#love yooooooou
shitouttabuck · 4 days
hiya darlin! for the nosy asks, 15 (hehe), 21, and 41 <3
15. favourite movie - venom (2018) i love a monster movie i love a romcom this is the centre of my favourite venn diagram
21. what i love most about myself - hrrr hmm ok well i think im a pretty dependable friend
41. where i want to be right now - WELL in your arms, in your lap, in your bed take your pick
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eddywoww · 1 year
Can you tell me a bed time story?
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kanos · 6 months
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LUCIAN 💀 The Haunted One
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bicayaya · 5 months
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We hope this letter finds you well, Ana!
Prince Yves did intend so send some baked goods with it but, err, unfortunately as of yet the teleportation of inanimate objects has not been invented so we have returned them to his care so that he may give them to you personally.
(Please note if you did not request this letter it may have been requested for you on the behalf of someone else! All of our requests for someone else remain anonymous.)
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Sweet Ana,
Did you sleep well last night? You better have eaten breakfast well, too, or I'll be cross! You're probably smiling to yourself right now happy that I'm concerned about you, aren't you?
Well, isn't it natural for me to fuss the person I treasure most? Especially when I can't be there to look after you myself.
I've sealed a long lasting magic spell in this letter for you so that whenever you need my love and confidence, it is there for you. Don't let it go to waste, okay? My magical spells always work!
Listen, don't push yourself too hard. You have a habit of doing that. It's okay to take time for yourself if you need it... you have to look after yourself so that when I'm with you again you're in the perfect shape for me to pamper you endlessly.
Got it?
In case you didn't get it yet... I love you, okay?
Yours Yves Kloss
the fact that this is exactly what i needed to hear today 🥰🥰🩷💗💕🥰🥰💞💓💘💘💖💝💞🥰
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i kinda did not have breakfast properly, but i’ll try to eat better at lunch 😭 and i’ll take care of myself too 😭 i’ll try not to push myself too hard!!
i love yoooouu so so so so much 🥺💘
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remyfire · 5 months
a tulip came up in my emojis first so you get a bonus flower🌷🌹
Random WIP Sentence SPECIAL FLOWER :D I love it thank you
1.) Hawk thuds his head back with a scoff. He gets a hand in his own dark locks and gives them a tug. "What, you don't see the resemblance here? Gimme two minutes to shave my face and you won't even need to close your eyes."
2.) "I don't know, Margaret. Maybe it's just time for you to see that there are always going to be people who want to take care of you—and let you take care of them—without you feeling like you have to rip parts of yourself off to fit in the puzzle."
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calicorn · 1 year
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lil preview of stuff im working on :)
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supernovasimplicity · 2 years
15 questions
tagged by my beloved @solaarflaree 💕
Are you named after anyone?
my mum heard my name on the Australian soap Neighbours and thought it sounded nice. so no.
When was the last time you cried?
uh a couple of days ago for not fun reasons </3
Do you have kids?
no and don't want them
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
all the time because i'm insufferable
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
probably their hair?
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings!
Any special talents?
were you born?
was I born? is this a macbeth type situation?
What are your hobbies?
I try to read but it's mostly fanfic. I like to cook but don't get to that often. I binge a lot of youtube videos
Do you have any pets?
I have a cat at home but I don't live there right now :(
What sports do you play/have you played?
absolutely not
How tall are you?
Favourite subject at school?
uhhhhhh either English Lit or Physics
Dream job
I Do Not Dream Of Labour but like something in museums
i'll tag @fiddlepickdouglas @guzhu-furen @magicaldreamfox1 @dmvgs @taniushka12 @domsaysstuff @vanillalipstick66 don't feel pressured to do it if you don't want!
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birthofvcnus · 2 years
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thinking abt him
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racingliners · 1 year
you are one of the sweetest and kindest people I know <3 I just love your presence
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send your opinion of me on anon
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weezeryuri · 2 years
my art got 6 rbs…. explodes like a hydrogen bomb
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lumchan · 2 years
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gero color page for extra 06!!
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beskad · 1 year
somewhere in my brain, a hamster is running running full-speed ahead on his little wheel
elmofire.gif hahah
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lunaoritur · 9 months
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poolcore · 1 year
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Soo maybe a scenario or headcanon where the reader start with sharing her veggies with her daddies but after a while she start sharing food that she likes so when there at the avenger tower and its Lunch time she wanna give petie and the other a bit of her food and wann give her daddies a bit of her favorite food so she grabs a bit and hold it to her daddies mouth 😻
Oh, this is an adorable thought, you cute Nonnie you...
Sharing is Caring
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, language, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
Bucky had never seen your eyes so wide before. He chuckled softly, thoroughly enjoying your incredulous delight.
"Dat's....for me?" you asked in a hushed tone, completely in awe of something so wondrous.
Bucky had to bite the inside of his cheek from outright laughing. They had found some individual snack packs of mini Chips Ahoy cookies the last time they went grocery shopping, and had packed them as a post-lunch treat today. They'd brought you up to the work floor with them, as it was just boring paperwork today. Knowing how much you loved your cookies, the small bags seemed like a good idea to try. They had no idea you'd react with such reverence.
Your little mind was BLOWN. A whole bunch of little chocolate chip cookies in a pretty blue bag, and all for you??? It was too much. You were overwhelmed with the indescribable majesty of it all.
"Yeah, it's for you, munchkin," Bucky said gleefully, his grin threatening to split his face. "You can have the whole bag since you finished all your fruit." He opened the bag and held it out to you.
You took it as carefully as if it were a Faberge Egg. Bucky had to pretend like he had an itchy nose- using his hand to cover his mouth as your complete and total wonder was so damned cute that it was making him giggle like a schoolgirl. He wondered how long you'd actually be able to keep quiet about this.
He didn't have to wonder for long.
You shrieked with absolute delight, jumped up and down, and then absolutely hurtled yourself at Bucky, who caught you with a laugh. "TANK YOU TANK YOU TANK YOOOOOOOU!" you screamed delightedly, hugging your Daddy as hard as you could. You let him go and popped one cookie into your mouth. It was so little and it was so good and it was the BEST. You looked back into the bag. There were SO MANY in there. You carefully extracted one, and held it up to Bucky. "Here, Daddy!"
Bucky smiled and shook his head. "Those are yours, baby, they're for you."
"But I wanna share!" you said, jumping up and down. "C'mere! Open!!" Laughing at your sweet impatience, Bucky leaned down and opened his mouth as requested. With a squeal of delight, you popped it into his mouth, then surprised him with a quick kiss on the nose. "Tank you!! Chew good!" you shrieked over your shoulder as you tore out of the room, on a mission. You just heard Bucky laugh at your instructions as you skidded into the next room.
"GUYS LOOK!" you shrieked with joy, holding your small bag aloft. Peter, Wanda, and Pietro turned around, curious, but were just as excited as you were when they realized the treasure that you held. You shared one with each of your friends, in turn, before running out of the room and back to Papa's office. You yelled 'hi' to all your friends and family as you ran past them in your delight, and they all knew you well enough to step to the side as you barreled down the hallway to your destination.
Steve sighed patiently. He could hear you blazing your typical path of destruction towards him. He loved your carefree and playful spirit, but was constantly afraid that you were going to get hurt in your exuberance. You flew into his office, looking more wound-up than usual.
"Hi Papa! Guess what??"
"Hi Baby. Whatever it is, it must have been important for you to be running around the floor like that."
"Oh. Oops. Sorry, I forgotted again."
"Yeah, I figured. What's up, pup?"
You giggled at the little rhyme and the resigned but loving look on his face. "Lookit da COOKIES!!!" You made a show of clearly walking- not running- towards him, and he grinned at the strained look on your face as you fought against your natural cheetah instincts. Once you got next to him through, you flung yourself into his lap, scrambling and squirming to pull yourself upright. Steve gave you little assists here and there, and put his arms around you once you got to your destination. "Here, I wanna share with you please!"
"That is so sweet, baby, thank you." He couldn't say anything else as you dug one out of the bag and tapped it against his lips. He made a funny face at you, then started pretending that his lips were glued together. He tilted his head at your, his eyes playfully twinkling. You giggled, then laughed as he teased you by not opening his mouth, and playing like he couldn't. You ended up smashing the cookie flat to his lips and pressing it in, not letting up, screaming with laughter. Finally Steve "pried" his lips apart and let you push the cookie in, then tickled you as you continued to laugh like crazy.
"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on in here?" A deep voice startled you. You stopped laughing, twisting around. "There's not this much happiness allowed on this floor." Nick Fury was standing there with his arms crossed, but you could see a hint of a smile on his face. You hopped off your Papa's lap and skipped around the desk to stand at the Director's feet. Ever since he'd declared you a part of the family, you absolutely LOVED him and always enjoyed a moment to bask in his coolness.
"Hi Mr. Nick!" you said happily, completely unaffected by his tough guy demeanor. "Here, I wanna give you something!" You held up a cookie to him. You might not have been afraid of him, but there was no way that you were going to ask him to open his mouth like your Papa and your Daddy.
Nick took it from your hand with a low chuckle. "Well, thank you, little one. How'd you know I love mini cookies so much?" He looked at you curiously when you got a very, very serious look on your face.
"I am about to blow your mind then," you said, completely solemnly. You held up the cookie bag for him to inspect, inwardly thrilled. You knew that you were about to change Nick Fury's life forever with your little blue packaged miracle.
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Hi friend, how are you 😙
I have some lyrics for yooooooou 💕
They shake their heads saying: God, help her, when I tell 'em he's my man But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really, I can And only I can
“Caroline, you can’t go after him! He will kill you!” Elena yelled, grabbing hold of her arm to stop her.
Her words barely registered. Not when the searing pain in Caroline’s chest kept flaring up, accompanied a perhaps inexplicable anger. How could they have done this without telling her? If they had just said something- if they had just remembered to include her for once, then she could’ve made them see reason. She could have prevented all of this.
A body was laid on Elena’s living room; it looked half destroyed and ashen. She could still recognize it as Kol’s.
She’d never interacted with him much, and, truth be told, she hadn’t exactly been planning on extending her time in his company. And yet- a knot formed in her throat anyway. Where was Klaus?
“He will be back any time to kill you all! You murdered his brother. One he actually cared about. This is not like anything else- He will not let this go, Elena. I have to- if I talk to him, maybe I can convince him to let you go. Or at least buy you time. I-“
Her voice broke off. What was that conversation going to be like? How could she convince him not to avenge his little brother’s death? But if she didn’t say anything… He would come after her friends. She was the only one who could prevent more bloodshed. Would he even listen to her? Would he believe her when she told him she hadn’t known?
Klaus knows you, a voice whispered in the back of her mine. He had always been able to tell when she was telling the truth. Had always been able to see through her, to see her entirely. It would have to be enough. It would be enough.
“Why do you think he will listen to you? He is murderous, Caroline. You can’t distract him this time. I won’t let you put yourself in danger so that-
“I will not be in danger,” she said firmly. Too firmly. With too much certainty.
Elena faltered. Eyes widening in surprise then brows furrowing. “How do you know that?”
Caroline felt her heart racing. Her lips parted and closed twice, as she tried to find the words to form a confession. Her eloquence fell short for once, and she was left in silence, staring at her friend as her face betrayed far too much emotion. Guilt at secret she had been hiding. Hurt. Anger. And something that was beginning to look a lot like love.
“Elena.” It was Stefan who broke the silence. The look in his eyes too understanding.
Elena’s face crumbled, her mouth opening as understanding dawned upon her. “Oh, no. Care. What have you done?”
Caroline squared back her shoulders. “He won’t hurt me.”
send me lyrics from ttpd and i’ll write a minidrabble 🤍🖤
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