#love it when ppl share photo's of their pets <3
hanrinz · 2 years
Hello! Hope you’re doing well. <33 On requests, I’m hoping for some Shinsou dating headcanons or maybe on S/O being rivals to lovers with him. Idk, but hope it can give an idea :))
content: fluff! a little ooc shinsou, friends to lovers (bc it's cute), reader is chaotic, and maybe this is a little self indulgent
notes: omgg anon!! i love the idea, maybe i'll write the rivals to lovers in a different post, but for now i really like the idea of dating shinsou hc!! oh and also i'm doing well anon, ty for asking !
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dating the shinsou hitoshi might be the most unexpected thing that has ever happened to you in attending UA
if someone ever told your first year self that you're dating the purple haired guy, you would have laughed at their face
well, jokes on you
you've been together for two years, and happily spending your days training as a hero! y'all already in third year and closer to graduating, it was definitely not an easy journey but you made it!
you've been each other's person back before you've even got together
he has a habit of bringing you your favorite coffee every morning & the time he had forgotten to make you one, the both of you shared his
or if you don't like coffee he probably brings you something to eat.
probably has that day where the two of you would talk shit of someone who has wronged the both of you (they deserved it)
most of the time you do your homework together, but you kind of get distracted.. so as much as you really like spending time with him, studying separately was more ideal
one time you took him to an amusement park on your second date, and you really had fun, maybe minus the part where the whole class followed y'all (they were like the paparazzi, they even made an effort to put on a disguise)
forehead kisses!! lots of forehead kisses, like before you go to class he'll never forget to give you a forehead kiss and you would kiss him on the cheeks!
it took him at least two months before he got used to the physical touch, very clingy when he got used to it!
he sleeps on your lap! he said it was so comfortable and your thighs were like pillows??
he writes you poems omg, like he sends it at midnight, when he can't sleep. he's very sweet😭 please hug him
there was one time where he sneaked into your room at night, just because he wanted to kiss you, y'all got caught by aizawa midway. mans never got that kiss that night
would always hold your hand randomly, just to feel if you're really here beside him :(
he loves cats, he does! but you were on a different level in liking them. he has to physically stop you from petting every stray cat you see. he's very worried you might just die from rabies before you even become a hero😟
he's a little spoon! idc what other ppl say, i rest my case, your honor.
takes candid photos of you, he has an album of them with little notes written in it. "the most beautiful person to exist" or "mine" <3 STOPWBHSJH
literally the best in comforting!!
surprisingly, knows how to style a hair🤨 i mean he babysits eri so.. like he's so good!
speaking of eri!! y'all always take her outside to enjoy! would always have that 'y/n, shinsou & eri day!'
when y'all become pro-heroes and took eri for a picnic, ppl would always mistake you for a family (don't y'all look a little too young for a family?)
a lot of ppl support your relationship, lowkey but not a secret<33
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bright-and-burning · 8 months
got tagged by @albonoooo !! thank u <3
what colour are your eyes?: i have (very mild) heterochromia!! they’re mostly green but my left eye has a little brown stripe :) i guess u could call them hazel (or at least the left one) my mom certainly did for ages idk picture below u decide
(cont under the cut)
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tell me about your pets/your dream pet: i (well. my family) have an orange cat and a porgi (pitbull corgi mix [he’s really just a mutt but we’re like 95% sure he’s got corgi in him somehow]). they are the lights of my life and also the goofiest lookin mfs. i’ve posted pics of my cat before but my dog is like. really distinct looking (see: porgi) but i love him so much … ask me for photos of him n u shall receive…
my apartment is pet free unfortunately. but also taking care of another whole ass being is A Lot so. i’m very chill w not having my own rn
share some interesting fact about yourself: i went to a spanish speaking daycare when i was really young (like toddler aged) and then when i was like 7 i invented my own language (as one does) and half the words were just. spanish. my parents spent ages trying to convince me that i did not just come up w the word espagnol . i swear to god. and i was a stubborn know it all kid and i wasn’t gonna believe them on anything without irrefutable proof (and how do u prove that??) so their efforts were largely fruitless LOL
what was the first fandom you were a part of?: for SURE harry potter. 9 year old me had unsupervised internet access and went craaazy
do you have any phobias?: hm. i Really Really Really don’t like things going near my eyes. it was wayyy worse before i started wearing contacts. like someone waving their hands around within three feet of me would freak me out. i do still get like. inescapable visions of pencils being waved around and accidentally put in my eye when i think abt it/when ppl wave pencils around that i have to physically shake out of
are you a picky eater? if so, what food can't you stand?: YES! texture issues my beloathed… i DESPISE melted cheese. blergh. bad bad vibes. and other funky textured cheeses… i literally just physically shuddered.
do you eat the burger and fries at the same time or one after another?: i consciously choose to eat burger first to get protein in. and THEN fries. if burger too hot then i get to eat two (must be even number) fries at a time until it cools enough to eat
winter or summer: summer <3 i love the beach i love the sun i love 6am runs where it’s already 75° i love swimming i love fun festivals. but also summer is a mindset . if it’s 65° in march im walking around in shorts and a tank top and sitting in the sun the entire day
favourite fanfiction tropes: oh gosh… best friends to lovers… idk i read it all baby. also gonna be honest the f1 interpretations of a/b/o are FASCINATING!!! and have really increased the draw by Far for me
are you studying or working? what do you study/is your job?: working! i am a silly little analyst
what is the last country you visited: canada in june to get drunk by the lake for a week <3
what country would you want to move to after retiring?: france… maybe not. but also maybe yeah. idk i don’t have any other strong connections to places, u kno? and i’d like to travel (fingers crossed i Can retire at an age where i can still travel easily lol)
who was your first crush?: gene kelly in singin in the rain and on the town… formative movies for 3y/o me
how did you get into f1 fandom?: web weavings on tumblr + like three random instagram reels (the mclaren wavelength video being the only one i remember lol) + the empty hole unemployment left me with inside = instant obsession
no pressure tag…. @oscarpiastriwdc @ocontraire @crimsonicarus @lafaerie @mecachrome
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truegoist · 1 year
OMG </3 long post so
where they first met and how
Probably at a school gym, i mean im in a basketball team and hes in football soo fight over who gets to use the room first
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
HELLA LONG bc he’s petty and like “oooo i will never be that low to actually fall for that guy” etc etc
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
okay so I’m going to go ahead and say him first bc even in irl relationships I’ll flirt and shit w everyone but it takes me a hell lot of time to actually swoon
where their first date was and what it was like
PICNIC PICNIC PICNIC was pretty fun except turns out bringing dogs was not such a good idea <;/3
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
me obvi, probably started out w someone going “oo u two gay” and me being ye
who proposes first
rin this time he plans every single step to it
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
Not exactly single but rin doesn’t wants rest of the bllk guys to know bc they’re annoying
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
after his match def frfr
if they adopt any pets together
nope i have enough pets already
who’s more dominant
me B)
where their first kiss was and what it was like
Totally normal moment except his first automatic reaction was to go “Ew”
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
how into pda they are
rin like %0 and me %100
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Him solely bc i always forget to bring one
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
my or his house
who’s more protective
Rin def
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
like a week lol. Mainly bc i love crashing over at even just friends houses
if they argue about anything
everything always doesn’t matter what I love arguing and he’s just petty
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
who steals whose clothes and how often
I’d say rin only does so when he confuses it w mine (bc yk similar size both men’s shit both emo) and then refused to acknowledge it’s mine
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
probably either spooning or me just on top of him bc i love body slamming ppl
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
arguing </3
how long they stay mad at each other
not too long he’s way too in love for that lmao loser
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
rin orders whatever he wants for both of us and I just go along as long as it’s cold
if they ever have any children together
physically impossible but also I want children so adoption
if they have any special pet names for each other
loser, etc
if they ever split up and / or get back together
nah i don’t think so
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
oh I’m a pro at cleaning houses so very very clean 💪💪💪 I’d say rins part of the house is very minimalist and mine is just full of decorative shit and photos and all
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
i dont celebrate any of those stuff BUT MATCHING COSTUMES FOR HALLOWEEN
what their names are in each other’s phones
rin to me > headache.
me to him -> bbg
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
ye collecting news articles together
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
He wakes up first bc yk football shit and I fall asleep first
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
who hogs the bathroom
me </3 (putting on piercings + dyed hair shit)
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
i do !!
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strawbrygashez · 8 months
The zhu zhu pets made me think of furbies immediately and I love furbies especially the 90s models. Please tell me your opinion. What do the dudes think of fubbies (affectionate name for furbies). I need to know /hj
OMG OK TBH I NEVER OWNED A FURBIE BUT I USED TO LOOK AT THE FANDOM FOR IT A LOT WHERE PPL MADE CUSTOMS!!! Tbh I would get one if I could get a real pretty custom one :3 but ANYWAYS
P1- He wouldn’t be over the moon about them until P3 gifts him one (sorry.. p1/p3 propaganda) P3 got him one bc it reminded him of him for some reason or another (it’s probably red or orange) like honestly I think p1 would treasure any gift gave to him.. but yea he ends up bonding with it a lot more than he thought he would. He makes his furby little accessories, names it, takes it with him in a backpack when he goes out, and he maybe even customizes it when he learns that’s something ppl do.
P2- he’d only probably really like one if it was a collaboration with Krotchy 💀 otherwise he’d only ever just take goofy pics with one like have one ‘smoking’ a cigarette. Them making random noises might bug him a bit. He tries to keep it on display tho.
P3- Owns a light brown one but honestly lost it somewhere in the mess or his trailer but swears up and down he loves it like it’s his son. He’s the reason why other pdudes have them. He had a hyperfixation on them for a bit and decided to try to share the joy :3
P4- Loves his too! At his age he allowed himself to unapologetically enjoy toys & ‘childish’ things so he brings his around with him in town. He loves when ppl make nice comments about it and will stop to talk to someone about furbies if they are a fan of them too. His furby gets put in his family photos with champ. I can see him having more then one actually :D
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tsuyu-season · 4 years
So uhhh, if anyone wants to infodump or just talk about something they're super exited about, my inbox is p much always open and anon is on (until someone would give me a reason to turn it off) So feel free to go ahead!
Just, please, no gore or body horror!
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tamikuklasblog · 3 years
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What a tragedy to survive 4 gunshot wounds 🔫 🔫 🔫 🔫 to then be euthanized by the City of San Antonio - don’t let it happen - please 🙏. 🙏 please help Coco - share. Pledge, foster. She got more time but she is extremely, extremely URGENT - how many times can she escape execution before it catches up with her? 😢 🔫 Gun shot, 4 times, and now all bandaged up, Coco survived - and she still loves ppl. She was all wags when meeting dogs at the fence and she seems dog friendly. Her squinty /squishy adorable face was grazed by a bullet close to her eye & and she now has a literal unibrow which only makes her cuter with that underbite and spaced out teeth 😂. There is so much character in her mug 🤗 - just want to give her so many kisses 💋 She is very smart and knows some obedience - she listens and looks at you intently and it just melts your heart. 🐒 She so reminds me of the flying monkeys on the Wizard of Oz 🐵 🔫 #A617008 COCO - 3 yrs and 63 lbs She’s like new after being shot & bandaged up ❤️‍🩹 bc her spirit is resilient 📝Notes: 🐶HW negative 🐶 still very sweet 🐶 enjoys affection & rubs 🐶 non reactive to other dogs 🐶 very intrigued by other dogs 🐶 Great face - underbite, spaced teeth, squishy face, and adorable & expressive eyes 🔗 SAPA Link👇🏼:https://www.facebook.com/236899813079211/posts/3829901667112323/ 🔗PH link👇🏼:https://petharbor.com/pet.asp?uaid=SANT.A617008 📣Please network.. needs a rescue, foster, loving adopter and/or pledges.📣 🔴THIS DOG IS IN ACS KENNELS & AT RISK OF BEING KILLED. SHELTER EVALUATES SPACE AT: 9:30am Mon-Sat, and again at 5pm Mon-Fri & 3pm Sat. Or at any time as space is needed. 🔴 📹Video Credit: Mia Bryan 📷Photo Credit: Mia Bryan and ACS 📬To rescue, foster or adopt via ACS, Email: [email protected] or call 210-207-6669 📬SAPA rescue/foster: [email protected] 🌐Note: This is a Volunteer page, unaffiliated with ACS or SAPA. Pledges are ONLY for APPROVED ACS and SAPA Partners.🌐 Ninfa Alvarado Christy Poole Mia Bryan Angelica Schwartz Alisha Love Melina Koufalis (at San Antonio Animal Care Services Adoptable & Available Pets) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUaXCUpL_NA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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haikyuuwriting · 5 years
Remember those hcs you did about being besties with the captains?? May I request that, but with the pretty setter squad? Thank you, and congrats on the blog anniversary!! :))
thank you anon!! I hope you like these 💖
(also I didn’t do Oikawa since I included him in the captain ver of this, hope that’s ok!)
the best friend you could ever ask for! Always sends texts to check in on them, regular late night phone calls and face timing study sessions. If they’re not spending time together they’re talking on the phone or texting
Very reliable. If his bff isn’t at school he brings them everything they missed plus some soup and snacks to better their day (if they’re sick). They have a special day once a month where they just go out on an adventure together
send each other weird snapchats and videos with absolutely no context. also buy each other the cutest gifts for holidays and birthdays!! Sleepovers are so fun and always end up with them staying up the whole night and waking up at 3 pm the next day to make cookies
He’s an awakward guy and doesn’t hide it around his best friend!! Actually pretty talkative about what he finds interesting and is a great listener. Gives super obvious and blunt advice that is v appreciated
Always pump each other up before big tests (or in kags case, games) and make bets on who gets the better test score for motivation. His best friend always goes to his games to cheer him on and it makes him feel better if for some reason he’s a bit nervous
His bff is probably one of the only ppl that will ever receive a hug from Kageyama. They have sleepover study sessions sometimes but they end up falling asleep on each other after studying for awhile
The two always eat lunch together, and usually end up walking home together after school. They became best friend by pure coincidence when they were little (they both wanted to read the same book so the teacher made them share) and they’re happy they became friends
They have matching sweaters and keychains that were gifts from one another. They were purchased for Instagram photo purposes, but they wear them a lot and cherish them. On the topic, they take great pictures of each other and get offended if the other doesn’t give credit lmao
Semi adores his best friend but never admits it out loud, but rather through actions and small smiles and teasing them. They’ve only had a huge fight once and he came to practice in literal tears and Ushijima made him leave to go apologize and make up with them
the two have petty little fights often but always laugh it off. They’ve never had an actual argument, just half-serious ones. They’re always cuddling, which surprises Shirabu's friends a lot but he glares them away. He gives great hugs so it’s understandable
Shirabu has a little dog that his best friend adores more than him, he likes to think. His best friend regularly pet sits when he has tournaments and his family goes to watch (when they’re far away and his bff cannot go and watch too).
One time shirabu couldn’t sleep so he called his best friend and when they picked up all groggy he felt guilty for calling, but they both ended up whispering the whole night and regretting it at school the next day. The type of people to text each other even though they’re sitting next to each other
Kenma gives great advice! Though he only gives it at the last second of a dire situation, but hey, he does it. Says whatever he is thinking to them, although quietly, but his best friend has learned to always be listening around him
They play games together on the weekends and go out sometimes, mainly to little cafes they stumble upon. One time they just walked around the neighborhood petting dogs and cats.
Texts them super late at night and the texts never fully make sense and they become a sort of joke between the two. They’re basically siblings and share clothes a lot (they both love oversized sweaters, it’s a win win)
Akaashi is incredibly sassy and it shows when he’s around his best friend. The two share lots of inside jokes and smile slyly at each other when they’re unknowingly referenced. The type of best friends that know all of each other’s secrets
They talk a lot, but when they aren’t it isn’t awkward or anything. They can communicate with single glances or raised eyebrows and it drives people nuts sometimes lol. Have odd nicknames for each other that pass as cute
Go all out on each other’s birthdays, but not in school. Once Akaashi woke up to his bedroom filled with balloons, each with a message from his best friend. The next year his best friend received a letter from him the whole month of their birthday, and sometimes they just had a dollar in them aksksk
the most precious bff ever!!! He is so supportive and his whole face lights up when he sees his friend came to watch him play it means the world to him!! They support each other 100% unless they think a decision will harm the other in some way
Go out on friend dates whenever they have free time, usually after koganegawa’s games. He loves taking selfies with them and has one as his home screen (his lock screen is his team!) They have matching phone cases too
Spend afternoons at each other’s houses (only when he has days off) and do homework and then watch movies regardless of whether they have school the next day. They stay up making cookies or brownies and take a bag to school the next day to share with the team
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top five kinds of FROG !!!!
This is Very hard to choose i will say. but. I will do my best. to narrow it down.
1. Common water frog (also known as green frog or edible frog but DO NOT!!!)
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This boi is to me the Classic Frog™. They live in denmark, but me seeing any is still a Bit More Rare than our classic toady boys, so I have seen them around enough that I feel like i Know Him, but it’s still an Event and a Treat when I meet him. He is handsome, he is green, he is Pointé, and I lovs him
2. Common toad (also known as European toad)
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(photo by me)
This boi I know well. He resides in our local pond and leaves many a babies for me to watch in awe through spring and summer. He is a handsome fat boi whom I share many a fond memory of. He is beautiful and poisonous and does a good wampening. What’s not to love.
3. African bullfrog (also known as pixie frog. for some reason?)
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He is gigantic, this man! He is large and he is ANGERY. He’s also a really good dad and protecte his taddipoles, guarding where they are swimmening around and, like. pouncing on everything that moves. An icon. He also has pseudo-teeth nub things in his mouth and he eats mice. We must shame him, but how can we, when he is so handsome. Some ppl keep them as pets, and we must fear them bc they have the most powerful familiar of all.
Also when i say he is gigantic, I mean it (link)
4. White’s tree frog (also known as dumpy tree frog)
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LOOK AT THEM. LOOK THEM IN THE EYE. THEY ARE SO GENTLE AND KIND. This frog wants to hear all about your problems. I love them…. so much. They come in a variety of colours and some of them are brown, or green, or almost pastel blue. They make really good pets, are very chill, and can be housed together … and they are fat! and cute! ohmygod they are SO CUTE!!!!!
5. Horned frog (also known as pac-man frog)
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This is yet another classic pet frog, and we have bred them to come in different colour morphs and all of them are SO HANDSOME. They call her pac man bc she is Mostly Mouth. She has handsome profile and BIG HEAD, for holding many noble thought. or for eating mice. they unfortunately also do that. It’s a bit distressing. I love her anyway tho, bc she is noble and handsome. I am a little unclear about the different species, there seem to be a couple different ones, but that’s okay bc I love them all!
Special shout-out to the glass frog, that weird little critter. love u. you go, w your funky little organs on display.
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edwardsvirginity · 5 years
a short(er) twilight-themed guide to my dissertation on memes
for anyone who wants to know why and how i wrote 8k words of academic theory on memes, but doesn’t actually want to read 8k words of academic theory on memes
so to begin with, a meme is really hard to define. this part is pretty boring if you don’t care about linguistics, so just take my word for it. i ask a lot of questions like “is a meme still a meme if” (no one shares it, no one makes different versions of it, there’s no standard format for it) and the answer is “sometimes! but we can’t tell you when!” and i also ask “how do you know when you’re looking at a meme?” to which the answer is “you just do! except when you don’t. that happens too.”
so basically, memes are like porn, you know them when you see them
then i talk about why it’s hard to study memes. this is fairly obvious if you think about it. imagine trying to find out the source of a random meme. and then every iteration of that meme anyone has ever made. then how popular each iteration got. how one iteration inspired another. how many times each iteration is reposted by someone else without credit. THEN, attempt to do that for every meme in existence. actually, just try and get a definitive count of how many memes exist. then, realizing that’s impossible, attempt to choose a “random” selection of memes to study not influenced by your personal online world. attempt to study memes that you don’t even know exist bc they don’t exist within your highly-customized online world. basically, memes are a rabbit hole and i don’t even pretend to do any sort of formal semi-comprehensive study, because i do not hate myself.
ok, moving on. i’m actually trying to write this post based on what I remember from my dissertation, which i haven’t reread in... a while. but i like to think i have a fairly good grasp of it bc i wrote it.
so basically the most important part about memes is that they function on at least 2 levels. let’s say there’s an active level and a passive level. the active level is the conversation you THINK you’re having when engaging with a meme. the clearly stated point/idea of the meme. the passive level is all the assumptions a meme is making in the background that, if you are not actively challenging, you are endorsing.
let’s see some examples.
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this is a meme *i* made, so i’m gonna put myself on blast here
So the active level of this meme is the text/the point i’m trying to make, which is basically that bella is horny. but like, so horny that she’s willing to throw everything else in her life under the bus for some sexual satisfaction. i feel like this is fairly clear and most people interacting with the meme would consider that what the meme is about. we’re having a conversation about bella’s insatiable thirst for sparkling penis when we engage with this meme. 
sort of an in-between level that provides us with further information about the point i’m trying to make is context for the meme/meme format. this meme format is about someone choosing between a good thing and a bad thing. they’ve got the good thing, but they’re tempted by/indulging in the bad thing anyway. it’s fairly reasonable to come to the conclusion that i’m judging bella, when you combine the meme context with the actual text. i’m not only interpreting bella’s behavior here (she eschews her loved ones for sexual gratification), i’m also giving it moral value, labeling yeeting herself onto that dick = bad, building/maintaining relationships with friends and family = good. however, if you’re not familiar with this meme and it’s format, the fact that i’m throwing shade at bella is less clear, even if you understand how i’m interpreting her behavior. 
now on to the passive level of the meme. this meme makes some ASSUMPTIONS, and in engaging with the meme you’re validating those assumptions as “how this thing is/how the world works”. so here are a FEW of the assumptions this meme makes: 1. this is a man with his girlfriend checking out another girl. 2. the girlfriend is angry/jealous of her boyfriend expressing interest in another woman 3. everyone in this photo is heterosexual 4. men are always checking out other women/otherwise unfaithful, and this is normal/funny 5. this “couple” is monogamous 6. the “boyfriend” is relatable and we understand and condone his actions 7. maintaining a relationship with the “girlfriend” is a good decision and pursuing the girl in red would be a bad one
these assumptions might seem fairly clear, obvious, and straightforward, but they are ultimately, assumptions. we know NOTHING about the people in this photo and are projecting relationships on them. and clearly, we’re projecting some pretty intense gender and relationship roles on to them. and it’s necessary to accept those gender and relationship roles as “truth” long enough to understand the meme, because otherwise the meme wouldn’t make any sense, because the person who made it (me) made it with the understanding that you would be operating with the same set of assumptions about these people and their relationships as I am. understanding of what i’m trying to say with this meme is dependent on understanding and accepting the assumptions i’m handing you with it. 
and again, these ARE assumptions. take away the text, and there could be plenty of things going on in this photo. it’s possible none of these people are in romantic relationships, and this is a guy with his friend/family member, and they like to hold hands. this guy could be whistling at a dog he sees on the sidewalk because he wants to pet it, and the girl in blue is mad because they’re in a hurry. the girl in red could be his ACTUAL girlfriend, whose self esteem he’s boosting, and the girl in blue could be some random girl who wants his attention. this could be a couple in an open relationship, but the girlfriend is in the middle of an argument with this guy about something else. the guy could have shoulder checked the girl in red and is looking back to say sorry, and the girl in blue is mad bc shoulder checking this poor girl was a rude af thing to do. 
the reason why we don’t think any of those things ^^ upon seeing this meme is bc we live in the patriarchy. however, unfortunately, by sharing this meme uncritically, we’re also reinforcing the passive ideas within it, that men are unfaithful and it’s no big deal, that women are always competing with each other, that heterosexuality and monogamy are standard and correct. 
let’s look at another meme.
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i didn’t make this one, i found it on a really cringy list of (old) twilight memes
active level of this meme: kristen stewart never smiles
in-between context level: this is the “most interesting man in the world” meme, where, bc he’s so interesting, he rarely has time to do normal things, and when he does them, he does them in a weird way. so according to this meme, kristen rarely smiles, and when she does, she does it in a weird way
passive level: kristen stewart SHOULD smile, and the fact that she doesn’t is weird/bad. WHY she doesn’t smile, and WHY she should, is left to viewer interpretation, but the implication is she’s doing something wrong. this meme wants you to fill in the blanks with the idea that kristen stewart is a bad actress because she doesn’t smile. it also reinforces the idea that women are SUPPOSED to smile and not be serious all the time. you could even go so far as to assume this meme is condemning bella’s character as a whole for being overdramatic and not smiling, playing into the narrative that women are hysterical and get upset about things that aren’t a big deal, and we shouldn’t take them seriously. personally, i think kristen’s acting in twilight was spot-on and super nuanced, and it was true to bella’s character that she didn’t smile often. i also think that kristen as a person smiles a reasonable amount and is only criticized for not smiling bc ppl so heavily associate her with bella. but if i were to share this meme uncritically, i wouldn’t just be reaffirming the (false) idea that kristen stewart doesn’t smile, i would also be reinforcing the idea that women SHOULD smile all the time, kristen is a bad actress, and bella is a bad character. i could go further into the sexism of all that but this is already long. 
basically, while you think you’re engaging in a conversation on one level with memes, you’re actually engaging in a lot of conversations. when it comes to political memes, often the “passive” levels of the memes come with a lot of ideas about how the world is or should work, which you reinforce when engaging with those memes. these passive assumptions shape the conversations we’re having, and the kind of policies we’re willing to support. memes come encoded with opinions on gender, relationships, race, sexuality, class, etc, and and make declarations about how these things DO or SHOULD work, shaping our own personal understanding of them. a meme that makes donald trump look stupid is advocating for different policies/political decisions than one that makes him look dangerous. and if all of our memes about trump focus on him looking stupid, we put more political effort into addressing that problem than the problem that he’s dangerous. memes can be used to challenge norms/question widely accepted ideas (here’s an example i literally just made):
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but they can also be used to help people internalize ideas/messages that they wouldn’t be willing to accept uncritically if those ideas were presented in a different format. sometimes this is good, if you use memes to help people internalize good messages, like self-love. however, unfortunately in recent years this has mostly been used to radicalize lonely men, who internalize increasingly more hateful assumptions in memes and don’t realize that they’re doing it, because those messages are not explicit. just look at how pepe became a hate symbol. if you laugh at enough memes that operate on the assumption that women are sluts, you’re gonna start believing women are sluts, and are gonna be more likely to laugh at memes that imply that women are bad because they’re slutty, then that since they’re bad they don’t deserve rights, etc. 
basically, memes shape our understanding of how the world works because they make assumptions about how the world works that we have to agree with in order to understand the meme. when these assumptions involve identities or politics, they affect how we understand those things, and what conversations we have about them.
and that’s basically my dissertation on memes, minus a lot of other discussions about pop culture, humor, and group formation. 
any questions??
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chonideno · 6 years
Hey, deep question, how do you deal with growing up, becoming an adult, handling ppl's expectations and all that kind of crap? Ive graduated last summer, start my 1st real job tomorrow, and i'm a weird mix of completely numb/in denial and freaking out/completely lost and anxious. Idk, maybe you have some magical answer or smth.. Love your work, thank you for sharing them with us
Hey, wow that’s a lot! First of all, congrats on the graduation and the job! And I know the feeling, been there, done that. I don’t know if what I have to say will be right for you, everyone deals with this a bit differently, but here goes:
Take a step back, get some perspective. I know it’s tempting to live the moment very intensely (especially with your first day coming up), but breathe in, take some distance.You’re young. You’re just starting. Whatever stress is coming your way is not going to be the end of you. Think of yourself in a year, think of your end-of-2019 self: they’ll be much different from who you are today, and you have to work through this growth. It might take a toll on you, a lot will happen in a year, but you’ll get there. You’re fine. You’re right where you need to be. it all seems big because you’re right at the start of the journey but it’s okay. None of it will be the end of the world. 
Don’t try to be everything at once. I did this, all of my friends did this, and we all crashed and burned so let me save you the trouble. Maybe one day, if you want to, you’ll be that person who wakes up at 6 without an alarm, does meditation and morning yoga, spends thirty minutes learning a foreign language then goes to work for nine hours, then goes to the book club and then to the gym, then to the bar with friends, stays on top of all the art shows in town, takes care of three pets, meal preps, volunteers at the local orphanage, runs a semi-marathon every Sunday and is currently thinking about writing a book. Maybe you’ll be that person. But right now, don’t. Take it one step at a time. If you try everything at once you’ll give up in a week and never try again. I highly encourage you to try new hobbies and cultivate new habits, but do it gradually. All in due time. Let it grow on you. Maybe try to wake up early? You’ll know when you’ll be ready for the yoga. (Talking about yoga, if your job involves lots of sitting, please look into hip stretches they will save your lower back)
About expectations, honestly you have to shrug them off. Figure out what you want, and work on that. If you see yourself in 10 years as a real-estate owner with a spouse and two kids, then work on that. If you want something else, keep your focus on that. Expectations coming from friends and family are hard to deal with but if they don’t fit you, honestly tell them. Make it clear that’s not a mold you’ll fit and that’s that on that. It’s fine, once again. You’re where you need to be. Hopefully you have a good 80 years ahead of you, if you ever fit into one of these molds do you think you’ll stay in there forever anyway? There’s no permanent state of the self babey just do your thing
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Adulting is hard, and like the rest of us you’re going to learn on the job. You won’t be perfect in life, or at your new job from the first day. You’ll make mistakes. You’ll fuck up, because you have so much to balance - the bills, the chores, the social life, the hobbies, it’s all your responsibility now. Once again, breathe, take some distance: you’re fine. The mistakes you make won’t stop the earth from spinning. Figure it out, work through it, watch YouTube tutorials if applicable. One thing at a time. If you have a lot going on, pick one or two things and put the rest in a box until you’re ready to move on. I promise you’ll be doing fine.
For the love of fuck, take care of yourself. Remember to eat, keep your environment clean and healthy, and most importantly, sleep! A good sleeping schedule can save you, I promise you it’s primordial. Take care of your health and body, you’re stuck with those. If you’re like me and you forget to eat when you’re stressed out, go get yourself some multivitamins, they’ll save your butt. 
Learn how to cook, learn how to sew basic things back together, keep all your important papers in folders, keep an eye on your finances, ask lots of questions on your first day. What you have a head of you is a lot. But you’ll be fine, I promise!! I was a shaking mess when I was in your shoes and now I’m a functioning adult. It doesn’t mean I have a white picket fence and my life is held together by delicate silk ribbons, it means I know how to roll with the punches now. I figure it out. I know my limits. I know what I want. You’ll get there, I promise. One thing at a time, it’s really the most important thing you need to keep in mind. Slow and steady.
Good luck on your first day!! I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow ♥
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