#love that guy but specifically bc i've read some really good fics with him lately
weatherbane · 2 years
i should draw agen kolar🤔 🤔 🤔
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recurring-polynya · 3 months
Hi ! I originally found you through your Ikkayumi fic you posted, and I was sooo very happy to find that you had so many renruki fics/were a regular author that focused on them !
I reel over any fic that focuses on whatever Renji was doing in the space between him and Rukia disconnecting, and especially whatever that man was doing in his stint at squad eleven back then.
I think that Renji is only helplessly pathetic whenever it comes to Rukia, and I always wonder what he did to cope with that ( if he successfully coped with it at all ) in her absence, or how long he managed to avoid talking about her. For as much as he was around them, I’d like to imagine he probably caved and dumped that info off on Ikkaku or Yumichika at some point. Unfortunately, both of them are emotionally constipated people, and they’ve got no idea what the hell to do to cheer him up bc they’re not the kind of guys who are great at emotional kouhai support.
They collaborate on a miraculously decent plan to get their guy out of the dumps, and though the plan is pretty great, shit hits the fan and it all falls to pieces. Renji enjoys every minute of it, even though he’s got no idea what they’re doing, and ends up satisfied with their horrible attempt because he knows this isn’t their specialty but because they do care.
I always juggle between hyper fixating on either of them, but as much as I enjoy both pairings, the best thing is always getting to see any match of them interacting with each other.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this if you do !! I seriously admire your writing and I appreciate your dedication to Rukia and Renji, and I love how canonically accurate you write them. Your fics always really make my day, so thank you for sharing as well !
Thank you so much!! I am also fascinated with this period of history. It's hard for me to write about, although I've made a few attempts.
Renji-without-Rukia is an interesting creature. Here's my take on it: I think that he's competent at least in the ways that are expected of Gotei officers, which is to say, he is very good at sticking his sword in things. On the other hand, he's also low-key self-destructive, in the way that you don't especially notice, especially if you're used to hanging out with the general populace of Squad 11. He's a fine soldier, hard-working, driven, even, but he lacks all of the qualities of the Renji we know now--his aura of friendship, his first-into-the-breach enthusiasm, his patience and empathy toward his younger squadmates. Of course, Ikkaku and Yumichika don't really know there's anything wrong with him, at least not at first, but the longer they get to know him, Yumichika, specifically, might realize that there's someone better buried down in there. Yumichika would probably break out in a rash if he tried to be kind to someone, especially to a youth, but there if there is a thing Yumichika will do, it is give beauty advice and so he started harassing Renji about his skincare and hair routines which you can't do if you can't learn to care about yourself, and that was a real turning point for Renji.
Personally, I think Renji was at Eleven for a long time before he told anyone about Rukia (the one exception was Iba, his roommate, who was frequently subjected to late-night rambles on her when Renji was absolutely sloshed, but Iba is Iba). I'm actually always very touched by the seriousness with which Kubo portrays Ikkaku and Yumichika's reactions to the Rukia story.
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To me, the best way to cheer Renji up about all of this is to take his goals seriously and to otherwise just treat him like a normal member of the Eleventh, which is exactly what he needed at that time.
I'm really only an IkkaYumi casual at best, but one thing I do really like about them is that I think Renji sees them as the blueprint for the relationship he would like to have with Rukia: battle partners first and foremost, tough as Hell and twice as hot, different but complementary, two halves of one whole idiot. He is absolutely deranged for this, but I think it's very charming, and to be honest, I think Rukia would, too.
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thesalemwitchtries · 9 months
Okay so I've been lurking a lot instead of reblogging as I try to do, and this is because when I'm in the library doing work and get distracted by a good fic, it feels less like being off task if I'm just reading and not interacting, like reading is taking a study break, good for the brain, but interacting is being On Your Phone, and is off task.
Now the semester is done however, and I am free to do as I wish guilt free. One of the major things that I need to catch up on is a new fandom rabbit-hole that I fell into, which began with me accidentally stumbling on a fic while late-night scrolling, reading it, and then proceeding to completely devour almost the entire catalogue of works of several writers. I'll get around to re-reading and commenting on what I've spent the past like two weeks being absolutely lost in, but first I wanted to give a quick shout-out to the accounts because I know that sailor-aviator is having a milestone positivity event, and also they all just deserve it.
I think it started with @roosterforme and Bradley Bradshaw, and then devolved into reading almost everything that @jupitercomet, @sailor-aviator, and @goldenseresinretriever have ever published. This next part is long-winded gushing and also I think maybe turned into a marriage proposal? I'm not sure, hopefully its not creepy/weird
Seriously amazing work, like I can't truly express the amount of resistance I had to tgm before finding these accounts, but I had avoided watching the movie for the longest time bc my super shitty ex was a pilot (Air Force, and in training, but still we did tour the ship in SD when we were together) and also because he seriously looks like if you bought a hybrid of Lewis Pullman and Glen Powell from Dollar Tree and then made him scrawny, incredibly boring, and also unable to understand the word no or that it's not a crime to do a little shimmy when a good song comes on the grocery store radio
Now I feel cured of that in a way, like I don't know him, who was that? All I know are the incredible and delicious men that these guys are writing about.
You guys are out here soothing traumas unknowingly all while writing kicking-my-legs-blushing-and-giggling quality romances, like, can't thank you enough for the work and effort and time that has clearly gone into all that you guys are doing (for free!) and I hope that you all are proud of what you've been creating.
Like yeah, fanfic is just silly little stories, but these are your silly little stories that wouldn't exist without your hardwork and brains, and also they're incredible silly little stories. 🫶
Specifically I've been obsessed with sailor's Tarzan Bradley (he's so in love and also horny I love it, 🫠 ugh can't get enough), and her Bob series is so cute and seasonal I love him sm! 🥰🥰
And I didn't want to get sucked in, but sailor's merman Jake series converted me to becoming a part-time Jake girlie, of course with the help of golden's hockey au with Bugs and Lola, they're so cute and I'm living for Honey and Bradley you don't even know. I used to go to hockey games with my grandpa all the time (go Fireants lmao) so its nostalgic, but also bc of that old-guy association I don't think I ever really considered the horny potential of hockey, so thanks so much for opening my eyes to new growth opportunities for male objectification 😭
Anyways I hope this isn't like, too weird or makes you uncomfortable, I just wanted to take the chance to get out some of this built-up appreciation and share some positive thoughts ig, thanks for all your work and creativity, and also for bringing me a new fandom to hyperfixate on, its like a christmas gift, lol
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Do you ever struggle with feelings of discouragement or inadequacy if your fics don’t do as well as you had hoped?
I’m struggling with that myself. I try not to get so hung up on it but it’s very hard, especially when something I’m so proud of doesn’t do as well as my other works.
I don’t even feel motivated to write bc I don’t wanna set myself up for disappointment
Discouragement, sure, I think that's natural sometimes. But I really don't feel like stats have anything to do with adequacy. Baring my soul, yuck. But fuck it we ball. Sorry it's a long answer.
I don't think I've ever answered a serious ask aside from the time i created Dr. rock which hardly counts but I've seen a lot of people struggling with this lately and hope this might be idk comforting to a person or two without leading to debate/discourse.
You mentioned something you're proud of isn't doing as well as your other works, and I can see how that would be disappointing. For laughs, I'll compare 2 of mine. These fics are impossible to compare (as are most, I think) but I def understand the urge to measure yourself against what you see as the potential. Aches: <1k popular trope I banged out in no time, wasn't sure about it, literally thought "people don't have to like it" before I hit post. >4 notes per word. Left in Lincoln: >22k posted so far, challenging, writing it for months. Has possibly driven me crazy bc I had this passing thought the other day and not about TLOU. (I didn't feel like re-reading it all): "I should just rewatch the movie. . .wait." 🤡 The whole Lincoln series combined has fewer notes than Aches lmao. But it's far more rewarding in getting to see it come to life, quality of engagement, and stretching myself 😏. It's not for everyone, for various reasons. Surely would have better stats without the twist I went with. But at what cost??
Often, if people don't read or like something, it's a reflection of their own interests, limitations, and assumptions. And the right "fit."
I don't rly read much in general, but specifically, I rarely read long stuff (if I do I prob scan a lot tbh). I normally only want, if any, just enough plot/premise to build sexual tension. I don't read fluff or angst. I don't have the attention span / commitment to get invested in original characters. I tend to avoid stuff similar to what I'm working on. I make assumptions - If there's no word count, maybe it's too long. I know a lot of the fics I skip for these reasons must be fantastic. Assumptions I experience - I've seen very popular fics in the wild that strike me as dark, creepy, or pervy but aren't tagged that way. So some things that are tagged dark, etc., including plenty of mine, might not be dark in the way people assume based on their own ideas, or based on what others do tag. Also some people think I only write dark when sometimes it's just horny (see master list).
I've sometimes found myself thinking "It sucks more people don't read this bc i bet they would enjoy it" (not just my own fics). It might sound egotistical but I think it's often true.
Of course I want engagement because that means more people reading something which can mean more interaction, discussion, learning what you liked, what you think, etc. that's what I love.
But notes aren't rly near the top of what I care about, even though it does feel great to get them and I truly appreciate every single one.
Night walks doesn't get nearly as many notes as some of my other stuff, especially these days, but it's fun to write and I like to feed his feral fans who only get more into him with time. Same with raider: among those who do read and engage, I sense rising enthusiasm, thirst, and rate of falling in love with him (my bad). That's all worth more than 1000 likes to me. I have a good time writing these guys, so I write them more than other ones that get way more notes 🤷. I'm not saying notes don't matter at all, I know they affect exposure and engagement. But if just did what gets notes, I don't think I'd have such high quality engagement bc I'd just bang out more stuff with the most popular tropes instead of our fave Joels and those destined to become our faves bc they offer something special.
My outlook was the same before I had so many followers btw. Rock Bottom (22k) was what I felt like writing, still more ambitious than anything I've done in the Halloween fandom. I was disappointed it got way less attention than my one shots, but I know it's a banger, just certainly not for everyone lol.
I'm sorry for what you're experiencing and feeling, but I think it's very common and hope you can reframe it to not feel inadequate. I especially hope it doesn't discourage you from writing. ❤️
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(kskdkrkekd ignore my ask before i sent it on accident before i could finish it)
hiiii we haven't talked in a bit so this is me popping by
how have you been doing? :)
i have finished reading hamlet so i am going to reread i fell in love with hope any day now and give you your promised highly detailed essay. yay? also i have been seeing a therapist, idk if i told you about that and i'm pretty sure that's a yay!! she's very nice
question time!! i miss your aro fic so i decided to ask something regarding that. firstly, can i ask why are there different mating systems? like, what is the in-world explanation and/or what is the narrative purpose? (idk if that's too much spoiler, you can just answer in private if you want or not answer at all, whatever you seem fit)
other question is about björn bc i love him. does he like musicals too?? i know you said you, yourself are not that into theatre but if yes, do you have an idea what types of musicals would be his fav?
that's all for now i think. you answer when you answer, if you want to at all - as always. no pressure!!
bye-bye (´^_^)ノ
hiiiii sorry this took me so long to get around to, I've finally started on my summer job and I can count my free seconds on just one hand 😭 otherwise I'm mostly fine, bit preoccupied with getting obsessed over various crochet projects and trying not to lose my sanity over them lmao
oh I am so looking forward to that essay of yours, it's been a hot moment since I read I fell in love with hope so perhaps this is a call for me to reread it as well. I'd say we should do a race to see who can finish sooner but I get the feeling neither of us needs any kind of extra stress right now, lol. And I'm glad to hear you found a good therapist! I remember you mentioned you were looking for one, so happy to hear that turned out nicely!
Imma be honest, it's been a hot moment since I thought abt my aro fic 😅 other projects came up and then I started working on Absolutely Nothing At All, so that one has been kinda put on the backburner lately - it's probably a good thing you're reminding me of it, then. Tbh I don't remember if I had any specific reason for multiple mating systems, I think I just wanted to represent many of them to say: no, the problem isn't with one specific system, the problem is with the idea itself. Then again I have been considering going through every idea I had thus far again and sort of "restarting" bc I wasn't entirely happy with what I came up with thus far, so who knows. Maybe next time you ask I will stick with just one system lol.
Oh yeah Björn is a really funny guy I love him too, for some reason I imagine he would be the type of person who loves musicals but purely for their music, and otherwise has zero clue as to what the musical is actually about. He would listen to the soundtrack on 24/7 loop but if someone came up to him like "actually this musical is about [plot]" he would give you the most confused surprised pikachu face. (What kind would be his favorite, I am honestly not sure)
man I really should think about getting back to writing this Thang I have been putting it off for so long I'm already forgetting things about it 😭
Anyway, how are you doing? I hope everything's going fine with you this summer break and that ur resting at least a little bit (and that your brain hasn't boiled yet in the heat lmao). Doing anything interesting lately?
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 months
For the character thing, Sersi? And Anakin too if I may ask multiple? :P
of course i'm gonna do both my blorbos!!
How I feel about this character: BEST CHARACTER IN THE MOVIE. she's chronically late, she talks to statues, she's a bad liar, she's a collector, she's horribly insecure and is such a sweetheart and is the heart of the whole movie 💚
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ikaris (I love tragedy 😔), Dane bc she deserves a nice normal guy and he clearly loves her!! (or at least they think he's normal-), Thena and Gilgamesh in an ot3 because I thought of it ONCE and couldn't let it go
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I mean I could say all of the Eternals because I love their relationships but I'll be specific. Phastos! They are besties to me, I cannot be convinced otherwise. Also Druig. I'm pretty neutral on Druig but I love his relationship with Sersi, he clearly respects her and listens to her!!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I mean just the fact that she's my fave is kinda unpopular already. people don't really care about her :(
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she could have had a more solid leadership arc. Like she's clearly afraid to take control, everyone makes jokes about Ikaris not being the leader which probably isn't good for her self esteem (Sprite outright says she doesn't care about Ajak choosing Sersi instead), and in the end none of that is really resolved. I wish her internal arc had been fleshed out some more and gotten a more satisfying ending of everyone looking to her as leader (this is why it should have been a show and not a movie!!!)
How I feel about this character: honestly my favourite character potentially from the whole star wars series, DEFINITELY from the prequels. I love a tragedy and Anakin Skywalker is the definition of tragedy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Padme, obviously. I've read some Rex/Anakin fics too but tbh I never watched the clone wars so I can't say I actually ship it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Obi Wan is his tragic brother/father figure and I love it. Also, again from someone who hasn't watched the clone wars but read fics, Ahsoka and also his clone trooper squad.
My unpopular opinion about this character: This is more an unpopular opinion about the fandom I guess but. Anakin was not misunderstanding the Jedi teachings when he talked about love. Love is forbidden for Jedi, that's literally the whole point of the story? It's not just attachment or obsessive love, it's all love. Why would Anakin have completely misunderstood the jedi teachings. If that were true that would say more about the jedi as teachers than Anakin, I think.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I mean if I said what I wanted to happen to him, the rest of the series probably wouldn't even exist in the first place? But damn I wish someone in the jedi had been like Why the fuck does Palpatine want to spend so much time with our new 9 year old recruit and cut that shit out.
Or just. Him being a slave for his entire childhood being acknowledged at all after Phantom Menace because damn they did not acknowledge any of that shit at all.
give me a character and I'll break their ass down
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stellamancer · 6 months
niku niku niku!!!! i am dropping by with a few things i find pretty bc april is so very pretty to me! 🍞🌻💭🌷☀️🫧✨🌱💗🍓 how are you?? i hope the month is lovely to you 🥺
i also come back with a curious sel question 🤓 a more technical writing one but, what is your anchor point to writing a character like gojo or deku (or bakugo)? what part of them do you like exploring and what quality of theirs stays the same to you across any universe you put them in? 🥺
I AM OKIE. very full from the breakfast i just ate (some steamed shrimp dumplings hehe). i hope you are well lil selsel. i know you have been a very busy girl lately. LMAO
please be prepared for my very long answer. because i will be addressing all three.
let's start with deku since i think he's the most straightforward. i'm actually not entirely what you mean by anchor point but in terms of what i like to explore with writing deku. it's like. this is honestly all on a very... hypothetical scale since my one deku fic is. well not like this (in fact i read it last night and you know it's about three years old now and the bits of my writing i think have changed... lmao).
anyway. i'm getting off track. for deku i like... i really like to explore how adamant he is about... helping people LMAOOO. with the exception of one wip. deku is very dedicated to helping reader in some shape or form (in that other wip is more that the reader is working to save HIM). but as much as i love writing how sweet and kind he is, i do actually like giving him a change to quip a little. he's a smart lil guy.
but the one thing i like to have (generally) be consistent is that earnest goodness that basically defines deku. it doesn't always have to be at the forefront, and it might even be buried but. you know. so i like writing fics where that gets to be highlighted.
next. bakugou. it's a little hard to talk about bakugou because i, despite what you might think, have not really thought of many fic ideas for him. it's really just my kitchen adventure neighbors series and the one shot i will maybe finish one day 'surface of the sun' and they're actually pretty similar in terms of theme. i guess i have those emotional support bkg drabbles too. but those i've really just wrote on a whim.
i think, and i suppose i said this with deku and i will say this with gojo, it's very important to keep the core of the character in mind when you write them in any au. for bakugou specifically it's his roundabout way of being kind. he's not straightforward in his kindness like deku, but a little more... harsh about it. i suppose. like deku will get you lunch and smile at you and say he hopes you like it (but knows you will because he knows it's your favorite) bakugou on the other hand might just shove it at you and tell you to just eat it LMAOO. which is probably a very general way of saying it.
with bakugou there's a balance you have to maintain: his actually legitimate good heart and his attitude. bakugou seems mean at a glance, but he's really just harsh. which also seems like the same thing. that being said, if you make him too soft then... it feels like something's missing, but make him too harsh and he's just outright mean. i think. i'm not sure bakugou is more willow's expertise LMAO (willer do NOT LOOK AT ME TALKING ABOUT BKG)
and finally gojo.
it's hard to say with gojo. i think also because i approach writing from a scenic standpoint (so i see scenes a little less than character traits). i think similarly to deku, outside of infinite loop!verse which i regard a bit similarly to the emotional support bkg drabbles. I guess i like writing being a menace but not like. in a mean way? idk. but when i think of the like... non infinite loop!verse fics i've written/have planned i think that similar to deku there's a desire to help people but he's not as... straight forward about it and there's a bit of serving his own goals too. haha. he's nice as nice about things as deku.
similar to like. bkg. whenever i write gojo i have to try and keep a balance. but just replace harshness with frivolity. LMAOOO. that's why i've said to you before that i think that if you write gojo you can write bkg, because i take a similar approach to both. too nice is just not gojo and too frivolous is not gojo either. i think there's also a bit more of a complicated blend with gojo especially when you take to account other factors. for that reason for one of the aus it was kind of hard to figure out how to write him but i think i figured it out.
....damn i yapped a lot. i don't even know if i actually answered your questions LMAOOO.
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jittyjames · 7 months
For the Fandom asks! 1, 2, and 4!
thanks anonnnn!!!
alright so for number 1. for hamilton- the community by far is the best part (although there have been a few bumps lately) there are so many genuinely talented people who here, and it's been an honor to create with you guys and brainrotting with y'all over these dead assholes. even if I don't talk to most of you, I still love everyone in this community.
I also like how long I've been here. like i grew up with hamilton. I've been around for all of it (though I was a twitter girlie, not a tumblr girlie) but you better bet your ass I was scream-sobbing when lin cut his hair after his final performance. then I laid in the floor for the rest of the night. I was there for the hamildrops. I was there for ham4ham wednesdays when they were still a thing. I was there for lin on snl. i was there for lin's g'morning/g'night tweets. i was there for sons of libertea updates. I was there for the tony awards when i was 13. like I've seen people come and go from this fandom, and I'm still here. like it's truly my fandom. that's why I'll never truly leave
there's also constantly some form of content to be consumed. it's endless. there will always be something new to look at.
for jcs- it's lowkey helped me heal??? idk if that makes sense but I used to not be able to even stomach the mere mentions of religion bc of my upbringing, but now I'm literally fine with it. and i actually can enjoy things with religious undertones again. it might sound dumb, but I really appreciate the humanization that the fandom has helped bring to something that used to haunt me. the way the fandom genuinely cares for these characters is so... so good.
THE PEOPLE. ONCE AGAIN. THE PEOPLE. I might not talk as much as I want to bc I'm terrifyingly shy, and honestly so intimidated by the sheer amazing abilities all of you have, but I'm constantly just reading everything with the biggest heart eyes. I love y'all. genuinely some of my favorite people in existence, and you've made jcs one of my favorite fandoms to be a part of. I'm honored to be able to call you guys friends. I genuinely admire all of y'all so much. you guys have my heart.
finally, i kind of like how small it is. like we all know each other. obviously I would like jcs to get more love and would love to see more content, but I love the little community that i've joined. it's so intimate. and I love getting to see all the amazing ideas being born in real time and watching the creative process.
2. hamilton- when I was a kid, i didn't like the asshole hamilton trope (is this even a trope?? is this not canon??) and would avoid any fics that painted him in a negative light. thankfully i grew out of the hero worship stage tho, and can enjoy the complexity of characters.
jcs- listen when i was hardcore religious, the entirety of the headcanons i subscribe to would have freaked me outtttt. like all of them?? especially jesus/judas dynamics?? especially judas being sympathetic??? (once again these aren't headcanons. that's literally just the show.) ok let's go more specific tho from the time when i was normal. a headcanon i didn't think i would like but absolutely adore now is mostly to do with smut, so I will refrain from sharing lmao
4. hamgelica- alright y'all. I don't see the appeal in it. even in the musical. (shh it's my least favorite part even if satisfied is such a good song) i like angelica and alexander to have a sibling type relationship, but y'know... i do like the way they're both intelligent and seem to match each other's vibes. '
as for jcs. I don't have a ship I don't ship. they're all so shippable. I see the appeal of all of them. I could take two completely random characters, and it would work.
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