#love is one big game of improv to get you into wacky situations
kaleuh · 1 year
i am. shaping up to have the craziest summer of my life
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giftofclasspects · 6 months
oh! could i get a session analysis for:
heir of space, seer of life, maid of hope, thief of rage (prospit dreamers)
sylph of light, rogue of heart, page of breath, mage of time (derse dreamers)
none of these people know eachother before the start of the game. it’s a wacky session
OKAY! This is exiting. I'll take these one by one and then go through how their personalities interact. Prospit Dreamers: Heir of Space: Space is patience and setting. It's the process before the end result. Heirs are passive witches, so they manipulate their aspect indirectly. An Heir of Space would have the kind of personality that would inspire people to be more patient. They'd encourage others to take their time and sniff the roses and stuff. Seer of Life: Life the aspect that tells me you're going somewhere. It's growing big and strong, be it physically, mentally, economically, you name it. A seer of life would research general improvement and wellness and share these findings with others. I picture those "sigma males" who are constantly telling people how to manage their lives and their money, but probably in a way that's sillier and less mean. Maid of Hope: This is a cool one! A maid would rely on other people for their aspect. So picture somebody who is naturally very pessimistic who's surrounded by inspiring individuals. It's their job to learn how to find this positive potential within themselves in order to be self sufficient. Thief of Rage: Someone who is generally antagonistic, but not good at it. Over time, they improve in their hurtful ways. These players will usually have good reasons for poking and prodding at their coplayers and just making them feel worse, but other times its just for selfish gain. Derse Dreamers: Sylph of Light: We have an example of this class inside the comic, Aranea! As a Sylph, she had many ideas that she wanted to share with as many people as possible, but she struggled with her own relevance and how to put that into action. Aranea may have been a meanie in the comic, but that doesn't have to be the case for all sylphs of light! Rogue of Heart: Nepeta Leijon! A rogue is one who struggles to even relate to their aspect, passing it on as other people's responsibility at first. With time, they can grow to take back their aspect and enjoy it for themselves. Think of Nepeta, making ships of all of her friends, but never fully confronting the idea of her own love interests. She couldn't accept herself and her own emotions. Page of Breath: Tavros Nitram! A page will cover up a flaw in their aspect by making up a load of nonsense to seem more confident in their aspect than they actually are. Tavros believed the key to a healthy self esteem was repeating empty affirmations untill you feel better. His relation to the breath aspect was one of somebody chasing an ideal. Mage of Time: This is somebody who has suffered from impatience and action, who will use that experience to attain their goals. The challenge with a mage of time is to accept other people's input. Now for the fun part. The synergy with these classpects. The Heir and the Mage are both very crucial to this session, because this is a larger session that needs those strong opposing aspects to keep everyone grounded. The Seer, Rogue, and Mage will be good to come to within a crisis and high stakes situation. The Thief, Maid, and Page will probably cause a lot of problems for this session, either on purpose or accident. The Page will definitely need the Heir and Maid to develop into a crucial component to this session that might be able to pull everyone together, regardless of their differences! This was very fun to analyze. - Mod Jade
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Topic: Afterparty by Night School Studio
So, to start off my blog, the first underrated gem that I'd like to talk (or blog about) is:
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So a little background on this underrated gem:
Afterparty is a game that was created and developed by Night School Studio, who's also known for creating Oxenfree, and was released back in October 2019. I first heard of this game back at 2018, where I first saw the trailer for it. I found the idea and concept of the game... intriguing. I mean, two protagonists (Milo and Lola) die and are sent to spend the rest of their eternity in Hell. But, a challenge is apparently being offered to any daring human (or humans); a challenge where if they can outdrink and outparty the Prince of Darkness himself, they’ll be granted another chance at life on Earth.
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So, to further elaborate on the game, I’ll be delving into the characters, plot, graphics and gameplay of Afterparty.
Even though I have unfortunately never played the game myself but instead watched numerous playthroughs on youtube instead, I had fun watching and listening to the playful and witty banter between the many colorful characters in the game. Our two protagonists are two relatable graduates that only want to continue on with their unfinished lives as they make their way through a college-esque Hell. While finding a way back to Earth, they meet various damned souls and demons who help them along with their hellcohol-fueled journey to outdrink Lucifer in their own peculiar ways.
My personal favorites so far are Milo and Lola (obviously), Sam Hill, Andrealphus, and Lucifer/Luke. I can relate to Milo and Lola’s awkwardness in some social situations, as I struggle with wrangling my social anxiety whenever I am socializing with new people. I found the various demonic characters in the game’s version of Hell very enjoyable and unique in their own ways, while also seeing that they’re not that different from humans (a bit). The ruling Monarchs of Hell were, for me, the most enjoyable bunch to see, as each one had their own personality that tend to either blend or contrast with their role/s in ruling Hell. Appollyon/Polly and Beelzebub/Beezle are the serious, business-first busybodies of the bunch while Lucifer/Luke and Asmodeus/Al are the resident party demons/Monarchs of Hell, who have abandoned their respective duties to party every night (and day too I guess).
The side characters were quite fun to interact with too (in my case watch), as they offer some bits of insight on how an everyday life in the game’s version of Hell works. It was a fun concept to see humans and demons mingling and partying together during their off-times from work, which is either torturing or being tortured. The concept of getting demons that mentally torture you (personal demons) was also very interesting, as it served as a way for the player to get to know our two protagonists better, by seeing their inner turmoils and weaknesses being used against them or as tools of mental torture by their own personal demon, Sister Mary Wormhorn.
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The overall plot of the game is interesting enough to capture most people’s attention, though to be honest, it still comes second when compared to the story of its predecessor, Oxenfree. To avoid spoiling anybody who’s reading this review who hasn’t played or watched a playthrough of the game yet, I’ll do my best in keeping this part spoiler-free.
Essentially, the plot, for me, is quite interesting and it was one of the reasons why I was intrigued by it in the first place. The concept of outpartying The Devil himself in order to get out of Hell was a fun concept that the game introduced to me. And the fact that we get to explore a version of Hell wherein demons and damned souls/humans party all night long got my attention in the trailer. So, I’d encourage you, dear reader, to check out the game yourself, and I hope that you’ll give it a chance by watching its trailer or a playthrough of it if you’re not planning on playing it yourself but are still interested in how the story will unfold.
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Graphics and Gameplay:
For me, I definitely saw some improvement with Afterparty’s graphics, and the characters’ movements were quite fluid although a bit limited. But that didn’t diminish the quality of the game itself, as in a way, it gave the gane its uniqueness and colorful personality. The gameplay was new and interesting, though it had already been seen first in Oxenfree, but Afterparty gave it a unique and fun twist that made the game worth playing and watching.
Overall, the game’s graphics and gameplay, though not as phenomenal as other games are, is unique and fun in its own way, and its one of the reasons why I was personally drawn to it in the first place, as it reminded me of Oxenfree, a game that I’ve loved as well, and it added some of its hellish creativeness that gave it a new flavor that piqued my curiosity.
Would I buy the game in the future? Definitely. Why? Well, its one of those games where different choices lead to different wacky results that lead further into the story of the game. Each choice you make in the game, whether small or big, all have a different effect on the story, though others only have a minimal effect on the story of the game.
So, that was Afterparty by Night School Studio, introduced by yours truly. Hope you enjoyed my take on the game, and expect see more content soon!
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bmaxwell · 4 years
Katherine, Catherine, or Qatherine?
I’m a Persona fan. Not a real Persona fan, one of the fake ones that only showed up after Persona 3 came around. I’d never played a game with social or dating elements. Social links are a big part of Persona 3, dating much less so. There are lots of characters - some plot critical, some not - that you can spend time to build a relationship with. Some of these are dateable, which doesn’t really mean a whole lot for the game beyond some dialogue differences. 
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Anyway, Persona hooked me. The aesthetics, the dungeon crawling, the killer soundtrack, just all of it. In 2011 when I heard Atlus was making another game called Catherine, I was curious. When I saw that the story was, on the surface at least, horny with not much else going on I had my doubts. Then I saw that the gameplay was spatial puzzle solving and decided Catherine wasn’t going to be for me. 
Ten years later I found myself in a Gamestop with some coupons and a copy of Catherine: Full Body in hand. This version of the game has had has additional gameplay, visual improvements to bring it up to par with the Playstation 4 generation, and a new character to further complicate Vincent’s story. Also, the copy I found has a pretty slick steelbook case and slip cover; I’m a sucker for that stuff. 
I’m only a couple of hours into the game, but I pegged Rin (the new character in the story, short for “Qatherine”) as the romantic interest I’d want to pursue. From where I stand, Katherine (Vincent’s longtime girlfriend) is domineering and overbearing, Catherine (the sex-starved blonde who shows up out of nowhere and somehow winds up in his bed every morning) is the purely horny option, and Rin (the girl who Vincent rescues one night who has amnesia and plays the piano) represents innocence and someone to be rescued.
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The latter is the easy choice for me, though I’m sure it will not be so simple. When my wife saw a bit of the game, she said “Jesus she looks like she’s twelve years old.” She’s not wrong. I haven’t gotten to the part of the story where her age is discussed or where she’s a romantic option. At this point, I’m giving Atlus and the game’s fans the benefit of the doubt and assuming there’s more going on here than “Zoinks, Vincent sure fucks a lot and gets caught up in WACKY predicaments!”
My wife, who is 5 years my junior, likes to joke that I like ‘em young. So I figured why not review my video game romance history? It’s Saturday.
Persona 3: Chihiro Fushimi
I think the first game I played that had romance options was Harvest Moon 64, but I never got that far in the game. That game felt extremely hurried to me, there was never enough time in a day to do anything beyond the necessary tasks. Farmers ain’t got time for that shit, yo.
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Chihiro was not a major character in the game. She’s the  shy, bookish treasurer for the student council. She’s cute, kind, and humble. 
It’s been long enough that I don’t remember the other romance options very well. Yukari was a spaz and Mitsuru felt like one of those kids that desperately wants to be grown up. Not in the slutty way, but in the cold, professional, no-nonsense way. She is a redhead though.
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Persona 4: Chie Satonaka
Chie is the tomboy friend in Persona 4 who loves kung-fu films, and eats a hell of a lot of steak and beef bowls in the game. She has short hair, she’s athletic, she’s extremely social. She ticks no boxes for me. 
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Still, Chie is best girl. I do not know why. 
Stardew Valley: Abigail
Abigail has purple hair, loves video games, and plays the violin in the rain. My wife also pointed out that she “seems really young.”
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To be fair though, I immediately decided that Robin would be my love interest as soon as I saw her but she’s married. 
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Doki Doki Literature Club: Yuri
This was the first dating sim I ever played. Yuri was the shy, introverted, booksmart girl in the group. No contest.
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Persona 5: Futaba Sakura
Everyone’s in high school in Persona 5′s main cast, but Futaba is a couple of years younger, and emotionally seems younger still than her age. She’s a tech-obsessed introvert shut-in, and the game’s writing plays that up a touch too much. Still, she’s a sweet girl and a bit of a damsel in distress again. 
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Again, I kind of fell into Futaba as a romance option when I missed the romantic option with my first choice - Tae Takemi, the doctor who gives you experimental drugs and calls you her little guinea pig. Which is maybe not better. Then again
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Dream Daddy: Mat
Oh yeah, the other dating sim I’ve played: Dream Daddy. Mat is a music snob who works at a coffee shop, he’s good-natured and can’t resist a good/awful pun. Not much of a contest there.
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Hades: Meg and Thanatos
Not sure this counts, but it’s Saturday. My Zagreus did the deed with both Meg and Thanatos. 
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Not a big fan of Thanatos, Hades was more of a “I want to see everything” situation. Romancing Dusa isn’t quite an option, but I was wondering for a long time how they’d make that one work.
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junker-town · 5 years
Everything about this NFL season is breaking our brains
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Photo by Tim Warner/Getty Images
At this rate, the playoffs are going to be pure chaos.
Alright NFL, you did it. You broke me. Are you happy? I don’t think it’s too much to ask that after 13 weeks, the league could give us a basic idea of which teams were good, which ones were bad, and who might have a chance to make it to the Super Bowl. Instead I sit here, a sad and broken man, without any clue what the actual hell is happening in the NFL.
Platonic ideals of parity aside, this season has completely gone off the rails. Rewind two months ago and it all felt so easy. The Patriots and Chiefs would likely contend for the AFC Championship. On the other side, you had the 49ers and the Saints. Now, who knows?
I’m truly left feeling like this is going to be a weird trap year when an obvious favorite flames out in the first round to some barely-.500 team in the kind of shocking postseason that leads to discussions about whether the whole system needs to be revamped.
Let’s start with the AFC. So you have the Patriots, but they don’t look invincible this season, not by a long shot. Losing to the Texans on Sunday night seriously damaged any absolute faith you could have in this team. The natural progression is to say, “Well, maybe the Texans really are that damn good.” Except they’ve lost to the PANTHERS this season and got decimated by the Ravens.
So then we go to the Ravens. They seem incredibly good and are coming off a big win over the 49ers to improve the resume. Lamar Jackson is playing some of the most exciting football in the NFL, period. They definitely fit the bill. Then you remember they lost to the Browns and barely scraped by against the Bengals.
The Bills? Look. I’m excited for Bills fans, but it’s going to be a cold day in hell when I anticipate anything positive for the Bills. Trust me, Bills fans don’t want anyone saying they have a chance at winning anything for fear of a jinx, and I’m much happier not going through a table in a frozen parking lot.
The AFC could be an Occam’s razor situation. Maybe the simplest answer is the correct one, which causes us to circle back to the Chiefs. Ah yes, the Chiefs. Easily the NFL’s must-watch team at the start of the season. They then went on to lose to ... the Texans and Colts.
If you can make sense of this, I’d love to hear it. All I see is a complete crapshoot that logically can only end with the Ryan Tannehill-led Titans finding a back door into the playoffs, beating the Patriots or Chiefs and playing ultimate spoiler.
Surely things must be more normal in the NFC, right? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
The Saints are the hot pick, and it’s understandable. Veteran team, Drew Brees, they’ve already clinched their division, the whole nine yards. When the Saints are good, they’re damn near unbeatable, and when they’re bad, they lose by 17 to the Falcons, which is an actual thing that happened less than a month ago. And lest we forget, they needed an undrafted kicker in Carolina to shank a 28-yard field goal to survive against the Panthers a mere week ago.
The 49ers are in the picture too. They’re at 10-2 and really are the total package. A stout defense with a young, exciting offense. There’s no reason to bet against them when a prospective playoff run is on the cards — except that loss to the Seahawks. “It was overtime,” you might say, to which I’d remind you that San Francisco got a serious scare from the Cardinals, Steelers, and Washington this year, all of which came down to single digits.
Drop a level and we have the Packers, Seahawks, and Vikings. They suffer this same weird round-robin effect of ugly losses, close scares, and unconvincing victories that make it tough to really get on board in a meaningful way.
This season is so wacky that Washington at 3-9 isn’t just in the playoff hunt — it could still win the NFC East.
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Nine teams below .500 could still make the playoffs with four weeks left in the season.
I need to stop think about this. Let’s go around the league.
This juke is poetry.
Lamar juked him right out of his shoes @Lj_era8 pic.twitter.com/eVVxNrMnct
— The Checkdown (@thecheckdown) December 1, 2019
Yes, I know it was wet on the field — but stop trying to hate on fun. Lamar Jackson is just so damn fun to watch. The only thing that would have made this clip better is if Jackson literally caused people to lose their shoes, which I also fully expect to happen by the end of the season.
I love this play more than life itself.
PUNTER TO KICKER TOUCHDOWN! The @MiamiDolphins pull off the trickery! #PHIvsMIA : FOX : NFL app // Yahoo Sports app Watch free on mobile: https://t.co/uPnyeJSIAR pic.twitter.com/lf4M4xFvVO
— NFL (@NFL) December 1, 2019
There is nothing more perfect in this world than a punter throwing a touchdown to a kicker. It’s two unlikely flavors that somehow go together — like pickles and peanut butter (trust me, try this). In any event, not only is it the kind of bald-faced weirdness I can get behind for a team whose season is over, but it was incredible enough that it rectified one of the worst NFL plays of all time and proved that somehow this can work.
Maybe the best part of this play is that it’s called “The Mountaineer Shot.” I’m a fan of any play that sounds like the most dangerous moonshine you’re ever going to drink.
Congrats Florida, for spawning the dumbest NFL fans of the season.
We got anti-vaxers here at Bucs-Jags. First time I’ve seen that crowd at an NFL game. pic.twitter.com/6OkcYF9gGb
— JennaLaineESPN (@JennaLaineESPN) December 1, 2019
I like the referee imagery, though. It’s on brand. Nothing says “making a grave mistake while turning a blind eye” better than a ref. It’s just a shame you can’t go to instant replay when your kid contracts measles.
Or in Arkansas’ case, the mumps.
Arkansas athletics released a statement yesterday about the Mumps incident on the U of A campus. Sources tell me the number of football players with Mumps is significant.
— Trey Schaap (@trey1037TheBuzz) November 27, 2019
The effective end to the Panthers’ season is sadder than you could ever imagine.
Here’s fourth-and-the-season for the Panthers. pic.twitter.com/VresISdjTj
— Bill Barnwell (@billbarnwell) December 1, 2019
Kyle Allen running serpentine out of the frame is a metaphor for Carolina’s entire season. It’s just so sad — especially when you see that No. 13, Jarius Wright, was open in the end zone for almost the entire play.
Until Allen left like Poochie.
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Carolina lost to Washington and while the Panthers’ season isn’t technically over ... it’s totally over.
Shoutout to the Jets for truly bringing futility to new levels.
It takes a special level of skill, determination, and horrible play to lose to the 0-7 Dolphins and the 0-11 Bengals in the same season. It’s community outreach. Nobody is better at making the rest of the country feel slightly better than the Jets.
I’d like to submit an alternate lip reading ...
Brady: "Guys, listen up. We gotta be faster, quicker, more explosive..." pic.twitter.com/kUcB1UR0OI
— Vikings Blogger (@firstandskol) December 2, 2019
“Guys, we got a beef ... STOP! Hey. We got a fondue set! Cook quicker! Cook everything! If you f*** up one more onion. Alright?! Make you you poach the chicken OFF THE BONE! Everyone on the same page? Good because we’re running out of f***ing oil and I’m not eating Top Ramen.”
I’ll let you be the judge. Either he said something to try and motivate his team, or he was unhappy with the fondue preparation on the sideline. I know which truth I believe.
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
“A Typical Fight Night From Europe”
July 10th, 2017
After a hectic, eventful and landscape changing International Fight Week you have approximately one week to get it all out of your system before everyone's favorite traveling circus heads overseas! Scotland has had one UFC event and now they better get ready for the UFC wackybus to roll back into town! The first event had a killer main and co-main and then some decent enough stuff under it. This card seems a bit deeper but not without some fluff as well. It's top three fights are fantastic stuff as the main event could be a potential title eliminator, it's co-main event is a really intriguing fight at strawweight and it's third fight is a slick lightweight clash between two guys who are more than capable of going on a run but dangerously close to falling behind in a crowded 155 lb picture. I think I've hammered on the "elite" stuff enough for one weekend. The rest of the card is essentially a very typical European card for what that's worth.
Fights: 12
Debuts:  6 (James Mulheron, Justin Willis, Galore Bofando, Danny Henry, Daniel Teymur, Amanda Lemos)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 3 (Mark Godbeer OUT, James Mulheron IN vs Justin Willis/Lina Lansberg OUT, Amanda Lemos IN vs Leslie Smith, Mitch Gagnon OUT, Albert Morales IN vs Brett Johns)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 3 (Gunnar Nelson, Santiago Ponzinibbio, Steven Ray)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC:  0
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 4 (Steven Ray, Cynthia Cavillo, Santiago Ponzinibbio, Gunnar Nelson)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 16-18)- James Mulheron, Justin Willis, Galore Bofando, Danny Henry, Daniel Teymur, Amanda Lemos
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 12-17)- Amanda Lemos, Albert Morales and James Mulheron
Second Fight (Current number: 20-19)-  Charlie Ward, Brett Johns, Bobby Nash
Cage Corrosion (3-2)- Neil Seery
12 Precarious Ponderings:
1- There are going to be plenty of people disappointed in this main event on paper but let's be totally fair; this is a very acceptable Saturday afternoon main event in the middle of a rough Summer stretch of six events in a row. It's a respectable headliner featuring two WWs on winning streaks who could easily slip and slide their way towards a title shot. With Lawler/Cerrone happening and Masvidal/Wonderboy happening, that's four guys looking to fight through winning streaks. Maia vs Woodley is in two three weeks and then GSP "awaits" in November but I think we're all a hint smarter than that, am I right? So if there's a very impressive win, we might be looking at a new potential contender.
2- It's interesting to look at who each guy has beaten and realize that they've both kind of failed in their attempts to step up to the next level. Ponzinibbio was TKO'd by Lorenz Larkin in a really good fight whereas Nelson has lost to the likes of Rick Story and Demian Maia when asked to take a step up. Both are well rounded guys who have beaten fair competition (Ponzinibbio over guys like Sean Strickland, Nordine Taleb and Zack Cummings; Nelson over Alan Jouban, the aforementioned Cummings and Albert Tumenov). It's a very good stylistic matchup as well as Ponzinibbio's striking matches up well with Nelson's and while he lacks Nelson's grappling game, Santiago has great takedown defense. This is a good exciting fight that should be fun over five rounds.
3- Joanne Calderwood vs Cynthia Calvillo is one of those weird fights where a lot of bad outcomes could happen for the UFC. Calderwood seems destined to jump up to 125 lbs after this fight and so right off the bat, the big concern has to be that Calvillo loses to Calderwood who then goes up to 125 lbs and one of your more promising fresh prospects is left at 115 lbs with nowhere to go. On the other hand, it would probably kill the crowd entirely if Calderwood gets dominated by Calvillo.
4- Khalil Rountree vs Paul Craig is pretty interesting if you still think Rountree has potential. He's had 3 UFC fights and outside of getting smothered to death by a great wrestler, he's had a fight where he gave Tyson Pedro problems before his ground game fell apart and a fight where he almost removed Daniel Jolly from the realm of the living with a knee. Paul Craig likes to live in the clinch where there's plenty of danger from Rountree's knees. At the same time, if Craig takes the fight to the ground then tchances ar Rountree is going to have a very bad time.
5- Worth noting that Rountree and Craig are BOTH under 30 years old so we should want them to do well. Also holy shit let's do less of these under 30 fights at LHW and HW please?
6- Steven Ray going into this fight on the last fight of his deal. That's normally a sign of a guy having a breakout performance and then losing the NEXT fight right after it.
7- Paul Felder vs Steven Ray at range is going to be a lot of fun given how both guys tend to be hittable but can crack. Felder is more unorthodox but Ray's boxing can be really crisp plus both guys tend to be so-so takedown artists so expect a lot of power clinch work as well.
8- I don't want to say that it's shameless (because it's probably the kind of guy he should be fighting) but McGregor's buddy getting a dude with a 4-2 record who hasn't fought since 2015 is PEAK MMA. The very height of this stupid fun sport.
9- Danny Roberts gets a very serious gut check after losing vs Mike Perry. I don't know if he would've won a decision vs Perry but he had moments of brilliance in between getting rocked and eventually finished. Roberts is a fun welterweight to watch; an all offense all the time kind of guy who is susceptible and vulnerable in just about every passing second of a fight. Roberts is a work in progress for sure and Bobby Nash is the sort of wacky as fuck brawler with pop who can give him troubles. This could be a bonus earning fight.
10- Neil Seery's wacky amazing MMA journey comes to an end vs Alejandre Pantoja and I just wonder if maybe the UFC should've found an easier opponent for Seery.
11- In a crowded messy and talented 135 lb division, Brett Johns is one of those guys on the lower half just trying to find himself. Johns made a name for himself in good ways and bad on the regional circuit; a dude who vacated the CW title in a messy situation, missed weight in Titan FC and ultimately got to the UFC with questions about his commitment and focus.  His debut was a great fight but not without some questions, primarily his cardio and his striking defense. Johns came into the UFC as a wrestle first desperation takedown guy but he showed even more in his debut. Albert Morales is the most athletic guy that Johns has faced but he has been prone to getting taken down in the past.
12- Really excited to see how the Teymur brother does. His brother has been a fantastic revelation for the UFC and might be Sweden's best chance for a champion going forward.
Must Win
Joanne Calderwood
The UFC clearly has had no problem letting people go recently. From releases to just not matching deals, they're skimming out people they deem excessive, expensive or headaches. At this point, Joanne Calderwood might fall more or less into the category of one of those three. She's getting Dana White's big pet project in Cynthia Calvillo who is 2-0 but hasn't fought anybody major of note. This is a decent enough stylistic matchup for Joanne Calderwood plus she's at home.
Steven Ray
Free agency looms for Mr. Ray and fighters are getting "paid" by somebody. Ray has a tough out in the versatile Paul Felder and he's proven to be a very durable 155er.
Khalil Rountree
You gotta imagine that at some point, Rountree has to make good on his promise and athletic upside. He's still very, very young in this division where age and staleness has taken over. Is his takedown defense improved? Has he rounded out the holes in his game? These are all key questions requiring serious answers. He's got a tough match up in Paul Craig who is a total stylistic crunch for him.
Five Fights You Can't Miss
1- Santiago Ponzinibbio vs Gunnar Nelson
It isn't often the case but the main event on this show is far and away the best fight on this card. Both are streaking WWs with a wealth of ability and in the case of Ponzinibbio, an interesting challenge for a very good Gunnar Nelson.  Smarter people than I have discussed almost to an ungodly extent how the WW division is slowly aging and getting stagnant and these are two guys in their primes who are improving with each fight and fit a perfect spot for the WW division in need.
2- Brett Johns vs Albert Morales
I could just be really high up on Morales and overrating this newfound more aggressive Johns but I'm betting this fight is going to steal the show.
3- Joanne Calderwood vs Cynthia Calvillo
I'm pretty jacked for this one since there's so much at play. Cynthia Calvillo has real star potential and while the chance for Calderwood to be a "star" has come and gone, she's still a good strawweight who has flashes of greatness from time to time. Curious to see if Calvillo can get her down and even more curious of Calderwood's size will play a factor. There's a decent chance IMO that both women could fit for titles next year.
4- Khalil Rountree vs Paul Craig
Under 30 LHWs. Y'all need to be in on this.
5- Neil Seery vs Alexandre Pantoja
This should be a pretty interesting fight although I think it's going to be a bit of a bummer for Neil Seery fans. Seery's weaknesses have been against dominant grapplers and better athletes than he is. Pantoja touches both markets pretty easily and he's gone from being a very talented grappler to a solid striker as well. It's a damn good fight for those of us who love flyweights and would be a great send off for Seery if he can pull this off.
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tumblunni · 8 years
Mannnnn I just cannot get over how many great well-developed relationships there are within the Rune Factory 4 cast! Its just great how much all the different love interests interact with each other outside of their romance route, and how all the non-romanceable characters are still an equally big presence by being family/mentors/employers/best friends/etc to the love interests and to each other and everyone has a job role in the town and they have so many great interactions and just GAHHHH its so great!! Its like one big family made of families made of families then you marry into the family and the family and also the family perhaps. THEN YOU HAVE A CUTE CHILD. aaaaaa
Ventuswill the mentor lady best friend/team mum/LITERALLY THE GOD OF THIS COUNTRY AND A GIANT DRAGON man i just cry forever for her aaaa Everybody’s own unique love for her, and how she kinda unites us all as a family aaaa The butler family coworker trio who met each other because of her! I really like to see it as clorica and vishnal having a brother sister relationship, they dont get any particular big scenes together but they just seem to be such cute friends who never have any of the rivalry you’d expect when theyre both competing as volkanon’s students. VOLKANON IS LIKE YOUR GRANDPA AND HE IS THE BEST CHARACTER The whole restaurant fam! You get to see it expand as the story goes on! And aaaa its just so heartwarming that porcoline adopts all these random homeless people and aaaa!!! DYLAS LEARNED TO COOK. THEY ALL LOVE THEIR STUPID TWIRLY GOOFBALL DAD. And its so nice that these very different personalities end up coming together and being like siblings when they probably wouldnt have befriended each other if not for this random stroke of chance. Its just so cute seeing margaret looking out for her new brothers, and dylas being so polite and formal to arthur, and arthur just being all ‘haha i dont know anything about having a loving family what a rare novelty’ *constantly crying inside* And they bicker sometimes and when they team up theyre a super powerful force, and theyre all like the parents to porcoline’s childishness and aaaaa super talented restaurant fam, super colourful quartet of hugs aaaa THEY ARE MY FAVOURITE OKAY And Forte + Kiel adorable siblings with the unique plot and semi tragic aspect of living alone together at a young age and each trying to take the place of their deceased parents and protect each other And then Bado is like their weird adoptive uncle who’s lived next door since back when their parents were alive, and promised to keep them safe. but he’s kind of a wreck of a man who’s perpetually messing up his silly get rich quick schemes but DEEP AT HEART HE CAAAAARES! but still he is kind of a mess and would probably turn up drunk on their couch half the time. i love him he reminds me of sirius black if he ate del boy from Only Fools And Horses to absorb his strength And then there’s Illuminata who’s like Bado’s evil twin kinda?? They should have more interactions, theyre the bad influence grownups duo XD And I just love the underrated relationship between her and her ‘sidekick’ amber, and how she’s kinda like a big sister who doesnt wanna be called one. I totally only have you here to serve my nefarious purposes! Umm, I mean, my purposes of justice!! And then she’s often playing the cool big sis to all the various female characters in the town, even though at the same time she’s also part of the ‘adults who need a mom friend’ group XD I think margaret and forte actually win the crowd of the true mom friends even though theyre not the oldest (I also like that they have an unlikelu friendship together, though i wish if margaret is allowed to have a canonical gay crush then why isnt she allowed to be a gay marriage option...) And then Lin Fa and Xiao Mei kinda dont stand out as much cos theyre more of a very normal mother and daughter, beyond Lin Fa just being this spacey super nice but super clumsy person. She’s not quite the funny parent-child like porco and co, but she’s funny in her own way cos of how cheerful and positive she is about all her failures. Xiao Mei got all the common sense! Its also nice and cute how Xiao Mei is physically clumsy but super competant and mature, while her mum is perfectly elegant yet completely scatterbrained. And they’re both totally huggable, Xiao Mei dont be jealous that everyone has crushes on your mum! I feel so bad when she’s all ‘i’ll never succeed cos i cant be cute in the same way as her’, as if there’s only one definition of feminine beauty or whatever. CAN YOU NOT SEE YOUR MUM HAS FLAWS TOO. you are powerful togetherrrrrr! i am just so envious seeing these characters with supportive mums that’re like their best friend and they can talk about everything together ^_^ And then there’s the doctor family with the super lovey dovey married couple of funnyness and mushy mush, and they adopt some orphans too~! EVERYONE ADOPTS EVERYBODY: THE GAME. I love seeing the cold and distant Dolce warm up to them and regain her faith that she wont be hurt if she loves someone again. Also Pico is very cute and hilarious! Even if again I get very annoyed at this game having so much queerbaiting, lol. I kinda laughed at the wiki saying dolce and pico were ‘like sister’, i mean seriously?? Pico is like your typical ‘looks like a child but is really 100′ love interest and dolce is the poor harem show protagonist who never asked for this XD I do like though that even if it seems dolce very much doesnt requite pico’s feelings, theyre still best friends either way. Pico’s super comedic flirting attempts seem to come off like she’s completely aware that dolce doesnt love her back, and she just wants to make some humour out of the situation to let dolce know she still cares about her even if they’re never gonna date. Its nice, we dont often see relationships like that in fiction, a childhood friend who confess a crush, gets turned down, and it actually ends positively and they remain friends. Its just a shame it had to be like... one of the few openly LGBTQ characters in the game, and nobody is ever allowed to date anybody or have a happy ending or be a romance route or even mention the word gay, even as theyre constantly being incredibly vocal about how its canon these characters have crushes on each other. gahhhhh. I mean we literally have doug and dylas proposing to each other and confessing their love but LOL HA its just a ~wacky misunderstanding~ but btw lets just rub it in that they are VERY MUCH intended to be seen as gay by the audience but theyre not ~really~ gay even when we say they are and GAHHH okay sorry im getting offtopic now :P Anyway its really sad that Pico is stuck as the same unchanging ghost child while her best friend grows up and marries someone else. And man, she had to spend all those years guarding monster form dolce until someone was able to free her, and we dont even know how pico died so her life could have even more tragedy in it. After all that I guess its a relief that she can be this comic relief jerk-with-a-heart-of-gold manzai duo partner to dolce and also like the freeloading friend on her metahphorical ghost couch. And its nice how much the doctor couple completely accept ‘dolce’s friend’ and are some of the few people who never remotely worry about her haunting the town. And then AAAAA there’s the four guardians themselves who’re like a family cos they were all people who were like family to ventuswill in different time periods, and then met each other for the first time when they were purified from their monster forms and bonded over how much they all love the same friend. And theyre such a badass quartet of cool monsterfolks!! And I like that they have lil relationships inside the quartet, like how dolce and amber are polar opposite sunshine and grumpiness but dolce secretly likes her a lot more than she lets on, and how leon likes to tease dylas but also kinda be his wingman. And I like how leon takes this role to a lot of the other batchelors too, he’s this totally shameless frat boy big brother figure XD “HEY PROTAGONIST DO YOU WANNA HEAR ABOUT DOUG’S SEX LIFE” And then aaaa doug and granny blossom AAAAAA granny blossom is probably the character who gets the least scenes, backstory, and general focus, but I still love her a lot. And they have a good dynamic together! I like that it starts off seeming like just a completely normal grandma granson relationship, but then you learn later that he’s adopted, and that he actually began as a spy for the evil empire who realized the error of his ways after infiltrating the town and finding so much love inside it. And then he’s just so scared cos blossom’s illness might bring her to an early grave, and he’s always being disobedient and rebellious because he wants to do anything to protect her even if she tells him not to put himself at risk and AAAAAA
why are there so many amazing fams and theres even so many small hints of characters who maybe only interact once or twice and then there’s room to headcanon even more fams and AAAAAA and the protagonist’s place in the complex web of fams is up to you to decide!! ITS LIKE EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED IN A GAME
oh and randomly I liked that xiao mei’s father isnt a major character in the game, but there’s not any tragic reason or anything. he’s just a travelling merchant and lin fa is very accepting of her husband being gone off on trips for long periods of time, she has every confidence he will never stray away from her and she supports him pursuing his travelling dreams! and also it was funny how his one brief appearance has him with the generic traveller 3d model, to point out how much he isnt a main character compared to his wife XD and it was just really cute how happy everyone was when he visited, and how the player accidentally helps improve their family business! and aaa the backstory story about arthur’s mother is SO DAMN SAD, and dolce’s biological parents who she left behind when she sacrificed her life, and just AAAAA even the tiny one-line-only minor fams are such quality fams FAMS GAME REVENGE OF THE FAMS
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nganbaier404-blog · 7 years
Truck Airport Parking At Weigh Stations 2 ) Part 2
Have you ever forgotten where you put your car keys? Have you spent time searching for your sunglasses when they were perched on top of your head? Don't laugh. Even I have done that! Today's culture refers to these scenarios as "senior moments". While these senior moments can be quite entertaining they can also point to the possibility that your mind is not as focused as it could be. Your mind can become "dull" if you have been out of school for awhile or engage in the same repetitive tasks each day. In other words, your brain is on cruise control when you should always strive to learn and stretch your mind. I have a grandmother that is 92 years old and is sharp as a tack. She keeps her mind sharp by continually learning new ideas, facts, and solving puzzles. Many ask what activities they can do to keep their mind sharp. Online games and puzzles are perfect activities to sweep the cobwebs out of your brain. You need to keep your brain cells humming. You can work on creativity with visual art puzzles. You can work on logical thought process through number and letter puzzles. Classic crossword puzzles and a competitive game of scrabble are great places to start. You can tune up your observation skills by playing visual oriented games, including the classic jigsaw puzzle. You can complete jigsaw puzzles online and not have to worry about losing a puzzle piece under your couch. Yes, I've done that too. You can also work through puzzles where you have to observe the differences between two pictures that appear identical at first glance. These puzzles are fun and addictive. They also provide a great avenue for focusing your mind. Are you looking for a comprehensive set of mind games? Take a peak at Mind Machine. This game contains different types of activities that will have your mind stretched to its limit. You can adjust the level of difficulty so the entire family can play. The difficulty levels include: easy, normal, hard, and insane. Mind Machine provides ten different games that include: matching, mathematics, repeating patterns, and observation skills. You race against time and try to achieve a high score. This game integrates visual elements with logic, number sequence, and reading skills. The graphics and music are entertaining. It is a complete workout for the mind. One of the games in Mind Machine is called "Totem Pole". You have to place missing pieces on a totem pole by matching color and design. Another fun game involves figuring out the number of cubes in a picture. They change the arrangement and number of cubes to keep you on your toes. Play puzzles and online games to keep your mind fit and healthy. Online games provide stimuli to many of your senses and are an entertaining way to keep your neurons firing in your brain. There are puzzles and online games available for everyone and will suit just about any interest. Have fun exploring the different types of puzzles and games available. Not only will you have fun, but you will ward off "senior moments". Or at least try too... Find tips about growing cantaloupe, growing oregano and other information at the Gardening Central website.
Get you cargo van load of materials compared to the lumpy terrain not having having having a powerful accident. Whiteface Lodge Resort Hot tub and Homes. There's being an on-site shop. Things has nailed the cardio system of a large number Windows mobile or portable phone users. On returning, solitary call Airport terminals Carparkz, game board the shuttle service and report to coverage for your entire keys. When each of our system is still in all armed state, releasing typically the parking braking mechanism without writing the adequate code are able to always feedback the continuous motor being rest immediately and the blue indicator shall start at flash worries that period. There are typically coffee brands in a room. Art Devlin's is centrally located in order to really Lake Placid's Olympic sites, fine dining, shopping as well as the major Plaza Placid points of interest.The Olympic Arena, which website hosts hockey, sort skating but the Olympic Museum may be three locks away. Using hundreds associated with such online game available utilizing crisp graphics, appealing game play and hassle-free controls, all could one particular ask with regard to more almost always for per wacky Comes to an end night a great time experience? Rv storage promos secured so professional service with l8rs to auto and car port. Main, Durant, Oklahoma, must be also going 30 lengthy north at Red Stream ATV Area. The Region Inn Hotel also pets suitable for a petite extra charge. These on-line games will most likely build " up " including specific lowest finish computers relating to the trade today. Situated simply just ten minutes or so from the most important terminal, Given Expression Luton car or truck parking games reveals bus transmits. Many arts, crafts additionally flea stock market type poker table lines these streets, in addition to carnival meal shops obstruction the hospital streets. Big rig rest inhibits are pair and much more between, coupled with they you should not always file space out regarding that enchanting ten-hour spot. ATV users who take to have in effect a slight different get and keep here could find 5 bedrooms, a nice clawfoot tub, a Jacuzzi, wifi also a full breakfast worked hot every last morning. Consider well, one firm that will you commit a min amount money; usually is strong security, a whole lot more space, experienced personnel's furthermore additional firms that should be free to do with charge come to an agreement for consumers. Red House top Inn is located off of I-75 and is simply near elegant Tampa and additionally the Status Fairgrounds. Econolodge on the Riverfront overlooks often the historic Oswego Harbor. 60 to 70 E. 1st St., Oswego, NY 13126. 1-315-343-1600. Be unafraid of some of the sweat and also helmet hair, you continue to be on vacation, relax! There is plenty on bike cabinets at Moab establishments. If you look back and think, in children, the liking for cars being right from the age of 6 months. Place a moving car in front; he/she may crawl to hold it. One may argue that it's a liking for anything that moves. But soon the child recognizes the structure similar it and loves to hold on to this toy that fancies him/her in shape and the captures by its motion. Especially loved by boys, cars and car games have always interested them. Initially it begins with collection of various toy cars. They are so much in love with cars that most children know how to differentiate between logos. They know which is a Mercedes, Jaguar, Porche, or a Mini Cooper, Hyundai, Honda or Toyota and they can go on identifying cars even from a distance. From toy car collection, they move further to wishing to be sitting behind the steering. That is when car games fulfill their wish. These days there are so many online games that are easy to access. Car games are most sought after online games by both kids and youth. Since these car games are virtual online games, there is little to worry like actual car game risks. Besides, the satisfaction that he derives is pleasing too. The child feels he drove his favorite car. Many online games give you a choice of model, and also the choice of color. So you can choose you favorite one. There are also options of the place you wish to race. You can choose if you wish to trace in a desert, or race track, or a forest, or by the shore, etc. All the different options seem more realistic and the graphics are very enthralling too. Thus each mode is a new adventure. So the child can always change the car the scenes and every game will be a new car in a new place. Car games have developed from simple racing to even parking games. You don't have to just win the race amongst other speeding cars and turns and twists, but you also have to park the car in the most difficult place. It is not easy to accommodate oneself in limited space. So in the effort of making oneself adjust to the front and reversing, turning etc, you are likely to bump to other parked cars too. These are fined. So the points that you have won by winning the race is deducted. Car games are very interesting and can keep you glued till you win. For many playing these car games are a way to relax and brighten up, though there are many who feel as if they have returned after a long drive. Like other online games, car games too have participants competing from different part of the world. This makes it interesting. These being online games, you do not know the other persons tactics and moves. Many of the online games are free. Thus easy on pocket these games also are one of the best ways to be creative in your free time. Not only are you competing, but also practicing and training your hand and eyes co-ordination. It also improves your thinking speed and decision making ability.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/gadgets-at-car-windshields-banned-starting-may-18/
Gadgets at car windshields banned starting May 18
Gadgets, such as cell phones, located at a car’s windshield that without delay distract the line of sight of the driving force can be banned starting May 18. The Anti-Distracted Driving Law takes the impact on Thursday, and violators will face penalties of as much as P20,000 and revocation of their licenses. Even palms-unfastened devices, as lengthy they obstruct the road of sight of the driving force, could be in violation of the regulation. Using mobile phones for texting or making calls or sending messages at the same time as driving can also be banned. The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) will understand and problem violation tickets to drivers stuck texting or calling despite the fact that the pink mild is on. The law covers all public utility vehicles, personal automobiles, government automobiles, bikes, bikes, skateboards, kuliglig, haba-habal, motorized wheelchairs or even horse-drawn carriages like those utilized by travelers in Intramuros. Exempted are drivers reporting injuries/fires and other emergency situations. The implementing rules and policies at the regulation of automobile window tint are now being drafted to help the MMDA understand violators of the Anti-Distracted Driving Law. Meantime, Republic Act 10666 or an Act offering for the Safety of Children Aboard Motorcycles will take effect on May 19. Fines are from P3,000 to P10,000 and revocation of license, and 1-yr imprisonment needs to the violation result in death or severe accidents/ damage to property. Fines could be paid to Metrobank or Bayad Centers. Enforcers will now not obtain and must now not demand that fee be made to them.
Big Boys’ Toys – Why Men Love Gadgets
From sports activities automobiles to secret agent cameras, power tools to wireless electricity devices–men love technology. Most guys have a minimum one high-tech obsession. It will be the today’s gasoline grilling gadget, a reducing facet fly rod, the most recent graphite golf clubs, computer systems, electronics–the listing is going on and on. It’s apparent that guys love devices–but why? Here are only some viable motives.
The “Wow” factor. Let’s face it: a shiny new techno-toy is cool. From the contemporary plasma display screen TV’s to slim, elegant cellular phones, a fantastically designed device is positive to capture a guy’s interest. Many devices are designed to maximise the nippiness appeal: electronic card shufflers for the cardboard shark for your family; glossy Mp3 players and cell telephones that appearance good out in town; computer audio system that seem like cutting-edge sculpture. The “wow” component is elusive, and it’s commonly a combination of flavor and feature.
It’s all approximately fame. Cutting part era is a standing image. And even the ones people who insist we do not care approximately such things get a mystery thrill from owning the present day and greatest. Those devices price money, and that they ship a signal that the owner has it to spare. They also give the impact that the proprietor is educated, modern day, and plugged-in. Most social species have methods to determine popularity among their participants, and human beings are one of the most complicated social species within the global. Techno-gadgets are just one manner guys can display their repute among their friends.
They make guys sense like kids once more.
Most men begin their love affair with devices at an early age. Little boys love far away manipulate cars, video games, child-sized equipment, and greater. A new device could make a guy feel like a kid once more. Playing with high-tech toys is something that by no means modifications. It’s engrossing, charming, and a laugh–just like it changed into while he changed into a child. Most guys get simply as excited now when they’re given a system for Christmas as they did after they were lots more youthful. No wonder device gifts are a brief and smooth manner to a man’s heart.
Believe it or not–they may be sensible. Gadgets can help you do belongings you could not do otherwise. A modern-day laptop can can help you do the entirety from recording your very own track to constructing your personal e-commerce commercial enterprise. A characteristic-packed mobile cell phone helps you to take a look at your email, play your preferred tune, or even download a movie or tv collection in addition to remaining in contact with your pals. A nicely-made electricity device lets you construct whatever from fixtures to sailboats to bikes from the ground up. Guys love devices because they do not just make our lives simpler–they make impossible achievements not unusual.
Entertainment cost. Technology doesn’t simply enhance our lives–it also makes matters greater a laugh. Entertainment technology has come some distance within the beyond a long time, from early radio and television to cutting-edge plasma monitors, video games with dazzling graphics, and more. No reply what you want to do for leisure, era takes amusing to a whole new stage. And it’s anywhere in our culture–almost absolutely everyone has a tv, a radio, a CD series, a pc, and many different gadgets. Today, even our maximum easy and acquainted toys had been given a technological overhaul: dolls walk and communicate; teddy bears play songs and tell stories; and toy automobiles have remote controls.
Considerations When Purchasing a UTV Windshield
If you are like maximum new UTV proprietors that drop a hard-earned wad of coins on a glittery, bone-inventory new system, you probably find out about that first experience that the one accent you should have budgeted for was a excessive first-class windshield. With some of the new machines in the marketplace capable of expressway speed on firm ground, and the possibly scenario that your recreational use includes a few dusty, wet, or snowy using, it is now not lengthy earlier than maximum drivers opt for a greater everlasting alternative than motorcycle goggles.
So why now not just head down to your nearest supplier and throw a couple hundred bucks at whatever’s in stock? At first look it is able to appear like a pretty easy purchase. Just make certain it fits your vehicle and you are in commercial enterprise, right? But there may be a purpose for the huge selection of UTV windshields available. Side with the aid of side owners are an adventurous, various group of fans with applications starting from leisure use in dunes or trails, to looking, to a second road felony car to get around metropolis in on those honest weather days. Besides your software, there are several different main considerations that must be made to avoid consumer’s remorse. What form of climate do you stumble upon regularly? Will you be trailering your UTV every time you operate it? Do you need to have the choice to get rid of it from the car without difficulty? What form of assurance alternatives ought to you don’t forget? This posting will cope with these questions that will help you make an educated purchase.
There are two major reasons that proprietors buy a windshield
And they are each essential on your persevered leisure of your UTV. The maximum apparent is to protect your face and frame from dirt and debris. Unless you use your UTV completely on the street, you will possibly get a mouth complete with bugs or at least a thin layer of your local soil all over you from that first actual experience. The properly information is that actually any windshield, even the only-size-suits-all 1/2 windshields which are commonly seen on UTVs running in sand dunes, will at least limit your publicity. Half windshields are often an awesome choice for low dirt, hot climate programs where insulating the cabin isn’t an issue. In addition to the customary half of windshields so that it will suit any version, there are numerous producers, like Moose Division, that make each fixed and folding half windshields in the $a hundred and fifty-$350 fee variety.
Speaking of weather, what’s the temperature and precipitation frequency wherein you ride the most? If you find yourself often scuffling with the brutal winters of the Midwest or Northeast (or any of you wacky Canadians), you not best need a complete windshield, you may want to do not forget one of the heavy duty glass windshields that commonly encompass a wiper alternative. While highly-priced, this may possibly be the last windshield you may ever purchase on your side with the aid of fact. They are as strong as a car windshield and may not scratch, and they offer the added gain of insulating the cabin, mainly when included with a cab enclosure.
Starting a Home-Based Internet Business
Whatever your background, your education, your preceding employment, your gender or your existence experience all of us beginning a domestic-based net commercial enterprise is starting on a level playing area. Perhaps someone whose heritage is in a few form of offline advertising has positive advantages because of their information of the advertising and marketing procedure however they’ll nevertheless have many new talents to collect mainly in admire of the technical facet of the commercial enterprise.
There will be newbies to the enterprise whose heritage is in PC technology.
They could have certain benefits with regard to the technical elements of the commercial enterprise but will nevertheless should find out about the marketing and copywriting aspect of factors. There could be others who come from the retail alternate. They can have useful enjoy in terms of the actual selling but will locate many new matters that they want to discover ways to collect a comprehensive image of the whole business. Almost all and sundry could have some attributes in an effort to assist inside the improvement in their enterprise; experience or information that they are able to bring to the desk.
There are abilties required to achieve success in beginning an internet business; none of them is in particular difficult and all may be learnt. If you’re prepared to put inside the time and the effort to learn those abilties then there may be not anything to prevent you being aa hit online entrepreneur anything your historical past. Many people interested in the idea of starting a domestic-based on-line enterprise go into reverse whilst they come to realize what number of new things they need to tackle board. There is no want to worry! With net advertising, in case you observe the plan you’ll be successful.
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knowledgeispowerful · 7 years
Non-Academic Shenanigans
A frequent question prospective students and freshman ask me is “what do I do outside of class?” That question really varies for everyone. At the beginning of the year we have this big club fair where students can meet representatives of all the big clubs on campus and learn about what each group does. So if you ever want to learn about all the different groups on campus, keep an eye out for club fair emails in your first week or two of college.
My favorite group I’m involved in is improv. Improv is a non-scripted theatrical performance. It often is, but doesn’t have to be, comedic. If you have ever seen the TV show “Whose Line is It Anyway?” That’s improv.
The group has open rehearsals Sundays and Wednesdays. We all meet up in the rehearsal room of the theater and just goof off and play games for two hours. So many people in the group are incredibly witty and quick, and it is hysterical to see them get thrown into weird situations and make up characters and stories on the spot.
There’s also another level of the improv group-the varsity troupe. Those of us in that go to the regular meetings but also meet one other time a week to practice more serious improv or complicated games. We also regularly do shows on campus. We’ll perform in Hodson Hall or Middle Hall basement on the weekends, and just hang out for an hour trying to make people laugh and have a good time. It’s always fun to get to help people relax at the end of a crazy week, and its cool to see all of us try to step up to the plate in front of a live audience.
There’s a ton of stuff to do on campus and get involved in. You can hang out in Hodson in the game center, or join an intramural sport, or be in a play, anything. There are a lot of things I have been a part of in my time at WAC, but improv was the first club I joined here, and I am still a part of it. I guess, at the end of the day, I just really love hanging out with a group of people who are there to make each other laugh.
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(There aren’t a bunch of photo of us that aren’t blurry-it’s hard to get us all to stay still-but here’s a picture from a while ago of a couple of improv troupe members performing during this big off-campus show that brought a ton of improv troupes together for one wacky night of entertainment.)
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
Ten Rando Thoughts After A Big Boxing Weekend
May 8th, 2017
1- I think we all knew that Chavez Jr/Canelo was going to be an easy (sort of ) win for Canelo Alvarez but I feel like we all had hopes it'd be a little bit of a lot of fun. The problem, at least as it pertains to fun, is that Chavez Jr didn't bring his end of the bargain. As much as it is to see cool to see Canelo whip off combinations and show off his blink and you'll miss it improved defense, JCC Jr simply didn't show up for the big one. Now part of that is obviously due to Canelo but everything from the alleged gameplan (and I refuse to believe Nacho Beristain, a HOF trainer if there was one, would've ACTUALLY thought this gameplan) to the execution to the adaptability of JCC Jr was flat out painful. JCC could have and should have done a lot of things differently BUT perhaps, in the end, it merely boils down to the idea that one guy was there to win backed by super athletic talent, great coaching and vastly underrated technical skill vs a guy who was hoping to win backed by a superstar father, Bob Arum's ATG promotional push, a very limited on paper skill set and noway near enough talent or technique to truly compete. Now having said that...
2- While it didn't bother me, I don't know if I would've appreciated Max Kellerman and company essentially laughing at me for purchasing this event had I paid the full price. I thought Lampley, Jones and Kellerman all did a great job on the whole but Max's continuous almost verbatim "JCC Jr is all marketing banter and promotional push" type shtick probably made people who paid a lot of money for this event feel pretty dumb. Not that JCC Jr didn't do more than his part in that department already, mind you!
3- I mentioned this to the people watching the event and in hindsight, I feel even more confident in it. Talking about JCC Jr in shape is like talking about BJ Penn going back to 155 or Rampage with abs or whatever. It doesn't matter. It will never matter if he's in shape if the guy is shot. Even if you dislike JCC JR, there was a time where he was if nothing else a bundle of energy and body work. He was not a bad fighter; more of a lucky one who seemed to always catch the breaks lucky fighters normally get. When that's gone, it doesn't matter what shape he's in because the jig is basically up. BJ Penn, Rampage, JCC Jr, there reaches a point where it's no longer about what shape you're in and it's more about the tools or lack thereof you possess.
4- Bob Arum has said in the past that boxing undercards don't matter and yeah, he's pretty much right. Having said that, if you give fans SOMETHING underneath, even if that something is just a brawl between two B level guys or in the case of Matthyse/Lemeuix, you give us a B level slugger in a fight where he can throw down and show off a little vs relatively evenly matched opposition and see what happens! All we want are quick and painless appetizers to get us to the main course.
5- Going  back to Bob Arum right quick, IF we actually get Canelo-GGG (and until it happens, I'm going to live in this prepare for disappointment in the event of a joyous surprise),this feels like the first time in a LONG time that Bob Arum will feel completely out of the loop as it pertains to the big picture of boxing. He's essentially left with three fighters who move serious stroke and two of them will arguably never be big PPV movers (Crawford and Lomachenko). The third one is a guy who has seen his stock basically erode in such a tragic fashion in Manny Pacquaio who is fighting some guy in Australia in front of what I'm assuming will be a less than captivated PPV audience. Golden Boy Promotions may be laughable at times when they do things and outright sad when Oscar De La Hoya's continuous struggles with sobriety became public knowledge but they have the biggest active draw in the biz (Canelo), the ability to on paper make a fight with anybody and seemingly good standing with HBO and Showtime as well. They also have an ESPN deal which is SOMETHING at least. Assuming their financial situation can clean itself up somewhat, they've got momentum. As much as we all laugh about the PBC, Al Haymon's obviously got a grip on this sport that's undeniable. European promoters have bigger and bigger hands in the mix, complete with at least one major show a year that does insane gate numbers. Yvon Michel, Lou Dibella and Kathy Duva all feature prominent roles in boxing and so does Arum----but man does it feel like he's sort of out of the loop here. Top Rank feels almost like it's become the forgotten brand of boxing after competing for so many years with the likes of Don King, GBP, Main Events and so on so forth.
Now a lot of this is simply bad luck. A lot of the Top Rank stable at the top half were guys who all fell off at the same time (Pacquaio, Cotto to an extent, Sergio Martinez, Kelly Pavilik, Juan Manuel Lopez, JCC Jr, Nonito Donaire and so on so forth) and even if they weren't PPV movers, they were attention getters. Arum has plenty of great fighters in his stable and he has connections and working relationships with just about everyone but its so weird to see big fights being made and Bob not being apart of the discussion. Over the years, Arum has almost seemed like a guy who did things with an angst for everyone from the media to his own customers and it's such a strange dichotomy to see him almost hanging on the outskirts. Maybe it's a rebuilding year or maybe Top Rank is missing what everyone else seems to be relatively hitting on. It's definitely a weird year so far for the Bobfather.
6- Using that line of logic, I WONDER if Bob would maybe make peace with his hated rival Dana White to try and work together to put together Manny Pacquaio/Conor MCGregor as an acceptable back up plan if Floyd/Conor falls through.
7- SPEAKING of that fight, if GGG vs Canelo legitimately pushes Floyd/Conor out of existence into 2017 and Conor returns to MMA to, ya know, defend his titles? I think we need to put Golovkin and Alvarez in the boxing and UFC Hall of Fame at the same time.
8- I don't know if I should be concerned about this (probably I'm betting) BUT if one of these ABC orgs complicates the fucking picture of this mega fight, I will be writing my congresspeople in protest of such a national catastrophe.
9- There has been scuttlebutt from some folks about the pomp regarding the announcement of Golovkin/Alvarez. Allow me to discuss some anecdotal evidence that may or may not shape a picture for y'all. Friend of mine owns a restaurant that was showing the fight. He told me the house was fuller than usual----but the clientele was not the same as a UFC event or even one of the big WWE events. "Boxing isn't dead but it's fanbase is a dialysis machine away from being dead" was his joke to me and it's something you hear ALL the time. Boxing draws an older audience like pro baseball does,, in fact when Thurman/Mitchell had their AWESOME fight that did an amazing number, the average age of the viewer was trending way close to 55 than ever before. It's an old audience-----and something like this, even if it may be a little too hokey or as I read a few people writing "WWE/UFC esque", it's still something different. Maybe it fails but there's NOTHING wrong with appealing to a younger crowd that's all into cool video packages and shock value. You can do it once or twice and it won't hurt the legitimacy of boxing if such a concept even exists. Just watch the fight if the wackiness offends you.
And let's furthermore be 100% honest here. Canelo as an A side and Golovkin as an A side have NEVER done seriously big business in comparison to Floyd or Manny or Oscar or so on so forth. Without Floyd or Cotto (a proven A lister with the benefit of a Mexico/PR buzz), it's believed Canelo has topped out at 450K (I trust Iole over Dan Rafael on the Khan number) with other shows like Angulo, Lara and Smith all dancing between 250K and 375K or so. A far cry from Floyd and Manny were either actively toppling or dancing around 1M PPV buys. Golovkin's PPV offerings have been really, really, really poor for a fighter who is all action, has the big fight mystique and is the darling of hardcore fans and casual TV viewers alike. We love to believe styles make fights and all that but sometimes you gotta try big for big fights. You have to put a little effort into this game because contrary to popular belief for most boxing scribes, putting Canelo and GGG on a poster and shouting "SO BUY IT!" is not going to work. This is the biggest fight boxing can make at this time-----so it needs to do really well and really well is not 600K or below. This should sell 1,000,000 PPVs. Let's fucking try to promote this thing like it can accomplish that.
10- One thing which came up recently was the idea that JCC Jr finessed the boxing audience for his entire career and I find that grossly unfair. Dude debuted with no amateur fight experience and Arum had him basically main eventing like 20 fights into his career vs fighters who were at the time way better than he was. JCC Jr is a victim of his name and in some ways his own laziness but you know what?  The attempt to make him a superstar did him no favors either.
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