little bit insulting, even, to think that Bakugou thought of him being that stupid.
Surprise on Bakugou's face quickly changed into a smile, wicked and beautiful, and something in Kirishima's stomach did a backflip at the sight of this acknowledgment. Bakugou charged, and Kirishima met him with delight, knowing that Bakugou no longer underestimated him.
Kirishima still was at disadvantage, barely avoiding a sucker punch just to get into a lock from behind.
"Your tactics suck," Bakugou breathed into his ear.
"Tactics?" Kirishima laughed. He collected himself and jumped, slamming his head into Bakugou's nose. "Just use your head," he snickered at the indignant yelp from behind him. "Literally ram your head into them!"
Next thing he knew was that he was falling on the mat again, tackled by Bakugou howling in fury.
Silent agreement to take a pause in their wrestling followed. Kirishima looked at the ceiling, breath ragged from the excitement of the last moments of the fight. Bakugou lied next to him, rubbing his forehead. Kirishima turned his head to his classmate and saw him frowning so hard that his face threatened to collapse.
"I don't fucking get you, Kirishima," Bakugou said, eyes narrowed and distrustful. Kirishima felt his excitement draining. Something was still off, and Kirishima had no idea why.
"What exactly is it that you don't get?" He still asked, puzzled.
Bakugou made a gesture towards him in general.
"What do you get out from losing?" He asked.
Kirishima looked at him oddly, not understanding the question, and Bakugou elaborated, looking as if it physically pained him to force the words out:
"That time when you and that iron jerk were playing that shitty videogame. You lost to him on purpose. What fucking purpose?"
Kirishima blinked at him, at loss of words. Bakugou went on:
"And you always fucking do that? You know you are getting your ass kicked, and you give fucking /advices/ on how to do it?" He threw his hands in the air in frustration. "I fucking- I even tried to do the same! Stop fucking laughing!"
Kirishima couldn't stop until he was out of breath once it hit him that Bakugou wasn't trying to lure him into the trap and was actually trying to lose to him. Under the death glare, he ceased his giggling.
"I thought you were trying to lure me into fighting dirty," Kirishima confessed, putting his hands under his head, setting more comfortably. He felt that was a good conversation they were having.
Bakugou's face crunched even more:
"It took you /that/ obvious opening to realize, you fucking asshole."
Oh. That was slightly embarrassing, okay.
"Sorry," Kirishima said easily. "The whole thing seemed a little off, so I was wary."
Bakugou sat up, not looking at him anymore.
The question he asked Kirishima was worth thinking about, though. Really, what was he getting out of giving up on unimportant fights? Aside from compromises or truces?
"There's always something to learn from defeat," he tried some general rhethoric, eyeing Bakugou's back, stiff and tense. "And some things aren't even that important to win? If winning is not important for me, and I know I won't learn or gain much from it, I can let others win just because that can make them happier. I guess?" Kirishima didn't feel like this was the whole answer, but it covered as much as he was aware of.
Bakugou was silent for some time, posture still stressed, visibly processing the words. Kirishima waited out for him to speak his mind.
"Do you think I can do the same?"
Kirishima was taken by surprise. It was maybe the first time Bakugou asked his opinion on something, and man, why did he have to pick such a question? Why did he have to sound so insecure?
"Nah," Kirishima said, as carefully and carelessly at the same time as possible. "Losses are still something to learn from, but... like that? Not for you. You don't get happy on other people's behalf this much." Bakugou looked back at him, glaring. "No offense. Just an observation," Kirishima said seriously.
He watched Bakugou's shoulders relaxing, reflecting on all recent developments he noticed in his classmate. Bakugou was /trying/. It was reasonable for him to need encouragement in his attempts to fit in. Kirishima was willing to provide.
Bakugou got up on his feet, and the next thing Kirishima saw was a hand outstretched towards him. After a couple of beats Kirishima grabbed it, feeling callouses and rough skin against his palm, and got up.
Bakugou pointedly avoided eye contact. Kirishima, though grinning like an idiot, pleasantly surprised by this many positive developments, didn't pry.
"I'm hungry. Let's get to cafeteria," he suggested instead.
Bakugou nodded, accepting the offer of a way out, and they left the training hall in silence.
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jamesbyerj · 4 years
Modder to Developer - KospY
In this feature, we're chatting with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/337717]KospY[/url]. The brains behind the massively popular VR game, Blade & Sorcery, who began his journey into game development as a modder tinkering with his favourite games.  [b]Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us, KospY. To start out can you tell our readers a little about yourself? [/b] I am the developer of [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/629730/Blade_and_Sorcery/]Blade & Sorcery[/url], a physics-based medieval fantasy VR combat game which was released in Early Access end 2018. The particularity with my background is that I never worked in the games industry before, but I have been passionate about gaming since my childhood and never stopped to mod the games that I liked on my free time. In 2017, after I received my first VR headset, I was instantly hooked to VR and started to work on a "little" sword/magic combat game from time to time as a hobby. One year later, I got the opportunity to leave my daily job and took the plunge to work full-time on it and try to live from my passion. At the end of 2018, Blade & Sorcery was released on Steam and the game became one of the most played VR games on the platform. [b]Can you remember how you first go into gaming? Or any games that have special significance for you?[/b] I think the first games I ever played were on the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_2600]Atari[/url], and later, on something that did a big flop called [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CD-i]CD-i[/url]... But everything really started when I got my first computer (a Pentium 133mhz!) in the nineties. I was around twelve at this moment and I remember playing a lot of games so it would be too long to list them all! But if I need to pick some of my favourites from that time, I will say [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duke_Nukem_(video_game)]Duke Nukem[/url], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Annihilation]Total Annihilation[/url], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Jedi_Knight]Jedi Knight[/url], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-Life_(video_game)]Half-Life[/url] and maybe [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlezone_(1980_video_game)]Battlezone[/url]. In the 2000s, my favourite games were [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_Ex_(video_game)]Deux Ex[/url], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elder_Scrolls_III:_Morrowind]Morrowind[/url], [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arx_Fatalis]Arx Fatalis[/url] and [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeworld]Homeworld[/url]. These games really shaped my childhood and I still play them from time to time for Nostalgia :P [center][youtube]fOJkoHDfaNU[/youtube][/center] [b]Before working on your own game, Blade & Sorcery, you created mods for several games. Could you talk us through your modding history?[/b] I first started to mod games when Half-Life was released, I made maps with [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_(game_engine)#Source_SDK]WorldCraft (Hammer)[/url] and later did some sounds and visual overhauls for Counter-Strike. At this time, I was not doing any coding but I remember messing a lot with HL2 physics to create some stuff like human cannons, physics-based vehicles and other things :P Later I moved to the Bethesda games, this is when I started to publish my mods. I did a small balance mod for Skyrim ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4429]Hardcore and Balanced Experience[/url]) and a home replacement for Fallout New Vegas ([url=https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/40731]Lucky 38 Suite Reloaded[/url]). These mods are still hosted on Nexus, and the FNV one has been taken over by someone else :). At last, I moved to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/kerbalspaceprogram]Kerbal Space Program[/url]. As a fan of moddable games and everything space-related, this game was pure joy for me! I worked around 2 years on KSP and created two mods that are still popular these days: [url=https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/kerbal-attachment-system-kas]Kerbal Attachment System (KAS)[/url] and [url=https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods/kerbal-inventory-system-kis]Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)[/url]. I owe a lot to KSP because without this game I would not have learnt Unity and C# development, and B&S would surely not have existed! [center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/2295/images/26/26-1596019529-631392265.jpeg[/img] [img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/2295/images/26/26-1596019542-1776028845.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]For those who've never played it, Blade & Sorcery is a VR medieval fantasy sandbox game which makes full use of its unique and realistic physics engine to deliver an incredibly satisfying combat experience. How did you come to the decision to design and build your own game?[/b] The decision to do my own game came after I did the KIS and KAS mods, at this point I simply realized that I may know enough of Unity and C# development to be able to do my own game. As designing a game had always been a dream for me, I started to work on a prototype of a 2D space game, a mix between GTA 1 and FTL. I have been working a few months on it until I bought an Oculus DK2 for playing [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/359320/Elite_Dangerous/]Elite Dangerous[/url]. I remember being blown away by VR so much that I started to shift about new ideas for a VR game. When I received the Vive with the controllers, it confirmed my new ambition and I stopped my 2D game development to start to work on a VR game. I will be honest, development was a bit chaotic at first. I picked the medieval fantasy theme (as assets were easier to find) and started to work on a simple wave-based arena with teleport movement where the player had to fight waves of skeletons with magic. As I found this boring, I decided to scrap skeletons, add multiplayer, smooth locomotion and physics-based weapon handling and moved the game to something closer to [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/219640/Chivalry_Medieval_Warfare/]Chivalry[/url]. After some tests with other players, I found out that it would not work as I wanted, lag and non-physical enemies being too much of an issue to create satisfying melee combat. I also realized that competitive multiplayer was not really my thing, and that would cause issues in the long term. From there, I scratched the entire project and rewrote everything towards something closer to what I love, keeping only the physics-based handling and some other stuff I liked. The idea at this point was clear: create an innovative melee combat system, focusing on immersion and simulation rather than abstractions, allowing total freedom in the way we can fight and interact with the environment. [b]Blade & Sorcery is a big hit on Nexus Mods, with over 7.8 million downloads for the 1,900+ mods created by the community. It was one of the hottest games in 2019 for us. When you see how popular the game has become, how does that make you feel? [/b] I feel relieved! When you work so hard on something for a long time, it is a big relief to know that what you worked on and loved is also liked by others. I basically did everything in the game depending on my own liking, as a solo dev, I did not do a lot of playtesting and basically trusted my own guts on many things. A lot of time during the development, I wondered how the players would react to the way I did combat, especially as it was way different than what other games proposed at this time. I was also concerned with spending so much time about modding capabilities and wondered if players would be interested in modding a VR game about melee combat. Fortunately for me, a lot of players supported me and believed in my project right from the start, I can't be grateful enough for them :) I now feel a lot of responsibilities for them and I keep trying to not deceive during this early access, especially as the scope of the game has risen a lot since the beginning of the Early Access! Anyway, thanks to the players and our wonderful community, I am not alone anymore, and we are around 10 people working on the game. Blade & Sorcery is a long-term project, the next coming years will be decisive for us and I am eager to show what we are cooking for the future of Blade & Sorcery! [center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/2295/images/26/26-1596019141-1411200176.jpeg[/img] [img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/2295/images/26/26-1596019145-1028863626.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]Do you have any mods that you're particularly impressed by?[/b] Sadly I don't have much time to play mods, but I recently saw the [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/bladeandsorcery/mods/2195]B.A.R.Z.E.L mod[/url] in video and I was impressed, it really shows how crazy creative some modders are!  [b]What would you say the main challenges are in creating a game as moddable as Blade & Sorcery?[/b] Being an ex-modder myself, and B&S using Unity, I would say that it's not much of a challenge as long as you think about it from the beginning and you are open to it. It obviously requires more work, debugging can be a nightmare (players reporting issues caused by mods), and you constantly need to think about flexibility, but ultimately, I think it forces us to have a good foundation and allows the game to be more scalable, something that will be really important for our future plans. [b]The [url=https://discordapp.com/channels/327809947272478720/511186201043271680/719944828103819317]roadmap [/url]for Blade & Sorcery extends all the way to 2021, which upcoming features are you excited about working on?[/b] I am excited about the next big update, U9, featuring the first step to the player progression system and the randomly generated "dungeon". I cannot say much for now, but that will be a major milestone as it will finally move the game from a simple sandbox to something with more depth. Many players are looking forward to this and I hope we will not deceive anyone! On the long term (after B&S 1.0), there are a lot of things I would like to do... First, I am eager to work on non-humanoid creatures and be able to add more original content to the game like new armours, weapons, and environments. Secondly, I still think I barely scratched the surface of what we could do with physics and interactions, and I would like to work on some new physics-based features ;). At last, I would really like to add multiplayer for the dungeons (coop), and later some kind of open world. Sadly our team and technology are not ready yet for the last point, but if the players keep supporting us for our post 1.0 extension(s), and we successfully port the game to other platforms, that's something I hope to be able to accomplish in the long term! [b] We worked very closely with KospY to create the Blade & Sorcery addon for [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1]Vortex[/url]. Thanks to this close collaboration with the brains behind the game it's one of the most feature-rich extensions. What is your opinion of Vortex?[/b] I use Vortex personally for B&S and other games and it is simple and easy to use. I do recommend it for everyone wanting to mod the game without messing around with files and having to constantly check for mod updates :). [line] A big thank you to KospY for taking the time to talk to us! If there's an author or mod project you'd like to know more about, send your suggestions to [b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/64597]BigBizkit[/url][/b] or [b][url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/31179975]Pickysaurus[/url][/b].  Published first at Modder to Developer - KospY
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Xbox Game Pass: New Games for June 2021 Revealed
Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft’s subscription service for Xbox One owners. It’s designed to be like a “Netflix for games,” where you pay a simple monthly rate and get access to loads of games for download. It’s not to be confused with the Xbox Live Gold membership, which gives users a selection of free games each month.
There has been a huge surge in popularity and profile for Xbox Game Pass since its launch, mainly due to the diverse list of games and first-party exlusives on the service. In fact, Microsoft drops new releases from its own internal studios onto the service on day one! Sea of Thieves was the first example of this, followed by State of Decay 2 and Crackdown 3. Since then, the service has seen the day one launch of several other high-profile Xbox exclusives, including Gears 5, The Outer Worlds, and Halo: Reach on the Halo: The Master Chief Collection.
Membership to Xbox Game Pass will set you back $9.99 per month. You can now also get an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription for $1 for the first month and $14.99 every month after that. The subscription includes an Xbox Live Gold membership as well as all of the games offered on Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass for PC. Plus, with cloud support, you can play a selection of Xbox Game Pass titles on your Android phone. And now you even get access to titles on EA Play, the third-party publisher’s own on-demand service.
New games are added each month to Xbox Game Pass. Here are the games coming in June (with descriptions courtesy of the Xbox team):
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Xbox Game Pass: Games for June 2021
The Wild at Heart (Cloud) – June 1
Explore a beautiful, handcrafted world full of charming puzzles, and deep secrets in The Wild at Heart, a whimsical story centered around two children that escape to a fantastical land filled with magical creatures to befriend and an oddball order of guardians who’ve lost their way. Welcome to the Deep Woods.
For Honor (Cloud and Console) – June 3
War marches across the land of Heathmoor as heroes from rival factions clash in unending visceral battles. Use your finely honed skill to emerge victorious in a variety of thrilling single and brutal multiplayer modes. Grasp destiny in your hands and fight… for honor.
Backbone (PC) – June 8
Raccoon detective Howard Lotor is not a hero. He can barely make rent. And yet he has stumbled across something so massive that it will shake the very fabric of society. Stunning visuals, an evocative soundtrack, and a daring narrative bring a dystopian Vancouver, BC inhabited by animals to life in this highly anticipated, post-noir adventure. Get to it, detective.
Darkest Dungeon (Cloud, Console, and PC) – June 10
Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring. Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. Not only do unimaginable foes await, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (Cloud, Console, and PC) – June 13
Now you can play all eight games in the mainline Yakuza saga from Yakuza 0 to the latest installment, Yakuza: Like a Dragon! Become Ichiban Kasuga, a low-ranking yakuza grunt left on the brink of death by the man he trusted most. Take up your legendary bat and get ready to crack some underworld skulls in dynamic RPG combat set against the backdrop of modern-day Japan in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
Arx Fatalis (PC) – June 13
This critically acclaimed first-person RPG from Arkane Studios takes the player on an amazing journey into the fantasy world of Arx. As your quest unfolds you will explore ancient temples, bustling cities and abandoned mines; unearth legendary artifacts and face terrifying foes.
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
From the award-winning developers at Arkane Studios comes Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, the third adventure in the critically acclaimed Dishonored series. Explore the dark underbelly of society to pull off the ultimate assassination.
Doom (Cloud and Console) – June 13
Relentless demons, impossibly destructive guns, and fast, fluid movement provide the foundation for intense, first-person combat in Doom, 2016’s Action Game of the Year and lead-up to the critically acclaimed Doom Eternal. Become the Doom Slayer and experience visceral intuitive push-forward combat as you obliterate Hell’s armies.
Fallout (PC) – June 13
The first entry in the beloved Fallout franchise. Explore the devastated ruins of a golden age civilization. Talk, sneak or fight your way past mutants, gangsters, and robotic adversaries. Make the right decisions or you could end up as another fallen hero in the wastelands…
Fallout 2 (PC) – June 13
It’s been 80 long years since your ancestors trod across the wastelands. As you search for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to save your primitive village, your path is strewn with crippling radiation, megalomaniac mutants, and a relentless stream of lies, deceit and treachery.
Fallout 3 (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
An expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world.
Fallout: New Vegas (Newly added for PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
Welcome to New Vegas. It’s the kind of town where you dig your own grave prior to being shot in the head… and that’s before things really get ugly. It’s a town of dreamers and desperados being torn apart by warring factions vying for complete control of this desert oasis.
Fallout: Tactics (PC) – June 13
In these dark times, the Brotherhood – your Brotherhood – is all that stands between the rekindled flame of civilization and the wasteland. Your squad mates will be dearer to you than your kin and for those that survive there will be honor, respect, and the spoils of war.
Rage (Cloud and Console) – June 13
In the not-too-distant future an asteroid impact left Earth ravaged. You emerge into a vast wasteland to discover humanity working to rebuild itself in a treacherous world. Survive and explore an expansive environment teeming with bandit gangs, mutant hordes and an oppressive government’s soldiers with exotic guns and gadgets.
The Evil Within 2 (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
Experience visceral survival horror as you descend into terrifying domains in search of your missing daughter. Use weapons, traps, and stealth to survive an onslaught of horrifying creatures determined to rip you apart. Return to the nightmare to win back your life and the ones you love.
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
You are BJ Blazkowicz, humanity’s last hope for liberty, on a mission to recruit the boldest resistance leaders left. Fight in iconic American locations, equip an arsenal of awesome guns, and unleash new abilities as you kill every Nazi in sight and spark the second American Revolution.
Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance (PC, Cloud, and Console) – June 13
Gather your party, choose your adventurer, and get ready to set out on an epic brawl through Icewind Dale on June 22 with Xbox Game Pass. Forget character sheets and math for the night, Dark Alliance is a third-person action brawler that drops you and your friends into the unforgiving frozen hellscape of Icewind Dale to take on iconic Dungeons & Dragons monsters and collect epic loot. You can venture on your own, but with the addition of cross play on PC and Xbox featuring up to 4-player co-op, why would you?
The post Xbox Game Pass: New Games for June 2021 Revealed appeared first on Den of Geek.
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