bloodxhound · 18 days
Most embarrassing day of your police career. Let's hear it.
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     ❛❛ 𝐇𝐀𝐇. 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔, ❜❜   his chin tilts upwards, lofty grin in tow,   ❛❛ but I don’t got any story for you. My career’s been success after success. ❜❜ 
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kamipyre · 5 months
In two to three sentences, write a brief elevator pitch, or synopsis, to get someone interested in your character! Ideally, an elevator pitch is said within 30 seconds, the length of an elevator ride. Use this opportunity to summarize the best of your muse's story, without giving too much away! Get the "audience" hooked!
@lovlorne is making me practice elevator pitches now 😭😭😭
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synnie i was in this hell last year and i swore to never return until i had something of quality again....but bc i luv u i will practice for you :')))
i'll just go with with what i put on her promo when i made her blog three years ago (oh my gosh that's so long ago :'DDD )–
she's a forensics investigator with prominent burn scars from a fire that killed her parents. now she has pyrophobia and specializes in arson cases so she can find her parents' killer. oh, and she can and will make origami out of your paperwork :))
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lightdash · 9 months
In two to three sentences, write a brief elevator pitch, or synopsis, to get someone interested in your character! Ideally, an elevator pitch is said within 30 seconds, the length of an elevator ride. Use this opportunity to summarize the best of your muse's story, without giving too much away! Get the "audience" hooked!
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       This may read as a cop out answer, but nothing I could write would be a better synopsis than his character blurb from the Sonic Heroes recording script! It's my favorite introduction to his character, even after all these years, and some of it lives on in his profile on the Sonic Channel website. It says:
"The world’s fastest supersonic hedgehog, who is second to none when it comes to running. He is like the “wind” that never stays in one place. He has faced Eggman several times in the past and even saved the world, but for him it is just a little side event. He hates boredom and thinks that life is a series of incidents and adventures.
He lives by his own rules rather than the rules and common sense of those around him. He keeps his promises. He never betrays. He obeys what he thinks is right. He eats when he is hungry and sleeps when he wants to. He runs when he wants to run and stops when he wants to stop. Normally, he is flighty and remains aloof in any predicament, but in the heat of the moment, he surprises everyone with a fierceness and sharpness that makes him seem like a different person." ( translation credit. )
     In every way, it's just quintessential Sonic to me — capturing all the best parts of his personality and what seperates him from other protagonists. Like the wind... very important (pictured: me nodding along). This era of sonic media is what I base all my portrayals on, though, so I'm a little biased. It's good!
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quillheel · 1 year
MORALITY CHALLENGE ━━━ bold all the things your muse has done ( will  /  would do is in italics, bolded italics means they’ve done it before and will probably do it again ).
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murder  /  manslaughter  /  assault  /  robbery  /  breaking & entering  /  theft  /  embezzlement  /  money-laundering  /  kidnapping  /  torture  /  blackmail  /  arson  /  trespassing  /  treason  /  libel or slander  /  obstruction of justice  /  lying to law enforcement  /  creation of a weapon  /  espionage  /  riot  /  escape from lawful custody  /  contempt of court  /  public intoxication  /  conspiracy  /  accessory to a crime  /  harboring a fugitive  /  bribery  /  perjury under oath  /  resisting arrest  /  identity theft  /  corporate fraud  /  tax fraud  /  document forgery  /  destruction of evidence  /  assassination  /  counterfeiting  /  sale of a controlled substance  /  purchase of a controlled substance  /  failure to pay child support  /  hacking crimes  /  threat  /  pick-pocketing  /  shoplifting
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murder  /  manslaughter  /  assault  /  robbery  /  breaking & entering  /  theft  /  embezzlement  /  money-laundering  /  kidnapping  /  torture  /  blackmail  /  arson  /  trespassing  /  treason  /  libel or slander  /  obstruction of justice  /  lying to law enforcement  /  creation of a weapon  /  espionage  /  riot  /  escape from lawful custody  /  contempt of court  /  public intoxication  /  conspiracy  /  accessory to a crime  /  harboring a fugitive  /  bribery  /  perjury under oath  /  resisting arrest  /  identity theft  /  corporate fraud  /  tax fraud  /  document forgery  /  destruction of evidence  /  assassination  /  counterfeiting  /  sale of a controlled substance  /  purchase of a controlled substance  /  failure to pay child support  /  hacking crimes  /  threat  /  pick-pocketing  /  shoplifting
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tagged: @lovlorne, ty vv much!!! <3 tagging: @nectaric @tenebriism @buddymuses @ofeggies @lcngdays @thetowermuse @rabbitfled @fooltrick @squidsavior @dandelicn @z0mburger ( many of you are multis and ik i did splatoon muses but just pick whoever u want!! )
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ofgentleresolve · 1 year
☀ icon sizing and styling!
synnie enables my rambling :3 ( ask me anything about rp meme w/ @lovlorne )
send a ☀ along with a roleplay related topic to hear my thoughts on it. Ask me anything!
people can do what they want although i personally don't understand when they make their icons so small that you have squint just to see the expressions...like?? the point of icons for me is to give a visual of how the character might be reacting and if i can't see that then it's kind of a waste of space :/
as for styling though....i do like that?? like it's an opportunity to showcase more of a character's aesthetics thru iconing and especially if you make your own icons it is also a great way to safeguard your work from thieves....i personally don't use it bc i tend to write from a lot of different monitors and so it's not as useful for me to have all my icons in just one laptop :'DDDD
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apeculiarredsquid · 2 years
🍓 What is something you and the mun disagree on? 
"Apparently I used to be what she calls a 'self-insert' at a point. Now I'm not entirely sure what that is, but all I know is that we pretty much always had the same opinions on everything way back when. While that apparently isn't the case anymore, we still share a lot of common interests.
One thing that'll always differ between us, however, is that she doesn't like being rude to people, whereas I'm not afraid to let people know that they're being a douche - something about that being 'too rude' for her, or whatever. I just have far less tolerance for that sort of thing.'
🍀 What is your opinion on the layout of the blog the mun did for you? 
"It's simple. Which is good - it means it's easy to navigate and isn't too cluttered. Not that I'd mind something more complex, mind you, it's just that neither of us would have a damn clue how to work 'html', or whatever the hell she calls it.
I just kinda hope she'd get off her ass and give me a proper pinned post."
✍ Has the mun some special talents besides writing? 
"I mean... depends on your definition of 'special talents' I guess? They're more of a 'jack of all trades, master of none' kinda deal if you get what I mean. They tend to be relatively decent at everything they pick up, just not the best, y'know?"
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inkantation-arch · 2 years
@lovlorne replied:
Doubt it, boo. Took my friend years even then.
@hyperfreshisms replied:
"I think they have a Salmon clause in their bylaws, basically they don't have to refund you because Salmon attacks are classified as an act of Cod."
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"That's just my damn luck, huh?" Tsu, they don't even refund scholarships, that's not how it works.
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hexellent · 10 months
In two to three sentences, write a brief elevator pitch, or synopsis, to get someone interested in your character! Ideally, an elevator pitch is said within 30 seconds, the length of an elevator ride. Use this opportunity to summarize the best of your muse's story, without giving too much away! Get the "audience" hooked!
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'Military woman escapes oppression to become an idol with her crush. Does not disclose the identity of her race at first due to her previous military background.'
Oh jeez. That was a little harder than I thought! Thank you for the ask though!! I love seeing your muse on my dash!!
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wariodemambo · 1 year
Your life lookin' like a shit show right now, buddy. I can fix that. ;)
Blinks for a moment. Then, crosses his arm with a big ol' frown. He LOOOOOATHES it when people make fun of him. Hypocritical, given that his existence revolves around the harassment of One Guy.
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❝ SHEESH. You know it's rude to make assumptions, right? I don't remember asking. ❞ Uh, Wario. I don't think that's what she's asking here. Did you ignore the wink. Wario, I think this is your chance to-- ❝ Unless you can rebuild my company's building, leave me alone. ❞
Ah, never mind.
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inkantation · 7 months
i miss her and i blame you
neighborhood #3 (power out)
know better
not strong enough
take me as i am
are you satisfied?
teenage dream
in bloom
over yet
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tagged by: @lovlorne xoxoxo tagging: @lunafool, @leuvspell, @heartwilled, @squidsavior, @orbitaldeathwoomy @tfsroleplay, @jukkumi
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bloodxhound · 3 months
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an intervention, @lovlorne.   ♡
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kamipyre · 1 year
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@lovlorne sent in: let's hear aboutttt... ray :} || the paper machine's gossip session ( ft. talk about meme )
send “talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
scorched verse:
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“He needs to broaden his HORIZONS.” And she’s not just talking from one shore…for one thing, he ( @bloodxhound ) still hasn’t budged ( and probably will never ) on his cruelty towards crocs. But that’s a long-term goal- for now, she can settle with the one that gives her a bit more flexibility! “He says he doesn’t mind seaweed, which I think is more than a start!” After all, seaweed is the lettuce of the ocean…if Ray can digest that then bonito flakes are more than doable. That being said, she is getting off-topic and needs to talk about the detective himself- “…He’s weird. He’s all for wrecking stuff and making Mister Godot write reports about it, but then he’s all orderly about like, his stuff. And schedule.” Like how he drags her to the gym with him at least two times every month and unless there’s a case going on, he visits the gym almost every day. “He gives me free paper. And food! Even if his opinions there are wrong half of the time- but it’s okay! We have TIME to convince him otherwise!”
embers verse:
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Eyes widen ever so slightly. Well that’s a name she hasn’t heard in a while- where did they hear that name? One that was once at the center of the biggest scandals within LAPD has now become a relic of an old era. A name that is only whispered in passing as if the owner himself has died. But really, it’s been what, a year or two since he resigned? Her fingers fold. “…He said he’d be back.” Her voice is firm, eyes steady. That’s why he gave her Paper Moozy and its city, didn’t he? Ray’s not the kind of break his promises anyway. “If he were here, we wouldn’t be dealing with half of these problems. He wouldn’t stand for it.” Of course that could be said about the others too- the ones who care more about the truth than a spotless record. If they were here, perhaps the public wouldn’t have lost faith in the LAPD either. Her fingers keep moving. “He’ll be back. I know it.” 
In her hands, there’s a paper replica of MOOZILLA.
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lightdash · 1 year
What was your muse like as a teenager? Did they go to school? How did they fit in? How did they survive? What prominent experiences shaped them as the (assumingly) adult they are today?
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       Sonic has absolutely no formal education — not even some preschool days! Christmas Island has a small population; less than a hundred, the majority of which are older residents who've lived there their entire lives. Sonic was one of the first children to be born on that island in years. He didn't have many friends, let alone classmates, so 'fitting in' was never an issue for him.
     All of the teaching he received as a kid came directly from his mothers at home. Aside from the basics of walking, talking and general living, his parents shared a lot of wisdom about the world; specifically, imbuing him with a reverence for nature. Bernie was a pilot and a journalist, whose studies were primarily in Life Energy & Chaos Theory. She would frequently encourage Sonic to connect with their planet, whether that meant stargazing from the cockpit of the Tornado, or eating dirt and collecting bugs (much to Aleena's horror when he'd drop a bunch of them on the kitchen counter). Despite his memory loss after the events of Sonic 2, much of this remained fundamental to his character; too important to forget.
     Tails has more or less taught Sonic every lick of English he knows, and anything else was picked up from books or movies; the speech patterns, things that made him sound cool, were here to stay. In return, Sonic helped him learn how to survive out in the world.
     During the era of Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Sonic is about... fourteen, fifteen give or take, and the United Federation is new, cool and exciting — just like him (so he'd tell you). It's his first time living amongst so many humans, with Tails' workshop only a train ride away, and despite the culture shock this is totally happenin'. He's got a loud mouth, with louder ideas, and he's still figuring out this whole 'friendship' thing. Amy's determined to give him a piece of her mind, but he's always running away. They all spend less time with Knuckles now that they're not living on Angel Island, but he finds his way to them.
     Sonic has learned a lot over the years. From his friends, to traveling, even fighting; he's incredibly smart, and no highschool diploma would give him the same level of intelligence living has. While he may not be able to explain whatever 'PEMDAS' means, he can give you instructions to find a place he's never been based on geographical landmarks alone, help find food and clean water in the wilderness, or teach you how to fix a broken propeller. Ask this 'hog for help — he may surprise you!
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quillheel · 4 months
─  romantic gestures.   bold what applies to your muse , italicize if there's potential / it depends.
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holding hands · buying flowers · cooking · cuddles · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold · kissing in the rain · publicly confessing love · long walks at the beach · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their hand · slow dancing · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other · introducing them to your parents · lighting candles · flower petals on bed · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands · compliments · late night drives · taking selfies together · drawing them · self-made gifts · massages · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them your favorite book to read · paying for dinner / coffee · mixtapes / playlists · surprise birthday parties · feeding them · handing them keys to your apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving · moving cities to be together · blowing a kiss · breakfast in bed · defending them in a fight (verbally / physically) · joint bubble baths · dropping the L-bomb ("i love you") · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them · wearing their clothes · yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie · granting them the last bite (from meal)
tagged by: stolen from @infog <3 I legally HAD to tagging: @tenebriism @braveryhearted @autonomousxselves @fantomevoleur @musesofthesun @pluviacuratio @tendercoded / @manebloom / @lncanting @cozyfarms @deiscension @shadowedresolve @sakuaxe @lovlorne @leuvspell @adoranoia and you!!!! ( multi's, decide as you please! )
#toshiro kasukabe i love you so so so so so bad i WISH i had ships w u u mean the world to me#HE DRIVES ME INSANEEEEEEEEE im obsessed with him. toshiro struggles alot w expressing attraction in public bc of the conditions that he-#-was raised under where he had endless amounts of pressure put on him to conform to a standard and stay in the shadow of his father from a-#-very young age which means even postgame he struggles to get himself to do these things esp when they wouldnt be socially ok to do unless-#-you were dating the person u were doing it with but still caring abt his partner SOSOSOSOSSO much it's agonizing and how he'd fight with-#-himself to genuinely and directly express his feelings and not be controlled by fear postgame and how even pregame he'd still try to-#-figure something out to express it even in the minutest sense and how much his experiences form and embolden and disquiet him and GODDD#the way he'd consider a love letter to be albeit cheesy the most romantic thing he could do for a person bc it communicates his feelings-#-for them so directly and in a written form which he is so trained to think of in the danger it could bring bc its Physical ANYONE can-#-read it but still choosing to Write It Down like a kind of permanence and the way part of that is bc of him getting a secret admirer's-#-love letter when he was young and getting so so infatuated with the concept and finding that writing things down to be such a good way-#-to figure out his thoughts n feelings even if he always burned them after and how he'd want to do that for his partner/romantic interest-#-and how he finds to articulate his feeling through action and Giving rather than verbally when the articulate struggles so he instead-#-says it in the way he helps sb he loves learn an instrument or a skill n guides them and helps them and the way he'd guide the fingers#TOSHIROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KASUKABEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE u need a partner SO BAD i love u sm#MUSE / Toshiro Kasukabe#STUDY / Toshiro Kasukabe#GAMES / Toshiro Kasukabe#SHIPPING / Toshiro Kasukabe#━ ♔ on such longing i couldn’t spit out : shipping.#━ ♔ shielding your eyes from the bright noon-light : studies.#p5 //#p5t //#food ment //#━ ♔ the world grows green again when you smile : games.
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primordial-tartar · 1 year
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inkantation-arch · 1 year
@lovlorne // random asks // always accepting
What was your muse like as a teenager? Did they go to school? How did they fit in? How did they survive? What prominent experiences shaped them as the (assumingly) adult they are today?
( for this ask, i'm going to kind of be lumping in tween / late childhood as well, just because their teen years are pretty well covered in the blog. )
Tsunaomi was the model of a "gifted child." She was born in the Octarian domes, and her and her mother's escape weighs heavy on her mind - she's terrified of drowning from the flooding they escaped, and she feels indebted to the people who helped her get to the surface. Once living in peace, she felt this immense pressure to excel, to be excellent.
A part of this pressure came from her mother, Ida, who encouraged her to be her best, and in doing so, inadvertently fed into this feeling that she had to be the best. Another portions of the pressure was from her community; in her very tight knit neighborhood, anytime she succeeded, it was a whole-block affair. It compounded to the feeling that anything she does has to be successful - proof that the block of refugees can make something of themselves.
That said, Tsunaomi went to advanced schools ( something along the lines of our real world International Baccalaureate schools ) basically all her life, and had a hard time fitting in there. There was a class divide there, and she didn't really relate to them. Naomi preferred to wait until she got home, to hang out with Rayne and other people in her neighborhood. It means, as an adult, she's slow to trust and slowly untangling all the damage done to her self esteem.
If she's not the best, who is she? She can't be average, in order for her family's sacrifices to get her to the surface to mean something, Tsunaomi has to be perfect.
Rayne lived in his own kind of pressure cooker - the kind that happens when you become aware of the adult realities too soon. His family ( father and grandmother ) owns and operates the grocery store of their corner of Inkopolis. He was under a similar expectation to Naomi, to be his best, but lacked the internal pressure of thinking that meant being the best. Instead, he was quite happy with making good grades in school, and doing extracurriculars.
Except, he always picked those extracurriculars carefully. Never something that had a huge fee to join, like a sports team. When he wanted to join marching band, he saved up months and months of allowance in order to pay for Band Camp, rather than having his father or grandfather pay. He was keenly aware that anything he wanted to do, they had to pay for, and Rayne knew they were struggling, even with the store. He'd overheard it all, and internalized it. He didn't feel like a burden, but his life had been dominated by money, by needing it to survive.
Rayne went to public school, and got along with just about everyone. He's charismatic, he's funny, everyone likes Rayne. Everyone thought well of him; thought he would go on to do awesome stuff, and they came to him with their woes. Well liked, but not well known. He only had that kind of deep connection with Naomi, his best friend ( and his abuela, who he loves more than life. )
Despite it all, Rayne has a positive attitude - someone has to pick up the pieces, and it may as well be him. It does mean he overworks - who else is going to save them all?
Eden had it rough. Her mother, a general, left care of her two daughters ( Eden and her elder sister, Toko ) to her sister, Mayu, and Mayu's wife, Pulpo. Because of this, she was enrolled in military school incredibly early, barely six or seven. Whereas Rayne and Naomi were expected to do their best, Eden and Toko were expected to be the best. The top of their class, the best soldiers to ever exist.
Eden did not flourish under pressure. Instead, she cracked. The pressure to be a solider, to hurt other people, she couldn't withstand it, and inevitbly, when she failed, she was met with vilification and abuse by her aunts. It instilled in her this feeling of failure, this feeling of self deprecation, and those eventually ran off, and fed into this river of rebellion.
Once she was out of classes meant for soldiers and put into engineering, Eden found out that there were people who felt the same way she did. Eden had tons of friends - girls who talked of rebellion and romance in the same breath, hidden under covers and laughing about the stupidity of their superiors. The friendship of girls like her, who had been consider failures by their family, ultimately repaired her self esteem, and brought back out her rebellious spirit.
Eden, as an adult, refuses to be scared anymore, refuses to be held down by other's expectations of her. She's saved the world, no one's opinion has to matter anymore.
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