#love ryuk`s design
queen--of--maggots · 7 months
What’s your most unpopular DN opinion? (It can be about canon, fanon the fandom)
I don’t even know if you are still around anon, but I promised you an answer, and here it is. Unpopular opinion time! And here’s a really unpopular one: I wish Wammy’s wouldn’t exist and Ohba went in a different direction after L’s death.
I’m probably almost the only one with this opinion. I know many people love the Wammy kids, and I want to make this clear, this is not necessarily about the characters from Wammy’s. I appreciate them, some more, others less. However, you can like a character and still think the story would have been better without them.
First, a few points on why I don’t like the introduction of Wammy’s.
One thing I enjoyed a lot about DN up to L’s death is the lack of overused tropes. For example, DN isn’t L’s story despite him fitting more into the good guy role, L isn’t portrayed as a hero, Light isn’t portrayed as a villain, Misa isn’t the innocent victim who was dragged into this, and neither L nor Light is the chosen one(s), main characters don’t have an extremely outstanding design, and so on. Wammy’s changes this partially. There must be people, qualified ones included, in the entire world that have reasons why they want to stop Kira, but all of Kira’s antagonists originate from the same place – Wammy’s. That’s pretty much the secret-intuition-that-protects-the-world-from-evil trope. It also falls into the chosen one trope because only L’s successors are apparently good enough to put an end to Kira. Also, Near has a rather outstanding design. Having white hair isn’t impossible, but highly unlikely. In addition, he looks like 12 despite being 18 and always wears fucking pajamas instead of normal clothes. Mello has a somewhat outstanding design too, but it’s more the way the dresses. I won’t complain too much about it. Still, compare this to Team Kira’s new additions. Mikami’s and Takada’s designs are way more grounded.
Another trope I find annoying is linking everything to the same two or three people. Every important character that is introduced later in the series has a connection to one of the original main characters (being related, childhood friends, same former mentor, …). In my opinion, that’s just a cheap way to give a new character credit without them doing anything and make them more popular among fans. If the character is well-written enough, things like that are not necessary. Ohba goes hard for this trope with Wammy’s: Near, Mello, and even fucking Matt are all L’s successors, so they have a direct link to him. And, while it’s just a spinoff, and how canon it is is debatable, even the BB murder case goes back to L and Wammy’s. (I know AN wasn’t written by Ohba, but it fits the pattern.) Compare this to Light’s allies. Most Kiras had no previous connection to Light before meeting him. The only exception is Kiyomi after the time skip. In Misa’s case, Kira gave her the revenge she wanted. However, she’s likely still one of many with similar stories. She didn’t know Light before, and Light didn’t know her. Even how Misa got her DN is unrelated to Light and Ryuk. Mikami had to stand entirely on his own feet. He had no direct connection to Light or L whatsoever.
I’m also disappointed that Ohba toned down the realism with Wammy’s. DN wasn’t 100% realistic before either, but there is a drop in it with the introduction of the Wammy’s characters. We go from one rich dude who fights crime mainly for entertainment to an entire training ground for super-intelligent orphans to become the world’s greatest detectives. Then there’s Mello with the missile and ultra-fast healing powers, and Near winning because of magical guessing powers and plot armor. Both are also younger than Light and inexperienced. And while humans aren’t born with special powers in the DN universe and supernatural aspects are limited to the Shinigami and the Shinigami realm, BB has Shinigami eyes for no apparent reason. Technically, these are still connected to the Shinigami within the story, but the explanation given for this is extremely vague and unsatisfying.
The points I’ve listed so far would bother me less if they always would have been a thing or if both sides were treated equally regarding tropes and bullshit. But they are particularly noticeable for Wammy’s characters, while Team Kira is not so much affected.
Also, I liked that before Wammy’s became a thing, L was an extraordinary element. L appeared to be self-made. He even became an important part of law enforcement even though his main motivation wasn’t justice. Before Wammy’s introduction, his death would have had a massive impact on the DN universe because once he is dead, L doesn’t exist anymore and is no longer a secret weapon in difficult cases. Even if Kira is defeated, losing L in the process would be a massive loss. Wammy’s existence reduces L to a replaceable role. If he dies, someone else from the L-factory will take the position. The death of L as a person has almost no impact on the DN universe because L as an entity still exists, and that’s the only thing that counts. No consequences whatsoever. Barely anyone knew how he looked anyway.
I understand why Ohba went with L’s successors as a continuation instead of something else. He was playing the safe card by feeding the consumers something they are already familiar with. Going for different scenarios would be risky and require more effort. However, it could have been more rewarding if executed well. I would have liked a greater variety of enemies for Light and him having to adapt to new dangers. So, here are some scenarios that I would have found more intriguing than the one we got.
The premise of Mello’s arc was interesting; unfortunately, the execution was horrendous. But Light vs a criminal organization that, for example, wants the DN or Kira’s power for themselves isn’t a bad idea. A criminal organization would be a lot more ruthless than L. L needed evidence, while a crime syndicate would immediately shoot Light if he showed up on the list of suspects. And his family would be in danger too.
Or a revenge plot? Something like Kira killed a family member or other loved one (preferably justified, but could also be someone wrongly accused), and a bereaved person wants revenge. Now, this person is on a suicide mission, and Light has to fight against someone who has nothing left to lose. Their own survival is optional, only getting revenge before dying counts.
How about Kira vs a fanatic Kira fan? Someone who thinks Kira isn’t Kira enough anymore and feels they can do better? Maybe this person could make Light’s allies question their loyalty to him. Who are they loyal to, Light or Kira?
A female antagonist would also have potential (but not with Ohba as an author). Light tends to underestimate women. Now, Light faces one as a competent opponent, and he has to take one or more critical hits to realize the danger.
Anyway, the successor arc definitely has its moments, but overall, it is a lot weaker. And in my opinion, these weaknesses are primarily connected to Wammy’s. So, removing it could have been beneficial for the story. At least, that’s my opinion. If you have a different opinion, that’s great. But please, I’m not particularly interested in lengthy discussions about this subject.
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bobbypinnn · 3 years
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in the human world for the drama
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trans-l-lawliet · 5 years
deaf hcs for light??? i really liked your post about matsuda and aizawa!
When recounting what asks I had in my inbox, I somehow glossed over this one, which is an unforgivable mistake. I plan to correct it by writing these right this instant! (edit post writing: I am stopping after L’s death because I got… quite carried away here, and almost did a complete rewrite)
Light was born without auditory nerves. He would never be able to hear.
His parents got in touch with many associations and started learning shuwa right after the shock wore off, wanting to be able to teach their son how to communicate the same way a parent would teach a toddler how to speak when the time came.
Light was able to read and fingerspell quite early, and was a very inquisitive child. Before he started school, he went to a daycare that had other pre-lingual deaf children and teachers that helped kids with lip reading and refine their signs.
Once he started elementary, however, he saw the difference between him and his peers. They would usually mock him when he tried to talk using his voice, and would refuse to learn even basic signs.
As kids grew older, the teasing increased. But Light also made friends that helped him along the way. This settled his belief that there is two kinds of people in this world: those who are good and kind, and those who are rotten.
Light stopped trying to use his voice. He would only use JSL and written messages. He only used his voice with Sayu, who teased him in a completely different way about it, and was actually fond of the times his brother used his voice with her.
In a way to distance himself from the other kids, he concentrated on his studies, excelling in school. And he learnt; he learnt about people, he learnt to read them, he saw every micro-expression and every movement.
In secondary, his charisma started to shine: he was a good student, good at sports, a good friend and classmate, who always had the right words to say.
But he never forgot. He may not be able to hear the whispers, but he still knows about them. He was always aware, always vigilant.
By the time the DN rolls in, he is as, if not more cynical about the state of the world. He knew he had limited chances once he actually went into employment. He knew the shit people was able to pull. He had experienced cruelty first hand. The world needed to change.
Ryuk actually needed to touch Light to get him to notice him. The scare was even bigger when an inhuman hand was just on his shoulder, no prelude voice.
After explaining that he could not hear, they had mostly written conversations that Light would immediately burn up. Though Ryuk learnt some signs, if only to touch Light’s shoulder and make him know that he was laughing at him when he lost at Mario Golf. Or when Misora was using a fake name. Ryuk needs to make fun of Light, he cannot change his nature.
Light used a text-to-speech feature to pre-record messages and that´s what he played to Raye Penber at the station. Raye immediately guessed that it was Light, but since he had Kira’s power, he still obeyed his instructions. Knowing that the agent would guess his identity, Light wrote on the notebook that he would not alert anyone of any discoveries regarding the case he was working in before dying.
When it came to the speech in Tōō, he actually delivered it in sign language, and had an interpreter speak in the microphone for the people in the auditorium. He thought it was a funny, ironic way to deliver his speech, because it was always the other way around.
L proved himself fluent in JSL when he introduced himself. This only served as further proof of this individual to be more likely to be the real L to Light’s eyes. What better way to get under his skin than learning sign language just so he can specifically talk to him?
His father was the only member of the Task Force that was fluent in sign language. The other members, however, learnt the most basic signs, in an attempt to make Light feel more comfortable. Matsuda was especially adamant and surprised everyone by being the one that learnt and performed fingerspelling the fastest.
When Misa came around, Light had to communicate through writing with her. She promised to learn shuwa as soon as possible so she would be the most use to him, and make him fall in love with her.
Confinement happened the same, only L communicated through a screen showing writing of what he wanted to say to Light, and Light had his hands up front so he would be able to at least fingerspell.
After that, Yotsuba arc happens mostly the same. Either his father or Ryuzaki would quickly sign what was going on once they started spying on the 8 so Light would be able to follow conversations.
During this time, they would actually have many conversations, mostly about the case, but also about the world, and about the way everything is perceived by those who have to experience life in a world that wasn’t designed with them in mind. Light learnt in these conversations that Ryuzaki was severely colourblind; more specifically, he suffered from achromatopsia. They actually bonded during these months, and became what would actually be considered friends, by both of them.
One he regained his memories, however… He felt more conflicted. He actually held his plans of getting Misa’s memories back for a couple days, trying to think of a way to get Ryuzaki on his side. But he thought about how deeply rotten the world still was. And how impossible it’d be to change his friend’s mind. So, with a heavy heart, he carried on with his plans.
Light would never admit this to anyone, but… he wished things were different. He had never found someone he could have such deep conversations in what Light considered his true first language before, and he felt their absence once they became part of the past. 
But some days, when life seemed a bit harder, he would actually cry the loss of Ryuzaki, and how much he missed his friend, the one that found his true voice and actually listened to him, the one who actually saw him and met him where he stood.
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burnouts3s3 · 6 years
Jump Force, a review
(Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit unprofessional blog post written by an unprofessional blog poster. All purported facts and statement are little more than the subjective, biased opinion of said blog poster. In other words, don’t take anything I say too seriously.) Just the facts 'Cause you're in a Hurry! Publisher: Bandai Namco Developer: Spike Chunsoft Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP): 59.99 USD How much I paid: 99.99 USD for the Ultimate Edition. Bundle Includes: 3 Days Early access. Lobby Vehicles to ‘ride around in’ that’s purely cosmetic. Season Pass that unlocks 9 DLC characters to be announced and released at a later date. Rated: T for Mild Blood, Suggestive Themes and Violence Number of Playable Characters: 43. 4 Original characters. 39 Characters from Established franchises. Number of Stages: 7. Each Stage has a transition that changes when a character hits an opponent with a specific attack. Can I play offline: Yes. Controller Support: Yes. It was compatible with my Rock-Candy Xbox 360 controller.  Keyboard and Mouse controls are available but are very awkward and the game was clearly designed with a controller in mind.   How long I played: 18 Hours. 10 Hours to beat the story mode while watching the Cutscenes. UNSKIPPABLE cutscenes. 7 Hours just messing around and playing online matches. Microtransactions: 39.99 Season Pass that unlocks 9 DLC characters to be announced at a later date. Dual Audio: No. Only Japanese Audio with Subs available. What I played on: My PC. Performance Issues: For the most part, I got ‘mostly’ 60 FPS when I was playing online or running around. However, the FPS dips when there’s a cutscene playing to the mid 40’s even the high 30’s. Too bad however beautiful the particle effects are can’t adjust the wooden facial animations and stiff body movements. 3 Crashes within my playtime. My Personal Biases: I’ve followed the saga of Son Goku and friends. I’ve watched Naruto Uzumaki become the Hokage. I’ve watched Yusuke Urameshi journey from boy to man. I’ve watched Gon, Killua and Kullapika go on their various hunting expeditions. I’ve watched Yugi Moto become the king of games. And I’ve watched Light Yagami become defeated by his own hubris. In other words, I’ve been waiting for this game a ‘very’ long time, and have played previous games such as JStars Victory Vs. My Verdict: As much fun as it is seeing characters like Fist of the North Star’s Kenshiro beat the pulp out of My Hero Academia’s Deku, the limited roster, worn out gameplay from the Naruto Shippuden and Dragonball Xenoverse games, the laughable animation, idiotic story mode and the ever anti-consumer practices of Bandai Namco are bogging this game down. If you’re a fan of Shounen Jump, you’ll sure to have fun. But, if you’re patient or you want more characters consider picking up Jump Ultimate Stars or JStars Victory Vs and wait for a sale. Jump Force, a review
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In celebration for 50 years, Weekly Shounen Jump has announced a new crossover game. Made with collaboration between Publisher Bandai Namco and Developer Spike Chunsoft, “Jump Force” arrives to bring together various characters found in Shueisha’s long running publication.
Can the game live up to the vast legacy it has inherited? Let’s find out in this review of “Jump Force”!
The Umbra cubes, cosmic cubes capable of granting those great power, have spread throughout the world. Thanks to the villain, Kane, and his lovely assistant, Galena, he has recruited the villains from Shounen Jump and replicated them. All the meanwhile, normal citizens have become “Venoms”, possessed by evil impulses. But just as Frieza fires a laser beam, ending your life, Trunks comes in, uses and Umbra cube and grants you great power to help combat evil.
Jump Force is an Arena fighting game similar to games such as Dragonball Xenoverse or Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. Players pick between 3 characters and attempt to lower their opponent’s (shared) healthbar to zero. In addition to physical attacks, they can spend the abilities gauge to use a variety of ranged or close up attacks. In addition, whenever players take damage, they fill up the ‘awakening’ bar. Using half an awakening bar will allow players to unleash an ultimate attack, an ability that deals more damage than regular abilities. Using a full awakening bar will ‘transform’ the character to a powered-up state. For example, Goku will transform from his base form to his Super Saiyan form.
The other two characters can be called upon using the left trigger. Simply pressing the trigger will swap the character while holding it down will call them for an assist attack. Unfortunately, you cannot change the order of which characters you switch to and must cycle through said order to access the characters. (For example having a team order of Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo means that Goku cannot switch to Piccolo without switching through Vegeta first). Be careful because if you switch while both characters are on screen and the opponent is able to hit both, you’ll receive double the damage.  
Customizing your character is nothing new for Bandai Namco games such as the various DBZ Xenoverse games and Naruto: Shinobi Striker, but the mechanic remains impressive here. Allowing you a vast customization between characters allows different playstyles and gives your individual avatar the ability to learn various techniques such as Vegeta’s Galick Gun or Yusuke’s Spirit Gun. However, certain techniques, such as anything related to Jotaro or Yugi are unable to be learned by your Avatar character.
Similarly, the defense system returns. Using the mobility meter, characters can dash towards or away from the opponent or teleport out of a combo behind the enemy. Most of the time, using the guard button will block most attacks. But, characters can either grab the blocking opponent or hold down either the smash or heavy smash button to break through the opponent’s guard.
While most of the characters play similar to one another, some of the characters have slight variations. For example, similar to his manga counterpart, Sanji will be unable to deal damage to female characters. Similarly, when Gon connets with an opponent with his Ultimate attack, he will become unplayable for the duration of the match.
Learning said techniques can be used by spending the in-game currency which allows you to easily unlock abilities, skills that aid in battle such as boosting attack power or various costumes for your avatar. In-game currency can be earned by either playing through the story or playing online.
The Story will not win any awards unless the Razzies suddenly announce a video game category. It’s a pastiche of clichés, tired tropes and nonsense as players slog through another world ending plot with stupid villains, stupid twists and characters acting like morons. For some reason, Light Yagami figures out the twist that even the dumbest of us can figure out 5 seconds in. Not helping matters are the rest of the characters acting like complete idiots with Sanji being the focus for some reason.
Say what you will about the current state of fanfiction, bad fanfiction is at least INTERESTING.
This combines the worst of Mary Sue fanfiction with the most boring and bland cliches possible. I understand orienting the game for Western audiences meant having to borrow notes from the Avengers and Justice League, but the characters expositing non-stop about the predictable plotline isn’t helpful. Worst yet, Developer Spike Chunsoft has forgotten a vital component for any story cutscene, the ability to skip them. So, be prepared to watch as characters drone on and on during the cutscenes figuring out the plot.
Just the same, the artstyle is going to alienate some longtime fans. While using the Unreal engine to render things such as particle effects, fire and energy beams is a delight to behold, said delight is replaced by revulsion watching the stiff character faces barely emote when watching a cutscene. These animations make Mass Effect: Andromeda look like the Witcher 3.
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Half the time, the characters don’t even talk. RYUK DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A VOICE! What’s odd is that in the non-essential cutscenes, when the characters barely move and don’t have voices, the writing actually improves. Seeing various characters from different franchises interact with each other, brings a small delight to a mess of a game. Watching Zoro tutor Asta while Kenshin watches on or seeing Deku be a student to Kakashi’s lectures is the stuff of fan dreams. It’s too bad these moments are few and fleeting. And while 42 Characters in a base game is nothing to sneeze at, fans of Shounen Jump crossover games have already called out Developer Spike Chunsoft. While more famous franchises such as Dragonball Z, Naruto and One Piece boast a whopping 6 representatives each, more obscure franchises are either not represented or have a meager 1 character, such as City Hunter’s Ryo Saeba or Fist of the North Star’s Kenshiro. Meanwhile, mainstays from previous Jump crossover games such as Dr. Slump’s Arale, Kochikame’s Ryotsu, Bobobo’s Bobobo, D Grayman’s Allen Walker, Reborn’s Tsuna Sawada and Gintama’s Gintoki are all missing (though there is speculation they would be added later as Downloadable Content locked away with a paywall). And yet… God, it’s just such a fangasm seeing characters from different franchises duke it out with one another. Seeing Jotaro fight with Deku. Seeing Asta cross blades with Dai. Seeing Goku trade blows with Kenshiro is just one of my biggest dreams. There’s a germ of an idea here but it’s botched by piss-poor execution. I’m just so sick of games I would’ve loved missing the mark and not reaching their full potential. Caveat: Shounen Jump, Shueisha and Bandai Namco have a rare opportunity on their hands. Having the ability to have a character as old as Seiya have a fist fight with a modern character like Deku is one of the rare privileges a company can have alongside with Marvel, DC Comics and Nintendo. So, it’s unfortunate when Bandai Namco and Spike Chunsoft drop the ball and start limiting the roster, overpopulating it with familiar franchises instead of obscure ones and start nickeling and diming its customers with stupid DLC policies. Say what you will about the (very) imperfect JStars Victory Vs (which was also developed by Spike Chunsoft and published by Bandai Namco), the one thing that game did right was introduce a plebian like me to series such as Medaka Box, Assassination Classroom, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Toriko and Beelzebub. And while I did enjoy the extensive customization and gained a sick sense of pleasure whenever I finish off an opponent with DIO’s Road Roller, part of me couldn’t help but wonder when Kinnikuman is going to get the recognition he deserves. Maybe when Shounen Jump has its 55th anniversary, they can give its vast legacy of characters a game worthy of 50 years. We’ll always have Jump Ultimate Stars on the DS. Verdict: Rental or Wait for a Sale
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aizawoww · 7 years
Tag Game
Always post the rules
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people
I was tagged by @tatakaeeren! Thanks for the tag lovelyyyy <3333
I’ll put it under the cut cuz it’s super long
1. Your top 3 anime openings? Sora ni Utaeba - amazarashi Guren No Yumiya - Linked Horizon Can Do - Granrodeo
2. Quick! you have the power to bring one character back from the dead (with no secondary effects) who would it be? UMMMMM UHHHHH SPOILER ALERT! LIKE SERIOUSLY SPOILER ALERT LIKE SERIOUSLY! DO NOT LOOK IF YOU HAVEN’T READ/CAUGHT UP WITH BNHA all might. i know it’s not happened yet but if it does i’m using it on all might.
3. If you could crossover 2 animes, which ones would they be? BNHA AND HAIKYUU!! CAN I JUST SEE MY FFAVORITE HEROES AS VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS PLS?!?!? 4. Choose 3 hair colors.Ok. Ready? Now tell me your fav character with that hair color. Pink - The only character I can think of is Nonon from Kill La Kill. Shes not my FAVE character from KLK, but she is fucking rad so I don’t mind.  Blue - Sailor Mercury. DUH Black - Danny Phantom...IDK LMAO 5. Guilty pleasure?? (food, music, movies, etc) I don’t listen to kpop as much anymore but it’s definitely still a guilty pleasure. Also 90s sitcoms LOL 6. Pick two characters to protect you and the rest will kill you [choose from here x] Ryuk and Saitama. I can have Ryuk kill anyone who tries and Saitama can just punch them and I’ll be good.  7. In which anime do you think you would fit the best if you were to live in their world? I’d probably survive in BNHA since I’d have a quirk. Unless I’m quirkless. If that’s the case I’ll just have to find All Might LMAO.  8. A night out! ..pick 3 characters and tell me: who is buying the drinks, who is the designated driver and who is the one dancing while singing barbie girl by aqua😂 Nile Dawk is buying drinks. He’s got that MP money LOL. All Might would be the best designated driver LMAO. Present Mic is 100% DANCING AND SINGING BARBIE GIRL DO NOT FITE ME ON THIS! 9. A movie that you can watch a million times and will never bore you?why? Kingsman The Secret Service. Always puts me in a good mood. It’s just a fun time.  10. Do you have a favorite seiyuu(s)? which one(s)?   Yuki Kaji. 100%. How can you NOT love him.  11. How would you like Snk to end: everyone dies, a bitter sweet ending, a happy one or an open ending?   Everyone dies. Might as well have everyone just fucking die at this point. 
My questions
You’re allowed 1 anime to watch for the rest of your life. Which do you choose?
What is your destress process like?
You SOMEHOW obtain a ship/boat. What do you name your ship/boat?
Alright, lets change things up. Which character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
If you lived in the BNHA universe, what quirk do you think you’d have?
What body part would you not mind losing?
What would you be obsessing about if anime didn’t exist. 
Baseball hats or bucket hats?
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
If you could ask your favorite character of all time one question, what would it be?
Which characters would you want to get drunk/high with?
And now I’m tagging:@dxkus @patrocles @erasergavemehead @die-forellex@bakuwoah @izukusfreckles @izukkun @soltserra and that’s it bc I don’t have 11 people to tag LMAO.  You 100% do not have to do this, it’s your choice <3 I won’t be sad don’t worry lmao. 
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chubbyjean · 7 years
{ tag game }
Always post the rules
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own
Tag 11 people
that took me a while, thank you @tatakaeeren for tagging me <3
1. Your top 3 anime openings? 
snk opening 3, fullmetal alchemist brotherhood opening 1, death note opening 2
2. Quick! you have the power to bring one character back from the dead (with no secondary effects) who would it be? 
M I K E !!!
3. If you could crossover 2 animes, which ones would they be? 
hmmm i never thought about crossovers... but i’d love to see snk in the modern!au where the military is actually police & they are fighting with this city gang that call themselves the titans??? does that count lolol
4. Choose 3 hair colors. Ok. Ready? Now tell me your fav character with that hair color.
red - 707 from mystic messenger black - levi from snk duh blonde - krista/historia from snk
5. Guilty pleasure?? (food, music, movies, etc)
eating marshmallows, listening to nightcore radio & playing lol in my free time
6. Pick two characters to protect you and the rest will kill you [choose from here x]
i pick eren & ryuk :3 (probably gonna end up dead tho haha)
7. In which anime do you think you would fit the best if you were to live in their world?
fullmetal alchemist brotherhood - i think i would make a pretty good alchemist???
8. A night out! ..pick 3 characters and tell me: who is buying the drinks, who is the designated driver and who is the one dancing while singing barbie girl by aqua😂
(picking from snk 104th training corps bc it would be such a funny night out with them lololol) buying the drinks - jean designated driver - bertolt (sorry man haha) dancing while singing barbie girl by aqua - sasha with very drunk eren (!!!)
9. A movie that you can watch a million times and will never bore you? why?
i think it’s disney’s hercules... i loved it when i was a child & i still love it till this day... so many amazing memories... i know all the songs by heart... i think i already watched it a million times haha, it’s very special to me ♥
10. Do you have a favorite seiyuu(s)? which one(s)?  
yūki kaji (he’s such a cutie??) & hiroshi kamiya (did you hear him singing tho)
11. How would you like Snk to end: everyone dies, a bitter sweet ending, a happy one or an open ending?  
i would 100% love an open ending, something deep for personal interpretation, but bitter sweet ending sounds cool too ^-^
My questions:
favourite member of the 104th training corps?
one movie that made you cry really hard?
coffee or tea?
which fictional character would you want to meet in real life?
what’s your biggest screw up in the kitchen?
if animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
how do you calm yourself down when you’re angry?
3 things you can’t live without?
what’s your most used social media (except tumblr)?
describe the perfect kiss in 3 words?
if you could trade lives with anyone in the world for a day, who would it be and why?
ok i am tagging: everyone who wants to do it! yeah, you too! just remember to tag me, so i can see your answers ♥
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Netflix’s Death Note
About to beat this dead horse till it explodes.
First things first, so you know what you’re getting into: I loathed this movie. My very soul burned while watching it. It zipped past The Lightning Thief and The Last Airbender in terms of bad and now rests solely at the bottom with Riverdale. 
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Next, I’ll start with what I liked about the movie. 
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Ryuk’s design was phenomenal. I could understand why Light wanted to piss himself after seeing him. Top notch work.
Also, the first scene where Little Bit-- I mean, Light Turner tried to threaten a bully by claiming child abuse and gets punched in the face. Kenny was a dick but that made him my favorite character.
I’m going to judge the movie objectively though I will throw in references to the anime just as an example of how a thing could have been handled better.
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The characters were all terrible. I don’ t care about the casting, that’s no excuse for how unlikeable I found everyone. Light was whiny and so SO annoying. He was also so SO stupid. He didn’t just leave breadcrumbs right to his doorstep, he left entire loaves! Mia was an obvious sociopath. I don’t think I was supposed to like her so that’s fine; just putting it out there. Also, can we agree how weird it was that they literally got off on using the notebook. Death Note and chill should not be a thing. 
L was... different. I wanted to like him but I didn’t understand how he was supposed to be the world’s greatest detective. He was an emotional wreck. He felt more like if Near was merged with Mello, smart, yes, but to on edge to be of any professional use. Watari had no real presence. He felt like a prop that was just lying around waiting for his cue with Light. I really did not buy L’ s breakdown over him. They didn’t feel as close as the movie wanted me to think they were. 
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The movie had zero interest in keeping its rules consistent. I pretty much have all the anime rules memorized but I decided that the movie could make up its own, I didn't care. They did, but they failed to enforce them properly.
For example, it’s clear that when a name is written in the note, the person dies, no ifs, buts or what ifs. Light himself goes through great pains to avoid writing his own name when describing an action using words like “her boyfriend” and “the Kira suspect”. Fine. But then it pulls conditional deaths out of its butthole and just plops it in the finale. No one said anything about that being possible, how are you going to hinge your entire finale on new rules?
We also have the note’s ability to control people being really arbitrary. Light wrote that Watari would be obsessed with finding out L’s true name and tell Light everything he knew, but this somehow translates into Light being able to dictate his every move down to telling him not to sleep. 
Ryuk’s motivations, abilities and connection to the note are also really weird. At first you get the sense that he’s just a crazy sonuvabitch that wants to watch the world burn but you’re never really told why. The movie establishes him as an ancient being that’s been lurking around since ancient Japan but has no interest in explaining why he’s in America or why he suddenly has the need to watch humans mess with each other. The anime establishes him as a god that’s just bored so he drops his book and hopes for something fun. The movie purports that he has been passing the book around for a while. It also tries to have me believe that he is an agent of chaos (at one point he chides Light for worrying about rules) but then he was the one that wrote the rules in the book (he clearly states this when Light tries to use the rules against him: “. It just seems easier, to me, to control someone into using the book how you want to if they only know what you tell them. Seems stupid to write out all the rules in the book and then get upset when they read them.Who do you think wrote the rules”)
The book also seems to affect him... allegedly. It's never stated outright but when Light threatens to write his name, Ryuk threatens right back that no one has been able to write more than two letters of his name suggesting that he killed them before they could finish. This is weird on two fronts: 
1: Ryuk’s name is already in the book. The only reason Light knew his name was because someone wrote a warning about him.
2: If Ryuk can kill the owner of the book, then why is it that he spent 90% of the movie trying to get Light to give the book to Mia?
And it isn’t clear if Ryuk can use the note himself! He wrote the rules himself, that is stated but he also said to Light that he would influence the next person to receive the note to write Light’s name. Why not do it himself?
It felt like Ryuk was just the genie to this oddly shaped lamp.
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The ending was the worst part. It’s clever if you don’t think about it at all.
The idea was that Light thought up a clever plot in which he would escape his death that was plotted by Mia. This involves creating a conditional death for her as a bargaining chip so that she would only die IF she took the notebook. They would both fall and he would land safely in the water (physics disagrees but okay) and she would land on the shoreline. She would rip out the page that his name was written in out of the book while falling and this page would float into an open fire (physics still disagrees but okay). Light would be rescued by a paramedic that was also a criminal and the Death Note would be rescued by a pedophilic mailman and kept for two days before giving it back to Light and committing suicide.
It’s the first instance we see of Light being anything like the anime Light; cold, calculating and meticulously planning every detail so that he always survives and the Death Note is always returned to him. In fact, this might have been an origin story on how the whiny little teen became the god known as Kira.
Analyzing his entire plan, it hinges on coincidences and rules that he probably just made up. Number one, he lucked out big time that there was a criminal paramedic in the police database and a mailman that would be around that area at that time to be in his plan. This whole thing wasn’t planned over the course of two days (the movie explains that the Death Note can control someone’s actions up to two days before the death) it was done in the span of about ten minutes maximum and had MAYBE half an hour to be carried out. The anime made time a huge factor with the note and so we were always on edge that Light’s plan would be carried out in time or what would happen if something happened too soon and he was caught and we were almost always in on the joke so we knew what would happen in how long. The movie has no presence of time and so we are just there to be strung along. In fact, Mia wrote that Light’s heart would stop at midnight but we have no idea when midnight is! Back to the plot, Light planned something based on new information in ten minutes and had thirty to have in come true, fine, whatever. L caught up with Light and chased him for a good while. It was a huge coincidence that he managed to get away and get to where he needed to go in the right amount of time. If he had done something smart then I’d give him points, but the only reason he managed to get away from L was because, a guy that just so happened to be a Kira follower, wandered out back. It wasn’t preordained, it was plot armor. Light wrote that all the shit would go down in Mia took the Death Note but what if their weak ass love story was real and she didn’t take the Note? would they just get caught by the police? Would they still fall? And Light’s name is still in the book and the conditions were carried out a few minutes after so would ha have died anyway? Finally, the movie never explained that the Note was able to control physics. He could control people and put them in the right place at the right time if possible (that’s what the anime handled much better too. It really hit home Light’s moral gray area because he couldn’t just find criminals lying around in a shed somewhere ready to be used, he had to kill innocent people to get what he wanted sometimes) but the fact that he wrote that the page with his name would fall into a fire and burn... for context, he was at the top of a Ferris Wheel in a park filled with people with a few open flames, on of which was near him. He didn’t say Mia fell with the page and it fell out of her hand into a fire, he said she rips it out and it fell from the top of the Ferris Wheel all the way down into a fire... and it works! With that kind of power, I fail to see why he hadn’t already won.
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This movie was miserable from start to finish. One thing I will say is that it TRIED to make it on its own. It didn’t intentionally leave out explanations that only fans of the anime would get, it rebuilt the lore... somewhat and used that instead. Seriously, what is Ryuk’s purpose. We don’t even know if there are more death gods!)
You know, it really could have quenched half the hate against itself by being a sequel and not an adaptation. There were more Shinigami that could drop notebooks in America and there were more orphans at Whammy House to replace L. They could have just made it a sequel and, it would still be bad, but no one would be complaining that they butchered Light. 
This movie was bullshit and I have more problems, particularly with L but I’ll put it in another post.
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zaynesplainz · 7 years
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Number 6: Deathnote Well I really really really wanted to hate this one, but it didn’t turn out all that bad. Definitely Americanized but still kept the spirit of the story. It was a decent adaptation. I appreciate them making an African-American actor one of the main characters (instead of pretending we don’t exist or can only be background characters who couldn’t possibly have their own storyline damnit stupid Hollywood!), though I thought he might have overacted a bit. Both Light and L’s characters we’re revamped in some ways. Light is more likable and has more redeeming qualities (like the ability to love) and L was a lot more emotional. I think the success of this film is that they didn’t just try to summarize the whole manga into one film, instead they summarized the message, the moral into a shorter story. They did a way better job designing Ryuk, than in the Japanese live-action version. It was smart of them to keep him in the shadows (and casting Willem Dafoe). I’m sorry, but there’s no Near or Mellow—purely a fight between L and Kira. This film would be a good substitute to show in a sociology or criminal justice class. Lastly, I didn’t really care for the soundtrack. 2.75 💀s out of 4. #Deathnote #ryuk #willemdafoe #horror #scarymovie #halloweenmovie #movienight #scary #crime
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hannahstokesy · 7 years
Netflix Death Note
What just transpired in that movie. There was so much potential. I tried to watch it as a stand alone movie and it was still terrible. If you've never watched the anime half the bloody film doesn't make sense! And the characters..no.
1. Light Turner. The social outcast? Nononono he's supposed to be popular and cool and smart not an idiot who reveals his death note to some girl. He wasn't smart and cunning, and at no point did he join the L team?! He bloody told L he was Kira and L was like well, what can you do?
2. L. The emotional idiot? He didn't do anything the entire movie. Not one thing fgs! He literally spoke to light like 4 times and accomplished nothing. All he did was get over emotional at Watoris death, no L would not have done that he was a sociopath the same way Light was. psychopath. But no these boys are completly idiotic and innocent.
3. Mia? Why. Misa was a perfectly fine name but no. Also Misa betraying Light? Are you silly? Why couldn't they keep one thing loyal to the anime. If they just wanted to use the idea of the death note they could've just wrote someone else's story using it. Instead they disgraced one of the best animes going and are hated for it.
4. Don't get me started on Ryuk. Since when did he hate Light? Since when did he like Mi(s)a? No he's a shinagmi and he doesn't care about either of them, he's here for the game. But no of course he has to love the girl. Just ugh. Character design was cool though
5. The Death Note itself. Since when could anyone else write names in a Death Note owned by someone? Erm no. Since when could anyone BUT the shinagami write Light's name in the diary? Nononono.
I've perfectly fine with them removing Near and the other one. And keeping L alive. And the recasting of the characters, (not like they haven't made an all white cast all Asian before *cough Attack On Titan cough*) but to completly change the entire show and still claim it's based on Death Note. Ha no.
Rant over I guess🤷🏼‍♀️
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Google Maps Detour Strands 100 Drivers
http://tinyurl.com/yyem9oro Not too long ago a street closure led to Google Maps suggesting an alternate route in Colorado. Sadly, anybody who took the detour encountered a single lane muddy street, resulting in most of the drivers getting caught with no approach out. Drivers on their technique to the airport encountered an unwelcome web site: a crash on Peña Boulevard (which ends up in the airport) led to a site visitors jam, which is the very last thing anybody needs to see after they have a flight to catch. However Google Maps stated it had an answer! With the site visitors jam in full drive, it steered an alternate path to get to the airport. And higher but, it promised to do it in almost half the time the journey would have taken on Peña Boulevard. Who wouldn’t need to bounce on that promise? Sadly for about 100 drivers, the detour was a horrible suggestion. Latest storms transformed the one lane dust street into mud. Worse but, either side of the street had steep ditches, so there was no turning round. Vehicles rapidly obtained caught, resulting in an excellent worse site visitors jam with no escape. Because it seems, the street Google Maps took so many drivers down could haven’t been open to the general public and couldn’t deal with the inflow of large site visitors. Native information vans even discovered a street closed signal, however it had fallen to the bottom. The entire sequence of occasions as soon as once more proves it’s normally sensible to second guess map instructions, particularly when it provides to chop journey time in half by leaving the principle street. Even when different persons are additionally taking the identical route, they could be listening to the identical dangerous instructions you’re. [CNN] In Different Information: UK Residents can port their quantity with a textual content: Beginning right this moment, The UK’s “Textual content to Swap” guidelines take impact. The brand new guidelines state that when a buyer texts their provider for a port out code, the provider should reply with that code inside a minute. That ought to make switching carriers far simpler than it’s now. [TechRadar] Safety programs are ineffective when off: It might appear apparent, however when you’ve got a safety system and don’t flip it on, the alarm system can’t enable you to. Safety options firm Cove surveyed almost a thousand individuals who had a break-in, and of those that had a safety system about half of them admitted it was off throughout the break-in. Sadly, in the case of any safety, people are the weakest hyperlink. [ZDNet] One other Metropolis hit with ransomware: Now a 3rd Florida metropolis discovered its computer systems contaminated ransomware, particularly Ryuk. Ryuk usually infects computer systems by way of a malicious hyperlink in an e mail. Beforehand we reported that Lake City paid out nearly $500,000 to decrypt its recordsdata, and now Key Biscayne finds itself with the identical determination to make. Cease us in case you’ve heard this earlier than, sadly, in the case of any safety, people are the weakest hyperlink. [Ars Technica] Microsoft is deleting your ebooks:  Microsoft used to promote ebooks in its Microsoft Retailer. However these are going away, and the corporate will delete purchases you made, and also you gained’t be capable of learn these books anymore. The one excellent news right here is, the corporate promised to supply refunds for all books bought. [Gizmodo] Electrical Automobiles within the EU get extra “vroom vroom”: Beginning right this moment, any hybrid or electrical automobiles offered within the EU are required to have an Acoustic Automobile Alert Techniques (AVAS). Hybrid and electrical vehicles are quieter than inner combustion engine automobiles, and so could also be extra harmful to pedestrians and different street customers. The AVAS will make sounds when the automobile is touring below 12 mph. Jaguar already posted a clip of the sound its automobiles will make in order for you a preview. [The Verge] Google’s upcoming Fuchsia OS will get a developer web site: Google is engaged on another OS known as Fuschia. It isn’t Linux, it isn’t Chrome, and it isn’t Android. However it might be someplace between all these choices. Now Google has opened up a developer web site for anybody fascinated about taking a better take a look at the upcoming OS. [9to5Google] Bixby will get a third-party abilities retailer: When you’re among the many tens of people that love and use Bixby, excellent news: Bixby is getting a retailer. The Bixby Market will apparently “improve Bixby” by providing instruments which can be much like Alexa Expertise. These Capsules prolong what Bixby can do, however in all probability not sufficient to make anybody apply it to function. [Thurott] Apple recalling extra MacBooks: MacBook house owners have it tough proper now. First, the keyboards were failing, then batteries were catching fire, and now it appears the Logic Board could also be occurring strike. Apple says a “small quantity” of MacBook Air fashions from 2018 may even see a difficulty “with energy” and it’ll exchange the Logic Board without cost [9to5Mac] In 2018, NASA launched the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Spacecraft. The TESS is actually an area telescope (proving but once more the whole lot sounds extra spectacular with the phrase area in entrance of it) and is particularly designed to search out planets exterior our photo voltaic system (dubbed exoplanets). The area telescope has been exhausting at work, discovering planets, taking beautiful pictures of the stars, and even recognizing comets. Now NASA says that the satellite tv for pc discovered a brand new exoplanet, and its the smallest one discovered by TESS up to now. Designated L 98-59b, the planet is about 80% the scale of Earth. We’re fascinated about planets shut in dimension to Earth as a result of they make good potential candidates for all times as we all know it. However dimension isn’t the whole lot—gravity, as an illustration, is influenced by the make-up of the core of a planet, and a world the identical dimension as Earth may have far roughly gravity relying on its core. Within the case of L 98-59b, the planet’s place makes it an unlikely candidate for all times—it sits within the “Venus Zone” which suggests a runaway greenhouse impact.  Except you like to be tossed round by fixed hurricane-level winds and battered with acid rains, Venus is a terrible place for something alive. [Engadget] !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '335401813750447'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Source link
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jestyrsfilmreviews · 7 years
Death Note (2017) - A Review
Title: Death Note
Release Date: August 25, 2017
Director: Adam Wingard
Writer(s): Charles Parlapanides, Vlas Parlapanides, Jeremy Slater
Main Characters: Nat Wolff as Light Turner/”Kira”, Lakeith Stanfield as L, Margaret Qually as Mia Sutton/”Kira”, Shea Whigham as James Turner,  Paul Nakauchi as Watari,  Willem Dafoe as Ryuk (voice), Jason Liles as Ryuk (costume)
Death Note is a 2017 American dark fantasy horror-thriller film loosely based on the Japanese manga of the same name created by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. The film is directed by Adam Wingard and written by Charles Parlapanides, Vlas Parlapanides and Jeremy Slater. The film stars Nat Wolff, Lakeith Stanfield, Margaret Qualley, Shea Whigham, Paul Nakauchi, Jason Liles and Willem Dafoe, and follows the story of a high school student named Light Turner, who finds a mysterious notebook known as "Death Note". He soon meets the demonic death god Ryuk who teaches him how to use the notebook and tells him that the book causes the death of anyone whose name is written within its pages.The film was released on Netflix on August 25, 2017.
The plot is as follows:
In Seattle, Washington, high school student Light Turner (Wolff) encounters a notebook marked "Death Note". He is visited by the death god Ryuk (Dafoe/Liles), who tells him that he can cause the death of anyone he wishes by writing their name in the book, as long as he knows their real name and face. Ryuk coaxes Light into testing it out on a bully (portrayed by Jack Ettlinger). The bully is decapitated in a freak accident shortly afterwards. That evening, Light is compelled to write down the name of Antony Skomal (portrayed by Artin John), the man who killed his mother in a hit and run. Skomal dies in a similar freak accident at a restaurant. Ryuk explains other rules of the Death Note, including the ability to control the actions of the victim for up to 48 hours after their name is written before they die. Classmate Mia Sutton (Qually) asks Light about the Death Note, and he demonstrates how it works. She encourages Light to use the Death Note with her to rid the world of criminals, improving the world. They decide to work together under the guise of a god they call "Kira", using the book's coercion powers to have their victims reveal this name to the world.
Kira becomes beloved by the public, as its killings are seen as righteous by the majority of law enforcement, and Light and Mia become lovers. Kira's actions draw the attention of "L" (Stanfield), an enigmatic detective who is able to track down Kira's location to Seattle and his source to the city's police database. L and his assistant/father-figure Watari (Nakauchi) travel to Seattle and meet with James Turner (Whigham), the chief of police and Light's father, to discuss how they will catch Kira. L gives a televised speech with his face concealed, taunting Kira to kill him, and when this fails to happen, L suspects that Kira must know a person's name and face to kill.
L has FBI agents follow Light and other suspects. Mia suggests killing the agents, but Light refuses. The FBI agents thereafter commit mass suicide and Light accuses Ryuk of killing them. James appears on television and vows to apprehend Kira. Mia urges Light to kill him for the greater good, but Light can't bring himself to do it. When James is not killed, L comes to the conclusion that Light must be Kira. L confronts Light, revealing his face to him. Realizing that L is closing in on him and with Mia motivating him, Light uses the Death Note to force Watari to uncover L's real name. As Ryuk explains, Light can burn the page with Watari's name on it within the 48 hours to cancel his impending death; however, this method can only be used to save a victim of the Death Note once. Watari leaves suddenly for the abandoned New York orphanage where he found L years before; L learns Watari has disappeared and orders Light's house to be searched; he finds nothing, as Mia was able to sneak the Death Note out.
Knowing that Light is still being followed, Mia helps him to sneak away at the school dance, allowing him to collect the Death Note and contact Watari via phone. Watari finds L's records moments before the 48-hour deadline, but Light finds Watari's page missing. Watari is then shot and killed by unknown soldiers before he can reveal L's name. Mia reveals that she used the Death Note to kill the FBI agents in order to protect herself and Light, took Watari's page, and has also written Light's name in the book, giving him until midnight before his heart stops. She offers to burn Light's page if he gives the Death Note to her, as she believes he is not capable of making the right decisions for the good of society. Meanwhile, L is devastated by Watari's death and goes on his own manhunt for Light.
Light tells Mia to meet him at the Seattle Great Wheel where he will turn over the book, and then flees from police, who are closing in on him. L catches up to him and prepares to kill him, but a passerby knocks L out after overhearing that Light is Kira. Pursued by police, Light meets Mia and takes her to the top of the ferris wheel. Light tries to convince Mia that they will be happier without the Death Note, at first seemingly dissuaded, Mia takes the Death Note when Light turns to look out, much to Light's intense dismay. Confused at first, she realized that Light must have written her name in the book, with her death contingent on her taking the Death Note from him. With both of them doomed, Ryuk causes the Ferris wheel to collapse. Mia falls to her death, while Light and the Death Note fall into the water. The page with Light's name on it drifts into a burn barrel, an event witnessed by L. Though Light is rescued from the water, he has fallen into a coma.
Two days later, a man leaves the Death Note at Light's bedside. When Light wakes up, he finds his father there, who tells him he knows that Light is Kira. James explains that he found a news clipping about Skomal's death in Light's room and realized that he was Kira's first victim. Light explains that he used the Death Note at the school to plan out Mia's death in a way that would ensure his own page got burned if she took the Death Note. He also manipulated several criminals to induce him into a medical coma, having them use the Death Note during his comatose absence to give himself an alibi. With Kira continuing to kill while Light was in a coma, L is taken off the case and forced to return to Japan. As his plane is about to take off, he ponders a comment Light made during their standoff, realizing Mia's involvement, he stops the plane and races to her home to search her possessions. He finds the Death Note page with the names of the FBI agents she killed on it, and in a hysterical fit, contemplates writing a name on the page. Back in Light's hospital room, Ryuk appears, laughing. When Light asks him why he's laughing, he simply comments "You humans are so interesting".
The plot of the story, as stated in the beginning of this review, is loosely based on the Japanese manga of the same name written by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata.
What did I think of it?
Considering that upon release it received mixed to negative reviews from critics and audiences and much of the criticism was directed towards the incoherent writing, pacing, and numerous changes from the source material, I liked it at first; however, after watching it over and over again, I can see why people hated it. 
The film follows the same concept as the manga; however, it does it sloppily. 
There is just so much wrong with this movie on so many levels:
- The mother is killed in the movie which is why no one sees her.
- The female lead is supposed to be Misa (Sure it was close to Misa, but whitewashing and Hollywood made it Mia).
- The setting is completely different from the manga.
- It adds another person playing Kira (like in the manga), but it made it so that the two already know each other from school. In the manga, they have no recollection of knowing each other until they eventually meet later in the series.
- Rem (another Shinigami in the series) wasn’t even present/mentioned.
- There were multiple Death Notes/Shinigami in the manga but only one in the film.
- The Shinigami eyes are hardly even mentioned in the film (maybe like once or twice).
- All the characters have been whitewashed (because Hollywood).
- L is black (not trying to be racist, but L needed to be Asian or white).
- L was killed off in the manga but not the film.
However, there are a couple saving graces. Wingard's direction, production design and the cast received some praise (particularly Dafoe's performance as Ryuk). The cinematography was absolutely brilliant given the shades and hues setting the mood of the film. Gory as all hell (I love me some gore).
The saving graces, however], did not save the film from being completely laughable. It made Light seem weaker than his Japanese manga counterpart, even with the whole power trip. There were several key characters missing in the film that were present in the manga but not this film.
Because of all of this, I give this a solid 2/10
Disappointing and an all-around bad flick.
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greeenmilk-blog · 8 years
An actual Sick Cosplay Outfit Meant for You-worshiper Connected with Ryuk
Some Awesome Cosplay Dress-up costume Just for You-worshiper Associated with RyukIt’ on hour really difficult to suppose shopping on the web regarding Fatalities Mention. Actually be aware of the root cause of the amazing recognition up until digesting these anime all by yourself. This method comic stirred further up a fashionable tide #love today’ utes splendid luxuries coming from a specific throughout the world acknowledged designer label from the moment it turned out submitted. Until eventually at this time, a raise the temperature of has not yet halted.These days, there are plenty of suppliers ads for their Demise Notice computer animation clothing. Extremely ahead of the dawn of a typical party for example Halloween parties, both of them merchants together with vendors end up being for that reason demanding. Are you currently likewise a worshiper of this comics about The loss Observe?Almost any devotee in earlier mentioned cartoons will never ignore the factor associated with Ryuk. This amazing list appears to be unpleasant in reality. However its energy captures almost everyone. Listed which has a correctly white accommodate, a powerful form untruths over the general tale.Thorn-like scarf plus kitchen apron are actually applied to Ryuk’ lenses attire. Some natural leather strap together with bone structure decoration in between is undoubtedly connected to the midsection. Those unfortunates who are serious in taking up to look at this amazing evil factor may also get to locate the large weapon-a reaping link.It i ‘s even more time-consuming for those cosmetician to make right up for this purpose element through the the real world express. Fueling eye coupled with pink hues along nooks among butt end the 2 call for particular attention. Dense support make-up is treated to create definitely light cope with.Shortly after outfits is determined within plus the make-up fully gone, it i erinarians moment to deal with great. This excellent satanic force comes out that has particularly put up flowing hair. Absolutely, you simply will not must make one’s own hair for being similar to this, forgetting about retaining the item meant for day-to-day succeed. As a consequence, find a hairpiece make sure you.You don’t concern the fashion even while obtaining the costume for halloween. Moreover, you can’t human brain the very hair do of your wig you will want. What precisely quite gambles on a major part to the group look might be similarity. Each of the hairpiece in addition to costume outfit will be tremendously the same with all the type within anime. Are occasionally attire, there certainly is another necessary point. Can make rates must test just a little, it will do set you back. Will never seem enjoy visiting the following cracks upon actually being placed just one time, are you going to? Therefore do not forget to a target required to.
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