#love that too
unkreativstermensch · 28 days
Corroded Coffin making it big after touring with Metallica, but at this point they’re basically immune to being starstruck ever again (because…well, they’ve toured with Metallica) so they’re pretty chill around famous people.
Fast forward to an award show a couple months later, Eddie brings Steve, Steve brings Robin and while Eddie just mostly stays at their table chatting away with Jeff and James, Steve and Robin get drunk and go absolutely ballistic.
Running around, stealing bread from all the other tables, and doing shots with everyone who’s willing to put up with their antics. At some point Steve comes up to Eddie, hands on his shoulders, excited and giddy and tells him, „Hey Eds, I just talked to Rick Astley! He’s such a nice guy. Robin told him he should release a negative version of his song and just sing ‘then im gonna give you up, then im gonna let you down’ and he actually seemed to consider it as an April Fool’s joke or something.”
And Eddie just looks at him, an amused, fond smile on his lips, says, “that’s great, baby, m’glad you’re having fun“ and presses a kiss to Steve’s neck, before turning around again, resuming his conversation with Kirk about about a song idea.
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blondiiebaby · 4 months
need a boy i can snuggle up n watch my special interest YouTube videos with
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hoetaro-kujhoe · 5 months
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self indulgent sanj
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I get the best watches this way.
Okay but as someone who works with old people, whose families usually donate a good chunk of their belongings.
I get a lot of good blankets that way.
Fucking snow whites ass "maybe doc could do it"
The way I CRINGED when they were digging in the medical bin and sniffing it. EW
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Harsh dad.
awww I made something like that for my mom.
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I knew that wasn't fucking henry.
Rumples goofy ass.
Tell her! Set those boundaries regina!!
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Okay so I love ruby, dr. Whale doesn't seem so bad now.
I love them, but do I ship them? Eh.
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It's a trap regina!!
Monster to monster. Love their bond.
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I can understand the confusion and anger, but damn 😭
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He's fucking lying emma. Clock his ass!!
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A blood globe.
And a spindle of a spinning wheel.
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I love henry and his big ol brain. He mustve gotten it from his dad's side because 😬 sorry charming and snow, you're both a little dense.
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If any harm comes to belle while I'm gone, I'm killing all of you.
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merv606 · 1 year
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majimemegoro · 2 years
i know how you feel about the snow. i grew up in the midwest US and then moved to florida when i was 23 for 10 years and it was awful. 😭
the cold is part of me and now who am I ????????
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riverscuomohhh · 2 years
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I love his hair
I love his hair
I love his hair
Beyond all reason
I love his hair
Also, the cardigan looks like the softest, fluffiest cardigan ever😭😭😭
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The music before the PP😂 It Wasn’t Me is such a great choice.
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i slept very little last night because the cat wouldn't stop screaming over nothing, i woke up at 7 am because the frozen samples we shipped back from california were supposed to get here by 8 am but it's now after 9 and they haven't shown up, i have my calculus final due by 5 pm, and i REALLY need to go grocery shopping and do laundry today, what a fun and relaxing first day back in town
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pipity · 3 years
Still love that when Sbi were like “Wilbur is Phil’s son while Tommy and Techno aren’t” the fandom went “Ah, okay!” then gave Wilbur wings and decided the other two were adopted unknowingly
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thebgcharacter · 3 years
Ranting about BSD is fun, super, but have you considered writing a whole fanfic in the messages where you write about one character's perspective while the person you're talking with writes the other?
It's a fun activity. Very, very fun.
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hlstorical · 4 years
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lululawrence · 4 years
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I was tagged by @jaerie @londonfoginacup and @they-feel-the-same ! Thanks! This was so fun! (And also a bit of a call out lol there’s a reason I have a hard time choosing a favorite trope)
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I tag @tempolarriefix @homosociallyyours @mediawhorefics @greenfeelings @dinosaursmate @dimpled-halo @alarrylarrie @laynefaire @coldkoffe @lightwoodsmagic and anyone else who would like to do this!
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stripper-fairy · 5 years
Ok so I spend like my whole life living through my mums love life cause it’s fun and I get to stalk people, her guy that she’s had a crush on for years has a crush on her and he’s a billionaire like no joke. He sends her gifts and they’ve been out to coffee 6 months ago but they’re planning on going again, and she sent him a xmas card and invited him to our beachouse so I’m just like wow bold move but they’re so cute and both think the other dont like them back and I love it
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blondchanel · 5 years
i know we still have a long way to go with women’s rights, but something just hit me and made me super appreciative of how much women fight for equal rights and just seeing so many beautiful female faces on my tumblr, facebook, instagram, snapchat etc. either fighting for rights or celebrating other women makes me love women so much more than i already do
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vvimcmxcii · 5 years
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i want thesee. pls bless me sum money lord 🙏🏻
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