#love-hate relationship peak right thre
the-cookie-of-doom · 5 months
Here is my role reversal AU where the Kittisawats are the powerful mafia family, and the Theerapanyakuls are the poor brothers cousins trying to survive. Also they’re all sex workers. 
Tankhun is the overworked and overstressed eldest trying to take care of his family. Korn is a sick old man, likely to die any day now, and Gun is their shady, unreliable uncle who takes advantage of his brother’s failing health and the boys for his own gain. He’s part of a low-level gang; robberies, muggings, minor car theft. Nothing that would get the attention of actual organized criminals. A scumbag. 
Kinn and Vegas are the primary supports. Tankhun does his best, but he’s got his own trauma to work through. Kinn is the bartender fucking patrons for extra tips; Vegas is just a prostitute, and he doesn’t try to hide it. He also deals drugs on the side, and sometimes is forced into helping with Gun’s crimes. First as a lookout when he was young, then as an active participant. Kinn and Khun both fight with him about his methods. Kinn, because he thinks Vegas is reckless, getting involved with his father like that. He won’t be able to avoid the police forever if he keeps engaging in violent crime. Vegas thinks none of them can afford to be scrupulous with their morals, and none of them can deny that he delivers. 
Tankhun, a former prostitute himself, until he was kidnapped and… had a bad time… scolds Vegas for being so reckless with his own sex work. He’s terrified of anyone in his family going through the same things he did. Now he’s agoraphobic as hell, terrified of strangers, and only manages to pull himself together for the sake of his family. He still does sexwork, but now he’s just a camboy; there isn’t much else he can do that doesn’t require him to leave the house, when he’s a college drop-out with no qualifications or marketable skills. 
Kim’s bright plan was to become a YouTube sensation, get famous, and make it so none of his family ever has to work again. It doesn’t pan out quite that way. He does have and maintain a channel for his music, sharing recording equipment with Tankhun, but it’s small time. He does have a significant amount of subscribers; between that and his patreon, it’s not enough to live off of, but it’s enough for him to put himself through school. Anything extra he gets goes towards his family; Tankhun always tries to protest, but Kim can see the way some of the tension leaves his eyes when he doesn't have to worry about the month’s bills. Unlike the elder cousins, the closest Kim ever comes to sex work is playing his guitar shirtless on his patreon. Maybe a couple times people have offered to pay him for ~extra services~, but he just can’t bring himself to do it. 
Macau is still in high school. He tutors people for extra cash (read: does their assignments for a hefty fee) and helps Kim edit his music/videos. Wants to be a DJ someday. The two of them are close, as the babies of the family. Closer than Kim is to his own brothers, but the same can’t be said for Vegas; he and Macau are thick as thieves. 
One day Kinn gets a job as a personal bartender. He doesn’t bother trying to hide that he’s working for Porsche Kittisawat, and Kim isn’t shy about calling him a kept boy. He doesn’t begrudge his brother the choices he makes, he just wishes Kinn didn’t have to make them. Kinn puts up a good front, but Kim knows the craves the intimacy of a lasting relationship. He’s desperate for something real. To love and be loved. Kim is too jaded to stake any belief in finding something like that. 
Then he meets Chay. 
Chay is actually a fan of his. A very generous fan who regularly makes sizeable donations. Kim owes his upgraded recording equipment to Chay’s generosity, though he has no idea who his online benefactor is. 
Kim is local talent. Sometimes he gets called to play small shows every once in a blue moon. Kinn is pretty good at pulling the strings to get Kim booked at his club, courtesy of Porsche, who’s really making the offer on Chay’s behalf. It’s how Kim ends up meeting Chay. Not that he makes the connection. 
Chay is in the crowd, watching him with more interest than he thinks he’s earned. Kim thinks it’s regular attraction, the kind he’s used to. Used to it dropping off when people get to see the real him too; his pretty face isn’t enough to make up for his ugly life, especially when his personality isn’t enough to act as a buffer. Kim buys him a drink after the show anyway. They talk, they flirt, Chay admits to being a fan, which is nice. Kim’s never been recognized before. 
They start seeing each other. Kim still doesn’t connect Chay ro Kinn or to his favorite subscriber. Thanks to Kinn (and Chay’s) efforts, he keeps doing shows. Gets booked for better clubs as he proves himself able to handle it. He doesn't want to know what it cost his brother; he hopes it’s not too much, and Kinn always assures him he’s fine. He seems to mean it, and Kim is just selfish enough not to question it if it means his dream coming true. He starts promoting his shows online, and Chay is there at every one. Pretty soon that leads to seeing each other outside of shows, too, then going on dates. 
It’s building towards something. But before they can fall over that edge, Kim finds out about everything. The mafia, Chay’s subscription, Chay getting him these shows. All but paying for him. Kim is devastated. He knew better than to trust Chay from the start, it was too good to be true, and now look at what’s happened. 
He goes to his family. 
Tankhun, shrewd as ever, tells him it doesn’t change anything just because he knows now. Vegas, ruthless, tells him to use Chay for everything he’s worth until the money dries up. Macau thinks it’s romantic; that Chay admired him from afar, only for them to meet by chance and fall in love. Except they didn’t meet by chance, and Kim isn’t in love. 
Kinn understands, though. Kim didn’t expect him to. He didn’t give his brother enough credit. He thought Kinn would be like Vegas and Khun. Instead he tells Kim to follow his heart. He knows Kim isn’t like them, isn’t built for the kind of life where he can set aside his feelings and use someone else for his own gain. He’s too much of an artist for that. 
Kim tells all of this to Chay, who says that he doesn’t want to buy Kim, either. If Kim doesn’t return his feelings, that’s okay. They can go back to the way they were. They can be friends, or Chay can just be an anonymous name on a screen. He wants to be with Kim, but he doesn’t want to pay Kim to pretend with him. 
It’s exactly what Kim needed to hear. 
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Nishinoya x reader with low self-esteem??? Like, he comes home to her crying because she doesn’t think she deserves him and she’s sure he’ll leave her because nobody likes her and she’s ugly and she feels like she’s never enough (these are her thigh not reality lol) and he comforts her and then after thinking for a little while the same day while they cuddle watch a movie and bake he asks her to marry him?????!!! Sorry if that’s way to weird or your busy.. please don’t feel inclined!
Hello reader! Awh okay! I do struggle with self-esteem so I’ll make this a little angsty but thank you for requesting! Please stay safe and healthy!!❤️❤️ @yuu-yuukurotsuki
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“Y/N! I’m home” Noya announced himself as he came into your shared apartment. You would usually call back but you didn’t. No food on the stove, no music being played in the background. He was starting to worry.
He started to walk into the home, the only room that seemed to have any activity was your bedroom. He smiled to himself when he saw the light peaking out from the door. That smile faded when he started to hear you speak.
“Why would Noya ever want someone like me.” you sounded sad and broken “He’s so amazing and I’m…so average.” 
Why were you talking yourself down like that? He did go in right away, he knew you weren’t too open about your insecurities. Now was his chance to finally confront you about it. He peaked in a little and saw you standing in front of the mirror in your underwear.
“He’s so fit, and confident. I don’t have any qualities that are attractive.” your voice cracked a bit. You didn’t have nice toned legs like most girls do, nor did you have a small  figure. You always felt ugly and hated how it felt, but looking in the mirror only made you believe your insecurities.
Noya couldn’t understand a all. You were more than he could ever ask for! He even came to point where he thought you were better than Kiyoko. His heart broke the most when he heard you crying 
“He’s probably going yo leave me for someone better“ you sniffed “Someone pretty, smart and and athletic. Why did I ever think I was enough for him?“ You sit down on to the floor and huddle your knees to your chest. It was that moment that he finally came in. The sound of the door startled you and your head shot up.
“N-Noya w-what did you he-“ he cut you off
“How could you say all that stuff about yourself! Why would you ever think that?!“ he scolded you, only it was for talking down on yourself 
“I’m not gonna pretend like everything fine because it’s not! I’m your boyfriend Y/N, I’m supposed to be your support and you’re here crying by yourself.“
He came down to your level and brought you into his arms.
“Ya know it hurts to hear you say all that because I know it’s not true.” You sniffed into his shoulder rand held on to him tightly.
“B-But I’m not enough for you! I love you so much and I don’t want to let you go but I also want you to have the best! Not just anyone like me..“ you sobbed as your voice faded out. He wasn’t getting through to you s he had to do something. He didn’t want to yet but this was all he could think of.
Jogging over to his nightstand he dug in the drawer and pulled something out. He came back and sat in front of you, he gave you a small box and you didn’t want it to be what you thought it was.
“Y/N, if you think you’re not enough for me then explain to me why i bought this only 6 months into our relationship. You gave me the best 2 years of my life. Everyday i wake up to see your beautiful face. You are the kindest, selfless, most beautiful, intelligent person I’ve ever met. And I’m so happy I did. So I really want you to answer my obvious question“
you open the box to see there indeed was a ring. “Please, you’ve made me happy all these years now it’s my turn to make you happy and show you how much you mean to me” he wiped the start tears falling down once again
“Noya...are..are you serious?” You ask in disbelief.
“I’ve never been more serious than I am now” you smile softly and nodded. He let out a breath he was holding and embraced you once again.
He made a little laugh sound he makes when he’s happy. He pulled away and laid a kiss on your awaiting lips. He took the ring and slipped it on to your finger. He then picked you up bridal style and waddled into the living room yelling
“NO MORE SAD TIMES FOR MY WIFE!” He thre you on to the sofa and put your favorite movie. He even named you guys some cupcakes, which lead to frosting being smushed in each other’s face.
Maybe if someone like Noya loved you this much, you ciudknt be as bad as you thought.
Okay here we go! I hope this was what you were looking for and I hope you enjoyed this ❤️❤️
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