#lovely creativesplat
snail-studios · 6 days
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I feel like Link should get to be a magical girl with Mipha (outfit based on the gerudo vai one)
Maybe he would be 'Mystery Girl' who appeared in occasional episodes as a one off character to help the magical girls group. Honestly I'm not sure about what story reasons he would have to pretend to be a magical girl, but I feel like this would be a fun fit for the Mipha magical girl au!
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creativesplat · 1 month
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A doodle of Link and Mipha defeating a Lynel from @only-by-the-stars wonderful fic Song of a Champion!
So this battle was beautifully fluid and the description of the two working perfectly in sync was just breathtaking. I decided to try and illustrate the scene, and I really enjoyed it, (it gave me an awesome excuse to read the scene very carefully and with an eye to the visual which I only really do if I'm going to draw it, and its always so fun to do)!
I couldn't get this image of Link parrying to open a space for Mipha to attack out of my brain because of the fluidity with which they both fought together just felt like that probably happened. I don't know about you, but I just saw them fighting as though they were in a dance, even though Mipha is so firm on her lack of ability and Link's superior skill, I bet he was entranced by her too!
Link's outfit is the stripped back version of the Soldier's Armour Set from BoTW, as though he took off the particularly intense or cumbersome pieces before coming to meet with Mipha, which I thought might be a good nod both his desire for familiarity with Mipha and to Mipha's concern for his safety and frustration with perceived arrogance. He's not even properly equipped and yet he says he can and will fight this Lynel alone.
on Mipha's end, I decided to go for a yellow glow, to not only pin her as the most key character in this scene - she is the central protagonist after all - but also to show that she is actually 100 years in the future, and this is her sinking back into the past, in her memory.
In the beautiful way only-by-the-stars creates a story, I fell into this memory description as well, and I love the conflict and emotion in this, so yeah, just a little note on the writing, but honest to goodness, give this a read!
Other composition ideas:
the original idea was to have something a little more like this:
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with a more fluid attack from Mipha and I think overall this would have served the scene better now that I've finished 😅, but I also wanted the impression that it was Mipha's memory, you're seeing this through her eyes, so having her facing away from you connects you more I think, it feels more like she's witnessing it if its from her perspective.
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so this, from Mipha's perspective, whilst a little less easy to understand visually, would have given the whole thing the fluidity I wanted the piece to have originally.
Anyway that's my two pence, and I hope you go and read Star's fic!
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doodlesandbooks · 10 months
Rafal for the character ask thing!
OOOOHHH @creativesplat why? I thought you knew I had hot takes on Rafal...
OK. I will begin by saying that I am not a strong lover of Rafal, so if you or anyone else reading this do love him, please don't read further, I don't want to upset anyone, or make the fandom a negative or debate-y or difficult to be in, but also want to answer honestly.
(also maybe blocking the tag anti Rafal would be good if you like him, I will tag anything about him which is critical with this so it can be avoided!)
First impression:
I actually bought the DLC because I saw fan art of him and thought that I wanted to find out who this nice looking guy was, everyone drew him with Alfred, and I like Alfred so I thought I would find out who it was. I do think that pink and red are horrible together though. (at the beginning a strong wind killed him which was annoying, but I suppose it makes sence)
Impression now: I will play a classic mode game and suffer through the fell Xenologue just to kill him. He was so so so evil, and then the whiplash change where they try to make him redeemable in about five minutes of clunky and pretty badly written dialogue, after the 'I'm evil!' reveal where he is just a heartless and soulless villain, with unbelievable cruelty suddenly on the last chapter he starts saying 'Nel kill me! No that would be stupid I must fulfil my father's wish! Wait I want to help now!" and I just discovered you were evil? you have killed literally everyone in this world just to be more powerful and now the writers are trying to make you redeemable? I'm usually very good at being merciful to characters who have levelled a world or killed children or whatever, I can look past a lot of stuff in fiction.
But this was so so poorly handled and written. It felt like a spit in the face compared to the normal story and the previous stuff in the DLC. I think they crammed that in there so that you didn't feel like it was a horrible idea to bring him to the Somniel, but all he did on the Somniel was bring my good blorbos bad vibes and meanness so what was the point?
Idea for a story:
Maybe one where he dies at the end of the Xenologue instead of coming back and Nel has to come to terms with the manipulation and abuse she has faced at his hand.
Unpopular opinion:
I hate how he was handled and I really really really don't like him. he is a stain on my Somniel in casual mode.
Favorite relationship:
Nel, just because I feel like the weird love meeting admiration meeting cruelty and deception was more interesting than the other relationships with him which were just cruel tsundere where the soft centre is just slightly less horrible than the outside.
Favorite headcanon:
That he has a complete inability to feel empathy. which I feel like was pretty well established in the supports, like in his one with Alfred, he's only able to convey a little sympathy for Alfred since he can relate it to himself, but until he can relate it to his own experience he doesn't express any interest or empathy towards him. This makes him more interesting to explore I think, it also makes me able to stand him more because it makes the actions he did less bizarrely over the top evil since he couldn't feel empathy for his victims.
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echogekkos-writes · 1 year
suggested by @snail-studios as a fellow mutual 3 ships: Mipha x Link (from BotW/AoC!), Garrus x Shepard (Mass Effect), Finn x Huntress Wizard (Adventure Time)
First Ship Ever: Midlink. It was what definitely got me into shipping. I love Midna and her personality and her design. Favorite LoZ companion by far.
Last Song: The Hunt Begins (Witcher 3 OST)
Last Movie: uhhhhhhh.....I saw Mad Max: Fury Road a couple months ago? (one of my faves). Been a while since I’ve seen a movie.
Currently reading: Rythm of War by Brandon Sanderson (i really need to finish it). If you don’t count all the fanfic, ongoing and oneshots, that ive been consuming.
Currently watching: Nothing! No show has currently captured my interest. Except for my recent deep dive into Escape from Tarkov vids on YouTube.
Currently consuming: Miphlink content on a broad scale. Against the Storm. Age of Wonder 4. Warframe.
Currently craving: Miphlink and Shakarian. Writing my fics and homebrew D&D campaign. Sushi. My constant state of forever.
Tags: @laconicstardust, @eldin-of-pherae, @only-by-the-stars @desiperc @enienah @creativesplat @doodlesandbooks @wanderingshieldmaiden @baradesign @exananas
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caripr94 · 2 years
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I posted 316 times in 2022
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303 posts reblogged (96%)
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I tagged 311 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#politics - 141 posts
#science - 139 posts
#leftism - 124 posts
#sjw - 122 posts
#star wars - 87 posts
#anakin skywalker - 66 posts
#pro life - 63 posts
#abortion - 57 posts
#christianity - 56 posts
#profanity - 45 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#it doesn’t mean she deserved what happened to her at the end of rots but padme was still a very flawed character in her naïveté and elitism
My Top Posts in 2022:
Yeah, that coward OP blocked me for criticizing their precious Bail Organa on their post, so I'm going to have to say it here:
I disagree with there being necessarily nothing wrong with taking advantage of an opportunity. It is wrong when that opportunity comes from someone else's misfortune and you take advantage of that misfortune instead of helping to alleviate it as much as possible. That baby girl's family was being torn apart and instead of helping to keep it together, Bail took advantage of the opportunity for a child to claim as his own and scavenged her from them. That's quite covetous, callous, and cruel, and that's the problem with so many adoptive parents, which is why the adoption system is so corrupt. As for not considering all the factors, Bail Organa was an experienced politician in the middle of a crisis who held the fate of an entire planet in his hands. He should have considered all of those risks to his nation and his family before making such a stupid decision. Like you said, that makes him a bad leader that he was willing to endanger his planet like that.
But you're right about everything else, though.
19 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Hello! I've been thinking about adoption after your post and wanted to follow up. What's your ideal adoption system? I know some parents want free babies to prevent possible interference from biological parents down the road. Even though babies may form bonds with their mother, won't they just eventually forget anyway? I can hardly remember anything before 5 years old.
That kind of adoptive parents you're talking about are half the problem with the adoption system. It's because of them that it's a corrupt industry that makes millions of dollars off of exploiting and manipulating vulnerable women, much like the abortion industry. They're spoiled, entitled, covetous vultures who want womb-wet babies to replace the ones they can't have while ignoring the fact that God gave them to someone else first. Preventing interference from biological parents should be the last thing on their minds, but it's often the first thing that they consider, even though it's rarely ever what the children need. Those babies may consciously forget their moms, but I don't think that their subconscious minds ever forget. The trauma that separation from their moms causes is so profound that it has significant psychological and even physical effects that can last a lifetime. And then there's still the inherited genetics that determine their brain structure and chemistry, which lays the foundations for a child's temperament, preventing them from bonding with their adoptive parents like they ever could with their biological parents. Even adoptees with loving adoptive parents always know that there's something missing, even if they don't always acknowledge it and it takes them decades to do so.
I already mentioned in the comments on that post that kinship care and legal guardianship are better alternatives if the parents can't or won't care for the kids no matter how hard you try to convince them or support them. Adoption should be a last resort if an option at all, and even then, it shouldn't be closed or lasting.
26 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
@steambabyweek was supposed to kick off yesterday, but it didn't. It probably doesn't have enough traction right now, but that needs to change.
34 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
You know that your interpretation of a ship is bad when you have to ignore the significant character and relationship development in the narrative (especially in later parts) that makes the ship work. You also know you're misinterpreting it when you're comparing it to characters and ships that have nothing in common with it.
38 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A message from a Zutarian
Kataang shippers and other Zutara antis, you might have Bryke and their canon, but we now have the other writers and their broadcast drafts of the scripts. There's now no valid reason to call us delusional for reading Zutara into the A:TLA narrative any more than Kataang. So I suggest you take a good look at these before proceeding to do so or telling us that the buildup was never part of the canon.
55 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
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rai-knightshade-art · 2 years
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I posted 40 times in 2022
33 posts created (83%)
7 posts reblogged (18%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 40 of my posts in 2022
#myposts - 32 posts
#myart - 30 posts
#star wars legends - 11 posts
#pitch perfect - 10 posts
#pitch perfect rare pair week - 10 posts
#anne of green gables - 10 posts
#zekk - 10 posts
#young jedi knights - 10 posts
#jaina solo - 9 posts
#anne with an e - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#also i know this isnt strictly anne with an e but i think the whole fandom will get a kick out of this particular joke so im tagging it
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Y'all know that post about "what if there was a Smash style game but with public domain characters"? This Post? Yeah i had an idea for that 😂 Though my idea wasn't "Jay Gatsby with the steel chair!" (Although that is a very funny mental image), it was "Anne Shirley with the chalk slate!" And so this comic was born! Also i threw in Victor Frankenstein cause he deserves to get smashed over the head with a slate by an 11 year old actually, maybe it'll teach him some humility like it did Gilbert.
Also Marilla and Gilbert would be summonable characters with funny catchphrases, you know they would--Marilla with her "Fiddlesticks!" And Gilbert with an apple pun (as is his wont). Truly I'm sad this doesn't actually exist.
(close ups under the Read More! Image IDs are in the alt text)
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11 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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I seem to be on a "fave media x 80's cult classic" kick right now (there'll be a Sailor Moon x Back to the Future post sometime in the future), so let's have my latest combo: the Young Jedi Knights Squad (Jaina, Jacen, Zekk, Tenel Ka, and Raynar) as The Breakfast Club! Aka a fanfic that i will never write and yet so desperately want to see written i already made Fanart for it. Go figure. Anyways have some iconic scenes from the movies!
Close Ups and a description of each of the "club" members below the cut, image IDs in the alt text!
The Players:
Zekk is, obviously, the "delinquent"; he's an orphan, he has to work and scrounge up his food and clothes, he pulls harebrained schemes for the adrenaline rush--he's a teacher's (specifically Brakiss's) worst nightmare. Of course, that's not all he is; he's got a key mind for mechanics and technology, helped by his scrap searching; he stays out at all hours because he doesn't like being home alone (his guardian Peckham, who he loves like family, is often away as a truck driver, and it gets lonely in their little house without him); he's kindhearted, and fiercely loyal, he just doesn't want to let anyone in out of fear of losing them, or that they won't like what they see....
Jaina is the "princess"; the only daughter of the Governor, she's been groomed to play nice and hang out with the other children of politicians and CEOs since she was just a little girl. Nowadays they form her primary group of friends, the most popular kids in school, looked up to--or down upon-- by their peers in equal measure. And... She kinda hates it. She stays with them only out of obligation, to make her mother's life easier, but she doesn't particularly care about any of them and doesn't even particularly enjoy their company; it's all drama and gossip and a revolving cacophony of dating and breaking up and bitter exes and rivalries and she is sick of it. She would much rather be spending her time at her dad's auto shop, getting her hands dirty tuning up engines and changing oil and bonding with Han. She can't tell anyone that tho, it would ruin her reputation...
Jacen is the "jock"; the twin brother of Jaina, he also feels a certain pressure to stay in with the popular crowd. He achieves this by being captain of the fencing team; it's no star quarterback position but it is still respectable among his peers. Fencing isn't his true passion, tho; he'd much rather be spending all his time at the local animal shelters, or assisting at the zoo. He's an animal lover through and through, but it's something he hides from his "friends" so that they don't have reason to shun him for being a "sissy." He knows there's nothing ignoble about his hobby, but they don't know that....
Tenel Ka is, for lack of a better term, the "weirdo"; she comes from somewhere called Dathomir, from a culture of fierce warrior women, and boy, does she act like it. She will readily duel anyone who looks at her wrong, she eats entire animal legs for lunch, and she never seems to show much emotion.... Ever. Add to that her missing arm (which no one knows the truth about btw, rumors fly about it being anything from a childhood accident to one of her duels gone wrong), and she cuts an intimidating figure that most students avoid. Is there more to her than that? Oh is there. Is there ever.
Raynar Thul is the final member of the crew; he's the "trust fund baby" that hangs out with a very specific clique that even Jaina and Jacen aren't a part of. He comes across as snobbish and standoffish, unwilling to dabble with anyone "lesser". This is a front, however; he projects this persona because it's what his parents expect from him, and he doesn't want word getting back to them about what he actually does: extensive volunteer work. Raynar has a drive to help people, and has been trying to use his privilege all through high school to do just that, by volunteering at food banks and for highway clean up, and donating as much of his allowance as physically possible where he can. In fact, it's how he met his girlfriend Lusa, but that's a whole other can of worms...
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11 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
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Young Jedi Knights!! Or, ok more accurately they're old enough to be New Jedi Order/Fate of the Jedi/etc etc era but I'm ignoring, like, all of that. So.
@lizartgurl you know that scene we low-key talked about? I drew it 😅 nothing like a good set of parallels in your star wars fan art!
And I'm also of the opinion that Zekk's dynamic with the twins when they were younger is basically 50% Off Makoto and Nagisa, so i present Zekk, explaining one of his many adventures to a pair of kids that i will explain below the cut because their story is... Complicated, and started literally a decade ago 😅
More details and closeups below the cut, image IDs in Alt Text as always!
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13 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
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Prompt: "This is me trying"
Pitch Perfect RarePair Week 2022, Day 1
Because we all know the REAL reason Jessica and Ashley didn't get much screentime in the movies was because they were busy being James Bond-esque super spies/secret agents and living out their very own Mrs. and Mrs. Smith AU. Speaking of, hey, Pitch Perfect fandom? I have seen ZERO Mrs. and Mrs. Smith AU's for these two yet and I am APPALLED. It's perfect for them! Secret hidden lives, confusion over names (because they've got so many cover identities it's hard to keep track who's who), JESSICA'S LAST NAME IS LITERALLY SMITH THIS FIC WRITES ITSELF.
Anyways, welcome to my first entry (EVER!!) for Pitch Perfect RarePair Week! I rewatched the first movie recently, hyperfixated, and came to the realization that, apparently, it's "oops all rarepairs and hot takes" for me 😅. This seemed like the perfect way to tentatively test the waters of truly joining in, ya know? And so, I offer this drawing as your prompt, oh fic writers of the fandom; if you want to write this AU, you've already got free fan art for it! And my undying devotion.
This is, of course, for Prompt #1, "this is me trying"; I'm sure this was intended to be an angsty, emotional turmoil between partners prompt, but I couldn't help but turn it on its head into a comedic exchange in the middle of a High Stakes Infiltrate-and-Extract job, ya know? YOU try cracking the safe then, Jessica, if you think it's so easy! 😂
Stay tuned for the rest of my RarePair Week posts, and of course check out everybody else's entries over on @pitchperfectrarepairweek as they come in! There's some seriously talented writers in this fandom! As for me, I've got a couple of different rarepairs I've been drawing for, plus (hopefully) one fic for Day 5 that also ties into Day 6 (and, technically speaking, Day 2, though it's not as obvious)... Provided I can, ya know, ever finish writing the damn thing 😅. Though I will warn y'all, Day 2's entry may or may not be late, as I only had the idea for it a couple days ago and I haven't had time yet to draw it 😅 we shall see how quickly I can get it put together!
Links to the other RarePair Week posts and a close up below the cut, Image ID is in the alt text!
Days I'm participating in (and the Entries I've posted):
Day 1 (This is me trying): You are Here!
Day 2 (I've missed you): Link
Day 5 (If honesty means telling the truth... Well then the truth is I'm still in love with you): Link
Day 6 (There's no way that it's not going to happen with you looking at me like that): Link
Close Up:
Day 7.1 (I can't say it, but I'll sing it): Link
Day 7.2 (part 2 of Day 2): Link
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15 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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"Have I known you 20 seconds ....
......or 20 Years?"
(or: I couldn't find a satisfactory Anne of Green Gables bookmark so I made my own)
(image id in alt text, close ups/alt angles and artist thoughts under the cut)
(quote from Taylor Swift's "Lover")
So, I really wanted a bookmark featuring my all time favorite Anne quote, aka the "diamond sunbursts and marble halls" line. But I couldn't find a good bookmark that I liked that also featured that line, so I just decided, what the hey, I'll make one myself, and I can do it exactly the way I want to! And then I did 😂.
I wanted a double-sided bookmark so I could feature a scene from each of my two favorite adaptations of Anne, i.e. the Sullivan movies and Anne with an E. I knew the Sullivan side would have the main quote since said quote actually appeared in the movies, and from there it was an easy decision to pair it with the reunion scene from A Continuing Story, a) because that scene has lived rent free in my head since I was 10, and b) while the first kiss that came after the actual line was beautiful, the reunion scene brings a different, more desperate emotion to the quote that I really like. It's in the way they clutch at each other desperately, the way Gilbert's face is pressed into her shoulder so tightly you can see wrinkles in his skin appear, the way Anne runs her fingers through his hair, the whole scene just screams "all I've wanted for two straight years was just to hold you in my arms again" and I burn I pine I perish.
After that it was just a matter of figuring out the Anne with an E side. I decided pretty quickly that I wanted the bonfire scene, both to contrast the other side by splitting the image up and because that scene, almost more than the actual first kiss scene, really cemented Gilbert's love for Anne to me, you can see it in his eyes as he looks up at her, illuminated by fire, like he's looking at his own personal goddess. And with that idea came the decision to use his letter as the quote, albeit shortened cause homeboy was rather wordy in confessing his love (which I adore that's a whole other rant) so that I kept the main, emotional hooks.
Then, I surrounded each one with meaningful flowers (lilies of the valley for the og, queen Anne's lace for the newbies), splashed some watercolors across the backgrounds for some flavor, and that was that!
Btw these are both done on toned mixed-media paper, it's thick and it's almost a cross between card stock and cardboard. I designed the whole thing in pencil, inked it in black and white, then threw watercolor over the top before finishing with water soluble markers and retouches to the white gel ink where needed. I plan to laminate this for it's protection but these pictures were taken unlaminated.
Close ups:
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19 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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only-by-the-stars · 2 years
@creativesplat replied to your post “@oliviartist replied to your post “honestly, how...”:
I'd love to!! You are fabulous and your writing is stunning!!! I am sending you a virtual wild-berry crepe to restore 10 hearts of loving yourself and your amazing writing because you are fantastic! 🤗 (sorry if that was a little eccentric 😅) but you are amazing!
@oliviartist replied to your post “@oliviartist replied to your post “honestly, how...”:
@enienah replied to your post “@oliviartist replied to your post “honestly, how...”:
Girl start believing in yourself or I will find you and I will use my soup ladle I mean I’m obviously joking BUT I MEAN WHAT I SAID (very first part) And I will read it!!!
this is very very sweet of you all, and I appreciate it, believe me ;~; but I'm talking about a fic for Miphlink Week, when there'll likely be multiple other shorter fics posted on the same day, and I have a hard time imagining anyone choosing my long-ass one to read when there are better options ;~;
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embywolf · 3 years
Saturday Shout Out
I actually find it difficult to just choose one person to shout out, I haven't been on Tumblr long but so far everyone here has been so kind and friendly! I always feel bad that I don't pick everyone I've interacted with in this community but thats because I want to try and make each shout out individual. This week I want to thank @creativesplat! One of the first people to welcome me to this site and offer advice on fic writing. Also commented on my first ever piece of fic writing that was part of the reason why I didn't delete the post and hide from writing for good. 🤣
Not only are you a talented author, but your art skills are just wow. The art you did for @wanderingnightingale's Dropping the Sword fic was stunning. Just look at the amount of effort and love put into Hylian Revali! 🤩🤩 Just amazing! I've never really been into MiphLink but your fic A Castle Full of Ghosts persuaded me to 'dip my toe' as it were, and I'm glad I did. This fic really hit me in the feels multiple times and it really conveyed to me the effect Mipha's death would of had on Link and how it plays on his mind. Everything about the work is just raw and full of emotion, even the title of the fic is perfect. Thank you for being so welcoming to me when I joined, offering advice and support as well as being such a talented author and artist! I look forward to seeing/reading what you produce in the future. 😁
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snail-studios · 6 months
do you have a favourite colour?
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I really like using pinks and yellows but my favourite colour has to be a pale, d saturated green. like the kind you'd see in someones eyes ;3
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snail-studios · 5 months
For Orca lady (Orcitoh perhaps or Orphae??) here are some questions!
after 100 years passes, does she realise that she misses link's rivalry and camaraderie? when he comes back how does she react? How does she react when she sees Link in Mipha's engagement armour? What does she think of Muzu? did she help Mipha on her journey to collect things for the engagement armour and help her keep it a secret? Did she know about the armour in the first place? Did Mipha start resenting her for her dislike of Link/ was Link's dislike of her a topic of argument between mipha and link? does she begrudgingly respect Link for his cooking prowesses? What's her favourite food and weapon? what's her relationship with Doraphan like?
Hope that helps unveil a bit about her character :)
Ahh those are great name suggestions!!!
Long answers under the cut ⤵
Feel free to send me more questions like these, too!! it was super fun to answer all of these ♡
after 100 years passes, does she realise that she misses Link's rivalry and camaraderie? 
I think she does! She finds herself missing their spars and arguments, and while she really resents Link for failing Hyrule and Mipha (in her mind), she wishes he was still around. 
When he comes back, how does she react? 
Anger, at first. She can’t believe he has the gall to show up at Zora’s Domain after letting everyone down with no memories. It makes her furious, because at the very least he could have remembered Mipha, but he doesn't. After he regains his memories and kills Ganon she warms up to him a little, and they even become good friends. I’d like to think in an AU where the Champions come back (i have a fic about that on a03 wink wonk), she’d be a lot nicer once he brought Mipha back :))))))) 
How does she react when she sees Link in Mipha's engagement armour? 
I think she would be hurt and a little heartbroken, but try to be happy for them as long as Link treated Mipha right. 
What does she think of Muzu? 
I think she would find him a little annoying and disapprove of how hard he works the Zora siblings, but she doesn’t hate him. Muzu on the other hand loves her, since she’s hard working at her job. Maybe they’re even both out-of-towners in Zora’s Domain and hail from the ocean.
Did she help Mipha on her journey to collect things for the engagement armour and help her keep it a secret? 
I think she would when it was too dangerous for only one person, but understands it’s a pretty private quest so keeps her distance.
Did she know about the armour in the first place?
Not for a while, and she only realised it was for Link when Mipha told her. She’s not one to go snooping around a princess’ room, after all.
Did Mipha start resenting her for her dislike of Link/ was Link's dislike of her a topic of argument between Mipha and link? 
There’s a little tension but I like to think if things got really serious between them before the Calamity (which it most likely did) Link and the Orca would try to make up, or at least be civil. Maybe they’d get into a bit of a brawl and then realise they shouldn’t fight… ✨ mipha’s happiness is more important ✨
Tho a brawl might be a bit OOC for this OC as she’s quite level headed. Although, orcas can be pretty vicious irl…
Does she begrudgingly respect Link for his cooking prowesses? 
She prefers most of her stuff raw, so she’s not that interested in it, but she does get jealous when he prepares stuff for mipha lol.
What's her favourite food and weapon? 
Anything with salmon in it! And favourite weapon…hmm. Probably a really jagged spear made of teeth that she took with her when she left the ocean. I think she’d use her wits and bare hands and teeth too. She’s not someone you would want to get into a fight with, and I doubt Link could beat her alone.
…Now I want her to have a villain arc. 
What's her relationship with Doraphan like? 
They’d probably be really close! He'd known her since she was young (maybe mid-teens?) and probably rescued her from the ocean or the jaws of a monster, so he’d think of her the same way he thinks of Link. That doesn’t mean he approves of everything she does, though, but he thinks she’d be a good leader.
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creativesplat · 8 months
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a little doodle of my favourite fire emblem guys (modern au!)
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creativesplat · 1 year
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Eve of Battle.
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creativesplat · 8 months
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Have a Dimitri because juggling hyper fixations is almost all I do now.
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creativesplat · 9 months
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Happy birthday to Nintendo's unexpectedly nuanced princess!
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creativesplat · 8 months
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@alflearweek Day 4: Pact Ring
I was going to do their actual clothes, but Alfred's blends too much with the pact ring (the colours line up perfectly!) so I thought I would put them in something a bit fancier 💙🩵
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creativesplat · 5 months
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