storiesofthesahabah · 2 years
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Are you?
Are you the one your spouse goes to when he or she is troubled? Are you the one your spouse confides in because he or she feels you are most trustworthy or that he or she knows that you are a source of tranquility for him or her?
It is quite sad and alarming even to know that a lot of Muslim marriages fail and end up in divorce due to many things - but one thing is for sure, however or whatever we went through to be in that marriage or situation - it was Allah's Qadr - and everything that happens in the life of a believer is nothing but a blessing - and sometimes we figure it out later in our lives.
However, this post is not meant to be an opinion on something, rather this is meant to remind those who are married or those who are about to get married or who are thinking of getting married or remarried again about how communication and being close to your spouse makes a big difference in your married lives. 
This is a story about a beautiful couple during the time of the Prophet ﷺ. A couple that both came from honored and blessed families. The man is from those who were giving the glad tidings of Paradise (10 promised Jannah) and whom the Prophet ﷺ himself has given the title "Talhatul Khair" (blessed from head to toe). The woman is from the family of Abu Bakr As Siddiq and was the sister of Aisha Radiyallahu Anha, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ.
Do you now have an idea who this couple are? Yes, it is Talha Ibn Ubaidullah and Umm Khultum Bint Abu Bakr Radiyallahu Anhum. 
As we read this short story about them, we have to remember that Umm Khultum was supervised, educated and even trained by Aisha Radiyallahu Anha regarding almost everything a Muslim woman must learn and know. 
One night, Umm Khultum noticed that her husband, Talha, was quite worried and disturbed and was unable to properly sleep - tossing his body from left to right.
With this, Umm Khultum asked, "Dear, why are you so disturbed and worried? Have I hurt you with any mistake?"
Talha then replied, "By Allah! There is no such thing, You are an exemplary wife. I am just thinking that today I have earned 700,000 dirhams from my trading. What would Allah think about the man who has kept such a huge amount of money in his house. Hence, my night is sleepless. This money is the source of my disturbance. I am unable to decide what to do with it."
Umm Khultum then gave her opinion by saying, "This is not a problem. Right now go to sleep comfortably. Pack this money in bags as the day breaks and distribute it among the needy Ansaar and Muhajjareen."
Subhan'Allah. What a beautiful story.
My dear sister in Islam, are you like Umm Khultum that whenever she would notice her husband disturbed - she would think of consoling him or ask him whether she has displeased him or so?
A lot of the women of this "new generation" may find that this way of thinking of Umm Khultum is oppressive thinking. Why should it be always her fault, right? (Hello to the feminists out there.) 
Nay, this only shows how the women of the Muslims are way different from other ordinary women. 
They know that pleasing their husband is pleasing Allah and by displeasing their husband is displeasing Allah - and this is something that no ordinary woman would readily be able to accept unless they have truly understood the rights their spouse have over them.
And how about you my brother in Islam, are you someone who when asked and consoled by your spouse would give out a nice reply and appreciate her thoughts regarding you? 
Sometimes, it takes a simple word of appreciation to make her day or put a smile on her face - believe me, a good word of appreciation goes a long way for your spouse. 
Just look at how the wordings of Talha were, he replied in a way that delivered his answer moreover delivered a message of love and care towards his spouse.
We have to realize that for us to achieve such a relationship with our spouse - we have to communicate with them and do our parts. My sisters, do not be too demanding towards your spouse and my brothers, show more appreciation whenever you can towards your spouses. 
Don't be too influenced with these modern day concept of feminism - it will destroy your marriage for it can go out of hand rapidly. 
Also, look at how Umm Khultum answered and gave her opinion regarding the dilemma that Talha was having. There's no stain of wanting this world at all - and that shows you how focused they were towards achieving their ultimate goal of pleasing Allah and to be with Him in Paradise.
If you were put in such a situation, would you have the same answer as Umm Khultum? Ask yourself that and answer truthfully - you'll realize how we have come far away from women we should truly look upto. Astagfirullah.
My brothers and sisters in Islam, one thing that would really keep your relationship and marriage strong is none other than your relationship with Allah. Once your relationship with Allah is strong, every other relationship of yours for His Sake will be strong as well.
The more you move away from Allah, the more your relationship with your spouse will grow further from each other. 
So don't lose that relationship with Allah. Do not make your spouse your world - rather make your spouse a means to become even closer to Allah - because that is how it should be.
Be your spouse's bestfriend. 
- become that one person that would make him or her feel reassured and loved. Don't open doors for her or him to look for that "person" outside the boundaries of your marriage. Protect each other from the temptations of this world by being involved with each other and concealing what is private within your marriage - protect your marriage. 
May Allah protect the marriages of all our Muslim brothers and sisters and keep them strong and bless every Muslim with offsprings that would becomes the coolness of their eyes.
Story was taken from
[1] Siyar A'lamun Nubala | Az Zahbi 1/30
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storiesofthesahabah · 8 years
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BOOK UPDATE Assalamu'ālãikūm wa rahmatullāhi wa barakatūhū, I know a lot of you are been asking about the Loveletters by the Sand book. So, here's the happy news. Alhamdulillah from this month of November until the month of its release (will be revealed soon), I will be updating you all regularly about the book progress. Today, I'm sharing a fast draft calligraphy of some of the names of the Sahabah Radiyallāhu Anhūm that are included in the book. Asking for your sincerest du'ā for the easy process and progress of the book. Jazakumullahu Khayran!
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storiesofthesahabah · 9 years
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To everyone who have been asking about my book:
I'm back on my desk, and the writing also has recommenced.
My book, the Love letters by the Sand is targeted to be released and launched on October 2015.
It is one of my most beloved projects as it is centered by the concept of Love for the sake of Allah.
It will cater stories of the couples within the Sahabah RA smile emoticon beautiful and inspirational stories. in shā Allāh I plan to release it's official "brief" description on the day I'll announce the official website of the storiesofthesahabah.
Please remember me in your ad'īyah. We ask Allah Azza Wa Jall to help us fulfill our plans in ways that are most pleasing to Him. Amīn.
-Umm Umar Khāled
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,
I know a lot of you have been asking about the book on when it will be released, the book is alhamdulillah being proof read but there is still no publisher found.
If you still want to have a copy of it, rest assured it will be reviewed by those knowledgable shuyook, do let me know. in sha Allah.
Please do keep on making du'a I find one soon. Jazakallahu Khayran.
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
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Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! It's here, coming this February, the book that will make everyone fall in love in the most halal way (with your future/spouse) in sha Allah. This book is filled with specially selected stories among the lives of the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum on their marriages, how they coped up with each other, how they made Allah Azza Wa Jall as the center of everything, how they guided each other to not lose hope in Him, how they struggled together, their sacrifices and of course the importance of loving for His Sake.  In sha Allah once it is going to be released I would be writing a more detailed summary of the book, in sha Allah.  For now, I need your opinion on the cover, would you actually grab this book if ever you get to see it in a bookstore? May Allah Azza Wa Jall accept our efforts and forgive us all. Amin Zohayma
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakauthu everyone,
Just listed 30 halal love stories from the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum included in the book, still citing some more, I'm targeting at least 50 love stories! in sha Allah!
Please make du'a for me.
-Umm Umar Khaled
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
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Been pretty busy with the book, here's an update on the draft design from my beloved fellow artist and endeared sister in Islam, Wasiela.  Really excited with this book, fall in love with their stories it's just amazingly inspiring.  May Allah Azza Wa Jall grant us all pious spouses that will help us earn Jannah, together with them. Amin.  Please remember me in your prayers.  -Umm Umar Khaled 
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
Loveletters by the Sand
Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, Please forgive me for the slow updates, as I have started writing my book entitled Loveletters by the Sand but in sha Allah I will still update the page every now and then. Please include me in your ad'iyah. I have compiled around 30 halal love stories from the lives of the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum, rest assured the excerpt stories of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and the Mothers of the Believers are also included.  May Allah Azza Wa Jall accept it from us and make it successful. Amin Zohayma
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
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Love letters by the Sand by Umm Umar Khaled [A collection of love stories among the Companions of the Prophet SAWS] _____ Alhamdulillah. I have been making du'a about this one and finally it has came to my heart a firm will of turning this out into a book! in sha Allah. I have been writing about the love stories of the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum for a while now, and whenever I post one, the response from readers is just overwhelming, not to forget that this idea of mine was to invite and encourage the Muslim youth of reading about the greatest love stories that existed with the influence of faith, a collection of halal love stories. in sha Allah. If you know any publisher or anyone who could help me on publishing it, please do not hesitate to message me in sha Allah. Jazakallahu Khayran.  Zohayma
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
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The beauty of halal marriage is beyond wonderful, the effect it leaves on the readers is so poignant that one would motivate on finding such same way of getting into marriage- this is what the story of the wedding of 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib Radiyallahu Anhu with Fatimah Bint Muhammad Radiyallahu Anha is all about. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, if any of you are seeking for a spouse or is on a verge on doing nikkah then this story is for you, and I pray that each one of us would learn from this beautiful story.
(Tho for those who have gone through nikkah and are happily married now, then for sure the brothers would be able to narrate to the experiences of 'Ali and the sisters on the experiences of Fatimah) I will no longer go into full detail of who they are as we all have knowledge about them, what I am trying to focus on is the story of how they got into nikkah. _____ On the day that a marriage proposal was sent to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam for the hand of Fatimah Radiyallahu Anha, a female mawla (freed slave) of 'Ali came to him and persistently encourage him to go and seek for the hand of Fatimah. The mawla said: "Do you know that Fatimah's hand has been sought from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam?" 'Ali said: "No." The mawla said: "Her hand has been sought (in marriage). What prevents you from approaching the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam so that he may marry her to you?" 'Ali answered: "Do I have anything with which to marry?"  The mawla said: "If you go to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam he will marry her to you." And the mawla kept urging 'Ali and she succeeded and made 'Ali go and see the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam. When 'Ali arrived and was sat infront of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam, he was totally dumbfounded as 'Ali said "By Allah I was unable to say anything due to awe and fright." (Ma sha Allah) So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam asked him: "What has brought you? Do you have any need?" 'Ali then kept quiet, not a single word and he was very nervous. (Ma sha Allah) So the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam asked again: "Perhaps you have come to seek Fatimah's hand in marriage?" With this, 'Ali answered so fast like without any doubt and said, "Yes." "Do you have anything with which you will marry her?" asked the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam.  'Ali answered: "By Allah, no, O Messenger of Allah." What about the shield I gave you?" 'Ali said: "It is with me." The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam then said: "I have married her to you. Send it to her and I have made her permissible for you with it." Thus, the shield of 'Ali became the mahr of Fatimah.  The following morning, the wedding day commenced, Asma Bint Umays Radiyallahu Anha was there and narrated the following. "The Prophet came to the door and said: "O Umm Ayman, invite my brother for me." She said:"He is your brother and you are marrying (your daughter) to him?"  The Prophet said: "Yes, Umm Ayman." So 'Ali came and the Prophet sprinkled some water on him and prayed for him and then said: "Invite Fatimah for me." Fatimah then came stumbling due to shyness, so the Prophet told her: "Be calm, I have married you to the most beloved of my household to me." The Prophet sprinkled water on her and supplicated for her as well. As to the wedding feast, as narrated by Buraidah Radiyallahu Anhu 'Ali and Fatimah had a sheep and a group of Ansar gathered for him some measures of sorghum (sweetener syrup). On the night of consummation, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said: "O 'Ali do not do anything till you meet me." Then He Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam requested for water performed ablution with it and then poured the remainder on 'Ali and then supplicated: "O Allah, bless both of them, shower Your blessings on them and bless their children." The marriage of Ali and Fatimah happened during the 2nd year of Hijrah after the Battle of Badr and she bore him Hassan, Hussain and Umm Khultum. _____ Such a beautiful narration on the path to marriage, this is how our marriages should be, before asking about what did you finish, what is your work or so, it was the piety as the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam knew the piety that 'Ali had. There are few points in this story that we should all reflect upon: 1) My sisters, be inspired to the fact that the most beloved daughter of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam had only the shield of 'Ali as her mahr on her wedding.  It is not healthy for us to go and ask for such extravagant mahr, we know that most of the time it is the parents that ask for these things but what I am trying to point out is that we should be clean of that thought, know that the best nikkah is the one of less expense.  2) My brothers, if you are really attracted to this sister to whom you really think would be the person who would help you get closer to Allah Azza Wa Jall then have tawwakul and ask for her hand in the most halal way, not on text nor on facebook or twitter or tumblr, but go tell your parents and let the arrangements be done. If right now all you need is a push, then AKHI I AM PUSHING YOU, I am being the mawla and will persistently urge you to go and marry the sister, make her your queen and I pray Allah Azza Wa Jall blesses you both with wonderful pious children and good life ahead!  3) The Hayaa should intensify than deteriorate, the gheera (protective jealousy) should be present. Yes, not because you are already going into marriage or that nikkah has been done then you can go out to the world and post on facebook and every single social networking site that he gave your flowers, he bought you dress, and all that. And I mean people who flaunt their spouses, like the ones that go viral with shirts "wallah he's mine and wallah she's mine." (no offense). Rather than flaunting your spouse, you should be more careful with him or her, do not talk to anyone about family matters or things between the two of you too. Also most of all, the hayaa and the gheera will help you become more sensitive to others, as hayaa would prevent you from asking about when will your friend get married or so and gheera would prevent you from talking about your spouse to a friend. I have pointed this out as these days nikkah is prolonged until the walimah unlike with the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum, walimah or the wedding feast follows the next day. 4) This story is a reminder and a message to the parents who look for status in life rather than status in deen.  Beloved parents if you really want to see your offsprings settled down in good hands then choose the one who fears Allah the most. By Allah, we do understand the need for assurance for good life for your children, but yes you will get to marry your daughter or son to a wealthy person yet do you think that good life is promised to them? Let me remind you that Allah Azza Wa Jall promised Hayaatan Thayibah (good life) to those who Fear Him, to the Believers. (See Qur'an 16:97) I am not the one who promises you that if you give your son or daughter to a Believer of Allah then good life is given, I really do not, but Allah promises that, and we all know that the Promise of Allah is True. _____ And we pray to Allah Azza Wa Jall that he makes the path to marriage easy for those who find it hard and that He bestows upon us guidance and wisdom on making decisions about nikkah. May Allah Azza Wa Jall shower you all with Hayaatan Thayibah. Amin. Zohayma _____ Stories were taken from: • At-Tabaqaat, Ibn Sa'ad • Dalaa'il An-Nubuwah, Al Bayhaqi 3/160 • Bihaar Al-Anwaar, Al-Majlisee, p.39 • Fadaa'il As-Sahabah 2/955, no. 342 (Sahih) } 2/858 (Sahih) • Al Mu'jam Al Kabir, At Tabari 1153 Note: Some were paraphrased as to what I have read, nevertheless all references are stated so for further details kindly direct yourselves to the dalil. Jazakallahu Khayran. This is part of the series I made about the love stories of the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum, you can find more of this here.
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storiesofthesahabah · 10 years
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With all the struggles and tests that our Ummah has been facing, we can never deny the tragedy that happens, might happen and has happened in our own households. O dear wives of the Muslims, I dedicate this one to all of you. Indeed, we can never deny that in marriage unfolds tests that our hearts could barely bear especially when it involves the tests between husband and wife. I may not know what you are going through, but I wanted to tell you, my dear sister/mother, one who would raise lions of this Ummah, never give up on your husband! Never give up. Let this story of Umm Hakeem Bint Harith Radiyallahu Anha reach your heart. _____ Do you know who was her husband? He was Ikrimah Ibn Abu Hisham Radiyallahu Anhu, the son of 'Umeir Ibn Hisham or famously known as Abu Jahl, one of the worst enemies of Islam! One beautiful characteristic of this woman, Umm Hakeem, and I truly pray Allah Azza Wa Jall be pleased with her, is her love and loyalty to her husband. When Makkah was conquered by the Muslims, 'Ikrimah Radiyallahu Anhu who by that time was still not a Muslim, because of his fear for his life, fled to Yemen leaving behind his wife, Umm Hakeem Raiyallahu Anha. On this time, Allah Azza Wa Jall placed guidance upon the heart of Umm Hakeem and made her enter the fold of Islam, but as she entered the fold of Islam she made a plea to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam, she said: "Ikrimah has fled to Yemen out of fear that your loyal followers may put him to the sword; please give us the opportunity to thank you and grant him a safe haven. You are the standard bearer of mankind, the greatest and best of Allah Almighty's creations. 'Ikrimah is a useful man and I will try my utmost to bring him to the straight path, as I am well acquainted with his habits." On seeing her grievous state, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam agreed and granted safe conduct for the return of 'Ikrimah. So, Umm Hakeem set out to search for 'Ikrimah with her Roman slave. On the way her slave fell a prey to lust and was tempted to have relationship with her and began to flirt with her but Alhamdulillah with the intelligence and wit that Allah Azza Wa Jall bestowed upon Umm Hakeem, she deliberately played for time seeming to give in to his advances until they reached a city of an Arab tribe and there on she was able to get her Roman slave as prisoner. Now, imagine the courage and determination of Umm Hakeem, even though this unexpected problem came it didn't hurdle her from looking and searching for her husband, she set out alone and with the Help of Allah Azza Wa Jall, she was able to find her husband. She convinced her husband to come back with her to Makkah for she has spoken with the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam for his safety, Ikrimah agreed and they set out to Makkah. On their way back, Umm Hakeem told him of her misfortune with their Roman slave, when 'Ikrimah heard this, he became furious and wanted to stop on the way to Makkah, when he saw the slave, he lost his temper and killed the man. Later then, they went and set out for Makkah. On the way he wished to enjoy his marital rights with his wife, but Umm Hakeem, a woman blessed with such piety didn't tolerate Ikrimah even though she loved him dearly and said that it won't be possible until he too accepted Islam and purified himself from the filth of paganism and polytheism. She refused, even though it hurt her, to allow him to even touch her. When they have reached Makkah, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam expressed his great happiness and stepped forward to welcome 'Ikrimah. To this, he inquired if what his wife was telling was true, and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam answered with assurance that it was true. After this, such a wonderful conversation happened between the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and 'Ikrimah that went on to the acceptance and conversion of 'Ikrimah to Islam. _____ Subhan'Allah. What can we learn from this? My dear sisters, it is by nature that sometimes the temper of the husband gets lost and he can be so angry but this is only because they are indeed your better half and they never want to hurt you nor think that someone else would be taking advantage of you. Your husband needs you as much as you need him, ukhti, even though they can't express it well through their words nor actions but know that he went his way and has proven such love and respect for you because he took you in on the most halal way, he married you and made you his wife. Be like Umm Hakeem, that even if situations were at its worst, she never let go of her husband, she looked for him because this is what we call love for the sake of Allah Azza Wa Jall, she didn't want to leave her husband in doom, she wanted to bring him to the right path. Ukhti, you do not know how your actions and words can affect the heart of your husband, so never give up on him, be the most understanding when it comes to your husband, do not be the likes of those women that don't even give time and chance to listen to the explanation of her husband. You are Muslim woman, and Allah Azza Wa Jall made sure that what you get from His servants is what's best for you. Do not tolerate your husband when he commits wrong, if you truly love him, make ways to bring him back to the path, you were created emotionally stronger than him so you can take in and contemplate more on how to handle his temper and desires. You are his better half, he will never feel complete without you. So never give up on your husband, sometimes he just needs you to listen to him and not talk back but just listen, and believe me this will make him appreciate you more than anything. _____ And we pray Allah Azza Wa Jall pours abundant Mercy and Love on every Muslim Home and make this love be the means to strongly bind the hearts of its inhabitants. Amin. Zohayma _____ Commanders of the Muslim Army, Ghadanfar, p. 161-165 Visit Love Letters by the Sand to view more the love stories of the great Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum.
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