#loz reader
im-ashl · 2 months
we talked with a fish a while ago about tgirl link an
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KABLAAAAAMMMMM POWWWW a wonderful treat for thou eyeball(s)
shes in lesbians with zelda..,, lesbanies.,.,,, lebanese.,,, lesbles.,,,,
ok have fun wit ur day please look at a nice cloud or a bird for me
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silentium-symphony · 9 months
So This is... Lust (Link x Reader) SMUT
(a/n) ya'll, i finally finished it ToT i'm so sorry for the wait, but it's finally here now! i had so much fun writing this!
i took a look at my schedule for next semester and i have *a lot* of free time, so hopefully that'll mean more time to write and, in extension, finally open up my inbox for requests!!! i've never done requests before at least on this account because i was always so busy. i'm not too sure how much time my new research position will take up (i was told it would be time-consuming, but i'm not sure how time-consuming), so i'll keep you guys updated!
as always, i hope you enjoy this ~steamy~ oneshot! and remember: if you are a minor, do not interact.
cw: afab!retainer!reader, reader wears a dress, link masturbating to the thought of you :), mentioned reader masturbation (like one line), cunnilingus, missionary, mentioned doggy, overstimulation, tried to make link a soft dom heheh, swearing, dirty talk, dumbification, fingering
wc: 6.5k
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
"(F/N)?" Zelda slinked her back against her chair, sinking into the worn, plush cushion that coddled her stiff vertebrae.
"Yes, Your Highness?"
"Please prepare the horses... We're going to take a little walk." She pinched the bridge of her scrunched nose. "If I am to look at these documents a moment longer, I believe my head will explode."
"But Your Highness, Link should be coming any minute now. We must discuss the security details for the upcoming ball." Your usually terse expression softened at the royal's groan. "But we can go out afterwards.”
"Yes, you're right... Apologies (F/N), I completely forgot about that meeting. Will anyone else be coming?"
"No, Your Highness. It will just be—“
Knock knock knock!
"Ah! Perfect timing." Zelda tapped a thick, disheveled pile of documents against her desk into a more manageable bundle. "Come in!"
The brass doorknob shifted slightly and clicked open, revealing Hyrule's most renowned knight. A pair of cobalt eyes went from you to the Princess and he bowed wordlessly.
"Link. Thank you for—“
A loud bang, then wood stuttering against stone, quickly followed by the airy splish of dozens of documents fluttering to the ground. You dove across the desk, grasping a few documents you were lucky enough to catch and watched the rest pool by the table’s legs.
"Oh Hylia—!”
"Your Highness! Are you okay?!" Your hand flew to the staggering princess, documents be damned; Link sprung to Zelda’s side and placed a restful hand on her shoulder.
"I-I'm fine, really...” She muttered, rubbing her sore knee. “Goodness, I'm so sorry for the mess. Let me clea—“
"Absolutely not, Your Highness. I’ll take care of it." You cut, already circling the desk and shuffling the disarrayed documents on the floor. Link joined you on his hands and knees, carefully scooping up piles of paper onto the desk and into your arms. A jolt of electricity shot through your heart as you felt worn leather chafe against your skin. You turned away, 'looking' for other scattered documents, and coughed out,
"Thank you Link, but please don't worry. I can take care of this."
A determined look gripped his features as he stared and shook his head. Without uttering another word, Link once again began gathering the parchment. A soft sigh left you, and an even softer smile graced your lips.
"Can you hand me that document, please? I think these go together... Oh, and... these have matching headings, so I'll take that and you can have those..."
Even in her mildly frazzled state, Zelda wasn't blind to the faint red that whispered the surface of your cheeks when Link got a little too close, or the shifty flash of Link's blues whenever your fingers 'accidentally' grazed his. As much as she wanted to jump in and rectify the mess she made, maybe... She should sit this one out. Enjoy the show. Or better yet... Hm... When was the last time you and Link had a day off?
In no time at all, all correspondence was off the floor and either in your arms or on the desk. Your fingers flew this way and that, reorienting texts right side up and shuffling this paper behind that, and this one goes over here, and wait… Shouldn’t these be bundled together?
"Once again, I apologize for the mess I had created. Thank you both for cleaning it up."
"No worries at all, Your Highness." You finally looked up and cast a warm smile at the knight. "Thank you for helping me, Link."
A bashful grin cracked the stoic man's lips and he awkwardly rocked his feet. All that extra motion certainly drew attention away from the fists tightening behind his back. Zelda cleared her throat and eyed some documents pertinent to the upcoming social.
"Right. Now that that's all settled, let's get down to business."
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
"A-Ah... Mmph..."
The knight threw his head back, feeling his temples drum in time with his cock. Sweat dewed his ivory skin and his Adam's apple bobbed a name he dared not utter, lest someone discover the target of his hidden fantasies. A scene from earlier that day has been playing in his head on repeat, fueling the sensual fantasies that has drawn him awake past the midnight hours; his fist thumped faster against his thighs and his back careened toward the ceiling.
You—gorgeous, gorgeous you—bent over a desk grasping desperately for a document fluttering to the ground.
With slight modifications, of course. The hem of your dress pooled about your hips—hips he oh so desperately wished to sink his teeth and fingers in—your hands tied prettily against your lower back as he thrusts into you again and again, his fingers tenderly coaxing your feathery soft hair... But the best part? You looking back at him, tears stinging the corners of your eyes, and his name spilling out of those plump lips he yearned to taste.
He could hardly remember what the Princess had told him. Something about the security details for the upcoming ball, but Hylia only knew if he retained anything past that. All he could think of was you, you, you—the Princess's loyal, respectful, diligent, beautiful retainer. How he craved your presence! If only you knew how much he liked you! Oh, the things he dreamt of doing to you.
"Ngh... (F-F/N)...!"
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
The garbled talk of Hyrule's high society bounced off the castle walls and the guards' helms, which flickered bright flashes of torchlight. A pair of cobalt eyes flitted about every corner of the room, filing away mental notes of the ball's invitees and the stream of people that flowed in and out of the ballroom. Link scooted along the wall—weaving around young, giggly wallflowers and decrepit, lonely barons in search of another wife—always making sure you the Princess stood in his line of sight.
After sending you away to drop off another gift at the crowded gift table, Zelda turned around with the polite smile most nobility had during these sizeable socials. She caught eyes with her loyal guard and slowly made her way over, skillfully avoiding conversation with the withdrawn, mysterious grace of a royal. Eventually, she found herself at the side of one of her most trusted confidantes.
"Link, I believe the next song shall be a waltz. Do you still remember how to dance?"
Link nodded dutifully, sensing an incoming question. Is Her Highness hinting that she wants him to ask her to dance...?
"If so, why not dance with (F/N)?"
Link, who happened to be swallowing his spit as she said that, hacked it all back up and proceeded to draw the most distressing and deprecating attention an introvert could draw to themselves in a single night. He turned to her, lovestruck panic evident in his eyes, and shook his head like a wet, storm-logged puppy.
"Now now, don't be shy! I'm sure she'd be happy to share a dance with you."
"Your Highness! There you are." A bright voice from yonder drew closer to the duo, and Link could feel himself shrinking. "I've been looking all over for you. Why are you all the way over here? Have you grown tired?"
The torpid, repetitive chords that most patrons had droned out this part in the night livened into a steady waltz. Link could feel Zelda's smirk and knowing gaze burn into the side of his head.
"I'm sorry for worrying you, but I assure you I'm fine. I just wanted to have a little chat with Link. But (F/N), you should dance! Enjoy yourself! You've been working far too hard these days."
"Thank you for your concern, but I would feel better if I were attending you."
"(F/N), don't be like that." She squeezed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I'm saying this more as a friend than your queen. Please go have some fun. Maybe you'll meet your Prince Charming, just as you've always hoped you would.“
"Zel—Princess!" Your heart dropped to your stomach and a pair of hands immediately flew to cage Zelda's arms. "T-That was so long ago—I mean, I was only a little girl and—!"
A genuine, lighthearted laugh alighted your friend and she gazed at you with a sisterly fondness.
"Just teasing. It's always so fun to do so."
"Your Highness..." Your head hung as low as your spirits as you felt Zelda's frame shake from a stifled laughter.
"Your Highness?" All eyes turned to the clear, bold voice a few bodies past you. "Can I have this dance?"
The young suitor flashed a kind, dimpled beam as he held out a gloved hand to Zelda. The royal returned her own practiced, elegant smile and took his hand.
"I would be honored." She turned to you. "My apologies. I'm afraid I must go. But do have fun tonight, okay? You deserve it."
And with a swish of her gown, she was escorted through a parted sea of people to the middle of the dance floor. She locked eyes with you for a second, and cast a knowing tilt towards him.
You two were locked in a domain of stiff silence, both looking helplessly towards your mutual friend who had seemingly forgotten all about you. Link's timbers began shivering like no other as he replayed a thousand ways this night could go.
Freeing himself of his chains of self-doubt, he pushed himself off the wall and slowly made the short way over. Your heart had practically stopped pulsing while Link's was pounding away all breath from his lungs. He felt a sickly pallor drain his cheeks; he silently thanked the gods for the bright lights that filled his cheeks with artificial ruddiness.
"(F/N)...?" You turned, your thundering heart almost drowning out the Hero's squeak. "Can I have this dance?"
Pure, unadulterated sincerity crinkled Link's eyes, which held a certain life-like sheen typically absent for the soldier; for the briefest of moments, you felt that you were allowed a glimpse into his heart. Fighting the urge to scream 'til your lungs gave out was the understatement of the century as you dipped your fingers into his palm.
"I would be honored."
The small, anxious smile widened into one of pure delight as he led you further into the ballroom. He pulled you into the fringes of the waltzing couples and placed a steady palm close to your shoulder blades, inadvertently pressing you closer to him. Clothed fingers weaved through your own and pulled your hand away from your trembling frame. You could only hope he couldn't feel the aggressive thumping in your chest.
"Are you okay?" His voice rumbled in your ear.
"Y-Yes!" You blurted suddenly, your nerves not quite heeding your volume. You were practically melting from the stinging, judgemental stares thrown your way and you swallowed thickly.
"Yes, I'm okay. Thank you for your concern."
"We don't have to do this for very long if you don't want to." He muttered, his hand slipping to your waist as he dipped you. Your delusions led you to believe that his eyes lingered on your neck a moment too long... But surely your eyes were just playing tricks on you.
"It's just... Well, I'm rather nervous, so..."
You slowly turned your gaze upwards, peering through quivering lashes and fully expecting the knight's visage to be contorted in mockery; you were pleasantly surprised that his eyes held nothing but warmth for you.
"I understand." He effortlessly guided your next movements into a spin. "How can I help you feel more at ease?"
"Mm..." You unknowingly gave his shoulder a light squeeze, causing Link's heart to flutter. "Would it be all right if we talked some more?"
"Of course. What would you like to talk about?"
"Well... I've actually always wondered this, but have you always wanted to become a knight?"
"Hm... That's a good question." He chuckled, his hot breath tickling your cheekbones. "I wasn't particularly against it. As you may know, I come from a long line of knights, so it was only expected that I became a knight too."
"How did it feel when you found out you bore the legendary Triorce?"
"... Surreal." He concluded, a glimpse of wistfulness in his eyes. "My life hasn't been the same since."
"Oh... I'm sorry if this brought up difficult memories."
"Not at all!" His tired eyes snapped to life. "Yes, training became much harder after that and the pressures of the throne are very much there… But it wasn't all that bad. After all, I got to meet you—“
At the utterance of the last syllable, Link's face twisted into horror; not even the bright, warm lights could disguise his drained cheeks. You felt your entire face engulf in flames and screamed your heart out smiled shyly.
"That's... really sweet of you, Link. Thank you."
He cleared his throat and desperately wished for a Link-size hole to swallow him up this very second. Every gear in his brain cogged away as he chose his next words carefully.
"You and the Princess seem close."
"Yes..." A bittersweet comfort gripped your heart as deeply cherished memories flashed through your mind. "We were girls together."
"How long have you been her retainer?"
"Since we were very young. Like you, I come from a long line of individuals who serve the royal family and, well... Zel and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember."
"O-Oh!" Panicked side glances jittered here and there; you let out a deep breath, thankful that no one heard your insubordinate casualness. "Please forgive me. That was a nickname I used to call Her Highness."
"No worries. I just... thought it was very cute."
The both of you were completely oblivious to the crimson that coated the other's cheeks—how could you be when your own face ran hotter than the lava at Death Mountain? You were startled out of your mushy haze with a bright, chime-like laugh.
"Her Highness was right. You are fun to tease."
Before you could retort some type of response, the ensemble played its final note. While all the other couples were separating and bowing to their dance partners, Link was quite slow to release you, and you were even slower to leave his arms.
"Thank you for the dance, Link. You are a wonderful dance partner."
"Likewise," he straightened his back, "I hope we can do this again."
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Gods, you wanted to go to bed.
Your nice, warm sheets were all you could think of as you clicked the door to the Princess's bed chambers shut. You threw your arms above your head and groaned out the tension that had carved its way into your joints.
Your feet automatically led you down the long winding corridor, past the soldier's quarters and towards your—
"Mm... F-Fuck..."
Wait a damn minute.
Your feet ceased their dragging as a voice that sounded eerily similar to a certain Hero echoed nearby. You gripped your chest, as if that would quiet the thundering pounding in your ears.
… Silence...
Were you losing your mind?
Chalking whatever... that was to your perverted imagination, you once again began your trek towards—
—Link's room wait since when did you start moving in this direction oh gods oh Hylia
"Mmph! Fuck- yes- hah..."
The noises were undoubtedly coming from his room, your ear pressed against the door confirmed that. Your hand flew to your mouth as your knees locked in place, your ears feasting listening to the sinful whimpers and pants of Hyrule's sword and shield. You were thrown into the deep end, drowning in a cacophony of your own thoughts.
What the fuck holy shit what the fuck holy shit what the fu Was he alone? Wait, but the bed squeaked just now, so does that mean he’s with someone? And if so, who? But if he's alone... Who could he be thinking of?
This was wrong. This was so, so wrong of you to be violating his privacy like this. You would be mortified to learn that someone was listening to you pleasuring yourself—everyone's entitled to have these moments to themselves. So why couldn't you just... walk away?
"Mm... Oh, (F/N)..."
... Huh?
“I need you I need you I need you…” He slurred with sloppy breaths. Shame swelled within you as a wet heat pooled between your legs and wickedly delightful thoughts ruminated in your mind. Your chest constricted, sensing the crossroads that would undoubtedly decide your future relations with your long-time crush; you toyed with either option as carefully as your lust-hazed brain would allow. With your heart mere moments away from seizing, you carefully lifted your hand, suddenly aware of every muscle needed to execute the simple motion.
Four docile raps lisped the wood. You froze, the veil of sensuality finally lifted from your senses as the gravity of the situation bucketed you like cold water. Oh gods, what have you done? Your heart raged against your ribcage and beckoned you to flee! Run! There’s still time, go!
A quiet click.
A pair of blown-out pupils amidst a thin strip of blue peered out at you.
“L-… Link?”
“… Yes?”
You listlessly felt yourself move forward; sex-clung darkness draped over your bodies as you pushed yourself through the door, slamming your lips against his in heated desperation. Link returned your fervor with a fluidity that made you wonder if he’s fantasized about this as much as you have. You cocked your heel against the door, shutting out all unwanted light to carry out your feral desires in the dark.
He pressed you against the thin slab of wood, rough hands claiming residence in the plush of your hips while his lips conveyed a primal urge to claim. You didn’t hesitate in welcoming his tongue, feeling the hot muscle drag against your bottom lip and wrapping itself with your own in a sloppy but passionate dance. Thick golden locks tangled your fingers and you pulled him closer, closer, closer until his muscly frame was melded into yours.
He departed from your lips and quickly found refuge in the crook of your neck. His hot breaths dragged across your flushed skin, sending an anticipatory chill down your spine as he speckled your softness with nips and butterfly kisses. Large hands explored what they could, never settling in one place for long while his lips began imprinting deeply-colored marks by the junction of your neck and shoulder. His grabs and kneads were desperate, as if he fully believed that at any moment you would depart from him forever, leaving him with a ghost of what could have been.
Your chest heaved into his. Colors you’ve never seen before danced before your eyelids in a pandemoniac parade while hellish flames seared through your core. Link lapped and kissed and teethed your neck, relishing in the bit-back mewls that occasionally leaked out of you. The moonbeams that had passed through the clouds applauded the red desire he worked into your skin and Link felt a surge of boldness rush through him. After speckling your rising and dipping chest with his spit, he dropped lower and lower.
The cold absence of his hands didn’t go unnoticed by you, and before you could process what was going on, the unfamiliar cold that whipped your exposed legs pinched a yelp out of you. In one smooth motion, the Hero of Hyrule was under your dress and kissing the pillowy softness of your thighs—as he always dreamt of doing—silently worshipping Hylia’s masterpiece.
And oh, how he worshipped you. How each fiery, wet kiss was a prayer of gratitude to the goddess for creating someone like you. How every bite, every mark he left you with was all in the name of you, his true deity, and your moans that served as his gospel. By the end of the night, he was determined to have you chanting his name like some mantra that would bind you two past a one night stand.
Your heart roared in your ears, anticipation for where his lips would fondle next nearly causing the overworked muscle to implode; your legs nearly gave out when you felt his teeth graze the edge of your drenched panties. The lace dragged and coiled into a thin strip as Link buried his face into your sex, relishing the ambrosia he was to partake in. Before that though, his lips traced a languid line to your hips, which was promptly suckled and bitten with the gentleness of a doe. His fingers hooked themselves under your panties and, with painfully slow movements, dragged the nuisance down your hips, your thighs, and finally, the ground. With all obstacles out of the way, Link turned his attention back to your throbbing lips, licking his own with the hunger of a starved animal.
He wasted no time in burrowing himself into you, tonguing and lapping the juices that have dared to slip out and refusing to waste a single drop. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he completely lost himself in you, rubbing tight circles into your clit with his thumb while drinking up whatever you could give him with his mouth. You bunched the noisome fabric about your waist, desperate to sink your fingers into his hair. He chuckled at your slightly buckling knees, and a wonderful idea flashed through his head.
He threw one of your legs atop his shoulder, and his heart nearly gave out from the sheer joy of seeing you spread like this. The new position allowed him deeper access into you, and a lone finger soon replaced his tongue’s sinful ministrations as the latter wrapped and toyed with your puffed-up bud. A full moan lapsed out of you in earnest and you unknowingly tightened around his digit. Link’s cock tented painfully against his pants, but he was set on having you cumming all over his face before he even thought about touching himself.
One of your hands anchored itself in his hair, knotting his disheveled locks into messy bunches that only grew wilder the faster he went. Uneven, haggard breaths and pleas for more echoed off his walls and Link had never been more pleased to carry out a request. His fingers and tongue would take turns wrecking you, never giving your poor clit and drenched entrance a break as he tongue-fucked and fingered you closer and closer to blissful oblivion. Link knew the milky white end was in sight, and he eagerly pressed his tongue flat against your cunt.
“Cum for me… Fuck, give it to me. I need you to cum in my mouth…”
His filthy request buzzed mind-shattering tingles to the deepest parts of your core, finally tipping you over the edge. You fell from a high you’ve never experienced before and your orgasm was borderline violent. A silent scream left your gaped mouth and you collapsed, panting, quivering. Link’s heart and ego swelled at your blissed out face as he leisurely wiped the juices dribbling down his chin. He scooted closer to you and pressed a deep kiss against your lips, leaving traces of you in your mouth. He pulled away with a pop, a smile, and an effortless huff as he carried you to his bed.
You were still fighting to regain some semblance of normal breathing when he set you down on his sheets. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead and pulled away, taking a moment to relish in how you looked in your sensual vulnerability. His pulse quickened and his pants tightened further, eager for release, but Link was patient. He waited for your breathing to slow, caressing your cheeks and cooing praises into your ears. His tenderness was enough to almost lull you to sleep.
“(F/N)…” Adoration dripped from his tone. “Can we go further?”
You opened your eyes slightly and practically melted from the gentleness in his voice and the care in his eyes. With a soft, albeit tired smile, you nodded and traced small circles into his cheek. Puppy-like enthusiasm exuded off him and he kissed the tip of your nose, plucking a small giggle out of you.
“Just relax… I’ll take care of you.”
He worked the hem of your dress into a bulky bunch by your hips before throwing the whole thing over your head and gently discarding it on the floor. A soft, wonder-filled smile cracked his lips as he drank in all of you.
“You look beautiful… You are beautiful…” He murmured to the air, voicing his most private thoughts aloud. A slightly pruned finger traced down your sides. A shiver ran through your body and his name whimpered out of your mouth.
“Say it again.” He breathed shakily. “My name. Say it again.”
“Link…” You flushed under his piercing gaze. His expression flickered darkly for just a moment before his eyes crinkled warmly.
“You have the prettiest voice, you know that?” He nuzzled into your neck. “I can listen to you for hours.”
“Link…” You cradled his face in your palms. “You don’t… have to hold back. I’ll let you know if anything hurts.”
His eyes widened before a small chuckle left him.
“We’ll get there eventually, I promise. For now though…” His lips coupled with yours in tender obsession. “I want to make you feel good tonight.”
While his lips reunited with your own, his fingertip traced lazy patterns from your chest, down to your stomach with swirly circles, and finally in between your legs. He moved his hands with battle-hardened precision, skirting around your still-pulsing clit, being extra careful not to overstimulate you yet. The simple trail coaxed the neediest whine out of you and you jutted your hips up and down, side to side. You could feel him smile into the kiss.
“Eager, are we?” He purred, skimming the surface of his lips on your cheek before redirecting his efforts towards your nipples.
"Gods, look at you... You're so beautiful all spread out like this, just for me." His tongue swirled and sucked the perked bud while your other nipple rolled in between his thumb and index. He dragged the tip of his tongue from one nipple to the other, repeating the process again and again until he was satisfied with the glistening rawness. A long moan, honeyed with need and fringed with desire, escaped you as your back arched in toe-curling pleasure.
His fingers hastened their movements, circling the hardened pearl with calloused finger pads and teasing your slit, sometimes dipping the beginnings of a finger past its entrance. But it was never enough. Never, ever enough. Your pleas and cries and begging only sent Link further down this power trip, molding your sex-steeped senses however he wanted until you were a sobbing, hiccuping mess.
“Please Link…” You sputtered in between sobs, the knot in your gut constricting and loosening in sync with his tease. “I need you inside, please, please, please…”
“Shh…” He murmured, silencing your chants with a soft kiss. “Patience.”
“Link, please, I-I can’t—“
“Yes you can. Just a little more… Show me more of those lewd expressions.” A rough pinch on your clit scored a scream out of you and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Good girl… So pretty for me. You’re all mine, aren’t you?”
“Yes! Gods, yes! I’m all yours Link, so please—“
Your voice sputtered to a stop, caught in edged ecstasy as the friction you had been craving for for the past Hylia-knows-how-long was suddenly served at blinding speeds.
“This is what you wanted, right?” He cooed, his chill tone contrasting the growing flush in his cheeks. You squirmed and writhed uselessly under him as your mind blanked and reeled from the sudden onslaught of pleasure.
“T-Too fa— Link, you’re—! I’m—!”
You were practically catapulted into your next orgasm, but despite your shaking release, Link never let up—in fact, he picked up his pace until veins marbled the surface of his arms. Another orgasm was ripped out of you, then another, and another, all while Link whispered,
"Oh, sweet girl, I know you can do it. I know you can cum one more time... Just one more, c'mon..."
Nothing else mattered to you at that moment. Nothing in the world could pull you out of the ecstasy Link had so readily given you. The only sensations you were capable of feeling were the coiling and spasming release of your gut as the man before you worked you into a mindless little thing. Link’s heart swelled at the fucked-out, dazed look on your face and he finally released his cock from its clothed prison.
"Do I have permission to fuck you senseless?" He husked into your ear, tending to his weeping cock with the residual slick left on his fingers. You nodded your head vigorously, dumbed down to your most base desires.
He slotted himself in between your legs, rubbing and dipping his tip a little bit past your entrance before his patience snapped in time with his hips. A gaspy whine rasped out of both of you, thickening to sweet, candied moans for more.
You were so tight… So warm... So wet… He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing—a concentrated attempt to not just immediately cum on the spot. Link stretching you out choked a groan out of you and your arms clung tightly about his neck, clawing desperate lines into his back.
"Gods, you feel so good... So tight for me... You're just made for me, aren't you? Made to take my cock..."
His fingers doled soft dips into your hips, coaxing the tight muscles into releasing their tension. All you could do was nod fervently, your voice too hoarse and mind too fogged to formulate any words. Link pervaded every single one of your thoughts, and all you could really muster was a gaze into his darkened blues, glazed over with lust. It took every ounce of mental fortitude to keep Link from pounding you into his bed; he softly kissed away the tears that threatened to spill.
"I'm gonna start moving now... Are you ready?"
A nod; Link positioned himself until your noses were almost touching, braced his hands on either side of your head, and slowly rocked his hips. The simple, fluid motion ellicited a moan out of the man and a whine out of you, electric pleasure shocking you to your core. His watchful gaze gauged your reactions, your comfort always at the forefront of his mind.
He flooded you with kisses and deluged your senses in heartfelt tenderness. Your head rolled into his arm, nuzzling him, and he smiled softly.
"You're so cute... My heart just explodes whenever I see you..."
"Liiink..." You reached up to caress his cheek. He pressed further into your hand before turning his head and kissing your fingers.
"You're perfect. Everything about you is gorgeous." He breathed, his hips slipping into a racy tempo. Your breasts pooled and trembled with each thrust, which didn't go unnoticed by the starved knight. Sounds of wet suckling filled his room, accompanied by your airy mewls and calls for his name.
"Say my name..." He growled into your chest, eyes flitting to look at you through quivering lashes. "Say it again."
"Link..." You squeaked, hiding the lower half of your burning face behind trembling hands.
"Louder." A hand clutched your wrists and dragged them down, fully exposing your slutty expressions to his hawkish eyes.
"Louder." He scurried to the crook of your neck and bit down. "I want everyone in this castle to know who's fucking you breathless."
His pace quickened, the steady rhythm degenerating into wild pistoning. Shaky, uneven breaths stretched into high-pitched whimpers while his hand fondled your abused clit, repeating the circling motion that had you seeing stars several minutes (hours?) ago. His lips traced the shell of your ear, your jaw, down your neck, and finally your lips. Again and again, his mouth met yours in messy passion, each kiss more crazed than the last. He pulled away just enough to see your sloppy expressions, a thin strand of spit connecting your moistened tongues.
"Can you cum for me one more time? Just one more, I promise."
"I can't, I can't—Link, I'll die—“
"No you won't, love." He crooned. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, just in time to see stars exploding into a symphony of colors. "Just one more. I know you can do it."
Your face scrunched in response to the nearing summit, the precipice that you had been thrown over more times than you could count. You could feel your core spasming and knotting and folding in on itself; Link was totally immersed, body and soul, in your essence as he neared his own powerful climax.
"You're all mine." He panted, his hips accentuating each word with increasing ferocity. "Mine, mine, mine."
A tremor unlike anything you've ever felt before rattled your bones. A voice unrecognizable to you called for Link as you released all over his twitching cock and sheets. Your violent clenching rocketed Link to cloud nine, who pulled out just in time to cover you with thick, white ribbons. His warmth splattered onto your thighs, your stomach, your chest—all of which still tingled from his earlier acts.
His quaking frame crumbled, landing squarely on top of you. Your breaths hitched and mixed with each other, and a satiated silence enveloped the room. Once Link had mostly recovered, he heaved himself off of you and draped a lazy arm over your spent form.
"Are you okay?" He rasped, smoothing the sweaty nest that your hair had become. "Let me clean you up."
You tried to lift an arm—a finger even—to assure Link that you were okay but gods if you had to exert any more effort you were certain you would disintegrate. Link swung his legs over the bed, tripped into his boxers, and hobbled over to a pitcher sitting on his desk. The clear sounds of liquid life flowing into a bowl were like music to your ringing, pulsing ears.
In just a few moments he was by your side, bowl, towels, and cups in hand. You tried to sit up, but the bed stuck to your back like a bond that could not be broken. The rough cloth gingerly wiped away Link's earlier messes, and he dipped the other towel in the bowl before patting your face with the same degree of care. The cool water against your flushed skin sent pleasant jolts through your body.
"How are you feeling?" He asked again, pressing his palm into your cheek and pulling you up to drink. "Are you hurt anywhere? Was I too rough?"
You took the most refreshing swig of water in your life, feeling your parched throat soften enough for use.
"I'm okay, Link." You croaked at last. How long had it been since you last spoke coherent sentences? "Thank you for taking care of me."
"Of course." His warm smile alighted butterflies in your stomach; however, his features faltered slightly and his eyes turned downcast. "I, um..."
Quiet hesitance warbled his voice into a gut-wrenching tune; you gently cupped his hands, running your thumbs over each scar as you steadily held his gaze.
"I don't want this to be a one-time thing, I want..." He sucked in a quivering breath. "To be with you."
A kiss, soft and sweet, silenced all the doubt pounding away in his chest. Your lips moved purposefully, taking time to convey all the pent-up feelings that had been swirling inside you for so long. You dangled your arms behind his neck as you pulled away, your eyes fluttering open to meet his blown-out pupils.
"I want to be with you too."
Relief unfurrowed his brows and relaxed his jaw.
"Yes! Though to be honest, I've always pictured our first few moments together as a couple in a more... innocent setting." You gestured to... everything and Link's belly flexed in laughter.
"So did I. But gods..." His lips ghosted the curve of your shoulder, traveling up your neck, and ending at your ear. "You felt so good, (F/N)..."
"L-Link..." You whimpered, your body lowering back down while your now-lover towered above you. Without warning, an arm snaked under your knees and the other wrapped behind your back. With a yelp, you spilled into his arms and two towels fell into your lap.
"The baths are just around the corner." A soft warmth bloomed on the center of your forehead. "Let's get cleaned up, shall we?"
♤♢ ~ bonus scene ~ ♡♧
"Your Highness, are you sure about—?"
"Yes, yes! I've already got it all figured out. All you have to do is pack your things and go!" Zelda shoved two official-looking documents into your arms and scooted you and Link closer to the door. Your dug heels were no match for the princess's sudden prowess.
And what could those documents possibly be?
Why, records of a cabin rental in Faron Woods, of course!
"B-But what about Link? He's your personal knight, after all."
"I've already arranged security details with one of the squadrons. They will be watching over me until you both get back. In regards to who will be overseeing your duties, I have a few staff members who will help me keep track of everything."
"Your Highness—"
"It's decided!" Zelda exclaimed with more effort, her energy sapped from lugging two unwilling bodies. "You both have been working so hard, so I've been thinking about giving you a weekend off for awhile. Now that you're a couple, this is a perfect chance to have your own little romantic getaway!"
"Wait, Princess Zelda..." Link started slowly, the gears in his head churning away. "It says here there’s only one bed. If you didn't know we were a couple until now... Why did you prepare a cabin with a single bed for the two of us?"
"That...!" Though your back was toward the royal, you could clearly see the 'oh shit' expression on her face. The corner of Link's mouth twitched into an amused smile while your cheeks scarleted.
"Zel, I swear to Hylia, I'm—"
"—gonna have a wonderful time in the woods where you can be as loud as you want. Farewell, and safe travels!"
With one last push, Zelda managed to shove the two of you out of her office before a resounding slam sounded the finality of her decision. But Zelda's closing remarks hung in the air, thickening the atmosphere in blood-chilling realization.
"What's wrong?" Link's sing-song voice mismatched the gravity of of the situation.
"Oh gods... Oh gods oh gods oh gods... How many people do you think heard us last night?"
"Enough for the whole castle to know who fucked you breathless." His face lowered until you were eye-level with his mischievous simper.
"Her Highness was right—you are fun to tease."
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dreaming-of-lu · 11 months
A/N: Cause I'm in a soft, gooey mood. I'm thinkin of the Links being married.
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~~ Imagining Wild smiling so softly down at a letter, looking so love-strucked yet yearning at the same time. Of course, one of the boys called out to him in a teasing way, wanting to know what got him all head in the clouds like their fellow skyloftian knight. He huffs softly and replies with a voice filled with longing, "My spouse wrote me a letter, basically wishing me safety and sweet dreams of them to soothe me."
~~ First normally kept to himself about his s/o, wishing to keep them safe during his time in prison for 4 years. Pushing you away from Demise's grasp with one last kiss, as he headed off to fight hard and long til his last dying breath. Only to reawaken in a coffin, tumbling out and wondering where he was.
His first thought after was wonder of if you were alive and kicking. He rubbed his left ring finger in a panic, sighing in relief when the metal met his skin. The impression of your bright, sweet smile soothed him, made his heart beat fast until the sound of a screech reached his ears.
~~ The look on the chain's face when a body slammed into Legend was hysterical yet made him shy under their wide questioning gazes. He wanted to squirm out of your hold, only to halt when those eyes, filled with tears of relief and love made him melt on the spot. He softly sighed and rubbed their head while exchanging gentle words between them.
The ring on your hand made them choke in surprise; so those rings on his hands are for distractions, huh?
~~ Hyrule kept his ring on a necklace under his tunic, away from sight due to conflict. His head was always threaten to be on a pike, didn't help when he carried all three pieces of the triforce on the back of his hand. He was constantly hunted, he worried they would come to find you if they were to ever find out he was married to you. Yet alas, he would be found by Legend with him sitting there, idly messing with the ring around his neck, a far off look on his face and a gentle smile. Of course, the veteran was going to be curious of whom caught the dear traveler's heart.
~~ Four watched you idle around the living room, gesturing a flick of your wrist to who could lay where without the worry of stepping on somebody. He stares with his chin in his hand, smiling softly as you jabbered on about something to one of the Links. The colors laughed when you bickered and bantered with that Link before silencing at the sweet smile you quickly flashed over to him alongside a wink.
He covered his face with his hand, flushing red at the laugh that echoed in the home.
~~ Once again, he had his head in the clouds with a dreamy smile on his lips. Sky clutched the letter close to his chest and heaved a tranquil breath, his ears flapped wildly, almost imaginary hearts fluttered and popped around his head. Some of those groan, while the other laughed and shook their head at the lovesick expression on the skyloftian's face.
He raised the letter above his face, pressing a gentle kiss against the ink on the bottom of the page then one to the ring gracing his finger.
"I'll be home as soon as I can, my love."
~~ He was so giddy to be home. As one could be, he was always the composed and conscientiousness captain, but when given the opportunity to reunite with his love. Warriors is practically floating down the path to his shared home that the group is struggling to keep up with his rampant pace. He can't help himself! He needs to smooch his spouse! It's a crime to him to be away for this long from them.
The look on their face when he entered the house with a flourish yell of their name, made his heart soar.
~~ Time chuckled when you fussed over Twilight, tucking him in before glaring at the male when he tried to protest. His descendant looked at him with a silent plead for help, only to slump when the old man shook his head and made an 'x' symbol with his arms. He knew that butting in would not protect him from your glare too.
He rather walk straight into a pit of lava than face your glare head-on. Though he melts at the passing thought of you tucking your future child in, sternly telling them its bedtime and that rest is important. He makes his way over, pressing himself against your back, lacing his hand with yours and placed a kiss against your forehead.
~~ He was already suckered from the day you first played together when you were both children. From the shy glances to the shared giggles, to the sleepovers and to the shared secrets. Twilight knew he had to have you as his spouse when you jumped into his arms and kissed him without a thought after he saved Hyrule.
Even as he stared up at the night sky during his watch, he could still remember the sight of you walking down the aisle with a shy yet giddy smile on your lips. He rubbed the ring back and forth as the memories took over his mind, making the time go by fast til he was tapped out by the next watch. He falls asleep easily when his head hit his pillow, with a faint smile on his lips.
~~ He felt smug when the chain jaws dropped at the sight of him running towards his spouse yet ignores them as their squeals and giggles graced his ears. Fierce swung them around softly in the air before slowly lowering them in his embrace, holding them by their waist, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against theirs. He purrs at the hands that cupped his face, sweet yet butterfly like kisses gracing his skin that soothe the ache that grew in yearning for their touch.
He felt them move away the white strands away from his forehead, placing a kiss against the blue 'v' shaped mark there. He retaliates by placing one against the ring on their finger before opening his eyes to them. Feeling himself melting in their ever so loving and gentle gaze, "You still look radiant, my dear jewel."
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wayfayrr · 4 months
I imagine you like fight a strong enemy and are like celebrating and go “I could kiss you rn” to link as he’s like LET ME OUT PLEASE shaking the metaphorical bars of the game.
Link isn't just shaking the bars he's chewing on the glass and hitting it as hard as he can just with the slimmest HOPE that he could possibly get out by doing it
the fact that you're saying it so casually and to his face????? He takes it as a challenge to be able to get out - a personal bet that the second he does he's getting a kiss.
cause this boundary that separates you is the strongest enemy there is right? If you'll kiss him for defeating a lynel or something that much weaker than you'll give him so many more for getting him out right?
He swears to himself at that moment with a small barely noticeable flicker across the screen that he'll get out soon to hold you to your words. even if it's the last thing he does <3
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demiboydemon · 4 months
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Banished to the well while he cleans the melted cutting board from the oven rack 😔
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
um !! so ive totally been using ur page as my nightly routine teehee and like. sorry in advance if ur requests r clsoed , im new to tumblr so i seriously have no idea how to check😭😭
but i was thinking ;; could you please write a smut for totk link and fem reader ? in whichhh u both hide in a closet together in like the castle or smth.. and to calm u down he like lets u ride him HAJHAH
so embarrassed, but imagining the shakey breaths and sounds of his armour clanking against the wall as he thrusts upwar ds .....
i know im a slut but im only a girl !! i cant help it..!
- r 🍒
Hero's Duty (BOTW Link x Reader)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼!
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: 𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘃𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗼��𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗽𝘂𝘀𝘀𝘆 𝗟𝗠𝗔𝗢
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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He shouldn’t be doing this. He shouldn’t be giving in like this. He should be stronger than this. He shouldn’t be thinking like this. He shouldn’t be  wanting  this. He shouldn’t. He shouldn’t.  He shouldn’t. 
  But fate is a cruel mistress. And he can’t stand it when you squeeze your thighs together and look at him like he’s the only thing you’ll ever need.  He can’t stand it.
  Still, He’s supposed to be a knight. He’s supposed to be a hero. Disciplined and proper. Courageous and strong. Polite. Gallant. Respect. Dignified.  Honorable.  He’s supposed to be  all those things.  And he is! He swears, deep down inside he is. He knows he is.  Everyone  knows he is. He’s been congratulated by the king directly before. Called upon by him to take up arms and join the fight. And He serves Princess. He serves the people. He serves the kingdom. Hell, he’s even wearing some of his royal armor right now. He’s supposed to be a knight. He’s supposed to be a hero. He’s supposed to be  protecting you  right now.
  Not lifting up your dress and gripping your hips as he bounces your needy little hole down onto his cock over and over and over and over again. 
  It’s not what he should be doing. He has a mission. He has orders. He has a task to complete. Duty to fulfill. People to  protect.  People who  need  him. But your pussy feels so tight and so warm and so  wet  around his cock it’s amazing how he managed to last this long. But now that he started, he knows he can’t stop. He  won’t  stop. Not until he’s finished. Not until you’re  both  finished. 
  “ Ah….um, Link- Ah~”
  However long it takes. 
  “You like that, princess?” He murmurs lowly, blue eyes narrowing in on your face as your eyes cross and your mouth falls open into a lewd expression. You don’t respond- at least, you don’t respond with words to his question. But at this point, he’s not even sure if you would have been able to hear him over the sounds of your cute little whimpers and moans as he thursts his hips into you. Or maybe it’s the dirty sounds of your  soaking  wet little cunt taking in every single inch of his dick that keeps you from hearing the sound of your lover’s voice. He doesn’t know for certain, but the selfish,  selfish  part of him likes to think it’s a combination of the two. And the rational part of him? “You’re taking me so well pretty girl.  So well. ”
  The rational part of him  knows  it’s a little bit of both. Plus the fact that you always manage to get a little dick drunk when someone fucks you good and proper. And luckily for you, Link’s happy to play knight in shining armor to his needy little princess and her  perfectly tight little holes -
  Fuck,  you bring out the worst in him. But you know that don’t you? He swears it. He swears you do. He swears you  have to .  Goddesses,  he doesn’t even remember what he’s supposed to be doing right now. He knows it was supposed to be something important. Something only he could do. But then you started getting anxious. After every battle, after every fight- you still manage to worry about him. You still manage to fear that your powers and your efforts as his support won’t be good enough. 
  It’s cute how you worry. It’s cute how you care. But he had a job to do. And he needed you in good shape to do it. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t quell your nerves. Your silent shaking. Your quiet whimpers. And worst of all? Every promise that he’ll protect was starting to fall flat in your ears. Every comforting touch didn’t seem like it worked. Didn’t seem like it was  enough . But he had a job to do. A job that included your safekeeping and your safe return. So he did what any good knight would do. 
  He pulled you into the nearest closet he could find and got you nice and relaxed on his fingers before stuffing you nice and full with his cock. 
  Now your moans bounce off the walls like hymns in a church. Now his name falls off of your lips like deities in a prayer. Now you can be protected. Nurtured. Cared for. All by him. All for you. 
  And maybe there were better ways of taking care of you and your fears. Maybe an orgasm and a good dicking down isn’t exactly what you need in this moment. But your precious little pussy is taking his cock so effortlessly that he’s starting to feel less of a knight and more like a man. A man who can’t help but have wants. A man who can’t help but feel lust. A man who can’t help but need to  fuck  a pretty girl when he’s not supposed to and make excuses about it.
  And he’ll do it again the next chance he gets. He’ll do it all over again. 
  “ Mmm, Link I’m…I’m close…”
  Your whimper is quiet, but within the four walls of this closet, it could be the loudest thing in the world right now. Louder than the loud slap of his pelvis hitting against your skin. Louder than his armor groaning and creaking under all this movement. Louder than the sound of you get exactly what you asked for when you look at your hero to distract you- to  save you - from this moment of fear. 
  “ Oh, yeah baby? You’re getting close? ”
  But that’s the thing… he knows. He knows because you’ve been getting louder. He knows because you’ve been getting  tighter . He knows because every single time his gaze falls back to the spot where your bodies join, and his dick gets swallowed up by your  perfect little cunt  time after time, he feels his own core tightening up in a way he can only assume will leave you nice and full and  messy  until he gets the chance to clean you up later on. He  knows  you’re close. He  knows .
  “ Well, that’s too bad, princess.”  He grinds out, eyes narrowing into slits as his hands tighten his grip on your hips. And  goddesses,  how you whimper. Goddesses, how you  whine . But no matter how many times you beg him and you cry to him he doesn’t change up like he knows you want him to. He doesn’t shift his angle to hit deeper. He doesn’t speed up his thrusts to hit faster. He doesn’t cater to your every whim. He doesn’t listen to your heavenly cries when you beg him to let you reach euphoria with every single breath you take. At least, not this time. At least, not yet. 
  But fuck,  you bring out the worst in him. You bring out the absolute worst in him. You bring out the  man  in him. So it’s only fair. It’s only fair that he takes what’s his. It’s only fair that he calls the shots. That he makes the orders on this battlefield. That he fucks you how he wants to. That he fucks you how he needs to. 
  That he fucks you like he absolutely should.
  Because deep down in his mind, he’s still a knight. He’s still disciplined and proper. Courageous and strong. Polite. Gallant. Respect. Dignified.  Honorable.  He can learn to say no to you. He can learn not to give into your every want. To your every need. He can learn. He can do it. He’s your knight in shining armor. He’s your one and only hero. Your one and only  everything . So he can do it. He can do it. He can. 
  Can’t he?
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c0smoshit · 1 year
Closer ࣪.⋆ ♡
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⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 ≫ Twilight/fem!Reader
⋆ ࣪. ℙ𝕝𝕠𝕥 ≫ Twi wants to be closer to you ;)
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ smut!!, cockwarming, p in v obviously, cowgirl, allusion to hickies, not proofread!
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ I'm so down bad for this mfking wolf god-
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥 ≫ 571
⋆ ࣪. part I / part II ࣪.⋆
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The night was especially quiet, shiny fireflies fluttering quietly their little wings, contrary to the squacking sound cuckoos made into the night breeze. You knew how much Link loved nights like this, quiet and calm ones.
Well, It would've been a pleasant night if your guts were nestling nicely inside of you instead on being absolutely demolished by your boyfriend.
Your thighs were already numb on top of him, covered in a mixture of his saliva and your own sweat, creating a glistening glow on your skin.
"Stay still"
His husky voice took you out of your trance, you then felt his hands gripping hardly your thighs, as if he didn't want you to move.
This was the first time he behaved like this with you, he didn't even prep you before sliding himself inside. And now he didn't want you to move?
Maybe it was because you told him how cold you were, the night breeze leaking through your window and into your shared bedroom, enough to make you shiver under the mattress.
You stayed silent with your bare arms wrapped around him, your body pressing against his warmer one. You hid your face on his neck, trying to surpress your evident hornyness on top of him.
You knew he was one squeeze away from going mad bellow you, trying to control his hunger for you by gripping your legs. He was hard and he ached for you, his ragged breathing coming out of his hot mouth.
Your whines and quiet pleasured sounds almost made him grab your waist and flip you over so you could scream properly. But he didn't, the rancher wanted to enjoy your warm walls around him, to memorize them when he only had his fist to remember.
Link's ears perked up at your needy whisper, breath fanning his neck before you squeezed him hardly, making him groan out.
"Don't do that darlin' "
He warned you, pulling you off his neck and watching as a string of saliva united his jugular and your mouth. He throbbed at the sight, red and plump lips matched with your so lovely eyes, now hooded with desire and want.
His hips twitched, his mind flooded with you, images of you squirming as he rammed himself into you, scratching his back as the animal he was, how good you'd look moaning and gagging his name.
You moaned at the sudden movement, gripping his shoulders tighter as you whined a quiet "Link..."
"I know, I know... Just a bit more"
He tried to reassure you, whispering how good you were for him, letting him feel you up as you sat there obediently.
"I'll fuck you so good after this princess"
The nickname did it for you, it always did. Your thighs clenched around his waist, head falling against his shoulder as you tried to control yourself. It just felt so good.
But you muttering out his name in such a sensual way also did it for him, trailing his hands higher until they met your waist he finally rolled your hips on top of his. You both sighed out in harmony, the pleasure increasing thanks to the fact that you both were being slightly overstimulated by this.
His teeth found the junction of your shoulder and your neck, speeding up his movements needily.
This was going to be a long night.
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ifangirlalot · 8 months
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➶ botw/totk!𝓵ink x 𝓯𝓮𝓶!reader 。˚ ° | !!𝙎𝙈𝙐𝙏!!
𝕹𝕾𝕱𝖂 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘 | afab!reader, oral (masc/fem receiving), penetration, (kinda?) public sex, link's kinda a pervert idk
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Love Note From Zee ; ;
the results are in! you guys voted for link nsfw headcanons and i shall deliver! had so much fun with this (and i absolutely did NOT get horny while writing this, i literally don't know what you're talking about, i'm SO normal about him wdym)
「 ✦ You know that whole thing about it ALWAYS being the quiet ones? Yeah, Link is the prime example of that. 」
「 ✦ Mans has a lot of pent up frustrations after being asleep for an entire century, so needless to say, your sex life is pretty damn active. It's either he sets the entirety of Hyrule on fire or he gets his dick wet in some way or another, you pick. 」
「 ✦ Link is a MAJOR whimperer. Especially if he's getting head? Ugh, he can't stop whimpering. It's only gonna get worse if he's being praised DURING the ravishing. 」
A plethora of whimpers spilled between the knight's lips as his tip was treated to the tip of [Name]'s tongue swirling and pressing against it. Link's hips bucked upward desperately, needing more. "I'm so proud of you, Link. You're doing so good, you deserve this and so much later for all the work you've been doing for this whole kingdom." [Name] would whisper in between bobs on his length. Link could hardly stand it. He pushed his hips forward once more, trying not to cum on the spot from all the praises he was getting and the feel of her tongue on his dick. He let out a sound that was a mix of a whimper and a grunt as his lover's mouth lowered down his shaft once more.
「 ✦ He's also a bit of a pervert. Naturally, Link's pretty nosy. Constantly reading people's diaries and stealing their shit, but with you, it's so much worse and so much more personal. 」
「 ✦ He likes to snoop through your clothes, especially your underwear, while you're sleeping at night since he doesn't really feel the need to sleep and gets bored. 」
While [Name] was sleeping on their side, sleeping off a full day of journeying through the Hyrulian countryside, Link was hidden behind a bush with his trousers undone and a pair of frilly underwear clutched in his hand. He fisted at his length, a series of slow, soft pleasured noises bubbling out of his throat. Normally, he much preferred having your hands jerking him off, but you were sleeping right now and he didn't want to wake you. But he just couldn't wait. Your underwear was coated in your scent and he could barely stand it. Besides, the soft fabric of your undergarments around his cock was almost a good enough substitute.
「 ✦ When it comes to fucking, Link is pretty wild with it, as he is with everything else. He's very fast and desperate with his movements. He gropes at your breasts and your hips and leaves love bites and hickeys all over your neck and shoulders. 」
「 ✦ His favorite position is mating press. Not necessarily because he wants to breed you, but rather because he just really liked having your legs propped up on his shoulders. Plus, it gives him more thrusting room. 」
「 ✦ Very enthusiastic head giver as well. He's fast and desperate with that, too. His tongue is working extra hard, pushing as deeply into you as he possibly can, and his lips suck at your clit like he's trying to get the last bit of pudding out of a snack pack. A true pussy glutton! 」
The wind carried Link's desperate-sounding whimpers to your ears as he held your thighs against his shoulders as he pressed his face into your pussy. His tongue darted in and out, lapping up any form of fluid he could pull from your body. His lips sucked at your swollen, abused bud as if he was trying to pull loose the last bit of liquid through a straw, Your fingers tangled into his blonde hair and tugged at it as your chest heaved. He looked so cute down there between your legs, eating you out like your pussy was his favorite meal. Which honestly, it probably was.
「 ✦ Lots and lots and lots of sex outside. Granted, you're never around people when you fuck, but you're in the middle of a field, so honestly, you've probably been caught fucking by a very embarrassed villager at least two or three times. 」
「 ✦ Not that Link really cares, though. He's completely fucking shameless, that boy. 」
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yandereunsolved · 7 months
Breath of a Yandere - ,, Yandere Wild headcanons
tw(s): yandere themes, (Wild) multiple mentions of suicidal ideations/suicide & self depreciation
ꨄ︎ Yandere Wild who met you after waking up in the Shrine of Resurrection. You were a lone traveler from Lurelin Village. You traveled countless months, with many others accompanying you at various points on your journey. You had to know the truth. You had to know if it was true. The rumors about the legendary hero fueled your adventures. You feared the worst, but you found him. He didn't awake at first. You spent weeks traveling out of the Shrine only for necessities.
ꨄ︎ He heard a strange voice coming from the darkness and then saw you. You spoke to him with such a reverence that he wasn't accustomed to. He was incredibly cautious and wouldn't allow you near him. That all changed when you offered him some glazed meat. He shoved it down his throat and suddenly you were his closest companion.
ꨄ︎ Words never leave his mouth. You thought at first it was just the surprise of awakening after a hundred years, but no. He just never spoke to you. He spoke with his hands and through his body language. He taught you most of the Hylian sign language that you know. It is probably better that he doesn't speak. You would be disturbed and greatly flattered about the things he thinks about you.
ꨄ︎ He never leaves your side unless you are both put in a life ending situation. He's like a silent but loyal dog. He is always watching your movements and standing guard over you. You have to cuddle with him before he finally allows himself to succumb to sleep.
ꨄ︎ Guardians? You are staying behind. Shrines? You may stand at the entrance as long as there are no monsters around. If there are then he will kill them and then make you wait. The Divine Beasts? Okay, fine— he allows you in all the Divine Beasts except for Vah Naboris. He allows you to ride with Riju but only because she has the Thunder Helm. However, the Ganonblights? On Hylia's name, no. You go back to the entrance and wait there.
ꨄ︎ Ganon himself? You wait. After your entire journey together, he only speaks one word to you. "Wait." He presses himself against you and makes you hide behind one of the castle pillars. There are tears in his eyes and he is shaking. You are his God(dess). He has killed and sacrificed so much. You saved him. You did. He signs to you. "I face Ganon alone. I can't lose you." His hands get shaky. "I love you."
ꨄ︎ That's the first time he ever says he loves you and his yandere tendencies only get worse from there. More possessive. More obsessive. More puppy-like. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. He always has an eye on you and doesn't allow you out of his sight. He would never hurt you, but he'll hurt others for you.
ꨄ︎ After the battle you two embrace each other and he sobs quietly into your chest. He allows you to patch his wounds. It's difficult because he's hanging off of you. Zelda is sitting near you both around the campfire. It's a little a lot awkward because she's seen his entire journey. She has seen his feelings for you blossom. A part of her hurts because she won't have her Link back, but was he ever hers? It was just his duty.
ꨄ︎ His memories may have come back but he only has one person in his heart. That person is you. Zelda wants him to come back as a knight. He signs no. He has to stay near you. He will die without you.
ꨄ︎ He thinks the sweetest and most depraved things in his mind. He is constantly praising you within his mind. He wishes he could speak those words but he can't. So he signs them. He shows them through acts of service. His mind is just a constant track about you. Partially this is because of his knight training. He was trained to protect and serve. He was trained to help the princess. His mind still sometimes slips back into that. It's just you, you, you, danger?, you, you, you.
ꨄ︎ On that note, his trauma is constantly fueling his tendencies and how he sees you as his god(dess). He was a child knight, blames himself for failing to protect everyone before Calamity Ganon gave over, and woke up with zero memories and a mission to save all of Hyrule. You were the first person he met. You were and still are his guide to this world. Sure, you aren't fated to be with him. Sure, it could have been just a mistake— but you are the first person that ever got him. You didn't push him to speak. You took your time in learning how to communicate with him. You respected him not just as the hero but a person.
ꨄ︎ He takes interest in whatever you are interested in. He will go so far as trying to replicate what you are doing. He isn't great at art but he'll do his best to draw what you are doing. He shows it you like an excited little kid. He does little poems as well. They are all about his adoration to you and how much he wants to spend time with you. Sometimes they have some blood splatters on them. Don't think about it too hard.
ꨄ︎ He his naturally cautious when all of these goods things become interrupted with the introduction of The Chain. He is like a frightened animal with his hackles up. He has his mastersword pointed to the strange group. They introduce themselves and he relaxes a little. He stays by your side the entire time and makes sure everyone knows that you are taken by him.
ꨄ︎ It's really, really, really hard for him when you say you want to travel with The Chain. His thought process is like this: heartbreak. My God(dess) wants to be around other Links? Why do they want to put themselves in danger? Why? Why? I have to protect them. I have to. I need them near me. Why do they want to travel? Will they still cook for me and me only...? Or will I have to share? You want to travel to different Hyrules and fight monsters with them? You want to see their Hyrules? What if my Hyrule isn't good enough for you?
ꨄ︎ As much as he hates it— he'd do anything for you. He sets some ground rules though. No letting the others get too close. Stay by his side. Tell him everything. And do not, ever, put yourself in harms way. That has been his number one rule since day one. No getting yourself hurt. That scares him the most. He could live without you, but you are alive. He'd barely be alive but he could live. If you died? He'd kill himself and die right next to you. So when you get a scratch he wants, needs, aches to kill the thing that gave you that scratch.
ꨄ︎ You both begin traveling with The Chain and it goes better then expected. Wild is still the same Wild. He may even be getting a little better. The Chain is a bunch of hims. Wild is doing better in a way. He's gotten close to everyone and now knows some of their secrets. He's quiet and he listens. They are unassuming of him. Even the more cautious ones such as Hyrule, Legend, and Time bring their guard down a little. He rarely communicates with them but you know he is acutely listening. He only really signs to you.
ꨄ︎ So, it's perfect. There are a bunch of hims that stay away from you and protect you. He is getting them to trust him. You are safer than you have ever been. Safe. So safe. And if he needs to kill them for you? He's already got the information on them.
ꨄ︎ Wild always buys you things from the villages you all go to. He runs up to you and shoves them into your hands happily. It's one of the few times you see a smile on his usually stoic face. He absolutely adores buying you matching fits. He's practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. He loves matching with you. He even gets you a sword that mimics the mastersword in style. He teaches you how to wield it and everything.
ꨄ︎ He sabotages the others in The Chain if they try to spend time with you. He'll tell you things about them, dark things that he's learned. He'll write them out to you and slip them into your back pocket, your satchel, your bed roll. He'll make them look stupid in front of you. He might accidentally trip them or outbest them in sparring. He makes sure you see the worst of them and the best of him. He doesn't need words to steal your heart all for himself.
ꨄ︎ He always wakes up early and watches you sleep. He tries to resist your warmth to not fall asleep but it's too much. So he wakes up in the morning before you. He watches silently, unblinkingly. He thinks you look so adorable, so pretty, so handsome. You are even more angelic when you are awake. Your smile could even make Ganon fall to his knees.
ꨄ︎ He either makes breakfast for you or with you. He sits guard while you bathe in the river. He wants to take a peek but he doesn't! He's a loyal man. He's tempted. Very tempted though. He loves watching you do your skincare and getting ready though. His eyes rarely leave you while in eyesight.
ꨄ︎ His habits reach their most overbearing after Sage joins The Chain. His life was going so perfect with you. You got protection and he got you all to himself. Now, there's this new version of him. He is acting so... clingy towards you. He just seems so attached to you. Wild begins to get shooed away when Sage is near. You are all about being near Sage. Saving Sage.
ꨄ︎ He refuses to leave your side, even for a moment. He distances himself from the rest of The Chain. He begins to not eat. He begins to not sleep. He gets very nervous and becomes a wreck. He thinks if he does this to himself you'll love him. You loved him when he was like this before. Is this what you want? Do you want someone that needs you? He needs you more than anyone else. He doesn't see any reason to live anymore without you.
ꨄ︎ Like always, you save him. You save him from that dark place and refuse to leave his side. He cuddles into you and refuses to let you go. You feel guilty and you are worried sick about him. Wild almost died and he refuses to tell you why. You were sparring with Sage and suddenly you heard a sword slash in the woods. Wild stabbed himself in the heart with a sword... If it wasn't for Hyrule he'd be dead.
ꨄ︎ You sobbed for hours over his body and you refused to leave. You still do. You are beginning to succumb to his neediness and overprotective ways. Just like Wild wanted. He just needs to be wanted by you. He just needs your love. He just needs one person who will love him above all else.
ꨄ︎ Wild has you, but at Sage's expense. He's extremely irritated that this little boyfriend of yours is taking you away from him. A few of the other Links have mixed, upset, and possessive feelings as well. However, we'll discuss that another time.
tag list; lmk if you want to be tagged: @screaming-until-god-hears-me
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z3rinn · 1 year
featuring : linked universe ! It seems that a mix up has occurred when renting rooms in the nearby inn, leaving the group with nine rooms instead of 10 !! but what's this ? the links offer to share a room with you ? what an interesting turn of events.. hmm, but just who do you pick? a zelda version of my twst post !!
this is my introduction to the lu fanbase !! luv yall and I hope you enjoy !
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# #. TIME
Time offers you his bed with a gentle smile on his face, hands on your shoulders as he carefully guides you to the bed. His voice is soft, promising that you'd be in good hands while laying with him.
He laid beside you, his back to your front, as to not make you uncomfortable. Its silent and still for a few moments, before shifting closer to him. You can't help but press your chest up against his warm back, throwing your arms around him as you giggled. Time stilled, feeling your face press up against his built back. He chuckled as you fell asleep, a soft smile forming on his flushed face.
He doesn't shift much as the night goes on. Besides cuddling further into you, he sometimes turns on his back, laying your head on his chest. Time's arms wrap around your body, as the two of you snore the first of many nights away.
Twilight takes your hand in his as he brings you to the room. Sweat dripped down your face as you looked back a the other boys- Twilight didn't even ask! He just straight up dragged you. But honestly? Could you really complain? It was Twilight for gods sake. It was a dream come true to just be besides him.
You lay on your side, facing away from Twilight as you try to rest. You can't help but notice how his eyes seem to be piercing thru you. He shifts onto the bed, your back to his chest. You could feel his breath against your neck as he shuffled closer into you. Oh my god. This man was going to kill you with his stare- jasajkqdkauiksuef. Twilight chuckled softly to himself, noticing you squirm uncomfortably. Before you knew it, however, Twilights hand wrapped around your waist.
You couldn't sleep much that night. Maybe it was because you didn't want to bother Twilight by moving in your sleep. Or maybe it was because you were too flushed to do so. Between his soft breaths against your bare neck, accompanied by the way he slightly rubbed your waist as you slept. You were never going to be able to sleep at this rate. Either way, Twilight had an amazing night.
# #. WILD
Like Twilight and Time, Wild offers his bed with no hesitation, that smile on his face growing even more so once you agree. He grabs you by the waist, carrying you bridal style all tye way to the bed. You couldn't help but the thoughts that ran over you due to his eagerness.
Wild falls asleep as soon as he hits the bed, meaning he's all over you as soon as he falls asleep. His legs are thrown over yours, arms wrapped around your waist in a tight grip. He often moves around in his sleep, and drags your body wherever he moves. No matter what you try he just won't let loose, it's honestly better to just let him hold on and move around until he wakes up. He's a great cuddle buddy tho!
Sometimes, late at night, you may catch him cuddling into your chest, listening to your heartbeat as he sleeps, his arms are wrapped tightly around you, as a small smile grace's his lips. It might even grow if you pet his head as you rest side by side.
# #. SKY
Sky is the kind of person most people would want to sleep by. He has a calming personality and a gentle aura that just draws you towards him. So how could you ever say no to his proposal?
He lays face to face beside you. His beautiful blue eyes gazing deeply into yous. Seriously what was with these men trying to swoon you at every turn smh. Although Sky seems like he's trying to start something with his alluring gaze, he sticks to himself. His hands and legs stay on his side of the bed, although, while the two of you lay under the soft blanket you may feel him brush up against you.
Deep into the night, however, Sky lets his body relax against yours, hands and legs intertwining with your own. He held your hands in his own, his body pressing up against yours. His head pressed against your own, as light snores left his lips. You cant help but smile at him. Sky loves sleep. But he loves it more when it's with you.
Warriors gives you a flirtatious smirk as he asks the question- but deep down you know he's squealing like a little girl finally getting to talk to her crush for the first time. It was funny watching him act all Macho as he laid on the bed, raising his eyebrows as he beckoned you over. This guy is a total nerd istg.
Honestly just to spite him it'd be kind of funny to just sleep on the floor- but then you remember that he's actually a pretty boy so can you really say no? No. You can't. At first you may think he'll be all up on you as you lay together- but in reality he just sticks to his side of the bed, out of your space. Little words are spoke between the two of you, just a quick goodnight with a gaze that leaves your heart melting, before he's off to sleep.
It doesn't take that long for either of you to fall asleep. But soon Warriors arms come to wrap around you. He’s holding you close to his body as he succumbs to sleep. Too close in fact. It’s as if he’s hugging you to death with how tight his grip is. However, you cant help but snuggle into him. It's not uncomfortable being in his arms, in fact, it may just be one of the best hugs you had ever experienced.
Legend probably didn't invited you to sleep beside him. No, it was probably your fault that the two of you were stuck together. Instead of him inviting you, you invited himself into his bed. Honestly, its kind of funny.
He's probably scooted all the way towards the edge of the bed, facing away from you, and frowning in annoyance. The two of you definitely sleep back to back, no questions asked. Mainly because if he caught a look at your sleeping face he'd get all embarrassed for sure. There's is no contact or words spoken between the two of you, just utter and complete silence as he tries to sleep.
But deep into the night he shuffles closer to you, burying his head in your chest for warmth and comfort. His arms wrap loosely around your hips as his legs press against yours. It's very tempting to take a picture but you decide against it, keeping his head there for the rest of the night. When he awakes he's in a for a major surprise!!
Hyrule is immediately nervous when he poses the question. Would you say no? Ugh that'd be so embarrassing for him if you did- would you even ever talk to him again? All these doubts consume his mind- rushing in on a never ending loop- until you agree with a smile on your face. That's still doesn't stop how nervous he is while laying besides you though.
Its awkward for a bit as you and Hyrule lay on your backs, staring up at the ceiling as you talked the night away. He relaxes as time goes on. His hands are laid across his chest, a smile on his face as he speaks. You converse about his adventures, world, and vise versa. He spoke to you so kindly and gently. That you couldn't help but giggle alongside him.
You talk deep into the night, but suddenly the waves of tiredness consume you both. Accompanied by the cold air and the long and excruciating day you just went thru, you almost fell asleep immediately. You and Hyrule cuddle close for comfort. It's hard being in a different world- away from all your friends and family. But being besides him made it just a bit better.
# #. FOUR
Four is a bit embarrassed to be sharing a room with you, yet he gravbs your hand, intertwining your fingers as he leads you to the room. He tells you he can shift into his minish as you guys sleep. Giving the both of you more room and space in the bed. Yet you disagree, mainly because don't want to crush him obviously-
So instead you just cuddle him close to your chest, holding him against you as you 'immediately' fall asleep. You can feel him tense and squirm around in your hold- yet he doesnt dare do anything. Four can't move- that would disrupt your sleep! His mind is running, his face flushing a deep red, ad he feels you hold him tighter. How the hell was he going to get out of this?!
He settles down in your embrace, slowly succumbing to sleep after his mini heart attack. He moves up your chest slightly, resting his head just below your neck. His legs intertwine with your own as his hands wrap around you in a tight hug. You can feel his soft, yet hot breathing against your neck, making you smile against his forehead.
Honestly just make a giant dog pile with all of them and sleep together. That'll be fun!
I love all these Links <3
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dia-oro · 2 months
Okay imagine the linked universe but the reader is the equivalent as the Latina girlfriend for the chain, why? First of all language barrier, human customs and your accent… even better imagine hylia switch your English to hylian but the problems is… you’re No English native speaker so you now have that thick foreign accent and switch sometimes words, sometimes say bad a word, they’re drinking it, love it, one day you’re so done with legend and just yell at him to many cursing things and he just ‘don’t understand darling but I take it all as compliment, talk more to me’
congrats you can curse them all you want and nobody will notice, they just are so in love with your accent to take serius that is probably a insult.
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the-moon-files · 17 days
I’m not sure if I’ve said this one already or not, but I wanted to tell you anyways! It’s about the humans-are-not-hylians AU!
You know the uncanny valley evolution? That thing where when you look at something that resembles a living being too closely and some part of your mind is screaming that it’s not whatever it looks like and to get away from it? Imagine that with the reader! They can spot shapeshifters easily because of this, but it instills the same extreme primal fear we’d experience, so it might be hard for the reader to confront them at first and they’ll instead just tell the Chain for a while.
This might be a double edged sword, though, because when Twilight is in his wolf form, the reader still gets that same feeling when “Wolfie” is looking at them, whether or not they know it’s Twilight. In this case, the first time the reader spots Wolfie approaching the camp, they probably freak out and try to avoid him, even if the Links are okay with him or if he seems familiar to them.
The bottom line is that wolf isn’t a wolf, so what is he?
“It’s okay, he’s a really friendly wolf!”
“...That’s not a wolf...”
Sorry i took forever to respond!! im slow as always, life is too busy for even my hobbies lately sobs 😭
bro this is especially true bc someone looked back at TP games and how he looks in his “wolf” form, and apparently he is actually a dog lol - like at most a wolf-hybrid, i added this in to support this Hyrule-is-hella-Uncanny AU lol
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Moon: Guide! - Gender Neutral/Masc!Reader (”you”/he/him)
Orbit: Short headcanons
Stars: mentions of most of our Links <3
Comets & Meteors: CWs: typical LU/Loz violence, mild swearing, etc & TWs: mild possible derealization trigger, talk of Link’s Awakening and Koholint.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
The Yiga clan members have never fooled you, not Once in person, unlike back when hyrule was still a video game
it was the constant smell of bananas, the way their eyes were always a little unfocused or they moved their head to move around their eyes, rather than their actual pupils moving, the facial muscles all stiff, usually stuck in an uncomfortable smile-
it makes more sense once u realize that they technically have a mask under that glamour hylian face, but its never not hilarious to see Wild look over his shoulder at you before approaching a lone traveler on the roads and watch him get increasingly frantic to get ur attention to see if theyre yiga lmao
u bet ur ass every link was relying on you on their adventures to know shapeshifters/illusions/glamours/etc. on sight and tell them to better prep them/warn them
tbh they all got at least a little better at being able to tell the difference the longer they heard you point out stuff/talk abt exactly why it was off-putting
(that said some of ur heroes are better at it than others, both in general, and certain aspects of it: like Twilight isn’t able to pick up illusions/glamours for the life of him, literally, sometimes, but he is more likely to figure out shapeshifters by scent after you Guided him)
(no, your heart didnt crack a little after learning that the boys had a harder time with deceit after you stopped playing the game = “were forced to leave after their adventure” bc while they were better at detecting it, they werent on ur human level yet..)
(…the only deception you ever really fell for was Koholint. It was so painful too, because Legend quietly disclosed to you one late night that you would constantly get strange feelings/uncanny disturbances, but were never able to put a name to it for him, which both made you jumpy/paranoid on the island, but made him regret ever letting his guard down all the more or feel guilty for what felt like dismissing ur instincts the more he relaxed… Legend never doubted your sense for the uncanny ever again. He takes it seriously every time now.
When you feel as if you should apologize, he tells u not to, that these days he takes comfort in it actually, it makes him feel safer. Legend looks to your face for confirmation that something isn’t a dream, and if you look at ease, so is he.)
its the way you casually laugh at Twi being called “Wolfie” when he’s obviously a wolf-dog hybrid or just a big dog
and when everyones confused u just explain smth smth, wolf heads are larger in comparison to their body, their legs are narrow, their paws are big, dogs are like the oppposite, or way more proportional like “Wolfie” is, dogs bob around when they run like “wolfie”, and have shorter legs,
smth smth wolves cant have eye colors like blue, only dogs/wolf-dog hybrids can silly-
and Wolfie is just like, 😐 😑 😐
turning around and walking away, bc hylias knotted fucking braid- he really cant escape the dog accusations now, you literally used ur freaky truth-seeing instinct and read his shapeshifter ass from head to literal toe/paw-
Wild/Hyrule look fascinated, Wind and Legend cant breath theyre laughing so hard, Time is coughing suspiciously into his fist and pops back up smirking, Four is laughing but also encouraging you to keep going, Sky is desperately trying to keep it together while also trying to get Twi to come back lmao, Wars is literally pointing and laughing ashkljdl-
ok but Twi gets his revenge later by tricking you into yapping abt how Hyrule/Four/Time all kind of look “off” sometimes too
like how u swear Rulie is glowing subtly when the moon is full, or how the world distorts behind his back sometimes,
or how Four’s eyes change colors all the time, his fighting style looks like its rotating between 4 diff ppl’s techniques,
or how Time’s face wrinkles like smile lines/crows feet at the corner of his eyes will randomly appear and disappear, how he’ll have some stubble one day then 3 days later despite having not shaven (u literally saw him wake up and do his morning routine) it’ll disappear like it was never there in the first place-
and when Twi has stopped asking you abt the others as they all reel over the knowledge of what all u can tell abt them,
(ur quietly relieved no one asked abt Wild.
You resolve urself to just lie if anyone asks, even to Wild himself.)
hey im alive!! im slow yknow how it is,
ive been doing too much, and i cant wait to be done with this class so i can have free time guilt free again 🥲
god thats one good thing abt getting out of academia i dont miss and would only wish on my worst enemy,
the anxiety of doing smth, even necessary stuff like eating/sleeping/showering, and feeling liek you should be doing homework instead, god its so awful
cant wait to feel like an adult with my own life again lmao
that certification better work and get me a white collar job goddamit 🤞
anyway, hope ur all having a good weekend,
and just to let u know, im so happy acc that im alive to see the first zelda game that actually follows what i originally thought the plot of zelda games was when i was a kid lmao
(zelda as the protag, saving link!!)
Peace out,
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silentium-symphony · 1 year
Starved (Link x Reader) SMUT
(a/n) link smut link smut link smut li--shot this is very NSFW, so minors please do not interact.
click here for a completely accidental sequel... ;)
cw: afab!reader, wife!reader being a silly lil goose (an Anser gooficia if you will), a nice homecooked meal :), teasing heh, quickly followed by--oh fuck oh shit wait what the fu, link gets rough, also he’s got a DIRTY MOUTH—loosely had wild in mind but i think any of the chain can work here (except for wind ofc), cute nicknames, breeding kink towards the end shhh
wc: 3.7k
♤♢ ~~ ♡♧
Link's eyes blurred in and out, battling the heavy droplets that hammered his lashes. The foreign meadows that wrapped him and Epona had begun rolling into familiar hills, which sent a flicker of warmth in his shivering chest.
He was almost there. Almost home.
Thoughts of his beloved wife wanting waiting for him spurred him forward. He clicked his tongue and Epona hastened her pace. Link stroked his loyal steed’s muscular neck with love and gratefulness, making a mental note that she was due for a buffet of freshly-picked apples when they get back. He cooed in her ear, laughing at the lighthearted (albeit very tired) whinny he got in response.
The dim glimmer of a house dotted the horizon. As far as his mind was concerned he was already home, wrapping you up in his rain-logged arms and deluging you with kisses and promises to make up for lost time. If he thought hard enough, he could smell that familiar meat and veggie stew you know he loves so much and feel your hands run up his back with heated gasps through his hair by the fireplace, drying him of the rain.
And he was starving. Gods, he needed real food. It had been pouring nonstop for the past few days, and he hadn't eaten a proper meal since the last town he visited (how many days has it been?). If he had to snack on one more apple he was gonna lose it (though Epona would disagree).
The steady steed clopped up the hill, hooves sinking into the mud and slick as she dutifully carried her rider up the steep slope. Her neck whipped back and forth, almost sallying herself to keep going. She saw a familiar roof come into view as well as her (sadly empty) trough. No matter. He would surely fix her a good meal before retiring her for the night.
Link could barely withold his excitement as the top of his door peaked past the hill. He steered Epona into her stable, dismounted, and carefully removed her tack, pressing appreciative nuzzles into her neck. She pawed the ground, motioning at her trough and Link supplied her with an extra hefty helping of dry hay.
Your ears perked up at the high-pitched whinny from outside and you immediately looked out your window. A thick curtain of droplets racing down the glass obscured your vision. You sighed, turning your attention to the ladle lazily mixing the stew. The strong, hearty aroma of the thick, bubbling concoction got you recounting the time you presented the meal to your then-lover Link. You've joked that this is the dish that convinced him to marry you (though he denies such a thing, stating that he would have married you regardless). You smiled desolately at the distant memory and focused your eyes on a log that had collapsed in the fire.
Four knocks broke the silence and your body stiffened. You slowly turned towards the door, hands sweating and heart catapulting to your throat. Could it be...?
Four knocks rang louder this time and you felt your body flinging to the oaken barrier. Your taut fingers knotted around the door handle and you cracked it open.
You crashed into each other, gripping each other like a sweet, fleeting dream. You buried your face in his chest, not caring that the soaked fabric was clinging to your skin.
“I’ve missed you…” You looked up to meet soft, adoring eyes and you reached up to sink a deep kiss onto his lips. He almost staggered backward, feeling his knees turn to jelly from the sensation. The ache from countless nights of merely remembering this feeling dissipated instantly and he wrapped you closer to him.
The clamor of violent bubbling ripped your attention from your beloved as you saw the contents of the pot begin to boil over.
"Agh! No!" You slipped from his arms and attended to your sobbing stew, wiping its tears away with your apron and stirring it quickly. Link stepped in, basking in the warmth and the smells of home. He missed this. He missed you.
As much as he wanted to just collapse into your arms or on the couch, he stayed in place, not wanting to tarnish the recently cleaned floors. He had been married to you long enough to know what the floors looked like when cleaned, and how much you hated the muddy footprints he would accidentally leave behind. So he waited, feasting his eyes on your swaying figure.
You took the pot off the fire and set it down on the dining table. You looked up.
"What're you doing over there? Come here!"
He hesitated, cautious eyes flitting to the floor and his little island of a doormat. You laughed, heart warming at the level of care he had for your domestic efforts. How did you get so lucky?
You ran to get the fluffiest towel you owned and threw it over his head, lightly scrunching and ruffling his locks into the fabric. You didn't comment on the blush spreading on his cheeks or the stiff shuffle he had to do to hide the growth in his pants, instead allowing a small, knowing smirk to grace your lips.
Despite your ardent adoration for your husband, you hated how long he had to be away from home. While not his fault by any means, you couldn't help the growing desire to... tease him as 'punishment' for all the cold, lonely nights you spent in your shared bed.
Your hands found the hem of his shirt and in one smooth motion threw it over his head and onto the floor (noting to clean it up later). He gasped, his mind barely processing what just happened as you wrapped the towel behind his back and pulled him closer to you. You rubbed his sides, patted his torso, and traced the V-shaped outline that led down his groin. He shivered, barely holding back a whine, and blue eyes met your doe ones hungrily. You knew what you were doing. You knew exactly what you were doing.
An innocent smile splayed your lips as your hands lowered, gripping the elastic of his pants and tugging slightly downwards. An audible noise left his mouth and a hand flew to cover your fingers--not to stop you, but just out of sheer shock. You stepped back, lips still pulled into an oblivious lil' grin.
"Be right back. I'm gonna grab you a new pair of pants."
You skipped away from your steaming husband, leaving him half naked and with thoughts of you writhing underneath him, begging for sweet release that brought him happiness.
Still feigning faux naïveté, you handed him a pair of warm, dry pants and pulled out his favorite chair. You turned around, oh so conveniently remembering to grab the bowls and spoons and such from the cupboard (just long enough for your husband to change clothes). The "suck-pop" of wet feet leaving wetter boots and the shuffle of moving fabric ceased, signaling that it was safe for you to turn around. You placed a bowl, a spoon, a handkerchief, and a mug of water at your respective places on the table. You accessorized the pot of stew with a basket of freshly baked bread; you finally sat down and clasped your hands in thanks to Hylia for bringing your husband back safe and sound.
You immediately dug in, one of you much more voracious than the other. You amusedly slid the handkerchief closer to the occupied Link, whose cheeks were packed with meat and bread. He eyed you thankfully and lightly tapped his mouth of stains, swallowing and sighing contentedly.
"When was the last time you had eaten?" You asked, just now noticing his slightly hollowed cheeks.
His refusal to meet your gaze wrought your stomach with worry.
"Link..." You sighed, reaching for and rubbing his wrist. "My love, you can't skip meals like that..."
"It had been a few days since I last checked into an inn," he started, "and the rain has kept me from getting a fire going."
"What about the snacks I packed for you?"
He slipped an empty sack onto the table, a scatter of crumbs proof to be the last remnants of the previously plentiful cornucopia. A pitying look tinged your features and you squeezed his hand.
"That's okay, love. So long as you're here, I'll cook whatever you want!"
A wicked idea crossed his mind, contrasting the affectionate smile he flashed you.
"Thank you, (F/N). Actually, I have been craving something... sweet lately. Is there anything quick you can whip up?"
"Hm... Something sweet and qui-- Oh! That could work!"
You hurriedly finished the rest of your bowl's contents and immediately went to work on a recipe your friends recently told you about.
"A couple days ago, my friends were telling me about this thing called a 'mug cake.' It's exactly how it sounds--it's a cake in a mug!" You were so excited over the sugary innovation that you hadn't noticed the tall figure sauntering over to you. "Let me see if I can find the recipe... I know I wrote it down somewhere..."
A pair of arms snaked about you and rubbed shallow circles into your hips, eliciting a breathy gasp from your mouth. His nose buried itself into your hair, filling his lungs with your scent. He picked up traces of tonight’s dinner but it combined so pleasantly with your natural, sugary scent. He gently pressed your body against the countertop. Skillful hands prodded your inner thigh as his face fell to your neck, nibbling the soft flesh and drawing the cutest mewls out of you.
"I know what you were doing earlier." His voice reverberated against your neck, sorting your thoughts into a hazy mess. "And I am to return your teasing tenfold."
The hand on your thigh slipped in between your legs, dragging his fingertips along the edges of your undergarments. Your goosebumps tickled his chin and you threw your head back, a needy whine leaving your quivering form. He slotted his tented heat between you, slowly, lightly, teasingly thumbing the wet spot that had begun to stain your underwear.
You grinded your hips against his fingerpad, the rubbing of wet fabric and his fingers rocking your mind with unspeakable pleasures.
"I've hardly done anything to you and you're already so wet for me..." He purred, hands reaching for your chest. "Now, be a good girl and spread your legs."
You blindly followed his simple command, shuffling your legs to allow better access for his hand. His digits continued their sinful ministrations, your sloppy cunt filling the kitchen with lewd noises. His other hand cupped your breasts, his palm sinking, digging into the soft flesh. Your mouth opened to let out a gasp, quickly turning into a yelp when Link began sucking not so gently on your neck. He teethed and tongued the same spot until you felt your poor skin bruise under his treatment; content, he'd move on to repeat the same wicked treatment until he was absolutely satisfied with how beautifully red your skin had turned.
"Shhh... Let me pleasure you tonight."
Tears had begun spilling out of your eyes, which he hungrily kissed away. You turned your head, locking his lips into a messy, needy kiss. A hot wetness dragged across your bottom lip, demanding entrance into your wet cavern. The tip of your tongue went to meet his but he had already slipped into your mouth; he pressed his lips deeper into yours. More. He needs more. He pinched your cheeks to open your mouth and he pulled away to watch the saliva trail connecting your tongues snap.
Hooded, lust-fogged eyes met his and his heart quickened. Your vacant, dazed, sloppy expression told him that your brain had turned to mush long ago and you were now his for the taking.
An arm slipped behind your knees and hoisted you up bridal style. You lazily wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down and you up to imprint his lips with another kiss. This one was more tender, lips expertly moving together with the knowledge of what needed to be done to pull the longest, poutiest whine out of you. He turned around for his back to push the bedroom door open, snapping it shut with his hips and gingerly setting you on the freshly washed downy bedsheets.
He climbed atop you on all fours, taking a moment to get drunk on the sight before him. Eyes staring blankly, starvingly at him, silky (H/C) trusses splayed this way and that, a faint hint of cleavage with each haggard breath--Gods, the things he's gonna do to you tonight.
"Show me," he panted, "how you've been pleasuring yourself while I was away."
Your cheeks snapped into a deep crimson, playing his filthy request over and over in your head. A quick bite to a perked, clothed nipple pulled you out of your thoughts and a sweet mix of pleasure and pain got you screaming his name.
"I'm done waiting. Touch yourself."
Like the obedient lamb you were, your hand dragged along the surface of your clothes (which he made quick work of, tearing it off you) until your fingers felt the familiar heat between your legs. You dragged your middle finger up your slit, flicking the engorged bud at the top. You sucked in a sharp breath and rubbed your clit in circular motions. You kept your eyes trained on his, not leaving them for a second lest he disappear and leave you to act on all your sinful thoughts alone. Despite your attempts to keep them on him, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and a dirty moan left your shaking form.
"That noise... Keep making it." He whispered absently, his hands fumbling to get the rest of his clothes off him. He assisted in taking off whatever was left on you (which wasn't much, most of which was settled and ripped on the floor). In a few short moments you were both clad in nothing but the other's gaze and the bluish glow of the moon at its peak.
"Oh, (F/N)..." He lowered his face and pushed his forehead tenderly against yours. "(F/N)..."
A lustful growl ripped out of his throat and your lips were once again caught with his. Your non-busy hand tangled itself in feathery gold, pulling on his locks as your other hand quickened. A firm grasp on your wrist pulled you away from your cunt and towards his throbbing dick.
"Rub your slick all over me."
Your hand pumped the hot, twitching thing rhythmically while his other hand went to replace what he had taken. You both let out a high-pitched sigh, enraptured in the others' hand.
One, two, three fingers effortlessly slipped into your entrance and you gasped, your upper body shooting upwards. A conveniently placed thumb jammed against your sensitive bud, sending shockwaves throughout your whole body. A husky chuckle rasped out of him as he matched his pacing with your pumping hand. Your eyelids flew shut, waves of pleasure crashing and thrashing your mind about.
"Don't close your eyes, sweet girl," he cooed, "look at me."
"Mm... B-But Link..."
A tight pinch around your clit sent you screaming.
"Look at me."
You cracked your eyes open just enough to see your husband's wrecked, panting, smiling expression.
"Yes... Look at me..." His thrusts quickened. "Look at me while I make a mess of you."
You felt that familiar knot tighten in your gut and your back arched, unknowingly rubbing your nipples against his. How could you feel such a small thing when your husband was practically fisting you at this point? Your husband, on the other hand, hissed at the contact, a shot of electricity shooting through his body that left his fingers tingling. He knew you were close. He knew you were so painfully close.
So why in Hylia's name did he suddenly stop?
"N-No... No, please, Link..." You begged, tears freely flowing down your cheeks. "Please, please, please just let me--"
"Don't you remember what I told you?" He hummed into your ear. "That I would return your teasing tenfold?"
"Link..." You whined; if it were any other day he would have given into those needy, pleading eyes.
But not today.
He wasn't done with you yet.
He waited for you to come down from your high, all the while relishing in your broken sobs for him to keep going as he thought about what else he could do to break you.
"Wrap your legs around me... Good girl..."
He positioned himself in between your legs and rubbed the tip of his cock against your entrance, mixing beads of precum with your juices.
"Now, what would you like me to do?" His innocently batting lashes juxtaposed the very not innocent position he was in.
"Link, just..." You rasped, your throat aching from all the gasping and screaming you've done. "Please..."
"Please, what? I'm afraid I won't know unless you tell me."
"Please..." You thickly swallowed. "Please put your throbbing cock inside my tight, hot cunt."
You slur out, your dazy state anesthetizing the embarrassment you felt. Link's eyes widened, evidently in disbelief that such a filthy sentence could leave your lips. He licked his mouth dryly, knowing that if he teased you any further you might make him come undone.
"Since you asked so nicely," he prodded your entrance and slipped just the tip in, "I suppose I have no choice but to do as you say."
With a quick snap of his hips, his entire length was in you. You screamed his name and threw your arms around his neck; a rush of colors exploded behind your eyelids as you squeezed his waist tighter. Your tight, wet walls barely had time to adjust to his size before he was mercilessly pounding you into the mattress. Your weak sobs mixed with pleasure-stricken screams as you dug your nails into his back, scarring the flesh with your love scratches.
He hissed at the deliciously painful sensation and cradled your head, using it to move further, faster, deeper into you. Your eyes floated to the ceiling which was the only thing grounding you to this reality as your mind slipped in and out of conscious thought. Hands moved from your head to your waist, lifting them slightly at just the right angle--
"Ah! Link!”
There it was.
It was all over for you the moment you let his name slip out of your mouth. He rammed himself against your sweet spot harder harder harder harder and you were completely, utterly at the mercy of your sex-starved husband.
"Gods, it's so good... You feel so good, (F/N)..."
His eyes met yours and it was filled to the brim with tender, nurturing love. You had no fucking idea how he could look so gentle while currently rearranging your organs. His lips brushed your tears away and swept your temple as his pace quickened and breathing turned haggard.
"My (F/N)... My sweet, sweet girl... My star, my goddess, my love..."
His love-garnered nicknames had your heart exploding in your chest and you were crying for a completely different reason.
"My darling, you look so beautiful... you feel so beautiful..."
His adoring eyes and quivering whispers worshipped your body, his temple, and the way it squeezed him so tightly.
"You're so good to me... So, so good to me..." His face lowered to nip the spot where your shoulder met your neck. "I'm so lucky to call you mine..."
The familiar, tight feeling from earlier gnarled your lower abdomen, begging for release so badly it hurt. You cast your eyes to Link's face, glistening with sweat and wrecked with pleasure. His eyes weren't even open anymore, completely lost in the sensations of being inside you.
"Link, f-faster--ah, don't stop, please don't stop...!"
"You want to cum, my goddess? Huh? You want to cum for me?"
His pace was the quickest, most erratic it's been. He's close too.
"Yes! Let me cum! Let me cum, please!"
Neither of you can stand much more.
"Mm! Say it..." He growled. "Say that you love me.”
"Link! I love you! I l-love--"
Thick ropes of cum shot inside you, painting your wet walls a pretty white. Feeling him fill you up was all you needed for the knot to come undone and for a wave of light to crash into you. Your head throbbed and throbbed, the ache and rush of blood filling your head dully adding to your pleasure. Your body twitched under him, squirming as it wracked with a high you've never experienced before. Link heaved a sigh, riding wave after wave of pleasure. Moving even slightly would get him seizing again, so he hovered over your body unmoving for a long time. He felt his seed slip out of your cunt despite his dick still plugging your entrance; a pleasant chill ran down his spine, an image of you round with his child permeating his thoughts.
A wicked idea crossed his mind, contrasting the affectionate smile he flashed you.
"Don't fall asleep just yet, dove," With hands still wrapped around your waist, he flipped you over and put you on all fours. "I'm not done with you yet."
♤♢ ~ bonus scene ~ ♡♧
Link pressed a soft kiss to your temple, cooing praises into your ear that rang with his and your pleasured screams. Not that you could hear it--you were passed the fuck out. A light yellow curtain broke the soft blue sky of morning and he smiled, thinking of all the things you could do together to make up for lost time. Maybe you can show him that “mug cake” thing. It does sound interesting.
You shifted in your sleep and mumbled incoherencies to no one in particular. Link paused, careful to not interrupt your precious sleep and waited patiently for you to settle. Once you did, his hands went back to caressing your cheek and playing with your hair. Now that he was back, he was gonna spoil you absolutely rotten.
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love-toxin · 8 months
hyrule spice <3 (rauru, byrne, tauro, link)
(general cws: graphic smut, fem/afab pronouns, breeding, knotting, hylian/zonai relations, pet names/name calling, dirty talk, degradation, squirting, fingering, overstim, bondage, unprotected sex, rough sex)
rauru of hyrule
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Rauru never falters, never hesitates. He wants you and you're his. There's no fighting it--there simply can't be any doubt that you have his love.
But as the king of Hyrule, he has a duty to fulfill. Marriage, family, continuance of the royal bloodline...you understand, don't you? Even as a Hylian, you must. As a man and a Zonai, he has needs.
One of those needs, especially when faced with a pretty Hylian like yourself, is to breed.
"Ah, ah, ah--ahnnnngh-!" Is it you now, is it him? Who even cares at this point, you're basically the same being by now; bodies intertwined and moving in unison, every shuffle dictated by Rauru's massive Zonaite body towering over yours. Both his furry, clawed hands rest over yours, palms dwarfing your tiny Hylian fingers as he plants his body firmly into every thrust. The thin, fuzzy layer of hair that protects his cock is now coated in your arousal, sticky and slick from the pounding you've taken so all that rings in your ears is a hefty plap plap plap from behind as you take his thrusts.
Rauru once apologized to you, when you met, about his "off-putting" appearance. His ears, his claws, his snout that makes it difficult to kiss, his fur and his tail...he doesn't apologize for it anymore. He knows now that he doesn't have to, not when he gives you treatment like this.
"Forward," He snarls into your ear, gone mad with the weight of his lust and the frenzy of his mid-month heat. His teeth could rip the flesh from your bones, yet even in this state he uses them only to pierce the sweetest of claiming bites into your throat and down your spine. "Bend...until you break."
He can't be satiated by thought alone. Nor even the touch of his own hands, or a concubine if he owned one. It can only be you. Only your soft, squishy flesh rubbing up against his fur, your hands pinned beneath his claws, and your womb pierced on the tip of his thick, knot-heavy cock that's just begging to lock itself within your cunt and never let go.
Those claws dig painfully into your back, yet it doesn't dissuade you, and he loves that. He loves that at the end of the day, you'll submit to your king as he forces you to the sheets and pins your hips under his, his knot swelling and swelling until he finally breaches that soft place and all becomes right with the world. Through the pain you still adore him, and through the pleasure even more so.
Now, it's just a matter of soothing your bruised, marked-up body with his voice and his doting touch, with kisses and whispers of love and promises of all the gorgeous gifts he's going to present to you, as a token of gratitude for allowing the first of the Zonai to mate with the first Hylian--and person--he's ever truly loved.
byrne the dueling spirit
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One hundred years. One hundred years of hard labour, training, and agony. Loneliness and isolation and anger, fury building itself up and up and up until it boils, begging to be let out on anyone close enough to make a decent punching bag.
Byrne doesn't know love. Never has, never feels like he ever will--he only knows pain and weakness, the desire to grow stronger clawing at him like a ravenous dog. Maybe that's why he finally lets loose on you. You were within reach. Never said no, never gave him anything but a smile.
And you're regretting it now, he bets. Because you have a muscled, weighty beast of a man on top of you, and you can feel the way he's learning this kind of touch for the first time as well as you can see clouds in the sky.
Or could, if you didn't have your face forced into your pillow, back arched so deeply the sweat pools like a puddle in the dip of your back. And it shakes and spills with the creaking of your bedframe, your down mattress squealing for mercy as Byrne forces you down and bullies your pussy into submission.
"Shut up." He groans, as if his bandana hasn't been balled up and stuffed into your mouth to quiet your incessant noises. If he didn't like you, he wouldn't say anything. But he can't help but tease you...can't help but make you wish you'd never invited him back to your house in the first place. "....Useless bitch." He grumbles, the smirk on his face going unnoticed as your lust-numbed brain leaks out your ears. Your pussy's cute, but it won't let him go--and even when he tries, your body just sucks him back in like you can't go a minute without being fucked.
But it just gives him the chance to put that metal arm to good use. It isn't rubbing or pinching he uses to his advantage, but a cold, hard, wet slap against your clit that finally shocks you enough to let him go--just barely enough to slide out before you clench down on the tip, though, and your muscles won't loosen as if you've been made to have a vice grip most inconveniently. He's gotta go. "Can't stick around fucking you all day. Let go."
Pop. With a deep, clingy squelch, he's finally pulled free from your soaking wet, tight as hell abyss, contrary to your whines and squirmy wiggling that beg him sweetly for more. To stay.
You're pretty and all. He likes you, and he doesn't like anyone. But he can't stay....and you can't get too attached to him, or else you're just gonna end up heartbroken.
But, maybe...maybe he can spare you a little dignity and make you finish. He thinks as he slides his cockhead through your folds again, unaware of just how hard he's falling in love as he sinks back in.
tauro the scholar
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Your scholar is a nightmare because he won't let anything just lie. He needs answers. Evidence. Scientific proof. He needs logic and deciphered clues to figure out life's greatest mysteries.
Hence why he's doing today's case study on your soft, cute, and sensitive little pussy.
"Subject-responds-to-stimuli-even-under-duress," He speaks softly as his free hand scribbles out his notes on the pad between his feet, his fingers on the other hand buried deep within your twitching, stretched pussy lips. The 'stimuli' being him, and 'duress'....well, emotional duress counts. Especially when you've orgasmed 8 times today. "I believe in you, baby." Tauro replies cheerfully to your fucked-out groans, a smile permanently etched on his lips as he curls his fingers deep into your cervix. "I can make you ejaculate today! We're almost there!"
Somehow the sterile language he likes to use--which would normally be a bit of a mood killer in bed--just doesn't faze you anymore with Tauro. He's a bit of a kook, a cute airhead with the kind of knowledge the Sheikah themselves would kill for. A sweet, silly man who likes to tease.
A man who isn't intimidated by the pulses of your pussy nor the jerk of your hips as the pressure pushes down on your bladder, who positions his face right up close between your legs despite you gasping out that you feel like you're gonna pee. Embarrassment is nothing to him.
"That's what it's supposed to feel like."
He growls with an eager grin, fucking your cunt even faster with those thick fingers that's toe-curling but not yet cusping on painful. The bristly hairs on his freshly-shaved chin rub your soaked skin as he leans in, laving his huge, hot tongue over your tortured clit that's been messed with like a hot button all day today.
It's only when your shaking hips and arched back come to a standstill that he's finally satisfied--drenched in your juices, his face glistening as he talks you through and urges you to "let it all out baby, give everything to me" until you're squirting just like he told you he'd make you do for him.
Rarely have you seen such satisfaction on his face upon finding the answer he was looking for. Each tremor comes as he eases more out of you, every gasp and spurt of fluid getting him more excited about the results. You drench him from head to lap and he couldn't be more ecstatic, licking every bit he can get off his fingers and his palm as he looks up at you through hooded eyes.
"Now..." He pants, hair slicked down and tongue lolling out of his mouth as he laps up the droplets sticking to your folds as you tremble. "...Let's see if you can do that again, hm?"
link the hero
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Link needs very few, simple things in life to coexist with reality. Those are primarily food, warmth, sunshine...and sex.
Poor hero. All he needs is an orgasm or two to get him back into the fight when he's exhausted from his toils. That's not so much to ask for, right?
That's where you come in. Such a pretty thing--and such a nice girl to help him out when he's in need. Link can show up on your doorstep night or day, rain or shine, healthy or half-dead, and to see you let him in and give him a place to put his feet up makes him feel like he's in love.
And whatever ails him is sure to clear up with a dose of your sweet, slick pussy that he swears was moulded just for him.
"Ha...ha...hah, ah-!" Link huffs out as he comes to a close again, hips bucking violently from below as he lets those animal instincts run wild with you. He can't be stopped, hence why you have to use those handy Lynel-silver shackles to cuff him to your bed, all so he won't break free in the heat of the moment and start fucking you rabidly on the floor of your cottage. Not like that's ever happened before, and he accidentally traumatized your milkman when he came knocking on the door....
"D-Don't strain, Link..." You gasp, his cum flooding down your thighs from hours upon hours of rabid coming-home-from-battle sex. "You'll hurt yourself."
Link doesn't talk much as it is, but the wobbly grin and the rolling back of his eyes in his head serves well enough to say what he thinks about that sentiment. Don't care. Need to blow my load. That's what's written all over his expression, and you can't say you're much surprised...or disappointed.
"Fine," You sigh, swirling your hips in deep circles to slow his thrusts--and to remind him of how much he's at your mercy now, no matter how strong of a warrior he is out on the field of battle. Your chuckle causes his back to arch up off the bed, his wrists pulling hard at the cuffs while his heart nearly beats out of his chest. "Then be a good boy and cum already. I've got a mess to clean up."
Link growls, that feral growl that only comes out when he's really, desperately in need of release. He starts thrusting more violently, his hips barely meeting the mattress anymore as he chases that pleasure against your womb--against that blasted little wall that feels like heaven but constantly stops him from shooting ropes right into the source of that ecstasy he loves. Maybe one day.
For now, it only stops once you've had your cervix appropriately bruised, and he's made you slump over him in a panting, gasping mess as his seed flows out of you and into his sweaty lap. Maybe he doesn't need Hyrule, Hylia's blessing, or the Master Sword, or anything anymore.
Maybe all he needs in this world is you.
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luimagines · 3 months
Sacrificial Dues
Another Commission!
They asked for a human sacrifice to the one and only Fierce Deity. The events are as follows. Enjoy!
Content under the cut!
It was at dawn, at the waking breaths of the earth when there was a shift of change in the air. It happened every now and then, but the air itself tasted different. Sweet. Sour. Acrid. Strange. It was strange. It was personal.
He had no name that he would have assigned himself. He was created with a purpose. His only job was to see it through. The humans however were less enthralled with the concept.
They had called him The Fierce Deity, a being worthy of praise or of contempt depending on who you ask.
He was fine with either, knowing that so long as no one was in his way to protect the humans from themselves and of other threats that sought to do them harm, he could handle any indignity that the universe threw at him. 
The way the humans looked at the way he worked was one of curiosity and reverence. The occasional unease trickled through the humans every now and then. More often than not, his presence was often followed by a surging sense of foreboding. The humans knew that wherever he went, violence was sure to follow.
Due to their misconceptions, they often sent him gifts for mercy- in vain hopes that his blade would never come against their people and to buy his peace and protection from the threats to them and their land.
The Fierce Deity would have done so regardless. It was his purpose. But the reason for his existence didn’t dictate that he shouldn’t accept the gifts and he wasn’t inclined to correct the people if it meant that they would give their continued cooperation. 
He was on his way to pick up the leftover gift when the stench in the air all but disturbed his very sense of balance. The humans were waiting for him. As in, multiple humans.
They had never bothered to wait for him before.
Cautious, he approached the no doubt fearful group. And it was a group. There were at least five individuals. Most appeared to be male (although he never considered himself very good at telling the humans apart from one another), but there was one in a bright, white gown that no doubt held significance to the humans he protected, but one he never bothered to learn.
All the humans bowed low to the ground at once, save for the one in the dress and waited until he stood in front of them to speak. They were all shaking, but only the one in the dress dared to look at him. Intriguing. The Deity noted this with a hidden grin. He favored the brave.
They were striking in appearance, adorned with many fine metals and jewels that were meant to accentuate their appearance. It worked. The god found himself fascinated by the particular shade of their eyes and the lines of their features.
“Oh great and mighty Fierce Deity.” One of the humans spoke with his face to the dirt. It had halted his blizzard fascination with the mortal they deemed worthy of being in his presence. “We have little to give. A famine has desecrated our lands and there is nothing of substance for Your Grace.”
The Fierce Deity stayed silent, for there was little he could do or say about the matter.
The human continued. “In hopes of mercy and time for the land to heal and produce, we offer the most beautiful of our people to you. They are yours to do with as you see fit.”
He stared at the pitiful man in the dirt by his boots. The deity… was perplexed  to say the least. He had no need for the humans to sacrifice to him to begin with. It was never part of his duties or his vows or purpose.
The human in question, now that the context was beginning to dawn on him, was tied by the wrists and no doubt tied by their ankles as well. 
Anger churred dangerously in his gut before he found the will to speak. He tried to cause as little fear in the humans as he could but this warranted the terror he’d produce in their hearts. “Are they a willing sacrifice?”
He may not be the most benevolent creature, but he wasn’t cruel. Ruthless, yes. Many a time. But cruel? He was built to protect, not destroy. The very thought made his blood boil. After all this time, had they thought so little of him? After everything he’s done for them?
His words had shaken the mortals to their core, giving the rope around his “sacrifice’s” wrists a deeper, far more twisted meaning. He raised his hand to the hilt of his sword before the mortal in question stepped forward, putting them between him and their captors.
“I am willing.” They said, swallowing the last of their fear, meeting his eyes at last. He could see their shoulders shake with the strength and force they exuded to keep their tremors hidden from his gaze. The Fierce Deity was trained to notice such subtleties in body language on all fronts, but once more, he admired their courage.
“Very well.” He rolled his shoulders, hoping to quell the unease and fury coiling around in his stomach. “And what am I to do with a human sacrifice?”
“Whatever you see fit.” Came a reply from the dirt before the sacrifice could answer for themselves. “A slave, a companion, a meal, a lover- just have mercy on us and our village.”
He growled.
The mortals flinched at the inhumane sound, attempting to burrow themselves into the ground as it was. Even his steely-eyed sacrifice had turned their gaze away with a wince at the otherworldly portrayal of rage.
“I may have to reconsider our arrangement.” He took a step back but took a breath to calm himself. Desperation drives even the most sane ones to madness. He will do himself no favors if he exudes punishment when they feel as if they have run out of options. Instead, he reaches a hand toward the adorned jewel among them, forcing his touch and demeanor into a more gentler tone. “Come. No harm will come to you… or your village.”
No matter how much he wanted to personally rain hell fire for this subordination. 
A life is a life and should never be used to curry favors.
The thought nearly had him growling once more at the back of his throat. He managed to quell the instinctual response for the sake of his impromptu guest, but he will have to have a heavy handed conversation with such village dwellers when he returns from his patrol.
Hesitantly, the mortal thrust into his care placed their hand in his, allowing their trust (and their very life) to be put into the palm of his hand.
“...Thank you.” Their near impossibly quiet voice was a gunshot through the tense atmosphere. He had thought they would be braver, more robust and forthcoming, but perhaps that had been in the moment of fear. And frankly, in comparison to the other mortals that had dropped to the earth at the sight of him, there was little contest between the two parties.
All the other mortals had all but fainted on the spot, relief filling every fiber of their beings as they went back to his domain. Once they had traveled a fair distance away from any more prying eyes, the Fierce Deity turned on his heel and took out his less impressive blade. A simple dagger, but just as sharp and deadly as his double helix sword.
He held the blade up and his… pet? The word felt infinitesimally wrong. Tossing the descriptors aside for now, he noticed that they had closed their eyes at the sight of a weapon in his hands. Their head had turned away and once more their shoulders shook with the effort they exuded to keep a calm facade.
He cut the ropes around their wrists.
It fell away at once.
Their head snapped to their wrists, taking in the weight of his actions. The Fierce Deity also took in the exposed flesh before him. Gently, he cradled their hands, looking at their abused wrists that had been rubbed raw from the coarse material that had bound them. He would need to find a salve for them. The skin was red and angry, flaking at certain parts to show that damage had taken place, but there was no blood. It would heal, unlikely to even scar.
Their breath had hitched under his consideration. He gently returned their hands to their sides. “Are you injured anywhere else?”
“You’re not going to kill me?” They blurted in response, clutching their wrists close to their chest. “I thought… I thought you’d-”
“I am not the cold hearted killer as you humans love to portray me.” He says in a not so quiet voice despite his best attempts. “I get no pleasure from the destruction of the innocent.”
Anger returned to the edges of his skin. It was bubbling with unrestrained energy at the implications of this so-called sacrifice. The mortal rubbed their wrists, following at the same slow pace he had kept them at despite his subconscious shift in speed. It was only when he had noticed they had begun to fall back did he remember his previous question and intent.
Groaning inwardly, he turned once more and stopped in front of the mortal. “I don’t like to repeat myself, but I am inclined to admit this was my own folly. However, for future reference, do not test my patience. I had asked if you were injured elsewhere.”
The mortal stood frozen to the earth before slowly lowering their head at long last. “...My ankles are also tied up.”
Inwardly, the Fierce Deity cursed, but that would have been very ungentlemanly behavior toward this poor soul. Scowling over this morning's events wasn’t beneath him however, so he lowered himself to the dirt and lifted the hem of the dress. “Excuse me.”
They squeaked, but made no move to stop him as he pushed the silken material aside. He reached in, taking their leg in his hand and pulled it towards him. His hands were rough and calloused from constant use and abuse from his battles and training regiment but their skin was nothing of the sort. It was soft, almost as silken as the dress they donned. He kept his gaze low, not wanting to appear too wanton but the skin contact was inciting reactions he hadn’t known he was capable of experiencing. 
He made no comment about it and said nothing to give away the thoughts in his head.
The Fierce Deity pulled the leg closer to him- until it was pulled taut against an opposing force. The rope. Leaning closer so that it would be easier for the both of them, he once again took up his dagger and reached for the rope within the fabric.
Their hands landed on his much larger shoulders to keep their balance as he quickly did away with the physical limitation to their mobility. Afterwards, he cut away the knot found at the base at their leg, right where they said it would be. His fingertips lingered for a moment longer.
They would have to apply more salve to the irritated skin than he initially guessed but their shoes (also adorned in a higher fashion to match the rest of the gown and jewels) had protected much of their flesh as it was.
Slowly, hoping to not startle this already shaken individual, he moved to the other side and repeated the process of gently moving the gown away and reaching for their leg. To his surprise, they cooperated quickly and allowed him to take the knot away from their other foot.
Once the job was complete, he detached himself quickly. No need to entertain strange and primal thoughts.
“Come.” He spoke again, leading them deeper in unknown territory. Since they were now free from their bonds, they were able to move at a much faster pace- however his stride was not easily matched by anyone and the Fierce Deity found himself needing to slow down in order to keep them close.
He may not live in the most dangerous part of the land (his very presence is enough to keep even the more foolish monsters at bay) but that didn’t mean that threats weren’t watching them both from within the shadows among them.
“Oh.” They exclaimed quietly to themselves when they had arrived at his home. They seemed surprised, although he could not fathom why. He looked at them and as if on cue, they were rambling to explain themselves. “I didn’t think you would have lived…. Like this.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I have never needed much. What were you expecting?”
“Not a hut.” Came their honest reply. “I thought… a palace would have been more suited to you. Somewhere big and grandiose… not… Well, not this.”
He chuckled, startling his companion once more. “You humans know so little about me. Your assumptions are amusing.”
They laughed in return but it was stunted and weak. They were still nervous. “If… I may be so bold… what happens to me now?”
That was the question, wasn’t it? The Fierce Deity sighed and closed the distance to the front door. Opening it, he gestured to his guest to follow him in. “I do not intend to cause you harm. You need not fear for your safety or your life. However, I have no need for a servant or a slave…. And I do not enjoy the taste of human flesh.”
He added that last part in jest, hoping to dispel any lingering reservations about his violent nature. It didn’t appear to stick as he had hoped, then again, his voice was unnaturally stoic. “I will give you the choice to leave if you wish. There isn’t anything for you here.”
“...May I stay?”
Once more, this mortal had left him perplexed and intrigued. He had noted before that their braver had kept their head up even as he, with all the wrong assumptions in their head, had approached them. He was willing to bet that they had more courage than all the sniveling fools in their village had to offer.
“Why stay? I have nothing for you.” Aside from protection of course, but that was a given due to his nature.
Shocking him once more as their gaze reached his eyes, they spoke. “I have nowhere else to go. I came here willingly, knowing that I would never be accepted back in my village. If I return, I will be shunned and exiled for failing my task to please you.”
Something stirred within him once more at their words. “...I see.”
Interestingly, he had noticed that he had spoken more in this instance, in their company, than he had in many, many years. It was nice. Enjoyable even.
“Then you may stay.”
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suniix · 1 year
one bed | (botw) link x reader
synopsis | you and link stop by an inn to rest, but there’s one small problem
word count | 1.3k
note | thought about it too hard so i wrote a fic about it (based on this little comic! pls look at it it’s so cute)
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As the moon rose, the world beyond your hotel window fell into a peaceful slumber. The faint sound of crickets could be heard singing their calming melody. The peaceful night ambiance would’ve been enough to put you to sleep had it not been for your frantic beating heart.
In front of you lies your traveling companion, Link, whose back was practically against the wall, arms wrapped around himself as if afraid to accidentally touch you.
The silence in the room was deafening, neither of you knew what to say in this situation. After sleeping on the hard ground for weeks the two of you had agreed to spend the night at The Great Ton Pu Inn. The rain that quickly followed your decision only fueled your excitement for a comfy bed as the two of you rushed up the hill leading to Hateno Village. What neither of you expected was for every room to be booked, every room but one with a single bed.
Despite both of you being tired from traveling, neither of you could fall asleep because of the awkward tension that hung in the air. Ignoring it was proving to be impossible, someone had to say something, but you were hesitant to break the silence for fear of making things awkward (as if they weren’t already). You had been traveling with Link for weeks, months even! The two of you have shared several nights close together under the comfort of the stars, what makes now so different?
Maybe it was the smirk the front desk lady had given you both after handing you your key, maybe it was because despite how much you prayed for a room with two beds to miraculously become available you were secretly happy to share a bed with the Hylian boy, or maybe it was because despite you looking everywhere but him you could feel his eyes on you.
Just say something, anything!
You clear your throat, shuffling nervously under the blanket. “Um.. Rupee for your thoughts?” You asked in a hushed voice, an awkward smile making its way onto your face.
Link blinked rapidly in response, likely surprised by your sudden question. He continued to stare at you in silence, now tense as his cheeks turned a bright red.
Thinking you made him uncomfortable you quickly rise out of the bed. “Sorry! You know what maybe I should just sleep on the couch—”
Before you had the chance to remove the blanket from your body Link quickly sat up in bed and reached out to grab your wrist, shaking his head furiously. You stop when he does, slightly surprised to see how fast he had reacted when he looked so tired earlier. Your eyes fall on his hand which, despite the quick reaction, holds your wrist just tight enough to keep you from leaving but loose enough for you to pull away if you so wished. Realizing what he did he slowly pulls away. You immediately miss the warmth.
He looks down, blush remaining on his cheeks as he nervously fiddles with his fingers. “Don’t go, I..” he pauses, unsure if he should finish his thought. He looked up to see you staring at him patiently, waiting for him to finish. That was one thing he loved about you; you were always so patient with him. Although he was more talkative than he was 100 years ago he often found himself struggling to express what he wanted, likely an unconscious habit that stayed with him through his century-long sleep. Despite this you never hurried or pressured him into talking, allowing him to do it at his own pace. Taking a deep breath he continued. “.. I like being close to you.”
As soon as the words left his mouth you felt your cheeks burn. Did you hear him right or was it just a hallucination caused by the late hour of the night? You thought about pinching yourself, but the way he nervously played with his fingers (a habit you found adorable) and the way the ends of his hair curled up just a bit revealing a small scar on his shoulder made it too real to be a dream.
After a few moments of silence Link looked up, seeing your shocked expression. He quickly backtracked, thinking he made you uncomfortable with what he said. “Unless you don’t! That’s fine!—”
“I do!”
Link freezes upon hearing your response. You awkwardly clear your throat. “I-I mean, I also like being close to you..” you nearly whisper, feeling your ears burn with the embarrassment of blurting it out earlier.
Then the room went silent. Your heart was frantically beating against your chest; you hoped Link couldn’t hear it.
Your fear was proven false (unbeknownst to you) as Link was currently lost in his own mind. Link had become so accustomed to seeing you in that golden campfire glow that the current sight of you left him breathless. He thought you looked even more captivating in the moonlight.
He slowly nodded his head, eyes refusing to leave your form. “Ok.” He responded in a daze. It was the only thing Link could think to say as his mind was still elsewhere.
“We should probably sleep now..” You looked past Link and out the window, seeing the moon high in the clear sky. “It’s getting late.”
Link hummed, snapping out of the trance he was in and nodding his head in agreement. You settled back under the blanket and he followed your actions. Despite your earlier conversation, there was still a good chunk of space between the two of you on the small bed.
Wanting him to come closer, you begin to think of a way to convince him. “You know, it’s kind of cold in here.” You whispered (a small lie, it was the middle of summer), but you knew Link heard you when he looked back at you. Deciding to take a chance you scoot closer to him and you hear his breath hitch. “So I wouldn’t mind if.. you came closer.”
Hesitantly, Link listened and with a smile scooted just a little bit closer. You breathed out a sigh of relief you didn’t even know you were holding, moving closer to him again. Beneath the blanket, your hand slowly moved to reach his. As your fingers slowly grazed his he flinched. You were about to pull away before he intertwined his hand with yours. There’s that familiar warmth.
He pulled your hand close to his chest, gently tugging you closer. You complied, wordlessly moving closer to him once again. The distance between your bodies was minimal now; you were so close you could see the faintest freckles gracing his cheeks.
“Are you still cold?” He asked in a low whisper. You nodded your head (another lie, you were already beginning to feel sweaty). You couldn’t help it, now that you’ve experienced what it’s like to be close to him you crave more. Being greedy just this once wouldn’t hurt.
Link lets go of your hand, wrapping his arms around you to bring you against his chest. Your eyes widen at the sudden action, but you don’t pull away.
You nodded, slowly wrapping your arms around him in case he flinched away. When he didn’t you fully wrapped your arms around his torso and snuggled into him, a painfully large grin stretching across your face when he did the same. Your palms were sweaty as they tightly gripped his shirt. He smelled earthy, like damp dirt with a hint of smoke. You sighed in contentment, not caring that the two of you would likely wake up sweaty tomorrow. You didn’t release your grip and neither did he.
You silently thanked Hylia for not answering your prayer earlier before falling into a deep sleep.
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thank you for reading till the end! :D
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