#love him. and yes i wanna make more bracelets for more of my f/os
appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
wearing a ring for you’re close to is cool, so is wearing a necklace for them. but have you ever considered bracelets?? (okay tbf i am pretty sure this has to do with the intrusive thoughts i keep getting abt me bleeding to death bc of my main artery on my wrist somehow bursting when touched, especially with force, hence i am only comfortable with getting touched there if i initiate it. but still) idk my wrists are just something... vulnerable about my body imo. i dislike my inner wrists being touched if i don’t initiate it, and even if i do, it feels pretty weird at first. so wearing a bracelet isn’t something i just do every day, and wearing one dedicated to someone means i really do love them. also, whenever i take off a bracelet after wearing it for a day, my wrist feels oddly empty for a good hour, and while i do have that with rings and necklaces/chokers to some extent to, the lasting effect things have on my wrist is way bigger.
what i’m trying to say is that wearing a bracelet dedicated to someone, especially if it’s self-made (by them or by you) is a great act of love for me. a far bigger one than wearing a ring or a necklace.
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xxthejayagendaxx · 5 years
Ozpin and myself were tagged by @lutece-mess and Booker to do this (Thank you so much I always wanna get tagged in things and never do ;w;) Here we GO Im so excited. ♥ For Myself (Jay) and ♦ For Ozpin
Long post under cut!
1. Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do?
♥ My name is Jay Violet! I’m a hunter and a teacher at the Beacon Academy in Vale! I am a White Golden Retriever Faunus with ears and a tail. I like to Draw, read, write, and walk around campus. I love helping students and being someone they can turn to. 
♦ My name is Ozpin, and I am the Headmaster at Beacon Academy. I enjoy Hot chocolate and reading. 
2. How was your first meeting like?
♥ Our first meeting was actually very professional! 
♦ Yes, they had applied to teach at Beacon and, their credentials were far above sufficient, so I asked them to come interview with Glynda and I. 
♥ I was really nervous. I had heard to many incredible things about Beacon Academy. I did my training at Haven. 
♦ In the top tier of their class, if I remember correctly. Yet from the very beginning you had the upbeat and cheery demenour that does not usually come from someone so highly ranked in their year. 
♥ Stop, you don’t have to how off for me…
3. How did you get together? Who confessed first?
♥ Oh please don’t make me tell this story
♦ Oh I do love this story. 
♥ -sighs- …Fine. So I started working at Beacon, and like in the second semester of my first year I was in Ozpin’s office talking to him. I want to preface this and say he is almost ALWAYS sitting. He almost never stands up for some reason. So anyway, he offers me a hot beverage and I accept his kind offer. Then he stood up and…
♦ So I stand up to get them a drink, and suddenly, as my back is turned, I hear the sound of a hand slapping against my desk. I turn around to see Dear Jay clutching my desk and their chest. Confused and concerned, I approached them, asking if they were okay and-
♥ -covering my face- And I was so shocked my hand slipped off the desk and I fell onto the floor. I just, I didn;t realize the man was 6′6″ he’s TALL and I’m /really really/ weak for tall people. He helped me up and I started to stammer on about something as my cheeks flushed and this /bastard/ goes-
♦ How does Friday around 7pm sound? I can pick you up -smirking- 
♥ After tripping over MORE of my words I agreed and left. The date was wonderful, and about a week after that, we kind of made it official. But just between us… and I think Glynda knew. 
♦ Oh yes, she knew. I actually admitted to her first that I had feelings for you… I won;t lie the date was supposed to be for fun but… with one date you managed to consume my every waking thought right after… 
♥ Aw, babe!!!
4. What are your thoughts on PDA?
♥ Oh I am… I am very physically affection, even in public. The beginning of our relationship was very hard for me because we agreed to keep it from the students… but they know now, so I’m allowed to kiss him in public now! 
♦ I am not one for public displays of affection myself… but they enjoy them so very much. Now that the cat is out of the bag so to say, I do enjoy just keeping an arm around their waist if we are standing hear each other. The feeling of their presense against me is very comforting. 
♥ Yeah I know he’s not big on it so I’ve toned myself down /alot/ But I don;t mind because I know he loves me! He’s not trying to hide me, it’s just what he’s comfortable with!
5. How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
♥ Gifts! Gifts gifts gifts! I love to make and buy and give gifts! 
♦ Oh yes, very much they do. I have so many lovely pieces of art framed around the house, and little things on shelves. 
♥ Everytime I see them I get very excited! I also enjoy just giving kisses and cuddling. 
♦ I myself am very much a words of affirmation person. I just very much enjoy telling them how much they mean to me, and how wonderful and radient they are and watching their eyes light up as their face turns red~ Giving ksises and cuddling is also very enjoyable for me. 
6. Who’s more introverted and who’s more extroverted?
♦ The answer might seem obvious, but we are actually both introverts, though I believe Jay is very close to being an Ambivert. They are much better with people and groups than myself, but after a long day I watch them faceplant into the couch and I can almost hear the scroll recharging noise eminating from their soul. 
♥ Oh yeah, Oz absolutely gets his energy when he has time to sit and think by himself or in VERY small groups. I like people and it’s not always so bad but boy howdy sometimes people exaust me!
7. Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
♥ We actually like to swap!
♦ Though I find myself being the big spoon more often than not. 
♥ Hey, hey, to be fair, sometimes we just compromise in the middle and face each other. 
♦ That was is my favorite when your back is facing a wall… I get to hear your cute little tail smack against the wall in delight~ 
8. What do you like doing together the most?
♥ We really like reading together! Sometimes I just sit in his lap or lean agaisnt him on the couch and we read separtely, or we read to each other. 
♦ I really enjoy when they read to me. Their voice is so lovely, and if it was the only sound I could hear for the rest of my life… I would have no complaints.
9. Tell us a fun fact about the other!
♥ Hmmmm what’s a fun fact about Oz… He gives the best speeches! His ability with words is unparalleled in my opinion! 
♦ And Jay has the singing voice of an angel~
10. Tag other selfshippers and their f/os.
uuuuh I dont have many SS friend but uuuuuuh
@jelly-bracelets With Qrow! or Giovanni, you’re choice!
@frecklydork With Starscream! Or Gordy, dealers choice! 
@selfshippingalien with Link!
and anyone else who wants to! Feelf ree to tag me so I can see!!!
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goshilovemyfos · 6 years
I wanna hear some headcanons about your f/os!!
Aaaaaa yes! Thank you! 
* Charun’s skin is a few shades darker than the light grey you normally see on trolls - they’re a bit closer to granite than anything else, and they have freckles e v e r y w h e r e !! Mostly concentrated on their shoulders and cheeks.
* Their hands are rough from callouses and firm, and warm bc of their blood color. Their hands are also very nice to hold, 10/10.
* Charun is at least 6′4 and laughs when i gotta reach up on my tiptoes to kiss them - thankfully they aren’t mean and do bend down to meet me.
* Doesn’t understand memes but likes the “Oh worm?” one and tolerates my usage of them constantly.
Charun: Repots a plant
Me: Fucking superb you funky little enby
Charun, used to this sort of thing and therefore unfazed: Thanks
* He loves jewelry and always pairs a few bracelets/necklaces with his outfits. It also means that he gets me a lot too, though its plainer than his bc I’m not one for flashy things. Anything I get him is treasured and something I bought is always incorporated into an outfit.
* A real romantic. He always wants to go all out on dates (candlelit dinner, dancing in the twilight, fairs, etc) and is a serial flirt. Like,
Lanque: I believe I’ve seen you in a dream before. Could it be that our meeting here is fate?
Me: Lanque this is our kitchen. We’ve been dating for two years
* Actually reeeeeaallly likes his hair to be played with and will lay his head in my lap for me to do so. His hair is really soft and fluffy despite the product he uses, and it curls slightly in humidity.
Shouta and Yamada
* First thing to know is that we are diasters, so jot that down. Thankfully our personalities make for enough balance to create one (1) Functional person. This is totally fine.
* Hero work is sometimes really draining on the three of us. Most times its a guessing game as to who’ll be home first; that person is the one who cooks for the others. A lot of date nights are spent on the couch, cuddling/napping with a movie on in the background, nothing too big.
- Actual, planned dates are quite often to those animal cafes that litter Japan - I like the puppy cafes, Shouta likes the cat cafes, and Yamada likes the owl cafes. 
* Yamada isn’t shy about PDA, and loves to hold our hands and kiss us and is generally like “omg look at my amazing partners I LOVE YOU TWO!!!”
- I’m a little more subtle abt how I show them affection. I generally squeeze their hands or nudge/nuzzle them for a quick second.
- Shouta isn’t big on giving us affection in public, and thats alright! Yamada and I can give enough for the three of us. When at home, Shouta is usually the one to initiate a snuggle session or peck our foreheads gently.
* Our laundry is such a mess just like our fashion tastes like. It’s so funny.
- Yamada’s got that street fashion thing going on when he gets out of his Hero uniform so we have everything from parachute pants to crop tops and jumpsuits and. Somehow he pulls it all off?
- Shouta has the same shirt/pants times twenty so pulling the clothes from the dryer is just a mass of black fabric almost every time.
- I wear a lot of neutral t-shirts and blue jeans so I basically have to label my stuff or it’ll all be stolen by Yamada. I’ve found him unknowingly (and knowingly) wearing one of my shirts countless times.
Me: hey Yama you’re wearing one of my shirts
Yamada, grinning: Like it? It was a steal.
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