#love how out of left field the scene is 💀
swamp-gremlin · 10 months
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Love lil pootis/ the newest episode, wanted to redraw my favorite frame
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
mcyt with an s/o that's insanely good at driving?? like in the video with Schlatt and he was just doing donuts and that stuff but it's reader? almost like it's stuff from a freaking action movie with how they drive lmao
OH FUCK YEAH LMFAOOOO yes this is how my mom drives but she's a serious road rager too 💀💀💀💀 this is more like "You're a good shitty driver but yeah 👍"
MCYT ; insane driving skills
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language, talk about car accidents, talk about death due to car accidents
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genuinley refuses to sit in a car when you're driving
yk the vlog where he, jack, tubbo and becky go see the alien rocks? you offered to drive and he screamed no
honestly you understood, your a bit of a road rager
and that one vlog you guys made together where you show off your NASCAR level driving really doubted his trust in you
it's half jokes half serious tho
has genuinley said you should become an F1 driver 💀
he's just afraid of you yelling at other shit drivers LMFAO
will genuinley scream when you do donuts in an empty field
"I wish we had rollercoasters closer to us"
"we've got one right here"
the fact you haven't crashed and killed both of you is astounding to him
literally how'd you get your license
he doesn't like driving so when he can't get a ride anywhere else, he's left to call you
you're literally the last person he'll ask for a ride /lh /hj
you're responsible, just fast
it's the way he grips the console and the door, and pushes his feet down on the floor when he's a little afraid 💀
"hang on, since this asshole wanted to cut me off and do 20 in a 50"
"y/n/n pleas-"
you'll go out in a field to do donuts and shit and he's strapped up with a helmet and two seat belts
he'll be screaming in fear and excitement bc let's be honest it's kinda fun
the fuckin 360 u-turns??? christ man calm down we're not in a rush 😭
you almost got ran off a bridge one time with him in the car with you. 2 minutes later you see your phone light up with a notification from Twitter
it's tubbo. "y/n almost got ran off the road on a bridge. I am afraid. please send help"
he knows you drive way worse when he's not around so he's trying to go with you more so you don't accidently kill yourself
he quotes that one scene from the Haunting Of Hill House or whatever that show was where the dude gets in a car accident and dies because he was like hanged from his seat belt
"I don't wanna be that old woman! I don't want your ghost haunting me with your death!"
"well, for one, we aren't in a TV show-"
loves going out in fields with you to do donuts and be a little dangerous
"more donuts!"
"how are you not about to puke!?"
you rented a golf cart one a vacation to a little beach town for the Misfits Gaming channel and holy shit
the amount of wheelies?? he's surprised you didn't get arrested
you drive like you're driving a monster truck like please calm down
he genuinley compares you to schlatt when driving and you're just like "Yeah because we're cool. cool people are insanely good at driving"
they blink and stare before saying "I don't think good is the word I'd use"
you'll deadass slam on the breaks going at max 10mph just to piss him off
they're actually confused as to how you aren't on your fifth car already, you drive like a sicko
you do a racing vlog with some friends and safe to say you won
"You should be an F1 driver or something"
you terrify him a bit
"y/n, do you know how to do wheelies?"
"get in the golf cart"
"holy shit!"
thinks it's pretty badass that you know a bunch of tricks and stuff
he doesn't endorse bad driving on the road though
you do your best to behave around him because you don't wanna get yelled at 🤞
"oh my god why are these fucking semis in the passing lane?? I don't wanna get Final Destination-ed!"
"this is surprising for me to say but same"
"please, i just wanna eatttt, go faster and actually pass someone!"
but when you're purposefully fucking around yourselves he'll literally smile and laugh when you go over bumps and do donuts lmao
he'll probably record it and send videos to Tommy, Jack, Bill & Harry
tweets like "my partner is a crazy driver pls help" and "YEAHHH LETS CRASH THE CAR TODAY" are to be expected
also jokes about you being a NASCAR driver because the way you swerve through traffic 💀💀💀
look, she loves you but calm down
she will admit that she likes doing donuts and tricks in an empty area but lord
the swerving through traffic? the usual 70-80 mph? no thanks
you do try and drive like a normal person when she's with you tho
one of her favorite memories is you driving one of those kiddie cars, with both of you in it, and doing very muddy donuts with it 💀
yk how moistcritikals dad hotwired a kiddie car to make it go faster? yeah that's the explanation to how it even happened
you guys were soaked in mud after LMFAO
she likes when you rev your engine in tunnels, the way it echoes is so cool to her
like she giggles and shit and like 🫶🫶
"I love when I fly down the highway to see my gf"
"ppl r complaining about me on Facebook so I think I will.."
again, kiddie car wheelies 🔛🔝
he loves doing fucking donuts and shit with you LMAO
if you, him, schlatt and charlie r meeting up irl, you guys make a whole vlog out of it
you rent two sports cars and literally make a mini action movie (obviously with comedy) (basically a better fast & furious) (quackity is better than vin diesel)
when I tell you that shit got 16 MILLION VIEWS. the edits after that were astronomical
so many clips of the cars in tunnels, on bridges, speeding down the highway, etc
you're respectful for others around you but you have a need for speed
although if you're doing it on a golf cart or anything open, he's wearing a helmet
he's running a whole business, he can't risk dying to your shit driving atm LMAO
makes some merch, basically a racer jacket that's black and your favorite color or black and dark blue (variants)
they say 'quackity racing team' or 'y/u/n racing team' with some sewn in patches, like the quackity poker chip and whatever goes best with your brand
they're cool as hell too LMAO
he does the little giggle and shit it's adorable
loves doing dumb shit with you
you obv don't do it with a bunch of people around or anything but yk
you, him, karl, punz and tina met up and you had all of them piled in the car while you did donuts and shit
foolish had a vlog cam set up on the dash and the amount of screaming and the reactions 😭😭 /pos
genuinley confused how you've never wrecked your car before
and no the one time you backed into a mailbox doesn't count
revving the engine through tunnels>>>>
he always smiles at it even if he's tired or kinda miserable
will pretend he's in an action movie if you're swerving around people a bit or going really fast
he'll load up the finger guns and get ready to aim LMFAO
gta irl with him basically
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stillfrownyclownlol · 7 months
Screaming into the void rn lmao
I am a chronic shitty slasher movie addict, so a slasher au is always up my alley ...I'm just finally in a fandom where it makes sense (kinda) 🤡
Tw: ...people..die, cuz...it's a slasher movie
It's at a summer camp because I love summer camps, they're so nostalgic to me even tho I went to a really fancy one and not the dumpster camp Ash is a counselor at lmao
It's her first summer there, and she's working with the rest of the gang (Tay, Tyler, Ben, and Logan). She's a dance instructor hehe, her group of kids are planning a ballet recital for the end of camp party :) But she's pissed off cuz they don't have the funds for anything nice.
Then...for some reason the camps start getting donations from , which is a little weird, but hell, Ash doesn't get paid enough to ask her boss (idk maybe Mr. Thomas) about it. But at the same time, weird shit starts happening; the phones get destroyed, finding bugs in the food supplies, or weird puzzles/messages are left around camp. Ash thinks it's some asshole kid messing around for fun :< One day, all the kids go on a field trip with a diff instructor so Ash and her friends can finally relax!
Then yknow, shit hit the fan when they find Tyler's corpse impaled on the tree. Looks like somebody pushed him, but the owners of the camp cover it up and say it's a freak accident and he just fell :/
Cue the rest of the gang quickly getting picked off in increasingly brutal/bizarre ways (sprayed with chemicals, knives to the face, they even find Logan totally massacred in a bear cave), until...it's just Ash.
Obviously seeing her friends die horribly in the span of like 2 days has done some serious damage to her psyche 💀 She's huddling in a cabin tryna call the police, but every time she tries the phone it's some creep saying how much he likes her breathing. Decides to suck it up and try to escape... *sigh* I'd love to draw a chase scene. Aiden's obsessed with her, he gave the donations since he saw how unhappy she was...and picked off all her friends because you know. Possessive much?
Kind of guy who likes to play with his victims, he does games like "hide and seek" or "where am i gonna stick the knife? :)" Definitely flirts with her as she tries to claw his neck out 🤡
But it's a final girl story, so ofc Ash wins and stabs him >:D Calls the cops using his phone and gets the hell outta dodge. Ofc, when she comes back, all the corpses are still there...except for Aiden *shrug*
Comic coming out in...the next decade presumably 💀
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eviltiddyproductions · 3 months
I already know the endgame to Reply 1988 because I was initially avoiding the series because I’ve heard it being described as heartbreaking, emotional and a tear-jerking experience.
I’m 4 episodes in and I realise they meant it in a positive sense. 💀
It’s a truly moving show because tell me why Deoksun is getting treated as a middle child, Junghwan’s dad is getting ignored by his family and I’m the one fighting tears 😭
⚠️ SPOILERS! (In the year of our lord 2024, I was blissfully unaware of this show and it’s dynamics so if you’re too I spoil an important thing in this paragraph, LEAVE ! )
Anyway, I presumed the worst of this show before watching it thinking everyone was going to break up and go there separate ways and reconcile a little in the finale. I do not know why my mind went there seeing some random posts 💀 till my sister told me that she does end up with someone and it’s a wholesome series! She just doesn’t end up with Junghwan (he’s the male lead) and I started watching it immediately!
I’ve seen way too many shows recently where people have chemistry but they don’t end up together because people platonic relationships exists or, I’ve seen fantasy shows where one of the leads die or both do so it hasn’t been live, laugh, love in this house for a while!
I guess Reply 1988 makes up for that, they have enough love going on for everybody! I adore everyone.
What I’ve noticed up until now is that everywhere you look Junghwan is considered as the second male lead and I’m left scratching my head because I’d like to know how? 😭
He’s credited before Park Bogum, is the only person we’ve seen for the last 4 episodes through 90% of the show and we get things from his perspective???? Does that not make him the first male lead ? 😭
I was surprised because knowing the ending I assumed Bogum had an equally important character. But up until now, in these 4 episodes you only see him come and go for a few minutes. The majority of the show is focused on Junghwan, Deoksun and Sunwoo. They get to do all the main leads stuff too!
They’ve been to field trips together (loved that episode), they get alone time together, they have moments with and without the group, we see every minute interaction between them!
Taek (Bogum) is adored and just kinda exists ? Maybe he gets more and more screen time as the show progresses but if we pull up the basic characteristics of a leading man isn’t it Junghwan? 😭
All of this is alleged as of now though, I’ll re log another wonderful post I read which detailed how we see so many things from his perspective and that it isn’t really correct to call him the SML and I found myself agreeing because you don’t see most of the SML’s make decisions. They’re just there most of the time, existing and figuring things out in the limited amount of time they have.
We see Junghwan take initiative, we see his family a lot, we all find out he’s begun to like her because of the scenes that are written together and we watch him take initiative for things after noticing things with Deoksun. (the bus scene <3 )
I feel like if he was the SML he would’ve just done things without us knowing why he’s doing them lol.
I yap a lot !!! But I truly presumed that he was the second male lead in this show because people say he’s the reason they understand that syndrome but I think…. he might be one of the rare leads who doesn’t get the girl.
Not getting the girl doesn’t automatically make you the SML 😭 ???
Anyway I have like 16 episodes to go so I’ll let y’all know if I’ve done all this yapping to be wrong.
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rel124c41 · 2 months
2, 4, 5, 11, and 33 please! Hope that isn’t too much, very curious about your answers though!! Happy early birthday btw :D
ah thank you very much for the birthday wishes (≧∀≦) getting a drum set tomorrow and i’m so hyped bout it
& the amount of questions was perfecto!! i left my answers below the cut!!
(ask game)
2: How do you come up with your plot ideas?
8/10 times, my plot ideas come from my fabulous, otherworldly, superior music taste ᕦ(ò_óˇ)!!
nah but to be serious, music and creating AMVs in my head works brilliantly for creating plots. i listen to music A LOT. i do not always construct a story based on a song but my ideas flow easier when there is a melody in the air. snippet of scenes come and go, and i scribble them down; music powers the whole process of my writing.
additionally, i think coming up with plot ideas/to strength that part of your brain to be creative and original, one should always read MORE. to lazily siphon off a Stephen King quote i can’t find: “a great writer knows to read” and then there is the 1/10, where an idea hits me, completely uninspired from anything. 
but really, when coming up with plots remember this saying: no one can reinvent the wheel!
4: How do you channel characters’ voices and personalities?
studying the source material is always my go-to for channeling a character. 
have not played twst in 2 yrs 💀 (bc i was on an expedition for different video games and discovered i hated rhythm games) but i always use @/yuurei20 like a study guide for the characters. and i read the translations for each event (birthdays or otherwise) to see how the characters act at different situations
and if a character has done something out-character in canon, i analyze the shit out of that. it’s really important to me when writing already canon characters to think of this one question: what’s their drive/goal (in everyday & in specific situations & in long-term)?
5: What techniques do you use to create believable dialogue?
one of my biggest insecurities in specifically the “fanfiction” writing realm is my dialogue so this question is crazzzy to me. believable dialogue?? hasn’t happened!
i still don’t think i’ve done it successfully even once, so techniques? god i really don’t have any. here’s me talking out my ass tho: 
certain characters have certain mannerisms in how they talk: those i can pick up upon bc some characters it’s black and white how they go about talking — floyd ain’t gonna sound all sophisticated u know. however, knowing how to structure what they are conveying, ah that is much harder for me. 
sorry for this dead-end answer 💀
11: Are there any tropes you particularly enjoy writing?
rubbing my hands together and grinning like the fucking grinch at this,, let’s fucking goooooo! 
1: unreliable narrator my pookie bear <3!!!! a mixture of being a fan of memento (2001) and a haunting of hill house (the BOOK, not the awful movie or show), unreliable narrators are my favorite trope!! whether this narrator is high off a substance, is as clueless as the audience about their situation, OR even so egotistical that their worldview is skewed, I EAT THAT SHIT UP EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL! 
2: karmic retribution,, listen i love seeing someone get their just deserts ( ̄个 ̄) there is something so gutturally satisfying about karma
ALSO, i love the indomitable human spirit trope!!! 
maybe one day i’ll chat about my more shojo/booktok tropes i enjoy like “just one bed” and “colleagues to lovers” bc hey i know what sells.
33: How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics?
Disney is such a huge realm to play around it. from the original Grimm fairytales (my beloveds mwah (*≧∀≦*) !!!!) to the movies Disney has made, world-building elements for twst is like a gold mine. it’s perhaps the biggest playing field i’ve ever seen from a fandom. 
how i go about incorporating it? well i always go look for faucets of the world everyone else is overlooking: when writing Schism, the ghost camera was untapped potential i had to jump on. i’m working on another oneshot that incorporates Disney’s 1963 The Sword in Stone; there is SO much real estate, you just got to dig around for it a bit.
ACTUALLY,, i have more to say
also about world-building in writing in general, let me siphon off Stephen King again: ok imagine a table covered by a table cloth.
really, imagine a table. secondly, imagine a table cloth.
ok, everyone who reads that imagines something completely different. someone might have imagined a circular table or a rectangular, the table cloth could have reached the ground or could have hovered a inch off the surface, the table cloth, there could’ve been lace on it or it could’ve been this striking red or dull blue.
when world-building, as the writer, you decide what elements you want to bring into the story; the rest? you give that creative liberty and trust to your audience.
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the-type-a · 1 year
ok but since tda deprived us of all the duncney content we well deserved (& everyone knows went down) whats your idea on how Courtney started calling Duncan “dunkie”🥺🥺🥺 like during the spy movie challenge bc babe whipped that out of left field but clearly this was not her first time
I really love that moment because she really thought he was hurt and just said fuck the cameras, is my man okay?!? Then proceeded to run to him! 😩
She didn’t even think for a split second something could happen to her too, she just reacted on instinct and it melts my Duncney heart!
Plus, Duncan’s stupid face in the next scene 💀
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I want to say she called him that right before season 2 started. It as like, what? Two days in between?
It could possibly be right after the special too. They have their own little moment, Courtney’s pissed she didn’t make it to the next season, but Duncan’s like, “Babe, I got this for us.”
Then she calms down a little and starts talking about that moose incident. Duncan’s saying he was never worried about the thing, he had just fought an alligator anyway, but Courtney’s just like, “Whatever you say, Dunkie.”
Of course we have the normal little, “Don’t call me that.” and Courtney just fires back with, “Then stop calling me Princess.”
I like to think behind the cameras Duncan says something about her calling him Dunkie again. He definitely starts out with teasing her about it, saying something about how he knew she still liked him but when she doesn’t react (because she’s embarrassed she let her emotions show like that) he’s like, “Wanna know something sick? I actually missed you calling me that.”
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stardustfoundations · 2 years
So since watching rrr, I’ve been diving into Indian movies. This is just a helpful list for me to keep track of what I’ve watched so far. What I watch is just based upon what I can get my hands on and whatever comes up first. I also have a few movies I’ve started but not finished for various reasons that I plan to go back to. I also try to watch films in their original languages.
RRR (first Indian film. Amazing movie 10/10)
Baahubali: The Beginning (the first 30 minutes to 1 hr of this is so very confusing, but after that i enjoyed every second of both movies. Was a very good time)
Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
Article 15 (crime drama. First major run in with the caste system in Indian movies i encountered.)
Acharya ( it sure was a film. Subtitles weren't great, and it was very slow. Enjoyed it tho)
Rangasthalam (I liked this one pretty good, fav of Ram Charan I’ve see rn. Only three rn tho. His films are hard to find for some reason :( )
Aravinda Sametha (This was pretty good, but very slow at points, JR NTR film. About factions and trying to end the cycle of violence. LI was good, but so dumb in places. She’s studying factions, but seems to be so ignorant about them??? July 1: Just learned the version I watched cut like 20 minutes from the film lmao. Like at least the funeral scene got cut. I think a few songs got cut. I wonder how many different bits of films I’ve missed 💀 Might explain some of the pacing issues I’d come across.)
Janatha Garage (Subtitles were so so bad, but fav of JR NTR’s so far.)
K.G.F Chapter 1 (1 and 2 are really really good. the love story is pure Stockholm syndrome tho rip.)
K.G.F Chapter 2
Jana Gana Mana (really good movie. Courtroom drama. Feels pro cop at the beginning then becomes a critique of media culture and corrupt systems i think?)
Adhurs (double NTR’s! It was okay, not the best but a fun time. One i watched was like a third hand rip and would pause to load in a lot of places, so dramatic moments were lost)
Kaithi (fav movie rn. Going through the single night was aces. Seeing the sun come up at the end was very satisfying. Getting to know Gilli over the course of the movie was a+)
Master (good move. The scene in the middle where he shaves the kids heads was a little :/ cause invasion of body autonomy like that always makes me sour on stuff a little bit.)
Pushpa: The Rise (love the body language of the main actor. really good. Can’t wait for the second part)
Bruce Lee: The Fighter (Had fun watching it. Tw suicide attempt tho. The Chiranjeevi cameo was fun. )
Govindudu Andarivadele (Ram Charan film. Weird edits. Why did the character get over his friend deceiving him with the wrong picture. Feeling weird about the cousin love thing, but otherwise pretty good! Cried at the end of this. I think my version was cut weird cause I like cut out Abhi getting shot and then like his dad reacting? Music cues were also all weird?)
Beast (fun movie I think. MC was interesting. Felt like it would fit in with usa war films tho)
Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo (liked this film. Laughed a lot during a good fun time with some feels)
Mersal (???? Doctor/magician in the way of Kaito Kid and in that i mean out of left field amazing tricks??? Got to like a fight scene and had to stop cause life. Just pulled a staff out of a bag??? I've seen song videos on youtube and it is very much not this??? So confused. I have since watched more and loving it. Verti(SP?) is very sim to Kaito Kid, but he kills people instead of stealing gems lmao. Loved the ending. Def cried while watching. Leaving prev notes cause they a little live blog of thoughts.)
Brindavanam (the edits in this are wack as shit. Makes no sense rn, but it compels me NTR JR. Love triangle??? induced by original LI??? Into the back half. They are now trying to get out of the problems the fake dating has caused lol. Edits have def calmed down. fun ending. They didn’t present a solution to the love triangle lol which I think is for the best)
Sarkar (interesting so far. My dad started watching it with me, it almost made him late for work cause he got pulled in lol, so I can’t continue without him :(. Finished it! Really liked this movie. Soundtrack was really good)
Secret Superstar (feels filled movie. I liked this one)
Vikram Vedha (I was rooting for Vedha through out the whole movie lol. They said Vikram was a honorable cop, but he straight up shot a man who had surrendered and engineered multiple encounters)
Petta (It was okay. Not really my favorite, and kinda felt disconnected. Was not a big fan of the end either. It felt like a twist for a twist sake. :/)
Jai Bhim (Really liked this movie. It was really well done. Every moment really gripped you. Sangani's story was heartbreaking 10/10) 
Etharkkum Thunindvavan (a heavy movie inregarding sexual violence, but good. Feels a little heavy handed in it's message at times, but that just may be me. Seems like it might have a sequal in the future based upon the ending? I'll be looking out for it.)
Pada (about a 1996 protest for the rights of the adivasi people. Very well done and thought provoking movie. Unfortunately the subtitles just. didn't translate some lines???? Like important ending the movie lines. Rip the amazon prime and their subtitle contractor. I swear every movie is subtitled/translated horribly)
Forensic (really interesting movie. The story it wove was very dramatic. Little of the rails at times tho)
Thimmarsu (fun movie with some action and drama. What a twist at the end)
Maharshi (interesting movie. A nice story with a good? message. Main actor wasn’t my fav tho)
Uyare (a good movie. Loved Pallavi)
Anjaan (The reveal bits were some of the funnest parts of the movie. It was fun to watch. idk what else to say about it. Was hoping for a double roll but it was not to be rip.)
Bigil (I really liked this film even the sport parts which I don’t always go for. Loved the combo of action film with sport film.)
Bairavaa  (I liked it. A good Vijay film. The plan that was spun was cool) 
Bloody Mary (Loved this movie. Was a good fun time. Loved the soundtrack, but I can’t find it anywhere rip)
Theri (loved the relationship between Vijay and his daughter. Made me miss Ice and Talapathy from Mersal tho 😔. The bits were he pretended to be a ghost were really good)
Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (cried like a baby while watching this movie. It was really good.)
 DJ Duvvade Jagammadham (DJ was an interesting character. A fun movie, but also hate how it leaves DJ still going around killing people lmao)
Veetla Vishesham (Was a good time. Wish it focused a little more on the brothers, but would recommend it.)
 Lucifer (Really loved this one. It was so good. Cannot wait for the squeal and the Chiranjeevi remake)
Dangal (Really Really good. Loved this movie a lot)
Kilometers and Kilometers (A good movie. Moved me to tears at times and was a really good watch)
Raame Aandalum Raavane Aandalum (lovely movie. I liked it a lot. The old man’s plight being thrust forward was really good)
3 idiots (really liked this film. The romance did nothing for me though. Loved the relationship between the core three. big tw for suicide tho)
Kaththi (It was pretty good. Really liked it)
Jai Lava Kusa (NTR in a triple role was really really good. Liked this one a lot)
Taare Zameen Par (really good movie. Ishaan was the best. Loved it so much)
Maaran (interesting movie. I liked it the relationship between the Maaran and his sister was really good)
Om Shanti Om  (sad fun film. It was good, but not my favorite)
Dasvi (interesting and fun film. Loved the MC’s quest to complete his education)
Godse (no idea how to feel about this film. It was good and I liked it. Watching Godse’s story unwind was def a one punch to the gut after another)
 Kapoor and Sons (another really good movie. the last like 45 minutes just like rips out your heart and hands it to you on a platter. Would have loved to see the brother hug at the end tho)
Thaana Serndha Koottam (A fun movie loved all the biplay and plans in this movie. Really good)
Imaikkaa Nodigal (interesting film. The slow discovery of what was going on was really fun.)
Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui (It was a good movie and I liked it. Hard to get through on account of everything Maanvi goes through. Would have loved to see Manu apologize like straight out)
Started But Not Finished (plan to finish them tho) (given up on keeping track of this lmao)
Badhaai DO (Queer movie. Like what I've watched so far. need to finish it)
Gangubai Kathiawadi (stars sita’s actress, barely started it, but looks good)
Radhe Shyam (idk what to make of this movie?? Watched cause Prabhas but rom coms aren't my thing all that much)
Don (sure is something? love story comedy thing. Clicked cause i saw it trending on some chart and I'm not really vibing with it)
Lagaan (really good. Has a CW actor in it which i did not expect to see in any shape or form. Gotta watch the actual match now. Really long)
Mirchi (Prabhas movie. MC seeks to change LI factionist family I think?? Subtitles are not helping me)
Super Deluxe (mixed feeling on  this one. On one hand Trans woman whose identity is treated seriously, but on the other hand she’s hate crimed almost every second she’s on screen and is played by a cis man. The other two storylines are fun, except for the fatphobia which is :/)
Yevadu (sure is an experience. fun revenge plot Ram Charan film)
Magadheera (the film is really dragging for me right now rip)
Rang De Basanti (interesting film. Liking this one. sad and thought provoking with some fun times. Hitting the end rn) 
Night Drive (almost half way through. Liking it so far. Interesting setup for the plot)
Tughlaq Durbar (about a third of the way through. Split personality thing is throwing me off, so idk if I'll finish it)
Khaidi No. 150 (it’s a fun movie. The fact that LI is played by the same actress that’s the same age as Ram Charan and was also the LI in one of his movies is majorly throwing me off)
Thalaivaa (Not really doing anything for me :/)
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luvhrs · 2 years
shadow and bone — ep 3 thoughts:
(might have to stop here and continue tmrw after i finish this stupid stats hw 😤)
rapunzel!alina with all the light imagery in that dream
suddenly i'm watching bridgerton
i like this ginger lady miss safin can they be besties
whoaaa a tailor??? how many kinds of grisha are there :o
kaz seems pretty adamant on the sun summoner not existing 👀 i wonder why
pretty nina~ yo now that i think abt it the extent of heartrenders' powers must be p wide tho couldn't they also just. stop someone's heart from beating in a snap
cool cinematography again!! (is that even what it's called) why is jesper eating the random biscuit(?) 😭😭😭
money money money. ain't it funny. in a rich man's world
god i'm sorry there's gonna be a lot of jester loving on here he is just. So Very Attractive and i am So Very Weak
andddd he took a detour to gamble 💀
kirigan appearing out of nowhere bcs ~shadow~ also this silhouette shot is very nice
oh my i wonder how she'll show her power. let's go exalted council
me to kirigan if i were in alina's place: [rihanna voice] what's wrong with me? why do i feel like this?
how did alina do that??? did kirigan cause that somehow??? bcs shadow needing light or vice versa or whatever but either way i'm excited to see her fight and awaken more of her power aaAAA
"you were perfect" silco haunts me. anw kirigan is very sus to me rn this feels like his plan wASN'T THAT TOO EASY
uhhhh ok sudden hostility from zoya 😐
ooh look man of progress poster (i'm just making arcane and DA references now lmao sorry)
"hope is dangerous. it clouds your judgment." sounding a lot like "emotions always screw everything up." kaz and hank ik y'all are just 2 big softies
oh no nina's still in trouble!!
convenient ominous giant train!!
ok zoya has the hots for kirigan the "she's in good hands" thing /was/ in jealousy (also yeah nadya(?) me too ngl hahsjdjdd)
stag again??? what if these are her memories coming back to her 😳
bet kirigan's lurking (haha get it) in this library somewhere. oh wait that's the spiritual adviser. he's a bit creepy 😭
i absolutely love how many kinds of grisha there are!!!!! feels like pokemon. i gotta know them all
as a burnt out gifted child with nothing left of my gift now but a desire for academic validation, i like baghra bcs if she were my mentor she's the type i'd want to impress. and she's pretty
oh i just noticed the grisha's uniform design depending on their power i'm BLIND
are these all the grisha existing rn or no? there are less than i expected
bro go easy on alina can i order an adjustment period 😭😭😭
he's so fucking cool ohmygod you guys and if i repeat this scene all night
but also he shifted his weight fuck what's gonna happen???
he is forming a lifelong bond with that goat i bet that being said i would like your hand in marriage sir
also jesper's actor giving us everything??? (also everyone else rly goddamn i hope the other charas get cool solo sequences like this too!!!) wHEW that GAZE at the beginning and then after everything seamlessly transitioning back into the funny clever persona 🤌🤌🤌
yo i rly love alina's letter to mal tho... idk there's smth so human abt it. it's abt the perpetual "i can go anywhere i want, just not home" feeling!!! it's abt the self-discovery and finding your place in this world!!! how it's a universal experience and yet every person goes thru it uniquely, not to mention blindly. smth hopeful in knowing that even the most powerful person in the world probably struggles with their identity
"you have always been my true north, mal." BITCH I'M 😭😭😭😭😭 that is the sweetest thing ever girlie dON'T U DARE CHOOSE KIRIGAN OVER MAL I SWEAR TO THE SAINTS
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heffrondriving · 3 years
i love your james/jett stuff so much! you're doing a great job! also i enjoy your writing style, with the big words and imagery. it flows very well!
hi omg hnghg thank u so much???!? („ಡωಡ„) i'm honestly quite surprised that anyone actually reads my james/jett fics—like it's such a ridiculously out-of-left-field rarepair that i mostly just make them out of sheer indulgence ahah, so that's really nice to know. and also you enjoying my v messy and rambly writing style is just too sweet of you too ahh i'm ;-; bc most people don't really gel with it for good reason, and i'm still working on trying to break out of my obnoxiously-verbose poet habits but my last struggling braincell is not Having It 💀 also idk but i feel like my writing is still very clunky?? esp when it comes to writing action and setting scenes lmao i'm notoriously bad at those. but hopefully i could get better; and as someone who's lowkey been stuck in some sort of weird creative rut lately, this is super motivating!! 💕 i really can't properly express without going full clown how much hearing this from you brightened me up, so here is a nicer visual representation of it instead:
Tumblr media
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loriane-elmuerto · 3 years
Fun Facts + Octavia 🔫😑
i looked away for ONE SECOND
oc questions
1. Which tropes do they fit? Which archetypes?
I think she would fit the Loyalist trope the most, mostly due to the fact that despite her previous fuck ups, Tavi always remained a SHIELD agent, personally in debt to Coulson, who recruited her and overlooked her past mistakes. She stayed by the team’s side even when Gonzalez promised to formally pardon her and restore her reputation.
As for the archetype, she’s The Everyman, because Octavia has always longed to belong somewhere. Her family, although glad at first, decided to turn away from her when they realized their daughter was being trained to harm people. Most of SHIELD looked away when she got her informant killed and lost vital intel. Once she found her place on the Bus, she started to spread the same air of acceptance towards every soul that needs it.
2. Do they play any instruments? Sports?
Not a musical person, but she enjoys playing voleyball in her free time!
3. What are some items they always carry?
One of the conditions presented by Fury and Coulson that she could work back in the field was that she needs to always be available for communication - be it a phone, an ear piece, anything else, so there’s that. She also carries a knife, hidden somewhere on her body. Other than that, she carries around a backpack with the essentials - water bottle, wallet, documents, sometimes a gadget from Fitzsimmons.
4. Do they collect anything?
Knives. This weirdo collects knives. That’s just her combat collection. In her normal life, Tavi collects small music boxes, despite the fact that she isn’t a musical person. She likes the hypnotizing effect they have on her when she watches the figurines inside spin.
5. What position do they sleep in?
On her left side or her stomach, so that she could breathe easily and sleep better that way.
6. Which emoji would they use the most?
💀 🔪 👌
7. What languages do they speak?
Portuguese, English, some Spanish.
8. What’s their favorite expletive?
“Merda” or “motherfucker”. Look, she tries to be tough but kind, but she’s filled with rage half of the time
9. What’s their favorite candle scent?
Currently it would be First Light Candle, because it reminds her of her treks in the mountains, and that amazing feeling of fresh air. It’s not strong, and clears her head.
10. What songs remind you of them?
JMSN - Where Do U Go
Hurts - Beautiful Ones
Rocket Launch - Bear McCreary (Agents of SHIELD OST)
11. Which animal would you say represents them?
I believe it would be the raven, because it’s a symbol of rebirth and transformation, something that is Tavi’s very core: her transformation from a reject to a reliable agent and family member.
12. What stereotypical high school clique would they fit into?
I think she’d be a regular normie. Like, she has friends and interests, but she isn’t anything special :/ OR, she could be a jock (minus the bullying part)
13. What would their favorite ride at an amusement park be?
Anything that makes you start talking to the Lord. She LOVES adrenaline, so her go-tos are double shot (a drop tower) and the freak out (i think that’s what it’s called?)
14. Do they believe in aliens? Ghosts? Reincarnation or something else?
Well, at first she had her doubts, but when Loki and the Chitauri invaded in 2012, she had 0 doubts for aliens. After this event, and after the discovery of Inhumans, Octavia doesn’t know what to believe anymore. Though she likes to think ghosts aren’t real, it helps her sleep better at night. Reincarnation? After seeing how Hive infiltrates bodies, she’s sure it can be a real thing.
15. Do they follow any religions/gods? Do they celebrate holidays?
No, Tavi is agnostic. Especially when she finds out that the Kree have been influencing humans from behind the scenes. 
As for holidays, yes, she celebrates! When she joined the Academy, she celebrated with a friend or two, then alone, then she started celebrating with Coulson’s team. It helps her keep her spirits up.
16. Which Deadly Sin do they most correspond to? Which Heavenly Virtue?
I believe the most prominent mix of sins would be envy and wrath, as she always longed and was jealous of the family support other people had. And she was furious when other agents with worse screw-ups were just given a slap on the wrist and accepted back in their communities, while she was thrown into hell for that.
Her heavenly virtue would be patience, because despite her own experience, she likes to sit down with people who screwed up HORRIBLY (Ward) and help them talk it through. She has this believe that some people really do deserve redemption.
17. If you had to choose one tarot card to represent them, which would it be?
I’ll have to go with The Star! This card represents realizing your core self and rediscovering your sense of meaning, transforming into your new self, something that is essentially Octavia’s whole character arc.
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