#loving the passion behind these two snow lads
jerktournament · 1 year
ROUND ONE - Herbert P. Bear (Club Penguin) VS Snowball (Battle for Dream Island)
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HERBERT: "Herbert may be a fandom darling in our fandom of like, 20 people. BUT DON'T LET THAT FOOL YOU! He is a conniving, EVIL bear, and a professional jerk and some highlights of his jerkishness include... - Spending ten years of his life (by the time the game closed) trying to destroy the Penguin Secret Agency and Elite Penguin Force (both were agencies that protected the island from disasters and villains like Herbert) with varying success... - SUCCESSFULLY destroyed the Penguin Secret Agency with a popcorn bomb, which destroyed their HQ. It should also be noted that while doing so, he locked in the player, Rookie, and Gary the Gadget Guy, presumably so the bombs explosion would have killed them all. -Teamed up with the EPF to stop the Ultimate Protobot 10,000 and the Test Bots, a small group of four dangerous robots after he personally brought them back. When Protobot went "too far" for Herbert's standards by threatening the environment and trying to completely destroy the EPF (despite the aforementioned Popcorn Bomb incident literally destroying the PSA, and also a certain Operation: Blackout), causing him to temporarily switch sides. This might sound like a character growth moment...except for the fact that he immediately betrays them once Protobot is dealt with and attacks and damages the EPF's HQ using a robot hydra made for the Medieval Party that he stole. - A canonical ex-dictator. Don't believe me? Look up Operation: Blackout on the Club Penguin Wiki! He froze several agents during his reign of terror, was open to freezing innocent civilians, and also wanted to do away with puffles- the pets of penguins. He also banned several hobbies and professions during his reign (being a Ninja, a DJ, a Pirate, etc) for no reason other than disliking them. He also destroyed the EPF'S HQ and exposed two agents' private information to the public. This means Herbert is the first and only character to canonically dox people he doesn't like on Club Penguin. -Was planning to bomb the EPF literally two months later with a hot sauce bomb (makes sense in context of the game and yes, it is more destructive than it sounds). -Brainwashed puffles into digging coins for him purely because his henchman, Klutzy the crab brought a coin slot to use for his DIY heater, instead of just removing the coin slot and retooling it to work without one like a normal person."
SNOWBALL: "OMG. SNOWBALL. SB. BABYGIRL. MI PRINCESA. HE IS SUCH A JERK. ok so for starters he is very arrogant and cocky (like a jock) and he thinks of himself as better than other contestants. snowball is also very stubborn and doesn't like people telling him what to do, and he often ditch or hurt his teammates for the sake of the challenge, thinking he was in the right to do so. he often intimidates and threatens the hosts of the show he competes on (x in bfb and two in TPOT) and he is also bery unlikeable both to fans and in universe. he was so unlikeable that in the firsr season of the bfdi franchise in a vote to regoin, he got the least votes out of 21 contestants with 8, less than 1/100 of the total votes. because of his behavior he made a reputation for himself among the other contestants, and was picked last for team making in the 5th season/TPOT. even on his new team in TPOT he is give the cold sholder by his teammates. OK NOW TO THE JERKY STUFF HE DID. so first of all he has killed at least 10 people, and he has hurt multiple contestants out of rage or for the challenge multiple times (some examples being when he broke fanny, a member of his older team from season 4 for telling him what to do, or him setting grassy, another member on his team in the 5th season on fire for the challenge. or the time that he punched grassy off inti the distance twice because "he felt like punching something "in episode 3 of TPOT). snowball also sabotaged his team in a challenge on purpose purely because of his ego (episode 4 of TPOT). he is also pretty rude to pretty much anyone and everyone, including hosts. only begrudgingly listening to them if it benefits himself. that is it (sorry for the really long propaganda he is my comfort and my favorite character from his series, i have been nominated as his no. 1 fan)"
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sgcairo · 2 years
Pitch for an AU of The AU
If Anastasiy hadn't been picked up by Pantalone, the Tsaritsa would've undoubtedly taken him under her wing. Hence I raise you: Prince of Snezhnaya, Anastasiy Danya-Ilya.
Honestly, who doesn't love a little Dottore running around? The Tsaritsa would take one look at him and instantly claim him, he's absolutely adorable. His stare is something to work on, but his whispered apologies after he runs into her and his little comment about how pretty she is... He's her baby now, no questions. He's an absolutely adorable lad, and seeing him in clothes far too big and freezing half to death- she'll be having a serious talk with Dottore later, which will definitely include beating him senseless.
What's even better is that Pierro would've been designated as "honorary father" from the beginning, because who else better to raise an innocent child than a man who's seen the horrors of the world? Besides, the Tsaritsa thinks his confusion upon being grabbed by the leg and called "dad" is absolutely hilarious and adorable, especially regarding her own position as "mom". She gets the chance to shoot her shot with Danya as her wingman, the two have many secret plots to officially instate him Anastasiy's father.
For the most part, he grows up relatively less traumatized overall. It's hard to steal a child when his mother is paranoid about losing him, to the point that she sleeps in the armchair near his bed just to be safe. He's usually climbing into bed with her anyways, he likes having his mama nearby so he doesn't overheat. When she does cry in her sleep, he always makes sure to hug her tightly, even if he can't do much with his small body.
They definitely sit in the Tsaritsa's garden together (an idea that I thieved from @ardensforest) when she has spare time. Anastasiy's favorite flower will always be the bluebell, and he always brings one back to put by his bed. They often take short walks around the perimeter, just to check on the Tsaritsa's flowers, and to talk about whatever new subject Anastasiy has been hooked on.
Once he gets older, the Tsaritsa definitely coerces Pantalone into surrendering some of the treasury to fund his expeditions and costs of building ruin guards. He's still a version of Dottore, even if he's been removed from direct association, and he has a passion for building things, regardless of the circumstance. While yes, he's very self conscious about the oil stains on his nice shirts, his mother is always happy to buy him more, and always reassures him that "there's no reason to be ashamed of what you love, my son".
In the public eye, he is the crown jewel of the nation, the perfect son and prince. They idolize him somewhat, as the supposed child of the Tsaritsa, and few would even think let alone attempt to hurt him in any way. Of course, this doesn't stop them from trying, which ends terribly and almost sends Snezhnaya into an even worse storm as the Tsaritsa fervently searches for her missing son. On another expedition in his pursuit of making more "friends", his carriage is attacked and overturned, leaving nothing but a burned and blackened shell behind. She searches and searches, but he's nowhere to be found.
Pierro has to calm her down to prevent a cataclysmic event, especially considering the original cause of the eternal winter. Danya is resilient, he'll live. But he's nowhere to be found, his blood covered by layers of snow. Not even the tracking dogs have any luck, Dasha is about as perplexed as the others.
All the while, Anastasiy stumbled off into the woods after being injured and met the love of his life, a boy from a small village on the coast: Morepesok. Having stumbled into the clearing where said boy and his family lived, he begged for help, as he was freezing to death and quickly advancing towards his demise from the injury to his leg. Who was the boy to refuse, especially the crown prince and beloved savior of the nation?
Cue the recovery and Danya being absolutely head over heels for his new friend, and as he recovers, he finds that returning home seems more and more difficult as time wears on. He loves his mother, he really does, but he also has found something new... something akin to love.
The only question is: How long will it take for his new friend to notice?
Hint: Not long, Danya is not good at being subtle.
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itscominghome · 3 years
Summary: You, Mason, Kai, Timo and Reece all play a drinking game whilst watching a series of Christmas films.
Notes: Requests are closed x
Warnings: Consumption of alcohol and suggestive language
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It'll be Fun, They Said - Mason Mount
When the idea of a Christmas film drinking game had been brought up, to say Mason was sceptical was an understatement. He knew that the purpose of these games was to get everyone drunk, and he also knew that when he was drunk he was super clingy. While I found it cute, Mason found it embarrassing and wasn't big on being PDA without knowing he was being PDA. When at a match or early on in a night out, Mason would always pepper your face with kisses, or kiss you passionately, showing you off. But, the clinginess he experienced when he was drunk meant he would instead cling to me wherever I went or beg me for kisses and not remember it the next morning until he went into training and got teased by his teammates.
"Oh, come on, Mase. It'll be fun!" Reece said, flopping down onto the sofa and reaching for the remote. And with the begging from Timo, Kai, Reece and I, Mason finally agreed to play along. But, there was a twist we hadn't told Mason about. With him not liking vodka, we had replaced all of the vodka in the bottle with water whilst Mason drank rum. So with our glasses full of water, and Mason's full oh high percentage alcohol, we started our Christmas movie marathon. And we were in for a fun night of clingy, drunk Mason. The rules were that you had to drink whenever:
Santa was mentioned
Someone said "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Christmas"
You saw a reindeer, a Christmas tree or snow
Every time a Christmas song played in the background
Two people “just happen” to stand under the mistletoe
Unexplained “magical” things happen, because it’s Christmas
The movie ends with a wedding
Talking animal
A scene is set at the North Pole
And by the end of the first film, Mason was already ridiculously tipsy. His hands often trailed up and down my thighs, or his arms would wrap tightly around my waist in an attempt to pull me closer. The boys would send me looks from across the room, sniggering behind their hands every time Mason not-so-subtly whispered something dirty in my ear.
"Y/n/n, come here, please," Mason begged after I had sat down a few centimetres away from him. I rolled my eyes as he gave me his best puppy dog eyes. I inch closer and all of a sudden I've been pulled into a tight hug and I'm being smothered with kisses.
"Can we go upstairs, please? I want to show you just how much I love you," Mason says, attempting a seductive tone, but slurring and failing miserably. And the sentence was nowhere near close to the whisper he thought it was as Reece and Kai wolf-whistled in our direction, poking fun at the clearly very horny and very clingy Mason.
"No, we're watching films with the boys remember,"
"Oh yeah." And he settles back down into my side. But, at the end of the second film, 'Love Actually', I go into the kitchen to fetch some more snack for us all. And I've not even been out of the room for thirty seconds before Mason trudges in, wrapping his arms around me as I lean up against the kitchen counter and restricting any movement.
"Mase, come on, I need to take the popcorn and Pringles in for the lads. Then we can cuddle on the sofa?" I suggest, trying to bargain with his drunk self as best as I can. Instead his hands run over my bum, squeezing occasionally and eventually slipping one of his hands into my pants. I playfully swat his hand away in protest.
"Not now, Mase. Come on, let's go and cuddle on the sofa," I repeat and all of a sudden he's giddy, grabbing my hand and pulling me in and back onto the sofa. He lays his head between my legs, smiles up at me with a big, toothy grin and caresses my thighs.
By the end of the night, Mason had gotten so drunk, we had called the game off, instead convincing him to drink the vodka that was really water in an attempt to sober him up. And when it came to seeing off Kai, Timo and Reece, Mason was clinging to my leg like a toddler would.
"I have so many videos for Instagram. He's going to love us tomorrow," Timo laughed. And soon the door was closed, the three cars leaving the driveway, and Mason still sat on the floor clinging onto my leg for dear life. I'm convinced he's cut off the blood circulation if I'm honest.
"Can we go to bed now?" Mason asks yawning, and for the first time tonight, there's no sexual connotations behind it, he's just exceptionally tired. So, with a little help from me to get upstairs and into bed, Mason was asleep in minutes. And with my handsome boyfriend cuddled into my side, there's no place I'd rather be (even if he is way too PDA when drunk).
Taglist: @masnmount @masterclassbaby
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al3x1ss · 4 years
Just a friend to you
Chapter 15: What are you doing New Year’s Eve?
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Opening the door, she stares at Osamu as he finishes screeching. Hearing the door click, he turns suddenly, his face going from annoyed to immediately brightened.
“Y/N!” He says, his voice going high pitched as she giggles, giving him a quick hug, then hugging both Suna and Atsumu. Bending over slightly, Atsumu allows Y/N in his back, the 4 now traveling to a cafe with Y/N holding Suna and Osamu’s pinkies, Atsumu keeping his arms tight around her legs.
As the 4 eat, Y/N is quick to stare at Atsumu who has checked his phone about 6 times in the past 5 minutes of eating.
“Is there something you’d like to share with the class, Atsumu?” The boy drops his phone, his eyes immediately widening as he hears a small collision from where his phone was dropped. He picks it up, dusting it off and placing it down before looking at the girl across from him.
“One of my friends is around the area-“
“You have friends besides us?”
“SHUT UP Y/N!” He sighs, stabbing another piece of his meal with his fork as he looks at her again.
“I met her when we were partners for a project and we just clicked and stayed as friends.”
Suna and Y/N being oO-ing as Osamu pokes his side repeatedly, with Atsumu swatting his twin’ hand away quickly.
“Wait- a lady friend? What kind of sane female would deal with your piss ass willingly?”
“No, I was forced by Mother Miya.”
After the endless bickering, Suna takes the check in hard, heading to the counter as the twins and Y/N wait outside.
“Would you guys mind if said lady friend joined us?”
Samu shook his head no, while Y/N also said no, speaking for herself and Suna who had just exited the doors of cafe.
After 2 minutes of waving, a new face comes towards the group with a smile and a wave. Atsumu waves back, going towards and and smiling.
“Guys this is Keiko, Keiko this is my twin Osamu, that’s Y/N, and then that one over there is Suna.”
Hearing his name, Suna’s eyes lifted, falling on the girl in front of him. His eyes widened, afterwards a quick smile following. Turning his eyes to his feet, he scratched the back of his head.
“Oh my god!” Y/N’s eyes widen as the girl, a smile immediately coming on her face.
“I love you’re earrings so much, Keiko!” Both girls smiled at eachother, Keiko getting on one knee.
“I have determined that you are sweet as fuck as that I want you to marry me.”
“I have determined that I accept.”
With Keiko getting up with help from Y/N, the two link arms, beginning to walk to their next destination. The boys blink repeatedly, staring at eachother then staring at the two girls giggling.
“Samu what the fuck just happened?”
“I don’t know Suna, I don’t fuckin know.”
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The twins argue over the frog hat with Suna holding out his phone, getting content for his Instagram followers is what he says is “his only passion in life”. Covering her mouth, Y/N laughs, pulling out her phone with her other hand to see a text message.
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“Who’s Keiji?” Keiko asks, Y/N’s eyes now facing hers.
Y/N’s eyes widen, gently grabbing Keiko’s wrist as the two back away from the boys. After being enough away, Y/N sighs, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Long story short, best friend of 3 years, I liked him for 3 years, confessed and got denied, and now we just talked a few days ago after like a month of not speaking and it being awkward.”
“Well I mean, do you still like him?”
“Alright lads, let’s bounce.” Atsumu says, walking up with Suna and Osamu behind him, the girls looking at eachother before nodding.
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The 5 enter a small pizzeria, with Atsumu and Keiko’s stomachs growling as soon as they entered. The 5 laughed, with Y/N handing her jacket to Suna while she went to order with Osamu.
“Hi! Can I get a large cheese pizza with a side of-“
Hearing his name, he lifted his head, looking at the other two at his table to see them also looking around. Turning to look at the door, he sees Kaori with her fellow manager, along with their very own setter and ace.
“Oh, hi guys.” Suna says with a wave. Atsumu and Keiko look up to see who Suna was talking too, with Atsumu smiling and Keiko giving a shy wave.
“Hey! You guys are just eating?”
“Yeah, Samu and Y/N are ordering now.” Atsumu says, pointing over it to the counter with Y/N poking Osamu’s cheeks.
“Cool, well enjoy your meal! We should totally hang out sometime!” Bokuto says, following Yukie to go to a table, with Kaori dragging a tired Akaashi along.
Plopping down, Kaori and Bokuto look at eachother before nodding, sitting straight back up.
“I can feel 3 pairs of eyes on me, what.”
“Akaaaashiiii, don’t you think it would be nice to, oh I don’t know, please can we invite them ice skating?” Yukie says, staring at him with large eyes from across the table.
“Are you asking my permission or are you asking me to do it, because I’m very comfy.” He murmurs, his head laying in his arms.
“I’ll go ask!” Bokuto says, getting up while the other girls nod. Akaashi sighs, rubbing his eyes carefully as to not irritate his contacts as Bokuto walks to their table.
With the twins messily eating, and the rest starring st them as if they were pigs, Y/N sees another figure approaching, smiling at Bokuto.
“Hi Bo! They told me you were here, what’s up? How ya been?” Y/N asks, wiping her hands on a napkin before looking back at him.
“I’m well, thank you! So the rest of us were wondering if you 5 wanted to come with us to go ice skating? Obviously we haven’t met you yet,” he says as he gestured to Keiko, “however any friend of Y/N’s somehow becomes a friend of ours! And I’m not complainin’!” Bokuto says, his hands landing on his hips with a bright smile.
Looking at Suna and the girls, Osamu nodded, turning his eyes back to Bokuto as he smiled.
“We’ll be there.”
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Lacing up her skates, Y/N got on the ice and began to skate around, seeing some of her friends on the ice while Atsumu and Bokuto were still on the bench trying to figure out how to tie them.
“Sometimes I’m shocked he’s a third year.”
Turning around, Y/N faces Akaashi with a small smile on both of their faces.
“It surprises me as well.” She said, both of them beginning to skate next to eachother. With Akaashi looking around at the lights, Y/N turns her eyes to face him.
To her, it was strange. To not feel the butterflies, the rollercoaster in her stomach each time he said hello.
“You excited to see the fireworks?”
“Yeah, it’ll be fun to ring in the New Year with you guys.” Akaashi says, a smile coming to his face as he looks back at Y/N.
The two turn straight, Bokuto waving over Y/N as she nods, getting ready to skate towards him.
“Hey, Kaashi?”
“Hm?” He says, turning back towards her.
“Save me a seat.” She says, giving him a small wave and proceeded to skate towards Bokuto, said male waving and beginning to skate as she caught up.
The pair speak amongst themselves, speaking of their holiday and upcoming plans for New Years. For a few minutes, Bokuto surprisingly goes quiet, prompting Y/N to nudge his side.
His eyes turn towards hers, curiosity on his face.
“Hey, I just had a question.”
“Yeah, shoot.”
Bokuto’s eyes face forward as she still looks at him, his eyes turning again as he nudges his head. Y/N’s eyes follow in the direction to see Osamu skating with Kaori and smiling.
“Does Osamu like you?”
Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Osamu turns, seeing Y/N staring at him. He smiles, giving her a wave then returns back to his conversation with Kaori.
“I’m sorry, what?”
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“And there’s one minute on the clock folks!”
The group of friends all sit huddled together in the cold, while other bystanders around them buzz with excitement, confetti and snow flying around already.
Kaori shows Y/N tiktoks, with Akaashi occasionally looking over her shoulder, the uproar of the already booming noise blasting.
“Hey Y/N?” Hearing her name, she leans closer to Akaashi to hear him better
“Yes Akaashi?”
“I just had a question”
“Go ahead.”
“Maybe it’s much too early in the game.”
“Oh, but what the hell, I thought I’d ask you just the same”
“I really enjoyed tonight, Y/N.”
“Me too Akaashi, me too.”
“What are you doing next New Years Eve?”
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Akaashi does not like Y/N
Y/N does not like Akaashi
The Inarizaki friend group has had this tradition for about 3 years, but they all agreed having more friends with them was nice
For once I’m going to give clarification :D
Akaashi was talking about all of them hanging out on New Years Eve, he wants to do it again next year even though this year just began
Atsumu and Keiko are NOT dating
Atsumu and Keiko do not like eachother
Suna does not like Keiko
Keiko does not like Suna
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C. 14 <- C. 15 -> C. 16
Tagging: @winunk @kurushiisaboss @lexysclubhouse @haikyuu-appreciation-club @pumpkiethepie @mint-mai @writingfreakk @tendousfingertape5 @bbyouamazin @navymacaroons @helloalex80 @heavenini @tchalameme @foxxtrot-116 @kageyamasgirl @noya-sleftankle @mariachiii @rory-cakes @sailorstrawberi @iidanotlida @animeflower26 @anngelllla @kneekoteen @reina-de-tay @ish-scribbles @javj @little-dark-empress @athenarosaline @sugawaras-simpsquad @elianetsantana @peteunderoos @thatswhatmakesyoumiserable @ntimacy @i-have-randomthoughts @420-uwu @halesandy @immxnty @yamayoomi @ohmsjedi @tazzi-baby @marissaraeblr
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Have a safe n happy New Year!
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Baby, It’s Cold Outside! (Ben Hardy x fem! Reader Oneshot)
Summary: You are excited to be with your new boyfriend, Ben, for Christmas in a cabin. But a sudden snowstorm means it’s just you two alone without your families. You use the time to get to know each other a little bit better...
Warnings: brief smut-ish scene (nothing super graphic but right on the line), language, mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of families, reader being insecure, Christmas, but otherwise full of fluff
Word Count: 3K
Hello there @asphalt-cocktail​. It’s I! Your puppy Secret Santa!!! I hope you enjoy it! This is for @thosequeenboys​ and @warriorteam1924​‘s Get Down, Give Joy Event. Thank you guys for organizing something so fun that brought creativity and light in this especially dark year!
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“Y/N! Your bag’s ready?! Blimey-snow’s pouring down!”
Looking down at the Dungeon’s Master Guide peeking out of your bag, you stuffed it before he walked out of the cabin and could see. You hoped he wouldn’t notice. No, not Ben. Not your new boyfriend. Your new, perfect boyfriend.  You thought you could sneak a peek when he was gone to plan a campaign with some  friends. But he couldn’t no. No.
Looking out, the snow falling lightly down onto your hat, you shrugged, pretending to admire it while still holding your bags.
“It’s just so pretty…and…uh, I was thinking, we could make some hot chocolate! It’s in the big blue carrier…” you improvised, pointing to the blue bag still in the car.
He gave you a biting smile and went to retrieve it. Taking in a deep breath, you stepped inside, your hands getting used to the warmth again.
Besides, you were supposed to be focused on just Ben and your family. That was what the cabin was for. A cabin that had everything: a location in the snow-inclined woods, two floors, a fireplace, and a few basics.
But as Ben opened the blue bag and excitedly got the canister, you realized at least one basic had already gone dry.
“What do you mean we’re out of hot chocolate?” Ben questioned.
You let out a little laugh at the slight pout as he tapped the container and saw two measly tablespoons of chocolate powder. You went to him and wrapped your arms around.
“We’ll get more at the store,” you promised.
He sighed in deep, accepting the feeling of your arms. Limbs stiff from travel, the stretch felt divine.
“Besides, we need to go to that grocery. I don’t know what people will bring but we need all of the basics for the family…when they get here…”
You saw lots of your decorations from home were pre-moved there into big, blue bins. Everything was set. What was missing was the people. The one element that could make or break a holiday.
“Hmm…we should get started. It’s a sad sight to come into a place that’s not decorated…” Ben suggested.
The twinkly ornaments jingled as you unwrapped them from their plastic Looking at the great green fir in the main room in the corner from the fireplace, you wrapped the tin on a bauble around a branch.
The box seemed to have every ornament in the world. It was full of tinsel that was even longer than Ben was tall. You wrapped it around together like a woman dressing in a crinoline skirt. In an hour, golden and red baubles blossomed like fruit on the greenery. Placing them on, they felt so fragile that it moved you with the tenderness Ben’s hands had when he held them. It made you chew on the inside of your lip a bit to watch him fondle them and wrap them on gently. Reminding you of every time he used them otherwise…
Which was why you could not mess up your first Christmas as a couple.
“Do you know where on Earth the topper is?” he asked.
Looking around, you noticed a little star that seemed to be the topper. It had a bottom that looked like it could latch securely to the top bit of a tree. But there was a big black button right near it.
Creeping down to a plug, you put it in and pressed the button in curiosity.
At once, the star began to radiate disco lights and twirled around in a circle in a mechanical ‘whhhrrrrr” as it blasted a funky “We wish you a merry Christmas.”
Ben jumped in surprise and cursed.
“Oh my gosh…all these fancy decorations and…and this…it’s just so corny, oh my gosh!” you guffawed, wiping away a tear from laughing.
Ben found himself laughing a little too, taking it in his own hands to watch it.
“Phew okay…but let’s get it on…” he said, orderly as ever.
“Can I put it on top of the tree this time! Please!” you begged, along with fake puppy eyes.
“Alright, give it a go…” he offered.
As you stepped on a chair to reach it, you waved your arm up to get it, but you couldn’t quite reach it. Even with your arms stretched high as it could go. It was still a good deal taller than you.
“You’re the one who wanted to put it on the tree!” he teased, his cheeks turning pink from the sight of you.
“Could you help me!” you asked with a slight pout.
“Of course!”
He wrapped his large arms around your waist and hoisted you up. He grunted a little bit and you felt him walk back and forth to try to keep his footing. When he was secure you kept trying to reach the topper up, but somehow you kept missing it and giggling when you did.
“Just! Put! It! On!” Ben huffed.
Finally, you reached the top and got it on. Using an extension, it was plugged in and the gaudy little top could do its magical swirl again.
Ben placed an arm around your shoulder as you watched the tree in completion.
“It’s…it’s beautiful…” he admitted.
At once your phone rang in your pocket. You ran over to pick it up and recognized the voices of your family.
They explained it plainly, but it was still sad.
“Wha…what is it? “ Ben asked, his eyes softening at the worry on your face.
“Ben…there’s going to be a huge blizzard…they already got it and…they’re stuck home. They can’t join us out of safety.”
You both sighed and he gave you a hug.
“There…it’s alright, we can make it work. The two of us…” Ben assured, patting your back. Your chest hurt with disappointment, but his hugs were always so nice and soft.
“We’ll have to wait until new years to see them…and I was so excited…”
“We can make it work. I mean-it’s a cabin in the snow, Y/N. Could be worse…”
Both of you rushed to the store. People were already there trying to get what they could before the storm could get there. Ben insisted going to the liquor store to get what drinks were available. Though among some favorite ales and beers of his, he got two bottles of champagne.
“Huh…why the bubbly?” you asked, leaning forward in your cart to see the silver wrapper around the green bottles.
Ben was very much a lad’s lad. Into rugby, soccer, sports, and pubs. Enjoying nights with the boys. It never struck you he liked drinking something a bit…feminine.
“It’s a tradition. My family drinks champagne on Christmas morning. And I’d…I’d like to drink with you on Christmas morning with you, Y/N,” he offered. You noticed his green eyes darted to the floor in a fit of bashfulness.
“I’d love that!” you assured.
“I mean…since it’s Christmas on our own…might as well make the most of it…” he reasoned with a shrug.
Once you both got home, you promptly began stuffing the groceries into the fridge. Nothing fancy. Just what you could grab and what ingredients you could see to make any special dishes. It was a holiday after all.
Let him know I can cook, I’m a good girlfriend. I’m a cool girlfriend. And a cool girlfriend cooks for her man…
Ben then grabbed you and began to kiss you passionately. Your hands ran up to his hair. His own went down to your butt.
“We’re alone without the folks…” he teased. “We can do whatever you want…and I couldn’t leave you in that sweater all day…”
“Wait a minute….” You suggested, glancing over.
He stopped. His breathing desperate as his nostrils huffed.
“We have the entire place to ourselves…let’s use every inch of it…”
Walking over to the fireplace, you flipped open the switch. There was the sound of a fwoooom and a crackling noise. Looking over the fireplace was lit up in an orange blossom over the “wood.”
Ben grabbed a few blankets for the cold and tossed them to the ground. Soon, you both were making out passionately. Feeling the deep heat on one side, he stared at you to ask. You gave a clear nod and voiced out a breathy, “yes.”
His hands got inside your sweater and pulled it off of you in a heartbeat. You had changed into your prettiest, fanciest bra and underwear in case this would happen. And Ben approved. But they didn’t stay on you for long. He then laid you down, before removing his own clothes. You watched the orange glow of his skin. How beautiful and intimate to see his body reflected in this way and how the firelight reflected off of your own as well before desperately peeling off the last of what you wore and throwing in over the couch.
You let your anxieties soothe as you focused on the pure bliss of union and togetherness with only the fire to witness it
 Little did you know that Christmas on your own meant spending time together. You were used to having Ben sleep by you. You were used to him hugging on your from behind as you stirred up some soup for lunch. Yet you both had plenty of time alone. Here in a cabin as snow blanketed to your thighs, there was precious few alone times you could get.
But what you were slow to realize that this was a bit more complicated when it came to presents. And his wasn’t ready yet.
“Ey-Y/N, where is…“
You let out half a scream and half a yelp of “no!” Ben’s golden head ducked back to behind the door as he let out a curse. You charged for the door.
“Hey, no peeking!” you insisted, before shutting the door.
“Oh! Sorry! My-my phone. Y/N! I just need it for a sec!” he begged.
“You honestly forgot it!” you replied in disbelief. You grabbed a blanket from the bed and draped it over the bed.
“Yeah it’s…it’s the band…gotta check the band! Joe’s been chatting all morning!” he insisted.
Looking over you saw that his phone was on the desk next to your messy bed with pajamas and shower towels strewn all over it. Walking over a few shoes on the carpet, you reached over and got it and handed it back.
“Just knock next time, okay sweetheart?” you ask.
“If it means you call me sweetheart again, I just might!” Ben added with another wink that made your face heat up.
Turning around with a sigh, you removed the clumsily tossed blanket. There was a long line of yarn you had been working on for a while. Knitting and knitting, albeit with joy, every change you got. Even when your fingers became sore and a little calloused. You prayed you could get it done in time. Turning the television on, you flipped to the opening of White Christmas and clicked away on your needles in a fury. It was good to have noise and maybe minor visuals. As the Haynes sisters twirled their mammoth fans in their blue dresses, you peeked at the red pile on your lap. You hoped it was a good enough present for your Adonis of a boyfriend.
Would he like it? Maybe he would like a bottle of an alcoholic drink. A watch. Something sophisticated and masculine.
But now it was too late. With a little huff you clicked away. Taking out your pink measuring tape you saw it was now the right length. Now it was time to darn off and add another prayer on top of that.
Christmas morning you wake up because of the thin white line of daylight creeping across your room in a thin line. Everything else is darkness. Ben and you had cuddled all night and you woke up tangled up in his arms. Clothes were half strewn from the more intimate activities you had the other night. Smiling at the memory, you watch him slowly until he shows signs of waking. Rather than spend morning in an excited, sleep deprived haze, both of you grin and wake up with the feeling of being well-rested, yet still slow and relaxed.
You brush his hair out of his eyes.
“Merry Christmas, lovie….” He yawns.
“Merry Christmas to you too Ben…” you coo back, enjoying how warm he always feels.
Both of you stay in bed under blankets for a bit. When you shift to look out the window, you see fluffy snow gently falling down.
“I can’t wait….to…”
“To what….” You ask. Open gifts?
“I…I think we could both drink some champagne…”
“Oh my gosh- you found it! On Vinyl?” you ask, holding wide LP in your arms.
In the background, your music shuffle changed to a tinkling rendition of The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy.
“I know I…I searched everywhere, but I found it!” Ben boasted. He swirled his champagne in his tiny glass, taking careful sips.
“But Y/N, you’ve opened my present…and there’s only one left …” he said, eyeing the red box with a plump, shiny ribbon on top.
“Ben, here it’s for you…”  Nervously gulping down your champagne in one go, you force your eyes to watch.
He looks at the package with a lightness in the corner of his smile. He is still in his light blue robe. With his tousled hair and puffy lips, he could never seem so soft and perfect to you. It might be the last image before he leaves you for some Victoria’s Secret model, you muse.
You feel yourself wince as he starts to rip open the paper. He then opens the box, eyes amazed at the red pile of yarn before him.
“Oh-Y/N! This is…this is amazing!”
The pulse inside you raced and you breathed a little deeper.
“Oh- It’s warm! Where’d you get it, Y/N…I may have to shop there…” he said, as he tried it around his own neck. The smile on his face was genuine.
“I…I made it, Ben…” you voiced out.
“What? How? You make things?!”
“I knit, Ben…” you confessed.
“Oh! You knit!”
“Yes…yes I do…”
There was a pause. He wove his large fingers across the stitches.
“Y/N, that’s amazing!” he said happily.
“Wha-really!” you replied, blinking.
He took your hands in his and hugged you tight.
“You don’t think…you don’t think I’m too…too nerdy…old-school, you mean?” you ask, still blinking in your surprise.
“No! Not at all my darling!” he said, giving you a big smooch.
When you video called your parents and his to wish a Merry Christmas, he forgot to take off the scarf. He wore that scarf on your wintry, Christmas walk. Even when you settled down to eat dinner it still lingered around his neck, draping down. It grazed candy wrappers as you both had your fill of sweets, and even when you watched every special on television together.
The credits of Elf rolled by as the clock struck ten at night. Ben looked down at you as you laid your head on his chest.
“So, Y/N…is there anything you’d like to do…it’s Christmas night…and then we got that whole week before new years and the family coming over…that’s a whole week. And they’ll be ‘ere in what, four days?!”
Biting a part of your lip, you stared at the fireplace and began mumbling.
“Yes…I’d really like to…oh gah, I don’t know…”
“Ben, can I be honest with you. Really honest? You already know about the knitting…”
“What is it?” he asked, stroking the top of your head.
“Let me show you…”
Reluctantly getting up, you ran upstairs and then returned with your Dungeon Guide.
“Have you ever played Dungeons and Dragons…it’s my…my other hobby…” you confessed.
“I haven’t!?” Ben replied.
“What do you think? Of me now?
“Nothin’ different.” He said with a shrug. He reached over to get a snowman sugar cookie on the platter before you and bit off the head.
“You don’t think I’m…I’m too…” you babbled, head whipping around as you tried to search for the word
“I’m not too much of a nerd for you?”
“Y/N, I play video games. Passionately. That’s perfectly nerdy! And why should that bother me!”
“Well we…we’ve been dating for three months and…I really wanted to impress you. Badly,” you shrugged.
“Well…I have to tell you… yu impressed me the minute I saw you.”
Grinning, you opened the book to try to explain as much as you could. To your surprise he knew a few basic things. It made making his character easier.
“We will need a few other people, but we can try it with just ourselves…” you offered. Maybe one of your own campaign friends would volunteer.
He leaned toward you with a playful smile.
“Internet isn’t bad here. I know of some nerdy blokes in need of something to do tomorrow night…”
 The next day, without shame you brought out your projects and knitted on them as Ben enjoyed his games. But every hour you wrote notes for tonight and developed Ben’s characters and helped them build their own. Anticipation fluttering in your chest for the next few hours to arrive as you listed names, races, and abilities.
 It was a lovely night. You saw the snow as it drifted down by the light. It still looked puffy and like it fell out of the great dark expanse on the sky to be illuminated and then pile on the ground.
Grinning, you cupped the two cups of fresh hot chocolate and watched it for a minute. Just to savor the moment. Listening right outside the door, you bit your togue to hold back your laughter before you joined the boys again and begin the session.
Now you were truly yourself with Ben. And that was the greatest gift of all.
Taking in a deep breath, you read from the guide over the faces on the laptop screen. Seeing them light up as well as they awoke in their area and began their fantasy journey decided by markers and dice.
Now you didn’t have to hide yourself from them either. And the cute blonde next to you seemed especially happy.
“You come across a monster resembling a dog….” you narrated.
“Can I roll to pet it?” a voice on the laptop screen asked.
“Joe, No!”
Taglist: @queenlover05​ @ewannmcgregor​ @rhapsodyrecs​ @gwiilymslee​ @cherry--coke​ @queenismyprimejive​ @itsametaphorgwil​ @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ @isitstraightvodka​ @asphalt-cocktail​ @coincidence-ithinknots-blog​ @rogermeddow​ @chriisxvans​
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kyloren · 5 years
i was never really into the jonsa ship, but that post of yours has got me really interested... do you have any fave fics of them??
welp, we’re going old-school, lads. prepare for some of my favourite fandom throwbacks well, I failed at that, I put some of the newer things on the list, too
Now You See Me: Kissed by fire, Ygritte thought to herself, just like me. 
Goodbye Means Going Away (And Going Away Means Forgetting): Memory is unreliable. No one understands this better than Rickon Stark.
Take My Crown Away (Don’t Smile So Sweetly, My Love): A world where everything is easier. Except for those who love, and love too much.
Build a Ladder to the Stars: Jon abandons the Night’s Watch to join Robb’s cause. After rescuing Sansa from King’s Landing, he and Sansa find themselves in a relationship they never saw coming.
A Winter’s Tale: The War of Three Dragons comes to the Vale, bringing Jon Snow and Sansa Stark together once more.
The Winter of Our Discontent: In the end it is Jon and his men of the Night’s Watch who come to take her back to Winterfell.
tell me true (who are you): Ned Stark brought a dark-haired, grey-eyed bastard babe home and called him son. Years later, Jon Targaryen does the same.
Lift Me Like an Olive Branch and Be My Homeward Dove: She never dreams of Jon Snow but in the end he is the one that comes for her under a Targaryen banner, the might of Winterfell and the North behind him with their father’s sword on his back.
The Whispering Ghosts (Left You Out In The Cold): Winter came and brought Jon home. [this is the first Jonsa fic I ever read, boy, did it fuck me up]
A Bronze Crown: In the end there are no knights. In the end Sansa must rescue herself. Based on the prompt: he doesn’t ride to her rescue; she comes north with her granduncle and the armies of the Vale to wage war on the Boltons, save his life and teach his assassins and the Boltons a sharp lesson.
how ruthless are the gentle*: “Yes, I do.” The easiest lie he’s ever told, by far. It came so naturally, he hardly thought of it as false. “She’s easy to love.”
Tell the Ones That Need to Know (We Are Headed North)*: After years of confinement in the Red Keep with Ned prisoner in the black cells, the Dragon Queen comes. With the knowledge that Jon Snow is actually a Targaryen, she agrees to let the Starks return to Winterfell only if Jon marries one of the Stark daughters. Sansa volunteers so they can all go home. Soon she figures out being married to Jon isn’t bad, but it is complicated.
Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things*: We know no King, but the King in the North whose name is Stark. 
Dragons of Red, Dragons of White*: An AU where the Battle of the Trident took place, but just between Rhaegar Targaryen and Robert Baratheon. Their duel and its outcome have ramifications that none could foresee. In the world built afterwards, dragons once again rule and roam Westeros, among them the son of a northern beauty and the king. Prince Jon and his kin, Stark and Targaryen alike, face new challenges from both without and within. Whatever the future holds, the Seven Kingdoms will learn that, whether in a coat of red or a coat of white, a dragon still has claws.
A Knight’s Watch: Jon Snow is forbidden to take the black by his father. Instead he sent to squire for a famous knight, beginning a long arduous journey that causes him to cross paths with characters he never would have. Along the way he learns truths long hidden and discovers love in the most unlikely of places.
The Conquest*: Three hundred years after Aegon the Conqueror built a new empire on the ashes of the Valyrian Freehold the known world is a place of war. The Targaryen Empire is pressed by enemies, the Seven Kingdoms war amongst themselves and forces contrive to pull them all apart.
Live Without Shame: When Catelyn’s treatment of Winterfell’s Bastard unexpectedly softens, Sansa reconsiders her relationship with Jon. But despite the revelations that ensue, Jon must and will always remain Winterfell’s Bastard and suffer its consequences.
The Tempered Kingdoms*:  After years of wars, death, destruction, politics, and White Walkers, a tentative calm has returned to Westeros partially due to the rulership of King Jon and Queen Daenerys. But politics rues its head again as Stannis Baratheon demands his right to rule, while the former Queen Cersei languishes in a cell, plotting her revenge against all who live above her. Sansa Stark is forced to return to King’s Landing after being found by the rumored lovers Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth.
winterbloom: “You’ve traveled a long way for a rumor.” Sansa lives at the Wall under the protection of her brother Jon Snow, but when Sandor Clegane comes looking for her, she and Jon begin to realize that she is not as safe as they once hoped.
As History Changes: Jon agrees to accompany Stannis south to the Vale and he meets a person he did not expect to meet.
hold onto your heart (you’ll keep it safe): When Sansa turns eleven her wrist burns. She excitedly unwraps the cloth guarding her skin, waiting eagerly for the name to finish forming. The dark letters stop after only three and when Sansa leans in closer she realises that she knows that name and she knows that handwriting already.
carve your heart into mine: Sansa spent many evenings sewing her wedding dress by the fire, dreaming of her husband. The gown spilled out of her hands like a silver river, burning brighter from the light of the flames. She had embroidered it with a noble husband in mind, but she wed her lowborn love in the godswood, with snowflakes falling on her veil. 
Into the Darkness of the Grave: The tragic death of Eddard Stark’s cousin Lyanna brings her estranged son back to Winterfell House, the family’s old plantation home, for her funeral.
The Other Shoe: If anyone had told Sansa Stark that she would be married to Jon Snow, expecting a child with him at the age of nineteen she would have laughed at them. Not because Jon was a bad person, for he had slowly come out of his shell in the past seven years; not because she was young, her parents were married right out of Hogwarts; simply because Sansa Stark seemed to be the anthesis of a happy ending.
several sunlit days: Everyone knows you don’t date Robb Stark’s sisters unless you want to spend your days avoiding hexes and angry bludgers shot at your head. Too bad Jon’s traitorous feelings could care less.
the unexpected champion: Jon must swim to The Black Lake and retrieve something *cough* Sansa *cough* stolen from him. This task makes him realize who he should invite to the Yule Ball.
Where Did You Sleep Last Night: Sansa needs a new guitarist, Jon needs a new band, and the two of them definitely don’t need each other.
and labor till the work is done: Stark Industries is a family legacy she was hoping to avoid: Robb is a project manager, grooming to eventually be a partner, Arya is a summer intern with Bran sure to follow next year and Rickon in another three, and even Jon Snow, who is technically not family but who has been around for as long as Sansa can remember, works as an estimator. But Sansa is not who she was at sixteen or eighteen or even twenty and she’s still in the process of learning what’s truly important, like who she is, who she wants to be, and what kind of people she wants in her life.
One Of The Few Things: Jaime and Sansa spend a lot of time pining over Brienne and Jon together. Sometimes, they actually even do their jobs.
flower shaped heart*: Alayne Stone has lived her whole life in her hidden tower, forbidden by Mother to leave. But she yearns for an adventure like the ones in the songs, so when a man named Jon Snow crashes into her tower and into her life, she seizes the chance. They travel to King’s Landing where the floating lanterns shine each year on her nameday. The new world is exciting and frightening, but Jon Snow is there to guide her every step. He is not nearly as terrible as Mother said men are, though the rest of the world might be. Danger, betrayals, and lies form the steps of their journey as Alayne uncovers terrible secrets.
Crawl up to my Room: Jon left her side after a few moments of silence and she watched him leave with a quiet thought playing in her mind. He was her stepbrother for only a few hours, and she already found herself utterly fascinated and irritated with Jon Stark. 
in the summer, as the lilacs bloom: “You did tech in high school,” Sansa points out. (Yeah, I did tech because you were playing the lead and I was in love with you.) Jon doesn’t tell her that, though. Of course not. Instead he agrees to spend his summer stage managing this passion project of hers, and some trace of his seventeen-year-old self has dried out his throat at the thought of three months’ constant contact with Sansa.
Down from the Mountain: Sansa flies home from college after her older brother Robb, one of the country’s hottest young pitchers, is hurt in a car accident. Robb’s best friend Jon is there to help the Stark family in any way he can.
Little Bed in the Big Woods: “I stared at him for a solid five minutes because he looked like what I imagine god would look like if god was a lumberjack.”
A Game of Stars*: When the Mad Emperor hears that the Starks are Force-sensitive, he discovers the hidden rebel base on Hoth. He sends Jon there with one order: Burn them all. But bring the Stark children to Coruscant. It’s time for the two most powerful Force bloodlines in the galaxy to merge.
I’ll Pack My Goods for the Arkansas Woods*: When Sansa’s brother goes missing, it falls to her to defend the house and the woods against the greed of the Boltons and Freys. All of this would be much easier if she could fight fire with fire, and there’s a saying in the valley: that all the Starks are a little wild, and all the Targaryens are a little mad. Her cousin Jon just happens to be both.
In the Face of Death: On a long list of things Jon never expected, Sansa came top.
United States of Irreversible Oblivion: With the government losing its fight at the northern border, Sansa’s only hope is that one of its soldiers, Office Jon Snow, will return for her and save her from the horrors of a collapsing society.
remember me love when i’m reborn: ‘Longest Night’ has biggest night in hollywood history. “Joffrey wanted someone to make him famous, and as soon as Sansa wrote a movie for him that did just that, he left her in the dirt.”
Hear the Wolf*: The Starks are in Hogwarts. Sansa has to learn to stand up to her ex-boyfriend and Jon has to learn to face his past. They’re determined to do it alone. Will they ever admit they’re stronger together?
Somewhere in the Winter Woods*: Lost on her way to her grandmother’s cabin in the winter woods after running away from home, beautiful young Sansa thinks she’s run into trouble when she crosses a white wolf in the forest. Instead of harming her, the animal guides her to his master, a handsome warrior named Jon who lives in solitude and clothes himself in black.
* marks the ongoing stories. 
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nautiscarader · 4 years
One more stocking next year - pregnancy/impregnation Hiccstrid. Astrid wants to give Hiccup a memmorable snoggletog gift. They fuck on furs by the fire all night long. Astrid wants to make absolutely sure it works so she times her getting filled with the rising solstice sun for the gods blessing.
(okay, so first of all, i LOVED that detailed and well-thought prompt, this is how you ensure yourself a spot in my heart. I had to make one tiny change to make it better with the idea of polar night during Snoggletog, though. Also ages might be wonky given the canon, but w/e)
Also, if you enjoyed my work, here's Ko-fi link if you'd be so kind ❤️ .
Never before has Astrid been that nervous during the Snoggletog day. true, this day was usually hectic, filled with preparations and last-minute shopping, but this year was different. This was their first Snoggletog on New Berk. First Snoggletog without dragons. And first Snoggletog as a wife.
The past few months she helped Hiccup preparing the Vikings for the winter in new place. Finding new sources of food, gathering supplies, mapping the territory. And now, on top of it was the celebration itself, draining the time from the ever shorter days, as their land approached the short two weeks of never-ending night.
Sitting by the table, amongst her and Hiccup's family, Astrid nervously looked in the window, at the last rays of the setting Sun, hoping her nervousness wasn't too noticeable. But she was wrong, as Hiccup's keen eye quickly spotted her behaviour and reached his hand to hold hers, noticing she hasn't touched the dish she helped preparing.
- Is something wrong? - he whispered, leaning towards her, while his mother sang with Gobber - No, no.. - Astrid smiled - I just wished we were alone already... This day was so... exhausting.
Hiccup looked into her tired eyes, and after a moment of thinking kissed her on the cheek.
- I hope you are ready for one last act. - The what?
Hiccup sat back in his chair, reached for a bottle of mead, and when everyone else were staring at the singing couple, he pretended to pour himself a cup. The peaceful musical moment was shattered with the cup that tumbled to the ground, as Hiccup began moving erratically in his chair.
- Oh, oh dear! - he babbled - It seems we might have brewed a bit too strong mead this year.
He winked at Astrid.
- Aye, yes, you are right, my husband. - she acted best to her abilities. - I don't think I can stand on my leg! If only there was someone strong that could help me walk to my bed! - Don't worry, lad, I'll carry ya!
Hiccup stopped wobbling at once when Gobber reached towards him.
- Between you and we we have two working legs, so we'll be there lickety split.
Astrid pierced him with a stern gaze.
- Er, don't you think tat tis should be Aye, his betrothed wife to carry him, and, er... scold him for clouding his mind too much? - Ar, ye might be right. Just wanted to help, that's all. - So, that's settled then, we are so sorry we cannot stay longer, but...
The two exchanged knowing looks.
- I have to make him a nice cup of yak nog!
This time, Hiccup didn't have to pretend to lose his balance.
- Yes, right, that should do it...
Five minutes later, Hoccup and Astrid were laughing as they waddled through the thick snow away from the chieftain's hall back to their hut, and just before they entered, Hiccup ceremoniously grabbed Astrid and carried her through the door, much to her enjoyment.
- Okay, first emergency exit from family meeting as a new chief. I don't think it was that bad. - It was. It was horrible. - Astrid kissed him - But we don't have to worry about it. - Astrid, go to bed, I'm gonna make you some tea, maybe? - Hiccup took her coat - That should calm your nerves. And I will do stuff around the house...
But as he undid his coat, Astrid's arms closed around his neck, just as her lips met with his in a long, fiery kiss that truly made him feel drunk.
- Actually, I wasn't feeling tired... - she looked into their living room, illuminated by just a dash of light from outside. - I was hurrying up to.. to give you my gift. - Oh, milady, you don't have to do this today, you can wait till tomorrow- - No, no I can't. - she said sharply.
She pressed her lips against his again and walked into the room, leading Hiccup with her. And with each step, her fingers undid one layer of his clothes, and when his hands reached her waist, she let out a prolonged moan, happy that he was on with her plan.
- Here? - Mhm. - she murmured, kissing his jawline.
His ceremonial clothes felt to the floor, and so did hers, tied with dozens of knots and strings.
- We have all night... - No, no we don't. - she repeated, making Hiccup raise his eyebrows. - Okay, time out. Is there something I don't know about? - Hiccup...
She leaned against him, still undoing her clothes.
- Today is the last day of the Sun.
With her other hand she grabbed a piece of wood and threw it into the fireplace. Hiccup at once readied his fiery sword and ignited it, filling the room with pleasant warmth and light.
- Hiccup, I did some calculations, and it's today. Today is the best day for me to... give you your present.
She took his hand and placed it above her sex, just as he was about to undo the bindings there. But then, he looked at her, and noticed the fire in her eyes, burning so much brighter than any reflection of real one would.
- Astrid...! - Don't you want it? Gods would approve, it's a perfect... perfect moment...
She turned around again, hoping to see the light between the thick wall of trees that surrounded their house.
- Well, if so, then we are losing time, milady.
Astrid yelped again when Hiccup took her and lay her on the thick, fluffy furs, one of the few new spoils of hunts on the New Berk. He didn't bother with the last bindings of her corset, and went straight for her delicate panties, kissing her thick thighs, so ideal for the gift she wanted to give him.
- Hic-Hiccup, maybe-maybe don't... - I am not going to leave my lady unsatisfied. - he replied sternly, continuing his foreplay. - Oh, Hiccup...
Astrid threw her head back and let his subtle kisses coat her wet, overflowing sex. She straight out cried his name when his tongue dipped between her folds, revealing how wet she really was.
- I think you did your math right. - he kissed her folds - It's a good thing I didn't drink at all... - Hiccup, don't-don't let me wait... I want to do it all night, but the first... The first one has to be now!
Her husband slid onto her, and as soon as their lips met, her legs locked behind his back, as if her life depended on it. She moaned when his tip parted her soaking folds, and with his first thrust, she arched her back, aligning her sex to better suit their animalistic needs. a moment later she felt something underneath her back, and realised that their clothes, bundled together would serve as a makeshift pillow, shaping her body into an ideal position for her carnal desire.
But even then, Hiccup took it a bit further. He grabbed her legs and threw it on his shoulders, just so he could sink an inch  or two deeper inside her, an action Astrid welcomed with an unbridled "Yes!". her legs locked behind his neck this time, together with her hands, and in the intimate, tight position, the two began rocking their bodies, running against the time and Sun itself.
Every few seconds Astrid looked to her right, at the small window, and to her left to see shadows of the tree getting longer and longer, trying to find the right moment when they would disappear. but it was easier said than done, as with their biological needs came also the frivolous ones, when Hiccup sneaked his hand between their bodies just to stimulate her swollen num above her entrance.
Astrid lost her mind, kicking and scaring his shoulders, as they drew closer and closer to hers and his fulfilment. The two often finished at different moments, but this one? It had to be simultaneous, Astrid decided, there was no other way.
Astrid moaned, nervously shifting her stare between her husband and the frosted window, trying to postpone his release, despite her body demanding the pleasure that has been building up in her loins. Her needy, quickened, ragged breath coincided with his grunts, and only when she lost track of the Sun that hid behind the horizon, she dug her nails into Hiccup's neck and screamed her plea.
- N-Now! give me your seed! All-all of it!
Never to disappoint his lady, Hiccup gladly fulfilled her plea. He let out a prolonged, deep groan as his hips smashed against hers one final time, and he finally let go, flooding Astrid's fertile womb with streams of his seed, while her body arched under the pleasure that shook her body. Hiccup collapsed on top of her bosom, quickly trying to find her lips, while his body, twisted with hers, continued the sacred ritual they've been preparing for, sending more and more life-giving fluids inside her thirsty body.
Long minutes have passed, as their bodies shook together, and when the two opened their eyes, all they could see in the dimly lit room was the fire's reflections, dancing in their eyes. Hiccup was sure that Astrid cheeks have never look more flustered, the combination of heat from the fire, sultry atmosphere, and an even sultier passion that connected their bodies.
- Do you think it worked? - Hiccup sneaked a kiss between her breasts, knowing well that Astrid would jitter when he brushed a particularly sensitive spot - It better did. Otherwise I will be really pissed at the gods.
She cupped his face and pressed his head against her chest, still rising up and down, desperate for air she expelled when she cried his name.
- But still, I wasn't joking, Hiccup. - she suddenly added, catching his attention - I meant it when I said I want to make love all night.
He blinked.
- Not until the Sun rises again...
Hiccup's eyes opened wide just as he was about to kiss her breasts again, as the meaning of her words finally dawned on him.
- But... it's gonna be two weeks, maybe even fifteen days until... - I know. - Astrid cupped his face and tightened her grip on him - We've been gathering the supplies, and for the next two weeks, we're not gonna leave the house. And you...
She crossed her legs, locking them tightly behind his back, bringing his face inches away from hers.
- You're not gonna leave me.
To prove her point, she gave him a gentle kick to his butt, and with that, he started advancing again, seemingly delving deeper with each trust even though she thought he has reached his limit already, just to ensure he would plant his seed as close to her womb as possible. And though he already filled her once, he was more than happy to do it again.
As it turned out, Astrid really wasn't joking about her plan. Though the two did leave the house, of course - perhaps just to watch the northern lights against the dark sky of the short polar night - she was relentless with milking Hiccup of the chief's seed at least twice a day, ensuring that not a drop of his cum would be wasted, though she sometimes had to use her fingers to clean up after a particularly messy finish that overflowed her sex. Still, she was his wife, so it belonged to her, even if she has to preserve it in her belly...
Astrid never before believed what her mother or Valka told about women's instincts, until she awoken two weeks later to the first rays of newly reborn Sun. She felt ill, was sweaty, hot, though instead of her forehead burning, sudden warmth radiated from within her core that just a few hours earlier has been once more overfilled by Hiccup's virility. And when she placed her hand over it, she knew it has happened. She wouldn't even have to ask Gothi for her wheat seeds that she'd have to pee on to see if they'd sprout. She just... knew.
She turned to her husband, sleeping after another tiring session and though she was eager to tell him the news, she just closed her arms around him, sneaking a kiss to his cheek. And when he turned and closed his arm over her belly, he knew it too.
Also, that “peeing on wheat seeds was a surprisingly reliable pregnancy test. 
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emikochan · 4 years
One shot
Fem!Reader x Pirate!England
15 seconds.
15 damn seconds were all it took and the homely tavern around you was pierced with sharp blades, things were on flames and people were covering in the corners.
The door was kicked open and men, taller than anyone in your quiet little town, stepped in.
Tables were thrown over and chairs were sent flying, nothing was allowed to stand in their way as they rampaged towards the counter.
You held your little tray so tight to your chest, as if it was a shield but of course this meekly thing won't help you one bit. You quickly ushered behind the counter, hoping that the obstacle could keep them at some kind of distance from your shaking form. Your mother, that brave woman stepped up.
"Stop! What do you want from us?"
The men broke out in laughter. You saw your mother shivering and gripping the wooden table behind her so hard, that her knuckles turned white as snow. She had a weak heart, one more moment and she would break.
"We have nothing for you here.", she brought out with all her courage quickly leaving her now.
"If Mother continues like this, they'll take her too!", you thought while you observed the pirates roaming through your little tavern scaring your fellow waitresses just as much as the other poor people.
"You got girls", said the scariest looking man of them all with a disgusting grin,that revealed his missing teeth. He made his way to her and all colour left your mother's face as she was frozen in fear.
With no time to lose, you felt your body dash further behind the counter and reach down to the gun you two kept there for emergencies.
As fast as your dress could allow you climbed on the wooden surface and aimed at the disgusting scum, that tries touching your mother. No one, and I mean no one,will take someone you love away from you again.
"HOLD IT", you warned with anger flowing through your whole body like melted iron, that burned you up from the inside.
Your finger was one the trigger, ready to shoot anyone that dared moving now and you had your target right in front of your eyes. You couldn't miss.
The men laughed again but not soley because of amusement, no they were laughing at you.
You meant business, why were they laughing as if it was a joke?
"Maybe we'll just take you and have our turn with you?", one of them suggested and the crew broke out in agreeing mumbles and more laughter.
Were your knees giving up on you? You most certainly felt like fainting.
It seemed so naturally that you aimed at the pirate and pulled the trigger; piercing a spot right between his throat and his shoulder and sending him falling to his knees while crying out in pain.
The short moment of victory was short lived as the men sent you dangerous looks now and the smile quickly fell from your face.
"Boys, what's the ruckus all about?"
Heads turned back to the entrance, where a handsome young man with unruly blonde hair and piercing emerald eyes entered.
His red coat fluttered behind him as he came to a hold and let his gaze roam around the area.
One of his men shot.
Some maiden with a gun.
People frightened and covering in the corners.
The whole room is a mess and they lit some things on fire.
Great. Usually he'd enjoy something like this but tonight the young captain just wanted to get some food and sail off as quickly as possible. This little stunt would cost them more time than he intended and if there's anything Arthur Kirkland hated in this world, it's his plans being intervened.
"Explain what is going on here!", he roared and his crew covered slightly at the volume of his voice.
"I sent you to fetch some food. Are y'all even too daft to follow a simple order?", he raged and grabbed one of his frightened men by the collar, shaking him violently like a dog.
"W-We just wanted to have some fun, captain!"
"Yeah, it's been too long since we reached land."
He hissed: "Bored eh? I'll get you plenty of entertainment back on the ship. Believe me"
He rose to his full height.
"Tidy up, you turned this tavern into a shithole."
The men scattered around trying to fix the mess they caused, giving the captain plenty of time to drop the poor lad and to inspect the beautiful maiden that was currently glued to her mother's side, attending to her needs and calming her down.
His gaze lingered on her form; beautiful hair smooth as silk, eyes glistening like the seas gentle waves during a sunset and her aura was gentle, comforting and yet so... exciting and passionate.
Arthur Kirkland was the king of the seas; an admirer for all that is beautiful and expensive in this world with no country's riches safe from him and his infamous crew. No wonder he also appreciated the beauty in women, wanting to collect them like a trophy.
He felt a smirk coming up in his face and that was never a good sign. He just found himself a new treasure to add to his collection.
He made his way to the girl, who stared at him and promptly shoved her mother behind her, protecting her with her own fragile body.
"Terribly sorry 'bout the mess, my love.", he said, taking his hat off and bowing to her elegantly.
She narrowed her eyes but despite her suspicion for him she didn't want to sound ungrateful. Who knew what he could do?
"Thank you for helping us", she muttered, as the young captain stood tall in front of her with a crooked smile on his face.
"We don't have much to offer you and your men though, I'm terribly sorry, Sir.", you said as you watched the men rearranging your furniture.
"Well, love, there's a way you could thank me personally for that little favour I granted you.", he purred and came closer. You felt your mother's grip tighten on you in fear. She didn't want to lose you too.
"Submit yourself to me tonight.", he ordered as he towered over you.
This man wasn't much taller than the average man in your town but he was more intimidating than anyone you ever met. His confidence was higher than any king's it seemed and though you didn't want to admit it, he intimidated you too.
"Or else?", you dared asking before gulping.
"Or else you'll have no home anymore."
A tone cold as ice and a dangerous glint crossed his green eyes, that sent shivers down your spine. Either be at the mercy of this violent man or have him extinguish hundreds of lifes...
...you didn't have a choice, did you?
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Bluegrass-Chapter 25
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            Special thanks to @Statell for all your help and wisdom
Previous chapters at AO3
Chapter Twenty-five
Rupert answered his cell phone while scooping grain into feeders and brightened up when he heard Claire’s voice.
“Well yes, I would be happy to help. Give me 30 minutes to finish feedin horses.”
The furniture Claire and Jamie purchased was delivered and now stood in a clump of sofa’s, wing back chairs, coffee tables, and end tables. She looked at all of it. What were we thinking, she wondered. These pieces would have to be moved around quite a bit to find just the right spot. There was a very large tiger skin (fake) rug that would provide a focal point and line up with the fireplace but that is all Claire remembered. She was very relieved to hear the doorbell.
An hour later, Rupert was perspiring and trying to stay positive, but he feared they would be at this all day. He called Angus who joined them a short time later. Another hour of moving very heavy couches into twenty different configurations, had both men sweating profusely.
Claire handed the men iced tea to cool them off and they all heard the front door close. Claire gasped and Rupert and Angus suddenly felt they were about to get caught doing something bad and held their breath.
“Ah, the furniture has arrived. Splendid, we can watch TV again. What are the lads doin here?”
As Jamie talked, he grabbed the end of a huge white, extra wide couch and pushed it against the wall so he could spread the tiger skin in the middle of the floor. He was still talking as he effortlessly swung the two identical couches into position and dragged the wing back chairs to either side of the chess table. He asked for help moving the new bar into place, then pointed at the two iron bar chairs indicating they go in front of the bar. The exquisite coffee table had the same type of heavy iron bottom with a cut glass top that looked like crystal.
Jamie set all the lighting against the wall for the electrician to install and stood back to survey his work. Claire had a huge smile and looked dreamily at her new living room.
“Thanks lads,” Jamie said to his men and left them all for the second level. The three who were left, looked at each other like they just witnessed a miracle. Rupert and Angus beat a hasty retreat.
“The party starts at two o’clock but come any time after that,” she called after them. Taking a last look at the living room she ran upstairs to her husband.
Jamie was laying on the sundeck lounge reading genetic reports when Claire came out. She laid next to him and told him how positively useful he was pulling a chuckle out of him. She watched him study his reports. She wasn’t sure what brought him home in the middle of the day, but she intended to make good use of the time. She ran her hand down his arm feeling the dense muscle underneath. Before she could move her hand anywhere else a cold wind picked up and dark clouds moved above them.
“Wow, what the heck is this about?”
“Come Sassenach, it’s about to rain.”
When they came back inside their room Jamie dropped the reports and pulled his wife into a hug that allowed him to walk her toward the bed. He started unbuttoning his shirt.
“Sassenach, take off yer shirt please.”
Jamie pulled his boots off and pulled his belt from the loops.
“Pants too.”
He slipped out of his jeans and pulled a naked, smiling Claire to the bed as the rain came down outside.
He kissed her from mouth to collar bone, “I love ye lass. Give me yer body while it rains.”
Jamie knew what he wanted, how he wanted it, and how long he would build her passion before releasing her. When he was in this mood Claire knew he had been in his head all morning fantasizing. She felt an edge of something barbaric in his movements. Strong, decisive, domineering, and possessive. The way he looked at her body made her weak and wanting, submissive to his pleasure.
Jamie twisted her into highly erotic positions but remained at her mouth, kissing her possessively, erotically, sending a message she was to submit to the pleasure. He pushed her against the headboard and pulled her knees over his shoulders lifting her pelvis to his mouth. Claire watched him run his tongue into her fold and against her bud taking a huge breath at the sensation.
“Watch me.”
Claire released a shaky moan as his tongue slipped inside her body and his hand pinched a nipple. She was vaguely aware of the rain pelting the windows and the wind roaring outside. When Jamie moved up to kiss her, she was begging him to make her come.
“Tell me I rule yer body love.”
He gripped a nipple and shook her breast making her gasp and plead. He turned her toward the bed and pushed her, face down, lifting one leg to open her core to him. He slid his erection against her bud while holding her down but kept her quivering on the edge of orgasm.
“Tell me love, who do ye belong to?”
“You Jamie, always and forever, please make me come.”
He pulled her back to his chest, “ssh” said into her ear as he ran his hand down the outside of her leg. “Ssh, my love, relax, and breathe.”
Claire was in a swirling, over-stimulated frame of mind as she clung to him. When he grazed her core with his hand a thousand sparklers went off in her head and her hips rose for more friction. She moaned incoherently and tried to touch him, but he moved out of reach, pulling her into a tight spoon, so she was locked into him. He entered her body slowly pushing into her cervix and making her beg for him. When he suddenly rolled onto his back, he pulled her with him, so she was laying on top of him, back to chest. He pushed into her as he spread her legs wide. Holding her hips in place he pummeled her a dozen times until she was moaning continuously.
Claire was in sensory overload where consciousness is compromised by overwhelming pulsing need. She was moving through space and felt the bed at her back, moaning for Jamie to love her. Why was he teasing her so?
“Show me where to lick Sassenach.”
Her hands reached for her core and she pushed herself open. Jamie stared at her naked bud for an entire minute before he seized her and expertly sent her into the winds of her orgasm. He laid his head on her thigh as she pulsed and dripped honey on the sheets.
She was a long time returning to him. When he thought she could take it he licked her fold and bud as she arched her back.
“That’s my girl, ye ready to go again. I love yer responsive body Sassenach.”
He rolled her onto her stomach while telling her what he was going to do; directly into her ear his breathy voice pulled her back up to the needy zone. He pushed into her, impaling her, then reached under her to massage her pulsing bud. The stokes were slow and deep until she cried out to stop the torture and make her come.
Jamie pulled her hips up and got on his knees. He watched the erotic scene as he entered her, splitting her core to accommodate his size and then closing up again as he slid out of her. He was feeding his lust a supersize of fuel watching, feeling, anticipating. His testicles felt as big as bowling balls as they slapped against the back of her thighs. He felt the stinging deep inside his core and the pressure building behind it was almost unbearable.
Claire was on her back again hearing Jamie tell her to open her legs. She pushed her legs open until her hips were protesting in pain. Jamie held her pelvis up and sunk himself inside her, deeper than he had been before. He pressed into her and she moaned with pleasure. He pushed into her over and over, he did not hear her telling him deeper, faster. When her inner body gripped him in orgasm, he lost his mind, ramming her repeatedly until he went rigid, locked in a powerful embrace inside of her.
Claire wiped the sweat from Jamie’s face, coming back to her senses she no longer heard the rain pelting the windows but noticed it still looked stormy. Must be more to come she figured. Jamie pushed his legs straight and held her to him with his head on her shoulder.
“Stay with me love.”
She closed her eyes and wrapped him in her embrace. As they slept, snow fell blanketing everything in pure white. It would be a rare white Christmas in Kentucky. Jamie slipped out of bed after an hour nap and could hardly believe the blinding white snow that had covered everything as far as the eye could see.
“Sassenach.” He whispered there was a rare surprise for her.
He watched her golden eyes open, reminding him of an exotic cat waking up. It put butterflies in his stomach to watch her intimate moments like this. He smiled at her innocent, questioning look.
“Come look out the window love.”
Claire looked outside with a gasp, “Oh! Good job, God!”
Jamie hugged her and chuckled at her comment. After his shower, she was still looking at the snow. He kissed her temple.
“I need to get back.”
“I am coming too…but not yet. Um, I will walk down in a bit.”
“As ye say Sassenach.”
When the front door closed Claire jumped into her clothes, sweater, boots, and coat, eager to get outside and play in the pristine blanket of snow. Outside, the snow was still coming down, so she stuck her tongue out to catch flakes, she kicked mounds of snow in the air and dropped to the ground to make a snow angel.
Jamie had a meeting with Lulu to start her education on how to prequalify inquiries for breeding. She learned so fast Jamie had a hard time keeping up with her. He tried to work afterward but the afternoon was waning, the horses were all inside and fed and Claire had not shown up. He pulled his coat on and started walking back, looking for his wife along the way. When he started seeing snow angels and small footprints, he knew she was close. He scanned the area in front of him and saw her pop up, smiling brightly and looking down at her latest angel. He laughed at her red cheeks and nose, blinding white teeth inside a frame of black curls. She went down again and he decided it was time to pull her away from this fun that might make her fingers and toes hurt all night.
Claire saw Jamie and started running. Her pockets were stuffed with carrots and the green leafy tops bounced with every footfall. She jumped in his arms with a huge smile and pointed to her angels that were at least twenty strong. She begged him to do a couple-angel and she bounced up to look, clapping her hands.
“What if ye looked like this love?”
Claire made a face when he scooped a round circle where her stomach would be.
“Ye want me to get really fat, right?”
Jamie held her shoulders so she would look at him. “Sassenach, I don’t know how to ask ye this, so I’ll just say it. Are ye pregnant lass?”
“Preg... of course not. Why do you ask?”
She made a face much like horror and Jamie felt his heart break. She promised at one point that she wanted a family, someday. That face was exposing a truth he didn’t want to see.
“Come to the house love, yer fingers will keep ye up tonight burning from exposure.”
Jamie tried to shake off his disappointment. He had waited so long to hear her say she was pregnant. He knew she had not had a period in two months. When she staunchly denied being with child he was crushed. Jamie felt the cold fingers of worry tighten in his stomach and blurted out his question.
“What would make ye miss yer periods completely for two months lass?”
She turned a pale face to him, “nothing good. Are you sure Jamie?”
He nodded and felt a quivering brick settle in his stomach.
Christmas was in two days so it would be a week before she could get to an OBGYN for an exam. He worried through dinner while Claire chatted about the catering and trimming the tree. Jamie could not shake his disappointment or the new worry that something was wrong with Claire.
When they settled on a new couch to watch Netflix Jamie announced he was going to check the barn temperature and be right back. Claire settled into her deliciously comfortable couch to write a last-minute to-do list.
Claire felt his warm hand on her arm and opened her eyes, startled that she had fallen asleep. Jamie sat next to her and held a plastic bag from Walgreen's out to her. “I am worried Claire and I want to eliminate any chance of pregnancy. Will ye please take this test for me?”
She pulled the test out and looked at Jamie confused. “Yes, certainly, but I think you miss counted or something. No problem sweetheart, I’ll do it now.”
Claire’s periods were irregular at best, but she always had at least a showing of blood, sometimes a few days, sometimes less. He watched her close the door to the bathroom and sat with his thoughts, waiting. After fifteen minutes he knocked on the door.
“Are ye alright love?”
He could tell she was crying and felt alarm bells going off in his head. “Can I come in?”
The door opened a few inches and he could see Claire sitting with her head in her hands. She was sniffling and Jamie’s heart was pounding. He walked in and knelt in front of her trying to find a reason for her tears. The box and instructions were in the sink and the test stick was wrapped in toilet paper on the counter. He picked it up and unwrapped the stick feeling his insides bottom out when he read the results.
He hugged her to him and listened to her cry. “My dearest love, yer with child, that is extraordinary news. We are havin a baby, Claire. Why do ye cry? I have never been so happy in my life!”
Claire’s sad eyes just stared at him like she had been condemned to the gallows. Jamie picked her up and carried her upstairs. He pulled her clothes off and she grabbed them and held them to her.
“I want my robe.”
They had not slept with a stitch on since the first night. Jamie handed her the robe and got into bed so he could hold her. He turned off the light and laid with his wife in the dark.
“I didn’t expect to get pregnant. I don’t want to be pregnant,” she whispered. ”A doctor told me I would have a hard time getting pregnant, but it could be done. So how did I get pregnant?”
Jamie knew nothing was more important than this, the hell with work tomorrow. If the Sassenach was talking, he would be listening intently.
“Sweetheart, ye said ye want a family when we talked about it.”
“But I’m not ready. She will be alone without us and we have to prepare Jenny.”
There was an uptick to her voice suddenly, “Molly is getting married! She will take her and love her like family!” Claire self-snuggled, “Molly won’t let her go.”
Jamie’s head was reeling. He could hear Claire falling asleep and he didn’t understand what was upsetting her and making her talk about their child living with Molly. Claire was shutting him out by falling asleep and he felt the sadness descend on him. This should be the happiest moment of his life and he was crying in the dark with a stranger in his bed. He got up and went downstairs to drink a whisky and sit in the dark.
Claire crept downstairs and curled up into Jamie’s side holding him at the waist.
“Claire, ye have more love in yer heart that anyone I know. How can ye not feel that love for yer own child?”
“It's crippling because I will love it so much and if something happens to us the child will be alone. I am already heartbroken for her…or him.”
Jamie sat without a shirt on and he placed her hand on his bicep and then flexed. “Nothing can best me sweetheart, nothing. I will use my strength and my mind to protect my family, always. We live out in the country where the air is clean, little traffic on the roads, and they have acres to play in under the watchful eyes of their loving parents. It is the safest place to raise them Sassenach.”
“Aye, the wee one will need a best friend to explore with and consult about life issues when they get to kindergarten and such. They will grow under yer love and protection, and mine. Does it not thrill ye to think of holding our baby in a year’s time?”
“Yes,” she whispered and leaned harder against him.
Jamie held her against him until he felt her slipping away. He had a plan to bring the reality of a child to the Sassenach. He couldn’t wait to act on it.
Claire moved around the house, adding decorations and setting out bowls for party snacks. She hummed as she moved through the morning. When the doorbell rang, she opened the door to a giant basket, full of items, and a man struggling to hold it. She let him in to place the basket on the counter and signed her name. When he left, she rushed back and couldn’t believe all the tiny things inside. She pulled newborn onesies out and draped one across her arm, imagining a baby there. Tiny socks and receiving blankets were so soft, a dozen soft cloth diapers, and an assortment of outfits.
Claire looked at each item twice. Everything was so tiny and soft. Jamie stood at the entrance to the kitchen and watched her, silently, praying she would connect to the life growing inside of her and give in to the happiness she should feel.
“Just a wee gift,” he said quietly.
Claire’s eyes were shining with tears when she looked at him, and her smile conveyed a job well done. Jamie pulled her to him and walked her to the couch for a few minutes of kissing.
“Do ye feel better lass?”
“I do, thank you, Jamie. All those things are so tiny and soft. I can’t wait. Do you have to go back right away?”
“No Sassenach, I came home to trim the tree, such a beauty she is. Just a bit more kissin first.”
On Christmas day the house looked right out of a magazine. The doorbell started ringing at two o’clock sharp and didn’t stop for the rest of the afternoon. It was drizzling in the early afternoon but as the temperature plummeted the rain turned to snow. A blazing fire crackled and guests were having a great time, so no one noticed.
Jamie and Claire passed out champagne as Jamie toasted the beautiful Claire. Veterinarian, Triple Crown winner, and now a mother to be. Claire blushed at all the well-wishers and was suddenly surrounded by the women she loved the most.
Jamie added a few logs to the fire and glanced out the window at the shocking depth of the snow. He walked outside and could barely see ten feet in front of him and it was cold, really cold. He tried to walk to the driveway and the snow was midcalf. The cars were blanketed with snow and there would be no getting out of here today.
He walked back into the house and grabbed Rupert and Angus. They spoke a bit before pulling their coats on and layered with scarves and hats from Jamie.
“What’s wrong?” Claire looked at Jamie.
“We’re goin to the barn to pull out the heaters and feed the horses. We won’t be long. Ye should turn on the television so everyone will know what we’re in the middle of. Claire swung the painting away from the wall and pulled the TV out switching it on. Everyone looked up at this unexpected action and as Claire switched channels the weather report was finally found. The guests looked out the window at their buried cars and looked to one another for some idea how to get home.
“Well, this is an unexpected turn. Please don’t worry, we have loads of room for everybody and there’s a free breakfast in the morning.”
Jamie and the men struggled against the wind that blew the mounding snow sideways into their faces. Jamie’s fingers were stiff from cold as he tried to hit the keys to disarm the alarm. To their disappointment, the interior was only somewhat warmer. Jamie remembered the turbines were still open and the three of them made a dash to close them all. The massive emergency heaters were pulled out and spaced throughout the stalls. With the fire so clear in his memory he was fearful of the propane heat generators. Both Rupert and Angus said they would stay in the barn tonight and watch the heaters. Jamie looked at each of them with such gratitude they knew exactly what it meant to him. With heaters on, feeding done, and extra bedding pitched into the stalls they headed out to ride the front loader home.
Claire was digging into closets and utility bins looking for gloves, scarves, and extra layers for the neighbors who were willing to hike it back to their homes. She wrapped them up as much as possible and wished them luck getting through the massive drifts.
Rupert and Angus came in to warm up while Jamie ran the shovel along the road to the gate and back again. He was a highlander and wondered why he was shaking so hard from the cold. He could see a single lane in each direction had been plowed on the public access road, but the snow continued to fall and was quickly covering the road again.
Jamie knelt in front of the fire and shook with cold. Claire was exhausted from trying to take care of everybody, but she was galvanized when she saw Jamie.
“Jamie, sweetheart you’re so cold.” She threw three logs into the fire and stoked the flame up with the poker. She brought him a whiskey, and then another.
Many guests had relatives with chains on their tires willing to pick them up. For the next hour, Jamie shuttled people to the gate and waved as they jumped into a warm vehicle. The snow wasn’t falling anymore but the temperature kept dropping.
Claire poured whisky doubles for Rupert and Angus who were holding down sleeping bags and extra blankets for their night in the barn. Claire put a glass in each of their pockets and shoved the whisky bottle between the blankets. Then handed them bags of treats and snacks to hold them over. They both smiled their thanks and left with Jamie for a ride back to the barn.
It was dark when Jamie got back, and he stumbled into the house with stiff limbs from the open-air ride back. Claire peeled the layers off of him and pulled him to the fire to warm up.
Claire took a headcount of those that were left. Steve and his father, Molly and her fiancé, Lulu and Jason. She put Molly in one guest room and Lulu and Jason in the other, the rest would have to do battle for the couches and the floor. She left all the food that would keep out on the counters and let everyone know there was juice, milk, water, and whisky available.
Molly grabbed Claire’s hand and looked closely at her face. “C’mon, you are going upstairs with me to rest for a few minutes. She pulled Claire upstairs and pointed at her bed. Claire laid down with a grateful sigh and Molly sat on the edge of the bed so they could talk a bit.
Claire shook her head with irritation because her eyelids were closing, and Molly’s image was swimming in front of her. She had never been this tired in her life and sleep pulled her under.
Molly smiled at her dearest friend and pulled the quilt up before turning off the lights. She would handle the slumber party downstairs and send Jamie up to bed as well. Maybe there was a Christmas movie they could all watch. A last look at Claire and she went back to the lower level.
Jamie, Steve, and Nicolas Romano were playing beer pong in the kitchen when Molly found them. She announced A Christmas Carol was starting if anyone wanted to watch. She told Jamie quietly that Claire was asleep, and she and Lulu would take care of everybody tonight. Jamie kissed her cheek and thanked her as he jogged for the back staircase. He called Angus and heard a lively argument in full swing, something about a girl they had gone to school with. They reported a warm environment inside the barn and promised one of them would be awake all night.
Jamie left his clothes in a pile on the floor and slid into bed, pulling Claire close to him. She breathed deeply into his neck and sighed. Then her hands were touching her shirt and pants and whimpering as she tried to get them off. Jamie kissed her hands and pulled her shirt and bra off then he slid her pants off and pulled her to him, back to chest so he could spoon her. She sighed and he knew she was smiling.
“Breastfeeding, mm hm … no private schools.” Her voice trailed off and her breathing deepened. Jamie smiled knowing she was dreaming of their child and cuddled her protectively. “Merry Christmas love,” he whispered and dropped into the darkness.
“Jamie, Jamie? Jamie, it’s time to wake up now. We forgot about presents yesterday so you have to wake up now.”
Jamie cracked an eye open and noticed his wife was tapping his arm, continuously. It was still dark outside, but she looked bright-eyed and excited trying to wake him up.
“It’s time for presents so you have to wake up.”
She had donned a short red nightgown and was sitting cross-legged on the bed. There were presents all around her and she looked like she might burst right out of her skin.
“What time is it Sassenach?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Here, open this one first.”
Jamie pulled himself up and leaned against the headboard. He tore the paper away from a chartreuse-colored lure and looked up at Claire.
“It’s a spinner and the fish really like it. Now this one.”
The paper was pulled away from a lure that looked just like a tiny fish. He unwrapped another and found a hand-tied fly lure. He picked up the next package and held it up.
“Is this a lure Sassenach?”
“No! I’m not totally one dimensional Jamie.”
He tore the paper away from another lure. Every little package that was scattered around her were all lures. The man that helped her at the sporting goods store said he could never have enough lures because the fish liked different things at different times of the year. Jamie was impossible to buy gifts for because she kept him well-stocked with clothes throughout the year and he wanted nothing. Finding the fishing store was brilliant because there was an endless supply of things to buy.
“You can teach us how to tie the lures on the string, but I don’t think I’ll ever want to really do it.”
Jamie was struggling to understand this predawn gift exchange, did she say us, teach us? He reached into the drawer of his side table and handed Claire a small long box. She tore the paper away and opened the box with great enthusiasm. Jamie watched her eyes go wide and heard her gasp. She couldn’t take her eyes off it.
“Jesus, this is beautiful.”
“Let me put it on ye Sassenach." She gave him the box and stuck her arm toward him. Watching the bracelet shoot sparkles in every direction as Jamie lifted it from the box almost made her swoon. It was two rows of diamonds going around her wrist and she moved her wrist this way and that to watch the stones come alive.
Jamie loved shopping for Claire. When he looked at the various diamond bracelets, he knew this would be a substantial purchase. She earned a bit over eight-million dollars racing the past year. A thirty-thousand dollar bracelet seemed fitting for his Sassenach.
Claire grabbed Jamie’s face and kissed it at least a dozen times until he pulled her nightgown over her head and twisted her under him. “Merry Christmas Jamie.”
He could see her eyelids drooping and cuddled her close to his heat. He thought about next year at this time, there would be a cradle next to their bed and smiled as he drifted off.
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lyansi · 4 years
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Summary: The year is 1947. Lieutenant Inuyasha no Taisho finds himself in the center of postwar reconstruction. Having grown up Westernized, he thought he knew himself and his family. He wasn't expecting the sudden malaise of coming to a country he knew nothing about. Falling in love with a woman he just met. Nor the very upending of his identity and culture. While the language is known to him, the customs of their world are not: the constant downcast eyes, the bows, the polite way of speaking. The waves of people looking back at him reminded him of his mother, long gone, and a history he never cared to learn.
But she is there: with her quiet smiles and quick wit. Her blue eyes hold a fierce determination of a story to come. This world couldn't be so bad if she was there.
And his mother asked for one last, dying wish. Who was he to deny such a passionate request?
Disclaimer: Rumiko Takahashi is responsible for the Inuyasha series, I only lay claim on the story I have written.
Read this work on AO3
Mountain View, California, United States of America
April 15, 1935
My dearest son,
I hope you can forgive my absence in the years to come, for I fear that I do not have much longer on this earth. I have asked Mr. Myoga Ogata to hold off on sending this letter to you until my passing. I did not desire to be an unnecessary burden during this most important time in your pursuits. I hope you know that I wish to continue in this life— believe me, my heart and soul— but that I no longer have the strength.
Your father, whom I was death on with each breath, gave to me the greatest gift— a sweet, innocent, little boy. You, Inuyasha, have been my most precious legacy. For many years after your fathers’ passing, I was able to concern myself only with you. I watched how you grew from a tot, into a young lad, into the man you are today. I had thought many times you would settle into a calf-love as your father and I had but instead, you chose to be a scholar. You have the grit to see it through and to do what your father and I have not.
I hope you know how jovial you have made me. Even when I am no longer of this life, you will continue to make me right peart. Your father would be proud, for he was most thrilled in the early days of my motherhood.
My health has me returned for now and with it, my spirits. The consumption has yet to take me!
I count the days though, for the end will be upon me yet. I will have failed as a mother, and as a wife, if I did not console you in these times. Please, my son, know that you have done everything you could. It is not you, nor the doctors, who have failed me. It is the failure of my own body to fight off the coughs, the fatigue, and the pains. Most nights I wake in cold-sweats, and now, the doctor has diagnosed me with a sickness called hemoptysis.
I will walk into the night one day but do not despair— for I will walk hand in hand with death Himself. Please do not pity your mother. It is because of you, and because of your father, that I have lived a life most fulfilled. A life with happiness, laughter, and light. I could not have asked for more.
In a time long past, I spent the early days of my youth walking along the shores of Kujukuri-hama. Once upon a time, I was the daughter of a wealthy lord. Hitherto, I was to marry a samurai, Setsuna no Takemaru. I spent many of my days' longing for more: beyond the shoes of Tokyo, and of Nippon. It was your father who fulfilled those desires for many years, until his own death. Then, it was you.
Now, I long for nothing more than to lay upon those very shores as the water lap on my toes, my feet, my legs. To stretch upon the grains of the sand. To hear the gulls cry out as they circle above! To feel the warmth of the sun on my face! To hear my native language once more, among those that accept me without provocation. With each passing day, I long more and more to return to where the sun rises eternally. Where your father rests peacefully. He waits for me yet…!
You may be most sad now but remember, these moments in life are only momentary. One day you will walk amongst others and this intense pain you are holding onto, you will soon forget. I hope that one day you will find beauty in the most unexpected of places. That you will find, and accept, wisdom even when you have not sought for it. And that one day you will find love, and strength, in even the most onerous of journeys. You may feel sadness now, and loneliness may wrap your heart, but that is only brief. Without these feelings, you would not feel the joy and compassion that will bear itself to you, like a blossoming flower in the melting snow.
You will always be a part of me, as I will always be a part of you. Your father too will always be with you. Our blood forever runs through your body—for it is from our bodies that you were once part of.
Mr. Myoga Ogata will be sounding the passing bell; I ask that you take my ashes back to the rising sun. Back to where your father rests, along the shores of Shichiriga-hama. I am told that he was laid at Koyurugi Jinja. It is my most ardent wish to lay alongside the man who gave me everything when I could not give even a grain of rice.
I have bequeathed to you all which I inherited from your father, and from your fathers' father, and from his fathers' father. That which belonged to my native country is the ring which rests on my finger, and the kimono that I cherished most before leaving Nippon.
Treasure them as I have treasured you.
Forever with love,
Izayoi no Taisho
Tokyo Bay, Honshu, Japan
September 15, 1945
The sounds of water rushing against the naval ship bring Inuyasha back to the present moment. Molten amber eyes look beyond the port side, over the vast ocean, and out towards the horizon. The faint outline of islands begins to emerge beyond the fog. Overhead seabirds squawk as they attempt to land on the deck. Brandished away, they perch along the crosstrees, high up from human interaction.
“Lieutenant no Taisho, sir.”
The man folds the letter along the creases. After so many years, the missive has become discolored from exposure. The ink, however, stood out clear and crisp. Too many times he read, and re-read, this very letter. He knew every word by heart. Even now, he could picture the slanting of his mother's chancery cursive. He imagines the slopes of her a and the quick-dash and crosses on her t. She often tended to confuse her f’s for p’s, sometimes to the point he would have to reexamine the word and sentence. Was this a result of learning a new language as an adult, with little help and no education?
Inuyasha returns the letter to his breast pocket, careful to avoid loosening his pinned insignia. He turns about-face towards the Chief Warrant Officer saluting him. Returning the gesture he raising his arm sharply, palm down, above his eye.
“Chief Warrant Officer Johnson.”
Both return to a formal stance of acknowledgment.
“Sir, I am here to inform you that we are approaching the islands of Japan. We should hit shore before the end of the day, sir.” As the CWO Johnson speaks to him, Inuyasha loses himself in memories long forgotten. Of feelings lost to him until now.
“Sir?” Brown eyes gaze up at him all the while standing to attention. CWO Johnson’s arms press steadfast to his side, shoes polished as they reflect light from the sun above.
Blinking, Inuyasha realizes he has yet to dismiss CWO Johnson.
“Thank you, Mr. Johnson. You are dismissed.”
The CWO salutes him once more before he leaves, walking in the direction of other sailors. For a moment, Inuyasha’s eyes follow his path before he turns back towards the sea. He inhales deeply, tasting the sharp, brisk seawater on his tongue.
Had he not been on and off naval ships for the last decade, he probably would have choked on the sudden intrusion. As it were the scents around him were dependable, comfortable, and familiar.
More familiar than the country his mother left. A country ravaged and destroyed by times of war and despair. Could he truly impart her final wishes in such a place, so far from the nation he grew up under? So far from him? He had no family here. No ties to link himself to a return trip.
Except for his mother, now.
An ache settles in his mouth, from whence Inuyasha has clenched his teeth together. He releases the pressure, moving his jawbone side-to-side to decrease the tension.
It was her dying wish to be laid to rest alongside his father. Even if he never knew his old man, he loved and cared deeply for his mother. The least he could do was respect her most impassioned desire.
Tokyo, Honshu, Japan
September 15, 1945
“Did you hear? A new boat landed today.”
“Marshall MacArthur sure is busy. I hope they brought more of their American food. I haven’t been able to grow anything in months.”
The word ‘American’ sticks out, a harsh emphasis on the last syllable. Higurashi Kagome peers at the two women in line before her, in hushed tones talking to one another. A slick sheen gleams against the tanned skin of one of the women. Her dark eyes survey around her before catching Kagome’s own blue ones. A small, shy smile spreads across her face and she looks away, pretending she had not been listening.
The sun began to set, leaving behind hues of blues, pinks, and reds. Across the horizon, it beams as a deep ochre in the sky, emanating a white-gold ring and rays of orange across the land. A whitetail streaks across the faint blues, pinks, and reds left behind by an aircraft.
If not for the rubble, the scorched lands, or half-torn buildings, Kagome might have thought the setting sun beautiful. The ration ticket scalds against her skin though, reminding her of the situation at hand. She refocuses her attention to the front as allotments are distributed.
Would today be the day they receive the wheat and oats necessary to survive another week or month? There were only so many ways one could stretch over boiled rice. Adding wheat and oats turned congee into tasteless gruel, but it upped the calorie intake.
The line moves faster as rations are given. Soon, Kagome finds that she spies only eight heads ahead of her. The two women continue to chirp, talking of black market deals and spools of fabric costs. It reminds Kagome of her younger brother who, in only a span of three months, grew three inches. Maybe she could extend his yukata with some of her old and wearing kimono. She didn’t think she could afford this month's rations, the charcoal to cook them, and a new spool of fabric. Inflation continually depreciated the value of yen.
As Kagome decides this is the best way to keep costs down, she realizes a hushed whisper has come upon the group. The women point excitedly and talk fast; Kagome almost misses the words “Japanese-American” and “nay-vee”. She follows the trajectory of one finger, where a small group of military personnel stands off to the side.
It is one man that the group talks about and, for a moment, Kagome convinces herself they are mistaken. His headgear is off and he holds the visor between his thumb and pointer, arms crossed.
The setting sun caresses unusual blond hair, flecked with hints of platinum. It creates the illusion of a halo around him. Unlike her own paler complexion, his skin is tanned from years of sun exposure. His eyes, the color of burnt amber, slant downwards and betray his lineage. He is wearing the standard service uniform, a button-down, and trousers. She doesn’t understand military ranking, but his shoulder boards denote a star.
Next to him, a pretty Japanese woman dressed in nurse garb leans over in conversation; her own features illuminate tales of lost origins. Large, almond-shaped eyes scan the crowd, momentarily pausing as they meet her own.
A hand on her shoulder startles her back to reality, and she sees a gap between herself and the two women in front. She bows, apologetically, before closing the space in line.
Only three heads wait in front of her now. She thinks though that the two women in front count as one.
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.13
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Morgana's Hovel. The Pit. (Drizella lays at the bottom of the pit with her arm over her eyes, seemingly resigned to her situation until she hears a voice call down to her.) Will: "So, how does it feel, Drizella? To finally get everything you deserve?" (Drizella uncovers her eyes and stares up at Will, who's smiling down at her.) Drizella: (Sighs:) "Shut up, you idiot. Lower the rope." Will: (Winks:) "Right-o. (While Will and Merida busy themselves helping Drizella out of the pit, Zelena and Regina search the place for the Fomorroh. Hauling Drizella out of the pit via the rope:) God you're heavy." Drizella: "Shut up!" (Lifting a cloth covering from a large jar, Regina finds the Fomorroh.) Regina: "Got it! (Picking up the jar, she walks over to the fireplace:) Zelena, a little help? (Zelena nods and conjures a fireball. Hurling it into the fireplace, the fire grows larger. Removing the lid of the jar, Regina quickly tosses the Fomorroh into the flames:) That should do it. (Regina looks to Will who sighs in relief, rubbing his neck:) Okay then, Will - you take Drizella back to Granny's and tell the others it's safe to unfreeze Anastasia." (Will nods and with a wave of Regina's hand, he and Drizella disappear from the hovel in a cloud of smoke. Suddenly, Morgana returns, carrying some firewood. She looks up and sees Regina, Zelena and Merida waiting for her. Snarling, Morgana drops the firewood and blasts Regina backwards through the wall of shelves. Merida charges but she too is knocked back by Morgana’s powers, this time through the hovel door.)
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(Stepping through the debris, Zelena stands between Morgana and the unconscious Regina.) Morgana: “Well if it isn’t the Wicked Witch. Let’s see if at least one member of your family can live up to their reputation.” Storybrooke. Past. The Mayor’s House. (Emma walks Henry up the garden path towards the house.) Henry: “Please don’t take me back there.” Emma: “I have to. I’m sure your Mom is worried sick about you.” Henry: “She’s evil.” Emma: (Scoffs:) “Evil. Boy you were a handful back then weren’t you?” Henry: “What?” Emma: “Er... nothing. Listen, Kid. I’m sure that’s not true. (Emma’s breath catches when she sees the front door open as if in slow motion:) Here we go.” Regina: “Henry? Oh! Henry! (Runs out and hugs him:) Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened?” Henry: “I found my other Mom!” (Henry runs inside the house. Up until this moment, Regina has only had eyes for her son. Turning to face the woman beside her, Regina gazes into the eyes of her long lost love.) Regina: “Emma. You... You’re Henry’s birth mother?” (Unable to speak, Emma merely nods.) Sheriff Graham: (Awkwardly:) “I’ll... just... go check the lad, make sure he’s okay.” (He leaves.) Regina: “How... I don’t understand...” Emma: (Smiles, lamely:) “It’s a long story.” Regina: “You’re really here. (Slowly reaches out to touch Emma’s face:) I've waited so long... just to see you again.” Emma: (Softly:) “I know.” Regina: “All of this... everything you see... I created it, hoping that one day we’d be together again.” Emma: (Nodding, Emma takes Regina’s hands in her own:) “I need you to do just one more thing for me.” Regina: “Anything.” Emma: (Smiles:) “Kiss me.” Regina: “I thought you’d never ask.” (Regina steps forward and claims Emma’s lips with her own. Her eyes widening at the passion coming from Regina, Emma notices that her body begins to glow with a brilliant golden light. Wrapping her arms around Regina to hold her close, Emma shuts her eyes tightly and surrenders fully to the kiss.)
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Morgana’s Hovel. Present. (Sensing that something has changed dramatically, Emma sinks deeper into the kiss before slowly opening one eye. Now finding herself laying on top of Regina in unfamiliar surroundings, Emma sighs with contentment as she realises she is finally back where she belongs. Having been revived by the kiss, it takes a moment for Regina to get her bearings.) Regina: (Frowning slightly:) “Am I dreaming?” Emma: (Smiling down at her:) “That depends, do you feel like singing?” Regina: (Returns the smile:) “You’re here. If you want I could fly.” (Regina reaches up and pulls Emma down for another, all consuming kiss.) Meanwhile... (The witch fight between Morgana and Zelena continues outside in the forest. Up until now it's been pretty evenly matched but that all changes when Zelena is almost struck by a falling tree branch. With her opponent momentarily distracted, this allows Morgana a golden opportunity.) Morgana: (Raising her hand:) "Ablinn ðu, forlæte ðu!" (Zelena is knocked flying. Morgana smiles in relief of her success. Morgana hurries forward and pulls out her dagger confidently while Zelena lays there.) Merida: “Not so fast, lassie.” (Morgana looks up to see Merida approach, her sword drawn.) Morgana: (Smiles:) “You can’t be serious.” Merida: “Oh I’m deadly serious. Why don’t you try me?” Morgana: (Chuckles:) “You and who’s army?”
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Mulan: (Appearing behind Morgana:) “Well, I’m not exactly what you’d call an army. (Morgana turns to face her:) But I have lead a few in my time. (Twirls her sword:) Want to try us both?” Morgana: (Over confidently:) “Absolutely.” Granny's Diner. (Standing behind the still frozen Anastasia, Lily uses her knife to cut the last remaining creature from the Red Queen's neck. Tossing it disgustedly into the trash can, Lily nods to Elsa who unfreezes Anastasia while Drizella watches on. Rushing forward to catch her sister as she begins to fall, Drizella pulls Anastasia into a hug.) Anastasia: (Dazed:) "Drizzy?" Drizella: "Yeah, I've got you. You're freezing, let's go get you warmed up." Ruby: (Entering the diner with Snow White:) "That can wait. (To Anastasia:) First use your magic to send me to Morgana's hovel." Drizella: "Why would you want to go anywhere near there?" Ruby: "I need to go there, I can sense it." Drizella: "Oh, right. So this is one of your dog senses then?" Ruby: "Wolf." Drizella: "Whatever. (To Anastasia:) Ana, do you remember where the hovel was?" (Anastasia nods weakly and raises her hand. In the next moment, Ruby is enveloped in a cloud of smoke and disappears.)
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Forest. (Reappearing a moment later, Ruby finds herself landing on top of Mulan.) Ruby: "Mulan!" Mulan: (Groans:) "Nice timing." Ruby: "Wha... (Slowly looking up, Ruby sees Morgana standing over them:) Oh." Morgana: (Holding her dagger:) "So sorry to cut this reunion short." (Morgana raises the dagger to strike.) Emma: "Hey!" (Morgana turns and the dagger is blasted out of her hand. Smirking at Emma, Morgana's eyes glow.) Morgana: "Forþ fleoge!" Regina: "No!" (Standing side by side, Emma and Regina send a pulse of their combined magic towards Morgana who is thrown backwards onto the ground. She lies there for a moment, fighting back the pain, while Emma and Regina walk over to her.) Morgana: “So I’m to die by your hands. The Savior and The Queen.” Emma: “You brought this on yourself, Morgana.” Morgana: “Please spare me. I am blessed with magic, much like you both. And magic has no place in Camelot until I take the throne. I only wanted what is rightfully mine.”
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(Stirred by these words, Zelena steps forward.) Zelena: “Stop! (Regina and Emma look to her:) Take pity on the girl. (To Regina:) We’ve both had our share of second chances.” (Regina and Emma consider her words, giving Morgana just the opening she’d been waiting for.) Morgana: “Perhaps it could still be so.” (Morgana flicks her hand and the dagger shoots across the forest from behind Regina. It misses, but Morgana sits up, her eyes glowing and she throws both Regina and Emma back with a turn of her head. They each land hard on the forest floor.) Zelena: (Sighs:) “Fine, it was just an idea. (Rolls up her sleeves:) Ic her aciege anne windræs! (Zelena’s spell begins a whirlwind, much to Morgana’s surprise:) Bet you thought you were the only one who knew your kind of magic. (She winks then continues her spell:) Færblæd wawe! Windræs ungetermed – ge hiere! (Morgana turns and sees what Zelena’s doing. Morgana tries to raise a hand to stop it:) Ic ðe bebiede mid ealle strangnesse ðæt ðu geblæwest ond sierest strange! Ge spurne þeos hægtesse!” (Zelena overpowers Morgana and forces the whirlwind towards her. Morgana is swept up in it and carried through the air and out of sight. Zelena collapses from the effort.)
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Merida: (Running forward:) "What are you doing?! We need to finish this!" Zelena: (Panting:) "Ever been stuck in a whirlwind? She won't be back in a hurry." Merida: "We don't need her coming back at all you fool!" (Merida strides towards her horse, Mulan and Ruby following her.) Mulan: "Merida, wait!" Merida: "I don't have time to wait. I need to find where that whirlwind took Morgana and end this myself." Mulan: "That's a mistake. Morgana's grown too powerful. We all need to plan and regroup." Merida: (Mounts her horse:) "Fine. Why don't you plan while I go find Morgana and kill her. (To the others:) We've done things your way for too long and look where it's gotten us! It's time someone who isn't afraid to get their hands messy took charge!" (Merida urges her horse onward and rides off in the direction Zelena's whirlwind was headed. After watching her leave, Mulan and Ruby finally turn to each other and embrace. Giving them their privacy, Emma, Regina and Zelena begin walking together.) Emma: "Well that could've gone worse I suppose." Regina: "Mm. Zelena, what were you thinking? Why didn't you use a containment spell on Morgana?" Emma: "Or tie her to a tree or something." Zelena: "Oh, I'm sorry, but you two weren't exactly available for consultation at the time. Relax. At least now Morgana knows I can beat her at her own game. She might even think twice about trying anything again." Regina: (Scoffs:) "Right." Emma: "Like that's going to happen." Elsewhere in the Forest. (Agravaine rides hurriedly to Morgana’s hovel.) Morgana’s Hovel. (Morgana’s home is trashed when he arrives.) Agravaine: “Morgana? (He stops at the sight of it, then walks in slowly, taking in the wreck. Now worried:) Morgana?!” (Agravaine searches the woods nearby. He spots Morgana lying on the ground and rushes to her. He turns his niece’s face toward him gently, clearly distraught. Agravaine picks up Morgana and carries her through the woods.)
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Russian Roulette I - JOHN SHELBY X READER
Words: 2361
Warnings: a lot of cursing, drugs, a little smut maybe idk
hello my loves!!
there is another imagine and this one it’s probably my favorite i’ve ever wrote bcs i’m a sucker for drama and angry John
and also for the same reason, there is a part II with smut and i’ll post it soon.
thank you and love you xx
"I can't believe I agreed with this fuckin stupid idea" John muttered again and you rolled your eyes in anger, looking on the window so you don't have to look at him.
"Would you shut the fuck up already, Johnny boy? You are bloody annoying." Arthur speaks loudly from the front seat, doing some lines and being annoyed at Tommy's driving.
He was true, John was a pain in your ass. You are in a car ride with them to the Russians house and it was the most awful car ride you ever had. You can cut the tension with a fucking knife. All of this only because you came with them at the party the Russians are organized tonight. Right, it was Polly's idea because she couldn’t make it, but then you became really excited about it and really wanted to. Thomas was unsure at first, but now he looked really fine with it, knowing it will be just a crazy party. On the other hand, John was a bomb who can explode anytime.
"Yeah, it will be fine." Tommy said and he was in a really good mood; grinning when he got into a hole, the snow almost spilling on Arthur's pants as he cursed his brother.
"Fuck off. All of you." He speaks again and you couldn't help it.
"You fuck off, John. What the fuck are you hiding? Why are you so angry with me being there?"
His glare could burn your skin to bone. Same as yours.
"This will be bloody fun" Arthur muttered to himself as he snorted all the line.
Half hour later you finally arrived, but they stopped you from getting out of the car. Again, Arthur was doing lines and he raised his eyebrows at you in the mirror, you nodded and you lifted up from the backseat, snorting a little. John sniffed and he lights up a cigar; he didn't told you a single word all the road and this upset you, that's why you accepted Arthur's offer.
"Okay [Y/N], I feel like if I'm not tellin you this again, John would shut me in my fuckin eyes, so listen. They will have girls, so you.."
"What about you, Tom?" Arthur smirked.
"Unfortunately, I have Tatiana."
"She's something else" John chuckled and Arthur did the same, as you and Tommy rolls your eyes. You did that the whole fucking time, but it was his fault. You don't wanna be jealous, what the hell that means?
"Yes, she's out of her bloody mind. Anyway, as I was saying, [Y/N] you are not..."
"I'm his whore, I know. And I won't say a single word." You repeated the things you've been hearing for two days straight and John glared at you.
You all get out of the car and took a look at the big house in front of you.
"Remember lads, they are fucking insane. Fuck them."
You didn't believed back then. But now, you truly did.
The living room and the party was a orgy in it truest form and you never saw something like this before. Men kissing and pleasing other men, women tasting each other and others fucking right there without a shame. You wanted so bad to avoid seeing another man's cock, but it was hard and John looked at you; this time his face alarmed for a bit as he wanted so bad to protect your innocence, yet he was still mad and he can't show affection to his "whore". The music was so loud as Thomas was talking to the Russians, so John took the chance to talk into your ear, slowly touching your ass for the public.
"If something happens to you, I will lose my shit, so you better..."
"It won't."
He nodded and Thomas guided you all to a office you guessed. There was two other curvy and almost naked women, probably for Arthur.  Leon, as the boys called him, looked at Arthur, then at John, but his eyes slowly faded on you.
"This one was for you, John." He speaks with a strong accent and you tried your best not to frown. John grinned at her, but then he smacked your ass hard so everyone saw it and for the show, you bit on your lower lip while looking at him.
"Thank you, but this one is fo’ me. She's the best in Small Heath."
"And you couldn't leave her back at home, ey?"
"She can't resist without my filling her."
The Romanov family are laughing and Thomas and Arthur did the same, but they looked concerned about your reaction. You just looked at John like you wanted to fuck him right there. Even if you just wanted to rip his head off. Both of them. You know that this is his revenge for you wanting to come here, but you're not going to fed up.
"So women you are both mine tonight" Arthur smirked as he made himself comfortable on the sofa with both women on his each side, making him relax a little.
Tommy sat with Tatiana in his lap on another lounge, Leon on the chair behind his desk. John lays down on another lounge and you comfy sat on his lap; he puffed on his cigar as you are watching him in awe. Him not sure if you are truly or just playing your role. He wink at you and he let out all the smoke in your face, making you grin a little.
Soon they started talking business and you started talking with a lower voice with Tatiana, Isabella and the other two women. Tatiana doesn't seem so bad, she was quite funny actually, but you started to get bored soon. Also a bit tipsy, just like everyone else. They don't drink that much whisky or rum, they drink vodka and that's what you also drink tonight. Arthur is drunk as hell already and he is kissing with both women, Tommy started to kiss Tatiana a little too passionate for the public and John...Well, his hand was resting for a while on your leg under your dress, but now he was playing with his fingers on your stomach area. You started to feel hot and you heavy breathed, just like he did watching you on his lap, almost straddling him.
"I want to fuck you so bad" he speaks with a not so low tone, but no one payed attention anyway. "You are beautiful."
You wanted to kiss him, but you are not sure if that's alright, so you let him do it when he feel it to.
"You are not mad at me anymore?"
"Oh, I am. And ya will get your punishment for that."
He pressed his lips on yours, his tongue quickly dominate yours. It was a rough and desperate kiss and you feel it right between your legs; your clit pulsing in lust. Unfortunately, John was pulled into another boring conversation about extending the business and drink a few more glasses of vodka in the meantime, just like you did but stopped when you reached your limit.
"I'm bored" Tatiana said as she finished her cigarette and she stands up quickly, lifting her dress up a little as she pulled out a revolver. "Let's play."
A devilish smirk was on her face as she checked the bullets; she keep one bullet in while the others falls on the floor.
"Play what?" You asked and you regret it immediately. Speak before you think.
"You'll see, doll." Thomas pulled her back into the lounge, but he couldn't control her. Leon watched careful what happened in front of his eyes.
"She's not playing. She's here to give me attention and pleasure, not to play a bloody game."
"Oh, John." She smiled at him, up on her feet again. "You all gonna be playing."
You heard Thomas cursing under his breath and everyone moved at the table, you still not knowing what his happening. John was tensed and he tightly grabbed your thigh before you two stand up and moved on the chairs.
"What the fuck is happenin'?" Arthur asked in a clearly drunken voice, with his up buttons ripped off, revealing his chest. Just like you weakened John's tie an hour ago.
"It's a stupid idea, Tatiana." Thomas said as he lights up a cigarette, Leon grinned.
"The night was quite boring actually. So...Why not?"
"Why not?" John raised an eyebrow, you confused between him and Arthur with his bitches still kissing his neck and chest. John clenched his jaw and shot down his glass of vodka. Thomas took him a glare, telling him to shut up.
"Yeah, why not?" Arthur talked again and you are a little concerned right now.
"I'm starting" Tatiana said and she lifted the gun to her temple with a big grin on her face.
John cursed under his breath again and he grabbed your hand under the table, but it didn't feel like an affection gesture, more like he was trying to make you watchful. But you already are, guessing what could happen next.
Tatiana pulled the trigger and you almost screamed under the music from the living room, scared as fuck, but nothing happened.
"Exciting as always" she says and she lights up another cigarette, watching now everyone from her chair. You can't help, but wonder how many times she played this game before and won every damn time.
"Russian roulette, it's been a while." Arthur speaks but he didn't seem too impressed, more concerned about the empty vodka bottle. The maid quickly replacing it with another one.
Thomas was next and he just finished his cigarette as he took the gun from Tatiana, he don't look happy at all. Neither scared. You can feel John tensed body next to you as he looked at his brothers, eye talking with them, Thomas mostly. He wasn't scared of his turn, he was scared of yours and the fact that you were before him. You, the woman he loves, can die right in front of his eyes because of a stupid fuckin game and he has to be not too interested about it since you are just a whore in front of the Russians. John and his brothers decided that it's better this way, if they will become enemies, they won't know John's weak spot that is clearly you. He hated himself for brought you here, in the middle of dangerous and crazy people. He knew right from the start that this it's a bad idea.
Thomas pulled the trigger and your heart skipped a beat, but nothing happened. He looked at you, his eyes full of concern, but you smiled a little to tell him that you are fine, but you are not.
It was Arthur's turn. You only hear the music from the living room, sometimes the moans and until now the giggles that came from Arthur's women, but right now they shouted it down because it is his turn.
It was a painful thing to watch your brothers in law with a gun at their heads; in fact, you see them as your brothers and you love them as much.
"I knew it from the first...I knew it was a fuckin bad idea, [Y/N]." John whispered in your hair; he made a pause, licking his lips then he continued. "You're fuckin stubbornness it's going to kill you tonight."
You didn't have the time to react cause Arthur pulled the trigger. You were glad nothing happened, but now it was your turn and you and John's hearts are beating so loud, that you think that the others can see it in your chests.
"Come on, doll. You can do it." Tatiana said with a smirk and Arthur gave you the gun, not wanting to. He looked at you with big eyes and even in his drunk state, he realized what would mean for his brother if his woman would die. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't, just as Tommy. All eyes are on you.
You took a gun in your hand for the first time ever and it also may be the one that kills you.
Under the table, you grabbed John's hand with yours and you looked right into his eyes for a short moment. Your eyes say "i love you" and you try your best to hide your terrified face, but you don't know if you can.
John whispered back, closing his eyes in pain of regret. It didn't happen, but he already regret accepting it.
You slowly closed your eyes like the others did, but your hand is shaking on the gun. You took a gasp of air cause it may be your last and you thought at John and at his beautiful deep blue eyes, that always melts you on your feet.
And you pulled the trigger.
The time froze and you can't realized what happened in just one second.
Right after you pulled the trigger, John couldn't accept it and lifted up from his chair, throwing it away as he hit your hand. The bullet stopped into the wall when it should be in your head. The realization made your body shacking and you can feel the tears in your eyes as you try your best to keep your calm in front of the Russians.
Thomas and Arthur exhaled the air they kept in and John did the same so loudly that everyone in the room looked at him. Tatiana and Leon were confused, but they didn't say anything at all about this.
John shot it down another full glass of vodka to calm him down and kissed your hand under the table, whispering with his lips pressing against your smooth skin.
"You are gonna be so fuckin punished for this."
He bit hard on your skin and you bit on your lower lip at his words; excited, yet a little bit scared.
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softsweetsuffering · 3 years
Has an ability to mimic or amplify abilities/powers of others, as well as telekinesis
Was previously part of a group of people who also had abilities, however after mistreatment and other issues within the group, he left.
He's got a good wealth behind him.
Extremely gentle
Handsome ;)
Loves photography
Has lavender hair
Respects all
'Secretly' Plays violin
Lowkey a sugardaddy
Hamrish Benat:
Has four eyes!
Pink and blonde hair
He loves parkour (as in climbing buildings and leaping around in gyms)
Has PTSD (There are two AUS of which I default as to how he obtained it)
Ready to deck a bitch
Trained nurse
Loves teddy bears and fuzzy pink socks.
Also goes by Hami/Hayden
Andy peters:
Strong, kind.
The quiet Big Type, doesn't always talk, but his heart is in good places.
Wishes he could do more
Buff + Tall
Wears a pair of dogtags.
Has red streaks in his hair for the fun of it
Is extremely brotherly to Adrian
is friends with Hami
Adrian Géarán:
Nervous Malnutritioned anxiety filled tired mess
Has emotionally linked fire abilities (does not like having them)
likes to make little robots!
Easily bullied
Missing an arm
Struggles with normal life
Blames himself for Andys death
Looks unintentionally vaguely like Fry from Futurama
Leader of a summer camp for kiddos
Huge fan of the outdoors
Loves to garden
Red head with freckles
Good build, a little on the below-average male height
Likes to hike
Loves kids
Strong but pacifistic
Great smile
Surprisingly a little shy around other adults
Himbo energy
Douglas Connelly:
Just a regular chubby guy
His chub is only important because this man gives some of the best hugs, he's like a marshmallow
He is outwardly confident about his size, even if it sometimes worries him internally
He loves music, loves to groove in the kitchen while making snacks
Always open for roommates and new friends (one of his roommates is a hot bartender called Donovan)
A bit awkward but he tries his best.
Bunny hybrid (ears :3)
White hair
Likes to wear denim jackets
Fast runner
Has had experience working in the force
Izekiel Iris:
Bruised and abused in a facility
Was turned from human into A being of made of Paint (Useful? no. Fun? yes. Rainbow blood anyone?)
Loves painting
Easily anxious
Loves to draw on his own arms
Matthew Libelle:
Aka Matty Very delayed development wise as well as Autistic
Very much a texture lad, soft blankets are his thing.
Doesn't like loud sounds ( who does honestly).
Tries his hardest to function normally but it's hard.
Watermelon colours are his fav. Green hoodie is his fav.
Has watermelon pink hair.
Eldritch bab
Was cursed by a group of guys who were messing with magics they didn't understand
Did in fact murder said group of guys and is traumatised by the idea he has become a monster
hears voices
Has Tendrils that have burst out of his back
Has the ability to move from this realm to the Eldritch planes and back. (is terrified of said planes)
Doesn't have a home
Black curly hair- frizzy- shimmers like Slick oil
Shy type kinda, tall Pale. cold.
Kinda wishes he could just go back to normal.
Would really like to eat some fresh warm bread.
Rowan maverick
Was abandoned as a teen
Also known as Rogue/Red.
Lost some of their tongues making them mute
Trained Assassin.
Previously part of a cult
Addict to painkillers (Caused by the mental issues from the cult and the loss of tongue.)
Bad with Physical affection
Could use a friend
Cop/Ex Cop.
Laid off after an incident
Has a pubby called Otis
Likes the occasional beer
Dad energy
Issac Merewen
Was previously a Teacher - grade 11/12s
Kidnapped and kept Drugged the hell up.
Was given the new name: Jess/Jack. AKA The Jester
Now has Amnesia problems .(Anomic aphasia)
Was stored Cramped in box.
Needs glasses. (Long sighted. Cant see Infront of him for shit without glasses. He specifically likes round ones :3)
Natrually Blonde
He was very inspired by the Chitty Chitty bang bang scene, “Doll on a music box”.
- He naturally has two different coloured eyes :D
-He likes podcast n occasionally audiobooks. Its good for learning/remembering words, and way easier than straining his eyes. Although it is upsetting occasionally when he can remember more of a book/podcast he’s into more than real words or real-life things.
Tyrone Li
Wise, Patient, caring.
Brown tattoos wind up his hips and torso, curling around his chest around his heart, and around his back, flaring at his neck.
Loves plants and flora
Sex lost meaning when he was younger. He wants true intimacy again but he wants to find the right person..
Glamors hide the following features:
Tail, brown that gradients into Green, Leaf like tip.
Horns, curled. (green tipped :0)
Glamors break usually after a certain period of time regardless of feeding, however, during bad situations/fight the body may unglamour to reserve the last of its energy.
Basically immortal but can die (Reincarnations)
Not a pacifist, but not instantly into violence
He was blessed by the Heart of the Ocean (Shes wonderful <3)
Can control water, can do minor healing with water
Can make water bubble/ boil when angry
Glowy veins when powers are active
He has had many many lives
Soft..caring..Doesnt remember alot of his past..
Doesn't know how many times hes died
Doesn't have alot of family or friends
Goes on many adventures
Elio Solren.
Nickname: Sunshine
Good lad.
Is a shapeshifter Dealt with being told he was happy and always upbeat. People leaving or ignoring him whenever he wasn't started building this sense of need to be happy all the time for others.
Lots of struggles with self image. Being perfect. Appeasing everyone. Poor self body love/self body image.
Is scared about The hate from humans about shifters. The jealousy and fear about them being able to hide behind other faces.
Smiles to hide the pain
Punk/hipster vibes
Intricate golden tattoos
Doesn't open up easily
Doesn't like to admit to being in pain
AKA Corey
Owl lad!
Bright yellow piercing eyes. But is totally blind. (Face scars)
Loves music.
Plays the uke.. hums..sings sometimes.
Big wings- like barn owl.
Likes to perch in trees
Jeremey Caulfield
Winter baby
Was left bleeding in the snow at some point
Father Lovely old man (John)
Mother died (Ellie)
Birthday December 23h
Blue eyes
Black hair
Box boy
Red hair
Real sweetheart
Really needs more dev ; ;
Loves tofu n chicken
Stubborn af
Kicks ass!
Has Sass
Wears binders/sports bras for Lotsa running n such
Black hair big messy pigtails
Dark brown eyes.
Has a navy bear sleeps with it ‘doesn't care’ about it but does
Gymnast/kickboxing. Bandages around hands
Loved swinging bars since being a kiddo
Participates in Underground fight ring to make easy money
Sleeps on just a mattress
Has a laptop for study work but she's slowly giving up on bothering.
(She's not one originally but Werewolf Jules is one of my fav things)
Part mole, part orphan
Lives underground
Very light-sensitive
Is colourblind
Absolute nerd
loves tinkering with things
is scared of humans
very foggy memories of his parents.
Leilah/ Lei
Can make/control shadows.
Owns a Magic skull(Speaks to it)
Lives in the woods
Wears a skull to spook off people from her woods
Has Tattoos that are shadow/absorb shadows
Kinda bad at maintaining friendships
Emotionally Distant
Wears a cloak.
Bao Ketsuyki
Blood magic bab
East Asian.
Pink/red medium length hair
Big pretty red flower scar from blood magic use on her shoulder/ back.
Little bit foolish, little bit reckless.
Has almost died a few times from her magic use.
Oran Audun
Plays Guitar
Writes in journal, occasionally song lyrics, occasionally little messy ink drawings.
Easy to aggravate (On edge) however is trying to learn how to meditate and be calmer
Covered head to toe in scars but still tries to find confidence in himself. He doesn't find it unattractive, but he feels like others have no need to witness his scars.
loves wearing leather/fabric wrist bracelets
Unwelcome hands have used his body as a research object
Very very against physical contact, needs to break into it.
Social worker works mainly with kids.
Has a Shy guy tattoo.
His family consists of a Good ma, younger sister, and super baby brother
Dad died but dad was good.
Dirty blonde hair, kinda messy
Short, 5’
Socks the pupper is his helpful lil buddy (hes so round and white and fluffy)
Super dad vibes.
a hockey player n gymnast.
His mother died when he was about 9.
has an older brother who is a bit of a big jock type
quite protective and caring of his two much younger siblings.
ended up in a nasty scuffle though at some point during his more competitive years in Hockey
This leads to following his passion for Gym
Pole vault, the rings, trampoline.
Still plays hockey among mates or strangers on the weekends in the cold months tho
Ends up taking a position as a gym teacher for kids after taking a childhood course since he was so good at it.
actually a really sweet guy
Soft but likes his sport and jokes.
He can hold his own somewhat more than he appears.
has blue tips/stripes in his blonde hair.
He often wears varsity jackets or baseball tees. As well as a couple other sport wear shirts. (A. Good few are from his bro ofc. Free merch)
He's short but he's got a fairly decent build on him.
He's got a surprisingly good tackle if you aren't careful. And a good grip strength.
but everyone calls him Noah.
Works at a Boba tea cafe..
likes to surf.
has an Epic board.
Back and shoulders all littered with lines and tic tac toe-like scars.
he's the type to brush off any questions and change topic while smiling. But not super bubbly. Just. Go lucky.
has a few friends who like to hang out at the cafe
Was in a surfing accident that involved a lot of rocks.
4’8 Soft. Short.
Ready to protect.
Loves to bake!!!
Smells like a vanilla cupcake most of the time
Isn't afraid to fight although isn't trained
likes Yoga ( and yoga pants)
Needs glasses but doesn't wear them (tsk tsk, unless tryign to read recipes)
Dyes hair silver/white
Snake hybrid can transform his lower half from human legs to tail
Also has fangs, and therefore venom
He's got a lot of sass
Can be a bit of an asshole but soft around the right people
Isn't used to kindness
doesn't cry easily
Steals food
Mac Hiato
Also known as Caf
Very Grumpy.
Very often has bags under his eyes.
Hoodie is life
Insomnia has serious trouble sleeping.
Has nightmares of strangulation
Occasionally sufferers sleep paralysis
Scared of dark- night lights
Owns a mouse called Bean
Does freelancing webdesgisn/coding as job.
Sits like a gay.
Lives on coffee
Minorly Lactose intolerant
Has One bad eye
Her dad's a mechanic and used to bring her to work all the time
dead mum: which affected her ability to emote.
Works part time at the garage
Dad likes to bring gifts on their small catch-ups that happen every once in a while.
Sheeee. Suffers a bit of resting bitch face.
she's kinda stunted emotionally because she was raised by her dad, who, isn't great with emotions himself being a man's man and all.
She's very much a tomboy gal. Doesn't exactly get dressed up. because she finds it tiresome and not "her".
Also if she did/does have friends the nickname Nemo 100% crops up because it's sadly alll too fitting but also kinda sweet.
She's actually really into cars and mechanics. Which is one of the few good reasons her dad and her are close.
She's hard to get to know, very quiet. And if you're someone who dominates the conversation she won't speak up much, but you'll be surprised to how much she's listened.
Just because she looks tired and done doesn't actually mean she feels that way.
Samson (Lemonade boi)
His name is Samson, but he prefers Sun/Sunny. (Other more affectionate nicknames include Lemondrop and Sunflower.)
He really likes going out to markets and stuff like that, little stalls or knick knack shops to find the odd kinda items.
He also really likes wandering big forests. (Hes got some o that fae energy) He collects various cool stones/rocks/plants from some of them. He also has some small vials from waterfalls and ponds he’s encountered)
He wants to practice magic to become a witch! He loves the candles and rocks and other cool things that come with the craft. (He inherited things from his father)
He really likes loose fitting shirts too, like flowy things, ones with sleeves that drape past your fingers, or has extra fabric on the bottom that dangle down past hips. (Sometimes they come from the ladies section just because they’re softer and have more variety. Others from op shops and other niche little stores.)
He bought a cologne from a witch that looks cursed but the only curse is that it makes the one who puts it on smell like citrus..so not much of curse. (The bottle looks fuckin neato tho)
He looves fizzy drinks. Doesn’t mind his alcohol either, however it takes a surprising amount to get him on his ass despite looking like a serious lightweight.
He’s pretty average in build, bit of muscle in his arms, some fat on his thighs. Slight pouch of a tum (cause no ones flat and thats unrealistic :<)
He’s about 5′4. So not tall, but not the shortest of the short.
He kinda likes to backpack about. Not staying in places long if they get boring. Which means he is kinda jack of all trades when it comes to work, offering to fix things for pay, lots of casual work doing various things.(One of his favorites was helping a little old lady run a paint shop.)
He occasionally snorts when he laughs and tries not to.
He has his ears pierced, and he has a little yellow gemed stud in his nose.
The ring around his neck he found in the middle of a patch of mushrooms.
He has a couple other tattoos. One of them is of bubbles up his wrist :3 He also has some stars on his ankle, and a sunflower on one of his fingers on his left hand.
He’s not super in to gardening but he does have his lemon tree. He also wants to grow some mandarins
His eyes look silver in a lot of lights, but occasionally there’s some strange hints of yellow, and other times blue.
He has freckles!!!! that look alot like bubbles ;)
He has a twin brother called Fraser.
Scrunches his nose
Hides his laughter behind his hand
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LGBTQIA+ Historical Romance Novels for Winter, Hanukkah, Solstice, and Christmas 2019 - Updated Dec 17th!

A Very Surrey SFS Christmas by Nicola Davidson (m/f, m/m, f/f, bisexual, and poly)
- Welcome to the Surrey Sexual Freedom Society - where unconventional and uninhibited ladies and gentlemen discuss all matters erotic…

It’s Christmastide in Surrey, and the Society members have gathered at Lady Portia and Denham’s estate to host a magnificent masked ball. Alas, not everything is going quite to plan, as a curmudgeonly duke, England’s naughtiest cat, a viscount with writer’s block, two newborns, and some colorful local residents conspire to turn order into chaos. But with those you love all things are possible, and it wouldn’t be A Very Surrey SFS Christmas without madcap mischief, banter, and a whole lot of wicked fun…
This series of extended epilogues include Beatrice and Amelia, Madeline and Ethan, Clayton, Susanna, and Joseph, Lady Portia and Denham, and Fairfield.
Please note this book contains explicit language and sexual content.
Peter Cratchit’s Christmas by Drew Marvin Fraye
- Peter Cratchit, a young lad preparing to make his way in the world, is the eldest son of Scrooge’s lowly clerk Bob Cratchit. Peter flourishes under the tutelage of his “Uncle” Scrooge and seeks to make his mark as a man of business, like his uncle before him.
One Christmas Eve, as Scrooge lays dying, Peter embarks on a risky ocean voyage that he believes will secure the future for his family. Onboard, Peter finds love, happiness, and success, only to lose it all by the voyage’s end. Returning to London, Peter shuns his family and instead finds himself living on the streets, haunted by his failures and his dead lover, selling his body just to survive while he waits for the winter cold to claim him once and for all.
But winter snows also mean Christmas is coming, and for the Cratchit family, Christmas is a time of miracles. Can a visit from three familiar spirits change Peter’s life again? Is there one more miracle in store for the lost son of one of Dickens’ most enduring families?
Yuletide Treasure by Eliot Grayson
- There’s not enough Yuletide spirit in the world to fix this holiday disaster…
Eben Sypeman’s world is falling apart. It’s two days before Yule and his business partner is dead, leaving behind empty accounts and looming bankruptcy. And if that isn’t bad enough, his patron goddess is irritated with him. It seems she’s tired of his tendency to mince words and avoid conflict. She’s insisting—quite forcefully—that he start being totally honest with everyone, including himself. Divinely enforced honesty couldn’t have come at a less opportune time, especially when his clerk’s tall, dark and distractingly handsome son enters the picture.
The last thing on Tim Pratchett’s mind is romance. All the former soldier wants is to fill in for his sick father at work and recover from his war wounds in peace. But there’s something about the grumpy Eben that confounds and entices him in equal measure. Their timing couldn’t be worse. They’re complete opposites. And yet … none of that matters when he’s with Eben.
But if Eben and Tim have any hope of finding their very own happily ever after, they’ll have to survive a dickens of a truth curse and the machinations of a trickster goddess—all while searching for enough yuletide treasure to save them all.
A joyous, relaxing Yule indeed. Bah, humbug.
This is an M/M romance with explicit scenes, a voyeuristic pagan goddess, and an odious nephew. Despite any other possible similarities to A Christmas Carol, there are neither ghosts nor geese, but readers can expect a happy ending and at least one use of the word “dickens.”
The Stonecutter Earl’s First Christmas by Adella Harris
- Nathan Fitzroy hates the holidays. Estranged from his family for refusing to marry, he’s still expected to keep up appearances, which means attending their holiday celebrations. And that means that, from the beginning of December until the middle of January, he needs to find work that will let him take off almost as many days as he works there. For him, that means working at a molly house called the Goat’s Horn.
Owen Landon was quite content to be a stone cutter. It was what he’d trained for, and it earned him enough money to pay his brother’s school fees and still live comfortably enough in a cottage in their village. He’d always been told his father was distantly related to nobility, but he’d never thought much of it, until a solicitor came to tell him he was the new Earl of Morebrook, a position he has no idea how to fill.
One night in December, when Owen can’t stand his new role another moment, he sneaks away to the seediest molly house he can find, the Goat’s Horn, for a distraction. And find one he does, a beautiful fellow with just the accent and bearing he’s supposed to be learning. When he sees the man again away from the molly house, he comes up with a plan to both spend more time with him and learn to be an earl. Owen offers him a position tutoring him before the start of the Christmas parties he’s supposed to attend.
Nathan’s worst nightmare comes true when one of the clients of the Goat’s Horn recognizes him outside of the molly house. But the man offers him a position that will allow him to earn money away from the Goat’s Horn until Christmas. If only he can remember he’s supposed to be tutoring the fellow, not bedding him, and certainly not falling in love with him. A steamy Christmas romance with hints of Pygmalion.
Approx. 50,000 words, 200 pages
Tinsel and Spruce Needles holiday series by Elna Holst (f/f and f/non binary MCs, MCs with disabilities !!!!!)
Candlelight Kisses
- Malmö, Sweden, 1994 Erika Stolt is a feminist activist, and not one of the slick, lipstick lesbian variety. She’s the kind who trashes beauty contests, who graffitis her own subversive messages over commercial billboards, and who fucks people mainly as a political statement. But then a community service sentence lands her a spot as the unlikely new assistant of one of the candidates for the Malmö Lucia contest, and the world as she knows it is promptly turned on its head.
Little X
- Malmö, Sweden, 1996 Sofie Andersson is a dyslectic born under the star sign Aries, who drives the local buses for a living. Her hobbies include knitting terrible hats and intermittent lesbianism. This December she is on the point of moving into her first flat of her own, figuring out her place in the world, when an instant attraction to a handsome stranger leads her to question everything she’s taken for granted.
Wild Bells
- Lund, Sweden, 1998 Mia Andersson is not a nice person. She is a sharp, sensational-looking, aloof lawyer-to-be, and the busiest sapphic player in town. Mia Andersson takes no prisoners, tells no tales, and if you gave her your number, chances are she won’t call. But this holiday season, at age twenty-seven, wheels that are out of her control have been set in motion, and it looks like she might just get caught in the spin.
February and December: Dominus Calendar Series I (Volume 1) by JP Kenwood
- As a lifelong passion continues to fade, another love deepens… two stand-alone m/m stories of love, lust, and friendship in ancient Rome featuring characters from JP Kenwood's Dominus series. February: Home from the first war against the kingdom of Dacia, Gaius Fabius ignores his obligations in Rome and returns to his secluded seaside villa in southern Italy. Under the pretense of a holiday trip, his best friend and secret lover, Lucius Petronius, surprises him with an unexpected visit. Later that evening, the lusty masters share the delights of Gaius’s blond pleasure slave, Nicomedes. December: With whispers of an embezzlement scandal floating through the capital, Lucius Petronius and his beloved concubine, Bryaxis, celebrate the raucous winter solstice festival of the Saturnalia with Luc’s family. After a joy-filled evening of food, gifts, and stories, Lucius and Bryaxis reverse roles in the master chamber. Warnings for explicit language, filthy loving, and daft shenanigans.
Christmas for a Vampire by Ruby Moone - Because even Vampires deserve a second chance.
Companion story to The Christmas Curse.
Recently turned vampire Ellis Davenport faces another dismal Christmas. His new life is filled with riches but is cold, lonely, and empty. Refusing to acknowledge his vampire self or to participate in any kind of vampire society, he skirts the edges of that world and has done so since the man he loved chose death rather than spend eternity with him.
As far as Ellis is concerned, Quinn Fordham died on the battlefield in Badajoz. But, as he circulates at yet another tedious Christmas party, he hears piano music, someone playing the Moonlight Sonata like Quinn used to play for him. Entranced, he finds his lover but just as their lips touch, Quinn disappears.
Before Ellis has time to resolve this odd hallucination, he and his friend Trent sense the approach of Lord Heath, their vampire sire. Yet, before their sire arrives, Ellis is stunned to find Quinn not only alive, but a vampire, and furiously angry with him. Can they move beyond the lie that separated them and find each other again?
Dances Long Forgotten by Ruby Moone - Coming December 19th! Per Ruby: Ghosts of past romance Second chance love Gentlemen dancing with gentlemen Long buried family secrets
On Christmas Eve, Dylan, the man of James Pell-Charnley’s dreams, is on the point of walking out. Then they hear the faint strains of a waltz in the library of the empty abbey. The music is said to be heard only by those truly in love, and it gives James the courage to tell Dylan the story.
In December 1841, Lord Hugo Pell-Charnley is in a terrible mess. The youngest son of the late Marquis, youngest brother of the incumbent, never felt to fit. When his life comes crashing down, and his life and his family are threatened, he is forced to face his elder brother and confess his deepest secret. When he arrives at Winsford Abbey he finds he must also confront the shame from his past in the form of Lyndon Cross. The boy he’d loved but betrayed in school. As they clear the ghosts from the past, they dance in each other’s arms in the library to the soft strains of the waltz, but long buried secrets threaten to destroy their happiness.
Two hundred years later, can those dances long forgotten give James and Dylan the courage to hold on to love?
Hither, Page by Cat Sebastian
- A jaded spy and a shell shocked country doctor team up to solve a murder in postwar England.
James Sommers returned from the war with his nerves in tatters. All he wants is to retreat to the quiet village of his childhood and enjoy the boring, predictable life of a country doctor. The last thing in the world he needs is a handsome stranger who seems to be mixed up with the first violent death the village has seen in years. It certainly doesn’t help that this stranger is the first person James has wanted to touch since before the war.
The war may be over for the rest of the world, but Leo Page is still busy doing the dirty work for one of the more disreputable branches of the intelligence service. When his boss orders him to cover up a murder, Leo isn’t expecting to be sent to a sleepy village. After a week of helping old ladies wind balls of yarn and flirting with a handsome doctor, Leo is in danger of forgetting what he really is and why he’s there. He’s in danger of feeling things he has no business feeling. A person who burns his identity after every job can’t set down roots. As he starts to untangle the mess of secrets and lies that lurk behind the lace curtains of even the most peaceful-seeming of villages, Leo realizes that the truths he’s about to uncover will affect his future and those of the man he’s growing to care about.
If anything else becomes available, this list will be updated, and the date listed at the top–after the post title.
A Christmas Cotillion by Ellie Thomas
- England, 1820. Bachelor Jonathan Cavendish has become reclusive in the years following a failed romance with the love of his life. In the years following their split, he has thrown all his energy into restoring the small estate he inherited from a great uncle and has put aside any thoughts of romance. Although he’d rather remain at home alone for the festive season, this year he’s accompanying his cousin Freddy to a Christmas country house party. Freddie seems to be constantly falling in love and, on this occasion, he is infatuated with a young lady called Belinda. Jonathan is asked by Freddy’s anxious mother to accompany him to the house party to keep an eye on the situation, in case the young lady turns out to be an unsuitable choice. Despite this inauspicious beginning, Jonathan catches the eye of Nick, the handsome son of a local well-to-do farmer, who is a constant presence at the holiday entertainments. Nick is intrigued by Jonathan’s kindness and also by the sadness he hides from public view. The initial attraction between the men seems to be mutual, but can Nick break through Jonathan’s defences and teach him to love again?
2018′s More Extensive List
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travellvogue · 5 years
“You’ve got flour on your face” -Ben Chilwell
12 Days of Christmas- Day 10:
You swore you’d never work near Christmas time, but being a chef for Leicester City Football Club meant you pretty much got no rest. And by no rest you meant waking up at 7am just to miss the rush of traffic when the paparazzi arrived to picture the players arriving at training at 9am. The sun hadn’t even fully risen by the time you arrive at the training grounds, misty white clouds of breath smoking up in front of your face every time you exhaled. The crunch of snow under your foot with every tired step you took, sighing to yourself when the door jolts under your pull, locked. Meaning you where the first person here- but what’s new. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” the manager would tell you, “you gotta be here early to ensure you’re making the lads a sustainable mean” Blah, blah, blah. 
You didn’t hate your job, it just wasn’t your passion. You could think of a lot better ways to be spending your morning other than standing in the freezing cold trying to rummage through your bag and find a key for this goddamn door- like watching Christmas movies and eating too many mince pies. Most of the boys where nice the ones that actually bothered to acknowledge your existence, like Chilly for example, or Ben as you were told to call him, ‘keep it professional’ and all that bollocks. 
Your frozen fingers fiddled with the key, unlocking the door and making your way to the kitchen. The sudden change in temperature causing your cheeks to burn a bright red. Rubbing your hands together in an attempt to warm them up. Poorly made paper chains and a cheap fake tree from Asda decorated the dining room, blue and gold baubles hanging off it, and abundance of tinsel that purely made it look like a mess.. Noticing a little note on the oven hob, ‘some christmas cookies as a treat for the lads pls’. Yay, just what you wanted to be doing, baking a bunch of men cookies that they most likely are not going to eat. But nevertheless you got to work, making dough from scratch as you search for any type of decoration to put on the top of them. The hustle and bustle of players walking into the room created a noise that you never missed, the clicking of studs and loud laughter as they all lined up for their food. Passing each one of them plates of breakfast and a glass of orange or apple juice, their choice. Receiving half hearted thank yous as a result of your hard work. Watching a few of the Christmas tree shaped cookies get taken and put on their trays, smiling to yourself as you realise they’re a bigger hit then you’d thought they’d be.
“Made us cookies huh?” a familiar voice snaps you back to reality, looking up to meet his gorgeous eyes, the same genuine smile on his face that he gave you everyday, smiling back at him and passing him his meal, “thank you” he says sincerely when he takes the plate of food from your hands, “yeah, thought it’d be a nice treat” you smile at him nervously, tucking your hair behind your ear and squirming under his stare. “They look delicious” he winked causing your heart to tighten, “You um-” he brushes his cheek for you to mirror his actions, “you’ve got flour on your face” he smiles gently, your face instantly heating up with embarrassment, brushing your left cheek quickly to remove the remnants of your baking. “All gone” he winks once the flour falls from your face, “looked kinda cute” he giggles nervously, there was no doubt he’d fancied you since your first day in the kitchen, always ensuring he held the door open for you, complimenting you on how you wore your hair and makeup, showed off his skills when he saw you watching the group train through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, but he’d never had the guts to admit his feelings to you, and especially to his mates, the teasing he’d get for fancying the squads chef would be unbearable. Loving how you smiled despite not wanting to be here, always so warm and welcoming to him, giving him an extra ration of bacon or an extra spoonful of beans in the morning. “Can I take two?” he asks, pointing at the cookies, watching you nod with a smile, seeing his stack two cookies onto his tray and humming, “course you can” you giggle, “special treatment for a special player” God too far Y/N, too far. “I’ll give you my verdict darling” he smiles making you go weak at the knees, watching him walk off and sit with the rest of the lads, biting into one of the cookies and giving you a thumbs up with a flirtatious wink to let you know he approves of your baking skills, “maybe you can make me my own batch!” he shouts across the room with his mouth still full of crumbly biscuit, all eyes turning to look at you as you giggle and nod, biting your lip and going crimson red.
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shegatsby · 5 years
Reborn From Ashes
Summary; Two lost souls find each other. Will they become the cure that they were looking for? Will they help each other or walk away?
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston X Reader
Genre: Romance
Warnings: Mental problems. A bit dark. Reader has a temper girll calm down :D
Tag list is open!
Chapter 1 
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‘‘And how does that make you feel?’‘ Mrs. Smith, Y/N’s psychologist asked her a question but at the moment she was interested in the plants Mrs. Smith had in her office. ‘‘You should water your plants more often Mrs. Smith.’‘ the woman sighed, ‘‘Y/N, we have been having these sessions for weeks now. If you cannot open yourself up to me than I can’t help you.’‘ Y/N was playing with her fingers, they were cold because London was cold. It was December after all, ‘‘Nothing.’‘ she murmured.
‘‘Sorry?’‘ she finally looked at Mrs. Smith, ‘‘As you can tell I can’t feel anything anymore.’‘ and the alarm was heared. 
‘‘Once again we have come to an end, before you leave take these.’‘ Mrs.Smith put a notebook and a pencil on her table, ‘‘Why?’‘ Y/N was confused. ‘‘Since you can’t open up I thought you should write your feelings or anything you do daily. And your first task is to go to a public place and socialize.’‘ she took the iteams, ‘’I trust you Y/N. Have a good day.’’
It has been a week and Y/N was too tired to go out. She was a painter so she spent nights to finish her projects. She used to paint for the passion of art but now she was painting to pay her rent and bills. She was living a modest life, her house was little but it was enough for her and landlady was kind to Y/N. She moved there two years ago, after escaping from her abusive fiance. 
It was cold outside, and snowy so she had long, black boots and black pants. Her dark green sweater was comfy, she put on her white scarf and white beanie. She packed her things and left her house reluctantly.
Y/N travelled for a little bit but the snow was unbearable so she tahnkfully found a nice Café.
She was welcomed by the warmth and the smell of coffee, even though she didn’t drink coffee too much she always enjoyed the smell. She found a seat next to the big window which was facing outside.
‘‘What can I get for you?’‘ a lovely waitress smiled, ‘‘Can I have chamomile tea and chocolate chip cookie, thak you.’‘ waitress left and she settled down, started to take notes; 
‘’Mrs.Smith, a week ago you gave me a task and I’m trying to complete it. I’m at a nice Café. I’m watching people laugh, smile and hold their loved ones close. The truth is no one needs me here, aren’t we all just insignificant beings who think that the world is built for them? This makes me disgusted.’’
She was enjoying her tea when that lovely waitress approached to her table, she had that apologetic smile on her bright face. ‘’So sorry to interrupt you Madam but as you can see we are packed and our regular customer is here. If it is okey for you can he sit here with you, but of course if you want to be left alone-’’
Y/N was a waitress once and she knew how stressful it can be, ‘’It’s okey.’’ Y/N cut her off, ‘’He can sit with me.’’ and she took few notes; 
‘‘Well Mrs.Smith, someone has to sit with me. Poor lad. He doesn’t know what he is doing, he is going to hate me.’‘
A tall man with black glasses and a serious expression came to her table, ‘’May I sit?’’ his husky voice was filled with the famous British accent. ‘’Of course, please.’’ she made a hand gesture for him to sit. She kept writing when the waitress took his order.
‘‘Is that a journal?’‘ the man smiled and she could see his white theet. ‘‘Yes.’‘ Y/N didn’t want to talk so she cut it short and turned her gaze outside, she really wasn’t in the mood of engaging a conversation but she also didn’t want to be rude. She put her Y/H/C strand of hair behind her ear, thanks to the curiousty in humans’ nature she was looking at him every five seconds. He was reading ‘‘Brief einer Unbekannten by Stefan Zweig.’‘  Y/N read that book before, when she stopped looking at the book’s cover they locked eyes. His blue eyes were captivating, ‘’I assume you read it before?’’ she dropped her pencil on the table, ‘’Yes, I’ve read it before.’’ even though she was giving him cold and short answers he was smiling politely. ‘’You liked it?’’ she got nervous it’s been a while since she talked to men so she started to play with the pencil. ‘’Yes but the idea of a woman falling deeply in love with a man who she didn’t even spend enough time with is bizarre. Of course it’s fiction so anything is possible.’’ 
Probably because of the Café’s warm environment she had this strange feeling, like she could open up to this man before her and talk for hours.
‘‘So you don’t support the idea of someone falling deeply in love?’‘ 
‘‘It’s nonlogical to me. I don’t know if you read Zweig’s other books but he always deals with profound human emotians and it is too much for me.’‘ 
The man infront of her ruffled with his curly, blonde-ish ginger hair and beard, ‘’Miss, people can fall in love deeply and they can love someone with profound feelings. How is this nonlogical? Love is something that you can’t find in logic.’’ he cleared his throat kindly,  ‘’ My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.’’ she rolled her eyes, ‘’Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.’’ his blue eyes shined with excitement. 
Y/N crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair, the man also did the same, he was watching her every move with his icy blue eyes. He had those famous european faces that would distract any woman. She could feel the tension between them.
‘‘I don’t have to explain myself to you Sir!’‘ she immediately grabbed her things and thrown them into her bag, in the meanwhile the blue eyed man was apologising and trying to explain her that he made a mistake but Y/N wasn’t listening. She left the Café without looking back, if she looked back she could’ve realized that she left the notebook that Mrs.Smith gave her a week ago.
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