#love how they’re all written! love Jon so much and all how queries
messisauce · 3 years
Been reading that fic where Jon’s an AI on a ship and let me tell you, I haven’t been able to put that bad boy down. It’s ruining my life
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msbigredmachine · 7 years
Into The Deep End - Chapter 36
Sasha has always tried to play it safe, to keep her life as simple and risk-free as possible. Things change, however, when she garners the interest of a handsome, charming, younger man from a completely different world than hers. As she starts to question her own rules, is she ready to take the biggest chance of them all? Will she let herself take that dive? Roman Reigns/OC.
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The transition of an athlete to inactivity is always a tough road for every sportsperson, and it was no different with Joe. The first few days after his emergency surgery were rough. He was still in pain and had to stay in bed most of the time, and when he had to walk around he had a hard time doing it on his own. He was always tired thanks to the medicine prescribed to him. Sasha and his sisters ensured he was following the Doctors' instructions to a tee. They monitored his meds, kept him drinking lots of fluids and eating plenty of vegetables, fruit and high-fiber foods. Whole meal bread, pasta and brown rice, which he particularly disliked, were regulars on his menu. Sasha could tell that Joe hated the changes and hated having to rely on people for help, but that was the way it had to be for now and she gently tried to remind him that there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
Due to Joe's sudden injury, the WWE officials decided to vacate the Tag Team Championships, much to the Samoan's chagrin. Jon had offered to hold the titles with Colby so as to keep them within the Shield, but Vince and Paul were skeptical about Dean Ambrose holding the United States and Tag titles at the same time, so the pitch was turned down. Joe became unhappier than ever, going as far as to blame himself for costing Colby the title, even after the Iowa native insisted otherwise. Joe was feeling left behind as the product continued on without him. The fear of never recovering fully, of never reaching the level he was at prior to his injury nagged at him. He was very low on confidence and it was difficult to get his spirits back up.
However, it wasn't long before his cranky behavior started to irritate Sasha. He was angry all the time and found fault with everything everyone did, including his sisters. He moped around and was moody and picked arguments over the pettiest things, and it was getting old real fast. Sasha had nursed T.K. back to health from a sports-related injury a couple of times but it was nothing of this scale, and he certainly didn't give half the lip her boyfriend was giving her - probably because he knew she would've smacked him silly, but still. She understood Joe was frustrated but it was no excuse for his attitude. Though she couldn't lash out, it was becoming harder to rein in her own displeasure.
"What's this?" Joe sat up in bed, looking down at the tray of food she placed in front of him.
"Roast chicken, pasta and vegetables," said Sasha, walking over to draw the curtains open, the bedroom in dire need of some sunlight.
Joe stabbed a fork into the fillet. "There's oil in the chicken."
Sasha replaced the pillow he was resting on with a fluffier one. "It's roasted chicken. There's barely any oil in it."
"How come you didn't grill it though?" He was actually pouting.
"Roasting was faster for me, babe," she replied patiently. "Besides, I'm not great with the grill setting on your oven. What's the big deal anyway? There isn't much difference between roasted and grilled."
"Grilling is healthier," Joe said sternly in that know-it-all, second-coming-of-Einstein voice he used that he probably thought made him sound smart. "More fat drips off when you grill. The last thing I want is to gain weight while I'm recovering."
Sasha rolled her eyes. "One chicken breast quarter is not going to make you fat, Joe."
He made a sound under his breath, and it took all of her willpower not to clock him in the head with the pillow she was holding. "Should I throw your food away then?" she questioned, barely-concealed irritation in her tone as she planted her hands on her curvy hips.
Joe frowned, and right then he looked like a petulant five-year-old. "I'll eat it," he answered begrudgingly. "Grill the chicken next time, okay?"
"Yes sir," she muttered under her breath as she picked up her handbag and started to leave.
"Where are you going?" the Samoan demanded.
"To work."
"Yes, Joe. Work. I still have a job, remember? One where I'm not afforded the luxury of skipping whenever I want."
"What does that mean? That I'm skipping my job? You think I wanna be here?" Joe questioned angrily, pointing at himself.
Sasha kept up the patient tone. "I didn't say that."
"At least you get to go out," he complained. "I'm stuck here with nothing to do. I can't work out and I'm bored to death."
"This is only a temporary setback, babe. It's not the end of the world." They were starting to sound like broken records. They'd had different variations of this conversation for about a week straight now.
Joe took a sip of his water. "When are you gonna be back?"
"A little later than usual. I'm going to see Pam after work. She hasn't been feeling well and I haven't had time to see her."
"Because of me, right?"
"You haven't had time to see her because of me," said Joe.
Sasha frowned. "What are you talking about?"
"You think I'm a burden, don't you?"
That did it for her. "Are you fuckin' serious? When have you ever heard me say that?"
"You don't have to say it. It's written all over your face." His tone was accusing. "Like my injury is keeping you from doing other things, keeping you here against your will. Is that how you feel?"
Jesus. Turning away, Sasha pinched the bridge of her nose, almost afraid to respond and say something she would regret. "I can't really do this right now. I'm late for work." She glared at him. "Am I free to go or do you wanna interrogate me some more?"
The two glowered at each other like some kind of awkward Mexican standoff, neither budging an inch until Joe returned his attention to the plasma screen TV. "See you later," he grumbled.
She left quickly. He was becoming more unbearable with each passing day.
Time went by quickly at the Grill, and afterwards she went to see Pam as planned. Her friend had been sick for a while now and it was starting to worry Sasha. She knew Pam hated going to the Doctor and if she hadn't by now she would drag her to one right away.
Pam was in a right state. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were blotchy and red, but it was the devastated expression on her pretty face that alarmed the mother of two. "Jesus. What happened to you?" she asked, pushing into the apartment.
Pam paced back and forth in the middle of her living room, and Sasha could tell she'd been doing it for a long time. "I can't believe this is happening," she murmured. "I can't believe the mess I'm in!"
"What mess? What is happening?" inquired Sasha, as Pam continued to pace and mutter to herself. "Goddamn it Pamela, stop that! You scare me when you do that. Tell me what's going on!"
Forcing herself to a halt for her friend's sake, Pam had fresh tears in her eyes. "I just got back from the Doctor's appointment." Her voice shook as she swallowed hard. She could not believe she was about to say this. It still didn't feel real. "Sasha, I...I'm pregnant."
Sasha's eyes widened. "Huh?"
Pam glared at her. "Did I stutter? I'm four weeks pregnant. I finally went for my check up this morning and this is what the fuck popped out. See why I hate going to the Doctor? They're always bound to spring some fuckin' surprise outta fuckin' nowhere!"
Pregnant. Of course. All the signs had been there; her mood swings, the nausea, every symptom similar to that of food poisoning, what they thought she had. Sasha wondered how she hadn't realized it sooner. Holy shit. "Is it Elgin's?" she finally asked.
"Of course it's Elgin's! I ain't been with nobody else since we got together!" Pam retorted.
"Okay, don't bite my head off," said Sasha, sitting beside her on the sofa. "Have you told him?"
"He's in London and won't be back till the end of the week," Pam answered, jamming her fingers into her hair. "I don't understand, Sash! How the fuck did I get pregnant?"
Sasha blinked. "Well, when a man and a woman really love each other, and-"
"Fuck you! This is not funny!" Pam snapped. Her features suddenly sagged, her anger transforming back into misery. "We've always been careful. We used protection. Condoms, birth control, everything! Always! How did this happen?"
"You know as well as I do that shit don't work all the time," said Sasha, putting an arm around the smaller woman. "Babe, you have to tell Elgin."
Letting out an unladylike snort, Pam said, "Right, and have him dump my ass? He'll think I'm only after his money, that I've been trying to trap him all this time."
Sasha took Pam's hand in hers and looked her in the eye. "Of course he won't. He loves you."
"It's too soon, Sasha! We've only been together for what, four months? He said he's not thinking about babies! I don't even know if I'm ready for a kid!" She trailed off and covered a hand over her mouth. "Damn it, I think I'm gonna be sick...again. Gimme a sec."
She made a beeline for her bedroom, disappearing inside for several minutes. Finally she returned, looking paler as she wiped her mouth. "Better?" Sasha queried when she sat back down.
"No. I've been puking for days now and I'm already over it. I don't know how you went through this shit twice." She leaned against Sasha's shoulder and sobbed. "Oh Sasha, what am I gonna do?"
Pam's fear radiated through her. Sasha hadn't seen her this frightened and helpless since her mother Irene was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But she knew exactly how she was feeling. "I know you're scared," she said softly, as Pam's watery eyes met hers. "You've seen me there before. First and foremost you have to tell Gin. He deserves to know. Whether it's over the phone or in person, just do it. Don't keep something like this from him. And whatever the outcome is, whatever he decides, I'm here for you. You know I'll never leave your side."
Pam flashed her a feeble smile. "Thanks. I...I don't know how I'm going to do this alone, Sasha."
"You won't be alone, babe. I told you I'll be there for you, and so will Gin. You'll see." Sasha kissed her forehead and rubbed her arm.
Pam pulled out the band holding her ponytail and ruffled her loosened hair. "So how's your man doing?" she asked, frowning when Sasha averted her eyes. "That bad?"
"It's getting worse," Sasha lamented. "He's angrier, moodier. He barely talks to me and when he does it becomes an argument. Everything I do is a problem for him. I don't know what to do to make him feel better, it's like he's tired of me. How long will I wait before he straight up tells me he wants me gone or something?"
"That won't happen," Pam said. "It's not easy for him either, girl. He's injured. You know guys like him are very proud and he just needs his confidence back. Be patient with him and keep helping him. Things will get better sooner than you think."
Sasha let out a tired breath. "I can't wait. That time feels so far away." Looking back at Pam, she reached over and gently rubbed her friend's still flat stomach. "Speaking of time, I'm gonna be an aunt in nine months. That is so cool," she smiled broadly.
Pam look down at the hand on her stomach and started to tear up. "I still can't believe it," she murmured, then shook her head, wiping her face. "Gosh, I've been cryin' a damn shitload too."
"It's the hormones, babe. That's what happens when you're knocked up," Sasha laughed, hugging her best friend. "Congratulations, Pam-Pam. You're going to be a great mother."
Joe was in the living room, staring listlessly at the report on SportsCenter, seeing it without really seeing it. His mind was firmly on his girlfriend, who was obviously and rightfully losing patience with his attitude. He was taking his anger and frustration out on her and it wasn't right. She didn't have to do this. She didn't have to come over and take care of him like she was. She could have left him with his sisters but she didn't. And yet he was shitting all over her devotion to him. If he didn't start acting right she could possibly walk and he wouldn't blame her.
God, it would break him if she left. He couldn't do this without her. He had to find some way to make it up to her before it was too late.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating with a text message.
Hi hun. I know u're home. I'll be at ur place in 5. C ya. ;)
Danielle. Crap.
Staring at the text again, he thought about replying and turning her away, but decided it was pointless. She would insist on showing up anyway. She wasn't the ideal companion but he didn't mind any sort of company at the moment.
Less than ten minutes later the tall, blonde figure sashayed through the front door and into the house. "You could have at least replied my text," she said, her heels clicking as she approached him. "Wow, you're a mess."
Joe rolled his eyes and pushed back his messy ponytail. "Gee, thanks Danielle," he replied sarcastically.
"No problem. I was in the area and wanted to hang out." She plunked down next to the recliner he was sitting in and crossed her long legs. "How are you doing?"
As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was quite comfortable talking with her. They weren't as close as they used to be back in Developmental but they still talked now and again on the road. "Bored out of my mind," he sighed. "Being injured sucks ass."
"Where's the girlfriend?" Danielle inquired, looking around.
"At work," he answered, rather brusquely.
"Interesting," Danielle said, looking anything but interested. "Anyway, how long till you're back?"
"Couple of months, and it can't come soon enough." Yawning, he leaned back in his recliner and closed his eyes. "Sorry, I'm not going to be much of a talker. I just took my meds and that shit knocks me smooth the hell out sometimes."
"Everyone's been talkin' about you," said Danielle, whipping out her phone. "There's mixed thoughts on you being stripped of the Tag titles, fans speculating on what you're gonna do next, all that unnecessary hype and shit. Your Twitter followers are waiting impatiently for your next tweet."
"Yeah well, let 'em wait. I don't wanna talk to anyone," he griped.
Danielle lifted a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "You are in quite a mood, and it's not just because you're out of action," the WWE Diva said. "What is it? Trouble in Paradise? You and your girl are not used to seein' each other all the time and now y'all getting on each other's nerves. Am I right?"
Joe opened his eyes again, his jaw clenching. "It's nothing."
"You've never been a good liar, Joe," Danielle pointed out. "Come on. You can talk to me."
He could, but he wouldn't. He and Sasha may be on shaky ground but he doubted she would appreciate him mouthing off about her to a woman she was not fond of. "Don't worry about it. So how's my man Curt?" he asked, referring to his friend Curtis Hussey, better known as Fandango.
"He's fine," she replied in a tone that suggested she had no interest in talking about her on-again off-again boyfriend. Looking around again, she said, "Seriously, where's Tasha?"
"Her name's Sasha. Don't act like you ain't know. And she's working," he said simply.
"While you're here on your own?"
"She has to work, Dani. She's got a job. She'll be back soon anyway."
"That's a shame. She left you all alone when you need her the most. You see, that's the difference between her and me. I would never have left your side. I'd be here all the time. Like I am now." She shot him a meaningful look, one that set alarm bells ringing in his head.
His grey eyes widened when out of the blue she reached over and started to rub his shoulders. "What are you doing?" he asked.
"You're tense. Let me work those knots out for you." She continued to massage his broad shoulders. "I've always wondered, Joe," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "Why didn't we ever get together?"
Because back then she also had her eyes on his cousin Josh. Finding out about that gave him the perfect excuse to back off. He didn't share women, especially not with his own flesh and blood. Even when it became clear that Josh wasn't into her, Joe had lost all interest. She hadn't been worth chasing then and she definitely wasn't now. "Uh, Dani, this isn't a good idea," he started to say, swallowing when her hand moved from his shoulders down to his chest.
Her eyes flicked up to meet his, locking gazes with him seductively. "Look, I'm sure Sasha's great and everything...but you and I both know I'm better for you. She doesn't understand the world we're from. She doesn't know what a man like you really needs. I do because I'm a part of that world. Your world. You and I would've had something special if you'd just let it happen."
Her hand glided along his torso, and Joe stiffened at the realization that she was aiming for his crotch. "Danielle, stop. Don’t." Wide awake now, he squirmed, trying to shift away from her. Her hand traveled further and further down, and she boldly kissed the crook of his neck. Joe fidgeted some more, cursing his injury for limiting his mobility.
With a firm flick of her finger under his bearded chin, Danielle directed his face to hers. "Come on, it's just one kiss," she laughed, her lips inches from his. "I won't tell if you don't."
"What the fuck is this?"
Startled, both Danielle and Joe's heads whipped towards the front door and saw Sasha standing there. If looks could kill, Danielle would be a cold, rotting corpse. "Get out," Sasha snarled, her tone laced with a venom that Joe had never heard from her before.
"This isn't your house, darlin'," Danielle retorted haughtily. "You got no right to tell me to leave."
"The hell I don't! You put your slutty little hands on my man. Leave or I'll throw you out myself."
Danielle stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "I'd love to see you try."
Sasha stared blankly at her, and then threw her head back and laughed with such menace and malice that Joe legitimately feared for Danielle's life. He knew his girlfriend had finally snapped.
Dropping her handbag on the ground, Sasha took off her earrings. "This bitch think I'm playin'." She pulled her hair into in a ponytail, ensuring it was firm and in place. "Get the fuck out!" she said angrily. "Now!"
The WWE Diva made no move, simply flipping her blonde hair back and making a sound in the back of her throat. Keeping weary eyes on his approaching girlfriend, Joe said, "Danielle, I think you should go."
"I'm not goin' anywhere!" she protested. "Who does she think she is? Are you gonna sit there and let that bitch talk to me like-"
Her tirade ended abruptly in a startled scream when Sasha seized her by the hair and yanked her backwards with such force that her knees buckled. Without uttering a single word she dragged the taller woman, caveman-like, across the living room, the red mist surrounding her blocking out Danielle's shrieks. She could feel the bitch's fingernails digging into her wrists as she struggled to get away but Sasha had her in a vice-like grip and had no plans of loosening it. The mother of two threw open the front door and bodily flung Danielle out like the bag of trash that she was. She then marched over to the seat next to Joe, grabbed Danielle's handbag, marched back to the door and tossed the bag out to join its owner, and didn't look back as she slammed the door shut. She hoped the bitch tripped on the staircase and cracked a tooth or twenty, triflin' thirsty-ass ho.
Joe remained in his recliner, stunned, cringing at the look on Sasha's face. "Sash...Sasha, I-"
She pointed a trembling finger at him. "You got some damn fuckin' nerve, Anoa'i."
"It wasn't what it looked like!"
"Oh, so that bitch humpin’ your leg was a figment of my imagination?" she countered angrily. "Tell me this, Joe. Did you ask her to come over? Have you been calling her behind my back?"
"No I haven't! I didn't ask her to come over either!" Joe insisted. "Calm your ass down!"
"Calm my ass down?" she repeated, livid. "I come back from work and find her seconds away from shoving her tongue down your throat and you expect me to calm down?" Hands on her hips, she glared pointedly at him. "Do you want her, Joe? Huh? Should I go get her back so she can come take care of you instead? Let somebody else put up with your bullshit."
Joe's heart sank upon seeing the tears in her eyes. "Babe, please, listen to me-"
Her hand shot up, silencing him. "No, no! Don't. I don't wanna hear it. Just...don't." Forcing a deep breath into her lungs, she headed towards the sliding glass door. "I need air. I'm outside if you need me, your Majesty." Mocking a curtsy, she stormed out of the house, desperate to be as far away from that infuriating man as possible. Making her way to the deck, she slumped down in one of the few wicker chairs and tried to breathe normally, tried to swallow back the bile that had risen up her throat and the betrayal that was clogging her chest. That fucking slut, daring to put her filthy claws on her man, and him just sitting there, made her want to be sick. It was already an emotional day for her as it was. She didn't need this shit too.
As though aware of the tempest brewing, Cassie called her cell phone. "Hey Sasha. How's it going?"
Sasha hesitated. "Not great."
In the few weeks of Joe's recovery, Cassie had witnessed her brother's antics, and was personally surprised and impressed that Sasha had endured his crap for this long. "Wanna talk about it?"
Sasha blinked back the impending tears. How could she tell her boyfriend's sister that she was at her wit's end without coming off as a heartless bitch? "I came back from work and found Danielle or Summer Day or whatever the fuck she calls herself groping your brother."
"What? That little tramp!"
"Yeah. Even worse, he did nothing to stop it," Sasha said angrily.
"Ugh. My brother can be an idiot sometimes."
"Yes he can," Sasha agreed.
Cassie could tell how upset the other woman was and felt for her. "I know how you feel, girl. Our dad used to act out when he got injured too. Maybe you should take some time away from Joe. Focus on your kids for a while. I got some free time this week so I'll take him off your hands. It's gonna be okay, honey. Alright?"
Sasha nodded. "Thanks Cass."
At the sound of his voice, Sasha rolled her eyes. She did not want to talk to him.
"I can hear him so I'll let you go," said Cassie, "Make him grovel."
"Oh I plan to," Sasha replied, ending the call before standing up and walking towards the swimming pool.
"Sasha wait." Gingerly, he shuffled across the deck towards her. "Baby girl-"
"Oh, I'm baby girl again now, huh?" she said bitterly, extending the distance between them. "That what you call your skinny-ass ho too?"
Joe's face fell. "Sasha, please listen to me. I didn't know she would try to kiss me."
"Yeah right! That bitch been chasin' your pretty ass since before we met!" she countered. "Has she come over before, when I'm not around? What’ve y’all been doing behind my fuckin’ back?"
"Nothing, I swear!" he vowed. "I know I should've made more effort pushing her away but I've been groggy from my meds all day. But it's no excuse and I'm sorry. I'm not cheating on you. I would never cheat on you. This is just a big misunderstanding."
Again, Sasha didn't answer, but her body language gave her away. Her arms were crossed and she actively refused to look at him. "Baby, talk to me," he pleaded.
Shaking her head, Sasha kept her gaze straight ahead. "I'm tired of this, Joe," she confessed. "We don't go through the day without getting into some stupid argument. I feel like you don't want me around with the way you've been acting this past couple of weeks. Like I'm in the way and I'm not doing anything right. You don't want to open up to me either. Then I see you with...her. How do you think that makes me feel?"
Saddened by her statement, Joe blew out a breath and took a cautious step forward, pushing through the pain in his groin area to get to his love. "Listen...I know I've been hard to deal with. It's a frustrating time for me and I've been taking it out on you and I'm sorry. Baby girl, I don't want anyone else but you. You know that. I didn't touch Danielle, but I shouldn't have let her touch me either. Please don't be mad." He came up behind her and rubbed her upper arms. "I'll be a better patient from now on, I promise. Just...don't leave me. I need you."
She looked at him in surprise. "Why would you think I'd leave you?"
"Well..." he muttered, looking away uneasily. "I'm injured and useless and a pain in the ass. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to."
Sasha stared at her boyfriend. "I thought you'd know by now that I'm not that fickle." Exhaling heavily, she added, "Sure, I've wanted to choke you out a few times but no, I'm not going anywhere. I know how frustrating your injury is and I promised I'd be here for you through all of it. And I will."
At her words, Joe smiled. "I've said it before. I don't deserve you." He met her eyes, a little smirk forming on the corner of his lips. "I do have to say this though. You're so sexy when you're mad."
Sasha rolled her eyes. "Are you being serious right now?"
"Dead serious. The way you looked at her, yelled at her, how you dragged her by her hair not sayin' one word...that was fuckin' hot, baby girl. It kinda turned me on."
"I'm sure that's just the meds talking," she remarked, leaning into him instinctively when he wound his arms around her waist and placed a sweet kiss on her neck. He was relieved to feel her relax against him. "I've been a jerk, nani," he whispered. "And I may not have been acting like it lately, but I'm grateful for everything you're doing for me. I love you. Please forgive me."
She met his eyes. The sincerity and tenderness staring back at her washed shivers down her spine. How could she deny that beautiful face anything? "I love you too. All is forgiven. Now quit tryin' to seduce me, you know we can't do anything," she told him firmly, prying off the hand creeping up her breast before spinning him around and pushing him back into the house. "You shouldn't be on your feet. Go lay down. I'll make dinner soon."
"Please don't make me eat brown rice again," Joe whined.
"Doctor said no white rice yet. You need all the fiber you can get if you want a speedy recovery."
"I get that, but anything but brown rice, please. I swear if I put that shit in my mouth again, I'ma throw up," he complained, back in prima donna mode as he sauntered back to the guest room. Behind his back, Sasha shook her head with a small, resigned sigh. Yeah, it was going to be a long recovery.
Whew! Things were about to get real ugly. Is Danielle a troublemaker or what? Should Joe have done more to ward her off? And there's a baby on the way. :D
There's a lot to talk about. Hope you let me know your thoughts on all of it. Thank you! :)
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
From Bandersnatch, San Junipero to Hold The DJ, The Nationwide Anthem- Leisure Information, Firstpost
http://tinyurl.com/y5v45z3n Following its transfer from a British free-to-air TV community to a world streaming large, Black Mirror has developed from a cult favorite to a present which retains watercooler conversations just a little juicy. Netflix has turned Charlie Brooker right into a money cow milking his chilling “what if”s about our technological tomorrow and the day after for ready-to-binge bite-sized tales. British TV’s auteur-in-chief had initially conceptualised the collection, hoping to warning society on its present technological trajectory. However now, it has grown into an meeting line of techno-dystopian cautionary tales, commodified and Americanised, for mass consumption. Surprisingly, it has change into the very factor it was critiquing as an increasing number of viewers disconnect from actuality and switch to their black mirrors to catch the newest episode of, nicely, Black Mirror. Black Mirror art work courtesy Butcher Billy (Twitter/billythebutcher) Stranger nonetheless, which may be one in all Brooker’s central factors. Nonetheless, this isn’t a condemnation of the present in any manner. His eerie clairvoyance has in any case given us a number of the best short-form storytelling prior to now decade. Whereas most sci-fi movies and exhibits imagined aliens, AI and apocalypse of some variety in a distant future, Brooker’s situations appeared extra nightmarish as a result of they’re principally set within the close to future. His consideration to modern particulars gave his future-gazing a exceptional plausibility — like these tales had been logical extensions of our present obsessions and behaviours. So, he usually extrapolated current know-how into these situations to exhibit how our tech dependency may have probably horrifying implications. Whereas every Black Mirror episode explores completely different themes, all of them act as deterrents to our present path the place know-how appears to be evolving sooner than our humanity. Though all 23 of them are worthy of consideration in their very own proper, not all episodes are created equal. So, we’ve ranked each episode — from the pilot “Nationwide Anthem” to its Season 5 finale “Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too” — to see which of them most vividly outline this landmark collection. 23. Smithereens (Season 5, Episode 2) Smithereens (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) What makes “Smithereens” mildly attention-grabbing is it’s the sort of story you would have pulled from at the moment’s newspaper. But it surely’s a narrative that feels much less like a Black Mirror episode and extra like a PSA stretched to function size. It attracts its emotional heft by focusing its story on a helpless and responsible man (performed by our favorite “hot priest” Andrew Scott) seeking to shift the blame on these dealing in “tech-cocaine” — a social media app masterminded by a Jack Dorsey-type tech/wellness guru (Topher Grace). Nonetheless, by writing itself right into a nook, “Smithereens” can’t discover a clear route during which to take the premise and thus ends in a very disappointing manner. It’s the weakest entry in not simply the substandard fifth season however the total collection, which — for the primary time — is beginning to really feel prefer it has overstayed its welcome. 22. Bandersnatch (2018) Bandersnatch (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) Black Mirror‘s standalone interactive movie exists primarily as a gimmick and nothing extra — thus turning into a meta-commentary about its personal format. It’s neither as ground-breaking nor as intelligent because it likes to assume it’s. It is caught between a Select Your Personal Journey-style online game and a simple Black Mirror episode and refuses to decide to both. 21. Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (Season 5, Episode 3) Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) We have already had Roy Orbison, Michael Jackson and Tupac’s holograms carry out lately and Amy Winehouse’s hologram is about to embark on a multi-year run with a backing band. Is the music trade celebrating their creative legacies, or exploiting them? The primary half is typical Black Mirror earlier than an abrupt tonal shift within the second half, which turns into comedy caper/rescue mission. Within the course of, Brooker makes stirring factors of how fame is exploited as a commodity — and the way it can in reality imprison the well-known, as they lose all company to manipulative leeches within the trade. However the characters written to drive residence these factors are inauthentic and stereotypical. Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too thus begins off with an extremely promising premise however it sadly turns into an incoherent mess. 20. Arkangel (Season 4, Episode 2) Arkangel (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) Implants are a reasonably frequent piece of know-how within the Black Mirror universe. Its utility in most episodes make you query the circumstances which led to its approval. However in “Arkangel”, it’s a little too unimaginable for even sci-fi extrapolation as a result of it isn’t a query of “What if” however “WTF had been they pondering?” Although it makes for an attention-grabbing thought experiment, it doesn’t cling collectively nicely in story type. The episode’s considerations about helicopter parenting have loads of real-world analogues because it presents moral and authorized conundrums about privateness and consent. It’s nonetheless a significant misstep in Black Mirror‘s hit-or-miss fourth season. 19. The Waldo Second (Season 2, Episode 3) The Waldo Second (Stills: Channel 4; Art work: Butcher Billy) What if a loud, obnoxious cartoon with a success TV present ran for political workplace and begins to resonate with voters disillusioned with the mainstream political panorama? No, not Donald Trump. Waldo, a racy little animated bear voiced and motion-captured by a failed comic named Jamie (Daniel Rigby), hosts an Ali G-style present the place he conducts interviews with unassuming politicians, who consider they’re truly taking part in some sort of kids’s discuss present. Of all of the unsettling prescient visions of the long run dreamed up by Brooker, nobody anticipated “The Waldo Second” to foretell a real-world occasion. However the strengths of the episode finish with its prescient examination of worldwide politics. Even at 44 minutes, it feels inconsistently paced as its characters are frustratingly bland and its writing is not good sufficient to justify its runtime. 18. Hanging Vipers (Season 5, Episode 1) Hanging Vipers (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) When Anthony Mackie and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II meet as their online game counterparts in a VR combating sport, it turns into an intense makeout session earlier than turning right into a love affair. The episode makes for an intriguing train in self-enquiry on how VR may make us rethink the parameters of cis hetero masculinity and sexual id itself. Although there’s a real intimacy and tenderness between the two leads in the VR game, there is no chemistry in any way as soon as they return to actuality. The episode additionally fails to discover its themes on a deeper degree and gives no perception to the questions it raises about queer id by taking the straightforward manner out with an unimaginative conclusion. Thus, its observations are superficial, basically lowering their dalliances to a mere fetish. 17. Metalhead (Season 4, Episode 5) Metalhead (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) “Metalhead” is basically an episode-long chase sequence. Shot totally in black and white and choreographed to perfection, it follows a lady on the run from killer robotic canines by means of a barren post-apocalyptic panorama. For a Black Mirror episode, it’s sadly simply all bark and no chew. However followers of style movies will definitely recognize this tightly managed thrill experience because it builds up pleasure and pressure with a well-developed sense of pathos. 16. Crocodile (Season 4, Episode 3) Crocodile (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) What if our minds and reminiscences had been probed and studied by legislation enforcement officers like they had been surveillance cameras? Certain, it might make it simpler to seek out killers, like Mia Nolan (Andrea Riseborough) finds out in “Crocodile”. However such a know-how does elevate some apparent privateness and moral considerations. Brooker does not discover this totally although, as an alternative specializing in the Fargo-esque story the place one unhealthy resolution can have untold deadly penalties. He chooses to pile on the Nordic noir horrors to its Icelandic setting that any social commentary he is attempting to impart will get fully misplaced in all of the paranoia and bloody mayhem. After all, “Crocodile” can be a type of Black Mirror episodes which showcase how know-how isn’t half the villain as its human wielder. 15. White Christmas (2014) White Christmas (Stills: Channel 4; Art work: Butcher Billy) Black Mirror‘s 2014 Christmas particular is constructed round three interwoven “what if” situations anchored by Jon Hamm, Oona Chaplin, and Rafe Spall. However these thought experiments distract you from the principle plot. Brooker pumps the episode stuffed with main and minor twists and hopes all of them tie in by some means. They do not. The darkish aspect of a number of the applied sciences on show on this episode have been explored in a way more compelling manner in different episodes. Although “White Christmas” options probably the most poignant moments of all the collection, its ending is very cynical in its bleak examination of the human capability for torture. 14. Black Museum (Season 4, Episode 6) Black Museum (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) For each Black Mirror episode with a really horrific twist, there’s an episode with an ending you most likely noticed coming proper from the start. For each unique thought, there’s an thought Brooker repeats a number of occasions all through the collection. “Black Museum” curates the most effective technological threats and thematic treats we have seen on the present in a Cabin within the Woods-style commentary on the present itself. It encapsulates what makes this present work by stringing collectively three cautionary tales in a mini-anthology. Barring a predictable ultimate phase, there are a couple of good concepts on the coronary heart of “Black Museum”, which may have been explored in standalone episodes. It’s nonetheless powered by Black Mirror‘s engine of chills and dread, combining David Cronenberg’s B-shockers with Drew Goddard’s twist-filled meta mash-ups. 13. Playtest (Season 3, Episode 2) Playtest (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) One other Black Mirror implant and VR-gone-wrong episode. This time, an American backpacker Cooper (Wyatt Russell) indicators as much as take a look at a brand new VR know-how for a sinister-looking, extremely secretive online game firm. Whereas there’s a kernel of a good thought right here, “Playtest” does not provide any new style thrills which movies like eXistenZ, Tron and The Matrix haven’t already offered. However the episode does recognise how our unacknowledged private demons can usually be loads scarier than spiders, ghouls or any know-how. And the episode shines when it digs deep into this deep, darkish pit of man’s fears and wishes. Thus, it is the non-public drama which gives some forex, however you count on extra from a collection like Black Mirror. 12. Shut Up and Dance (Season 3, Episode 3) Shut Up and Dance (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) If hackers blackmail you by threatening to leak movies of you in a compromising place, how far would you go to guard your popularity? Teenager Kenny (Alex Lawther) finds this out the laborious manner after cybercriminals hack his webcam and catch him partaking in an act he would not need anybody to see. “Shut Up and Dance” is maybe Black Mirror‘s most deranged train in bleak nihilism. Like “The Nationwide Anthem”, its know-how and transgressors are roughly recognisable to the world we presently dwell in. It’s a morbid story of peculiar individuals thrust into extraordinary circumstances, as they discover themselves caught in — and operating out of — time. Although there isn’t any clear ethical takeaway, it retains you on edge and entertained. 11. The Nationwide Anthem (Season 1, Episode 1) The Nationwide Anthem (Stills: Channel 4; Art work: Butcher Billy) Was there a greater technique to set the Black Mirror blueprint? This grotesque request for public show of bestiality shocked us and made us take discover of Brooker’s aptitude for the dystopic. Its commentary was stinging, exhibiting the terrifying energy of social media and public urge for food for scandal. Whereas actual horror is simpler when left unseen and to the viewer’s creativeness, watching a person forcibly fulfil his coital obligations disturbs you in a beforehand unexpected manner. So, it places our humanity, slightly than know-how, to job. The sardonic however thematically spot-on twist on the finish was a becoming technique to introduce us to Black Mirror‘s unsettling world. 10. White Bear (Season 2, Episode 2) White Bear (Stills: Channel 4; Art work: Butcher Billy) What “White Bear” does finest is shift our sympathies amid all its frantic motion. Although it shares an analogous sense of nihilism to “Shut Up and Dance”, it additionally condemns society’s nearly Medieval want to punish the responsible in probably the most ugly methods. In a Purge-like world the place punishment turns into amusement, it questions the extent of our voyeurism and sadism. Thus, it’s one other episode which makes you surprise if know-how is admittedly the villain within the collection. 9. Males Towards Fireplace (Season 3, Episode 5) Males Towards Fireplace (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) As we all know, life-augmenting artificial implants have been on the core of many Black Mirror episodes however “Males Towards Fireplace” options its most annoying utility. It imagines the way forward for hightech warfare the place troopers can kill as many enemies as they’d like and fully neglect about it the following day as their reminiscences are erased. They do not should really feel regret or face the ethical implications of their actions. But it surely takes away their free will and conscience. There’s loads of nifty motion sequences to get pleasure from too. 8. Hated within the Nation (Season 3, Episode 6) Hated within the Nation (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) Trolls discover it straightforward to cover behind their wall of anonymity, spewing venomous bile with out ever being held accountable for his or her hateful phrases. “Hated within the Nation” positive holds them accountable and the way. The episode performs out like a normal homicide thriller till in fact the killer bees maker their entrance. Tense, mysterious, and thrilling just about from the primary body to the final, the episode delivers its broad social critique in a manner that’s contemporary, well timed and biting. Provided that the robotic bees are getting used for pollination following the extinction of their organic ancestors, it makes you surprise in regards to the ramifications of their waning populations in the actual world. Although its condemnation of our rising surveillance state and drone warfare is well timed, its commentary on the toxicity of social media #activism delivers the most important intestine punch of all of them — providing you with hope that the keyboard warriors will assume twice earlier than they fill the world with hate and anger. 7. Hold the DJ (Season 4, Episode 4) Hold the DJ (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) What if Tinder promised to seek out you the proper match (or perhaps a 99.Eight % compatibile match)? What if it additionally gave you an expiration date in your relationship? We already rely upon algorithms to advocate what to observe, what to learn and what to purchase. Possibly within the close to future, we are going to belief it discover us love.  After the completely pleasant “San Junipero” (which we’ll come to quickly), it’s refreshing to see Brooker give us one other candy love story; this time of “boy meets lady; boy and lady turn into simulations; boy meets lady in actual life they usually dwell fortunately ever after.” Solely, is it a contented ending? As a result of we appear to neglect one essential element. The idea of digital consciousness has been a recurring theme all through Black Mirror. So, no matter occurred to all of the digital avatars of Amy and Frank in 998 of 1000 simulations? We neglect the individuals and experiences behind the information. However there was an excessive amount of of cynicism already. So, let’s hope for his or her sake — and love in tech-obsessed 21 century’s sake — that they had pleased endings too. 6. Nosedive (Season 3, Episode 1) Nosedive (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) “Nosedive” is a deeply relatable portrayal of our obsession with social-media approval by means of likes, followers and scores, to which we have a tendency to connect manner an excessive amount of that means. It makes us really feel insufficient and thus breeds artificiality in our persona however we nonetheless fixate on it to the purpose of madness. You’ll be able to learn into the episode dozens of parallels to the actual world as Brooker exhibits how alienated people change into slaves to social media, enchanted by its artifices. Thus, the world of Nosedive doesn’t really feel like an alternate actuality however an embellished extension of our personal. 5. Fifteen Million Deserves (Season 1, Episode 2) Fifteen Million Deserves (Stills: Channel 4; Art work: Butcher Billy) An completely heart-rending piece of science fiction, “Fifteen Million Deserves” could also be tough to observe however it leaves you considering about its unsettling concepts lengthy after its one-hour runtime. Brooker’s dedication to world constructing is clear within the free-to-play video games, the adverts, the biking chambers and, in fact, his takedown of actuality TV. Its world appears eerily recognisable to ours; solely these applied sciences have taken on a bigger, weightier position. The twist, as at all times, entails a heavy dose of irony and it makes Brooker’s commentary in regards to the commercialisation of dissent all of the stronger. Ultimately, we’re all cogs in an analogous system; whether or not we conform or insurgent, our voices are all co-opted by it. 4. USS Callister (Season 4, Episode 1) USS Callister (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) “USS Callister” is greater than a love letter to Star Trek. It hooks us with its homage to the traditional sci-fi collection after which boldly goes the place TV has hardly ever gone earlier than — straight into the darkish core of a fan tradition that is getting an increasing number of poisonous. It goals its lasers at a tradition of sexual entitlement, office harassment and misogynistic attitudes by marking a transparent distinction between public id and personal actuality. This episode is an apparent fan-favourite as a result of it lets us enjoy its nerdiness, earlier than it makes its searing indictments. With its meta-narrative, it directs its ire in direction of poisonous followers affected by a God advanced, hoping to make them perceive that being a fan doesn’t suggest what you’re keen on belongs solely to you — and serves as a sort of want fulfilment. You’ll be able to’t completely reside in a simulated actuality since you’re afraid to take care of your precise actuality. It additionally brings up one other well timed level on how their energy, authority and place. This excellent mixture of commentary and leisure makes USS Callister one of many strongest episodes of Black Mirror. 3. The Total Historical past of You (Season 1, Episode 3) The Total Historical past of You (Stills: Channel 4; Art work: Butcher Billy) Have you ever ever acquired a textual content out of your vital different and spent all evening attempting to decode the that means of every phrase and punctuation, dissecting its construction, inventing subtext earlier than passing it round to your mates the next morning hoping for extra perception? After some time, overthinking about these facets flip your insecurities into irrational fears as you begin studying all the things as indicators of a relationship’s demise. Jesse Armstrong, who wrote the episode, brings his POV digital camera method from Peep Present and makes use of it to nice impact. In contrast to Brooker’s glossy, expansive vistas, Armstrong opts for a less complicated suburban residence setting. This makes the connection drama unfolding on display appear all of the extra actual. And he does a superb job of weaving a deeply disturbing melodrama round know-how. For when technological improvements outpace our privateness protections, it has the facility to fully break human relationships. There is a cause why the human thoughts does not have entry to our complete existence. As a result of life is about transferring ahead, not trying again. 2. Be Proper Again (Season 2, Episode 1) Be Proper Again (Stills: Channel 4; Art work: Butcher Billy) “Be Proper Again” epitomises what Black Mirror does finest — take a thought experiment, add equal components emotion and existential horror, stir it with style ideas, garnish it with a contact of irony after which let the entire thing marinate in metaphor and commentary. Whereas numerous its tales take a look at know-how by means of a cautionary lens, “Be Proper Again” makes use of it to mirror on philosophical points about our humanity and mortality. The episode makes use of the thought of a sentient digital consciousness to the detriment of its characters to higher impact than in different episodes like “White Bear” and “Black Museum”, which haven’t got the identical emotional payoff. Brooker walks a positive line in balancing grief and therapeutic, with out ever going over the sting to both manner. He pulls off this tightrope act by diverting his focus from worldbuilding and placing higher emphasis on the home drama and performances. Hayley Atwell steers the story together with her highly effective and emotionally resonant rendition of a grief-stricken partner, whereas Domhnall Gleeson brings a contact of horror and humanity to an android. 1. San Junipero (Season 3, Episode 4) San Junipero (Stills: Netflix; Art work: Butcher Billy) “San Junipero” is most un-Black Mirror-like episode as a result of it’s a tender-hearted whimsical delight that leaves you smiling ultimately. There’s an actual vein of heat — of hope and risk — that runs by means of it. It is an antidote within the type of nostalgia remedy to all of the cynicism we have witnessed or binged by means of. Ooh, child, are you aware what that is value? Brooker makes use of this sweet-natured premise to discover themes of nostalgia, love, dying and the afterlife. Mankind has endlessly puzzled if there’s life after dying and if our consciousness continues to exist past the bodily physique as a soul or spirit. So, Black Mirror provides a technological factor to this philosophical question and provides us a refreshingly hopeful reply with a befitting conclusion — one which leaves you feeling just a little optimistic. This radical shift in tone is achieved with out slipping into schmaltz. “San Junipero” belongs within the hallowed pantheon of probably the most transferring sci-fi movies of the 21st century, alongside Everlasting Sunshine Of The Spotless Thoughts, Upstream Coloration, Her and Arrival. It will likely be fondly remembered as a result of it provided hope amid all of the darkness, dying and despair. And that heaven may very well be a spot on Earth. 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