chimchimjiminin · 6 years
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I don’t post these often so I said ehh why not. 💜🌸💜
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lovethemuchiha · 7 years
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Here’s my final commission from @raconteurwitch! This is my other D and D character Tinlef Jostina. She was born in a mans body but thankfully Elf figures are naturally lithe and slim so she just wears make up and her favorite dress and most humans are none-the-wiser. She lives in a world where the God’s are dead and all the remaining races live together in a few cities left after the war. She was ostracized by her family, not because of her orientation but because she chose the path of the Barbarian. Her family revered archery and stealth and told her she was an embarrassment to the family name with her uncouth hacking and slashing ways. So Jostina left and because a traveling Gladiator, using her weapon finesse as entertainment or finding her way into fighting dens she makes money and travels from city or city for fun. Her axe is a great axe of sharpness she picked up from slaying mass murderer call “The Butcher”. She’s overly fond of it even though it has a tendency to summon bats against her will and try to suck her blood when she’s not looking and has no plans to give it up no matter how many times it glows the elvish words for “unworthy” at her. She’s very sure it just needs to warm up to her. Thank you a 1000000x for this beautiful lady Dani !!! She’s exactly as I imagined her. ❤️
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iheartgot · 7 years
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Sam 'I do what I want' Tarly (requested by lovethemuchiha)
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 7 years
What are signs of a young tumblr? I am young, but I don't want my tumblr to be one of those where people look at it and go "Eww, child on tumblr". Any tips?
Well, first off I do want to make it clear- as much as people bitch about ‘young tumblrs’ (and I do this too), it’s important to have a tumblr you are happy and comfortable with. You don’t have to hide yourself, as long as you aren’t directly harassing someone then you can enjoy tumblr as you wish.
That being said, these are typically for me the warning signs of a young tumblr (either physically young or emotionally/mentally):
Repeating the same question/statement over and over again even though you have an answer as a way of expressing disbelief (usually involving shipping stuff).
“You posted about _____? I can’t believe it! You posted about _____. I’m still trying to process. You posted about ____. ______? Seriously? _______???”
Misusing the word ‘literally’
“I’m literally dying rn”
“I’m literally screaming rn”
Getting angry over weird stuff.
“I’m mad at (author) because (disagree with character’s life choices or perceived plot shortcomings).”
Pointless comments just for the sake of commenting (esp when they are one-word comments).
Getting into shipping fights in general.
If you care so much about them boning, write fanfic.
Pushing slash ships on people even after they say they aren’t interested.
“You have to ship ______. I’m going to send you stuff even after you say you’re not interested and keep pushing it to convert you.”
Towards above– Pushing fandom stuff on someone in general saying you’re going to “convert” or “convince” them.
Obvs exception to this is if someone asks you to explain it or elaborate.
Generally being optimistic and not cranky af about everything.
Especially early morning/late night.
Using ‘bae’. In any context.
Telling people they can’t enjoy ______ because of __________ (Insert half-baked social justice position).
You’re not converting anyone, you’re just earning blocks.
Reblogging stuff just to go on rants about unrelated topics.
This has happened, thankfully it’s rare.
Putting your specific age on your blog DID YOUR PARENTS FORGET TO TEACH YOU THE INTERNET IS FULL OF WEIRDOS?!?!?!?
Tumblr doubly so.
Saying you’re the _____ (character/actor/author name) personal defense squad.
These are either fake-ass or grown-ass individuals, chill.
Going to sleep before the Australians are on.
Or going to sleep before the Americans are on.
I’m talking continents here- North & South, not just US-Americans
Not bitching about tumblr mobile every chance you get.
(Via @lovethemuchiha) Having a massive bio.
Name, Pronouns, Fandoms, Food Preferences, Height, Age, Physical Description, Info you’d find on a dating profile, Describing personality, Asking for Asks
Like, pick 3 of those.
Referring to characters/people as “My child” or “Daddy/Mommy”
I think that’s it… Fellow grown-up tumblrs, anything to add?
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kiminicricket · 7 years
AN: This is a short AzrielxOC one shot inspired by a post that for some reason I can’t link, but it came from @lovethemuchiha​ hope you enjoy :)
Azriel landed on the roof with barely a whisper of sound. He surveyed the moonstone palace, slightly grey through the haze of his shadows, which were constantly whispering to him, reminding him of everything he needed to tell Rhys, letting him know of things that had happened here in his absence. Resolute, he tucked his wings in tight and set off towards the study, where he would be sure to find his high lord. Half way there his shadows sang to him, and half a step later he scented her. Alesea. His mate. 
She was hiding behind the corner, using her wings to blend into the shadows, waiting to ambush him. He swallowed a smile and continued as though he didn’t know she was there, letting out a small chuckle when she launched herself at him, pushing them both into a small alcove with a couch. His shadows all but disappeared as her hands ran over his face, his chest, through his hair and half a moment later she dragged him down to kiss her. “You know you can’t sneak up on me,” he murmured to her when they finally took a breath. “Mmmmm,” she said non-committedly, tracing his cheekbone before kissing him again. “Easy now,” he said, glancing around at the semi-public place they were making out in, but his arms readily wrapped around her, holding her close as she kissed up and down his neck, before her fingers greedily grabbed at the neckline of his tunic, dragging him to one of the guest bedrooms on the floor. Once in there she whirled on him, and he easily caught and held her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her fingers through his hair, and kissed him until they were both breathless. “I missed you,” she whispered when they once again came up for air. Azriel just kissed her again, earning a satisfied sigh when he eventually pulled away resting his forehead against hers, enjoying the moment of peace, of silence. “I missed you too,” he said. A knock on the door interrupted them. Alesea huffed an impatient sigh and Azriel bit back his grin. Though she had been living in the night court for several months now, it was no secret that she merely tolerated the others in order to be with Azriel. Azriel made to move for the door, but Alesea shoved him backwards hard enough that he fell back onto the bed. She raised a teasing eyebrow. “You can stay there until I’m done with you.” she turned to the door and opened it. Mor peeked in. Alesea all but growled at her. Mor bared her teeth in return. Azriel jumped up, darting to the door to put a steadying hand on Alesea’s shoulder. “What is it?” he asked Mor. Mor tore her attention away from the territorial Alesea long enough to glance at Azriel. “Rhys mentioned you hadn’t given him the report of the mission yet. I said I’d chase you up.” “He’s been back all of five minutes, give him a gods-damned break!” Alesea hissed. “He’d be halfway through his report already if you were still-” “Tell Rhys I’ll be there in five minutes,” Azriel interrupted, knowing that if Mor finished that particular sentence half of the house would soon be in rubble. Mor shot him a look that was somehow both apologetic and irritated. He pulled Alesia back and shut the door before the two got into an all-out brawl. Azriel turned to Alesea, who was still tense. “Are you ok?” he asked. “I don’t like her.” “I know, but this is her home too, you probably shouldn’t snap at her every time you see her.” As far as Azriels friends went, Alesea put up with most of them with indifference. She quite liked Elaine, and got on ok with Feyre and Cassian. She avoided Nesta like the plague, and Rhys she gave the respect due his status and little else. She and Amren completely ignored each other, but Mor… Alesea and Mor had been at each other’s throats since the day Azriel had brought her home. Alesea clenched her teeth, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. “I just don’t like the way she-” “She had her reasons.” Alesea stepped back and shook her head. “be that as it may, all it would have taken was one conversation.” She looked at him, raising her eyebrows as if daring him to question her logic. “She made it pretty clear. It was me who couldn’t let go.” “Don’t do that!” Alesea’s voice was getting louder, and Azriel approached trying to calm her. “Don’t take all the blame on yourself like you always do! She broke you. You were broken!” Azriel drew her in, rubbing his hands up and down her back. She melted into him and he kissed the top of her head. They had had this conversation half a dozen times in the last few months, and he was thankful, so thankful for this spirited female who loved him more than anything and anyone else, this female who fought for him, even in the smallest things. And despite this antagonistic relationship with Mor, Azriel knew Alesea would defend her and any of this family to the death, because of who they were to him. “None of that matters anymore.” Alesea looked up at him. Looked up at the quiet joy in his eyes, looked at the slight smile at the corner of his mouth. “I just want you to be happy.” She said. She couldn’t breathe sometimes when she thought about all he had been through. All he had endured. “I am.” She reached up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind his ear. “Go give your report to Rhys,” she said quietly before smirking suggestively, “and then come back to me. We have plans for this evening.” Azriel dropped a quick kiss on her nose before doing as she bade.
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inkedace · 8 years
Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you.
TAGGED BY: @bcbybats​  Thanks fam  TAGGING:  gosh golly I’m bad at tagging people I feel bad leaving out someone who wants to do it and isn’t tagged so just ??? do it.
A - AGE: Heading to 22 B - BIGGEST FEAR: External: Heights. Internal: Failure C - CURRENT TIME: 11:14 am D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Orange Juice E - EVERY MORNING STARTS WITH: Contact rewetting drops & Peeing  F - FAVORITE SONG: Currently; All Night - The Vamps
G - GHOSTS ARE THEY REAL: More than fucking likely I - IN LOVE WITH: Anime characters. Link/LOZ. Dogs & foxes. My friends?? K - KILLED SOMEONE: Maybe with my words. L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: EARLIER toDAY LMAO I WAS PLAYING BREATH OF THE WILD AND IT HIT ME IN THE FEELS. M - MIDDLE NAME: Alexis N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1 older sister, 1 younger step-brother O - ONE WISH: I wish I knew what to do with my life I’m terrified of failure and not making it but I don’t even know what I want to do please help.   P - PERSON YOU LAST TEXTED/CALLED: @lovethemuchiha​  Q - QUESTIONS YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED:  What the fuck, Skyler?  R - REASONS TO SMILE: gay anime & dogs S - SONG LAST SANG: Last night - the vamps T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 9:30 am U - UNDERWEAR COLOUR: light grey w/ some kind of bird on it V - VACATION DESTINATION: London or Japan.   W - WORST HABIT: biting my nails & pulling out my eyebrows X - X-RAYS YOU HAVE HAD: My knee & my hand Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: Cereal Z - ZODIAC SING: Cusp of Virgo & Libra
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zhonglis-ass · 6 years
lovethemuchiha replied to your post “Rec Request”
Yona of the Dawn? Idk how mainstream that is so maybe you’ve read it already.
literally JUST finished the available chapters. I love it though, yona is my avatar rn 
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dianadworak · 8 years
I saw you asked if there were any other ACOTAR/MAF characters people wanted to see and I'm just gonna toss out the idea of painting that blue faerie with pointed teeth and black eyes that Amaranth dropped on Tamlins border in book one.... ive been dying to see a rendition of him and my skills are not that far yet lol I love your art, thank you for posting so many beauties!
Thank you so much for the writing! Oh goodness this is such a great idea, that scene was so good/ sad. Plus the colours of the night/blue skin and blood could look so good together! Also keep learning, I’m sure you’ll be far better than me one day and will illustrate all the awesome scenes! And thank you xx
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jcoles · 9 years
fierce eyes, dark eyeshadow, thorns, goddess status, veins that you can see through skin, toned legs, sunlight coming through the dense foliage, liquid gold, stacks of coins
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lovethemuchiha · 7 years
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Finally broke down and drew our sweet, sweet boy💜
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ulquiora · 10 years
Time skip Toshiro or original Toshiro
my my god
Make me choose between two characters and I’ll make an edit with my answer
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boysoverflowersdaily · 10 years
Can you gif JiHoo playing the violin and JanDi watching him + the scene where he wipes her tears away at the pool. Plssss ty :3
request will be added to the list hoping to get most of this request done by the end of this week :D
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following: no sorry | I am now | Yes | OFC
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lovethemuchiha · 7 years
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What are you trying to tell me Google
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lovethemuchiha · 7 years
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Wow boy o boy the finale of killing stalking was great. This exact final panel which was definitly not followed by anything at all was a great way to end the season. So glad nothing else followed this to ruin Bums happiness. Yup the end.
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lovethemuchiha · 7 years
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