#lowkey high key Scott did too like
x-mensirens · 2 months
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I'm so so so so sorry but the way we all knew this was really Jean because she fainted ajbfehgqhebjsnklmfjnwrg
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rosesvioletshardy · 3 years
overtime win celebrations - mat barzal
okay this is very unedited because i lowkey rushed it and i know it’s bad. also this is very bad smut because i haven’t written it in a while and i tried to read others and my old ones to get some inspiration and try to make it at least accurate in a way idk
also a very happy birthday mat today 
(isles win today or else i’ll fly to new york and 🔪) (jk ,,, unless)
this was requested by @gigissports​ who gave me the idea of this fic when i said i wanted to write a fic but didn’t know what to write about or who to write about so thank you to her and i hope you like it
(also idk what that title is it’s the first thing that came to my mind)
(ps y’all should also follow her as well she’s an amazing person)
mat masterlist
warnings: mention of fights, SMUT (18+) (minors please don’t interact), fluff, little angst? (idk mat is a little upset so idk if that’d count as angst)
# of words: 1,941 (sorry it’s short i tried to make it somewhat longer but my brain decided to go into writer’s block so)
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It was all going well, up until it wasn’t. You knew that playoff hockey got even more intense than the regular season and meant that more injuries were prone to happen. Mat told you the night the Islanders got clinched that he wouldn’t try to get into many fights anymore or get anymore penalty minutes seeing that he’s their star and that the top player shouldn’t have that many penalty minutes. He managed to not get into any fights or get any penalties the first 4 games. You would’ve gone to the game but you decided to stay at yours and Mat’s apartment to watch the game due to being busy earlier in the day and Mat was completely fine with however you wanted to watch the game. The only thing he did request before he left was that you wore one of his jerseys that he wasn’t going to be wearing for good luck. As soon as you came home from work it was the first thing you did and you sent a picture to him to show him. You knew he wouldn’t answer right away but you saw that he read it. 
The game was going smoothly up until the second period where the penguins were leading by 3. You knew that the team was frustrated by the way they looked as the camera panned over to the bench and that they were trying their hardest. Mat’s line was now playing and you felt as if they were going to score during that period. It wasn’t until moments after Anthony’s goal where a fight broke out and Mat got into the middle of it. You couldn’t tell what happened but you stood up on your feet and became really concerned. It wasn’t until you saw him walk towards the locker room with one of the medics before they showed the reply. The rest of the game you couldn’t focus on and only worried that something would happen even later into the game. Mat had said he was fine but you knew that he wasn’t from when they showed him. 
The only good thing to come out of the game was the double overtime win and you knew it was going to be a while before Mat got home. You hadn’t really had anything for dinner because of it and could only eat crackers because your mind was only worried for Mat and Mat only. It wasn’t long before you fell asleep seeing how late it was. Mat on the other hand was exhausted as well and it was just from playing almost 5 rounds of hockey. A sigh escaped his mouth when he reached the front door and took out his keys only to find you sleeping on the couch wearing his white jersey. He smiled at the site before dropping his bag and taking his shoes off before walking over to you and crouching down in front of you. Mat took a moment to analyze the details of your face before he started to caress your face and wake you up. Your eyes began to flutter open as you saw him crouched down to your height 
“Hey baby” he whispered as you sat up making room for him
“Hi maty, sorry you had to see me like this” you told as he sat down and pulled you into his chest
“It’s okay you deserve some rest.” he said trying to hide his eye
“Let me see, don’t hide it.”
“I didn’t want you to be mad”
“Why would I be mad?” you asked him confusion running across your face
“Because I promised to you that I wouldn't get into any fights or get any penalties during playoffs” he admitted
“I’m not mad, I was worried the entire time. It happens.” you affirmed him as you ran your fingers over the bruised eye lightly making sure that you didn’t hurt him. The two of you sat there in silence for a while taking in each other’s company before you both looked at each other and brought your lips together. You’ve been with Mat for over a year and a half and yet he still gave you butterflies every time you kissed. Straddling him, you continued to kiss as you ran your fingers through his hair.
Everything in that moment just felt perfect. Mat pulled away and stood up, picked you up and took you to yours and his room. After laying you down on the bed, he began to slowly push up his jersey while pressing small kisses along your jaw and down your neck, leaving marks, making you moan before pulling away to take the jersey off. His breath hitched when he saw the lingerie you had on underneath and smiled and you spoke up
“I was going to surprise you when you got home but i ended up falling asleep, so this isn’t exactly how I planned it” you told him sitting back up
“Well I’m still surprised don’t worry and you still look beautiful” he said before giving you another kiss and laying you back down after you took off his suit jacket, shirt and pants leaving him just in his underwear as you traced your fingers down his body
“I love you so much. Thank you for everything you do. From supporting me at home and away games to dealing with me and my antics” 
Mat unclipped you bra as he pressed light kisses over your collarbones as his hands roamed all over your body and stopping at your thighs, Pushing your legs apart, his fingers hooking onto your underwear before sliding them off and inserting two of them inside you. His eyes never left yours, curling his fingers more and while his thumb rubbed your clit, causing you to moan
“Maty, please” you let out
“In all time princess. It’s all about patience” he whispered in your ear before removing his fingers as soon as he felt you clenching. 
Removing his fingers, he brought them up to his mouth and sucked off your juices and sank down to his knees and kissed the soft skin of your thighs, feeling scruff from his playoff beard he was finally allowed to grow out. He wasted no time when it came to eating you out as he sucked back on your clit. One of his favorite sounds was hearing your moans and whimpers, as a smirk plastered onto his face, gripping your thighs tighter. You became more and more frustrated as you tugged on his hair wanting more. Pulling him closer onto you,  his hands grabbed your breasts making you gasp and moan his name more. He began to slowly lick your clit before starting to suck on it. You can feel him slowly pull away before going back and inserting his finger again
“Oh god. Oh fuck. Mat that feels so good. Please don’t stop”
“What do you need princess?”
“You. I need you.”  
“Fuck, maty i’m so close please” you told him as you could feel him humming against your clit, sending shivers down your spine. The familiar feeling began to coil in your stomach as you tugged on his hair harder and him licking you as his name left your lips, almost to the point where the neighbors would probably hear.
When he pulled away, he pressed a kiss against your lips, making you taste yourself. Mat leaned over to grab a condom from the nightstand next to the bed as you began to palm him through his boxers before pulling it down. You helped him roll the condom on him as he then lined himself in between you and grabbing your legs to hook against him
“You ready?” he asked looking into your eyes, making sure you’re still comfortable
“Yes” you told him as you curled your fingers at the bottom of his hair as he pressed his lips against yours while pushing himself inside you, groaning into his mouth.
His hips rolled with every thrust he gave, his lips leaving yours and pressing kisses along your jaw as he whispered in your ear as the occasional moan left his lips when you marked up his back or tugged his hair more. His hands gripped around your waist as he 
“I love you so much.”
“I love you so much too”
“Are you close?” he whispered pulling away from your neck “Mhm” you nodded as a whine left your left as he thrusted harder, 
“It’s okay, let go” he whispered in your ear as the both of you let go of your highs. Mat came out of you and fell on the bed next to you. The two of you stayed quiet as you both breathed heavily trying to catch your breaths.
“Well that was-”
“Yeah” he finished as he took the condom off and threw it in the trashcan when got up and went to the bathroom
When Mat came back, he started to clean you up with the damp towel, making sure that you were alright and that he didn’t hurt you. He took his time making sure to stop as soon as you started to feel uncomfortable or started to wince. You kept trying to fight off the sleepiness that was taking over so you had a chance to talk to Mat about everything he wanted just so he can get his mind over it. Your eyes were starting to slowly close once again until you felt the bed dip and Mat’s arm pull you so your head was on his chest
“What’s going on through that mind of yours?” you asked him knowing that he was thinking about the game again
“Just the game, the fight, how much my eye hurts” he laughs off but you can tell he’s still somewhat upset causing you to get up and face him
“Mathew, you did your best, and you’ll keep doing your best. I know you know this but you go close to a goal each period and in overtime. Yes, it’s not going well, but you need to have some faith in you. There’s still some positives that happened, you assisted a couple of goals from Tito and Scott, plus the game winning goal. Those are still something-” you told him before he cut you off
“Yeah but they’re not a goal you know? Everyone, from commentators to interviewers have been on my ass about not scoring and it’s frustrating to listen to and when it happens it gets blocked” mat exclaimed, as he ran his hand through is hair trying not to show his frustration
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that will happen and things will get better. Remember you were struggling towards the end of the regular season and then you got a goal straight out of the penalty box?”
“Yes but-”
“But nothing. You still have game 6 and I know that you guys will advance to the next round and you will get that goal that you want.” you finished as you now sit on his lap staring into his eyes and grabbing his hands
“Okay, mainly because I trust you and I love you.” he said as he gave you a small peck on the lips
“I love you”
“Now, do you still have enough energy for another round or are you tired?”
“I don’t know, I’m not the one who played 5 periods of hockey and got into a fight” you smirked as he flipped you onto your back
“Well then, you shouldn’t have said that missy” he whispered to you smirking as he went back down on you
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imagineseclipse · 5 years
Your Character Development Imagine
Season 1 Part 2
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You really were not planning on waking up super early the next morning, even though you had school you intended on staying in bed for the entire day.
But apparently mother nature had different plans for you.
You awoke abruptly to what sounded like stones being thrown at your window, at first you buried yourself further into your covers mumbling to yourself inaudibly not even being able to understand your own words. You felt really out of place, something felt weird and it was lowkey starting to freak you out. 
The noise got louder and louder until it was too much to bear. Once again you threw the warm duvet from your body, exposing your body to the cold air almost instantly. Leaving you with terrible goosebumps as you trudged over to your window, peering out of it curiously. 
Turning back to face your bed you noticed a white shimmering dust, scattered all over your bed sheets.
The events from the night before had been forgotten up until that moment unfortunately, it was like you were having a really bad hangover, when you watched out of your window the banging stopped.
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Rolling your eyes as you suddenly turned your back to the glass. That’s when it started again. Quickly you rushed back to the window ledge eager to see what causing such a racket at 6am.
As you pulled your curtains apart you came face to face with a small robin bird. Tapping it’s beak against the double sided frame. You continued to gaze as the bird for a minute wondering how such a small animal could make so much noise.
To your surprise one more small robin joined the first, tapping persistently at your big window. Your eyebrows furrowed together with confusion as yet another bird flew to the outside of your bedroom. Mimicking the actions of its fellow friends.
You took a step back from your window growing increasingly worried while a number of birds appeared, all knocking at the same time making the sound almost deafening.
You threw your curtains back together backing away from the assemble of feathered creatures. Your heart was beating so hard in your chest you thought you were going to have a heart attack.
Retreating into your bathroom you slammed the door closed behind you, shutting out the commotion that continued to make your ears bleed.
You let out a sigh relief, reaching for the bottom of your t-shirt so that you could finally assess the scratches.
Your heart finally stopped when you checked the area that you had previously bandaged. The deep wound had vanished it had disappeared leaving no trace that it actually existed.
To say that you were confused would be an understatement, inside you honestly believed that you were going insane. There was no sign of blood, no grazed skin, no scratches.
You could have sworn it happened.
Letting your t-shirt fall back down by your sides you turned on the cold tap reaching down and splashing water over your face. Waking you up properly.
When you brought your head back up you reached for your towel attempting to dry your face. You froze suddenly noticing that your skin was so pale, you looked different. You felt abnormal. It had taken you a minute or two to notice that your eyes had gone from y/e/c to a bright silver.
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How was that even possible?!
You stared for what seemed like forever, it had to be a dream it had to be. You stood looking dumbfounded at your reflection. your new grey eyes never leaving your own face as you continued to inspect the change.
The consistent tapping making your mind warped. It was as if it was echoing throughout your brain, suddenly causing you to break down.
“Please just stop, i want it to stop”you cried as you slumped down on your cold bathroom tiles.
A second later and the persistent drumming in your mind had come to a halt as if the birds had listened to your wishes.
You waited for a moment before deciding that it was safe for you to leave your bathroom. When you entered back into your room everything was hushed, and there was no sign of the small dainty animals.
Maybe you were finally going crazy stuck in that room, maybe you were seeing things. You’d come to the conclusion that you needed fresh air so going to school was your only option.
You carelessly threw the first hoodie in sight, making your way down the kitchen. You were pleased to see a note from your mother taped to the fridge explaining that she had gone to work already and that there was money on the counter for your lunch.
You didn’t know how you were going to explain the silver eyes. It then occurred to you that you hadn’t used your phone since the night before. In fact you didnt even know where your phone was.
The realisation then hit you, you’d left it behind in the woods.
Swiping your car keys angrily from the table you made your way out to your car, speeding away from your house with only one objective.
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As you approach Beacon Hills High you searched the crowd for your victims, ready to unleashed your newly found anger. Once you had safely parked your car you stomped towards Scott and Stiles.
Scott could hear your heart racing from miles away, he didn’t know how but he could. He could also feel the anger radiating from your body.
Stiles noticed you after Scott had, his eyebrows raising at you a smile forming on his face. It was if he was happy to see you.
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“Y/n, you’re alive i couldn’t find you yesterday in the woo-
“Yeah i am alive, but you won’t be for much longer”you growled, cutting stiles off as you approached the two boys, dragging each of them by their bags to an area where nobody hung out. Nobody would be able to hear their screams.
“Oh! My god, wow”Stiles yelped as you pushed Scott into him with some force backing them both into a corner folding your arms and tapping your foot impatiently.
“Woah y/n, nice contact lenses your eyes look so cool”Stiles complimented you unaware of the consequences.
You lunged forwards picking him up by the scruff of his shirt.
“They aren’t contact lenses dumbass, you think this is funny?!”you started to raise your voice.
Stiles gawped at you “I don’t know what you’re talking ab-
You scoffed, letting Stiles go a little too quickly making him stumble backwards into Scott. A look of hurt flashed across his face before you opened your mouth to rant again.
“You two nerds did this to me, what you wanted me to come into the woods so that you could put some weird chemicals into my body for your stupid little experiments don’t think for one second that your weird projects go unnoticed i see you two sneaking around all the time!”you exclaimed not really making any sense.
Scott and Stiles exchanged confused glances.
“Whatever you did to me, change it back before i ruin your lives”you hissed.
“We didn’t do anything to you y/n”Scott explained quickly.
“Look i really don’t need this right now, last night when you left me alone i was attacked”Scott added, his head dropping so he was looking at the floor.
“What?”you grimaced. You’d been having brief flashbacks to when you were knocked to the ground by the unseeable force in the forest.
“He thinks a werewolf bit him”Stiles continued the story.
You let out a menacing laugh.
“Don’t be stupid, werewolves don’t exist”you shook your head as if it was the most ridiculous thing in the world.
“Show her Scott, show her the bite”Stiles nudged his best friend. Scott hesitated before lifting up his shirt showing you a white gauze covered with tape that resembled your own.
There were small spots of blood covering the bandage as he peeled the tape from his skin to reveal nothing. 
“What i could have sworn there was something there”Scott mumbled to himself, the same thing had happened to you and you were one hundred percent baffled by it all.
Narrowing your eyes at Scott, you found yourself unintentionally reaching up to rub the area of your own wound, only to feel discomfort. Stiles watched you shuffle around for a few seconds he watched closely as you rubbed the side of your body nervously. Stilinski frowned slightly, cocking his head to the side deep in thought.
You could feel Stiles’ eyes on you, raising your head in his direction immediately making eye contact. Your eyes bored into his wondering if he had seen your previous actions. 
“What makes you think it was a werewolf”you asked turning to Scott, trying to change the atmosphere. 
“I heard a wolf howling in the woods after i was attacked”Scott answered.
“Impossible, there have been no sightings of wolves in California for like 60 years”Stiles shook his head.
“Well i found the body aswell” Scott announced.
The conversation had started to bore you so you found yourself walking away not wanting to talk to them anymore than you had to, you obviously weren’t getting the answers you needed from them so there was no point in hanging around. You decided that you would catch them out later so that they could fix you eyes because you were convinced that they did something to you.
You were only a few footsteps away from the teens when you were barged to the side by the queen bee herself Lydia Martin. She carried on strutting past as if nothing had happened whereas you turned around ready to confront her about her attitude. 
She may have gotten away with walking over everyone else but you were not ‘everyone’. You were just about to give her a piece of your mind when you were cut short by the sound of Stiles Stilinski shrieking about the dead body Scott had come across the night before.
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“Oh god that is freaking awesome. I mean this is seriously gonna be the best thing that’s happened to this town since-
Stiles’ eyes landed on Lydia mid conversation, and suddenly he was in a trance. You rolled your eyes dramatically before listening in on the conversation, entertained by the fact that Lydia didn’t even know that Stiles existed.
“Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia, you look...like you’re gonna ignore me”
You watched the one sided exchange with a uninterested expression on your face.
“Pathetic”you whispered, tutting to yourself as you hugged your hoodie tighter around your body. The winds were picking up rapidly and you were regretting your life decisions. You were better off staying in your bed.
Luckily for the boys, they didn’t see you for the rest of the school day. You figured that after lessons had finished you would go back to the woods to try and locate your phone.
It was comforting that you were visiting during the day time, you really didn’t want to run into whatever had attacked you the previous night.
 A small part of you wondered if the creature that had attacked Scott was the same animal that had attacked you, however you shook away the thought.
You kicked the leaves from your shoes, scanning the ground for your phone. You cursed under your breath remembering that your battery had been quite low the night before so it was most probably dead. You’d never find it.
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Whilst you were roaming the woods on your phone search and rescue you noticed that you felt at peace, as if you were meant to be there. You could breath and you didn’t feel pressure on your chest like you normally would. You weren’t suffocating. Then the thought of returning back to reality hit you like a brick.
 Just when you thought that your day couldn’t get any worse you heard two male voices approaching you.
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“Y/N? Is that you?”Stiles jogged over to you.
“No, it isn’t”you deadpanned.
“What are you doing here?”Scott asked.
“Not that it’s any of your business but i lost my phone here last night”you spoke out, not even attempting to make eye contact. You were terrified that Stiles was going to become suspicious.
“I’m trying to look for my inhaler”Scott stated.
“I didn’t ask”you replied expressionless.
“We could help eachother”Scott offered.
You let out a deep audible breath before turning to face the two. Yet another burst of anger made it’s way out of your mouth.
“If it wasn’t for you and that stupid animal thing attacking me then i wouldn’t have lost my phone in the first place!”you shouted as you pressed your hands into Scott’s chest accusingly.
“What did you just say?!”Stiles edged closer to you. Of course he had perfect hearing, you had realised that you had basically told them everything unintentionally and you decided that muting yourself and controlling your anger would be best in the future.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. Inhaling sharply. If you didn’t tell them now they really wouldn’t leave you alone.
“I said i wouldn’t have lost my phone in the first place if it wasn’t for Scott”you repeated yourself quietly.
“No about the animal”Stiles said folding his arms.
This time an aggressive groan of frustration left your lips.
“After i left Scott last night, i dropped my phone and i was trying to find it and something tried to attack me. It kind of did and kind of didn’t now don’t come up with any of those bullshit theories about how i’m a freaking werewolf”you warned.
Stiles looked as though he was conflicted for a couple of seconds before turning to Scott who was sniffing the air like a dog.
“What is that smell?”Scott asked as he continued to stick his nose in the air.
“It smells like mint, like an old mint and it stinks”you shook your head in disgust as it wafted towards you.
“Guys i can’t smell it”Stiles frowned.
“See this is what i mean, like earlier i had all the time in the world to catch the balled during lacrosse and that’s not the only weird thing. I can hear stuff i should not be able to hear. Smell things”Scott explained, growing increasingly stressed.
You really didn’t want to explain that you were going through the same thing, especially to two strangers.
“Smell things? Like what?”Stiles questioned.
“Like that damned Mint Mojito gum in your pocket, please it reeks throw it away”you pinched your nose.
“Y/N you can smell it aswell?!”Scott asked, his eyes assessing you. He had noticed your appearance had changed drastically overnight. Stiles had noticed aswell.
“I guess”you mumbled taking your attention away from the conversation once again, searching for your phone.
“What actually happened to you last night?”Stiles asked as he watched you.
“Nothing”you lied.
“Y/n please-
“I���ve already told you i got attacked okay? i don’t know what it was but it scratched me really badly”you raised your voice, losing all sanity.
“Show me the scratch”Scott and Stiles yelped in unison.
“No point, it’s not there anymore”you mumbled walking ahead humming to yourself.
Stiles’ mouth dropped open, and he threw his arms around in the air behind you when you had your back to him, frustrated that you didn’t mention it earlier in the day. You spun around as Scott started to speak, Stiles’ arms falling back down to his side quickly.
“Y/n, what if it’s like an infection that had different effects on us i mean look at you suddenly you have grey eyes and your skin has gone so pale it’s almost like it’s glittering”Scott’s head cocked to the side.
“Stop with all these theories seriously, the scratch must’ve just healed overnight maybe it wasn’t as deep as i thought, and as for my pale skin wow thankyou for the insult loser”you exclaimed.
“What about your eyes, how can you explain that?”Stiles interrupted you. You would have come back with something witty but you just didn’t know what to say. You just couldn’t explain it.
“Do you know what, i’m perfectly fine without my phone”you hissed before spinning on your heel, walking away.
Again you didn’t get too far before a hand on your shoulder pulled you backwards gently.
“Y/n, wait stop”Stiles said quietly.
You shrugged his hand from your body before looking up to see an older male, he stood staring at the three of you. His green eyes piercing through your bodies.
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“What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property”The handsome man approached you all.
Scott and Stiles stood closer together, frightened but you remained still. Your head tilted to get a closer look at the man, you could’ve sworn you recognised him from somewhere.
Stiles stepped forward, ready to grab your hand and pull you back away from the stranger.
“Uh sorry man, we didn’t know”Stiles explained.
“Yeah we were just looking for something but uh forget it. Uhm. Alright come on i gotta get to work”Scott ran his hands through his hair awkwardly.
Derek’s gaze fell onto you, it was as if you couldn’t move, he was fixated on you the only one who hadn’t said a word. You were stuck. Your lips pressed into a thin line.
Stiles watched the two of you in confusion.
The Hale’s hand lifted from his side, tossing Scott his inhaler, he then proceeded to throw your phone towards you.
But you didn’t move to catch it, in fact you let it drop into the leaves in front of you as you continued staring at Derek. Stiles rushed forwards to pick up your phone for you.
Finally you managed to snap out of the trance, sending Derek a glare before walking off in the opposite direction. Scott and Stiles started to job so they could catch up with you.
There was no way you were going to get rid of them.
“Guys that was Derek Hale, you remember right? He’s only a few years older than us?”Stiles spoke out before yelping as you plucked your phone from his grasp.
“Remember what?”Scott asked.
“His family, they all burned to death in a fire, like ten years ago”
Your heart dropped, you were very familiar with the hale fire... In fact you had witnessed it, you must’ve been 7 when you were playing in the woods not too far from the Hale residents.
You had seen the whole thing so that where you had recognised Derek from.
“I wonder what he’s doing back”Scott noted, continuing to walk towards the car park.
A/N:Part two is finally out, i’m sorry for the layout and the dodgy paragraphs but tumblr is hating on me because i have been away for a while, i’m still editing it to make it better but for now here is part two:) x
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samdeancass · 2 years
Hi !
May I request a 1k followers event request with (I dont know if they are the right emoji 🤣) 🕵Riverdale x Teen Wolf 🐺
Jughead Jones follows is friend Archie Andrews for a weekend to Beacon Hills. (Where Archie has his first out of town show as a musician. A school (Devenford Prep School) wants him to perform for a big Lacrosse Charity Match ( Devenford Prep x Beacon Hills High School). Jughead is not that interested in the sport event itself but he goes (for the food and Archie).
There's a guy there, a Brett Talbot, captain of one of the team who lowkey tease/flirt with Archie. He doesn't understand why Archie is not on the field playing sports (with his athletic shape). Jughead rolls his eyes at it another jock duche, he thinks.
But what gets Jughead attention is a conversation between two girls seated not far from him. They are talking about a Deadpool with millions at the key. That's an odd conversation so he just keep an eye/ear on it. That's when the name of Brett Talbot comes out. 1 million his value.
But that's a game, right ? It has to be.
But when that said Talbot is tackled down on the field, ko, Jughead has doubts. Even Archie comments that he didn't see a violent tackle down like that in his career (as a footballer). So Jughead goes after the kid when the paramedics bring him to the nurse office. On his way Jughead finds out all the paramedics, ko. He calls the police then Archie and proceeds to follow the tracks to the lockeroom.
Little Jughead Jones the third did know. A nice and innocent trip with is best friend Archie Andrews ends up being their first step into the supernatural world as he has to fight off a teenage killer trying to strangle a yellow eyed Brett Talbot.
Even more when Archie comes to the rescue, mistakes Scott McCall, the captain of the rival team, red eyed teen, for another threat, comes to a little fight with him and gets bitten by accident?
Yep. A weekend to remember.
Oh and Stiles Stilinski bonding with Jughead could be nice too 😆😅 if it is not to much.
Thank you ! Happy event!
Hey! Your request has been written and posted, you will find it here: https://samdeancass.tumblr.com/post/672381540536385536/requested-by-anonymous-1k-follower-event-things
I'm so sorry it took so long but I do hope you like it! Feedback is appreciated :)
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
Episode 10 | “Calm before the storm” - Amir
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so jordan pines went home, and im at peace. he was acting in a way to actively be detrimental to my game, and he also was bringing this kind of toxic energy to the game that i'm very much glad to see go. i also have... never felt such fear as when jordan called me out of the blue yesterday KJHASDFJKLASLKJFAS also i kinda wanna write an apology to kendall here? i made this whole ramble at tribal about how we shouldn't make this game personal, but i've also talked about how i dont like her energy and this kind of stuff, and i just wanna apologise? i think i had mega-preconceptions of her and just because we dont always 100% click as people doesnt give me any excuse to be rude! im gonna do better, that's the mission. moving forwards, me and tj squashed our beef which is fun. apparently people think i leaked that lovelis was the vote to him which JKASDLFAS hello?! i sure did not. also i wonder who leaked to jordan that he was the vote? i kind of assume someone told tj, who told jordan? jake suggested devon which i could see. i think this round jake is going to want duncan gone, but i think i want augusto gone? i think amir is a beauty who i want around because we are winners and i also? really like amir on a personal level. and then kendall is sweet, and also i think less threatening, while i could see augusto being able to continue to wriggle through which is scary. anyway so: who i'd vote as a juror: autumn > jake > amir > devon > augusto > duncan > kendall > adam > tj ideal bootlist: augusto > duncan > tj > kendall > amir > autumn > f4: me/adam/devon/jake I LOVE Autumn with my entire soul by the way, but I also do think its becoming apparent that I... would be a complete clown to go to the end with her... but i also do not think i can vote her out, so i hope someone else does...anyway we will see hehe 
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Jordan Pines really left… I’m gagged! A whole lot of buffoonery went down during the last few hours and I felt like I had to talk MULTIPLE people off a ledge when it came to flipping. Devon for whatever reason wanted to use his double vote and get out Duncan or TJ but imo, those are very easy votes and we need to save the double vote for something that packs a punch. Adam told me if we should join Jordan in his plan to vote Duncan (which Jordan never told me about so I didn’t want to make it anyway) but I told Adam that if Jordan stays, he’ll go on a revenge rampage and who would be able to stop him. Not only that, but I know Adam and Autumn are close so I told him that we need to build more allies/connections so keeping Jordan could alienate people from working with us like Autumn. Even with Kendall, she did not want to do it for most of the round but as sis had to put his foot DOWN with all these people because Jordan leaving really helps me. I feel I did good also at getting TJ to really trust me? I let him know that he could be receiving votes and that Jordan’s name was out there and we really connected on being scapegoated by the others that round which helped. It’s interesting xoxo
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Amir and I were talking about being scared of making match ups for this immunity and then I was starting to think about the tribe dynamics and who might be working with who. Side 1: me, Amir, Kendall (Devon lowkey) Side 2: Autumn, Ali, Adam, Jakey (?) Loose ends: Duncan (tighter with Autumn and possibly Jakey), TJ (tighter with Devon, Kendall, and myself) Am I perfectly right? Probably not but that’s just what I’m observing tbh. I do feel good that my connections to certain individuals (Devon, Jakey, Autumn, TJ, Adam) might be pretty strong which is cute! What I see happening is that Duncan leaves this vote (which is what I really really want), Ali or Kendall next vote (Ali is THE move I want to make because he and I are playing similar and he scares me. It would only be done if me/Kendall/Amir/Devon + his extra vote make it happen. I can see Kendall leaving since there would be big Beauty numbers still in the game which I get. I don’t wanna see her leave because I adore her but in a way, maybe it’d be good for my game idk?), and after that Autumn leaving would be KEY. After that, it’d be me/Amir/Devon/Adam/TJ/Jakey I think? And I don’t feel bad about that in the slightest. I’m getting ahead of myself but I’m a Virgo Sun AND Rising, it’s what I do ghfjdksl
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It’s like 1 AM and I’m bored but I’ve been in so many alliances for some reason ghfjdks OG Hathor: Bringing Sexy Back (me, Amir, Kendall, Connor), Leaning Tower of Penis that is also french (me, Amir, AJ, Connor, Kendall), Quadruple A Batteries (me, Amir, AJ, Adam), and The Soviet Oreo Cheesecakes (me, Kendall, Austin). NuThoth: Thots R Us (me, Amir, Kendall, Jakey, Scott), Beauty/Brain Sandwich (me, Amir, Devon), Sexy Procrastinators (me, Kendall, Amir, AJ), and Hehehehe (me, Amir, Kendall, Scott). Merge: dumb betches (me, Amir, Kendall), Beauty/Brain Sandwich (me, Amir, Devon), real riders (me, Amir, Devon, Autumn) Not to mention the one on one alliances I have too (me/Jakey, me/Devon, me/Amir, me/Kendall, me/Autumn [ish], me/Adam [ish], me/TJ [ish]) like I-
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me after that entire round https://twitter.com/TheMemesArchive/status/1248726674440695809?s=20 I had to take a day off Skype just to process but now that I'm back? Let me just say that was a masterpiece and some of my finest work. I really orchestrated Jordan Pines' demise from start to finish without getting a vote or an idol played a round BEFORE an all flash game round. I love that he said we've been planning this for a long time and I just wanna clarify. I ALWAYS wanted Jordan Pines out, I just never thought he would play into my hand that fucking early lmaaaaooo. The tea is I just wanted Jordan or TJ to be captain because they've been sitting on their asses all game and have never had to actually work to not be targeted or god forbid earn being in a good spot. Like the winners are awake, the POC's are awake, Devon's been to 50 tribals so he's awake, Jake almost died so he's awake, and Kendall knows she's on borrowed time so she's awake. Miss Jordan and TJ however? They're just along for the ride and I'm sorry if I'm not trying to carry anyone to Final 4 just so I get 4th. But no I had no idea that me organizing the captain thing would set it all off but here we are. These boys really thought y'all- they really thought they did something by choosing the bottom half of the list and hanging me and Duncan high and dry in the process wouldn't mean the end of that alliance. Oh OF COURSE it's the end and it gave me permission to now movely free about the cabin. That Jordan vote was airtight for 21 hours, got leaked, and still worked so know that I will be coming to collect my flowers when this is all over. AND it gets better because soooo many people told on themselves leading up to that vote. Between Duncan snatching immunity from Augusto after agreeing to vote Jordan and then pressuring Devon to vote Jordan in the final minute to Jordan going ballistic on the whole cast and people wanting him out just to have peace again, I have never been prouder of my gameplay lmao. I really turned on an alliance but got the allies to piss a bunch a people off in the process, which sealed the fate of Jordan, Duncan, and eventually TJ. I pushed one whole domino y'all and it done set the course of the ENTIRE merge I'm screaming God is really that good. Like all the men losing trust amongst each other?? Ugh it's glorious. Adam mad at Duncan for lying to his face and pretending that he never wanted Adam out. Amir mad at Duncan for never telling him about that alliance in the first place. Augusto mad at Duncan for snatching immunity all over Jordan just for it to get snatched from Jordan anyway. Jordan mad at Amir, Duncan, Ali, and the whole motley crew because "they were supposed to be friends." Devon and Jakey mad and want each other out because Jakey is onto Devon and they each want TJ to themselves. And I'm over here playing Veronica Mars trying to figure out who the rat is. WHEN I SAY I CANNOT MAKE ANY OF THIS UP But if there's one thing we can all agree on is that it's time for Duncan to go lmao I am getting NO votes in the end I love it. Literally name an ally I won't kill https://twitter.com/TheMemesArchive/status/1248726674440695809?s=20
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heyo so... im having a kind of upsetting realisation right now, which is that i think i'm setting myself up for a path that ends in me being a losing finalist. autumn is legit the love of my life, but rn my game is too autumn-centric, and then my information is like a one way tunnel to jake. SO i need to turn my game around, because even tho i think i can get away with my lesser game presence so far as a winner, i cant keep coasting. i think at f9 i can ramp it up, i need to use f10 to set myself up. i think adam/devon are going to be crucial to my game and my differentiation from jake. i am gonna make moves that go against his agenda, because i know i can. i have idols to force through what i want to happen, so its time i get that done. goal bootlist: duncan > augusto > tj > kendall > autumn (!!) > amir > f4: me/jake/devon/adam and i boot out whoever is the biggest jury threat
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Well well well....Going from 16th place on a unanimous vote to a guaranteed spot in the final 9 feels pretty nice. I've been able to leverage my double vote as a source of trust to others, and this could be the round in which I send out Duncan from this game. So ironic that he's the one on the bottom after all this time. I feel like I'm in a strong position in this game, but I'm playing with fire: - 2 person alliance between me/Kendall - 3 person alliance between me/Amir/Augusto - 2 person alliance between me/Ali - 2 person alliance between me/Adam - 4 person alliance between me/Amir/Augusto/Autumn - 2 person alliance between me/TJ This basically leaves my options past this round to Jake or a blindside. 
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oh unkie dunkie. oh unkie dunkie. everytime we play together you underestimate me, and for what. literally duncan is pulling a jordan and trying to pull in the beauties as like.. one round numbers... like did you not see with jordan that that does not work hello? the beauties have brains and can see you are just trying to pull them in for a single vote like make it make sense. so duncan is gone tonight and im at peace. and then moving forwards i want adam around for the LONG HAUL. we had a great talk today and he is so fun!! i feel bad because i lied about the idol but hopefully i'll play it in a mutually beneficial way. i think a good f3 would be me/adam/devon? so the plan is bootlist: kendall > augusto > tj > autumn (!!) > amir > f4: me/adam/devon/jake (i think?) but getting jake to vote tj will be hard. but having all three winners at f6 would be PERF for me.
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ok hello confessional time, ive been trying to cut back to like 1 confessional a round to make sure i dont just ramble on and on and keep the tea as organized as possible because things switch like a dime in this game, so to start, i think last thing i mentioned was how jordan was probably going home, even though i had told him to start a campaign against duncan, which he did and then i ended up not going with it hsfkdj love my mind, the bipolar TRULY jumped out.... however hehe now that jordan is gone, and since a lot of people already wanted duncan out, that could very well be the move this round. Devon is immune which is good for him, decent for me, i did NOT want immunity this round because i had it last time and 2 in a row wouldve put a target on my back considering i still have the challenge advantage from the auction and at this point everyone knows about it, so i made a really big risk throwing this immunity because of that and also because of how the challenge was set up, where if you won a round, you have to single out 2 people to be next, which would put an unnessecary target on my back and i still am trying to recover from my dumb lie, so it's about picking and choosing your battles, and after last round where someone went home solely based on shady immunity choices, i want no part in that! I'm also ABSOLUTELY trying to get my foot in everyone's kitchens serving you rachel ray teas, so that would expose who i do and dont really trust (which is pretty much no one ahkdsf), but devon winning is ok because i think he's with me (but idk i wanna trust him/autumn but im also well aware they're both kinda running around trying to play everyone a bit, so ill keep that in mind for future rounds) and now i just have to hope im not the target this vote, but i dont think i am unless people are even better than me at being fake the only person who picked on me in the challenge was amir which he asked me beforehand and i didnt wanna win so i gave him my permission, and now that it's almost vote time, things have got a little hectic, apparently duncan is trying to go around and tell people to split the vote between the 3 beautys besides me.....BUT THEN HE'S GOING TO THE 3 BEAUTYS PROPOSING TO THEM TO VOTE WITH THEM TO TAKE OUT ME OR ALI?? Duncan, strike 1 was throwing my name out 2 rounds ago, strike 2 was lying right to my face when i asked you about it, and now this mutiny you're trying to lead is strike 3. luckily for me i stopped being petty with the beautys and we're all kinda good again at least to me, so im hoping theyre not playing me since they spilled the tea to me all individually and duncan will be the only one blindsided tonight :) (love you as a person asdfh but game wise, get outta town!) also had some calls today, apparently people are starting to see me/ali as a duo....which while i do genuinely like ali as a person and i do trust him a little more than others, that could mean trouble for me down the line so ive gotta start causing doubt with people about that somehow, also me and jake spoke for the first time on call in years and...... i wanna be able to say that went good like i was making some jokes and laughs here and there and he mentioned he was making progress on the merge idol to me which kinda caught me off guard but he says he doesnt have it so we'll see.... also he seemed a little reserved, so im either a nutjob and being paranoid for no reason, or he's still got a grudge against me and ill have to deal with that at some point. But now is not that time yet, he did confirm to me devon has told other people about his extra vote which is funny because he told me it was just me who knew and has always been saying like "our extra vote" implying it's me and him 100% in it so consider yourself CLOCKEDT on that fib sir, unless youre lying to others and telling me the truth then carry on afshdkj also everyone is kinda figuring out how autumn is in good with everyone, and while i do want to trust her, it makes me nervous how close she is to jake because if those two together come for me..... i could be oop'ing my way right to the jury ... autumn is just giving me like kim one world vibes and im not trying to be her sabrina thompson even if i can trust her. I will have to make a move against her too eventually, hopefully im just around long enough for that to happen but anywho.... hopefully duncan goes tonight, im hearing he's just been saying me to people so i play my idol WHICH AGAIN I DONT HAVE. IS THIS HOW ELIZA FELT BECAUSE I SWEAR ITS JUST A FUCKING STICK IS WHAT I HAVE AT THIS POINT ....and if anyone but duncan goes ill most likely be soon to follow
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Alright, so Damage Control TJ has been doing some work. Has it been perfect? Not even close. However, I think I've made some ground. So I started by having an open conversation with Duncan/Autumn in our chat with Jordan (I already miss you being here) and then with Ali who I think all had their suspicions of me after that last tribal. Can't blame them, but I used that time to hopefully get the target away from this next round and at least get a little footing. Then, last night I had calls with Devon, Augusto, and Kendall. They all agreed that the two biggest threats in this game are Ali and Autumn, which I'm so glad people understand this. So I think I've done a decent amount to connect with those two moreso than I had before (Devon and I were always close). And then I talked to Amir today, we talked for over an hour, and I genuinely cannot believe how much on the same page that we are on. Maybe I'm just being very optimistic about the convo, but I think I have another avenue that I could easily pursue at this rate. He basically made it known that he is close to Augusto and not as much Kendall (the exact quote was "I'm being put into a trio with the other two, but I'm not close to Kendall"... so like... yeah...), but even better he suggested a group of four between me, Devon, him, and Augusto which I think makes a lot of sense. It doesn't include my closest ally of Jakey, which probably is good because it gives me a couple roads to pursue, and it allows me to go after the two people who need to go in this game between Ali and Autumn (or else they would easily be two time champs). Yes, I know Amir is a champ too, and I will do something about that a little later, but for now I think this might be a good move to work with. So after this Duncan vote, I think I can make a move against Ali/Autumn (probably Ali by the sounds of it) and have some numbers that I don't become a target. But the question lies in where these idols are and how they will affect the next round or two.
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duncan is so funny thinking he is gonna pull off this 4-3-3 blindside to send me packing... like it doesn't make sense or add up KJLSADFDAS. i'm kinda getting a rush and also getting votes is very good news for me because i was one of two who hadn't got votes yet hehe.
well.. provided i live through this 4-3-3 vote i should be set to make f9!! i just want to say how much of a king amir is, i had so many preconceptions of him and im so glad i could work through them. i think i want to go to f5 with amir/adam/devon/jake... they are five people who have been straight up with me and who i feel good about having in the endgame. autumn is the literal love of my life, but from talking to adam today, its clear autumn in the endgame is like kim spradlin. legit every single person trusts her and i'd be a clown to have her at the end even tho it breaks my heart. i would like to see duncan, kendall and tj as next three boots for sure. duncan is legit trying to blindside me so he needs to go ASAP jsakdfa. next up kendall, i kinda want a beauty gone so that their group is less threatening, because if i want someone like amir in endgame, i need one of the others gone. then tj because he is a loose end to me, plus he is gonna be a jury threat i just FEEL IT in my bones. but this all relies on me getting through this vote and who knows if that is gonna happen KJSDAF
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If I go tonight! It’s been fun everyone! Thanks to the hosts for having me!
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Okay quick early round confessional, I kinda am like mind jumbled right now. Ali - Autumn - Jakey Ali - Autumn - Adam Tj - Devon Me - Kendall - Augusto - (Devon??) Me - Augusto - Devon Duncan - (on his own) Everyone wants duncan out, and like even I can’t trust him. He still is being fake to my face about most game facts and alliance, but he’s someone that would go after Ali, so I don’t want him to go, but it might be better to stay the course. I love him but this is what has 2 happen and It’s another round when me kendall and Augusto survive when we weren’t even suppose to survive one. Then Kendall is still a meat shield because she will get targeted first, but I want her to stay as long as I can keep her and I’m lucky I even got to keep her this far. If duncan and Kendall are the next to go, which like I hope it’s not but this may be what happens, then at the 8 me Augusto devon, his double vote and I more person can pull a move on Ali. It’s just going to depend who people are more scared of, me or Ali
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Ali is literally Going to win this game 2 idols, an idol block, adam’s loyalty, autumn’s loyalty, jakey’s loyalty, secretly a comp beast, British accent, hes so likable He has all the tools of a winner And he downplays it so hard 
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I am trying so damn hard to stay alert in this game But honestly I keep feeling like Ali or autumn will strike I don’t think it’ll be this round But next round, I think I’m going to try and make a move It’s time Me Augusto devon tj and double vote or me Augusto devon kendall double vote Don’t know if I can’t trust devon and tj Well we need devon’s double vote And I need jakey to be okay with it cuz if he tips Ali off, I’m gonna go it’s risky af But like we can’t just keep letting him win so Gotta make a move I’m thinking about if it’s better to let kendall go first To help Jakey devon and tj to feel better about it and ease them into it Because Augusto can work tj, we can both work devon, and I can secretly work jakey but jakey is a control freak and might tell Ali to play the idol but I’m gonna trust him This game a is a personal prison I am in mental torment If Augusto and I do this Ali plan for the next round after duncan goes this round And it leaks, it’s over for me But people were gonna come for me anyway So we should try this round is the calm before the storm cuz everyone is doing duncan Next round W A A A A A R 
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I just tried so fucking hard To get jakey on board with blindsiding Ali next round If he tells Ali to play an idol, well! Good luck Charlie (I’m Charlie) He is talking about getting everyone in the game to split the vote on me and Kendall, and then me kendal him and Augusto will vote Ali or adam. So I agreed, and went and ratted him out to adam autumn and Ali, cuz I knew they weren’t gonna agree with Duncan’s plan so it was not actually applicable, so I have no choice but keep the course, and now Ali and autumn and adam trust me more, Duncan is gonna be mad, but he played himself into a corner. He lied to me about his alliance, and has always had different motives since he asked to work with me at the start, rip king, I feel so bad cuz he’s actually a really really cool person, but he’s about to get a rude game awakening 
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baskny-blog · 7 years
What's Migos Without Takeoff?
First off, their mainstream success came around 2013 from the YRN Mixtape, Versace etc. I’ma say that’s when shit really came on the scene. Keep it a buck, no one outside of ATL could tell the difference between the three members. I don’t even think, we knew homies’ names around the time they first came out. Majority of people didn’t even know who they were until Drake did the mix on the Versace joint. NFS, I’m not even saying he validated them. 
But the one thing that was obvious was that one of the three had a different tone, a different sound. I honestly thought it was only two dudes in the group. A little side note: Offset was out of town during that recording. That explains why I thought there were only two, but that brings me to my next point. Takeoff was actually holding it down with Quavo while Offset was OT.
Bringing to my next point -- he literally sounds different (lol!). If you ask me, Quavo and Offset sound very similar. It could be because they fuck with auto-tune, but I feel like one can cancel out other. You really don’t NEED both though, feel me? Not saying Takeoff should takeoff (no pun intended), but he could definitely start a solo career if he wanted to simply because he has a different sound. Imagine a Migos with just Quavo & Offset -- That shit would be garbage! But we already know what a Migos group with just Quavo & Takeoff  would sound like because that’s how they were introduced. It’s how they were brought on.  Another side note: Offset was in jail majority of the time that they were blowing up in the industry.
Takeoff’s flow is unique and animated which is definitely more versatile. You may have not realized there is an evident change in sound, usually something more hyped. He doesn’t rely on auto-tune the way Quavo does. Lowkey, that shit is life support for Quavo (lmao!). Offset uses that shit too. He’s not low! He also switches up his flows, but so dramatically that it makes him forgettable. Like for real, did you know who he was before ‘Bad & Boujee’? Can y’all tell him apart on any other tracks? The only time you can tell is when they yell their names before their verses, which funny shit because they know niggahs can’t tell ‘em apart.
On the other hand, Takeoff naturally got a sound that works for him and like I mentioned before, he gets lead on hooks behind Quavo. Not to mention Takeoff kills a lot more on the hooks than Offset. Offset got ‘Bad & Boujee’ and that may be their biggest song for now, but that’s all he got. Takeoff hooked on ‘Fight Night,’‘T-Shirt,’‘Casting Call,’‘Look At Me Dab’ (I think). -- But ‘Fight Night’!!! Son ‘Fight Night’ was the college party theme. That shit is low-key a mandatory spin. 
Takeoff has been crucial to their longevity. He’s on all of the tracks besides Bad & Boujee, which is the only hit without him. In his place, they just got Lil Uzi Vert. Offset wasn’t on ‘Look At Me Dab’ or ‘Pipe it Up.’ We see Quavo doing his features without Migos and at a high rate. But are those songs really hitting like that? What song are we really bumping that got Quavo killing it on a track without Migos? I think he gets the most hype because he is the leader (I think, and this is my opinion). Quavo is diluting his equity by leaving what works. He is cashing in on him being hot too soon. Once that well dries up, are we really going to be looking for a Quavo solo project? 
To be honest the only artist I think he meshes with well outside of Migos is Travis Scott. And if you think about it, Takeoff sounds a lot like Travis (but that’s another topic). But real shit, we love Quavo simply because we already have Quavos outchea, feel me? Any nigga who used auto-tune is Quavo. 
Offset did a feature, but it was with Cardi B…and I never heard it. You can say no one looking for Offset or he maybe keeping to what works and not in a rush to get into that because he just might be lowkey smart. He could be milkin’ what he already has going for him and then break out, but who knows. Deeper toned artist have always been in demand (pause!). Also the homie Takeoff is only 22 I believe, so he got mad time to grow into his own. He’s already hitting and got a huge catalog… longer than Offset. 
Its whack that people assume he is the weakest of the three, but I see him as the most consistent. I’m not going to let y'all make Takeoff the “Michelle” of this group -- I’m not here for it! Put respect on his genius! Migos as a whole is a great group and has had one of the longest runs as a hip-hop trio that we've seen in recent years. This is not because they are on the coattails of the 'group's leader,' but because they unify, strategize and stick together --  a cohesive collective. No one is able to get in-between them, especially the media as you seen from last night's BET interview for Everyday Struggle. Each one is independent and responsible for holding down the squad. A lot of people forget what that looks like and rush to assume, label and downplay. 
If Takeoff is a real one for deflecting the BS, not letting the negative implode and mess up the group. Then Takeoff is a real one.
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airaze-blog · 7 years
Tagged by TIME’s Person of the Year, @stargazerdaisy!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better
Nickname: Vince, Angst Grinch, airaze
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′11″
Time right now: 6:00am
Last thing i googled: weightlifting alternatives to deadlifts
Fave music artist: Top 5 at the moment, in no particular order: The Head and the Heart, Allman Brown (thanks @evieoh!), Kings of Leon, WATSKY!, The Black Keys. This will doubtless change before day’s end.
Song stuck in my head: “Gravity” by John Mayer. It’s lowkey permanently stuck in my head.
Last movie i watched: Deepwater Horizon
Last tv show watched: Community 
What are you wearing right now: Sweatpants. That’s it.
When did you create your blog: A couple years ago at the request of a friend - then it sat inactive until I found the Skyeward fandom.
What kind of stuff do i post: 98% Skyeward, 2% random TV/writing/fandom/life stuff.
Do i have any other blogs: having two jobs and being a full time student barely leaves me enough time for this one, so...
Do i get asks regularly: Nah.
Why did i choose my url: My URL’s a clan tag + game name that I had when I was in middle/high school.
Gender: Male
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw? Slytherin? Gryffindor? Probably not Hufflepuff.
Pokemon team: Rocket.
Favorite color: Green at the moment. This changes fairly regularly.
Average hours of sleep: 5-6.
Favorite character(s): Skye/Daisy Johnson, Grant Ward, Annie Edison, Troy Barnes, Kate Austen, James “Sawyer” Ford, Cordelia, Hamlet, Jon Snow, Eddard Stark, Arya Stark, Kvothe, Matrim Cauthon, Ron Swanson, Andy Dwyer, Michael Scott, Pam Beesly, Charlie Kelly, ... etc. Too many to name.
How many blankets do i sleep with: One sheet.
Dream job: COO (Chief Operating Officer) for [insert interesting company here].
Following: 102
I tag @vesperass-anuna, @evieoh, @orlissa, @kayjay-stew, @skyeward-otp
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cherubintraining · 7 years
All of the aesthetic asks please
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
I last sang to myself…hm…about ten minutes ago? Before my roommate came back from her class! All Time Low by Jon Bellion is stuck in my head today!
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
Hm…this is a very good question…probably if we will ever live on other planets. Space is v neat.
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Living!! Something I’ve been doing for almost 19 years!! Because sometimes being alive is Rough™️️ and that’s okay! I try my best and that’s all a person can do!
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
There’s two that came right to mind! The first is the most recent, when my aunt let me play with her makeup and hair and I low-key transformed her into the next Stevie Nicks. Good TImes™️️! The other one that came right to mind is when I got to see my favorite person for the first time in over a year when she came home for a weekend. I miss her bunches.
matte: if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
I mean probably? I’d probably not continue my college education and try to travel different places. Work on my bucket list. But I also potentially wouldn’t change anything.
black nail polish: do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
Pet a giraffe (done), own a hedgehog, and own a bed and breakfast (in no particular order)
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
She’s got shoulder-length brown hair and big, beautiful sea-glass colored eyes. Full-lips and a contagious smile. Her entire persona just makes you want to sit and listen to what she has to say for hours on end. Her voice calms me down. Her sense of humor can be a little dark sometimes but that’s okay, because it makes me laugh. (I guess I can be pretty dark, too) She has been through a lot, but she has never stopped fighting and I truly admire that about her. I love her a lot. She’s like an angel to me.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
I feel I had a relatively normal childhood!
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
Pssshhh yesterday when I got in a car accident, I cried in front of my roommate, the other driver who was involved, and two police officers.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
I’d probably pick my cousin John. He’s a man of quiet solitude and loves the outdoors. His mind wanders a lot so I feel it’d be a good fit. ‘Specially since my eyes are too bad to see that far away :P
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
Maybe? If we were stuck together for a long period of time, sure.
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
My friend Nikki. She and I were wandering around the city and talking and being idiots. She’s a long-time childhood friend.
handwriting: if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
I’d engrave “nothing is set in stone” on my gravestone with my own two hands so that way everyone who sees it can roll their eyes in exasperation at me.
cactus: what is your opinion on brown eyes?
I lowkey think I had a thing for people for brown eyes - every person I’ve dated has had brown eyes. (Except one, but we don’t talk about that.) They’re beautiful and deep, and there’s so much more…to them than…what…meets…the…eye…I hate myself.
sunrise: pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“Be messy and complicated and afraid and show up anyways.” This is the story of my life. i am messy. I am complicated. I live in constant anxiety and I always show up anyways.
oil paints: what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
Things that Happened™️️
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
Move to another country. Buy a little house and a dog and lots of flowers. Create the aesthetic that I will probably never be able to afford.
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
With some things I am too forgiving. With others I hold too many grudges. I don’t like being this way really because if I forgive I never forget and since I never forget, I feel like I never truly forgive. winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
(I’m going to do an estimate on words.)
Dear twelve year old me,You are going to make so many mistakes. So, so many mistakes. Right now is the beginning of where we as a person went wrong. We treat ourselves like crap, and I wish I could warn you of what is going to happen, but I can’t. I, for one am not a time traveler, and B) you become a better person because of it all. I hope. I don’t know. I’m still working on it. Read a lot of books. Make a lot of art. Ignore boys in general cuz boy oh boy do you have another thing coming. Sincerely, Me. The Older Screw-up™️️
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
Neither. I am Punk Pastel™️️
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
LOVE THEM. I have 6 piercings so far, though my final number is aimed to be around 12. I have one tattoo, but I plan on becoming a walking canvas. It’s my body, and I want to treat it like the masterpiece it is.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
I either wear a shit ton of makeup or nothing at all. There is no in between with me. But I really LOVE makeup.
bands: talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way.
I grew up on Pink Floyd, so I guess I have them to blame for my constant Angst™️️.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
LMAO I can’t do speeches in front of a class, no way in hell would I be able to say something to the entire world. It’d probably just be a *choking noise*
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas-y!Hannah Montana/the Jonas Brothers - honestly don’t remember too much of that concertScott Stapp - Really happy and chill because my dad was with me and very happy. Warped Tour - Very emo. Just…very, very emo. Black Veil Brides - I had a headache the next day but it was a lot of fun! Nothingbutthieves - I had no idea who this band was but they ended up being really good. I felt very relaxed and old…there were a lot of younger kids there.X-Fest- I was really only there to see Wheezer and Panic! At the Disco but it was sooooo much fun. Lots of dancing and GORGEOUS sunsets.Florence and the Machine - Like the gypsy princess I wish I could be. Taylor Swift (all of her tours) - I am always going to love Taylor Swift. Her music just makes me very happy and I’m not ashamed to say that I love her. Very dance. Much smile. Many off-key singing from my aunt and I.
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
My Person, Angel. And it could say anything in the world, I’d still be happy because this week is already extremely Rough™️️
space: do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
My desk at home is very cute and artsy but the one here at school is kinda really messy.
white bed sheets: what is your night time routine?
At home I usually take a bath, wash my face, brush my teeth, put on my fleetwood Mac record and my fairy lights and go on tumblr. (I know, it sounds fake. But it’s true.)
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
Technically there’s two things. I like girls and I have a tattoo.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
It would be pink ALL over and it’d be longer than it is now so I can wear space buns and put hair glitter in it.
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
Sarah, Isabella, Megan, Morgan, and Jules. I don’t know what we would do or where we would go but I think it’d be v fun.
11:11: name three wishes and why you wish for them.
I wish school was over (I’m stressed) I wish for a hedgehog (they’re so cute)And I wish all my friends were happy (I’m lame)
painting: what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
Oh I’ve decided for halloween next year I’ll be Van gogh. I’m going to wear my starry night dress and have an ear necklace and carry around sunflowers.
lightning: what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
Never been high. I got drunk once and made out with a boy.
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
Kill anything or anyone
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
Song: Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
I’m gonna pass on this one.
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?I am a girl and I had short hair once (its still pretty short) but I loved it
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
My friend Sam. Vanilla Chai Tea Latte
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
This was very long but very fun! Thank you anon!!!
0 notes
survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode #12: “if they were smart, they would take me out tonight.” - David
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Man, things are not looking good at all for me and my alliance, LOL, sweet lord. Jones was blindsided at tribal, and now if I don't win out these immunity challenges, I'm definitely gonna go home.
Winning 2 in a row is a feat in itself, now I'm going for 3. With a time of 7:58, I feel pretty good about it. The key is to not get ahead of yourself and take your time. People go too damn fast in these endurance challenges and manage to mess up, I'm hoping that's the case again this time, LOL.
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so...! POST TRIBAL JONES WENT HOME 4-3-1 HALLELUYAH LOLLL LIKE THE GODFATHER IS GONE!!! rhys legit gave me tobi and ryan a fucking heart attack bc if he selfed it would have been 3-3-1-1 and ryan was gonna use his idol on tobi.. i have to laugh lol but ya like uhm.
its rly weird to be in this position. where i feel insanely comfortable. i’m the only person left with 0 votes to my name, me and tobi are the only people to vote 100% in majority throughout this game. :))
and it’s even better bc.. tobi and ryan both think i’m their #1’s. and i can act the fool bc i’m the ONLY canute left vs 3 mercia 2.0 and 3 sweyn 2.0 hehe...
its super weird i dont usually have good positioning but i feel as if the only way i’ll ever leave is an idol play which i think me and ryan have the only ones :)
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I BEAT THE CURSE OF EIGHT. But Jones got voted out. So it’s a win/lose situation. She was determined on helping me get past eighth and it’s upsetting. But I gotta keep moving forward and do my best. Block Party was very tedious and I don’t know what’s considered a “good score” for this challenge but I completed it in 7 minutes which I think is pretty good.
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so im just gunna be a psychic and hope this comes into fruitation or whatever the word is...
next vote.. bait tobi mo and ahrre into voting ryan, tell ryan to idol, we pref get ahrre out if possible..
then i PREF WIN F5 IMMUNITY AND BAIT all of them into votign tobi and i idol tobi... but if i dont win immunity im gunna prob use it on myself and be a selfish cunt lol
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Just kidding it took me 11 minutes I don’t think I’m winning this
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So last tribal was interesting. In theory my plan didnt change anything, however it couldve stopped a tie vote. Jones was close to Ahrre and Mo (maybe David?!). So she couldve easily chose to vote Ryan and sway them on board. My plan stopped this happening as she had no idea they were voting for Tobi.
Now I feel like I am still in a power position. I am inbetween Tobi, Ryan, Scott and Mo, Ahrre and David. I have to assess my options. I did lie to Mo, and Ahrre. So they may want to make a move against me. Where as Tobi, Scott and Ryan are the more safe trio but also more dangerous in that I wouldnt be able to beat one of them in the end.
Someone has idols too. So ANYTHING could happen. I need them to get burnt out soon. I CANT have a possibility of 4 IDOLS at final 5. Dani, Felix and Jones were all blindsided, so there may be a chance some idols laid there. However the merge one is likely still here. It was gone before jones left, and might be gone still. Meaning the idol is with someone else or wasnt re hidden.
My main goal in this round is to keep votes off me, get an idol possibly used and stay low. I didnt make a massivly obvious move, so my visiablity may still be low. I dont need a huge threat level, it makes getting to the end 100x harder.
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Tobi snapped in immunity and tg he did bc David is finally vulnerable again <3 honestly it should be an easy vote considering ik our 4 wants David out bc he's so strong, and I doubt anyone else has an idol since me and Scott have 2.... so wigggg smooth sailing? i ain't gonna settle into comfortability tho bc that's never good
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Ok so now I need to think about my end game. The only two people I’m not comfortable sitting next to FTC are Ryan and David. Ryan has been swerving eliminations and has gotten rid of several big threats. David is a comp beast and is also responsible for some big moves. So now you might be thinking, Mo? What’re you going to do? Lemme tell ya Barb. So my plan AT the moment. Is 7. David 6. Ahrre or Rhys 5. Ahrre or Rhys 4. Ryan And then final three will be Scott, Tobi and myself.
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Winning immunity at this stage feels sooooooo damn good like especially for this round, this is the first time david has been open on the table after his immunity... and i feel like this is the round where advantages from the other side will be played and im glad im not vulnerable to whatever shit they throw at us... so like from a gameplay standpoint, me and scott have one of the best games currently (i think) with scott edging me slightly since he hasnt got any votes yet, but we're working together really well and like i feel like i can talk game to him really well... so the plan is that we take out david this round, we round up mo (idk about ahrre) for next vote and blindside ryan, and then from there we take out ahrre, and then me and him are in f4 with two goats. He wants to go to f3 with me while taking one goat (or so he says he does) but im gonna start making moves on scott at f4, if i can take out scott at f4 that leaves me a huge opening to take the game all the way till the end... but maybe i'm thinking too far ahead
Lowkey tho like... I kinda want ahrre out over david at this point... i feel like ahrre has built some sort of barrier in our relationship for no reason. like i've shown huuuge interest in working with him in the past, but he's just gone against me and even voted me last tribal in SPITE of me??? like??? everything he's done has landed him in the minority LMFAOOOOOOO LIKE get your head out of your ass and realize that i actually want to work with you!!! and like to get ryan out at f6 we're gonna need numbers and im not sure how comfortable i am with depending on mo to flip with us, the problem with telling ahrre is that hes soooo unpredictable like, he might just go and tell ryan everything me and scott are doing and then bam there goes everything... i understand wanting david out now since he's an immunity threat but thinking about all  the blindsides I need to pull off like... I wanna keep david but I don't have numbers to keep him so I'll just have to bite the bullet on this one
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So!! i lost challenge. again. lol xd
missus david and his ragtag bunch of misfits who dk how to Not piss everyone off are now deciding to vote me after unsuccessfully voting everyone else. (: BC THATS GUNNA WORK OUT FOR THEM.
like bitch.. work w/ the majority. they arent even TRYING. its lowkey kinda sad but its their own faults they put themselves in this position...
the tea is even tho i have my idol im only playing it @ f6/f5 OR if david idols. like. tobi/ryan def wont vote me and rhys will just follow ryan i think NNNN
wisj me luck x
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Fuck. I have a really tough decision to make. I’d like to say I’m the swing vote but I don’t actually know 100%. I can choose to vote with David, Rhys and Ahrre or Ryan, Scott and Tobi. My main concern with this vote as a whole is jury management because I don’t want someone to leave unhappy with me but that’s really tough to do. I said previously my two concerns are David and Ryan when it comes to who I don’t wanna be sitting next to at FTC. A final four with David is scary because he’s a comp beast. A final four with Ryan is scary because he is super close with Scott and Tobi. This is a headache.
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Well so last vote was funky dunky. So rhys sticked with the majority because he considered Jones to be a bigger threat than Tobi due to her connections.... Then the vote comes around and literally everyone lied to Jones about the vote LMAO.
So me mo and david followed thru with the tobi vote but it was to no avail, mainly because rhys not only flipped but he let him know I was gunning for him. Meanwhile the rest convicted Jones to vote me, probably by telling her some lie about how I was after her. While they all voted for her.
So there goes Jones and my no votes streak with her RIP. So after all of that I decided it was time for me to try and win imunity and while I was close Tobi just edged me the fecker.
So now we have an immune tobi and depend on rhys to flip for real this time. I hope he realizes that if he doesn't then everything is fucked but now it doesn't even depend on him. Since it's between Ryan and Scott and it's f7 the chances of an idol being played are high.
David is worried it might be him they're going after but idk anything could happen.
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hmm so I've been busy today and haven't been talking with everyone. but i believe the tiffany alliance is still on the same page of voting David. i heard from Scott that the other 3 are voting him and they think Rhys is voting with them so that's interesting. i'm defintiely feeling safe, and i feel like Scott isn't going anywhere either so yayy final 6 here we go. I also talked with Scott about taking out Tobi sometime before final 3 because he's definitely a big jury threat, and he can definitely win immunities so if we get a chance to take him out we might hop on that. A final 3 of me/Scott/Rhys sounds pretty ideal and i think me or Scott would take home the win whew
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david got another thing coming if he thinks he can idol me out... thats tea lol :)
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So I lost the challenge yesterday...and yet I'm hearing that I'm not getting any votes tonight o.O which I don't believe for one second, cuz if they were smart, they would take me out tonight.
As I'm hearing...me, Mo, Ahrre and Rhys are gonna be voting for Scott, and Ryan, Scott and Tobi are voting Ahrre...because they think that I have the idol, LMFAOOO. WHICH IS TOO FUNNY OMG. I WISH I HAD THAT FUCKING IDOL, LOL.
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Okay, so one side thinks Scott is going, One side thinks David is going. Meanwhile im in the middle lieing to half the tribe trying to stop an idol getting played to save my closest ally. Yeet.
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Ok so according to rhys they're gonna be voting me since they're worried about david having an idol. But maybe that's just rhys playing the long con. Either way there's a sizeable chance I could be going home this week but hey third time's the charm amarite maybe this blindside will work once in for fucking all. Anyhow let's see how this thing goes.
David is voted out 4-3.
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