#loz sir raven
trippygalaxy · 4 months
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Possessed(?) Linebeck and injured Sir raven? My beloveds?
Second try at uploading this, hopefully tumblr doesn’t fuck it up 😭😭😭
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
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You asked for it, so suffer the hotne- I mean consequences
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summertimemusician · 1 year
*reading the Four Swords Manga to refresh myself after taking yet another break from the Minish Cap figurine hunt, does a double take and almost drops coffee mug*
So was anyone going to tell me Four is the only Link with at least one alive parent still around who actually did something , or was I just meant to find this out by myself when going on a Zelda binge in preparation for TOTK?
Like, this man is a knight that gets captured and brainwashed by Vaati, duels his son thinking he is Shadow, but manages to snap out of it by throwing a dagger at Vaati while disguised as Zelda. He tries to curb Four's reckless tendencies and to remind him not to rush headlong into situations without his allies and to keep a cool head, it's not much but let that sink in like holy mother of Farore-
He couldn't have know that Link was really himself, he couldn't have know that Vaati wasn't actually the princess, yet he actually takes the gamble because even if he is exasperated by his son and isn't around much he actually cares. Honestly it arguably may not be much and their relationship will likely have some strain due to the brainwashing deal but it's something.
Just, let that sink in. Four is shockingly lucky in that department so good on him, him, Twilight, Time and Legend were arguably the luckiest in the parental figure/role model department (if we count Sir Raven for the time he was around after Link's uncle is gone, which I am doing so by the way, Legend really looked up to him and he's his ancestor and actually very hands on with helping him in the Oracle of Ages manga, a rarity in Zelda in general really and his uncle was also really nice. The only one who was quite as lucky to have a parent/role model actually help a lot in the plot was Twilight, because Time's Deku Tree dies pretty early in during Ocarina of Time after raising him with the Kokiri before the quest and thus can't offer him support and is, ya know a tree, kind of limited in action there). Maybe Wind too if we count Linebeck (this man stabs Bellum for the kid even though he's terrified and is disgusted with himself after the brainwashing for attacking him, honestly props and respect to the sea rat), I think we can also count Spirit if he's around due to Alfonzo? Though I haven't played Spirit Tracks in a bit so I could be wrong. Anyway, he's pretty darn decent and involved in the plot rather than just shoving it onto the Link's shoulders for one reason or another (unlike SOME PEOPLE. *Side eyes Gaepora in Skyward Sword for doing the bare minimum even though his daughter is missing and he's implied to have raised Link/Sky with her, side eyes King of Red Lions, side eyes BOTW's King Rhoam because he really wasn't helpful at all to either Zelda or Link and only did the bare minimum for the later, side eyes OOT's king for not believing is own daughter until Link/Time was already traumatized by the events of the game and coming in to spill the tea, side eyes- actually no, Dot's/Minish Cap and Four Swords' Zelda's father is actually half decent.), They could form a little support group or something.
... Now I want a fic where the Chain actually meets the guy and just, gets a lot of whiplash that "Wait a second one of us is NOT an adopted orphan in some fashion?", That or he just immediately integrates himself as a secondary father figure for some of the Chain members, give Time a bit of a break for a change in wrangling these chaotic green clad menaces (affectionate), someone to bond with Rusl and we can know someone other than Twilight has a decent father figure still around. That or the bigger and arguably more comedic whiplash of meeting Sir Raven, who looks like a young Time with hints of Sky what with the cloak.
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twobiit · 1 year
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The heroes of the downfall timeline
Fun thought I had while working on another piece
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boilingrain · 1 year
True heartbreak is when a character you're obsessed with has only one page (or even less) of fics that they're in (or tagged in, at least) on ao3 because of how obscure of a character they are
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dearchose · 1 month
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I did another page of Loz Au characters :D
part 1 , 2 , 3
Here are the characters and their respective Au ^^
Sir Raven from @uncanon-fates
Luné from @tdh-official-book-blog
Legend from @the-chains-cafe
Kokiri from @chained-spirits
Corey from @bloomandcorey
Wild from Child of lightning by @cyanferret21
Legend from Identity Fraud Au by @hyliagirl42-art
Bluebell from Garden of Heroes by @marsnoodlesoup
I hope you enjoy it :)
do tell me if I got something wrong in the design or if happened to have given the wrong name
GO SUPPORT AND READ THE AU!!!! They deserve all of the love and appreciation! >:D
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fever-project · 4 months
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Sir Raven ref! There’s quite a bit on here ha. Some quick notes I have for him: He’s the Hero of Time, I’m not beating around the bush here. I love that theory so I’m including it in this AU, for the drama ✨ More notes under the cut, it got a bit long, oops.
He has a close connection to the Sheikah, and the Sheikah mask is based on one of SwSw Impa’s concept art! Even though this guy never experienced MM, he still gets a connection with masks, as a treat. I’ll explain why he’s even wearing it at the start of the story later. I also made his amulet an inventory system, because I thought it would cool.
So thon pronouns, in this AU and also in any LoZ thing I make, are a Sheikah term. It’s typically used in place of “that one,” which is what it was actually used for when it was first created irl. The Sheikah use it because it seems less suspicious to refer to someone with thon, rather than that one, when they’re sneaking around and stuff. Sir Raven picked it up because he was constantly referred by that by some Sheikah, and he also just liked it.
The kinstones are from Gustaf! He gave some to everyone after they all arrived in [REDACTED]. I didn’t know that there weren’t any red kinstones in that shape until I already had a few pages showing that kinstone, so I can’t really go back on that ha.
Oh, and I’m guessing you lot want an explanation on what Duraromantic is. Let me explain it. Someone who is Duraromantic is “a person who rarely experiences romantic attraction, but when it they do, it lasts for a long time.” I got that from AUREA. It has a lot of terms relating to aromanticism, I recommend taking a look at it if you’re curious. Raven has only just gotten over his many year crush on Sheik(who stays as Sheik in this timeline, enteral transgender swag). I dunno who he would end up with tbh, Malon is the easiest choice, but it would be funny if it was just some nobody lol.
Also Raven thinks about his descendant a lot. He’s always in the back of his mind. He wants his descendant to exist, he cares so much about him. He doesn’t know which Links could also be his descendants(in my version of the loz timeline, everyone in the downfall timeline is related-I’ll make that later), but if he does learn that one or more of the Links are related to him, he would protect them as much as he could.
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uncanon-fates · 9 days
I was wondering... Sir Raven from your AU is Raven from the OoS manga ? This character is one of my favourites !
Yes!!! He is!!! Although technically it’s the OoA manga but ye. The LoZ mangas are so underrated(although I’ve only read the OoX ones and the MC one so far), and I have become particularly obsessed with Sir Raven. He’s a serious guy in one scene, then a cheery fellow in the next(the panel of him tossing that fish at the mayor lives with a big ol’ smile lives in my head tent free I’m serious). And I am also obsessed with LoZ theories in general, particularly the one where Raven is actually the Hero of Time, which is one of the things that jumpstarted this whole Links Meet AU. I wanted to shake him around and force others in the fandom to look at him and love him like I do <3
Lol this just turned into me rambling haha. But yeah, the answer is yes 👍 have some of my favorite panels of him(only a few because I love all of them but I wanna show some restraint hehe)
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got these from the Internet Archive and yeah he’s my favorite ever
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
Okay on the subject of the Dad squad—
Who’s dad is who? Who all has dads? (And specifically, does Legend have a dad? Or does he get adopted by a dad because that would be adorable)
Dad Squad is straight LoZ rather than LU, but I imagine if the Hero of Legend was kidnapped by Yiga his uncle would come to his rescue! Or Sir Raven? Isn’t he a character Legend ran into? People make him sound Dad Shaped.
If LU got involved it would definitely be Time lol
EDIT WHOOPS I went straight to Legend because it’s you and you love Legend and I forgot to answer the first question 🤣
The Links involved are BotW Link, TP Link, HW Link and OoT Link. Their dads, respectively, are Abel, Rusl, and Fierce Deity.
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a-den-of-demons · 1 year
Muse Suggestion Finals!
Well the week is over, and my list is complete! I will be posting full stats later in the week, but here are the lovely muses joining the blog. And I got so many good suggestions, I added two slots!
Allura (VLD)
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Sir Integra (Hellsing)
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Lenore (Castlevania)
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Cia (LoZ)
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Female Jaune (RWBY)
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Raven (DC Comics)
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Neopolitan (RWBY)
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Kairi (KH)
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Cornelia li Britannia (CG)
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larrytheflute9 · 4 years
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Sir Raven to get me out of art-block
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trippygalaxy · 12 days
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Sir raven cause i like him and hes very important to me :]
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
Friend: So who is this character you have a crush on?
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Friend: Ok, ok, I can see why you're a fan
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fi-wardsword · 4 years
(hehehe I'm back I just love your style) Do you know who Sir Raven is? He's in the Oracle of Ages manga, you can look him up on Google. He is very underappreciated and I think he would look amazing in your style💙
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lightning-jedi · 5 years
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Sir Raven from the Oracle of Ages manga. Someone I’ve been considering drawing for a while now. I had a conversation yesterday about him and decided to finally draw him. A character which unfortunately does not appear in the actual game. He’s such an interesting character.
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ibrithir-was-here · 3 years
I'm bored and wanna post something so here, have some of my Zelda Headcanon Word Doc, including Timeline and Character Bios that include each Link and Zelda's parents name along with possible siblings cuz I don't know when to stop
My timeline:
Creation of world by 3 Goddess, creation of Triforce
Era of Hylia (3000 years)
Chosen Hero battles against Demise's forces, loses life. Hylia chooses to be reborn as a human
1,000 years later Skyward Sword
300 years of peace then
Era of Chaos/Interlopers War--Banished to Twilight Realm/Raru builds Temple of Time and seals the Sacred Realm. 
Era of Prosperity --Hyrule Kingdom and royal family established (300 years)
Force Era --Demons rise again, and  the Picori/Minish descend from the sky to grant the Hero of Men the Picori Blade
100 years later --Minish Cap, Vaati becomes a Demon and the Picori Blade is made into the 4 Sword. Later this Link faces Vaati again as an adult, sealing Vaati in the 4 Sword 
4 generations laters/100 years 4 Sword happens, new Link seals Vaati again in the 4 Sword
Labyrinna ruled by Queen Ambi (Sir Raven around--son of 4 Sword Link? --his descendents include both OOT Link and ALttP Link? )
(300 years later ) The Hylian Civil War
10 years later first part of OOT
Child Timeline 
After MM happens, Several years (6) later Ganondorf is banished to the Twilight Realm 
100 years later Ganon Escapes and Twilight Princess happens 
(100 years later) a new Ganondorf was born, grew to adulthood and sought out the forbidden trident. A few years after 4 Swords Adventures happens where both Vaati and Ganon are defeated and Ganon is sealed in the 4 Sword
Adult Timeline (starts 10 years after OOT part 1)
After 100 years Ganon escapes the Spirit Realm (Same time give or take as TP/ALTTP in other timeline) and Hyrule is flooded by the Gods (Zelda in portrait is same as TP her hair just hasn't darkened yet)
100 years after that WW takes place and Ganon is killed(Same time as ALBW and 4SA (Ganon turned to stone with Master Sword in him, sinks to bottom of sea)
1 year later PH/New Hyrule is founded
100 years after that SP takes place 
Fallen Hero Timeline
Link is defeated in the 7 year future. Ganon rules for a while but 4 years later is finally sealed away with the Triforce in the corrupted Sacred Realm, now the Dark World 
After 15 years the Dark World begins to leak out. People search for the Triforce and are turned into monsters 
This resulted in the catastrophic Imprisoning War
85 years later Ganondorf escapes disguised as Agahnim. (Same time as TP) After 3 years he managed to rule almost all the land, and Princess Zelda called out to Link, last descendents of the knights of Hyrule to save her (ALttP)
1 year later LA happens
3 years later OOA/OOS--Ganon is almost revived but it fails. And he is revealed within the Dark World with the Triforce of Power, leaving the Triforce split 
100 years later --ALBW happens, Yuga Ganon is defeated and Lorule (and unsaved Termina) is restored (Same time more or less as 4 Swords Adventures) TriForce is Recovered 
Golden Age Begins
200 years of peace
Decline--Wizard (possibly aspect of Ganon) appears, corrupts Prince, Princess Zelda cursed into sleep. Triforce of Courage is lost
100 years later Ganon Returns and LOZ happens
6 years later AOL happens and Sleeping Zelda is Awoken
(Ganon is ashes but could be revived with the blood of the hero--100 years later FOE/WOG.   or ZA)
 Hyrule Warrios happens at its own point and smooshes all the timelines together, eventually resulting in:
 Hero 10,000 years ago
Age of Calamity
100 years later BOTW
Character Headcanons
Hylia's Chosen Hero
Firstborn child given at birth to the knightly priesthood to specifically serve the Goddess Hylia, doesn't know who parents are (likely has some siblings through whom SS Link is descended). Imprisoned for treason by Lord Daiginas for "preaching blasphemy" after he foresaw the rise of the Demon King. Orville was his squire/charge before he was imprisoned 
Skyward Sword
Both Link and Zelda are only children. Zelda's mother Mia died in childbirth, Link's parents Sibyelle and Selik died of a sickness that passed through when he was a boy. Almost killed him too but Zelda pulled him through, first unrealized incident of Goddess power 
Hero of Men
King Gustaf was the father of the HOM Zelda, both he and her mother Lea are still alive
 This Link is a gardener who works at the palace, whose parents died as a child in a house fire, and doesn't remember their names. Friends with Zelda but doesn't end up with her
Minish Cap
This Link lost his parents as a child, doesn't know who father was and mother died in childbirth. Taken in by his grandfather, the grandson of the previous Link, and trained as a Blacksmith.
Zelda is daughter of King Daltus and Queen Zelda, who also died in childbirth, have been best friends since they were children as Smith and Daltus are friends. Don't end up together though, and Link later travels to find out who his father was and if he's still alive.
4 Sword
 This Link is the great grandson of Minish Cap Link, and has been training as a priest with Zelda. His parents are both still alive, Father also named Link though didn't have a grand adventure, and his mother is named Ethlinn
Zelda has been training as a priestess though her parents King Daltus III and Queen Seline would prefer her to focus on her queenly duties and not old legends.
Ocarina of Time
Link's Parents were Banzetta and Loretta, both killed in the Hyrulean Civil War
Zelda's mother Etain died during the Civil War as well, her father is King Cereus
Malink kids--Pola and Meino, daughter and son, TP Link is great grandson of Pola.
Twilight Princess
Zelda's father is King Daphnes Nohansen, but due to timeline changes he passed on peacefully a few years ago. She is an only child and her mother Zelda died when she was a young girl in a riding accident. 
Link's parents Panna and Teofil passed away due to an illness that came through when he was 14, and has been taken care of by the townsfolk since then. He ends up with Ilia and they have 3 daughters, Ninian, Ilta and Ria
4 Sword Adventures
This Zelda is the young Queen of Hyrule. Her parents, Zelda and Pyrus, died in a shipwreck a few years ago. Link is already known to be the Chosen Hero but is untested. His father Stefan was a knight and was killed by one of the monsters of Hyrule, his mother Agata is still alive and works as Baker in the palace.
A Link to the Past
Link's father was Rune, a knight at the  palace, and Queen Zelda. Zelda is his younger half sister. Queen dies giving birth, Rune dies fighting one of Ganon's Demons. Sigil, Rune's brother, also a  knight of Hyrule raises him
He and Zelda have an unfortunate Luke and Leia situation at first (nothing happens beyond that cheek kiss) but they get it sorted out eventually 
A Link Between Worlds
Link parents are Arn and Medilia, apprenticed him to a Blacksmith, still alive, has one younger brother Bram, still alive 
Zelda's parents, Zelda and Kai also still alive, has younger siblings, 2 younger brothers Abbe and Aldo
Legend of Zelda
Sleeping Zelda's brother named Gustaf, and is the great grandfather of LOZ Zelda, who is recently orphan by time of game, only child of King Harkinian 
Link is an orphan. Has been on his own since 7 years old, wandering the land. Ends up with Sleeping Zelda who decides to travel with him. First Zelda continues to rule and they come and visit her. 
Wind Waker
Link is 2 years older than Aryll, their parents Ari and Liann  ship went down in a storm when Aryll was 3. Grandmother is maternal. He and Tetra date for a bit as teenagers but then just end as friends
Tetra is a descendant of alternate TP Zelda, her hair will darken as she gets older like her mother. Her mother was Tercia and her father is unknown. Tetra is great granddaughter of antediluvian/tp Zelda
Spirit Tracks
Zelda is the granddaughter of Tetra and Link is the great grandson of Link. Zelda is an only child but Link has several siblings at home, an older sister Liane and 2 younger brothers Loren and Levin. Zelink does actually end up together.
Hyrule Warriors
Ganon's soul being split in four happened due to the 4 Sword in 4SA, that Link is the great grandson of 4SA Link who became a Knight of Hyrule. His twin sister Linkle was separated from him when their parents Tymon and Camma (both Knights) disappeared (sucked into the Twilight Realm) and their memories messed up a bit due to Cia's time manipulation but they'll find eachother again. He's just friends with his Zelda. He and Linkle eventually go on a journey to find their parents in the Twilight Realm)
Zelda is Queen, her father Daltus having died during a battle as a child, her mother Cairn was Queen regent for a while 
Link's father is named Bayern, Knight of Hyrule, younger sister Farrah (12) Mother Ola died in childbirth with Farrah. Both father and sister die in Calamity release.
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