#loved these sm i printed the mfs off!
sugar-omi · 11 months
Alright all your Cove and Baxter anguish has me FUCKED UP and I need some adorable Cove fluff to recover. How about a little about Cove and M/C as newlyweds coming home after the honeymoon?
at first i didnt know what to write but then i start thinking n.... pls i love this sm i hope it heals your broken heart <3333
tags : Fluff, cove loves you sm, sharing money (cove shares his money/bank acc w you), he's just in love w you theres nothing else to say
synopsis : how cove acts after your come back from your honeymoon
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he's bringing you flowers everyday
at first he brings you a couple bouquets but you've run out of places for them so he just brings you one and add them to your collection.
none of them are the same either
so you have sunflowers, lilies, roses, tulips, peonies, orchids, and many many flowers all in one vase
is it a little ugly? probably. definitely. the colors and sizes n shapes all clash but it's the thought that counts
if you don't like flowers, are allergic, or you get tired of him bring so many...
he brings you food <3
I think one of cove's love languages is food
he brings home sweets like cheese cake or marbled cake
or fudge, or chocolates
or if you aren't into sweets like that, then he'll bring lunch/dinner instead
he's a decent cook, and even if you're bad at cooking he wants you to help him
lots of kissing n half burnt food (he takes whatever portion is burnt so you don't have to eat it)
and he tries to always bring u lunch
if he can't bring you lunch for whatever reason, he either packs one for you or sends you money for lunch
COVE: hi bby, have you eaten yet YOU: im ordering food rn COVE: i sent u 50 is that enough YOU: ?!*!&!(!? YOU: that's too much 😭😭 cove pls YOU: ill send the rest back COVE: keep ot COVE: it* COVE: my money is your money
he does this all the time now, in fact he'll even had you his card
which he's always done before your marriage, but now ge even gets you a card connected to his bank account too
he doesn't even care if you share your money w him too, he just wants to give you everything he has
like if you asked for his shirt in the middle of the store I think he'd ask why n then just give it to you
as if he was gonna say no in the first place 🙄💀💀
he just becomes so much more obsessed w you after you're married
always cuddling or touching u
if you're around your mom's they're always cracking jokes....
especially if you want kids they're all "we're gonna be grandparents soon at this rate lol" (even if u want to adopt or dont wanna birth/can't have kids bc you're amab or infertile or smth)
they just think they're so hilarious 🙄🙄🙄
does he blush bright enough there's steam coming off him? maybe
does he stop? nope!!!
loves you so much, he just needs to be close to you
prbly has 2 actually
one is of the two of you bc sometimes he can't believe you're married n he just needs to make sure life is real
n one is of just you in your wedding attire
will talk abt you to anyone who asks or makes a comment
this mf would prbly get a shirt that says "y/n's husband" on the front
even tho it's in small print on the front it's embarrassing.... like pls we get it you're in LOVE
he'd get you both jewelry w your wedding date on it
will hold you up at the door if you try to leave without kissing him
you've always gave him a peck before leaving but now it's WORSE
once he even stopped you in the driveway before you pulled off...
man's ran out of the fucking house in socks and unicorn print sweatpants
you roll down the window "what? what's wrong?!" cove, leaning thru the window and pouting. "kiss."
you look at him in shock n disbelief before you just laugh and kiss him
he taxes you two extra kisses for the trouble, he got his socks wet from running out here!!!
you have to push him off otherwise you're gonna be late to work bc you were too busy making out in your driveway
your single/divorced neighbors hate you
the teens idolize what yall have n their standards got so fucking high after yall moved in
n the old ppl laugh bc they've been there when they married and/or they find it amazing how obsessed cove is w you
if it wasn't such a bad omen or if you didn't disapprove, he'd get your wedding date or your initials tatted on his ankle.
maybe it seems extreme all of this bc I think cove just realizes how amazing you are sometimes n all his love overflows in this way <3333
no matter how old you get he's always gonna run out in the rain, snow, or sunshine n get a kiss if you forget
pfx by the time he's 80 he can't move as fast but he's hustling down the path before you can escape
if you do get away before he can get a kiss though, he is pouting when you come back
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nayaaatv · 2 years
joshua bf hcs !
✰ ; fluff, male-wife material joshua.
warnings ; mentions of food, and im p sure thats it (?)
wc ; 0.6k ♡
a/n : i love him sm i actually cannot.
+ req by anon ♡
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this man is a little bit too obsessed with dressing you up. you can always depend on your boyfriend when ur going shopping. by the end of the day you're gonna be surrounded by the outfits he chose for you. spoiler alert, you look so hot in all of them LMAO, stylist bf things.
he's super in love with watching sunsets with you. ever since you guys started dating, he has always been sneaking a lil pic of you next to the beautifully colored sky, and little does he know, you do too. well, occasionally so.
matching bracelets ♡_♡ suits him so much tbh. and he's like never taking it off too. its those thread bracelets with your initials graved in them hehe.
cleans up everywhere when you're stil asleep. and cooks the most drool worthy breakfast ever its like ur in a mf hotel i swear. he takes care of your things like its his, sometimes you wake up to him reading a book you finished recently whilst drinking a hot cup of coffee on the couch. "hey, i heard you finished this. nothing bad happens in the end right?"
spoils you but spoils you like how a normal boyfriend would spoil his lover AND how a dad would spoil his daughter. one day he could be buying you a pandora necklace and the next could be him coming home with bags filled with matching pajamas and a fairy costume set for ages 3 and up. (ps, the pjs have my little pony prints on them) his excuse for the costume is -- "it says 3 and up baby. you're up, aren't you?". (im tearing up)
random slow dances at noon. with the curtains closed and a big lamp being your only source of light. its so comfortable and calming. your head laying on his shoulder as his hand stays there on your waist. both your hands intertwined as you get lost in the music playing from his phone. everything becomes quiet and suddenly its just the both of you in the world. you can only see him and he can only see you. nothing is on his mind, just you. and vice versa. you find yourself just standing there together until your legs cant handle it anymore. it always end with a nap or even a dinner date. who knows, he just loves being with his angel.
showering together, only if you're both comfortable with it ofcourse. by this i don't mean it in a sexual way like at all. he feels like its his duty to wash and scrub your hair wish the perfect amount of shampoo, and you like rub soap on each others back ㅠㅠ. then afterwards he's blow drying your hair while your taking cute little mirror selfies or putting on skincare together. this is one of the times joshua feels content. he feels more than happy when he's with you right now in moments like this. he adores it when you do his hair too. he gives you little pecks and kisses all over your face as soon as your done. (ok im gonna go cry now)
loves cooking for you. he secretly took cooking classes when you guys first started dating and now he's a five star michelin (ehe). everything in him is so curious and excited for your reaction everytime he cooks a new dish. you can find him constantly looking for new recipes for you to try. expect your stomach to never have issues ever again due to his godly cooking skills. you seriously don't know how he does it, but you let it slide as long as you're getting fed. he's super satisfied when he sees you full and tired from all the food he gave you. he always reminds you to always drink water afterwards and not to move around much. and let me confirm, he definitely has the 'kiss the chef' apron. and obviously you do kiss the chef! always. ♡
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✦ ; @odetoyeonjun @stuckinmyhead5 @guavagyu @starry-mins @pearlygraysky @enhacolor @khypods @yoonzin0 @enha-choo @shadowofgyu
m.list - dino or dk is next ><
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dairyminki · 10 months
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hii!! congrats on 300 u really deserve it!! was wondering if u could write smtg abt this predebut seonghwa look 🥹 he just looks so good he reminds me of a hs sweetheart that stays until adult and its just so ueueueu 😭 thank u in advance!! i really love ur work!
✨️part of my 300 milestone event 🪄
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title: worth it
pairing: park seonghwa x gn!reader
genre: domestic fluff all the way, established relationship, highschool sweethearts
warning/s: none
wc: 1k
a/n: first of all, hwa looks so mf sweet in that pic and just know that writing this got me all mushy and made me want him sm that i cried ㅠㅠ btw tysm for requesting this and for loving my works !! ♡♡♡
* reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated!
"A penny for your thoughts, love?"
Quickly snapping out of your thoughts, you see your boyfriend of eight years, Park Seonghwa, looking at you with that sweet, sweet smile of his.
It turns out that he's already finished with his meal and is just staring at you with both his elbows propped on the table, his fingers interlaced with his chin atop of it—most probably waiting for you to come back to the present, together with him and the romantic dinner for two that he prepared just for you.
"I'm sorry," You say, grimacing when you look down at your plate, only to see it still half full.
"It's alright, you must be tired," Seonghwa says with utmost understanding that you feel like melting under his gaze and attention. "But are you planning on finishing that though?" He asks, gesturing at your plate. "Because if not, I'll clean it up for you so you can go ahead and rest," He adds.
"Aren't you a dear?"
"For you, absolutely. Others? not so much." Seonghwa purses his lips, and then he's standing up to tidy up your plate and his. You mirror his actions, before you stand up as well and walk to where he is.
Seonghwa lets out an audible gasp when you surprise him with a backhug. He puts the plates back on the table and rests his hands on top of yours, body relaxing against you. Seonghwa's hands are warm—he is warm. And so, you can't help but nuzzle against the softness of his shirt, even inhaling his scent that brought you nothing but comfort.
If you could, you'd literally just pull him with you towards your shared bedroom and cuddle to sleep. But sadly, the dishes won't wash themselves, won't they?
So as much as you didn't want to let Seonghwa go, you did—muttering an 'I love you,' and pecking him on his cheek before you ascend the stairs.
You managed to take a relaxing bath with your eyes still open, surprisingly. And right now, you're sitting on your bed, legs crossed, and waiting for your dear boyfriend so you could cozy up to him already.
While waiting, you end up browsing through one of the mini photo albums you both bought during college days, which you then filled with every picture you both printed out for memories—even going as far to your baby pictures. Flipping through the pages littered with cute captions and stickers, your eyes land on one of Seonghwa's photos.
It was a candid picture of a much younger Seonghwa with his sparkly doe eyes and his tousled hair, smiling at you. You remembered this day very clearly—it was during your last year in high school and he was merely your best friend back then.
You think the picture was captured during the time you were showering him with praises after he just wonderfully drove you around town for the first time with his first ever car.
And so, you carefully pulled out the picture from the page with the intention of keeping it inside your pocket instead. Just a little reminder of your youth and the very person who made all of it worth it even if you weren't fully aware that your heart was already beating for him.
It was unforeseen. The fact that one second, you were literally just spending your day off cleaning the house, and then the next, Seonghwa's found a way to sneak up on you looking like he time traveled and brought his high school self back here in the present—together with your astounded self.
Because he really does! The Seonghwa smiling at you right now just looks like the Seonghwa in that picture you saw last night—speaking of that picture. Where is it? You don't remember where you put it to be honest, or if you did end up putting it inside your wallet before you dozed off to dreamland.
"Hwa…" You say, before your hands reach up to play with his hair. In response, Seonghwa chuckles, already having his hands on your waist.
And it is indeed a surprise, how from his hair and down to his clothes, he completely copied the one from his picture. He looks so good and so reminiscent of your youth that he got you emotional.
"Oh, but don't cry yet!" Seonghwa abruptly says when he senses that any minute now, you might just cry on him.
Nonetheless, you still end up crying with him not being able to do anything as he's already got down on one knee, an elegant black box containing a beautiful ring now facing you.
You were just supposed to be cleaning, so why is he here, making you cry and proposing?!
"I was actually struggling on how I'd make this proposal the best I could make it to be. Since, uh, you literally deserve only the best," Seonghwa starts, and then he chuckles, dabbing the corner of his eyes with his free fingers.
"And then last night, when I came to our room and was about to tuck you in, I, yeah, saw the picture you were holding," He proceeds to say. Oh, so that's where the picture went.
"And yeah, you can somehow connect it all together and lead you here. Right here, right now to this very moment." It was evident how nervous Seonghwa really was, with the way his every breath comes out a little shaky. But what should he be nervous for when he already knows what your heart screams?
"Will you, Y/N, my best friend first, now the love of my life, and the only sky this star will shine for, for eternity—marry me?"
If Seonghwa ever thinks you'll be saying no to him, then he better run or you'll really hit him with the mop that you were previously holding.
"You literally know that I only have one answer for this, Hwa." You roll your eyes, despite the tears.
"Well, it doesn't hurt to ask," Seonghwa shrugs, chuckling after.
"Yes, you goof. Yes, Seonghwa, I will marry you."
Some will probably say that eight years is too long to keep love thriving and the sparks coming. But not for you and Seonghwa. Heavens knows, that every second you've spent with him was worth it. Seonghwa made it all worth it.
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atiny-piratequeen · 2 years
ok hi queen, im back. I just wanna say!!!!! thank u sm for adding in a valentines day chapter wtf it's everything i didn't know i needed... when yeosangs foxy self gave hwa the chocolate, i died and resurrected to talk abt it. foxy is kinda bold ngl and i love it. btw ily stands for i love yeosang
also i love cheese sm that lil agent of chaos, i will give all the hugs to cheese idc !
and im so mf nosy i have to know abt what happened during the Wooyoung vs. Mingi argument. im like 40% sure it was woo or san that stole the staff and i am going to need at least a 100k written apology in the form of a redemption arc for whoever stole it. also want to note that i want to beat hwa's ass for never saying he DIDNT think mingi stole it, esp knowing mingis past with that unsufferable mouth on legs called bella rose. im going to be sliding down the wall crying and gagging if u take my mingi away from me. my precious misunderstood scholar how i love you so !
don't even get me started on the yunho moments... bitch i would die for u against the tide!yunho. literal best boy in the universe. i understand hongjoong completely. I'd serve myself on a platter for yunho fr. I've seen a pic of his dick print and it's honestly baffling. props to his bfs who can take it
last thing: come here so i can give u a hug my lil flower, u deserve it
Oh i had to do a lik extra. I noticed some of my boys were falling off as far as being seen so i wanted to make sure to show more of my unintentionally underrated babies
Cheese is my apology to everyone and the comedic break for me constantly stealing everyones ankles. Every tense story needs a Cheese.
Mayhaps,,,one day,,,we'll have a flashback on that. I wonder what they said...🤔
I cant tell u what will or wont happen but I'll provide tissues either way c:
Misunderstood Scholar Mingi. I love that title sm. You get it, Kira. YOU GET IT.
😌 Big dick, best boy Yunho. Im not gonna lie, from the beginning i was like "SOMEONE'S gotta be somewhat put together on this angsty ass ship" and BOOM. AtT's version of WYWF Yunho was born. And never left. With his fine ass.
Ive never had someone call me a little flower before but now my heart is so full 🥺 aaaaaa
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amourisms · 2 years
nsfw anakin skywalker hcs because he’s a kinky mf
JEALOUSY this man gets jealous so easily you could laugh at another man’s joke and you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day
self control to a fucking T no matter how horny this man is he will not stop until you’re crying because you need him that much
loves being rough
loveloveloves hickeys and marking, u r his!!!
biggest fucking tease in the galaxy
praise & degradation on a whole nother level
corruption!!! you could be gagging on his dick with tears streaming down your face and you’d still be his sweet little angel
hate / angry sex… cough cough e2l or ewb…. 
literally horny 24/7 this man is WHIPPED
sadist..????? god no he’d never hurt you more than you could take but something about bruises and red hand prints on you is so so sexy to him
choking. (rip padme tho)
risky places / semi-public mf just loves risk-taking and the adrenaline rush and a plus side everyone’ll know you’re his if you do get caught
you’re either a dirty fucking slut or his pretty little angel no in between
THE MF FORCE force choking, force restraints this man gets so creative
mans dont give a single fuck how loud you are its music to his ears and bonus whoever hears knows you’re his AND he lovessss hearing u moan his name, the idea of u getting off to him / bc of him is quite literally heavenly to him
facefuckingggg hell yes loves seeing you getting all teary-eyed, gagging but still wanting him to cum but don’t get me wrong your pleasure is still a top priority to him.
SIZE KINK!!!!! mans is 6’2 ok????
body worship!!!!!!!! he’s so in love with you and everything about you and he wants nothing more than for you to know that
he will make the most blatant outta pocket comments so casually like during training or something he’d just go “you weren’t complaining when i was being rough on you last night”
COCKIEST MF EVER literally everything boosts his ego sm like u being so cockdrunk on him so bad that u can’t get any words out will make him smirk like a mf
pet names for u = angel, princess, darling, love, sweetheart
stamina for days he lasts LONG and multiple rounds
as much as he loves you being his fucktoy and being a massive dom he also love love loves letting you use him nothing gets him off like seeing how good he makes u feel
ok wait he especially loves the way u look after sex all fucked out, covered in hickeys and bruises, fresh red markings of his handprints covering ur hips, maybe his cum all over ur stomach, makeup all messed up… god this man loves destroying u
he loves to be in control, i mean you’re just his pretty cock-dumb baby anyways
luvs to hear u beg like a whiny little slut
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
now, childe as a general streamer,,, he’s a whale in every sense of the word 
so childe as a streamer in general would be one word ;
he would definitely be a variety streamer, but more so for games !!
especially pvp and/or pve games
competitive meta mf—
probably plays LoL, overwatch, apex legends, valorant and minecraft
don’t question the minecraft 
he likes mining but has a personal vendetta against the creepers bc once they blew up his mansion 
yes, a mansion
ask any of his community and they’ll tell u he spent a full-blown month and a half playing just minecraft to build it, only for it to go down just like that ;-; 
his chat loved it tho <//3
he’s played honkai too !! mainly for the pve and grinding bc he’s a whale but uh,,, shhh
his community,,, his community are just a bunch of trolls at this point i cant even lie
they just KEKW, SADGE & COPIUM spam everything and the newer viewers get intimidated until they realise he deserves them all HJGKJHF
especially when he starts getting annoyed by the game,,, his reactions are too good to pass up on gn
typically when he does mario kart streams 👩‍🦯 that shit’s wild when it happens oh my
when he falls in rainbow road 🤡 
and especially bc he has his webcam on, his viewers just see him internally dying or wanting to scream
also gets passive aggressive 
shit talks everything and everyone when in that mood <//3
for what’s left of his dignity i won’t disclose what happens
definitely gets jebaited a lot too <//3 unfortunately he’s too easy for his chat ;-;
another mf with a massive community except he has a lot of friends (sorry not sorry albedo)
ppl have a love-hate relationship with him tbh; u either love him or hate him
no inbetween
unless u show ur love through bullying him then go off ig
his discord server, twt + yt are also really big too !! also verified on insta 
also !!
he has lots of plushies :(( esp whale plushies from his community bc he’s the biggest whale they know <//3
but if u look at his setup, there’s a mini whale plushie on the top of his main monitor (he has 3), one big one (like,,, up to his chin) behind him, a smol on the top of his chair so u can see it above his head, and just more off screen HKJSDHL
they asked for a room tour once and half of it was just whale plushies
the rest were LED lights + shelves of merch & gifts from his community !!
he even has some fanmail (actual wholesome ones that aren’t cursed) pinned on a board too 🥺
also has an ensuite—
when he was eating on stream one time, his chat was sent into an absolute outrage
u know why?
bc he was eating noodles with a fork
bby ;-;
so sometimes he’ll get sent those beginner chopsticks with the finger guides to help him 👩‍🦯
he’s actually made sure to eat with them on stream tho bc he was sent one with a narwhal on top and he thinks it’s cute JHGJKH
now, his (also) AR56 ass has been playing since genshin first came out
an og if u will
this man,,, he’s been in love with u even before the game’s official release 🐥
not only were u in the promotional art and trailers, but he was also one of the beta testers so he got to try out ur character first hand in the early stages !!
and when i say he fell hard for u,
i mean it 
when the game wasn’t released publicly yet, he wasn’t allowed to disclose any information and ngl, it killed him that he couldn’t talk abt u :((
so all he could do was say this upcoming was really nice so far and subtly brag abt u to everyone JHGKJSDFHLK
when the official ads & promotional art were finally released 🥺🥺 when i tell u he immediately went live talking abt the game and u HKGJHFDK
he didn’t care that he streamed at an ungodly hour bc he’s been waiting for the reveal for so long he needs to let everyone know </3
he retweeted everything from their official twt straightaway, made a yt video based off his spontaneous stream promoting the game + pinged his entire server abt it
his nearly 200k server all got pinged abt this one game bc he’s in love with a character from it
and he has no regrets abt it <33
the day the game was available for download, he stREAMED THE ENTIRE DOWNLOAD PROCESS
while he and his chat were waiting, they decided to watch the trailers and character showcases to get a feel for the game, and played some mario kart to pass the time !!
as soon as the game loaded, he threw mario kart behind him and went on 🐥
he typed his name (ajax) for the when he chose aether and literally everyone was appreciating the aesthetics HKJFS
but childe,,, he was waiting for it to be over so he could see u ;-;
he appreciated the aesthetics, fighting mechanics & voice acting a lot tho !!
now he had gotten through all the tutorials, got all the chests he could he was finally in mond
and there u were 🥺 after the dvalin encounter u arrived before kaeya did
and boy did he show u off sm to his viewers HKJHKLF
they knew he was down bad before but now?? they know it’s hopeless to save him and if he ever falls out of love that’s when the world ends
luckily that’ll never happen tho <33
but he took !! so many !! screenshots !!
oh, and did i mention he changed his wallpapers to u? and his twt + discord pfps are also some very aesthetic screenshots of u from that first scene ;-;
he just appreciates u sm okay 🥺
he even clutched his chest where his heart is and sunk down his chair when he heard u speak 😩
his chat just spammed his downbad + y/nlove + SHRIMP emotes and he accepted them all with grace <33
now when he unlocks the wishing feature,,, u already know he’s wishing for u as soon as possible
ur in the standard banner so ur always there which he appreciates but he would’ve wanted u to be limited so he can rub it in ppl’s faces ;-;
and since it was the first release rewards, he had tons of wishes right off the bat !!
he was gonna roll for venti after he gets u bc,,, well does he need a reason??
also he doesn’t do well with archer characters in general ;;; but if ur an archer then ur obv an exception sooo
bUT he got a 5 star in his first 20 pulls !!
tho it was diluc 👩‍🦯
while he was happy bc he got an incredibly meta character right off the bat,
he wasn’t interested in diluc,,, (even now his diluc is barely looked after, and only used for spiral abyss, *sweats*)
the next 5 star he got was around the 60 mark, and he got a weapon,,,
i mean,,, he got the weapon that was most suited for u so that’s smth at least (ˉ▽ˉ;)
after he used all his remaining primos and fates, he finally got u 🥺
he just went “fuck the storyline” and immediately put u in his party and just
admired u as a whole 
went through all the voice lines available, ur character story, ur idle animations (he had a heart attack from u and his chat clipped it) and took many, many screenshots 
his favourite voice lines would have to be the night + about us + (y/n)’s hobbies
and then he equipped u with ur weapon and damnnn did u look so good with it 😩
he changed u to be his avatar, with his signature as :
“(y/n)’s whale <3”
and now the whaling process begins 👩‍🦯
after at least £2k, he got u to c6, along with at least 1 copy of all the standard 5 stars,,
then he went for venti’s banner—
his chat were just too focused on how he’s gonna play u to even think of anything else tbh HKJAH
with ur kit, u were honestly seen to be a dps or even a sub dps if ppl don’t want u on the field all the time
so definitely a perfect character for mr meta strimmer tartaglia (his twitch name btw ;;; childe is just smth he prefers his community to call him as but they also call him ajax too HKJSD) here
so he went through the archon quests with u as his carry and i won’t lie, ur name card is smth he has printed and framed behind him after he got it 🥺
he later finds out ur part of the fatui in the liyue archon quest tho and has to fight u with,,,
well, u ;;;
he finds it hot tho so it’s okay—
i won’t lie tho, his zhongli after he got him is his second strongest after u
he just builds all his characters in the most broken way he can so he can show his viewers that everyone can be a dps in their own right, not just the ones meant to be since there’s no right or wrong in this game !!
but now ur weapon is r5, ur lvl 90 and u have lvl 20 5 star artifacts that make u the most broken (y/n) seen
ppl who co op with him are honestly baffled,,, especially when the feature of them being able to view other players’ character stats become available,,,
u with ur nearly 3k atk,,,
he’s hit over 600k with u tho and he’ll always flex that
no one can top him as a (y/n) main and that’s honestly just a fact at this point 😩
when he saw that the dating sim hangouts was official, his immediate and iconic response was simply ;
“so when will (y/n) become a dateable, huh 🤨”
to this day he’s still waiting to be able to date u in-game <//3
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mf-despair-queen · 5 years
The Origin (You and I) - Taeyong
Author: @mf-despair-queen
Pairing: Lee Taeyong/Reader
Word Count: 28,080
Summary: Neo City was the origin tour for the group you were paired with for photography. Yet, it was the start of something more. You grow closer to Lee Taeyong throughout your travels in the US, the crush growing every day. 
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Protected Sex, Oral, Just generally fluffy smut ok? Like... fluffier than I ever write but it’s so cute and soft I can’t???
Notes: Uwa. I took a detour from my normal Dylan fics to write for the other love of my life: Taeyong. I hope I was able to do him justice. @roscoeknows is the literal best and helped me formulate this plot. And @brien-odylan helped me with some opinions. They are amazing, even when they don’t read for Tae. 
I am also sorry to whoever is about to about to scroll past this in case the read more doesn’t work. 
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I can count the number of moments that led us to this point on both hands.
I can count the number of moments that drove me here - to this point.
I can count the number of moments that are just the origin…
...of you and I.
“No way. You’re serious?”
There was no way you could contain your excitement the second your boss gave you the news. You were elated at the simple things you were told. Your hands curled around the camera in your lap, Minji grinning from her spot in the chair across from you.
“Why would I be joking about this?” she pondered aloud, eyeing you down.
“Well, I just thought,” you started, pausing in your thoughts. Your gaze fell to the camera in your lap, seeing the pictures you had been working on prior to receiving the fateful call from Minji. You had walked into her office, heart pounding with heaping anxiety. Now, it just seemed to be pounding with joyful exuberance. “I didn’t think I’d be joining them on their US tour.”
“You are the best photographer we have. And you’ve been working with NCT since their debut,” the woman across from you pointed out. “It was only natural that you would be joining us on the US portion of the tour. There are a lot of things planned, a lot of interviews and performances, and I want you to lead the photography and video for their social media. We want to document this for the NCTzens and I know you will deliver what they want.”
You felt like you were vibrating in your seat. Holding back the large grin that threatened to unveil itself, you nodded at her, bowing gratefully. “Thank you for this opportunity. I’ve never gotten to travel abroad with them. Thank you so much, Minji. I won’t let you down.”
“I know you won’t,” the woman mused. Digging into her bag, Minji pulled out a manila envelope, the silver clasp neatly sealed against the yellow exterior. Your name was printed across the front, writing neat and precise. Praying your hand wasn’t sweaty, you reached for the envelope, staring at your superior - eyes wide with wonder and confusion. “This is the itinerary for performances, flight schedule, hotel details. Everything you will need while you are in the states. You might have to discuss with the boys what they are planning to do while they are there, so you can plan what videos will be posted. We do leave on Wednesday, so start packing soon. We will be gone for roughly a month, so plan accordingly.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you said, not hiding the smile this time. “Thank you again.”
“Don’t thank me. You deserve this, and I wouldn’t want anyone else to join us on this tour,” she confirmed. “Now, get going. You have a job to do. The boys should be in the studio practicing their new Superhuman performance for Good Morning America. Go take some memory shots.”
“Of course,” you replied, hanging your camera around your neck and hugging the folder to your chest before standing, bowing to your boss before rushing off.
There was a distinct pep in your step as you rushed down the halls of the SM Entertainment building, stopping to pick up iced coffees for the nine boys you were about to see. In the years you had worked for the company, you never would have expected to be traveling to the United States on a tour with the group you primarily took photos of for their albums and social media. This was a first for you - a first for them. And you were glad to be part of it.
The boys of NCT - Neo Culture Technology - were like family to you. Having been around them so much, seeing the grow up through their rookie days, traveling alongside them as they rose in popularity, earning new members that were quickly integrated as brothers, they were like the siblings you never had - or really asked to have. They cared about you just as much as they cared about each other, holding you up when you were down, helping you out when you needed them most.
You loved them all
But none more so than the man with the dark eyes that you saw the second you entered the studio.
His eyes, dark brown, piercing your soul. Dark hair that clung to his sweaty face, fluffed up from bouncing on the balls of his feet during his dance. A jaw that was sharp enough to cut through steel. His Gucci shirt clung to his torso, his jeans tight around his waist. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, luscious pink lips parted to allow air to flow with ease while catching his breath from the set they just finished. He was the man that looked good from any angle, never having to try to be attractive - it was natural to him.
Lee Taeyong made your heart thump unevenly, the beat frozen when your eyes locked through the mirror.
“Y/N!” Haechan cheered, breaking formation to run your way, arms wrapped around your waist awkwardly. The force of the impact made you grunt, arms screaming in agony from the way you had to hold the trays of coffee up so they didn’t spill all over your body. The youngest amongst the group stuck to you thanks to the excessive sweat that coated his form, making you grimace in disgust.
“Haechannie, I love you, but with all due respect, get off,” you growled playfully, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
With the strenuous motion, you felt the coffees beginning to slip, the center cups that were already precariously balanced ready to tip your way. Your eyes closed in anticipation of the impact, surprised when you felt warmth envelop your body.
Taeyong hand rushed forward, taking one of the trays in one hand, his other hand resting on your waist, nestled within Haechan’s tight grip. The tray was passed to Johnny so the leader could take the other tray from you. His body was warm, his hands soft against yours. It didn’t matter that he was doused in sweat. He looked beautiful up close, his face near yours from his quick catch.
Your face was burning with a blush you hoped he couldn’t make out. But you couldn’t help it. You were in the presence of a literal angel.
“Thanks, Taeyong,” you whispered, praying to keep your voice from cracking.
The dark-haired man nodded slightly at your words, lips curling upright with an adorable smile before turning to his younger, smiled dropped for serious. “Don’t try to kill her, Haechan. Do you want to kill Y/N?”
“Sorry, noona,” Haechan uttered, almost sadly. To ease the young boy’s mind, you pat him on the head, ruffling his fluffy locks.
“You’re alright, Haechannie. But next time, if I end up wearing coffee, we will have trouble.”
The boys let out a round of chuckles, collapsing to the floor in a circle. The coffee was passed around, ice and liquid sloshing around. Content sighs filled the air with each slurp that was done, making a smile rise to your face. You, yourself, had sat happily on the ground next to Taeyong, gratefully taking the coffee he handed your way.
“So, what brings you by Y/N?” Mark inquired, leaning back on his hands, legs outstretched carelessly. “I thought you were working on the Superhuman photos for the release next month.”
“I was,” you confided, swirling your cup around, watching the liquid circle the plastic cup like a vortex of milky espresso. “I got called by Minji while I was working on them.
“What for?” Taeyong asked, your heart stilling at his deep, yet cheerful, voice. Glancing at the leader, his head was cocked to the side, listening intently to what you had to say. His lips showed a toothy smile that made your insides churn wildly, elation filling you from within.
“She wanted to discuss the tour with me.”
“The tour?” Jungwoo asked, blinking a few times. “You’re going on tour?”
The room fell silent, cups of half depleted coffee placed on the hardwood floor in front of them. The tension was palpable, a sorrowful mood making the air stuffy. No one dared to glance at each other, eyes downcast to the crisscrossed legs and bundled hands that turned white. None were more sorrowful than the black-haired beauty to your right, his knuckles extra tight, jaw clenched, and dark eyes closed tight enough until his forehead wrinkled. His shoulders slumped more than the others, hair draped over his face to shield his distraught expression. His hand rose to his mouth, his obvious anxiety expressed through the nervous habit of nail biting.
You let out an awkward chuckle, biting at the tip of the straw. “Why the long face, guys?”
“You’re going on a tour without us,” Doyoung uttered lowly.
“We were hoping you’d be coming with us this time,” Johnny continued for his friend. “You missed the Japan tour, so we were hoping you’d get to come with us to the states.”
“It won’t be the same without you,” Mark muttered.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, unable to hold back the smile against the straw. “Too bad you won’t have to go without me.”
Your words seemed to click the gears in their heads, all nine boys glancing at you in disbelief. Jaws went slack, eyes went wide, but no words were shared. Your smile only grew larger, staring at the ground and sipping your drink until someone spoke up.
“You’re coming on tour with us?” Jaehyun finally asked, hand raising to his chin to rub it aimlessly.
“You hit the nail on the head, Jae,” you laughed. “I will be in charge of the photos and video for your social media while out there. So, I hope you guys are ready to deal with me daily while I am all in your business.”
A round of laughter broke out, the tension easing away. Glancing to your side, you watched Taeyong push his hair back, relief washing over his features. His cheeks puffed out while exhaling, eyelashes fluttering open and closed. You knew your face was red from watching him, turning away quickly.
“You had us scared there, Y/N,” Taeyong huffed, acting as if he were annoyed with the misunderstanding that arose. “I thought you weren’t going to be joining us for a second there.”
“I did tell you that I was going on tour. You guys just assumed,” you teased, leaning over to poke the leader’s cheek. “Maybe you don’t want me to go, Yongie. I should just go.”
Rising to your feet, you didn’t make it two steps before two arms wrapped around your waist. Your heart stopped at the warmth they provided, a taller form pressed against your back. His scent wafted into your nose, the musk he gave off pleasing on your senses. His face was practically buried in the back of your head, shielded by your hair.
One by one, the hug was increased, each boy joining in on the massive group hug that had formed around you. Sandwiched amongst the sweaty boys, you couldn’t help but to laugh, squirming around in their grasp. “Let me go!”
“Never!” they screamed together, without a familiar cue from their leader.
“You are part of our family,” Mark laughed. “No one else can have your talent.”
“We’re glad you could join us,” Taeil said, a unison of nods validating his words.
“We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Taeyong whispered, your heart speeding up instantly.
There you stood in a hug with the boys you adored - the family you came to be part of and love. They hugged you tightly, refusing to let go, professing their delight that you were joining them on their next adventure.
Yet, no one held you as tight as him, his touch lingering longer and more intense.
Moment one - New York
You let out a yawn, following the boys through the halls of the hotel until the stretch of rooms reserved were found. You stopped to take a quick picture of them together in the hall, posing in the dim lighting that added a certain glamour to their image. One by one, they disappeared into their rooms to drop off their bags, moving to congregate in Taeyong and Mark’s room to discuss the afternoon.
“I feel jetlagged already,” you pouted, collapsing on the couch. Taeyong laughed, sitting on the floor in front of you, nestled between your legs. Your face heated up, distracting yourself with your notebook so the blush was hidden.
“The time difference is real,” Taeyong laughed, leaning back and looking up at you. “I hope we are able to adjust to the time here quickly.”
“I’m sure you can. You can do anything.” The words came without ease, your lips sealing the second they left. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” he said sweetly, smiling your way. “Thanks for the compliment.”
“Stop flirting,” Mark teased, sitting next to you. You sent a glare at the blonde boy, knowing full well that he was the only member that knew about your crush on the dark-haired leader. Mark was the closest to you - the best little brother of the bunch. He saw the glances you gave Taeyong’s way, asking about it over lunch one day. You couldn’t stop yourself from confiding in the younger male. Now, you were regretting it since he was throwing it back in your face.
“We’re not flirting,” you clarified when Taeyong said nothing in your stead. “Now, hurry up guys! We have a long night ahead of us since we have to start preparing your look for the tour. Since we have to be up early tomorrow for GMA, we need to run through wardrobe, last minute prep so make up will be quick when you wake up, you have a dance practice to do-”
“I thought you were our social media coordinator for this, not our manager, Jaehyun chuckled from across the room.
“I swear, I will throw my show at you, Jae! I was told to keep you rowdy bunch in line, so I will!” you screamed back. Ripping the paper from your notebook, you handed it to Mark. “This is what everyone needs to be doing before you head to bed. Pass it around please.”
“I got you,” Mark laughed, standing from his seat.
“Thanks, Markie,” you hummed. “We have to be up pretty early tomorrow, so don’t take forever guys!”
The chorus of acknowledgement spread through the room, all moving to their places apart from Taeyong. The man just sat between your legs, his head rest on your knee. His fingers played aimlessly with your shoe laces, grazing your ankle just enough to make you shiver.
Biting your lip, you spoke up, “That means you too, Yongie.”
“But I’m sleepy,” he whined. “Can I nap first?”
“No,” you hushed the older man. Unconsciously, your fingers ran through his hair, toying with the soft strands. “We have to finish your hair. We were adding in the blue, remember?”
“Are you going to do it for me?” he asked, propping his chin up on your knee, sending you a sideways glance. Immediately, your hand retracted from his hair, realizing what you were doing.
“Well, I-”
“Please?” he asked, pouting cutely. “I know you can. We watched you dye your own hair once.”
“I don’t know, Yong.”
“Fine,” he huffed, hugging your leg and resuming his comfortable (enough) position. “I’m just going to nap.”
Groaning under your breath, you smiled and shook your head at his childish nature. “Fine. But, you owe me.”
“I will buy you food when we go out exploring,” Taeyong quickly jumped in, turning to glance at you with a sparkle in his eyes. “I want to try New York donuts. Will you try them with me?”
The blush was inevitable. The smile was hard to resist. Your eyes sealed shut, nodding at the attractive man, unable to deny his charming grin. “I’ve always wanted to eat donuts in America.”
“Deal,” Taeyong chimed, jumping to his feet. “You do my hair, I buy us donuts.”
He extended a hand, one you simply couldn’t resist taking. Pulling you to your feet, his hand caught your waist to keep you balanced. His smile made your heart race. The man pulled you along with him, the promise of donuts in your future for such a simple task as to dye the newly added highlights to his dark hair blue.
Yet, it didn’t end there.
He managed to con you into doing his makeup the following morning for Good Morning America. Half awake, you opened the door to find an eager Taeyong pleading for you to help with his look since you were the expert in how he should be seen by the fans - apparently, at least. In less than a half an hour, he was seated in a chair, arms bare due to the loose black, shimmering tank top he was wearing, his black and gold jacket neatly folded in his lap until you were finished.
The entire time, your hands trembled against his stilled face. His skin was soft, and every grace of your fingers seemed to make him smile and laugh, uttering under his breath that it tickled.
Watching them perform on Good Morning America was spectacular. A front of seat to take pictures while one of the people assigned to work with you caught video from the other side, avoiding the cameras for the show itself. Your eyes never strayed from the man in front, nearly choking when he leaned back during the premiere of Superhuman, shaking his shoulders to the beat. The back slid off, should the broad shoulders he had and bits of his biceps.
You were glad you managed to catch it on camera in the midst of the shock.
The change was quick afterwards, headed straight to prepare for the performance on Strahan and Sara. One wardrobe change and make up touch up later, and they were preparing for their short interview and second performance in the states. The entire time, you snapped pictures that you would have to filter through later, picking the best to upload for fans to cherish.
While waiting for the performance to begin, you prepared some photos to upload, scrolling through the posts that had been posted to the NCT twitter page since the morning began. A smile made its way to your face at the support received, reading comments regarding the premiere of the new song - albeit it being shortened.
You couldn’t be prouder of the boys, pocketing your phone as the cheers of fans around you started up. Signs were held up that read ‘NCT 127 ♡ to the world with NCTzens ♡’, light sticks glowed green and lit the room, fans chanted as the boys were introduced, one by one flooding onto the stage. The group waved at their fans, but nothing made you more excited than the smile Taeyong sent your way, a short wave in your direction.
Pushing the blush on your cheeks away, you readied your camera, filming as if nothing happened.
The first you were ever in New York, and you were following a horde of boys around Brooklyn. The nine males were enthralled after their performances, full of energy that made it almost impossible to keep up. There was no time to change as the boys jumped in the Neo City bus, hitting the streets decked in golden suits that glistened and sparkled under the sun.
You typically trailed behind them, taking pictures of them when they stopped to browse through stores. The smaller camera you had on you was used for selfies, a combination of silly faces and sexy gazes embedded in the memory card. Group photos became a must, a chorus of pleas to make memories for themselves hitting your ears time after time.
They even managed to get you in on one once, all of you standing in the street with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background - though that was for them to keep.
Finally settling down for a meal, you were rewarded with the food that Taeyong promised you. The group had made a temporary home inside of a hot dog shop on some random street corner. Taeyong urged you to take a seat with the boys while he ordered, buying food and drinks for the lot. As usual when their leader provided food - being a mother tending to his children - the eight remaining boys cheered happily, plopping in their seats at various tables. You were left at a small table at the end,
Mark wiggled his eyebrows in your direction that only caused you to roll your eyes and blush. The younger blonde sat to your right, joining in a conversation with Taeil and Jungwoo. Across the way, you watched Taeyong order food, struggling a bit with his English but managing to succeed. You smiled at the proud expression on his face, a stack of plastic cups in his hands.
The cups were distributed and hotdogs were delivered, everyone enjoying their meal through multiple discussions. Taeyong placed himself in the chair across from you, having shrugged off his gold jacket and placing it on the back of his chair. The sleeves of his abstract designed button up were rolled up, showing the veins that ran up his arms, before pushing a hot dog your way. The man flashed you a smile, white teeth shining at you with the simple curl of his lips.
“As promised,” he joked, sipping his iced tea. “Please enjoy.”
“Thank you, Taeyong,” you uttered in return, unwrapping the sausage. The table was silent in comparison to the other two that were crowded with the members, your eyes glued to the food in front of you.
Taeyong cleared his throat after a few minutes of agonizing muteness between your forms, running his hand through his hair. “So, um…” he started, trying to form words. “Did you enjoy the performance today?”
“Oh yeah!” you squeaked, cursing yourself for the noise you made. “It was amazing. You guys did so well today. You can really tell you guys worked hard to premiere that.”
“Do you think the fans will like the new song?” he asked, biting at his hot dog.
“Do I think? No,” you laughed, seeing the man pout. “I know they are enjoying it.”
“I was reading comments earlier on the videos and pictures that were posted. You guys are getting a lot of positive feedback. The NCTzens are loving the new song,” you told him. Reaching across the table, you took his hand that was resting on the table, rubbing your thumb over his smooth skin. “You guys should be proud.”
Taeyong gave a small smile, nodding in response. His hand gripped at yours in return, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Thanks, Y/N.”
Your hands remain connected for a moment before you realized what you were doing, slowly, and reluctantly, pulling your hand back. His remained outstretched on the table a second more until he reacted it, placing it in his lap.
“So,” you hummed, dragging out the ‘o’ part of the word, breaking the silence that formed again. “Have you guys decided what we are going to do tomorrow? There isn’t much to do, so you are free to do whatever as part of the ‘NCT Hits the States’ segment we discussed.”
“I know Mark and Jaehyun were wanting to go see Phantom of the Opera, but we agreed to take part of the day and go to East Village.” He paused, meeting your gaze from across the table. His lips rubbed together before parting, smooth words flowing from his tongue. “You will join us, right?”
Smiling, you nodded. “Of course.”
And needless to say, East Village was unforgettable.
Decked in a black long-sleeved shirt, jean jacket and army printed jeans, Taeyong dragged you with the rest of the boys around East Village. His hair bounced against his forehead with each step he took. His necklace that dangled around his neck, resting on his chest, swayed back and forth. He posed no matter where he stopped, managing to produce a killer photo without even trying. Every angle gave perfect results.
And most of all, his hand almost always stayed in yours, confusing you beyond belief. Taeyong wasn’t afraid of skinship, but this was abnormal for him.
“Donuts!” the older man cried in delight, rushing forward towards the sweet shop. Shaking your head, you went after the man, knowing the others would deviate to the shops around to peruse the shelves.
“You and your love for sweets,” you laughed at the childish man who was rocking back and forth on his heels, staring at the display of donuts.
“I love sweets,” he grinned, turning your way. “What do you want? I will buy.”
“What? No. You already bought me lunch yesterday-”
“I want to,” he corrected. “Please. This is our first time in New York. Make memories with me! Eat a donut with me!”
His bottom lip jutted out, placing his curled fists on the side of his face in an attempt to look cute. The pout made you burst out laughing, the pout increase.
“Please! Stop!” you cried through giggles. “I can’t take it.”
“Then eat a donut with me!” he asked again, leaning closer to you. “Please, Y/N?”
“Fine!” you let out, wiping at your eyes. “Fine. Just stop it.”
Taeyong looked successful.
“I think I want something with frosting. What about you.”
“Cinnamon sugar.”
With donuts in hand, you exited the shop, Taeyong wasting no time in biting into the delicious treat. Too cute to dismiss, you snapped a picture of him eating the donut, staring a bit too long in the end. You tried to bite at your own donut, courtesy of Taeyong, getting cinnamon sugar on your cheek without noticing. The donut was soft and luscious, pleasing your taste buds. Your eyes closed, relishing in the sweet taste and delectable aroma you were getting.
“You got some…”
Taeyong reached forward, your eyes fluttering open when his hand met your cheek. The sugar was wiped clean, but his touch lingered. The tips of his fingers grazed along your skin for a bit, leaving it warm and tingling. When he pulled away, he smiled cheekily, biting his lip slightly. The sugar was wiped onto a napkin and discarded. Taeyong’s eyes bore into you, speaking up after a moment.
“You should be more careful next time,” he spoke softly, his voice deep and silvery. “You don’t want your beautiful face to be ruined by some specks of sugar. You’re sweet enough without it.”
You blinked at him, feeling your face heating up degree by degree.
Is… is he flirting with me?
Taeyong smiled at your lack of response, taking a few steps back. “Come on. We should find the others. I want to get more pictures while we can!”
The devious man rushed off towards Haechan, who stood at a record store flipping through the case in front of the doors. You were left speechless and thinking that maybe, just maybe, Taeyong liked you more than you thought.
Mark told you once that Taeyong liked you more than a friend, but you dismissed the insinuation as being absurd.
Maybe Mark was right.
Maybe Taeyong was flirting.
Maybe Taeyong liked you as much as you liked him.
That hope sent the butterflies storming in your gut as you rushed after him, wondering what else would happen.
Moment Two: Miami
“Miami Beach!”
Johnny’s voice filled the blue skies.
It felt like deja vu when you stepped off the bus at the infamous Miami Beach. The boys had already slipped off their sandals and were barreling through the sand towards the water., Grains of the white sand flew through the air as they ran, distancing themselves from you, the staff and the bus. It was Santa Monica all over again.
With your camera dangling from your arm by the strap, you trudged after the boys, cursing the leg day you were about to endure. Sliding off your own sandals, your feet sunk into the warm sand, feeling the grains digging softly into your skin. Every step, your body sunk into the sand, the path to the water and the boys that took off before you seemingly a mile away. The sun was beating down against your skin, making you fan yourself from the heat.
Good thing Taeyong was adamant about you putting on sunblock before leaving the bus.
The group of boys were happily laugh, running around the wet sand, waves lapping around their ankles. Every single white shirt they wore was splashes at, the ends turning transparent and sticking to toned skin. They chased each other, dragging each other deeper into the water, laughing the entire time. Watching them only led to your own chuckles, placing your shoes with theirs and taking your camera into ready position.
Shockingly, you managed to get usable shots of the guys messing around with each other. Your favorite moment was when Haechan wrapped his arms around Mark’s waist, the older’s face scrunching up with hysterical laughs while being carried to the water. The blonde flailed in his friend’s arms until his feet met the wet, salty fluid, splashing up their legs to the ends of their shirts and up their shorts. Taeyong watched from afar, standing in the hot sand, laughing at the agony his group was causing each other. His feet carried him forward with ease, sand stuck to his feet and ankles. Pulling his shorts up as he entered the water, he turned to look back at the shoreline, waves crashing against him from behind.
Under the sun, the man glowed in your eyes. His earrings dangled from his earlobes, glistening silver under the light. The blue in his hair was already fading fast, the blonde streaks returning along his chocolate strands that curled more than normal. Instead of his normally straight, somewhat wavy locks, they were curled around each, twisting into coils that blew in the breeze. His lips parted, a toothy smile and melodic laugh reaching out towards you, inviting you in. Water dripped from his limbs, droplets dripping down his arms and legs. The shirt clinging to his body showed the tightened stomach hidden by white cotton, the subtly lean muscles making your heart race.
Taeyong splashed his way towards you, knees rising as he rushed through the waves back to the sand. Your eyebrow rose at the soaked male, snapping a quick picture as he made his way towards you. “Come on,” he grinned, holding a hand out to you.
“Um, no,” you disagreed with a smile, backing away. “I’m not in the mood to get wet. Plus, I have my camera.”
“Just put the camera down and come on,” he urged, darting forward to grab the camera in one hand and your hand in his other. Struggling to escape his grasp was useless. The camera was placed carefully with the pile of shoes, Taeyong beginning to drag you towards the ocean.
“Taeyong, no,” you whimpered at him. Resistance was futile against the rapper. Your feet just slid through the sand, only stumbling when too much built up around your ankles. Taeyong let out a hearty chuckle, finally resorting to wrapping his arms around your waist, throwing you over his shoulder. “Taeyong, stop! I swear, I will eat all your candy! I know where it is hidden in the bus!”
“I will buy more.”
“No! Please!”
The water was cold at first, a squeak of surprise leaving your mouth. The water splashed around your legs, wetting the shorts you had on, dousing your knees and hands. Taeyong’s hands remained on your sides to keep you from running off, both of you beginning to sink into the sand that washed away with the tide.
“Taeyong!” you hollered. “Let me go before I kill you!”
“Just play with me!” he whined, crouching down to splash you. His hand swiped at the salty liquid, flicking it up to your face. Shrieking once more, you stumbled back to avoid it, failing when the water landing on your cheeks and dotted your shirt. The second you moved back, Taeyong’s eyes went wide, sharp jaw ajar. “Y/N, watch out-”
Water splashed against your back, a large wave pummeling into your back, soaking you from head to toe. The other boys seemed to stop what they were doing at your scream, Taeyong covering his face to hide the shame and embarrassment. He felt horrible; he knew he was responsible for what happened. His gut wrenched at the sight of your face, irritation and sadness written on your features.
“I hate you,” you huffed, inching towards the shore with water dripping from every inch of you. Taeyong followed suit, watching you wring out your hair as you walked. You collapsed to the sand by your belongings, attempting to wipe the sand off that stuck to your arms.
“I’m sorry” Taeyong frowned, collapsing next to you. “I didn’t mean for you to get soaked.”
“It’s fine,” you told him.
Taeyong pouted. “Don’t be mad at me, Y/N. Please.”
“Tae, I’m not mad,” you replied, reaching over to ruffle his hair briefly. “I’m just going to chill here and dry off for a bit.”
Taeyong opened his mouth to reply but choked on his words when you pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you in the red bikini top you had worn under it. His dark eyes grew in size, cheeks turning a bright red that wasn’t from the sun. Your shirt was laid out to dry, Taeyong unable to deter his gaze. His orbs traced up and down your body before turning to grab a towel from one of the bags that were snapping his eyes shut.
The man collapsed to sand on his back, staring up at the blue skies. White wisps of clouds floated by slowly, Taeyong using that as a way to distract himself from your near topless form beside him. He tried to find shapes in the, counting them as they blew by. Anything to keep his face from reddening again.
He jumped when he felt your finger prod at his stomach. His fluffy curled head turned to glance at you, finding you staring down at him with a smile. A smile grew on his face, shaking his head from left to right. His earrings swung with the simple movement, earning himself a soft laugh from you.
“Don’t poke my fat,” he whined, wrapping his arms around his midsection.
You scoffed at his answer, leaning back on your hands and staring at the idol. “Fat? Seriously, Yongie?”
“Boy, you have abs,” you told him. Taeyong, jokingly, lifted the collar of his shirt, peering down to his stomach at an angle you couldn’t see for a moment. “Nope,” he murmured, letting his collar fall back into place. “I don’t have abs.”
“I seriously should beat your ass. I know you have abs, Lee Taeyong. I have seen them before!” you hollered, poking him again. The man chuckled, wiggling away from your touch. “I have seen exactly how good they are.”
Your body heated up at the memory.
During the practices in the gym leading up to the Seoul tour, you were helping to film one day. Sitting on the bleachers, you had your camera pointed at the boys while they practiced, learning the jungle gym and rehearsing choreography. When you least expected it, Taeyong, Jaehyun and Yuta walked towards you. Jaehyun was checking his hair in the camera lens, letting it flop back and forth. Taeyong was adjusting his clothes. Yuta was making faces at the camera.
The next thing you knew, Yuta moved away from the camera and you were met with Taeyong lifting his shirt at you. The black shirt he wore was held up by both hands, ending just above the nipples. The length of his stomach was riddled with lines, the faint traces of a six pack obviously pressed into his for. The top of his Emporio Armani underwear stuck out from the band of his jeans, low on his hips. You were speechless at what you saw, Taeyong willingly having shown off his body to you.
The moment was short lived when Jaehyun joined him, the workout enthusiast revealing an equally impressive body. Both men ran their hands along their bodies for a bit before dropping their shirts and walking away. Taeyong had an unmistakable grin on his face as he walked away, adjusting his hat as if nothing had happened.
The memory was burned into your mind, and saying it aloud now made you flush a pale pink. Taeyong was handsome - no doubt about that.
“I don’t have abs though,” he repeated, slinging an arm over his eyes. He peeked past his forearm, one dark eye visible with his wide smile. “But, thank you for thinking I’m hot.”
“What?” you asked, blinking in confusion. “I didn’t-”
“Because I think you’re pretty beautiful yourself.”
Silence filled the air, only cut by the chatter and laughter of those around you. Your jaw was slack, mouth ajar. You stared down at the man, knowing you were blushing profusely. The man let out a small laugh after a bit, hiding his face in his arm before choosing to roll over, pushing himself to his feet.
“Come on,” he mused, wiping his hands off. Extending one in your direction, he grinned. “I saw this food stand down the beach that looked like it had these really yummy drinks. Like… some lemonade with strawberries. It looks really sweet and I want to try it.” He paused, biting his lip. “Come with me, please?”
You stared up at him before taking his hand wordlessly, allowing him to help you to your feet. Together, you trekked down the beach to get the drink Taeyong desired. You snapped pictures of him drinking his drink, posing multiple times for the camera.
And, unbeknownst to you, he managed to get his own picture captured on his phone of you standing at the edge of the water, the sun making you silhouette glow like an angel. You were smiling, eyes closed, enjoying the breeze.
The image made the idol giddy, butterflies fluttering inside.
Moment Three: Phoenix
“I’ve never been to a botanical garden,” you hummed at the two boys you were with, sticking your yellow sticker for entrance to your shirt. You had arrived at the Desert Botanical Garden almost immediately after landing in Phoenix, Yuta pleading to go incessantly. Taeyong joined in his pleading, and you just couldn’t refuse.
“I think this will be fun,” Taeyong hummed, picking up a map for the adventure about to be undergone. “I love flowers. My aunt had a giant garden back hoe and has been getting my mom into it.”
“That’s so sweet,” you told the man, giving him a smile. “You should say that for the video. I think the NCTzens will really like to hear that kind of fact about you.”
“I just might,” Taeyong mumbled, making you blush lightly.
“Right,” you returned, rubbing your lips together. “We should catch up to Yuta. He’s already gone ahead with the others.”
Taeyong nodded, rushing to follow after his friend. Your steps followed instantly, staying out of the frame of one of your assists while he filmed the two boys talking. Taeyong stuck the sticker you were given to his black and white shirt, pulling a Fendi headband around his forehead to keep his hair out of his face. Yuta was dressed in the somewhat ridiculous outfit Taeyong had designed for him during a Johnny’s Communication Center episode, hat and all. Yuta held a selfie stick with a camera for a self-view that would get edited together with the rest of the footage, the two boys conversing while exploring.
Their footsteps crunched along the path, the sand along the concrete bringing back fond memories to one particular individual. Stopping to admire their surroundings, you watched them grazing the rocks with their fingers and leaning over to smell the fresh flowers that bloomed in multiple colors. You had to control your laughter when Yuta freaked out over the bugs around.
You noticed that Taeyong began to wander off down a path, looking at the flowers. Your brow furrowed, calling out to the older. “Taeyong! Don’t wander too far on your own!”
“Why don’t we just walk around separately for a bit,” Yuta offered, glancing at you. You shared a look with your companion, seeing them shrug. “We can cover more ground that way. This place is huge after all. We can meet up in a bit.”
“Fine,” you huffed, running a hand through your hair. “You boys just like giving me heart attacks.”
“It’ll be fine,” Yuta reassured, giving his award-winning smile.
“I wonder,” you teased.
“I promise. It’ll be fine,” Yuta repeated. With that, his eyebrow wiggled a bit, his elbow meeting your rib. “Go get him, girl.”
That earned him a glare. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Right.” He seemed unconvinced. Were you that obvious? You wondered.
Backing away, you called out to your coworker before running after the leader. “Take care of him and don’t let him touch anything he shouldn’t!”
Rushing to where Taeyong await, he was brushing his fingers to the petals of a yellow flower, the stems crowding in masses around tall cacti whose arms bent to the dimming sky. His head turned in your direction hearing your approach, the rapid crumble of gravel under your feet easily meeting his musically inclined hearing. He was crouched in front of the flowers, resting his arms on his knees, balancing on the balls of his feet.
“I’m sad,” he said out of the blue, causing you to skid to a halt. Your forehead wrinkled, your hands falling to your front, camera in hand. The look apparently was amusing, Taeyong letting out a hardy chuckle, burying his face in his arms. The tilt of his head allowed one dark eye to be seen, his headphone pulled from his head so his hair fell against his forehead freely. It was straight compared to your days in Miami, but it was charming regardless. “Don’t frown so much. Your beautiful face will be ruined with wrinkles.”
Flustered, all you could do was kick him lightly on the side of the leg, trying your best to glare. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Did I stutter?”
Choosing not to respond, you asked, “Why are you sad exactly?”
Taeyong looked away, shiny eyes staring at the flower he was caressing. “I wanted to pick some flowers for you. Even just one for you. But I can’t. I don’t want to ruin this beautiful place.”
He smiled, tilting his head back to look up at you. “So, I decided that this patch of flowers is dedicated to you.”
Your mouth opened and closed, unable to find words to respond. Your mouth felt dry, failing to swallow to ease the ache. Goosebumps ran up and down your arms, insides tingling and skin burning. His gaze made you sweat, piercing through you like it was nothing. His lips curled up move, a large grin upon his face.
Quickly, he stood up, brushing himself off. “Come on. I want to see what else is around.” He took your hand, heading down the path. “Make sure to get my good side while you film. I want this video to be perfect for the fans.”
“You only have a good side,” was your automatic response. Taeyong just smiled, running his lengthy digits through his locks.
Wandering down the path, Taeyong divulged to your camera how his mother would enjoy the botanical gardens, retelling the story he told you about his aunt teaching her how to garden. His silly nature took to the front, the man spotting Yuta from afar and waving his arm desperately at his friend. And when stopping to stretch, he managed to grab at a tree branch, tugging at it and dangling loosely by the tips of his fingers. Everything you caught on camera showed the true personality of the man you adored.
After reuniting with Yuta, Taeyong was eager to find food. You had caught his stomach growling, the older man voicing his desire for Arizona cuisine. Joy was eminent when he found a nearby cafe, leading the way towards the building. The sign read closed, Taeyong face visibly falling for a bit.
With your camera on him, he shook off the disappointment. “Closed dance!” he cheered, beginning to dance awkwardly, twisting his wrists, swaying his arms and bouncing on his feet. Yuta’s hat rested upon his head, the rim flouncing with the silly dancing. “Oh yes! Closed, man! Closed!”
The dance was short-lived before he collapsed to the ground, fake crying. The disgruntled groan was inhuman, a noise straight from Star Wars. He wailed, hand covering his eyes with the rim of the hat covering his lack of tears. Unable to contain yourself, you stopped recording, failing to cover your laugh.
“Taeyong, oh my god.”
The man fake pouted, standing with his hands on his hips. “Don’t laugh at me! I’m hungry!”
“Stop pouting then,” you laughed, poking his cheek. You dug into your bag, pulling out a bag of crackers. “Have a snack for now. I will buy you food later if you cheer up.”
“I’m good!” he chimed immediately, putting on a smile. He took the bag of crackers, pulling it open. “Let’s go!”
The boys continued walking, eating at the snack you handed off, leaving you flabbergasted. Rolling your eyes, you followed after them, continuing your job.
Success was found at another small cafe where the two boys decided they would indulge in some ice cream. Taeyong’s eyes lit up at the sight of the ice cream bar in his hand, staring curiously at the pineapple and chili frozen treat. His face scrunched up at the odd flavor combination, eyes squinting and lips puckering. It was hot and unusual, but the male wouldn’t let the food go to waste.
Pictures for the day consisted of the two boys with the setting sun in the background, the sky turning orange, pink and blue. They modeled for you, the ambiance of their surroundings adding to their beauty. The prolonged look that Taeyong gave, elbow on his knee and mouth hidden by his hand while staring into the distance, was the best shot, in your opinion, and you were going to truly treasure that shot.
After a quick detour into a gift shop, you made your way towards the exit. Taeyong and Yuta had bags of gifts, some rather strange. Taeyong showed you the scorpion lollipop he bought, chuckling when you grimaced at it. The sound of his laughter got louder when he told you about the crickets he saw, the face of disgust you emitted amusing him.
The stickers you wore were placed on a cactus cutout, the two boys placing theirs first. Taeyong spun to face you, rocking back and forth. “Place yours with mine!” he demanded, pointing at it like a child. “That way, we can always remember that we were able to do this together!”
You blushed, nodding at him and doing as he wished. His happiness delighted you, your eyes following the man as he pulled out his phone, taking a picture of the three stickers on the board. “There. We will always remember now.”
“Did you have fun today?” you inquired, Taeyong nodding swiftly.
“It was a lot of fun. It’s very beautiful here, so I’m glad I was able to join Yuta for this.” His feet kicked along the sandy path as he walked, eyes glued to his feet for a moment before he glanced at you. “I’m glad you were here also. It made everything even better.”
You blushed, your hand tightening around the strap of your bag. “You’re too sweet, Taeyong.”
He laughed before opening his bag from the gift shop. “I almost forgot! I bought you a gift to remember this!”
“Ta-da!” he hummed, pulling out a small keychain of a yellow flower - the same flower he had self-dedicated to you earlier in the day. “I saw it and couldn’t help myself. It made me think of you.”
“Wow,” you murmured, taking the keychain. “Thank you, Yongie. You shouldn’t have.”
“I wanted to though,” he whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear. “I like seeing you happy. It makes me happy.”
You didn’t reply, smiling to yourself.
The rest of the walk was silent. Yet, it was nerve wracking. Your bodies got closer as you walked until your hands finally were brushing against each other. In a bold and daring move, Taeyong reached his hand out, tapping yours with his pinky. Your response? To wrap yours around his. The embrace was subtle, but it meant your heart was beating out of your chest, your body tickling with adoration.
At dinner, the two boys happily drank their margaritas, recapping their day while eating large, smothered burritos in mole sauce at a local taco shop. Taeyong, weak with his alcohol, was barely through his glass before he became red faced, growing more giddy and loose. He scarfed down the food he got, despite not knowing if he would finish it, his eyes never leaving you from across the table.
“Y/N,” he sang sweetly. “Can I try your tacos? They look delicious.”
Your eyebrow rose at him, pushing the plate forward. “Go ahead and take one.”
“I just want a bite,” he hummed, opening his mouth. “Feed me.”
“You’re such a child,” you laughed. Embarrassed, you picked up the taco, leaning across the table so he could bite at the corn shell filled with meat, onions and cilantro. His lips brushed against your fingers, your hands going weakly numb at the soft feeling. You nearly dropped the taco before he pulled away, swallowing in one gulp. His hands went to his cheeks as he hummed, delighted at the taste.
“It’s so good,” he sang again.
“Child,” you repeated, shaking your head. “Now, finish eating. We need to get back to the hotel so you can get some rest for the concert tomorrow.”
“Fine, fine. Only because you are paying,” Taeyong mused, sending you a cheeky wink.
“Wah?” Yuta gasped. “What about me? Why aren’t you paying for me?!”
Your mouth opened to respond, getting cut off. “Maybe she just likes me better,” Taeyong told his friend, giving you a soft look. The tap of his foot under the table made you jump, but you didn’t shy away from him. Your legs twisted together, feet nuzzling against each other.
“Maybe,” you said, eying Taeyong briefly before glancing away, smiling brightly.
Yuta just whined, screaming, “I’m hurt!”
Moment four: Chicago
“Guys, we are at the Bean.”
The silver monument reflected their smiles, distorting the images of Johnny, Yuta and Taeyong like a funhouse mirror. The entire structure was humongous, able to be seen from far away. Johnny said it was a must see in Chicago, so it was an easy decision to take a trip there.
They jumped. They laughed. They shot video of themselves in the reflection of the bean, making funny faces as they went. They laughed at a seagull sitting on the bean. They took a million pictures with the bean both in front and behind them, giving you plenty of content to upload later. And you got it all on camera - from their jokes to the million selfies Taeyong took with the bean in the background, laughing that it was how he took the perfect selfie.
You face got hot when Yuta and Johnny were walking away from the Bean, Taeyong having stopped for a picture through the bean’s reflection. Upon his running approach, which Johnny narrated for his selfie cam, the jump and squeal he did ultimately stopped your heart. His shirt rose up, showing the toned stomach he had, the tiny scar on the right side of his stomach clearly displayed. You had to turn away and catch your breath before requesting pictures.
You took group pictures of them before dropping to camera, giving them a thumbs up. “That’s a wrap for now! Where are we going next?”
“Coffee!” Taeyong hollered happily, throwing his arms in the air and nearly falling backwards off the bench he was on.
“Agreed!” Yuta said, throwing his own fist in the air. “Coffee!”
“There is a Starbucks not far from here,” Johnny informed, Taeyong jumping to his feet.
“Let’s go!” the idol cheered before pausing. “But first, I want pictures.”
“What?” you asked, confused. “You just took pictures-”
“But not with you.”
Your face was on fire. Johnny and Yuta seemed to understand Taeyong, some unspoken confirmation between the men clear. “We were just going to check the other side of the bean really quick anyway. We’ll be back in five.”
“Wait, what is going on?” you asked, not getting an answer. Johnny and Yuta rushed off, your assistant for the day running after them. You were left with Taeyong, a grin on his face. “Taeyong, what are you up to?”
“Nothing!” he stated. “I just want a picture with you at the bean. So, we can remember this together!”
“That’s really random,” you told him. “But I guess we can take a few shots.”
The man cheered, turning you around and positioning you in a way that would be perfect for pictures with the Bean in the background. Teasingly, you posed in silly ways, mocking his attempts to get the perfect position. Your antics halted when Taeyong began to snap photos of you on his phone, crouching down to get a better angle, as he claimed. He was acting like a professional photographer, grinning at your red face.
Brushing off his knees, Taeyong moved to your side, pulling you closer to his side than you expected. Warmth radiated off of him, his strong arm wrapped tightly around your waist. His fingers were sprawled apart against your side. His leg was flush with yours, his larger foot side by side with your smaller one. He angled the camera in his left hand, pouting at the way he looked in the camera.
“You look so much better than I do!” he whined, unwinding himself to fix his headband, running his fingers through the strands of chocolate that draped over the black band. His earrings dangled from left to right while checking himself, turning to you at last. “Do I look alright?”
“You always look good, Yongie,” you reassured him, reaching out to adjust his jacket, fixing a few strands of his hair that had stuck up from the gentle breeze that blew passed. The cold nipped at your skin, so you were thankful for the human space heater that was close to you. The space between your bodies was minimal, and when you glanced up at his face, you didn’t realize that you were as close as you were. Your noses almost brushed, and the slightest move forward could lead to a kiss you only dreamed of. With a quick clearing of the throat, you pat his chest, backing away carefully. “Let’s take those pictures, shall we?”
“Y-Yeah,” he stuttered out, retaking his original position.
His selfies didn’t change. Rapid fire clicks of his camera shutter went off, Taeyong’s facial expression changing. His hand tilted to adjust the angle of the shot, trying to find the perfect position that would capture you both in the frame, the silver monument on display without issue. At the sound of the endless string of shutters, you laughed, hiding your face in the man’s shoulder, daring to wrap your arms around his waist to hug him close. Your head barely peeked over his shoulder, the tilt of your head making your hair fall along his arm.
Taeyong grinned, doing a quick sweep of the pictures taken. “I love these,” he hummed, clicking on one where you were hiding behind him. His smile was clear, and that made your mood brightened. “This is my favorite. Look how cute you are!”
“Us,” you corrected, cheeks tinging pink at the thought of an ‘us’ between you and the idol. “We look cute because of you.”
“That is a dirty lie and you know it,” the man laughed, taking your hand and dragging you towards the Bean once more. “You are the cute one in this relationship.”
You blushed harder than before. Relationship?
Together, you stood at the base of the bean, thoughts shaken to the back of your mind for the meantime. In the reflection, you made silly faces, the pictures showing the odd looks you were giving. Taeyong’s cheeks puffed out while you made duck faces. He gave a peace sign while you stuck your tongue out. You did victory signs together.
The last couple you took were the cutest. One was simple with your arms around his while he took the picture through the reflection. The other was of you hand in his, Taeyong lifting the back of yours to his lips and giving it a gentle kiss. He said nothing you said nothing. You let it happen, feeling your heart racing, pumping out of your chest. His was rapid firing against his ribs, craving more of your touch when you moved away from him.
You fiddled with your camera, figuring out what to say. “We should, um,” you started, biting at your lip. “We should head to get you some coffee now. We have more places to see today, so let’s not delay.”
“Yeah,” he mumbled.
Pointing your camera at him, you smiled, making his lips curl immediately. “Why not tell the camera what we are going to do, Yongie? The world needs to know what Lee Taeyong is going to do next.”
“If that’s the case,” he mused, taking the camera from you. He angled it at himself, pouting briefly. “Is it recording?”
“Yes,” you giggled.
“Don’t laugh at me!” he grumbled. Facing the camera, he began narrating spinning around in circles as he talked, “So, everyone, from now one, we will go somewhere amazing. Where are we going? To drink some coffee!” He let out a low squeal of excitement, your hand darting to cover your laugh. “We should go there. Let’s go.”
Taeyong took off skipping down the road, your laughter slipping out. Yuta and Johnny rejoined your sides, Yuta’s hands in your pockets while Johnny continued his pv cam as you followed the leader. “He’s excited for coffee,” you told the two, whom nodded in response. “Is he going to get lost?”
“For sure,” Johnny chuckled.
Without fail, Taeyong halted far ahead of you, turning back to stare at your trio. “Where am I going?” he hollered. You burst out laughing, Taeyong whining. “Uwa. Don’t laugh at me!”
Taking your camera back, you pushed him playfully so he would walk with you. “We wouldn’t dare, Taeyong.”
“Such mean brats,” he cried, running to catch up with Johnny and Yuta.
Once at Starbucks, you stood outside the small shop, filming them as they ordered their drinks inside. They could be seen clearly through the glass, Taeyong practically bouncing - even though he didn’t have caffeine in his system. You figured he would also get a pastry, the sweet tooth of the man overcoming anything. He loved his sweets, so the odds of him resisting them were slim to none.
Confusion struck when you saw Taeyong hold up a finger at the barista, say something to Johnny - you assumed in Korean so he could translate to the barista - and rushing towards the door. Your brow rose when he walked out, shuffling your way. For being a dancer, he was rather clumsy, stumbling over his over feet while turning out of the door.
“Hello?” you asked, unsure what else to say.
“What do you want to drink?” he asked, shoving his hands in his jean’s pockets. His foot kicked against the ground, awaiting an answer.
“Oh. You don’t have to get me anything,” you told him.
“I want to though,” he said. “You need to drink something too! My treat.”
You gave a small smile, shaking your head. He was a persistent bastard. “Fine. Get me whatever you recommend,” you told him. “I want Taeyong’s choice.”
A large grin filled his cheeks, giving you an ok sign with his hand. “You got it, madam. You won’t be disappointed.”
He rushed back inside, making you wonder what he was ordering. You saw his mouth move, telling the barista what the last of the order was. Sadly, you couldn’t make out what he said, stuck waiting for him to emerge with the drink. You rocked back and forth on your feet, waiting for him to come back out, fingers fiddling with the camera.
Finally, the three boys come out, drinks in hand, Taeyong holding two different cups in his hands. His jacket sleeves covered his hands, a plastic cup balanced in each one. One cup contained a brown colored blended beverage, the other a pink color. Both had whipped cream swirled on top, the brown one finished with chocolate drizzle.
Taeyong smiled while extending the pink drink your way waiting for you to take it. “Strawberries and cream Frappuccino for you!” he sang happily. “Double chocolate chip for me.”
“Strawberry, eh? What if I wanted chocolate?” you mused, taking the drink. “Taeyong’s choice better be good. If not, I will be really sad.”
“It will be really good,” he promised.
“Are you sure you aren’t biased because you like strawberries so much?” you asked while walking away from the Starbucks, towards the river. Taeyong just hummed, cupping the cup in his sleeve covered hands, sipping his drink happily. The straw stayed between his lips, his cheeks scrunched with a subtle smile.
“That’s not an answer,” you groan, pulling the wrapper off the straw. Eyeing the drink, you finally placed the straw between your own lips, sucking at the sweet beverage. Even though Chicago was chilly and the drink was icy, it was refreshing on the way down your throat. The sweetness of the strawberries and the smoothness of the cream set your sense ablaze, a happy sigh escaping your mouth. “Fine. Your choice was good.”
“I told you,” he chuckled. Leaning into your side, he opened his mouth. “Can I have some? I want some too. Let me try, please?”
You blushed, knowing it meant that he would drink from your straw; the same straw your lips were just one. An indirect kiss? However, his pouty face, eyes large and lip jutted out, was too irresistible.
“Only if I can try yours too,” you compromised. His jutted lip quickly pulled back, an embarrassed smile appearing. His eyes turned away, fingers curling into his cup at the ends of his sleeves while contemplating. As a way to tease him, you waved the drink in front of his face, grinning. “Come on, Yongie. You know you want to drink it-”
You stopped, frozen, when he turned back towards you. In a flash, his lips were around the straw, a content smile hidden as he drank. The pink, icy beverage sank lower in the cup, Taeyong’s swallowing drop after drop. Your face was hot, watching his eyes close with delight, silently admiring the joy he expressed and the way he looked when he drank from your drink. His Adam’s Apple bobbed with each swallow, his cheeks turning pink with happiness and coldness that chilled his core. Hi own cup was hugged closer to him, sleeve-hidden hands clutching it tightly yet gracefully.
Finally swatting at him with your hand, he backed away with a happy sigh. “You drank so much! Why are you so mean, Taeyong?”
His face softened, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. Though his hand was covered, not in direct contact with you, and you were wearing a Gucci hoodie Taeyong gifted you for Christmas, his touch was nice, rubbing up and down your arm gently. Shockwaves ran through your body, goosebumps appearing along your limbs, a tingling sensation left over. His touch was soft and smooth, and you could only imagine what it would feel like to have his hand directly against your skin. Strong grip, but silky skin caressing your upper arm, fingertips dusting along your body…
Your focus returned to the man beside you when his velvety deep voice met your ear. “I’m sorry, Y/N. It’s just so sweet, especially after you drink some. I just couldn’t help myself,” he hummed with a smile. “Do you want a sip of mine now? It’s only fair.”
The drink was extended in your direction by his free hand, the straw pointing at your lips. You stared at it, rubbing your lips together. You had watched him drink from the very straw before you, and now you were offered a chance to share it with him. His drink was already half gone by the time you got to the bridge, just above the river, so if you didn’t act now, the chance would be gone.
With a short nod, you leaned forward, latching your lips around the straw and sucking. The sweet chocolate filled your cheeks, chunks of broken up chocolate chips flitting through the straw with the icy drink. Bits of whipped cream came up with the rest of the drink, giving a creamy lightness to the otherwise heavy beverage. Similar to Taeyong’s reaction, your eyes closed in delight, enjoying the drink he offered. A happy squeal escaped mid-sip, making Taeyong chuckle.
“Save some for me too!” he whined playfully. You pulled away from the drink, your tongue circling your slips to capture anything that escaped. Taeyong choked slightly, licking his own lips in response. His bottom lip was tugged between his lips, separating from your side. Both hands regripped the plastic between them, fingers toying with the sweat that dripped along the sides. “So, did you like it?”
“I did,” you told him, sipping your drink as if nothing happened. The red flush across your cheeks said something different than your actions.
“Which do you prefer?” he inquired.
“I liked them both. Though, I think the strawberry is my favorite.”
“Why’s that?”
You pondered for a moment before grinning madly. “Because you chose it for me,” you confessed. “And it’s sweet, just like you.”
His ears turned red, stomach churning, twisting into knots. He felt light on his feet as he bounced along the bridge, smiling into his straw. His heart worked double time, slamming against his ribs. “You’re the sweet one here, not me.”
“You’re full of it,” you laughed. Glancing at him, your head tilted slightly. “Why do you ask though?”
Taeyong smiled a bit. “That way I know what to get you all of the time when we go back to Korea.”
You didn’t get a chance to retort. He rushed forward, nestling himself between Yuta and Johnny, leaning back against the wall of the bridge. He drank his drink happily as Johnny narrated into his pv cam, the three joking at the passing boats on the river below. Your fingers aimlessly toyed with the straw in your cup, mixing the contents of the strawberry Frappuccino and the whipped cream together.
You weren’t needed in that moment. You were able to admire the man, eyes running up and down his body from afar. Just seeing him being himself on camera with two of his closest friends, sipping at a Starbucks drink, waving at random people while Yuta screamed Chicago - you were reminded why you adored this man. The crush you had was growing larger; you were falling deeper.
Placing the straw at your lips, you smiled to yourself. You’re the sweetest one here, Taeyong. And it’s just making it harder to deny how much I like you.
After the bridge came the John Hancock tower. Busy filing, you didn’t get a chance to talk to Taeyong again on a personal level. The Starbucks cups were discarded along the way, the three boys conversing as they admired the tall towers that disappeared into the clouds. You stared up at the building, paling at the height before you. The boys didn’t hear the shaky breath you released approaching the doors, your face hidden behind the camera.
Your nerves were eased by Taeyong’s silly actions, facing your camera as he rotated through the door to the tower. His voice could barely be heard, telling the world watching to ‘come in’ with him. But it didn’t stop you from being rattled, your body shaking as you followed Taeyong inside.
You were quiet while they got a pressed penny, unable to laugh when Johnny pranked Yuta, having it turn it before the coins were pushed in. You were distracted, glancing around carefully, not wanting to mess up the shot. Even when they stopped to take pictures with the green screen behind them, you were staring up the tower, biting the inside of your cheek.
The elevator was cramped, each ding of the floors making you heart race. The touch of a soft hand against yours made you jump, your head snapping to face Taeyong. Worry was written all over his face. His eyes were saddened, quivering unhappily. His lips were tugged south. His fingers wove through yours, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. Surely, your palms were sweaty. You were rubbing them on your jeans the entire time, and it didn’t ease anything. Yet, he didn’t care.
“Are you alright?” he whispered, barely loud enough for you to hear. “You look pale.”
“I-I’m fine,” you breathed, voice shaky. “I’m just…”
“You’re scared of heights?” he guessed. You nodded. “I could guess. You’ve been quiet since we arrived. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want to ruin your guys’ fun. This is your video, your trip, your tour.”
“It’s also yours,” he reminded you. The elevator shook, coming to a halt. Your eyes closed, nose flaring with a heavy breath. Your hand trembled in his, Taeyong frowning deeper. “It’s alright. I’m here for you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“It’s fine, Tae. Don’t worry about me-”
“I’ll always worry about you,” he shot. Your once panicked heart began racing with exhilaration. You dry swallowed, facing heating to a bright red. “I’ll be by your side the entire time.”
“What did I do to deserve you as a friend, Taeyong?”
Taeyong gave a bitter smile, biting his lip. The word ‘friend’ couldn’t hurt more. He pushed it back, leading you from the elevator last. “I should be asking how I got to meet a wonderful girl such as yourself.”
“You’re so cheesy.”
Taeyong respected your wishes to stay away from the windows, peering down several stories over the beautiful windy city. The clouds had mostly cleared up, giving an almost perfect view of the horizon, tall buildings expanding into the distance. Cars traveled up and down the highway, water splashing against the shore, a pastel blue reflecting the sun overhead.
The man stayed near your side as you walked through the building, Yuta joking that he was going to brag about the trip to the others that didn’t join you. You stayed out of the camera as they chatted happily, not wanting to ruin the video because of your insecurities and fears.
Approaching the tilt, the thing you dreaded the most, Taeyong snatched your camera from your hands, turning it on as he walked. You giggled at him, listening to him hum into the camera, making up a random beat. He waved at the lens, the ticket he had for the tilt in his hand.
“You’re a dork,” you mumbled.
“I know,” he grinned. “But, it made you laugh.”
You gaped at him, mouth open and closing a few times before they sealed shut. “You got me there.”
With a successful grin planted on his face, he recorded the tilt while passing by, in awe of the activity. Turning to you, the camera was lower, pointed at his feet. “Are you sure you don’t want to do this with us?”
“I’d rather not puke. Or pass out.”
Taeyong chuckled, shaking his head. “But, you’re already up here. This is our time to do it.” Rolling on the balls of his feet, his earrings swung against his ear lobes. One hand ruffled the strands available through his headband. His lips pursed in thought. “Well, I’ll be by your side the entire time. I will even hold your hand.”
“Please?” he pleaded. “What do you say? Will you please your favorite Yongie?”
The desperation and puppy dog look make you giggle, taking a deep breath. “You’re the only Yongie in my life.”
He blinked. His head tilted cutely, trying to read through your words. “So… what does that mean?”
“Silly Yong,” you laughed. “You might lose circulation in your hand if I hold on to it. I’m bound to squeeze your hand to death. Are you alright with that?”
Taeyong’s lips twitched before grinning widely. “I can handle that,” he told you. His hand slipped into yours, holding your camera in the other. “Yongie to the rescue.”
Your legs felt weak walking into the tilt. Taeyong positioned your camera to film the entire thing, leading you to the glass edge. Giving your hand a gentle squeeze when he heard your breath hitch, he placed your hand on the metal bar with his. You had a death grip on the handle - his hand lost in that mix. Taeyong sent you a glance just before the floor moved, glass moving out to peer down at the city.
Ten degrees, twenty degrees, thirty degrees.
You breathed a sigh of relief when you walked out of the attraction still clinging to Taeyong’s hand. His hand was pure white and numb, but he didn’t dare to say anything as long as you were content. The subtle sway of your conjoined hands lifted his heart, watching you closely.
“I thought I was going to die,” you dramatically sighed. Your eyes were closed as you walked, one eye cracking open to see the stare Taeyong sent you. His question was readable. “It wasn’t as bad as I thought. Yes, I had a mild heart attack because looking down at the city scared the living daylights out of me. But, the view was amazing.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” he hummed. The man turned to Johnny, taking his pv cam to talk. “You know, I thought I was not going to feel scared, but I got a bit tense.” He skipped ahead, emptiness shooting through you when his hand left yours He pointed at the experience photos, chuckling happily with his head back. “Look, everybody has pushed their hips back.”
Yuta began to talk in the background, Taeyong running to your side. “Sorry,” he told you.
“It’s fine. I’m glad you can add to the video. You make my job easier.”
Taeyong snorted at you, rolling his eyes. “Very funny.” He dug into his pocket, his other hand still holding the pv cam. “I meant to give this to you earlier. But we were a bit preoccupied.”
He produced a small pressed penny that read John Hancock Tower. You blinked at it, then at him. Your hand reached out slowly, trembling fingers taking the coin. “Taeyong…”
“After we did the first one, I asked Johnny if we could get another one for you. We all saw how distraught you looked, and I thought this would cheer you up. It’s also a nice gift that I can give to you so you can remember this trip.” He stared at you expectantly, sweating nervously. “Do you like it?”
“No,” you told him. The idol’s face fell, biting his lip. “I love it, Taeyong. This is very sweet of you. Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me.”
“But I do,” you confessed. “Honestly, Taeyong, thank you for everything. You’ve done so much for me even though I’m just a camera girl for your social media. I’m so glad I have you in my life.”
Taeyong blushed, cheerfully grinning. “I’m glad to have you in my life as well. It wouldn’t be the same without you,” he stated. Turning on his heel, he smirked at you, walking backwards as you moved. “We should get some gelato. Your treat, Y/N.”
“Wait, what?”
Taeyong hurried to the other boys, letting out a hardy snicker. “So now, we should go try Chicago’s specialty, gelato.” He paused, hollering loudly, knowing you would cut it out. “Y/N’s treat!”
“Aish. Lee Taeyong! Get back here!”
Moment Five: San Jose
It was to be expected the first thing you would hear when arriving at Pier 39 with Taeyong and Doyoung was Taeyong’s plea for his wallet. He claimed today was his treat and the first thing on his agenda?
Ice cream.
You shook your head, following behind them as they walked, snickering silently when Doyoung shot down his leader’s request for the sweets he enjoyed more than anything. It was questionable that Taeyong was the older of the duo seeing as he was a whining child, Doyoung mothering the mom of NCT by telling him he had to have a real meal first.
“Y/N,” Taeyong cried, hugging you around the waist from behind. Your steps felt awkward with the additional weight, and your body was smoldering, but you didn’t push him away. “Doyoung won’t get me ice cream because I forgot my wallet. Why is Doyoung so mean?”
“You should eat a proper meal though, Yongie.”
He whined louder in your ear, his chin on your shoulder. You wandered into a store, the man still clung to you. “But I wanted that waffle cone. And I wanted to buy you something pretty while we are here.”
You huffed, turning to face him. “No. Bad Yong. You have bought me enough!”
“No. I will kick you.” Wiggling from his hug, you pushed against his back so he would head towards Doyoung. “Now, go film me a video. Make my job easier.”
Grumbling, Taeyong disappeared into the store, your filming partner tailing the two boys as they perused the shop. You started your own browsing, determined to find the perfect gift for the idol that gave you the world since arriving in the states. You wanted to treat him to something nice, seeing as he gave you gift after gift as a way to remember the tour and the time spent together.
Your eyes spotted it from afar, knowing instantly that he would enjoy it. The small glass bottle, reading San Francisco, had sand on the bottom, tiny shells of all colors filling the glass. It was corked shut, a braided tie around the neck of the bottle, a tiny starfish on the end. It was thoughtful, and you knew he would appreciate the decorative item for his room back at the dorms.
While you snuck off to buy the bottle, Taeyong and Doyoung fiddled with shells, Taeyong finally wandering to the baskets on the floor. “Woah,” he gasped out, grouching down to pick up the stuffed animals inside of it. His heart jumped at the saw shark, glancing at Doyoung. The camera was filming them still, catching what he said to the younger man.
“Yah! What is this?”
“It’s cute,” Doyoung said.
“I like it because it’s soft,” Taeyong murmured.
“It’s rare animal toys that couldn’t be found at the aquarium,” Doyoung joked. Taeyong looked at the younger expectantly.
“Buy this for me?” Taeyong asked, hugging the saw shark to his body.
“Ok,’ Doyoung agreed without hesitation.
With the camera not looking, Taeyong crouched to pick up a cute, white seal, equally as soft. “And this.”
“Why do you need two?” the junior questioned.
“One for me,” Taeyong told him, holding up the saw shark. “And one for Y/N.”
“You should just tell her.”
“I know,” Taeyong mumbled, smiling to his friend. “Maybe after I give her this.”
You met up outside, laughing when Taeyong held up his saw shark, his sunglasses on the plushie. You snapped a quick picture of him, laughing at the enthusiasm of the idol. “This is what you can only get in San Francisco,” Doyoung joked, standing at Taeyong’s side.
“You guys look like you had fun,” you teased.
“He’s so soft!” Taeyong cheered, holding him out towards you. The stuffed animal was, indeed, soft to the touch, smooth under the tips of your fingers.
“He’s cute,” you laughed, earning a grin. You began to walk away from the first shop, following Doyoung through the pier - ironically in the direction of a sweets shop. You walked beside the leader of the idol group, gripping the plastic bag from the gift shop tightly in your hands. Racking your brain for how to bring it up, you decided it was best to tell him outright. “Yongie, I have a present for you.”
“What?” he asked, hugging his saw shark close. The bag in your hands was extended towards him, Taeyong’s eyes locked on the bag. “What’s this?”
“Just a little something I got for you. I wanted to get you something to remember this trip by. San Jose is your city, so it’s just a little gift to make your city the best.”
Taeyong smiled, cheeks pink. “You didn’t have to,” he told you, handing you the saw shark so he could open the bag. His face lit up, excited to see the small shell bottle inside. He made a noise of awe, examining it. “Look how pretty they are!”
“I figured you’d like it in your room back home,” you told him.
“It’ll go right by my bed in the dorms so I can see the prettiest view every day when I wake up,” he mused. “Thank you. I love it.”
“I’m glad,” you laughed.
Taeyong spun his background around, placing the bottle carefully in his pack. He paused, forehead knit briefly, staring at the main zipper of his backpack. “Y/N?” he voiced, earning a confused stare.
“What’s up?” you asked. “Why are you staring at your bag like that?”
“Would you kill me if I said I bought you something?” He stopped talking, correcting himself. “Well, Doyoung bought it, but I’m going to pay him back.”
“Taeyong, you didn’t,” you whined. “I told you not to!”
“I had to!” he said, opening his bag. Your eyes lit up at the seal inside, immediately beginning to bounce. “It was so cute and I knew you would love it.”
“For once, I accept this,” you laughed, trading him his saw shark for the seal. “It’s so soft, Yongie! I love it so much!”
“I’m glad,” Taeyong breathed. “I love making you happy.”
Your blush was cut short, Doyoung calling out to you. “Hurry up, or I’m not buying you sweets!”
“No! I want the chocolate!” Taeyong screeched, running towards his friend. You snickered, following them, filming as they bought the chocolate treats. Taeyong bounced in his spot, pointing at the different treats in the display, ordering multiple pieces of the same.
“Two white chocolate… two truffle…” he paused, his hand rising to his chin, rubbing it aimlessly.at his sharp jawline. His eyes narrow, focused on the variety of sugary delights through glass. He was practically salivating, ordering more without hesitation. “Two giant milk. And two milk English toffee.”
The definition ‘like a kid in a candy store’ was not an exaggeration with Taeyong. You could see his glee from a mile away, wide smile, bright eyes, joyous laughter.
Pointing your camera in his direction as he received his container of chocolates, he gaped in your direction, mouth wide like he was shocked, or maybe a deer in the headlights, caught robbing the sweets shop. He pointed his saw shark your way, giving a quick wink before following Doyoung to pay.
The camera kept on him, watching him take out the white chocolate bar that he had requested. One bite, one low crunch of the dessert, made him groan happily, head falling back in bliss. His darkly gorgeous eyes slid shut, relishing in the sugar that melted on his taste buds. His sharp jaw moved smoothly as he chewed, lips parted when he swallowed. He released a heavenly sigh, immediately delving back into his bag of treats for another.
“You look like you are enjoying those,” came your teasing remark. The man paused, nearly choking on his food. Reaching over, you pat him on his back, coaxing him to breath. “Calm yourself, hotshot.”
“Sorry,” he chuckled. The bag of his treats was extended your way, your footsteps falling in line as you walked down the pier. “I bought some for you too, you know. I thought you’d enjoy them.”
“Is that why you bought two of everything?” you inquired. Taeyong chuckled, nodding wordlessly. “I just thought you really wanted those chocolates. We know how much you love them.”
“I’m offended,” he pouted, taking the chocolate truffle and popping it in his mouth. You joined him, taking the truffle he ordered for you, popping it onto your tongue. A squeal of joy left your throat, hugging the seal closer to you. Taeyong laughed openly, speaking up, “Now who is enjoying it?”
“Shut up,” you managed to get out, words muffled by the food between your cheeks. With your cheeks puffed out, Taeyong mentioned that you looked like a squirrel, leaving you flustered while heading to Doyoung’s side, asking him for more treats.
The pier with the two boys was entertaining, though you felt like you were about to be blown away. The wind picked up partway through the day, your hair whipping around you, smacking you in the face. The closer you got to the bay, away from the buildings, the wind got stronger. You had to cling to your seal, realizing just how difficult it was to hold a camera, snuggle a stuffed animal and battle the gusts at the same time. The camera almost fell from your hands a few times when a powerful burst of air hit you, blinding you because your hair covered your face.
The wind did make the boys more attractive. They posed for pictures in front of a carousel and in front of the bay, leaning against the wooden railings. Doyoung relaxed with the cool wind blowing against him, his newly acquired California jacket adding to his aesthetic. Taeyong looked, in one word, breathtaking. The breeze made his hair flop around against his forehead, casting a shadow over his eyes. Yet, the orbs were bright like the sun above your head. Though he didn’t smile, his pink lips straight, the angle of his looks were beyond phenomenal. His blue jacket and checkered flannel blew around against his waist. And in the middle of filming, he would stick another treat he was bought into his mouth, chewing while staring into the distance.
Across the bay was Alcatraz, the two idols discussing the historical prison on camera. And as soon as they were done, Doyoung excused himself for a quick trip to the bathroom. You nodded at the male, placing your camera in your bag for the time being. Your feet moved on their own, carrying you towards the man who leaned against the railing, watching the water roll by in soft, rippling waves. The water splashed against the legs of the pier that kept the deck upright. His eyes were transfixed on the way the water lulled with the wind, relaxing under the California sun.
He spoke the moment he felt your presence at his side, never tearing his eyes from the bay. “The next time we come here, I want to go to the place out there. I think it’ll be cool.”
“Bold of you to assume we will be coming back,” you joked.
Taeyong chuckled, finally turning to look at you. His hair flopped around with the wind, but it didn’t ruin the way he looked. His cheeks flushed a pale pink. “I know we will come back,” he voiced. “And if not on tour, then I want to come back here with you. Just so we can explore that place.”
You blushed in return, nodding at his wish. “Well, I look forward to it then,” you told him. The man smiled, sidling towards you until you were right up against him, a comfortable silence heavy over you. Smoothly, his arm wrapped around you, daring to hold you close to him. His fingers gently ran along your sides, giving you goosebumps. Your body tingled, the warmth of his body allowing you to sink into him. Your head rested on his shoulder, content with the position you found yourself in.
Short lived, it was. Doyoung returned, your forms parting reluctantly. You followed after them as they wandered down the windy pier until they took off running, the sound of barking seals piquing your interest. You ran after them, chuckling at the way they laughed at the dozens of seals floating on wood pallets in the bay. Taeyong joking imitated them, barking like they would. Their cheer amplified when a boat passed with a seal on the back, Taeyong waving at them happily.
“The seals are so cute. I want to touch them,” Taeyong said into your camera, though it felt like he was telling that to you. He stared through your lens at you, a grin present while snacking on his back of treats.
“You want to hug mine?” you taunted.
Taeyong pondered before smirking, pushing your camera away. His arms wrapped around your waist, hugging you close. His face buried in your neck, inhaling deeply. You were frozen, shocked and flustered.
“I don’t need a cute seal when I have a cute girl to hug,” he whispered deeply.
“Guys, let’s go. We are going to get food at Boudin,” Doyoung called.
Taeyong was slow to back away, the tips of his ears red. “Let’s go get food,” he told you, taking your hand, dragging you away from the seals that watched you retreat.
The seals knew that you were sinking deep into Taeyong’s palm, unable to escape.
To end the day, you stopped by a small farmers market with fresh fruit. Taeyong grabbed some cherries, humming Cherry Bomb as he did. The two idols joked around while looking at all the fruit, the day beginning to wrap up slowly. They picked up random things and wondered what it was, Taeyong wanting everything he saw.
“Should we buy something for your kids?” Doyoung asked, sending Taeyong a knowing smirk, eyes darting between you and his leader. Your head cocked to the side, confused, whereas Taeyong flushed.
“Your kids?” you asked Doyoung.
“Yeah. You know,” he began. “Yours and-”
“Taeyong covered Doyoung’s mouth quickly shaking his head. “He means our kids!” Taeyong covered quickly, nervously laughing. The hand that was over Doyoung’s mouth was pulled away seconds later, Taeyong grimacing. “He licked me!”
“That’s what you get,” Doyoung said, sassily turning away, savage as ever. You sighed, grabbing hand sanitizer for the idol. “Fine. Should we buy something for our kids?”
“Pineapple!” Taeyong hollered, bowing slightly at you before following Doyoung. “Pineapple!”
When Doyoung headed off to pay, Taeyong in toe with his new treat, you found a bench to rest at, scrolling through the pictures and videos taken throughout the day. The memories were fresh but seeing the things you captured gave you joy. You knew the fans would love what you have.
The sound of footsteps, and the uttering of the rap from Regular sounding through the air, the voice deep and silky on your ears, made you glance up. Taeyong plopped onto the bench next to you, carefully putting the pv cam he was holding down in his lap. His coffee was placed between you. Opening the bag of cherries that was bought, he held one out towards you, held between two slender fingers.
“Say ‘ah’,” he hummed.
You did as he said, reddening when his fingers touched your lips. The sweet cherry slid between your parted lips. The juices wet your parched throat, the pit spit into a napkin he offered. Taeyong beamed at the joyful noise you let out, popping his own cherry into his mouth.
“So good,” you sang, swaying back and forth. “Thank you, Yongie.”
“No, thank you,” he said. “Thank you for coming and putting together the amazing things you do for us and the NCTzens. I’m glad we could come here together.”
“I’m glad I got this opportunity,” you told him. “I wouldn’t trade this for anything.”
“That’s good to hear,” he murmured. Taeyong smiled, toying with the bag of cherries. He was glad to have you by his side. Sliding closer to you, his hand found yours, lacing your fingers together. “Best first tour ever, all thanks to you.”
“You’re too sweet,” you whispered, reaching over to take a cherry. Placing it at his lips, you gave him a wink. “Just like these cherries.”
Moment Six: Los Angeles - James Corden
You sat on your laptop, editing together film that was long overdue to be uploaded to YouTube. The holding room was quiet, the boys having just left for their first segment with James Corden. Occasionally, you glanced at the TV in the room, waiting for them to be announced.
“Welcome back!” James’ voice boomed. The second his accent hit your ears, you slammed your laptop shut, placing it on the table in front of you. Settling back into the plush couch, you sipped at the water bottle Taeyong insisted you drink so you wouldn’t get dehydrated, smiling at the adorable group of boys you spent years with. They looked excited to be around the late-night talk show host, their first time on the Late Late Show. “I’m joined by Haechan, Taeil, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Johnny, Mark, Yuta, Taeyong and Jungwoo, known together as NCT 127!”
Though the noise couldn’t be heard by anyone but yourself, you cheered happily, raising the bottle with a shout. “Whoo! You go guys!” You knew just how excited they were to perform, premiering Superhuman for the first time outside of the concerts. They had been giddy fanboys since waking up that morning, barely able to sit still so you could take pictures of them around the lot and with James and the other guests.
“Now, it’s a fact that NCT 127 are very cool on the surface. We’re going to test their steel nerves in a game we call flinch.”
You snickered when James announced that - partly because you knew the segment, having seen other celebrities do it, including fellow kpop ground BTS and Blackpink, and you found it hysterical to see people flail at the flying fruit; and partly because of Taeyong’s joyous reaction, bouncing between his feet and he cheered, readying himself for the game.
You figured this would end badly as soon as the word flinch was mentioned. You knew these boys - you knew they were generally weak willed, even if they claimed to love horror. They were soft boys, caring to the core. The slightly thing would make them jump. Yet, you were excited to see their reaction, knowing you could hold it against them for eternity.
Mark, Taeil and Haechan were a fail. Their dance didn’t help them when the fruit smashed to the glass, the three jerking to a halt, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Mark, the cheeky man he was, tried to play it off when he knew, deep down, he had failed horribly.
Yuta, Johnny and Jungwoo was worse. The three boys looked tense, Yuta and Jungwoo crying that they were scared. Johnny held a tight smile, the strength and reserve he had easily shot down by his crackling voice. His words were unconvincing, and you knew he was shaking just as much as Jungwoo was. The nervous laughter and smile were a facade that didn’t do well to cover his fear. Johnny went flying backwards when the fruit hit, Jungwoo shocked and Yuta hugging himself while laughing.
You found yourself laughing the hardest at Taeyong Doyoung and Jaehyun. You were laughing to the point of tears coming to your eyes, your hand covering your mouth to stifle the sounds. Though Taeyong was adorably rambling beforehand, stuttering out responses in English was made you smile, he went sailing back, landing on the ground. The apple hit the glass just after James started questioning them about their stay in America and Canada. Taeyong went to answer, distracted by his words, that he was sent tumbling down to the ground. He flinched backwards heavily, Doyoung and Jaehyun unphased as their leader landed on the floor.
Dragging himself to his feet, Taeyong walked away from the others briefly, back to the camera. When he turned around, that’s when you broke into complete hysterics, falling over on the couch. His hand was over his heart, eyes squeezed together. He looked like he was in pain, blinking his dark eyes open with a heavy breath.
You tried to calm down before they returned, sitting back onto the couch, legs tucked under you. Your calmness disappeared when the door opened, the distraught guys walking in - apart from Doyoung, who looked smug at his victory. They sent you a glare when you snickered at them, hiding your face in your arm on the back of the couch.
“Did you guys have fun?” you asked. They all give bitter laughs, dispersing to different areas to relax. “I will take that as a yes because I know you guys enjoyed yourself, even when failing miserably.”
Taeyong trudged over to you, dropping on the couch with you. His head laid in your lap, his arm draped across his eyes so you couldn’t see them. His chest still heaved from his prior fright. Instinctively, your fingers ran through his hair, nails scratching soothingly at his scalp. You saw his lips part, exhaling with the calmness you provided.
“I did so bad,” he mumbled, whining lowly. “I can’t believe I fell.”
You laughed slightly, Taeyong lowering his arm slightly to peer at you.
“Don’t laugh at me.”
“I don’t mean to, Yongie,” you told him through your chuckles. His lip stuck out with a pout, hiding his beautiful orbs away again. “Come on, Yong. Did you at least have fun?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” he mumbled.
“Then that’s what matters, you reassured him. “I’m sure I would have done the same, honestly. If not worse.”
“We can ask James if you can do it too.”
Shaking you head, your heart jumped at the same he gave you. “I think I’m good without having a heart attack today. I need to stay alive long enough to finish this video for your YouTube.”
“Can I see it?” Taeyong asked, removing his arm so both rested on his stomach, rising and falling with the steadying breaths.
“It’s still a work in progress.”
“That’s fine,” he said. “I know it’ll be good in the end anyway. You always do amazing work for us. You get our best angles every time.”
“You’re being cheesy again,” you teased.
Taeyong hummed quietly, letting his eyes drift closed. Despite his request to see the video you were working on, he didn’t make an attempt to move, relaxing into your touch. He was like a cat that loved being pet, loving the feeling of your hand running through his hair carefully so it didn’t get messed up before the performance. Your touch was tender, and it made the butterflies inside him flutter restlessly.
“You know,” he whispered lowly. You barely heard him speak up. “I’m glad you are here.”
“Why’s that?”
“My heart stopped today because of the flinch game,” Taeyong told you. His eyes opened twinkling when they met yours. “But, I have an angel in my midst that was able to restart it. You made my heart beat again.”
You were beet red.
“Thanks for coming and saving me.”
Though exaggerating, you couldn’t help but smile at his cheesy words. The flirtatious look and message portrayed made your stomach churn with bliss. Any question a month ago that Taeyong was flirting was fully obvious now. He wasn’t holding back anything.  
“Well, I’m glad I could be here to save you,” you told him. “I would hate to see a handsome man such as yourself die to a fruit. What would I do with myself?”
“You could have kissed the pain away,” he said.
With a red-hot blush across your cheeks, you giggled, deterring your gaze from the sultry look he gave. Your heart was thudding, beating off the charts. You debated what to say, finally coming down to three words:
“Maybe next time,”
“That’s too bad,” Taeyong said, sitting up from your lap. “Hopefully next time is soon.”
They were called back to set, leaving you alone in the room. A shaky breath escaped your mouth, your body collapsing against the cushions. Your hand rested over your heart, feeling how fast it was pounding inside you. You felt warm, thoughts of the man running through your made keeping your skin crawling and your stomach smoldering.
“The things you do to me, Lee Taeyong.”
Moment Seven: Los Angeles - Dodgers Game
The sky was clear, little clouds present. The crowd roared in the stands. The grass under your feet was green, freshly cut, the white letters with blue outline imprinted before you. The camera focused on the announcer that stood surrounded by nine fun loving boys, their arms raised to the sky, hooting and hollering ecstatically. Their faces shown on the big screens overlooking the field, their bright smiles giving cheer to the people of Los Angeles.
You stood behind the official cameras of the Dodgers, snapping photos as they were introduced. You caught their grins, you caught their laughs, you caught the happiness they spread just by being there. With their Dodger 127 jerseys dangling from their bodies, buttoned up tight, their names printed on the back, they looked like they were ready for the pitch they were about to partake in. Around
“You guys are nervous. I’m nervous right here. We’re here with NCT 127!”
That prompted their greeting, Taeyong prompting them to start. You grinned when you caught it on camera, even though they were bouncing around aimlessly.
The announcer proceeded to ask how they were feeling about being there, in which Mark answered how grateful they were for the opportunity, and what their favorite part of the US tour had been, to which Johnny promptly responded their interactions with the fan. You didn’t miss the gaze that Taeyong sent you at that question, his eyes revealing his personal answer: spending time with you. Johnny told everyone in Dodger Stadium the theme of the new Superhuman album just before Mark revealed the groups love and endless desire for In n Out.
You couldn’t disagree though. The first time they dragged you in, Taeyong bought you an animal style double double with animal fries and you were on cloud nine from the first bite.
As soon as the mini interview ended, you got some pictures of the boys with the LA logo printed in the grass, the men crowding around the two letters. The boys decided to selfie, and you caught that - Taeyong making a silly face while holding out his phone, everyone crouched to get in the frame. You also managed to get one of the group crowded around the top of the letters. You were laid in the grass to get the angle you desired, panning up the LA logo to the men, clear skies stretching out behind them.
Taeyong rushed over to you, extending a hand to help you up. His strength was impressive, yanking you up hard enough so you crashed into his chest. Together, you stumbled back, a unison of laughter resounding through the air. He helped to wipe off the grass from your back, picking blades of green from your hair. You made a face at him when he waved on against your nose, the idol backing away quickly to join the others. Fixing the tan colored hat atop his head that covered his dark strands of hair, he stood in a line with the rest of his group.
As they were introduced for the pitch, you shot pictures of them from all angles, catching them waving at the crowd. Cheery Bomb played through the speakers, prompting them - mostly Taeyong - to dance in the middle of the field. Four baseballs sat in the hands of four boys: Taeyong, Mark, Yuta and Jaehyun. The five boys not throwing stood off to the side, encouraging their fellow members to do their best, screaming ‘fighting’ at the top of their lungs. The four boys pitching bound off towards the mound, a pep in the step - none more than Taeyong, of course, who threw his hands up and he bounced forward.
It was a sight you would never forget. The four boys standing at the pitcher’s mound, four catchers huddled at home base. Four balls being throw in sync, flying through the air towards their respective catcher. The way their knees pulled back before they lurched forward, sending the balls sailing through the air. You caught it all on camera, immortalizing their smiles, their throws, and their excitement.
After thanking the catchers, the boys filed out of the field, you following behind them. You placed your camera in your bag, smiling already when you felt his presence beside you. “Nice throw, hotshot,” you teased, sealing your bag. Glancing up, you met Taeyong’s gaze, the man playfully messing with the ball he was allowed to keep in his hand. It sat in a small display case that was cradled in his palms, rolled between each hand.
“I try,” he joked. He turned to walk backwards never tearing his eyes from you. “So, you’re going to stay with us and watch the game, right?”
Your brow rose, nodding unsurely. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Just checking,” he hummed. His lips rubbed together in thought, playing with the rim of his hat. “Can you do me a favor?”
This confused you even more. “Of course. What’s up?”
“Can you not work tonight?” he asked. Your jaw dropped, unsure how to respond. “Like, keep your camera put away. Don’t take pictures. Don’t worry about filming us while we are here. If the fans want pictures, we can handle them ourselves.”
“I… But why?” you asked.
He stopped walking, making you halt as well. “I want you to enjoy the game with us. I don’t want you to work through it. I want you to laugh and have fun. I want you to eat those famous Dodger dogs with us. I just…” He stopped, biting his tongue. “I want to enjoy this time with you without worrying about work.”
You stared at him, seeing his eyes quiver. His hands rang together around the ball, eager for your response. Finally, you nodded at him, adjusting the strap of your bag. “Alright. I’ll do it for you, Tae. But if I get in trouble for this-”
“You won’t,” he promised.
“I’ll hold you to that,” you laughed. “Now, you go buy me a hotdog. I need to run to the bathroom first. I will meet you up in the booth.”
“Deal,” he chuckled.
He rushed off, taking your bag with him. Once alone, you didn’t head to the bathroom as you had said. You wanted to surprise the boys, adding to their new collection of Dodger items. Stopping by a gift shop, you practically cleaned them out of dodger hats, buying nine blue hats with the white LA logo on it. The cashier looked at you like you were crazy, but you explained they were for your friends.
With a new dent in your wallet, you rushed to the private booth that was reserved for NCT, flashing your id badge to get let in. The boys cheered upon your arrival, faces stuffed with hot dogs. Soda cups were lined in the seats, decorated with Dodger logos, straws stuck through the plastic lids. The bags sat in a corner, away from the mess of bodies leaning against the rail to watch the start of the baseball game.
Taeyong ushered you over with the wave of a hand, a toothy smile on his face. You greeted him with a smile and wave, gripping the gift bag in your hands as you rushed to take you seat beside him. Taeyong bit into his own hotdog, watching you sit down. His eyes fell to the bag, tilting his head curiously.
“I thought you went to the bathroom,” he pointed out. “Do they sell things in the bathroom here?”
“Would you be mad if I said I lied?” you questioned, taking the hotdog he had in his hand.
“Of course not,” he chuckled. “So, what did you end up getting?”
“Presents,” you laughed. With the hotdog in your lap, you opened the bag, pulling out the first Dodgers hat. Reaching out, you pulled the tan hat off of Taeyong’s head. Your hand ruffled his hair briefly, fixing the strands that had morphed to his head. The man shook his head as well, whipping his hair around. The previous hat was replaced with the blue one, your fingers parting the pieces that stuck out. “There. Perfect.”
Taeyong smiled, taking his phone to check himself. He leaned closer to you, giving a victory sign while snapping a quick photo. “I love it,” he told you. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad,” you laughed.
“Wah! I want a hat too, noona!” Haechan cried, reaching over Taeyong to try and reach you. Taeyong rolled his eyes at the younger boy, shoving him lightly. “What about me?”
“I could never forget you, Haechannie,” you giggled, pulling out another hat. “Because I bought one for all of you.”
The boys cheered, running in your direction. You distributed the hats, watching them place them on their heads, some facing forward and some turned backwards. The boys looked content with their gifts, each one giving you thank you’s.
Taeyong pouted, munching on his hotdog. “I feel less special now.”
“Don’t be jealous, Yong,” you scolded. “You got the first one.”
“I guess,” he pouted.
“That’s not enough for you?” you asked, poking his cheek. The man rolled his eyes, turning away to show he was upset. “Fine, I will keep this other gift I got you.”
“What?” he quickly asked, turning back to you.
You held up a keychain you grabbed at the last minute, reading ‘LA Dodgers’. “It’s small, but I know you like making memories. And,” you turned the keychain around, showing the small scribble of your initials with his familiar TY, “The cashier had a sharpie, so I customized it so you would remember we were here together.”
The man smiled, taking it from your hand. “I love it. Thanks, Y/N.”
You grinned, settling into your seat, unwrapping your hotdog. “You’re welcome, Yong.”
Watching the game, the boys got rowdy. There was no alcohol present; no, just sugary drinks and candy that made the group of idols rambunctious. They screamed and cheered for the Dodgers, playfully shoving at each other the way boys do when they get excited. Their arms wrapped around each other as laughs were shared and pictures were taken to commemorate the day.
Taeyong was the calmest, and even he had his points. He would jump up from his seat, clapping energetically when a player would run the bases. His angelic laughs made you smile, and the amusement on his features made your stomach flutter. The man was having the time of his life, enjoying the downtime he was granted for once since arriving in the states.
The crack of the bat against the fast ball resonated through the stadium, all nine boys jumping to their feet at the ball flying. Taylor doubled, Seagar headed to third with the powerful hit. The event caused the boys to celebrate. Even if no points were scored.
Their fun quickly halted when Doyoung shoved Jungwoo, screaming about what had occurred. The non-threatening act was more powerful than anticipated, or Jungwoo just slipped; you weren't really sure. All you knew was the drink in his hand was spilt over your head when he crashed into the side of the seats, catching himself on the edge but forfeiting his beverage.
You shivered, droplets of clear soda drinking down your hair and face. Ice was laced in your locks, the frozen chips landing on your shoulder and some disappearing down your shirt. The top of your jeans were wet, turning a dark blue. Your jaw dropped, all eyes glued to you. They gaped, dropping what they were doing to rush to your aid.
"Noona, I'm so sorry!" Jungwoo cried, his cup dropped immediately to the floor, forgotten. He looked guilt ridden, frowning unhappily.
"It's fine, Jungwoo," you tried to reassure him. "Accidents happen."
"But I feel so bad," he uttered lowly, voice melancholic. "I don't want to be the reason you aren’t having fun. I ruined your day, noona."
"You didn't! I promise," you told him once more. "It's just a drink. It'll dry."
When the boy didn't look convinced, you reached out, patting his head the gesture seemed to ease him slightly, a pitiful twitch if the lips resembling a smile appearing. Walking away, the boy slumped in his seat, defeated. The remaining boys followed suit, sitting in their own seats.
Tail had rushed to get you a towel, a Dodgers towel from the gift shop supplied to help you dry off. Using it to wring out your hair and pat down your drenched arms, you turned to face the boys, giving them a calm grin.
"Guys, really. It's ok. Please don't let this ruin the game for you. I much prefer watching you guys cheer and have fun over sulking at a little soda spilled," you told them. "I am fine, I promise. And if you still feel bad, then do me this to make up for it: cheer as loud as you can and give the Dodgers the same support they gave you."
The guys agreed, almost reluctantly. The energy was going to be slow to return, but you knew they would be hopping off the walls in no time, enjoying the game as if nothing had happened.
Taeyong, sat by your side, eyed you silently. He watched you dry yourself with the towel, patting yourself until the droplets were mostly gone. The only evidence of the spill was your hair, droplets still dripping from the ends occasionally, and your wet clothes.
His eyes lingered, burning into the side of you, until he promptly began to unbutton his new Dodger 127 jersey. You gave him an odd look, wondering what he was, until he held it in your direction. Glancing between the shirt in his hand and his face, he saw the question churning in your mind.
"You'll catch a cold," he told you briefly, pale pink spreading across his beautiful face. "You're shivering."
"Oh. I'll be fine-"
"Also, um…" he cut you off. His hand gestured to his own chest, trying to convey without saying it aloud. Blinking, you glanced down at yourself, flushing upon realization that you had worn a white shirt that was now, thanks to the drink you were doused in, made the shirt see through.
"Oh!" You squeaked, using one arm to cover your chest. Taking his shirt, you turned away, sliding the loose material onto your arms. It was warm thanks to the man, and smelled faintly of him, though he hadn't been wearing it for that long. "Thanks."
"No problem," he responded, choking on his words.
"You should have said something sooner," you huffed. "Now all the guys have seen my bra through this shirt."
"Pretty sure they didn't notice. They were too distracted helping you to stare at your chest."
"Are you saying you were staring, Yong?" You teased. The idol leader blushed brightly, sputtering nonsensical words that only made you laugh. "I'm just pulling your leg. I appreciate the help."
Taeyong smiled, shaking his head. He pleaded on the arm rest that separated your seats, dragging his hand through your wet hair. You eased into his touch, a content sigh escaping your lips. His hand stealthily slid into yours between you, placing your fingers together.
"Anything for you," he whispered.
You blushed at his words, nudging him with your shoulder. But the smile on your face was enough to make him elated. He grinned, pulling the hat off his head and playfully sticking it on your head. You were left groaning, trying to adjust the hat that he tugged down, your free hand swatting at him. Nothing broken the hold you had on each other.
That night, you were left thinking about one specific moment. The memory replayed so vividly, even if it had been hours since it happened.
The moment that everyone was waiting for came on. The kiss cam. You had seen it on TV before, but watching the camera panning over the people in the stands, prompting them to smooch their significant other, was better in person in your opinion.
Desperation set in with the boys. Haechan and Jungwoo screamed, wanting to be on the big screen. They were willing to do anything - even wrapping their arms around their dear oldest member. Taeil was trapped between the two boys whom tried to kiss his cheek, their eyes watching the screen to see if they were on it. Johnny, Mark, Doyoung, Yuta, Jaehyun watched their actions, laughing loudly. Mark was falling from his seat with how hard he was chuckling.
With them distracted, they didn't catch the moment that plagued your every thought now. And not just them- but everyone. The kiss cam never spotted you, but the warmth of lips on your cheek was enough to jumpstart your heart. Taeyong gave you hand a squeeze before leaning across the seats, placing a gentle kiss to your cheek. His lips were soft, brushing your skin carefully and slowly. Your face tingled from the connection, his lips lingering longer than they should. Not that you minded. The way they caressed your skin made you giddy.
He backed away slowly, giving you an embarrassed smile. His thumb swapped across the back of your hand, causing the butterflies to rampage within you.
You did something you never thought you'd do. Leaning over, you returned the gesture with your own. A kiss was placed on his cheek. Dangerously close to his lips. You grazed the corner, feeling them twitch north with an unmistakable grin. His eyes fluttered close, his head falling to stare towards his feet.
When you pulled away, neither of you said anything. He just pulled your joined hands into his lap, giving your hand a squeeze. The game below you resumed, the kiss never brought up again.
Moment of Truth: Vancouver
The man sat in his hotel room alone, staring at his phone. He gave a lopsided smile, fingers fiddling together. "I can't sleep because I'm a bit jetlagged. And I have this hotel room to myself for once. It's a bit odd since this is the first time we got our own rooms."
Unable to sleep after arriving in Vancouver, Canada. Taeyong decided to pass the time by doing a late-night v-live. He wasn't sure what to discuss; it was an impromptu video since he didn't know what else to do to get himself to relax, hopefully draining the last of his energy. He mostly responded the questions that came up on the live, though he did a handful of mother things to pass the hour: showing off his saw shark, giving them a tour of his solo hotel room, and even eating the muffin you had gotten for him as a midnight snack.
After changing into his pajamas, throwing a robe on to cover his shirtless torso, he returned to his vlive, collapsing in his bed. His face was clean of any make up he had been covered in during the day, his hair was unruly and minimal bags were present under his eyes. But he continued to talk to his fans, thanking them for support because without them, he wouldn't be where he is.
With the end of the vlive, the idol sighed, dropping his phone in the bed beside him. He rolled onto his side, staring at the black screen aimlessly. Without someone else in the room with him, he felt alone. He was so used to having someone there to talk to until he fell asleep. At home and on tour, he always had a roommate. This was a rare occasion that he was alone, and the silence was beginning to drive him insane.
The television did not help. He couldn't understand the programs fully. His English wasn't the best, so the shows did little to distract him. The bed felt cold. The room felt too big. He tried to snuggle the saw shark, but the soft animal was nothing right now.
He sighed, rolling around in the sheets until he faced his phone again. His lips pursed, brow scrunching. His fingers itched, reaching forward and pressing facetime without knowing why.
The phone rang a couple of times. The clock read some time after one am. Guilt punched him in the gut when he realized that he was probably disturbing someone's sleep. His thumb hovered over the end button, but never got the chance to press it.
"Tae?" You asked from the other end, tilting your head when he appeared on camera. You were curled up in your bed, but you were wide awake. His heart raced, seeing you in just a loose tank top, covered by blankets, with hair messy and face free to cosmetics. "Why are you calling this late? Why aren't you sleeping?"
"I couldn't sleep," he admitted.
"Jet lag?"
"Jet lag." He ran a hand through his hair and over his face, biting his lip. "Would you…"
You blinked, curiosity bubbling when he stopped talking. "Would I what?"
"Never mind," he quickly spat. "It’s stupid. It's late and I shouldn't have called. You're probably tired and I'm disturbing your sleep-"
"I couldn't sleep," you told him. "I was reading this book my sister bought be before the trip to try and doze off, but I haven't been able to."
Taeyong smiled. "Jet lag?"
The joke made you laugh. "Jet lag."
The man began to hum the song on his end, their new track called jetlag coming from his lips. Mid sing, he stopped, spitting that he originally wanted to. "Would you come keep me company?"
You were taken aback. But, you agreed, kicking off the sheets that covered you. Taeyong chuckled as he watched the camera shuffle around, staring at the ceiling as you rushed from the bed. It was propped on the counter so he could watch you dig through your suitcase for your Gucci hoodie.
The man snuggled into his pillows, noting the way your tank top rose against your hips when your arms rose to pull the hoodie over your head. You tugged socks onto your feet, rushing to the bathroom to throw your hair up, keeping it from your face. Taeyong shameless stared at your backside as you walked around your hotel room, starry pajama pants hugging your waist.
"Alright. I'm headed over. See you in a minute."
The call ended, Taeyong letting out a heavy sigh. His face hurt from smiling, and his stomach felt tight. He was nervous to think you'd be coming over to his hotel room. He was nervous to think you'd be alone. This was a first for him. He worried that he didn't look good because of the late hour. He worried that his hotel room was a messy - which it wasn't with his cleaning habits. His hand ran through his mess of hair, lips flapping with another heavy sigh.
He jumped when he heard a soft knock on the door. Wiping his sweaty palm on the side of his robe, he opened the door, facing you. You smiled, your hands stuffed in the pockets of the hoodie. You lacked shoes, having wandered down the barren hallway to his room. Under your arms was the small white seal plush he had gotten you in San Francisco
Moving aside, he let you in, shutting and latching the door. You shuffled into his room, immediately collapsing on his bed. Taeyong laughed at you, sitting on the edge of the mattress.
"What do you want to do?" You asked, hugging the self, snatching his saw shark as well. Taeyong hummed, finally laying back on the bed next to you, his head on his pillows. He fiddled with his phone, the low hum or Post Malone coming through the speaker. It was placed to his side, the music filling the silent room.
"Can we just lay here?" He asked. "Just being here with you helps me relax."
"I can't argue with that," you told him, rolling onto your side.
You curled into his side, Taeyong extending an arm across the pillows for your head to rest on. Your legs ended up tangled together, yours strewn across his long limbs, sock covered feet rubbing together. His hand ran through your hair, your hair band plugged away with a snap of the wrist, soothing you with the gentle strokes.
Laying together, you just listened to the songs play one by one. You didn't fall asleep to it - you just nestled into the man beside you, inhaling his fresh scent. You heard him hum along to the music, moving to place your head on his chest instead. His heart was beating quickly, the constant thump-thump, thump-thump in quick successions ringing in your ears.
"Tae," you uttered. He made of noise of acknowledgement, pausing his music. "Will you sing for me?"
"What?" He asked. "Why?"
"I like hearing you sing. And I want to hear it now. Please, Tae?"
You glanced upbeat him with a pout, earning a prompt chuckle. "You know I can't say no to you," he mused.
The smooth velvet of his voice made you sink further into his embrace, burrowing into his chest that rose and fell with the words he sang. He was singing his group's song; he was singing Angel. Without the soft melody if the background track, his voice still managed to hit every note, every key. The speed of his heart never faltered, never slowed, hammering away to an unknown beat. His hand continued to pet through your locks, nails scratching at your scalp.
"I'll be your morning star, and you are my angel, you are my angel. I'll be your morning star, and you are my angel, you are my angel," he sang, voice dying off slowly. His hand stopped moving and he let out a deep breath. "Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did," you pointed out. When he scoffed. You giggled and continued, "but yes you may."
"Alright. Well, I just… I just wanted to make sure…" he stopped for a second, letting out a shaky puff of air. "On this tour, have I been too… too forward with you?"
"What?" You questioned, shocked and confused. You looked up at him, meeting his stare. "What are you talking about?"
"Just…" he started, ending with a sigh. Ushering you off his chest. You moved to lay your head on the pillows instead. Taeyong rolled onto his side so you were facing each other, his arm slung across your waist. "This entire tour, I have done things I normally wouldn't do with you. And I guess I'm just worried I came off as too much or I did things you were comfortable with."
"Like what?"
"Stuff like this. I suppose," he shrugged. "The hugs. The cuddles. The compliments. The hand holding. The, um… the whole kiss on the cheek. I wasn't sure if I had crossed a line, coming off as too much."
"If I didn't like what you were doing, I would have said so, Taeyong."
"I guess so…"
"Am I allowed to ask… why the sudden change?"
Taeyong turned his gaze away, pursing his lips. His hand curled into your side, tongue darting out it wet his dry lips. "I just figured this would be the time to show you my real feelings. As soon as you said you were going to come with us, I thought that this was my time to do something. To get closer to you like I always wanted. And every day, we got closer.
"But every time I thought I could do it, I couldn't. I backed out. I shamelessly flirt with you, hoping that I could convey my feelings, but I failed. I just came off as too forward and not like me."
"Taeyong, stop," you scolded. "You weren't too forward. If anything, I liked what you did because… I don't know. I liked the things you did."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Tae," you laughed. Your arm reached out for him, wrapping around his neck, hand in his hair, brushing it softly. "It didn't bother me one bit because it made me happy."
"That's good then," he sighed, giving a smile.
You laughed. Hugging him closer until your foreheads rested against one another. "So, you were flirting with me this entire tour, eh?"
Taeyong laughed, shaking his head. "Really?" He asked through his laughs. "I thought I was completely obvious with my flirting. Since the day we arrived in New York, I was flirting with you so much more than normal."
"Oh yeah?"
"Oh yeah," he finished, biting his lip. Your eyes locked, staring deep into each other's eyes for a minute before he continued. "Because I really, really like you, Y/N. I have liked you for the longest time. We have worked together since I was still a rookie and I just can't help that I have fallen head over heels for you. You are beautiful, talented, smart, funny. You are kind and every time I see you, I feel my heart skip a beat.
"You've always been there for us and I knew from the day we debuted officially that I couldn't escape this crush I have on you. Knowing you were out there made me try the hardest I could because I didn't want to disappoint you. And knowing that you were by my side through it all… I found myself getting deeper and deeper. So, I wanted to finally tell you that.
"I wanted to finally have the courage to ask you to be mine because I am pretty sure I love you. I have loved you for the last three years. I will love you for the rest of my life. I wanted to finally be able to tell you how much you mean to me. But as always, it took me forever."
"That's ok," you told him. You curled your fingers into him, smiling widely. "Because I was flirting back. Because I have had a crush on you for as long as I can recall. Since your rookie days, I always found you to be different. So talented and charismatic. You are the most genuine man I have ever met and I just… I fell for you, hard.”
"It's ok because I like you too, Taeyong. I like you so much that it hurts because my heart doesn't stop pounding out of my chest. At this point, I don't think these feelings will go away. I'm in too deep now. Every day, I have fallen deeper for you.
"I might be crazy to say this, but I might just love you too, Lee Taeyong."
"Really?" He asked, elation present. He pulled you closer, your legs tangling together once more. You laughed, nodding in response.
"I like you way too much sometimes."
"That… you have no idea how happy that makes me," he hummed. "I have dreamed of this for so long."
"You're not the only one, Yongie. I never thought you'd actually like me back."
"Well, believe it," he told you. His pushed your hair back behind your ear, his face red. "Does this mean you will be mine now?"
Your face fell somewhat, pondering. "What about you being an idol? You know how strict they are about relationships. We something were to happen between us, there is a big chance I won't be working with you anymore. Or for the company."
"We will figure that out after we return to Seoul. I'm sure we can come to an agreement with SM. They will probably make us keep it a secret, which is kind of depressing because I want to show the world how much I adore you." You swatted at him playfully. "It's not my fault. I just love you so much."
You blushed. The words fell from his tongue so easily, and it only made your heart pound in your ears. "You're such a dork," you mumbled. "But, I want to be with you, dork. We'll make it work somehow."
"Yeah," he hummed. A strand of hair was swirled around his finger before being dropped. His hand rested on your cheek, cupping it in his palm. The pad of his thumb smoothed over the curvature of your jawline and across your cheek. "Y/N, can I kiss you?"
Only when he said those words did the realization hit. The proximity between you was minimal. His warm, minty breath fanned across your face, his nose bumping against yours. Just an inch forward. And you would feel his lush, supple pink lips against yours, finally feeling how soft they truly were. Your heart was racing, matching the pace of his.
Your arm around him tightened, a large smile forming. "You don't even have to ask that, Yongie."
You barely got your response out before he leaned in, connecting your lips together at last. It was slow, but passionate, sparks flying and fireworks erupting. Your lips tingle at the tender touch of his. Your eyes fluttered closed at the touch of his touch, pushing back into him to return it.
It was short at first. It was like testing the waters. His lips dragged down against yours as he pulled away, a small pop of lips disconnecting bouncing from the walls. His hand still sat on your cheek, using that as a way to lean in again after a single moment to breathe.
This time, his head tilted to the side, pushing harder into the kiss than before. The first kiss jitters were gone, Taeyong delving deeper into the action. Less timid and shy, his lips fully engulfed yours this time, kissing you like his life depended on it.
Steadily they sped up. The more kisses you shared, the bolder he got. Both of you were growing comfortable with the connection, craving more and more with each passing glance. Taeyong's lips were like a drug, sweet tasting and addictive. You wanted to feel them against yours, sucking at your bottom lip playfully before poo pulling away suddenly.
The losses turned short for a brief period, connecting in short bursts before pulling away with loud smacks. Each time, his lips would take yours in, sucking at them for a second before pulling back completely. Your lips were bound to be swollen from his rapid assault, just as his had turned shades darker - the one pink color morphed into a scarlet red.
Finally. His lips connected to yours longer, daring to go bold. His tongue swiped at your bottom lip, asking for access that was promptly given. Your mouth opened and his tongue dove in, finding yours in a playful war. The familiar was unfamiliar but welcoming. His tongue would massage the inner lining of your cheeks, swirling around with your tongue. It had been a long time since you had kissed someone, but you knew that this feeling was one you had never felt before.
You shifted against the bed, confused when you felt something poking at your leg. Taeyong seemed to know what it was because he pulled away abruptly, rolling off the bed in a hurry. His hand ran through his hair, shoulders rising and falling as his body searched for lost air. His back was to you, leaving you a panting mess on the bed.
"What's wrong?" You asked him.
"N-nothing," he got out. "Just, um… I have to go take care of something really quick."
"Tae, seriously. What's going on?" You asked again, sitting up on the bed.
He signed, turning back around.  You let out a small gap, hand covering your mouth. You could see it through his robe. It wasn't well concealed. A small tent in his shorts was visible, and you knew what had happened - and what poked you.
"I'm sorry," he quickly apologized. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I just got a bit excited because of all this and the kissing and… just you. It just sort of happened. I got a bit carried away. And I don't want to move this too fast. I don't want to do something that you aren't comfortable with or ready for."
"Taeyong, it's fine," you reassured him. "It doesn't bother me. I'm not uncomfortable with this. Not with you."
You crawled off the bed, moving to wrap your arms around the idol leader. He let out a shaky breath, wrapping his arms around you. His face buried in your hair, inhaling deeply. "I just don't want to rush into something we might regret. I don't want to potentially make you do something you don't want to."
"And you won't," you told him.
"I don't want to mess this up. I don't want to ruin this."
"You won't," you repeated. "Taeyong, I love you, alright? You can't ruin this because I will always be here for you."
He sighed, kissing the top of your head. "Will you tell me if you are uncomfortable? Or if it's too much? I don't want to get carried away and we do something too soon. I'm afraid that if we get started, I won't want to stop. But, please, if you tell me to stop, I will stop. I don't want to pressure you into doing anything."
You looked up at him, meeting his stare. His brown eyes were warm, loving and lustful. And it gave you warmth deep inside.
"You're not pressuring me, Taeyong. Because I want to do this. I don't want you to stop."
He smiled, leaning down to kiss you again. The sensual connection heated up quickly. He backed you into the bed, carefully laying you against the sheets. The man crawled over you as he kissed you repeatedly, to guess tangling and lips smacking. Your hands foamed the back of his head while his ran up and down your sides.
He pulled you into a sitting position mid kiss, his hands at the bottom of your hoodie. He broke the kiss to breathily mumble, "is this ok?" And with a nod to confirm, he was pulling the hoodie over your head, tossing it to the floor. You were left in the loose tank top, your bra left in your hotel room. The tank top was low cut, showing off your clavicle.
His hands cupped your cheeks, pulling you into another tender kiss. His dark eyes closed, head tilted to the side to give himself better access to your lips. His lips dragged against your softly, the smack of lips connecting and separating meeting your ears once more. Your own hands moved up his chest tentatively, resting on his shoulders. His robe was pushed away so you could feel the smooth skin of his broad shoulders.
His lips separated from yours, traveling down your jawline. His teeth nipped at your earlobe a few times as he peppered your face with pecks, headed towards your neck. Tilting your head on instinct, you gave him more access to nibble at your tender spots. Your face heated up when you moaned lowly, Taeyong chuckling against your shoulder.
Your hands moved to the tie of his robe, the man backing away from your neck when he felt your hands against his stomach. “Can I?” you asked him, looking between the knot and his eyes. Your hands shook, fingers itching to do something. They wanted to feel him - they wanted to run along the fine physique of the idol sitting before you with his legs tucked under him. He nodded, leaning back on his legs more. The knot came undone, falling loose around him. Your hands trembled more when you pushed the robe off of his shoulders, revealing his broad shoulders, toned chest and muscled abs.
The robe was discarded to the floor, Taeyong left in just a pair of athletic shorts, the band of his boxers peeking over the top. Your hands traced along his body, Taeyong silently watching you. His lips curled into a smile, his hands falling to yours, pressing your palms further into him. One hand sat directly above his heart, the unsteady beats drumming against your fingertips.
“So beautiful,” you murmured. Taeyong pushed some strands of your hair behind your ear, shaking his head.
“That’s you.”
Your heart thundered against your ribs. Arms reaching out, you wrapped them around his neck, crawling into his lap to latch your lips to his. Taeyong gladly returned it, eyes closing once more, sinking into your embrace. His large hands settled on your waist, pushing your tank top up your sides. Your chests were flush against each other, heaving with sharp breaths from the relentless kisses.
The idol group leader pulled away to tug your tank top over your head, pausing to get permission first. Once it was flung to the floor, he laid you back to his bed, placing a lingering kiss to your lips. “You’re still ok with this?” he asked, biting his lips. “I can stop.”
“I told you before. I don’t want you to,” you told him.
“Alright,” he whispered, kissing you sweetly. “I just wanted to make sure. I don’t want to rush anything between us. I love you and want you to be comfortable.”
“I’m always comfortable with you,” you laughed. “You make me so happy. I couldn’t be uncomfortable if I tried.”
Taeyong smiled, placing one firm kiss to your lips before traveling down your body. His lips traced your clavicle, sucking light red marks to your chest. With mild hesitation, his hand found your bare breast, cupping it in his palm, fondling it carefully. Only when he heard your mewls of happiness get released did he press harder, rubbing your chest more. The pad of his thumb grazed your nipple, feeling it harden under his touch. It was already erect from his chill of his Vancouver hotel room, especially when your hoodie was discarded.
Your lips parted and your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks when they slid closed, relishing in the ecstasy raining down on you. Your back arched off the bed, pushing yourself closer to him, craving more of his touch. The closer his lips got to your breast, kissing his way down slowly, the more your body pushed into him. When his lips finally met your breast, his mouth attached to your nipple and sucking on it somewhat harshly, your moans amplified. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth, not wanting to potentially wake up mark who was asleep in the room next door.
Taeyong grinned at the sound you made, sucking at your breast more. His mouth was watering, his mind blank. He had wanted to do this for so long, only having dreamt of it, that he was salivating at the thoughts that no longer plagued him. His dreams were now reality, and his mind couldn’t process anything but what was happening then and now. His tongue moved quickly, flicking at the hard bud, lips tugging it when he pulled away with a pop. His lips circled the bud, kissing every inch of your mounds. He swapped breasts and repeated the same process, equally loving your body.
Shuffling further down, his lips moved along the band of your pajama pants. Your hand reached down, pushing through his messy locks. His dark eyes peered up your body at him, the man taking a deep breath. “May I?”
Your bottom lifted off the bed, Taeyong pulling the starry bottoms down your legs in one quick swoop. His breath hitched when he laid his eyes on the pink panties hugging your hips, your pajama pants slipping from his grasp, falling over the edge of the bed to the floor. Your legs rubbed together nervously, embarrassed at your near nude status before him.
“Did you know I love the color pink?” he breathed, chuckling huskily. “And now that I’m looking at it on you, I must say, I love it even more. Such a beautiful girl in such a beautiful color.”
“Stop it,” you shyly spoke, hugging yourself to hide from his gaze.
“Don’t hide from me,” he mused, reaching up to pull your arms away from your chest. His body rolled against yours as he moved, straddling your form, one leg on either side of your thighs, knees pressed to the bed. His hands held yours above your head, ensuring that his weight was supported and not crushing you. Laying a soft kiss to your lips, he smiled. “You’re beautiful, Y/N. You always have been and always will be in my mind. I don’t want to see you hide because you have nothing to be ashamed of. I love every inch of you.”
“Taeyong,” you sighed, tilting your head to peck his lips, giving him a chaste kiss. “What did I do to deserve you?”
“I should be the one asking that,” he teased. His gaze softened, his hands squeezing at yours harder. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Yongie.”
Giving you one last kiss, he disappeared back down your body, letting out a hot puff of air before pulling your panties from your body. Your legs were nudged apart, the man settling between them, his face directly in front of your core. His hot breath fanned over it, your blood pumping harder through your veins. Your insides tingled, stomach churning with desire. Your body squirmed, low pleas for him to do anything passing your lips.
One slim finger slid through your folds, toying with your entrance. His breathing picked up, tongue darting out to wet his dry lips. His eyes swapped between what he was doing and your face, making sure you were enjoying it before he proceeded. When he saw your eyes closed from bliss, and a smile on your cheeks, his finger pushed into you. His ears perked up at the sound you made, a cross between a content sigh and a filthy moan filling the air.
In and out, his finger slid. Slow and careful at first, he thrust his finger into you, feeling your walls contracting around him. His nail scratched along them, the feeling prolonging every time he slid back into you. He was searching for a spot to make you moan louder, adding a second finger after a bit to aid in his search - to aid in your pleasure. When his second finger joined, your hand found his dark hair again, giving it a sharp tug that made him hiss silently through his teeth. Taeyong didn’t mind, seeing as he knew you were enjoying it. The sudden yank just shocked him more than anything.
His thrusts got faster, shoving hard and deeper into you in search for your happiness. The tips curled, adding to the pressure you were feeling. Your core was knotting with delight, fast approaching your peak. Additionally, he leaned forward, swiping his tongue across your clit. With his lips encasing the nub, you broke, letting out a particularly loud moan. As distracted as you were, you didn’t have time to cover your mouth from it. You were too busy seeing stars, feeling your toes curl into the sheets. Your body writhed against the bed, eyes closing as you drifted to heaven.
“Oh, Taeyong,” you managed to release, thrilling the man.
Just before you reached your high, he pulled his fingers out, replacing the loss of heat with his mouth. The two wet fingers touched to your clit, gently circling at it. His tongue slid into your core, swirling his tongue in fast rounds, the tip running along your already sensitive walls. He let out sounds of approval, groaning happily into your core. The taste of you made his senses go wild, and though the sounds he made were muffled, you could tell he was enjoying it.
You came with a prolonged moan, drawing out the sound. Your throat rattled with the vibration, feeling yourself unwind. Your juices seeped onto his tongue. Taeyong temporarily caught by surprise. His body froze when he felt the drops on his tongue but snapped into reality to lap them all up. Every drop that landed on his tongue, he swallowed, savoring the taste as long as he could. He could feel your walls spasming with your orgasm, trying to hug the wet article of his tongue.
Backing away, he leaned back on his knees, wiping his chin clean of your arousal. Your chest was heaving, your body trying to catch its breath. With a content smile, he rolled to lay beside you, palming the very obvious erection in his shorts. He wasn’t about to ask for your help. He would let you fall asleep before rushing to the bathroom to rid himself of the strain. For the moment, he wanted to be by your side, staring at your face.
“How was that?” he inquired, playing with your hair.
“The best orgasm I’ve ever had,” you panted. Rolling onto your side, you curled into him. You shared a lazy kiss, not bothered by the taste of his mouth. Your gaze moved to his crotch, his hand covering the bulge. “What about you?”
“It’s fine,” he muttered.
You frowned, pulling him into a heated kiss. The man didn’t resist, returning the smooch as soon as he felt it. Your hand, starting at his chest, felt down his chest slowly, feeling every crevice possible. Your fingers traced the scar on his lower abdomen a few times, running along his toned stomach, and ending up at the band of his shorts. Nudging his hand away, his breath was caught in his throat, the kiss breaking. Your hand rested on his bulge, caressing it through the thin material.
“Baby, you don’t have to-”
“I want to,” you told him, ignoring the nickname he uttered. “Now, kiss me, Tae.”
He couldn’t resist the silky demand you let out. His lips met yours again, fast paced, open-mouth kisses filling the room with multiple smacks. You continued to palm him through his shorts, finally bypassing the band completely to grip his erect length. A groan from Taeyong was lost to your mouth, your hand stroking his cock slowly. Your thumb smoothed over the tip, feeling beads of precum seeping out of it. The length pulsated with want, your fingers tracing the prominent vein on the underside of him. Your grip was firm, yet gentle, tugging the skin of his shaft around the head before releasing, letting it relax into its normal way.
Taeyong, breathlessly, broke the kiss you were sharing. He was panting heavily, struggling to pull your hand from his shorts. His legs felt like jelly, rolling off of the bed and leaving you alone. You watched him curiously, the idol finding his backpack and digging through its contents. His hair from afar was disheveled, his shorts were tented, and broad shoulders rose and fell with heavy breaths. His back was leanly muscled, just like his front. You couldn’t see his dark eyes, but your eyes followed his sharp jawline, admiring the side profile of the handsome man. He was beautiful to stare at in the dim lighting of the room.
Taeyong let out a cheer of success, rushing back towards you, tripping over his own feet. You giggled, wondering how the man could dance as well as he did when he was this clumsy. The idol crawled onto the bed next to you. His sat on his knees, fiddling with the small foil package between his fingers. His nose flared with a sigh, his lip tugged between his teeth.
“Y/N,” he began. “I want you. Like, really bad. But I will respect if you want to say no. I know that we’ve both done stuff. We’ve talked about it over drinks before because one drink and I’m out. And I have no filter when I’m drunk because I just get all giddy. But I don’t want you to continue if you don’t want this too. I’ve told you this the entire night, but I don’t want to rush anything. I care about you too much to ruin us because we jumped into things head first.
“But, I do. I love you. No question about that. And I want you. So bad. I physically hurt right now because I want you. I need you. So, I ask you this one last time.” He held up the condom he fetched from his bag. “Do you want to continue?”
Your response was immediate. “Yes.”
“Are you sure? Completely sure?”
“Yes,” you let out, taking his hand. “I love you. So much. I want you, Taeyong. I want all of you.”
“Alright…” he let out, shakily tearing open the packet.
You watched him roll the rubbed along his length, checking three times that he had it on just right with sufficient room at the end for his release. His OCD was showing. You pondered as you watched him, thinking aloud, “Why did you have a condom in your bag anyway?”
“I wasn’t planning for this on the tour,” he quickly shot, panic written on his face.
You giggled, shaking your head. “I didn’t think that. I was just curious.”
“Oh,” he said with a sigh of relief. “I… I actually always have one in my wallet. In case of emergencies. After my first time, I figured it was best to always be prepared.”
“Do you make the other boys carry one too? Does Mama Taeyong make sure his babies are prepared for their big days?” you teased. Taeyong sneered playfully.
“I don’t make them!” he yelped. “But I do recommend they do too. A guy can never be too prepared.”
“You’re such a good leader,” you told him. “And a good friend for caring for his friends.”
“Not really,” he laughed, pushing his messy hair back. “Now, enough about them and making sure they carry protection! Right now, this moment is about me and you. This is about us. This is… about us making love for the first time.”
“You’re so cute,” you mused. Your eyes fluttered at him, giving him a large smile. “Come on then, you romantic. Make love to me, Yongie.”
Taeyong slid his shorts and boxers off, cock springing free before he took his place between your legs, giving you a kiss before he started. His aligned his shaft with your entrance, pushing in slowly. You grimaced at the immediate pain, having not experienced anything for a while. His cock stretched you wide, filling you bit by bit. He was slow to enter, pausing when it became too much for you. His kissed along your jaw, uttering sweet nothings into your ear to help you relax, continuing until he was fully sheathed.
He paused once he was fully inside you, his body pressed flat to yours. His hands took yours, lacing your fingers together above your head. Your legs tangled together. Your walls hugged around him, feeling him throbbing inside you. Soft kisses were shared while you got accustomed to his size.
Slow thrusts were how he started, pulling back and pushing back in just before his tip escaped your folds. Your body relaxed into his, the mild pain morphing into indescribable pleasure. Your hands squeezed together, low moans beginning to escape your lips. The way his hips rolled against yours made your heart race, your head falling back into the pillows. His lips traveled along your neck, sucking at the exposed skin.
Steadily, his thrusts got faster and harder, pushing himself deeper into you, His breathing picked up with the energy exerted, but he pushed on regardless, hearing your constant stream of mewls. They mixed with his grunts and groans, and the slap of sweaty skin together. The tip of his cock hit your sweet spot deep inside your core, ramming into it every time he pushed into you.
Your hands disconnected your arms flung around him instead. His lips moved to yours, the intense kiss making him speed up. His hips ground into yours, bucking into you quickly. His now freed hand ran down the curvature of your body, gripping your thigh tightly. Your legs detangled from each other, yours wrapping around his waist, pushing him in deeper. The new angle allowed him to push deeper into you, pistoning his cock in and out of you quickly.
The bed squeaked. Your limbs stuck to the sheets. Sweat poured from your bodies, making you slick against one another. Quick thrusts made constant smack after smack of skin bounce from the walls. Your chests were pressed flat together, keeping your breasts from moving with his lightning pace. Your nails raked down his back, red scratches inked into his skin that he was sure to get hell for later if they didn't fade.
But right now, neither of you cared.
You were on cloud nine, loving the man in your arms, sharing kisses, feeling connected. He thrust into you quickly and sharply, all with the purpose of bringing you together and bringing you both pleasure. Bucking into you, he chased his high, feeling your walls clinging around him, spasming.
“Taeyong,” you mustered in your fatigued state. Your vision was spotting, and your stomach felt tight. Your toes curled into him, heels digging into his dancer’s butt. Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving crescent-shaped indentures in his skin. The man nodded in understanding.
“I’m close,” he rasped in his velvety voice. “Go ahead, baby. Let go for me.”
You let out a moan that he silenced with his lips, swallowing the noise. Your walls closed, hugging his shaft as tight as possible. Your juices splashed out, seeping from deep inside and coating the rubber condom. Even with your tight walls, he slid in and out with ease. His head buried in your shoulder, thrusts growing sloppy while chasing his high. Your core was wet and warmth, and Taeyong, already sensitive from his lack of release since the start of the night, could feel it all through the rubber.
With one last groan, he spilled his seed into the tip of the rubber, strings of the sticky white fluid seeping from his tip and into the air pocket. Your walls, wrapped around him, milked him for every drop, drop by drop of his arousal filling the protection. His thrusts slowed, easing into you to ride out his high, as well as your, the last drops dripping from his shaft.
Pulling out, the idol rushed to discard the rubber, tying it off and wrapping it in bundles of tissue first. He retrieved a warm cloth from the bathroom, wincing as he cleaned his shaft off. He twitched in his hand, still sensitive in his post-orgasm state. Returning to his room, he saw you curled up already, eyes half closed. He let out a low chuckle, cleaning you without saying a word, not wanting to disturb your half-asleep state.
He clicked off the light, crawling into the bed with you. His arm laid out, your body curling into his side with his arm as the pillow immediately. Taeyong fiddled with his phone, setting an alarm for the morning. He knew he wouldn’t get much sleep considering the time, but he would sleep hard after everything, especially with you in his arms.
He felt a soft kiss to the side of his head, right over the scar by his eye. He turned to look at you, chuckling at your sleepy smile. Placing a kiss to your forehead, he heard your content sigh. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, Yong,” you slurred.
“I’m glad I have you in my life, Y/N,” he told you. “This is just the start of something great between us. I promise. I’m ever letting you go now that I have you.”
“You know. It’s kind of ironic,” you voiced.
“What is?”
“The tour is called Neo City: The Origin because it’s the first NCT tour. It’s the start of something great for your group. Yet, this is also the origin of us. Neo City is the origin of our relationship.”
“And nothing will put an end to it,” He finished. You smiled lazily, wrapping your arms around him.
“Nothing can tear us apart now. I finally scored the man of my dreams. Or… my videos I guess?”
“That was lame,” he chuckled. “But, I loved it.”
“You’re lame.”
“I know.”
You curled into him, sharing one last kiss before you both fell asleep quickly, cuddled under the covers closely.
The blaring alert startled you away, Taeyong chuckling slowly when you jerked against him. With a groan, you fell back into the bed. Your hair was splayed against the pillows, a mess of tangled knots. The sheets were tightly wrapped around your nude form, hiding your body from him. Your limbs ached from the late-night activities.
Taeyong wrapped a tight arm around your waist, pressing his lips to the side of your head. A smile crawled onto your face, reminded about what transpired between you both the night before. It hadn't been a dream; you were officially with the leader of NCT.
"Morning," he sleepily hummed, covering his yawn. "Did you sleep well?"
"I slept like a baby because of you," you laughed.
"Is that so?" He laughed.
"Yes. You're comfy to sleep with."
"Good. Get used to it," was his response. He placed a swift kiss to your lips, which you returned quickly before swatting him away.
"Morning breath!" You screeched before rolling into him. "What time is it?"
"A little after eight," he hummed thoughtlessly.
"What?!" You cried. Flinging yourself from his arms, sheet in hand to cover yourself, you rolled off the bed, searching for your discarded clothes. Taeyong chuckled, grabbing his abandoned bottoms from the night before and sliding them on. He sat on the bed, watching you rush to pull clothes on. "We have to be in the bus in an hour!"
"I know."
"I need time to get ready, Tae!" You scowled. "I also have to sneak back to my room without the others seeing me."
He shrugged.
You glared at him, grabbing your seal from the floor where it fell the previous night once you were dressed. "So helpful."
He chuckled, crawling off the bed. His long strides took him no time at all to reach you, his arms enveloping you in a tight hug. You glanced up at him, the man giving you a tender peck on the lips that you were waiting for.
"It'll be fine. I will see you soon, baby. I love you."
With a blush, you gave him a quick, "I love you too," before sneaking out of the room, rushing as quickly and quietly to your room as possible, without being caught by the other nine boys. As soon as your door closed, you let out a sigh of relief, grinning like an idiot.
I am dating Lee Taeyong now.
Within the hour, you managed to rush and get your things together, looking decently presentable. You rushed out of your room, beginning to pound on the doors of the nine boys.
"Come on! Let's go! We have to be on the bus! You have practice for the concert today!"
The boys reluctantly joined you, filing down the hallway with a chorus of groans. Taeyong was the last, ending up at your side. His hand discreetly reaching for yours. The group of boys made their way onto the bus, ignoring the group of girls that watched from the sidelines, squealing to themselves. Luckily, your hands disconnected from Taeyong's before exiting the building.
The bus began to roll away from the hotel, your body collapsing into a seat next to Taeyong. You could feel multiple sets of burnings eyes upon you as you sat down, finding eight of the nine staring you down.
"What?" You asked, confusing why they were giving you hard stares.
"What were you up to last night?" Doyoung pried, giving a savage smile.
"You have marks all over your neck," Johnny pointed out. You scowled slowly, seething through your teeth.
"Taeyong too," Jungwoo continued, turning to the man beside you, he was flushed.
"What happened between you guys?" Haechan asked, leaning forward.
You shared a glance with Taeyong, silently asking what to do. The man answered - with action, not words. His hand reach for yours, your fingers lacing together. You smiled unconsciously at the gesture, laughing when he leaned forward, placing a kiss to the side of your head.
The boys watched on, stone faced. Taeyong cleared his throat, finally speaking up. "I guess you guys have the right to be the first to know," he hummed. "I asked out Y/N last night."
The guys remained silent before letting out a loud cheer, echoing the same response: "Finally!"
"What?" You laughed.
"He has liked you for so long," Taeil chuckled.
"We kept telling him to confess already and ask you out, but he wouldn't!" Yuta continued.
"So, we were forced to watch you guys flirt for weeks," Haechan sneered, acting as if he were disgusted.
"I'm glad you guys finally got together," Mark laughed. "But do me a favor and keep it down next time."
The others looked at the Canadian boy, confused. Your face lit up, stuttering out, "W-what?"
"I woke up hearing some rather… odd noises from Taeyong's room. Listen, I am glad that I can call you my actual sister now, seeing as you are dating someone I consider to be my real brother, but I don't need to be scarred again. I heard things I never want to hear again."
The other boys let out a loud round of "ooo"s that made you blush harder. Taeyong shook his head, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.  Sure, his face was red, but he kept some kind of composure.
"I can't guarantee anything," he laughed. You turned to look at him, appalled. The others laughed, enjoying the way you slapped their leader's arm.
"Well, regardless, we are happy for you guys," Jaehyun said. "It's about time something happened. And we hope that things work out always. You deserve to be happy and you deserve each other."
"My ship has sailed!" Jungwoo screamed. You laughed at him. The young boy throwing his arms up with his cheer.
"Thanks guys. That means a lot to me," you said, glancing at Taeyong. "To us."
The group awed when their leader kissed you softly. Instantly, they were rushing across the bus, piling onto you. You were wrapped in a chorus of hugs, all of the boys deeply laughing.
"Welcome to the family finally, Y/N!" They hollered.
"Yah! Get off!"
The bus roared with laughs, everyone returning to their seats after the moment of love. You were left alone with Taeyong, the man squeezing your hand gently.
"You know, I'm never going to hear the end of this from your makeup artist," you laughed, leaning over to kiss a faint red mark that had been left to his neck.
"It's fine," the idol hummed. "Because I got my girl."
"Such a dork," you taunted. He laughed, leaning down to kiss you sweetly. The kiss made you smile, muttering against his lips when he pulled back, "I love you."
"I love you too," he responded, kissing you again.
This is definitely the start of something great.
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NCTzens Tag: @brien-odylan, @poppyshawn, @belleknows
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