#att spoilers
atiny-piratequeen · 2 years
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Character Analysis, Jung Wooyoung, the 'Shrieking Angel'
Name: Jung Wooyoung
Languages: English, Gaeilge (Post Transformation), Japanese (Modern Day), Korean (Modern Day), Creole (Modern Day)
Crew Position: Sailing Master + Navigator + Map Maker
Powers: Ferrikenisis (Alloy Manipulation) + Vocal Creation (Inherited from a banshee)
Compass Position + Arrowpoint Stone: West Facing, located on right pectoral, larvikite stone
Eye Color: Brown (Natural)/ Onyx Black (Demonic Form)
Hair Color: Dark Brunette (Natural)/ Blonde (Demonic Form)
Likes: Quality Time With Loved Ones, Singing, Gift Giving
Dislikes: Being Left Alone, Inner Conflicts, Fighting
Young, and full of doe-eyed wonder. Sickness was never enough to slow the man down. Though the body may have been frail, the mind always yearned for that which lay just over the horizon.
Though blood may spill from his lips, though his bones may be weak, there’s certainly something over that horizon for him. He and his parents had faith when he turned away from his home. He’d come back a better man. A man that his mother and father would be proud of.
Lofty dreams keep the head afloat, but fires burn them back down to cinders.
Sailing Master Jung Wooyoung
This is his family now. With his hand firmly clasped in San’s, and with the graces of The Captian, Wooyoung has found his place with a brand new chance at life. Still finding conflict a bit too much to deal with head-on even after all of these centuries, Wooyoung prefers to work things out with a bit more subtlety, if possible. However, it’s up to very liberal interpretation if this approach works for the navigator.
While the days of the seas may be behind him and the crew now, Wooyoung still finds strength in his voice and blades. Time may roll on and the need for his original position has all but disappeared, he still knows he’s beyond the sickly man he was in the 1600s.
The song of the blades changes with the passage of time.
Of Irish Origin, the banshees are known and often depicted as shrieking or screaming harbingers of death. Also known for their singing, banshees may sing to an unsuspecting individual similar to a siren in order to draw them closer.
Of many forms, ranging from young and conventionally beauiful, to old and decrepit, banshees have been known to wear similar attire when spotted, a tattered grey dress or cloak of some form, and with bloodshot red eyes from all of the wailing and crying.
The sighting of a banshee or hearing any of their glass-shattering screams instills fear in all who are familiar with the stories and mythology behind these “women of the fairy mound”, as a banshee sighting is known as a premonition of death soon to come. Her arrival and subsequent wailing may also spell doom for someone in the household of whoever hears her, making encounters all the more uncertain and terrifying.
Whether you refer to these female spirits as banshees, “little washerwomen” (a name given to them after depictions/stories of banshees washing the blood from the clothes of someone soon to die), or bean sídhe (known nowadays as “woman of the faries”), the constant amongst all depictions of banshees, is that these women of the forest are Angels of Death and the haunting sound of their vocalizations spell the end.
-Power Applications/Demon Transformation-
Each note of sound, every vibration, may form a new creation.
Naturally used to being the most talkative and lively person in the room, and with a harmonious voice to match, Wooyoung almost instantaneously obtained a mastery over his newfound abilities. From simple conversation, to singing, to wails of anger or anguish, Wooyoung’s voice alone are all he needs for his powers to work.
Steel, Iron, Metal, alloys of a similar nature. Wooyoung can create all of them with a simple tune.
Once he fully transforms, Wooyoung’s hair lightens to blonde, with the area from his eyes to his temples turning black, with the vein-like markings stretching down past his cheeks. The same black color of his eyes is also the color of his lips, along with several dots along the bridge of his nose and stretching up to his forehead, with a backward crescent located just above his brows.
Wooyoung’s powers are heightened when he fully transforms. The louder the vocalizations are, the larger and more aggressively his powers work. This works in the opposite direction, as well, with quieter whispers yielding smaller creations.
Having been sickly for most of his early life, Wooyoung has never been a strong fighter. He’s learned over the years from Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and especially San, how to use an array of bladed weapons, and has actually created items that all of the pirates have used throughout their adventures. San and Yeosang use his creations the most, with each of San’s non-blood-made weapons being something from Wooyoung’s own powers. Yeosang’s preferred cookware are all made from Wooyoung’s own songs.
Due to the nature of his powers, Wooyoung cannot create anything if his ability to speak is hindered for any reason. Because of this and a certain previous experience, Wooyoung prefers to fight in groups with the others and finish fights as quickly as possible. His healing and fighting abilities are lacking compared to the other members of the crew, and serious injuries take him much longer to recover from, most likely a result of his body’s naturally weakened state before he inherited his powers.
-Character Song Breakdown-
All of the main crew members have a song assigned to them in the AtT playlist, and much like his crew position and his introductory chapter, Wooyoung shares his song with San, which is ‘Mist’ by Ateez.
If you’ve read San’s analysis, this section of Wooyoung’s analysis may mirror the breakdown a bit, but the selection of Mist is used as an in-story device for the relationship between the two and their coping with life aboard the slave ship they were taken aboard.
So please
Tell me it’s alright
In this uneasy mist (Alright)
Tell me, it’s all just a moment
So please
If this is my path
Hold my hand tight (Alright)
So I won’t wander for long
All of Wooyoung’s life until he and his family were tricked and he was taken aboard the ship was sheltered and incredibly quiet. Being born and raised as an anemic main with a (more than) slightly paranoid family that sheltered him from the outside world has left Wooyoung with a sense of uncertainty and a lack of confidence when it comes to making impactful decisions on his own without outside leadership. Wooyoung takes more comfort in following the lead of someone he trusts over his own decisions most of the time.
-Character Blurb-
“All I want…is to be stronger than the man I was raised as.” Wooyoung looked up through his bangs, blood running into his eye. The world around him spun, shifting metals and steel.
It's cold. The blades don’t feel like they normally do. In the distance behind him, he can hear someone calling for him. He didn’t tear his gaze away from the figure in front of him, his chest rising and falling harshly as they hummed slightly.
“My, you’ve been barking a lot tonight. Should I be afraid?”
Wooyoung ignored the voices calling for him, narrowing his eye. He sang a tune, low and sorrowful as his metal began to form, sharp and pointed at his adversary.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re afraid. All I know is I’m tired of living in fear and uncertainty.”
The figure laughed and spread their arms, leaving themselves open.
“Give it your best shot then, Navigator.”
Wooyoung inhaled sharply, widening his stance.
With the world whirring around him and vision red, he let out an unholy scream.
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luketaluketa · 24 days
a comic in which he's so fucking back
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incorrectfbaaquotes · 6 months
Sera, sighing: No one really loves me.
Attes: ...are you sure?
Sera: Yeah.
Attes, aggressively pointing at Nyktos: ARE YOU REALLY FUCKING SURE ABOUT THAT?
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zipadeea · 7 months
Sera: goodbye cruel world, ash can’t love me so I’m about to die
Nyktos: *razes a mountain getting to Sera, makes out with sera in the middle of a battle, holds sera in his lap while making war plans*
Nyktos: *adamantly refuses to let sera die, responds aggressively if anyone says something else is more important than sera, calls sera pet names more than he ever calls her sera*
Sera: it’s just so sad, but it is what it is
Nyktos: *threatens attes for smiling at sera*
Attes: bestie are you sure about that?
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mykaeba · 2 months
finally reading tsc after lurking in the aftg tags for a few weeks and i love it :))
current observations include
- neil complained about being a backliner at evermore but somehow didn’t think to mention he was waterboarded??
- jean immediately crushing without ambiguity on both renee and jeremy man is it good to have someone less clueless than that five feet three midget asshole (affectionate)
- jean just threw away all of andrew’s candies?? that man has no fear
- neil and andrew gravitate towards each other :]
- jeremy’s family seems like a hot mess nora you just can’t keep from fucking up your characters huh
- so much trauma layers for jean. so much.
- laila and cat just sounds so strange wdym alvarez has a first name??
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rinwhore · 9 months
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look at them😭😭😭
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katrinegrey · 8 months
More 'A Fire in the Flesh' thoughts
Now that I've gotten a little bit of sleep, I have more thoughts.
JLA making such a big deal about the relationship between Attes and Kyn throughout the entirety of A Fire in the Flesh and at the very end of the book having Nyktos point out that Kyn lost his memories after Ascending (thus most likely being one of the catalysts to him being the "evil twin") makes me so scared for Malec. We still don't know what happened to make him leave Iliseeum. Between Attes and Kyn's issues and Eythos and Kolis' story, the track record for male twins in this series isn't very good.
I'm also so curious about how and why he ends up in Atlantia and how Atlantia was created in the supposedly sacred Bonelands.
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a-l-ias · 1 year
Look, I know it’s taken the wind out of a lot of people’s sails for tarlos, and specifically Carlos, but genuinely, I don’t think I can be mad at Carlos — I’m angry, livid, frustrated, don’t get me wrong, but it’s at the WRITERS. This isn’t a product of the story that is being told, this is just straight up bad writing; it’s a plot point that’s been in the works for years, sure, but the good writing decision would’ve been to drop it: Carlos isn’t the same person as when the plot point was thought of, he doesn’t have the same story, or the same character, or the same weight, or the same relationships. The Carlos they wrote this for doesn’t exist anymore. They failed to take into account every single episode that’s happened since; how far tarlos has come, how close TK and Carlos have been, everything they’ve ever said to each other. they could’ve done this plot point without bad writing: Carlos could’ve thought they’d been legally divorced but it turns out Iris didn’t sign the papers before she disappeared; he could’ve lied to his parents about the actual marriage, which I think would’ve been more interesting for his character (thinking about people pleasing and anxiety); they could’ve done a fucking flashback of Carlos taking TK to meet Iris at the mental hospital — this would’ve fixed a shit tonne of things — introducing him to his best friend, Iris calling him her husband, and then the explanation; they could’ve even freaking gave TK a good amount of time for space and reflection — dude has a RIGHT to be mad. ALL OF THESE are better writing than what they did come up with, and it adds to the person Carlos is now, instead of attempting to preserve an idea someone liked FOUR YEARS AGO.
Carlos isn’t a different character than when we left him at the end of season three. He’s still Carlos. I might be delusional, and it might just be me trying to find some peace, but I’m hanging onto that version of Carlos, carefully crafted over three years, not what this fucking shitty writing decision is trying to sell me.
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requiesticat · 7 months
Somebody needs to tell Goldia to get off her ass and take the other girls back from the strange boy... Sweetie your girlfriends need you /LH
Uh... that was what she did throughout the entire game. I don't know what else to tell you, lol
Considering how all of them treated Goldia horribly, not just Ozzy, it's probably better that they all spend time apart from each other. Do you really want a thirteen year old girl to be further gaslighted and taken advantage of by several people who know that she has amnesia?
And we don't know if she likes her alters that way. With how lgbt people and the mentally ill were treated in the 1800s, maybe that's for the best. Another user brought up how Pocket Mirror's representation of disorders was lacking, but considering how asylums were run in that era... yeah. Be glad we didn't get an exact look into it, unless you want to learn how patients were tortured by doctors using experimental treatments and mistreated by staff. Electroconvulsive therapy was used to "cure" homosexuality, which worked about as well as lobotomies did. Goldia's already been through enough, so it's surprising fans are hard on her for that... especially given that Fleta, Harpae, and Lisette technically don't exist.
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I honestly can’t believe he did this. I trusted this primal and he stepped on my trust like it was nothing but I don’t this he did this willingly despite him doing it.
Attes is the primal accords, war and peace so I’m sure he knows that the destruction that Kolis will bring to the lands.
Ash also mention that he likes 3 things and two of those was peace and war, so I’m sure he knows that there is a time for war that is inevitable and peace. Attes also mentions that he remembers Ash’s dad so he has to know that Kolis is a false king and really the true primal of death.
He has to know that I’d Kolis succeeds that everything in the land is lost and a war like that they’d never recover unless he has the same fucked up beliefs as the false king, which I’m a little hesitant to believe because he seemed too stumped as Sera and Ash when Dyses walked back into the room like Ash didn’t perform open heart surgery on him a few minutes ago.
So my theory is blackmail, like a Malik, Millicent and Isbeth situation only it’s Attes, Kyn and Kolis. Kolis is has something on his brother. That’s the only thing I can come up with.
The other thing is Sera is fucked and I should not trust warrior gods with dimples and a sassy streak.
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
And spoils again before work
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eldragon-x · 2 years
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when the attorneys are ace. happy pride
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Attes (walking in): What's up, Nyktos?
Nyktos: My blood pressure.
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zipadeea · 7 months
I see people talking about how Poppy is obviously Sotoria reborn, but not enough people talking about how Attes has a horse named Setti...and has dimples...and has sworn to protect Sotoria's soul in her next life...and can turn into a HAWK.
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classycoffeecat · 8 months
season 3: desperate house-pirates
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katrinegrey · 2 years
I saw a fan theory on Facebook about Attes and Kayleigh Balfour possibly being a thing later and now I can't stop thinking about how adorable (and most probably tragic) it would be for Attes to fall in love with a mortal.
Regardless if it was Kayleigh or someone else, it would be yet another Primal in this series who did love a mortal after at least Kolis and Nyktos. And Attes would most likely provide us with another lens with which to view that issue. I am here for it!!
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